HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 8�1a .0
"St home
O,i39'' sago. A
spots came
ey brought with
usual quantity of wind
ter helping them selves free -
o nerve tonic returned hone on
Harry Bennett was a host in him-
self.His last piece, "The Grass
Widower," was the best ; his rendi-
tion of that piece set the house in
convulsions.—The Tribune, Wel-
elks' Picnic.
1•y young people from Zurich
d ii merry party which pie-
d at Spackunin's Park, Grand
1, on Friday last. The weather
ine and the young folks en -
themselves by boating, play -
mines and in roamning around
s beautiful pleasure grounds.
inch was served by the young
;los at noon and in the early
The first game on the programme
as "breaking the crock." Those
raking part. form a circle and in.
turn are blindfolded. The crock is
placed in the center of the circle
and the person blindfolded, after
being moved around so as to loose:
their bearings, strikes at it a given
number of times with a stick. A
point is scored each time the crock
is struck. The highest snores were
made by Garnet Steinbach, Laving
Diehert, Milvina Koehler and
Alfred Pfaff:
"Threading the needle" was the
next game, the honors in which
were contended for by couples, the
young men choosing their partners
as in a Glance. Two lines are
formed about fifty yards apart, the
land, Ont,—At Town Hall, Zurich, : ladies in one and the gentlemen in
Fair night, Sept. ..9th. the other. At a signal each gentle-
man runs to his partner in the op.
Iposite line, hands her a needle,
which she threads, and the two
then run back to the line from
where the young man started, those
arriving first being the winners.
Then the order of things is reversed
and the ladies do the running.
This is probably done to ascertain
who is the fleetest sprinter among
the fair sex. In the first trial the
CIT vromeiccouples finished as follows : Tillie
Johnston and Geo. Hess, Celia
• We use no Chemicals to Smith. and Louis Prang, Levine
Dichert and Leslie Williams, and
destroy your Clothing. Milvina Koehler and Garnet Stein-
bach.. In the second the order was i
Suits to OrderGood Garnet Steinbach and Milvina
Work Koehler, Geo, Mess and. Tillie John-
ston, Daniel Koehler and Vicey
Tailor, Johnston, and John Reichert and
fOFFMAt , sailor. A.nme Hess.
Prizes were awarded in each con-
test and much amousenuent was
'( wf e r afforded the spectators, while those
• T T i L i :who took part enjoyed themselves
thoroughly. The party arrived
lhome at a seasonable Hour after a
pleasant day's outing.
Work guaranteed equal to
Zurich Fair.
Wednesday and Thursday will be
gala days in Zurich. The Hay
Branch Agricultural Society's Fair
GENERA1. BLACKSMITil A N D "will be held ort those days and the
HORSESHOER. f management have worked hard to
make this years exhibition surpass
Repairing all kinds of lnaehinei'v any of its predecessors. A fine tirs-
at s eeiality ". play in the various departments is
1 assured, and entries are still cone-
ing in at a rapid rate. On account II
d* I. Ismer, Zunt,1 of the poor growth weather the
roots and gram will probably not
,, be up to the standard. but the ex-
;,eeptio'naally large exhibits in the
('tiler departments will rtuurde than
Highest market 'price paid offset this dedeieney. Special
for Wool, cash or trade. A .prizes are offered reed for the hest pair
fall stock of Tweeds, Blankets, of 2 -year-old steer, the tallest torn
Sheeting, nil kinds of Yarn, stork and •tiaw beet collection of
'Underwear, Stxkinge. Shirts, house plants. OnThureiley after -
Overalls, eke. Bolin there will be at. bnif-mile far•-
• niers' trot, three heats, and. an ex -
Our Furniture hibitnnt rit tlrivitlg by ladies, which.
�r clicartitl prove of fintrra!at. All flat•
\arerot • ,l ar7 attFeesories whiek i o to umkc the
fair a sutwtess will be on the
are e niplete in alt lin+rs, suntyh laminae. %owl, music win enliven
asBedroom Suites, Diningrotafu the proceedings, and floating left
Alia Parlor furnishings, Couch. undeenne to make the fair SS fnnstrrne
rs, ' a'indrlewv shades Ietire tire and entertainng as p ible.
frames. • S A
fi �y' Oat
ll The voting cent + t lmettrree=at (on -
T Mia .JOHNSON, OF Ch Oal� a rvaitivee, Libreira t an ci Independent
eandidates to take pliavo mt st.
Peter's Church tauter. in Caritin's
big bleek, St. Joseph, Ott., will be
a big idler. Cabmssiag is lively,
and grreat efforts ate are aalr"ueate being
U •R 10. H d put forth lay, they partisans of a eels
ca.hdidate. Dias it is hard to Ions
y elict the turner. 71 he3 25th 'iltl�t•
"ia `e �` a , willtell. Prepare tun �c ast yourr vote
for the edidate of your dhoia
Special to the Hen .no.
Sol. Martin was to Exeter Tues.
Miss Light Kestle is visiting Miss
Brill of Zurich.
John Decher had a bee hauling
sand on Tuesday.
Miss Eagle of Illinois is visiting
at Joel Baechlor's. ,
Joe, Banes of Crediton called at
.T, Decher's Tuesday.
Jake Nob of Cassel is here _visit-
ing his brother Henry.
Mr. Rose of Mitchell visited at
A. Rannie's on Sunday.
Mose Kipfer from down east pass-
ed. through here Sunday.
A .number of young people visited
at Joel Baech?tier's Sunday.
There was a family gathering at
the home of A. Rennie Sunday.
Jim Rennie and. Milen Rennie, of
Zurich, visited A. Rennie, Sunday.
Wm. and Sam Hey were in Dash-
wood Monday and • saw the prize
Miss Annie Rennie of Mitchell
visited. at her parents .dere over
A number from here attended
quarterly meeting at the Four-
teenth, Sunday.
Mrs Elizabeth Weber is visiting
at W • Rader's on . the Fourteenth
the beginning of this week.
Misses Helen and Minnie Boll of
London are hone on a, visit. They
arrived on Wednesday last.
A load of young people visited at
Mr, Gaseho's on the Goshen on
Thursday night of last week.
Miss.Barbara Baechler who has
been working at the Commercial,
Zurich, for some time, has returned
There was an apple paring bee at
J. Hey's Monday night. There was
even one lady from Illinois present.
Some record breaking work was
Josiah Martin, artist, who has
been visiting his parents and
friends here for the past few weeks
returned to Detroit on Monday.
Josiah is prospering in Uncle Sam's
Wool i Wool
OEi S 11ifCr BS 211G
Lager Stock 'That Igor.
idtbbier/hat Ver.
les Lower Than Ever.
Kiel 1.lic1 Nati
Mur. -Thirty Kennett tats in his
listeed finery moods and delighted
his hearers with eThe German
r'lla.nd" rand "Alt over the sholir.''J,._._.
The World, `'or oto. At Town;
Halt, Zttr'iell, Pair tight Sept 19th.
-Special to the HERALD.
A large nuttaber from this vieitt-
'sly' attended the London fair.
Miss Mary Dell of Kipapen is visit -
ng frie nis bete.
i They yog people of this *rhos w« renoaashts°tattl. athosKdibfIel
Mrs. Fatthar know how to enter
twin the yonng folks. ,
Ed. Hargan will lave for Toronto,
els s ' rquhar's est week. Mrr and
.•_ mow.
Special to the HERALD.
Mrs. L. Weigand is improving in
John Wade hail his arae frr.etur-
ed the other day.
G. Koch is the proud father of a
bouncing baby boy.
Mrs. Eifert is eontinegl to the
house with rhennaatism.
3. Hall and 'family returned hone
on Priddy' last front their visit to
the Old Country.
Qantr surly services will be Bald
in they Evangelical church en Sat-
urday mid Sunday next.
Oliver Moser who was hurt ai few
days ego by beiaig tramped. on with
e, horse is able to be about again.
A wedding panty from Brant.
Bond passed. through our vIlltmgeon
Monday morning •earl en -route: for
London fair on aa, wedding trip.
The following ritizens returned
from, the Paxn-Anterle an this week.
Jonas Hartleib and wife, 1: (4oa-
rinetre aund wife, also Jacob Keller.
2211111 and family mai G. Kellerman
and wife.
A lecture will be given onMon-
day evening the ldth'in the Evan.
golheeed eli'a t eh, en the math Afr'i.
rain war, by one of the Comedian
Heroes Who took pert in the sane.
Admission 10 ets.
A rare opporrttmtty to *Oen' e two
tete ellent pictures of the Doke end
Daeheirs of Cornwall. is affordedtm heir iylr readers. The liie'ttires
will be given free to snbserribers taf
Teti; Ileal yta wind the Mof tteal
Family Herald anti Weekly Star
from now tnntit Jah. 1, 1902. The
two papers will. be sett to any asd-
dress for 20 agents. Youeatz't afford
i to mass 'this op pportenity.
"w. e
The It. Pickard Cat , of peter,
have seetned the services of Miss
Elliott, of 'filen, who takes
charge of their nillinety depart-
The flat milli aat'I`l totit was de-
sttoyed The
lure ott Wednesday
night. 'the: storehouse and Strucks
were saved. The eellSe of the fire
is not Ittiott bt.
ha the near future.
t T'he way was long, the night 1111S:;
Planing and . Mill
• Raw ill Cold.
—All kinds ds of woodworkalvei saw- The gent, he was infirm and old.
Bis withered cheek and hair sol
inga gray
Dime to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings. Seemed to have known a better slay. rf
A full stock of 13. C. Red Cedar The girl, his :sole remelting Joy,
Shingles, les, All kinds of lumber al-, Went hole besidn nnether iray.
wawa son hand. • tattaadiainHbnae Jonriial" Dwight
Chopping ' by Hugh C. MacLean..
T a, the tendency ... to aanal iimati-
iia t
tion now=am.-days:has been eXteneied
— to journalistic circles aas well as
s ashot rt by the recentrecent;, ,.,.."
.. i_
purchase of T'he Canaaadian Home
Journal by Mr. Hugo C. MacLean,
publisher of The Ladies* Magazine,
Toronto. The Journal, Which was
established many years ago, will be
Mills 14th Con., Lot 15. discontinued as a distinct publica-
tion, and will be merged into The
Ladies' Magazine, , which has al-
k \J r W10� ready' won, aY place for itself as the
popular' home paper for 'Canadian
'urich P. '0a
USN Selma tthibitta
fll % VitSikk and lismiSS.
De t>itiYatari mile gibes .ttfJ dir *IS*
+date1140440. ettmeierltette F*.t
***101.1iiiiilje fee
the severe and evrrr-lneaearsina atttita
aaf tritittpetitive ettariltietior,sr coming art
n time *Nen avety boy alio. dial
is toid>ergoi'aig tiniest physiological
ciaaa rtlr does uuinrei, 15iiter.tri
atonal diad physical *hick* of acliool
chlldtea. RUA down Iiia health, wttlE
the Wood thin tri& *atety and the nein
'robs *yettilt eiltauste.i, chindretti hioNi
circa :Mutt �enitnea fa *Seep* the .ri,aa ny His Hitt
'beset a sweat toak there is to
aiiretit lcraewia to sele'nee that so itatutal-
ty and thd'routhly reitoraas sit teak-th and
vtta1ity tr6 the netvouss 6ystete gas Dr.
C haae`a Tea v. Food. It makes `qa>r.
cahapceyand nahig bcngth ld
la.tteity. to the bodleat of theft. pale,
pony a iilldren.
Mra. 4. Det ipsty, Albury, Ont..
Vriteas—"liev tittle„ tranddaushter, nine
years old, wax pa,e atilt e4'eak, she had
no appetite and Seemed. to toe ; radtaat.
ly, growing *eaker. rir Ciiaare"= Nerve
I.'ood, pt"ovrd ilcvaaloihle in her cave, re-
atorint hielth said color and. addict,*
her artrorig and itiell."
F'lftr eat* a box, at at all airrrlors rtjt
70dinztiath a, aBitttas * Co,,aT4rontq.
What about
Your New
Fall Suit
Get one before .Show Day,
We have put special prices on
our Ready -to -Wear Suits.
If you prefer Tailor-nmacle,
see our Tweeds. We have
now the best values we ever
Special to the HERALD.
Miss Lizzie Ferguson left Mon-
day for Brussels.
Quite a large number attended.
London fair this week.
Mrs. Win. Smith and Miss Lizzie
Sturgeon left last week for Elgin
Mrs. Montgomery, who has been
visiting her mother, left for her
home in Texas this week,
Miss .Armstrong of Luc]cnow and
Miss Wilson of Seaforth, have been
guests of Miss Ada Rouatt for the
past week.
Bayfield show is to be a good one
as usual. Be sure and remember
the dates, Thursday and Friday,
Oct. 3rd and 4th.
All the blood in the human body
passes through the heart in about
three minutes. The heart beats
70 times a minute, 4,200 an hour,
100,800 times a day, throwing out
2y, ounces of blood a second, 606
lbs. an hour, 7% tons a day. It is
only when supplied with pure, rich X
blootl tlmt the heart, an organ u N
inches long by four incites wide,
can accomplish this enormous r
amount of work and rebuilt. its
own wasted tissues. Dr, ('hate's
Nerve Food is the most ek'tec'tive
treatment available for heart affec-
tions because it forms new, red cor-
puscles in the blood aml gives to it "
that life sustaining quality which
is necessary to the health of every 0
Latter from Saskatchewan.
Arriving ahnost daily at my Big Hardware, which
will be sold very.cheap for cash or trade. I have a
little of the old Hartleib stock left, which I will sell
at cost. I am also getting a fine lot of
If you are in need of a Stove you will do well to see
. them before placing yourorder elsewhere.
Hardware, Tinware, Paints,
Oil Lamps, Glass, Etc.
where you can get them.
CHASGREB, Main Stenett;1.4..
E Zurico.
Big Sale in Full Blast
Crowds of eager buyers attended our first Bargain Day last Saturday
and all went away well pleased. Next Saturday- we will still give
Greater Bargains than ever. Wonderful Bargains that should fill the
store on Saturday—Bargain Day;
24 Ladies' Shirt Waists, former
price We, The, *1.00, $1.25, $1.00,
For 25c, 50o, 75c and 81,00.
9 Ladies' Figured Lustre Skirts,
former price *3.70 and
$5.00, now itt
5 Doz. Pair Ribbed Rose, c
worth 35e, Saturday. a pair, 19C
ti Doz. Pair Children's Spliced Heel
and Toe, worth 10 and 20e. i UC
Saturday, a pair, .
Ladies' Corset Covers,
For 13c, 20e, 25c, 40e, 50c, 55c.
Ladies' Drawers,
4 Pair at . , . 25c.
9 Pair at . . . . 30c.
1.1 Pair at . , . 35e.
10 Pair at . . . 40c,
2 Pair only at . 50e,
2 Pair only at . . 90o.
Three tables filled watt Odds and Enda at Half Price,
We Med to tie ver SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY a Success
All Groceries at Close Prices
To Trig EDITOR: I tutu weritirtl;!I We want all the Butter and Eggs we Can Cet
this letter for the purpose of giving I Rutter, IS cents Eggs, 22 cents.
say friends in Zurich a deseription i
of this western country through I'
which 1'tratve`l. Rrrstltrn is about apt
250 miles north of Regina on tin
Prinee Albert branch of the C. 1. ,j
11. 'There are poor railway ut:�eorn-
modacticrnai, only two malls a week
tateh war. For 100 miles north of
i Regina the lu lal is pour, there lae-
inng large alkali plains. end scarcely
any settlers. As one approaches
Saskatoon the laand improves very
tench ers. its thickly settled, mostly
by English speakingpeople. After "l"ti proleet yom' CCattl, andHorsfrom being
leaving R etc Mennonite settler enttis tortured. by Mies. It will also r� t�lr�t a your
5eaaelseed, and still a little farther Hen t<cllt e& its fire minutes. Only 25e a box.
north the Freneh andGarlityians are
ter be found. !fitte Gaalaeians lime''
prrilicip.mlly along the Fit &is-
ltatehets'an river and about nine '
miles from the railway. There are
a mod mow nye haelt'breeds in this sec- .y�
tarn, but they are useless t o the t Ta
con atrry as they utterly refuse to i
work, depending on, shooting died
trapping for at. livelihood. !
The Doukhobor a, whoin almost ,
ievery .dellen who visited their set -
dement declared worthless, appear
to be doing well. They live in small
villages aalotig the West Saskatche.
Iran I 'bait them in selling ilmitile-
Enentt aid l t- d al dla nt eti idenee ,
of thrift. Pot imista�iatt e, when aa.
family piirewhases a timeline aaimd
there ate three or toter tier: in they -
hotasehoiel, soinie of them will go to- aru'iv are aiia Harness ess J* mpor item
work oil the railroad. and ram the „
money to pa sly for it. I tlxi nli this
is nttyre, tlmti the aterraage fanner
would do. There are morn ten v il-
Ortwem, Ol+iTASR
Ble B nc411 's l "
utiery, Apple Parers, La i a*
Harness Trunks
� t and
Valises for cash car trade.
lavages in. the settlement.
Game is plentiful in this country.
eer, a3atttelope, duck, geese atria
e chicken are to be found in
quantities, and at some dis-
klartee from the settlements bears
litre ` ttifiletat . 16be Vie seasoftl
does not open until Sept. 1;'1, but in
,driving over the prairie you tan
hear the crack of the rifle at any
time, the shooters taking the
chance of being prosecuted for vide -In Dress Goods we have the newest shades and
listing the law. Everybody iii this" rens OOUS material, so we therefore extend an invitation
country is eexpert off -hand, -
rnarhsinan,, there being no stumps. to each and every lady to exaiinine these goode, buy nr not. We
a or fences to serve as rests. Some " ll be oily too pleat: ed to show them to you. We have several
of Zurich's sportsmen would. ftitdl;! different shades of Opera Flannels for Waists. Ask to see them
a veritable paradise here. Itis the„` when you are in.
cutstoma of everybody to carry a guar lin
In the '"'weed. line we have the best stock yet shown in
or title here when traveling aver T need
We are now ready to show you New Goods for Fall, especially irm
Dress Goods and Tweeds. You may think it's early to purchase
your Fail and Winter Clothing, but the advantage is, you get a
better Choice by doing so.
our store please and feel itfi h
co dens that we can; leax..e o1a both
"Yri�e and 1 ant becomingan
the prairie,p y
rt in their use. My friends in'i in duality and price. l)oon't you want a nice OVERCOAT this
Zurich will please bear this in mind i fall. We have the goods for it, and therefore we are anxious to
Should I decide to pay theta a visit ;
in the future. i
havesa:you exaximine them. One Sine of Water -'roof Uvercoattiti+
Ohl settlers declare this to be thel Beauty.
bestrcropt year they 'have 'evert seen ;
1it Remember, we carry everything
here. eitsFurnishings iris sleets' ]aurnishings. Our
Ant sorry to hear th>atmy friend, iHats, Ties, Gloves, 'Collars, Cuffs,. Handkerchiefs and 'Socks are
John I Ierner, is back to his old Al good
poli again, as I expected to find l a s. Call and see us about your fall supply. We will not
him at the head of a large ranchdisappoint you.
upon my return to sunny Alberta.
�Roer , Sask.sePt. 4.�'ch