HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 6s. When 8 BANKER. esistance BiayCollapse me- Dynamiting Trains Colony -The !merle' Teo - a Lot of Cripples -Hitch - ism and Krugerism. don, Aug. 23. -The correspon- of the Times cables from Pros C. what he calls this grave state - t o one can close his eyes to tlie that the edifice of Boer reels - cep shaking to its foundations, eollapse at any moment. The pal wire -pullers are feeding the e of resistance by buoying up t is now a forlorn hope on re - to of agitation and dissensions In nd. Every word reflecting on eeenduct of the campaign, either rel a military or a political point view need showing any impatience didsatisfaction, upon reaching the X leaders Is used in a distorted to maintain vitality in the leggle. Proof Is before you that u. informed '<ringer of the state the trameti flk and was esteemed him tha,t he pee, s.ieo tn.aus to e the adequate r ae wo- n. Compare the dates of this cos- tinaltdence and their coutempor- events. and you will clearly sec t it is that is now costing the no. - so muck In bid and treasure, the beet of ray information liru- e removed the eetato moneys witit L e ulterior ubj.ot, and the lead" Boer seenerais and officials still snontilly stipends banked to in. The war Is therefore profitable theta and we leng, as it so con - no to be they will play upon the ilcitY and patriotism of their Owing. National impatience en .0 part Nays into their hands. Here believe that the edifice Is toter- . Lord Kitchener has now eon - rated Me etterge* to destroy ite t Sepports, One support -namely, e rebels tn Cape (.7oltiny-ln being dermlned by General 'treacle while ery nerve is b'leg strained to se- ttee Orange Liver Colory, by aptiire of its two arelt ffii- ks,. to a state ell:idler to that ex- it: the etreth of the Transvaal. chat proelareations, regard- bailie/anent et belllr„erente fixed date, and the rtgorene t new meted Ont to reb- elltleWe Of the caret dee ;batten here. It *would be aI at the tleventii Ii9tar tniu- Mute eatleature." IMer-eiala COLONY orrraGns. a/Lilting Railroad Tracks !still Continuee. .aft rettnet, tors. tree-Tite fre- IMerreeetione the rattwa,r - glinting; 11)e rast wed,: tto inrtkdraevtnr..=nt.gto ttre iterces tile, they etre', fee:eg husttetitty rnrt.1 €•. rd tte, eit.11- mler ttenottal rrerette Wale to, Vole hoe Clete Is nothing it:nn to LW: retneWItits. !rue ralis. The ;melted nt tra10io ley placate; th a Startled rifle Wed delta- rtreeges sneer the rails is geterally known that thu tonget require a special - eery it out. .5, Gertean Trans- erher was taken elleoner a -dee nOo having the apparatus te He beloegel to Theron' tle, tattle te composed most. ereigoers, Lut It would eeetn tis man heele rovtng ezitn- t to wreck tra]bse The enemy o cross the line of Meek - 'Ott ending eastward from De pous torn, it, thee& ere ELvi attelMptS on cue te were only two instnnees Men suececJing passtrig IAL YEOMANRY. "r ofthe Mit, the Lome on tee Mind. on with' the Baden-P.oerell ounted Pollee Force, Is on, his way 'home, haying been eneurect In an en - gement. Pte. Jewell is the .sen of Mrs. Jewell, of Harwich Town- ship,. and hoe lived eround Chatham all bis life. Hanging Rebels. London, Ang. 24. -The Times pub- lishes the ft$116'wing despatch from its own correspondent, dated •Graaf Reinet, ...egg. 10: The MIlitary Treason Court now •sittliag at Middleburg, will sit at Cradock beam, returning to Graaf Reinet. T.1ve ha,nging of rebels would appear to have haa, a good effect. The crime of trea.soe weighed lightly on the more ignorant Dutch; and not until they see the death penalty very generally inflicted will they realize the heinousness of tbe of- fence. , r LOndon. Aug. 2.1. -The game of hiae and seek goes on in Sauth Africa, with small successes scored from week to week by the British army. Gen. Kitchener's eet hunts that there were 13,500 Boers in arms early in July is reduced by recent weekly re- ports to a little over ten thousand. Where the- fragments of commandoes making up this aggregate tire is a mystery. The largest hostile force is in the Eastern Transvaal, but prob- ably- it does not exceed eight hundred burghers. Scheeper's commando is the only one south of the Orange River, and Gen. French is operating against it. Kritzinger and Wessels have been reinforced in the Wepener district by the bands which Knox was driving through the Orange River Colony, but this eombined Boer force is about four hundred men. This force will be between two fires, but will probably escape by subdividing and scattering the eummandoes, as has often been done before in the same section by He Wet, Olivier and other Boer generale. A easualt•y Bet given out last night betokens a serious fight, which has not been adequately reported. The latest ilespnt !hes from Holland indicated a despondent and almost liopelee.e feeling ani 'ng Mr. 'Kruger's frientle. KRUGER'S PROTEST, The Two Repel)Ilies Were Not 'Mem- bers °attic, Peeve Congress. Lendoto .Uig. Mr. Irug'rpri- i est against loom J. teltener's pro- eltimation, when it is addressed to the powers en:omitted to the pile- ciplee of The Hague ttonteation, lose moues or its levee front the fact that the Son) Afriean Republic and the Orange Free State were ex- cluded front the Pletee temp:rote, Tho tlovernment of the Netherlande, he - fore iseuing the tositation to the Congrees, oda:fitted to Russia a list of the itowi.rs uhin.11 bhonl.1 lie in- vited.. 11. ineleded tee two Reprili- lies Of Seuth Afriea. it•itielt had Cone sniar offivers et The liagne twoe; rcLerneil fteitit Pet ersbnrg with the names of the two Repetitive ertiestel out. l'itixr the t'zar waki ainwitatig to offend England,or the Foreign oftiee idtiet had nellinated that It would Lase nothing to eh eitit the liettee ittotigreee if nu two reptibteo set re linLeL 'The Huleft centimes:it pe I not prott!st, and Ito, Iteltreee was Ledd watitetat the teesente ttf nub-It:ars front ',!!outh Afeeta, Me. Itroger"epro- teet will be made ,t4 the interest of two States whirl: wtte epeeially et: - eluded trona tle,r3 cT•troc.• Citti;,•te. Thils mate , alui.antinge Ter lenglata time when ant.? reoeneets of the "leers i aro nearly est:too-19.-1. ii weold have i.r.ecti a ;prolate:" gait ftv rngiatell fear- 1 in the laet two .;) ,,,.dr•; aBie two tal to ;1 gliv2,,4:.N.1.1r4 in • tae rorepfr..F•90 `.qella Oilier: cbtiga t ton to rritieir,k,.-.5 B,tc.il Nanow4hp......."Iplepp....44,W,tapppsppotem londaio, on1e1 a clay's ride frorn the sea, while Conenanclatt Sche1pene1 commando is threatening the im- portant town of Ontshoon, thirty miles from the Indian Oeean, In Brueseis it is stated that Come znalidalte General Botha has ordered the Boer commanders in future to retain all captured British as host- ages, in case Lord Kitchener car- ries out the threat of his latest proolantatioine SICKLY HtelTiel1 RECRUITS. Protest Against Admitting Diseaee- Ridden Street Loafers Into Army. London, Aug. Ea -Commenting on and airing the soandal of the ineffl- elency or the Yeomanry sent to South Africa, which was referred to a report by Lord Kitchener a few days ago, In whieet he said many of then) could rieither ride nor shoot, the St. James' Gazette says; "Many of these Yeomanry are street loafers who are phYsleallY mi- tt for service. Some of them have heart disease ; some have varioose veins; some are cripples, and some are nearly blind. Do the Home au- thorities realize this? Are they goirij to panisb officers who allow disease ridden rapscallions to join the army?" ; AFRICAN Nt7RSES HONORED. Ten Appoint ed to Militia in Recogni- tion of Their Services. Ottawa, Aug. 2;1-Accord1ng to ordere published yesterday. the following ladies, late of the elouth ..kfrican Field Force, are appointed nursing sisters in the militia: Miss Georgiale, Pope, Mies Sarah Forbes, Miss Mary Affleck-, Miss Elizabeth Russell. Miss Deborah Hurouen, Miss Mary Horne, -Miss Margaret :Macdon- ald, Miss M. P. Richardson, Miss Eleanor Forteseue, Miss Mary 33irin- Ingham. MOUND BUILDEFIS FOUND Six Skeletons Found at Twenty -Mile Creek. ONE HAD BEEN BURNED TO DEATH Mr. David Ito;3.1e, eitral,..r ,,f tin, thotario Educational Matson% this ? week opened sip a eueniel of the Nbeend ituilthuw near the mouth of (..T.,nr*Ienitt. 1, „Y. -31i le i'rei.ti, in Lineobt ; l'hr. otonwl itt 11111,S1 I'M IS ha 1.1111. NI en 1:11P. farm of Mr. l'..ter Bradt, ant Is oval in foree :1Sfot,i long by 311 broail and three and a-italf Feet high, Item:eine of sie human 'ladies \rev' foiltiol In varheas parte el Ike iniound..- Tmlp 13-41,53 111). ortlt.r lit the method , or their interment, hat timet of them !, lay on •their right ediles. One skel-'l same had in its bottle ruler or flveo flint nrrowleeoLe tier! a slate knife. , It legs were erossed anti bent under , it. This k' 1r41 Mr. 11,,,.1r, liranglit Y With 11 in% hillib •1111011 0 9 the, eerth it lay. outy .40, pill, cl e.koill was, lerinte and alone prae`nitel tee.' Elom'e• ” the rest. lia3:1,4it• q,'ruatoubleAl to Mae very, teepee:0 tiiteeetery erten; tho . Ve1;4fti1104 of a. teereen ate Gael neve : 1rirtor's1 ;it Pab stahe Iti tile t,,tii144.1' Tlici etrarrhA renuti 119 40 TA ,I• letuees were foe tel. leo% ion; ie, tit.. ha eon:toe:4 handl :ie. to the ftt et Nee cat the itifiivirl,tal in spwst•.:71 inia-14. as ta.r as he hti.w.,•,;,. iLp.,4 th,:f.!,.,...,; inst.inteL, t+! FL,,:elt. a &-oeseeve hu eve * , el 11 .o rimon41s. .1 A few other relies tat., ee fee 1 l' &Alit 4IS t1tr.'tbilt1h,.,..51,•i. IVAI"' Z,i P .11i,,. 4. e.01 h�0 umaher 4,10..15elti,$.. A -.', eT <1 , are Now Ito INt" letr,i.1'.:171t.bi. Pri".'6),Iii10 111,1 t biA'64!! M.P,6;1%4... V.'6'.:'1," '' - l'.4eitir'1 oTter tt.e il.,1v:, 'Lt. k.,,T l'._; ,- twatis in Ar.ill,v,:v..tai. ii•-;?-47:tv. L,,..r.. reitt,,..'rat fitnr.gie.,.,..4 ;312go1 09111.i'.-:.• ir,,t 6MBi. The e,:tii.:.1..., ,5-74 tlzr...• r.:.;,,,,i', IrttO b!••3E'L,111 o`.," et.7ty 010•44: TO reeteat eet, tkO. OM:00;4n tel•:.,(1f.v....', a V1'...Z. #..%4'• li uumns. Attilt,ors, vv.: .;,- ,1,11 11 t :roe three. fitteette,-,,11 4 .'i .1 t AT. 1,%.,,•':ij ,. weeto tint!' in et 1' la etet atere,tt. trot. ili.ad Felt itedy de -eat -tel. tieee t 'ee let 7:' '1 if. In tether eases ittintevetteet ttet '4 il pEter.P...° while. the einews are in:A '..;., li SPICh 0. onP wae that jest *.:2t,..,,,./vv.-.:••:, r, 11 with the lege croseeel and bent.. TOO MANY WRECKS. WILL CONTINUE Tale VittlIT. iiaty Iesues a coubterettroelante at Fen:. immk-42. Avg.. 0,.-Tbr_.WaONLec s reeett el the ftettottiag ettepatela f ont Lord tstletiteneer, dated at Tette toela to -day: "Delarey leas issueit cozrnter-pro- elamation warning a.111 1.;,.ers against roy tateat proclatuatten. ana. (leder- eg that they it ettetinutt the struggte. ttirte. ittit-Tlietts is so Igo/flea:tee in the otfielal nentWanee- anent tat Gen. I3elare,y has retern- ed a defiant answer to Leta Kite-heft- ete Delarey is sem el the, Inest cap- ab!le avid roryst reptiteble of Reer generale. and Iletha aLd Dell,"et. are Got un -/likely to foKow is extemple. Lord Eiteheraer wii,therelore, have to persevere in is taste CI Blunting flown the tmeti tr4v,srA to MEni.„ The Boor forces aro biing. gr.1>slInrelVy worn away by thci prot-t. ss lattrttion. DESTIZOI, late FELLGIOAPHS. General Vetirtt IsCottecting Another Fore. Cape Town, A. 25. -Ta la, ors hate lately been destroyiag the teli..,gral3Its. 'Many of tee mainaies ittSLe Cape Cottny and Natul emit: uteri eat General De W t is reported to be at, Zastron eel:tooting a tome, which will Include Porteaa and liritzin- ger'S corinctra:t&es. At Burgheredorp L47 sce,nd ease reisels have bten e;istraticeised. nden, Ar4g. `Ill, 6 arel-lfrom corna2aint whit,h, it is • has tio:?en rade by ILT).171 Kiteli- me to the. Veer Mice, it would • telly appenr that thatast bates Stiroperiet Yeeraenry sent out to jtt.th Africa inetuded cripples ond ... 3 C.A'12:tr,t0:1i with heart -tliseaee. Piro lets. been eheekang carelessitoss oetaany Instances in tile race/eat ettetatton and general testing of 4- ' Irareerin, 1cornanry. No, one as- p hts teat ther.a ;zee not any thor- arriOng, Vire gcetet : ;t E.Ni..e, that, he4r.:,liss .k.es„ :an.:f Pararris were sittiag •.entItn1 wii e:a.ety be drawn in 16, flotiee tor Comm.-.iis to tIni ser:ous s bsto ette:Ii",,.3 by (..z.,.se a seni- •.; out, atti....7aptingt r- ning ". Lorio aLt1:apc,ss..6112O tterial as the Wor eaiteetletteatteettl .a hurry to hiii?zer. CAVALRY tiayt*.Elf CHARGE. Austration Regimen Give a Good Prefer Krugertera. eape, Town. en g. fron f.landers who have returned try , hannesburg coutain letter testa- 1 tints or the regulations the writers o forced to finite -AN. to. Tine letter ys: "Pcrs.onality, procticat/y none ists. Nire, even long for the good old of ICrugerisre. It was nothing the present Kitcheneriern." bhatharrt Man Invalided. . • • Methane Aug. 23. -Word has been delved in Ma:thane that Pte. Gid - ft Albert Xevrelf, who enlisted in Account relfrmServeS. Moernfontein, Arg, few flays Inca a party of e.,atee, aseseeauee :Nlorgtlus Oft Cup,e l'routotitorr. Joitres. •,.-:.- Zthterb on ti e Capi3• p,*041.L tory this seas:A itas Siit as nrsett apprcEimhion html as elsa..3.5-Ekre. than tight eecan eteartt have gone to pievee t, 4us sten:non.. Hen:, trirg 1.0"i7mfIngt„ Fe& &VIZ. san May1°1,, 11r,..27 t BeUanc e .041, 5....,a.:Jne ASYy;i.;,,fre, 21,71e. werpt".:.td.,,n!rea], gensv•ra-; 011eT40 peel to atv.11 general July Gth, st.ets-le.r b.;!..- Cce toMobiEe. Aug-. z. 1, s;117.1ie-r Vera, to .7.;jitretd., hetiBwr;t. to arabur n an,1 Tnis Is a ri.e-!,ra oriuuliv..,d in any part cf tn w,!Tt'l. It. represents a ts ttti.e ineirers $4,07101,,,101 crirgc.q.s. to tile1Mid W*'perir route itaLans lostxreince rates ;tine eely teed te Let Pw:•• are air., dy pr. tt.t 144 rout o Sni• &Mg Orvi t c•',7 11111JOGEO ONO, NOT 111111SKEI. The Strange Adventures of Two Ministers. MR. SANDERSON DRUGGED ilnd Wateh Stoleu-flo is Also Looked Up. -The Story Told by Himself and by Rev. litr. Meant - mood -The Woman's Story -in- vestigation to be Held. Smith's Falls despatch -This after - !moo Rey. Poster McAmmond, pastor of the Methodist cluirch at Perth, and Rev. 1). C. S.anderson, pastor of the Methodist church at Almontre came here and donea.nded an int-esti- gation into charges Which have been made in cennectien with a recent eat paid by them to Syracuse, N. Y. Rev. .T. Tallman. Pitcher, of Spill -lee Fella, Is the Chairman. of the district, and to him Messrs. Sanderson and eicAnnuond finally- made their appeal for a trial. 'They expressed a desire to present the newspaper reports Of their experiences in Syracuse as eltarges against themselves, and de - Oared that if any of their millist erial 13r3.thren would dra, W up other eliargiese so that the vvilolc mutter e;tit larva ana their inntieenee 111- 6t7;i t 1.11, t would regarl it ae 111(k - :',7r lett a friendly :Wt. Syrartise Stortes. r p -rte wen elech the P. 11 gor, „ hatil 4 I' 011411• 1 ri..111 ;71,, ray astaa :1 11 1 hate already beh been sot. to be le:tee:irate iteteral essential de- otiet Tii,,, is iv, Nut it. tigh a geine t the ae14‘,1 2 1 ha t Irti,11 is eli t t:II:led in the telcgraphr ill from the ilher I., and IL is. brh.fly. that 111e. nun - re tit to st, e reeee on exevaiiege eeert netiee. ;keit they epetol !eine* te•im dae 4'4 in that 4.11Y. thqt tbe tut too K' * 1.1 t• rye,' up 1111 :1 he/ reitlet otm were et Pt 1 heir own. that Itet, 4. ::tatt•lersoNi roent Nome little, time Noise of gm repntat lene eel that he V..1,•z detainee at a pithee wi2na.s4. in a t'n '0" lii t4 Plana it, WIWI& II IS I'Eart was *doer:toil With line then na telt le leneeee to hint, 11 i' f..1,. ;trek. fraitt.114 .4401ciit ed. het it it: a- r j4VP ' !toy that the 411'4.4 4 .4 ;an liale.4••,• eft tAgeatiittion 4,$.111 peeVrty al104^ 20=4 teen a haat the tee re. here .tits livet appeartieee411 1!1. 3MON IPS sT.I.TnyerAT !le„ i4:11v11 toelat tha '11114t lee tole i110 firktnfr i UW1 eeete ot tee dem: white% htptl riven Ines. b tile. tle.tansinotel Wive tot :AMA' ' 11 t1:;;34111otiv!, VI Lotto. or the utter,. lie watt atteee yet atehree the 4w6!,111,..r.,y t.1 the Wove. tap. V' treperte. :itO4 htl " ratece %to -lee -0$ notortette 414 • hunt, letelo. for wily hod needet Wq? *'d10.IN4.. Meter; elce eieloi tielie letter t4,1-13 rap the t. et tin ete Dote ttet tett, ilvoin vet 'r t11 Mr. eaceleeeen. tt Salter...fee 11_;111i'.2.4Ittig C1*? li ;."-o t inetr,41,11.- t75I!,a" Vre Ftln-utd1 thore the trtp. l'eotett was thee at hereeraee. hatilgit lstiw. Waf.7,01;41 steirt akt7 tit;gallers. litrg, at the feet actoes the Ntott vont, imSpre tri:o oit Moneete. Two alt tot' were to OF for UDC net daye atue014 akin Kineeten. e.t.a ene ile to lk.ilaseeeta Sprinos Sae- eireon preferred gohate to Massena ringFe and nay elaolce was a trip n the tet. Ittn,weence Itlingstee. Not feting table to agree. Mr. Sorrier - proposed as a entioneeeiee net we 'Like a trip chisel' to Wiet!ettown tt,searessase, We finntly ticett 111 inG• F:1',.:11"0.C92, neeriveol itt titat y the E--.1:11r51f, 6.P.A74,1t 9.39 ae We went te the taion ticroes the rend from the sta- ion. Mr. Satidereon err:meted for acconnunetration for the. night. anti the next doy we /were-tele:I to take in the eights vol. the lateratifoll city megus.N When ieetiat teame it was 'net'. torn to peottele tome:roue- detion, and the loeielent whieti so toutth eepitrall 114:a9 foten ma!le intarinee fee thte I hod been etc - costa', tri the etyeet lhy a etraeoer. what feel./ a:4y priestly orlw: 1.07 ViliSt011,g me nom* a l•ad.1%-er CCP" tay Mr. also accosted another E,tranW.11* as '117. v.ifon.$073." enl elenene tee erenikeler ette day Ittr. Sertierote tottotnrly rte "leather ley," and I. retoreitag tee teed. re- ferred to 1.im as Mr. T.0,71:11Sorr. When at the hotel I stepped op te, the re- 4 gister. Ur. f:iatiderson, adopting a ratt.cr regester first." Draslimen, re.,:anzInf.; s c,4- leaaing Engijhie. L:tt • :Li. 711r Z. • • tumn. rushed a .etweeteueo tn the tight. oa liots,boce, Dittycj., elet.4. They. Efty Boers, and a fight ensued. nye Boers were haled and seven eaptsre ThIt r.,„Otetil Al. intim Cfin • tabulary en- gagel forty Boert north of the lloder River. The Petite lost three killed and severe/ wounded, and six token prisoner. Our reeri lost two killed and seven wounded. SEVERAL SEIRMISFIES. ocks Attire in the Neighborhood of Uniondale. Londom Aug. 26. -South African. despatches show that the Boers con - Unite active In Cape Colony. Sharp skirmishes hatve occurred near the- paeiet art- envie- Mor reetei:s rieks over t ir;r!o r.e:Uning to lettie ate n ett ter t As the forettedeg list, slotte. St. Lawrence, has on Elr."., of '7 sters, one ship b, nee freln flaltes- ton, Texa9, but 'Uri Canadian river gots the diseretlit, arid i1 is now be coming an imperative duty upen tho Dominion and Newronnillani Gov- ernments to take. early and atleqeate action to retrieve a position wieleh is fast becoming not only a disgrnce to the maritime progress of the Em- pire of which they form a part, lent is reaily a. substantial menace to the commercial supremacy on tho seas of which we are wont to boast As a man advances In years b,e realizes the liznits of his abilitz. I Carried Out the 4esit. and wroto "LindsT sub:4ti4ut:ag seine er-rinnon eart,t, ;ling e1ar.14t• tha'Y Wind "fan 11"11:` E!'.:1n,,':2 IT LI:. i•• ••••.; Wer•e. lErAt efeler Lri.,• ray Lrrod toot I tie.; not rent tobte it, L.'9W.. Inn; ta .11n. jai ''Teonesee," e.. -k 21 a •-•• Ids nrallie. 11..• 111/.141:44 tiS V fi•c: 4•1- • , by Inc. As, 1-,e z.al ;.t.; 1.1011.r to return Tura..i. w,!.1 advienblo to retire- as ter:y to; tee'. sibIe. On reaceeng ceir rieee reeee the windows etiii down eel tere rotm inteets ly eto: aft-, raptsa. Inv; filo winlayavo went downstairs mei oat on tae street tu obtain a breath of frt. eh air. 111 leento line of mert wore Reeled in hetet the hotel, so we strolled dowo the street, to a quiet corner, where 'OVP sat down to rest and talk over tile slgbts of yranuee. In a Mr. Sanderson got up and walked around the corner of the street. Expecting hina cif couree, to• retern bit a. few minutest, r waited for him. but as he did not turn nit could not see Wail, I waited, followed the course he had taaknecialoboluzt. ed for Ids return for a cousiclerabie time, as I expected him baelt every moment:1 concluded that he Ilaa gone, back to the rooms, and 1 re traced my steps to the hotel, On ar- riving there, I found that he had not returned, and so, after inaking other preparations for our early morning start, I retired and was soon in dreamland. About half -past 1 o'clook In the morning a znesseuger boy awoke nue and told me that my friend was down street and was in trouble over the loos of ids watch and wanted me to come down and help him find it, Sanderson's .Expeirlence. must now tell y'ou of the unfor- tunate occurrence, as related to me by, Afr, Sanderson himself. Soon after leaving me, Instead of returning, he strolled a little further down the same street. Not far away he was met by two respectable dressed young men, who excusea themselves and asked to be direoted to a certain hotel, which they named. Mr. Sander- son told them that as he was a stranger he could not give them the information. The young men said that they also were strangers In Syracuse, and inquired where Mr. Sanderson came from. Ile replied Canada. "Oh, we are from Canada, too," re- turned the young men. "We live in Montreal. flow pleasant it is to meet Canadians in an American city!" With a pretence of generous feeling one of them drew from his pocket box supposed to contain the finest candy. He handed the box to his friend, who helped himself to the candy, and then proffered it to his new Canadian comrade, and Mr. Sanderson accepted the supposed kindness ;,tnd partook of the candy. He took two or three candies from the box and placed one in his mouth. He did not mach like the taste, but concluded it would be better the more lie took. It was not long after this when a !melee- of stupiduess came over lam, and what occurred during the next hour will reniaitt for- ever a, eceret. as Mr. Sanderson has no clear knowledge of what immed- iately followed. tentritte It to say that 110 found Limeelf in the house of the woman w 4'e name is neeted witil the case. et beat half-paet I. haling rt!paen:ti,I;Lielittitusi,eapyrtiiafirl toottiilseat7inser hie that 440204* Iraq go.te, awl that itt wisliod mit t.. C1.1.11P.! li.'41k feel it. 1 faing elreeeel. 1 inane that. ly went. with the ta, ...tenger to the leoete. anti fontel him still in a stultified elate. 1 hoe:heel aboat the witteIt, but teeild gee ne. elite at to itt I the•ii 14.n4el Mr. $4116 h•11",v UM/ Ig 1 it1 11*19 MP fresh air. 1 toteurtel aslip of strong coffee. This had a mini- tary effiet„ end f..1111M lee wee pretty tigt$0.10 111:11:4 ,1 14 raktoul Illat whore 11,1,!tigli4 1d nitwit wao, and be Pant thi,g1g111. 1114h3 W1,011/1 tal !mil it. 1 iilt.,rwtip.1% %%mit with it teteetivit eve af no teetet t elate ie'iow ttlie Lebo Wrutoir. We went to lovti tl :tome plaie e the tonetsetiger „net `1,11'. 8:41141111'N!m, nth twf. Sat41 441' pa Me... alt luttue.ws getivo .1 thtat he4 '4134 12.0011 4111,4.44'. The 411a..40 et :al' 1'130.111HW tiot atela 4414 sea very bleat. roc Newt:n-4v tot the Jei k•Yr 4*4 4. 4sa the way home wo 1114A 0 eel:*e:nee. who mew tv,, !WNW at! 1044% 1 .,47011 tem rAticyiat 41.1c iorJer ot° 22, 111.441111. .11.P14ttti1 to the Pollee, irt43t+4i..40:.,,,M1., hi witieh 11 oeit li. ieteittitt it %toe }keeteietet oteeet fatie v... In o1hleet..11 411* lee, p ti rhd,1 lloil:eo 4414 gine hem :a. de et," the watch. and .-ot tite l' *2 zee, the peiteet Imo, tett ett:.-reee MU". 7-91 tot tete-tilt. moot ot t. fRy./0'.:P9 got IL:: t!1* eQ,serieo tese zee:al tee ayeepe ee 11 taletere litee eteeta toot to 11* c DOI ir te,oe fooled let It:it tettee. 44tein34' --.I'Vq7? eeee,, egetnen toy otteateO tail"1 prottot11* 4 ue.. to, t-,,..ar,4,„ tete:eh etre-tett tot Q4 {!1•2;e4 -p-. tee:tat. Ce,114- 411•LCI 05-19.45.!, TraS the e7 his teatete 1 itle cIiitcs D'ellECiik2iO4 tent his Mon teat, died oteretted the 117U14LIIU itt•Tir. Eon. Theo! teterninet tat 5:s42-pes1 0 otticete the teeee twos *aL5si intourt. I ectemeted tko t1*..7.1e...to for pettinie- elonis ta.te eatute teethe tooeleltite eteee, which peeintttetten was otate...ed and tae at once liotiorably ills.ettarzed Mr.,Fazwlek,s0ru. retired from tile leaefeee eaela Fee 1 ralgtaeed the. Jr; 4104' 414 Irori-<,,!).cat to be kiwi en- eeeee tie see/ea:pee t..h2t. fleets, willeit wetee t.fr rao Entigvortzit;ee 14.* the iivablie. They &eel the respeeetibility on the ,..?t14.C.11r.t; and I loot an Intervilew with tho. Inuroateing 1:ditees tql. the various papers. :and negently telt:netted that ondrae giatt21eit4 4.91 -the mat- te?. Tete, is lin tT; tny Wii1 meant comes 0M5•f-t1 up lea tI.e titilevrtunate ff was ra.,:b.741 tar mraie artt retased toeitee44 itatettin anniese ass:era:tee 1..1 &ye grtw trasi gt tr.-60D.P. optv tet n tee ns a gunrentre ter geod ntel thee eeneitten I gove roy rhea n tdre-se. Seeing that Mr. Sendeesen hal mot yet rune re - 6.4 or4o et to reporters itiodir 1i4 to a WLO„ nw3nz1 Chat Mr. Sander- son was still eefferir.g Teem the el - e1 toe drote, and tenet Mtn an et-pet:el.:tee lett etion, wheel: had a meet ealotnny next rapil effeet 40 reet.rtrinee hira usettl Steele Ls the beitf oottine of the se- e:a:tett et:el:Ant; expettienee we Lee in teat Ar.i,-,11A•rzel city. The wheik at- ti;O. 11 **4, 'unfortunate, ati get- a.ZI; that 2.121 y 41477;i1 ay,4 to Ill -Pt " 1 t 214 ,.,.vrave hj.istice 1 ty, involvad •,;4 4.1A rev'', e--.1es;:•! to Mu- COVE:. 11/fe .•••• to, tito 111 n l 10grlatiemen, It•7, phdeeil in the *Tei el trill/Wind declares, r 1,1 i•eo,iy 1 40r. atel most pn 711 ..4 :41,4 tire righteous 10- e1et1o:44451 14,.111 (.2 thc.-,a. won,:in was :dee sent fer and telt 10 tat. elle:. Tine next morning eiet tied the elergyinan were ar- raigned before the magistrate. She elserpeel befit 'Mr. Sanderson arid Mr. MeAmuireal with having been at her Leases (di Tuesday 'afternoon an:1 /man on renositay night. No •evi- deter, of lateing the lost watch was offered egeinet ber, and she was . Roth Mr. Sanderson and Mr. AlcAmrriond strenuously denied the woman's chargo and say the dream* stances were as .stated. An inquiry on Tuesday. The enquby, wideli will be began by the church court ttext Tuesday, Will be of the most searching ehar- acter. As chairman of the district, Rev. j. Tallman Pitcher, ot this place, has already appointed the court, which will consist b.( three members from this district, one from the Matilda and on from the Broekville diStrict, With Rev. Mr, Pitcher as presiding officer. According to the church law, the accused will not be peruattea to have legal representa- tives present, and wiel prepare their own defence, Rev, Mr. Pitcher said to your cor- respondent to -night that as Chair- man of the Board of Itivestigatiou, he desired it to be known through- out the country that the Investiga- tion will be most complete aid thorough, ana that no ston.e will be left unturned in the effort to bring out the real facts. "We shall go to the bottom of the whole mat- ter," said Mr. Pitcher, "and there will be no whitewashing. We are all friends of these man. I have known them myself ever since they enter- ed the ministry, and before, and have always esteemed them ; but we have a duty to perform, a duty to them and to our church," Mr. Pitcher would not say whe- ther he would endeavor to secure any to idence in Syracuse. He said that he believed the committee should decide upon that point. Per- sonally, he was of the opinion thet no reliance could be placed upon ehe testimony of e woman. like the per - eon known as Pearl .Ashley. He paid IL high tribute to the two ministers who will come before the committee, and while he properly refrained from discussing the points of the ease, he remarked, 10 referring to the mat- ter of the false signatures, "Mee PaY for (nen huch simple rnista.kee" The evidence will be taken at the inquiry in full, of course, and the ease is expected to last eevetrat days. Both Mr. Sanilereon and Mr. Ma. Ammond mill fill their pulpits to- morrow as usual. INHERE 'MU COME IN. The Order of Procedure as Amended in 1893. WHO'S BIG BIGGER BIGGES7, ity delettelles fr, int the Ritait iheetrable the eteerelciry 4,4 State for the Coloidee, bearing; date 3r1 Not...tuber, 1670., liceember. ',IA role et444'ky, et.0t;4611 :there - tattle wt 0 titetde 111 1 21, Mb:V. ot Pr *- t-eiletitie. :not (Pm 191444 le 1104" Li,o en/elided table Pit Pre:tee/1e:1e * 2. 'The thoornortlietre,ral or rer gapttultitqeriing,' qlovornrttet.". :2. 4..rtuor .*4f 14(0 etatistanditi.; ltlaiyst;,'"a tr4.4i its w4tlitn the PO. i111t1t394 if 441t 401444 of a gel -wale: awl the ettfaeo, ctearnareling ;IP ; 51:1P,.btrtt havzit forees en the It. t2. etzttent, if ot tee rantt 1111 att. tielral. Their emu relatvie rank he deter:nee 81 the tenecaitt iltt latione tea tho Thfo Licatuivata...!,ii.,Yieriaor of 0- - tapir". 4.. The Lietatteeateleiotarli,o. ttetobte. `. 'tot litateintaoteeet.eereer veto tteotia, , Vi.tt ltteutP 40 1. n'Tio let etc; lee f„." .••:* 11, re,A4 2.2.1C144t:.2eete4ee1ot r 11.;rd&•-.44 Etelorabia. te. The, Itteettt•tinaleayeett'S t. ttroieo Etetteted 1-1:20 2. 12442 '4'4 23 citeioetiteeoverreee 142O.,. Nerteeceeet 11; 00114021:P • 11. 1ieee4raf,I, e„ tiottetete 101 E411101"ilty, 411. 12*0244*05 ol 111 ttatete 8, ta teedireg to seater -Ay. 43. The tovederte tiitt Set2ate. 1,1. Jam Ciller Onetzeo ,2;f tko Collet o4 Coradrt. 12. 44e C14E-1 JudgeEi 01 the I.134,:arti of lt?jtt, avid I:gutty, ecooraDtg t) eenayeety. 1G. geratorv el the PrIvy Couttett, Lot. z.,f Moe Coolieet. rr. Tbs Seireeitr-Genceral. 20. General Officers el* Her Make-• tee ormy seeming in tLe and °Placers of the rank of Admiral: le the leeyed Navv. n3t b 1ng tzt ohlor ttottinand, the tetatave G,1 iltne.oro to ItE? detcrtahted by tlIct Queente regulations. 41111. Thb ollieers eenitraattilltig -i.jesty's tretips itt ttse i2ondoloo, 11 the ronk of vo1Q..;n4 Loferinz. nk, and ttio oonnroan15rkg ler :that .-st,te"s natal for* -es, on the B. N ¶ stotieea, Ef etetivalent rtank; tiaellr relative rank to a.ettertainel toy the tlelr.,On'S reguttattone. 22. Members of the Senate. 2:11. S.,pz:ake7 of the lifeese el Com- - mons. 1 24. Patetna tedgee of Seererae Court or Canada, aecteditett, tu setnier- Itto 25..teu4ge or the Esereeette•r (toort elf Canada. 26. Pultelnet I:edges el the courts of law and foully, taceozeing to sentcr- ity. 27. Me -ratters of the Heose. or Coro - =one. 23. Iferritears of the receirtive. (cote ell (provirslatt: wit1:10 tilAr pravimee, Spnc:lier of LegisTative Ccancie withitu hie movie -ea. 30. Meniters GT tlie Leg".erative (toer.etl within th; pretinee. 01. Speaker of ttee 1.gietatIve As- sc-rit'idt,-. within his r.rotinee. ttlerahers of ILettlelat,ve Asset:trete witrtin their provinee. 814. x.etzreel xidges of weatever , emirts to talzi. BireeeP.r,no nelLft afftpr the. -preser.t. :17..Zges cif t11 11:' resp.etivc# eourts. SO11110 )lanitoba Towns. The population at tteite Meniteba tonere was given out tlis murnhig as follows: Names. Pepeletton. Inc, Portage in. Prairie ... 4.141 778 $t. Doniface 2,124 S7.1 Aforden ... ... ...... 1.570 394 Neepawn. 1.418 4144 Minnedosa 1.O1,2 439 Carberry 1.023 . Virden 901 205 Emerson .. 841 184 Gladstot e. 731 378 Rapid City 566 23 Birtle 466 128 Morris 40't *322 *Decrease