HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 5AN OPTICAL ILLUSION, One of the 'Pricks Perform,e i by the Fakir» of India. The fakirs of India, perform some re- markable tricks. The following one was witnessed by an Englishman who was himself an excellent prestidigi- tateur: The apartmeAt being filled, the ma- gicians began their performance. The SAR,CAS31 IN SIGNS. ADVERTISEMENTS THAT AT TIMES BECOME A MOCKERY. Iieminitseenees of Men Who Riad Seen 'Worse !gays and Irritating Announcements When They Were IIard Up and Out of Employment. THM ZURICH 14ERALD CHEOKERS ON THE FARM, The checkerboard is all worn out From use each winter night; death duties oll . these handl ' filK 'thaw The checkers have become begrimed, 1 Which once were shining bright, refused to pay, sail alae t lrll ciArtlitt shit; But still the game goes straightway on, Although the squares are blurs, 4 , While Cynthy pens up Reuben'p men }: Or Reuben captures hers.,' �{1 country and are therefore not sub'jeet �m Sometimes the old man takeai a hand t s To show his practiced skill, And then the farmhands circle round r audience sat on the floor about then !'Ile advance anent met the leading All . the leaCl111o• makes �•�'� While every one is aria. fakirs, so that they had no way of con man of another show the other night,' t - v� ;;,p 'They would not say a single word coaling themselves or of hiding any- and Galt satisfy you 7.1.'1 \ � 1 `a„ I e a That would distract his play; thing. At their request I examined and, as they had not seen each other in quality, - J ,v so breathless they observe him drive seven years, there 'was a warmness q y, Style and price. l� �` � v "� ' Yoftg Reuben's men to bay. them and satisfied myself that they had nothing about them. Then one of about their greeting that was refresh - Here's the list: -d" Ah, what would winter evenings be the women stepped into the inelosure, Ing' f without the checkerboard, is "Dear old Tom!" said the leading °dl•tl ®1'� / with double corners, jumps and moves the rest remaining behind the spec. „ I a �,� And tun which they afford! tators, who formed a close ring'about man. I was thinking of you not five ry ��pp [� y �r our dissipation oft consists minutes ago. Sit down, you dear old lro�ll `�/L?n�ell `% 1` In too much checkers here them. The light was now turned down ✓ " a little, and in a moment the woman's fellow! I passed a bakery not five min. / „ I which makes the gossips tell about face began to be Illuminated by a Utes ago, and I thought of you. Why, Antelope er N i Our checkeredurE. Locke inBostonGlobe. ghostly light that extended y b "e's Willis! I was just saying to Sentinel , quick! Tom that I never see a bakers that I over her entire body. She thea began to move around and don't think of him. Tom and I were BAIT FOR SUNFISH. � , _ around uttering a low, murmuringpoor once! AlIghty poor too. I re- z E and , ='"' r. • - One Man's Method of Going Fishing With His Boots. sound the while, gradually quickening member that we had been turned out the pace until she was whirling about of different homes on the same cold Mc �i Llurne°. There is about as much sport in like atop. A moment of this, and the night and met each other for the first catching the blg sunfish as in lifting time by chance. We shared the com• light that had clung about her seemed out the crappie It you can get the to be whirled off by centrifugal force forts of a butcher's wagon that night We have a few 2nd halls! wheci allcl a SteI ims tandem former in one of Its savage moods. and assumed a pillarlike form beside and went upon a rummaging expedi- Peiker is a great grafter on sunfish. her. As soon as this was accomplish- tion the next day. We balted in front (combinat1011) All 177• grood OI"C1Cr. Cal ai1Cl see, them. He has got a dozen different kinds of of a German bakery, half starved and m she stopped, turned and began to > „ _ _ _ �_ __ _ . ___.. , ___ _ _ bait, but he says that it is all nonsense disgusted with late generally. ,there mold the light with her hand, and, �� was a huge sign In the window which to trouble about digging worms. He though I could distinctly see her hands ry+,� q declares that beef run through aham- said, `There Is No Cake Like Ours.' We The igoi .5entined move through the light as if it were a burg steak grinder is just the proper cloud, it began to assume human form. hadn't a penny between us, but Tom , 04 caper for the sunfish at Creve Coeur stepped in and asked for a sample of i ,later' i, a nloQnl in the art of bicycle lake. The tougher the beep the battery mo saw the arms, hands and legs all the cake. The Dutchman didn't ap- cuntiirturtiotl. Ever �� heel of la e. will rut in Ion strips likebetter, molded and finally the face and head- 1 y g pangle- the reciate the humor of the re nest so ; gear. she next c sled for a light, and, P q this 'firm s inuke is wade. of the worms• Tom said You may keep your cake I candles being relighted, there stood hi-Owst g •1 a ""'lien the sunfish are biting right boss; but, say, give me a chunk of , l tel( (>f Material anti ; an utter stranger, a native seemingly,smart, it is about all that Z can do to be gstepped " full ruaranteea. kept in the shop, said Pecker. I be - evolved out of cloudland. He ate bread, quick, or Ll rut out your giz- J' i; ,. ," zard.' I'll never forget that cake sign forward and grasped me by the hand. Neve hue and the sunfish are the most His hands were moist, as If with per- because it took us hours to get away TI1E'i I��11 Our prices cheering things out. Do you know, I spiratto, and be was a very healthy from the police who were attracted to 1 0 t 1 have noticed old time fishermen at spirit. the scene by the baker's cries for help."Right I3reese's lake wading around In the After he had talked and drunk a ""But that was not my only expert- A yti •1- A •�, p e I O a : shallow water, where the sunfish are once with a peculiar sign," remarked t"� i l l• N glass of arrack he took his place beside � found at spawning time, as carefully h l agent after a heart advance a ad vgy aug. the woman again and began to whirl theI as if they were fishing for trout. Now, about. The lights were dimmed, but "`The year before I went on the road 4 is a Beauty in Style and Finish. e It Is different with me when I go out for the first time I was in as hard luck 4 I with my hamburg steak to feed the not so that �: a cotitd not see, and ins t It is very Strongly 13nilt hint! * as ever man was. I had pawned ev- �. foul minutes the figure began to fide, is just tilc� �' Ilet:l fur C"outitry ��,� � � •,golden bellied beauties on. I just tie erything in sight and was almost stare- `� , soon assuming the appearance of a °'�•-, '' " ,. �"'^• ', the line to each les of my boots, take a ed. I found an umbrella in the hall- pillar or form of light and then attach- little short rod fit my hand and stride way of a down town keep It.building, and the ! ° into the water and Ing Itself to the �vomuu and seemingly � a � go ahead. On the janitor told we to keep it It was a being absorbed by her. All this was S�++ e � bootie; Hues I use red flies. Why, the done in a very short space of time be- fairly good rain shield, and I immedi- �aII fJ�� t7ePr= sunfish carne up and get stuck on my fore the eyes of at least 50 people and ately carried It to mine uncle. I didn't �... fly !looks three or four at a time. That's i not ten feet from myself. The girl ap- know this particular relative, althoughk the way to catch a mess of fish In a I had formed the acquaintance of hun- (' hh posted greatly exhausted afterward.� �✓C`�.II and get our Prices. R few haur3, dreds of his people. His place was on I "I can catch crappie with crawfish Sixth avenue, and lie gave me 75 cents c r� T gyp, (� g f^* g tatlla to treat the baud It I cannot get CARE OF LACES, on It, which I gladly accepted. As he E. ,,Cr j..rLE Agent ,fir IC A ,. etsUo you want a cart it from the y,� ntI'nalo ss. aaitnwhil are great ds will Iron Inco on the right side first, theft a• r s____ . ZR aural baba Balt, ilea the katydids dat illi was tusking out the ticket be said: { on the wrong side to throw up the pat- motlla?night it Just let leave Its heal at lnitl- tern. 't'Yes ; Ianswered. Q nit;lit. duMt tet aoitr hack sing' once When puttingface away, fold as little with a grevu. tasty on, and it there } i4 "That will cost you 12 cent.;. Per -GUARANTEED! 11 bi at Grapple within al. radius of as possible. A good plan Is to wind It haps you would 111,43 to leave It Insured: h1'J or 3r tett !t ilii tome like routed a yard, as they da In the shops. � It !s ala*ays ndrisaUlr, lata it ^•lit cost T� T ti to li(funtl at u. G(iursltlg match. It When Ironing laces, cover them with you 12 cents more,' replied lit friend. r , paper. This p ,. , „ i 1 � R. � iG LL r 1-) k 1i ASF r L'�', frA get no 'UltE y you l +Cath putt Tour a, clean" white tissue, a er. re•• . All right,'I said. 'Take and GareA trt�t;�lat up a fatly rllr lengths and tri* a vents the shiny look seen on washed ; of It. He could have eaten It for till 1 1 t425 NEW YORK AV'E.,ASI-aJ,INGTON4 D. � + nt'er place. I caught all these leis crap - lace. cared, for I never intended to redeem I I Jule Inst weett wltlt craw tails. I could Use cornflour Instead of ordinary It. I was about to leave the place when 1i Sotl'altars eii"A nerica n tint! Foreign Patonts,, D estgtaas.'Trahtlernalrkat,Copy- get nth mita:utitrs for love or money. so starch for stlirening laces. This makes li I save' a big sign on the far wall. It � i trhttsEtl ala iaswta crantiti flail and tt cut then! flrin and dates not detract from, [ smtdt� a rights. '1i41'ill roturn foe IfPattefrit Is not secured. Send for In to e tu. ts"htsn it alanefs to sxteat the lacy appearance. No extra charge for putting watelt• , Inventor's Guldo, or, How to Geta Fastento t alt. J11st tr.t' 'trilio. It is tough anal X,aces and other delicate trliies,abould es and jewelry In the safe In the tliflee., ! A-610`Mration this Paver and secu m speclaif rates."4A eannot bi' pink-= off the IltEok varAly.11- fir placed lit at tnUSlin b.tg before being" Watches and jrlvrlryt It brought bolted. .lbla,prevents " the tears to i yy eyes, and As I crawled tlit.ir f;rttluhfZest I h 1 Into my 10 cent bed that nk-lit 1 WHAT MODERN SAILORS FEAR Not Winds and Seas, but an tax Vi r• cion Which Scuttles the Ship. "Boiler explosions are the terror t►1 the seafaring man," said as old tithe deep water captain. "Such a thing is bad enough on dry land, but lmagiuK • catastrophe of that kind at sect. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it means the absolute wiping out of the craft itself and every soul on boetrd- "The average landsman would be greatly shocked in looking over the maritime records to see bout many ves. sels disappear each year and 'leLT# absolutely no clew to their fate. They run well up to the hundred mark, amnd such a mystery is not to be explained away by storms. A Chinese typhoon may swoop down lore lightning out of a clear sky and tear a ship to pieces, but some floatting wreckagt is sure to tell the tele. A boiler explosion, on the contrary. will blow a hole as big' as e railroad tunnel right through the oentes of the bull, and the stricken 9resae simply, goes down. like, a shot. Tbaro Is no time to unfitatten ai. lomat: from, the davits or out loose a spar. "In tho opinion of seamen, that so! the story et' nt leact'00 per cent cif' tbr' ships that lave part sinal are sieve r heard of again. Luckily the alludern system of marine holier taiapaattlon Is extr�ealtily strict and thorougb, but Is is Impomsibie to absolutely prefraeztt tareti<tatnrss and fratud, and often enough. no doubt, the fatult. Flea wltb the +enptineer, "There' Is atm old artery of at drutkkam, Reotchwit'st who Mistook the t'laerr n iometer for tbo Mtcam satire and *Cu,saw ed nut" tint( fslokers btcause be couldWl get the pressure above b0i. That ;yatr,ii lit t til is $al t, b t lr � find tlarYt . n t r ryas i. thought of tllaittnofSd necklaces, aratrlai * "' t` MCARD PLAYERS' CRAMP. 1 tom far w : as °"a tr, u � tr., saatata! ** etttu>y ups* $arra 'alta not leave ! _.._ caws atlumst acs !sad. I hin f;.at. td;i &Ity After g and rubles of priceless value And aike. ttirai to air In a damp placrtaund 'i I'j! 'iastt t;<nc+r tltmtrirteaieii tr, till �1fd 'la'akiNai 'bo`�t+rr�r, that tfityt'lasg tllaa t�nsl 1ta- yeaatitt tine tiro when the ktettlo It boiling. for �i')b, the surae of 201110 slgnsl now they ID1.n.3-KENft*E0Y& I lreautrr" tfattd. `tbere bait been it steady 6,1w ar_ W u ,t Instance. °Tlalat robs them of their fresh- tnytlCk Ilya± poanrl ,e► tll0 Iftu mer Of �vtessels wttlteh *lla"� & 'ilia+y vreraw fish slltytit ax rlaofoeit .taut I! a. i`crtr t1�1 k'�r"t ¢;arallyrt�II. void alae tress and makes them .look limp. � 5F3ayottter i`tiltrllCat 1 stet iaa_ flay 'c�cw9d�aa� a, o a»st��n��cw � t p ten teGUaa ir. r,�eaat7� ar3iel tuatae� ;, 'tcritstisiy allsaapp�aa�r l:aitt els Maier Its« the ono' addressed its I IIIIS was tete' . 1Nntai�a,ttid ffiVsrtont aattita.iti laraia X.Ifk lea runty'. Ttt ,r Now fd etlh6d "'l rartliw ; • .. , .._ tiraetay to slat?` iiicrrau;t�l LL; .All laces before 'being Ironed should y cattle, rs, vere4 stns. perit:tlita ter flap, kolatnt "dl �J t ns"�, t :_s t: csf. � jt­� ' No. Imill Ema,r tbh� --� began the ta't1ter. ' 'Tend All 'd r4 drat to resuanto conversation, and eat I bapplaoisandcoalfortto tb6tisands c! tr tun- . ni iiafl, :: 4;ezt3 rut; n ad ao QlC .. •, :•': *;w I' str1ug i ey Cif boiler Inspection itud time 'be carefully pulled out, teach point t I, �, . ib 43.11, e;, u a«r=4e �tbayt rlgb Land? it "1 staid: � ireattt ttuttof alt t1a�e3Yl�t taafl � watt arca ar7tey tr7 Cure �r qct► fifty I xastlta- <, ;, w I' !treater sirClctnes.s of examinations b* Delving attention. You will 'Ise !rep i$fi ! *,- , I irle'ilitii, Ntrvrausi Ddi iltity* Syphilis. "� tie; ical.-eso', StrIcta,it'..y Gli tet, lirr atlq t ni+::tty gU641 Una, mr-c'ng anal It $lar it � 1. There s toy friend. Big all it Smitb. I isoctot I)rhiaa's, ltii tstsi:ii beltitht iii i � Icahn! %V Latt;t;;c.es. tta:rt- I I I} e tt o aal 11conve Is lsia utd to eenglue4ty, au far'Tsar trouble. alas the !arta tail colt sts sextslxirdcacs' haltaaauituallr _:le tiae�«'atelrchieatkclli ah4 n a. twico as naive and last clean tat much 1 Let me Introduce Min. Since youth clamps I,rnt itr,r a1, p,.at d1otl_t. a1 tis t in t It arts ItltYvei tlirless tI rraat Is still! t astatstii.erahali'It .r o are talking' of sights dtatl mars! leek. let _ �.. .. t d1L aft � >t� ttidt�rur tufiu adal 1pl t ' w. Ittil�rr time. . !sG7a,Ga'. eJ1' lin f'+�v ,fimntar«aretn,c.�mt �a !suits , tete tell You ,of tine time that I haat to l irate _ , , I I Llrtl _. �'1laraiil,.aea.r"1"e'si 9taiica+t�ttii�a@s ! lit'vb' any tn"tntnk tit #lr!e told '.�'"y€i*�Cals Ia � OOD I nollse oil lower Itroadwa atmd 11 lit 0f ilk taaatlth8V 9Me-. V +it�tuat ttae� t~ailr.� ta.�t�a�i�t s� � r � n ,-11 . � .. _ ,� r: a�iyw l�n,llsli rit#rglEnaili had linflxri,� �- �""" I; tsaiYtrttlalartrn�aertmc. 't<v;zara�ax�sttt�.: �. b..�a� 'kaene_a'�y r<.�. p. ,.a 7�tt � ti �� t alCaii.0 11 a1e':afi 1�.�i~ut� ¢Wt� lin a;dla�r' g�nr�t•s sgr ii�iwrad�et+ti maiert frllle s'ieiis s:C�r It young woman with a reputed dowry „ out iiy testa s hadeg of italain Ight to >yet e�itr���ni.watat�al(ws, U&,t ttety0:at�:t�r _," a rg : � l i'..,�,. lti:�.'•� X. �. a " y ,titwa from ft hatal bill that 1 r0iulelu`t . I itanrtt"atsto cttwof 3fto r�yi. to vaita g•vtt4 a vll.a-.. M atu,� a� U=e I Tte late Hea tty Itussell, hats ve taiia w 1)1? libout f113, ' wlalit± he bltnsClf !hail „ I, 1L:ar ere iflc att .,:;� l,!a,ty & %cnc� ,� l hs-lGflll scruff ter Of 'aCheer, lioy:s L' -great expectations." Ne al� to ahoy, Day. �rorytblog I had In tile, worm ,, , { D"' � � .:tae>e* tau;�gnt I t4;3s a$enl6ang `h�;�t]l'$:. It r c1tlt`.rr ahntt'$ tai ttfa5t'e' tllsti � entli4C rom every soul in the village knew about It, "ass backed inp In that tflitnitt. fiats$ tis 1 `is�•ia�a a �,,a;,,1. t'1; galnoi rill tit u;ructt { itnb:g'ai �lwhDiah were .l, Didlar Irl tht'ir Iil;il,$', j7 It somas fisc iraist Sunday after their re-, tdohllai lia9t remove nmytit$angz xvliboint,et= . , .. �, w- w , .. ,, , r A r. a "air• thN sped . _. ft ... - ... when :I - .. � - rf , �g ttrixs is'ii'z�'�aStaY4��tr$�+T�:i`!'itOlY>$, a��E[5.�'","43t��'±t.G3 .'�_.•z't�5�.�....8.� .e�.6t C:_3',�' "6CG�Nt�• $ S'6i;Lt'� `$t� i..111;N �' t1. D i7$+ll �3$if¢�' 'atl�itYB�ln�� �'jtl7@iFletni5i "�II':lt'�$ifI ..:. turn from the honey'tnooti, and w hen elting suspicion 1 thought It best to Kiri ttlteaa.. trtrt It hs spar a t"a nhra r ar t ice aaia Isiy.n trc� I.� i.{eget . _.. ... � _.... ._ _ ;, �...:: td`eE: i. Yla� %`..3,t rx. t:.a:pnv�q._ c.r.r�' r%ialat ;eftlwa�+�t to Cu"d%iCiti. 1. $�Q'2'11:�'dl '.4t >it; 4 jl'Y£' SaYn'�'i lY1$ I3ttttaliH$,4' 4n1 •tlltiiCblit'�flat,"d'itl" wads finished the pal•son i.ecp out sat' ,jail by leaving everythlny linteta,a. llecrir3vrtluerenryartd>�,p.w h a the eedtmolt tltdeaatlatt"e's{b to -p y. r 9 and thea fang ars were Minot 'of twisted I; slams. t, in -ward aarurt dlte lafanid from fisc �cv;ist ' �noer lifter reiytleriing "'`t5f'od'dliiait. , proceeded. tial usual. to give aynt tate' $aelnlntd tang. t flimst halve �vattketi alae VARI 'F4 ....,. ...,,... _, .,, {� hymn, verse for verse' to bls rnstfr I streets at least it Beek taamished and ena,iless. €!tie mi'ternaa'u i evatts pass. , � . � I i 'ro•us $scn;lt tlav�r`na�v7t�� i Spare, That �'a;asts,'y at ga?iiltieitiyatl rose iti is t ougregatiou. p p IRR . Tms sto prNl the dt:al for fisc, [Land I tate satiety tr ad aasked, *,W*t thiol' tr`ea All 'went swell until the fifth! verse' Ing :aiding an hap town street hoping to ' I, . .,,. A "Grid lhiCssr. Y et ad tetsti;tiaas+t a or�ailtE,: a - _r, ms*x�c *r y �a, ^ . 3�ta told the tiaol!lout 'des get busy, for tato I tvared. Oft bi tttiaworata 1ti taw _..... die wbenn I iia ened to loop a and r airs—waatttstYelirt rJrtcieteaet5czb#rounE�s =:� ss. IlD:Wz."krcc, roe r.aan ;ra; e,] ua r7 �iC.,i ; d � craaax reatctaald, and the palaaom began, „ ' roll la $il3yC-.:> Ni > cdtlallg a blttle Iiince&d. i affirmativehe, vaith and slgh Of heilfttkit „I,"arever let my ggratei tli heart,,, When ba'i6'' ia. sign tis big Iia my hopes were sttIe#Ai a•�cu t. "ale si,asttar� tssafttlFt at i7 ivevl w. . « Silddouly and ta;itii atoms t�onitta;ioiZ lag p atal8ll. This align;• read., ttttarauitt4dt>utaii. I iia: ttiapin m5. 1§ili�*�y tirade I ivaftellhed the I relief, eta`ittiamaad, �rTlnaiiak a(so+4l f+nt . ya i the ilftil s�eraiei * and wee A:i'e gist Dityligbt floblser�s, Kidn"s eatelaaittied, Onl t t "I r ,.,.d inay Fiwihda !tial; ft lvtuinidlt t I After simgitng alae sums ani' `hat •110' y„ 'a11113c immediately !sesta to l°colic >atfotld the i T$hilfcst "icunl:sl Prow the ttlttery I. g _ parlor, who jtntlnptnd raft' aft. Atlantic . I sdc^°au ttt�m otn,. sate$ nt kept tli6s way I sixth verse instead. Those who held o till Ilsirlehli Bridge to Your iloani .,. •„ __. - unt5l flue next e ny, finer. then I vent to ; litieit Abd sta'v'ed a thildi's lifer, ftamielt " i .- .. �I ,t OrZ&� Cci(M!" tit+s�tiYtrtttftpcacricfi anal. ata .r is rittct_,alet ._ <_ut t s r lzyfmnUooirtt pioniptly teat$ fhb fifth dtgesifetritoitjrru. 3al. "sx ca ara ::e. at. do,,A r. Ilei d1dr t kynomr me ns yell was .gravely ac'atited' upoh by a 4wuplt V ekken "fit that sign eras not tlne ieoi of Tlie ' tiro %lief to eerie or io P.sy, i. I: y iE�J ,vy'tbi4 flop', ✓Ent t2uE° it"'t"st giie5tiatl Iyta! !I 4'f �:orkit�,iran inhlmers, 'spino' iaeggi�il Imiiai F wvtt' let any stateful f t tate, lit my case, I do haat know ivlsat .; - ,r,.. � " t�ivi'#�d3 vG�?Ai+�:It:+htlWiGtt'�. lab E:#: +i"�sV titl(`r I� &'�'. �otaeaeiaac:at3eaa , , inyl��t1 !� 1Cara piij�. Idle bnstiadierac sraaee lfe-C e, to Fall it. Vieft. aea+sblke ektait Fra±�, "sem _9 ° e, rra._� .t kwxeaatti ray ltli:.iah #ur Ba r e wl astr siv �. tett tCr eta d tgestind#shale �' *' In iia t . as.. _a$1 atia$r Alongside ' et>tamrtix#. 1,� yt �la u c��a'u=fit t.aat. I� a1 cit is a mat ti a$, tram t etiti;t r fl Ryle of %nssell * wigs. of WhIe'b tlaa jT, ,y� yT O t f Is an i 1 itod t;ldt arYt t atm lir Fa, li ' . „ .. .. ."lit3 t l~l W . xn'l S`, ` ']ha:s. tvoa ds were changed lit ,atrcordt net _..._._.... -.. ,.. of luny extierlenct� aiand Smith.is R,C> s ottR T, MBZ.at "I 'Da yam deal t .Rb rain elh"�'w tZOV4, ' wyth the tltteted tondttlonls. Is our ba. iia 7itiatt {tartly A fetw yearst ala too. toad been " a < alegat anthem. ,.Colttarabi the Grin of iPaearirastaia a+ras - t:nentplogeKi for scoots! tiyotatiis, a3nd as l; : s i ii. Any one wito has once rollo9s'f,2d A, r i *. a 5 ._. m yid: nr wdd�' nt�trYarn t vi tu St rrlt�ve- f tf ,e �ceiun: "--Atgurit ut g I ;bad six little sbavers to take care of I �y ...b— ,:av 3 a'ia•.a t c;oa"� ice, elisov�; _ ..... . travelin elephant will not shave nn�' _.. _.... _ ......_ x ...ter :�Mr. e� ,�..: _ .e-. undue haste' to repent the atmusement+ 'did not have much treubtespend➢ltgtbe _._ _ r __ ._ _ �._.__ _ ______ �rJ"g uta. 3ea,�h have �Ia'd � _�. salt+ � #aa t[hn * i ''t5ratfittsai #� o s seem rtlivkya s. They mail salons at aan averabe pace of little money i lead saved. I +didmi`t s _.. _. , .., .. p'layeri5 p sit moos: 'fill bout. re9aldks9 'of the td have a f'rlend iii the wide world to � _. _ s �. , The ftov. Dr. --, a prolnitiesi�t slat turn to, and I spent tin $:tat copper for ° khis Feat me rLaze., arae$ ?F S ab,4✓ d country, and stop tot' a bath or al alliorl y but thea de ic:.�s head ard'snicl: ggtitatn, relates wroth itaurit gusto yliaal' sleets perhaps once every three nays. I a paper to examine the employment col- . "'Now, ,dem"t get flurrged. I'll follmti� $ng t;tor.y zfliont lalat3sel[ Itis Anything more exasperating than fal umn. It was aboat Christmas time present •slfe, by rte wiry, to not tate' y g a shall T dreaded cin Unci. Bonne to fare ' stralg hteih 'you an,p. Jcast quE t dealing lowing very fresh spoor at a dog trot, g gJOB G " f tis early hour after hour In a blazing sun. only ° the scolding landlord. I recall That i ImlA W nt, awhile., and 11 .,ive, your 'nand a few ' vrIfe of 'his youth: nor get o doses of etectn,eidy, and you'll be all naanbood, but the lady of leis thitii, to and at a late hour In the Atternaon stopped in front of the Harlem office ' rabad.' cihoieef and as aa, consequence that doe•• that one was 40 miles from camp, with holiday of a newspaper to see the ,; tongs set of olive tpianches spring trolls r `ester; sand that the ole- ; crowd go by. and as I did so'' I saw a ' ti - YOUR, B17KN_ B.414 IR I "He a13d it, :gnat in alisoint titre days ' no food o �t«TiIiNf k $HTE hir�$0. l _ , , _ y hand `teas straight as a string. But shivers maternal ancestry. pliant bad increased bis lead from one sign that made my blood run cold. It a THORt7UGHII,'SI: THAN NE "QTLY I rt.I�t°p1 19 `_•ttl'10E II Laveiet dealt so much since', Thee"s' "'Surly a condition of afllt3rai,' shits!', Mile to teir, it •a oUld i>e difficult to h said.. ". _ - Z DILL „.. ti • g the doctor, hnlsbt at times bei. *There Is No Reason Why You HEAB"� LLTTER 3I�_hlr:�` Evill. aYL �Ii Ira�,�, has quit h'anm. And you say you were r'. 'embarrassing 'except for the thorough .w 3 Imagine. _ Sour Cents idle. Insert a Want Ad. x STA TBMENTS. AND E-NVEl< OPEC........... 'ver pamtyzedr” anilab} however, of to till slightly disconcerted,esil, $rte r Gonda 13(*Uitir. �. HEADS. �. y. "ti4'eli you ain't talayed r'airdi irtticltr' ! feeling when 'ahortlg fare mg third alt accuracy, mteadlnesat and dis r mense letters. and I bad the greatest 'R' 0 ER Yow Y marriage I 'teas approached by trite ret There are four good babitsr-•punetu Tits pronoun was prints In im- , a h. Without the first of these time troutile dissuadln m self first ft was FIR .� ... � my daughters. a girl of 0' and one unlit► p g y reYltt4 Is wasted, without the second mistakes not intended for me, and me alone . k 'called nay Seconds wife mother, the most hurtful to your oven credit: Of'eourse It wasiYt' but tbat'sign burn. S i the question: 'Papa, *Ill IOU let b1,* and .Interest and that of othets may be': ed Into my memory, and I have ' Taitiittioet in Ttga:oi go to see you mkrriedl I !latae utyeit' commIttedy Without the third 'nothlmg thought of ft Innumerable times stases" What annoyances Italians late sub. '; 'been sit May of your weddings,'''i can be well donor and without the; '''Oh, pshawl" rejoined the leading j'ected to by the taxgatherers is shown j fourth opportunities of great advau- ; man after a pause. "I suppose It is $m- s by a recent scandalous case in the , I"hlraaleag.a►iaa FellAs ltrayriliat#r• tape arta lost which it Sas impossible to possible to please everybody with pub h courts. General Cosenz, one of the be.'. It was during the natural hlaltorjr, recall i lie sighs. I saw one in Buffalo once roes of the liberation, of Italy, Gait- hour. which said: `Attention, blind men.baldh's chief of staff in the oonquest of ""Give me,"' sashed the teaches, "'i It is A Curious tact that mayonnaise r Read this and be cured,' which referred HA L 'the two Sltilles and later chief of the:, example' of the alleged deceitful char. dressing' 'will disagree *1th dellceata ; blind. All atter of the cat." to a new treatment far the � general stair sof the Italian, army, Bled 'I peoples whereas the A11111e Iagt:edlents { signs cannot be expected to satisfy the asoma time age, leaving elle military, *"In restaurants, It is laoYraetlailedi aialal taut together without an egg (FrOildig 6 ideas of everybody." NOW York Wall ; decorations he had won to bis belisr: to bass itself oil° for a tabbit r, iriLai*ek. om!k4l1 Jd4 he'RAIIIIJ? AigeAtefi w_ .m sud 342Teqst. _. __. AsAXI) GOOD R2SULTS WILL SURELY FOLLOW. Tile_ treasury, department_ iie>amU4gAI ed': the head boy. Li death duties oll . these handl ' filK 'thaw amount Of the tea~ at ,i1*, ''ikt$:tMPlrp. refused to pay, sail alae t lrll ciArtlitt shit; Rome has just decided th. k "°liecdrA# tions and medals are part of tbo 'iwi9- }: torlcal and ;patriotic patrim�ogi •oi the �{1 country and are therefore not sub'jeet j to the Inheritance tax." r A Substitute Vo>t' WOal. Artificial wool made from turf iii atom Is now employed at Dusseldorf, Dern r. Many, for manufacturing` cloth* .'banal• i ages, bats, rugs, etc. Ten years have elapsed since the first attempts! to make f turf wool, and it is averred that recent Improvements in the processes have re- f sulted in the production of • A so,% fibrous material which can be 4pun: as readily as sheep's wool and wbj. b. be. sides possessing excellent abaaorbent properties, Is capable of being bi'eacheti and colored for use In Yarloua't: xtlle industries. savisis Is ltsliltatoa. Official statistics concerning the Sol- l glum savings banks show that oh Dt� 31, 1900, the number of bookyi was I' 1,702,434 against 1,647,263 in the prir. vtous year and the amount of deposits $127,428,143.38, an increase duriaig the year of $7,200,144. The capitalised in• terest amounted to $3,402,840.43, which, } added to the amount represented In ° depositors' books, made a grand total of $130,890,983.82, belonging almost es - elusively to the working clava. , WHAT MODERN SAILORS FEAR Not Winds and Seas, but an tax Vi r• cion Which Scuttles the Ship. "Boiler explosions are the terror t►1 the seafaring man," said as old tithe deep water captain. "Such a thing is bad enough on dry land, but lmagiuK • catastrophe of that kind at sect. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it means the absolute wiping out of the craft itself and every soul on boetrd- "The average landsman would be greatly shocked in looking over the maritime records to see bout many ves. sels disappear each year and 'leLT# absolutely no clew to their fate. They run well up to the hundred mark, amnd such a mystery is not to be explained away by storms. A Chinese typhoon may swoop down lore lightning out of a clear sky and tear a ship to pieces, but some floatting wreckagt is sure to tell the tele. A boiler explosion, on the contrary. will blow a hole as big' as e railroad tunnel right through the oentes of the bull, and the stricken 9resae simply, goes down. like, a shot. Tbaro Is no time to unfitatten ai. lomat: from, the davits or out loose a spar. "In tho opinion of seamen, that so! the story et' nt leact'00 per cent cif' tbr' ships that lave part sinal are sieve r heard of again. Luckily the alludern system of marine holier taiapaattlon Is extr�ealtily strict and thorougb, but Is is Impomsibie to absolutely prefraeztt tareti<tatnrss and fratud, and often enough. no doubt, the fatult. Flea wltb the +enptineer, "There' Is atm old artery of at drutkkam, Reotchwit'st who Mistook the t'laerr n iometer for tbo Mtcam satire and *Cu,saw ed nut" tint( fslokers btcause be couldWl get the pressure above b0i. That ;yatr,ii lit t til is $al t, b t lr � find tlarYt . n t r ryas i. thought of tllaittnofSd necklaces, aratrlai * "' t` MCARD PLAYERS' CRAMP. 1 tom far w : as °"a tr, u � tr., saatata! ** etttu>y ups* $arra 'alta not leave ! _.._ caws atlumst acs !sad. I hin f;.at. td;i &Ity After g and rubles of priceless value And aike. ttirai to air In a damp placrtaund 'i I'j! 'iastt t;<nc+r tltmtrirteaieii tr, till �1fd 'la'akiNai 'bo`�t+rr�r, that tfityt'lasg tllaa t�nsl 1ta- yeaatitt tine tiro when the ktettlo It boiling. for �i')b, the surae of 201110 slgnsl now they ID1.n.3-KENft*E0Y& I lreautrr" tfattd. `tbere bait been it steady 6,1w ar_ W u ,t Instance. °Tlalat robs them of their fresh- tnytlCk Ilya± poanrl ,e► tll0 Iftu mer Of �vtessels wttlteh *lla"� & 'ilia+y vreraw fish slltytit ax rlaofoeit .taut I! a. i`crtr t1�1 k'�r"t ¢;arallyrt�II. void alae tress and makes them .look limp. � 5F3ayottter i`tiltrllCat 1 stet iaa_ flay 'c�cw9d�aa� a, o a»st��n��cw � t p ten teGUaa ir. r,�eaat7� ar3iel tuatae� ;, 'tcritstisiy allsaapp�aa�r l:aitt els Maier Its« the ono' addressed its I IIIIS was tete' . 1Nntai�a,ttid ffiVsrtont aattita.iti laraia X.Ifk lea runty'. Ttt ,r Now fd etlh6d "'l rartliw ; • .. , .._ tiraetay to slat?` iiicrrau;t�l LL; .All laces before 'being Ironed should y cattle, rs, vere4 stns. perit:tlita ter flap, kolatnt "dl �J t ns"�, t :_s t: csf. � jt­� ' No. Imill Ema,r tbh� --� began the ta't1ter. ' 'Tend All 'd r4 drat to resuanto conversation, and eat I bapplaoisandcoalfortto tb6tisands c! tr tun- . ni iiafl, :: 4;ezt3 rut; n ad ao QlC .. •, :•': *;w I' str1ug i ey Cif boiler Inspection itud time 'be carefully pulled out, teach point t I, �, . ib 43.11, e;, u a«r=4e �tbayt rlgb Land? it "1 staid: � ireattt ttuttof alt t1a�e3Yl�t taafl � watt arca ar7tey tr7 Cure �r qct► fifty I xastlta- <, ;, w I' !treater sirClctnes.s of examinations b* Delving attention. You will 'Ise !rep i$fi ! *,- , I irle'ilitii, Ntrvrausi Ddi iltity* Syphilis. "� tie; ical.-eso', StrIcta,it'..y Gli tet, lirr atlq t ni+::tty gU641 Una, mr-c'ng anal It $lar it � 1. There s toy friend. Big all it Smitb. I isoctot I)rhiaa's, ltii tstsi:ii beltitht iii i � Icahn! %V Latt;t;;c.es. tta:rt- I I I} e tt o aal 11conve Is lsia utd to eenglue4ty, au far'Tsar trouble. alas the !arta tail colt sts sextslxirdcacs' haltaaauituallr _:le tiae�«'atelrchieatkclli ah4 n a. twico as naive and last clean tat much 1 Let me Introduce Min. Since youth clamps I,rnt itr,r a1, p,.at d1otl_t. a1 tis t in t It arts ItltYvei tlirless tI rraat Is still! t astatstii.erahali'It .r o are talking' of sights dtatl mars! leek. let _ �.. .. t d1L aft � >t� ttidt�rur tufiu adal 1pl t ' w. Ittil�rr time. . !sG7a,Ga'. eJ1' lin f'+�v ,fimntar«aretn,c.�mt �a !suits , tete tell You ,of tine time that I haat to l irate _ , , I I Llrtl _. �'1laraiil,.aea.r"1"e'si 9taiica+t�ttii�a@s ! lit'vb' any tn"tntnk tit #lr!e told '.�'"y€i*�Cals Ia � OOD I nollse oil lower Itroadwa atmd 11 lit 0f ilk taaatlth8V 9Me-. V +it�tuat ttae� t~ailr.� ta.�t�a�i�t s� � r � n ,-11 . � .. _ ,� r: a�iyw l�n,llsli rit#rglEnaili had linflxri,� �- �""" I; tsaiYtrttlalartrn�aertmc. 't<v;zara�ax�sttt�.: �. b..�a� 'kaene_a'�y r<.�. p. ,.a 7�tt � ti �� t alCaii.0 11 a1e':afi 1�.�i~ut� ¢Wt� lin a;dla�r' g�nr�t•s sgr ii�iwrad�et+ti maiert frllle s'ieiis s:C�r It young woman with a reputed dowry „ out iiy testa s hadeg of italain Ight to >yet e�itr���ni.watat�al(ws, U&,t ttety0:at�:t�r _," a rg : � l i'..,�,. lti:�.'•� X. �. a " y ,titwa from ft hatal bill that 1 r0iulelu`t . I itanrtt"atsto cttwof 3fto r�yi. to vaita g•vtt4 a vll.a-.. M atu,� a� U=e I Tte late Hea tty Itussell, hats ve taiia w 1)1? libout f113, ' wlalit± he bltnsClf !hail „ I, 1L:ar ere iflc att .,:;� l,!a,ty & %cnc� ,� l hs-lGflll scruff ter Of 'aCheer, lioy:s L' -great expectations." Ne al� to ahoy, Day. �rorytblog I had In tile, worm ,, , { D"' � � .:tae>e* tau;�gnt I t4;3s a$enl6ang `h�;�t]l'$:. It r c1tlt`.rr ahntt'$ tai ttfa5t'e' tllsti � entli4C rom every soul in the village knew about It, "ass backed inp In that tflitnitt. fiats$ tis 1 `is�•ia�a a �,,a;,,1. t'1; galnoi rill tit u;ructt { itnb:g'ai �lwhDiah were .l, Didlar Irl tht'ir Iil;il,$', j7 It somas fisc iraist Sunday after their re-, tdohllai lia9t remove nmytit$angz xvliboint,et= . , .. �, w- w , .. ,, , r A r. a "air• thN sped . _. ft ... - ... when :I - .. � - rf , �g ttrixs is'ii'z�'�aStaY4��tr$�+T�:i`!'itOlY>$, a��E[5.�'","43t��'±t.G3 .'�_.•z't�5�.�....8.� .e�.6t C:_3',�' "6CG�Nt�• $ S'6i;Lt'� `$t� i..111;N �' t1. D i7$+ll �3$if¢�' 'atl�itYB�ln�� �'jtl7@iFletni5i "�II':lt'�$ifI ..:. turn from the honey'tnooti, and w hen elting suspicion 1 thought It best to Kiri ttlteaa.. trtrt It hs spar a t"a nhra r ar t ice aaia Isiy.n trc� I.� i.{eget . _.. ... � _.... ._ _ ;, �...:: td`eE: i. Yla� %`..3,t rx. t:.a:pnv�q._ c.r.r�' r%ialat ;eftlwa�+�t to Cu"d%iCiti. 1. $�Q'2'11:�'dl '.4t >it; 4 jl'Y£' SaYn'�'i lY1$ I3ttttaliH$,4' 4n1 •tlltiiCblit'�flat,"d'itl" wads finished the pal•son i.ecp out sat' ,jail by leaving everythlny linteta,a. llecrir3vrtluerenryartd>�,p.w h a the eedtmolt tltdeaatlatt"e's{b to -p y. r 9 and thea fang ars were Minot 'of twisted I; slams. t, in -ward aarurt dlte lafanid from fisc �cv;ist ' �noer lifter reiytleriing "'`t5f'od'dliiait. , proceeded. tial usual. to give aynt tate' $aelnlntd tang. t flimst halve �vattketi alae VARI 'F4 ....,. ...,,... _, .,, {� hymn, verse for verse' to bls rnstfr I streets at least it Beek taamished and ena,iless. €!tie mi'ternaa'u i evatts pass. , � . � I i 'ro•us $scn;lt tlav�r`na�v7t�� i Spare, That �'a;asts,'y at ga?iiltieitiyatl rose iti is t ougregatiou. p p IRR . Tms sto prNl the dt:al for fisc, [Land I tate satiety tr ad aasked, *,W*t thiol' tr`ea All 'went swell until the fifth! verse' Ing :aiding an hap town street hoping to ' I, . .,,. A "Grid lhiCssr. Y et ad tetsti;tiaas+t a or�ailtE,: a - _r, ms*x�c *r y �a, ^ . 3�ta told the tiaol!lout 'des get busy, for tato I tvared. Oft bi tttiaworata 1ti taw _..... die wbenn I iia ened to loop a and r airs—waatttstYelirt rJrtcieteaet5czb#rounE�s =:� ss. IlD:Wz."krcc, roe r.aan ;ra; e,] ua r7 �iC.,i ; d � craaax reatctaald, and the palaaom began, „ ' roll la $il3yC-.:> Ni > cdtlallg a blttle Iiince&d. i affirmativehe, vaith and slgh Of heilfttkit „I,"arever let my ggratei tli heart,,, When ba'i6'' ia. sign tis big Iia my hopes were sttIe#Ai a•�cu t. "ale si,asttar� tssafttlFt at i7 ivevl w. . « Silddouly and ta;itii atoms t�onitta;ioiZ lag p atal8ll. This align;• read., ttttarauitt4dt>utaii. I iia: ttiapin m5. 1§ili�*�y tirade I ivaftellhed the I relief, eta`ittiamaad, �rTlnaiiak a(so+4l f+nt . ya i the ilftil s�eraiei * and wee A:i'e gist Dityligbt floblser�s, Kidn"s eatelaaittied, Onl t t "I r ,.,.d inay Fiwihda !tial; ft lvtuinidlt t I After simgitng alae sums ani' `hat •110' y„ 'a11113c immediately !sesta to l°colic >atfotld the i T$hilfcst "icunl:sl Prow the ttlttery I. g _ parlor, who jtntlnptnd raft' aft. Atlantic . I sdc^°au ttt�m otn,. sate$ nt kept tli6s way I sixth verse instead. Those who held o till Ilsirlehli Bridge to Your iloani .,. •„ __. - unt5l flue next e ny, finer. then I vent to ; litieit Abd sta'v'ed a thildi's lifer, ftamielt " i .- .. �I ,t OrZ&� Cci(M!" tit+s�tiYtrtttftpcacricfi anal. ata .r is rittct_,alet ._ <_ut t s r lzyfmnUooirtt pioniptly teat$ fhb fifth dtgesifetritoitjrru. 3al. "sx ca ara ::e. at. do,,A r. Ilei d1dr t kynomr me ns yell was .gravely ac'atited' upoh by a 4wuplt V ekken "fit that sign eras not tlne ieoi of Tlie ' tiro %lief to eerie or io P.sy, i. I: y iE�J ,vy'tbi4 flop', ✓Ent t2uE° it"'t"st giie5tiatl Iyta! !I 4'f �:orkit�,iran inhlmers, 'spino' iaeggi�il Imiiai F wvtt' let any stateful f t tate, lit my case, I do haat know ivlsat .; - ,r,.. � " t�ivi'#�d3 vG�?Ai+�:It:+htlWiGtt'�. lab E:#: +i"�sV titl(`r I� &'�'. �otaeaeiaac:at3eaa , , inyl��t1 !� 1Cara piij�. Idle bnstiadierac sraaee lfe-C e, to Fall it. Vieft. aea+sblke ektait Fra±�, "sem _9 ° e, rra._� .t kwxeaatti ray ltli:.iah #ur Ba r e wl astr siv �. tett tCr eta d tgestind#shale �' *' In iia t . as.. _a$1 atia$r Alongside ' et>tamrtix#. 1,� yt �la u c��a'u=fit t.aat. I� a1 cit is a mat ti a$, tram t etiti;t r fl Ryle of %nssell * wigs. of WhIe'b tlaa jT, ,y� yT O t f Is an i 1 itod t;ldt arYt t atm lir Fa, li ' . „ .. .. ."lit3 t l~l W . xn'l S`, ` ']ha:s. tvoa ds were changed lit ,atrcordt net _..._._.... -.. ,.. of luny extierlenct� aiand Smith.is R,C> s ottR T, MBZ.at "I 'Da yam deal t .Rb rain elh"�'w tZOV4, ' wyth the tltteted tondttlonls. Is our ba. iia 7itiatt {tartly A fetw yearst ala too. toad been " a < alegat anthem. ,.Colttarabi the Grin of iPaearirastaia a+ras - t:nentplogeKi for scoots! tiyotatiis, a3nd as l; : s i ii. Any one wito has once rollo9s'f,2d A, r i *. a 5 ._. m yid: nr wdd�' nt�trYarn t vi tu St rrlt�ve- f tf ,e �ceiun: "--Atgurit ut g I ;bad six little sbavers to take care of I �y ...b— ,:av 3 a'ia•.a t c;oa"� ice, elisov�; _ ..... . travelin elephant will not shave nn�' _.. _.... _ ......_ x ...ter :�Mr. e� ,�..: _ .e-. undue haste' to repent the atmusement+ 'did not have much treubtespend➢ltgtbe _._ _ r __ ._ _ �._.__ _ ______ �rJ"g uta. 3ea,�h have �Ia'd � _�. salt+ � #aa t[hn * i ''t5ratfittsai #� o s seem rtlivkya s. They mail salons at aan averabe pace of little money i lead saved. I +didmi`t s _.. _. , .., .. p'layeri5 p sit moos: 'fill bout. re9aldks9 'of the td have a f'rlend iii the wide world to � _. _ s �. , The ftov. Dr. --, a prolnitiesi�t slat turn to, and I spent tin $:tat copper for ° khis Feat me rLaze., arae$ ?F S ab,4✓ d country, and stop tot' a bath or al alliorl y but thea de ic:.�s head ard'snicl: ggtitatn, relates wroth itaurit gusto yliaal' sleets perhaps once every three nays. I a paper to examine the employment col- . "'Now, ,dem"t get flurrged. I'll follmti� $ng t;tor.y zfliont lalat3sel[ Itis Anything more exasperating than fal umn. It was aboat Christmas time present •slfe, by rte wiry, to not tate' y g a shall T dreaded cin Unci. Bonne to fare ' stralg hteih 'you an,p. Jcast quE t dealing lowing very fresh spoor at a dog trot, g gJOB G " f tis early hour after hour In a blazing sun. only ° the scolding landlord. I recall That i ImlA W nt, awhile., and 11 .,ive, your 'nand a few ' vrIfe of 'his youth: nor get o doses of etectn,eidy, and you'll be all naanbood, but the lady of leis thitii, to and at a late hour In the Atternaon stopped in front of the Harlem office ' rabad.' cihoieef and as aa, consequence that doe•• that one was 40 miles from camp, with holiday of a newspaper to see the ,; tongs set of olive tpianches spring trolls r `ester; sand that the ole- ; crowd go by. and as I did so'' I saw a ' ti - YOUR, B17KN_ B.414 IR I "He a13d it, :gnat in alisoint titre days ' no food o �t«TiIiNf k $HTE hir�$0. l _ , , _ y hand `teas straight as a string. But shivers maternal ancestry. pliant bad increased bis lead from one sign that made my blood run cold. It a THORt7UGHII,'SI: THAN NE "QTLY I rt.I�t°p1 19 `_•ttl'10E II Laveiet dealt so much since', Thee"s' "'Surly a condition of afllt3rai,' shits!', Mile to teir, it •a oUld i>e difficult to h said.. ". _ - Z DILL „.. ti • g the doctor, hnlsbt at times bei. *There Is No Reason Why You HEAB"� LLTTER 3I�_hlr:�` Evill. aYL �Ii Ira�,�, has quit h'anm. And you say you were r'. 'embarrassing 'except for the thorough .w 3 Imagine. _ Sour Cents idle. Insert a Want Ad. x STA TBMENTS. AND E-NVEl< OPEC........... 'ver pamtyzedr” anilab} however, of to till slightly disconcerted,esil, $rte r Gonda 13(*Uitir. �. HEADS. �. y. "ti4'eli you ain't talayed r'airdi irtticltr' ! feeling when 'ahortlg fare mg third alt accuracy, mteadlnesat and dis r mense letters. and I bad the greatest 'R' 0 ER Yow Y marriage I 'teas approached by trite ret There are four good babitsr-•punetu Tits pronoun was prints In im- , a h. Without the first of these time troutile dissuadln m self first ft was FIR .� ... � my daughters. a girl of 0' and one unlit► p g y reYltt4 Is wasted, without the second mistakes not intended for me, and me alone . k 'called nay Seconds wife mother, the most hurtful to your oven credit: Of'eourse It wasiYt' but tbat'sign burn. S i the question: 'Papa, *Ill IOU let b1,* and .Interest and that of othets may be': ed Into my memory, and I have ' Taitiittioet in Ttga:oi go to see you mkrriedl I !latae utyeit' commIttedy Without the third 'nothlmg thought of ft Innumerable times stases" What annoyances Italians late sub. '; 'been sit May of your weddings,'''i can be well donor and without the; '''Oh, pshawl" rejoined the leading j'ected to by the taxgatherers is shown j fourth opportunities of great advau- ; man after a pause. "I suppose It is $m- s by a recent scandalous case in the , I"hlraaleag.a►iaa FellAs ltrayriliat#r• tape arta lost which it Sas impossible to possible to please everybody with pub h courts. General Cosenz, one of the be.'. It was during the natural hlaltorjr, recall i lie sighs. I saw one in Buffalo once roes of the liberation, of Italy, Gait- hour. which said: `Attention, blind men.baldh's chief of staff in the oonquest of ""Give me,"' sashed the teaches, "'i It is A Curious tact that mayonnaise r Read this and be cured,' which referred HA L 'the two Sltilles and later chief of the:, example' of the alleged deceitful char. dressing' 'will disagree *1th dellceata ; blind. All atter of the cat." to a new treatment far the � general stair sof the Italian, army, Bled 'I peoples whereas the A11111e Iagt:edlents { signs cannot be expected to satisfy the asoma time age, leaving elle military, *"In restaurants, It is laoYraetlailedi aialal taut together without an egg (FrOildig 6 ideas of everybody." NOW York Wall ; decorations he had won to bis belisr: to bass itself oil° for a tabbit r, iriLai*ek. om!k4l1 Jd4 he'RAIIIIJ? AigeAtefi w_ .m sud 342Teqst. _. __. AsAXI) GOOD R2SULTS WILL SURELY FOLLOW. Tile_ treasury, department_ iie>amU4gAI ed': the head boy. Li