HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 73: Discover �t Secret 1 Rev, Dr. Tairnage Says There Are Too Many Peo- . ple Disposed to Tell All They Know 91-1-1-14-14.1-e-I-1-1-1-1-1-e•I-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-ee-H-41-1-1-1-1-1-leedeleletelet A Washington report: A practical ouestion which ,ta asked In most blouses, (tad for many years, is here eked by Dr. Talmage and answered. reott. Proverbs xxe., 9: "Discover not fa secret to another." It appeare that In Solomon's time, as in an subsequent periods a the wort& there were people too mneh eispo,sed to tell all they knew. It was blab, blab, bleb; physicians re- vealing the case of their patients, lawyers exposing the private . affairs ier their clients, neighbors advertising the faults of the next door resident, pretended friends betraying .confl- de:aces. "Oneehalf of the trouble of every eommunIty comes from the fact that so many people have not capacity to keep their mouths shut. When I bear something disparaging of you, sny first duty is not to tell you, but I tell you what somebody has said against you and then go out and teli everybody else what I told you and they go out and tell other. what I *old them that I told you, and we all go out, some to tont up the originator of the story and others to hunt it down, we shall get the whole com- munity talking about what vou do and what you did not do, ard There will be as many scalps taken Q s though a band of Modots had swept upon a helpless village. We !have two. ears, but only one toegue a physiological suggestion that we ought to hear a good deal more than we tell. Let us loin a conerneacY that we will _tell each other all the good and nothing of the I1, and tnen awe will not be such awful need a vela mons on S.olomenes words. "Dleeaver not a secret to another." Solomon had a very laree domes- ; tie circle. In hie early days be had Very confer -eel notions al.eut meno- gamy and Idaleneme• atel lee meal- tudinous 38 'i1 ln the metranon- dal etate leePt hint to well inOrmet1 Oo to what was goleg on In Jeru- aetem. They gathered up tfl the eartes and porkree them Iraq hie ear. arid his family heeatrie a eorasta er female) reele.ty of , 1 etateihn day utter day ail tete (lineal- • tica tatty:men, let:bend:1 end wieem be- • tween employere and entelemee. be- tween mem, anti eolottate, until Sea Otrrom in my tent. d..ealonto voltsbillaY about affahot tatet de not betene to ' eta end 0121uts• tee eirtee or eeettelve- *ego. L'ir the- Pewee i. ceeret tlii naervialc). neOrlattereeteee, Statiotin fly ayetle tee etwer a O. teeret leret errat to -Oriente.. eeelelt Seen. reeennatery ittovementet ana tbilerloblett enterpriter, May te: rehear" ad Wen are grettanteusatentne !It terds. Pelt in eetieee.... telteat 115 tenate. men M efeeteet date may • tae. (//e4•74(1.tee oe a gun ceatter ! Soca Okautaire te• ty the eattate ! the sotold,,w <-:•r./ at 54'.8, VI;o‘ •thernene oe I 117!o ree, Vet fl G.T!!;(.1' settee tt't,•..ea.,-.. out et„ It -tett lay •Wieve te,te.:... 4a•P,- illeatatuelet ,tatel: teen tee: tantel.. Same tate-1 ;at 4e, 0••••• ,"3 '1 "0, 7..3,,)". • te tetoteet ea. tet I. against wrong or the reclamation of inebrektes, or, like the .score of mu- tual benefit societiee called by differ- ent names, that provide temporary re- lief for widows and orphans and for men Incapacitated by steknese or ac- cident from earning a livelihood. Had It not been for the secret labor organisations In this eountry mon- opoly would long ago have, under its ponderous wheels, ground the labor- ing claeses into an intolerable eervi- tucle. The men who want the whole earth to themselves vvould have got It before this had it not been for the banaing together of great se-eret or- ganications, and while we deplore many things that have been done by them, their existence is a nem:Gene' and their legitimate sphere destinctly pointed out by the providence of God. Such organisations are trying to dis- miss from their aesociation all mem- bers who are in favor of anarchy and 'social chaos. They will gradually cease anything like tyranny over their mem- bers and will forbid violent interfer- ence with any man's work, whether he belongs to their union or is outside of it, and will declare their disgust with any such rule as that passed in Eng- land by the Manchester Bricklayers' association, which says any man found running or working beyond a regular speed shall be lined 2 shillings and sixpence for the flint offense, 5 shillings for the second, 10 shillings far the third and if still persisting shall be dealt erith as the committee thinks erroper. There are secret societies la our col- leges that have letters of the Greek alphabet for their nomenclature, and their members are at the very front in scholarship and Irreproachable in morals, while there are others the scene of carousal, and they gamble, and they drink, and they graduate knowleg a hundred tenet; more about sin than they do of geometry and Sophoeles. In ether words, eeeret eceletlea like in- diviatiale, are gotta or Lad, are the tomes of merca health or of temporal and eternal demnation. .M1 gotad peo- ple reeognise the vice of slandering an indlivelual. but many do not tee the in of slandering an organleation. There are Wel secret eticietiett in title and other eeuntriee, some of them c9riturks whieb have been svi.lely ilenouneel ae immoral and damaging tat their influence. yet 1 bate: tiundreele of pereonal friencla who telong to them —tritettat yaw ere emereerated to God, enters in ate ehurehfaithful in all relatieranef life. teaameiee of virtue and atty. They are the kind of frienie atom I %tenet have for my *Neattr3r3 at the time Of deeelee and tLey are the men eit.)041 LnOutd beet carry net out go ate left reale when I am dead. Yon eennet matte me teneee teat they would teleng to and trelltutiente. Thoy are tat men atm ',manta entree en anyttelne, Inioultotte, Orel 11 cpritainiii rather tette Mei? tctrentony in reenekt to teeth coeellee char the tt,L;181-o**Ny ef .."..t4fe whe. tato orte. t•-, notere G.% 3!", recrottera ty 1 tattle eteatet Men ti eenfete Mint miter) fi ard:o* 11.0 (4, :le• „' tul 0.. • ;. f• ".`1 /)C, " • .3 eiteet. u• -tee amidships with the front irrow of the regatta, or going down under the swift hoofs of the fast- horses od drowned in the large potations' of Cognac or Monortgebela. That secret society was the Loch Darn. Their buelnees was the Ville de Havre. They struck, and tate Valle de Rare went under: The third test by which you maY know whether the society o. wl4Ol2 you belong is good or bad is thls: What is its effect on your sense of moral and religious obligation? Now, If I should take the names of all the People in this audience and put them on a roll and thee I should lay that roe back of this organ and a bun - deed yeare from now some one should take thee roll and call it from A to Z, there would not one of you an- swer. I say that any society that makes me forget that fact is a. bad society. Which would you rather heve in your hands when you come to die, a Pack of cards or a Bible? Which would rou rather *lave pressed to your lips in the closing moment, the cup of Belshazzarean wassail or the challete of Christian communion? Whom would you rather have for your pallbearers, the elders of a Christian churob or the companions whose con- versation was full of Mane and In- nuendo? Whom would you rather have for your eternal companions. those men who spend their evenings betting, gambling, swearing, carous- ing and telting vile stories, or your little child, that brtg-ht girl whom the Lord took? You can never break away from the little arms that used to be flung around your neck wnen she used to say, "Papa, do stay with me to -night; do stay with me to- night!" You will never be able to Wipe away from your lips the dying tries of your little girl. The fascina- tion of a bad seeret society le so great that sometimes a man hes turned his back on his tome vrben his child was dying c • starlet fever. He went away. Before he got back at midnight the eyes had been closed, the undertaker had done his work, and the wife, worn out with threo week& watehing lay uneoneelous in the next room. Then the returned father comes upmaire, and he sees the cradle one, and he says. "What is the wetter?" On the judgment • duatayehwill find out what was the tter. Oh. man astray, God help youi r ear going to make a very stout rope. You 'knew that .94rnetirnea a rope - maker will take very small tbrosele and wind them toe -ether until after _ p „ d 1 ant going to take reme very small, delleate thread°, and tvind tam to- gether until they matte a very Mout rope, I will tate all the metnories of the Marriage dlay=e thread a laugh- ter, a threed OF Naha a thread or :mete. a thretel of banqueting, a tantad of eengrattilatinn—ana 1a tweet them teetotaler. and I have one ' etraed, Tann 1 tate ttireze3 of Ole Lone Of the fret advent hi /car lemma a tlatenel or the dart:nes* that ' erectelea. Otel 1 teread of the litatt , titet fottowee. era a thread of tee 1. heastIlfal reel' thet tittle Meld nee/. to weer t'. %On ;02' le:enamel telt at P"..,88883111(8 f sett. Mid then -1 teuetel tee triv• 2; 4,74%01 titre an in whtea t er ao,-,te for tar render, 1! 4ra eee le 1 sweet e.11 tert e lea-eat:a :teeter:, 'eat i teat 5181611,1-' L• „In 3 V.tr•n 1taee n lareed t' tc,* 41 1 8-,,837r8*'8888; r1ItFMt .• • P.1%,:ie -01 0 t2re. reetteet a e ere nee t; *dee" Ike abet L °eel at r-teet et tee° tntate reernet eti 3 1t‘ tn vete:ape en' it -c e ti "7.:3 istt'711.37 "qc.t.3' .0 t.1, a *7-4711 3011titi rL7 '0'3,! ;7'.% U'q 3r,7,1"47 0.• r 0,13J CEB .11 " nee teittne teea fee 44' e' •1: ttetttr,11' -4;aft Co, 0.114.0;:v. rr2. 11 ete er- et zee eatt: •28/* ,:.'i 3,t1; 31:" :;;;; tee9tr Ti , - 117, if 4 e rt 7,,13. - . t ' Ird 4., • , ' " Ue t 4 I.. C. _ - Z. ae tat,. „,•4 " 4,, 9. 0 -„: lit a %tete tete e 0, . • _ 44', '4,' • ?. d t,t* a 70. 1, 11 • ."ti 1,1 - • _ • A ; , aetteteta - te. - •4 , .3 'fr....a., -tete - •, • •• * ,7 • c•": " 13i5': 4- .77 •. , • . 71':0 ,• •" '44 ' • e• • • ▪ c ' ' t4 e,- In ellet •-e#`e, e ,S • - gattet teeeet- ; ✓ 47•±It'. elft:t% vv. -7 t "al* • - ' t17• .10°N2 V .0 3 t yet: = , cto) -33 ° 4e eel tet- e:Att. etene 1, C, t`tctial • 71." r- 7.. -3 Ore rezzur. 43t. t- 3.1119" • c3c72:88.1s. 3j3*3; t,5781808e A:3 Ailte obeeet fet dee.° :,zee. te tte eT:,,,21,.,V0,1'4 tees - tale beaetezeett e.3 te'a, e4,40 ae p7et teem' '..0 tt tee seete er31 delektett, 13s77"..t. 11 say. 11131t341* ea €88:-.1";:,- "4.• t -as Naf 017-t",-,3 littnietiZa 4)3 33'-' altaa75.713 • 3Ite, 'c3 c' "•'•• bastrt. t'Le' tras, gefottse ce, a rurt0-118.2,81,8--,32, ••'• Th...., 7 "e' *11h ;use! • 77:7- 2 1- ...• 'There 3 tha': ‘,773"a '199 *to 5181. teattee3 reeteee te ea tee et est -eat: Intent -a -ea ar; army ever scry's 113 t31-, ;';;; haforatotlen of !to 153:8.a.3 V.,e .3; cw:ase oil' (5313 41n.7 Our 331105.4s, 22 e.te .:381.331?y3 33r.:1. lu staret 'i '3' ru71r. of o13 tat e-:-... te*owl*,e7:-. ..71.t.r.3.7.a7s ‘113"*Pr; 1313e17 •.*c «13133 239.1333 r -v _ taro 1— ; e W7112 1'a72 en. 2lit,.!7a t" ars ef bort:a f- st*rot tv'sti s.t7-",tr:17* te, teet: e rying, ev's-7.3 3:."7-7 33n:7 ef flideen. --7,ae- otarion ts 317.m• 39 ana nre 17ver1 fanally Ts a el.ory busi- ness moo 1. --very tanking an) in- intrance 3ncatI3ur73n. Those men who have no oapcolt3r to Ite.ora a secret are unfit for 6.1.,:citfc•tug of trust any - ere. There are thoniTanes efrnen !whose vital reaea is euttrring a ea- aecity 0 ke•en a st..a.arat. Men teelc toroueh, and women tech There Is a tittle to Iteep silence as well de to speak. Although not belottging 30 any of the greet secret societies about Whicet there has been so mach violent ' discessiom I have only weals of praise far those associa.tione welch heve for gaidt °teed the Maintenance Of fleet , ,•••'? ..k.458'.. Alt _ ••;0..t G.` ke.,tter an in- t"— U,a2 1.-? . 1.7 11133053)32 4,', , ti.s • r.•!.Z57 30 e.••••• ..*),se..1 i3't 04.53 rsttll 2s.7"7. 7:0 1"...I.11 $.41'9. • 7 0iri3331 0131 (11104. • :11S13i0J..0.13011 or,, 1: (319 ta3,:3 14,:34 geznn tnsae,y ar..-3 fear. Itt's Sti..2...'" gone. 35e.s 431.3 351315:31? 533f347.5. 75 tlte • ac. --,Sts "'What .t,3..".a7.2 I v 733t 71.1taar • l39e 3313.03 3213 41.349 7.3.2.s3.3'od. '1,313 31313 four oftbr-7-,ia 4.13cr...315 20 ;or 3 ent',...431.:"..:cie53 tee 3.,,1 gette - - ' 11 •74113IJ •33.e1e3e er,e to • 318:,88:'',..7„,•t, 2..83.1 '.(33 2'4'4e.,•et c 7e co ray31eor_greattrat!.. !Tan. Ele2e 35 41 457:45 ahn ezete. ,41"1 ette eta 4te134ee:2 y. -..],•;;;:;!s 35 3319 29,0332 =41 c:ititt 1371.-3 ;tr./ 2,3345 84D ;44'16 hante. 27e13439 8e 27,0591 75 souttUng :Eke a 3iar.-12 5.,.3=233. 2912393og 31 tvcs tut sr, enlIng 113 as 3 have siten1 ottar ftve." Tent 07771502y la aft°3.era. Not gene out cat ten thousaud that over ,et so far en the ,set---,trsg roai ever 2:57s. Cfoaf.rta:77.7 boa737t e0;7127 3a73 through late "'sours, on,3 through too nttaly, 5t7=753345t5? ho. 24113 ba Etst-rate fear er17.--a7r.ic-7as e3112 ennitatb--- -f the heart. Aretteer teiO3 Lyt2•78.3ch yoz can End ac'hetr.o." your' soarot tc34,3.70ty fo ;right. • ererag Zs tee13.,•8•:.ta on your so-o7,far at4on. 1 tan ur,:aer.- 53011S bow ennatagb 59333433 31125 Znstito- 31on ri:an can rccela ea5253e4e39a7 sno-ess.1 325„aw" sonao mon have forraed theDr 'last bustneas re:ost7ous through anzila a ..-3atne2. If th4.17 ete eret seerety has adventer,e91 you 0 an honorable ciatlIng. it lo a goad one. but 1as your emelt felted? Are targain tnekees now more Itnefoue how they treat you with a bait of gooas? Have the men whose nernes were down in the eamnerelal agetten Al before they entered the society been; going 'down since In commercial standing? Then look out You and every day know .of commercial( es- tablietente gang to ruin through the 'social excesses ef one or two members, their fortune -beaten to eeeth Wlth ball-playerst at Ot eitt 113,2,54% 1.-4111, 1117 03 Er 7073 (1.).." ?/.."2.r. We! 111ru.t f.. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11111..uocr.arali.011. !Mr ki a Si 404 0. .0. 4.W50 NO Vit. Alike. lie, /Out. Abrehern's letereete ou,—Oen. 18:1043. ettaiitan etry—leneneet ate Lent:se-In It. Ltelei, meat beetee.1 ya..ra 1414 IlY,11.0 0.1 VW4 idoillo iki.advii, tale Lere lemeka emearee tet Ammo, u.ea re" seewee tee wt,a uha. Abram on.4 ydars ol.. :LILA 11.11 , 4103 U e, Loa. ...ea leo 111. obiura 1\1** 44444 ba 4,11411 p .rtaet. eine. eta- Loa.; emeettel it name frem A°. 4,UR "Jebel or te..late lutu-re to .A.kette....m, Leo:Aug • ',ether (), a mut- te.ume roe tee 1:14.611.1 1 r.99J$u1, at all. Obtistr itto e, 14 fl91a9s et eti IVi.e, band" 114 teiaceee," was changed 50 0494 044, 4 ton, but 1) we. (*.tit tor Me, wu. le tvo.i,. 44. iEa, tuna teuel &lot) ill ,t4- tu.e.1 tim at: of. Lieeum.imee, wateh Mei ever b Jett Leo rept. 01 the JOWS. 0 AI (titer the:, OIbJ aay wit n tebea- ham Wajs9 5A11l4 In his tout 1..cor la: tbe heat of the day, he looked tali an I dallY three straatters ar lint 'eh (so throe straugers heel two m seagea 40 Abraltatu. 0.1.s was tliat • wou.,1 ba bJen to 14 m theix- ..49t$4 Ir Lr of the. promeees. The other teat les u(pli 14set was In gr a,t uutigtor, b eau .e eo Join, where he Lived, meet bs destroyed for its wielteenese."—Peloub a. Abraham at first supposmi those strangers to be men; but his COI13'80 toWrt1 thy TO Wal sa h time he had no reason for regret wit 11 1i3 loan] they were an - gets. This Is a goal way to treat everybe .y w1rons we encounter, so that if tit a turn out to be angels th y wouel have no reason to cam - pieta of us, an 1 we ttotlting to be 6u+ry for in our treatment of ta m. —Trumbull. Rib. x 11. 2. 10. The ritina—Dit • three angels. To.. ward aotietn—eAs w.tit the Lord th .re 13 m rey, so 11 is the c.01 to weone emig,ane • le•lo-tge" Th y to kal towarde Sodom for the pur- po • of destroy rat.it. W nt with them --Putele roads el I no5 03.1 '5 and tru • s wer n 4eateery, 17 Shall I lehte--"Ishat la. I will rot Wee." Abraham wit.t the friend 0) tee:. entt "eontranniett114311 "f $ett" role 3, one of tie. ep vim1 trititerete • frienchatip" "The way to know the fiat 1,9 purpoate attoat thie pup- cPat wo.:1.1 is not to be tnix .4 up with it in it imiettnta and ep eu- imetee, bat to bo exalt:Nett 'separated from it. lb Mighty natant—The Jewleit nom tam allele sn bl realei 'rito world" waadel be blettiel 13 the MM.. ei tit that wee to sprain" from Abree 55 19 I !mow Itint—lile ehavauter arid deelitly will aounnand idi ehattren— Ile net Wily tvraytel with las family bat Ito tatantItt and tentaitateleal -thaira OW Wild "prophet anti twee� well • pritae," 21 1 wiii gtovm—r will inquire ieto the keete. God conel not tanve In await, but 114. tl. eiteti to :plow te Al.r.alitt:tt that Ele wee not en..tea 114 haulteet, 0: wiletout full avow- leen* of all tit fent) eta Tim nee. 4.31...—T4e two a41teett, eeempent ell Joliette, 67!..1.e itetv teat Uosteree ee loin . aleco tio'tter-• *00.0... 4111 1015' 4ir Jettevettu, remaleeti vela eleteee,et tat elerataTee drew r ar--1 le 3ale Ey sterna 7...ca 4. 112 32te al 414 a', 0, ti 115 1114.,7 4, Ulla Ueda et. to loctot 318. 81 diet - si ' Val; tbeet 01,4? 5-f - a peitenea0 ot t a` lie • re 4 - 4534 494 31, ! , , , 20195 0.3'?; AAP • 910 ? 07:5,.it:07 3 ishif Wail' 0 .*-7-a 1431 9 34 ., st., a at. 70 311110 9'5„;4171:, OL4.40 CON ".• 0 11 34, 3V'al ,79 I. -9 et,. 5e • e dettletre" 'teet, ucebe- , oiyarteotte hospitality extended to the wimaerers Wiftd, ruwardeal by a retitwad tea:uremia of the loesed- for bide:lag, an4 that the days of weary waiting , were nearly over. "God is not sleek coneerning tee pronalee," "Abraham believed God anl IL was counted to him for rigirt- causeless." (30,J,'S purpose revealed, Wb.at was Ithiden vrerielyeanded anti 1411 - periled Lot was dieoltmee to trustful, obedient Abraham, Oae dwelt in Helone the other at blame. Our 40 nutary ,ir orient has naucli to alo with eloaresigittedness, or eulipse of te.,1.1tual vition. "Tito Lord's peo- ple are tile tiret to know the Lord's wal." eleralianfe iet-ro wean. Every peta leen wee granted on the sp it ; but "a mait's praying leaver id not an arietatry Meng; It is the result of antre.ident splritual proeeeses" mamma 1 ne sea k 3181t14 ('01 pr red lam for tit , creels ant eceurea u. fav - 05:1399e leer it; for hie prtiti de. Lot's o enpromitee p mition wou d Lutve de- terred hen from Acting the part of an tritereess !r, even had it not de - strayed • the dispoeitlen. Tee dextral for d strnetion. It was not the presence of eva. but the ab - Perm of go.:31. whl b doomed the °knee of the plain to destruction. Ten rigliteous p• rsone would hive seved the plect nni turued aelle the 11 ry deluge; but there Watt net enough of preeervine influence to prevent the universal deeener tam. elven Abra- hem had n4 t ri htly estimated the utter degradation exleting and with- out doubt thoueht thore were suffi- cient to redeem the cities from ruin. HOLM RES IN MO. Anarchists of Europe in Wide- spread Conspiracy. KING OF GREECE IS MENACED. Ohicago report: Writing to ti.e Rio .rd 11 Tall IrOnt 479,e-le5-L8i3144„ • .Nlar,-tar..t 7.... rtlavrav.val :telt me ter 4 074 't..1 tt S of tie. r,e- 111. 34,1.-1 tempt MI 11.1PS,.4.54.14 41 .14 oh .1.48wag4-s tjtvt la Maria 1 14 of le rteeta E. The 4 , etteett, In tante 14 9. lag kuta- eeteout. hale. net :Imo: II r Majesty, 45 411143 tko 41-145A144,1 tale 111 ..1111;. 11•511,01Vtly*ft r h. -Ir arrival a st25111.0'1 14033 fl49'3I'8 t, ,n391511.2_10tly menial e't anitallettal, epteetred 1. , b slinetavel ; tee tee:tent en all her waike und drives. OP. the Meat of 51,8142. eta the nee • tikset4 d on toeilVillIg. teaspela eu Ii.1fl Va. r, C • ri • iehowe /I r hkatiate. 11;1,54 t9t1*. u • baeteen te it. r 144 1 rl eeeet 141. Wi1314`, 101:4443 1498143,43 3 ..f tie au et' oi It.ite. ;eerie itz. tweempeeiere leer tenet... tli • eti riz. Pe the eller,. ti 19411 the II t! 0 Sp rte./ le I- t 40 attempt at tem ,mett 1.t! 31 ,cr.. Juo't wlatt 10 apiV 14 ?re. CNI tat /within* to.:C, ee' 143401154? 051 0511 et tree! 90 444 "`4,.* 4:0 a a it, i1r 1, 131 pow 49 et, IP 3-9 4,31e1421 te, 45 r 9 411.ti343311,3 ZfRz r teettebe ;neve n tirr1; tiv •. Is v.,. Ili 111 11451.,,214. 139,1 3119e 431 4131.1 11 t 1,1. ara, ezit e 4 1, tee e. tee rive e't ev.r! 'tee et V t• ,4 '31' (.113') t tee -it or 0,41 4 lit3 3.3'3; 31''1l f:11 .11 141, --... 1..)o 4911...143, 4134a 3,.;,-, ",t '31 ed., 33 49 AL. t113; 0, 371:::r .7 7' 4'9; - • - • t "4; . :• 4, ti • 3' 11, ; v • 4.4 4.. ." 7 7 " .7 • 1 t,0.•• . . •-•'• tor ;• t • 3! r, -6 ;:y , 4 33.5.2ao " ;at71.iatt 4.394514,4:342 40 47 44 V.:, ' 4,1.7 , •- 5., • . he Markets "00 lbeadtug tv team, Mae -teeth. laollowIng are the otteang autetato tiana. at important wheat, ceetres toe day ; Cash. Sept., Chicago $0 72 1:•0 Toledo () 71 8-4 ---, Dui otn, No, 1 nor. 070 7 8 0 70 lea Dal -tit, No. 1 hard 07)3 31-8 -- Toronto e'ruit. Madera.. There was less leatielty ia tem loetti market toedtty, (twine to tile small roc) The dement Wii$ geed 4401 5111 tlie offerMge were cot.eitly sod.. i'riees Nv(re generally unehanged. Iltrvest appi were quoted at, 313; ton 5110 and cal.lornia peaches tle re lower at aleelt, to $1.60. Other !butte. were steady and lino:lunged, Vire quote: elves, harvest, plr bashete 25 to efle ; hananaS, per bunch, $1.514 to *el; clierriee, per basket, $1 to $L35; ourra 545. baulk, per basket $1 5) 1.1.15; ourrante, red, per boaltete 50 to Gee • tiuckleberriee, per basket, $1 tu 31.15; lemons. per boX, to3 $5; Lawton berries, per basket. • to lce. Taranto Partnere,' XI aricet. Aug. S.—Business wap quiet on the street mareet here to -day, and the deliveries al produce were small. eette load 01 poor gooee wheet sold at 65ve and a load of crate sold 1-33e litelter • 1-.0 Hay wate .irm'r ; 1J 6.,11.11 5130 late a et $13.50 pr t for mem load, an.) new wa.s: $1 ha h e• at $94° te *10, eit• straw was offered; N egee tables and dr seed liege were steadee witil quotatiuns urelatnged. " Wileot &)o; red 69 1-24 goose. 08c; 5334 n *, 1.483: barley. 430 ; ree. 813 ti ;1113-.o ; oats, 1,9 I -2e; hay, oki, per ton $13.50; new, $10 te $11; straw. $10: better. poutet ralle. 18 to Cc;lecreeks, 17 to 1*3c; mare, new 1341.1, 14 ta 1Fie; held stook, 1:3 to roroisto Lave Stock Markets. Estori cattle, choice, par owt. 3,4 Sit to dfa Mei PIM4 et to it heletler412t11' p4' c. ked eo 4 75 3 75 to et iteteeete 4.1311 1'. ..... 1 el .to 1 /4:474,11ent* e5:1 110, (IDE. 413 .o de Celilideil • to 3 SO 11.0 tow- 3 te to 3 7$ do built . te to 3 Rune. expert. beeryper cwt3 7o to 4 2.3 belie excare leen. tor cwt.— 3 59 40 75 Ft'e2334tti.A.001-1.1.:ep 15 to 4 75 do. medram 3193) to * 25 322 to 3 at Sloe:ten.. Po tope.. ......... 3 di to 85, ceraototel4igto twitters ...... A50 to 3 de Mean cowo, ea% W b'letep.o,reitt per cwt. ....,:LP 4i(e. hu, kry, ;Id tO Ilk/. ti) to lateb-ttpara, .. .. ...... eel, to ea 0,„ per home 1 440 kleerecteeve ter owt 7 25 to 0 lat4e- tare led I" Po to 0 beta:hate, am' ewe 10 11e574, tape. t, r eve, ...„ Gee to let tee v. per ........... 4 .0 to Cheese alarkete. Winelteet• r. Oat Auet 1.3.—T1tero ef eltemie regleteredi th,thi 312 -setae' 07 the thheeere Ittardi te re* tilt-el,w .141$ wh,to and 021 tattle to el. 'nee tar,iteet tele were ellreal Ice. wait(' (ma 1 'It 1-31e Tor colored. tereeetoe. Ater. tee -A Itteen Ittetene- 'r 77-4 IP tf..,1r,l' el ;dee tete-eta:, 5,339414 „t 9, ta 8e.4.84'e3; ent, 9 iteo 'tor, al a z!...143...." 2,30 keelareetz 4'11', teat n littiotired eet. r,.,..1,-0•",•7 Ali 1 Itrr ' r Tb0 ' 0'' tfl*-111') • , 5."1•51 3 , 0" 3,', '8:3.3P 3 5 770," t3e5,93f - • - ' r" 2 3.4 134 13423 "' AA 0 *Algq,2 anise . • 41' 7 4! e area - 11.0 2117 734 (3. 13 t 134.:11 Q r": 1173441 Litt s r, ..711 tiFristt,- ", a„ at tl:tt v aaoillt7 . ot! ? ,-;,1 , , . c31L63 ., sr: 7 - .7 s 3 63,'it.:41' 4133 . 6., . s . 4. ' 0414:1' • L Elo , 7 A .1; . ‘2 A:4 0.1. -"TT 1139', 399 7:5!-41111--t.le v it1D all he: sltlion. i :.:t 31, ., "47 : • -71.c 115 144140 3i. at.a Who"."- -.*i 4100 '1,117011 ve347. - .1;7„ 20i," 3:4 54. ;31 V.; ly• ;3 293 5'1,3403 8.934••••-•:; 88""," 11 138,. ttte ;; groat 5183/ 3.1,5 33311343.-... ice 7.*; 17- ▪ 43 ei 11,13334t. 3141 Lc -4; Izar# Ltas, 33,3119331' 5349331:4' t'777,t,‘ ,4"6-; 27,7iti 37715 thee ; 7 ene. 9, . Poe- .°4 3343.2 L34sp 3,•eet, 'P'7' : tittstet' . D.Yr , 1.,%0 vv. (.1 ,:!•,412 t 9 , "t" ''" • LI, tUi ik". .P seemell, late. 2 .3.,4'0,;•;.,• 114-.440,3 11 %fit* 5131414.33 ▪ ' • -' '13343. 117 .935k311 3o553137:13011 - , 80'r ay5T UV."C_ • - ' " ' i! 1 4 . , .. • • 11.6 Tc* s34373 to,"a 017 ZS,07'.77 68:40;10•88 34.3341 f„te 130-3',A tia ik • 7, and aeite etre' v_ :'. :' . :134'. 93.42 - 5i541)34) 3,48 Taartya V‘`,", lig to le, rty.39114 '3 13') 18343134,' 011.43 313355)337 to: 431..'. Rut Rut 1.14.;.4 3111'70:4'7Sli.0,...V.3 4210:341 73 399373;1441,;e3349e47 3"434 11 hot earene tee: 33 1.43411.,5•1 L'` S'121(Mit e.t.a tee -31 115.1:1611zg pir7.5;501.k...."3 tor., :71341"37 ' it tat Atha-, 31' .'l,"9537 ;WI 13.7.-7:717* it! 034' 309'993133t.231s7.t 377341 -77-c:39 7.128,1.:2.14 vet :743 .2 ‘,..a 3434•23 .ata. eater ettee ;'3",« tertget—Jelteetee—te „O.4. ete ,-395 ea1- 18.1.;71.1 luAtI 240411 19 way. Atetetze'e 4234 tiere is a steetll eeertling ateactele emporteet recently. It Ems a ot ire./ reekze t weal a wietaa Go71ar. s32:13 95 lacry 3e0394141 vc-rt:enLy n91v, 19 0:1P4'11 8173013134-2 3)4133,7 39t Cat! r93913. flat 29 a e8.et..394 7 afeeat 3ZSweete Rename. straw. Setroes. ataa Piet a it tabs. *ran da,73 or t39' 3iforoerect I19334 nttria.,t, Bo tb darli 3I1 1 urs . tfta fortv,t702 mast. 3445..83 "." ,5340 rnattar ev'71:••..t Zito; th.. vossel T. -- covey- "ra, 3or eq.:7:01:7 on near et. chips Is in a thelt.'„ials*, 24e71 fs, treard. 03 Ara-r.ean 53433315 1 ve:atileted ale tee eltippeoes " the stern of the start. has a shvE4r.. : tend apparat888 for heating Tne 1, en tao-al to 'Pat With t35V353r1,14TOLOR 01 ttir'''..` , Tweed; now they hove 0. mess tuba vvith rackato hold 1339telielles 3967 9'45439. avoiather. Tanks on top of the boese enlePlY running water, and the reason modern forecastles do not im,vebatit " tube is that the sailors' woad rather take their bathe ett deck by throw- . ing told water over one another. The great absentia lir pregoost ito prejtidke4,-.-411eme. 3330,-34 net 4334 ',Lae way i -c" expo:elf-91. In 01114131)312888 10 tee a eve 444' 003151 of atal tite ettte-e o7 tem preen, Toe tete» antgato titat Met Abe, II 335 V'e%u. 300048.2 45.583. 534 4,4'L 341 231 ve- ceived luly usskl by tis. 31;±4Sp77* -•;A.,; tn. ,rtle? to:a !Am,. 3331 tvere tee friends to flee. for Vitae 3. '3 0807105533 ttle Lestente 1.10. ealfea. 221313 .773.* 3244 61.434734;•"24'-,;. 3e777s9334 It* sn t,17 th, '431' 3434.1 r:tat licob ' 4340 lest lte tor, iantn'tl. !Lot's '5195334' 34ia". 7177 A0A‘1 • 34114351 g 3317 coae..ra ifor 0234.313483 :11 331 'cir.;&" 34053183543 VCr 4.2;' 39i`e2133.01';'. 113 1e .1: grcat r94i11t1t4ge 3"'J)y to 1.35 4533444 to pray fee ...there ette tear euenaies asta for wicked 351145' 3915. PittehatiCAL The leson er-abraees the first penyer the Bible. records., in whale with ete Ccartext, vr- find the fol- lowing praetteal truths, Tam promiee tea w 34. Leine before Gol had proratseti tem chat:less pa- triarch that his seed should be as the stars of keaveo. The passing years had gemmed to place the prora- lee tart'aer and farther beyond the limit of pos.1111-ty. As the teetreeeel- ed. ttoog ttf talfilattent dreW. Inez the ettateitte.° 1.:„..; 33eot34 tet '4 ;I- tate 7,`" • , ..,.. ; ' 7't• "r 7'i:7..."" , -7; - a'. • 71" „.. •- „ ;P. 7.'7 5,1' 0 ' 11352," 7.,,,3:3113 tete- 34.3331" 111: q :a! 1 04188 LIZ,. 1.8E8 38 13'7, ae 91 a 333 -334341, Iti'icro,:..tt, eft 1"; 5.1,41193.• .4 sst. 31 34--,,, ''64193344'3,37 3141 9' A tr.:. 3,3 te 7' MIT A410 C.C4'4'S LEADEVI. 4v0.444: IS70.3(0,Nv7:0345 un tee 43.34483:- tie at I!. 11 tteet 4 C,,Z9 e",., 44* 7.41,7, 031777 :Do Ills a313 at 1 33,.s.,, ••••,• 2.77.,:ture Via.= 12• .'77.• •,:f ta the week ,; ;1,2, 314.343431,41 ":2, 1131;71' 30:1, Ti5,w4t (1:a _leen toe_ ea-, ° t ,..N.V5.1-,4z....t.tiloa. 241. 133.01119 .343.4.3:::41 (A' 4.?.7'.",-4 $.93333 lot' 1.•*0*-.4. 0;8(.4nt,2 ••;,..: 134 11 4.-4 pz•ot .3;240 by 41. «y tsg: 13.8.83380.? .,- .; «,34'.34 .41343.113 COIL• '.! 4.1.4 Casaz.- ainD .5.*: • adeel en eeetel, 3, eet. *4e310 2.,.:7;.•.1,'0!1 for tt'ast 4.0,7-3131 534 1a*•at.:* 4734. ht 6 4.8171 ter lea' . 3413 on zeal 3' 31'1423133 4332 4231I41 (813131,33 - -, 1 94'337,, 4413' 3444.1 l %ys," i'01,124..234 of th,* iensling L :4 Da, far the bolter 7.131 fon ; 9,4••"..4 ee reettere tee 244' '39; tatee Jen•t 313:3: A rreiter -s, II ls.sini are .47 )41379 edhett Canmeati and th03 Guoras0,341.1* ,Ittuerimen herds: Guerneetre... e. 1 2 2 1 2 I I 2, At -rehires 1. 3 e 39o Haste/et ......... a• 5 r.) 5 4 45 . Jerseys ......... 4 4 8 2 1 2 2 1 It will be seen that the Geernseys, end the Jerseys ate pretty evenly , .matelted, With the advantage Coming, latterly tea* 44 'the Side a the Zee.' eetyta I g WS; 3,7 31'7.0 -5.....;••itv • d 77. .17?..1.0 3349343 MAErtiCi WAR ON PATS terilentat 413is - •te 3143535latte .Se get Dna Le ettoevae. trabeetee Wattle, ottentenhotet seem 471.5t.a a773,3334-393:ta tares ',Lae ! 45402 (33433 93V9.43 ri,i3:11.7•0 rats teavet teeee lateled tee: the retneentattes 42.3 tee-Lentee • 430 eterevett, 3753a 81.46071 0434 3i.41417.1c.a. 3i0 moot 334.8115 2'423'3'3.4333035 1344190 41443134 af1#a31 eerseete wee. teteuall briere 3151Vie large ("'PT. 81413339 3' 07 rae riteee 24133.349 49! tett-dried Mae. At Toefet fete eat 4'W.C:r4nse i.nte reetiee 711) rettea per 12ad,. 33143 Daa",.;,a emrie etate leen pallet oe3 in tato moil:zee. eenti tetetta4 La a r, .71 04.44t.431., /8.1i0.0.3 teeeeve"lette tat gele tree r antog, 412494531. aottPote teeta, et 35'1313,5 etaaral inn tne. le- -et t z. nr,a. t; .sl. :la oa• 6' till rate iet tee 39Z...334393g weett '3344 ireetetted 34"39 33 league! 313 41.1"...35.:75'.1..:d • 3.01.5 not .3144131731ToTtlo t.n..' ant leorattee. Lettee '33'33122i3'31' '431 °riot to relax their 12,nr-oatntiv:tt tIll 313911s (41,.i et tit, ty aa - 4.3.3133343943.31' '4. ?3W ent againsb 2521219 1.11.3-; Vale by a s:,*,•st,In et: re.. tv.at•Lis 1-eq.:ca3 0: pazetrig so wool/ par rat, primt•-ao 14211 527/ott4'493 atter tills total rattaboz reaehee 200,000, eon born to the Britisb Arabella eattor in the tnettd Stats heere a perfect rtgat ta Ameriaan :title -Me - :ship if he el ouht ohlose to Calla let rend being "native bole." Witlar, that, meaning of tbe Constitution, he tulght beaellee Presieent. Tte Haste. Glass Works, the 104421044 bEerteaert, have been bunted.