HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 6C, men 'Sr tlenlfr,°P SHOT McKINL 0 BULLETS AT HIM. en V;be Careful of Her, Don't Let Her Know," the Presi- dent Gasped The Prisoner Was Seized Amid Cries of " Lynch Him, Lynch Him," --Roughly Handled by Artillerymen The President Interposed in his Behalf The Criminal a Young Po!ander, About 21 Years Old Doctors Have Some Hopes The Nature of the Wounds --How the Deed Was Done Indignation and Horror in Britain The News at Washington --- King Edward Learns of the Tragedy. Buffalo, Sept G. -George B. Cortel- again, bringing his right hand about in the eliaracteruttie attitude with which he extende it while receiving, Nieman thrust oat both his hands, brushed aside the President's ex- tended lia,n41, and brought the revel - lee nn t . • ver hidden In the handkerchief up against the President's stomach. At "The President was shot about 4 the ammo instant lie pulled the trig - &clock. One bullet careen him mai tne ' ger. The fleet bullet entered too upper portion of the breaetbone, high for the purpese or the assassin, glar.eing, and not penetrating; the who lead fired again a,e soon as his • finger could move the trigger. sec..rnel buint penetrated the abdomen , Oii receiving the fleet elsot President five incliw, beleas, the left nipple, and • McKinley lifted illineelf On his toes ace and, ri. half ineltee to the left of ' with eomething of a gasp. Ills move - tea meaene nee, The anatenee wee . meat eausen the second eleet to enter iust below the navel. 'Wit)). tile tiec- apeneel theme/It titre line olf th, . bulet end shot the lerral..lent deubled *night - Meal It was found that the bullet iy fornratel. and then sank back. De - tad pearetrated the- etonsaele The teetive Geary caught the President nveneeg..le the enene went or vio. ' in hie arma and Presi,lent Milburn helped to euppert 1nm. stomach was carefully closed with Hurled Assailant to Floor. *ilk stitairee, after wigleh a s, areh „ • It keel all Immense! in an instant. eves mane. f,,.,,r a lese,„ in the been wa'a I Almost hstore the melee a the seerairl ref the treeeeehe 'Pais 14”31,3 fertal and I sleet; eretnrie 4, Nieman tt'aq ..stit'ed by &lee coeal ge tie- ".31133(3, 1.4 31,y. The fur- ' R. R feel...tan, a tnertel :slates eeeret fnie.r C ar , -. el' '4 it - 14-;1',°,.',6 ,•• nil ti• -91 ' '''I*11''''" 3:41't"+ 141" '"tt't' 1 '314 et17 °Pre" „ 4.er fite Inerei :era. let eat I hark el the :ilk,. t1.,.1.v.; te '. ea nee -ens r i41;:1,31:, St tweet nr.out to the. 1710,ter :Int I. 441 be fell a veva an ''•bi:p,..r; Pi , l wound awl , tegar waiter itene -, 5 Arnett IIrtrper Cneese n'jtle,,,,Int trieriontsees Nrir neaten- te ' Vtnetl tiEett Lim. Fanners trf tlie tto intre„,e- e, ...T. o,:t.4..g. ens.:,,,reekei ,,e. :, !tient/ .%attee Artillery, 4frtindlOti at - ' !Ties r.veittletis .prees..s rot el th, tur and eneen 14'06 .,:ii....:...1.•*..,.:,...:•.t. N'',1133'411 31;t3 4 moray= lel Iry gi teamed enenn Ise G. 2.;,,L "seep v h , 410,,t,ht.L.,,n es „ enerlal.!•,e err lee eat I esenet ratline even 1 n.ee • at ea ejl ree -1114,, rAto. b.„„I' ,•!C..`."i'lil.4.?•-• 0411,1'1.6VII.10.103f..."13,3*P3•40-. 2,•,_•2,.1.. c,!,_,,,•,,i. ..-.iii (..,‘;,•(! 1:•,,, C, .r, 41f ;j::2, A VT " !!!1'-4 "1,3".431'37131 51343t. 31 31, tOrol, 3tWAy ciiz.T.:41i 12, tt ;,..,, i,- n , .e.; „ „es ese, . a &et , ties lastentreeten,f . tie 1 f. t 'nett the re- nene,,e, te• e, e., Q, ee, ise le, s ea , eta - te' er a Tee erten, rr til.'n. t4Mq.W.: tit,' „t , ,, 1,.4, „. ,,..1 . r..c-?,,,, 11, ,i r., tenter 'in ttelleseestee teeni, enr3ac I Serrales le r e Tz,lii,..,..1., ,l',". tt4 t.12,,,p, '• nt lees teal tole -nal I les retlate nereen• ,e-.. ' , feesse.....Se. IN:'13311,`,;'13.1"' r.0" hail 1 vial tile L,;.11 --,o1'.:5V63.1104 ITrx, !4",:.2., :•:,..1•!•:.„, t '.'„,,)..:•';,I•..-....4 :10;.. 240,,-,'.;i1 rea !,.i..ln U..2 313,',43 8,,, In 3111.:.' ettnP11:4 or p, 1.7.,J.4 • l!.'144 lefereetan erterleta inett mind the ' einde tee z : :see gs re: e eee, ..-...J1',,:e.‘. ; 11,'''' '1 ','I' VII" l'r,./ '0--LiVIr. Araltet laU11•41,0311,y,, . ittig 1.4*0! riao0,-4/og tor tile WIEN t -1' '' ine.'rte'efee...-ene Innt e llell. ' 3'..‘..1:4-.,."b.,'L':..1 ICP 1.4.0A`4314j Cge:1147 11334 tka4ir,it '1. ".1 ':;g."!I, 11.'4 <1. WI !JplitaatIP, ittrili euretreteltel , ne- ier ;sea t ety lat ,ane I it. rortaly. .,) 3. PREatleieti I" a t'ILL, ALIVE. ,i. L,;L.,1 roAr a 0.!,1,..".,,A1 '11.-..!.zit*ZY4VL9,3 Itiltie, Efilv Pra..,:4'Ll'al t;;',4f4 11r.,i,.,0,1...c.,31 to ---. t.t'aftlettleete ef' tire Atteteetat Sireasse ',' a enefre. It t0, L'4,0r9 '34'.4,53 W.-frS! Whit.- - 43R1041,33.9. 1 letesennat ti. ninanee. inert 1110.. rill ,:,!31..0 1,1-'0. 101:1131e31it 0.11,1 1..;2,113Zi .11.1`',.'!„ ''-' --4,. (11.-::41i'i,:,:•:V.,',,,,tr.,:. 111,13EQ,e1,, :I Ili''r:1:1'.-t'i;tf0 0...),,c(9 iiLdn.1 fil,or,,,J...„, b 4 4 It -Itriog° li -,1 ii. .. ,,.F.;':;!..1 ,, • , 1,,.".Lit 1,4 31;.1,, Ve311' fLiL4B9'..!T 4.11 iiir., ' I : ,.ii,.;.,L. 11..i,.. tr.,Vt,..:,4 tVertc., vt>-'44.. tIttle.:AL- z- E ' ':--.•.: 11 "'.-;:-% ' ' t'.-., ta,..7 4 ta'aa--1-t,1,4 t!;,‘,...‘i5.r„:.,•!,......i. vP5' 0i0 EittAt: _ -:: :r..!t: , :a:A o u. -at . , i - tV...-i.,-o',',"n,',0 CU'.n.tl',i,.'1:.' ..... • -.;7. ,, .- ':'.-. . - ai,.:•i-..P.V,,IJ ,, 31 31 ae.t ffdesa '*rens,_iet seep ed',a_de'331 13 11i11*03 f :0,3 2I „ s9. . - - v Ci'....:ri.e.. D.. ,;::2-r 4-'2, 2.A'211-ul'- 5....;i1 tfte 31iac,':::1S.,t:t. "311;,V vtvuTtra. Ey> C ..;t1. c -,:::..E , :::!E (,'.:1:4t,,,'' ',E 4:2 ''' h:91 ';''/''''-'''. ' i!'..n,',''''rUA ttig.Alltt LV IN daet Del ett•-r et'''. -- enet .: :-,-,,b.•111 4.-__: .• .,,•-•.'. • :.;it:;,,Wn tt,P !Li iii61;,)1,140, 1-1-;.' La.:"':,-i""It'a,':::,r-' -.."1. -..11"..s'--9 '''L: - 11.'_11,V,;1.1 rat Ird 31 -u Ile tvtilar,1 r:"...,., 11.,47).:,.31 c.,-7..! ,,31 7.:.1...,) trA:Pir..- , tirot'.'....,e left.;:i...iii 1 l',,,,,.t, itpi epee trt,27,1 rj,,,5! 11-:-;:.e. t!.;:j..1 tvi.-11 • 11.ms 1:9 01..;;,..t;.t v.:,,t tE-,..., 31 '.« if-y,lia ‹.917 trAie Wti,StE !.1- •,:te ',.. I line Toe e'' - tresAee ntee , t'....0 4.0,5,:.,5,1,4t02. lto:P,ta.uni Day an e, t,.,,,:•;',? -:„3.:,. tip .0..31&ev tiva-3 141..1il.f.P ht.,!tryts f",..lopv. ItiElc:jr en II Peep:nes, liemeatia 1:1'!•.'4,4-7,,.1*.ezd31. . 131 1' Z...;2;140/ 4 10,a the gentrie. ir' r31u 31 tele etere ' Tee, g)tv--,.,.,101.3f, - r,e,sel Den seres enure ;ea tee rti,•(,,,,7,:i.kfi.,t.".4 He'.::110?at., 111- .. 31L r31 irOA 171tta. hie oval bloen, yawl fleet:en to tea reaet. ant tereesettel , entee.1 it on tele slleenelee of lee bees,ate tne sale r a pant nasal -ate ' seetteety. 'Itt no (,);:im trait itl'im; ft -..7. -Ace t,'...:.-, :-::::"..:Jt :..;;;I:,..,.'.`;-. Tplae s-t,.c...iptil-1.1 - !ye' g%',:sl'OPIP mai eenie been in tee., 1_,,,t r),,..,•_„ .. t. 2:ii. r.,10:„- .: t' 'r while iii...y cuntds cartir.i ...„ --..3131,- .,- „ in..1.1-,:a %milt or 2 .e.-e.....,r.1 p,;•§,,,..-,.. ti.41%,.. ' t...t.e elate/lance neat ten itseernieten te.„:,.stet.,,,_,VA..4.,3111.31a31 W..,i.S .F700.-nntx. t 0.0ts.,Aate,- II the Pee ; teen stet eoneel- h..,41, I. 2th ,,,,,,._ aese senk eptIn UP44_:' sttl'ete:iiette , .,...1 cm t:,,,.. F>t,,-.S•3einn.".1"..4,*0'33 5 eilte Mil- tteet ez.t tes.....‘.....e4P:IC r ..:t.03 03 • C6"t.r.L '..-Ci:4e 11.1.'"I's Itillla 118 tht an/tteketsee. .t.,.4,....,. cl,i14,0,,,,,,...1..,..., ,,,,,,I.6 -.2..n ..,..4- ,111.. ei 1 tir2,.e. tintzgl'Ut," I.:11,e ;,-,:..:11.1 ti.:; IJr., ! ' '•i"7 T./.. 11r--.3. 1.4,.....i -Lig. 1.17et.'"•5's w'tlio tiet Pee:el-tel./. ;Lot, r'seete,-,• s tee. eneeen. , an..t snet',':'-'-a•It1.3- otet net the tateeny teight nett sr.:,:o;,17;23 T,;•-,:., ort,L,gyk. ;t: • 'z,',. t::7,2•..:.;:y.-„. :.: :1 .:_r • ....t,--.3-,... r1=,.:•,- ,:lf..3:; gee:saes vete altatist tracra,Uihle t ..,..,..t. Delesetere ip---.L.d... an .i tirts crowd; nrottni the Tne doe- Ternele grew wittil tt. coentel : tees etet ei e!ter tee ,graatiee that fifty tlieueetel peep:e. Tem big • trent vr,.t.,re 'ii.;,v..,),TnU, seen that wialie cleated fe.trare,1 the ainbaiaesee re- ' t'ee se„ennel ifEB T.7:7 tire second epectfully to the iterpita, aria then Kest tre2g 6.:.,,r7:1;,!.;v, it wag r., --,,t ',F,c.,:',5- • C.1.1,,Ee...1 itself fet•e two parte, Wee learely fatal. : ansiose. to ic,aril the condincet of the .• fee A corssits Se:xeal. . PreeLlent. an I to catch up eery ru- iner ttrat eerie.? !rein the- hespltal, the .77...r.e, nt..c...1. x.7I:..-., ell. tite: e..P.7.:z,otinp,,- was otlier eager to fin -i tassassin. an.1 tivx-tizie. f:-.__1.1,-iiisi....,;,•lisr Fey th.,:e ristectives. ee. peen,:h Itta. ccrtair, a in enee if ne 0 f':1 -r -,,:i -:.--'' IN'i!",;-:'.9',:a.'-le•N atnl at ;inst., the ofinirds had E'..gt used rerearka- refareal tes grae aens itl'Asetsalan . Lie releige.ne.e in tatting Niegne,a out ntenat felesealr Leta; lee seld EAs name ef tlia way of the erowat he venni vas! Fred. NT-ttn"atTe tit.':•,:t Le tt'as 2,3 igaee been inenbed and beaten t. .naettal oet... ea/ Inn c ..e... --e to Beinarer ' death, frorn Deft es a week atro. Ile fileing at „Leen; Braseiwoye He gave r, 'fried to Lynch. iting. Rae oreepasiee as istucesenitit, and '', Nieman. inad ban carried into• a born in Detroit. .,. silo room at tre.e nortawest corner Tne re.&",..7;-0,:v. 1-11 tia''':. Pv7skient. this ' of the t enple. There Le was, eearcited, altsecoera wee ease to weileit the res,n- bet Zotteing was ozunrcl tm him f,x- Gr.. al -eten't,lin had been invited. Peng- 1, eept a lettet relating to loner,inge at eone G. ltifeneeen, of tee Exposi- ; peen reesa e th-,. hi. ,c;, '',-t•rin, i'iad intr.-1;.',ae:Y.-3 z:.r.1 Pteeldent to and asked rant who he was and Vile '....7se groat crowd in the Temple,. mei : ee had triel to kill the Preeldent. inert, women and ennaren :came tor- • IF made no answer.at first, but fin - ward Tor n. trere,enal greeting Sonong ally gave th e eain • et Nieman- 1.I is litosT, tri !La!? Was NiPairtn. wt,c%s,• I -eft •,. ee neonate it igigt, smooth. ehaven, nasd vrae a-reap:el ta a ineelkerclitet. , 11 ki, c 3 esehairtel, ft St,:'i wae dr ssed in the Inee'ded isg a I:.141 likc,relAii,r watt a 32- • ertilnary clothes. of a tir charrie. IP! -2.a.Tibre Derrietrer A in lie al"' wee ' ..":' ..., n . a -;CM r) t "' 4:` ' • i.:SIC UP' by :her father, and te ,, Preen ' except Viet ha, was an litiarehlet an.a. P.ILo•::7> earals wint Ter. As, site had done his duty. passed. alo5g t!.). the ri,g'le the Pr.7.si- : A dant. of nxposition guards was . teert feeks11 after Eger reerintegly and . Feet free mei a ,erripany vif sii;,..11.-7,..--. Pralved Ida ilaad in a pieasant ..% etierlege wee ,,zixarrier,I. Smith of lidieilx. . ... . ample a vealse Ilan bete rope Net in line care Site aes•assin. Ati- ; al. Tan. el -owl r ,,,, net tile iree , ;be. Presenre.at• tutned to tile tight . istaectrion hoinhat the eopee, and ea-- • you, Secretary to Prersiden.t leen to -night gave out the following statement : The following bulletin wan issued by the physicians at 7 e. tr3c4::•.xs. 'Ott, e2f ateor.:3 h A era tition 31 Lept. ifvota 31310 's LIT.- 2""."-"e• U , 41',L;tn 3, t‘;',w at '7'229 hArre A; and tratad.ri. — rZ2-1 t--25 •Z'S r:.tzt.:p.r.1 3 to E,.c:.c :i:Lot pas ell aero.,,s time 11....tp teed the ropes to the flag pole stand. Ing near by on the Eepla,nade. "Lynch him," cried a hundred voices, and a start was made for one of the entrances of the Temple. Sol- diers and police beat back the crowd. Guards and people were wrangling, shouting and fighting. In this eon - fusion Nieman, still bleeding, his clothes torn and scarcely able to walk, was led out by Captain James F. Yalialy, Chief of the Exposition de- tectives, Commandant Robinson and a, armed of secret service men. Nie- man was thrown Into a carriage and three detect/veal jumped. in. with him. lean. Expresition, cliatting with the Prestdent and introducing to him especially persons of note who ap- preaoked. Upon the President's left stood Mr. Cortelyou. It was shortly after 4 p.m. when one of the throeg_svineh surrounded the Presidential party, a medium, - shed man of ordinary appearance and plainly dressed in black, approached as if to greet the President. Both Secretary Cortelyou and President lailburia noticed that one of the mans hands was swathed in a bandage or handkerchief. He worked his way amid the stream of people up to the edge of the dais until he was within two. feet of the President. President McKinley, smiled, bowed, and extended his hand, w -hen sudden- ly the sharp crack of a revolver rang out, followed by an instant of almost complete silence. The President etood stock still, a look at hesitancy, almost of bewilder- ment, on his face. Then he retreated a etep, while the pallor began to steal over his features. The multitude, only partially aware that eamething serious had happened, paused in the silence of surprise, while necks were craned and all eyes turned as one toward the rostrum. Three men atsonce sprang towards the, would-be assassin. Two ot them were United States secret servicemen who were on the leoltout and wboae duty it was to guard against just such a calamity. The third was a bystander, a negro. The President's assassin was borne to the ground, nis weapon was wrested from his grasp, and strong hands pinioned his arms. The crosvcis that a moment before had stood in bewilderment, surged forward regardlees of the conse- quences. Men shouted and fought, women screamed and children cried. Some or these nearest the doors fled from the edifice in fear of a stam- pede, while hundreds of others from outelde struggled blindly forward in The Daily Telegraph says editor- ially t"It ie with the profounnest re- gret that the world iearas to -nay that another distinguisned name is adeltid to the ehamefully lung list of rulers who have fallen victims to the 111am:elate wickednese of the assassin. Trlie most unfeigned and heartfelt ennapathy will go forth from every family. in Onristendom to MrS. Mo- Ininley in thee hour af deepest sorrow and trial. America,no will acquit um of L11113 Suspicion of insincerity when we retain], that the blow will bet felt with egtml severity Great Beitain as in the United Atates." of ago, and his small, coal -blank eyee were his oely conspicuous fetes. lure" I , . es-- • , Mrs. McKinley Not Told. Buffalo, Sept. 6,-5,45 pee.- Mrs. Melnielen hae not yet neard of the shooting other husband. At 5.45 the President was ye/el:lug easily. An at- tempt was made to lynch the pri- soner, but the police succeeded in get- ting him out of the ground& and lock- ed up. There is great excitement here, the etreets in front of differ- ent newspaper offices being crowd- ed with arecicnee people, . pa—a t • es= , KING HEARS THE NEWS. Taken to Presideutiallburies House. Baffalo. Sept. 6. -At 7,25 Preel- dent McIninley wart placed in the automobile ambulance, and taken from the Exposition Hospital to the home of Preeldent Milburn, in Dela- ware avenue. The President is rest- ing easily, a,nd the conditions are favorable. THE ROUGH RIDER. Vice -President Roosevelt illay klave to Assume Office. Vice-Presicleut Roosevelt becomes a figure of the first magnitude, says the Toronto World. Were Me. McKinley to die, Mr. Roosevelt would emceed for the balance of the term -more than three years. John- son succee,cled Lincoln, and Arthur succeeded Garfield, automatically and not by election. The liability of the Vice -President ,to be called to the succeresion has Bugg, steel more than Owe a change In the law dealing with this phase of the constitution, Roosevelt is a strong man in his way, mucli given to weeteru methods, and had his life been attempted he w,ould have drawn his gun almost as quickly as an assailant. We imagine Mr. Roosevelt is not caught unprepared for this emer- gency -it must have suggested itself to bie mind many a time, and, if he eomes to the ellen magistracy a vigorous administration may be looked for. Our taller for years has berm that the Dectator is coming In the United States; titat he may ar- rive any day, and perhaps in the per - Napoleon III. was frequently shot son of the Rough Rid re. When ho at, but died in bed. cornea a great army will be at his The King of Prussia was twice rinexeed, and the reinstitution of the fired. at In 18'31, bat escaped in.. United Stat.s, with all Its intricaciee jury. and !Peking of a century an.I a quer- King Victor Emmanuel or Italy ter, will go as a flash 10 the pan. narrowly escaper.' death at an assas- The Ass:iv-as rnillsturbed sin's hands in 1853. Leon It. Czelgosz, the man who shot King Ferdinand of Naples was the praenent, Inept not unceinfort- stabbed by a soldier In 183(1. able" after hie crime. Ile was loterrel up Queen Labelle. of npain was at- at N. 1. Pollecv Station, anti after he tacked by ruentes, 1831.1. had Won tater“ew.11 by litiv (-Mem' r.elar Queen of Greece wits shot at or th- :ttw. a wateli ef two :nee was by a ettelent in Zeds:. elate' 1 OW 11101. lie wee t ille bunk Abraham Line as, 1 rreident of the early and watt t4)•0 stslok.p. 11•• seemed [Stilted Statre. oto April 15, wintery, regret :eel un•alAnritott by from a bullet. iir.Ja vIties Boo x pertielturent for the nieht We're. her crime. The erelee In:win:wry of tine attempt ern the life el' the Ger- the entire errantry toe Er on put in nuat temperer its Rein awl attraler Inotien to eNit.,c)•,• II: • Wet nemitist 1 the life, of *iv Prvvid alt. If .plot King' AlfoixiiJ of 6%iiict 1,V4tt.3 then. at there IMO. dp.'b in this elty 18(8. and 4•:Cry 4") .1/ r dosertni -at In the Aieennler of hu env. W;11 ef911,0try Ira% 3 ite hassle with the elnattel Int alarea Ai 1.01 :et. Out- gri.4t tPA•ret teEe eyetien of the erebaree ineuesreenull attetepte eu n*G Ingrain - like life Met beet made in ;it. Pett,rs. 1411 aotti alt-r;_v costin 114" 0E1". harg in. ite,d In Parise 10 " preneof the ereer- %%In ita It naiad wet. Prdrat Jaress A. Galloon was 1'. %hat ikot alono plan - hut by therhe J. Guile:Au JUY •1'1,2 venue welen may roe the , Dna, tail died on Sr ptember Pe. i,tttst of I:0 ruler, but that Prealdint tearttot, el France, 'eau ela•f .!,! t 114 1:6A fp.erle00.01 ntA trues 'stabbed tu death be raiiezio Kaito, in irk r 4 a lien -f Vett wa9 aided .11-4tn.o IS_x 14,.% ec.1 I*1 a 11,•:Pwrato 14 It, and A bezel, wee thrown at I'm...tient tleg euee. rime, of France, on June In, ISe7. to rental or eel eeelenel iq 1%4 teem- Liepreess Elizei bet la el Ansa r.a us. t To, 4 itte 411,04 nee F,Q t int, ere neastittattel in tianeva ;...iipti-tibiJr,,ivorlx1Tit; aavl ilf -y have 10, 1SJS. In1104.° iLlY Nee:Tees, towern the ess Prated of Wake was eholl. at in taip'.1.0-nv.nt te aol-,t thcory'. thry Druesais. April .itle Men heter erg tnattlge 4 the rnrl, of It. Kau,: Rush- ,rt of litab, tra,s as. uS- troet tln-P Ater elnaten :et Seentsa Julz, .tt ,,r!", No. 1. Precautions to Safeguard His Person Will be Doubled. 13erlin, Sept. 6. -King Edward was travelling from Frankfort to Hom- burg when the news of the at- tempt upon President McKinley wee received, and a telegram was im- mediately despatched to meat him acquainting him with the, deed. The Altona-Kiel Railway was ste..onglY guarded by a large force of police, and it cannot be doubted that this latest Anarehist attempt will re- sult in the redoubling of police pre- cautions upon the continent in view of the various Imperial meetings now happening. 11 there had ever been any likeli- hood that the Czar would go to Paris; it may now be regarded as a certainty that he will not go. He had already decider:I yesterday to re- turn direct to Rusala. from Preece witeout returning to Denmark. OTHER AbSASSINATIUNS, Other Attempts, Many Successful, ou Lives of Rulers. Froin 1818 to 1900 there were 80 o.ttenipts, many of them successful, on the lives of Royal personages and Pietro Acciarito tried to kill King Humbert on April 22, 1897. Four attempts were made to assas- sinate the great Napoleon. Queen Victoria's life was attempt- ed three times. Two efforts svere made to kill the Prince of Wales. „ A`24' XI d29! en o. Pdg4 WAS .49t„ Vailr:Ay eirivtr*0the, effoet to peta•trate the crowd. W110 tree t''.#214 e.1,11P. na et le, W00.ut e' 1131 001 2,c,f,a..:3. 111.1 into ka ed .10. '; tit r th tit t sk s 1 ca. et the aslatio , _ 11 !.!:t0 Ted* cron4 hiz.t beta a tear elant enets the President retreated a eielleettel to leo the isetel. • tith. rage. '12.1r.refere:U etep, then as tine detectives livered , 3ntse11 ncne. 01,n, ntsene 7 neeiten ene see onneeee I Wei 'Saute le 1 teen - ti,41.! 41.-tratilte 41%.11 C.A.vtle eane aye enen nine. to.1.17:11r u t D'resident's iv`tiendsilld [tang tine :" tness ee 1 el nen *eaten, , upon big eaeanent, Ler turned. Walked et tee in reg.; ea/ reeett Led et tEs. teteadlint 110 a celear atel /seated Lint- antirinass en see. ,t,,T tie- eerriage. 'eras eerie at the ante time-, removing MS rnetm Unt!'111 sl btArt 1In th none` r. el.' -i- , Ltd and boa hen itte Lead In late henna neeial b -tesni. I two ide /e an. 'The en an Ingaiona ateretary Cot/atom .spert tne rap i "" 0, irl, -I /11 - tetras% and Pea:et-lent .11/tilhatn Were at hie enn they e,Leett;II nerve -del en la *ate eine. His waistcoat was he/entail), nitals2 rencolle 110 t's t •jt 0114 t.'"' ':+-1," and . oteetgeti. tbe Pecan, ta Int after:tile etie the eltibtv.1,3 31. Like a mean retes Ma. monishing these abeat hire to regnalln &tenets l', reeht a, way end!, at the' calm, and tellfing them not to be a1- Pin-oil:1 of tit.- lorses, an' p Tsieil by armed. rkzes at furl getup.. Ler ..se the eerie "No, I think net," areswered the I the lite:elated th egerands the earn( ge "Bat eeez are Wounded," cried his t.litnei .or ,lis th , I:-er ease ie. the georetar,y, "let me01 easanine." tCor ea:A the Lireetla 1.1re gate, go:- ; aesuro sod." mylphni ranneway. 001 vanished pneeineren ani not naniy kart, , nine e ter, el 1, re -ere e 1 Nevertheitee Lis outer gaiteente 1 peace heactmarters were -Lvq, Werv5 haetily Pees:erred, and at Stienti teivertseettng lea the rapes:aloe of Metal ehowed that the Wotst feats • .r.tiers. an 1 Inset -sing that tlh weiv4 confirraera Int ir?en t,,,ree.-zi to pet:re he -lei- '1 1 firre,,:r.ters. folowel there. wi tag to de vieleat enstice if toe Presileut had ;eigetat INDIGNA"I1ON IS LONDON. Iteeliht or sorrow tvitell around Detroit. He was in tiaa elty • Ag everrIng Ca713,': 4.1.1r2C0 re n'etres, Was Retch -ed. grew eo that the rateititcries bitleted 5 Ogg tEto streets in tee vicinity of pc5-1,1: Leaden, Sept. 0.-Tne eieWre Of the aete hetengnartesser tera iLensand a-Sk- „ ing one. anotiv,r "fel the President- .9.tteinpt Upon the nine of Preelident the ileent pence ntoeurthatent starten oat to leen up Nieman, slit tassaSsin of Presineat e Kinlene Details oi Winners weest ; sent oat to invegtvgate every sa.„E en that Mettle In the city sarentern The pollee are ale° looriotg; for Mei c, Meyer, the rabid Suelidist, wO Created a riot recenitey by deneutse g the dead Governor Piegree on the Campus :Martina ant WilLS war ly Mobbed therefor. Nienial 1 thought now to have belong,ed 3111. "dep.:es groop of tnoeitniste, agel ▪ eyer tre igaestronc.,,11 as to itie poseible careteelleu wish the wouidebe aesesein. At /1.15 ra. treepeliee lied Learn- d.efinitely tied was of Vermin tiez-cent, a trade, and had ialway-'s vatted In or ' t31"w11, S pt. 7.-a-neonalle-11 - !Devi 5 Mtn, *n310..; inti-niewed by o ' ' • saae cerreepatiene.a ita Peened to the • rater Lipid trasaresoneti et of Preenlent 'MC 1:DIth.P.7, e'en]: 'Inge peeplle of Cates reat will fern prefoun tertrow at the ▪ n.toniroted ns2re..fti•!11 of "Ir. MA that cl..rrovi,v will be he eeteseel If the atteeipe proves fatal. :lea McKinley ge in 00 r.!_tr•rocly dein, tette etato health. en.5 he has HO teeebt been very aneletre en 0, r be - leaf. It wl.1 net lee eerer.sere it the ereeek whgeli she will receive treet the ante:gotten 011S;11310 11t.'110 og" her huss sixould prove fatal.. "111.:1 pxopie tentede cannert• otherv.ips.! titian 6-„iinap.:4tAtelvitit the iv 13ghb.,r/.2; at titio third vas* apt a-n4sArna. In the 11!no,1 ol serer 1 reeinente. tlt. :re:Chile:a I beneve, hue been a very c nee-nntiene 4.01,..2 0, nest public team: II s heel endears:a-al t •v (;:.)47-2•ZiriV.0nt 10 P United honestly, eci nnee wheli be believen were hest in the pub le ner tereset awl we 1333.Ve 03 lia s tonntrY tivcry reasaa to believe that tie has • b,en. ,ttnated tinting the whi ,le per - ion of lee Ptesideney h a feeling of friendship towasel the Ineitish Empire, ane .eadestvered,to promote • friendly undilletanding between tilt 7, two kindred people, and Canallate !rearenert 'have other than a most trlerelly feeling towafele bitn. It wouLl have no doubt been more oat!. fyina. gie it broader views had been raartifeeted in dealing with some ot , the inteattled ptob:ems between the Lepebao mei this country, but upon -Met cubject at present momeat it le otie duty to be silent, and to do na nriore them •exprrees our profound eortiew at the great Oct of Wicked- ; nese Of -Which. the Pees:idea Is the aletite. VIM aaVt, :5" MI 7elforts tige ponce. McKinley vpread siowly leention.. to disperse the crowds were vain ma The teemeenas et Americans now in futile. Tine roost' or conversation of t this =ass or 11...rjri,a ps,actratel even London were mostly at the thus res 310 the cell sentare Nleteree fey. New tvhen the newe artivern and tetara- !: ' ' 'crew wo'allartirge OVer tag to their betas! towel atelous 310 one of the tle'vesImint balettit 031p1/ of EngiLehmen and Attleticatre wag eetettained. tilscussieg what, without distinction boe.rde, and cheer wildly When the , 31,13 race e ig tegarded as n national t al- atnity. Lonaon't# telephones, usually silent at night, thigh:el With impa- tient enquiries addressed to papers 11 anti American correspondents in the PRESIDENT WAS COOL. Oared at leirst That He Was Not Much Hurt. Buffalo, Sept. 6. -It was a few mo- hope of meeting a denial of the te- mente after 4 p.m.. while Preeident port. statement wag flashed oat that hope The announcement of the attempt - an f in nine minutes after tne sheeting tikatiesninatiott to -night was rcteiv- titer Pri,sident was a.waltitet tho coo e or extra editionsl of the rival of surgeons, who had been snm- pupate to give the news. maned from all sections of the city, 1.1 Leinpatative/Y few nagaEhmen and by special train _from Niagara ' heard the newel toenight, but all FaThlisle- Ptesident eontinued conseious had. been the King instea.d of the I these exptessed sympathy, as if it end conveteed with Mt. Cortelyonatia Pteeldeet, The lattee'S kindly per - Mr. Millirem on his way to the hoe- . gonality, his itiendehip for England, pitaL ; and Old kindly message of emideleece et am sorry," he geld, "to bare upon the oticarsien of Queerr tictoriens been the cause of trouble to the death were nil /greet/tiered and ExeroatiOn." eommented upon. efeKinley was holdieg a public recep- Ail the newspapers this morning teen he the great Temple of NI si the Pan-American grounde, that the seC 00 p-rilbSInagi°tifeaticti.tcsmunntpstrurp(anonitiutfertild°etinctIbe cowardly attack ware made. eic einleyte life. Despatches have been The President, thong!, well guarded roc.lved fr.nn abroad regarding the by United Sta.tee eity detectives. roe ration of the neWs, which excitts 31 w'as falls- exposed to sixth ari t' ranee ed and anti ere discussion of nit! eeenrred. fr" st,'.05 at the edese of means* to pie vent eaareiriste' out- illeP raised sale 01130 ne'deh sEancle rwtnv.r. referoder•S to previous. at- - he great pipe orgel nt tire e cc erre e. an the urgent need of the o' the magnificent ititrnefere. irerin ar slitlon of grerter police preeautiona big right stood nolin G. nfilbern, of , then ever la tepublEce -red the freest peefalo, Prof:Seen. of the Pa31T-Affier. i. nattiest p to a. month ago, when he die- uppeared, leaving trace ae to hie whereabouts oe prenable daraln-- atiera. Tree poliee beileve 11V:39 3.4.41e4.91.tia tr0311 n!i..„10,ty of tReds" to assassinate tee Pees: - dent. buffalo, Sept. deaThe pence have east learnen that the real tante ol the Would-be assant,in is, Leon Czol- gem Ile was horn in Detroit and cutup here horn Cleveland, itaavelosis via Cis/rage. Chicage, Sept. 6.-nive Anatehists were ar.eite..1 -here to -night on infor,, teatioix from. Buffalo. One of the five 315 12 Beahim Isekk, 1e 7):. • the ehowing. 11r. T. M. Geddes, of Clarkebarg, Was sfanling almost witida tea feet Of the Peesident Whim tha lat- tOr was sl.ct down. Speaking of the tragedy to a reporter., Mr. G'ecides -said: "There were two lines gn guards extennieg frons the street into the Temple of Mus.e. The Pre- sident walleki through the centre of these :guards into the Inatill en - trace. Ile had just entered the building When a noaDes mese pushed tiiroug,h tbe .gunials •and ,extended his hand to the President. Mr. Einley shook by the band, and then we heard the reports and saw e.novka from the revolver shots. At the •second shot the- President Sti.gger.d . . L bae.verards, not uttering 0 i...ound. `.L'Nviii of Lifeguards Millf.d'• t tire m ,n who pad tilt' shoot -an:. The.,e wi.,s sciiinv of wIld exc t m an:1 w is Impos- sible to wx....4 going on. P.'ora• . • mg th•ii wi0v .101• tax. ;e• ,,olied a foi•eNai.e, Ile w 44; t. • eresste ein epee:reel le. ab 22 years Vanedivin COrlYTISIQsionrr's• Regrets Ottawa, Sept. 7.-(SpPci al)-Wn3- Hutchinson, Canadian Commissiotee to the Pan-American 'Exposition, tele- graphs as follow: Briffalo. N. Y., Sept. (31. -Yesterday we Canadians had tile g -,-pat pleasere of meeting Pre..irl- lit Mee:Inlet- In beildin,g. The I ele if ee. epriehtly st unnseusei imann.q., made uti all feel the gre.0 est admi-atto for the mare New al, .2 gi . -a, the President steed: - n er Eland 013 t „, n 41117. 11213) 11 ' his fair. a and t' p 1 of 111eat notice in their nre, 31 1 • eie eover.y. eneeetb .a. ..e. ineoe.