HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-30, Page 1VOL. IT., NO.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
ZURICH, ONT. FR, -DAY, AUG, 30-1901..
ST. BONIFACE, Catholic.
Order of service for the summer.
Sundays: HighMass at 10 a. m,; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.
30 o'eloek; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saeramet every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 8.
Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 10 o'clock a. in. English, at
7 o'clock p. m,, Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, Noir pract
lee at
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
geutid)e ea. Intl). St. petri 1Cirdie.
Gottesbienft vorttt. E)alb It /11)r
unb abenbs 7 Z14r. Sonnta jd)ule
norm. 9 1.It)r. gehrerneriafltmlung
Dolnlerita3 alaescfiiitte, Paitor.
LV. BACHAN1t, St. Joseph.
• Notary Public, Fire and Life ln-
suranee Agent, :Honey to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
(bate with tiarrow Prondfuot) Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary }abbe.
IIIeensull. Ontario.
Baurieters, Solueituas, Notnrlee Publi
etc•, ate. Cur. Square aintl North Street
tlude.rieh, Ontario
J. C. Stoneman left Thursday for
Toronto and Buffalo.
Thos. Welsh is getting ready to
build a fine residence.
Miss Doan, of Zurich, visited
friends in town this week.
W. R. Hodgins has engaged a
wine clerk from Seaforth.
Mrs. H. Babcock, of Stratford, is
visiting Mrs. G. N. Babcock.
Monday, Sept. 2, will be Labor
Day. All business places will be
A student of Huron College took
the service at St. Paul's Church
last Sunday,
W. H. Reynold's, of Reynolds &
Ingram, is on the sick list and un-
able to work.
Geo. Sutherland is taking his
holidays, visiting Toronto and the
T. E. Karn, manager of the Mol -
son's bank, is taking a couple of
weeks' vacation.
]!f. Ellwood, our popular barber,
has been laid up, but is rapidly re-
gaining his health.
A large number took advantage
of the cheap fares on Thursday to
visit Toronto and Buffalo.
Miss Ethel Murdock bus returned
home after two weeks spent in
London, Toronto and Buffalo.
Messrs. Vosper & Knox, earpen•
ters, Exeter, are working on Bab -
cock's drug store building this
Hehools will reopen next week,
much to the sorrow of the Bina l
boy and not to the pleasure of the
small girl.
Our band furnished musie at a
garden party at Middleton's Corn.
• ers. north o Varna, on Friday
evening last.
The Observer is taking a week's.
holidays this week and iii the
Mr. Ed. Sipple is home on a visit
at present.
Miss Melvina Koehler is visiting
in 13ensall.
Mr. Dan Koehler spent a week
visiting in Michigan.
Mr. Charles Latta of London
spent Saturday in town.
Mr. J. A. MacWilliams of Hen-
sall was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Fred Benedieaf, of Port Ar-
thur, is visiting friends here.
meantime are bl.takling a new
f Washington press.
Mr. S eller r, of Kincardine. �ita'iit
d few days be.t week with his seat.
E Dr. Srll:cry. on his wu;i' home from
"ZLILL R, the Pan.America n.
t Huron iisaitaat('r for bikini!! Affidavits, µ WWI rel soon us he Casa dispose (if
a Clerk WO Uiv.Cour , Ii Jacobi. hats decided to leave
t'utave?yatae7Er at.', '1 ulu:taw' dor 4lk+o t#tt :1il' harness. business, s, lle will ;*#t
ton and Bete Lean uaut Scav'cu; s't_n. h (,_st in tlttest of health.
c)tLre- "P.r 11e re 131rta is. Zurich thus. Rey. IL. II. Darnley. formerly rot'
Bewail. spent a tiny renewing old
t acquaintances. Ile leaves 'l'liair;1•
130SSENI3E11B w, ,`dacv morning' for Tore its, and the
L,i�#'aavat'41 ; tna'tir•rtur-r°r tr,r LtQit'- ?tkti-Aenerie111.,
(."v:kiaty, tt °rl4ea°titstif solie uta the pat
sewage kg tt u'v aloft, ia,tr-soul iaaaua't swung. formerly of Henull. deist a short
t±vtistaelleta rtan:laaseter r1.
time in IIr'aawaillll twHaal( ►rti hes way to I;
I itDp en to a�tteanal the wedding rafte
' li hleq•. rlay.. Walker. 4if Louisville.
Miss Taylor of the Sauble line
visited at Mr. R. Haunacher's last
week. Mr- Geo. Trott, photographer,
Miss Krell. of Sebringville visited will be in Zurich about the 7th of
friends here and at Shipka the past September and will remain here
week. until) after the fair. Trott is an
Wallace, the sign painter, is do-. up-to-date artist and guarantees
ing some lettering in town this satisfuetory work.
week. A beautiful and imposing granite
Dr. Campbell went to London on monument bans been erected to the
�Veduesduy evening on professional
memory of the late Mr. Dan Me-
bll�llke��. (;Urriek in the Catholic Cemetery.
Misses Celia and. Susie Smith •Seale & Bite, of Clinton, executed.
spent Sunday last with their sisters thti tven k and placed the shaft in
in Detroit, posit•iutk.
Mi. and 1Lrs. August Hill and Dlrs. lx. Kakereher had a rather
family of ('rtedttt,ii wt're visitors unpleasant experience last week by
here un itintlu�'. taking a dose of bt1'Jn';