HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 4ant
r line
r line for
mall Advs.
'Stolen wu1
insertion and 25
neat insertion.
of advertisement roust
otlater'than Tuesday night
O insure change in follow -
cal notices in ordinary reading type
cents per line. Notices for ebureh en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half-eolannn and
quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
eommunieations to
T e sale',
Russia had a spring this your, un
unusual occurrenee in that via -nitre
and as a result her harvest of
cereals will be the largest for many
years. Consul Heenan, at Odessa,
says that the gradual rises in tem-
perature, instead of the sudden
change from cold to heat, hate lneell
most favorable to all crops, and
wheat, rye, oats and. barley will
give more than the average yield
this year.
The first stake for the world's
fair at St. Louis in 1 `,Ail:i, was thriven
on Tuesday. by \Villitun Il. Thomp-
son, president of the NattionaI Bank
of Coynnlert'e, who aeted in hie
official capacity of d•hairnnan or the
-committee on grounds and build-
ings. The fair will be the grandest
of anything yet attempted in this
line, as no It'ss than thirty million
dollars will be expended on Ladd.
Ings and grounds. wlyereate the C'hi-
eago exposition ground.: east only
about eighteen 3aeillit►ne and iht
Paris Fair nine millions
Vienna -tithe; upon the etre>veell i'nt
in England in favor elf ltltutit•ipal
telephone.. a i.:vntle•lt ba1t411eeN4 }elan
in a letter to the egress e,'i'i's made
instances of the saran Hens tet' the
NntiOnale Tit -Theme c'e mpany. . -My
titan," he writes. **hue tear telt•i
phone instrument, and 1 have erne•
at Iny private 'tense p nee in a10„
they' :arse as flrlletays e t ►a1de tit ..air
London c(flie'te. «+i Pall 0 4:x11: slue' a(t
t)111e Rieln rellitl ril'lno e. toile at ear
Ascot oflll'te and vete €at vY",.uE' Sun.
ntla�±ttale stflla'i'. tithi edie ail eaua Iva -d•
r to resitlen(•t'. ltWino 1lv'm1,1.„ Rfeh.
lrrtrrrli. :''ire .tlat. ye ee(3ltitut•v1 e ' ua(u ,'e _:
for these ii/ISIe'nieunt'eet`v itisunutvat rep
abiut ':ei pvie f3i,lrlaiti, t -b eliiu-.F .esti'
the 4'I e elaargieiI u'e,ra';I three ninon.-
nnee_e.agt' outside trate dist 1itaain.
viz.. if front luny* lLeeaten ear 4.fY°1n-
nlond tineas I tette fuer nun- .1. ,eeesy
tstlYi°(', at payment a vt :it1. a.. netaae e' ti;A Y
as tbre'e•luirad t' v.vntvter attzeeun.'
Furtheienteee. it tit•+.iait'irtlw• t.thes
ever an Bonar to r 1'r14.1i In eont3neet it ens :
tend the (.01re-spatnele'nnt tonteibila-t'.
4 ; theft, 3 ; shalt.
, 3 suspected kill -
stealing horses, 4:
rugs 1; keeping gar
eo, 1 ; resisting arrest, r1 ;
; insulting white women,
t°lltin white person, 1 ; by
:tate Chaps," 1; mistaken inden.
y, 1.
The man Who 'Wold Succeed.
Should President McKinley Die.
Zig the event of the death of Presi-
dent McRinley,Theodore Roosevelt,
the Vice -President, will guide the
aaffirs of the Aynerican Republic
for the next three years and a half.
Mr. Roosevelt is an interesting per-
sonality in American polities He
has been described as rich enough
not to work at all, yet he works
hard all the time. He is brilliant,
let not discreet, always speaks his
mind, is tirelessly industrious, but
yet finds time to enjoy the society
of his wife and children. He has
been a deputy Sheriff in Montana,
a politically unique figure, a sports-
man, an author and a soldier.
-Teddy" Roosevelt, as he is popu-
larly known, is the author of the
phrase "the strenuous life." He is
a fighter, and his influence, power-
ful as it was, he lent towards ereat-
mg the war between the United
States and Spain for the possession
of Cuba..
Theodore Roosevelt was born in
New York, October 27, 1858. His
father, who died in. 1879, was for
many Tears an influential Republi-
cttn, but his uncle, Roble Roosevel
was equally influential in Dem
cratie politics. Theodore Rooseve
himself is a life-long Republica
although he is not what is know
as a machine nlan. Indeed, h
• TH ZURjCfi• fHEl'E, 441 `
19 mills.
The Blyth baseball elub has not
last a game this season.
Mr. J. P. Whitney will deliver as
kaon -political address at Listowel
Fair on October" 2,
It is understood that the Govern.
hent hits about decided to buy the
Wiltsie site for the new Clinton
Riohaard Robinson, living South
of Exeter, had hisaeollar bone frac-
tured and suffered other injuries in
a runaway accident on Wednesday
The rate of .taxation in Blyth is
of last week.
Sarah Ellison, wife of Leonard
McTaggart, Exeter North, died on
Monday of last week at the age of
73 years. Deceased hied been ill for
some time, her trouble being
Apple 'buyers are numerous in
f the northern part of the county
and are paying o2 to $2.50 a barrel.
Two farmers in East Wawanosh
lhave sold their orchards for *400
and *600 respectively,
At the request of the town coun-
cil Mayor James Wilson has ,ten-
dered the sympathy of the people
of Goderich to Mrs. McKinley and
the American nation on the blow
inflicted on them by the hand of an
assassin, and they hope that the
Ruler of Nations will spare Presi-
dent McKinley to his people.
A rare opportunity to secure two
excellent pictures of the Duke and
Duchess of Cornwall is afforded
to HERALD readers. The pictures
will be given free to subscribers of
t ' fn ERALD and the Montreal
o' Family Herald and Weekly Star
It from now until Jan. 1, 1902. The
two rapers will be sent to any ad -
nn' dress for 30 cents. You Can't afford
is to miss this opportunity.
independent manner of thinking
- and speaking has more than once
embroiled hint with the party, but
Roosevelt has always had the cour-
age sof his eonvietions, and was
never afraid to express what he
1s a young man Roosevelt grad- ` I
' muted. from Harvard in 1880, and i
then entered Columbia. Law School. '1
. •ln l"81 he was nominated for the in
• n
Assembly in the `21st District of 1 a
NOW York City. was elected by a P
handsome majority, and soon be-
teuyue 011e of the Republican leaders. i
ti 1
1t I n
a 1I1. Roosevelt t w t: ] t �� et., nuult3,ttt �, t
ere for Mayor of Ney" York by the s
l;epublieuns, and ran against -
Abram S. Hewitt, Democrat, and 1 a
Henry George. the Labor Candi- as
date. He was badly beaten in this
tlnree-eornered c=ontest, and for a" n
tinge kept out of polities, and tarn- • don Free Press say; the liabilities
ed his attention to literature. Ear of the company* are between $7,000
ly in May. 1 st1, President Harrison; and 0a,U00 and the assets lass than:
appointed hilts a Citi i1 service cont• 1 *6.000 The cause of failure is
lmysinner, and he continued in of -1 given its over expenditure on pitent.
ik'e under President Cleveland re-
signed in, lMl1:>r to be some President'" Dates af:Fan Farre.
of the Pollee Commissioners of
Now York. He did remarkable ; Hay Branch Agricultural & Piety*,
work in re=forming the delyartment, ' Zurieh-Sept.
whit'+, under Tammany influrn�ces, Dny'titsld-.Oct. 3-4.
had l eeonre utterly demoralized
Exeter -Sept. 16.1 .
and e0rrttpt. It was his habit to Myth and 3lorlitaBl;ttil�.�fket., •;1.
walk aliotit the eity at night and Great ' •orth-Western,(ioderiria®
in the early morning, to See for greet• 1.2.
himself how the officers were at- S. Huron, Setaforth.e5ept. '2.1 2''e. j
h nding to their dirties.- He kept h". Sharon, l3ru: sell. -Oct. •�.
nap this evert: fd,r several weeksoned, Tttrnberry, Wiitl han-•-i eept. Wel-
the poheee of New York suddenly
fouled themselves attending to Ashdeith Dunglomone-flet. lei -11.
ieav-eynnnees. Howie k, (lorrie-Oat. 12.
In this leasitinn Mr. Roosevelt :v. 'W `wittering, Betalin -Sept :2vu.y„►1_ l
S ervted two yteat':i, and then resign- N. Middlesex; AiLat Craig, o apt.
Clubbing rates
j'We have made' arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Trtls I:TItRALD : '
Daily Globe . 4.00
„ Mail & Empire- 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.50
„ Mail & Empire �] ,iii
Berliner Journal (Gerinan) ;3.511
Family Herald & Star 1.1:1
reb Solo Agent
for Zurich
Commercial Hotel
This popular hotel has been
thoroughly renovated and refitted,
and will be found up-to-date in
every respect. ""`
Every attention paid
traveling public.
Should be in eyery Horne. • If
Your Friend or Neighbor is not
a Subscriber, let us know and
we will send him a sample copy.
u crib r
we will se' leer TETE TBERALD
to the enol of 1901 far
25c. 25c.
to the The
On Thursday of last week Jaynes
Whitely, one of the pioneers of the J Cj
Huron tract, died at the residence
of his brother, Joseph Whitely, Graduate O t r e i a n,
South street, Goderich, at the age °P
of 89 years and three months. The H E N S A L L.
c. eceased was born in Fermanagh,
reland, trod came to this country
l 1p, w settling ins Goderich his re -
oval to the town about two years
go. Fittedeon Scientific Fz illciji1e :.
The J. E. Creely Company, wwTich
'arriete on a sanitary dairy business
n London with eretuneries at Ido•
poke, rand Clinton and slimming
tations at Seaforth and Brucefield,
etas gone into Iiquidation. There
re numerous creditors in Clinton
mi the surrounding townships ;
luny of the patrons have received '
ro pay for two months. The Lon -
tel, to tie sept the post of Assistant 19.210 -
A FULL sTua`l: OF
Watches and
Original Herb Compound
Kidney and Liver Regulator.
Sp eeial attent hill paid la
all kind, of Repairing..
C. St'oneman,,A
Se etetarat of the Xatr;y. off'er'ed to Xorthern,Wanikertlrrt-:; t tit heeds. i a
hint by Pre':•ideln McKinley. When, 1%. Ztrrrar, rJ[arrstoeek-Sept,
tine war with $peat broke out lttr. !1
} sit lie wwanttd tojoitt
the army and go to Celia. His ex-
planation to friends for his auction ,; Revised every Thursday riltc•ri;¢,�wn.
Reeti:(eveit resigned his latest alt• " MARKETS' �" E w 1 w
3ivrlytrrl('tat lyi''can. ' " ' • r
w.l that the had claire as tritlrli as
his intention of !flaw¢ entinuin tris aallyt ne to bring till the wa1r, and
alis las• ,:er,Lol.s it tai ""when. war 'Was declared he had $o
elieal er andtinai:ek�'t ',:► s��nl ¢1 nage'..- right to ask others to do the fight.
im. and stay at home hitnself.
sages by telegrams. The tore r;r•aph Mr. Roosevelt organized the vol -
service, it win be 117'+Y1leeteil. ?:•+ un- unteer ettvielra• that Ims gone Into
tier (overn/neat c•vrntrerl and . niaaya_
history as the **Rough Riders," abo ly eoIal1trising nieft of every
atoenrent in Great Britain. e.•rt'e(1. rank and profession., teed
_ whieia made a record for itself in
Receords kept for twenty years an the Cuban War. Roo:.evelt Was
shay. that 3.1 aar eases eef iw •.t'=uasu:.► the Lieutenallt-Colonel, coal led in
a the t'telebrated charge up San Juan
have °irred. in the United States Hae] Ile made IeimsClf n'rceedin lt,
Wheat - - 03 to torr •
(lata �. _ a - 30 32'" D During Fair T11'
11nreleye = •.
Peas .. ... r:, co
200 Days Treatment for $1.
A Li*.- i'J 1r ] 1tixi 1 DV FOR Ar4L SKIN ms -
il•igoTor Jo DUN1ART• Agent for Huron County
zukroti P. 0.
FINEST We3ltg TtItNE i
OUT T leFal` UN thLt.
pnic s.
Flour .. .., z 2.titi 2.1d
Butter .. .. m m 13 14,.�,� li
Eo'gs .y 11 1; - e Plotlt. 11 <„
chickens 11, a m , = t
Dneks = a = _ e 0
Geese _ .. G
Potatoes = _ 73 1,60
Wheat a - a - - .. t;:3 to tl iLrbe cute teran 'neat
clors find
during that periovl. 171, t.y Anaust popular 'with his. tnen,for Ile snared I3 t 40
31) of this tear in+� : t- , P'Pas �: .s state .c ` .i'
I had t.a:e, nn plena . tlie•in elatlt�*ers aaltd dtseotnfor'Es, so L -•.; Gci
1` 3 the 113* ; ie: t ntnn"1t 3' srs Il,iuifll 50 Hiatt and.
Swore by P`luur '»:l3�lJ �,ity
$:•taQh>m•w. ,;�-r, - 7�t�raly. I3�ogs dive) per cwt - ti.1t1 t;.
r oe c tort (Q. :ev a os .- in
1.".0.‘ Mr. Roe' elft was elected
has twice leen i1is;:er•yecd- o - rnor of New York State, and
2.892 and sure in a"ta0, Pennean sat the thine thrix was considered by
varlet 1rt• had threw= 3,004, many as but a stepping -stone to the
D:awvare'.Massachusetts,Neu. Pre ideney of the 1. nited States.
aapaliirt'. Rhode L..an;1 . alsi(1taa1; His career here was a taracterized
by the sante vita and energy and
are, the (dila' Statea not the $-tion tdesiro for reform that had stamped
whose record has been elean for Cm- his administration in other oiiiees
past sixteen years. The :bate has, although the results were perhaps
Ing the largest number i. 31i.sis- not vert marked. At the Pres-
si I with `?d:f "tee it. a Pat•1`i•elit,'. m entiall nominating Convention hey
pp 'Wass .again -the man on horseback,"
'exits comes ee¢rnd with !!'.1,7'. and and niinost in spite of himself sears.'
Louisiana third. 221. tieor rat has. p' t•ed in nomination as Vice -Pres -
had 219. Alabama •:1 a+ ;arc/ �I`v°y:1; a It:c lit. During the t tnlpaign he
see 149. The northern State2.11. i_ passed through the west on a
speaking tour. and became known
the record is Indiana. with :75. On- us -there cy-clone.-
Iy two northern Territories a rl<.aal -•� -+-_ _.-_ or exceed this. Indian Territory IN THIS LOCALITY.
having had ,i:; '.anti Oklahoma iia;. Tette medicine dealers in this pare i
Illinois has had 1.1 lynchings iyy siX- sly that there is no preparation on
teen years. the market to -day that has may -
Of the 101 victims of iw-rt•11 low thing like such an enormous sale ars
the 1/r. (�Ilaas¢r's Kidney -Liver Pills..
during present year, 7 t; were Would this extraordinary den -ranee
colored,e3 white. one Indian and for Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills;
one Chinese. Murder was iS nen at;: continuo and gradually-' increase if
tlye cause for 27 lynchings ;�atttueltis people were not letting benefitted
and 1
on women, eO; n,urcierons aas4aault, etyrby their use. Certainly
Tac'not. One pill ,a dose, 25 cents a l
: prejudice, 5 ; arson, 3 ; at. box.
Surgeons Biiiiiderrai ret Q Yrrd t
#aIig*'oi:fess° iii.
The huff.,, rain � Ell .tpeflhe ebY his - ..____ .._.............
ODerat ofit k olde . 'bye ~rifts Dr.
Chasers Ointment=X Mtiglatee
lisp+erleilet. Parity, City, village. Syyl►atirlr_m.
"taua mar4' dottot* peere fo riawe ala and'Garden P1roperty, Solei, Bought
Mend anor using the knife, and reeoro- M EII(� 1vChahngetl.
Operation for piles in stores of
'cases when Dr. Chase's 'Ointment would
effect a thorough and lasting cure. Money Loaned ou First ;and Seeon(1
]rev. 'S. 4.. Duprau, Methodist min- � Mor•tgatges, arae Estiyfe, Notes aitch
laxer; Ca»€071, Pritree Edward County;,
Ont.. states: -'.1 was troubled with
C)ther Securities.
itching and bleeding Piles for years,
and they ultimately attained to a very -rams. Houses ante $tasnit'ss Prosy
violent form. Large lumps nr ab
acesbes farmed, eye that it vrgs iia'itlr 'arty, Rented and Rent:. Collected
great difficulty and considerable pain upon 1i'.easonable Tennis.
that t was able to stool. At this severe
crisis I purchased s brit of Dr. chase's a 2oney Invested for Private Inc i -
ointment. but I Nati little or no faith in e; tduals on First Mortgage gage On Deal
it. as I had tried various remedies be- .
lore ane'! to no purpose. Estate.
'row, imagine lieu great and joyous
vas my surprise to hind that Just the : ,... _.......
one boar cured ares so that the lump+c
disappeared, and also the external
s day.gand have not theixleaat obi TELEPHONE 6$6
that Dr. Chase's Ointment sawed me .. ,...... -. ...... ... ..._.. _..._.
from a very dangerous and painful op-
eration and may years of suffering.
You are at perfect liberty to use this td
testimonial as you y zee fl
ti '
benefit eaT"r
of others *lmiTariy afflicted:" � _.� _....,___..,,.._.....
Dr. Chatler orErarn s cents.2.'hot, ��ao a� I
at all dealers, or Edmafl!ofir. B,teq .
Ca Toronto. I:ZURICH,, ae, ONTAiIRt. -
E. R
.ri',t 'Flrr Acaseoi'thadlrearththQatiiTenne rant►st•
L.:4 tetera. Thy haus°, patio Arid proiddg Life 'i Oye' .
regd. 'dote C e'Ovoid r( l.P. fa•y•5 can: /he padragae Oat
accept r.a sal s,itate. lL f•PA'N-$ ra foes cactima'y -
be Imil at ally dru g stare. Tern *maple* sad one timmido,
(escrar ' ials w:11 mailed to any addresi for Eire tea*, ,.6,.
Int -teat -2A t , t ,e faipar.s CLetidmi ea., Na. i• Syn* i;
SCre.t, ISear 'VOTE,,
wvEssiEti s
»=..,toff RY •
$ 4'INTE,4 0,10N L
Nt'w��1'E}sr "WORDS;
Now Added 25,000 NEW lames, $t.'..
Dish Bindings ,1 2364 Page -a ai sOto Illt.:sfi•it,tions
Prepared nrederthe supervision of W. T.liatris, P5,D.. LL.D., United States
Commissioner ofEdu assistedKyalargeccosofcompetersxapecitlists.
Ars* WC1 Stees'ColiegiateDictionary-vithScotnth Cri:a=ryietc.
"rim class ir7 goalityf second class in
t illERRIAIV! CO., Puldishers, S
rine! Il, Ma,
a' S. A.