HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 4I G.
1,00 per
Then the
r is given
be charged
Brevier line
ents per line for
ion. Sinal] Advs,
ray" or "Stolen will
nts first insertion and 25
subsequent insertion.
r change of advertisement must
ded in not later than Tuesday night
aoh week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at speeial rates.
Contracts for column, half -column and
quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
eolumunieations to
in Canada., since the first strike of
train men on the (3 -rend Trunk rail-
The�vaty in 1117 i. It weans that the on- Duke and Duchess of Corn-
wall and York have sailed for Can-
ly effective method to put aL stop to 1 ada from Cape Town.
inchistrial conflicts of this kind, is : The meeting of the High Court of
fur the federal government to plass the Ancient Order of Foresters
a law making arbitration compel- ' opened at Hamilton on Tuesda r.
sou, as has been done in New Zea- Gunner Bapty, of London, Ont.,
land, arritocl honio from South Africa on
...._.. Monday. Bapty is a veteran at the
The editor of the Hensel]. Ob- age of 17,
server waxes eloquent in denuncio- Albert. Jamos,lato of the London,
tion of the proposed county electric { l)nt., police foree,lzas been app )izzt-
railway and rotiuclly berates such, ' Strathcona, N. W. Zell (thief of police in the town of
influential papers as the Huron Es- Sir George Burton, ex -Chief Jus•
positor and the Goderich Star for tice of the Ontario Supreme Court
, being in favor of the road. From ! of Judi,.eature, died at Toronto on
our view of the matter it looks like Thursday of last week.
"the tail trying to wag the don" The members of the Canadian
(two dogs), and the result of the ! pPress Association are meeting with
courteous •treatment on their •
Clubbing rates.
E 'We have Made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tun HERALD :
Daily Glottics . 4,O0
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Grlobe . . 1..50
„ M:ail &Empire 1.7:)
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1..75
Ooserver'a editorial on the afore- 'through the maritime provinces, ,,r ) ra�Ar,l )r' '+T ,
said papers will be awaited with' A whole family was drowned at E. , ��k Sole Agent
interest. In the meantime we hope Lachine, Que., on Saturday morn- . e y for Zurich
The 'victims were Samuel! --•mow .. -.... _ _ .
that every effort will be made to g•
have the railway built'; in focus Rathery, his wife and their two
small children. T H E I
make the belt a little larger and' 1
The annual convention of the 1 .
run the tracks right across the path Catholic Mutual Benefit AssociationCo��'�� � ad
of the Observer man, as we would • of Ontario is being held at Niagara
FRIDAY, AUGUST .suss 1:101. as soon have the road coming in ; Falls this week. About 500 dole- HENSALL, ONT. I
from the east as any other cliree- gates are present.
FiThursday night tom -ti. We our light from the
Liberals and Conservatives of the plotely destroyed a
This popular hotel has been
east • but for the holt of no gFess
present day may quarrel over the • , a I building belonging to the 'imperial thoroughly renovated and refitted,
census, but neither of them can tip. 'and twentieth century improve- 011 Oompany, of Petrolea ; also ;
nzents and conveniences, we will some refined oil. !and will be found up -to -slate in ,
proach the record of the decade be-
have to raise our line of vision high While playingat war at Vankleek every respect.
1841 and 1851, when the pop- : g
tweenn increased from 1,1a�'.77' to above the editorial flag pole of the i Hill, Ont., Herbert Beaton,12 years Every attl►ntitan paid t•) the
Observer office. {old, was killed, and his brother was Th
seriously funned as the result of an traveling public..
some of the COUNTY .NEWS.
_ explosion of gunpowder.
It is rumored that
The palace ear, Sandringham,
Mayors of Canadian cities ore look- ' Andrew Porter, son of the late built at Dayton, Ohio, under an
ing forward to receiving some Robekrt Porter, ex -M. P.was mar_ i order from the Intereoloniatl Rail -
honors in eonneetion with the conn- - tied in Clinton last wee,k to Miss' road Company, for the use of the
ing visit of the Duke and Duchess Minnie Rumball. I Duke of Cornwall and York, on his
of York, but it a agar. that the Ic itfortil's firemen participated in ,trip through. C'anticitl,ilas been ship.
pl drill and rare, at the Paan -American . Ped to Halifax. The interior work
M yon of Ottativa has'lin 'lineally had as in l3utfuio last week. Thew made a 1e in mahogany, holly and Bela
title thrust upon nim, for recently • ere'dituitle showing. oak.
he received a letter from a prtenlin• Angus ileKi1111t►n, of t bipka got Hon. Charles Barrow Releau, of
ent New Yorker. addressed as fol- ta11glat 3r) the belting at the flux tine Northwest Territories Supreme
«, mill last 'weeek, the result being a (curt, died at Montreal on Sunday.
lows ; His Highness this Lord€, Judge,* Releatu, who was a native of
Mayor of Ottawa, House o Perth"- fral•itaa c`d thigh and other in juries. fillleliee pr owing l li
til'+. James lil'trtllfttt►'t, tin'., 2111 old • , IN mane
F ne years
rluil f9►rali'1 1&.1adf of .j.` an old in ()ttaewa. He Waal a ► lOinted n
magistrate in the Northwest st in
smith. aim at :Pahnagte, Iitin ass at", ease and at n1e111b1'r of the Sulu-erne1''itit'd um se`te`ntith. lIt'1ne•ilde'.-
the age O S t ;%'0:11'N Mitt r.iS rltelrltll..
(uurt in tan.
Andrew 1'tlr'te3 assistant post.
111it .tel' a►t "in"'wasllretiNntetl
James Smith. who sails lis' hailed, q you, moi'+a 'ii asps
by his friends with a handstum, cut from 1'1►nthanl. was arrested at `
;,plat•.. cream and sugar ,et on the Stratford on the 'harreo of burglar- �a�ti�tn�c�,�,a„,1 r ,
a`,P ,et his marriage.
a Shakespeare ward house.
On his person was fount a Lola:
The Stanbey t-wilsbili rats' "Iwatch. whielrwas stolen front the
taxation was $truek att meeting of u house in question. 13y the a'iti of
Ow "men let 1 1ilta "MI- The someone on tho outside. Smith got
school and tither rates. over whi(•1►' out of the luekrap and has mads'
°1 1' ��:1
eoeuneillors have no control, boost co
tataeb hi. escape. - --
it up but still thetheentire' rate is ti uta"i661 at a a3eli t, o
stow, to (=teabeee h te' u'.hip the Sir Fredericke luau►inse►n. Itaar0neet, 1 " 1
rete is 1 1-3a► mill)-. grandam' of Sir .Tune Beverly Rob, all stands t'f l e°le;aurine
W. l;"t►therinrhtnn. of 'Intekt'r.1 i»aiyn. Uldef all -settee elf Ulnen- ,
smith, has a 4•01 It that vasa coined!' C,Itnada in the v'ast'ly days of the 1 p f
at Alexandria, 311 Antic to the! colony. was drowned neat` i''Hunt. 4 of et Stoneman ° _ 1 r d _ 1 1 3 Y . {' a '1'o a t
1°1eI°.;n id' Adria 1. swa=in•1aw of Eiu \ ilte_, 1��ai"akllkn, "11 11 ttitrdtty "vow
w t e t'
,i 1 , 121. Sir Fretcllerie•k was subject tt9 1111, 1S, t�(,., ON Ta «3 1' g ° ll a
a re9r ,1 r'al.je all, and ttde► yted ill a+h.1�. 3 EASES. _� �+�"��, � eA .„.
I17: sae° died in A. 1p, 1 L get that [hunting fits a and it 3s su ►posed he '°°�°'•,•--- ----.•�°, , __.. „_..,�
alio !neve as 1;113 t•e,,alt'.•a old. lil,9ar,, fell into the water while its n,,
Pennine. e►f 131'aae`eVie°ld. has a coin swoom, Itis liotly was foalird 1n W 1 '�
three feet fitiite1that was made at Constantinople, I
in the reignat Constantine the At the eonve'ntlon of the Row”!1
(';re=st. who was made emperor in Scott'll Clans at Pittsburg. 1}aa., it II
A D. :323. awl diets A. D. 337 . Sad was divided to revoke the /or err i
it 3mnu t at teat be it 1 years tsld. issued 501110 years a to,a;iviin;' caato.-
Means. 1'e. and J. laullseffterd have Ingalls a relate of In l,a'n° a sts. oyn alt
halts w; atis9'aat•teo1�4 naturals from the, lta'reatVodlneant e°laiPatsv. atm pp',r vide a 11
sa1ea ant the three eareaeas of Huron that hereafter they should pay ell 1ti
teal u•aItte, tivtnia•In they slapped 11 4e'•:411ei1t!•' i11 fettle The C'atn~itIEa13I' ',aka
dtreet try t llld Londtai a short time delegates. 1'414114a the ttvsollutiete `�t
ug,,,„ The ,`::tutu•' were ;`„t9&1, atrrmied hatred. atm titin the r'ef ere all off its ns %
in •4,,0,,41 conitiition and brought ught al e''[D1neessiWD4t would make settees,
geed wive. The meessrs. Itansfoyrd "cable in C°ailalda.
have yet two hundred coal fifty
)neat, Ottawa, ()nt., t'ainttbt.
News comes from New Ze'alatild
that the much-diseus:+t'cl lestgiyltttieen
enacted in that t'ountry tett settling
labor disputes 'by ars» trat!te11 has
foiled. Mr. Seddon. the premier.
who fathered the plan. is reported
by eable as declaring that the ar.
bitration hoards are futile and that
they have caused strife tableful of
preventing it. 'l'he truth is that
human nature 1.a pretty 3111ie•ln the
saint aa11 around the globe, and
legislation cannot Chante it.
bitration is an excellent thing. but
the hope of the future lies in a
more .enlightened seellanterert eon
the part of both capital stinal labor,
which will lead both t.' reeeArmlaee
they neeerssity of their eteoperatunnz:
its partners. instead of fighting
each other as a adye°rs°zt`aeas.
There is already a e°t111itatet)Eiaglialt
ease a'w'aiting itelNdicatia'4a" toy the
federal emirt of the Ats,tr::a1Innn
Commonwealth. The 1'estinaate'r-
Generattt of the rir etttig unnited
C sm►aanottwealltttn considers himself
clap ytver=d by at clause ',lf the aae,t
et►rlstitutilig the federal post othee"
departntent. tut, •,elr a 'and suppress
all letters to and frrreem lottery man-
agers and racing sweep promoters.
Tasmania. the smallest of the fed-
ral states and the one with the
smallest revenue, has heretofore
derived from $15.eee to $20.e8 ?)f
its revenitno fre►in the olrerations of
the largest sweep promoter of the
southern hemisphere. who is a Tas.
mai-Ilan. It has entered a strong
protest, denying the right of the
federal power thus to override and
baullify the state legislation under
which this revel nine-pyrmadnci1g rita-
e1z condtnets his operations.
It is a sad reflection on the nnntneb.
vaunted cleverness of the nnen at
the head of the great eenspanies. in
which the money of many stock-
holders is invested. that they cnn-
rrot find means to prevent the con-
tent ocetn•ence of strikes and of
aisunderstandings with the em-
ployees of such companies. In ease
of the big steel trust strike several
illion dollars is lost to the stock-
olders and to the employees. all of
hich'll not in the least ai,ccnst in
ringing about a settlement, while
he manner of the settlement will
of in the least be infiaeneed by
he amount of money lest.
The concessions demanded by the
en will surely be granted to gust
as great tan extent as if an under -
tending had been arrived at with-
eut a strike. It is very likely that
the same thing will occur as a re-
ult of the present trouble on the ,
anadian Pacific. And though the
,elate employees in considerable
numbers may have to seek work
Isewhere, a permanent increase in
wages is likely to follow. At least
uch bas been the result of every
aiiroad strike that has taken place;
W. R. 1i O 1) G.l. N S ..
.'iluuitl 1)1 ill leVcrti•
'Your o1' Neighbor iS 1U)it
a 9c'3ii1ist•1'iliev, lei 118 icllOW plical
We will send him a stopple copy.
.we will send 'le.rI11: HERALD
to tl.lt' ellll. of :fl)I}1. for
e 0
nal Herb Compo ti» d
Graduate Optician,
H E N S A C.L.
Watches and
and Li'v'er;
1reaG .eC"
°t'1 n 1+ ; i:1':.191"1';:x°1' i N'1)\\ r
... ,..., ...1',41 1t1°;,tI1•;DV:!Mt
At ONZ() 0. Bi
Lead on their big farm end will � y
shortly he MUM -thereto thereto for winter MARKETS'
feeding. By the way, they ate the _ ;l WILL RE AT
ls.; of mai in RPVISPII
the comity, extensive
haavingeeto less than Wheat ovary 'iFauas>fl3u - 63to, le:v h ZURICH
5Y ei ::: uo 11
--- — sr 44,During P r"Ti-
hotograpthe raw
731)1' /MVO 113 d" "1 -r pis [t�
PINESli" W4 1 °1lt.'i- caG.iil
(tit'Ttl' lialAsa sN ABLE
fifty, acres of it —Clinton News- Oats -•
ilea•ord. Wiley .� ..
Dates of Pall Pairs. Flour * s
flay Braaneh Aerieultnral S:)eiety. glitter - ••
Zurich -sent. 1k-10. Eggs - -
Induslrial Fair, Toronto- -Aug. ('hiekens It,-
26 Slept. 7. D'ucksa -
Western Fair.London—i'ept.5-14, ]Geese -- -
Hamilton—Sept.-1•>>. Potatoes
Baaylield—(last. 3-4.
Exeter—Sept. 1q-17.
Blyth and Morris.Blytii—(lr-t.8-9-
Great :4o►rth-Westterm.toderioh—
Oet. 11-2.
S. Huron Seaforth—Sept- 24-25.
E. Huron. Brussels—€ et. 3-4.
Tnrnberry. Winer:in--Sept. 26-
Ashfield. Dungannon—( ,t. 10-11,
Howiek. liorrie---Ort. 12.
N. Waterlory. Berlin—Sept. e-'221.
N. Middlesex, .Ailsa Craig, Sept.
E. Zorra. Tavistock—Sept. 16 -le.
Wilmot. New Hamburg—Sept. °
A blue book containing the B'ri-
Vials Po.eimaster-(Generals report
for lean presents some interesting
statistics. The total number of
postal paelkets delivered in the
United eel hint dom was 3, i 23,617,000.
The public deposited in the savings
banks i;40.,;11(L434, and the total
amount due to depositors at the
end of the year was £135,54g,645.
The Telegraph Department showed
a deficit of £652,104. The total
postoffiee revenue was £15,995,470,
anti the expenditure was £I0064,-
Sir Charles Tapper is the wonder-
ful old man of Canada. He has
just returned from the Pacifie i
coast and is once again crossing the
ocean to attend a board meeting of
a mining company in England, at as
time of life when few men are able
to stir their own tea.
,1 :a
:5 lac
Wheat, to 6'$ Ia �j
Barley _,. _ 2 — - 26 'U tNdr 47 ao
6r $'l aE
l laytntr toe 2.1e i -tat xcbai tt.
Hogs (live) per ewt - 6.3a use
do edresset'lu - - 0.63
Feeble, Wasted feats OS
Arous a e' to Haw Life.
alatt'erer For Fears Prom Weak
fe,kri, Habit/stied Nerves aste
Sleeplessness clued by. Five
Voxes of Dr. Ch¢ase', ;Verve Food.
Whether weakened and 'wasted by
overwork, worry or disease, trig re-
sult of exhausted. nerves is felt In
neuralgic paint, nervous headache and
dyspepsia, serious functional derange-
ments and ultimately in paralysis. epil-
epsy. locomotor -ataxia, prostration or
insanity, the remedy is found In Dr.
C'hase's 'Nerve Food, as is proven in
the ease referred to below
Mrs. Chas. H. Jones. Pierceton, Que.,
writes :—"Por years i have been a
great 'utterer vita my heart and
nerves. I would take Shaking spells and
aa. dizzy swimming `reeling would come
over Inc. Night after night I would
never close my eyes, and my head
would ache as though it would burst.
At last I had to keep to my bed. and
though my doctor attended me front
fall to spring, his medicine did not
help me.
"I have now taken five boxes of
Dr, Chase's Nerve Food,
and it has
done the more good than Iever believed
a. medicine could db. Words fail to ex-
press my gratitude for the wonderful
cure brought about by this #reat,nont; •
Dr. 'Chase's Nerve Food, 5500 cents a
bot, a nate" for $2.50, at an dealers, cr
Eduran ou, Bates 8t: Company, Toronto.
78i thaams
tottboli, a gaff.
Farm, City. Village. Saao)lia-bra.
and Garden Property. Sold Bought
and Exchanged.
Money Matted on First ani eS t•een.:i
Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and
Other Securities.
Farms, Houses and Business Pr op-
erty Rented and Rents col.eoted
upon Reasonable Terms.
Money Invested for Private Indi-
viduals on First Mortgage on Real
E. L L
11,11 Eft,
i°°l b' i e \ 1 r 1 Ga 1 1 11)11:4
Age 4tt IOU HU t o 6t ry
" tt .9':llCN I 0
SEI": 0:11: 000PL i`' AT lis.
• a •
:e One.,
g ver
5 rs�r::y
Eve cer..tiv9
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:+a.:.:_: 25,000 NEW WORLDS, 1• .:<, g::..
Rich Bindings 4 2364 Pages ? 5000 Illustrations
Prr^ r ° z d rt'ie �::p ervis:c OW. T. iaarr• M.D.,r Fi.. United Statas
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ea) Web:Iter's
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„ _ E ,: i'ir t c _-. ii1 q;allty, ..,08,1 cia°>