HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 29 w7ol , `­, t I I 1, �_ � � I - . - W , - 1,�, ­ , 1� - , I I ­ 11 il . : '. , , � ,_� �', , . � .1 _111101,1141"W1.1 I I ,— . I I � . , I I K-7, i � 11. I . I, , � . � I I . � � I I � I . �1. . . I � . I . . . . � )� � ,. . , r �, � 1. .. I I I I I .1 -0 - - - - - - � ___ ------ I I--- ,%..,,�� '��;;;;Arz��,:=�___�_�Wi��___ _ - �__ ��_� --,'I', �,V_V^1_11_1�11" - 0—�~,...-."N",,�^,,,.,--,--,.�-���,-���^�— _ I � I � � . Rook o,r DOOLEY TALKS I � � I OF SUMMER RESORTS �1 I., . I X*=--kX� �28 ''. I . � I Fhere's Dorsey,, the plumber, these early J,a tli' mornin' an' hook In .1, 5211 . newspaper," savis I. 'Th,el city,' says 40UID4 Ur. Hennessy. 1, ,Is the" on"y summer resort f'r a man fcvv,elvt 7c,heerd ?­ saaa Mr. DO"- illat has Ivor lived in, thl city,' I re, Dork�bY'a'become a counthry v�ava. All, so I come Ili. .. Ho's landed glntry like me -Tis this woy, IlIxinlssy; tit' couti- S Irk th'. ol' dart. i-iL- lives out thry, was all r1g,lit whin we, was aig r rds, an' th' bug,) in .YLIUI)g ail' hearty, before we be - as tTli'll't, - . LO el looks like a, cuckoo- I come enfeebled with luxuries, d'ye tic. In, ,an 'hour ox t%two ye'll see 1 Mind, 'Movali all ,right whiii we cud go by to catch the five-fivo. shtand it. ILut we're not so shtroug WOWL catch it, bmause there � as - , we was. WWre diff'rent men, t han)' live -five. Th" la -ad t1l'" 1 11inulaty. Yo may say, as Ilogall res up th' time -table found las' i does, Uiat we're ladin' an arLifiC- � . & that It he didult get away i yal life, but,, be Ilivens, ,ye mi. -lit ' Eler lie euddeli'L take his girl f'r I -is we , , ,11 tell me I ought to be par- )UggY-rl-lo, an' he changed till ; adin' up, .tn' down a hill side in a ' -five to four-forty-elght. Dor- , vuit 1v skins, shootin' th' antylope will wait for th' Fix -seven, an' 1 ,,III' th' muose, be gorryi, an' livill, I find that it don't stop at Para- Ili a cave, as to make 'me believe 0 Manor, ivllf,ro 1w liveo on Sat - alis tin 111n,stialls except pi,111alls i7 I ough t to get along without I sthreet cars, an, illethric lightsoallo C'ent' 11(�'11 get home "it "'ven ' Illyvaturst, ail' sody-wather, an'lee! OCk, ,ill* if Ills wife's f'rgot to lav�, 1 4 ,v%vI lantliprn III th' ileppo, lic'11 en IYL, ought to live where all th' to t!j, hf)uso on his hands ale guod tbings IV life com2a from,' says Ilogall. ,-No,, says 1. "Th*1111ace 0s. I vot, him IzLq;t nlglkt Ili at to live, Ili is where all th' good dilrug-_thore buyin' 11to IV pep- aillit Vr hio face. ­Ttm; a gran' I things IV life 11 goes to.' ly,rything In th' cuunthry,' says ho.. 'Ye that's worth lavin' goes to till *a 110 ldve," lie says, lh-iw good It I city; tit' counthry takes what's I ltIft. Ivrything worth havin' goesto 4ea a litan feell' lie says, *to es- I the, Cily ail' is Iced. Th, cream eN th' duit ,ill' grinin IV ',Ili city,, , - I at I V01110.15 111 aU tdik sklm milk stays ; &'I,vr- %In' watch th' siturls k th' sunburnt vig V.' ho, ,,.t,v,, 'Whin I walk In me � , gytabIw Is con- - a garilva.' lit- lln,v.;, 11 Vrgi,t.' lie I ,unird be th' livarty firmer boy, . . R. 'that thel's 811 -Al a thingas i an* I go down to Vallaghan'setore �nt to III, wip�41 or a Kink to bi, � 'tn' ate th' sunny half IV a twach. aired,* Irk siv � TIV firmer boy isells irliat he has .S. He had. .I Ioux f'r mopow, an' Iget th' money back , .an .1 k. IV c, -n- T199NA.4bles all , .1 w1ft, JI;1 &lonles to town Ili th' winther sid iIil'% itin3wr 10; arni. ,Tit* wife , in' away lit-,* wt,t-L, )I-? -�ay-z. ", '�.cop tit' expoAtion*. They give us I ol�. plodilets IV tiv_� sile, an' we give X -Du k-, III,:- out an' 61uml a fow. . .13 Witio lljo.' 144. �a.i,�% *.\ot xvia-li, : T. I . " ��Ia vtottagt- vrgvitvi an* knovk-uut 'Lie th' stroinh to sta.v liprov.' `Z-VIVS. ,ill' tlie.v think they've broaLm 1. 'W6 Ill' lit, sa.% i, 'rla,�.Iite.' I�i. � ­r,n. Ilon't Invil ann,.L wan ot-tivinee, . . � . � TU 1, lat, *'­ *" t wo lat Iall.$ q t1l loinee to) live, but I . ,-r,r4% M .k;a* Ni,p I '..." ',to 'r a �% hile. . -,&,*ttkh= .., 0 " - .. t zqhrrad th' news yet f I!, ,I 1�, .rc . . . _t�L'A U.. , -1 - th, t'e� ..�y1ro;*.` ho, !­.,..'-� 1.1."L l­l!l' to 4kdverti',4P Poolervillik- Mz�%,­ �11a:4ta nifx�A ,in V.t' o-cv.n- .- &­-t�., -Ivor. Within tl,IX sivaill-3 Ii . I H.-, - ­._ ­r%V.;S u!"'IJ U,):_�or ,�t_%"- Pt ears ato' rallwa thyrains. tin, 94.S % F:J �,� L I , u �- I i,'�' V:; I -".-:y reauh 1v til 10waytri',s an' ani- . . ."r. � "S v.ui- a "T. %:,1114 to, 4 .Z%ia,ci�:­,� I . �.�M-t% 'Sqdud till Nummer far fr'm i� , , , " -'m .,,�, ` � , Q - � V `zv."Q � 4 -tt­ . . .1, h38y JuInnts 1,; th' fly an' th, I ­ " , -� th' IA b � ,, , I t T'- It, - 17 th' pr'ln' lce-wagoa. `)r, "L % V . V 'e? � �p*; �_1'0,4tv. . �" t � U 4: � . 10 ap, � ­, ,..Irs�ons all, . . a �Lla'�Illz ;4 h1t%1r% S. ­41',T.: I- i4 I telt yo. I'll nrgan-Wo oz. -K- I yI b o , I Ic l4avo tit' Ikoor iv tit. . t'�:, Al, In.,' :g,t f'r qo ol,�-,_-. I; 11�.r_l , " � I . vthry 10 lop,re tit-itlu* on tit* vwll C 0 V � ' " W.';v, h, 4,10 WA'ot.'l WIr ,L6 It ,ito,ps ail' pa.;!4n' till v.l,� fem lttknj. tI4 . ba, U-,1,0 zni1=­1'"t;,Vr,,r,A It , 14411ad * I It talzu, Ultim to Vil bait game I " �: �,U,,z Iq '4t -140-1r. i ,'Prf", 11. 1.� Vitt I � ;ln" tit* theavt7f., 11,0, JaNi� thlut sleep ,; t, j� , f 4' ­ , '­,_�!,V.'�' �'t.['4"Z` , "" I taajt�. , all. I It And them � 11�,(� ,h'4' 11,t!_!V`L� J"._,'�6j�; �1;'Q � . Idl �Arvnt 10111C. , . t 4 BQ("N to t1wiv o1%o,rerotow,,1o4I lt(�kmt%s to� , P't .1 V- ,a U, ha�tr,tir�:11 pill V.1011t '.1-pam tv * th ., apl'l.v lbro Itt tc,wu. ..0 .i I 1" , , " I L , ,,, I 6 ,,, i� t, , ki 4% t."'Irt, %1 a J, , � I . . , w k. , o i, 4 , 1, , U. L").4�tRtlq , . 'm yk,l wi� ,� I, , 1 '04 r'l;0 tf� hok,z V I. 1� ,� t'll , � '4' a, �1- 1 - - t . !. 1, - ,4 . t 1, , t,. � " �ir� lit, :,"'ol, ­�, * I kvwd,�,, I I,, 0, :, f- , - , , t .� . �� . . , `?�, , r. � . , . , , . , � , ­. !" t". tt,­ l � "ag, h 11 . V It I vAn­ t" " I ; 1 , '. - ,,, 1)� - ,,4 '. " t, , � , I r -I 0 ­,�%f, � � 11 I I . � � rl, � ' , I , 71 ,,* ,� u 4 , I t , 'I, to , , , 4. , . .. . I 11 . ;�, f1i; I � . . � �� - . 9 , �: ,,� , ,A �,v %� , - ,,� I, ,I : , ...., ��, 'J'L. � a , I I 1�1 , ,. . I 11 "', , ,:; . �, - '. , ; 9 ,I I .11, � _­ =­_ = 7� ­ � = - i 1� .. .., �.� , I . :, ) I "'.1, , ,J,.. , " . � , � - 031 & ("� - �: A :: 11 - ��t . I . , "' ,J z) I 1. , i k, � , ;X . . �. L . . � li , '� , I , ,, � .1 ,I R 1�t �N D 0 'V�,7 N , 6 t14 I . . 410104"+0 � I A MANITOR MAN. � rl.t. - V1 1.1--q from mol" 11 SHORT STORS � . _. � I ; Rvinmib,ir, 1vtoniltis IH mt-i4 Iwrrc��.t 1 llpo-� 11114)a her lvwow t,,,� tliat her ro4e. I'sid J'TA to"IllitIllefty Idayt-11 wtor%liv and h�gl;, bat 0.10 1V,Atj pre%loutlly . flier%* JUStallk"O 114' ft)Unki tltO 11,11141 18- lie of the Links in the Long Canadian : Chain of Direct Evidence. � 1.4 � 1, lit rp,­ sal! t:,, o %v1 tow, rusidus , - froin illp su"'al cif feathers aud .W,-,(,', mottwal.-Abrahnni 4,nvolm I ­VwO ]Ili (lJ,.,i%n,. tt tv,0it" I'llirth hwi notlda6z Illonve tigitp­ One morning last week an inct- — dent occurred ,wlilch grea,tly amused � Testifler. to the Powers or the pain - the Xilig. Ile iras not far from. Ox- ous DuddPs Kidney rills -Cured of ford street about 6.30 a.m., trund- l3aclEache Like 'I housau& More - I ling his machine very quietly and �ipreads the Good Work Among Ills evidently In a philosophic mood, for lWrIends. lie $coined obli'vione to everything Oak Lake, Man., Aug. m -F rank around him. Suddenly he heard this C011eaUX, Of thia plaoe� has turned sallitation .. missdonary. A conscleat Ito 111, mister! Are you boss or this durtY ba.0 Impelled him spread a 'ere town. Qwlt you let some One 001taill good work among libe friends else lave a ollawnce?" aad nelghborst. The work in question The speaker was a cabby, who is the work oX Doldd's 1,�Idaey 111114. was somewhat Inconvenienced by the Skaine time ago Mr. OdUeaux waso royal machime. cured of Backache. He had it fox Ills Majesty at once made room, yearst. Though lie didn't know It, Ills and, as the cabby passed him, be- kidneys wore affected, and It was Ills stowed upon Jilm an aggravatillgly kidneys that caused him such misery. sweet smile. But lie found relief. He did more, he "AhT,, sarcastically remarked the found a Positive cure. He read that cabby, I reckou the poor devil you Moold's Rldney JIilJs3 cure Backache. So got that machine from would smile they do ; they've cured thousands of sweetly It you'd o,uly call all' pay eaecs of it, simply because they not 'imVI on the Kidneys with such splendid A poUcemau standing by who re- effect and thus g 't at the cause of L cognized His Majesty, and who also that fearful disablement. knew the cabby, said to him, after- So Frank it) spreading tile go,od ild- ward: ings among his friends as fast as he "Did you know that was the King can. If he inceto a man suf f ering with you spoke to just now ?11 Backache he tolls him rl­ht straight The cabby, perfectly inflexible, re- wha-t Ist really the mati�;r with him 1plied: ".King ? Ye_% le'd a king, 'e is and recommende Dodd's Kidney Pills, -&'a uncrowned king! Did yer see Ia this way li,co Is the means of help - 'is, 'at ? Why, iL , ad a lole Ili it T Ing majay a poor vIctim of Rldney -_ Distense who mIght never have under - The Zoang mau drew hImself up to i-tood that In Dodd's Kidney Pills he alls full height. bAst a sure escape from his affliction. "I 11ave," he cried, "an unsullied "It gives me & great amount of character, an ardemt heart, a Ver- Pleasure," sa,ys Mr. Colleaux, "to re- satile mind and strenuous bleeps." commend Dodd's Kidney 11111a to all The young! girl y4wilptl and seemed my neighbors and frIend4p. I can tes- interested. Ile wits quick to push his tify to their excellent, curative pro - advantage. pertlea f-#- Backache, because two I -I am the'liosseii,lior tlf a tow, n awt b0Xcw cliRAI Inc." houhe, a yat-lit, a stable of �country thortkuklibrittid, aWI, U 1QX. at t'- I �k � BIRDS DRESS THEIR WOUNDS. urfira." I Who heshatpd, an -I a slight flu.-th �, betrayed that qw wati listening. __ 1-ime of them Pobsess Great Know - I 11 have, got," he cuntinued, wit'a zi,� ledge of Surgery. toertaln flercenv,s, 1, thIrty servailts,!i '�,.' 'Mere Is not a, few hirdiR.. says t1w 'I forty Ila irs of truu%krs, fifty atlCei- Toledo Blade. that lioo.4Ress a knew- i tors, three amtomob4cir, six prize, bmi i 1011-V Of the PrIftiph's Lof surgt�ry that I ' pullo-z and an army commission." � b. not far front supernatural. TUP I Ah: bile haki iq;,iml iwr tfmgae at i , woodeuck.� the partrldg� and F!?Illi, - - - - . . ..­-- r� 11 .. - 'eaW , P_��_`I-_;'A L '01 9 � Some English , I ,�' K ,� Superstitions . . . . . aR2RKP),,4�_�RRRW_4P_V ,aMP_'J Old superstitions live for genera- tio".61, eppecially in Saxon countries. They In varied form, beconte the ralrY tales, of childhood and c011- tiatially grow in popularity. Slade, as .Yaul may remember, Is a village close to llf-racombe, oil the road to Lee. WItion I (was III a few years ago at Clovelly Lin old flulierman, who was a friend of mine, had a serious In- te,rvievql with me with the 6 -abject of persuading rue to dismiss my doctor an -d send for the White Witch, who was a man. I never could be quite SlITO that he did not believe in him - Self. At Dideford recently Sarah Say - era, widow, of Silver street, Bldeford, was elloa-ged with pretending t(A tell the fortunee of Williamw HeW­ Itt and Ills, fi,ther, of Slade, Ilfra­ coombe. On Feb. 9t& young Hewitt went to 131deford to see Mrs, Sayers about his fath-eir, ,who was ill, and, 1110 fetaxed, Ill wished. Sayers agreed that that was so, and that the son was also ovea,looked. She would cure them, both f(ir L3 3s. He paid her X1 10s., a,rd sU- promised to visit 11fra- Combat on tile M,,nday following, and that (sic) Ifewittinust meet her. Ile diQ so, and on the way home he told h0z !10 nad ]out a pig and some poill- try. and another pig he had was not worth anything. She went to tile pig- sty, and al,so, the fowls- house and Rpriz4hilid 6ou�p powder there to cure 'T'm' and Hewitt paid her a guinea. Shea !�ayere gave him t5ome little bilge, telling him the whole family must wear tLew aroand their neelm Going back 1 J Vua father's house r,he = I . VC, IJM a 14LIP bag, .and said th(k.v wust; U-111 no (,lit for a, month. She Rild .1lowitt. tile father, had bt,ko�,i oov,�rlutiked by Me linvtor and ml­ trct43. Mr. and Mrs. Slee. TIsey had Imen. very kind to him. Tile woluan Irazi plid 1 -IN. isy Mrs. Ilt-witt. lit cro,�i-vxainlnatlon the wltneAs .III- Initted that the Ilewltt& did better. Tho tlefenco ,ovaR that Savori had oal.r done Ivi.at alle was 8A,&I in I'.(). allod tbat Rho did not mentlooll elthfor Mr. Or Mrp. Slee. Wie %v.l,, fined :1:3 and X1 I'Qu. caits. __ — 19, -SUE NO 35 1901. � Doe'afornob and people agree that Scott's 1�mul, sion of cod-liver oil is the best thing � to take for "don't feel well and , don't know why/ I especia�ly babies —they like it—men and women don!tinindit, but babies actually enjoy it. SEND "ft rREC GAMPLIC ANIS TRY M . 8110TT & MOWN r - 50C. azIJ $r.w;cHgctlmllaryusgpists.YOFIONTO � -1. DU CHAILLU AND THE BEAUTN . — Ile Stole a lUss and Wits Ordered Im- periously to Put it 13ack. Paul Du Chaillu, the noted tray. eller, who has a number of Plea- sant acquaintances in ChIcago,wao leading man in an odd little scent shortly before Ills recent departurt fop the old world. lie -was spendInE a, tow daYs at tile house of a life. long friend, whose pretty r1augbLei has lately made her debut in soele,L7 One afternoon Ile quietly entei& ,thot library for a book and foun� the girl seated Ili a large chalrbj a window humming an old Seotol. song. [Alp, made a Pretty plettiv and Du Cliftillu stood watchluglle6 until she sang- . I All' a laddle brayp lie'd be � Who to tonvil. my lip�i wuuld dare t The travelier de(lbled to accepl I the eballenge. Ila might a Dian Oil enoug-h to be her grandfatherant who had carried thik bluger In Id, armi when hho was Ili lonw plothes 'Ai P 1- -pping forward. he gav an Imi. I tatioll of tile -lad.file" who -woull, dariV' The tall, ywan;r beauty r6st Ill apparent wrath and. tu%verin� au().�e the humilia,tol little wall.de fivoiTod a direlaration. of ll)&,pi.11ld PlIM, .1lid seathla-- rf,bake thlI.4 � brtolghL lantilAvrin-', mn,!A-3, upolithk ; 014119P. ; I 1,11mv daro ywi." e,mii-fivleil thi � gltPWiIaLrg:r'_NI,P�I thai;H hadlinvall � � smnl ber . lool; �-W� lwamifal-'1110�v - - - - - � . . - IW�Fl. " ­­_ _­_ "'. _­­ "' _____ _____ h . wounds v.ILI. conish1prablc shill. A , "And ku%r tuany g ,If medals To slw 1. i� 4 , ­­ . ­.. - - - - ....... .1-1. -1- Minard's Liniment Cures Diplithe- i �. ' ­;,� : ; t i,.!;I4 of my laP5p5--,-iiit­i to atea. ! Frenell, no.turalit, l6pt'd. ,t tiayn tliat oil lie,,- rl.t. - V1 1.1--q from mol" , ag Idlietl woodcoet Iollo, vtoing litan i,,ohnd,lored, , or"I wvasloiis lie It. I Tlint, with ha'nkitald,,� grap,:�. ,_Iuk- OpItIlolls of Woman. i l Il000 V%i titat 11'. ...a.1 lost. nil hall 1 1%,kt Were whon Plot, culivalegiehl"', ; from wounds I received. In ! Rvinmib,ir, 1vtoniltis IH mt-i4 Iwrrc��.t 1 llpo-� 11114)a her lvwow t,,,� tliat her ro4e. I'sid J'TA to"IllitIllefty Idayt-11 wtor%liv and h�gl;, bat 0.10 1V,Atj pre%loutlly . flier%* JUStallk"O 114' ft)Unki tltO 11,11141 18- W � of a Ino.jotittl wCul iton 11, it %% Milly. I '0, '01111i -4;UVItit'Une 1 Ite-low tl.*- It"'01 triviolifir's. r1lill do,o ,46�%I, IA�3 hath. � .� " I .--- Iii,*V liflatly qlr0sklol With dowu pluetc- All I ani, or eitia b-3 I oime to' nly ,, 311woli-4. %vilh :4 11'.4'.dto-diing; mallo, � 1.4 � 1, lit rp,­ sal! t:,, o %v1 tow, rusidus , - froin illp su"'al cif feathers aud .W,-,(,', mottwal.-Abrahnni 4,nvolm I ­VwO ]Ili (lJ,.,i%n,. tt tv,0it" I'llirth hwi notlda6z Illonve tigitp­ i i1,011fully cirrangtood oviv 0 #16VA " . Lit, 14*i­uo 0! t10 , at kn wko dvalt I to Woloullool. P .1tut to, h , I 117.1w 14.*rt'ed 1. � t %L I..4 ­v lv,ts not "111 a Jul"covt w4i,nian's I&(­art.--l.ti1 Ili tox,24,13-tiviv,3, , I ,,--1-,,f, ttoo pay Yoo'k. ` o"Itolmill.vo kv U40 hon" livala t'r thot i , 4, , ,I �f"41, In viewe luomuro,4 .it v -11d tttlavo, I ,tiL 16%� , � ,4VAV to no -,"n, tl,, Irni'Vatlon. Lovely wvntawi. lth-o kqAr,i;%4�3 k,,,il, i * t , -,ovvvl 11�t,t:,_,� 1��" . te; ,r latt. I lit elj� , 4.)", t:v, 04 -to hilum .VV43 4:4 . V�, I 1 1, J'alm t4l! 1-1. � - n thwi fornivA, and In otttht r Icon- P i ail-, .*1'-. p I. x., It "t, Sat,' � "-�- �L�,iu #1LI'llo"No oll.kva 111102'ry MW lo,,�:ol-le�o Ito L I � bgql rtv-h o4: itJ .5,�;,[,� ,*.%, "', Z'ww"a 4 , � 4t,a 11ad Itoiqt v,PpLlVJ to '.4, � � I &� �:­,, 11. y " , '%'u , Ia rop.,.xt n,i, a ,.tivLz ().* : "if" "` I ro,.,fk*rg1. , lwl 9,3 :90 tls'VZ,fl,�11,w.v V .211a. 1 1 , if W li ,, I t.. lit,, th%t %-,wI!,I 1""m -t r a �:­ ,.t � I '* . ;ln,kl k"ilt ' "�' JW,J',ir,!I ail;,tp. vu."'a."'tor -zr,ol %4,L, t- nt*, t_1 i Olo aloop Itil 1jill.�"i .1 I"Ir'.1 JI,q# ,,%g. ,� '. � . '." � * !, - I .- !-.0,4 `�, nA %witth % fin" 14 aft., .xV '.4 *1 AM,­R� �, � � � t ,,,Lt., 14�4­;,,n.v �,,,I't,v 1"t4whot'n - , , ", , , ,tol- 60 P; Lv : AV : , �- %, 'IF �aad c"74,U to ,Z 6 L14, QV %lt,;t,11tt;.,,?k 4 au'r, r-tVku!,t% �A 0�.j, "L -t 14'1*1"' C91' � — . . - ,% wk.,= ,�,, P 0 9,,- 6 �:-�o­', U, 1 I' 't'4' 4 41"" 'I 0,:f ,A ,"r.% _, t'jjg. 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", ILI'- f,241'. .. - I , %'ll tol.", Z 13fl4i C-, t lvo)% ""t tlx*�o -1!P , I -�, , V, " - ., I, n i ", I .�, ", - , .,- --*-Li�,a el � . 7 I " 'vlcl�� e"'.'rikang, an'a pru,z , , , * , I , � 4 . I �Itll � " - " � .�- � - 4 '. Li,,� . 6 ,��; tn., pr�: ,,! , A 4, ",,. ra,iv,41 � �t"� V wlnqj� !I to tt�to %��,J t­� lim,-;tv, Vu �V, �1-4­b 1.­��- )I, V, � . �, , I L . A ,. I , ,f �P,� lalv�,� U, 1,-'a.J . , 1, � � , i* , I I , .. ., ,., � � �, I, '� � V Mlla . _,� - I ­ I � . ,�; , . 1, ,, ,,, - a ,� I 1 .41 ';, ' �t�l��Id� �IL,%�;'%. a .': `41� V"t" """ U (Blr� 1 � , , - .� , u';,0cr" � .1 , 01.11WIZS Phat -��'-el- &�r'Md an , " ""'Im, " Vl.,� u,n "II, I owT " " , I ,� . � '. , 1;,901IGUy av'60 ",.,A t1l, VV,nitatfi! W ul,t� �' LVI'n ft"�J t^ ..* " , " � "" �' '' ,z I" , t,.,i " . . 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Z!�;� L,­�.J!,U,,� ; ,��! � 1�t, =-� i�,� -J p-�,0�0_j Ev. %Vi1`,.,.:!u�.-' 1 t -n"111 Condomcatoons, �! , �. - I 'L�!..� 7 %­ -­'�7 �-L­ I t t'n, c �',i in. ,L: i I Bir-lfavt % 1,lrj,,C,� L,7_��,kr::' r.,MLI �Cg" .nn I to q[21r-T1 Z - ,,, , _ M,,,St , I'. Mlc.�It ..,,B tak-� it" � ;,I) , - � - , ... J1 pv.y up ttn�- it",Ar­� 't � L., . -� ;, L U ft ,,, U ta q, M i w", I tha :� - .,�,�w 11 L 7�, t n � _" ,..:,��-,s D. An D ,,%L'�; rj;.-� to Iti-3 tto ��to,17�',y ui­uf 1­�' � , �- 1-U - t, 'iraw asl a i.new � Uw" ur�' v,z tonle eal ;;ea:bt"h 1�,_�,tcicr. i��-O.S'_,,I,�, -,'-- Jil%-', ,�r ,vro,.V, *-%VI­,t Li�ovnloats eatn;- 2!r" trpi , azA. I'll - , t!& iw; � - . I v - - q"a , �, " , , .,r te �,T t I L A - C,,� �tr �,,� � - T ;L & - a CeM2- ��ArCn ­,I� � k -�tv ,Q�,o _.--IN in u ,�;tl.lb'A "p,,�-: Mrs, ,Mf.�Tv- rlazi:t,n�?, -a 1!�:�5;,e.��.t�_,-�J : �_v � A .'L� � . % --w,11- "'An QIU U , 7 ­ � iv_ - A, �_ ;;��t� E-7, �S�, to T,be P. -I .a�v -�7, hae In rrusz a 2& :� __--­­­­______ -a 4 , � cuf rvi_ L'S1 L�-rc�,_im f-.- to 114QD:"- I t JL - �j Toy t7,," �_', .1TC,;jtza t��r%-j, Np�,Va 4L.0 g%, . r,rsM�­M., el 'Ezu,ter,_ ont- Is fxna%k�.,T ;� J"'Vp 11 ­� 4 " I .: � . _. , ._� � , t(-g-datoeld by "I"'F, 6--natm fl .50191equatf,44 hi the '64utolop. 11 , .41 U � - tt,,�n�,: nmll forl� b:-lvW�,,r-r4 V , k"Vrf!rC-r4 L,!)w IM, ��4s,t ,,IrUnA E ',"LO�,�_;,_,,-Jt ,JV tuta ak=M.T'" W�.�o, !,�, -�- t �,ste,l as 11 z,�2,�-� - o "O"t. .vf 5zt. :.* 4t,,Q;?"" sa"Ad L, t�,4 tn..ar - ,01 seve"T Prf �4,�couts. of Franee v,)la%V anto -,---.., 7:V,a,,!.. t'; v - I . � . �, al!1�4 Q, � I.. . ,tra J t-,� eo,g -'it"D Tt- kz,,� '�,D:�T, 'V,.�J' �_ "., 0- %Vj�kl�fAr.�I., '.'j�,'a , VL,J? '�Z)r t r � , , , ., , : One fins scined a fu�fl tetm. %rF,,-_,,r, .,,, Inan fcn,tfit-ts 6 ­ .,,If I , " - -, . I - - - ,(n c_- I �'a_,_! tl;,-,� ,,,,�_­� . � '. - - , [ ,2 _ - �mse , �,�n — - ­_ ,-,------- 1 tc,�vl :-� V,_', yat,A, Ttiij,','y ,.V,.' 1� z"! uv,V-� -,,.�,_ a - P. Is " - I . � , 1�� 4�e..,,- - 'Lt.`�is ,'_,� wl�A$U ,; h-r,3w." Thate viere .tz��6,93- Q111,11drem we J 11-3e W;ows a woo.,­mau. D.m­4�att*rs llti;ua- Mir,sr'.51. 1.iz;',,n.-.e_t �Uv_?_q D10ean. � " : ,� �,t !� , �'v� II g ."'e"n ,,� " -, '-,-T,,�, It V:IL:7 431.5lt In t �,I' U r, " . 'A in ftdhl Silit r -_� a .17S ago. Tigc,ro, :, se*lf. � - . _,� , ,­ , �" e , Ir �r,�F,u tr!jaIl is r"!%"4- � "Vel". n1ket wo g-,-ot r,�;,mf�� G!, 48101 -- tur. rnl_mft-,�t h�ti� lei, t1b'r-Z, I`- ,1 �, I , "' - , . 4 JIL � ,_ , ; L.,�n - ­vt� 1. ­� 9, , -Ou. lftt t46-4 IF-Tkellw" a= onvrmt .-,, ; , �', tr _a 4,�t T":,. ,.". ­,� �­, .11 , �. ate 4"03a,030 ,_ � _ I !�, -Izv. , otlxAln , i � ,�MC .,y, I �;��%gq �11 Utt�, jl�o , ,�;-,�, ,brs ,l 11� .- - - nimt. ,,C­1=�- f�th'.v e1,7;;.5 �f,`,Jt t o,] � *2.!.�o �1 7­.--Jrj"�.'�-� ,_ 11 I L,,P e IF - aZe .131.103 1,�:�qttz_,79 Li� 11,Q:.1_-,, 1� CIMMAMg- vvermxa ca;2 '4��a��U) U t4.1'2� it I , _ j.,�' t�.* '.t � %';f"Woo­, " �'. 11 I , . � ­ --.11.- ..- � ywaf)g ,,"q.�i4.1 " �t n�c 9; ., , , Ll:,., � I I ,`L,��,t?:* rf,n,�'7r_l Ulamatl­ - , �, Is ; D a ,a ,"_ Le C,-.�t.,,��_altz.-m-,a�­ ... IL �It: r,.! 1113 '- �i ,­f,� q,,��, T'r, I'00 (;4r�etjj J�_V Fat'. , , � �.;, , ,� ­t�% ­',X'��7 "'i �'41 - ' l 11C'�', f�L In W111,41 t9aerr, Irol on nn averag- elf Pon't yoll U-61ML- r4a,", q I . - _rL t�.2, , - � 1� . , .l�'L. . , 9 I ` �1­ ;, 1� 11 n'-ys vou'ap!Ra"Ieldily ihat j ­4%'hy dt, 3 " v� 0 mt-.:! tmr ul­. Jarix , g " t, � � - . - , - _ tl.til ,�4b-r !�:;'.'It,it,r� z.4 ­ , AM ­y -, i �Y, 2'. �I ��i-.Toz - .­,, 2 , r, ., V"M%j, L'.. �,i,A,. --n, t � " �, 'n I �� . : . ��., *L , �n, `121 11 !so, 1­� I 40.003 Amosts. .4 ., - 1 UnT '4�� �Zz ,.", z" t ) j,;�et, a C R. 7; -� r'; - - 4'. �+, 1, 6 n't V_;,�!kt I gsotkand. wiv., L,.Argf-v pir,Io1-,flatL.n,zj ' eae wcjs% I t I's VD-a!'rally &f,rtahl � I'-' a t , 11-�,U%fgwW, �'­ .e.:Q-4 11'r. 1'!1!#-!.igft.'a,L , � it��.m ��..L �j*,'A l3&'., 0�.p�-. 5-n'. ". ­L�'2- , " � 114 �1 , . - . IrZ,�,�� ?" ,, � 1 " . I ? ,. . . 4L,Er. 1121 -,.,,.-: �'Ikl r-' ;' - I vC41' 1P, Q L�,ITV -.,,U- miz*nt�,�, ukl�,. ,,_--.s.'� %v1s 13 . . thlatl Irclan-3, haf; tt�irty PaAhanlea- ", stae WDU ; vr,,3en sr'tie ,�ays ,,�,",(. u'lot. -VAUD Ttti­_�e t; L"*_,I�AA.v r*_�,_?:�tl­ wrjn!�g __ w - " W" 1" U11 ,l 6 F"- ­01�'��._­J "� g'J.'-�`_�j t-9 j "I" ri , - - .1 D, �" sn I e v,Yang Mz!,-%- tary rf:ptespnt -e- 11 lr;;kk Uat-, Lab:..- _- _�_ � ... %'I V; �vD ' "' - � oa -4 V­.V0-_ 11 sho te ­ , ]L� , n� - )'. Z21y C�',!�,�ULI'DZ� �L I 1,19 a MI. dZ14"'k. R �i,t�r_- 11 9 t�-, ,-1 ""., �,, 1�i i �,�. s� �, . � , - - �W-. -ATter tullat'-Mg a M,otmen-t ori'm )"ll eaplita er wor,alth In V,jr- ;� The grorate-zz-L, ;ae, T'4 ,.r-'aILL, Is to; 1, ,,�, - 1 I - - ug'.. I'm V.� tJ Z4, e,��Iar.­ , 4 , ,t gnEz-1 z iy r��n f.,�.�,�,�.,. 15 ,;7'0_ 17,3�:b:a J I " I ., - * - " " " C3�w, l,-n-w,zXz tz. 11stl C."`3 �,�<, 17i ,b El,-.- a. I I � I - !�- t ��, ,L,n - ll'T, , - 11 � �� ��:� , �,v -- , 'Iv I - "I.- '01'u , ,ItTfi Slattos 'Wa I ,$.,103 111D 1�-5�9, $�7��01 :1 13,4aw'a bI. 040 Tnx.,l" `�?�D reas.��ns '�%r�j,�,- �� '141t w"jut t.."L­` - ,�.4�n_ft VL1.%& zlhiz-Tcy I a,Q ,­'! C­�ntiv��,-!1'1 1-:1- La,-!� MV . I - qr�4 a-,:*��'u,'...,,,�_ �a-,'-�-�J:4n�j ?�' I vv� 1, tt,_' - � _- � -L,w��:L ­�.vc,'�!, a,j 1 v: - .. En 16-70 all,,] I's n3w $11.*_1_119. ieail�v,' vv�iln .", IwOt=10. 4 V,� S ".* , 1:� _ a" � � ,V-�`_­ lr�Va-� v�­ at�� ,,`.�- "L �al�� e_-� - : - , - - I P1 t Ir -1 I " 11�D �,'� "In C " 11 'r � I . : , �, -1':.�,>�J Va, - '�� S�.W-j " UVC-UB�BC n � ­­.. . .- . Z) _ � � - tr-a'C'%. t�!!, �.a - �, " -. n , � ,� v - --- *f;JC�tf' n -.O' '­ , tcmv-r- !� T �� a qth-U whe ,t,z,tro..;i an� t,Lila% yr,,:, -:1 z,,� - o, �� '�tr� I - "V.�':`. Itn"e`��._, �.4' "l '.'��a% er"�J a + - V, 1�,� , L 41 1 - � _­�? ,,_,� -;; �, M � � , .n 4 � , . s E, - ]Ij;j - T'�-2,:r'­1" I :,St mrrlw� I -In N��vr 1_10,rk- am,�f%" gt,8.1��tj,pq -i 0 ­�E,,,? l,q_�t f,�>- : t­,,� ."P . C-,, t_,. _� , , , ,�:: r - _-.,:- - � a'�t C'. I a �,:._,Z�'Q_,�_,n. t--�� �rj�_ i"..C­1�_ " - - itJ tr,ap u5AIA, IA.LmNs '� cnli Of 1 L14 tn.,)U44 a:,," (st f" .1 �:, � " . _. ,3 " _ � " -lip olol .3,536.6,1"). �� .";�J.Vf '_ a w, 11 s..�,.? V; . .�,­ �. L %�!�'- __. � - � vritIl -, =enL,:13_;-r,i, _4 ntIT'Ja S(j= - , i szll��, 'j, N, " ,._,­t�l t,v z ­, �f , 7 " �q - " _ 1.", :-, - -n a Tarn in 11 _ "�.D� tt,y ,.41.tr, . .�' �' , f 1'n' � Y�Tyl tp�, .3 !'_IV I - , �­1,11 n";_ p�y_,_,ta, el,' _ _ � t I oj.) z - ,�"r,.)-�,t��. 11 - , . � i �- iiji, - lu - , J-�;�,-j)-,Q.;. .,:� Wq".t V;oT s,jA­ IT 4_2�:n�� 0', gbi= c,t At 99 v, p�7vj�Lr fael, Viiat tb,e J,�'�_n_ ;; d:,A111z!r,S"v_%z1 - , . . I - I . � I ___ ' ' " __ V _,�T�: -, ', ] t3p t." � - t _r "'' " _,'�� ,; : ,_1 ; in'La,Ln_,4�-�_`. , ! , � ,, al. � - ­ I � ,,:, 4 - . : 1"V Z 4 ;� - . .- , I. , . " ir,;� a' ,1 -� ��., I :1_nt : At�y.lt'!., ["ar.�'E"!,- att ­ " t:I L'�" i "I "L 7�z : 0�2? fa�lr= In a g,t�_, T,Ert"'Z� P�roj- C'm C�,�.;.r�& -"I 4,jap VF r-6-ev ,&T,; ?L"o ;4a�;,,Jr ��­ .&��J e� mi !:In.-J1z-,-, �, , 'nq - , : ,'BIL", � 141- 'I',- ' , , . _ . , ,� �_­ ,f . ..... 2 . -d=. ltakirm- tol�lc,t7:tr�. gnsvvern rmnrc, Yll.�,'� w��,,,=an v!�zau ' 1, -T. 4e' il r% - t" ­ " � ,_ - _ii t . t, � - � n� 7,1:11 t "."!-_ , t:� ,:" 11 � , ., ) , . _z 'T , - _-Ll �% 'J.".4 , � '. i2�;�`_�,'5 aa�."r­7. U ­��.', 'T . , -, : In _ a slarei & - , I ^ . t ", �, " ��-,�; ,.,�'Jl, 1.1 :, ,,, . . _,'', - ll � AIR t , � " Q 11, "�__' .�_`.,� T�; v 1 �� - 11 .1 ­,�"'.� I W." 6.-?�! , .T., --1 �', -. .", l 5;� -,- �_;D VV"Iz.�-, ,L",,� 11 �, I �, li'l ELI � I � " .­_­ �i . , I in b-T!1I tl:�T' J...6p',2lat14q'_'M bf tB,e W621l. ga:di 01 deve"It love. �, t I � , �ti . I ! " , , - �. , r, - - . .;e V,.,��­Izor-3 zl�,."!­ T�;v sqlvke�,. 11"MA, ".,_'Irt,� clv�vrr-, In � Man 10"ve-1 Vor to PzASPI V ,a - -T '!_�L,n .,� p. a� n7'. . � - nn,] 1 t; Z.I�j . �-2.4.-,' '. ."ZrI S7'.-_' Pr`-_ WO� j'a' 't - t, of, 1 �� M,;IA. . , ­� �'. - I - *�_,_n. nl_ I III-, VnIts.3 . � 11, - `� ­::,�:v .".by. an, Vz"', J I 5� . - . " I ,_�J - �, - z - t" i r" � , L I ,i 0, ; ' , 7. "r M� 2-.,- D ; � t 1) I 9.s��_­��_ _ - --y I - nf": �,,�' " :on ;�, � � ;I I TZ I "al .1 I 0 -1i 0 1 7- ,-,L� It *. �­ I r, "'­ t! r _­� . ,t T1 , , "'.1 I A , � __ ��'L .---" z--* -, , ;. � - 1� "'it*S" q-!�, tL?�2-.-_t � Iw;.,; nz�_Cjt Stn,�s k so� yr,ar eo.-A qi.z- 11tv, tlt;31. viz,man Tzal ,Ijf-r t,s,-,��. .,L�� .1 � 121v, s- enlISA 'i L� � 1-� I � ,­.- a 1D,14 � 4, @07 Z a 'o a 1`-,,2- the V;b,5",,� ,,.�L,�%� 7Z)-.�,, eo-gir,7T,V, 5t IS 1,% 1�,t .1 - ), I-U!e. nc-A�1�02, i J _,, - , ,"�2 I ,;," , - - " �i , v I 11 I Sa L v C.en f-_� al '12 p�ssf,ki,,�R wit"err. ; 4'.=?�-�_.,_,.,_j1o�,�,.­ 1--�,a,.�.a,-��,',-n�,!11-4",In�-,,7�a�" ­i��',, �-, vn' �', �:, .k. -It .4 ein �, I n,- , , ' - - .j '�_ - I . , , nz a I& � 0 -, .A T�'..I-At'? rp'ttr"It.r.�', .03,blt � .1 It is ,, W. .,;R . a'It'nt tu'T sal,prise . .- J t­e-,) -,e. 4, qs'-7at ,�:: hvrar4s tnMi!)n an, 1 flve hat'&.0,1 M, r .. _." 0 Z. -.y n;:-. 1`_­ue�., - 'Ink .1 ", C-1 I - , �', �S =5 =jr�' 1g -_-.a b�-a ca-.!�!, . Q11.1 Z-, 1�­ _7p", - -,3-wh] or L_ ,,;�- �_ :; . - k �%,:- , _ . - 'on e I 1 - � � - RILII,�,. na -. I ng t r:�,:� �; ,,# M=1v =--r-al- , ­-Ongsbnn�. =1 sal2gb��ng wm0g. Z,mt 11 allarg. tElat others shrt,uM tnL-p- t"-pIr -�voj-_t] � - 11 - , Tbe Hotel BuekIngigam, I � _- , . " lm AV 094 t-r,:U.0gnmSnt rrnm Itagy, riw., su rkmc�,�k to ;&art: alsa vlat�, . T, 11 , ", - - �,�, k �- �.",-In".Ba, 1.1'y tr��w . t- I. n,�� T'AtLnat ru�-6.,;",, ," t� _L�,Jt. � !j :),7i.4.M,g, P,�.4;-- .4�. alarl ee'�C-SU.q�-- - _. ,J �1_ _, t,'�' n -r, -r.,.,:",.' ,n,n' =_'s�,­­ " '_ " �_ i k, Jnffian toWn 4 *e 4t,.,l V Me 'L C,. ge ,Eo 12.gl�t , r Gars. , , _,M_,rt t. . � , � -h aud;, rho Ulllan. -,-,-z:o; tl�o,t e"-aS'.,*,r pars�jaale,]. bat- V,_- , z,y��-S. bit ts tLp ellmlato g,Q1a,4,.J The Ilar;barou V- 4t V,`_n t',,.- ,;:n btr,ancie-a Up , " whiett reachiE, a i - 'n 't' " CXY I c-,onl�Int;"A t') give tb',� 1�42,q 1 � "?) ra r-, i I n g 1� " iother day, cansisted of one be,---, Set. - _�' i mtl : ' I, , z%t rgllr. " _U11-�P1,0&ate",:Td:ng-% J1G3'1gTJraer;6ntrae ,� .a .yp a trlal. 1174 my ywrvzrls�il arni great i ,;Ivell large queen Inseet, whl�b Is to form ... � B,1e:dr,g:LaM% lbatpma­-$J.�ia per da�r. .7-- -z", t"-, t -%t!., zs-zl4all E4, * tp-,.a yo,". We raJosea s:x ___­ . ' - 71 I nm�+:i�c-4 an I=ritvf�nik-,at in my J %. nir , ra the mmlenq of an a-dary, An It'nfortunate neduction. . Avqzy F. P.. W=V.S. Rolex llucaing?L*M , * ti: zo'.­'L�st rp'.'a'-e in C�., -,"Y . , -1 � k�- "s � - I -sr �,3 ed C�`,.e ,ns tn, ,;car, Cn-3 , '1 !,r,re I "Larl fft� T -he Vedaahs, or wild L'unters; of I Sergetant Kelly, or tz'L�p Irlei bar. i Mlir,ilo. V. Y. I I !1-�-1 rie, t.:..,.., -r,,--" 'r. In C=Ilt�an b-, :,:1C-:! tLe. r, ,",:Ieu tfin12 ea�nn! -to get 'em to M, -T- I , S a vw, . - -�0 IV, ::el wo wn�o �:�.. a fix. 7:,a d,,�ala.-a Ceylon, MIngle the pounded fibres of ' In .the -,a 11 .7 years ol tnie nine' teent�i ' . - - . 1"S" i..*D Z'�., C-a=1Lt-y t:L* t5ma I I I , 50ft and diprayei 17003f witli tile * PA02VrS WANTE-D-Wr %VANF LADY I Y. usca to indulge in a. P -Ea_ � I C�nt,lx , "A , tarkf%n r6ar tuxe-s tl' E,e pl�:q I vms � wo::U&r. tak�: `kt�-= ma" - I aMMM to EaN Gur new T,,r,1k,'rbo Fav�,3 b��at�-. ­,.� -Ys'pz. r�a.:�. tik� earr"'t e53 t;Le�'�' wezp' Ione.v- on wh-,'ei tlm�y feed w1en � 4 ',"IVY r'Utoo:0 to r��,�itL. I no TOM"`;," !! n,.ak_­I. N, wq, . � - 0 r � a ,; � �- a , Ln� I -,: M t a 7 - t, _pf tile vc.p 11 Wom­Ni. bea=t1fchv EEm-,tralmav: a =1 fb t �c­`, ,1� " � -7 � -Mt - turesou(m e2olmmee, r-,c!y ot - .. , " , it k , , n �n� �o "'Y 0- .. lr'�a. ­ �- �� - '? , -3 Eg riot to bp ebtasnea. bat, Wlfottunaffp�iy hp wr, M rT a I , - ­ �, " t ,�=,-_ WEY", I .. 1 n ,, I 1 c- ., I C.,L,-- ,_­ m- - I — :oa, , . � e " � � o rk,-� 1. ., n" t"'k, � � , I a, vnmn- J �_ - � _W,�', t�* � , f,.E-7 from lt�'­,,S-, �7�'r" 16.,a�lael-s `­ - 11 lo. ,S`x 1., . -elrsq"a��wl.erqyEsmn; a= ewwropa � !� -�2�- t-_Ppptlte 1; g�""�. I Ca _ � $�vjz-,aada-,Y.- 4--Sait given; M tot7ms Ir t1"- '. " t­�na­ r at t1u, -,� ts. V� , n SO atl=,� � C- S 4,., p' k . � U. I 1� i� umns Toxget t Ike I 1� w- r, T ar.-nin c- a t � nr�a T,-,,o�_,;t,,��tws fr,Wio AI_ f,7 World Fat, ag ' ' '� , I , E _, . �1 �X2Z, ;-_I�� azL a 1-ni-. 1,; ?T o2ardts M211ment Cures Garget 12 , am -d woa,ald alwayo, faU ibacy. on ED:- . t:t' '2�!:�. ,.-,.,!r. if ,, a, v r-: v�) It k'y' 1:�: - , e Z,) I 11 I.r'. hn�asp!.O,rl C�:-.',��z: ".1t,."', .. .t- " I , YU� "-, � vn;A� too Y17� it." � C06, GZ16'Li; 0---. , � ,, " I &O 11 vvo,,d -thnroarore,­ wwe:� gene �;y 0 . .h. r,r"4t ­�,s I � MWI& . . .- UGz9_`AP n- fn�t. 11 fe3l 114 ,-- , `Y4�.- 1 M x ", t 7 ,z.1'n. '5:�� I stnlnt t " -Q. b�2t' 1_1��- f-`.`n;.11e--1* 14 T! ,,� t'o led lds nflmd bater. to wj,,-,L� . C7 triat il . , I 0 DI"Id 7 "'ga RuPrUM! ­Tffv� WW. PAYINIZZ , t.?,4,!�,,r, E 11-'a.".. "-f;- in '_,"w wMa3M Ali t",.�.-] I Owe 11 5'. Our b-iut" ul --g!KoultUral ,�-,�,.n�-1. it .''." - 116 -a _114- --14;;11 0, . I Domestic Traaody. . Int-tandad enyingm ;��*Mial X IMPROVE�3 T11.1-7;�SI-iii, , Ir all M��.,C_'nv_--S. Dr. WiTawis, 9 wip was W;lat s,avood ns. Timt vcrr - Lfti!Sr how- ters P, ,,�,, 8]. - -.0. P1 n, - P " Ts, --nd 1 17�xl:,I '037o-_Z-�y dls�.:2, evM Vila �­,S l . trLer:;. can Eta wv,za Con! . '� P. 11 ,5�­� �.-, -_`,." ra.,r:�r�'.:m, a_ Iralk- ! - �' day alailig ean­,�, a cycloaa, V,cizcil up "IrElls, Is a etranget looking effeet w. almoist disas- t!)SO10te cam -07t in rans, —Mwca. . I L13- ^=�m�­Iwl Mw,­`czg� ­­ -II'llos, X , . , . P" llkev�,-!5 t I thenn e2""Ckens. gava ttefAr 'k s a irmas. Ong "Imo 1, ad 141" to . 4�1 <- %ullj 1 �'f;i=_1;,.,JI *,%;&,� as an � er,,n- I tll" ,-.I Ot1her S!;, .3 g,Lvo tlzzLm � Nctur.1,1111 1v e L en ODUTZ ,05 Wifte inZq?11Gr tTi'4�.S,I-A ft? "PAYN - I . ,I tr, Me 't Y'A V',i=zt1n,g the ��,lir,y, agxgurl -It &3 guamnt6e,l. .-,-nzl Zar Ulw-lrak-d pa - - I lover 0 - th,m ,, I %o,% ,,�,e`or 1*a,L-&- . la".- _q�L, ary I had to go at -ft rz:"I.. 41",- L�% . 1twist., strippad every fe&VLier olf, tbat th,'�y wc,,rL, M311 of ext- , in- Alt ',.%Pabic-r4apr--."--*-Lativc-.4 wanteii. T71* 4�,; 'a�,%:�"-, .�trn ggoln* to o�a:,- . Dr. W111'.ams" Pink pfl!s are re- A town to get enoug`h of ley.n, tott. No- r=4 Ml�lm 114ra vo., I�ond�m.,Ont. . � ..p oy.711 -q- " tr , , $V?)r,a 'wt _r as Vlobas, an, lamlnd tlle lot in th3 next Ither Miry Intelligence, a,nd t1len �)ranelz_ _­ - - � - -_ 'I al:l 'Xit""', says'l. lW11:11 t" OLL napla ae right tn froint ol th3 rkarket 'Lz��'�6f,"." body- ever beard of ei bedn' P�i.;,-q h.y y'i'll; sz,e me ,:1 t'I'lo, b-.,Yr,d and nerve tonic, and "t 1-,'� C001'ed &*ad �ett.11� I I ed Off Into a statentant of ll:scase. . 01*�S.XI,V,.-2LII'lAf-l'.Ect.Itt'S�;D'LfjCt)L;l�N-- rm_jl(,__�Lu, t1j, p3ac-e au, dj-,.,"Let tIlli Wwar of acting directly on ­%Vhat are you talking about "With 's wave Of his Land , F ly. 22 n%:L,z from 0, oavia. t-awnAnn of leklurlowas to Co "I and a ' . , . , U.mborland.:,'; naile Ito.,, Ezi;lzlo"78 .9priur'. coull"!!r.y. for tla& turmo:�l 4ant tLe bRor-1 and nervazi which enable a 1. Xetural, ?11 smile on his faeal he procceded. 10,10reshiall: 1-t-111, 1430fgnorl r81 laud, Qc _, -a V,Tls to eare su2ll Mseasea tts -4 co, 'r; ll "This Is Fro olmr a ca,sa, g ` I r -ay -4. ' "v� fvD;1 � 7 -. gl�r t,at 11,oas, 11 a lo,nd � nI 13 Ic ,� ryui. t)f -Them guinea Pigs, ma'am." ,pntlem._n, f_- Idmdniz -- ,,le�jdji,h�,y 1, - I ,,.,,, 1'eInr, �. d, ,, oth gaverr- � . . '. , say's 7. ",6trn�y 64 ty -arm, _,_a.y-,j lx,nzziotor ataxia, parza-,mila, St. Vl- oloa;:& nxP.s-8otJ to U -e weatlor'r­n that I am Convinced you felt it so pvmr, dltehc�z. Mi. --vill ba lz,lld . (WItIT, a gaspJ " Do Von mean to tte_ , Karlloto or 1XV - , , _.� - " the Very m6ment I etatfad it. tagetl -;�;y W.T. Pow.,.Ji, U r 0121- , " I aer. Ap .3 � 3 ,3, mrn.,4,%� r-,-3.vs 1. IWItIL T'emv,V 1 'LUS7 danae, s3k�t*fua, , rll�-,U_ f�Owr a rIM4,1�w"!I-It losz� m-p-tialn] of say these are guinea Oger I - - 'E.-�,;.�,z -.4 " `�aV - ervous its ,Ltkatlng- fjwi,15-'112,�,13. if a tr,n n "Yes1m. Wil - Else?" 'hoUld pr v.' I ,;ta,T. . th" ,_ uil. vas rL " � 1, Lm n 1!,_11'Z1i1a1t!;i' Qe , T , V wt . 6 .,,y ln:in of h;t,,J1--,.-,,enca a 2 ..&r �ffects of Ia gnpp_-, palp:-ui- W11 is rollcc:d oa t:n gre=.d ftn�d s thing! I told yoll to, Poor complime,ilf, to ftf.lj on it RVIT FAR!,14 Mtt SST.'r­-0'N'7, OF =. le, �v t"Y ��i�,-.y fnzraar ll�-Zr 'UEat 4 *,You Taideou far F fiue�_t !n t1,0 'NinT-,-�ra lk.n;t�.5'aka, , t w-'l.i.8t'Ti�,' to "LIA9 vvurrak U%�Urt, I 11on of the heart, that tiro,J Toc:- It -ft UICT0 a: -d 4"10tiln-V t"in 78 p'ac- get guinea Lena;" a nxinate, th,�rnfetxe. 7 v,itall proceed wi:nons!, Ira In!".f-4 fr"M L'ariffl,"m on two m1l. east" c.a:;.� r. *13;�t, 1 M-u.�,,t ,l,o 1,,ig rckralting from. nervous pross�ra_ I ed UE­-1f*r a fi"4cd, tr1a intt�t ln�_s boo exp4l."'In ft to you at; mi , I , � Tableau. natelp as wayR.l9aa(-re.,iaa11..'5 c.i wh5lk ,:A !,I frnil_� I 1. i � 11 1� is m 0 e3naol; dri. urjozou:� I 3ro w1ell -dw r, V I l ,I I " I payi, Ito ti" city; I lZa.z.-, I tion ; au dis .1Pfz"iP­ roossible,.lo-Mie Green nag eases v"54ang rrem Va- ab.,.�Ut 125 V!v w-_Ilt. of . t'. 1 ,. M05fly pea,-hk,�t% Will Le F'ewl ii; one T_arr�el Or -a tj,' o1-11_;:*. �� "ka-,J 1�s- 1.10 ,,q,tink- I Latc;t lamlo's In the b.nol, sacr2 as Tio,mc, th3 forrac-r ntou� It is vvii�er to W-ak one'e own lan- ____ divided Into Iot,3 oil 15 to 27� veres ic EUZ. plu- 4 7 1 I,1'r dhao*­­ This is a de�irlcd Wagaii Maraso art, .�e�­,,t� tll� iaawan co=.f�'4 re- �! v-­roTuTa1 cbroll.ro er.7s*p,Ia% ete. rir. cent. rren�e it is "m gqLage Correctly thall several others Money Tankes the man, bat man Jon&tlaan Carp"Atm.r. F. G. Lax 9,21, wintm, I . ,., a:�, t%1 r,�,-,Z' ggar,',�'d ! I bio�=, U-2111trai" Pink 13111s are e6,11 by ail 02' e0al to havo It ini r-_c!')'� t�n%"'nl_ lntaly, as so ln.-iny ,Emart pprsons do. la�nx to r-aake the money, first, ontwio. - R i2 g _� (5--y P,apv, I wakso r,Dt by th' sznz, bal Cc,aler.i in tnedAie"na or clan bz liad covore4 Over a,131 012 al) 61._;1 — .61re , , I ',,. la.4- — . � . Mm 'Winrilow'.1 1-,1,4ffi*Drg: .9y1rol 1, ="1'-n--"-1 I Sava. .I wan 4 t lb� ail, PO�A'P,%Idb, at 50 CO2t,a a 60ftf,�T GIO 00-12 ihU =�Xa lo­t*J,� �Mw P ZLOUM ;I- " . o I 7 In -7 '. km vayR ba -t Eeol fcc �11tdrea tecthing :ar a 4,--V,.'Z�,r w:Cla Vra s -4 c 1,-, _� a 1, I box, or six bo%ea for a2_ -O, b,.v- r er it Liscs, Tkcauso tho vola -'JIG .. ltsz;.Men I � ad- ow, 9% 125v�, I ­ 8 0 1 TOOTH POWDER � tho'child. go.1tens Van ��aw_s, vurpa %-I am* eMA19P food w7aa I'm L�Mgr dras-sit,g- the Dr. Williams' 31zd'e*,no and vtilaaWe 0-4L,:Ctrzaa,41-13 u3l,� Fkagrant OZOD N and i.4 thf best romidy fo-, f) I V , "aw. 01 I L Jrgo a I -91 qll;�� .7 "IA iwl'�. Ina 1:.=ld .'aut- Z-0- P,x0c1;y=e. 0=. . I .. �, , r5:0.w. VAQ%WUAa. . . ; I � I - - I. .. . 4aval CoNV.sa13QV1t14 3