HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 5OANADIAN NEWS. Forty-eight students are now attendance at the London Mo Sohool. The Moose jaw Times estinlat the grain yield of that district 1,770,000 bushels. in Clel es at of on fir d or nd n, al y 7 t, of n ti0 g 1' t General dt i e, 18 e 8 8 ek tt n The Metho ' ° " � er al Boartl Missiosls will meet at St. Mary':s October 11th to 10th. A 0. 1' B .train W. derailed ne Swift Current on Saturday last an 15 persons were injured, Geo, Ball fell down. an elevat shaft in London on Friday lest a wee. almost instantly killed, Cornell, a young ma was killed by a Michigan Cent train hear Delhi, Ont., on Saturda last, A. fire at Copp Bros. t'ouuuli premises, Hamilton, Monday nigh caused damage to the extent $7,000. Fully insured. Fierce forest fires aro raging i the vicinity of White River, 2 miles from Fort William, and doin great damage to property. ' . Relit. Ferguson, M. P. P, fo Fast Kent, died at pllaniesvill Saturday night. Mr.Ferguson wa born in Scotland sixty-nine yea ago. Wray Bres., of South London breeders of (golden Wryanciottes won 11 prizes on 12 birds at th Toronto Fair -4 firsts, 3 second and 4 thirds. Tho ten-year-oldson of Jame Doneliy, of Sharbot Lake, nee Kingstou,Ont., was drowned in th lake on Friday while swirfnin with a companion, Tun HERALD and Thrice -a -We New York World, as ;rod as daily, one year for $1.05. Send i your name and address to E. Zeller Zurich. Cash to accompany order Iron. Mr. D'lcBride,the Provincial Minister who recently resigned, says he believe, that three other members of the British Columbia Government will follow hind ee- ample. The new Grand (..)pera, House, London. erected at a crit of neatly ~50,000, was opened Monday night ander this most favorable ausl)iees. The entire seating eralewi€e' of over 1,0U0 was utilized. Charles V. Parke, general pro- duce merchant, of 1 'ia rton, has been selected for the pt):e,tien of sheriff of Bove County, on the rtet'-a a enation t>f C ". i.:itnwnum, M. P. P. for North Bruce. Arrltit' Ltrneeley, the lit .y var.old ila111ilton boy who stale the church tolloetion alnonnling to nearly atilt! and setuandeert'tt it. 'MIN yesterday titel:iteellte'tl tr) .1tentetallguishtnt4 re- ivrmatory for three years. The striae of the Ottawa lnaehin- este, �whitelt befoul in Mar. is likely to be called off that 'week, as et t' a huUln- promie hits been )tffI'rta'tt by wench tilt' Melt tty1'e'a' to twine an Inile'#s.! in wagos and !to batik to work at this e)It hours.ei George Toxl,, the Attetra ian t'huntpion smiler,, who iet uleri c•h:unpian of Enaltend, defeated. Mardis Cdulldaur all Rut 1'orta,r*le.t hut., on Saturday'. over a three..luile +'Tinto, with a turn, for thug r'haulhr- leit ship tai' the wield,, J. Lennon. iirrllt)'e.tl. rehairnn:athe er of the Union. is daily reeeie`ft reports from (he' tarir'u' eeeti0115 of the C. P. It.. whiQelr show that tire libel are ge arllalal.l%' ll'eteit'U- taw to evork all over the .eiloid. Some feet colaal)httilit:y a1r'' 1)tei!!l!• re- reive(l, but these'. he says. eeill alit de' :rtI,jrisatr=ct in time.. i':rtest Beer, .aged about eta. sola of John Beer. proprietor of the' Brill's "lead tavern, Toronto, was,. attested Member, o111110 charge. of • tllureleriug Michael Hartnett, a eat • - tlosnatil, who was fatally inferred ill a brawl 131 Beer"s tavern some time ago. It 1s alleged that Beer struck Hartnett oyr the bead With a base ball bat. Hm a elt haat previously assaultedd s'eep's father'. 7 THE ZURICH 1-I';, ,LD A WOMAN'! LOVE) A sentinel angel, eating. high in glory, Heard this shrill wail ring out from purgatory: "',lave mercy, mighty angel; hear my story! "I loved, and, blind with passionate love, I tell, Love brought me down to death and death to hen, For Cod is'u tand deathfor a sin just,is w sli. "I do not rage against this high decree Nor for myself do ask that grace shall be, But for my love on earth who mourns for me. "Great Spirit, let me sec my love again And comfort him one hour, and I were lain '1'o pay a thousand years of fire and pain." Then said the pitying angel: "Nay, repent That wild vow{ Look! The dial finger's bent Down to the last hour of thy punishment!" But still she wailed: "I pray thee let me go. I cannot rise to peace and love him so. Oh, let Ale soothe him in his bitter woel"• The brazen gates grot>'nd sullenly ajar, And upward, joyous, fke a rising star, She rose and vanished in the ether far. But soon adown the dying sunset sailing, Andlike a wounded bird her pinions trailing, She Buttered back, with broken hearted wailing. She sobbed: "I found him by the summer ses. Reclined his head upon a maiden's knee. She curled his hair and kissed him. woe is me!" She wept: "Now let my punishment begin! I have been fond and foolish. Let me in To expiate my eorrow and my sio," The angel answered: "Nay, cad soul, go higher! To he deceived in your true heart's desire Was bitterer than a thousand years of lire!" —John Ray. • THE BARON'S STORY �a:♦xOisO::�:t�a♦N':�r�'tO:reD�:ei:�i , We called him "Mr. Smith," but we all knew that he was a baron. When • he was ill, his thirst for sympathy made him unusually effusive. I called on him every evening. Once. a few days before his death, he detained me l that be Noes not know. Let him rise' at the 'conclusion' that I and feting from something with a certain double breasted Latin name to it, and he will think he has seized the devil by his tail. Yet all he has actually caught is some big Latin ,word. That's all, 'Mysterious look,' indeed! Phrases of this kind are invented by story writers to bamboozle their readers, and I in- vented mine to bamboozle my o'wn self. All I. did know was that I was in love with the young countess ---in love like a ninny, like an idiot." The countess brought with her some money, but her father went through it in less than six months. He was a good natured, pompous old spendthrift, and when be Was not boasting of his ancestry he was lamenting the defunct glory of Poland, or else he would the lovelorn young officer with v in his native tongue. "Pardon me, sir," the other plead, "but I have not the honor o acquaintance with the Polish guage." "Ah, but the music of the wo sir!" the old man would return. " sic is the language of the angels, as of our writers says, and the an ought to be able to make themse understood to a good man like your Tell me, sir, have you ever heard a tiling sweeter than"— And the old trtot would go on reciting his ode w more ecstasy than ever. Once he broke into sobs over the of the country which had produced melodious language. "Herr Salmi was at once touched and amused, the upshot ocit was that the Pole rowed a fear hundred tinders of bin] Isere my Second avenue friend h toned to explain that the old fe was anything but a schemer or an venturer. "Ile was simply a weak —too weak to bold money or tongue," be said. "If he had not b so simple hearted and honest, he w not have disclosed the real ntttur sat• bore erse would f an Ian- rds, Mu - one gels Ives self. ny- pa- lth • fate this dt" ZURICH Pa O. Is epee. daily except Sundays from ale: I' 8 a.. IPI., until 0 p. tn., The mails aro �r ' distributed tis follows : MAIL vole I'1.kNsALL, close i:tt 0 :aa a.n1 tt ti „ fl a Y r i zn JOSEPH, t' 11:7 0 ton tt- " L. I . &B., t' 0:S5san se `` L, B. &B., 4 9,:55iant "` FROiI I31 NsAL:r+, arr, 11 :00 tent st tt tt " �r T 7:30 pin " ST.,/ efuti'It, e t 10 :46 a, ln. tt t, L. 11. &B., t, 11:00 tun.: " L. H,&:L., tt ; :30 ani LETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, ]ntlst be posted half an hour previous to the tine for closing the mails. D.S,FAUST, Postmaster, The Latest EVERYBODY ENJOF�; HEARING IT. The Edison Cocert Phonograph (Largest on Earth) We are open for all kinds of Engage. meats. Prices correct, Manager. and 1 M FOR SALE `)00 acre's of bor- � choice hull, consisting of Lot 3, Con. 1l, Hay, and Lot 19, South fel i.J3oundary, Htty' (x'x)Il bank barns, X 52 and 40 x. 110, and frame ' ad"man ` dwellings on eetu•ll lot. Plenty of '' ` � e 190 gold spring water. On once foam until daybreak. Ile was full of path and sail humor. and he told me mu of bis past life. He was apparen ashamed of this mood of his and veil struggling against It. ..t last he rats himself from his pillow, with a gestu of despair, saying: "It's no use trying to be strong at manly and so forth and so on when t machine is ali out of gear. We old fo are like babies. We want people to cu die us. to sigh over us. ''r't'e are hung for nttention." 1 s nlst fluid that with all his Windt. ness and sentimentality and in spite his sincere aversion to being ndtlrese es baron there teas something fu b bearing and mariner of speaking will kept reminding one Out he was baron after all. 11.1te story of Countess at, who s brought him to New York, where he I was to "cease being a German without n bemiring an :tluerlean," as he put it, Is e one of the episodes I heats from him a that nightrr Her father, it Polish nobleman In re- dueeed cirrumstaiio ,, settled In Ger- g y many when "Herr Schmidt" Vas a. sublieutenant. The young tuaxl's regi- d went was stationed in a humdrum, t 4 out of the way town. and the advent oi, e the countess (she was a young widow) y made a stir. "She was pretty. That goes without r snylne.," he said, with the wistful look 'I a whleh searerly ever left has peaked Ito sallow face during that week. "Pelt by se telling you this d tell you tiotbtng, for el 4i her teal potter over rile was something, Ian which marredmarredher good looks rather 1t than enhanced them. She had ill queer li We Sell All the leading makes and can satisfy .you il.1 quality, style. and iglu;e, Here's the list Hartford 2oth Century Antelope Sentinel ,1329 13 and Mc Burney be 'Uri *stogie 130Tt '-Lt' the Tule Posree ea.ete halt .Fo Holt eco 9 We leave a few' 2iid Band wheels and a Stearns tandem (combination) All in goods Order'. Call and see them. his there is an ovrerllowillg well. On wo p een good °'r1i. p road, land runvt°$ileal# Antelope ; to sellout )oral Wilco ulna eltureehtes, os ' his title to me, It appeared that ho wa ch one of the so called Roman or papa try counts, you know, las father haven ily received the distinction from the Vatt- ed can for serrlee in the holy army' se e ✓ something of that kind. Ile insisted however, that In the early history o id Poland his ancestors were members o he the highest nristocraey, noel he traced ig his pedigree to a sister or a cousin uro hi. a 8nebotly wbo was entitled. to the 1'y ' throne, he said. The worst of it was that the title of the countess' dead hits e- band was of a similar character. and oa „ of course the old tool told me ail about It.• ed 1 iiow 'the old man's ancestors carne to ;3 loge their old position was never rustle ell clear Ionia, at "At Iast X laude my declaration. She N gave me a long look, the longest and teatliest I had ever received from b thought. and madee a clean breast o I1, I insisted that she 'MS a g;enetl orates and that I would have in geld her It she were a, peasant girl, a 11 ibut sort of thing She wept .a called rile an angel, and 'eve became e ti mile's to Exeter station. Will 8: "'merit. gi 'C 1„ trrhatst'r envie-tt'rin:: taf par- t Winrt power. t""iuipl�e'd tor . "' l)ili)tl,illo. t']zoppin , Straw matinee• tee.. Ail lrrtiblings ill triedl elate' tri repair. with g.lslfllarge'tlririnii-be,l ; ' and other` outbuildings. t iii felt f I there i" 1f nt'l'e's e,f tenni bush, and oil earl*earl*fatrirt one meek tut e•r't'?a,trtl. For term., apply to lamer 11 eine nl_1N. to;u'e'1)tat lit 1, er, CIt tie ate nd nil aged. "When Inv mother heard of la she et to that town'. Although she bought Isle a prolihet and went Into estnsles over every piece of rot 1 said,, et she WAS .a very sensible woman.. he was opposed to the rnnnrrlage be - reuse 1my iinncee WAS a. widow as well s t)a netount of the questiotntble qust' of their title. but held her on coun- t.Stir~ haul no trouble to silting up the teem, w, and before* 1 knew it he had rrowed of her tt snug amount And artfully yielded to her plea Hot to de- lve ber of her Icor. She was nlerfeotly t1• way of atolding to 111eeet °sour glance when she 8g)Ohse to yon' wfndeir did not 1nI !weenie her. At 11tst 1" ,ruade logy 1113' a hand that the was an aelf'e.'etead, disali- 22ie1)llous ereatrlrr. i prided Ilni<seaf up* toil on try' !ogled Into human native* In lye those days. It ti' lis, Crit usotaner who hard le put'tient notion into in heard. 1 Was tea her' pea don't you know; so she was ,to forever diseoveting some ileo sort et ;1 111 genlus In tyle I was a. 'prophet of the oto humeri soul' slalom; alot of other' good ha things, end for some reason this title Ilett pleased me mote than 21uything else. 'sl' 1n other words, i heartily agreed with til bee that writ !t 'irtaphet' and so forth tit OW to ob. Well, when i met this ;coma all ess tor the Rat time and ouiid that SO she rottlrf not leek rfie tuil In the face 1 tail salad to Myself, 'Liars look like that.' Ina "l Was r-attset• elated by this rilateiten bo melon epi? any wisp oini, I teat tell eoii b thin. but i sooty had to change imy mind da about the young wounaiia. 1 saw her hi again and •again, and twat Mouths brad rod seareely passed berore 1 knee- ber as an sister.. Well. as 1 did ray sister.. she tarn- the ed out to be the most truthful and sit- 1110 vete person f had lever' seem. As to her she habit of looking away from het inter-" locator, It was an inborn trick, due to 1121 some sort of :ink In her ilett'ous sys- tem, glad 1 srpirose. However It may bare enbeen, those unsteady, bashful oyes of sen hers disturbed my peace of mind mut lake were the sonree of'the whole trouble drag 'Why doesn't she look up? 'Dashed if lasI don't get her to stare me straight in bir the eyes for ten minutes together,' and ing so forth and so on. She was candor it- the seta and it any was bashful it was list 1 rather than the countess, yet 1 Weis Y crazy to part her at bet ease. to gain her 'gal Mr. Richard. Becher Hulse a'rforel. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Cabinda its! the Pro Villi of'Otttatio, died at Victoria hospital, London, o11 k1onnday even- ing at 6 o'clock. His death will be heard of with keenest regret front' one end. of the Provinee to the other. Even to his his most inti- mate friends the trews conies as it severe shack, for ?although the Grand Master had been ill for seev eraal weeks,his demise Wall DOt loci t:- "d upon. Paralysis tests the cause of death. Mr. Hungerford We a 'fid degree mason and had a long and active ;Career in the order. W. Wight, al. well-known drover. was assaulted afid robbed of nearly $2,0'00, near Boer menzviile, on ton - day morning. Mr. Wight, who re- sides at Tyrode, was on his way to Btirketot Station, on flat C. P. R., where he had arranged t. ship stock. Mr n buy—. He was !driving ilial eart, and when he wars north of Hayden, on the Riede Road, in alonelySlyot,solne' putties ran up be- hind mini, striking him on the batik of the head. The'blows rendered ilii$;:. uneolis ious. 'Ocie of the MOWS WAS 8 veiy'datngerous one, mat the ioem.l physician feara it may ea se eonr'rssion of the 1)raili. There is no clue to the perpetrators. ditnk with hitn, It 2pgi'eerra L She to i rl In all she thought et the marriage lid begged lam to take? fifty eon leer. "AsII1 Inc would have It the rolielt est had tt taster In Americo, the wad' r alt a WeztltlI3' g)hyeitien, vehe* had roteased to trace are of hits and his to `I y! e it t se t• +i is d a y , e d e s t re tighter provided the two went In her. Well, partly beeanse of to otbees !ilea, partly firec use of til frit' she offered Mute, the oldoldMAD as t melted away sand declered. In 11 me of his great uneestots that I 21s not the than to let bis dauglite row herself on Anybody; that If 11 le Wag trot xiek! enough he would he Ow her td marry the for 1t141.1ion5,1111 forth and se U. How be tecot3 nolle this With the tears be bed over ns times broken heart 1 do not know t I do knoll` thea ibis muddlemuddle headed ystericat nlmc�orepoogi could twist 1ni liglighteraroaroundhis ledger'. She lova: e— e—yes, she loved ruet Uteri h d her they metre :going to Ateetccad d that hewould tether see Ther dee n wattled tel s.Get man snob ws'ros tber tailed his nobility in quest o obeyed lam. 'Th'This Is the way f came to leve m live Ooulltry and my coniaeetloM to difficulty in finding the noun d leis daugihter. His sestet' bad nue se than he. and. thanks to bet, tried the wonhan I loved. We were riper, but 'oar• happiness eves not to t long. She died of her first child Lb, and my mother, who was expect us to return toGermany, departed s world during the same week. ,dry et was drowned a few months later Cr s, It was it Year of deaths and an - sit. I don't thiiilk my Iheart Qywea full 'Confidence "The ptopllet of the cam Winne soul' Was simply as hopeless fool. That Was the long and abort of it. Of Ant course T slid not give up the sttnsggle, as old thine ordinary mortal alight have done: lies 1'ropb'etiike, I took to philosophising, Ale generaliz€ug; exiling lino play try In- tiltn sight' pletely recovered front it. 'I have bad why ups and downs in erica.. 1 have tried to retire to my home. but it is no ase. My' home Is .e I urn neither a German nor ani erica$; bet the past is gone to re- nevet more. I ani ;used to this part ot New Yotk, end 1 like the tespeet and attention erhiell the people show around here My heart Is filled with ness most of the time, but then I er like to feel that way, I have al- ways been fond of :sad music's—belts York -Commercial Advertiser. "With a idourislt of trumpets I merle . the the discovery that it Was the mystery the of those eyee of hers Which Was trou- sad bling my brain and my heart. The re- path snit was the same as when a. doctor tits one learned airs and makes rt men - et note ot ilia diagnosis In his pe- ones ease. Look betel If Sbakespeat e eally tbougbt there was nothing in 1t anise he uses grievously 'mistal en. A nate Is 'eltber tis erre than nothing ot Irerything. When the 'dotter does not ' now what ails met be knows to least II '1'.o' prune tO Yell that' br. » Chases OlnttnentIsAcertam P1 �eS aoa absolute' cure for Hach Arab revery forn4 of ;tolling, t7 r II n e 6leediaaaandttortadhl piles. the rhairfifiefirrere have grYarntateeait. 'Seates- tifitonittle in' the daily press and ask .'ro'drneigh- bore whattheqthink 'of it. Yon eanWelt nnd ilei aur %doer back if no't tufa&, 60o n. h'o'p at all leakier orED:lagges,BaT $5 CO.,Porontu,. Dr, Ohase's Ointment Ing yea. Charlie—Yesi I heat him, but be le till tello )31t g SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TtsAI9;:aso51lsnils MAntlrC COPYRIGHTS &C. Ane.a ar rt'raolt•5) Aekeetl, cud arses,[f l„az t)n>r gnh'sor > 1rct3Un Isar a ' saatna Fero trope'°.@, r no Inway.)yia is reosstoy psur42tj.e. r7rIu euua, t,'1. tardyneadanerceoatJahenetel llanilt'Wfltr u r'n, slit sent tarda. 4171dSt Pia of ea aY' . lr'ne.a I i .ict a.e . x ale ti laiitra tb,r tis Mann .0 a x a7i0 rJrr w:ez itcdond:.uut•caemme,Lath,e � t � American, .sli :dtionell•lltshlrE 1 article I'ar t°a' r3 dugong or any arlersig *. E' 018*9 ns • ,, ; s; +tsar; t.e:IC tn,eetatral, IL &LI brell hew tofr 5 e i'. MUNN o 3121°Ittd"OiNew York intauu aJ flee. � 7tt Wa+hla;sa .., L. c; Mkt .r .. ,t, :Alga I•11 ..1.104•11.1t. is :t Beauty in "Ryle" and Finkle It is very $areireily Built and is dist the \V'lte't'1 itor aanintr,v It rade. ann and See Call and w: Z.Lr.�rtL The JQOi Sentinel is a model in the art of bicycle, eonstruetion. Every Wheel of t his lirm s make is made of the highest grade of material anti fully guaranteed. Our prices Are Right our P ices. ent ZURICH NTEED 1425 NEW YORK AVE.. 'WASHINGTON. D. at WM return ace it Patent is not secured. Sena for ineentor'e Guiae, ow How to Get le Patent. aria -Alen thio Pape:. and tledara special rates,104 YfiEltES Is Fa•ctig stsfise,l t3 rl tate iii ettiokegs-e fntgwdees s:7 lestete'dknefetfan!st c .tit:eaics A 45 antra IS Il<_s 'a''cit _,g s,�.y snsy1Sorsa tea herr *7a�eas r Fe a.I £-TMilli?! Model Jap 't t 7..a Sgielal &h re/etaa Sfi'I" 1=c: e !11-1 41 88atirorillnspnlffs,8'5 tea hut eaterag. ',°rhea i°thd' tl Mut ttE itenett CO. new HAii'EE'Y, oaths. honked th 6? OUR tri slielp.aoil sun. .1610 Ylbs, tEl tic and testify they- aye :re rre:•tern neent1- et1. You re -ill do likewise titter a Triaal. Our line c'onsu'ls ,i ternee iia• Balsam (the safest. and }est l)ai'taer known') "see Tee:time)7niol t: )Iia• Draughts. Chill and F,eve r- and Tonicfixtures,. Lotion for 1.1.-ou $tis. • Heave Remedy. (.e)nclitia)it Ponder, Hoof Ointment. and Gail Caere. • Every reinitetly , (Ynxatr'aia c`e.''tetl, 41+1• motley refunded. • VETERINARY ADVICE PRE 74;e1 5211`; Coastuitati The Kind You Want Those wahines ere pile up in aeer opnER youR pRINTIN, ione each one. They are to be bad at every store in the Country. M*1=0.7.\. and if your storekeeper or drug- , gist dont keep them, write us and land we will forward them prompt- ly. Every Farmer and Stock owner should have them on hand. Prepared by The Eureka. Veterinary Medicine Co LONDON AND GOOD ItESULT:i. ILL ",S LY FOLLOW. oar Ct Vg Anai levet are erste teta soef tnx Poe - trait Seif ale zhitp 11 rev ieiat vete sea altia strll set reeci alto e et tate nee areet Pax aerie re me nora cello LS 14 mere earl re ter tin Hen