HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 2alt Broodfort. They were swept up
4 tile Britlah oolumu3 tholt 11,1110
0 NO boi'exi to op-3ration In the Itorthern
part of the Orange River 0.;Iolly,
that King C-dward wIll probn bly not
,�,,,., to n,,mborg or Cronberg, but
III pw,�,
,ecd. direct to Potsdam to
awali, there the arrival of the body.
. . � - : --7------:�-__��
ThiiD Vinprem Frodorlielt , w," l
*owrwy o� 11jX11, IIIWJOctual attaill- �. I
n sympatljj.r.�t4. I
Ili the , sixty yea,m 0.� flor lifo k;lj`e ENNUI W1 ill
moate and deep hume,
-E -,
I -it
ko.xl, blLukA.", and dct��,ors are ba-
--- .
Cawried hergelf With dt.*161ty mod pro-
' .
Ing s,,nt froin bere for the.rerugoeo.
Inim 1130 tlU khtltleit or cattle passed
Empress' Wishes Will be
10,111IRNbs vithDSHICK.
33efore tile nation has gone out or
eaVing tile iniprowlon that
�blrltlltwyolulid have been glad to do more
Vljo�nl.; Drift yester,lay. A uumber
mot truing for the death of
foT the peop'.e of her adopted coun-
-- I
of natives fo,Lwad tile trek and
killed any cattle. left behind from
Strictly Carried Out.
) iotorla of Great Britain, liar =
ta,-Y, if her opportunity had not been
cut ob-ort by her husband's untimely
exhaustion. This meat 'they Idlod
daughtev,, the Empress Frederickof
death. Hew brothim-, Xing Edward
%th Left England for.
anl divided ou the voldt ami then
carriod to thAr kra&13. Many native
— --
Garinally, line paused away. In his
"Life of thePrince Consort," Thero-
VII, adiulred her greatly ,and there
I vvU be no more sinaoro mourner at ,
families obtalia foad In this thanner.
doTe Martin savii: "On the 13th of
her tjoilib than lie.
Fatal Accident on Owen Sound
� I
'80�fh Africa.
Thu rof agees ,uo all In a wretched
state Or houlth. DiphiLlimla and other
Cronberg, Aug. 11�The remains of
November (18f,U), the Court returned
to Buckingham Palace, where, on
I — -
raLL.Ignant diseases are si PrOvalVat I
tile WwagQr 1�,mpresis have been em-
tile 21st, the Princess Royal Was
I ':Per
� �116M�N
of ThL[NI
Branch of G.P.R,
�, . � . .1 I
among thum that additional medical
bultned by Prol ...... or Ileavers, aad Ile
torn, a In onlent; only,' thel
1 Queen says, Ityas tile Prince (Al-
'..., , '�
all has been sent to them. The
ewbm!ded Ili a mass of tube and La
I .
� . 'Arl"", ..
phy-Lians are barryaig 8upplies of
MILLOX111a f,r tile diplitheria cases.
bvrt) divappointed at it bel Ig 0,
Franoe rjoes. I daughter, and not a tmn.'11 loll tile
In accurdanoo with thii ox ressed ioth of rebrnary, 18-11, the
Small numbers of l3oor. continue
wienes of thi deceased) the the Queen's
Was the Empress Who Died
k;urrawler it) the Orange River I
Colony. Batches
, vursary of marriage,
f�ervloes %Nrla be as simple as pos�.Iu,o j tile Princess Royal bnpilized at
of prisoners are
un.ler the circumstances, rilv,) Wdy
11ackinglinnil Pah�oc, roy the uaiiies
on Monday.
, I
Verloalcally I L
-- I ..
wId remala un the bed v. here she died
Victoria AdplaiJe Uary Louisa. The
-dl Xltallane�ls Proclamation
aloe ... fostiteitio Approve$.
uixtil ready for the (30ffLn. I
Tile ruses, Ia which it is almost,�
Pponsors were the Duke of Saxe-
G6tlia, In
Engineer Killed Uts(ier Rjagista,
)00 More lft�etugees Ga.theved
vo.,mronteln, AsIg. 1I. -The Pro-
burled, are from tier privato gard,u,
Coburg and represented
,be Boors More Active -T110
CI&MUL100 ol Lord KiLchener in re- I
fereace to the bank4hinent
ninny of the blionis, being from Lualies his absence by the Duke of Welling-
ton, the King of t1w, Bulgiang, Use
In the hamlet of Cron'berg the Em-
Brakeman sculdea to Deltill -
Alla Warfare May Lmst a
from ;
S'o,mh Africa of thoije conima,ndants, -
oultivated by her own hrmab% No cite;
vvIA be allowed to view it except tile � Queen Dowager, the Duchetis of
press was aa.well known'to the poor
Uravel ou'ri-ueir,)(,ttubt�dAci-i(ititit
rjoid cwt,ets6 and leadera or armed
members of the immediate faiull7i GiouceRter. the Duchess of Kent
as was QAicen %ictona at Balinural.
-TitirLeen Garm W recked-I nq to ost
, ,
ban -dig who do not 6w-rendor by Sei :
and huttsolliold. I and tile Duke of Sussii-�-,.
i Her manners wore simple; she was
a, Aug. 11-11lie, Boers have
tember 1,-)Lh 18 highly app!auded by
Emperur kVi liam had a long confer -1 On January 01th, 18,58, the Prin-
ce 8 110 I
s ya Was Married to Prince
all early riser, fond u! riding, and
ubually taking that form of exercise.
Owen Sound, Ont., Aug, 1I'VIxo,
ward bablit of upsetting both
tile loyalists Of the Bloenatontelit
entle with Count von Buelow to-d,y. I
He drove from Homburg to Frieder -1 Frrderick William of Prussia, by
Part of overy day was devoted to I
rowt d1suotrutts rallway Wreell.Ln.tt
calculations and current
iolish.3f, and soon %fter his arrival- whom she had seven children, of
study or painting and to receiving
has ever occurred oil tile liwost.
, Mr. Chamberlain has de-
Lytteltoll Also Sails.
there the followin,, ulf.clAl announce-;' IT'llOul the present Emperor of Ger:]
visitors. Few wumery have excelled
Sound line of tile 0. P. it. tuok
tile third stage of their opera-
London, Aug. 11 -Lord Milner,
weirt regarding tile funeral arrauge;
Many is the o�dist. It Is a coinct
her in endowMent, of natural gifts,
D "brigandage and outrage,"
after keeping a private engagement
Monte was made:
dence that the mother of Frederick.
which f,he cul,ivated Ili every dirce-
tion. She
Place yesterday afteraouii lleifir
a. Kitchener has proclaimed
ill the cooanLry, embarked quietly at
"on Thursday the Royal family
w 1A attend the funeral service Ill the
the Great of Prussia was also an
English Princess, Sophia Dorothoa,!
had been known to con-
verao on Veno,la,n art with the most
Proton Stat,on, about. thirty mi-Lus
, when the burghers must
SouthampLon, without o hk.�r public l
castle, at will It the Bishop of Ulpt no
daughter of King Ovorge I Her
i learned Italians, Li cuss medical prob-
fi*u tit OI this pislee. As a r,muiL &,,a-
om lawlessness under penalty
denicojetration than the cheering
[Tow the Wharf. Uoneral Lyttelton,
wl 0 was summoned b.v the Empress,
husband was also named F�rederlck
IfUms Willi distingulcibed physicians,
gineeir Lumpbeil, of T.orvnLU Julio-
�nd distra:ut of property, and
who has sailed with him, i,i a capable
will Officiate. Only 'the immediate
William. and of him hts son wrote:
, cap quotations fl om tile Ellgli'th poets
tion, amd Win. AWL4-aw, a br,,ice-
o floor w)Ljni marked talent for
family will be present.
bad an Industrious spirit In a
I Willi literary cognoscenti, and with
man, are 4jad, and LAroman 4%.�-
wzqtars and military critics
minib-trative detail. He was the ber
"S.iturday evenlue: the coffin will be,
robust body, with perhaps more
I her chisel add life -like touches to the
Auley, of tile Toroatti-iAuvemuk; 44-
otested against further soft-
d mae Water magnanimity
commander under General Buller in
esi from Fried Pricl) shof to the capacity for minute details than
Protestant church In Cronberg by a I any man that evm- lived,, and If he:
featnres of the Emperor Frederick
upon which a eclebrated sculptor was
YWOO of tile U. .P. it., and jk�&U,% -1616,A
murderers and pillagers, who
the Ladysmith campaign, and has
been na,med by militairy men as Lord
vice will be held In the presence of - occupied himself with little things,
I engaged.
oacjLssrR aijoUler I)A.km�IU-Ll, WhLo"a
Kitehener's sueoei:,sotr, el,her before
the family of the Empress her t It was that groat results might; be
11 memoirs of ihe English court
is ul. Alave,u%:A, .,.ra Sto Lko
liv-pital hure
entitled balligarent rights.
or. after the cloe-e of the present
household, and a rew of her I tile consequence."
give interesting details of the early
burioilwy sujaiud.
I comes an of,hAal acoouat of
guerilla o:yeratloau. Lord Miluerld re-
I � N
- ----------
years of the Princess Victoria. I Jab-
wr,Wied tratol. wa. ujitj wit,$,
rUglit U,::tweua -jLorouLu UwL-a
bare of a block-lionse In the
turn to South A.frica will probably be
orate precautions Were taken by tile
Queen and I'Aince Alb,ort, from whum
bouild, aLJd W&I-3-i-d ok lot L-UAk JAAX
t)f the Orange River Colony
fo, lowed by more pra.c,leal meabures
than Lct:d KlLohoner'v
she Inherited her mentail gifts, lost
car., tile ma,urli.y of t1i U,:4111;
it attack as baIJ as the as-
which Lite Uaioal.it Jaurnals are mak-
the reason of the visit ' of prince
4.1111ALIeS, UUU Ulu IoU.U. It w,..b Ia
ipon 'Steinacker's Horso In
, Ing a brave elfo.,t to commend as
Frederick William of Prussia to Dal-
iriiLt.rge ol LouUu%;Lor .&Utt
ad, one of which is deborlbad
state6manliltle. TIze re�umptioa of
, � ., I
moral, In the autumn of 185Zi, ebuillol I
vir;w waxing t.,iv raj 1ruo..a .,.Ru&.Uk
I In press detipatchea. Tkese
, milling OPOMOORd at Johannesburg
. ,,�,,V�- 01.
a Su8pected by tile Princess uyal. ,
$he was thou in her isIxteenth year, �
to .eA-.ea,rLui4, to iu"v u -,y lvx Lao
bo.k.aWkIVAL W%lmr"., dut: ,wrd .4
Uairs, whAe ttisial as opera-
. co -i a ta,-go scalo and the widening
' th
I O. -? areau where the
- -Q�X�W.V,.,�,:�a;
.�l I
�--- I
I r- ZZ,/1. �' -, .
and her parento wvre anxiout-3 110 .
k�.Iu. *.L.Rlu tr.L.Al WUa ru..AAAA6 dA
msual oc-
I cupat.looso o. poaesl can be conducted I
. I —
ovllr,�F- IQ � I
ehould r(malu fancy frva,undl aft,qrl
auuuL Lasrty jiu.,L,s "a IsLow �%a.jk
wo are ki fighting with
� wilt b.) facl.LaLel aa rapidly ais lioi�
XW �- -
coilf'rtnati. .)I). 71 s�� I ret a i tion i were ',
*&,lie smvuloiLi�v wit, tAke r.s,a,A .A4 a�
AL va=, an,l not shrinking
j ,,.,,,�. TAdi wid ba a Vrae.L!al mol.ljo,il i
� .. -
. 11V er -
us -le 9 XW* tbs., 1"Jil-le b�g,4.1 bird to '
ou-U-ItA iL.4 tur"ed %A., e, A.... -VA
.tacklng fortif! -d posts Simi
0 In(letbig UIR., Boer a,gamarlt from '
5 ,Z�t ,
J-14 le, 6,
be allawc il to vvc#�) an,j win lili,; bride
t ar. I �SL.111 -1.� IM.C4 U,tj ju..& o %..A"
laxim li.e. chuirly the time
i HO, land that tho war la lit progress I
/, � ,?- "-- , J� - I , LL
M*p , ;'. ",
bt-fore to left tlj�! ctountry. Tile
IIgLu U1 Lwo o.tt,r�, ttk� U,,RaA,...�-A.11-
yet coma fo.- reftwing the
belfterent rU,
4its, especially
I wljl no, rigns o' abate�� nont, and that ,
/ ...
Queen telIq the simpIn istory-how,
" rrlt:a" offcrt'd " Vicky 4
ing Way twullits let'L US UC.R,&kR,.
ie lighting Is desoribeA "
the DriLholl arm' I
7 O., t1-0.UOU mull La
held up virtually a�-i General Buller's
*� � 1�
I �\ . ". . �11
z;, spray (of I
1011to biratlic.- .aud Psked for liar han-I o
't."j;AjA1%.-1 "Ra- ARA"..119b...
'b", A. "..'Va
Engkiteer Caulptich W.L
it Brawifort, L,)rd Roberts'
ti g I co Ili hl -i marcili from
� army caTe Wtij.j after Cotentin arid
I 11
I .1
In return. The rwirrktga took place,
ypa 0
aftcarward Ili th St. '�
out ol Ulu UALoj Ut 111.3 CLAAW14, aq,�
tola to Pretoria. Equally
. I
,z. go
,,, .
= . 1)(4 Royal, in great stat,,!. '
Ula lK).1u,:rvu. tivaue u. ".u.;- u 6w
nt. Is the renowal of Huer
- - -
Whon tbol futuru Empi-ror William,
jai to Lov 6ruil.sti. .u.aai ul,&,% jo...o
aa the railway lines in Cape
Lord litte.honer Not Wounded. i
I I '.
was bern the letter t)f Prince Albprt t
Wen lulAxtit"Al. U1101 44.1,10'.'LA ti,m%z I'Wif
Even arxm t)mlawis li tile
LorrJon, Aug. 10.-Tite War Office I
to the Iroung Ind'itber contained a
%V ad Jl�kr.A..Iy coox.t�d a&"
ol two Iresta outragos chow-
I ha� reocive-1 no advicos glv4ng color
t. i '. 1, ,
R , I
I DY. r.
trIbuto to tile talct. t
ltt,4 oll thn Prin.
Uw t1buj4h A's btf4i'lu. L Ir --4,,.. a
tjin Boar de.speradoe.i cau-
� U) tho rumor clroumtte,ll b.y " aat-,V�l ,
, � -
vess Irldeb he had Peflillously fw:
4kA'0'� Or�y likul* tk,VA.U.,� b-AIdUll
t1,011M. and t4a;t tile Gnal
agency !,it tile U At"yj $tatea that
1. I
^ . jr, 11, ,
toredt 1* voll MUCA, however, brInT �
Iroku tat, %%.I*L 410%.14 ulkl.v. �,X..oi
' "Ve war 11,111 be ettaraeter-
� LoNr Kitelaptler has bo -On WVanded In �
�1� �
: the Ilope-ful W111110"I Xvith you. al�ll 1,
jasall Luo.raw, who o"o ra�&.sf; %hit %bo,
L C. t'S 3r "allton barbarlty.
� it sk rmish wl till t tat) Donre- Tit - runwor �
riot hhlro, him away with a blush gin
lVV-JAllV0VVo, MAO &&d,A04 t%l UILL *JA
�L ,�'Iltetl. Lord K,tvh.�
I or,,_,�
a,13, %.1 evk
F 0
,�% .. I
" um-ol to hide yonr dr.11MIllig13 In r,
VAL.Eirk! LhAt'y. 11,�. It: lo%S, k.r..N.- "wkift
r Goes M40
X to Afrilea.
mer"s eu,toniar,5 d,i-p,xtelt�-s rtarlk-'
- -
tile poritfoll,�' T1 on t rcolt Sit th-It. 1�
J�AuCwStellk Wilto %VW� ro,"Aw., 04 kthe
, Ang. It.-Tewrd bfilner,Gov-
W tile War Ottio � this attornoon and
eojlr,ajrje!j nf� rorLT& rice to Any atml_
I -9 I
� 1,11,
,,f � � ,f, I I
ot L
I1,1111".. It is F0 b"141 thall, You MUL�t :1 ,
ree W -awl Own Porth raino Into) ,
eult]Lre W Lilo-, trA.4%, LLPa'%1 U.k Uo
Lit. L
I .%.otAwj jur seate Uwe 4 r Ulu Uc� t.
tke Traziv�tal and Orange
dir Mt to jj�m.
, , 'I 1;
1, - -
� a,q ip J , .��
, view Fornothing SPAI of br.'auty and.
mr.."t., 4;sud IL %V.S.-I ware'l wto tuv% a
01),V. 111PIC On,glanll yester-
� -,--
. �ffl',r" -
� ,9
., I. .
I talo�zt.*,
t1l"I.Ar Itt"W Ald tile 48,414,"Lr. 04% be,
Q-,� a dueolate wasl:L%, b.ank-
� Itruger"s Itealth.
� �, AUX h , I
� —.—,- �
%vaawrcoi�vri-a 6pit,me, 11, We %or R,tAW
Ul= WhOn 110 left throo
413. �111S 11011tin,r. WhI0111 fol-
i London, t 0 tile
.";;. l*j..j d,gp,.,ttt!h t
1� I ;�-�
,� ',,�00%� I �
- �v
- KRUaLH11 1,1114. P01JR001.
e '1.4!' U " 'Rt t)%r rt 'b"' SA4ji,kr4-'%j *jRt C�
'�., b, z
i�.w "11m rcv,&%.,se, mcV.ri,u ,uta
4iC1jxA%t4-3L'% of Gdn. Dotua,
Xcorn!ng Lra &r Irttui 1ln1%eru;% eays
I, itit Mr. Xraxk�,r a h-�aL,h is utc, t tin.
4 0
r I I
I A-- 4.)- IL, �
His tasuall to 6—w rusitv4l -sutfs
UALW, eobt.1:5.113.10, %4 041, h Sludic U0 R,ato
ew2iw=1m1n-c.def, thlvt
, GMV.'stn0torZr Hn rtL.tirt a at 7.80.
It 11 ,;. - -
L . .
i P041pilit! It*`4Pl0t4P4l.
Ohrio.htf. Allsk, tu.tllcu 41A-6 %�VoLra
I . r vv.w p irsonAllY UV3
IL In Vic consideration of
ri--mi4 at all �nl-,bh an,J docs illot again
rctire entil 5 o�f+vulz.
1� _ -1 . �;��
I., -
�," , , t"IL � I T !�,�, 'T
I I'll 1 �- I
1111i'v. U 3 P. V410 &44, fitilt-14
C, r M MIR h
%Ato-ll t,)- 4611%, I r0t,i V btAAA1, UAhskAt
_4L .
to,v;, wu.virof' ,i,urd.l l4e)"N %1h, p 1.1% of
er V Am'. %V�&s Ono of sev-
4 --- i
- .1, � 4. .1
11% �. ., - �
. ve,
jpautw, csT a M,..,;i charen to Proloria.
t�40 4oC,I,AQ,jlL, it.ij vja�! ok.j#,$..P.t,rC
! a$ , t1w lk-411,4h Goverill-
A Froisru tophillett.
;4 .
4 N-% A -� ,".." I .0 , 111, Ri " I
4:3 . t L
w trLu%M3rjjr, Ili ll,ft , Ugj��.,!.j V'Ult#,�� vo-
11 dit'Allur %4 ,I Vow 1h:1 114wly T.omwi
wja� V�ao r,eX.l,aVt%j xr.�'Rtz U21-stu L4Q M.
ting an arall-�Aie... 110
i A PAK'n 41(16P�ttrOl Crays'. Tile "I"Ptntis
6 '111 1. L. 2 "
, 7,-,' 3
� ��, 11 , , t'.1',
;, ,I ",ku
t�i. 10 I 11 , .k. L, . . ,
, l and
L41� .,- it 311-
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Tof *4 A% o ,C
aa,A lu,,a, -, u nt lro-m U�
ducipM of t,tat'-!Sl21lhnSU,d.*9
A41"kand -r hik'a allusit b,l
ri I -in; ola 1A. -d 10,�i Js It r's 13r elam.L.
I "IN .1'.. , . ,V'J' .;
-IQ A� , ., , ", -
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vr 13 �*.4 *Ut 1�1"I-f �1'
li'll" CA" 4121"0 hlj�'r ." U"LU 1344L"Roilt
rllj�lij'3 JjnPj !'T 1)1'3 Ill'% jlj�tjvfl
" 64z, ti,*41 It 0 U -N141".
t"514. ToOntifW
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ZS- .� ,� I..."
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It An-,.Avat-olll c,iniC:irr, nZil,
bll`Mle blIA1413111 Va ZP.� tt S,.,.V% Riteh.
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16'OLV LZIrgil-YO WU�P 1MV0 t J.,.,�-.�rj tjj.�-�,r,ni, I ht, 1 -1 � � no. pit, as p' -03 -Bbl.." ri�--Mr of V"'wri-o tu�,�iolt�uf;�. 11,� 4ald 1�,�[,�q -
, Ln, , at 0 a 'ury @M3 �zr,.? ll)*�z:o%-m at l6t. 111714sa8%
'n.j-.1d,S:.-S. Gnt ULarey, ;9f. g)!,�4,n(n� 4 , ES11 1','N'01 11%- .
,J! lgor)rr -V 0. S! I - V vn,w I'VtT",im ji,alov 11�1,ol �r] .,j wi'o vv,�-r(. t, - �4r--Lwv aztn�4el to rnt�"-.
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I ttda as"!, z - , T�J*F, t7'
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w4lz $�,y 0-1',� L.zgis1mv:,z 0: dbr>tmr FL:Z10 Ctima, Up-?Vn. Aug. ll,Vi� T,,,7,-,- 1� U.S1 Vto�L-71.!-tr �,-,n al*r"r to eajrr Ivarv--v�!e. vt eq lr,l,-�r �14.v ta ro-21-
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Avl--. !a.- ��.a. Eltfij�--r-
mm�l n uo c -,4*a'.n,x b �z�-
th , �:C,J�-, �4.,), ,�,,., j wila o.-
`!� ' ' ' ' 11
,.� , 4 ,� �, T,r, :-I a.'t--r ��,,�,Y-
i:, W-1:f'.)rv�3 by tiam Brit-
� .% S'.t�� '0 th3 r'4%4, ,Ell_
P 4 � . �
riaLD13 slnnouncom=t of
01 ; tll-a; stooU to ra.
r,;t*,lr.1 0 1 th-, 1RIIII&
N-J'ar.101. It Is bop -d
m n.anufacturors wl'I
exert thims-.11ves Lt.)
Ito the orders,
-- i
Mori, ReVig-eq. I
% Aug, M-Threethou-,
'ageos aronow arriving
EXPER011 wmtuz EXPRESS VICT01tr'k,
,%PX Aklatts WA, Uer M1.1tawhter-la-law. "
. - � NNI, I �
116t Most fttizutsv.
FRIN"CE m.*;Ry OF Pr.jgL:XStA
aer seo=d, son, .
. . .�.. v,
%-tgerzroan"t �la tvuft��'kiawlr,,%.%�Usd
ho;r,- Lt �LAJU.-bil. AA .El,� ii.,*am-d Mtn
ar�v t-rw',"4"�rA.i,,j. 4
, ,
"IQ -.k.% ju�lmr w,r"gVe ,UVl,,? frow-
.1. ,1, L �
(,�'a �!, 'IEC7, I': t .. W-* XkA. `: � =4 "! D1 � (*,p
0A �,c!� :C - .11 WW'i; ta.7", .*j U�P��4'1 UA'o ajt�-itk
20,6,4� U�; 11'.'.�, 4-.q,;1,'v1 'g�.J;Viz 81q-.tVAi-.7,
.M�-Vr�mv tva�? onw-� Q1 �ayf,.,3 !�ng�l,^,
-40 02 � i , v . vk-, V 1,
. %Fm�an at , raU , 0 � n, two
b.- iM 1
.4 S"Attvill ,','4'Mt4 -43 ihl- 6 T It
;�t M. rr�tUD�a an 3 .�my
.a. C',�Ia,,I!W-Ald
ra*�e �s C'� V oa. k-lizatl'i'n .�igoat at
C"La9te!i.,j v), P�4,72 �1 tPie Ck . ail m2o
,C -.f � ���,Zr.
. AU 'I'F r,v j 0; .
� acoq,j .uu algjjqje�'S.
T,�-.��, 11-,�,;,A fr--I:� t ,j ,M,�!, g�nsl, 1tv, V. 1:14
WM lr,-- 12'? Uv*e,� t�', L, ,% -t A
u lau I vtqo
r�wAnjl Liple -�t I .i5i -10,1 ^., � h,3
vvrjez;�:.g v�lr,,,w [".�jk.�.:",:,� ,��q_��j�,;":,�T to
4`1 IM:M* lhe IIT�%C,z fz-.A�, trvc�.Ijty-q'n�-t
. Lmn�s ;!.Irzler 'IL"M Was uatklilwiot�A,
Cc'nA.7" Cxot,mi Att,�rz,,7 .&
. � rt% tronz
ll;js zfz3:�.-A an lnque�'. to b-, jj�j,� ;It,
liojtot;�; on nonaevat atio.n. T�V,�,
�i lu�i,,ni,� oJ Lra.,o:t,L.iin Mle,-=w IMA
d ULRI� I Uac!* In"r-1 O'. , ir a �r
�, ralb . � ,M-1! at.
, Cra'gs,.Ue on 1jT1jf,,,1.�y .Ltr�j ,,�tD4zt jr,r
, . gnizi
Et.g.neer curn-,)I;�X from C.;C1,va,
. .
(In alls same eay.
Toriantrok, Aug. 1I.-Sapt. 7M."r-ik.
Man kqst Igig"in, ea%r ?,ii A, thvto..'t-j'eq-
11"114 tOmt th? illii-raiii im x7aF line it,�t
.7. 1 - .2 13 ,�Rn tn-'ek, it.
. -af..klng �,' j-grl,c
ozcus,r��d at n, trala:,.�).-.*�ry er,�)S.4jttg
Made Ln�a C -If k-,,- 't C-�-Dt�raetor jVj:0
V,'P�9 ,P�:C,Xv�lt7n- n ,:,t n4 � ,
"I , r, f , , ta. at 01*
-4le. He was, ['eU'Yr4g ea .t,"j j3t,#�!;- tiuf2
ero�ssing. nru,z UL tkedamailm"I vt�!r,e,
T -.v- un:"'kz,� �-J`,�Vvfm.q 'LL.�.',t! .t,�T,�� t*r4t
whoel. rif 1 S�-- Ijj�M ,,li,, 0:4t vu, ro"'I't
at t1int -,3:nt, I 0.11
� , 711, rtl3 b�,A.4.g malcl.
64F-nU1,7 FIR"."I to r;7et.;P thl wacel riat of
thn Mv % T?j � ,F,n,417v-. q-,i?rp.Nj v6 -y
,- .
I ri? ort. 0.du L-,-- rzP,3r. (�.Wm lg�� to roll-
1!fe, ,'If"e'l; th.". . .Zvo ,ea it'la
n utmufl 11, b- ,
eas�, ollir,mvi n .1,4 it t:'�ijjr.�j tly ,jile
. ,
the ears up to-nitill-r. ,p.io wUlln-ii-a
lo 1,04101,9 ptol!2 wan -ab,)at 811U.Fd.
Tl!rre was 110 lm,:s in frelf4eht,. ,10
only three ears rvere tiriarted anA
Pi'sP COut-tinerl mal nn,l ,znP-- Wrpe;k-
irg crews wf,xe sent ont from To-
rontO .%noti,i)n anf? 01y.1n 8,11" f to
Work at both er,U of th� wreefir, sand
UIPY 18n0ceede4 In clearing tho lirw
about 9.80 o*claorr last nie,it.
--- ' *
Ctlftomor In Rfoitaurant-31,Lve .Wt
tlz[Y Red4ift 1hare 7 Absent-minde&
Walter -Yep-. Eir ; blonde or 'brujitqt*
Sir 7 .