HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 3mamsvIvev.v444.44044.444,aavvvravow.410C44.4.44,4v4.444vvvvvv.44.4444.4vvvvvvv4.4.4.4. Well of the Gospel Deep Enough. to Put Out the Thirst of the 1,600,000,000 of the Iteoce .4..,..1.444.4.4.4.+4.4.4.++++++++.1.1-14-H÷H÷H÷H-1.++4-1-H-H-44.• . iWashingtoti report -In this die- pump Instead of sitting in a parlor sip - course Dr. Talmage represents rellg- ping out of a chased chalice which has Eon as a great refreshment and in^ YOU want to get to heaven, but you just been lifted from a silver salver. 1 vitas all the world to come and re- must he in a special oar, with your feet on a Turkish .otboman and a band of music on board the train. You do not want to be in company with rustic jacob arid Rachel and to be drinking out of the eounkain where 10,000 sheep have been drinking before you. You will have to remove the obstacle of pride or never find your way to the well. You will have to come as we came, •willing to take the water of eternal life in any way and at any hand wed 'in any kind of pitcher, cry- ing out: "Oh, Lord Jesus, I am dying of thirst! Give ane the water of eter- nal life, whether in trough or goblet! Give 'me the water of life! I care not in what it comes to ane." Away -with all your hindrances of pride :from -the well's mouth! Here is another man who is kept back from this water of life by the stone of an obdurate heart, which lies over the mouth of the well. You have no more feeling upon this subject thon Lt God had yet to do you the first kind- ness or you had, to do God the first wrong. Seated on his lap all these Years, his everlasting arms sheltering you, where Ls your gratitude? Where is your morning and evening prayer? Where are your eonsecrated lives? I say to you as Daniel Gold to Belshaz- zar, "The God in whose hand thy breath is, and all thy way, thou hest not glorified." If You trea,ted every- body as badly as you have treated God, you would have made MO apologies; Tea your whole life would have been an apology. Three limes to -day you have been seated at Cod's table. Spring, summer, autumn ana winter he has appropriately appareled. you. Your health from Him, your eomPanion from Mao your ell:ill:Irma from Hine your 'home from Him, all the bright eurrounaings of your lif.e from Him. Oh. zna.n, what dost thou with that hard heart? Caust thou not feel one Gera of gratitude toward the God that lade you, and the Christ who eame to sedeem you. and the Holy Ghost aho has all these year been impertunina Pat? If you eeuld It down ilve min- utes *ander the tree et a Saviorio. mar - *alone and feet Lie !trete/eel trielding on ;rear forehead and ebeek and hands, methinks you woUld get votne appre- eletion of what you we to 41. Cruellied wive it. Text, Genesis xxix„ 8: "We trannot until all the flocks be gathered together and till they roll the stone from the well's mouth; the we water itlea sheep." ut scene in Mesopotamia, beautifully pastoral. A well of water of great value in that region. The flee& around about it white with three flocks of sheep lying down wateing for the watering. I hear their bleating coming on the bright ter and the laughter of young men an maidens indulging in rustic re - puttee. I look off, and I see other 110Oloi of sheep coining. Meanwhile aseeob, a stranger, on the interesting wand of looking for 2. wife, comes tothe well. A beautiful shepherd- ess comes to the same well. I see her approaching, followed by her fatiter's flock ot sheep. It was a niemorable meeting. Jacob mar- ried that shepherdess. The Bible scoount of it is, "Jacob ktssed Ra- chel and lifted up his voice and wept." It has always been a mys- tery to me what he found to cry seurat! But before that scene occur- re:1 Jacob accosts the shepherds and asks them way they postpone the Slaking of the thirst of these sheep and -why tbey did not Immediately proceed to water them. The shep- herds reply to the effect: "We are all good neighbors, and as a matter of courtesy we 'wait until all the sheep of the neighborhood come up, Be - elites abet, this stone on the wellie mouth is somewhat heavy, and sev- eral of us take hold of it and push it melde, and then the bite/tete and tate troughs are filled and the sheep axe satisfied. 'We eannot until all tbe flocks are reentered togetlier and till tbey roll the stone from the well's arnoutb; then we water the cheep." Oh, this f. atbirety Not ti•or thq bead. and biletering for the feet, and parehing ter tbe tengue. Wee world's great want iz 5 eool, re- freeldna, eatisfying draft. We wan- der around, and eve find thistern emit. Lena and tedlette drought tMrn drlea Up the world's fountain, aut verataries an a Shepherd. with e. orook in tee ellapti of a erese and feet eta :to the blee•ling. explored the There are nteo abe are perfeetly dis- desert pare:ate:a of 11,,e world and one , contentea. Unhappy in the past. un- happy to -day, to: be uniaappy forever melees ',;*011 C01116? t* tato goeq•el wen. This teetlef••:o: e0:11 with a leigie. doer. all abeorbiese and eternal altice faetion. Itcomae. and it offers the most unfortunate 'man ce much of .titla wOrld ;to la 'beet for bine and eltrotele ail /tee:e'en :nto the leaegain. The wealth of Creentta and of all the leoti2chil:1110 Oniy pelt, nitrItrabto vitt:414r coni. parod ent etornal fortUnco Oat ff' tt ta..lay. In 1.110 far east. More was. a TrAng who =el once a Sawa te get ,elt the C.;a10:7, White ott the, other iereaia4 1 -Atria Piatied ttoid and and genm--indoed en -ugh were td:a•rel tO bane the Wino. Then, at the .tilos!O of the weigh- ing', cit V(cc:1,1 throwa th.,? •nut to-• dj!, ct.C.1•1 ott• tie the t.tatz:1, and O the C)Lik.'!".:tt* ar.: the. 0. -tit the ntaN,•, an 7 iat too yoursi, . had: from tite Int itth•-ti. a on to:i.e.:1.ln,, Ei,ty-a":: ore losiatio.." f!..onlis of; streer, ottioe, thottais a titan. 1 we do n.,,c,„ tate dna ttn,at shol tiltsa::••; 4.int,,.,,hr the /hey' ett:y enll"t,•.:-•1 it 7.1,- 7,70.tt. I ...... •It.4'. they conne tonoth,t, ea:-,Eahly. "W!.110.!:t.1 an 7, Cie.:It:titan was. dy:Er,e.• tsont --a Man *.€ty qi-ntir. tit in theol:14i, :,•itis'..tenti to.its 4It"tIzaina Vte gost7.7 iiia:tit; there are these wiie dot not titte an& the, ito.zed :CatIC.1 UP and crituid; they tiiiith a. crotird vuigar. .aiol Mtn. ',Can t you g'tee rm,.. some they 21`P.: oprres...el for room la com.fert in my Churn, It traties t.heinpesidively itta- shil tire ,I;c1UTig Blinn; "II e&n.t. tali% fic: Vat:lett. and heiltr,,erent., We !have -YatII iatt z.bottit it and' hate ?mown it se Ittla revile permanently teave cianreit "Welt," sati clYing man. "inst. re - :se many other reonie come let ft. Not so 477 those he to rue scale peetaaso." The young .0.111ente. #3They no' j n73 the man thought a iliii':OorAent. and In came .• tt.e7o te jen,1 more to this promise:: "The 1dc-t:1 of „Nevus tild:ittes that ontrie the better they 0i0 e3 oteattseth from 0:11 sin," and the cid man dapped his bands atal it his " St And so wee. ought to he at:atone Calt laitt th.e.y veor,.v4.:f.? shottid eotne. Go 111€4.14"A "11.14t1 :"3.6stt ettr: into tae highways and the Promise I have been waiting ftegges and triAeli t..17.qqn cotne in. bicied of Jesus Christ t-it-ansetit from Go to the ana tell them taey Oh, the warmth. the gramicur, ' are ludigent without the gospet of 1t5 111il5 Lf 1t9 premise. ,11,41n,ot. Go to tho otta ton Conte atso to• the gosred we::, alt the afiluemte there is itt Chr:st. ftseR 10°•••••n31•7•1'65'.2 l'eX1 ”at bntaa arid telt them f S4J1t•!1".L4a tOttati: that gives etetinal "I'fe at. tfian y'a nib lien. Go to the lante and to% theta 1.'°-121. 0,r's 'of fit t") V":‘L. • he o-tInt v:E1 :make the tante :Irina'. ea Veal.nist ntern teo.p Mee a hart. Gather ad: c'Ccni.e Ot 1 Cdane 161 747::t thetg:TA..?:1,,, ta'!: trne =Ow? `TWO the one. a sweet cup. the otl-ier Stalr none so worr:ed. none syyonas 1 4- u•',1,tai A ‘11} 't -AE jeY or -a o of 141.1`21.- to o„ott:„...ej. .i0i as bEt72.o the neat -est to Leine grat, A:: „,rity :It a.f1i,eta oat cf w,h0...tr2 ynu tr4,74 , fa *New reek in fio::•it. a:2 I:ovilon. re sl'a7-.:•a0ereif Wiat en a fioa7,1, all the worid :u fock. diflerent rdaee the centetery io from n of gos:ze: :5 ceep.i..n0n4.....1 what it used to L Once it was to you to put out: the burning th:rst of. the a gliallie2 O01Innii."reve-ianeat ani you tho rata,. Do not •:„..,t th2,, went out on tin €-..yaare„Lc.4..t. eture..2 by. fa ,r,f2 el.,:,,luszv„ness Yen ran ianglitlagiy up the. mound, and keep the tterld out. Let doora th•eyeuelritile!';e"11in a 2fgrl.t v:alv the e0,1 - tars, swiing ope.a al: the. gat»s. s::•altter taWat r;at .111n1e CIe dal"Wil11 Yaa • ne, .•••-• beard the beil tea e* tete oete when you went hi with the l:•rettession it is I Come, red monof. forest. t"..,e.01 and there is a fiool of o.ot .tae matting* memories that suffuso the eye t aa, al and owe:nester tae, keart. Ob.. yen , ,Itc.• ,„0. come ...„„„fv,„;„,,,,have had tr.-sub:le, ti.otibie, trotse: Cod coma one. As onar li.110;78 how ranth you have had. at this weit and is e. wonaer 1"6":11 :rave boon able tot, Itaehell were 7,-,,et:i,tthe:, so this ntotin- • lave Veneta:St it. It ie11 weneer yeae flog at tiae eole eeteist, aoraosas easter.: 1..as eat been :Oa:to:ref. tar feateatenel. eat eoot 2.-e1 coming soul yen.- brala leas ezt rceied. Tree- v.:t.11 yeti: lee? cc -,Z7 e3;',7tA and Me, troublel a.nsietles. ual .,•eritteIt out his 11 I could gatieer all the griefs of : h_arta in pie..11:4.a of hi, oxf,1,-,,L wixi:e sorts from these crowded s.treats eM !maven will cry out: "neit.ol.1, the could put them in one is,nroli, neither briclegreem eo.netht Go ye out to man nor angel could endure the reci- tation Will who` do you want? Would you like to bola your property back again? "No," you m say as a flay fame aterooe a wen a, theosand feet deep. Uubblitlet and bratilt and opeieseent, atil lookei tee LanM 'i. ntio orel the rettile. end the feet, end the weot, (Ala or,:ed cut with voter. otrona iota cateleat. that ratte; titrough 4/to tarot. "lie. el.eer env that tiairsteta. coma. se to the waterer' gteat fleet: or vt;c,,p too'ley gather et outlet 1149 gm -vet C1 are .1 Oweet Nemo thiret2: X wentler why lite flue 1e3 of tgatlehe des net gatitee, -thy ;et 114.17,iy tialtttyt, find wii,Le ore elm. tetang aboot 01 Iny teet teeette to. tit In tie explotetion, e:net n - til Ceti tiii taey rea : ter? fre Ittie teell'a .at..; te, et.• oatee. 'atop." af teiel esta,e 411',0!, 1,1 a tiro Tt. tter ttivittrtly Stt-"", 1'1i 4 01 0 dtove :rzit11:,--• aerne ce t-, .eo meet Mal." You noil.:•e that this reel of Meso- potamia. had a stone oa it, tolitch must be removed before the sheep could be Christian man: "I was becoming erre- watered. and I find on the well of sal- gant, And I think that is why the Lord vation to -day impealruents and ob. took It away. I eon't want to have my theles Watch .raust be removed in or- property back." Well, would you have der that vou may obtain the refresh- your departed friends back again? enent and life of this go.epet. In your "No," you say; "I couldn't take the re - case the impediment le pride of heart.. sponsibility of bringing them from a You cannot bear to Conte to so demo- tearless realm to a realm of tears. I oratic a. fountain; yau oe not want to eoutdn't do it." Wen, then, what do come with so many .ors. It is as you want? A thousand voices In the though you re Vera:: and you were audience cry out: "Comfort. 'Give us eve Neseeee to e/ake your thirst at the town ,ecanfort!" For that reason I have relied away the stone from the well's mouth. Come, all ye -wounded of the flock, pur- sued of .the -welves, come to tbe foun- tain where the Lord's sick and bereft Ones have -come. "Ale," says settle one, "you are net old enough to understand my sorrows. You have not been in the world af. .)ng a,$, have, and you can't talk to me about zny misfortunee in the time of olcl age." Well, I may not have lived as long as; you, but. I have been a great deal among old people and I know how they feel about their :fail- ing. health and about their departed friends and about the loneliness that m sometees strikes through their souls. To lean on a prop for 50 years and then have it break under yen! There are only two years' difference between the death of my father and mother, After my mother's decease my father used to go around as if looking for something. He would often. go from one room without any seeming reason and go to another room, and tben he would take his cane and start out, and someone would say, 'Father, where are you going?" and he would answer, "X don't know exactly where I am going." Always looking for something. Though he was a tender hearted man I never saw him cry but once, and that was at the burial of my mother. After 60 years' living together it was hard to part. And there are aged people to -day who are feeling just such a pang as that. I want to tell them there is a perfect enchantment in the promises of this gospel, and I come to them and offer them my arm, or I take their arm and I bring them to this gospel well. Sit down, father or mother, sit down. See if there is anything at the well for you. Come, David, the psalmist, have you anything encouraging to offer them? "Yes," says the psalmist; "tbey shall be fat and flourishing, to show that the Lord Is upright. He is MY rock, and there is no unrighteous- ness in Him." Come, Isaiah, have you anything to say out of your Propbecies for these aged people? "Yes," says Isaiah; "down to old age am with thee, and to hoary bairs will I carry thee." 'Well, if the Lord Is going to tarry you, Yoll ought not to worry much about your ailing: eyesight and failing limbs. But you say, "1 am so near worn out. and I ant of no use te God any more:' I think the Lord allows whether you are of any more use or not. if you were of no more UC, lie valuta Stave tal:en you before tills. Do yell thine God has forgotten " you beeauee lee has talten care of you for 76 or .S0 years? He 'Wilke more of you to.day titan He .ever beeause yon tlarat ore ea Him. May the God of Abrehasse and leaac and Jaaob and Paul tee coed be Your • Goa forever But I gather all the promises to..1a.e. In a group, and I net: tee ehepleerd to drive their , 21i 12.0 et lames rtoverk up to the eparklinte teapply. ..11,?holot, sappi. h.; lite 111310oleoan God. ceereeteth.° **Though He cause grief. aet 100 lorIve tonapaeeion," "Meny are , a IlIetiono of the r7e•iitocus. but tit" Lord de:0;0;41th Idiot oat of them." •Weeplug may endure for a :ogle, bat joy eoneeth In the inovaltig." ; usa det,ViiikaPd nat eee el:1211 Out oil Otto leasse uneuinforted. Ten- ! d0r in a tiantd end chrlatil85 feu' who recur. to hide away !ram tht. t. notations 1 am uttering as a 1...1"O:7 14 tore tnil inilidea ...way !Zan , 10 ptiyeleiln 110!.t. tott_ti: tliC tita too retWity, and the mother !tau ge one oeuvre 1010 :aro ene tient to tome out ond See the CM% t:To cantle to 1-0115 nava tinia C5znt t.i11,11 )-:, nth t7.onipel 02.92.0m ,,ta to coe &VI 00L0 ID,TeLtTh..?42.1 Vivgza, rthr;ii:o:r:i.tt, %',1,0 to!! :tart • 17e heen imaang for many 01:01 ;11'2 VI atie and fetter 1)10110 SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIGINAL LESSON NO. IX. SEPTEMBER 1, 1901.• loele the Peacomsker.-Gen. 26: 12-25. Commentary, - Connecting links. Socat after tile events of our lest lesson Sarah died at Hebron, a,nct Abraham purchased'M the cave of ach- Petah for -a burying place for his Wheu Isaac was forty years olci Abra- ham sent his servant to Mesopotaraia„ called A,brahata's country (xxiv. 4) because it was the place where the fa.nally, of Horan his :brether solo tled, and where Abraham's father 'MIS buried. The servant succeeded in his undertaking anti 'Rebekah was brought tack to Canaan and became Isaac's wife. Mater/ Iesetc was eixty years old, a-acob awe:Esau were born, Abraham was buried in the cave of ataehpelah witer hie beloved wife Sarah. At present this cave is cov- ered by a liotammedan mosque, e, is sacredly guarded againet the Intrusion of travellers. • 12. Isaac --Isaac was a man of faith, but in many respects a great contrast to his father. He wake Patient, but not enterprising ant!, powerful. lie was devout and submis- sive, but not active in organizing in God's service. His etfe was unevent- ful, almost monotonous. In tbe same• year -While there was a famine in. the land, when others scarcely reaped at all, be reaped thus pientifullse-e Henry. See Isa. lxv. 13. Hundred- fold -Probably meaning a very great Increase. 13. Went forward -Hebrew, "ging"; that is, became inereasingly greater. 'The Hebrew terra for walk is fre- quently used in the sense of continued increase. 14. itineled him -Here we see how vanity attaches to all earthly good; prosperity begets envy, and from envy proceeds injury. --Fuller. Envy le 1.10o eonstant eomparden of pros - p er t y. -Trapp. LI For all the wells:. 5(0'.- Ice tbotee eountriee a good tvell of water was - a possessive of innva uenee lue: and hence In their ware it wao oleirat for either party to full the weile in eoler e•• 411streNtr the evenly. /env en eteiaers '014:00witlea ie leet to an - ether ae. gain t ap •• la. lfrem lei-le:Lae does not in- , Fiat ins -est ba.rgain be 1e:141ot:rig. with theta for eree kende iie lit.1.1., ta.r loi.ert hie el..elepeing nor arepeoe- fpr them. nor :le "4 Ili, i7o/fOr 00tamtest with Gant feree; bat ' pew-ea:biz deperts. 17. fa :hoar - The teem try tiroateGe i rar. • carton the welio . "It le too* Iteto t0('1') ,11), 'ZIA& utiAtt- . 41 tam gruitt anti IMPri had woo toe. ou..14 i A ibral.:a lit inkii wag. and Noe. tee 00'111,,S iipvat ;05:4401. ite Well epte of nteetia etiteloo-"Wo.'ri '1 011 itra wale re."' Thas tie ate mean - ate; Ptah at the aig-I New Tesoe- aetetelte Ott lad eliievaeT1 ot. that nave, etraeittaa 1,rt N4P.A. 41eeed aeiete el riven w 0 th Pea. s. 7. kg 41014,111tall Was! a none ptir tentiOn eler. 144.. ;eel aLotahteett Woneelf. teengeo 625 VIM Pienee,./ peiatts." 000.4101441MT all mar 0111114 ecoee feetemo tliti d1100443 Co.11WEMP,I. 914741,4. 4 4,411a* teem .oe „'' Ii1421 , • 4 '*1` 2�o !wand ,liatt Oho (o.. -ea wae eioey Ne a '-'t...1;0e aed eon- Ott:eta '!J»1) 02. 1. !2."'11f0 nen to til4 41'0i2.1, eeea mar 12.'14.01 4004'2'tv?,',1h 1141:,11110-04P., '0'2.4l„.:'; 111* 4 - :1•Lo 14,••0 E-p2!:N 1'11,e 211 11"2.1)t 10. tr0::t7t0o-t-.' • ••• •• • 11,70 • 7 ,2" trntstt b••,, rtner••• 10- p- ny t0 11 01 • :et., eeee cool co:et:to:nee e 7 eeee : 1022.0 0051:010,'20.4 c! " Ck2.4 pt.:44'CiLIVI2w • 1.'5; 20, The r )40'i"3"40 2.2»." he . of tcovenoat • -.i.o.- The satire 1:t0:11.1 - L4,, special tnecttragoart.at v,0•,, .::::!.1.,tvcC-'j • eUtrageif3 tti16'• '341 hotnedintely 2:404114(2.44eeeStat anisappert him to ttikais. 0.,2.a renewal of nt4sv.,.."" '0'2.0" 2.e4 • Abeatrate--"i;P3 012, `,'_‘.7'0‘,3.0 ,-,A* • dge dead, bat of the titR`Z.' 23. tnfii:t10.1 01430 -••'057:.!Ccf!! .nrs tuilattnoatt.:it; and it ,o• 2 leve-ty Ilevelleeeep.a..• • of t shoufd boa osetant.ntr:• ." 00, re' at- lest 014) litael rr:sjp1..1;,• eal f,.t-:.,.. -• 2.!..16 an 1144711 ttio, 10iutristin,c1, coati! to,t, 1100 74r0,. act Mom. 1 VE.-ICA7Mr2g4u-'• 11111!•••5C7-' tare 102.0112.5104111444' sO 17-1,29 .aasi that 1L0401500 is 1,4 1,,;2P. sue 111, 11 titat the wels •'" se", -0:10 11 aro otmstiantIi; nay trat tit , 01.4 Etc,* 1„41 os or/ met e row:- o , Earidntrkll ic ias.14411 slut: 1.1!,Jat ‘:;!!;:cr:a 412.0)' ni- rtat it 0117. To tat,.. -a rht; W4li1S1.77PCt:7 S541711•1,,'"4./4". 2. Christ lin cm1.- '214'P.R Sb011,111111,44!' ACTI.7A7., 1,vherri c15.701 in 1.-ae 512.15041) ea tee41 sweat saiel, "Meese,/ ere tlie. peat e - alters." lie 4-3441'444.0'4-4 11 4.444,7.c..r4,1!:4 211th tat !MIS aOl tao, ffa,tory ot ra„te.-24 well as to entinCe,te 0 prhiatl:ttei that 0;020014)r1002.5014522.40It.-- 11, 1,111,,. for (Ai :as f:00351'.149,1n,' 11 trELA °,7:,t4:14-prez-,r,trt.t.:*,:11-'" ''S4r- 044 -triz•gt Zan. a.' . 2. 1141 oss. 5C rErr't rr.:,j'oy;,,,1* 2. traits"--goll :eve. it is soin•tint •s14400-2. IS'necesAty": that *.a: 0 mon I e!*4 1&ivr: c.crk t•L !cc.)!? t.shos-ti: • io4d,t q.:.T401)2, 'Wars for ".groe,::" 4,7.4 ";:Nsi••: 0012.111 s • one in tate , tt Eng ati you. e 00103nietning„ Sul no, a' :ton 1105 10*"` 10'400110" Welt 701)2. 2421 through r,ot. fitate :oft the .Attl 10100110312.o2sideattan los the Oa.3 11 ant going to 51)0±0 yea ttith the ti,,vagiat 111•:i.ver ta.ka- Z-.Nt? ti•' may toe. there e•:•tty-- tattOc ttillt(241 1:":,!.". stouts -Pt and rottet t12'...11SC V.";170ovoke 0.1141 is: nn5.t o awer. soon aS lit:,ve wed oar lips for 1015 final site -0:A A power on earth tau break 11)2.01 tutittstut'ty. ithat tvipAre, t'l'aix can, wan tt! *ZAND5 In a. s••,tie of Infinite gtaines.s. The morning, of :heaven weeing 012.:0- • sents In the toegitt Oreeers feeete fecea beeate shoo -lug their Conquerors mare:dna. from gat: to gate. 'ken tarAtimar ell&:.1171,- 01e, a. great Moak Gal wall .g.atiter ti -sand :the eeeestiat 1:e'1,51(4114) 102.0 the *G7E-778 ritouth vilatie the Shephn erd i-a- t:etre, sic5.,„ep. There 000340b:'1- '2.10111050laachell 11.8, sizeri'.erdess. Ana standing on one sLile of the n'.10 2.41 01:2.21)0 rapture :-auroT.1 on the other side of oiler -nal raptuze your Christian amt-mtry. 02 111.0tiontt1e,i1 old 1.1015.0 by a so keen 1101)1 gran.7 thth at ite oer over 0111112.rermitted esirterir:tao it. Cult ,of that me deer. heaven the Shenherd a-010 dip • !f,!:,5 the bereave.„1, v eailth fve *ate , Teeer. heatth. fcr the 50, 1.2.51 the weary. And then a:3 the tit.flt Of the Leters elate, wal 00-.0 green pa.stures, anw d or:d out ena we w100 10131041 tha Lord that ‘''7'n thee summer' ealeatit troenisee eve were perrnl1ee3 te study the 01.•:.-Y eZ da.rtalt and Rachel: n7: 171,?. weOL ON THE WAY TO CVC -VIA. Taeht flutttir Sailed From cap Town004 estorday. Ctzr,e. Town. r. 23.--Tite eaeat (War. wItie tee: Duke ;me le ees of Cerawaili ant Tor% eat snited to -day fc:r was at fiirst reported that they t-ist, the Isiami of Aseensieta. 01:44 *4400 rcport was ,rrect. The 7 -ace:: t is One to arrivo at nalitax On 2.0v,':•7.1). 1.13.r lath and at Quebee 21s1. Tim Canadian tour the Duke mad Duchess is timed to etrti oa October 21.s44, when the voaego <!•• ards Eng0a:zd w01 bcgin. Present-, 441,02.0 1'r1Nioner44• Cape Town, Ang. 23. -The Boer pri- soners at Simonstown presented to the Duke and Duchess of COrrlWall and York several serviette rings ;and a, shield -shaped brooch, all made from colas of the Transvaal. The gift was ae.companled by an address. At the request of the Duke the do-nors were presented to h1ms.•17 anti the Duchess at the Adirdraty TIYJSO toeclay. tort ham], then I will go the right or if thou depart to the right ham then 0 will go to the left." Instead or contending, he simply said to the men, "Help yourselves to alt you think you want." Tons of bay were cut from the land he eapposed 22.0 owned, but he did not quarrel. r.17,he manifest lesson on the face of this striking account is in direct con- flict with the practice of most pro- fessing- Christians. Shall wa not re- ceive it candidly and seek for grace to practice IsaaeSe example as a peacemaker 1-4. Emory Coleman. BODIES MET 13 VICTORIII. Twenty-one Bodies of the III - Fated Islander Missing. NOBODY WAS TO BLAME. "oronees Jury Declares That the Wreck Was Not Due to Any Omos Carelessness - Governor Hose Arrives With the 13odies of Ills Wife, Child and Niece. 'Victoria, B. e,,despach-With her /loge at half mast and the caskets of sore° of the dead of the Islander disaster on her decks, the O. P. N. steamship Hating returned from the north toolay. Site woe met by ex five hundred people, altheeigh there itad been tee warning of her teeming. The evettlei atteadeut to the landing; of aloe 5, 18'l w••re piti- ful. As one ;titer together tie• five eltek..te we -re et•rei•ei. nelitore, there uere plaintiee erioe from the neecan- relutives thee- Leer:el for - word to einiee tioir •lead. Governer • A.:144114411.4,mA, sLo yuL,:oN, who 1.,tar1i.4 Irvin I }:tile.,..on Mytoll 5tgli7 taild Ictli areoei lea tee !0,0210 '5, o4'rIlltii;in3•0111; iter tt.441,11i-0' 11:011 41,10.1m. atoe •Yepatai ;,1* eeo eat on'ett Bt.. A. 10103,44, Mitt briAvart. Lt ItiletiVia. Xo 01 !WI levee a weetle VA et 10einiO4,z 4444`2. 1101'.04 41001 r1414,4400' Wu t444i6,414 441041 kb P4014'51144 tho 4101e01 ace:eau here •iteeire. :EA tiiv.141 tR,2 0iere.1 loveate. ileiee.,,p peewee toe eeeete oett 20 14,52.0, 50401. laaoesiteareel:. le Mae. Moe *Pr tattle., acid teseetia O. as 1 "eV, ileatgeou, Mae Kett. Luta01 „ ▪ Mee 11.1..01014'e %. 10071. O. Vee W..01 eon. /lea ileeee oiie 4 o.: 0' ,0'3','1 2. leareteeo11 mi.': eaa 0' "; 10.015 1.. 0. I1t9,11!!,:,. 0.; 305,. 11 • *7', 1010. "e li Lice M.. 71. 2 ciao. Alva ee- da,y lo two qualit goose selling. bueleels Old, and Rye is Ilig* 51 1-2e. Ha ate $9 to $10-,5 for old. Straw." so one load. Dressed h Cheese Mark Brighton, Ont., 'Aug. nine factories boarded :$80 al 100 sold at 9e, Perth, Aug. 23. -To -da 1, cheese were boarded, alt wiettee. august Make ; all -sold; ruling pri - Wineliester, Ont., Aug. 23.-T94 669 boxes were registered; 150 lead and 519 colored. Highest offer, 13-16e for white and 9 1-4o for te ored ; with no sales. Sales were MA on the etreet at 9 a-fite and• 9 7-001 for white and colored. Kemptville, Ont., Aug. 23. -To -de 125 boxes white and 700 ote10 were offered -0 1-8o offered white, and 9 1-4o for colorea. sold„ but all sold on curb; do1ored1,1 a 5-16 to 9 3 -Sc. Ottawa Aug. 23. -There were 546 latexes boarded at the Ottay Cheese Board to -day, 1,104. whl and 052 colored. The white sold. 1 9 14c, ant/ the colored at 9 1-4 beading Wheat Markets. Closing quotations at importal wheat teactrea today were: • Cal, Oct. Chicago ... ... $0697-5 $070 St New York • 076: Toledo 0721-2 - Duluth, :co. 1 nor. 0703-1 070 Duluth, No. 1 hard 073 Toronto Fruit Markets. The demand 14 -day wao brisk it ever:al:Ong but pear, a quantity .4 whitelt was left unsild. Grnpea wg 10,1 Ituelch.berrieo 10 to 2 tower, muskmelons 05c lower. Oth linos wcre bteady. We quote: Appl per bashrt. 20 to frie ; currant pr bash. t. $1 to *1.10 ; grap foreign. per crate, $2.25 to 045Q ;o Cattallan.25 1. 50e a baratet ;buck/ berri.o, per baslaet. iStaa to $1. ; lexnole per lysT, $4,ditl to ; Lawton herr/ per leleoet, • to he untelonelene, pt *-rot. (i41 to $1. pr haortet, 25 t 1111 1 D I;_' eakints. Califoritia, per bo $1.10 to $1.60; Albrrt a. tabneket ea' 2.01.511 to ea, tanaelan whit per beelo t. 31) 0.• 001; eellotea 90a i• $1.19: TwItro. nihtb.rtain, per erat z klattl*II:att. per 12.105 0 'ilk' : Bartlett. 40 tea pletete Cali -forma. per bov, 0.z1.50 tro raivalian. pur IrtekEt. *Toe: toanattow, bashet. 30 a Let ; eat bootie!: 4wz, Knit, 121-2 We. 5000 '44 en iriede. Traiebit MvIntro.ai 014 betthattIng 4 titvw tittle milke., netolisty, and Ohs proop•ele101 pre:pnt tadkatn• t:.10.2400' 0 74104n11.910 ho insbinc.ng fur t? 2,•na f.,tp Teeczto tall,, iliAtItt, katie 0.0c3 2t.r 4'3'1*4° 41111112.01110 84, 014.4 L.) marl/ .;Ire itt,,t wry rtt 11 2.01t0 t -01n0 mitollio-nt. [Wilma" buttcr. ,4- 0' 040001440 06!.44'iO4.1 -tat T ig!c!,_"cl 11)4192.5,42 11201 1: 101,40440: 141:01044'0102. ttl W 4.4try:' 1.1i000' 04010 • ,00..:-.1e4 0.4 !)1'•,•-•e; .", a -• • p. V L 4' 71 • '.:, t•-•. tr.ro?p • • • - -Ili 4 ii kil&ii .. , I. .. .0_ , . r - ,: q - •-, - -• v• A:0 in, : .1 1:,..• t,, 3.:C..-,..rj iiii. a! "• -- ii. ll, c!.. ;e4 .,..,,•Li 4- ..,.:4". 0,4 ri .,'..' ,7.. II L'••:, ;:.. . ts...:-..e.. ,,' ,':,.‘: il•, i.,,:.. ft%•-;,•:. -1•:,••,•c.:'-•••'.,...'etts Fii d it a Tat.-Tt to P (,....eee. : : e'e e". le „ 0.000 ,e.e. , e. ...-. o iii`.: e* 71 ;.' •.o• - •••,; AUTrea teee- i potazoes and make so. p .1 DI. aye t..... eel... e- .. •.'144'..'-, 0105'0 sseree. DI Tote Ieetee, 1'. 02:212.4. 2.1 40011)00420'-.4.•;•,.L•47 at,/ f3 "02.2.1)54241100.• cAny Chri:stian natioas 4'22.'5,01,1:n our owt; ,0:..One of the Eitst r;rptisitses for a person to 1'0-s4' that, may carry oat Christ's 012.5.4401301 is 41 %N.,nscious- raess or being la the ,oroler. ”Art•t115.'4'l,00'2" 42. camine in the land" -Gen. rxvi. 1. Isaac's judgment, was to g o rxspt, and tim Lord told him to 4-01)31112.0 0110 this leach Ho obeyed ff,01 and Was prospered. It • &Aced and eceived an hundred fold. Isaac's tovene-mak!ng powere were not vst- Itansted yet. "And Ito removed frora thence and digged another well." Here lie was su.toessful. Isaac's course was in keeping with that of his father Abram's in dealing with Lot. "Is not the whole land be- fore thee? Separate tiw.self. I pray thee, from me; if tton wilt take the 40104 2.12.41»s1144 01 "it are 511I 241444401:151.• tO.11:t.tee Ina 040 '44 leatie.I or, 1,0090, 144'3410'1: alias te lareat. p r ; q7./ 1130401001201Ft .10». 04.0 1. 1Z.4',; 0,225431' • etecoo 2.,',;l'2.,',;l'.t01)2.144t,01)2.144t014045'Ira oassongq-it 016-1 t!,•• 00115,00100115,41,1,. • 0004?i.e..pt teepee. Slea. eeeeettee 41g'1444of tee (e. sefi 04''010'4 12.41 ele toeteee nor ear.ei , 025.1,41010r;:,1)111 dean zo eaer. i12.•c4 54.4:2": :4"'4.,511`.1'144;•,",2,11::•actSc : :ban 50• '41t'.*'041)44.045,0.4140,'after 00110' acY•i.! iii,teesslaats•d Z(0111)0503'1449.'1 ale .041141(11:!Nen441)0. ;;ans. w4 4:241 1l's11 4442441 4411.01.44 05044440 144,' 2.42.j444515,r-3.0 4 • -.one; one- 'to ez: - ate- le ••ei ieee 0442.'--",n. Tee 7 •*.e'it Stetes J.•3 at . Off t.1% c! 0: 0.1314511001)044.'414"441 was :le: .0445.1'4111v.7. tate fee - :4s 04oly :4 eera-a-t. aoel: ** We. the 001)0402."] (41)4 tavern in tee al Br. .T. 1)2.10 000*'1174t1. .! 3:1`0,'.•.CA WC. ., 11:0 5 .3. -7. O• n :Le t.o. st '2'rekt- ii,ost.,ntatitive th•-•• C. I'. it, nni :41)01)12.t• tA.ke L2:0 ,,e.:4s1,77.4,-?;t- - 211 40 11141.4012.4' t4' .* 4:'511 234042. Tit* ,0 ale 2,-ee. !AtilEVIOCAN BOYS HARD 021111)141 ls 4 '2)00.114 410 12.11(4. Aciare. 001120414151'War. ane Brant' sena etallets o oeeery i':0':"1011,V7.0!, 171.77:ti °.4.t. er, o laaitary 2. ea tete WitiQ 02:o 11,0 Tailed. In Lee-. 1)14'4-10i'1",tr 'tr. ttleArdut o1): if:.?..ii.c;b,C1I'S CI 110S t.'4-ratie freer leateae 1. Toe; 0010'140. 2.2.2311 50400404 Szap 04r.14-2.411'. One tatotee li;:eeseetaa Os:' ?Wee Loates' week. :13»e,1 01'1'0 1'" tae Letter Otsa, bet 1)04 eon:lee:as carne !t-,7fat; ILO ttt 41.1)S • fee 'eel Tee -gotten Vra'S otoeteratiele, eaa veee SO.-oat:fel sea -etas. eeteeozaaneter eeee hos teen aolt teete reenza.10 44 e 07:1-1 op aa Calle tea apon 0140121 , i'47,!` nt.: :0 Itras-,:f. warno offiecrs that he hail Teeee4e. seeopas agaaist 01022. 7.C3 2.11)2.22.10 W2.444 030401 211)-2. • reaneel teate 5. :tee leeyonse 1., was 0.1-..%.,-;14z;ZI; 5. 0,...!z:?-ni.-rzvrzfatA an 2. s.:,atease .:ars" itup--2.sentaient. rz;; 02.:e.• ow 4442 ais vert sonniezit 0411 Witgii ' 11.27102412.i0444 1r1IL 1:10 0 year. Sean afterwar•i tSsredi 4.41":".;:i7:7'44 agnin 7:2=, 0.0 1)0401000 13 bore arms. tOr 2.14 malitcry eartne'ity 12.44143 011sIcaS 41441 4420'51. OOo ittas raitrzial,e1 for not f Tres.: • t zi;i:•.:•: the ..,•-t-,:ased, find :an e‘t att ti,:arate nt. sn'•altatt. CANADA'S BRITISa MAIL, Estgmate, of IN Agrat Varloas Mat ter tit",ent Vett and Received. Iondott, Aug. ronrit estimate of the weight of:' the letters and postcards tiespatehod Ioono tf?iS' country to Conatia 11000 reaches $3,500 pounas, wirie the weight of the circulars, books and riewtpapers was 1,CAS.O01a P3n4as• From Canada 70.000 pounds of let- ters and 375,003 potaads of circulars, bo•oks asul newspapers remelted this country. The number of parcels des. patehad during the :veal. ending Marche 1901, 'was 95,387. socomil 14 l4('",'5 2. year, 2::o-0 24320, 40002.1': 0' IS.ze,t,..e of 2. O1':, 10e11e2...1 447' eite eaee bee 04 eeeeee tee eangstee War, ore:a:tea Lee te be reaele20 etta e' in a aorooreial peeltlero Taro:tole 41111) 114404012:02.'r0ta. ore young railt a tiara time eallee noon to War avrete. On refeent he woe again 'sant to pr aa. Tr:tritons: egnin interfered, loe wes releesea aril tale anced in the seeratariat general staff, lie has been five years: in the but has still his three years serve. Aceoriling, .to Prenela la prison term tioes not octant. a. few seetions ebMan rain hae soizewhot delayed vestneg, It is thonght that 50' per cent, of the -crop tote 1*.t oat.