HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 3e TemaIca ilea? Mrs. Grund7. rer your MIAs:0 about 403 MONSOON
'teZYLON TA. have erted It end must say It le most deliciaus. My
tenebeuri :tow rime's teat breakfreet is something to look forvverel te.
3.4”:40:1•41.4:-..,:,,1••:. +++44+4.44 4°.e.iHrts.1.4•4•4 4+4444 +444444+4 +++++41.3
A Pretty Irish Romance.
4 :OUP Ma L.
eupposee Le:el/ea seye, thought
*lea • eliat there ara dotod ham,'
eouie itottraie1a Ix laud? Melon Cepi.
eery . air tastane.s, Lfly tuouher told
Imewas mete a fine ull pa ee 7"
Sloe gitinees inquiringly at her
eempiteeei es: she seealts th youag
eineuiae who is eteu aug be Ida la r
the doeu of the (manual 614 eaMar.
A yeatig woman iu a tisice, well*
Wore :ester, an.1 plain, biaok, felt
eat, with a et:rale:1re sleneer figure
rather above the ea,(idie height, with
isoaaeeteript featuree a.lid rattier pa,.
&LIcoati,I aloe, an1 the r p. e eee air
Of Due wee is AOOttosoraoa ti: ob y,
lead 'Altar, see, aind say :mileage"
Abe yat, her meth:ale is scarce:1 dee
efereattel tesoutet fur a waiting woi,
elan, ea 1 Le ley no means fameier eat
aiugit fur a friema
eali yes,' she says. anew r ne iall.
Ban, Witt speaking se compo oily, and
pith web appareat goo faith tIta.t
younger girl la ver suspeets the
tu owitaat wkat It does. a,
:Wrest of reeeileteeleil eater% "There
are, really, I aisura you, a few
Use onie old country houses in ire -
Jame Pieces quite (It to dve in you
kuurr. Just as Lome of the scenery
ea -quite etas, I dare say you wel
:toned .er It. Sorne vleiture eonseler
Jae lake en I rueurital actually -re: -
eller (. e 1 Stop you will coa.1 eer it
No, too. M es ileene."
*Tit sre are a great Deny bogie are
liter° mot r Gallen eityte rath
eine Ily. Slie lv rattier afraid of tide
)lately dress° 1 Jesting woman with
eke en.reamtle valve and Lh ketily-
brilllent eyes wisi h :Ire. generally air
elefnurely thownt-reet,
Thee tk elees Deane, th young tr-
eoi, USIA h r trompanion. wile
glian b *enl •r escort from Loadiel ie
only la Mt' pc:vitt:tit (l peruenal at.
eteolatit oil hoe. ;le sit • ie Letly
eititeueete Immo. wft. L be th
NOStI1S (kt MeMdlt O „y. lea 'y :It an.
tette h re, IL d 111 writfee her
orseterui ast 1 oar al intitat6m. hot.
led will !Laol ray deutt d •Pam.
pegille, Liao 0 Nile to to•cort you to
li•tillen I, ely 'deer little tem tilee
LIM the pourie rvenfan h 'role as
Pe,Vireo otwel 140Vz-1 t, 6ill.1.0.1 Imattio
ei tees Lteherse t:a Svelte Nen
elateroa. b i ial i•art ly Wet ily :
"My moan ai Aare:. 0 NAB. Mos
Semove. ea; I am woe er Gaily Lto
vete* wititleg women."
As: 1 reeve how, /roe: thet tit 4.
tient, trat I to Ito itt a. h ,Ittore an
lextrer•It avto I. h te tele a airt of
e l' el' Anne 0 'et II reel re
rsI)Vin teeepa u Den at aa co foe o
Ilene Mil 'el 6 •tlitaatly feelt le sect, 0
Ike 1 btalt Aimee° N'tee lit qe leste
* roam Da atonete. Paean ig.
as .trLw-
1 1 *a i that. e.
fel eteatel In a great, taleee ehere,
said, forcing a deep sigh, and with
a lugubrious expreosion on his hard,
full -featured, slightly purplish vestige,
inferring the existenoe of deep heart
woes from his vrldovred conditloa,
which his silent, meek little daugh-
ter, watching hlm very closely out
of her wistful, brown eyes, soeretly
arid utterly disbelieves.
However, eir.e Deane makes pre -
pa Pate ne for his trip with a great
many mournful allusions to the
state of his health, and kis acoul-
°owner: In his "duty." as his mete -
cal man lute told late to take care
of hes health; aud has beim most
generous in all his arrangements
tor kis 'daughter during his ab-
sence% as she is to reeide with a
farmer governess of hers at Brigh-
When, ail at once, not a week be-
fore his departure, comes the cor-
dial and graceful Invitat on of Lady
Jeannette Darner, of Mount Ossroy,
begging that Gillian may be eon-
rldat to her motheriy love and
care during the period of hoc ratite
etr's absence.
And the ex -alderman, delighted
beyoud measure. has promptly and
moil. gratefully -wit over -lavish
thanks and compliments, indeed -
accepted the invitation for las
daughter, and entreated her liaiy-
ship to draw on his bankers fur
whatever may be needful for ills
daughter to have in. the tvar of
toimt, visit ng or traveling ex -
pelmet: or rintrildug mestere for her
ecluelt t Ion.
It la a genteei and eatternetory
way of latistally reimbureing, her
irtalysliip for the expettaiest or hie
dr: it ell I. er'e beard and 10.11;111g at
Mount Oseery. and Lady teitner
knowe that It Is, awl IS ett tA, cue
"end • I eentrnit 'my tteleved
egad wee- e1o14 to yelar itt ly-
ehago. a.ti her tio:ol..4 an Melt raitit-
fad gam:elate. kratowleta; that tar- can-
not b a be sato in tie* ?Metter Of
.our name and peeition." fr I) mar*
arevet, in live %/at thetor„le 1.•tt,^0. whielt
lit tiviatO is remarkably well.weit*
tea anal 1 verle per:tee:la' W 1,
woe: tri hear:PO - t r1eLt In
ramble' obeeit ate flevel c .1 C71.4(D=
SN' an I ft laden ee aid w 11. b* pat.
toed. and :it when It o 1 lee
et te 141 very heartily.
'Tee man tallio a tf 1 Were tile
Oa:aril:an ane et all tle • nettet inteme
et Kettle." vete WOrpotglily, efltITl
1 neV,e ant,11Z1 .?.aW hint :41 MY iliff3. Aind
EinfiW 914 /OM ,•%,1 (lett 31e.
Leiner e C,3'L•an tharreel peretaa
0e5the4nle-etaae-at reei ereter, tut' tal.
lees teereeeet or eecii •i1is sIthet
hind la Lettere. eame twenty year::
ieetf, Aeol the k'.11.4,7 entetee catatleiree of
niff--need 2t11.3,7 PRA Cutil#4. t4.3tItt *1.3-
tIn 6 il.Yar f•TItil :el e ROI
roe a nraotte a Loraete,1 bat 1
eller never etereel tot
Et %Er0 5-1.$ 17,3 51 '-
"Ala :yet vta.Int. EitTV
" Ui'Jt:T.7.Na111) :!faz,N,
"Rent ae eyehole' One oeut pleat -
ter 1" liter, hateeseogo weteete, beeh
terepee. and reliecele,
teat 15aiie cor,t.ar-eatiera leo I t 0 le a
pleee on tee dey tefeve tie:eat:DO =-
MA and tido 0D:0.0:up, wieele eteielisee
ouriorie aatageaistle Coolie:re lre
;et nature rear: hear% for tlie very ;
ir-e thee le Miss ON. tee epeeella
heat the teog,s of Erelaral
never Gotaed ntother eloesak te2
aim," elle Faye, knitting, lrAr Ldco.te
atzel Weave. "autierigh oho: liereen
• I llearl there aro e't 1 to collree
al feats ve et ice re Del luau crontoftetee g
lei:ilk a aesuZ1,. gliritl4VJ eat tole; eta 5 or;
*or 1tIr.: r&t ilet a. hoe
Lite. !Sli-7.71 0 Nail 2
p ate, effse1Ot1vetvet•
fine. her. ooteateeat Nato b8ek teehrowe
aat rale e7 evonternee *biota +Out.
it o1' 1 Os e'rna 5. ° tee. a Neil
4t0ItIttlan wettetat any lettatie An I love
'ROI there aitiete It esnee oT half-4ee:1
Mee eel eeporou'e toeleri Nil" toot' iletatel 1 r
ese D." .11 • Nays, s el at ly. It er trona
lee Nee earl bitter. ' At feast teat
estettly lanne felettairo illargifam
tater deseribee It. 515 -;so Dee-ano. eked a
toe rept Lae.."y lant 5 tree, lael heir, tit
Wort elev. hazel seen evety Veng wattli
Veleg. 1 bill et" eo 17 mete eepeltio 1
Of iteecribleg trte tea -biota ae poor
Xrelittel, el. course."
eVello raptnie feDey r callata
eittke-i. rather ore iy. Si: P lase taker;
•t$---.1t1of e vaerie
▪ dleillies to tilt very reeved ef
tide nein motion-
al. reetalive girl
ear tria 1VAS97.'p; ant t reiterehee.rt.
el wet tenetriall. peer lien. olitlirate
leo he ate heirese t a feara 'eel :Moses.
eel emelt. really trq-A 1 of a
leteetley reterel innate:vet erell ale -
tee• tete :tete ane eeereee Ire
'glee „ hot P1"0 in tre, Pliee
Ati fed or; the eorsert tre
ten/4,14:7-r --at'NU. epee- ••••61 erof th•
Irene" testen ea3
ori wit e lareeteetat
leatteelle-ittre eee oat' e'eeneet, cro*tet
*tame. rata ebt", berauby emelt 4 tettev
ferettree ate 5 cereageeteni telatela
*Atone to a aril:eat- ciente. v -la -el
tintAttost* kivitt-r no 1 with tmlaer.
And yet the elelet-ehe tooke 5"ttle
1-norer, threigh tS eVit'r PfiZiPate,ora
Yeere meette eel lettere-
lealeareeel it ehy. leviret. realeet little
ert ever pterane: close to ;ter
tiere; prat tett ea seie. The pro-
Itietrtng frree teteletu ales, eh.
beeta eovered more than a oear
An?I flililan Define, as lonely rouoi
ItiFittlirlot It girl as crter aerneoli a w
AllowPr ot a havrelted theeerted peerele, a
tone thit with the lees. el Viet gen- o
.ti e end le 11 reet-har she has been pti
'Utterly oefemned. ti
• leer fateer to her bed been little a
leore time n. c1r3f4.".; tile retiree al- ti
'teermiea b ono of theee eXC011Pnt p
eterente who do 1.verytbinte in tire v.'
to•rel,3 or their el:it:tree except love • •!•2
'etheia. iind win their loVe in return.
(Milan halt seen lese Mat ever fir :
sliiep• her inother's rioath an so °It.
It hos beat with ne ;meg at regret,
.00 teviinig orNiesolatiol. she has 114 -
'timed when her father has armoeneed
'"to her, abent noo-a tit pvieiy
'thin latentien of Ereating a 'rani in a .•1 fo
trip to the United Stetee; to h. ale el
esent ream Migliqnd for Merit six t
linontite. Ills health b •ein far :
Irmo good 'lately, be Iv:toted ,eanage
teed toeslog, mud bracing op," lie k
toe! me of Sir. Danier. atel Ly
Jeannette, alai Oeetery, ;mai
the .reeets' arid tite 71t,' tlVqed.jt
fast ween she tvao a tare dad V3
Hid at Meant elootry. Who ie Cept.
Bingham 1..acy
"Ife Lady Dam er's nephew."
'lass aaswers, eeealey and r
heir fay; "her sister's SX.9.. I.ady
Lemete married Teteonvel leoey nreeei
then tEerty yeers ago. beeeve.
anal the hey. theereella toot beentloo
flinea, was 0-0-7 :,.ca" 103041• ft*
wales tee yoo *48
eeves ad."
"Ohl 7eLat tvaas el'ey mane"
f tarot eneve eten 7" Get an re...aeve,
temeefatiendy. "is Pie mit caleeer
Liao &may
;ass O'Neil answerer'', more
brdefor tied eoi ane turoang
asEdo as If to sni the ooneetsatioe.
'We are a:most In, Miss Deane.
Bag.yford ciV343S not 0.70tC kupesatig
front the river, Claes it ?"
She treks the question with some -
tithe; fake a raalee etas smee on het.
tOoto,eatirteav mad she
t he took of di
_Delay deepantee
Delarrer big, dare :eyes, and tic"
white, wan three face that peers
out of tele ep:endie sealskins arid itia-
b... w iith the garesio ilearess is
T f fed.
-No. indeed," Gilean answers,
ith a shiver, as she looks
cross the d• .e wide
tee reser, ani sees the rickety
ockeare er, th;) ero deal, re :-
led roofe, sunken, with age,. the {Hi-
p.tiate.1 !Ames tit* r at ie. "
:nieces, that ue disfigure the up-
ro.tee tO t1e. earesit. au hilt town,
ith its spleail 1 aptay, its gray Dan-
n tower, alai Its Wel wore 1 look, m2 -
'P2.7' up t fade grey, Oki, nate-
try hero -tease* on ten -Leo of the. b I;
1 one tede of the river. and 721:4 0.127'
her the grean aucai.ow-lande, the
4(11841 herehts. an 1 the Ni LAS 11.7)i1
reshot:saes neetli *r; here atel there
teleaget the flit el eh stout
P079. "It Ltoks meet ers"rabie and
Morn," tee gi ene at, with unelher
"'1-4 ell the taowns lreItind
7701 00718
• NO aide " os 0171g11 el re e how -
g the edee of 14 177 teeth', i o a voice -
se huge. "Th_re are leer of them as
goori ere :- leelitrid, is Bueh a
Wretelled: •feae% you know, Wee
Deriats I • Criptele Lacy lay:: that •tei
•Erieliste Erielale •aleraye teL hien tliere
is mit one renordylor vebee•tied
Wish wrongs eenerellY: To take -al
the upper clesses-the landed .gentrY
you know, tliey are the salt of the
earth -.to take themesafely out of it,
.anel then put. 'reified under the
water. and let the waves..of the. At-
lantic: flew over her from -eerie:Oder-,
gue to Cape Clear '• ' ••. •
A deep peak flush conies to Gillianle
lila-pale (ace, atte her soft, fthY
%elle eyee sparkle ani flaell.'
"I do not care who eeld that," she
says, decisively, "it Is an Ignorant
and wleked epeeeiree
MIs O'Neil limes keenly at the ME -
cited young face flee atemiteet„ and
she laughs carelessly. • • •
"It le about the only thing which
pswahoertiledla„ye:,eit.:.111seatec"euirloi nelst.1,1'euEnelesreirlie's'sed"
voice. "I should, not euindet. .for my
But the next taint:tee erhile Gillian
is glancing at her, dotibtfully, she
speaks -again In -her usual coldly res-
pectful tones. ..•
"I see the Mount OisorY:coachman
Is waiting with a carriege to delve
us to the rallvvay station, Miss Deane,
as we have sixteen mile e further to
travel; if you feel able to go on with
Your Journey this evening, But If .you
are too tired Lady Dewar 'desired
We to soy ehe begged you would not
distress yourself, but stay. at the im-
perial Hotel for to-nIght. It is where
Lady Darner hereelf always stays.
when she Ls In Ballyford, and it Is
a tolerably eartlfOrtable imtel-for an
Irish hotel, Or °purse." .
el ant very tired," Gillian says,
with a weary look, "and my head
aches so, from the inotion of the boat
suppose. Do you tank Lady Darner
will be disappointed if we stayed
here until to -morrow, Mies O'Neil?"
"I am - quite sure she will
not," Miss O'Neil says very
decisively. And Per a • mo-
ment a glimmer of eareastie
sinile plays over her race. el.ady
Darner will Melt you to de whatever
you tank best. Nisi Deane," she aeds,
der:opt:malty. "Perhaps. as you feel
111. mealier train Journey 'will make
you quite worn out by the thine you
reach Mount Ossory."
"Viet le just wh et I am afraid or,"
Glillen says, Impiesively, with an sip-
peahno„ whitful look. "I wined rather
not meet etrangere-Lady Denier is
qulte a stranger to me, and everyone
at Mouet Ossory. you k.now-when I
feet so .•tiipid and tired. I think I
shall stay lure tied evening, If you
please, Miss O'Neil."
"It le as you, please, Miss Deane,"
the dame de compaarr,nte correct%
with a fright sruile. "Than I Elea! tell
Dietestrthy to drive us to the Imperial
at once."
"Stop a moment," Gillian plead*,
with a theld reisietanee to the new
err:um:ern:mt. "Will It Ineonvenlenee
eim. or the eervonte wire have come
tO ? It Ernous s ay to Aura.
ShOrt tew mem from tile end of tho
nirnite. thisalt I will go on, Miss
•O'Neit ; my head net very hail. and
I thinh 1 Annie! reel oind to know I'
hail done with trate:el:is Ude even-
But Wee O'Neil uttere est word of
alfelee In the eerie,: timid unear-
th:eV ; slip sireterees reepeete
fulty impeeelee eneen ire attd lo he
gravely ante; epee e waitl tae, ne
vented reppear. omelet the contitia
tool 711111 beette of Itindlriet. fer Miro
[Wale' tc meho Up her meal. It reihe
43V!!t mote. tate:one and more tie.
Certain. Gate ollent detereitee to Ve '
eapeleiti tlea petted betreet
"1: don't Mirth 1 Waal! IMO Mee •
ereiele and Pea Gaffe eke, tibeelast
me." the airl treatterre witio
Nome arofteeoutiete 119 ale liorrietee "
ravel on the t'ay, elle 0 II
"eel follotve ter, ".'ked 1 oho fuel '.•
anal 1 tele% 506,1 rot to ;tit01
learteeT. (St' ereet Lade' !armee*
Mir flamer leNI their vieltare te•
Diatitt tait 51 raneot /se eeeted
Ver. Mies CeNtela Is g'itiege direette -
to the eeetearree.1 2.4i)!••4t2J701,,v1.01 ;
We with las Diane re: leis teat. Pe ed ---
bee tow a lengthy repee itu 144417,N
le eyeei eeanteve, .t
eetortet eheiteero
enure. rake ea hoe; &ell teree:
VEt;11:09 Szmt-A,"' etelline tektite, gatete
ireseeir itoe. tratl:!:tr
OW teeee ettelell Avid. Oa
tO;PPV V20.9Vf;--41.4 ole,
telegs Mei teetro are weeetei .• • .• ,•
leave Net, this areal day:: tied 0.
7100 tlOt Prate'. fain?. 1 tee:eget. e
Prisla wealetra Were all pretty. et
Wo;.' reel elirake. took cestr:31.,,-.t
thee and heavy. eirei there 14
With beautleril IrosY chetki and
fentir-euelo a pretty girl, latigelee •
-• ti• 1"
Avel laughe a Reno, cee • 7
e synelatery wite the gay leeeee:
and the lattice:taws voice.
°Illeseet !orig. lite to ye. eie 7 it' •
yerself le Int tt r tete
entimehistle gestm•e; aiet a Leto.
grateful ireok sea lice bright eetee,
• reizee atter tee
leas jest acee•-•=seeel
Gillian may nottees 5;lete,
Fealties 5,5.4 wee, tbeeee, 'she etre:est:-
A lea35 beeetteeseee11
1-7183,7, ha a lieeet I
seee t. tea a eel:doe:m.1 tee• 4,
tilar seetvieg beareee
A• z; feet telt.
" they %lee rezeo.eam„" Gee
egeteriaeasore earee eatee5ezen dee:are '&". i •
valve toite ee I
argument, ell-itt tee leer t "' •
GI lien hue inaae ue her mind t
. see ,ow- e :lel roome, huge "'turf
fitoe-se li LH heere they burn "tur.
1 III Iva:ad-ant waiters after eh
, patt, re u, eteae Le. heten red hair
Ulf ,A) o 0, an A retainer, in the Int
e eau: kiutel in Delly.ord.
; e le tilk.romee ra.her amaz
ed ane taken amok, who
elbe Is et:seared by bewitog attendatat
dreseed to the regulation black NUit
O.ad White ties, througli a lia,ndsom
hull, mid up a wide stet:case adorne
'with evergreen pleats, anti statue
auk! rose-colored gas globes, Into
lofty sIttlegeroom on the first floor
W lore 1 urkey rug eo lie oa the polielled.
04-t•ii bounds, and handsome mirrors
reflect the enowy window cline ins
the Jardinieres td splendid fachsies,
the velvet-eovered farukture, and the
"....i,acettilirstnyL:11.11.110:.r.atna.jelsehinlainipzi waisth wIbilteeli
, BULLI-gluati and 711 ver laid for two
I Miss. 0 Neil ordere tea and toast to
1 Irlale an hoar. immediately, and dinner
' " A pair oT soles, a duckling and
green peas, ane a •gooseberry tart,"
she eays, but tire waiter coughs defer-
aeiraittiltzletilly., pauses, (Ina looks a little
I " blener has been ordered, ma'am,"
he says. " Mailer for two, at six,
,, ma'am. 13 op ane lobster patties
and roast elaekens and-" ,
' Hes been ordered? -Who ordered
it ? ' 'Miss ON III says suddenly, but in
a lower toile.
"I really can't quite say, ma'am,'
the waiter answers, coughing du-
biously. "1 believe It was a gen-
tlemen from Monet Ossory, ma'am ;
btu I ant: vet sure. Ile was to
meet two ladies here, I understood,
mienm---" .
'Oh, very wel! That is melte right
then, Miss °Neil linterrupts, in tier
Flierpest, coldest tones, and she
wieke away abruptly to the nearest
wielotv an 1 statels looking out, as
Itile tea-tray wall its 81 ver tea -
La han supposes, for the curtains
hide even hey face and figure, until
the deferential waiter returne w th
lot uf strong, higleflavored tea, alai
fate silver jug of cream, and silver
reek of dainty toast, awl elied-
elriped ectreele of golden but ter.
"What do l'e'oui tea," teillean
ilay's with gir 1 h enthusiasm, drink-
ing it telger.y. "I feel tuy beadactie
I o.ng away as fast as it eau g, Mtge
O'Neil, ani 1 feel so drew.' an.I cum-
i hut he wants a :lab wire."
h 3 g anee ati I tile aceent seth
8• 1V01111,311‘ht:111.rd mita) WastInUtionla.!,8 uttered
01 lien criel :on e anti her beart
e th.oes f ast w lielegreitan,
• that eeeme to be rather a
versal w int, esp wiLla hen
tame, char:nen youla 4 of.icere," • he
hays w at %armed inafference.
bode .11 1. not t isepeoin ‘ed wit, a
8(.0 tee fa. %Mating per teen, a.ter
s• ,our 72srptijn o. lune M so ON 1„"
en I ales, laughs a little coatemptu-
d '
, o us y.
eut the elder wornan-for Anne
a O'Neil has pas el git !hood uy
• icene years -m ate; rico r• se n ;P for a
minute Or so; :Joe then her head lo
eown b. tied she 18 aoking Into
lie: 1.8 up as Oa epeake.
'You WI I fine bine I fel eve, Put
What I have eitser.bed lent to be,"
eh s terye h Iter, e„nstratined tone,
"ele latincleorae. A fair, high-
bred le ...Lag. teen. • Not tall but
ti n ler an I well -made, w:th gra-
ce; us mennere, tend a Kale voice. an I
o weet, 071 emit e. A gallent &l-
ow too, who has been on loreign
eervied, am! one tif the best ridere
Lott best eltote in Ireland He is
eu.te a young girl's eheil I"
ciojti not .oek te than new,
her lame is restine on her hand, her
ringers toying n,rtou.ly w1.11 her
cue and eeo .ri, rend leer voiee 114
.ow no if ..h.: spoke but to here 1E.
"iou are wer.e in Captain Lacy's
prehe, d Nal," 11 au saes, a
1 tee ma.1 toe ly, hr w an in.y in-
stinete d t meal a eel taeu suppre.s
ed interest in the other wontao's
words, and she el:need aue sees
the eueuen force change uf man-
ner wall which tier remark Is re-
-Oh! Warm hi. hie praise? Certain-
ly !" elie says, in lair ()eke sarcastic:
totes. "Why shame in a, A hid emine?
II • le the favorite nephew, alumet, I
may eae the tney, favorite of Lady
Lanier ! My mattress' adopted am -
that h iiv teach mesel( to regard
Captain: Laoy."
' Indeed :" uillen says. very otioey,
and with a slight, malicious smile
ellinpeeg about tier live, et aue mute
an.s.ione to see tide here: Ile is quite
a prim nifteati uf *eirlees native
" tepe Met Heade
Three gtellike frl a le -
Loa e, vial -r, wit, lorever
he is a little startled at the ef-
f of her apt quotation.
(To be ConLinuede
Sho Inughe gayly as she nestles
dower to her eassy-eltair, with a
tee dieb We faction in the warmtla
to the firs -f ir the July arterweeri
eie 1 do creelt to Jen ary In Its
fere aloat hio, .
4' WI riarapil '-an hu ,d.ve 11r rich
h lei 1 her hat aehle. hat pre -
e se. to keep 17 o iztantle en. ant at
Fh. It's bate: iti It •r t. eleiter. her
•n•ter. aortal in 1 el itti tit,-
eo 1. tee; eval 'n an! la •r NW, o
little ft:0# elterrirel witli •ieet, tule-
PP beetvri• hate peepino up 'fire it.
Power lo •m the ef olest ea-
i•I a elle des Lea, art freagi.te a., a
ve re' a:lettere-ea d to' htartinen
tit pro iue ity cere 0414 70%4407.
eta welito the wn 1 neat never inew
te• the tun leait tat y,
etel eatte 0 N wet:tieing
tee teeth a Lie time debt er
.iii0111” regard iti :ler derh.
O em, tvItio eitintirestiel hoe of tit ti.
int:are/ice. inteure !Le burs lt, ;vitt:
(141to C Sal Mtn etett"Otee 077 .oli q4
tb it tiP' V VI 14.,00 perm tare
eflentie. erof letteweet!le,
fair, eeneeer. ralei leeete ti
The deeL, IN 3 ti iaee err
Irene of teen •• teireleeel
etelearer res a WS: 1,4 .b$M740 ,104
lOtili, (11 7,03 ; 11,4, ti!*P7, ViDt4R+str.'f'
1-44 .11 ,)m,
are Curie ;-117 U:17 her tocap tee euvere 01
Laid of Deete. leveieeteent.
'1 Masa/eel ve-aaalie. PO- iieel ale
the gene, 0,..a o:all5 411i
thP Davi no! 11 to. t..44 001
Mel alatD'r.D Pf ano featefece0
then:rem 5 ee o'..es 4- Isere- 0.0"%a•-•,0
tetterly "Dalt,' ion E RE.64,,t"
Ore tea eztoree tleete-aleutee 60 0.0
efanerainee wecte Ilea, e and eegere-
ileithe tif,nrrzart7:. e,or ef Oleo
!pot. tepOr eieett• tee -7
Mete ten trp:. F. it ,i,J;,;.7l - ,W e
tent/elf:4 ye:51:3'5-e •; "0' .010
tea.: Met go -Fate •:er
the to OO, ateletieceltly eeeeed that,
obeark t?„!/13
111341' Preterstaateol tree t7.'411,,,Crt"
reelY thee :TrarDer e• en pereeeet 3 ta
batore we :tome. Mass (e°5"teee ea" Cat
"-tkee, C.7141n07 VMS ordcLINN6 1rtorE7 (047
&One, U2SS 11.,VCO-Lle," Nee ettosteteeee toe
So Say the Sufferers F orn
Chronio D-Ipernia
• y I *
l'reehle Tbet Maleee the LICe of Its
lei lam Alumna t‘tarateerotale -Cabmen
ereatteettee, ti tetra Psalooltterateu„.111.te
ritaree. a Vete ate elf eateueret. seed
Diereete t or reel.
'rein Leese:Mr :3,1 Neel, Jr7.
ft..:41r4,16 1.17,114 ta g
✓ tirgeetier. aro eine :owe 13 ttle3CO:M..
; ere. Afeetoet tieiay ene hears nente
r 0-;40 veeele.aoraoiaie el the teretureo
• celeste La- :la te• ltr,"ro 4.1 'loo. lift.1 40.
:to ,L0 ta air07 3
czarrh,7Pr (UV, "3 V; tth teat; daetd."
• Arta etre wo-oetere- etakrang ,10188°
; feel eleeereetee earreet rev fratage
eeesar Nee neeer tioree beers:
Areeter went feateelf Maes 0N:4e:a ;
iraquirc at the ternallUS- sure."
"I, he Lore Gilei.ta &ears in 30
CYNJIT'a v74:n•0). tvaritea loite sed 1.
012;1947se. -1 did not kuow 0:3 had e
business in D.ollyt 08-2.7 7! 1, - •g
etnyins lisre! N 7 at tee leaefeeele, a' t
" ma'am, :Lee etor,e•eig, at ; Os ory e,imply to order dela .r Nor
on,'" the -ether say% lee. %vette
ilE11,41 CV,7t3'243 t::.asia Lott sulf-
P el Trete O.. "Yee v5ette.3 in a cen-
etlet 1. 2., fr. !f.474,722
1 010 Levee eemela ptevileetera, canal
a ate t•.Deret
t23' 4 I:11Y) vaull eg7.9tTrfii
. elit-o-eye reealatee ttat
13S. et,
. 17'9 O'cz43,t1:p.:"
41171 q:ct.740' a
; pm.y7'tvr taaveue Oa Noire, 300.
Ceeeeesot toed ;goo eeeeetverag seezy re:7
iee ieeeeee atal seatieteterit etere
thrse yclarS 6 V;?;.40 0181,180
IF-.1f:Ag.c.1 hero tete Leer-
'.a.uttept hee Idler eattreg
1 ;ea ae gene, ieseev Weigirit etrit9
007st... 1
LiCk'4 CI*
eep r beeeetre areateeo zee- epee!.
teee errea•rteers tsoy eervess were CI
aee 1 7.104V7,!ye tV,StItt;&I
teal: a teeling weer:ewe, 1 Wila
" atre to 43 VC -0Y V2q.Ve INt.301; afA
eiee etaeltes 11401-nr2 ae, Aitiereage 01
!les 03 .e.55*.e,e• reeneeees 2 42s
101 -mei a:eel foe a eueo
teete, Drialie not tee ea try
tee Vie Leetee Pie?, -eve 117740)1.8
O 010J1. 4(`1•___.,,2 23 aatets
e.etet reeee tV.;70
1'.16* 11 62;-11 7.1.,e11.3
E-,,,'-i7;42zr,., etot,eed itegerettos-
; meaat ;-n-1 Tar areetzereee
the USP Ci.! tire eeseezt weae'ee,
eteten lar myseet
eut,.;61. are Z 0oa55 as 1
evete- wee lale ere- etfe, arsd
steeeezee edvise. seeeieer seliere
tee.: la. try De.. Welter -nee Deere rens
nti 1 r a -.zee af 1.cz
t ea as taVe."
Wietettee Pine lees core by
rate ot the •Teseatee.
'levy raeke new. riaie red
ettc-R4t;,...7a the ceoreee need zees tone
ergo t6te weee seestere. eted ales77)
dealer:4 setseieente. or sent hy reni2
eeassotgoerd, .17* -3 terate :a tee, or Sit a
to;eee !or $2.1), by arlaireseareg
Dr. Wii"7:ants° Medielne- Breek- •
At t0i reee, lee :,t.erettetei te
ttelee; GE13iteD Cerefe teseere.. eueet
deteeze: eke*. glee liteat • ^07.1
ere De 0:014 r5P aVf tee etreee
gentle esunte 5icatet eeteile
'There To envy, sereen„ !vete, oi,e,Ilo .047'
reStiESS 636
"ay trate- Itaiiiieep. or:3•',re. I see: -
meet:" Giliteee eeee. free eat. teerete:
alto-le:tag Ceti: her etet eta',
speeklag ceileey nevi feeieely Re Reit
seetteee see el -se eteeer, ?fete
siraes raetrareeel'ee, eel?", et-er
711.9:2ag C.S19 %041'7'00 J70
het te.dete p eleeirel iteee
order dateer fereee Toe. et; 2. 03 lee
Phone!, oLtuttiletir wish:toe to 11.1L'7
7 •
4 TitiS,7 VETY heri ell %tee 5" teilet tan
G:t.78 tn'r, rz!ThIS? ree tetier.e: tbe
neageeratil n respeeteul ettente-n
*la ell is deep:re:5 ha -settee teaneer RD"
1710778 0'€'Wso stuterneat. "&s0720 ,
ptan Lacy come le iresera Yeeeret Cs -
0777 s raniy to order deenee Toe es?",
"Capte:13, Lley &tine122frere eat
Qatry ENotel." the ceateereee ; y
ee`.31 showtere, in a cerel, meek:nil-a:15
mile. °I clare• Fay Ire was 4 beht-
ed to tete tee
in a stabdeed tome, -ere ice's gee. t
bark toe -ale -At as see:ars ;flee Pines e5e s
he told bre."
'Of; : wry we 1,' Mise orNea aaes 1
bristly, and tan nee; aroma.; she Laeits • D
a little startied to see that 7.3 L
crowd hats eteged eLias Deane el.;ese
to her side. t
"1 am very sorry, MISS Dear, *
she lug0zos, eari3eSt:Y, 613 -cot
coach:men 07714 jeet toed me tee:* o '
has been a sight cople nt w
line, zeal the TO.1,ii a ifIn8l12i3ti 3_- A
hour or two. I ate arrel1 yoii *elle •
go to the Leperiai after al. mite !
we heir we ate teaviii. Yeti tv e
feel bettor reter 01te.,,t cl a. 0 7i,r•
or hour, I dare eay. atae tee,
reach Matelot 0..e.017 ttentgut e^ '70
°2 am very glad tea have to etea2".
OOx tiara an were weer p wan
"at: 0 1 realty do not reel et;,. IT
to trave: ;my furteer. We 17 Li stoy 12
at the imperial Hetet 0.73-0171140.please, Mies 0 24o11.' lee
-leer e I. ..ss Dcent." 240!ie 100
O'Neil aequi. geese eel efelialy defez- t
e.ntial as ever 74:
_ .
kat to we'oorae yoa to lecieni. letise
eane. It Es east Me Captain
'Indeed? Is he so very gee:eta- -
Wed.?" Glillan :aka rateer 00071*7
'Very Missnn,w,rs wiltl; 72
nr0i7l Ilo. aol St•te1)5 at tall'el
Ala a tooriefue letti. Leek welch
leil ile can hide. "Very.
lien it suite him. Goed-nateriel.
inil heartee. grim -voltam erat re i en I
hernerig, wean It stets bent to be
'Whet is he like? Is fee, heml-
ine 4. Ge. lien ask,, bee ghlash Ceti
t•te, becoming excited. "I n t
eink 1: elial 1212e leret elm -hew 4""
*Oh 0 yoe w 1 be sure to, like Man
!se Dean ..-* s O'Nel says few -il-
ly. ce. ret tleat eneline le; Osl :That
oreea fetes.; etil, '.110-.hen:t-
ine yeene; or 1 'et..
as0 ti.o evin 7lain '.!-; la tee aionn-
Iv ince :04 ther heart.: to -Ca/t-
aint pingliare Leap, I assure yea,
A Perfect Lleuld. Zoete:rime ter
Teeth (And 'Breath
Soz dont
Tooth o der
Both forma sozodont at the Stereo or bar
elan; erleo,2Ite, eseha 'eoarge tot/ether, The
**ire i-Treeelefeeee fee++ 4•4 ilelelepet
• -co•
Ti,ani hi nin Centere,
On the foilowees morning,
1 egala seeded foreh. 'fife first
spread Carat feli upon my ears
tai'V eiveoolgtrned;:igtile.'m' rouy aw1701,7L71 nd
were the sot -dere of the beie, woo
tor two hour htJreervanteed: in eine
ele ftIe touog :Islet etas eez. hieerope.
keep.sie (0kes) to bite anuosee, eeee our
41.14.I.40r from tee no ortt.it*e
Mustmo.ra moree 44411$ 214,144 LiLal 804*
IOW osereet eau ()Aiwa kitteentes.
trebeIor woe reolseee oue tile
cow .1.inv:olwasagorlissti.: gi :at 11.811.11,41: t44,1440:
teetime Oil 0111,4 440Y. Xs% orywitscia they;
%treat &hey were reeeao. wsta. iekeerta
law keen Ukkiet.1 darted; the legit two;
mouths. Alter the ,afautry came
Isauteriee of &LAU
eleare ooze:roue tie tie -teary. A .1.1ale
%tee made at, tile vete otoove Wet-
teteeae, avberet 1 era,. rereauteutee, Mad
tile coinnieudeng olileer, 01 yoaag Ir le
low, 8111. 4[3,1 a ag Lr.iot7 441,1,
S/1.t031.1 ii plata or .searuettoes. eilee
0*1.011 two i4 tee lien d,e,,tg d to:vur:5.
su a persuo wou. the erowe 400.1
44 0.-4 41 cutuareaufet, te art
foe; the tie:trace wet tea officer a
80,L14 477771 close re) litatE 'OW/
rut 1.1 -ole." 1 eset • takeueltt 'that be.
fore Pelee I ithould itear eh: same
etentureu . given ails regards. rapt Le la
its.:0 tame than Is tketwil tlt 001010,04*
aloe tate: faet. the oar ter telt wete
eleaeged a row ya...a. awey . ou, Ol
the 78 '01 pat th Dua -me olt zee ciao:see
pot mime Death e viettinei eitiolte
tie:: Lawrie 1410' 471 Lea Ewe* • likd 'Other,
-hus,1i0t." Utfit3,16,..11 ane pun d Lite trig,
ger .74 vetto.n. 018 ,„ 14. ruara
Hof watb &avutterite lotaucentaa. oria
Ei,817i4glasatkte.ay.ottotel. pour eletliert
A mato 770 .73 .12ee at tik.± ea'al"
8. ittreet tir 1 two (704. 08 tuella
ell it... Nat vvy 741 t.izt •pf. .100 01*.
171.0 tee loiter ,r. et'S 7»100' meat butt
feeletrat 1 he teat mei:ea tat Prttle,
17170 ail tree woe D east have IttiP•
p nee." 'ite • oflieer pa lee ota
1! 741 an 4 70.7 '0. 104111 C144' :army lime
M re.
velvety' tv te tee law ot 0br
0.03'•c4.1.:7,.. %%era °6 yeete traitertee 1 lee
ite etre 1 toGiael Ce. rII a. t r 11:
Irn10117. et!tt eet 85047 a re* e
11, - 0,1 P:ti kid 40 Y(777 e4e7040.a.7,er. feratt
teen 'Eff E'J•14 130 11 teere for
te't, :net two nateeteee bee 1 tIrtilk
It lis/ feet c..atv."
sa 0471 17i,t 490 7teiteluestieeteetee
Teo 073(1 0.00 :000 A retest:, ee • ea
zee:nee el „ere !to. .PL Oa' 1
afeeee in 1 atoela toteee tete ate
Et n ea emeteeteoe Teo,'. hurtee ref
oart,e t! 1. terteeete.,5 eitr a le
e1 daIg 7.5 SAi eteelf •Itei
at ale, tfiltJ 04.03 eireatiel elle seat
eepale en' -2 0 .6) O0L1 til.4t1 nal A
f4- U.; 0 14:) a:ease:Jeer ef
ceeci • 2i77, Li • 00)39 1,.Ef1,
tl,!! ViriitElt 4.1
• tti-e , ci4. • r• '4 1, e E.. ettep7t*
973'-t-ro rs04 71ten Leetteet
tee raze ee 1 ite %vele s'eaa.E. Ale 1 We
teeti :Stele ave.ae eeeta elee lead teeeet
1 12 1. :Le Wl.FA"A tile! rat
‘2.1, wee Leer C;;
am .0 re. 0 Dee eel :tett t 0eee0.e4 to
0,74, *'47 1! 417779 fee 0 oil.* •
eve re .Ike ea see te:iatail.e.." We the
• treeeosei eteet that [natio •83
Rene ,eate Pee te; the prowler:le deer
tfie !eget lett epee geeno,
a -title a ireteteee eun :eat oO eionel
trey. evee astairl.e el to to* he
Nee eeeees lel the c,e,earage *tete
12.o6.7-04 re, tee, streets, Teo re,
ton wes teet tee se:testae tail del
tFee 0 tetel and De eat ite.epette eettota
ed Wait 0: coiseesteene Itteee 0; fi •
ilesel. Nees* evetover. 1.12'te teal,
b. -en set:were (t71 r0atirt, nal the elie Off
Was tie tS tee vete slienieeol. thee
etreete were te-e enel teeet. Veer
0.12'P.oraela eon:. at a spot tetiere !peeve.
e0/11 men Lee: Ueee eeete„ 00.0 1teal
tette Reg Oa etteigieth etreatce
gottett. 0 0 ,te, fettreviloet
tele day's nrasearee, 70 00 tate
wee p 3-:0 00. ae ital.
teet-teR e We aeor them eateg eave:
me:re. vaire tveta... too Delete -pie -el
rereeve lo. 1 riilia= 9 0: 74 44140
thO0. 0.ellee.0 .e.tcze ezerr,e tait.
40)14111 t'alr 4.0. J44r.S' -hete.ses."
i1100.,12 eee et I sew 71ee:03:g Mit
rasa ot 'the 1 giteeng teoatt Le to tee
poet In elfeel tveat 004 alrove
Eeta.reett,ee aee 1774the steeetv
iRead Expziles teeepai 2e24271 ateat. Tiecate
were IE.!) totem tee. ger the teen**
gave ao euerter. 2o eeere 72i77e:131410
wr/S". work teetattal and ezetreethrie,
ear •at (an 5 the Eterareat Exente
01,10/1ee1, the lreabetelie wrath, thee
fcatzlen.c1 mon elevaeartnee. betto.,.
'ICEI•C° part et etee elteo 08peoceteleefiett
the 0,2:111Z7 -;-0777t, ta• te• wroll
Vitre. 0.!e-1•3,;`. ect vete:a:table tc,
o Roe, nail leitoil Ceemeei a. ghastlier,
First -Clues etair
Tee ferrate e arrow the eteentry wee
angry. Re had gene hit.; 71berher
g:It7p iriP41 the depot: anti 01110 bereer
ware tateig to roe eio. ele • kgir-er
easktel Eahre 05 0.4aa ter 12 hoer teat.
The la ruler roarel. 03 led tize barieer
teat -tele 47021 pelete.1 Le- tee eaea..
' 1:- • 0:17) 0. hanker ince" aee ete1e125
"Taoaree eer elti sire. 11eteen eeets :
Ter a first-eettes ltair eut. Ye eerie
ga t re7'a7:ittl that."
"Leee aters. lay iriget11." get,3 the
bereer iereentestioely, "Ziatts, <get
seyst 13 e.71tA 'kir a rarsteeetee %air
Nit ale reeet. Pet you Le eenet got
firet eins,a heir."
Tee fernier reeriitatoel eve:sent.
eNVel. I ere ee ttat's relit be '
Mei he vt,i VI- el 1 ;with reel renetber
*ord.-Chien go rEsireme6
Pleate ae Iteeenteeeee.
To 18rete511 tee weathee by tweeze
ed Lowers and peauts can]ite an
terteresting eteeeeo. ET tite tete:mita
does not Open tee: 7 to the eiterning
fe. is certeie ratite one rase theme
der. If tee eloteers tee •teinter-
green going to mice
Wei tvoceeiperei dateirts its • leavee
b f.,re a teeeey et. fereateeling eltear
ske•12y t,'0,-7 072 DerIera•ent erpecieer
400 t T fee aalt tract tle'4r
5e8.tee0 a:. tee ezeareeteera oar a etorne,
Et re': 5 reen tees eeatele day :crag tf
7055e floneee : nee certeraweei ;era
eieee,3 up. eat 50 wit: be Tine if titer
ope0 7ee71 ster,weeey 117 :the
flowers : ere hat: cenzeal .-1. thy their
orf est, nenatet. Wet e10e1-ne,e5 tire
geoete-ra le irereertel uneereareste
quantt°y 0,17 setels Oa the: netito that*
Itozi dog -rose, „