HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 7, , , _ , - , ,. , ". . .-� :- ��,:- ,.� ­�-�;,.-,, - - �- .. . :�. 7 . .. . � � ,� . . �), .1 - _1 A _! . : , 7", , . . , , , _� _11 : . :, 1 , , " , : :� ., � , .. � , rl__ ''.�:_:.:'. . '' , .:.: ., I � �. .. , . I � , - . . I 7 ;..,. I I., I i I . . I .1 I � I , I . � � I . . . ; . I � I . . . I . I . I . � ---I-,- ----"�.,--..--.--."-�.....—.�.- I- - .-- %;��w_-,-�_—_��-,­ " ­­ ­ . ��­­__ ;­ -_ ­­ _� � _-_--_-t�= I I I . � , _7-----"---" � ee� Adgvnh� I I - .- "r ....... �; �� _____,__. _..._.._.. � ._ -- _., , I I � the uinpleaealit Smile rather w1don- tbi,ng my blaCkthorn � would have . . � Ing, into 4 grjn,_asi,�he sees tlie'gear been ,hurt fire Inquiringly, "It looksi vao, I . 1, . _ Y A , , t.), IMPOSInK.122P. . . , I . I . In, the girl's e, es a 4 th� pale qs � that what Irishmen fight "Distance lopdo enoba I n " I �rougg face. I I '171th ?!' Gillian says, curiously touch� I I 46 Yee, I w,ill' give. .;, 7,ou It," be says, suilling and w � _ I oomethf4g if you, ax6 In ,1� Ing tile hard sj�lncs',and ,knobB of qt isn't � very grand . or I - W4� the, Shining, da,rk stick. . . When You are In 1116 I as.q' . I � Gillian eays,4rawing.back again IIVIIA� is what Irishmen used to That is an Irish castle, U . .. �� :a, 11. I . ,, And speaking coldly., ad, wit)k dignity fight7wit'll in the good oJd times," -Darragh Castle." I I though tier knees were quiverino; be-' George sa�ya, -hat "An old Irish castiol Tb I . . . neath her I . laughilig-l't is a � . f3be tak�rs out her shillelaw9h, which is � ,% tougil oak purse and offers stlej But there is nothini; to �equal ' I wanted to see parfl, the maniltalf 4 crown,, which lie takes * (PI Ili% explains, reproa eagerly. - . I � I I I a blackthown for Smashing a man's tul-fling back for another 10 .1 1P0 skulll 1Y0'r6 a lot. of brutes and of earnest admiration, '10 ,, n. my sowl, but I'll dhrink your ravages, you know, Miss Do 11 I I . I health with this 11, lie says, leering alle," 110 lives there? I should so like . .11 . 11 I adds, rlsing4 "and I'm sure if your It I I an A, I ­ . I - at asdei witat a be, tifo I I I I :',None knew thee but to love thee, - . her with the ridiculous assumption belief 10 this respect needed any too! just fit for a OaAle. I . 1 4, . . : , , of gentility in Ills vulgar voice arid. conflzmation you have received it gra * stle. , . : None named thee,but to prasb.01 i I . I . �. broad accent, that his slop -made, 13d old lace It must be.", I I �, It is singular that edme of the most beautiful poetry ever writt I on shabby clothes possess. "But I'm this mornin,;l Toll havemet oneof gtIt is noither old nor gr Is exactly n,pplica' j g, miss an' thG typical Irishmen Who are such George Archer says, laughing Ilea, bI9 to MONSOON CEYLON T,*EA, or 1. hard tip thLe mornin a oredit and blessing to their colorin I I thinking of MONSOON TEA. when, he wrote � these verynt a trifle more from you." , try, that by, discriminating E, nglish and speaking with a .slight embar- Longfellow was not I wa . coun- lly, but at the same time � lilies, but they describe this delicious beverage very accurately. . " You will get no more, an �_.�_ are very ungrateful," Gilliand "You f0llu, Wo axe all badged .and ticketed rassment. "It realty was built In I ___ � - _ __ Says, as one class, to be; dealt with and the year eighteen hundred and two , with trembling lips, tryIng to pass regarded as all alike." - . 4.+**+* I . tot, military barracki. A detaollment I "Oh, no I Not: ,gentlemen, Wrely!,1 * .% i +. The ruffianly ,fellow burst Into a Gillian Says, doPr6cating, Of soldiers was kept there for years * Cardl�v.j la"s + laugh, glad to have roused her anger- shy, girlish admi Y, with after the rising of nillety-elght, It I -; + " Be orra, me darlin', If you 'Wasn't r,ation and parti- Is a big, damp, draughty, dreary C'ItIzen of the ... 4: .. al Such g sanshil? In the kindling brilliancyof and + Thgqm�. Coffling - of Gilfiane,o, + a purty young woman, Iwoula Once, With huge eIrnty rooms, The recent collsistorie' - not be coaxin, ye!" he says, hex eyes as they gialice at the.9 walls six feet thick, "and drill -yards 1 4. clutching GlIlisTj with b1i rudely goodly form, the handsome face- and courtyards, wlih walls twenty the Vatican e 11 attention I , . A Pretty Irish Romance. arm "%nd ,brave and strong and bonest-of tile feet high, with spilceii; on tlie top; the fact that the reign of th * _+ pInloning her. " But I wants me Pas- man who Is standing beside her. He and that is Darr.-.gh Castl% Miss ...... t sidge to 'MerIca, ,miss; and I glances at tier in'return, and his Deane." sent head of the Roman C I . came home to seehie poor old mo�h",Iyr I r S1 P, - hing Is so - The strength of the venerabl.6 POOR Lady Jeanette he% *or course, keen blue eyes read her thoughts "Who lives therq?" Gillian de Church is fast nearing its . 01 0 . At tbIs early hour everyt irej and if you're the lady I thinks lnstLtly. it proffered the services of her own wo-m still, so ublemnly calm and still, there a; maybe' you'll stain, me twinty mantle, with ineres sing interest. " tiff, In Spite of the many distract -O., Y1 "Oh! we were not speakin could be made such a splendid place, man -a hard -featured, consequen, Is'not even a bird's no,te to break dollars." . g of fial personage of fifty., until Miss tile silence, save the melancholy His unkempt beArd is almost touch- either the men of the aris- 'with gardens and terraces and foun- Ing orlset; through wilich he .haO , Pealle . ca,n please herself in an Iris hoarse "ca In tocraoy or the land -owners tains Inside that great enclosure I passed seems almost miraculous.. F . h w" Of a Solitary rook g GlIllan's face, and the girl strug- - tile well-�bred, . many la day the passlng.of His U611 attendant; but tile very Idea of ri - winging his flight above the trec- glee desperately -in disgust and rage, well-born mon " can see.11 In "I dare say," he says, deliberate - 1119 , George says deliberately, his fir' ness has been j)repa,rcd for- j$pec , 11ag the bell for the stout, dignified tops. . and terror -to escape. I lips relaxing in the lines of 9, cold 1Y, "if the ow,ner or Tenalit co lation is widely indulged In aj uld his probable successor when the,I ' jpprson, ,who Is In dress and demenor The world she has known, London, " How dare you 1 How dare you I" smile. "I was Speaking of the people, spend three or fou- thousand pounds ovitable end Shall have come. like 4 principal of a select her former life, seems to have slipped She pants, trying to tear her sleeve Miss Deane, of my own class in oil It." . eod.Pope Leo whool for 7.0iing ladles at the hour away� thousands of miles, mud into away from the grip of his fingers. wborn naturally I feel the gre�test AlAnd he cannot, I suppose?" Gil- Who may Saco � , of 6 a. m., is so alarming; to Gil- bygoille years, from Gillian; as the V.iBo aley, now, and don't put, your- interest." lian sayq, regrctfully. In the chair of St. Peter? 'I' laIrt that she takes her bath and slender little wbitc-robed figure in elf Ill a bad timper," the fellow re- Gillian colors vividly up to the "I don't think the Owner could or undoubtedly be an Itallallp, Arranges tier hair and the dainty lacquered shoes, and the torte, with his evil leer, bolding her ill 0 cause of the preponderance of ts tell - puts Olt her - 8 o tit, rose -white brow, and her would, Miss Dealic," George Arch � "It 'white flannel dress with I (Ptinty hai and long, black Swedish tighter. "I wanted that party wa eYes burn like stars. Ian Cardinals In the Sacred Co to I er replie% -with a slight smile, but i black ribbons and ruffles, with the vl,oves, goes on with soft, light foot- of yours, but Pon me honor I "Are there no gentlemen Y-911 1,24overal times when the Pope ha b I utmost Quickness and a steps over the moist moss -gr wouldift Ilke to be alther deprIvIn' vinlong�t lookin- at her curlowl I I � nervous � OWM 'the people?' she asks, gravely, in ' wedk spells and the rumor has ti�e e" I Idea hatin-ting her that the ste earth. By, and by, as the trees grow YOU 07 M miss ! So it you'll give me Spit the. tenant COU141 not." abroad that his end was near, cerwiI. I rn , a of that shy blush and the girl- "Is ho, so poor 2" GlIllan asks, hast- rierson, whose name Is "Lynch," will Sparser, and th6 road grows mossler, five pound an' a Use, me Jevv,el,- I'll Ish enthusiasm shilling In her eyes. ily. tain newspapers have btated at ths' I =dress tier .and make her go back with quantities of beautiful fe,rns never tjouble you again." ' flourishing luxurantly in. tile san- "Take Your hand away " Gillian erican Pope, in Nic.rw, .of tile cowVle.q � -to bed like a naughty child, if she cter I hope "'So poor as not t') be able to spend , possibility of there being am AM -4 wit tLre are a great many," he ans- a fc-Tr thousands on adorning Ills uous ability and universally rcc-K I Is not Uulck enough to be completely, light, Gillian gets glimpses of the says, Uernly, looking 'I� despair- wers directly to the generous light allo3e?" he questiDno, sareastical- dressed and down stairs b6forel country beyond the wood ,1�g e.yes .'�ackward and forward. and glow in the pure eyes; ,,but ly. "Strange as it. may app-,ar to ognized popularity of Cardinal GlbA1 : land. Tak and calm, 1 J544 � the -III not give you a shll- 6 -cure birth and no position an equal of Darragh Cas-tIrt,'and I r,,gret to an Amerlean Pope are interes-Ou92 - LXlIcll Makes hor appearance. I It is very lonely, bright Your ]land off my arm this in- that does not make a maQ Of ob, 'Ui,w Deane, lie is, I a;; the tenant I Pie hall door stands wide open I with the Solemn g.randiur Of stant, or I ii bons. These attempts to sugge In the balmy stillness of -the morn- I dark purple mountains rising up to ling more." of men who have a Place and a stato that my it � There is, indeed, rea-ion to bel,jeve$ , at m-nerally co-8-rs 1 tb,Lt a citizen of the Unitedstatelo I ID9, and Gillian Passes the house- , heaven on the horizon, and the furze- "Begarra, but you must," be an- name in the land." all my worl 11Y weafth," tw�arg , mald-busy at lier avocations, and grown uplands, desolate luid uncut-. ewers, with a savage gleam In his He SPeaks very quietly an,l se- 0�. says. laug I -a Arch- j stight b�� the next !�brorelgn Pu.,*q I With a VIPasaut. cutirteous great- t1vated, neax a4- ha,nd. Tito wild, eye&, grasping tier with both his - libig. tiff, but it world nqt bc.- tile (;L," I flAtely, bilt GIIIIa;-I natives the elond You! --yon live In that brautl- I Ing, to whiell 1110 bousomclid re-� sweet honv,y-sep�nt of the sheets of bra'wn.v arms, when suddenly tbe t ha 1 golden blossoin Is wafted on tile fresh grasp relaxes, he mak �s It falls over tl,,A b.�Igllt, gay fac,�,, fill old cktstlD,.", tht-gul-hed Arehbi-h.-ip of BaltImertiii I sipolldq with -.I, Pleased smile, and, k, a fierce but tll(� Sombre i4ia!ow of tll,. L-jup py� s. 1 amaz,.,-1. kiXian VXel"1111% : Cz.,iroihial Uibbou.i is itot the, onlLO Cordial "Oood-nii)rning, nIi.js­_thc! morning air to her where site stands, Ineffectual snatch at the purse Ili hvr tile hard, proud ltioL- th.,It settlf?'.. lb Ami rt.nut 64.Li,11 In, filk.- C4y,lege Oz_ and there Is the soft, melancholy hand, and wlth one IP�'LP sPrIa9F3 over the str4brig, larg - featurp;. (To b(� (*ontijr,jcd.,� Cttrihlwl-�. C,tr..flrr!1 Gav�.Oni, Ajojst*i�.4 ' 70unl�, 111,13Y 90"s dOlvil tile Jui,,rstepsl !��rgljo of the river running past tire (town the bank into the brusliwood i &,lid looking first to tile right and � ("I a "DO YOU fVPI abl-� tu walk bome � ___ � Xa,4 Ila, of the' &CIety of zeswp� ­ t1len to t1IkN left, takes tb�� path � nd, .tit(] the cry of the rooks, covert ly'low the rNad. almoot before . 2,; R14 .%mer�c.kn k: but no sound or Sight of human life (11111all Is aware that she Is rid of now ?" he asks, after a minut - ,I O-ZCQC030024200alfolcimocaLl"wlcQ it.k;C:,0 and, bosidea,,, to tile left, Which leatIg through a i anywhere. more, a,j it anxious to turn tho, v:ib- Z-110 : Ili- fulfil, UA.A u.'si-latmi C�,,.Iditlon for.* i I li,etion to the 11'apacy-ho Is ani waxd a whitf) gato and , i "I feel ." if I we�ro walkin- In an brOwa knickeebocker suit, otriding .1 gf, 8 . Shrubbery of rhododendrons to-' him, J-1114 tll,'I.t a tall, faIrt man In a Ivet, antl anx.oui tl,) W rid of his � 103 KICKING MATCH- U Italian by birth. . a, narrow' � vh.r ., (;"-I.Ian thInR4!. I! E) shady road which e.tchanted land,"* Gillian sa�ys, with "long at tho rate of Six- miles an a I V disappears a little Shiver. "I IePI ai It there hour, Is witililL ten� yards of her. ,.;'YP6, Ob I' yvP " f,h-- snvtq llurrlP,3.� - !!a rj � Thin Carthnal 1,; onr,� nr tile :w.o344 jai,v�c among t trees. Should . 901le � -fore. It v; I a MAN VS. MULE 0 "'arn-I mela in th- iu,laaii catholia' ore nobotly In tIIP world but myself. pas;t 8 O%-Iq,jvjC. 0 " 0 : Church. 114� was 1,orll in 1N,nteoarrq,v "U00d luck to )ter! But she's a w - CIIAPTOIA TIII-4 .. t to he JUR, comes out of the shadoir into Uss j,V,I.jIp.1, I,,. F,,ty , jalli I - mttivor lawl. hut calut. to the VW363 who used to lIvo III thil part of t C; W -W ethivati,41 noil ord.alar-d Ill his X1100 700119 lady, tilt' a handsome I '17011der If all "tit(, poor Irish people You are keeping j,'.jjg!I,ijj timi,.-CCv=D-"�lvoiD " , . 0i house- N R N ng oidee I zronni; lady!" Ritty, tile Iri, '. country are gonn away or dead?" the sunshine of tile open road before more. "It ,w�jntfj nk..,Arl a quartor � In U& olny-� t -I tho ,.:"a tilthrAel , .1ttates wjw-v c�)Ip"P.Oratheb" a 74-u0jr nuald, VuTs to one of tier CkoliOdg-M-18 A littlo natural thnorousness once (AllIali can believe tier glad cycis. � lnir,ibt. llq� rocitled Iii.-WA-ir njull.y. or tho dustlian, gazing aft,�r vil- tit eight by lrj�h tjjjjo� Tit(, Savant t'anyon waillife. 1-tirla. In tho veven. . liam admiringly. or twlev, makos the Ltmilon-bred girl And then, silo rulia to him ,with bac; the, atIVn"tW`,e or pnor Ire- %jp.4, 3 large-1,onvol Wid J�igaatle , tears� an*1 while jJ11,11,; 4l, ellair M falter In tier Io*nvlyw.11l,*, ,but still Swift, tottering steps antl ut- I ne 0 "An! tile tijilght ay Soull.thing &,to p 0 a I f1v In that r. sp �et you sue.*' I � ibk� &:�,,Iht V,�Arg,�, at Worcester* . VrFeveres-wOulting -to Q.bulo to stretched hands7 (Alijanill, Inniantan. wa.s b,mown to la,; rougdi . Nf.tl;�-,�.. to.qj out ji.t4ur. 1:,, t Young, Un' ga.Y. an' ltanthtotnp� Is the end of It,"' jig k;Ijo tells herself .. �,tugjkp; at tht�h Jost. I�jjt " % a a ton pa - 011, I'm Iso glad to see you! I'm witi!ks Olt, thl:�Itjljg tit% but 1.41t4gly .j;,,t.tx.,�.kt4,.,4 .ttI Kirtilig � pt r,,i. Wanf(kI about U114 116-11180 If ever a ,', -until the shady Nvioadlawl way t_,o glad to see xua­ poor willaii orlee, , t, it ,4h.,.*j,4I!y ` Ivit'ni, In obidlrn"�e tq tho, corm � house wanted it r rejoins the cOl- i comos out on it barren bl'i-side AvIth bmiling, willist t might, with jortiprio-ty. Ow, eouM n- Tvnn." jjt� b.til utill tile nivUllaato - - league) g,.0 jull,�. "Fal"-wh , lie tpars are rolilug trodueck n, u,uj)j,Tt fL41 e(0jj,.jL*pv;�tt4 ,tilt, h�,ad �jf t1w Order, ,ba lady -.111 What . Olin. 11.4. dreaditil Of whiell Ur. .*irthor ivijuM t4u,t ho I ; ro titrwil to 1..ur. 11,! ;.,n4l ei�)rtmlnto; -Xt witl ml - a rox-cover of broonj &nd furzo down nor fhL-a Illm r "'�l by M-4 �4)11 er Uo, Zt rriltw fc-n�*wilh � ln""_'; of L.%:ae'%llk;s V 3. lvhlelk bilk fiu'Jail 1PUttilin. hri great, ! to "vet pt t1w "rU I itnt" lut fittl re.r WIldt W14 Un,?. 1"' - -NO I -an' I ltbDvO and b`low tile road. The gras, man has frightene"I me I-0.1 lie wanted 80011 grow %roary. .* h. them% Isn't a � boppers are wbirring nool,11Y III 'tile to rob Ine, ana 110 wa, I I �Aft 041 . haporth o' full or dlrar.�ljlji hl it from � bot jIUISIIInO .j kjo hisolent !,, It Ephe cou'd havo tal%w-1 to htni t'DflPtVY AO)t �4�T.49'.Rlt IAU Ojijhb4lfi�!04- I and pr011, IY IWO"'A' Anacd lit; A$+ 'mar*s end .111 I � '* darl'WOUlred W*410an wha iq � iLz�t. 6;w kl.ly 41 ran;(1, U iqu��I.ht . . , I 0.11elt, to 111v I nak-A ��;tate_1348�'Dlatp your"s in I to . * * Unlongst the dry grasi, " Which Nray did he go 2- (jeoj,j*�,% (4 tile , Zi,11'8 ,41;1, at a I,1.i9.6hu,t 8n theAuw 1*121irue fi.r .yv," the good-tempered , and Ullinn OL11,1144 Ju';L at 'tile Qn- Archer demands, his blue tTes lur�A lohit filveetho,art, (ii, twge .ir4,hc,r � low e�_,Ulj� u 3211N,,�:,Mi t3rre. wi�avh I vrlwan U*41 - 11,011161111101d Sft,yi�. strifing hopi-full, tra,Q00 Of tile W,!O I Ilistening to them, W11,11 rage, and lito elose-Ultut teeth would not to v,qel ha" VD,"A (1 , I � v, ba R,nlr. card;ualp "But, throth. ,Uqink.r.1, I'm tIllak V- Wondering carijostly what theyare, killo%ving un.der moustache. "Let we her geeloty. .%lid &�,ot�. *,hg,jt.g it -1r.th "' "001) ("IyuAct'i a i%i,QQ etli-brAIF W�4 ' M-�­,33, �10�a%hor, In p--riket 2,12;4 1:1' listening to th(l) g.urgling of the get after ligm! I won t leave awlig4k, a curlwis slroUluj; liam of longsl� � a %jNoll!� 401&hut�a, V.L.C,�,. wiiea v%. : 1"'ll. Mao qt, U1 ovtA hino %-if., - U11113 thingtO Is goill' to be althorod " I Wlilell hlM Call see rushing on bolle in Ills ,%,kin r* "Y4,am ag,"q I_U,Caliv� In -i , Uni-rientr "I'll ther! .-Ii. , hai%oa great fertuw� 1 1303111 Itkir down t1ttj eour&� of *the llepi or &WrODAV or Vio's. i vA, 1, V6.0,4,1 "U.."et., W�lu ,-,Ar L�,;4, t , A 17, thPLY oa.V Stro -, aa,l ,-ure we ,,, And lie V1111111ask".1 tilt$ agreeaw"L! "It ;Von havt� a fvw runul,ro , . I C�t;.�, '% tve:-,m�;,-, -of my rpr�'TutIU4 murge, Wide Wilily toward tho, dark np,un- ast,urance by rait'al i-Iliftling or tilt, tq) I - know tile enititalu*s hore tts tbo fore, I tt,1119 unit tile fittleb whito-valled JI'let-', knobby a tqxtre, _Ml�-,q jtiq,,4tc��, Qjj4j ,F�.�n P � .. ., uiui uq',Iitl�cAt! IU,V. �8,'*k.N4 W�M!a- , 6& e.or P,)r Aut, ro,wt sr,_�W.nti=; a" "n , t.1194 1013&� "44-d a,v � v4 Lk ��, 1� W,A"A"& ua.­' Zol- tirr U'ai, k-w-ult.v igal,A, 1141,:�41�04­4 1131! A h01,*Iw4nw gmitd ,%eung j:;�j-jjtje_ I linallpto ra.wre tit %n tt jjjffi� alvay *, lInd, btlek ha earrieg, Dj�p,tjjttt ptjn-l�y itV4,itIrc t4-0 j!4,,31at flf!��4�jry Ito hvU , tMq?�,#Ij 0!1'��72_mMl 11�.1�3:,e­_,,­ �, , lo. T.1= 1-v. 11 nian LAW 121ni Won't bd long. e"min fc."Ailig t1w fru.,ji molint,.kill IQ his r1newy limi'l gra�qm it about vine. luk liburt" Gvoi�.',,­ Aveowr ��;F.,. 10�,�,U_ . �, a".0 644 t� �,bfi,,: ,� P U113 0111CO , .1 2'. I ree.,e, fourth of Itz; jpng,th r�,Onl the ft,rpole Ing ant., ', " . 4 11j.(­'V"%N'UJ� 1j, rouwl .1 .4u,jailgo J.t4Lj%,j11 titroug allI e%hilarath.ag, ag I vtor"ItIn4" Lmt,Li ­%vo�I�J yo,, ;I 19�_,O,v P,04 ['�J-,, 3,'�_ U�� ,V-, ­��,W,A�W ;Q , _ V I :"�'JZY to %fj�L h� ,i,A �0 �j e4kU �'11hAti"Po It "Arralt, *!vn1 1pi' botb,!�rljjl :1 Ivil"U'? (�Ind � WhUst lie rang fitletty nlaoDg the JIRO to WQh; "J Itar. ,114 U.'e Uad i.1 ; ��Qol 'If �,_Z_ bruo'. i6 �.,) if, , A�4,� ; ci�,n I 1 1 ". 4 ��, I _, ,_ " - " � .., I,— t , - - uqp 11101V on her faeo Itu,k bl"Ang a 1101- rond, ?,eannilig tjj.�t glctn alpi t __V;,- ,�_,­t�o I I ', Z' --4 A V,hit�j t�ie ti. TL�: roe lir voter I tho rtad �&.*l w. 1� 0i" I � wi, " Th ; 4 �L � �L. 1','�- 1 1Y �. , " j �,!�� � - , _-� A - 1,)-, T, )l .. ,;e),�,, I �, � ,;h 95i,o ��,U.R t l:, Uihat I i9our4ula1wrol nqea�wa rkot,olut3 eurt*x. eate, 1411k to thil fal.r. wh'"110 eheek.;, b1low, and (lillian rumi Urvi, Mitt, .!M01,0140ag kt�, i-� elolar 1poat %-a v ­_� , " Q 4 ."Tiae c�ipt;,jt* 1410ver coutil hawd a can- ,4111% stan,lt, �a: �',,c � �� - ;.�4'­Az� 11,�,i,t � . ­�.,�"? ZN)._., 5,10 b�!­ t irl, a . ,v ho cvv,r sec It t ', tlje� �4� , - , J, . 0 9 f _Rr.�_�'L ,4 7j""J,4, �,, , U ,t �.) _,�, _�,, � �, g .. �. � ,.I� 3 ". t r I �! �( ",!�� �ry It ---tilling. and Jjrj'UtJ.JCSq ulna f'obblin-'. � hco URe ,<o2ri "t 1.110 M,�43iAl!'t,0- ul � , k" _� � e. .1 11 � - - t ) �;�. -�24 AfAl"IX-41" dio tilt,- , '. ,, � 60irge, ArOtrr: Thio Int)t' J,,,; ill it I ing ful%t,h 4011,1, 1� 44z9all - I ,,,�fla �,,-:tu-no;eBL­ Wj.,_� uu+'i��j ;.I�v - , t_, - ,_ �, � -,,, -,,j I - t - ­ " 9�, I IUAI"� U* 9R9111j," over thb. wastr_q VQf 14IF11*0w- ruk � don't : -if 4alL lidual Wm ! V#tn b �, ftq Lar- all, Lt,i,3, ., I ,4�!�, _,.!� L * _ r q�ow,ftover the l4s,.tve int'A jh(�rr�, jilens,'s, Mr. I., - I �4�1 , M'C_� ,0,'.' 'I 1.�d _mm �, , _ _ ­U,L�qr,?-�,, Tinuan 444tij- L, UL126104 Wt ,� t 4: - �_ ,- �_J,�_.J,j ',� _ ,F - Z �..:- but '"ghmirivina I1.mdlI--*I1.1NI elflorge" Va1syl, and Its whfitc-walled eal�lnnq A'.;'Id r!" , - Hu �.. U, . u � �j V, � A0 they call's hiln-wil ID54 flow, filln'. Nhe%ylfba"714. fiWt lfjurut-n'_Itol�� zonni­ � 6Ue,,.'a,Wd, ttrlth a "O",Vk 01 -rov.A"�n4- " r-tv-34 'LAL � M_V, t.� _ ", �, L"A �!_'.�,�., ­__ ) . :� prLs_ i U'ri-1. !i 10" L 1 TV�j .. _'. tp , 1,_�,, e4 ., ,�.,,t ,,� . -air, ani hN figj;% fair slidn. -III, iustg.tnt M-ag", aflo aliv? gray enstel, lVar.ag to joluag'! dulva the tftanji.i atuv ')l ia , 61LADSTONIAWEL � 1oxy" It, nestling atilong 11-ce.--f all I th�- litth! JITg up to Ralln Jlt,-t tv,4 G-�"Org#_- � � , , � 1*Lff,.,Oe,194 V,­k_rIa114;,1'12. , hv 'tige- �4. t,- h,0- _,�', L_:`_,,� 2 _'. -, . hisgrnint br�Dadt4DOA,hlra,an' 11�4sflnv: latpiI bQjJj ;1.1 r' 00]-It��14 , � , . ;, 1"IDA- IA�Ps-- It' 101V nl`-Mfhe-�t OIDO* Ili" 1 .4 4pol t1jo Ing'j, Until tip'! his quarr.y. . . _,".. I - smlljoft�cuy. 111'h"� daLl[l ;v"j1,,)f­ jLb ,.p I �,'. I U_ue. — i v. �, UL " � - a ."ll tto Un'% U ft %40rej 1140� Wafto wllr�t , 40-3 ��re 9 "'­ j 4. V. il t�'.n_ ic�,_��-� Cut'non- 1114�01 IVUO f.)' ti'CoMt,�bCJS1 � - ", 4 . � .Ost Dann 1!i tho, loarnnny-."' pW.__t; hCr. +-rliq! Intulftigg breeze- mll.d huft'r, t-h-_� &_"Y:-,.. 141,11"U60.1%. 'ite I AXII,�_-11_.a C rL, . �1. T�. E_,,��­-j �, LnZiloq'i V'aaaklg�, n i han*gom , ulibruk�,n a,IAOI,,ji� b,,,g0UR,; to 010- 10lea"S" takc, One kum,�% an," 41 �, 't !1 , ��" "Thrao fo.,,r yell - g��t�ilg_tmgljwr(,d , � p,wj�w to Mch taml w1firqjer sadly bVer � 11 ­ ­ Rittv pa %.a an , re tyru% eft i'" , ty Qn't g., L�,14ay U,W ULIL, cl�Arl� unga��;­.V, , k�iz.�. (L-121 [:_';� �!_,�­ r,_,�_I? ��v 1, gal;, .-RDflh,14 taf. . 41- 1( Ill haL frrightEnta int �1 r K4 f �", . 1..4_,,_.%4 T,�.,��L,­,-,i� �!,�U_;U_� i 11 --"'but li.*14 I'm uto ahl. It thn tt%�S]", 1)'�`Unonq`s of 'he hr'601nof n,1 and ItAve T� , ,.�K 1� - " � "� 'j", w,ra, hv 11'ra4h 21W.1y through tho wo,o3land 0�, _ . -4 . - !V-� U. Vb rt �!,!-,.z,1'!-4­%,­, wk012.9 nm _t Ing all to nnyself!' i. ;P_� I &,�-t,­ UiU-,an fau"IstTv"fg, 1 lr-j,"11�A QV4� Q. I �L­' ��: _WLI�,�,'_1'3 �_Z;� I - or, vagl- Lt!, 1' ' , �' 'I'' ��^ 1'4-L, - 11.U, "�, J;L�, L..� ' ')J,.�' L, ,� t,-k_,U ,, �,.!'i. L, U t, Logo, P, Do nt D.a q- L'tas t NL't4 U,og� .0 UC� , ,�, _ ';��b o,ha.nve tit tflg vQ1 hrr! ?, With wonne, migarlIfug story 'of �'Or' tWeVil-toviired arni� li,3oj- t - . ­ - " -1 .. -, ��_. And Clinging to _Vr. �jrehf,e,q 1,L 9=1 ­ " ros, doan t 11AVCn't �i , . r,wh R lVa a r-tal gvntlemanl, Irlstli,lor Ar-jjrow &U4 Nvrollg� the 11oftAy rivet* rA ­ ,_ _,4 - . ;UMAn ergea W11'.e. -n,eillk-y to tueru'ALg 9�r�--_,�o*`C-,R_,s 1�:�2 jw_�..��,�_ U alstt� �- " W lOtArtil"V lot h.�bt,��r�C,jfl re ,,� qj&t I . L �1 I t�'�- � 4 Lt �� r"11 � " tl',J&!� ', ��,`�17,1 t L - IYL2i: L,"O)IM t hetalw thr-2 Is-th mg�u Uve-y $02 ��Zrurq,? tiludur.'st', runWing on lautriazirlar" ,111L and d�urk P,'12.nv�'e pTcca'UDACLI�q r,.;E'1,1;t_q;�� ­,� E��_,`_, ut'� t;iW1`U LL-&, UC.- �,-�, , ti�_v-1 t2-'_­1aD1,,V ir�;_.�L,r'l_t-A ag 1011 C31*11, ,�!, 6,L.4fto CO -1,151. tBILS b1g, bkght tearzo, 2�L*e ditic,,,191 �aj & I D"grhtc� �A ttl,,� Vj �-Qtuqafto r'1U1;1-,11 UX� �!� lu,!.�Tk: - the d 'Lt,�­d t,U�vt 2'. tvr_",.�_11 Eq 1=nf,�C, alit'Ut lqlm'1--,mD a arnweol,d�mpht-�! lcgg6 nitlaneholy tale to ri thulade"hoVvii,ir, ver.v DI&:-r4lp,�, Lre. I .tOIJIL ­11�tt' LjeaauHT;,A C;�krZi- LQ7"__, luij t: L `01 tellaginee pamm,.Z bs-tireen the ko)wUnit'ra ,, ping &ft"'t on its balnk,_" and NVADMe Mr. Ateinur's kttek(-rD,k�,,D.c,r I t1gip M.i, Inu g , V �191.n ��4-1't C,.A; U - 1 U V,_,4, 1.� , T�_ , tA�..;�,,�., - 11 Of the, dMIAPI's whtch Orr-, Anwbv rab- the WIMP IvalUng note lot Ine r l�j " ' 1,,.D.j-j1.iA,-t.g_ Lvi�_Iz.-S- [Lbq "'n't'D e: spcaj4� . . r a ar- . eltva "WhLut uq aUT..,j-. j! V"il��j %.1;j r�:,.Ic,�T,�J w_t,.a amuL�_] L-,�- blog ne, labte!�-, ..'an, If one filvors )a like ft humatba cry of d L � I tion. k9 NVIt. 0 tL vink, go at tone rea t 0 " 12e U�ounlr_�2i-,�604 ,� D,,�,-`-`:,�. , a�� t_ct Itar �;%,411 %.-A' U-1111 a eettar.yq 1111111 htrO, We knowa nuother � "Irelf, thcjre�thpre .* I wk n7t. 4 on't i r " -it Is verx ,j .Mr. Areht.r,�" 4 `LC-,;�,_!. T*.�I:. V7'r,*'. I', 3 M, A beautlfdl� but It makes CrA R6%V_4Oh,,t fery 1,9 (;,�, - _k:a tjt;,,[%F- ! L-`Ou� q"swc-i? t%v,�:Dly �v'.-atg ftto tm3 Lmo ,irge 6 dotsol't.11 � _.H,�,& li 11 mis 84di'l 6101han efts�'. with it sigh, � 111rinait 99 Vlnrragh—tbe vj7j"t"e tu,2 1: MV,4t OT yt'",U t.� Q winut.,.­ j.'11 t'.�­ Znfo�JC" (- ., _J'�'�,,tranL,ng� raU , * . tjjp�r I jAL � � , .1 L killa raohe,r ta ed ' -0 It I, " 1"C'u1ED D_i,�-;", T,v%04 UX) c1tilct;,, , -, , 1UC0h*.!UbIe' ,with orato lopatitbDit. 116,4t dawto Infre .and Illo - �'��Vo ,�,je jo,ftrc.s� j il,n�r,,.�a , ,,, . - _4f,e I and Ij " � 1VftkfJ9H9 " he WLSWCV0, her duster It"i tftrrOjing to ,go haek, and 19oothingly! Inat go" "6-' ., W* I . ry, nfid I her watelt tit the bame time. . ..jjrg,� . lnjo(�q from W � - [OUDD. Yjx.i L�- �t-an havii��. U CI �1-i4 dtevi�Agon ��f p!.,ys;enj eu,gar% , . . - . ldiftg her arnw, brings Do - SW �Iloft 1 wouitain - W,ge7e-;.,m,-.q0r. Th"e . eim, .,ee. rM r,.ajy t�+ Euc�i Tor *11y", U1-0;44 Y,�ZI73 E.�Jq'vt� pass�_A vejiy Ughtfy, 11 xtrter to eight, &afo holh# Agala. !low vlo ­�O�l come "q, 'r hv�ad � lt wailtv but a qu. reft a ye�r huWatc-4, antod I'll ' o�oiive;y to one side, awl foreea WoulitAlio-q are feir wlli�s away from, I am.d =40^ Uze 4 st =an V";t'." . ovc,2- D�Lq rra-,R, a%l ms jigare Is S4,1114 . � ter Itrgumentso with a fluency that I for #he hats 101te-ted 1611 tho 'Way 6190 to be out here at thig. boui ai:one 91, �Voff, 3liss Deajn.,�, though they Ecor- so I , .1 ;�qtlatle Vf"A!_Uj. bvcr�-E,Ztlowed Q� It lids ooih% *ldeh is tot uore than a " j "Or the b,,-��t ;aek' Lr,t�rj*.,,�ied a' hfiPrftses 10tty to droly her dustier ,tile Utd & lidif, d witio, visions of '11, daine ottlt lot, a nice mc tning I near In tile 'eleat atre "'I'loere.", !, f�o.- . - � dfl tvalk", 61136jit Eiays, barston,,.t Into 11 11 Thist is M-nintRul .", repea,ts GRee il - -1apanAm. � t"fid Stand at attention. L breakfast' kept waiting and jGady '! 1-7 t"7 U'v ra U ,; 4-Y 01 a, gre-at wsletDz 4 411 doult eayo a thta,Wen 10"t � Dainier kept waiting for her cecentrid 141,11191111tek, aftl looking up at (.i�,,rge D, Ready to Wager. I Uk--M7e, U`t c" -,IN �Kt-,L'­-,'�,Ay espa�t tj � Pan, cut fiu6ln-st,'Calidly. 111 am Fo g. zaoo R .. - U L Wail I lod STIOWtil It to itne! I 6hou'd tot I �j ni�t'_Jlj Y.',r�,�_Wo� I E,�jjy, 4.,.'7-j na6."L'N' Ej,V � �iel, !�-V" mveEl In F,,,. �A'V_iq, Lzat Die I.,nix � . . -7 Ll�,aya about hign!" she Y-r4l guest fftnishh,g through Giplidn's wind, list lookilig at iby,wat'r,"I T'sh-.1 the I llkd to lua'�o iulsesal �t. jVh�;L,,� jig thnLt ��, do, t b,� t,la � I _ nn trat tht Arelle'r VVIth ivet eeva- llanl I 4 r ­,''. 1*,o,oi,Rl Id1j;­11 a, UQ_Cal a"Im'.1s, With a aellberate wiJ. 14�tr. U1S0.19e,' she huftldA On a few ;�ardg, and hitts nig.ft -p�-Zr WILL .T,�:Ur Ul_,Z.,g. �. ., . - - Al�eher has the bioi,l of a gen lbaped dowtv from tgv,_� L�u_h W 4, '014 1�1111UI 'S��CAVEA a C. vtala ama,L�Vk -9 up -av 'line Luadiw+ un tole h Ul ,An - �11 0:2 g 411 ,, V61 I J, nskm file ca t6.11 lik'Ll Ill& 1, , tle- entered th3- Ighadow of fte treka -,hert, aw I 'n � , Castt�. a Tones bvo,ow �;,U,Lvc,z - ' behm,g the vhjkugE,�, �N - "�" 0 I rzj.tb, an' the Kowl of a gentlenian. tit. ,�,jrchc.r,.­ : i,n.ge;r. ifilai fri! n -A ap" �,�,,�giL­J "w ­, C_'! i'_T"-rn��'--�V-'_O aq6'C7j_]`%ii'LD,T thij J�Ogil agaill, when gile hears a tM141409 t1lue, '111d thez.1 a k,f,*l me for Dilo"ney. 11 Q,; U�,A WE4t' �L.gt,4r [��,�� f, ation Of ' E;odnd of btainebes and a�tnsh of - , 1­1+ou wozalff hot htxve missej Vie 11 j -zz, an4 tl:�4 (­,.�w,i 61'L.11, F's'J. 3p, ad so,rve04 ktk' the lookf; and tile eddic� ,6 . ,.� , 0 .; T -st C'E'arBMI.-s"i0ali�r or lvog�ks- �It+ & gentlem4n, and Ir-Arth and whon I gave hini haIT-a-crolvil view Inav ca'sp, III I I, 1 1'�:5 r"L �.X' r 1;­,nt w�94 '" what el�� d'-Ve air dDebblea cts: ,�*omo onqm (.*Owes blun- � �., I � ,,,�L '� tW " .31 _ �y th�, lrnt&� ,r.t 1.,�j_])6U , Want? An, site It wou4ln I lie ;Eald he Wanted his pa.Q&tgt--=4.�ne.y I,amer woutd L,6 suk ss Dea`ne' � ' , �' 'a t' " � , �-, _q,' -_" 4.yn ''a Ct%:L"J!, ED, " .DC, C - k; dieting down the Clayey bainktalloost 0 to have vrm,)'N,VM �j li-0 ,,-,.,I tho. 11 - _ � ;,j to Ajuet1da. � 11 , L ngup V,at 'row was Wdi- helfhtr the o�ark nor Tits r1wreftee,' besIde her, alld an undc-r-sited, it to George Akeher ansu-:E-rs, ;� j%g tu kt�-j; t,L,j. b.,O�­;,�:. it �, a -.a - V.eif IICU44�-, pl.(:Iciisl��y te-verse'l tMI 1 5 _,, " � -, - PD;(�ec-dufe% I 'ad � Il, in *1011 I dil heV, George Intq�tr,pb§, e3reIe&01.1V1.1" - wal Hmve to "dw '1'20 1U t'10'62a't; e'l tbL� �'71��Ij'_ng ��J,L'_ M.'U,'�W,.,� , .ir'.4, ,I to tell tbe Talson too lady shilt �' squately-made ma shabby Ill- eagerly. "Ah! Would -,(�n rce. ,;Alzo toil -,, , 1,4 I-* � L , , 't rrnn�*�v anta wmreLl nr;, ga­_,�.-4,00 1"'D rz,��-n� UL� Ir ,V,W�* au 9 d-�,� , -7. the dare agin In -m"' ," idade eloth�,s, isteps ajme,�;4t in f± ,. tile teautles VT the coall rcasd. , _ , * ollt it ty ; P'. L , . . " —, -!� ' �n � 11 I to warzy) 41 tKitty re- of het, wlth Ol,g haTLr him again, Allies Dezrje��', you linow; 1, ,, 11 Tb. rt �Lv�'a:�­t - �U_4 fis clb_�oL rdix thatlf; t1fue q to Mg Klieve�ta-llrr mud Lsalh -i � . --,'-?l t!,,!- $*N e� - �z'�g Vs� L�aT�ng:� I . laat� V"qj , � " � . .. , , _� ' "24' ",� anm� I **Ihd ", I shf,utd, rtjZi-.,;he,n�:" Gll� � ceim"raf eh are ravotlte 1)�,-aec,q scr . 0�1� �,tr<�:2 as t.4 tl.',�e mat�?h wu� al-�' , ',,4 �", , Q1 il­,'�`z- L �'­�t cl­ .54ner 10ITIS', More c,mp%at9eaDIY thz-1!11 Vvery �J " VOrY utgPItraqant smile! In Ills keen ; Ilaft sa.", with a 6htTddP . -11 - �, ,zrl � tWd drawing 11 .r . ­U:A I vlcvl.�." Q k V -;",j.V,* , Jiv 0 D -d. It an.'.t'.'�-�,, *1%&_',� -,;al� " j n.-", 2��,.;; wA', C� a 1- - ti, 3, r,-n,Q.1',._1i to e!'not - Z-.,% ­;�%n�:,Zl­ "n u-Wz -�r,l mn_rll�� _ nearer lv�-r ec,rirktnloll" dark 'eyes, and on his leng� long, � II0P,f�,1,&j,.aII neverseehim ille frz�-ht-li 110a, li,'nv I,Nmfltul !", GDUkan Lkn:;v. " t!"_* :`.I�_,At --. U-�4`­T t'C",-, Q ­:J�.,, , � ­ -1 , % ': � . Me . I— -1 -I- I' ­'L:�, V,-�6p. !",-at] n-9 tvl�,e 11a­.z,V:i8 9OSs . "Ind snrz? Uhs,y S�:7 that �,. ged mousi.aehe. � ZA-1E 'Wo &,to�,_�,-,V-a� ", t�;_'!�i "n- ,-41,,�J _,., S"�J.. W11`1� ,4,.:.1 . I 10 the ab4;kbing hiiV,pe.vtt 1,�� olle:rl warse Up;. kar,dgY eovete4 by a kag- d rne-su hoktlbly -.-itt'j- ln�? W�ds 601 witu e.yc-s '01 Um,C-_1'e121 t prl_ es -5s. , - * - L , , , � 1011- - , �03 rude.,, Z�ou '01 - b�t.%�,�,-Zj I � 11 --I- - . 1 .1b(4 E�E 9 " � `­­1o,,S,,V. �SL- i,a , i,,3 l-,�-In--r, �� C,he lor-alus, 'wherl lleg yero pardon, mjs�,&11 he .C,&_V.q ts-M D2.-ne 142e.�:,e t,") the =_-L,- , casoli� Q_1=71g'�.,�2 1�, t- ­;'t , -, .L� ... "aft .'" George Ar,th�,r sn,.T.,.�. Ze, Zlt,g � �.P:11� llq�. G2_1�'�St��­,*s TA_na fty,!'Ll�%% 1. I t�ltnH"�" it_-] t,.!.,- t -1,:m. Un"', �� cvc�- a �!"Fll �, .1 . O000f-Ws dnsb�r sn,ffli,nRy Tub;4ng:� In all Insinuating tono; lltpo�jld ;(Y;�, �a lie vlVt.-rirkg kj)�. znr_l aliae r.,AL9 4 "I tcqpve 'V'je., gi rt-�ra�ly have one ] t- I --,-t !74�1�- C�q ". 2'.'�-,�`�Z, -'s a .-'��­:OZ,Ts_.'t lz��-_J,Iqrs Z"re With surpr Ms,ag dexiwxiij. At, a. jc.jt_�, be so, kind as to tell me tha time?" IMI )4 . -,�,%Z_,-4- S- . �:! D ,[-&M.�� �_I'n ;.-. - - , 10 r, under tile NVIJUe at,pi4v hat. I or two every snmr_"­�-7 Zri-= ! ;��.-_fl -;tIn�p.,". U_,4 sat .'�,.V. pi%,j -.2.bg :-4.-ty 4. . Momt Os- I t h I -_ 1X41 S= !n_y ,.-..Te.�,� n C.13. j , ty to down On hor kne,V's po";I:�blngl onlittol 1wks at U10man WIth duat- at ,nou et�y wh,�n il-- r�-.Mdle � o t_.'1TtF Z�V-ars as a S,nm - ri,,E 151rare iw.m* . 0 colltral =11 Of a table thal a OT, sory " he .-I Tzssvi r,s, 0_1,"�' T,-. s,*, til"'4 o4 r � E Drc -_;-"pt:r, .1 T "I -,,_Z% o*,"­�r.rl -T­�!, 1.0n , stant, as Mtrs. 1-yr.ch-Lndy .. -e-zm 0 WE 9 - ' " - _ - ml -now .I I '" -�s .2 P2k -a Ze tr,v ry L-,', ,.ZFI�an, ,A ��.,% e,_nnzan 'mj &"jn� " 9tinot that lie doa5 not want to k - 'r, �,­�- �Ij V!r�, 11­2,��"Isa ,rT T,,�­ next � rrified in- t � !��p , - ­ 4' 1 ,' Ing eyes, for alle has a te , 6 e .� I for h isp pas� Ely fight, If sh3 rar_e� h I ! n!-,zacaQ. ;, . I "��;�Q--, 7.:- ­."�s r=,14 ,: - he Awma net ktvO ah'y 'or those, arlstcernt'w cai;-Z;tO,,_, -.An]. t4, u� ­­ vrl.']�-n h- r"7-tl!v�,l in , t I .a 4a:Ej�g -S, t`at ka've .41na gro"VT) ,, p-j"V C�:*_jn,,t�j,� e. - - . - , " L 'r. U � L: 22,6fteIg "confidential ,in a I i -, ana, the time, and that h115 assuined civil- more, alI4 tjj�,a h, eaught, hold 61 Me,'* 'b%pvv, 1116sa Dmne, I thin 0�t L,_�4 jz i: tnto E"_M�Li3:.,,-O n' �­,. � - _ -� J, b,�en r�qalo : � 1113 Pa�-:�n,,-�', 'C't-A ".m. - ­- , - Y a ba,r,,.,��4� &-n-1 ovir, , S�, � 2,�, " � p� e�vLaas: h6asekeepear--comes down stairs with i Ity hi as false as his I-equesty Ar'd G1111all says, - erimsoning; -1061. at ter turn. Zlf�,:rjt kvs-'S'ciry i,31 coly � ,g"JrLbl'�-a In �".,, '1.15',�R- ;,vel 1� , Tns M, I Ito IF . .M. ,-:- .1 'r.. * a ­ -1 � -1,02, a bnronet het keys� I that he 1q A ot""Ing, dls�- -the m9tkof Ws hand on my slc-F�ve!- twenty rahjutes, wa k 1&:"r rly !oni� vo�ltslla t%i�-� 11 1, ,� ­1� Mount lt� 4 4 *I ;� N aig �-,T t -e cr='P. " � ip-tted-lookling man, with a cet- and *raid ha wanted my watch, but leg% but I dvabt if -.r 07,k eazv ,10 it Z , " ,� c,!=,-� 41,680 aner­s an ��-.- t' -a Mvn,_:1t0 ; She stands at the white gatP look- I Uld 119FIlmPtion of sWagget In big he dIdn,t ljj_s to dl-�p._jvo me ,nf It.,, � .i 10M r_InAetl Fir, -t. � 711'L�r, vvl�en­ t:la FnrjjL,�21N� - I Ing, into the narrow lane. d-trk .12,11 & 1133kenlPi moustache, Ills; r less than nag; a'�ii 11'j'Z;r' at:e. h"_.4d0Z_' L Cran=�­ri , d! t Y, "A Considerate g�mtlemav," Gcorge, they may nAss �you and til- alarmei ' Tl,to prc-- � a tool In th& close shadow of tile trees ; flashy neck -scarf, anzi ev t .j-u,42�,ai-,je�L4 v%-, 7�, qu,jCjWy �, r- Towor i3 v, mark Do,,- =1-s aranno, j e"n- h e cut says, angrily faughjng� "Well, Miss all-out You." , , Tf-ia marrUng.% b�tw-c­n _Ur� G, 4 elper the dewy-wot C,artb, u. -,til the � of his! vulgar quaA..fashlopall ';J�Q flg,,_� -­��gau- V3 * .19 iy,�a,no ?,, ran,,,O� atd t . �' TLe , stc,nF� _,r2 IESS R"�- ., -5 �,n�?,, !7i_nre "I ho- , n,A,1' 1,171 Tinn ,,,a �.,,, Inwr h, art be�Lsl. sr-amed to 4a7ic:, ,-1 "T'jr? s*.tj.,f_.'1lL.Vn ' I pL . , - , t ; ,bot sunlight ijoal�lng dcFwn On the �' clothe% that addst .in clemell t of the �":E��then he ealfl-hf� scI3-LJ1 beg,inning ' .0 T5F.ot V11. C, 21-' - ��­ '07 t� C'* ..oL.+,,,j�,;lY , ... I .It r ftt . , �,M­ r, - '! , 0 � -*.I% ,�,j�,;, "'�,�.­.g 1�"aek � . , .`lti[�­; et r-!i�r_-_;jft_ �'n � L�L­ , .� ' . way throuch th, "�, � C�N . .. _ � �, _Ls 't' ,- a s-hrulabpry, ! VIlainoul to his app3arance. Gillian says tathpr c1hoking over her the thought of bll�= c�--4pstloned hi" � - K ',-:,*. T� , P- 1�7 -� t �,. ,,,., - , . - i She takeg out her beau word% and look n% down- wlVi a Ladr� e _��', he - I n� ' �_ � c , �,T: t c, - 1�, ed high witli fol".a go on tach side, Ural little ��1_1. 'I V_ , � � "atc'.. ,3, ":-. ,.,r,.,,., O.", --m I � 7"� li�,'!_",�,& , ­ � I . I 1-1 bla"Ie"', �"I,q 'mo IA -IN white � Watch* enameled l7anler as, if,4 wIt"-n. nnt w1til . , 17"Ar-ner Pa _ - , t ;�,, , " -1--V, ,, r17 -1 Map; ow G111 --Ina Sala It vztt�ze _� and ti lit,v Chw,i�e.l I "", __ T, ." ­­­.' �r? ic -.1. Ly ewyi-,­-_ ,�4-,-,,'�".­�­,I,y oi,nit 1�-m- � -1 _ :,- 1:�a . I., 11 hang-ghty" tremL,Nng lip� i wii��m she has V,U3,��'YCI UJ.? Ill.. 0,11? 6414 - 1. """71 �aft_ _��-t ..-_�. - �n v"L' , Q I , 'My an- t4 .:Oi,- , , _1�i�rrol",o kick , in '14 a w,xr,l 0 _-�, ��:,J 11 Z I , - ­ , ' ""', �` I , " " as it 1�_i Wit _uA iz", - � ;, '� ��- T.Zzn��N'. "I"o, I - � , - r�` .. - with Its ruf ed Uli �k Bilk , th the thick, deep-ye'llow I would give him fb�e pounds and v. w­%-U!C�s t�-� th- r,,', r'; .% . 11 n , a j goll guard, glittering in thp sun�hjne. k;ss�-be-_ , oGavetnIonnI mornia.: -1 � . �.!_-, i,_ Its wreath of blaC"_- Bilk ; f _.� S4, znz�r,l-ly oa tho �ran,��I­:o o; ti.e lir,�ek : , g ,;wiihWiu-sr�_-"., L, _U! a s�-,%­t-14aw -,I) "-)�'s :.t whoat-ears,. I "It Is fell rnlnutcs ttr eight,," ishe I -What?" George Areh,,-r e%egatime. supp'tJ66 *0'"' `11�71"��Z zt? z� as,7, 11"ad. I I S Urre , -a 3� Ing of M3[n-,mrr g"ITn_ � satye� faltering, though she tries ,�' P"s own .0 u th u hor'pa&s beat ,711; qAva..r­.,h ?,6,7�csi : -, v? W- - -,# -�r - ' 'i i � z,, I, eat"'I"'att". 'g. � A goldr tiel � n Col r risi ,g rq) g"l 115�; eleax* no- llnow nr,.,%t_ T_ a"?, re. 7_�114 Iv � , ,,.a V�rce A,4,ing tn­�� roo,:�-Dj� w�­,­ 1z,; f"T th., ­'t�;_,:Ih- , _,� ; 0* " .n,:z pre-,_ ,ref on ,,h . . , tIja V,I_ W, Jr,j', r­�'.'�,­­" - onj t�., �._Fat � - 1, , I 1. I mers here vix] th,� I e- shaded ` hard to ,", aak Calmly, VVILJ'h her heart szun-tannei skln. ­'tha eo��ardlv rut. me'At betweeti id"11V ai'd .,_,I!�s ty_Xf-'�`11 , - I ­­ � .. r--rd,"n iire p.­p_­r_--niX w: . 1,7 � lk :: s, a n � �W- wlio:T- ., Zrr,.,3 %Iorme�.;-,D " road, anil after, a little, ilmid b1Ps1tX-; throbbing witetly. flan. What, a pity he eqcaped ;_� 40se sa she might tb�,Uk It was -Wz�s as i L "n7-ra tt,�'k n7L-o-.,d "Zo"I t:-. "T' ,,� ea�,.e , tioa and a backward glance at the * r'Or sh'a sees Plainly, In the 170111ea ot b1lackthorn syrup,11 lie say�e, re- l -,!t- `�_,�;',s ,144 7i's �i-.-,;,-�_­ ,zast. 7�. C, ,,, . Ll � he liked me." ! , .. '­'�ir t�'r.tr'g�"j '­_� 7,.e '-'�,� ,:'.'.,b.�.�rt sonny lawn anJ "fie opcil IandscnPO j Ilt,eed Of the Mau's PYe% the W`01- gretfuily eyting tile vIcI6-as-:O,-1king rd an %, . esr of the museleff of h lrn,n le"np&I as"Ide. an.`j as 4;.aool a A - "� 11- _�Zl - , ,:�'�Toj `_ 'r :� I , I -oil. -1 a at " -, .!", 11n -_4 ,-Z"n;3 'Vi�- n er, GjjIjw,j pl.,shes f.ppn the . sil twItch .n ratr -I' ltt;r N.n, z, 1"C's 11"'. A behind It _ is knobby stiek in bjer, ha A be, &ls glveaona lo'k back at t10 _4� ,�nt*C�1� r '. .k&A W5Z'�j � ,�,t. - . r�4'.' al , Ir , . LI -3 ',V,��" ter ga te mid wa7k,q on. Sns..; situmm 1 faceN, that the sight of the watelt, - - , � _ , ,5::O�,n. �Tr. R��_rb�,� �11 .' I T --_ -I tbf% n -itek. *Za.lsl , ,� will Uke that should get a beast's treat- lalleaeapa sprutd cut bi�'�ow, z�lilca4lg ui�iTfnl Melt o, L I%Ilrrt .'s D . , _IS J.! E - ': , , the . in tile rucri-Jnx ,-naralaLt. zijf� arcen ,; I �� "."e, 'w4ftt`, 'ria -01 (�T Vrr� Ito, ., TL LDn4on,ma1d,g., (,pL-jion of jr0amd ; -has determined Vim in some .1avil mellt, and have aelics and ams to And Sa 'the eon.'Ilat ragrv,,.I. ;Somo- � . 'IL, P. o 't th:,� sr,A�,ty, U,p C".. ling f0jIwj no ,cell.), in hcr young ints- Purptis&� I romemb2r h1q transgressions 110d% the bright, gold patches Of i, tiraes thf% fh"k W,Y,113 get hi a savagr- "Z -et of wwa , treW gEnerous� trustful iLturie, but 8110 Is not startled, therefore, What a pity you 01dit'i let by. blosgomIng furzp. tlj�� tiark river with bi4AV 011 IIJ3 V,Tr�01 � 1,5 rot, as sn man'r pt,o�oe isj�erwa lent, but Oftener U.'i, : tt,.Jrk. tj pror - me give the white istc,ne.5 hj its tea, alld tbc� �J'StL, ��J,f,, SjT.tfjV I Inm chase. I might have bad bin I some of Miss ,,�'Immtg stories or hor though bez, lips are white and dry k by - ;1 Man had th .. ! .rs with terror, when the man oeleks on Its banki, the snowy walls 0 bt`s't OT It; 1-11 at'IaR�- � ran, b -A t.i c,,Irr,V Olt i:� 7�� pa- tl;: rolto - � � rible Ueeds which ,,frientis" of he staysr thig time."' -putting forth 011I of his WO':I-�Ilrful � for rc-VIVInx apj':�ng t',,-,. f,,rpftk M,X . 11111311111111 11111111111 ONS 0 M 0 X31 . b , Xta I g. I I I I � I �Ii � � 'i ! i : , , I I j , I hAvoi told her have happened in Ire- I her hand .'is eile, tries' to, replace the "And be pight Imire hurt you, shot Of the dt-stant hamlt,t, th3 grand ' strengtb, lie la,oli>d a M.ek wR`.,i tL j t,i� 'r I t, land and fleeting recollectlons of I hatkgrowid or the purple mrarttalus�, � � � a ietters of lt� ail`op�fn a 1',,� .r -S. , . I DI I watch, and whem she shrinks vio- you, perhAps.�' Gillian says,, with big Inry amd Irr,,sistible force cr a PlIC , day",. tfttje�lesi which she has heard d1s;- � =from the touch of the strong, velvety ,eyes -of alarm and entreaty, ,altd, tb0gray-foriresg-like building, oil driver on tho jac,k's ne-ek. W712011 lind ! . - . bussedor read from newspapers, care, airty Who(go Wtadlows the sun Is gleaming In been 'his 61,)Teetive IT,�, . hand 'on her white gazing at him anxiously. "I should b, [ Self." ajelll*hj�d � , Ant irms the t fully ast all horrors have been kf1pt sleeve, and 'retreats a step or nevet have forgiven Div SpLseks.bf brightness, G'a the beginning. The beaqt rf,vl--il haek, i Tile ,�ntam,�r girl sterq,g lZor beftrt I fi-om her knowledge by her tender I tW,b, he, follower het, piaefing himself � h hftfit behind tli6 village,,. ftrt "Ae might bave shot, at me It e that and with a convuls!" quiVor, fell ' or 1�r tl at I mothees too wateliffil. care, seem to right in, her Wa.v. - had A revolver,"' George sm "'You did not tin me what! * J� uk 1 t inay not *63 stotell. � sitart lip with AetollIF-hil I L, ya, slight- 9fty"castle-like place wa I I Ovoor. Tom was tprrilP,y brax,;ed, but It is tot WIV(t %vP soe, bat wbkt vr � I "CGI)Idn't a TRO like You spare a Y ms 41 -but as for hurting Ito, If W6 ., V", she says, no bones were broken, and In, a few remember perfectly that 110,1�s -Y 018 murmalls. 'poor tello.W a trifle V� lie- se�.v IS, o6ble t,b close quarters, I rather . t In Gillian'!s; memor , .% with . Uya Ike. ,was�ilsr spry as ever. , WidoU our mental j,rletafl. i .. . I � . . . I . I . .... 4.1....."- . L . ­­­ 6� ... .. ......... ­­ -­ ­ .. . .... _ - ,---.11-._--- ...... _-.1.1--, -1 .... ..... _...".1- ..... . __ -11.1 . . ..... "...", ---11 ......... . _ _. .....1-11". -11 \ - 10"', 11 _­ I . � . ,j� , , , _ , - , ,. , ". . .-� :- ��,:- ,.� ­�-�;,.-,, - - �- .. . :�. 7 . .. . � � ,� . . �), .1 - _1 A _! . : , 7", , . . , , , _� _11 : . :, 1 , , " , : :� ., � , .. � , rl__ ''.�:_:.:'. . '' , .:.: ., I � �. .. , . I � , - . . I 7 ;..,. I I., I i I . . I .1 I � I , I . � � I . . . ; . I � I . . . I . I . I . � ---I-,- ----"�.,--..--.--."-�.....—.�.- I- - .-- %;��w_-,-�_—_��-,­ " ­­ ­ . ��­­__ ;­ -_ ­­ _� � _-_--_-t�= I I I . � , _7-----"---" � ee� Adgvnh� I I - .- "r ....... �; �� _____,__. _..._.._.. � ._ -- _., , I I � the uinpleaealit Smile rather w1don- tbi,ng my blaCkthorn � would have . . � Ing, into 4 grjn,_asi,�he sees tlie'gear been ,hurt fire Inquiringly, "It looksi vao, I . 1, . _ Y A , , t.), IMPOSInK.122P. . . , I . I . In, the girl's e, es a 4 th� pale qs � that what Irishmen fight "Distance lopdo enoba I n " I �rougg face. I I '171th ?!' Gillian says, curiously touch� I I 46 Yee, I w,ill' give. .;, 7,ou It," be says, suilling and w � _ I oomethf4g if you, ax6 In ,1� Ing tile hard sj�lncs',and ,knobB of qt isn't � very grand . or I - W4� the, Shining, da,rk stick. . . When You are In 1116 I as.q' . I � Gillian eays,4rawing.back again IIVIIA� is what Irishmen used to That is an Irish castle, U . .. �� :a, 11. I . ,, And speaking coldly., ad, wit)k dignity fight7wit'll in the good oJd times," -Darragh Castle." I I though tier knees were quiverino; be-' George sa�ya, -hat "An old Irish castiol Tb I . . . neath her I . laughilig-l't is a � . f3be tak�rs out her shillelaw9h, which is � ,% tougil oak purse and offers stlej But there is nothini; to �equal ' I wanted to see parfl, the maniltalf 4 crown,, which lie takes * (PI Ili% explains, reproa eagerly. - . I � I I I a blackthown for Smashing a man's tul-fling back for another 10 .1 1P0 skulll 1Y0'r6 a lot. of brutes and of earnest admiration, '10 ,, n. my sowl, but I'll dhrink your ravages, you know, Miss Do 11 I I . I health with this 11, lie says, leering alle," 110 lives there? I should so like . .11 . 11 I adds, rlsing4 "and I'm sure if your It I I an A, I ­ . I - at asdei witat a be, tifo I I I I :',None knew thee but to love thee, - . her with the ridiculous assumption belief 10 this respect needed any too! just fit for a OaAle. I . 1 4, . . : , , of gentility in Ills vulgar voice arid. conflzmation you have received it gra * stle. , . : None named thee,but to prasb.01 i I . I . �. broad accent, that his slop -made, 13d old lace It must be.", I I �, It is singular that edme of the most beautiful poetry ever writt I on shabby clothes possess. "But I'm this mornin,;l Toll havemet oneof gtIt is noither old nor gr Is exactly n,pplica' j g, miss an' thG typical Irishmen Who are such George Archer says, laughing Ilea, bI9 to MONSOON CEYLON T,*EA, or 1. hard tip thLe mornin a oredit and blessing to their colorin I I thinking of MONSOON TEA. when, he wrote � these verynt a trifle more from you." , try, that by, discriminating E, nglish and speaking with a .slight embar- Longfellow was not I wa . coun- lly, but at the same time � lilies, but they describe this delicious beverage very accurately. . " You will get no more, an �_.�_ are very ungrateful," Gilliand "You f0llu, Wo axe all badged .and ticketed rassment. "It realty was built In I ___ � - _ __ Says, as one class, to be; dealt with and the year eighteen hundred and two , with trembling lips, tryIng to pass regarded as all alike." - . 4.+**+* I . tot, military barracki. A detaollment I "Oh, no I Not: ,gentlemen, Wrely!,1 * .% i +. The ruffianly ,fellow burst Into a Gillian Says, doPr6cating, Of soldiers was kept there for years * Cardl�v.j la"s + laugh, glad to have roused her anger- shy, girlish admi Y, with after the rising of nillety-elght, It I -; + " Be orra, me darlin', If you 'Wasn't r,ation and parti- Is a big, damp, draughty, dreary C'ItIzen of the ... 4: .. al Such g sanshil? In the kindling brilliancyof and + Thgqm�. Coffling - of Gilfiane,o, + a purty young woman, Iwoula Once, With huge eIrnty rooms, The recent collsistorie' - not be coaxin, ye!" he says, hex eyes as they gialice at the.9 walls six feet thick, "and drill -yards 1 4. clutching GlIlisTj with b1i rudely goodly form, the handsome face- and courtyards, wlih walls twenty the Vatican e 11 attention I , . A Pretty Irish Romance. arm "%nd ,brave and strong and bonest-of tile feet high, with spilceii; on tlie top; the fact that the reign of th * _+ pInloning her. " But I wants me Pas- man who Is standing beside her. He and that is Darr.-.gh Castl% Miss ...... t sidge to 'MerIca, ,miss; and I glances at tier in'return, and his Deane." sent head of the Roman C I . came home to seehie poor old mo�h",Iyr I r S1 P, - hing Is so - The strength of the venerabl.6 POOR Lady Jeanette he% *or course, keen blue eyes read her thoughts "Who lives therq?" Gillian de Church is fast nearing its . 01 0 . At tbIs early hour everyt irej and if you're the lady I thinks lnstLtly. it proffered the services of her own wo-m still, so ublemnly calm and still, there a; maybe' you'll stain, me twinty mantle, with ineres sing interest. " tiff, In Spite of the many distract -O., Y1 "Oh! we were not speakin could be made such a splendid place, man -a hard -featured, consequen, Is'not even a bird's no,te to break dollars." . g of fial personage of fifty., until Miss tile silence, save the melancholy His unkempt beArd is almost touch- either the men of the aris- 'with gardens and terraces and foun- Ing orlset; through wilich he .haO , Pealle . ca,n please herself in an Iris hoarse "ca In tocraoy or the land -owners tains Inside that great enclosure I passed seems almost miraculous.. F . h w" Of a Solitary rook g GlIllan's face, and the girl strug- - tile well-�bred, . many la day the passlng.of His U611 attendant; but tile very Idea of ri - winging his flight above the trec- glee desperately -in disgust and rage, well-born mon " can see.11 In "I dare say," he says, deliberate - 1119 , George says deliberately, his fir' ness has been j)repa,rcd for- j$pec , 11ag the bell for the stout, dignified tops. . and terror -to escape. I lips relaxing in the lines of 9, cold 1Y, "if the ow,ner or Tenalit co lation is widely indulged In aj uld his probable successor when the,I ' jpprson, ,who Is In dress and demenor The world she has known, London, " How dare you 1 How dare you I" smile. "I was Speaking of the people, spend three or fou- thousand pounds ovitable end Shall have come. like 4 principal of a select her former life, seems to have slipped She pants, trying to tear her sleeve Miss Deane, of my own class in oil It." . eod.Pope Leo whool for 7.0iing ladles at the hour away� thousands of miles, mud into away from the grip of his fingers. wborn naturally I feel the gre�test AlAnd he cannot, I suppose?" Gil- Who may Saco � , of 6 a. m., is so alarming; to Gil- bygoille years, from Gillian; as the V.iBo aley, now, and don't put, your- interest." lian sayq, regrctfully. In the chair of St. Peter? 'I' laIrt that she takes her bath and slender little wbitc-robed figure in elf Ill a bad timper," the fellow re- Gillian colors vividly up to the "I don't think the Owner could or undoubtedly be an Itallallp, Arranges tier hair and the dainty lacquered shoes, and the torte, with his evil leer, bolding her ill 0 cause of the preponderance of ts tell - puts Olt her - 8 o tit, rose -white brow, and her would, Miss Dealic," George Arch � "It 'white flannel dress with I (Ptinty hai and long, black Swedish tighter. "I wanted that party wa eYes burn like stars. Ian Cardinals In the Sacred Co to I er replie% -with a slight smile, but i black ribbons and ruffles, with the vl,oves, goes on with soft, light foot- of yours, but Pon me honor I "Are there no gentlemen Y-911 1,24overal times when the Pope ha b I utmost Quickness and a steps over the moist moss -gr wouldift Ilke to be alther deprIvIn' vinlong�t lookin- at her curlowl I I � nervous � OWM 'the people?' she asks, gravely, in ' wedk spells and the rumor has ti�e e" I Idea hatin-ting her that the ste earth. By, and by, as the trees grow YOU 07 M miss ! So it you'll give me Spit the. tenant COU141 not." abroad that his end was near, cerwiI. I rn , a of that shy blush and the girl- "Is ho, so poor 2" GlIllan asks, hast- rierson, whose name Is "Lynch," will Sparser, and th6 road grows mossler, five pound an' a Use, me Jevv,el,- I'll Ish enthusiasm shilling In her eyes. ily. tain newspapers have btated at ths' I =dress tier .and make her go back with quantities of beautiful fe,rns never tjouble you again." ' flourishing luxurantly in. tile san- "Take Your hand away " Gillian erican Pope, in Nic.rw, .of tile cowVle.q � -to bed like a naughty child, if she cter I hope "'So poor as not t') be able to spend , possibility of there being am AM -4 wit tLre are a great many," he ans- a fc-Tr thousands on adorning Ills uous ability and universally rcc-K I Is not Uulck enough to be completely, light, Gillian gets glimpses of the says, Uernly, looking 'I� despair- wers directly to the generous light allo3e?" he questiDno, sareastical- dressed and down stairs b6forel country beyond the wood ,1�g e.yes .'�ackward and forward. and glow in the pure eyes; ,,but ly. "Strange as it. may app-,ar to ognized popularity of Cardinal GlbA1 : land. Tak and calm, 1 J544 � the -III not give you a shll- 6 -cure birth and no position an equal of Darragh Cas-tIrt,'and I r,,gret to an Amerlean Pope are interes-Ou92 - LXlIcll Makes hor appearance. I It is very lonely, bright Your ]land off my arm this in- that does not make a maQ Of ob, 'Ui,w Deane, lie is, I a;; the tenant I Pie hall door stands wide open I with the Solemn g.randiur Of stant, or I ii bons. These attempts to sugge In the balmy stillness of -the morn- I dark purple mountains rising up to ling more." of men who have a Place and a stato that my it � There is, indeed, rea-ion to bel,jeve$ , at m-nerally co-8-rs 1 tb,Lt a citizen of the Unitedstatelo I ID9, and Gillian Passes the house- , heaven on the horizon, and the furze- "Begarra, but you must," be an- name in the land." all my worl 11Y weafth," tw�arg , mald-busy at lier avocations, and grown uplands, desolate luid uncut-. ewers, with a savage gleam In his He SPeaks very quietly an,l se- 0�. says. laug I -a Arch- j stight b�� the next !�brorelgn Pu.,*q I With a VIPasaut. cutirteous great- t1vated, neax a4- ha,nd. Tito wild, eye&, grasping tier with both his - libig. tiff, but it world nqt bc.- tile (;L," I flAtely, bilt GIIIIa;-I natives the elond You! --yon live In that brautl- I Ing, to whiell 1110 bousomclid re-� sweet honv,y-sep�nt of the sheets of bra'wn.v arms, when suddenly tbe t ha 1 golden blossoin Is wafted on tile fresh grasp relaxes, he mak �s It falls over tl,,A b.�Igllt, gay fac,�,, fill old cktstlD,.", tht-gul-hed Arehbi-h.-ip of BaltImertiii I sipolldq with -.I, Pleased smile, and, k, a fierce but tll(� Sombre i4ia!ow of tll,. L-jup py� s. 1 amaz,.,-1. kiXian VXel"1111% : Cz.,iroihial Uibbou.i is itot the, onlLO Cordial "Oood-nii)rning, nIi.js­_thc! morning air to her where site stands, Ineffectual snatch at the purse Ili hvr tile hard, proud ltioL- th.,It settlf?'.. lb Ami rt.nut 64.Li,11 In, filk.- C4y,lege Oz_ and there Is the soft, melancholy hand, and wlth one IP�'LP sPrIa9F3 over the str4brig, larg - featurp;. (To b(� (*ontijr,jcd.,� Cttrihlwl-�. C,tr..flrr!1 Gav�.Oni, Ajojst*i�.4 ' 70unl�, 111,13Y 90"s dOlvil tile Jui,,rstepsl !��rgljo of the river running past tire (town the bank into the brusliwood i &,lid looking first to tile right and � ("I a "DO YOU fVPI abl-� tu walk bome � ___ � Xa,4 Ila, of the' &CIety of zeswp� ­ t1len to t1IkN left, takes tb�� path � nd, .tit(] the cry of the rooks, covert ly'low the rNad. almoot before . 2,; R14 .%mer�c.kn k: but no sound or Sight of human life (11111all Is aware that she Is rid of now ?" he asks, after a minut - ,I O-ZCQC030024200alfolcimocaLl"wlcQ it.k;C:,0 and, bosidea,,, to tile left, Which leatIg through a i anywhere. more, a,j it anxious to turn tho, v:ib- Z-110 : Ili- fulfil, UA.A u.'si-latmi C�,,.Iditlon for.* i I li,etion to the 11'apacy-ho Is ani waxd a whitf) gato and , i "I feel ." if I we�ro walkin- In an brOwa knickeebocker suit, otriding .1 gf, 8 . Shrubbery of rhododendrons to-' him, J-1114 tll,'I.t a tall, faIrt man In a Ivet, antl anx.oui tl,) W rid of his � 103 KICKING MATCH- U Italian by birth. . a, narrow' � vh.r ., (;"-I.Ian thInR4!. I! E) shady road which e.tchanted land,"* Gillian sa�ys, with "long at tho rate of Six- miles an a I V disappears a little Shiver. "I IePI ai It there hour, Is witililL ten� yards of her. ,.;'YP6, Ob I' yvP " f,h-- snvtq llurrlP,3.� - !!a rj � Thin Carthnal 1,; onr,� nr tile :w.o344 jai,v�c among t trees. Should . 901le � -fore. It v; I a MAN VS. MULE 0 "'arn-I mela in th- iu,laaii catholia' ore nobotly In tIIP world but myself. pas;t 8 O%-Iq,jvjC. 0 " 0 : Church. 114� was 1,orll in 1N,nteoarrq,v "U00d luck to )ter! But she's a w - CIIAPTOIA TIII-4 .. t to he JUR, comes out of the shadoir into Uss j,V,I.jIp.1, I,,. F,,ty , jalli I - mttivor lawl. hut calut. to the VW363 who used to lIvo III thil part of t C; W -W ethivati,41 noil ord.alar-d Ill his X1100 700119 lady, tilt' a handsome I '17011der If all "tit(, poor Irish people You are keeping j,'.jjg!I,ijj timi,.-CCv=D-"�lvoiD " , . 0i house- N R N ng oidee I zronni; lady!" Ritty, tile Iri, '. country are gonn away or dead?" the sunshine of tile open road before more. "It ,w�jntfj nk..,Arl a quartor � In U& olny-� t -I tho ,.:"a tilthrAel , .1ttates wjw-v c�)Ip"P.Oratheb" a 74-u0jr nuald, VuTs to one of tier CkoliOdg-M-18 A littlo natural thnorousness once (AllIali can believe tier glad cycis. � lnir,ibt. llq� rocitled Iii.-WA-ir njull.y. or tho dustlian, gazing aft,�r vil- tit eight by lrj�h tjjjjo� Tit(, Savant t'anyon waillife. 1-tirla. In tho veven. . liam admiringly. or twlev, makos the Ltmilon-bred girl And then, silo rulia to him ,with bac; the, atIVn"tW`,e or pnor Ire- %jp.4, 3 large-1,onvol Wid J�igaatle , tears� an*1 while jJ11,11,; 4l, ellair M falter In tier Io*nvlyw.11l,*, ,but still Swift, tottering steps antl ut- I ne 0 "An! tile tijilght ay Soull.thing &,to p 0 a I f1v In that r. sp �et you sue.*' I � ibk� &:�,,Iht V,�Arg,�, at Worcester* . VrFeveres-wOulting -to Q.bulo to stretched hands7 (Alijanill, Inniantan. wa.s b,mown to la,; rougdi . Nf.tl;�-,�.. to.qj out ji.t4ur. 1:,, t Young, Un' ga.Y. an' ltanthtotnp� Is the end of It,"' jig k;Ijo tells herself .. �,tugjkp; at tht�h Jost. I�jjt " % a a ton pa - 011, I'm Iso glad to see you! I'm witi!ks Olt, thl:�Itjljg tit% but 1.41t4gly .j;,,t.tx.,�.kt4,.,4 .ttI Kirtilig � pt r,,i. Wanf(kI about U114 116-11180 If ever a ,', -until the shady Nvioadlawl way t_,o glad to see xua­ poor willaii orlee, , t, it ,4h.,.*j,4I!y ` Ivit'ni, In obidlrn"�e tq tho, corm � house wanted it r rejoins the cOl- i comos out on it barren bl'i-side AvIth bmiling, willist t might, with jortiprio-ty. Ow, eouM n- Tvnn." jjt� b.til utill tile nivUllaato - - league) g,.0 jull,�. "Fal"-wh , lie tpars are rolilug trodueck n, u,uj)j,Tt fL41 e(0jj,.jL*pv;�tt4 ,tilt, h�,ad �jf t1w Order, ,ba lady -.111 What . Olin. 11.4. dreaditil Of whiell Ur. .*irthor ivijuM t4u,t ho I ; ro titrwil to 1..ur. 11,! ;.,n4l ei�)rtmlnto; -Xt witl ml - a rox-cover of broonj &nd furzo down nor fhL-a Illm r "'�l by M-4 �4)11 er Uo, Zt rriltw fc-n�*wilh � ln""_'; of L.%:ae'%llk;s V 3. lvhlelk bilk fiu'Jail 1PUttilin. hri great, ! to "vet pt t1w "rU I itnt" lut fittl re.r WIldt W14 Un,?. 1"' - -NO I -an' I ltbDvO and b`low tile road. The gras, man has frightene"I me I-0.1 lie wanted 80011 grow %roary. .* h. them% Isn't a � boppers are wbirring nool,11Y III 'tile to rob Ine, ana 110 wa, I I �Aft 041 . haporth o' full or dlrar.�ljlji hl it from � bot jIUISIIInO .j kjo hisolent !,, It Ephe cou'd havo tal%w-1 to htni t'DflPtVY AO)t �4�T.49'.Rlt IAU Ojijhb4lfi�!04- I and pr011, IY IWO"'A' Anacd lit; A$+ 'mar*s end .111 I � '* darl'WOUlred W*410an wha iq � iLz�t. 6;w kl.ly 41 ran;(1, U iqu��I.ht . . , I 0.11elt, to 111v I nak-A ��;tate_1348�'Dlatp your"s in I to . * * Unlongst the dry grasi, " Which Nray did he go 2- (jeoj,j*�,% (4 tile , Zi,11'8 ,41;1, at a I,1.i9.6hu,t 8n theAuw 1*121irue fi.r .yv," the good-tempered , and Ullinn OL11,1144 Ju';L at 'tile Qn- Archer demands, his blue tTes lur�A lohit filveetho,art, (ii, twge .ir4,hc,r � low e�_,Ulj� u 3211N,,�:,Mi t3rre. wi�avh I vrlwan U*41 - 11,011161111101d Sft,yi�. strifing hopi-full, tra,Q00 Of tile W,!O I Ilistening to them, W11,11 rage, and lito elose-Ultut teeth would not to v,qel ha" VD,"A (1 , I � v, ba R,nlr. card;ualp "But, throth. ,Uqink.r.1, I'm tIllak V- Wondering carijostly what theyare, killo%ving un.der moustache. "Let we her geeloty. .%lid &�,ot�. *,hg,jt.g it -1r.th "' "001) ("IyuAct'i a i%i,QQ etli-brAIF W�4 ' M-�­,33, �10�a%hor, In p--riket 2,12;4 1:1' listening to th(l) g.urgling of the get after ligm! I won t leave awlig4k, a curlwis slroUluj; liam of longsl� � a %jNoll!� 401&hut�a, V.L.C,�,. wiiea v%. : 1"'ll. Mao qt, U1 ovtA hino %-if., - U11113 thingtO Is goill' to be althorod " I Wlilell hlM Call see rushing on bolle in Ills ,%,kin r* "Y4,am ag,"q I_U,Caliv� In -i , Uni-rientr "I'll ther! .-Ii. , hai%oa great fertuw� 1 1303111 Itkir down t1ttj eour&� of *the llepi or &WrODAV or Vio's. i vA, 1, V6.0,4,1 "U.."et., W�lu ,-,Ar L�,;4, t , A 17, thPLY oa.V Stro -, aa,l ,-ure we ,,, And lie V1111111ask".1 tilt$ agreeaw"L! "It ;Von havt� a fvw runul,ro , . I C�t;.�, '% tve:-,m�;,-, -of my rpr�'TutIU4 murge, Wide Wilily toward tho, dark np,un- ast,urance by rait'al i-Iliftling or tilt, tq) I - know tile enititalu*s hore tts tbo fore, I tt,1119 unit tile fittleb whito-valled JI'let-', knobby a tqxtre, _Ml�-,q jtiq,,4tc��, Qjj4j ,F�.�n P � .. ., uiui uq',Iitl�cAt! IU,V. �8,'*k.N4 W�M!a- , 6& e.or P,)r Aut, ro,wt sr,_�W.nti=; a" "n , t.1194 1013&� "44-d a,v � v4 Lk ��, 1� W,A"A"& ua.­' Zol- tirr U'ai, k-w-ult.v igal,A, 1141,:�41�04­4 1131! A h01,*Iw4nw gmitd ,%eung j:;�j-jjtje_ I linallpto ra.wre tit %n tt jjjffi� alvay *, lInd, btlek ha earrieg, Dj�p,tjjttt ptjn-l�y itV4,itIrc t4-0 j!4,,31at flf!��4�jry Ito hvU , tMq?�,#Ij 0!1'��72_mMl 11�.1�3:,e­_,,­ �, , lo. T.1= 1-v. 11 nian LAW 121ni Won't bd long. e"min fc."Ailig t1w fru.,ji molint,.kill IQ his r1newy limi'l gra�qm it about vine. luk liburt" Gvoi�.',,­ Aveowr ��;F.,. 10�,�,U_ . �, a".0 644 t� �,bfi,,: ,� P U113 0111CO , .1 2'. I ree.,e, fourth of Itz; jpng,th r�,Onl the ft,rpole Ing ant., ', " . 4 11j.(­'V"%N'UJ� 1j, rouwl .1 .4u,jailgo J.t4Lj%,j11 titroug allI e%hilarath.ag, ag I vtor"ItIn4" Lmt,Li ­%vo�I�J yo,, ;I 19�_,O,v P,04 ['�J-,, 3,'�_ U�� ,V-, ­��,W,A�W ;Q , _ V I :"�'JZY to %fj�L h� ,i,A �0 �j e4kU �'11hAti"Po It "Arralt, *!vn1 1pi' botb,!�rljjl :1 Ivil"U'? (�Ind � WhUst lie rang fitletty nlaoDg the JIRO to WQh; "J Itar. ,114 U.'e Uad i.1 ; ��Qol 'If �,_Z_ bruo'. i6 �.,) if, , A�4,� ; ci�,n I 1 1 ". 4 ��, I _, ,_ " - " � .., I,— t , - - uqp 11101V on her faeo Itu,k bl"Ang a 1101- rond, ?,eannilig tjj.�t glctn alpi t __V;,- ,�_,­t�o I I ', Z' --4 A V,hit�j t�ie ti. TL�: roe lir voter I tho rtad �&.*l w. 1� 0i" I � wi, " Th ; 4 �L � �L. 1','�- 1 1Y �. , " j �,!�� � - , _-� A - 1,)-, T, )l .. ,;e),�,, I �, � ,;h 95i,o ��,U.R t l:, Uihat I i9our4ula1wrol nqea�wa rkot,olut3 eurt*x. eate, 1411k to thil fal.r. wh'"110 eheek.;, b1low, and (lillian rumi Urvi, Mitt, .!M01,0140ag kt�, i-� elolar 1poat %-a v ­_� , " Q 4 ."Tiae c�ipt;,jt* 1410ver coutil hawd a can- ,4111% stan,lt, �a: �',,c � �� - ;.�4'­Az� 11,�,i,t � . ­�.,�"? ZN)._., 5,10 b�!­ t irl, a . ,v ho cvv,r sec It t ', tlje� �4� , - , J, . 0 9 f _Rr.�_�'L ,4 7j""J,4, �,, , U ,t �.) _,�, _�,, � �, g .. �. � ,.I� 3 ". t r I �! �( ",!�� �ry It ---tilling. and Jjrj'UtJ.JCSq ulna f'obblin-'. � hco URe ,<o2ri "t 1.110 M,�43iAl!'t,0- ul � , k" _� � e. .1 11 � - - t ) �;�. -�24 AfAl"IX-41" dio tilt,- , '. ,, � 60irge, ArOtrr: Thio Int)t' J,,,; ill it I ing ful%t,h 4011,1, 1� 44z9all - I ,,,�fla �,,-:tu-no;eBL­ Wj.,_� uu+'i��j ;.I�v - , t_, - ,_ �, � -,,, -,,j I - t - ­ " 9�, I IUAI"� U* 9R9111j," over thb. wastr_q VQf 14IF11*0w- ruk � don't : -if 4alL lidual Wm ! V#tn b �, ftq Lar- all, Lt,i,3, ., I ,4�!�, _,.!� L * _ r q�ow,ftover the l4s,.tve int'A jh(�rr�, jilens,'s, Mr. I., - I �4�1 , M'C_� ,0,'.' 'I 1.�d _mm �, , _ _ ­U,L�qr,?-�,, Tinuan 444tij- L, UL126104 Wt ,� t 4: - �_ ,- �_J,�_.J,j ',� _ ,F - Z �..:- but '"ghmirivina I1.mdlI--*I1.1NI elflorge" Va1syl, and Its whfitc-walled eal�lnnq A'.;'Id r!" , - Hu �.. U, . u � �j V, � A0 they call's hiln-wil ID54 flow, filln'. Nhe%ylfba"714. fiWt lfjurut-n'_Itol�� zonni­ � 6Ue,,.'a,Wd, ttrlth a "O",Vk 01 -rov.A"�n4- " r-tv-34 'LAL � M_V, t.� _ ", �, L"A �!_'.�,�., ­__ ) . :� prLs_ i U'ri-1. !i 10" L 1 TV�j .. _'. tp , 1,_�,, e4 ., ,�.,,t ,,� . -air, ani hN figj;% fair slidn. -III, iustg.tnt M-ag", aflo aliv? gray enstel, lVar.ag to joluag'! dulva the tftanji.i atuv ')l ia , 61LADSTONIAWEL � 1oxy" It, nestling atilong 11-ce.--f all I th�- litth! JITg up to Ralln Jlt,-t tv,4 G-�"Org#_- � � , , � 1*Lff,.,Oe,194 V,­k_rIa114;,1'12. , hv 'tige- �4. t,- h,0- _,�', L_:`_,,� 2 _'. -, . hisgrnint br�Dadt4DOA,hlra,an' 11�4sflnv: latpiI bQjJj ;1.1 r' 00]-It��14 , � , . ;, 1"IDA- IA�Ps-- It' 101V nl`-Mfhe-�t OIDO* Ili" 1 .4 4pol t1jo Ing'j, Until tip'! his quarr.y. . . _,".. I - smlljoft�cuy. 111'h"� daLl[l ;v"j1,,)f­ jLb ,.p I �,'. I U_ue. — i v. �, UL " � - a ."ll tto Un'% U ft %40rej 1140� Wafto wllr�t , 40-3 ��re 9 "'­ j 4. V. il t�'.n_ ic�,_��-� Cut'non- 1114�01 IVUO f.)' ti'CoMt,�bCJS1 � - ", 4 . � .Ost Dann 1!i tho, loarnnny-."' pW.__t; hCr. +-rliq! Intulftigg breeze- mll.d huft'r, t-h-_� &_"Y:-,.. 141,11"U60.1%. 'ite I AXII,�_-11_.a C rL, . �1. T�. E_,,��­-j �, LnZiloq'i V'aaaklg�, n i han*gom , ulibruk�,n a,IAOI,,ji� b,,,g0UR,; to 010- 10lea"S" takc, One kum,�% an," 41 �, 't !1 , ��" "Thrao fo.,,r yell - g��t�ilg_tmgljwr(,d , � p,wj�w to Mch taml w1firqjer sadly bVer � 11 ­ ­ Rittv pa %.a an , re tyru% eft i'" , ty Qn't g., L�,14ay U,W ULIL, cl�Arl� unga��;­.V, , k�iz.�. (L-121 [:_';� �!_,�­ r,_,�_I? ��v 1, gal;, .-RDflh,14 taf. . 41- 1( Ill haL frrightEnta int �1 r K4 f �", . 1..4_,,_.%4 T,�.,��L,­,-,i� �!,�U_;U_� i 11 --"'but li.*14 I'm uto ahl. It thn tt%�S]", 1)'�`Unonq`s of 'he hr'601nof n,1 and ItAve T� , ,.�K 1� - " � "� 'j", w,ra, hv 11'ra4h 21W.1y through tho wo,o3land 0�, _ . -4 . - !V-� U. Vb rt �!,!-,.z,1'!-4­%,­, wk012.9 nm _t Ing all to nnyself!' i. ;P_� I &,�-t,­ UiU-,an fau"IstTv"fg, 1 lr-j,"11�A QV4� Q. I �L­' ��: _WLI�,�,'_1'3 �_Z;� I - or, vagl- Lt!, 1' ' , �' 'I'' ��^ 1'4-L, - 11.U, "�, J;L�, L..� ' ')J,.�' L, ,� t,-k_,U ,, �,.!'i. L, U t, Logo, P, Do nt D.a q- L'tas t NL't4 U,og� .0 UC� , ,�, _ ';��b o,ha.nve tit tflg vQ1 hrr! ?, With wonne, migarlIfug story 'of �'Or' tWeVil-toviired arni� li,3oj- t - . ­ - " -1 .. -, ��_. And Clinging to _Vr. �jrehf,e,q 1,L 9=1 ­ " ros, doan t 11AVCn't �i , . r,wh R lVa a r-tal gvntlemanl, Irlstli,lor Ar-jjrow &U4 Nvrollg� the 11oftAy rivet* rA ­ ,_ _,4 - . ;UMAn ergea W11'.e. -n,eillk-y to tueru'ALg 9�r�--_,�o*`C-,R_,s 1�:�2 jw_�..��,�_ U alstt� �- " W lOtArtil"V lot h.�bt,��r�C,jfl re ,,� qj&t I . L �1 I t�'�- � 4 Lt �� r"11 � " tl',J&!� ', ��,`�17,1 t L - IYL2i: L,"O)IM t hetalw thr-2 Is-th mg�u Uve-y $02 ��Zrurq,? tiludur.'st', runWing on lautriazirlar" ,111L and d�urk P,'12.nv�'e pTcca'UDACLI�q r,.;E'1,1;t_q;�� ­,� E��_,`_, ut'� t;iW1`U LL-&, UC.- �,-�, , ti�_v-1 t2-'_­1aD1,,V ir�;_.�L,r'l_t-A ag 1011 C31*11, ,�!, 6,L.4fto CO -1,151. tBILS b1g, bkght tearzo, 2�L*e ditic,,,191 �aj & I D"grhtc� �A ttl,,� Vj �-Qtuqafto r'1U1;1-,11 UX� �!� lu,!.�Tk: - the d 'Lt,�­d t,U�vt 2'. tvr_",.�_11 Eq 1=nf,�C, alit'Ut lqlm'1--,mD a arnweol,d�mpht-�! lcgg6 nitlaneholy tale to ri thulade"hoVvii,ir, ver.v DI&:-r4lp,�, Lre. I .tOIJIL ­11�tt' LjeaauHT;,A C;�krZi- LQ7"__, luij t: L `01 tellaginee pamm,.Z bs-tireen the ko)wUnit'ra ,, ping &ft"'t on its balnk,_" and NVADMe Mr. Ateinur's kttek(-rD,k�,,D.c,r I t1gip M.i, Inu g , V �191.n ��4-1't C,.A; U - 1 U V,_,4, 1.� , T�_ , tA�..;�,,�., - 11 Of the, dMIAPI's whtch Orr-, Anwbv rab- the WIMP IvalUng note lot Ine r l�j " ' 1,,.D.j-j1.iA,-t.g_ Lvi�_Iz.-S- [Lbq "'n't'D e: spcaj4� . . r a ar- . eltva "WhLut uq aUT..,j-. j! V"il��j %.1;j r�:,.Ic,�T,�J w_t,.a amuL�_] L-,�- blog ne, labte!�-, ..'an, If one filvors )a like ft humatba cry of d L � I tion. k9 NVIt. 0 tL vink, go at tone rea t 0 " 12e U�ounlr_�2i-,�604 ,� D,,�,-`-`:,�. , a�� t_ct Itar �;%,411 %.-A' U-1111 a eettar.yq 1111111 htrO, We knowa nuother � "Irelf, thcjre�thpre .* I wk n7t. 4 on't i r " -it Is verx ,j .Mr. Areht.r,�" 4 `LC-,;�,_!. T*.�I:. V7'r,*'. I', 3 M, A beautlfdl� but It makes CrA R6%V_4Oh,,t fery 1,9 (;,�, - _k:a tjt;,,[%F- ! L-`Ou� q"swc-i? t%v,�:Dly �v'.-atg ftto tm3 Lmo ,irge 6 dotsol't.11 � _.H,�,& li 11 mis 84di'l 6101han efts�'. with it sigh, � 111rinait 99 Vlnrragh—tbe vj7j"t"e tu,2 1: MV,4t OT yt'",U t.� Q winut.,.­ j.'11 t'.�­ Znfo�JC" (- ., _J'�'�,,tranL,ng� raU , * . tjjp�r I jAL � � , .1 L killa raohe,r ta ed ' -0 It I, " 1"C'u1ED D_i,�-;", T,v%04 UX) c1tilct;,, , -, , 1UC0h*.!UbIe' ,with orato lopatitbDit. 116,4t dawto Infre .and Illo - �'��Vo ,�,je jo,ftrc.s� j il,n�r,,.�a , ,,, . - _4f,e I and Ij " � 1VftkfJ9H9 " he WLSWCV0, her duster It"i tftrrOjing to ,go haek, and 19oothingly! Inat go" "6-' ., W* I . ry, nfid I her watelt tit the bame time. . ..jjrg,� . lnjo(�q from W � - [OUDD. Yjx.i L�- �t-an havii��. U CI �1-i4 dtevi�Agon ��f p!.,ys;enj eu,gar% , . . - . ldiftg her arnw, brings Do - SW �Iloft 1 wouitain - W,ge7e-;.,m,-.q0r. Th"e . eim, .,ee. rM r,.ajy t�+ Euc�i Tor *11y", U1-0;44 Y,�ZI73 E.�Jq'vt� pass�_A vejiy Ughtfy, 11 xtrter to eight, &afo holh# Agala. !low vlo ­�O�l come "q, 'r hv�ad � lt wailtv but a qu. reft a ye�r huWatc-4, antod I'll ' o�oiive;y to one side, awl foreea WoulitAlio-q are feir wlli�s away from, I am.d =40^ Uze 4 st =an V";t'." . ovc,2- D�Lq rra-,R, a%l ms jigare Is S4,1114 . � ter Itrgumentso with a fluency that I for #he hats 101te-ted 1611 tho 'Way 6190 to be out here at thig. boui ai:one 91, �Voff, 3liss Deajn.,�, though they Ecor- so I , .1 ;�qtlatle Vf"A!_Uj. bvcr�-E,Ztlowed Q� It lids ooih% *ldeh is tot uore than a " j "Or the b,,-��t ;aek' Lr,t�rj*.,,�ied a' hfiPrftses 10tty to droly her dustier ,tile Utd & lidif, d witio, visions of '11, daine ottlt lot, a nice mc tning I near In tile 'eleat atre "'I'loere.", !, f�o.- . - � dfl tvalk", 61136jit Eiays, barston,,.t Into 11 11 Thist is M-nintRul .", repea,ts GRee il - -1apanAm. � t"fid Stand at attention. L breakfast' kept waiting and jGady '! 1-7 t"7 U'v ra U ,; 4-Y 01 a, gre-at wsletDz 4 411 doult eayo a thta,Wen 10"t � Dainier kept waiting for her cecentrid 141,11191111tek, aftl looking up at (.i�,,rge D, Ready to Wager. I Uk--M7e, U`t c" -,IN �Kt-,L'­-,'�,Ay espa�t tj � Pan, cut fiu6ln-st,'Calidly. 111 am Fo g. zaoo R .. - U L Wail I lod STIOWtil It to itne! I 6hou'd tot I �j ni�t'_Jlj Y.',r�,�_Wo� I E,�jjy, 4.,.'7-j na6."L'N' Ej,V � �iel, !�-V" mveEl In F,,,. �A'V_iq, Lzat Die I.,nix � . . -7 Ll�,aya about hign!" she Y-r4l guest fftnishh,g through Giplidn's wind, list lookilig at iby,wat'r,"I T'sh-.1 the I llkd to lua'�o iulsesal �t. jVh�;L,,� jig thnLt ��, do, t b,� t,la � I _ nn trat tht Arelle'r VVIth ivet eeva- llanl I 4 r ­,''. 1*,o,oi,Rl Id1j;­11 a, UQ_Cal a"Im'.1s, With a aellberate wiJ. 14�tr. U1S0.19e,' she huftldA On a few ;�ardg, and hitts nig.ft -p�-Zr WILL .T,�:Ur Ul_,Z.,g. �. ., . - - Al�eher has the bioi,l of a gen lbaped dowtv from tgv,_� L�u_h W 4, '014 1�1111UI 'S��CAVEA a C. vtala ama,L�Vk -9 up -av 'line Luadiw+ un tole h Ul ,An - �11 0:2 g 411 ,, V61 I J, nskm file ca t6.11 lik'Ll Ill& 1, , tle- entered th3- Ighadow of fte treka -,hert, aw I 'n � , Castt�. a Tones bvo,ow �;,U,Lvc,z - ' behm,g the vhjkugE,�, �N - "�" 0 I rzj.tb, an' the Kowl of a gentlenian. tit. ,�,jrchc.r,.­ : i,n.ge;r. ifilai fri! n -A ap" �,�,,�giL­J "w ­, C_'! i'_T"-rn��'--�V-'_O aq6'C7j_]`%ii'LD,T thij J�Ogil agaill, when gile hears a tM141409 t1lue, '111d thez.1 a k,f,*l me for Dilo"ney. 11 Q,; U�,A WE4t' �L.gt,4r [��,�� f, ation Of ' E;odnd of btainebes and a�tnsh of - , 1­1+ou wozalff hot htxve missej Vie 11 j -zz, an4 tl:�4 (­,.�w,i 61'L.11, F's'J. 3p, ad so,rve04 ktk' the lookf; and tile eddic� ,6 . ,.� , 0 .; T -st C'E'arBMI.-s"i0ali�r or lvog�ks- �It+ & gentlem4n, and Ir-Arth and whon I gave hini haIT-a-crolvil view Inav ca'sp, III I I, 1 1'�:5 r"L �.X' r 1;­,nt w�94 '" what el�� d'-Ve air dDebblea cts: ,�*omo onqm (.*Owes blun- � �., I � ,,,�L '� tW " .31 _ �y th�, lrnt&� ,r.t 1.,�j_])6U , Want? An, site It wou4ln I lie ;Eald he Wanted his pa.Q&tgt--=4.�ne.y I,amer woutd L,6 suk ss Dea`ne' � ' , �' 'a t' " � , �-, _q,' -_" 4.yn ''a Ct%:L"J!, ED, " .DC, C - k; dieting down the Clayey bainktalloost 0 to have vrm,)'N,VM �j li-0 ,,-,.,I tho. 11 - _ � ;,j to Ajuet1da. � 11 , L ngup V,at 'row was Wdi- helfhtr the o�ark nor Tits r1wreftee,' besIde her, alld an undc-r-sited, it to George Akeher ansu-:E-rs, ;� j%g tu kt�-j; t,L,j. b.,O�­;,�:. it �, a -.a - V.eif IICU44�-, pl.(:Iciisl��y te-verse'l tMI 1 5 _,, " � -, - PD;(�ec-dufe% I 'ad � Il, in *1011 I dil heV, George Intq�tr,pb§, e3reIe&01.1V1.1" - wal Hmve to "dw '1'20 1U t'10'62a't; e'l tbL� �'71��Ij'_ng ��J,L'_ M.'U,'�W,.,� , .ir'.4, ,I to tell tbe Talson too lady shilt �' squately-made ma shabby Ill- eagerly. "Ah! Would -,(�n rce. ,;Alzo toil -,, , 1,4 I-* � L , , 't rrnn�*�v anta wmreLl nr;, ga­_,�.-4,00 1"'D rz,��-n� UL� Ir ,V,W�* au 9 d-�,� , -7. the dare agin In -m"' ," idade eloth�,s, isteps ajme,�;4t in f± ,. tile teautles VT the coall rcasd. , _ , * ollt it ty ; P'. L , . . " —, -!� ' �n � 11 I to warzy) 41 tKitty re- of het, wlth Ol,g haTLr him again, Allies Dezrje��', you linow; 1, ,, 11 Tb. rt �Lv�'a:�­t - �U_4 fis clb_�oL rdix thatlf; t1fue q to Mg Klieve�ta-llrr mud Lsalh -i � . --,'-?l t!,,!- $*N e� - �z'�g Vs� L�aT�ng:� I . laat� V"qj , � " � . .. , , _� ' "24' ",� anm� I **Ihd ", I shf,utd, rtjZi-.,;he,n�:" Gll� � ceim"raf eh are ravotlte 1)�,-aec,q scr . 0�1� �,tr<�:2 as t.4 tl.',�e mat�?h wu� al-�' , ',,4 �", , Q1 il­,'�`z- L �'­�t cl­ .54ner 10ITIS', More c,mp%at9eaDIY thz-1!11 Vvery �J " VOrY utgPItraqant smile! In Ills keen ; Ilaft sa.", with a 6htTddP . -11 - �, ,zrl � tWd drawing 11 .r . ­U:A I vlcvl.�." Q k V -;",j.V,* , Jiv 0 D -d. It an.'.t'.'�-�,, *1%&_',� -,;al� " j n.-", 2��,.;; wA', C� a 1- - ti, 3, r,-n,Q.1',._1i to e!'not - Z-.,% ­;�%n�:,Zl­ "n u-Wz -�r,l mn_rll�� _ nearer lv�-r ec,rirktnloll" dark 'eyes, and on his leng� long, � II0P,f�,1,&j,.aII neverseehim ille frz�-ht-li 110a, li,'nv I,Nmfltul !", GDUkan Lkn:;v. " t!"_* :`.I�_,At --. U-�4`­T t'C",-, Q ­:J�.,, , � ­ -1 , % ': � . Me . I— -1 -I- I' ­'L:�, V,-�6p. !",-at] n-9 tvl�,e 11a­.z,V:i8 9OSs . "Ind snrz? Uhs,y S�:7 that �,. ged mousi.aehe. � ZA-1E 'Wo &,to�,_�,-,V-a� ", t�;_'!�i "n- ,-41,,�J _,., S"�J.. W11`1� ,4,.:.1 . I 10 the ab4;kbing hiiV,pe.vtt 1,�� olle:rl warse Up;. kar,dgY eovete4 by a kag- d rne-su hoktlbly -.-itt'j- ln�? W�ds 601 witu e.yc-s '01 Um,C-_1'e121 t prl_ es -5s. , - * - L , , , � 1011- - , �03 rude.,, Z�ou '01 - b�t.%�,�,-Zj I � 11 --I- - . 1 .1b(4 E�E 9 " � `­­1o,,S,,V. �SL- i,a , i,,3 l-,�-In--r, �� C,he lor-alus, 'wherl lleg yero pardon, mjs�,&11 he .C,&_V.q ts-M D2.-ne 142e.�:,e t,") the =_-L,- , casoli� Q_1=71g'�.,�2 1�, t- ­;'t , -, .L� ... "aft .'" George Ar,th�,r sn,.T.,.�. Ze, Zlt,g � �.P:11� llq�. G2_1�'�St��­,*s TA_na fty,!'Ll�%% 1. I t�ltnH"�" it_-] t,.!.,- t -1,:m. Un"', �� cvc�- a �!"Fll �, .1 . O000f-Ws dnsb�r sn,ffli,nRy Tub;4ng:� In all Insinuating tono; lltpo�jld ;(Y;�, �a lie vlVt.-rirkg kj)�. znr_l aliae r.,AL9 4 "I tcqpve 'V'je., gi rt-�ra�ly have one ] t- I --,-t !74�1�- C�q ". 2'.'�-,�`�Z, -'s a .-'��­:OZ,Ts_.'t lz��-_J,Iqrs Z"re With surpr Ms,ag dexiwxiij. At, a. jc.jt_�, be so, kind as to tell me tha time?" IMI )4 . -,�,%Z_,-4- S- . �:! D ,[-&M.�� �_I'n ;.-. - - , 10 r, under tile NVIJUe at,pi4v hat. I or two every snmr_"­�-7 Zri-= ! ;��.-_fl -;tIn�p.,". U_,4 sat .'�,.V. pi%,j -.2.bg :-4.-ty 4. . Momt Os- I t h I -_ 1X41 S= !n_y ,.-..Te.�,� n C.13. j , ty to down On hor kne,V's po";I:�blngl onlittol 1wks at U10man WIth duat- at ,nou et�y wh,�n il-- r�-.Mdle � o t_.'1TtF Z�V-ars as a S,nm - ri,,E 151rare iw.m* . 0 colltral =11 Of a table thal a OT, sory " he .-I Tzssvi r,s, 0_1,"�' T,-. s,*, til"'4 o4 r � E Drc -_;-"pt:r, .1 T "I -,,_Z% o*,"­�r.rl -T­�!, 1.0n , stant, as Mtrs. 1-yr.ch-Lndy .. -e-zm 0 WE 9 - ' " - _ - ml -now .I I '" -�s .2 P2k -a Ze tr,v ry L-,', ,.ZFI�an, ,A ��.,% e,_nnzan 'mj &"jn� " 9tinot that lie doa5 not want to k - 'r, �,­�- �Ij V!r�, 11­2,��"Isa ,rT T,,�­ next � rrified in- t � !��p , - ­ 4' 1 ,' Ing eyes, for alle has a te , 6 e .� I for h isp pas� Ely fight, If sh3 rar_e� h I ! n!-,zacaQ. ;, . I "��;�Q--, 7.:- ­."�s r=,14 ,: - he Awma net ktvO ah'y 'or those, arlstcernt'w cai;-Z;tO,,_, -.An]. t4, u� ­­ vrl.']�-n h- r"7-tl!v�,l in , t I .a 4a:Ej�g -S, t`at ka've .41na gro"VT) ,, p-j"V C�:*_jn,,t�j,� e. - - . - , " L 'r. U � L: 22,6fteIg "confidential ,in a I i -, ana, the time, and that h115 assuined civil- more, alI4 tjj�,a h, eaught, hold 61 Me,'* 'b%pvv, 1116sa Dmne, I thin 0�t L,_�4 jz i: tnto E"_M�Li3:.,,-O n' �­,. � - _ -� J, b,�en r�qalo : � 1113 Pa�-:�n,,-�', 'C't-A ".m. - ­- , - Y a ba,r,,.,��4� &-n-1 ovir, , S�, � 2,�, " � p� e�vLaas: h6asekeepear--comes down stairs with i Ity hi as false as his I-equesty Ar'd G1111all says, - erimsoning; -1061. at ter turn. Zlf�,:rjt kvs-'S'ciry i,31 coly � ,g"JrLbl'�-a In �".,, '1.15',�R- ;,vel 1� , Tns M, I Ito IF . .M. ,-:- .1 'r.. * a ­ -1 � -1,02, a bnronet het keys� I that he 1q A ot""Ing, dls�- -the m9tkof Ws hand on my slc-F�ve!- twenty rahjutes, wa k 1&:"r rly !oni� vo�ltslla t%i�-� 11 1, ,� ­1� Mount lt� 4 4 *I ;� N aig �-,T t -e cr='P. " � ip-tted-lookling man, with a cet- and *raid ha wanted my watch, but leg% but I dvabt if -.r 07,k eazv ,10 it Z , " ,� c,!=,-� 41,680 aner­s an ��-.- t' -a Mvn,_:1t0 ; She stands at the white gatP look- I Uld 119FIlmPtion of sWagget In big he dIdn,t ljj_s to dl-�p._jvo me ,nf It.,, � .i 10M r_InAetl Fir, -t. � 711'L�r, vvl�en­ t:la FnrjjL,�21N� - I Ing, into the narrow lane. d-trk .12,11 & 1133kenlPi moustache, Ills; r less than nag; a'�ii 11'j'Z;r' at:e. h"_.4d0Z_' L Cran=�­ri , d! t Y, "A Considerate g�mtlemav," Gcorge, they may nAss �you and til- alarmei ' Tl,to prc-- � a tool In th& close shadow of tile trees ; flashy neck -scarf, anzi ev t .j-u,42�,ai-,je�L4 v%-, 7�, qu,jCjWy �, r- Towor i3 v, mark Do,,- =1-s aranno, j e"n- h e cut says, angrily faughjng� "Well, Miss all-out You." , , Tf-ia marrUng.% b�tw-c­n _Ur� G, 4 elper the dewy-wot C,artb, u. -,til the � of his! vulgar quaA..fashlopall ';J�Q flg,,_� -­��gau- V3 * .19 iy,�a,no ?,, ran,,,O� atd t . �' TLe , stc,nF� _,r2 IESS R"�- ., -5 �,n�?,, !7i_nre "I ho- , n,A,1' 1,171 Tinn ,,,a �.,,, Inwr h, art be�Lsl. sr-amed to 4a7ic:, ,-1 "T'jr? s*.tj.,f_.'1lL.Vn ' I pL . , - , t ; ,bot sunlight ijoal�lng dcFwn On the �' clothe% that addst .in clemell t of the �":E��then he ealfl-hf� scI3-LJ1 beg,inning ' .0 T5F.ot V11. C, 21-' - ��­ '07 t� C'* ..oL.+,,,j�,;lY , ... I .It r ftt . , �,M­ r, - '! , 0 � -*.I% ,�,j�,;, "'�,�.­.g 1�"aek � . , .`lti[�­; et r-!i�r_-_;jft_ �'n � L�L­ , .� ' . way throuch th, "�, � C�N . .. _ � �, _Ls 't' ,- a s-hrulabpry, ! VIlainoul to his app3arance. Gillian says tathpr c1hoking over her the thought of bll�= c�--4pstloned hi" � - K ',-:,*. T� , P- 1�7 -� t �,. ,,,., - , . - i She takeg out her beau word% and look n% down- wlVi a Ladr� e _��', he - I n� ' �_ � c , �,T: t c, - 1�, ed high witli fol".a go on tach side, Ural little ��1_1. 'I V_ , � � "atc'.. ,3, ":-. ,.,r,.,,., O.", --m I � 7"� li�,'!_",�,& , ­ � I . I 1-1 bla"Ie"', �"I,q 'mo IA -IN white � Watch* enameled l7anler as, if,4 wIt"-n. nnt w1til . , 17"Ar-ner Pa _ - , t ;�,, , " -1--V, ,, r17 -1 Map; ow G111 --Ina Sala It vztt�ze _� and ti lit,v Chw,i�e.l I "", __ T, ." ­­­.' �r? ic -.1. Ly ewyi-,­-_ ,�4-,-,,'�".­�­,I,y oi,nit 1�-m- � -1 _ :,- 1:�a . I., 11 hang-ghty" tremL,Nng lip� i wii��m she has V,U3,��'YCI UJ.? Ill.. 0,11? 6414 - 1. """71 �aft_ _��-t ..-_�. - �n v"L' , Q I , 'My an- t4 .:Oi,- , , _1�i�rrol",o kick , in '14 a w,xr,l 0 _-�, ��:,J 11 Z I , - ­ , ' ""', �` I , " " as it 1�_i Wit _uA iz", - � ;, '� ��- T.Zzn��N'. "I"o, I - � , - r�` .. - with Its ruf ed Uli �k Bilk , th the thick, deep-ye'llow I would give him fb�e pounds and v. w­%-U!C�s t�-� th- r,,', r'; .% . 11 n , a j goll guard, glittering in thp sun�hjne. k;ss�-be-_ , oGavetnIonnI mornia.: -1 � . �.!_-, i,_ Its wreath of blaC"_- Bilk ; f _.� S4, znz�r,l-ly oa tho �ran,��I­:o o; ti.e lir,�ek : , g ,;wiihWiu-sr�_-"., L, _U! a s�-,%­t-14aw -,I) "-)�'s :.t whoat-ears,. I "It Is fell rnlnutcs ttr eight,," ishe I -What?" George Areh,,-r e%egatime. supp'tJ66 *0'"' `11�71"��Z zt? z� as,7, 11"ad. I I S Urre , -a 3� Ing of M3[n-,mrr g"ITn_ � satye� faltering, though she tries ,�' P"s own .0 u th u hor'pa&s beat ,711; qAva..r­.,h ?,6,7�csi : -, v? W- - -,# -�r - ' 'i i � z,, I, eat"'I"'att". 'g. � A goldr tiel � n Col r risi ,g rq) g"l 115�; eleax* no- llnow nr,.,%t_ T_ a"?, re. 7_�114 Iv � , ,,.a V�rce A,4,ing tn­�� roo,:�-Dj� w�­,­ 1z,; f"T th., ­'t�;_,:Ih- , _,� ; 0* " .n,:z pre-,_ ,ref on ,,h . . , tIja V,I_ W, Jr,j', r­�'.'�,­­" - onj t�., �._Fat � - 1, , I 1. I mers here vix] th,� I e- shaded ` hard to ,", aak Calmly, VVILJ'h her heart szun-tannei skln. ­'tha eo��ardlv rut. me'At betweeti id"11V ai'd .,_,I!�s ty_Xf-'�`11 , - I ­­ � .. r--rd,"n iire p.­p_­r_--niX w: . 1,7 � lk :: s, a n � �W- wlio:T- ., Zrr,.,3 %Iorme�.;-,D " road, anil after, a little, ilmid b1Ps1tX-; throbbing witetly. flan. What, a pity he eqcaped ;_� 40se sa she might tb�,Uk It was -Wz�s as i L "n7-ra tt,�'k n7L-o-.,d "Zo"I t:-. "T' ,,� ea�,.e , tioa and a backward glance at the * r'Or sh'a sees Plainly, In the 170111ea ot b1lackthorn syrup,11 lie say�e, re- l -,!t- `�_,�;',s ,144 7i's �i-.-,;,-�_­ ,zast. 7�. C, ,,, . Ll � he liked me." ! , .. '­'�ir t�'r.tr'g�"j '­_� 7,.e '-'�,� ,:'.'.,b.�.�rt sonny lawn anJ "fie opcil IandscnPO j Ilt,eed Of the Mau's PYe% the W`01- gretfuily eyting tile vIcI6-as-:O,-1king rd an %, . esr of the museleff of h lrn,n le"np&I as"Ide. an.`j as 4;.aool a A - "� 11- _�Zl - , ,:�'�Toj `_ 'r :� I , I -oil. -1 a at " -, .!", 11n -_4 ,-Z"n;3 'Vi�- n er, GjjIjw,j pl.,shes f.ppn the . sil twItch .n ratr -I' ltt;r N.n, z, 1"C's 11"'. A behind It _ is knobby stiek in bjer, ha A be, &ls glveaona lo'k back at t10 _4� ,�nt*C�1� r '. .k&A W5Z'�j � ,�,t. - . r�4'.' al , Ir , . LI -3 ',V,��" ter ga te mid wa7k,q on. Sns..; situmm 1 faceN, that the sight of the watelt, - - , � _ , ,5::O�,n. �Tr. R��_rb�,� �11 .' I T --_ -I tbf% n -itek. *Za.lsl , ,� will Uke that should get a beast's treat- lalleaeapa sprutd cut bi�'�ow, z�lilca4lg ui�iTfnl Melt o, L I%Ilrrt .'s D . , _IS J.! E - ': , , the . in tile rucri-Jnx ,-naralaLt. zijf� arcen ,; I �� "."e, 'w4ftt`, 'ria -01 (�T Vrr� Ito, ., TL LDn4on,ma1d,g., (,pL-jion of jr0amd ; -has determined Vim in some .1avil mellt, and have aelics and ams to And Sa 'the eon.'Ilat ragrv,,.I. ;Somo- � . 'IL, P. o 't th:,� sr,A�,ty, U,p C".. ling f0jIwj no ,cell.), in hcr young ints- Purptis&� I romemb2r h1q transgressions 110d% the bright, gold patches Of i, tiraes thf% fh"k W,Y,113 get hi a savagr- "Z -et of wwa , treW gEnerous� trustful iLturie, but 8110 Is not startled, therefore, What a pity you 01dit'i let by. blosgomIng furzp. tlj�� tiark river with bi4AV 011 IIJ3 V,Tr�01 � 1,5 rot, as sn man'r pt,o�oe isj�erwa lent, but Oftener U.'i, : tt,.Jrk. tj pror - me give the white istc,ne.5 hj its tea, alld tbc� �J'StL, ��J,f,, SjT.tfjV I Inm chase. I might have bad bin I some of Miss ,,�'Immtg stories or hor though bez, lips are white and dry k by - ;1 Man had th .. ! .rs with terror, when the man oeleks on Its banki, the snowy walls 0 bt`s't OT It; 1-11 at'IaR�- � ran, b -A t.i c,,Irr,V Olt i:� 7�� pa- tl;: rolto - � � rible Ueeds which ,,frientis" of he staysr thig time."' -putting forth 011I of his WO':I-�Ilrful � for rc-VIVInx apj':�ng t',,-,. f,,rpftk M,X . 11111311111111 11111111111 ONS 0 M 0 X31 . b , Xta I g. I I I I � I �Ii � � 'i ! i : , , I I j , I hAvoi told her have happened in Ire- I her hand .'is eile, tries' to, replace the "And be pight Imire hurt you, shot Of the dt-stant hamlt,t, th3 grand ' strengtb, lie la,oli>d a M.ek wR`.,i tL j t,i� 'r I t, land and fleeting recollectlons of I hatkgrowid or the purple mrarttalus�, � � � a ietters of lt� ail`op�fn a 1',,� .r -S. , . I DI I watch, and whem she shrinks vio- you, perhAps.�' Gillian says,, with big Inry amd Irr,,sistible force cr a PlIC , day",. tfttje�lesi which she has heard d1s;- � =from the touch of the strong, velvety ,eyes -of alarm and entreaty, ,altd, tb0gray-foriresg-like building, oil driver on tho jac,k's ne-ek. W712011 lind ! . - . bussedor read from newspapers, care, airty Who(go Wtadlows the sun Is gleaming In been 'his 61,)Teetive IT,�, . hand 'on her white gazing at him anxiously. "I should b, [ Self." ajelll*hj�d � , Ant irms the t fully ast all horrors have been kf1pt sleeve, and 'retreats a step or nevet have forgiven Div SpLseks.bf brightness, G'a the beginning. The beaqt rf,vl--il haek, i Tile ,�ntam,�r girl sterq,g lZor beftrt I fi-om her knowledge by her tender I tW,b, he, follower het, piaefing himself � h hftfit behind tli6 village,,. ftrt "Ae might bave shot, at me It e that and with a convuls!" quiVor, fell ' or 1�r tl at I mothees too wateliffil. care, seem to right in, her Wa.v. - had A revolver,"' George sm "'You did not tin me what! * J� uk 1 t inay not *63 stotell. � sitart lip with AetollIF-hil I L, ya, slight- 9fty"castle-like place wa I I Ovoor. Tom was tprrilP,y brax,;ed, but It is tot WIV(t %vP soe, bat wbkt vr � I "CGI)Idn't a TRO like You spare a Y ms 41 -but as for hurting Ito, If W6 ., V", she says, no bones were broken, and In, a few remember perfectly that 110,1�s -Y 018 murmalls. 'poor tello.W a trifle V� lie- se�.v IS, o6ble t,b close quarters, I rather . t In Gillian'!s; memor , .% with . Uya Ike. ,was�ilsr spry as ever. , WidoU our mental j,rletafl. i .. . I � . . . I . I . .... 4.1....."- . L . ­­­ 6� ... .. ......... ­­ -­ ­ .. . .... _ - ,---.11-._--- ...... _-.1.1--, -1 .... ..... _...".1- ..... . __ -11.1 . . ..... "...", ---11 ......... . _ _. .....1-11". -11