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The Official Organ. of Zurich. and Hay Township.
VOL. II., NO. 7.
QT. BONIFACE, Catholic.
Order of service fol the summer.
Sundays: High Mass at 10 a, m. ; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 12 o'cloek;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benedietion at 7.30 p.
week Days: Mass every morning at 7.
30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Boar, or one hour'h, visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saeramet every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 8.
Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 10"o'cloek a. m. English, at
7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening.; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. R. Finkbeiner, Pastor,
geutfaN CP, Will. Si. petri
Oottesbiettft norm. 1?aibu /117r
unb abenbs 7 111)r. Sonntca3idiule
Dorm. 9 Wir. £threruelammlung
Dotinelt% ahenbs um 8-
V. BACHAND, St. Joseph.
Notary Public, Fire and Life In-
suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
Fred Manus returned on Monday
from a visit to Toronto.
WM. Stoneman returned from a
visit to the Pan-American, • ,
J. Steacy, painter, was in Zurich
on business on 'Wednesday.
W. C. Davis is entertaining . his
sister, Mrs. W. Hill, of Buffalo.
Mrs. Fred Bengough is able to be
out again after a severe illness,
3. W. Ortwein, -our popular mer-
chant, is in Ooderich this week,
quite a number from this town
intend to visit the Zurich Fair next
T. 3. Berry recently imported
four fine stallions from the Old
W. H. Trott, the photographer
left for Zurich where he will do
business for a few weeks.
A large number from town and
surrounding country .have attended
the Western Fair this week.
Henry Cook and family attended
the funeral of Mr. Cook's father at
Zurich, which took place on Mon-
Milfred Faust went to London
Pair Teeeday.
For an .up-to-date fall dress, cell
at D. S. Faust's.
Be sure you get an Overcoat for
the fair at D. S. Faust's. •
Remember the dates of the Zurich
Fair; Sept. 1Sth and 19th.
Mr. Fred Ehnes visited his brother
Mr. A. G. Ehnes thin week.
Messrs Louis Weber and Jacob
Warm spent Sunday at Goderioh.
Mrs. R. Buswell visited with Mrs.
Buchanan for a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Hamacher and
family visited at Seaforth on Sun-
Miss Barbara Bechler left the
Commercial hotel and will go to
For ladies' beautiful camel hair
Tams, all colors, call at D. S.
R. S. Richardson shipped a oar -
load of apples Thursdayto Glasgow,
Millinery apprentice wanted, at
day. once. Apply to Miss Beatrice
Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the Steinbach.
noted evangelists, intend holding a Mrs. Ed Sanders, of Elora, is stay -
series of revival meeting here next ing with her father, Mr. F. Demuth,
week. at present.
George McEwen sold worth
S. Mr. William Magel of Pulaski,
' ot clover seed to 3. b. Case. The Michels visiting his brother,HarrY$
seed was all grown on Mr. Mte this week.
Ewen's farm. Mr. Louis Mousseau of South
• • •
Miss Smith, ine
inner, iettnned Woodslee is visiting parents on the
home from the millinery openings, Bauble line.
and also spent some time with her Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, who was
sister at Hamilton.
(hate with Gamow & Proudfoot) Barris- James Hoggarth and Miss Kerr % recovering.
quite seriously ill for the past week,
ter, Solleitor, Notary Public..
were united in marriage on Wednes-
J. Dek•hert, Sr. is ttble to be '
Rmall• thltati°' day. The eeremony wasperformed
Barristers, Solleitors, Notarial Pablie
ete, ete. Cur. Square and North atreet,
Ooderieh, Ontario
-1 ,Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron
Commiesionor for taking Affidavits,
Couveyaucer ete. Valustor for the Hu-
ron rota Erie Lean and Savines Co.
°filet- Zeller Bloele Zurielt Ont.
• Lieented Auetioneer for Bur-
ton County, reepectfully !solicits tbe pat -
Wilkie or those who intend hexing sales.
Sitisfection eusendeed.
Deutiet, greduate of the Royal College
of Dental Stagtoes, %went°, allso honor
grielette of Departmeet id Dentistry,
Toronto reireetity. Painless extrection
of teeth. Plate work a speciulity.
At llostaialun Hauge. Zurich, every
Monday., 1 -26
- • cot,txsis STANDeltir
Corteeyerteer, etottey to Loan on Sillitee
and Peon Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Doettlinklits in °faunal Geettifill
reed edied upon.
0f6ce over O'Neirs able Exeter..
by Rev. J. S. Henderson.
lots of business these days. If ,vou
The 331ue Front store is doing f(?)1...tt feW wneks•
latter Prud'homme, of the
reneh Settlement." left for Lon -
want genuine value for your monev
e don Wednesday afternoon.
\vein. , F. Hess t1e Son are making prep -1
James Ronthron, of Zurich dge
mations for a. big ditaslay of bug -
lo • I • tt • •
the street again tater being laid up
Smith, to the Rev. L. IVIerner.
The young couple will reside at
Walkertou, where Mr, Merrier has
charge of the Evangelical church.
Miss Ethel Williams returned last
week from an extended. visit with
S. Hardy at Carsonville, Mich. She
reports Mr. Hardy and family con-
tented in their new home.
Mr. Harry M. Bennett,of Toronto
and Mi. MacVincent, of Exeter,
humorists and comic singers will
be at Town Hall, Zurich, on Thurs-
day evening, Sept. 19th, (Fair
August Miller, whom Dr. Camp-
bell bad removed to St. Joseph's
Hospital, Lonaon, to be operated
upon for appendicitis, is doing re-
markably well and will soon return
to his home.
A F. id A. AI attended the fun
g s u ers at th F t ail.
end of the late It. B. Hungerford, Mr. Powell Ward Fritz returned
Grand Master of Masons in Ontario, noulay night after spending a few
in Loudon on Wednesday.
days in Buffalo and Toronto.
Ifesers MeEwen amiGeiger hadit is currently reported here that
a hundred dollar loss en Friday Mr. .1. J. Mernrr intends returning
lust by some flax in tiiu ftelde being to town again in the near future.
burned. The lire is supposed to t Met Forget concert in Town
hates originated from some burning Hall. Thursday evening. Sept. leth,
stumps in an adjoining field. 011110 and enjoy a glue laugh.
Harry Bennett stired a personal ;
triumph in West Association Hall:
011 Tuesday evening last. in is
one of the Jolliest humorists in the
business, and his songs are always
in good taste. Compared with
others he is young, which bespeaks
a brilliant 1 uture.----khtt ardayl
Night, Toronto. At Town Hall,
'Zurich, fair night, Sept. leth.
An illustrated leeture un the
Holz Land will be given each even-
ing during' St. Peters Church ha -
mar, Sept. 24, 2 and 211. Plays
and musie will entertain all pres-
ent. Refreshments will be served.
Buy your tickets and seetar0
rhanees en aold watehsilver
watehes, conA dinner set. and 11
twenty other articles. See pink3
Death of' Ittiakardt Cook.
Mr. Reinharttt ('u'ok, an old
resperteil resident of Zurich. pas‘sed4
away on Faiday morniug, 6th inst.,
at the extremely old age of 90years
r 4 months and 5 days. Mr. Cook
was born itt Germany in 1811. and
emigrated to Canada itt 1h37, !neat-
ing at New Hamburg, and later
moved to these parts. His faithful
wife predeceased him about 2 years
ago and he has since made his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Fred. Rum.
mel. He was almost blind for the
last 2i) years, but withal wmi cheer-
ful and was possessed of a wouder-
memory even up to the end.
He was a faithful adherent to the
Evangelical Church for over GT
ydare. He leaves six sons and one
daughter and many friends tor
moron his death.
ruil• 0 0 0 0 6114E* * 0 0 re 6
es, 0 0 0 0 tonteet * te
Sttietly up -to -Atte in taodeto. ha-
eravetaents. Diningtooms is sop- tl
_t_a0 plied with only the vety best. ,1 t", et,
;1 Bi
ir tentsitis Moots atil 'rhe funeral services took plaee
`etipiee '4
0 eigare, 15 • e 1,i on Monday afteenoon, and were
re es
0 /ceellerst Semple Rooms 0,
for Cortennereial Men. 44-
-0 CI
4i 1 very instructive and impressive
ttidis ti ,„Asermon. His remaine were laid to
rg rest in the Bronson Line Cemetery
eg,ateelareete****400050**0***** and were followed by a large num-
. bee of telativest and friends, "He
sleeps in peate."
COOR.-At Zuriela on the eth inst., ;
4 Reinhardt Cook, at the age of 00!
's 4 and 5 s.
conducted by the -pastor, C. S.
Finkteiner. assisted Rev, M. L.
Wing,. of Berlin, who preached a t!
bt "Dominion"
-e:aware' ger mot
with all modern
conveniences. ritsteclass
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room alweys supplied •
with the hest obtainable.
et lit ShoematherPrOpt
tI ay
Tna HERALD and Thrice -a -Week 1
New York World, as good as a
daily, one year for $1.05. Send in
yonr name and address to E. Zeller,
Zurich, Cash to aecompany order..
In the Midway Piaisance season,
Mr. Harry Bennet, as a dutch com-
edian, was a host in himself. His
droll eways and funny make-up
kept the people in constant roars
and laughter. -Saturday
Toronto. At Town Hall, Zurich, 1
Fair night, Sept, 19th.
Messrs. Garnet Steinbach, George
Baldwin and S. Crisp put in at.day's
fishing at the Bend on Monday.
They brought home eight pike, the
longest of which (according to
Steinbach's sworn testimony) was
3 Om ..inches,an
Mrs.George Schoellig re-
turned from Toronto Junction on
Monday evening. They were visit -
in Mrs. Sehoellig's brother, Mr.
Abraham Bean, who had the par-
alytic stroke about three weeks ago
and isnot expected to recover.
Ball players of Credit= are de-
sirous of arranging a gtune with
Zurich to be played here on Fair
day, Thursday. All those inter-
eteted are requested to meet at rHE
HERALD office on Saturday evening
tit 9 o'cloek and make arrangements
for a. game if possible.
Miss Beatriee Steinbach returned
yesterday from the millinery open-
ings in Toronto and London, and is
ready to show all the latest things
111. ladies'hats and trimmings. Miss
Steinbach has the happy faculty -of
being a to please the most
critical buyers, henee her eontinued
success in the millinery trade of
Mi'. I/ S. Faust is puttingdow11
a cement walk and otherwise ze
pairing and improving Itis pro. rile Base Bali CI is now Gantt
perty. ,of business." It's near the end of
The workmen will hold met the season. The rentunittee wishes
to thank all who have mentberehip
regular meeting. this (Friday), even- to
Has now opened for the Fall Trade. Eve
is invited
French Flannels, Red, with Dot, at 50 eta.
Blue, " Stripe, 50 cts.
Black, " Dot, 50 cts.
Pink, "
We have several lines of Homespun., of the very latest patterns,
for Suitings. Be sure to ask to see our New Dressgoods, Poplins, AU
Wool Satin Serges, and Cashmeres. We also have a fewLines Mul-
lins and Prints left, at Rook Bottom Prices.. ...
Ladies' Readymade Skirts, in Black and 65c Io $2.00
other Colors, from
Dark Striped Flannelette 6e, Light Striped Flannelette 10e.
4 50 cts.
A fine lot of Shirtings at a Low Price. Call and
See them. No Trouble to Show Goods.
0. S. FAUST,
Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
Whenever any Goods in our Stock show a disposit.
ion to 'stick,' we Cut the Price, and Out they go.
We don't want in our Store "has beens" or "left
ever We have a lot of Women's Button and Lace.
Shoes, mostly small sizes, regular prices $2.00 to $3,00,
Clear Out Sale at Shoo to $1.25
1741. All members ure reque,„ted to tickets for the kindness they haw, ZURICH
shown toward the club by lending
at tend.
W. H. Trott. photographer. is their services in playing and in t
other royays. The surplus cash will
rtady for business. Yon will find be divided among the members
him at his old stand. next to Dr.
at a meeting to be held at Tnn
Campbell's 011105'. . Hump office on Kiturday evening,
Mr. John Foster is making prep- - n ,at 9 of
• e oe
arations to- put up a fine- brick it is expected that the drawing
dwelling itt town and expeet; to for the portrait of Rev. Father
have itotgnPleied before winter' %%dentin, tickets for it have
Fame entitled 'etiox and Pox- will neon on sale for some Milt's, Will
)10 presented by- Mr. 1%lite Vincent , haw plttee earls. in Oetober. The
and othets, Pair night. This !dont' proceeds will go toward the pay -
will lie worth price of admission. went of the expenses incurred by
Mr. and 111rs.Trevethiek of Credi- , the extensive improvements to
ton. Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Broderiek St. Boniface elmreh. Bverybeity
of the Babylon line and Mr. M. • should buy one of these tiekets. as
Ki stic, of to; spent Sunday with the portrait is a really handsome .
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Either. picture of this popular ,divine.
The lateen band has been en.
13iI,,/ai,s:tgutfetwannInlis,ifehriigngli-gftraot .1gag,r,it•dnitiititayrto frtttliisehxtino
$25 to Cite Regular prices were )ti
$40 to *'50. Call itt once if you want music will ettioY a rare treat. as
,, this organization is composed of
a bartetin. Zeette.
• twenty fiest•elass musicians. The
The eveitt of the eeason itt be A
eirectors have gone to eansidergible
the appearance of Harry M.Ilennett '$ trouble to seente suitable music,
and MacVincent on the evening. 4)-C and everybody should turn out and
Sept. 19th. in Town Hall. Zurich. 11 help to make this year's Fair a big
loll can't afford to tniss it. success. The boys from Biddulph
d MCHattleib left for will certainly put forth their hest ' . mirs. .
Sebringville to attend the wedding efforts to make the day' a pleasant 1
of the latter'. sister., Miss Clara
°11Telite Y. P. A. of town had a party'
at the home of Mr. M. (.4eiger,Bron-
son line, Friday evening. The
gathering was in honor of Mr. Al-
fred Geiger who had been a very
active worker in. the Y.P.A. citeles'
and who intends leaving for -college
at Napierville, III. Mr. Geiger was
presented with a, handsome bible
as a token of remembrance of his
friends here. A very enjoyable
time was spent until about twelve
o'Clock„ when the gathering dis-
; PeTzlirMe'e yotmg men from Blake
went to call on their best girls the
other night. They remained rather
late, as young men, are apt to do on
such occasions. When they started
and ail three vete soon in dream- Furniture
for home, nature asset ted herself '
land. The horse, after traveling
seine time, turned in at the gate et e '". ; My warerocons are headquarters in Zurich for neatness, Blenkets.
Blind Line resident and steod theur'eRobes. Trunks and Valises, Fly. Nets and Dusters.
All kinds of Household Furniture -Bedroom and Parlor Suit* Side -
The young men awoke after awhileboards, the best Extension Table on the tnark-et, Couehes, Earley Rock -
but in so bewildered a. state of mind
as to be unable to determine where ers, SPring Beds and Mattresses"
they were. They were put on the
"right" road by a gentleman whom
"My mother was troubled with
cOnsiiinption for many years. At
last she was given up to die. Theo
she tried Ayer's Cherry_Peerorsd,
end wee Speedily cured."
D. P. Jolly, Avoca, R. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
Ifs too risky to wait
until you have consump-
tion. If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
*Lida: ite., eroymett 'tor iit
Col; 161t.,j'ist ritlat for brdiAtitls, boarse-
Moss, bard tole •tc.; $1, meat octAitenicitt
fat atonic ,casos "mg tilX0/1113 tana.
J. C.11106 CO., Lo*ell, )(M4.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange..
ew SuiVngs
We have just opened up a shipment of New
Pall nitings, the finest and best values we have
ever shown in Tweeds, Serges, Black andancy
Worsteds, and we might say here that everybody
intending to invest in a nice, nobby suit should
not fail to see our stock and get our prices before
buying. We have had a large increase in our
suiting trade the past seaSOD, which goes to show
that we have the right goods at right prices. Call
early and make your selection before the stock is
broken. Style and workmanship guarani.
We also have a few pieces of Summer Goods
left in Muslim, Challies and Gingham, to clear
at ge a yard, worth 12 1-2 and 1e.
Prints that were good value at 10 and 12 1-2e,
while they last at 7e a yard.
All kinds of farm produce taken in evhange
for goods at highest market prices.
}1{ Int
Organs and Pianos
, they arousedout of laed, but it re-
quirecl a diagram of tbe neighbor- The high-grade Newcombe Piano; the Bell and Dotninion Or
hood before they were reassured. !and Pianos. We sell alt goods at the lowest possible prices.
No blame is attached to the youeg
ladies. Mt. *47,1"Mrsearnese 2610