HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 5t. I AMERICAN NEWS, 'rho steamship Oregon lats arrriv- ed at Seattle, Wash.., with500,000 Of Alaska gold. Postmaster Price, of Bal- timoro, Ohio, conimitted suicide (fl Sunday. He Nva‘4 short in, ltis ac- - 'counts. 13. S. District Attorney Evans (impl)ed dead at his home, Suudav morning hi 111hmettpolis, from heart disease. A. severe sttneti has done ooneid. entitle damage to propert y hi the eastern part of Oonneeticut, .New jersey and Pennsylvania. The l'ilutue1 111ereantile Agenev, of ,New York, of which Erastus Milian was an officer,has assigned. The liabilities will 1.1xiout to250,- 000. Anadarko, Oklahoma. a town which had grown to 0.000 in less than 30 days, was destroyed 1)v a ceelone on Thursday night and throe persons were killed and so\-- orn 1 injured. A Lehigh Valley passeneser train was ‘vreeked just North of Kine;'s Verr-,Ne N. Y.. on Sat arday 2iit. The engine plunged. into tile lake and. the (gip:Neer and tirteeau. iyda of Ithica, N. Y., were killed. Henry _NOl(s. a negro. :yes letrii- ed at the stake 1)y a inob if ti; n, fur assaultinr. attd ,tin death of 1 preittinent farmer. teete \yin_ ehester. l'emt.„ last Pi-fit:iv. .14- 131it. ling bis 3VZ8t 10 nee- hie without U ein. An attempt to sititte.xele iede, t. iiorttLt•lot h. va tiet1 aer.tes the 4 'itiladialt e.ts dietelvered and the eletli .11 ilorliiwt..gt. e 111-1 utt %a..74.4. • e trtell te areer!,::: a- ”t:4 e ..11 !he. United e...1i- IT 1..ettee e-ee . ••is 1 " .14144•4,4 47.4*,t 1iL2141.- 4 al A3 ',oath' 3 '• -.. • 33,...•.,-33 3.n n,. • vabn°3 *AN* tt • • - - - 01E; M.: '.00333 4000 1L0,. „. a k-• " tie- ,-.4 ear tn - „ ' -: ,• NERVE OF EN61INEERS IT DOES NOT, AS A RULE, DESERT THEM AFTER AN ACCIDENT. Desperate 014214.7C:4 t he Mau at the Throttle Will at Times Talc° 'With- out Doing* Able to Giro d tory itleasoit roar Illi Action. have been alien asked why 'rail- way engineers disregard their iustruc- floes and the warning signals along the line of their road," said the general su- perintendent of a railroad to a man, "and I have satin:nod it up that it is hu- man naturt for men to take chances in their business and that engineers are no exception to the general run. "Sometimes they cannot give a setts - factory reason wily they do so, I will ] give you an authentic instance of this ] habit which made we live 10 years in 30 minutes. -On a road I was at the time connect- ed With MIs a. long trestle over a. bay several miles in length, with a draw- bridge in the center. The draw had been opened, and as a tugboat was ] passing through the bridge men heard the rumble of a. fast, heavily laden passenger train as it struck the bridge IL Milo away. Knowing. that the red danger signals wore set with the open - Ing of the draw, they supposed that the . engineer would SIOW 11p Or stop, as might be. necessary. Instead, to their eonstornation, tlie train (lone along at regular speed, and a frightful aoeitlent appeared 11n.41rit1Ible. '21'lley yelled to the (rapt:tin 01' the tugboat to go at full 1-40.1111. nio1 alt; tlio 014:11 gilded 1!irk-digit the 4118 IV in the darkness they exerted themselves te swing the (1l1tl%' into the ',teeing teats beret... the 1311131 omi4 got to The penit where the rails separate)1. enigieueer, liewe-vter, disiegarthel the last 11:11.14.1-oT 1.41,11811. a few litnalred. ;tents trent ilee 41ra'47, came 1:1i. a 1nenel1,,,4 411. n! Rd' !lion nail :::•:•nnet !!!••,‘ cconntrein. :nz se.:,!: -,,•4; oaf 10.1 .11 1N,0;."-94 15 -„an 17"...1'44 41 .117..1,11114.4,4 • on 'v.'," 74 I 4r8, , 1144 13, :m4 1Z444 r.;., • 0034 ool time, 40.4"- 44,114T „•„, 7,3,2 - 44,4 81.101 3pt.11011. 1,1* 1t1", ,,*1* .*11 111r 07.7101 (3.13'41, 10a*. tr,11,14t Pli14• 4,r; ...71.311 0. 3.0 0.4.03 t! •,• •-•,•1 ' 3,,4•14 rn. • .. 1,0 •, ,;.• ., 3. 1 a .r tett. 0!eels i•!ee • H.-- f ; 747 -r 1 30' • ,-0 %„1.. 4.3• -,i,44:0111. 01" o• -P- • 1' o r • • ‘.77 %%10,1,, 11N1t, 0 1 a '10* 11, **1 1,s1.14*11 t. t .• 1 4 1 3,, -,,, • ' - ," ." ,3 • "1 • ..: ":' _ • •• •3 • 227- ft I .11 " ' r 1,•• • 73. • 11". 722., .4- r,-• IL :4 ' " 34_- 41, fo,r1, . ' r . • • i. - 3 -., -- • 41'4' 4 -14122-14-. '• " • • • tki:s e - • 3 '' .47 ".; • , 4:30-01-31 17 1" 4 ;41% --- '2“:.." 31%. 13_!:,-;.y ":',•!:-..;,..t:•.F"-0U 1:._.,-• • '2- 1' f. vee -rt eee fee,- te:-.A es a 10.00..:73ft r.:e2.4.el 331 eef 1;,11",", .e.e.e.ent rts ean . " ... , • " enitqtrin'iten ..1-, • 7:130,4. thernsel 3-n.•s Trim.. 1 • • I*431.1314 , • : r 7.n The 3110-11; 14131n0:nu -.y7 • 1ele3'373311:11y. The was 833121 '8314 4.1,e •••';', 11301441144 ug -41.. 'h8g 3,e -en 44 :1144'4411;2.- 47;44 Srit've:gg. ear.; - Stalled bet Wit'011 13::".:18p.-4.-.1 1! ,.r] 111.1111e. i Flisranee :,r is in praethet! speed of .40.101: words z;n1 !,,4430'. 111000e00 To prow- to roe -.net n., , -CS('ha-,("q Ointnaent• arid rtb,4,iute eure for:ca.-I'. and (n -Ory form of ireintir. hieegan3l,,r3trnilin33IdIr,4, tee manufacturers have '1.4u.troutted it. tieo1e,4.- timenidis to the -daily 1..F,4.o,,-Inti io4.: yourneler hers what tikey think 91 it. Irou can use it awl 1 sour ItiOrieV b.tek a not eureil. sac a box. at audealera or RrietANeeeeSkrI,S Sr •CO.,TM:CorstO. Dri, Chase's Ointment 111 311:3 ra 2O4 11.Ve33atee, en::3 131. -1 f7,"C Io,.0, L t•nn 33,33,1•.- iLa:nr• 1124 salt" 1,2'1 (Ina 11,34105 0240033 12114:.: --:as 11'",.)121-] 33'-13"1-04'133'4 1:S14, 3-11 n?nrly 331.334? 4'-1111 310.3 r1.4 ot" 3t ti,..i.nizten:tven• nsere.17,ty llIceese30Cd fteeitt:re. Lerse-s an,l ee,:aees text in tt,..e Ti"Lo.411 :0ns.va3ty. Nt-inn`el„Fn.s, st,trl't.gtlacRltes and1 reeeie.all insteme.erits. 11`..,:eris are far 4'!oti,-st, almost flee Zest 1a the wie:o have theta list: - Eta ra Icez,p tLeno. The Charge Not Sustairaed. "Yen say," r.elesued CLe c':airmaza 11.e eevee:e3gating, ceremittee, 'nthat he ta 111'1103ry whatever during tie eieet!cm sa far RS you know?' "Yes. sr," replied the witness; "that's wi.at 1 130 not circulate several boxes of eigar.-3?" sir, but theta cigars wasn't leribes. Here's cam of them. You try It." Sayan= 1'1.cl-flares character. The faeuity of saving money is much rarer than Oa faculty Of making it, aTel it calls for the exercise f a higher degree of good judgment and more self restraint. Iu a word, it requires Imre char:lc:ter: THE ZURICH.) HERALD SAGE ADVICE OF A FATHER. Counsel That All Toting 7.91031 Enter- ing Iluninettn Should Iteed, "My son," said the fond but wise ' parent, "you are leavlegb ine to go out 1 Into the world. I have nothing to give you but advice. Never tell a lie. If. you ' wish to put one in circulation, get it publIsbea. A. lie cannot live, but It takes one a blamed long time to fade out of print. "Always read your contract. A man might consider he was getting a 51310 - euro if he were offered a position pick - Ing blossoms off a century plant; but, you see, he wouldn't have a remanent- ! tive occupation if he were paid on piecework. "Be not overcritical. Even the most ordinary sort OD a genius can tell when the other fellow is making a fool of himself. "Remember that the young man, like the angler's worm, is rather better for IIEARINCI 1T. 7UR1CH P. 0. Is open daily except Sundays front 8 a. in.. until 411 p. 211., T10 11131±18 tire distributed as; follows : MAIL -me 1 11,',31sALL, closont 9 " ‘6,‘ 1 .1:ff;:itT1. " ' L. IT, " flam " " 04 2 :55 ant " Pitom 1.1ENsALL, arr. 11 :00 am 7' :210 inn " -. ST,JosErit, ‘, 1 0 : 113 a ra " "h. T I . (k13.13„ " 1 1 :00 aril " " i. 11. ek.,; 13., " 7 :110 tun LITtbnis 111.1NISTRATION, 1nust be petted hull' an hour previous to the time for closing the mails, D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. ommsdancluarm.......umatmacprria+1...... ...110=1310.W.M.40411/144.1.....1010112.1443.1.r..010.411. We Sell All the leading makes and can satisfy you in quality, style and price. Here's the list: Hartford 2oth Century The Latest Antelope EVERYBODY ENJOYS` being visibly alive. The Edison "Be careful in the choice of your sur- rounding's. Environment will do a great deal for a man. For example, flour and water In a china jug is erehill sauce; in a pail on the sidewalk it Is billsticker's paste. "Don't forget that there's a time for everything and that everything should be done in its proper time. Never hunt for bargains in umbrellas ou a rainy day. "You may make enemies. If you know who they are, cont mention them. Silence is golden. It saves the money that might otherwise be spent to defending a libel suit. If you don't know who they are ---well, abuse lav- ished on, a eoneeahnd enemy is like char- ity indiserlininately bestowed. It's ft good thing wasted." - BEWILDERED SHOPPERS. Japtmene 1'e31083304 1.1'1t» Are ICept Traelc of by Latreln. When the Jarettese peasants .get nom enn4ve34 1' 3,' 11 Iniki:inaa• ! 14) a fer the I44404.,4,4: 4,f intylty'r in a stonett 147,,4413y. 111..y 3414 4444:111134t44s3, ttp. pk,:m840,4 17„;.. Wn*npolg ge11- 07,0111' I; 31. t',+•.• :r• 440•^114nl,nas aNeete treoe:r F.,t% 4.-•84,T4.4: the kin,* Ita-za 10,tite. v.....!0,4 fetes to telati tf , 41'0W 134 3jo. 1l23* 334 4.1:1,1,44'$4.4 :44441 -,,a3atnr. atfy 301,n.41n:•1n111 !11 •tenT 3:•,11:l3 In at 1140' 101.. ' 4041;11 lot 3,0.4.- 44. 44,,3 nt.,Mita 1111313 a tea r • frr nt. .10141 0' 303 3! 11- 40,1 41,4:,411414,41 144 3410,. "4“10lln 1.14 etl: ;nnnia tr.in tt 10•;•arty, )331 3 34(4034 (01, 3, tqtF tolD0.4%10 44.4!- 1•083U3 003e 4.511 1V4+, .001:04VF. get 11, ••Tn: 4141, 1 00 4 3", 1, Itt 111, 4 Nog', 03,!q .,, • -33> 113, o34:„ 33 --"i,:;._Oz."51 10 1 L3.;e.••„;•,-1 4, •- n""3• .:•113",:e tey 1I1V...••:. 10-411,- 1":.".")Tnto 11-1 3 .3" 4,1%e3 11 311,..•• 333 A",•,,•11 n ,3•11 313'-1:1r ,11 ijt*, t3'JY tf.d 33. .3!:! E“401211 Tht 43- 4131-3001341-14 1.:4041t tata0001103ttr, - r!". 111331 tr.,••:" 4114, Ni.t31/11 to 1,1 • 31J0113,,33tm.,,2:4, 311, 3o,:4 0•,.. • rarilv, 4 taott., 3.11. E....11"; 1. • 4 I.-. 114: !t., 7 t„" 41114,4 412.o 0114- 11313123 011'o 241'1413 L2L.1IIU. 43 Q'4 D•••`!isfNe--,, st_lt.r.,:s to 41,1331 311.e :e,11'11.3'4 say Is ta unt. e7.8 E:o 14s Lleeney 444 rErn,. WI;O:r1 41,E4 11'7:4,•.31:4 to f11,4 41210 sides 1131 ziet! 1mi. ;•1..14s3n3t11:13s to:4 trafat• :111.3.411- s&t•31e4 .:C'L' LOA 0Er:231;;t:-0 ; 11164? 114132:2E4. ▪ is 1-.:rn excelteet. es:131:2,5311.- e•-•,23 •••:.t.‘3•43 24,1118,n345 overt Phonograph i,Largest on Earth) 'We fire open for ail kinds ofEngage- 131(34115, Prices correct. F. W. 14! 3, :1! Manager. FAUN' 14 211 14AL1111-200 1L('1'('4 t f 1•11041) ialla. (.011Sisti1lg or "Art .„ Ai. .31. Flay. ;aid Lot, 19, South floteelary. [lay. (4ot el bank barns, 4.4 x .18 x Mt, and l'rame. ltd. Plenty (if • ..ets water. /139 (ow farm 1 II, ztli e,;( 'wing well. ()n tor," %Ira 1.411:34. Una 4.4'411.Ve413lent 1.) 1,1,t 414'44 and elitirt-lit,s, 41 "4tr71,010. 11 o 41111101r station. \\111 ei 3`..4"..-4' easy 1..3'ith. of ply. 10,]c' 4432:dp43e41 top 3.032. -,`.."t7.,`. etTtTillg% ele] Ail', 1 4-;•:',..i.11;;,,18 a.eettl 'state til re: ,111 114 Dt, • 0 0 .4 3 34 ° 4'11' 4.t. •4reit:31.41. 413.00' 31 10, • I' 50 YEARS' XPERIENCE TrtAtz Mafins 0Entoom COPYllitHY-S, ..• ,• . 4 'I, 14'.;. '11 'tete Alt,!!!? ! • 17 •V ,01!,' It,3. - • • !. • , 111:12A!!,.!4P PoN Lt4.1, 7 ' 11-,' , • bfu4.4.1 t. 0111*.C1'....lt 41.1 tL,1 tieltritiC .:(1111triCan. 40. .-Ve.one333•51,p,1 11,,trizrs7,„cr. • •243,al. Or. S ` 01' r • t..3-%41.1., MUNN & Ca,1281Cf114"?` New Teri( Sentinel E.74, E and D Me Burney We have a few 2nd hand wheels and a Stearns tainde4 1 (combination) All in good order. Call and see them. The 190! 1901 Sentin0: is a model in the art of bioyel4 construction. Every Wheel toP this firm s make is made of Cat! highest grade of material andi fully guaranteed. The 1901 Antelope is a Beauty hi Style and Finish. It is very Strongly Built and. is just the Wheel for Poluitry tettis. Call and See it., Our prices Are Right, Call and get our ZELLER, = Agent Prices. ZURICH NTS GUARANTEED! O'FARRELL de, LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE, WASHINGTON, D. 0, Solicitors of American. and Foreign Potonts, Dosigns,Tradornorks),Copeo* righta. Will roturn foo if Pattont is not soourod. Solid for nventoes Guido, or How to Getm NUnt. lgii-Mention this Foyer and senuro sneciat 1. '•111:• 80. 3103 1430 rtri 1.1 Petescret 'cost tunes ire 1re3313e41. k."11.1',2',:771 DI:!!:7-4tEi in III: •,of stria wi-ar s::,:n.,1,423/3:44 Elie a 3:03:01.01 toiltutn3-. 1.11nsl1 114111-24143' 431 1.1e krs....s.::•,s 171lv to rz-a 1.]:]rltlN]sats :not nrtaitit tang slkett:.-....s f itisl sptinidln,,..: of tee11,841 3.411 41'11 500111. 1220 :Lvn,--n-33 101.,•-•::...3.,„ but Vile yczn,:.;n1 <gm, 58341 anti 321n:130,1 .1n-0e71318t", 110 410413131,1341131 181183' tiV.:s:Ile stnoek Vi4"ater. TZ.e ocean Is a spr:ncr, 081328724- i',ttg not on,By: sgatt, bat mantl.e:--r emit-% 4111 se.31124t2811. 11:::e. Dotal soa fs e..arge•ti wit!! SZY-:Y 1e244031335 3111234 0:3113- tirsZMA el:t :s 1:203 re:-:;- (11..nred drinkable. 1111421131 not pleasant. nri Doss of ottd. "The old idea," salt) the lecturer. "was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." "Yes." concluded one of bis bearers. "Gild Mere were no painless denti;..ts these (483 s either." Tia nre leis of preple ev'eo A'.111 re.e. Ini.e11 tlare to do anything mect•t 31 dare To go To work The fOrP-S!S Or 143481'111 Aillerie3 111 Val - 1:0 t•ti 084441.4 (1 those 4:1f any oth- tr continent. --N'U'ELTEST 5.:'.• l_qtC,": 41:se:41,„n14 t 3111 144433 03 s-...:"_-,,k:%,;:s o0e303213's 14:.3 2:..:Iberc011 3- ..13:::104 3,e31335:3, -.....3:2c il 45 cb1333 18121t trclial,,.ra SU! 0311:0421 04313443 33' llorg.3 5.1=3 tEAt ti...4 rr--...13.4 EL:34 C -214t 41 M a 3.1 114.3113 1505 3104434411304 Es,....i St3.-.;:34 Sv.skeZass &AA" tzn,:s. F,,- 143 -c, -,.:tate IntortlettiQa 34113 our 804t 1 0 5. ,3-3r.r.za for 3 statIrs. . THK liallATILIN ARS: ARMS CO. t.tqsw 14,)iiittl,t, 05N304, - - • 4Gfil 4 - &a, • riary 0 Li dil •• iervousf%, e e... 41'l33.r.t._411q 0'11.z:27,1:n3A Tr.rnm aro 3413314433(421' ttirept la *.prthaatitte 43'1321'111' 20:. oj713 I:A.11LX irsuiscT ututn.,C.XCEItft#1:1114 AND 'ElLOCOD. iiilar.ASCS. Di! 4atk?..1•!*- 2.1 4110 if,,nati.itg• tau:plums iteuldtit a* ldrote•St4C Lo311414.. Ace a:A 4..v4393, tlest:vtdect r4 gtoantui stvotki btfort tke: 0407314t:Wn teak 11214.:k, kidney& tictitalbtei ralVilatioa w.l31-,3o11,3.3.o3'3(cjl.,3'J 4044431,313 g tke, 341 123534, ei3ott o tile fact,. mottoes 31 33 en:y14-:s4134...c.,3.0..t traittrtaittull. 533,li 84.031330315, 34?3EE 349 tri3le*.iniatigittat13e21104idibtrelIc11.1111- 4,1 4,311F..1:.A.%avitzai3 21,31221.paits#11:air Sortno,. lalta :t1titato utt:14*.li iwittitaatit iE 13212427 332'tt.e.1.0.1331.333e44 toott:thstleitrissItim s : tEle urine. They unfit a man fot bniint, map 8,41 : 344:1, pAreis., NO natter virelter taustil 1y 0413414 babito ▪ :11,12 u, ,-.. T..4,443,M4g,7e311494 Got' rifelitr 21.tettiod "113'4401i1rtztiont u.xi14., Gt:RhS EalclIASTIEM. CCM 1441 PAY. NaffelCS toed 'Without Written tv. 4.15ti!t4Lima, 0., say$14—"4 Was arm of (310 C431013210,'4E9 11 ran early vice at 15 years of 71.4 drains ors 32321'343-'S1e035 u•ere trealteniug' 431.3'3mrakt 49 43(013 2304 my sexual and net:tong sys- tem. 313,r ten )•eats 4 ft3e11 94etes 03 dectoit, CEdrEe Lielts mai patent rue,licines. Some titeipM. 1 tta:syldoiv 42}11t21 &,spair, 05 fact. conr..mplatiug suoriee when 3m ftiaad tistul de 34 a last 3234311 to give the 14,Tiiviir Method Treattiteat 01 1339. E.& K. a fairF trEil. Without ouathience I consented and is 187(03134131,3313104 1 Was 3304333.211 mau, 1 toras cum% , S .1€13 years ago --a441 tlartiei atm happy. roconamemaDtz. K.84 K. to fay affiicted 1112.7 -7,--7,1,,•33 Eva. -1." Atlet!Ttikittutatt Loi D e1905:31 cr./ ccr.., Valtircktete..t 3113S97Z41S., IS:Q(CVEMS Semliati ifirealtaaor., ▪ 4. t-13 : Disuliatgts, Self Ahttie,Ridutr u4BI44t m, 23-0412 00333,3 Wornen. ite%0 rst,r) WITEVCV WittirrEN CONSENT. Pitrirett. lit 4/. :go trances en boa.?9 or eteteiepes. EiterytIdnir catitSdattiala 311t ,o4,U 41,1421of treatcs:nt, FREE. Fojmody !organ 246 SlittrAY StliELV, s4304. DET X0iit MOW te,stf.11Ty 11.03.- ;are a-. roc0. Irili3911e•ttel- - - 14. 39(4I1 112131111 41(4 newb.e after :4 .?'33333. )3111' i213o 0423-11-h 1 '8310414' 33:31,1 Nister 1 '• .s.'111:2• 1,1 311114 ;4Ytal Ct'oll' wouna•-:. • 2.41. -ave Itile-:!zel ay. 11"(n!!,..:E1,,-i,.%nn Pioweeenr. O'ItIttnttt, ana Curt,. rnve-ry relen.%'y Guar a. or VETERINARY AVC E FREE Ti,,,,„,, mt,livitros are putt tip111 1.:4111-1. i.vith full direet- t,,,ms ir1;0Z•TI irroo. They are to be 1401 at c-v,-ry store in the Vountry. end if yeen- storekeeper or (inur- e:let dont 1:..eo33)-t13e1113, write us and etid we will forveartl them prompt - e Evteev 172'mer ttnil Stoek '1 1..vtior should have them on hand. Prepared IT The Eureka Veterinary 1 Medicine Co LONDON ONT. 1NTIN K„... K & K & ri • The You Want, NoTHING _ADVERTISES YOUR BUSINESS MORE TitoROU(-1IILY THAN NEATLY PRINTED NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, MEMO, HEADS, BILL ST_kTEMENTS, AND ENVELOPES ER YOUR PRINTING MIIR401./X: AND GOOD RESULTS WILL BURBLY FOLLOW,