HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-09-13, Page 2%Croek, a 11 11 unty, Is one, In that , or Mr.. aohn ,and a pr I ominent ocallty. A , re�resen- '� oc ( t I 0 0 r an ' X ' P ' Au " I r r �l Y� evl' Windsor Review, who t� -o'r that some time previalisly � was in poor healthv recent - I . in oc � or I h h in looking anything but an tu ( . n a Lid, a d naturally, asked what .resto V � � t.r.sto'.r Ted him. -to health. "Dr. Wil - 'l. 1'.... "� _ �� _ __"_ I a, Pink Pills,", promptly. replied , Mrt Cada. When asked if he would ge publication Mr. Cada, said, "Certainly, ir you ',tbiuk It worth while; but there is nothing very wonderful about my cA" I was simply badly run down; ;my nerves seemed to, be All shattered � . A?Vdi I iwas unable to stand hard work. 111 fact 'work of any kind left me badly: used up. Thevre, did not seem -t-.0 be any or . ganic trouble, it was 3ast a, case of being run down and WOWU Out- I felt myself gradually gettlng wDise,,, however, and I be. Can taking medicine, I tried several Advertised 'remedies, but ,they did %lot help me, Indeed, some or them did me more harm than good. Just then I read of a case much. like mine cured by t1i use, of Dr. Williams, Pink Pills, ould lopurchasea a few boxes. Very EMog I noticed a dcoided Improvement in ray condition, and In the course Of a feW,Nviltelm I was feeling my, old. tbno salf. I can ntcw.( cat heartily, do a, good day's work with no unusual fatigue, and in fact Icei thor,oughly ren=*d In health and strength, N -a. tu,rallY I thill- Dr. Williams, Pink A PLUS a great =Pdl-Mae for those who axia weak or affing.10 Ir you are feeling run down, and easily tired, you neeJ a tonle to put r0a rIght-to make You feel bright, Mtive and stroug, and tho only al. TWO reliable tonle Is Dr. Willlamso Plill. Pills for Palo People. Give these VIIIS a, fair trial and you will find that their curative, powers have not been over-pralsed. Sold by all deal- erS W medicine, or sent post paid Ut 50 cents a, box, or six. boxes for =0 by addressing tile Dr. Wil. ltamsv� MM1101110i VOMpany, Brockville, I Mt. � � I I � ,i +.�++++-ti-++-ti��+44+4-++++++4i + 4- . I il Some Odd, Epitaphs i'l., . 4 -�4.4+..%�l'..%�.1,.t.+.�,++i.,� ........ $4: , Upon the to-mb.-tene of 0, Innn W110 LIM, 11i Terr Itago Mouth, the rol- ]OW14:'! ej�.Aapu, 17,39 PrigTaveav, 4t C6!c,�hlll. In Warr-Igtnam; . :core, 11cs a man, as God shall me - EAV4% I V-10-10 wCAMIl Wns w2ce as Is lily VaIVAI., M 1X'.A41r I trend UglAly on Ills C,%I; I .ror It Ep anpgr_% .y�zrre gotte-, IW � 11 "I 0 1 i I At Caturch Crv,Won, bul.we-on Lml- low =2 k5hr,a%vs1,nr,r, Ir4 tho foalow- lr,-- t I oft ft VrikItslny &!z wag tx-$?", Qa a 111alm,&3ay madev a bride, an n Tbursetar J)�_Zt amw N1311, 'On a 111arsday broko her leg, &nd (31 a Tk,ar �ar eMe-1, .� I It S -W StWO, IrAmita% Sd- re4 k .. V Euve Lit" Zdnb ltartn­m , ,Wh% wkm kt,r gll=§ way qiontil M19 MAN u . AM away eke wtnL 11 I I ,� �; �� i! " . Ift tto thatebrard at n&d1eIgb,Jfl ftfUk, a. Mr. rattLtobn makeig his wited tombetone Min t2prCA& Ido kwaggig; I . W6 fica tm tMin dom#stid gtrire� . UM! tdlied tit my h6ase-but he tpoliav with ray wlfe� butab. wjtd of Ddvid kattiton, lied I Ikere- z Cetobor 10thv, 1704, - ftt% feadtt I and, it fmot in S mirry, lilm"l & tear. - -.141.9 11 teltdtb-t ClbUfC1i7_&td, ltellnl: '011'efa Ilea Y�hn iwgWey, whose fa- thtt, fmd lm�thelt Were drowned In their pasisage, ftam A-tiaklea. Had Vbsy bot!l. hved they wowd have 1�ten b-arl-ed here6e, T'ga rbnowlng VV]placed ru'a " III ep',Iby Ibm-ying gez,uU6, yGkkshIr,,*- "21:9 ti,,=b is a r,�Aestom-. nah, how 1p�) ? IL,4pca,mg�,, bztoatn Iles Miles, vrLea rnan.7 n2as b.,�23W�11 . I � In X�Zgslm*l elmrrbyard,.. , 1 " "`11�911r_;_st -his T.1k:111 - � Iier� XZ; Ge,m-ge mil, � TV2:0 Ircm -- cnff . , , 76M cown fruilta Stal." - . � - , In Dsltnn eturchs-arl Thsmas olke.7 YO daclarc-& on Lis tomb, to havo. bcen ",Ylls S02 of Gcdl' ; r-nd at ThiAlord W, jibe rel:0WIrg- "MY 9r,nnffat'­1r %rag bmjrL-d hete. My csu­�n Jane and two unole� dZar,, )!.* 2�-_th�� - p-rLsh,-fi1,r, ith an inflamnia- ttorl In Mg thz; . ghs AZ4 rry e1st-sr dv�,p.:�Id vff,,�vva d-gtd III V-1,0 !,'1R,nCTIir-S! But t`:"� rl,­as�;n V7Z:y Pra h�rev Inter- rin,g, af-a��,�,_�71�_- t­�� roy t:21n1dag, U'Orztng. ta =7 go3a 117ing a w_1 lmr5 - funn!"w.v". V th'�Z-_Ao�-. 9r,0-1 mrlStllansl you wls�ei t* live, Ion--, I Don't drInk too -mu-nh vViar., brani.vil lem, or anT-&11n_- strongil Xinard's Vinimant Oures Distem- bow. I I I I �'v and Dowtis. . Mrs. Peck (hearitirg a radket In the hall) -what are you up to now, nel,t�, I I 'Mr. Peck (feebly)-Vn� not tip to VLIlYthing, 'ray dear. Ijust fell down *9009. I - � . , . . i . I . -, -, i ! . I � , � �, , ,".1 III 11111111111 , , , , I _!, I I I . ,-, .7N � ., . I _,"W`11� I r . , � . I !" ' '7 � ��`:� : . � , 7 1 777��, 7 -f.vvRq,"vF�,:, " " , I . �, 7- f: 1, I , 1 1 , �:. , � . 1 . ":I , I : � , � , , ` : i , I I . I I . ,� . .1 I "I . � I 7"q � I 1 � . . I t I . 0� , . 1 7717. ,�­ I w. I ,_7,"',_­­� 11� ,. �;,��_' 14 . ,!I M , � I , I . I . , �'. , , , : � 77 I � . � I . , , , . I : , �;: . J7 ; I I I I I . . � I � . , I � I � I ; I ( . - I ­ I 11 I 1 � I I I . "I I . I � . , � 1. . . I I I 1. I � .. 1. . 1.1,11 . I I I I I 11 � � I 1. I � I I 1. 1. I .1 � . I I I I . � I 11� � .1 I I � - . .1 I . I - 11 I I � . I I .1.1 1. . . WR I I . .. ", 11 � � 1. . I I I - F , �, I , , "I � � I � . - �. . 0 - I . .1 , .- , �.- P I . . I I I I 11 . I I . I .1 - I . . 1. - . � I I � I I . . I I I � . N R.�. � , ,; __-_.1_--- ­___.. .,___..,_._­ . . . ., �. ­.- . I I . I 1. - 11 , � � 7- � 1 Ip . VVIALKS r0k� WOMEN*' :` ,�, ' : . I I I . L Pro SSW if GI: I I A fo n. yes a Few Hints on . I . I I I I 1, � ­ 1, PreservinX'Your Appearance, '. I Frrinklesq In. the face are uncon. Yasl�r Madi% One might Bay, for ' o" ' "he would willingly produce such 1 .,f �` 4 disfigurem4ents F ' If if .we could but remember that ve er. ever ,y time we sauint at the sun-, , � .. in t�rylngi to Iwep It out of our . eyes, we make little' wrinkles surely the person who is, squinting at the , kan . would: lower. the curtain of the window Into which the rays come .and Femove all cause for the closing of ane's eyo I and the, making of such a face. . . . I I I Once the wrinkles are made inthe . face, it is not easy to remove them bat with patience this can be 4on;,, yet the only method by which it can be accompjished is thro4ah ln�assatga. . : I . 1. Too give massage properly requires a gooil deal of practice and. a thor- , atomy of the face. it is a mistalce to put all'yoream. h andy onyour face and to wo;rk with your fingers In every spot but the right oa% nsing every movement but the cor- rect one. You shouald go to work in as scientific a manner as you can, for three movements, given correctly, will do more good than a, dozen careless strokes. rilrst, get a chart, one on which the muscles of the face are shown and diagramed plainly. You can easily see what is the trouble when You, look at the chart, for your muscles are relaxed, and when you have located tile little muscles that are so tender and numerous near the corner of the eye -for this Is the sun wrinkle -sit down, dip your fin- gers lightly into a good cream and , , � then, placing 'the hand In a pio-Ation so that the wrist points upward and the fingers toward the nos% describe little circles upward and outward on the, inuacles, which you will be able to locate by feeling. of your race and looking at the chart. , Never massage toward the ceatre of tile face and m-wer downward, few the skin is like a piece of Wit � and If It Is folded the wrqn- way �a. rumple will ba tile result. I Always rem.,mber to wash the face � in *arm, water bLfore massa,ging it, - I for if yola don". and there '9 tile �� least Wit of dus� on It you will rub r the dust into the pores and the � result will be little blackheads,. TbI3 Is not possible If the hands and face are first washed and it pure creaull which tins been kk,pt In a covered cream Jar* Is used. Allow tho Cream to stay On The face till night an -I wash away with a warm w.ttQr Awl ROW Soap lathe morning,. I Poor 11.0r, ,Von can havo n-coll'air If ycu want Ikkan`A.Llf yoa g3 at It right It need U o o ly & few days. 'Thero Is really Lo e,vense for poor buir. It Is w easy to mako It thick anql 9"o'"474r' I First, U %hr, hair 1r; dry and brealis, � It I,N a Ogn 11i"t th., C.,%fi) n,�eds noar- � o eirculat.lon il' pocr. SL?talp mast"-�, g -,s blilimll then bL,, iumd, awl WWI It a got)d hair tonle. . � IML,4 Is an C'Seellrom formula, and � Eltould bB use'l wah frIction OVILry nl�du%: (oh,gile, tfg*ht cka.evq. Tincturvecti,anthm,Lles, UVO fatnee& Isittritg of CLVMIVIA�W. MO bunk-1CM Wfitn thii", (4vCul'Al'u N rCAdt_,1 tj, the tealiq lhc� gov!��3 %41 rctnrc ang, thus nilovcll UnLi irdt by Jc11,+rc,eA grow � at'donee. ngaalg the h:ar %1'01 hat jet % fait vrty te, gau'l he-ftKII. IM,*4 tUg" =y ger-11 wkltn�an WInfa th�'% V�tn locrk!?, answer .tour concUl-Acn? A Lat tron 19 eurhAIR1% Wrarlejus to the flair, and It weall 3 Ulto Ist1ter of two lva,vj to ql,�* at ly t%t Iftht In Eaft paptr)ir kILL-t. Uven &j tko haar e1cial-I JuA Iva dufle %ii cve�,.v JrLggla, t1o"Ch, tvery other Light wffl ftut W so bairmfid. It the� hair tq Tety Aralg'hb there nre eJ!JtJIr,g fitrilLIS ':�T,'ftt %Vltl hL��Jp to Iterip It ft enrt fog, r-,,�mt Uffte, bat, vfr$ 111ttlel 'of It ti!v=ll W tjvt�l. eurllfla 14,1111d. Msolro .In thre.,b-qu,trft,ra oil a p!at fit watte (hot? lato bumd of mum amble, ibttt�-Latr vo�lmd 'of gotyl ft'�6�tt migar. Whdn tho ooftitIon ig viold. adil t,wd fluid 1011toes lot Pure aleollol, six graing bt WiehldfUo of Iftert"dr?, Cat gtalwi of F -d phimf.m9ae. Tito last two ston&! ba dissf4vel, ft the tilbolLot woro bel-ag ade'ed to the Ina.xtuke. T'nistly, add e-fiouza water ta In -Ike . 6 M t;ftftro a pant. Petfunte with cologfte or laveniiTer ttra"vey". la get- tthg tip thl@ rdixtwo It 0 & &64 1hipig I;& go -1 & 4'�fup '7,44 te) h4p you. Iftero tls�d to M. in -cat, gtan4� fa6theV9 time, a, tule whIle'l wa.q barfl,-4 ont to the lette-.. 'Mill t"10 wag that ther hah- sLould be bitished . pver.5� ,nWat with, -- hurvIte-d Strokes It, Lis slnec* tz-ca b-,oknn breause cl* the fact that 111d lk'st autho.-MM-5 t6l us that toll tbqAl hrusrulng,t�f the Lmir Is lnjatlou,,�� vi]irao� btas:u eatent-s andl bteaka tln6 b. -At. wh3e the eotn,h. 2 properly plavc-mi S'n V�e talt * wD"l �. pass th-tough It w?V.ir,at 1L,t1F01S!n_,+ a �" hair. 19ut. b"_ S-zite ttnt rotut iN.�nlh 11"; place -1 stralg'_�,t -an v0:12, lh��Ir. -,*n,9 then � do not drag It tL;cn-gh a tnmg��-nq � -ftongb -�,cn w�,re ral-1-m t�v, gt;e-,7cn. '� . In fetiAng for Coe M�Iaht the belt ", sl,von�d alvv�6vg be tnnided lor-SeIr. If ", it ffleg _-t;'ni t1he Tace St tn;gles i And ,whott iorozsln�- in the mq=�ng'; - You break It. The Rllamnoo. A great df at of ceire should to taken In Ehantpoo,"Ing the haIr. There are a grckt 6�tsy E-bam'-�1�6_1 th"t arf, not at all goo'l t�np USP anl wivich leave the bait sticT.-y. 011trk shampoos are excelitant an -I contain n�t'al!ng, inthe, tnjarlon%r. DInt ,ust .-. wr-rd About the J � way you 61n nipoo ,yo:m hair. � Do you tlrraw It carere'saly Over I ,vour head, to tile frOnt, -Ml tbon, I with both L­mdq, zut) it In moch a � , , ! way as to tnngl:"� vrZ4 Make it An Othost lAp,�Ilc.qs vull"? If you da i you Injhra your halt more lit lobe! wgstI-.1g than ywa can repair In one lmofhth� i Berore� you wet Your haIr r-omb It thoroughly EO that there ate Ila targles; then being- it carefully over your head and shampoo Your licad, moving the fingers enough, but not in such a way as to tangle the bair. When You have thoroughly wak4led the sc;�Ipi take the halt. In ' It "nst i - utly was'�" 'Inven 'e'eve '�ae � t�� I "ur hands a�d g a' Yo O' n� wo rInX� it is read to rinse and �X y I h should be very t lot,oug - tj4rve or tour waters. i , , , . . . . I a . I � 14elt a cake of pure olive oil soap I Ih- a quart of bbilbig water. Whig will,make almost a Je1IY-'.,TaReaboqt two tablespoonfuls or this jelly and a piece of common washijig soda ab&ut the size of a filbert; mix the two, together, and, after wetting the buir, rub thoroughly in. I . � , Egg Shampoo. ?� Put In a Pint o,r hot ,rA!n water ono,Qatice, or spirits of rosemary and tile well -beaten yo,lk of 'ala egg. Alix these lmgredlents. t4o-rougglay and rub into the, ocalo. I . If there is dan6uff in the ,hair this shampoo will be 'very good to use. I Sljrxge' the flair, nn e, hair your, self, but an assistant can do this in a very little time. � Comb the hair thoroughly; then, takimg small strands of it, one at a time, twist them loosely, and with a 14-ghted taper singe quickly; take care not to hold the taper still for a min. ute, but move It quickly ab3ut the strand of hair wb1ch is held in the hand. I Oure for Bad Blood. � ' If you need something for your � blood tr,y the old sulphur and mo.' lasses remedy. Get 5 cents, worth of flour of sulpilur. Put two teaspoon- fuls In the bottom of a glass. See that there are. no lumps in it. Pour six teaspoonfuls of molasses on the sulphur. Stir. Take ono teaspoonful of the mixture befo,re break -fast and one just W -fore going to bed for three days. Omit for three days. Repeat and owit for throo days, until you have taken the Preparation for nine days. If roughness of the skin looks like a ringworm it Is probably something of that nature. Try this ointmr,nt: Salycille acid, 120 grains. Lanollne, balf ounce. I Fresh lard, hair ounce. Apply at night and remove, In the morning with warra water an,l a bland soap. � _ INFANT MORTALITY. Many Deaths Largely Due to Ignor- ance oil Elie Part Of 'Mothers. Ube diForders or children se,�ni to the rugged and bearty grown I)pr- Nonis to be simple and nut ,particu- larly d.wWrous. � 11his poifit of view on the I,art or parenti has been the eaus�� or VIP 1068 Of thousands or baby lives. YW3, will always find that thim, motbprs who, are suce(vtisrui it, bringing upi families or befirty,hap- py ebildren with licarce)y a i.lay's iickncssl are always, thoso who arg car(ful to note the allghtetit OvI. dMla of Illuess and to cbc& tllp_ diffloulty at once. !Ihey,do not.bv%long to_�Lho via!�-a ., ­ � 6;'Iftvst 611ttecieft. L�') 1hu.. trtiffi�-_' till M0115ciiieg ronerriAng whith, ;yw.l kn6w tDiothifim. %Vlo-A hero 18 a t�311MNXA r(=CJaY WZ�`!Ii`h f9 RAW �-- 1 covAnattv ond wulo Me 1�,,-�gt rL6 t,dfts In tll�asnndlq rjf L.Ut"', I MM. 11. It. 1�'O!�, lcu-,�f�14,0 1)&rIg ! , 11 �.O, M*M.. cimpg., 411 have rvo:.Ar, , � %L aabgls i 10imn Thtlufg a rwrrett M_�4d� ­i'm F�r_ � chilArt,ft of 41 _11,gP14 a001 tv,�:Jtd not bo wlmwat theu in thp, r­D,,v��. They pre uqiy a baby cmfv��t =1 Ito. thcre filct"J.." Bahrg m,d Tabbyt-g can 1118 f&M,31 at drd-- ��sbeftg, Cr Wall be M,nt prt-D"It"I i5pan re!tl Ptlet. 23 emlgQby 4ad&r,n,:-:g-tP:Pt1Th66r 4,L Dr. WHInnio'e atte C,.,!�. &pLT*4, rrbekt-mv, O,b% M.....­­­�_ !lk 11111111- "I'll, ;1111 , ;;;; 11 . I ,. I a tj � I.Lumors 0-11t � I H X a M *1 ft, a fl, () il 14 , r--.. 11 � ­­_­­­ 11.11. I-— 1".. 11 - I � . � - 11 - The ,-'Vew Vofk tvcliug 11�;bst Says the 10tr wing an'swints wEre V, 0 'Xitteil out Ily p"Dpjr�4 At a 16r.Vtaj,, GL,LGo1 e,t_ ainit-AtIon ., r-ls4c-ua; tvda,A Lids, wb'o bad ty-6--a- 1A,J wit:2 tile llkvvpv� ­Tfie ,17ulkefrat r,f ti-je rketea#t Tabl&' W�zo wrilue-i by 1: w. L -i � . , 7me, Z EtAl, IM4 R9 genetal plan N tcy pf("_ ld'ate 1Xt.`C-Z!t cAlamette et t-Lb"e. I . refscvk,mae -as the gar,la�sol the gatm 01 TLrt4tus- E'u", Es f!Ad ta have; been g�t&d wl.�,t�a a r.,�ftrjtle '. goreg witta woA,. Itediaeval tlhtnorr 11��-V�!,:,_r,4,3 thtq � vray. ra�t ma K,2_��Ihzf v;:nq I ca"Yone WIZO ,W=Atel� to P'l rA,ri,�J t�2-at­r.yvsta vica Wlem vvLavakry %Z,,_q a lvxlef- Lcad of XZA;Jbt9 ;Orn;�,] '02 is,'tong WEn wla4 vvLhel t.9&_,, 1�ttr&� &�r,wlee. They wif ra- lzo,��ej P,�,"�Iez�m'. �11. Pat:t1=1 wz.-a a ic"�r.�sj 'Cr "�Pjo I � Vvat,cmne� into C,�Lu-ten�v *nd W'Lui,ed the"chur,b'0&'7eE-9n_4 Cona rzvoretaip- ilL 1`11grIM9 Wf re a rc�"Jgj�ag ge,t tkat'dil not W-:V;v-- f:1 mr, ��Cictoring ,9r 'the Church 'Ot T-r,q- .atei, , TOLI Gn1.V r1iflall.9 of , C,,M=U�-_r�,�Itlob the, ecilmasts hn.Ld W,%j (,,,�� L70r�e5,ck 4nd IV WaY It took quitcl a long - I In til $ tiraa for a lcttet to get tf�, � Untope. Th-- Five "N --ti- na w,,-r,P, taie Sqnme2as, opplill.m. onrmdlagasvi slr,�Xawks and W==kawl"zi T-'te 1D,qbz--t-S c-ZP­-s -,,��t wns an act vcorapaMM9 the r.-a.,tivos 01, a 4�ead pere�,jiz to pra�I�rc,- ,.Is C. - . '3vi)se In tourt, lehs-atd a 46jSrji'.1t0 Qrjgr_i�, Unly 'M,-b.1.!c:1,3 t120 IY;iy and the ls!=l -of siel'zv. Th'!� en'mtal Is to- f.t.inti-nople. on the arebliap;age. 7zc,;`1`i;, ista-TrIft-opift on the nq ziagm nolne named after .reter tni'611cat, Who founded It. I Ift, *0ew OT thms thingg ar,d t1any more Me, tholn flVat the tea-cheta kieep, cut of pr;nt, 18'n�t It a -!Ittle; early for -the professors to U'011 worrying, over the possible danger, that,some, ,W' var ' _nfl ' '701' become So highly Odul-atepd- 08ptsletmay unfIt for domestic dut1C.8 ? _­­­ _____, , r; q ILL, I , —11� � � WAY FRENT HOTE4 . I . I , � I 1� ­ ..� — . . Proprietor, of tive P . opular Moin- 1. . - . . ' fry Talk . . trgal lig. , ,ite I , .s Aboot , Dodd?s Kidney Pills. I I �. I . I Used, Them Some Years Ago for it Bad Case of Kidney Weakness-Recom- � mends Thein. fil , . ,ghly to all !f1hose Who. are Worrie4.LL by Any Urinary Sediment. . - I Sept, 2 -Dan, W. Allan, 11ZP0r11,t-`t!:1l1of the Way Freight Hotel here, made a strong statement about the, wigli-known remedy, Dodd's � Kidney Pills, Mr. ,Allan's hotel Is at 463 8G. Jamea street, and enjoys con- sIderable popularity� with railroad men. . Somie of the latter were discussing ailments peculiar to engineers, brake - Mel), firemen, conductors and , train crews generally. It was acknowl- d est difficulty a railway man basto contend with Is Kidney rj�rouble. The continual Jar- ring of the train weakens the filters of the system and various forms of KJAXIDY Trouble result. " Every man that works In an en- 91ne, Cab or on any part of a railroad train ought to us'e, Dodd's Kidney Pills," said one man. " Are Dodd's Kidney 'Pills what they're cracked up to be, though ?" Put in a second, . "'Yes, Sir," ireturned the first, em- phati6ally. - ;Dodd's Kidney Pills are what they're cracked up to be, and I'll leave it to Mr. Allan." " Gentlenaven," said Mr. Allan, "I firmly believe Dodd's Kidney Pills will do everything that Is claimed for them. They are a genuine medicine. They cured mo of Kidney Trouble, I know that. My urine Was full of 0, kind of red brick dust for years. I know It was my kl0neys, but could get nothing to stop it. Two boxes of Doddiis Kidney Pills did tile work finally and I'vet been all right ever since." k Curiosities Of Epitaphy. An Lagllsh correspondent sands this coijection or curious epitaphs: Tito following epitaph is to be Twand In tile churchyard of Upton- iln-Skworn : bmeath this stone, In hopes or zion. Don ho tile iaumord or the "Lion." Ills .9031 kvepii; on the Visineei still Iteeigned unto %live Ileavenly will, - CUPrenIng-le-Clay, in X)orsetshlrct Noices In tile next. After recortl* 111; 010 death of Ills belovedwife. Ann Ht 'Igllee, the afflicted husband brr , ,tkg forth In this plo,is strain: i,t,;1ilo far biblow this illoub doth rest, 49 Joined the army oftho blest. lie Lord tins talen h3r, to the skro , to saints reJ51ce and� so do L -_ A At PwIgbro5,kN to Xorthumbpelanl,, at thew IfollIngthed deplores bli un- mthy doom III these lineg. It will � obwry �! ttaktt altho,,ift,h Uatthew ClrCllnl�iauthtl ho Is by ni ancans iianimati,eat. are heth Matthew 116111'.4 M. he'll Ito dacd frow cold eang-lit an hig bcad. I broigat on fever anA rheamatlr* 11110-11. cludcd =T -for here I 1% �* __ Inwer'ib-4 In a churtlayard eJij@;j to DOetor`a Colasardions. Ltmdon, vm, St. IL"Muft"s, xlaut"q Wharf. llcr_* Idea one mote, ani, no more tban ,lit%. on6 Jame RUA no ffibrb I Mq�& can that bat why one moro and no more may wifli, lk� here F1192101, 1pait ktre lits bte Mom, &bid that 3fords Ote. " 1 -ft & Churebs-atd near Thornton, Tbtkahlre. Here hei Sir &&U Tr53,h)p, Wild mada Otto rstone_* to r,511 up, When Ood Alnlightv took his ikoal "Pl, M# Uxv wett to rdl this h6le 'do. � sit j6hu lappears to hAvd bt6ft the Ardbitobt ot the thdreh id thd yard of Whiell big fdtifflotly It thtig qaantfy tionithenimokated. , __ rpitaph ot a fib:-�ktafid* Reid fit-!§ thd vllest &IXor the tb- I yfll,ett wretth That ever the Devil delay"d to fietch .. I � out thib redder Wilt gta:ftt it ti�!# - heddlesa he 8h6ild, wheil be aaw he wwg uahAng as fd§t I as hek vo-ald. � � -Whittlesea thatch-vard, tly.edmbs. Here lieth the b';�!y of Uit-aueth Adglsai.�S,ougi, tict eta, * Az4 iAd Roger to evo-.lie. � it pratr.ptiotl thatichydtd. Itt bevon- ehlkve� Ig .1 very tb�.,IkA insetipt!"NA upbn the Stone vefectea, ever tile son of tha riat-9811 eferk, wlaa wav kUlta by on Icic,ya fractating his skan; it tuns t'hus; glass MJ* 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, I Here I Les I I ki a lmd fl:ekla lulled -by !Clcte �J I to thei,yvedt Anno, D=1W, 111,6. i igloodtfilksty tirilvet-sity Trell. I kvery, rhan knows tile ola fingle.- I Id011 I'91n, Poor man, bc6ggat man, 11 thief, . I Doctor, fawyer, metchaut, c-hier, I Thre, 'Syeaeus- Vniversity, tresTaman I '­�na'dfaevi have transto'-wed it iv�ta i t1le, 'following Moodthirsty -slogan - I 'Well man, kilek man, dead man.suff, I Dig iiem nly, cut "emL iftp-whavz the diff v? I , ffantcroa% turaorous, Moul anj 1� I . got% � � I sykacusa ­ in 11 e I d I 1c% 1,901. I -.1 I . I.- I __ __ 1 ! rmprecc,ileott,fl Thonght'rvaints.q. i I UT-, GaV-r�l ati gclb_- fo, bave the � j eodrts look Into t113 Sanity 'Of that 1 Iftan who, Ilves next door� � I mrs, Oaspeti-why ? J I Mr. Gasper -Well, lie's taking- les- � sions on v� born, and told me if his � , vlity�nu, annoyed us he would give -up : kainifig � ., � . I � I ftitmet 10, & virtue It those *,hb a±# . I d,41clebt In utidet-9tailding-Boin- . . bolum � , - : . I I - � . !O � 4 ­..­ ... 1:­­.­­� � L,M"._AAi*,ft.�_.,a__ Mogo I I I I . ;1 . - I- 1. � , I . * . . 1 .2 . I , L�r r �r � r . �e­ -1 4;!a IS-81JE W0,B7 190111� . I �� : I WITCHCRAFT. � I.. .. 1�1 � 11 . I I I I I . I I 0,11 for the� , - ) .1� IN MARYLAND.] .1 __ ; (0 . ! %08222F_��-4?W.EP&Z"-, .?-�� ezp?IF7�j i Chl&ren. I Over the great copper kettle one flight, an old mail remarh�ed, as lie J_ Give them oil—cod-liver oil. . - . . Stirred, its MA11109 wholesome coll- . 1 It's curious to see the result. I tents, that we did not hea;r much of I �. . Wltelicr%ft nowadays, but ,,vIlen lie r. Give it to the peevish, fret. WAR Young tllqro was a good deal of ful chiK at . id he laughs. Give that business going on. 1:us own fa� . I � ther had been changed into a horse, it to the pale,' anoemic child, . and ildden to I t1lo witches' ball. All 11 .1 . . I � and his face becomes, rosy and the witches, As they arrIled, tukned Into beautiful 14die - remain- s, but he ' full of health. Take a flat - ed.. , a horse, and so far and So' fast Was he I Chested child, or a child that ridden, and so sore and bruls- ed wAs Ile the next day In Ills own �k is stopped ive him proper person, that he could not do ... growing, 91 a stroke of work for two weeks. this the oil, and he will grow big membered adventure or her father-in-law. Her I and st�ong like the rest. Own father always kept a big bunch! of sweet"brler swItcJies hanging at I This is not a new scheme. the head of his bed. And many a night she had heard hiru, "slashing, away at It has been done for years. tile Ord witches that wou.1dit"t let him sleep.11 Of course you must use the I Progressive farming has about !in- right oil. Scott's Emulsion Proved the sweetbrier., off the face of the earth. But old beliefs are not is the one. so easily uprooted, as the following story will, testify: I Scott's Emulsion neither When. Grandmother Eller was Young she hair] a cow of her own rais- looks nor tastes like oil because ing, of which she was very proud. Ono evening at milking time, a cer- we are so careful in making it tala woman passed through the barn-, Yard, stopped, and looked the cow all pleasant to take. , , over. "I was foolish enough to t I endf for free sample. her all about the cow, how iont'.31111 she was, how much mill- she was giv- I I S SCOTT & BOWNE. Toronto, 'C""S. I 5oc avid $r.ovv; all druggLvit& Ing, and all that, and she saidl I cerw i __ tainlY had a fine cow. Weil, the next morn.1119.04t ovow couldn't stand on I Drifting Drollery - her feet, an,Q there she lar ilk the stable till father came home from the ' * When a man goes ter runnin, for mountain, whore he was cutting office you somidtImes finds out dat wood, No said it was all plain 0101101, whPIT I toW him everyth Ing, he wuz boln a Baptist, raised r6 Methodist, and eddleated a Presby - . bUt lie Wealcred 11 hadn't better terlan,A.tlanta Constitution. ow all over with asafoetlila, sa,yla- words all the � I "Do you get a. rest every summer, time. ,�Iad tile next, day, when I Mr. Shadds ?11 ,.vent Into the barn. therp she stood, "Oil, yes; thank goodness, I'm on her four legq, eatiog like a hound. Only in business, -I'm, not in so- Wltellcv� cau"t stand asafoetlda.'�- Olet,T-" I The Journal of Amurican Folk -Lore. i I 0 "Zut lie do"n"t Seem to know ! H01VIV'S THIS ? 'I much about the topic of the doy.,' i"Well. no wonder. He got all Lis Weoffiir Onelluntlrc4 D6111-trelleward for C', 14ication In a night school.,' " me or Catarrh that Cannot te cured by, 3111M. Cotarrh Cure. I 0 "But F. J. C11EXEY & CO, Toledo, 0 ,Tour franChISe Is not proper - ly essessed", suggested the citizen. We. Me untlerhimied. have knoWn F. J Clieney for Lite lav,t . 15 varg, and believe him "That's all you I,uQw about it,n perfectly hollorabivillat buslnei:straill-letions answered the street rallwa3v, mlit.. alladlillanclan ab`etocarjrVot0anVobl - tiam Made toy ZeIr firell. "Tile aldermen tAXed u3 the limit WJ;K'r M. "XII.C.&x, Wholerale Druggi-te, To. prl � when wo got It."-ChIcago. l('410.0. W"Ll'orNo. KIN's"1% & 3T,%1,V1.V, Wholef"10 1'05!to C I broggiftn' Toledo. 0. 1, I airpt Cato k tire SR taken Internally. art - I dir My 'qva the bloondard inueo.irp tmt% r-orm,ne Fays In Ills native, clt,v the, fitreets arov alwaye well water. fralit, of ttic'siliter.l. "I't-stimonfats sent flice. ed. and 3 -et they never Itse sprink. , &'.� r ' IriQ N, ,9- nlo �V0IkIhn1ldiQe,oki,- Wd I-lill I'dit, are the it -it. Hin earts. i 14'enton-ror goedness' (inke,,whero , 13 lie from? � V!orge-Venlee. - Philadelphia, no. WALKINO ROUND THE NVORLD. coril. . . I , , — ;i Extraordlattry Attempt of Sevetl Minard's Liniment Curmp Dlphtht,. . r" Young Cadverdity btudents. I . compietea tour 11 Knew a Jackass. .t, of tho gleba lu tho ii1&�,rttr,,,t umo , "Iyell, $6WrO A Vet4v1sary tmrgc(L�n tlM_�ilble� WMeh, after all, memly -1VhMt do,VWX kaoW about a 110rao,'ti, #Alolvs a Iftwuh.y In ZaMngr vexllnc-c- dttgk4 a bromb-atbig Utt9ratly. . 11000!4 alboi Ito wv)t g, uIng k1u) tPUZIble "I sdblij't P.-C,ti, Bid V) h_,� a herro dm.tu'roll rcllk,�41 tbq-t witnev.1. #*b, "It 1 11vil.11 11LO 1414 -Mud MILOUL-411AL'i 10ulph g" to nguhlo U40 tho I'v. -06 I i�, I If tA bv,ttol klfuix a gq�tvl dttal 0 t1aul %itut,ct of - Ullofo,cdl by E-�QkUihq; 211101 W-4101 *�C� tua L'a tage *wdy of 3"J Cut ,,� ho difel vat , , Vlo aurmaliivi- "Tgmt natanq U.) ray �vw�j L.tao�y a jo, e6aa0t&,_*r, tay-,4 tl* 1141-0a M&A Gavta-LM Lem" from a lim-ha"'N whraft yoa fieu them,11" eantiau.-A E,o Ialvver Su tho, 8 -Non 1-40=4 Java cl the V tflvcv�iaty Lot Mt4 OLAQ14- , �tvei in 1,t�as to ri�to tIv t4tao &t.rl -, kmWng ktowingly and cd*go'chg trlawljpl�antDy Ilrdtill, %MrOd ft thin r,cu&, kr,f ritralq�y g-uang thicagh q a'2fa Vs nutTy VL23 it it U� ithin � "Ob. 'ren, tasit co 11 dralvV4 iout tho . - lfqt��Jmj­d litlMra. gja!Wda IntVBUY nt &M'013 rg-are, Tila-&' bLartt--] trun LI -9- hoot, =4 alrvi,� nz".� an P�rLi. 11,'17UU19 a&4 Irnma torm-bCor. 111,,ior Instane,,,�, I In that tb.,,-a4, hi -an t!1vro1A,,.*;:a Aw4r1a. 9&tJ1A IxV,i,r toke V�ou fer a ftovsf,�.** _TJt�r,1,V?. I , " 11mcat'l,i C"TtaMil P-110"ati-.1, U'latlb- " rtgpo, "B&BIA3. Grc­�r-r. TdrL.4'%-, Eat- (I Carlo, 6 rvgo, Xrj,UM_41b,LJ9 D,�a�i�fivv (;�A'. �� nany arg"I switViTI -in I Iftey hWe I E yet to Ltc �*,.Q".-th Afrte'a fritm TAft. ;1 al't-11 to Mcm f1k4d C'ata.raet, A.Ustratfal, I *at etw@d 4 khtatmalt inaut Siddth. Ctatral =4 Xcrtb samtrrm- - V tY XLXAMS LINIMENT. earnad'al, &i1r.,in" Moot.% ar�A, 81W. -I V a A11NOMW RUM ft.rr.IVI"C 15 Ugi,ilbrit eagaht bi Ang. !: Hardt. . * . 211ft'do IM& the wh�Ao J �t'*aV,-y"1M1@1- I wd:,q carta or .ikctkt@ DrOA6100 Ing pmitag4@ by 'WAut, rumfe dr -'an by mxuiba LINIMB-T. hSlit done by rodt, ww L'a ae.g,vto Likul ML-toL. C. CrX1%V9 READ, mll&_t 111hir-le 44an, vttl'ttly, moth'i-rga to# - MrsIC11. I ; It 10 WAM wo IIVC4�qgo 4 z9 Nuea a I Wdg rqptO of Apdtie WituWAthM � "11 flng 21 Iliont's tvvery 2150 by MMAPIV19 VNIMEVIL i 5 1145eygilhlo': 0. a, B=1M. ,td Ll lbVto $vta" th"ea4y JUM !I I three of cho so-vt1h a"Ilvelituroag.vintfig " jftrkban� ejbt. . . : . ffidol Iw*6dbD910P1 Out; cb6 #-a!§ kalm il 11 � i by bt5gatids an TurL-er, ono djc�g of I ! : eolde-umplton In butgal-L, U10"I & hothirr �� I &II Id tkt,95109 the Milkang �and btek-d .. .... �,�,�,�,11.1,11.,�,.".�",..,��.-I.,�"..'�.,�l.-..��,�.11�lr",.�".,�'I ........ �! I& len �Po sevptolp� that It Myl '01 b@ "AWWWWWWbiilk :I- i tftMtgbr--4. "-Mclr M64 fftft,�'Rlfig rheelt tvas 11.0 tvuKqla. wimtl VIDd Got- lefthlebt turnfil thirti back ts they - B, I oft al"I - -- � "'I I ,ff 01161 S" I *0 "I ikete all* -Lit to ekosg 9:Wtfa -to enter 06na, oin e&e5qut of thq war in Man- ethaliA, LCO Ift-f trI trieIr time, ?5t0tC&ftA&A . '. was wastell 1; 11 kneu , nd: Melt strep5. j .! �rtt , i t�ffccganlrnar, by a Ca-hAdian. "'I Email they "&eeg In tAit.vIt't not , ') I ! The Hotel UdeklijAlittm-0 fly,ft, !,Vt,o9M=tZv1! ftv tho gaven P -'r -t -In", Thw Alat-l'botdUgh afid:, the L11110141 LI%t8m nlrc-&Tly mill'yV-1vel by the 16-11. Eat VOItIMat�'r-e '._�%��_h SL'V_S�� , �;�_l ^`�_ Allup$b(!atc�lh,indttgi�, ltdbrgmg�tbtitho UECkL_g��A__ PVC -1 els ru-n41,4, wiiq W, diM ,la .11=70n,:� tne Intrit-,pM ttamr-la(rits% lZt1Cft1*_�_V.WVbtAA7. Argy F. a. RMI�N-_, Jate�el Antlk-", b�a. X Y. - Ar=±01's V11155memt cweg GatgetIfi PAAR TIES WANTEM) '00100L .Ito,ffen.N;Irj-kl%,C,TC,TL,-4.,Atho=f�,, Nver�=,Uh � � . , I 110t Wvather *�'"Iltl§. , I W.'a mar'.2ine. F"A.4r WtTlk. ,GM,1r-q7- ; ON MR ie:rs SISN Itanik-J". ,sena atamv Z* , ta!tUml�&E to ! Vhe C2�at�o =ine �q N��ichc_ma,% b1t. �' STA'NOAM H089,Co., T6ron!a,,0hL I'll the bab,y�g xam. a ,%sm,t �Ngek, a!as!- Arbany A,tv_�, 4 1.1 , . I . "O plex e on � Your C, m , " 11 Rffif-h-The tmw; I =atry =at 'be bold And rveafles's. L-4 ore odyoar�oy.3 ifgwg, if-t.o�gmd, yioatr# Z-0rP!ex,M- anA v6w- geneml healith ft wtant- ' EMel-Tes;i dear -he trast.- pue _k I &�r:A X'a br ir-�m &:*i &t P.O. widet for t,Wcv i mateuc-q preizerlp'lon': f2�n2-.ga your hmIth', —_ 1� "TIV va-,ghty yearg and never lhenc-o yo -,11. perfect comr,16tioni. Datot ask ,agfo­wo, ,d33f&eab,WW2650rwaSTMw!. A(7� � rtK , lstcoketl In *mv life:, . . "We3- dst-'I"S' 9&+, &?-,coaragsd : 3wa ) eress YALE.-LV-CDICA,3r,. Yale� IML& _____ May sm0k-2 .V,2�'-'-7'­1nd:_-rvapn,,1,-a *,qc,w,0- - ' X'17ETY - AT ONCO - GE\*F,r-'AD W�4 a "John, h,,-�w Care Tvi eome Lome, Ti)"uksmith *� ptwft Sobt s'.,u6WA,tes r rnnwl. Apj;ly, id Wixlfor Rat!, MethA4 Elmt at I ec!cek . "m the luorLin-r- CO.. On*_ "W-w-w-h-Y. Msr.v, y=_ It. Isnectr me tv sl, -47 ,ont aN 1:!C&r1tt&%0n IN-oxg 07 Tgn . C', � i, Fotlt-..-'-t:zfAatt'tm—elits'f3e-Aelcgpi'yr—'q�i.=- .a,.6=q(,afra%1 dallia-21n (Ort -7 Ce�ltm'v!—Denvek Timex 'Wr,",�s',c'el:;g,-3ttl�t,ai!aitg--3L rcrrlav'dcul�r4 ar,ply to I A . i� X W. XFSn1= Woodst6ck OAt. - —_ I AdmIrIng; Mnt'he,r_N.tnVF, I - � Tommy,, � ,."RVI -T rARv_rOlt -,_c% A -LP _�()_Vk Oir"n. M wqla,. do j,ou pay to,Mr.,BIJd&d �for 91ving Ye"I t.'hat Peony ? " X -Amst, in the, Nitipra Peairstls, ILEP Wintniv, 16 nilles frava H­,.�mfltqh 0* t*o va-1- _ , Tommy-please, .11�stc_r � BIldad, I ' wa:p 1,6b Atres in All. 35 of which Is In A'aft, 47. ly veac es. � Pat or m ff h Wul be --rold in one -�sllt it WaS a, mickel.-Oldo, state Jovirlial. I di'videvYinte lotg of 1i to 20 AMR to olwal chasem ThU !a a decliffed bargain TIL."; I I I . .� , Jonathan ,Carpenter, V Q. bi)t 4M WitOW4 Minard's LIniment'Gures Cold% ieft� Outsrio. --- - "I 7 'V'le Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syirap,lboticl 4- WAy8 be used fotplindrent4eft Ittootheg Itni- ... . man who has xr , ng *to do ,0WJf1L,,t,0ftA �0,0%"61 it, - *indbolld the _135 J12& C can 'generally be depended upon to do It. _ apd Is th&1&e_Ar6=,E0,fdt,d1b1tbb� vtv�,Tvvettt- � I . . ; , , I ''five tents S'hdtld� I I—- - -.--- _. I