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The Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 8
ubilee Laundry' Work guaranteed guaraWOMB= ntteeedequal to CalcTaYr Wgu We use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Zit Suits to Order jvolk HOFFMAN, The Tailor, J. H. Wismar GENERAL BLACKSMITH A N D IIORSESHOEK. Repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality ! J. g. /haw, Zurich Wool 1 Wool 1 1 Highest market price paid for Wool, cash or trade. A New Goods... ...Close Prices FINE REPMMR1NG full stock of Tweeds, Blankets, t Sheeting, all kinds of Yarn, ' Underwear, Stockings, Shirts, Overalls, etc. Our Furniture Warerooms are complete in all lines, such as Bedroom Suites, Dining room and Parlor furnishing;:, C'ouell- es, Window shades and Picture ; frames. GIVE ITS A CALL T. & M. JOHNSON, Zurich, Qut1 E 11 -LY BPECIAZTY The Jeweler. r � To prove, to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment is acertain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching;, bleeding and protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes- timonials in the daily press and ask yourneigh- bors what they think or it, You can use it and got your money back if not erred. 60o a box, at all dealers or DMANSOl ,BATES R Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chasers ':flhintrnt'It t Arthur Jeoffry will leave this 50 YEARS' week for North Dakota. EXPERIENCE Frank Corrivean had the Ihtisfor- THE URIdH HERAt4D DfYSDALE Special to the HERALD. The farmers in this vicinity. are through harvesting and threshing is the order of the day. Ed. Stelek and his sister Lizzie, spent Sunday at Miss Latua Hohn - pr's. Mr: Long was also the guest of W. J, Hohner's ono day last week. Charles Sroenan was the guest of John Rau one day recently. A number of our sports wheeled to the Grand Bend one (ley last week. Alex. Challet visited friends at Grand Bend one day last week. R. W. Turner lett for Manitoba last week. R. J. Talbot ? •i11 leave this week to take charge :Of a threshing outfit in North Dakota. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qutekly ascertain onr opinion free whether an iter anion is probably patentable. Communlce. tions strictly contldential. Handbook on Patents sett free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu ,t Co. recetva special ttotice, without charge, in the SCtknflfic Amnon. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. !Perms, $Y a year • four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealer,. MUNN & Co 361Broadway, New York Staudt Office. AY- St., Washington. D. C. tune of loosing his colt last week. Joseph Jellineau Jr. has purchas- ed a very fine team of colts from Ben Charrette. Our friend Edward Denomy Jr. is on the sick list we hope he -will soon recover. - John Ron visited Grand Bond last Sunday. Miss Bess from Seaforth was the guest of Miss 0. Durand last week, Eli Challet is engaged to 1VIr. Chereon of Grand Bend for the fall. Louis Durand left for the West last week. The pleasant smile which is be- H/LLSGR 'EN Special to the HtnRALD. Mrs, Win. Gram is at present very low and but slight hopes aro entertained for her recovery. Mr. and Mrs, James Spackman of Bayfield visited friends here Sumlay. Chas, Stelek spent Sunday at Sea - forth. •• Isaec ea..forth.- Isaac Hudson held a picnic on Fr1 day, all report pleasant outing. P. Sipple of Ztuich passed through our town on his way to Blyth on a business trip. Miss Annie Consitt returned holne.frotn the Pan American, Albert Mains left our village on Saturday evening. Albert goes West, Tuesday. Miss Mary A. Troyer spent a few clays in Hensel]. recently. Thos. Jarrott and R. F. Stelek returned home from the Pan American, Saturdry evening. They speak highly of the sights. Chas. Troyer held a picnic on Thursday of last week. Alfred Reichert has purchased a new wheel. Among those leaving for the West are Norman and Lin Work- man, Alex. Forrest, Charles Curry and John Turner. a safe journey boys. r.s. Hobbies of Millionaires. Mr. Andrew Carnegie not long ago announced that his one and only hobby was the distribution of his two hundred millions of money, every penny of which he intends to give away before his death. Judg- ine by his benevolence of late he ing worn by Ed. Etue is caused by seems to bo indulging in this Icing Edward's title, which is his wife presenting him with It amusement to the full, and Mane - now kern brought a t -to -date, iN bouncing baby girl. ing at the home life of ether equal - g e 1 H. Talbot has secured a new cut- ly famous millionaires, one is the result of a gradual evolution ting box which he will attach to, struck by the usual simplicity and spreading over a thousand years his separator. Harry has a first' occasional eccentricity of their re - and more of English history. The • class outfit and will do a large ` creations. early Saxon ellieftaizt was known amount of threshing and cutting Engine driving seems to hold a straw this fall. Ease illation for many money kings. as the When his civil c*apatc- A royal entertainment was even; Anion;; them is Mr. Jacob Astor, its. the title of King wet;; ; at the house of Mr. Joseph Rau, `t, ho, in audition to having driven assutnetl, it was claimed for tlw i where a number of invited friend.~ ° tate engines has almost built evernzelline in the -• King that he waseli'eendeci ,rale assembled The chair was filled bv' if f • h' d �"' Farr, N.E'f t °. GO lNY'S Arriving almost daily at my Big Hardware, which will be sold very cheap for cash or trade. X have a little of the olcl Hartleib stock left, which I will sell at cost. I am also getting a fine lot of E '; STII,vES If you are in need of a Stove yon. will do well to see them before placing your order elsewhere. FOR ALL NINDS OF Hardware, Tinware, Paints,, Oil Lamps, Glass, Etc. CALL AT THE 1'31C HARDWARE where you can get then. i t AS. Main Street Zurich, Ontario .111110111 1413 HERALD To New Subscribers A 0 For Balance of Year, 91 sTT ecp,Ia3 Now. C. \Vode'n. Atheist= and his suedes- ! Joseph Rau. Dr. Desjarcline gave , tives htznse rein 1S own dee b s, c which lie runs on a railway he has sons were designated Rex. Inept*ra• I Cl ullet also tooku fewvery tparct t lin ethe pro- he Duke of Sutherland is d down for his own lh enjoyment. S=.,&.8 ©_„T 2.E.:=.301, tor, Caserta, and Basilc'us, but with i gramme. R. Talbot gave some William the Conqueror tterur Ammo •'tit! „ ., ` the owner of a private railway. R amusing coon songs ant Eli.Chtallc't vl¢ce: em he enacts rile meet of ZURICH Carriage Works BUGGIES BUGGIES BUGGIES xxger Stock Than. Ever. 2fobbier Than Ever. Prices Lower Than Ever. E SO} & tilh, 011i Kings, of the English." John was gave a very intt'rt'stiug address. ! .� ' + + Rex Evers k'1'4on left for their home; engineelrivev and stoker combined, the first to .tsps himself if ]tic a tSn 1 i Mr. George Gould, sole Of th g]iae. Until Henry VIII. the Eng, G wishing that :melt another event l'ctntotty Jay Gould, besides ]ring ani Eng, i l)l• IlIUy t'.00 l lait'+n hell Kings were known as the Lords of helmet The Pope con-" VARNA leered upon Henry VIII. the title B Intended for last week. of Dt'ie'l& 'r e►f the Faith, James I. ' . , ` ? . minded Fiance to the lig of king- Sll i iwiltorthea HeCain e ►f k"irk n is fishing in his lake in the Catskills, after fireworks. 1 eel prize lite. programmes, tee, apply to dome, and long after Frame evats' hiourns uttlih .-OL. W. M. GR'rs1HOR,titguest t Miss Maggie Moffatt season. statehe d by experts lJ. A. NFi1,G1 5, London Sept. sth to 14th, 190!. Entries Close September eth. engine driver of considerable skill, ? A home exposition of genuine merit—Now exhibits and leading attract- ' is an enthusiastic fisherman, and itions--Loekhurt's Pe'rt'e•rtning Elephants—The Three Graces and "Tom spends all his spare tiult' on the - Tom,,, the baby elephant, anti litany other a¢preiulties of It high orders - water in a steam yu'ht that emit (Yratnd firework:, tli platy itlt•lurlint; ra'prt'st.11tuton of '• Fall of China" over $500,000 to fit up. The trout and "Taaking of Pekin." Spa't'ial ti'ating over all lines each evening lost the title was retained. It was this wt'e$t. Idle finest in the world. re'nounc'ed at the signing elf the Geo. Foster of Ingersoll is spend- Mr. W. P. Hall, the Railway Sig. µ'Treaty of Amiens in the It. queen i, ing his holiday~ at home. teal Service King, has a partiality i "lc'toria lite -ante Empress of IndiaGeo. Andrews wheeled home ti fur 1►retu hint, anal °"a ~viten buss 1 on May I'.t. 3+., ►.3, and her aau't'a'ssilr ' t'mu dtty latst. lea• ntsw. ill addition to these gate. p' Miss Mand Andrews returned tone titles. tlac�' I� istf;ship cit' they hone after spending a frit, days with Mrs. E. Zeller l of Zu it'll. British eleaatitrit+its beyond the seals. Miss haat : nndrtieve is vieiting ,o The tale elf Lrataen'S King is clear. friend in Ltnntfle: boyo this st'ea'k. in . k Y.i I� lY to at ovine ; :6}ta<li1C. Rev. J. W. Andrews, wife'.. and week. �I.fi daughter attended the funeral of Farming ids many ads orates +: SaotatlnatnnlrtRoa hos al 11CW 1nnonu- Mrs. It. 13. Jeffry on Tuesday last. among millionaires. Mfr. Russel Mitt, at fine ciritnlaing fountain The Quarterly se•rviecs held in Sage, w to started. life in a p rucer'w ,' rave nt14 unveiled as a memorial to the Mc tberali,'t church on Stuelaa shop on a dollar as week attal has sirs, mus .dinar Ut►^•e't':4. the lnorcrda• last was 'vevll attende=d from ell sine(' atttnas:,a+al the enormous for- " e fria'nds of the eirenait. The tltnonlr- cane of a hundred ttti]lions, has a �te'w arele , e,iz the Stella whose t¢�r1y larnseral teats postponed wtlr elle al smell a large farm cel his own over within S6ro't�' inn the ella``al nr'ts rte Marek week from Monedany anfte'a'tneenn. he exercises as mannish care as if it 3'0, tw ,ea. will lint 3e'tssetnalei t'e d• 'It- Miss Ida "i'� il'�'dn of Clinton is the were his stile nncaati4 elf t'artlirli a compiling his vast :fortune, the al- Waay s lutido a point of spending lois �i evenings int this ntunnler. He travels a good signal to lecture on religious subja'ets when not engage cd at Wall Street, besides cle'livcr e on a n average four sermons a Planingand SawMill :'i i1. kinds of won&work end r tt - ili alone to oreter. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A fall stock of 13. C. Rt Ceder Shingles. All kinds of lumber ai-� r¢rev;t On hated. orhopping done every day. President. Secretary. U G01 the Pan-American or on the rvest Excursion to the est ter' the Ste°l-aa s rate In " livinnw. At`>tether Ct'se:.u'Y, ° n t 'n. lire. lager, guest of Miss Pearl Andrews the v v v +iti8t'1 . adore' Han'l ole "e'r. has antebietieail the quietly helpoytl rill the lathes s in her enviable distinction of making his cflsaroe to t`matet of theca' life=-ily4'llty, : fattiness* a net ltt`ofit, of $5.75 an aerie, wbieh ninny professional far- ,andrhinal . tiindittpt a Soman girl wheat e - .. tc3 ta, pia world-wide, but tit addition ht° rowed the girl. When the last Oats - - .. .. es ;34 gives at great deal of aattenntion to b 1 h- k 1 tis it- ti f t d as alit leery encleir on hi E.rc'x cstatte, butFlour �.nft MARKETS without aa, 1ii<e-1L*r1t, Sirs. Rogers tnter:s rennet c1o. :Sir atlter 'nib; l- took off her own belt a and tied it 1.estaee�t evety TInaatsclay ;afterriei�n¢ beY'`s fu ing as n. Iaurse-Isre'caler bs .rat ties caving t es tall -inti -esse r Barfley i4 5,J e est twat cit o lx'Ylperitrlitl an the sailors shouted to her to ,sump ", Peas �- _ _ and •• j �t in rue t.bc refused because she _ -- _ -- - • 1 10 is an atatllority cit these IICrbs. li 1 o 1tCl EEO, thought t14F+rEy way no room. and Butter �• 1.3 1; Boxln'+ Is the favorite hobby of Mr. Eddie Gould and he i, ca mem Mills 1411 Con., Lot 2.5. 06 Falb urieh We have a number of to which we wish to ca fll your attention: FACTORY COONS at 4%, v, Eye r, 7%2,'4 alnd BLEkCHEi1 COTTONS at 7, 8 and 01 - COTTON KM at we -tit dower with the ship. : nb. t lneit� - - _ _ 1-9316 her of the Ittstt1mttait 1t1t1etit' z Chide liL oft tit sa-ril►tiols =Serf' taken tie). this (nt- Thule +. — a = _ ,'� er e e-. en e'nnt enter s C t ft G lists with pyrofessionlatl pugilists. during monument was erected Midi, Geese,�Potatoes .. y- 20 �.. Mr. J• D. Rockefeller, the Oil King. sortie p►s!evisioti was made for the '' is a mats of extrentnelh quiet tastes. a + � t heroine's ftnntily. . Hi NS ALI, MA1tlt E7Cb. and he has no hobble; bey oncd .._ I One of Cuba's Patriots,� Wheat = - �. - - 0•> to6I 1 ntttsie~ and teaching in tine local Gats y- - _ - 5 6 Sunday school, where he has con General Maximo Gomez, the Barley •- - - -- -- -- 47 710 ducted a class for nliore than a Cuban lege et. is the nsucost interest- Peau a :- - 35 :y1 quarter of a century. He frequent- ing figure in Chian history. next to 'Flour t.aial ".tri ly shuts himself ups in his room all Estrada Palma. The old liberator Hogg (live) per feat - al.30 0.se deer Without refreshment of any is y been atac' of devotion ,to i r life - , kind and plays the violin, 'ti 'which leo net : nae"ave' of Cuba, hut his iif'e I do (dresst:'aI°� aY t.ev i4 (SO 1t ti., , believes to be the most soothing' As this is the month of the of glinng %,asses. Gomez is a San D. reereation extatgt for the elan of rainieare wino Inas been fighting in business.Cfi Summer Goods, allowu years. He got his military traa � , ttl' Californian rnitlionaire,has devoted 1 fl few O our prices. one country or another for sixtyMr. John Morden, of 13roahlyn, as ing in the ;Spanish army, and after ; ,'1 > :.,' his whole attention for the past RE You s' ould call' and get o'e oaf our Trunks or Traveling ages which we ate selling very log. EV ell tVm Net IN to AE AND HARNESS S Screen Doors, with Fixtures at $1.00. sTocu. (W GRANITE WARE. passing through one revolution he II" that we wish to clear to draw your attention I ten years to building a tonnb in the.Dress left home and settled in Cuba. t :u'i1N' 4r T necropolis of that city, and has al- , That I.4latnd had leen his iaonne ever , k, ready expended $$400,000 upon it. ', t since. except for the time be ]has' ; y t'4 t It is now used as a place of wor- served in banishment. In Th93 he i �.f ` t'A. , ship for fifty persons,and. is lighted ; was given the supreme command r nr - ' and heated b electricity, But ! Goods y � ; directly Mr. Morden dies it will be i closed to the pntehlie uiFici. opened: `97 Yards Print, hest rniatlitt- � c ars, a mare 1 Without . t eoilbiue.wilite 10, 12, 15,, 39, 1 2a9. 23 and 3v of the Cuban forces. and for three ' years ave Spain as di iu`e.ttlt a fight (women's sizes) as she ever had in any of her col - Children's sizes from 7e. up. onies, and managed to lose corn- e,T o 7ELuns at paratively few of his own men. At 78 General Gomez. in spite of his i 5, 8, 9, 10 and 12e campaigns. is vigorous and active., ? iN tS at 7 1-2, i1', !1', 10, 12, 12 1-2 and 13s LONG LIFE IS INHERITED. fee See our yard wide Print (a ioe This statement you can prove byinvestigation. When a person We invite you to compare these whose ancestors had long lives dies Goods and Prices with others. in middle age you can in nine cases out of ten trace the cause to des- only fitting that the greatest mil - ilia. CHASE'S nEKED E9. Men's Shirts With one and two collar, god pat, terns, soft bosom, sizes sizes only when anof ' er cot: n is to Ile' good patterns, ray dear at ee 1i, 1 y4_. 17. to clear . . .0 heck. soft bosom, sizes _ nee 10, 10 34, to clear . Starch bosons, sizes 1S, 153‘, 16, 16-34, 17, to rdear . . 40 - Silk bosom, one line, sizes o, c placed in the family crypt. ;.}0 Yards Bedford Cords,to Mrs. Hefty Green, the richest ; ^' woman in the world, acknowledges clear at . . • . . . OC that her sole hobby consists in con -1 I stantly changing her place of ; 80 Yards Printed gelatines, OC i abode, for she soon tires of old sur- to clear at roundings and thinks nothing of suddenly ordering her belongings 2S/ Yards Japanese Fibre 8: to be packed up anti leaving a neigh- = Crepe, to clear at - - . . t9 ee boyhood est tt week's notice. It is ; WE CLAM DO HAVE 1634 only, to clear . .. Silk bosom, one line, size 8o' 153/ only, to clear ... V ordered kidneys and consequent' Dr, Chase's Xidnefr-LIver Pals, one pin lionaire should have the most Mildly beat in mind that these are Al goods, and .re - T•fL Jl3EET' VALUES' . suffering frons Bright's disease, tnasr, 25 rents Lax, ave Boxes for t:00. peculiar hobby, and that individual i worth more money, so you do not warp to miss these Dr. Chase's Nerve rood, 50 gents a box. . rheumatism, fatty heart or dropsy. six boxes for $2.50. Dr. Chase's ()lament, is Lx-Hung-C11ang. Few people.. are ; ��t1� Call a . a , y A D i Dr. II 4 XtClney-Livtsr •Pi'1L5 pre 2 Cee# bei. Dbr Chase's Li�ot Cnee: raware thAt many Of the pawnshops.; snaps. Ca11 eaI"ly all d get first choice. 50 rents it bottle. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 25 cents a bottle.. All except the last twit will be sent post - aid e ¢yr Company, Toronto. ?l±dm4tts4nr pain - HAYFIELD vent and cure these fatal and pain- ful diseases as no other prepaara- ftore eloses Tuesday and Friday, tion was ever known to do. One at 7 P. m. £ pill a dose, 25 eents a box. in China are financed by the great' Li, but such is the case. He has already invested more than ten minions inthem, tittbacb., Zurich