HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 8are Can - with isall visit - is visiting is week. HenSall visit - e Hudson Sun - ere took in the gar- ursday evening at ons are busily engaged iekwork of John Coch- onse. eater there will be Sunday ol in the methodist church day evening at 6.30. Do you want handsome pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Corn wall? Take Tau HERALD and Mon treal Family Herald and Weekly Star from now until Jan, 1 and you will receive the pictures free. Only costs 30 cents. TETE ZURICH HERALD DEATH OF EMANUEL E. FAUST. DASHWOOD Promising Young Nen Passed Away Special to the HERALD.' Saturday Morning. Rev, Morloele and wife attended the Pan-American the past week. Miss Goetz, of Linwood, is- visit - Death has removed a young man ing at her uncle's, J. K. Goetz, from our on Saturday 7uorn- ing, in -the person of Emanuel E. Miss Laura Kibbler, of Bra second son of Mr, and Mrs. ton, spent a fetv days with friends D. S. Faust. The deceased has hero last week. boon in . rather poor health for S. Ireland, who bas been on the quite a while but 11 is only within sick list, is able to be out again. the last few months that he was L. Weigand is suffering with a confined to the house. He had an ..3-0,0,6 comforter." affection of the heart, coupled with a severe hemorrhage of the lungs Malcolm Ziler lost a valuable about two months ago, and though .horse a few nights ago by hanging at times, rallying somewhat, he itself. It appears the animal got gradually sank until death relieved its hind foot over the halter chain, Mr. Ziler refused $135 teshort time his sufferings as above stated. "Monnie" as he was familiarly iLO for the horse. called, will be much missed by the Dashwood has a dancing school. young people of the town and by Applicants for lessons will please apply to the secretary of the sun- flower club. his parents, brothers and sisters who -were greatly attached to him. His remains were laid to rest at the Bronson line cemetery on Tuesday and were followed by a large num- - ber of relatives and friends, who - deeply mourn the loss of a young and promising life. Floral offer- ings were given by the Young People's Alliance, the Methodist church choir (of which deceased had been a member) and several others. The deceased leaves par- ents, two brothers, Alfred E. of Cosmopolis, Washington, and. Sam- uel of Zurich, and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner of Milverton ; and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman of Zurich. Among the relatives and friends from a distance who attended the funeral were : Rev. A. Y. Heist, Berlin; L. R. Clark, Berlin ; A. L. Jubilee Laundry Work guaranteed equal to CIT.=WCIeac We use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order HOFFMAN, The Tailor. J. H. Wisme Since the recent electric storm which passed over our section a few weeks ago, the lightning rod agents are busy rodding up barns and houses for a great many of our farmers. On Wednesday, the 21st inst., Moses Miller, of Winnipeg, former- ly a Dashwood boy, was married to Miss M. M. Mills, of Stratford, formerly a teacher of our public school. On Wednesday morning, the 21st inst„John Dietrich and Miss Emma Kraft, both of Dashwood, were married by the Rev. Father Tier - nun, of Mount Carmel. F. A. EDWARDS IS GIVING MONEY=SAVING BARGAINS To clear all lines of Summer Goods Ladies' Shirt Waists worth nnn from 500 to $1.25, all go at White, Black or Fancy Dress Mus- lins, worth from 1.2..4 9 and me 150, for YOU NEED TO SEE THE GOODS TO APPREOIA.TE THE VALUES. COME AND SEE US. F. A. EDWARDS BAYFIELD BAYFIELD Special to the HERALD. Rev. Mr. IfeKibbon, of Bryans- ton, preached in the Methodist ehuroh, Sunday morning. Mr. and R. Willert shipped a car load of Mrs. McKibbon have been camping lambs to Buffalo on Saturday last. for a month in Jew tt's grove. O. Baker, Galt ; Miss Martha J. Routledge is all melee. It's They left for home Wednesday. Anthes, Waterloo; H. S. Faust, another boy. . Miss Minnie Green, of Detroit, Cairo, Mich.; Wm. Finkbeiner,. Quite a number of our citizens ' is home for a short visit. Milverton; Ezra Knechtel, Milver- intend. taking in the Pau -American Misses Bella and Mary Wheadon, ton; Leander Ellenbaum, Eilma. in the near future. , of Chesley,are home for a few holt- ' nagla Mieh. Wm. Zimmer and family are (lays. eteeerso BELLS visiting friends in Berlin. I Miss Ella McLeod left last week (Written on the Death of Emanuel Faust) Rev. Eiehert has gone to Smiths- for the Soo, where she has obtained . Again upon the ear there swells, ville to attend conference. , employment. The muffled sound of tolling bells. . Chris. Willert and wife are visit. Miss F. Stanbury is teaching the ; Low, low, soft alai low,— Jim; at Wellesley. school on Bronson line. , How their sail notes come and go i We congratulate Alex. McLeod Let no harsh .or grating sound. Y BLAKE Ion obtaining a, second class cortifi- ' Help the mourners hearts tit; wound. ' Special to the Heatete. . Mrs. Harry Morgan, a resident of Mrs. W. Nicholson has had the ;:iiittytield some 27 years ago, is the August days have seemed to bring hotel pinup tuul well repaired. i. guest of Mrs. Dr. &limitary. To the birds tt sadder song. . whieh will no doubt be appreciated: Rev. Robt. Gairdner and wife, ' '' And for us the pretty flowers by the traveling public. 'whet have been the guests of Mrs.. Cease to cheer the lonely hours. , For the fairest one is gone.— '. The weather in this vicinity of, Gairdnerjeft for 'their homeeerand T . ne I ut i I t 't ' h . ,nle h ) ., , late has been more like living; the' Rapids, last week. ys'71' • A,4, .!!!tt. Arriving almost daily at my Big liardWare, which will be sold very cheap for cash or trade. T have a little of the old Hartleib stock left, which 1 will sell at cost. I am also getting a fine lot of v If you are in need. of a tove you will do Well to see them before placing your order elsewhere. FOR ALL KINDS OF Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oil Lamps, Glass, Etc. CALL AT THE BIC HARDWARE where you eau get them. cute at the recent examination. Main Street......, Zurich, Ontario. ORTWEIN'S ale in till 4.last AT THE STORE WITH THE GLUE FRONT. Crowds of eager buyers attended our first Bargain Day last Saturday and. all went away well pleased. Next Saturday we will still give Greater Bargains than ever. Wenderf al Bargains that should fill the store on liaturday—Bargain Day ,t 24 Ladies' Shirt Waists, former price 50e, The, $1.00, I . , For 25e, 50c, 75c and ed.00. 9 Ladies' Figured Lustre Skirts, former prh.e $3.75 and 41250, 5.00, now at . • . 5 Doz. Pair Ribbed Hose, tt worth 35e, StR uI 9C 6 Dia. Pair Children'S Spliced Heel and We, worth 15 and 2s'', 8:anvil:iv, 3 Far 1 OC 1, intense holt has somewhat abated. Several from here attended the - AL BLACKSMITH A N D One who owe, amidst our throng. Miss Lizeie Eiter of Goshen line garden parte at Mr.Bell• HORSESHOER. Moved about with laugh and song; returned to her situation in Minnie township. last Friday evening and Little did his eonkradt's know •sobs on Monday last after a. visit to had a pleasant time. pairing all kinds of tuachiner:,' lie should lie the first to go. the PareAmerican. We need a dress maker here. a speciality ! Leaving here a vacant SIAM' Mrs. P. Atimusinethe Misses Man. There is a splendid opening and a No one else could e'er replave. ti011 gild Wii1011 Ma Dr Maher of peel dress and coat maker would . Gotlerieb. e . t home' of 1 . . i Days and nights Of suffering past, m „ j 1 in i k i i •I n 1 . Witter, 111 I trt he to Vt, delay to do • Whitewear Ladies' Corset Covers, l'or 13e, 20c, 25e, 40e, 50c, 55c, Ladies' Drawers, 4 Pair at . . . 25c. 1' Pair at— . . 30e. 11 Pair at , 35c. 10 Pair at . . . 400. e Pair only at . 50e. e Pair only . . 90e, Three tables filled w th Odds and Ends at Half Price, )1Te bled to Make Oar SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY a Success &rich Weary eyes 'have closed at last, Mr. John NES11.4011, Sr.,last Sunday. 11, Hemp, James Manson and All heaves, o t Lamont lett here seeently '1111:rtbilY f"ewells haw belln 84*i' illt011404.°41cIrl raising. ihge°fIkigatarteig to work on the sheiks at Port i ed- We want own upen the p ow w the Highest market ikriee paid While the seal bias taken 'light 11 Esler is ut present Willa g a A large slgn,"Post (Mee SaN ings , silo. Peter Baker has the ("entrain. Bank," has lately been placed in for Wool, tiash or trade. A full atoek of irweetle Blankets Through the =Ire depth of heaven I It el Nichol wits ill Exeter on *IU' vAndaw af ear Peet alike. Wool ! Wool 1 1 And they've laid the drooping head on a pair of twin cave& Lime. Dill . Sheeting, all kinds of Yarn. For to vlaiin the entrance given I biteiness en 'Puentelast. 11r Wheddon expeets to have the reiderwear, Stoekirigs. Shirtsro the faithful ones V.°110 1:1101`k. Mr. Henry moonier and miss evaporator running next week. ' Overalls. ete. Open Wings the pearly gate 31. ynk, sppnt Sunday. and meeday ThU season will likely he short. as , And the pilgrim (inters in. Dashwood. lapples are caret'. Our Furniture Fr" from tII mnl Palin' The Presbyterian churl+ &ready Mrs. E. Shaw returned from her brother-ineinevet ftmeral. Monday. Vifareroornsiifaltzvrils.„: 1,111Y:dull id ve brem for the opening ort Sundae next. ee 4.41 to le earei 4P IIIBB., ''' MSS Anna Campbell returesei to ' Via" 1,7,ar:Ii‘a% to was on his way trip tO the Sogeneeitini- are complete in all lines. siie_h 'On the golden streets he mauls . literlin reeently. 1, , pinged her. aalledroeni SintesAhalineireir Weleoreing to the heavenly lands. R. G. Xiehol has seine tirreithy The and mfrs. ilt„nry..,4 st Marys. awl Parlor furnisnings. Cowen Parents., isistere„ brothers. friends, seed left. Anyone wontint.i3O to get were visiting this ,A eek at Mrs. es, Window' shades and Prieinre To the blies which knows no eitd. good elle= seed should give Iteb a iiiiirsots% frames. OWE V A CALL. 42411 before it all goes. & joHNsex h 4°'unt.„, THE NEW YORE WORLD, miss Cala Thompson returnee to T. A. Stinson has fitted up :a bar- ber shop in the rear of his store. * Thrice4Meek London on Monday last. h ZURICH Carriage Works k TILOS. Cameron is engaged in the Mrs. .1.1lee.) d. A. Maeitenaril• twe bariteriug business, The Itost WidelY Read Newspaper!, Richard's Landings is visititig heir Miss p,aretets, Mr. and Mrs. Iteht. Allan. ee , in ABleriBA. Mary Beattie, of Elliott. We ere an glad to see Mrs. mao„ is the guest of Miss L. Elliott. Time has demonstrated that the;; doneld back /IOW. Thrice -a -Week World stands alone il We are pleased to hear that our its class. Other papers have ...We boys who went west all Se. imitated its form but not its ane- eured good situations. We wish cess This is beeanse it tells alt, them well. the mews all the time and tells it uGW 611/8 Larger Stieek Than 2ver. Stubbier Than iNtr. Price' Lowe' Than Zver11. 0 titan , 3( i last Model diary at Buffalo, for the 'bflei h NI EVERS WOMAN NP.P.DS. There are times when every WOHIRII is tormented by itching skin and woule give anything for , "relief. There is a 'preparation. ' impartially. -whether that testes beP141L1DEPHIA. known as Dr. Chose s Ointment, political, or otherwise. it is, itt fact, almost a daily at the Itrice ef 11 special to the avtiLD. which is a prompt relief for these suffetings. Women. prize it both a weekly and you cannot afford to" The farmers are having aft easy for their own use and for its won - he without it. ea addition to OEM'S. : time this fedi the harvest in this detful elteetivetiess in CtIlillf,,,' Baby it publishes firstneass serise stories1 vicinity *as light and the fruit not Bezetoa Budd head clia.fin and , g, , home and fireside. Wm. Smith stud family who were hood. ,I The Thtice-ki-Week World"sreg_ta. visiting here toeve left for their ------4""- lar sabseeiPtien Priee le 010 *lee' home in Detroit on Triesday last. Standing of the Herds. per year and this pays for 15t, at - d. Stelek and sister Lizzie were The following is the stamping ,of ' .... pers. We offer this unegnalied mid other features suited to the, very beavy. the various skin diseases of child. liAllalAINS FUR ERN -III fi 11,° TIM S'I% ui wan Tull HUT FM ENT Groceries at Close all the Butter and Eggs Sutter, i5 cents; 1:1W,S, 12 Cent s. 0 i 4t wein. _ Prices we Can Get H EN SALL ONTARIO T WHAT YOU WANT. RE Too pro it vett entiir 1iiireee !fry It viII alisi• 41.14,atikm. pain. 11 'li 11,,Itst. in !live tiulautzte.s. Only 25' IN Table Cutlery, Apple Parers, Lant= erns, liarness, Trunks and Valises for cash or trade. CALL Altitek SEE U. IB & coil Hardware zaht ZUFZION, ONT. visiting at John Heys Sanda.y the herds in the Pan-American newspaper and. THE eletiALID to- gether one year for $1.65. The regular subscription price of John Elliott says he has a, good ."eh Actg. leth, for the ,1 the two papers is $2.00. tune handling the flax gang, Goodl•ptize "for the herd showing the , Address, Tar Iletteen, Zurich, foi. you Jack. " greatest net profit, butter fat alone JOS it; NI Babcock test": Jersey, 0.70; ;considered as determined by the, Ont. c *40 006kiglif L.f/VE Guernseys, $3.72; Ayrshires $8.5"4'; of '; Bed Polls, $1,93 ; Holsteins, $1.69; — m weerittenoran --aamperimedeo— Special to the HERALD. - if, Leon jeffty, who has been eon-lFeerresencyhs, Call$1.4a1d;i0mroqwnt7i5w2iss,P$orT2d; .. l • Special to the Hertene. T. Monate/ and wife, of "'tall fin.ed to his toota, is recovering Bendsmiled on anal shorthorns, $6.49 ; Dutch Belted, , friends here last is now able it, be around again. ,.40. Wra. Smith and fainily,who bevel rot the last three weeks the jr.. kinds of woodwork and saw- , Will Orr, of Evanston, 111., who w Planing and Saw Mil week. Sing done to order. Estimates hes beert visiting friends around : turned to their home in Detroit. now pushing the Guernseys eloaely agiven for all kinds a buildings. , here, has teturned home. tIA full stock of E. C. Red Cedar , ; X. 31. Contirte and E. Bicigneal, for first plitee. 'The startding of Annie Keys is visiting friends in; , of the Queeres Hotel', are on a trip' ekteh herd in the butter fat tompeti- Shingles. All kinds of Irtmber ale iSeaforth at present. - tion from May- 1st to August lath trways on hand. , to Chicago. 4 J. T. Keys, Rufus Keys, e eeen I Robert Bonthron and faired ee 4 is as follows : Guernseys, $147.18 1. 'Sharp and Melvin Keys took ad- . leensall picrtieed at St J Y' - Jerseys, $141.08 ; Ayrshires,$140.80: 3{ every day0 a M IC f d . au; Crown Swiss, $117.13; Short- il in the Methodist Church here on 44-OgSlriONS FOR WOWEN. $108.84; Polled .Terseys, $108.75 ; a Are you weak, nervous, irritable, Dutch Belted, $70.41. Sunday evening. family easily- worried and fatigued? 1)0 In thecompetiton "for the herd. 'SAT SFACTION GUARANTEE0 ' Mrs, E. Johnson and your daily work and feel showing the greatest net profit in a i' visited at E. Robinson s on Sunday. Yon dread like letting your daties go •andone? total solids," the standing of each been visiting friends here, have re. seys have been in the lead and are vantage of the excursion to Detroit Saturday „ last. (1.6D -h " Holsteins, $130.30; Red Polls, $128.- ChOpPittg done Andy- Reid conducted the services horns, $108.86 ; French Canadians, 1 been visiting f.riends around here ur nervous s3rsterei and send the as follows : Holsteins, $149.60; _ Hazel Dignan, of Exeter, who has Dr- Chase's Nerve Food will restore hetd to July 30th (latest report) is e Mills I4th Con., Lot 25. for the past few days, has returned " thrill of new life and energy- Ayrshires, $136.74; Crown Swiss, home. through the bode. It is above all $121.06; Shorthorns,$120.48 ; Guern WWiifnchey was the guest a. won:Ian's medicine, as its invigor- seys, $120.20 ; Red Polls, $117.10; Will Hart and wife spent Sunday sures regularity in the functions of $103.34; Polled. Jerseys, $84.43 ; ri Zuch P. C. with Robt. lefcLinelseses family. the bodily organs. Dutch Belted, $77.08, 44'._ C. Kalbileisch of Maris. Dawson on unday-. sting influence on the nerves in- Jerseys $113.79; French Canadians, 1 We are now read' to show :vou New Goods for Fall, especially in Dress Goods and Tweeds. You May think it's early lo purchase your Fall and Winter Clothinlr, but tho advartla!fe is, you get a better choice by doing so. De„.. In Drees Gaids we have the newest shades and ress Good.meet eal, so we therefore extend an invitation to each and every lady to ;examine the-' goods, buy En. not. We will be only too pleased to show them to you. We have several 1 different shades of Opera Flannels for Wait'. Ask to ;,:ce them when you Iare in. iT- ,--'..eeS our store and feel confident that we can please you both Ad, n the 'Tweed line we have the best stook yet shown in xr ! in quality and wive. Don't you event a niee eiVERCOAT this fall? We have the goods for it, and therefore we are anxious to have von examine them. Our line of Water -Proof Overcasting is to beauty. Furnishings , - - - IR:Titer, we earry everything Gents' . . ents eurinehings. Oar Hats, Ties, Glovest, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs and Sacks are Al goods. Carl and see us about your fall supply. 'We will not disappoint you. Zteinbacb Zurich