HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 2alt Broodfort. They were swept up 4 tile Britlah oolumu3 tholt 11,1110 0 NO boi'exi to op-3ration In the Itorthern part of the Orange River 0.;Iolly, HIS � SIMPLE FUNERIL that King C-dward wIll probn bly not . ' ,�,,,., to n,,mborg or Cronberg, but III pw,�, ,ecd. direct to Potsdam to awali, there the arrival of the body. . . � - : ­--7-­----­-:­�-__�� ThiiD Vinprem Frodorlielt , w," l *owrwy o� 11jX11, IIIWJOctual attaill- �. I n sympatljj.r.�t4. I Ili the , sixty yea,m 0.� flor lifo k;lj`e ENNUI W1 ill moate and deep hume, . -E -, I -it ko.xl, blLukA.", and dct��,ors are ba- I --- . , Cawried hergelf With dt.*161ty mod pro- ' . UTTEL I ON Ing s,,nt froin bere for the.rerugoeo. Inim 1130 tlU khtltleit or cattle passed � Empress' Wishes Will be 10,111IRNbs vithDSHICK. � 33efore tile nation has gone out or eaVing tile iniprowlon that �blrltlltwyolulid have been glad to do more MIKE IN N HBO Vljo�nl.; Drift yester,lay. A uumber mot truing for the death of foT the peop'.e of her adopted coun- -- I of natives fo,Lwad tile trek and killed any cattle. left behind from Strictly Carried Out. ) iotorla of Great Britain, liar = ta,-Y, if her opportunity had not been cut ob-ort by her husband's untimely \ I exhaustion. This meat 'they Idlod daughtev,, the Empress Frederickof death. Hew brothim-, Xing Edward — . %th Left England for. anl divided ou the voldt ami then carriod to thAr kra&13. Many native — -- Garinally, line paused away. In his "Life of thePrince Consort," Thero- VII, adiulred her greatly ,and there I vvU be no more sinaoro mourner at , families obtalia foad In this thanner. BODY IMBEDDED IN FLOWERS. doTe Martin savii: "On the 13th of her tjoilib than lie. Fatal Accident on Owen Sound � I '80�fh Africa. Thu rof agees ,uo all In a wretched state Or houlth. DiphiLlimla and other i Cronberg, Aug. 11�The remains of November (18f,U), the Court returned to Buckingham Palace, where, on I — - raLL.Ignant diseases are si PrOvalVat I tile WwagQr 1�,mpresis have been em- tile 21st, the Princess Royal Was I ':Per � �116M�N of ThL[NI Branch of G.P.R, �, . � . .1 I among thum that additional medical bultned by Prol ...... or Ileavers, aad Ile torn, a In onlent; only,' thel 1 Queen says, Ityas tile Prince (Al- I ­ '..., , '� all has been sent to them. The ewbm!ded Ili a mass of tube and La i I . � . 'Arl"", .. phy-Lians are barryaig 8upplies of MILLOX111a f,r tile diplitheria cases. � bvrt) divappointed at it bel Ig 0, Franoe rjoes. I daughter, and not a tmn.'11 loll tile In accurdanoo with thii ox ressed ioth of rebrnary, 18-11, the Ituncral ­ V AS TO THE WAR Small numbers of l3oor. continue too anut- wienes of thi deceased) the the Queen's I Was the Empress Who Died TWO OTHERS INJURE0. k;urrawler it) the Orange River I Colony. Batches , vursary of marriage, f�ervloes %Nrla be as simple as pos�.Iu,o j tile Princess Royal bnpilized at L of prisoners are axrlving, un.ler the circumstances, rilv,) Wdy was 11ackinglinnil Pah�oc, roy the uaiiies on Monday. , I Verloalcally I L -- I .. wId remala un the bed v. here she died Victoria AdplaiJe Uary Louisa. The I -dl Xltallane�ls Proclamation aloe ... fostiteitio Approve$. uixtil ready for the (30ffLn. I Tile ruses, Ia which it is almost,� Pponsors were the Duke of Saxe- G6tlia, In Engineer Killed Uts(ier Rjagista, )00 More lft�etugees Ga.theved vo.,mronteln, AsIg. 1I. -The Pro- burled, are from tier privato gard,u, Coburg and represented CROWN PRINCE'S WOOING ,be Boors More Active -T110 I CI&MUL100 ol Lord KiLchener in re- I fereace to the bank4hinent ninny of the blionis, being from Lualies his absence by the Duke of Welling- ton, the King of t1w, Bulgiang, Use In the hamlet of Cron'berg the Em- Brakeman sculdea to Deltill - ' Alla Warfare May Lmst a from ; S'o,mh Africa of thoije conima,ndants, - oultivated by her own hrmab% No cite; vvIA be allowed to view it except tile � Queen Dowager, the Duchetis of press was aa.well known'to the poor Uravel ou'ri-ueir,)(,ttubt�dAci-i(ititit t'llme. rjoid cwt,ets6 and leadera or armed members of the immediate faiull7i GiouceRter. the Duchess of Kent as was QAicen %ictona at Balinural. ­-TitirLeen Garm W recked-I nq to ost , , I ban -dig who do not 6w-rendor by Sei : and huttsolliold. I and tile Duke of Sussii-�-,. i Her manners wore simple; she was Called. a, Aug. 11-11lie, Boers have tember 1,-)Lh 18 highly app!auded by I Emperur kVi liam had a long confer -1 On January 01th, 18,58, the Prin- ce 8 110 I s ya Was Married to Prince all early riser, fond u! riding, and ubually taking that form of exercise. Owen Sound, Ont., Aug, 1I­'VIxo, ward bablit of upsetting both I tile loyalists Of the Bloenatontelit diertirict. entle with Count von Buelow to-d,y. I He drove from Homburg to Frieder -1 Frrderick William of Prussia, by Part of overy day was devoted to I rowt d1suotrutts rallway Wreell.Ln.tt calculations and current -- iolish.3f, and soon %fter his arrival- whom she had seven children, of study or painting and to receiving has ever occurred oil tile liwost. � , Mr. Chamberlain has de- Lytteltoll Also Sails. there the followin,, ulf.clAl announce-;' IT'llOul the present Emperor of Ger:] visitors. Few wumery have excelled I Sound line of tile 0. P. it. tuok tile third stage of their opera- London, Aug. 11 -Lord Milner, weirt regarding tile funeral arrauge­; Many is the o�dist. It Is a coinct her in endowMent, of natural gifts, D "brigandage and outrage," after keeping a private engagement Monte was made: dence that the mother of Frederick. which f,he cul,ivated Ili every dirce- tion. She Place yesterday afteraouii lleifir a. Kitchener has proclaimed ill the cooanLry, embarked quietly at , "on Thursday the Royal family w 1A attend the funeral service Ill the the Great of Prussia was also an English Princess, Sophia Dorothoa,! had been known to con- verao on Veno,la,n art with the most Proton Stat,on, about. thirty mi-Lus , when the burghers must SouthampLon, without o hk.�r public l ' castle, at will It the Bishop of Ulpt no daughter of King Ovorge I Her i learned Italians, Li cuss medical prob- fi*u tit OI this pislee. As a r,muiL &,,a- om lawlessness under penalty . denicojetration than the cheering [Tow the Wharf. Uoneral Lyttelton, wl 0 was summoned b.v the Empress, husband was also named F�rederlck IfUms Willi distingulcibed physicians, gineeir Lumpbeil, of T.orvnLU Julio- �nd distra:ut of property, and who has sailed with him, i,i a capable I will Officiate. Only 'the immediate William. and of him hts son wrote: -no , cap quotations fl om tile Ellgli'th poets tion, amd Win. AWL4-aw, a br,,ice- o floor w)Ljni marked talent for family will be present. bad an Industrious spirit In a I Willi literary cognoscenti, and with man, are 4jad, and LAroman 4%.�- wzqtars and military critics ad- minib-trative detail. He was the ber "S.iturday evenlue: the coffin will be, I robust body, with perhaps more I her chisel add life -like touches to the 11 - Auley, of tile Toroatti-iAuvemuk; 44- otested against further soft- d mae Water magnanimity st commander under General Buller in esi from Fried Pricl) shof to the capacity for minute details than . Protestant church In Cronberg by a I any man that evm- lived,, and If he: featnres of the Emperor Frederick upon which a eclebrated sculptor was YWOO of tile U. .P. it., and jk�&U,% -1616,A murderers and pillagers, who the Ladysmith campaign, and has been na,med by militairy men as Lord vice will be held In the presence of - occupied himself with little things, I engaged. IiIiie oacjLssrR aijoUler I)A.km�IU-Ll, WhLo"a hUMU to Kitehener's sueoei:,sotr, el,her before the family of the Empress her t It was that groat results might; be 'friends 11 memoirs of ihe English court is ul. Alave,u%:A, .,.ra Sto Lko liv-pital hure entitled balligarent rights. or. after the cloe-e of the present household, and a rew of her I tile consequence." . give interesting details of the early burioilwy sujaiud. T.ue I comes an of,hAal acoouat of guerilla o:yeratloau. Lord Miluerld re- I ­ � N - ---------- years of the Princess Victoria. I Jab- wr,Wied tratol. wa. ujitj wit,$, rUglit U,::tweua -jLorouLu UwL-a bare of a block-lionse In the turn to South A.frica will probably be . orate precautions Were taken by tile Queen and I'Aince Alb,ort, from whum LL,,d bouild, aLJd W&I-3-i-d ok lot L-UAk JAAX t)f the Orange River Colony fo, lowed by more pra.c,leal meabures than Lct:d KlLohoner'v I she Inherited her mentail gifts, lost car., tile ma,urli.y of t1i U,:4111; it attack as baIJ as the as- proe'amation, which Lite Uaioal.it Jaurnals are mak- , 1. the reason of the visit ' of prince 4.1111ALIeS, UUU Ulu IoU.U. It w,..b Ia J.appw. ipon 'Steinacker's Horso In , , Ing a brave elfo.,t to commend as Frederick William of Prussia to Dal- iriiLt.rge ol LouUu%;Lor .&Utt ad, one of which is deborlbad state6manliltle. TIze re�umptioa of 11 , � ., I moral, In the autumn of 185Zi, ebuillol I vir;w waxing t.,iv raj 1ruo..a .,.Ru&.U­k I In press detipatchea. Tkese , milling OPOMOORd at Johannesburg I . . ,,�,,V­�- 01. a Su8pected by tile Princess uyal. , $he was thou in her isIxteenth year, � to .eA-.ea,rLui4, to iu"v u -,y lvx Lao bo.k.aWkIVAL W%lmr"., dut: ,wrd .4 Uairs, whAe ttisial as opera- . co -i a ta,-go scalo and the widening ' th I O. -? areau where the - -Q�X�W.V,.,�,­:�a; .�l I �--- ­ I I r- ZZ,/1. �' -, . and her parento wvre anxiout-3 110 . i" k�.Iu. *.L.Rlu tr.L.Al WUa ru..AAAA6 dA that msual oc- I cupat.looso o. poaesl can be conducted I . I — ovllr,�F- IQ � I ehould r(malu fancy frva,undl aft,qrl auuuL Lasrty jiu.,L,s "a IsLow �%a.jk wo are ki fighting with � wilt b.) facl.LaLel aa rapidly ais lioi� XW �- - 1'�k7- 4. coilf'rtnati. .)I). 71 s�� I ret a i tion i were ', *&,lie smvuloiLi�v wit, tAke r.s,a,A .A4 a� AL va=, an,l not shrinking I j ,,.,,,�. TAdi wid ba a Vrae.L!al mol.ljo,il i , � .. - , . 11V er - us -le 9 XW* tbs., 1"Jil-le b�g,­4.1 bird to ' ' ou-U-ItA iL.4 tur"ed %A., e, A.... -VA .tacklng fortif! -d posts Simi 0 In(letbig UIR., Boer a,gamarlt from ' 5 ,Z�t , -,-- J-14 le, 6, -- be allawc il to vvc#�) an,j win lili,; bride � t ar. I �SL.111 -1.� IM.C4 U,tj ju..& o %..A" laxim li.e. chuirly the time i HO, land that tho war la lit progress I /, � ,?- "-- , J� - I , LL M*p , ­;'. ", bt-fore to left tlj�! ctountry. Tile I­IgLu U1 Lwo o.tt,r�, ttk� U,,RaA,...�-A.11- yet coma fo.- reftwing the belfterent rU, 4its, especially I wljl no, rigns o' abate�� nont, and that , / ... -� Queen telIq the simpIn istory-how, " rrlt:a" offcrt'd " Vicky 4 ing Way twullits let'L US UC.R,&kR,. ie lighting Is desoribeA " the DriLholl arm' I 7 O., t1-0.UOU mull La held up virtually a�-i General Buller's I 9 *� � 1� I �\ . ". . �11 . z;, spray (of I 1011to biratlic.- .aud Psked for liar han-I o r. 't."j;AjA1%.-1 "Ra- ARA"..119b... 'b", A. "..'Va Engkiteer Caulptich W.L it Brawifort, L,)rd Roberts' . a ti g I co Ili hl -i marcili from � army caTe Wtij.j after Cotentin arid MageruioUtela. �j I 11 I .1 - In return. The rwirrktga took place, ypa 0 aftcarward Ili th St. '� out ol Ulu UALoj Ut 111.3 CLAAW14, aq,� , tola to Pretoria. Equally � . I ,z. go ,,, . = . 1)(4 Royal, in great stat,,!. ' Ula lK).1u,:rvu. tivaue u. ".u.;- u 6w nt. Is the renowal of Huer - - - Whon tbol futuru Empi-ror William, jai to Lov 6ruil.sti. .u.aai ul,&,% jo...o aa the railway lines in Cape Lord litte.honer Not Wounded. i I I I '. was bern the letter t)f Prince Albprt t Wen lulAxtit"Al. U1101 44.1,10'.'LA ti,m%z I'Wif *4 I I Even arxm t)mlawis li tile LorrJon, Aug. 10.-Tite War Office I I to the Iroung Ind'itber contained a %V ad Jl�kr.A..Iy coox.t�d a&" f ol two Iresta outragos chow- I ha� reocive-1 no advicos glv4ng color � 1, t. i '. 1, , NV-,"> , R , I I DY. r. trIbuto to tile talct. t ltt,4 oll thn Prin. Uw t1buj4h A's btf4i'lu. L Ir --4,,.. a ,� tjin Boar de.speradoe.i cau- � � U) tho rumor clroumtte,ll b.y " aat-,V�l , , � - 1 vess Irldeb he had Peflillously fw: ­ U, 4kA'0'� Or�y likul* tk,VA.U.,� b-AIdUll t1,011M. and t4a;t tile Gnal agency !,it tile U At"yj $tatea that 1. I ^ . jr, 11, , toredt 1* voll MUCA, however, brInT � Iroku tat, %%.I*L 410%.14 ulkl.v. �,X..oi ' "Ve war 11,111 be ettaraeter- � LoNr Kitelaptler has bo -On WVanded In � �1� � : the Ilope-ful W111110"I Xvith you. al�ll 1, jasall Luo.raw, who o"o ra�&.sf; %hit %bo, L C. t'S 3r "allton barbarlty. 'a � it sk rmish wl till t tat) Donre- Tit - runwor � ;.r. I riot hhlro, him away with a blush gin lVV-JAllV0VVo, MAO &&d,A04 t%l UILL *JA -- �L ,�'Iltetl. Lord K,tvh.� I or,,_,� a,13, %.1 evk F 0 ,�% .. I � " um-ol to hide yonr dr.11MIllig13 In r, .11"ll VAL.Eirk! LhAt'y. 11,�. It: lo%S, k.r..N.- "wkift r Goes M40 X to Afrilea. mer"s eu,toniar,5 d,i-p,xtelt�-s rtarlk-' i - - tile poritfoll,�­' T1 on t rcolt Sit th-It. 1� J�AuCwStellk Wilto %VW� ro,"Aw., 04 kthe , Ang. It.-Tewrd bfilner,Gov- W tile War Ottio � this attornoon and eojlr,ajrje!j nf� rorLT& rice to Any atml_ I -9 I � 1,11, ,,f � � ,f, I I ot L I1,1111".. It is F0 b"141 thall, You MUL�t :1 , ree W -awl Own Porth raino Into) , eult]Lre W Lilo-, trA.4%, LLPa'%1 U.k Uo Lit. L I .%.otAwj jur seate Uwe 4 r Ulu Uc� t. tke Traziv�tal and Orange dir Mt to jj�m. , , , 'I 1; 1, - - � a,q ip J , .�� , view Fornothing SPAI of br.'auty and. mr.."t., 4;sud IL %V.S.-I ware'l wto tuv% a 01),V. 111PIC On,glanll yester- � -,-- I '0;� 01 . �ffl',r" - � ,9 ., I. . ,i� ­­ ..!�.,�­Vel , I talo�zt.*, t1l"I.Ar Itt"W Ald tile 48,414,"Lr. 04% be, Q-,� a dueolate wasl:L%, b.ank- � Itruger"s Itealth. �­ �, AUX h , I WK k � —.—,- � , %vaawrcoi�vri-a 6pit,me, 11, We %or R,tAW Ul= WhOn 110 left throo 413. �111S 11011tin,r. WhI0111 fol- i London, t 0 tile .";;. l*j.­.j d,gp,.,ttt!h t 1� I ;�-� ,� ',,�00%� I � ,,, ­ - �v - KRUaLH11 1,1114. P01JR001. I I e '1.4!' U " 'Rt t)%r rt ­'b"' SA4ji,kr4-'%j *jRt C� '�., b, z i�.w "11m rcv,&%.,se, mcV.ri,u ,uta 4iC1jxA%t4-3L'% of Gdn. Dotua, Xcorn!ng Lra &r Irttui 1ln1%er­u;% eays I, itit Mr. Xraxk�,r a h-�aL,h is utc, t tin. 4 0 r I I I A-- 4.)- IL, � His tasuall to 6—w rusitv4l -sutfs UALW, eobt.1:5.113.10, %4 041, h Sludic U0 R,ato 1#er,� ew2iw=1m­1n-c.def, thlvt , GMV.'stn0torZr Hn rtL.tirt a at 7.80. � It 11 ,;. - - L . . i P041pilit! It*`4Pl0t4P4l. Ohrio.htf. Allsk, tu.tllcu 41A-6 %�VoLra I . r vv.w p irsonAllY UV3 - IL In Vic consideration of ri--mi4 at all �nl-,bh an,J docs illot again rctire entil 5 o�f+vulz. �. 1� _ -1 . �;�� L-fi!."q. I., - �," , , t"IL � I T !�,�, 'T I I'll 1 �- I 1111i'v. U 3 P. V410 &44, fitilt-14 C, r M MIR h %Ato-ll t,)- 4611%, I r0t,i V btAAA1, UAhskAt _4L . to,v;, wu.virof' ,i,urd.l l4e)"N %1h, p 1.1% of er V Am'. %V�&s Ono of sev- 4 --- i - .1, � 4. .1 11% �. ­., - ­ � . ve, jpautw, csT a M,..,;i charen to Proloria. I t�40 4oC,I,AQ,jlL, it.ij vja�! ok.j#,$..P.t,rC ! a$ , t1w lk-411,4h Goverill- A Froisru tophillett. 1 ;4 . 4 N-% A -� ,".." I .0 , 111, Ri " I 4:3 . t L A w trLu%M3rjjr, Ili ll,ft , Ugj��.,!.j V'Ult#,�� vo- 11 dit'Allur %4 ,I Vow 1h:1 114wly T.omwi wja� V�ao r,eX.l,aVt%j xr.�'Rtz U21-stu L4Q M. ting an arall-�Aie... 110 i A PAK'n 41(16P�ttrOl Crays'. Tile "I"Ptntis 6 '111 1. L. 2 " , 7,-,' 3 � ��, 11 , , t'.1', ;, ,I ",ku t�i. 10 I 11 , .k. L, . . , ... , l and L41� .,- it 311- � ('FjjC4jr,Wj4 %'.P�J$ ,'3Wrj q' ;�"O� ' �k a t�w(?. Tof *4 A% o ,C aa,A lu,,a, -, u nt lro-m U­� ducipM of t,tat'-!Sl21lhnSU,d.*9 A41"kand -r hik'a allusit b,l ri I -in; ola 1A. -d 10,�i Js It r's 13r elam.L. ,,I I "IN .1'.. , . ,V'J' .; -IQ A� , ., , ", - I " ,� � � eXt ('�T 1%6, w, - f.- vr 13 �*.4 *Ut 1�1"I-f �1' .- , li'll" CA" 4121"0 hlj�'r ." U"LU 1344L"Roilt rllj�lij'3 JjnPj !'T 1)1'3 Ill'% jlj�tjvfl " 64z, ti,*41 It 0 U -N141". t"514. ToOntifW , gl,ry ftr4t to eate�l t!- Volip ell 15; ZS- .� ,� I..." ........ ­ I'(' ­�­ I ;*� V , A , ,��l wl� �_*,, 0 *.14, ni -�,;- �:'mj - "T -3 0m, . Afnk"T,'P,1�,� R41t,14-1. t% y izwt, tjpjPjjjPj,­jJU [ t , %%Q41i,n 0-,64 te4. 'i t ,j U*;iw h �,a S. J, -,r.414,rV.,� �.,,jrj it Lis It An-,.Avat-olll c,iniC:irr, nZil, V the bll`Mle blIA1413111 Va ZP.� tt S,.,.V% Riteh. 11, - ".1"", .1 1 ': , I , ., ", ,�Tj'? - - Lt , , lnnv*kil-:� UP . . 1"sLip E",'e"�,4,10,4i t V� ' 1 j -4� A` Va rg `9 �'t '%� l )�!Jt a. ") � " j * L�U' Lt- uie,y Of oL",tj1M,* W,!r bV I 1� T�!,� - iii t� -k 111,11"i"Olp . WAMI. rt %I.' -11,'U,4 ' � t�, ,�­­4-,; I � ­,,­ ,., �% A,, 0 I- ` ,�, 4�., �,�.'\'N' �;�, IK":, ;;; 11 :11, . . . . . . I 11.� .­�P, v, ,; � '�:,'j "' "!J, 1,1r� uirztv�­. 4,10r-411 to;'Or tbe X'Colitf-I - . m - %.V,CL��,*, tv.11 J0 V491V V 904 �11.,La rzo��Bcg 01 tl,�e �Jq: %viiini 4 VrAi.s52 014- ,; ellro-I., T tt�, T ri-,p-, altin rve414 tpo.f�l . I, -L, T It. eatq.b rc�-� I P � J -!1v -1 * 0 P-J��l *r4 ;:1 ': p -,4,,.�,'-,,;X,Q, -�� . ­ J,'�, , � � :,;�L" � I , I -'.L, " *,!, � ;��, -.,,.I' ,­�­ ., ,!� ,L",�� L'. jl%`QjV' C."'t"11 -t �-­$'t`i"' " .'�LLJ' IL*f � " `�r , - G,�Ielg,! flvq.�Io�­� �.) *j "�'#�. �t 9 .1 U �J� lj'a 4,Uj a ago � � g� I l. it ch�)jk,lo t�, M Vo ftr�;4,��Ao�a ",;,-",t,�0-,UU0 . %; b:,P,2�', kwy J#'4zL1%C ntlt �9:t tra"Ir ta�j,% 11 , ,.�,;r . *� ". -%,? f 7� " �, ,�j L" � -- -1 �,;­ �, ­', . - 11 � �q, , " � � I ", " I .� 1-R I � t,:�`11 ��,�,�!,�P,l 0 al V1 V Z �1,1r",` v.arr -4 1��% '' t L &,- irl:, vo, �*A',!�Ji �.,'A.,.�.,,? "O W,��4viitll,i,� 4A I., 1. I ,,:b",�t"j 84A�aatc-,Ila. It ` J AP9,C,.M ,P WA,4 "o- t Lll­;�,tl 1. -- - --- ­ WAP -11 AS IT IS. "I ,�'f � , ,,, ­­ L 14��, 40 - , ­ y 't t, , �': I r, �?­ 11 65t� '. , 1� I .1 . �� 1� , I IT` . ,Y,T "', ,�- I �, .',-J"6�4'�., ,',;:�J&4 tr"­itll ,r,, �,1,2 a �L, - b", %-�",iir 70:or Ou,", ll�plij� tl!r �x'Q i. U0"11`.t"1"`4�iL' f#j QtCe9t0h+1 #1 U!, �,is , I It-ok 't ktjj,jL, Q.f tqlt! �%%�JJL�%JQ,Coj. 41 �; In, I- 4 qi2 �' 204,X`442101- " 1� � � .. ,11 I ,,� ..... �� � � ( l�l . 1-- - . � , ��. L� / , , , I - , I - '.11 '117 1 Z, �� I �. j,'d, zj�'4�.' IM" 'V­'1,i")r g VWR !,� " � 1. I' �k 0 z Irin �`i� Aj":LF' 4.C­Y.1�0�',& 0'2 '­'t�V�J"j'�ij U' t! L " , � - j b r's -L" lv,�i;�::� W �­i wo,16, 1'1!3 u0ne Of t 110 - 1tr0r,-;1-..r it, vont 0yed to I L i , ... , X , I "y 17 - k O.,� V,)�:�V"" ? , ,, , , �/�.� , , , � A 1 T ­,r, W111a ot­ 0 :,�'#:!"""Ll " �� jloi��j '�� L ��,.� .'C, ' - ' ' fect lqtti� a ,.,- U:, . B ii� ,I- i� v b , ,jw, Inp t, VT I 1 " V1 01' "I "�L.'4' d AS -01�411:1!13e GLO'� j�V'_y t!.'['�.OL�6`- L . ioe,Xi �,., �.�� `l�6` "q'4 D �­' 'g �L, &A 4 'L 4 -: WILI - V t.QV �,;� . , _�,ti�-;r C",�jq,q, 'J�,Dj i4,rac1oa- I � U ova 111111el ts re'ti. lir�- � " ;,t , -. , .,�` V, �( - ll'i" ­­.;� a-, -""'�-'D rr�q�L,3 0 1, , � L, .4, Us" �- L, fr.a 11 �;Jl�, � �,�o 4 go � �-o ., C�if,� ,V) 14,�,. t�a�! n vo�vl I : , 0-7,11'ann all." I:,) f, L'1vv"'r.pl, t'. rt WaVe - " , " - , - " , - , ,,� cl ti,'* 4f)nvlvii�­ �,,! U", V.4o, L", ­.� ". - - - I ,i� - - � - 2"- tv.j�� alvuii� %.1i L"i -T,�'*.., �, 9� el :* lvl! Q -,i,!-t .1.7- ti" a t�;utN ha-,. ,1%19 j's"tki?r­�, n, &ED" 'i � �,!.4'1. ?41 'I !,"Jt'�r;�4L '�J­ ��i�,Q �,':,,�, ,,� t,,L,:, v�,,�vr,�L,v�y J'*� f- � t1l:J1, ,U ,[',.,- 4 �,j -A� 44-4a 4,;, 1 ,r:-� L -j ; -�, v :, ��r-� 0�- c3a-,- C'Ir tc�Lrttt,o �i aa &"` t. 1,1 , r, .4 r--.4 I 0,11Z-11� �. 41� I , or IN , , HE P. E 141), S P 1" ` E- S, 3 MILTNUCK 1 V. -A'. -D V�v J!!­�.� � . �-"1'4i­ 't ;,-� t, �..-- t C-3 , V. `v:t'll� &%Uo',�L , -- - tl�-Ll ­,,l,v -, U z -a �0�-,-,, Z:�­ J'.-��. I ,,�. t,tf-� 1,141 t 9 ci.m I ­t0 �11i-nt. tto wrtlor ,�',�. �­. 11k, - 1",�LUV-4T.j lril ?o.%.�'. iiblx. P, �, '��;­ �Iq-"u V-.�4v, 11 61", V C'­7U,U,V ,?�O ,F,.i �a er, TU4 6-t-ALk, E",�c­­'t Cool's %"V,V,?. .-Ima n,i - AT,ap ta'51-3',..Uctl atc Vow &A Ur- 1,,,� P?"� A�,c,,-V��'�','! 11'--L,: �V�,j��,�',"� " u, - � " ,t,.t F -�,r 0- t-'- i.4.�i.L ��Vj U, ­Ip U ge , ., I ... ;11-- - 1� -, .. :,� ,;�. k'�.,��g� .. M to 1�kl At I � ; U1, ilnvc� i � sv rtpt V'r tz , MIMIC*," ill `1 ... ... .-.*...!tnw4o . . I L . ­­ ­ I.. 1. . ­ .1 I I � - I "low 'I..- ,- , ,�.,,' rip'l-v. C­'.��,�,� 41", I I-. $4 ?�41",%,-'a-3o. �, Z ­4­V�,.'."Ov� . U .. U L 4 4, 111o. -�� - to , Ii.0 1�,, �,. C, - � t, �, - . 1�0�1..­ 0 " fj,�.P;_-, C! onoR iraqlcr r,,.��40 r. �t-,Lvi ones aq,td -4 -,!"11� .- � - - . ,z�,- Al 1-� �!��O�aN,tl � i? .0'. � �'! itz, r, L� P ft,l v,!rt, itL � �z �;, kA.� , ul�� p-,] V� '14 N�a,y �V� ,114 " � ,,� 3 � 4., P, 1 �, V, � 0 ­,.,,� �i 4o ir.ot . . !�",U'N 4% tia,'Poe"'. vin e in -A .tA of 112 . t,"Te�qilo ... I . , I I I- I pjr�­,­­n Tki�V)t",v�l �4y Pvat"o"*"7�,�- 1"el",t-ca"N �i!,�`ar.a, J­�-­�- 'R'V�',�' I , "., i j� L'tri, � 14�, ,4 , 1 � �D ot� S 4.c,r� 41 . ";'�'I�'n�%' "'-'�'� ­ -4' " , . _E� "'�'. � �,.,U "U,.J' Ugj"#t"3 M J!.'a L, ­'! Uji)­sLO,:�Q sia�� �LL,i7 C ,�. �1�i �,� . 12 L�) as vo A se�,-o vi ,A.,ae(� 1 1nj4.4U-,fl tzt,? `sft,tib 1, I;Q R.Oii,o-ng�atu­ 'At thl, ., . . N�,,__ V ,.,,,af,L"� ,',!,,�-,,,4 "11 Vq0"'WV Ora 0" ��Ot *�. �".L 1% Z,. ,,J� 4,1.3 �. 61.�Uq In r!VV�l V.-7-.,.,.,4,;! � 1 . - A, � , (p',, t.%-� ��" "". I L, , V. � !- 0 A. N 4 Q -46 u vt*�;i;:� Ir, , -;J� fr4 Lit� C, ­Unary, �1"'D. amd illr�, t'l& tit-r-telioli 110A. "it el-,. �11� . I V ',��Zgr"-.Aoy aftq�m,r',',.... n Telinc-v�,�,-.�, �. �1- t,�'3Z'44 lo o'... q, , � 9'�, 1. t��--!, V , 11 a �4o�,e %!% '9-115�',(�.Lilt-.4�j ��L�, q4,1VrU141aaU7'1! a��t-! t!"..14, r , ­ tl;[,- , .*� I ., .t qtt; ,,,, �� 9"A U., 1.�."21", 9� �­"a - fit'. V. t,�, � ,,, - Uis. � io.- � o i,l fo�.;. -�t 5r" C4 paep.-rey P N!��.'-' r h rnb: V trm - DU '�dd is 13 lrv.v- irtel avol rolug r prL" iv ,­ 4 t"r-v�l,zl�.' bq?gouz,� R! Ck'i` %',�Z-4 C-'�'.t�10 � , - .,.In I ­111R4,%A1l'A �-,T u'F,j,,iR-h,r-JV f,iq 4&1 circ-Gft In ls,a-t�iov: iuq�,.l�­ �It,- " �, -a­r�,� ,I a,lj I 0 rat -,U%,�. P.­�-,�,*.;L; LI .,vij lw-,ru ..'Si -21i3-:.ft" 6­)Ltl U.h. 00 an'-` V 9 ,,--- D,� UV 0 t . , i �. 94 -I �,- di) t , is"airta It Is r%,jv,�etplll har,, U2zatl Xii,,,z,, t -,j- j'uer-ltij ,ioil� r erl tr­co 0, -, i ,<­�.�,!I lllra�4-tfl L'..­.",--a'�t IefA�. "r. - -s ha�,-;- k) a '11D � .4 to the Z,.;-0-,ia L�os 0� lb�,A � r . .=j,rftr-2A T.r-r,�-Ift th', ki I ,.J.: r-ho'd I tol 'I lwavf WL6 bA jwo�.:,--?n',­ ornay, On t1n war� n4it" Aaiftl& hi �r i , I., aj-'r,of .�n ir,,?.;. ." ;-ir�LJ.1'- -� ?Z40 - G�,R-kr­a'�-tv -Ci- r,l .%­U�,r,t 11P "z 1 � Vie I v . � ll;,�i-��, f ­ir�� I, L ;I*L - Z I U I " I In, j 1; if s V; r V Z .,!! a I 01 1 "I"" "D ,4 5 "ThrTt ro.vall fam ty %v.V -0 1,1� 41 �­, NS610v 'I Dvo wag Lt uilf. lr!-z I i0l , 'C� �� 9N vz%�ion�ny ul"ej-pt h'! &5; dn- =VSUM ,0!`Rf L -M V%V wh-21 "ar ,I-. VA I llivi ts witla in, - I fa!`�','LIDC C1,Z!':,,-lu6fi�F. V�,­C,�-I,t d.)-& J�e ti,p 13,241�j - .iim FjjVU:.2y Vv��" nhj�. P ir 5 t, � " ,, t',�r tk%--it �5�jat,la fIr,rw -�rii acw-n. -7 aq emlaw.'Ar- z�l lar I,y 9-U, 15 Ito Q�as at kaivml t pour '1411 r'n- r4i�,' yr.)lnr c 119:� vla`4 %rai be tnUen thvr,!� lllnz*.�.v �-,�,. - :� f3Pr4,U-A4--T ir'T U!,- UM -3 nr.,.16y "in ql:n gZ74[-1grL�iI IIU", rtrlug '-czr-? - ,4 - _ � "P,VZ; F­fp� ,_ r 4V a,�, 4 , I �. ,;i R - �at U,�� pv�,evn- bl� J-U�t, 01`auo�,�3, '1, t- 1 v. -S Ilke th"se "The ruwral ?�,Pr;l-?a hn t�e 1'.'i. :­ r , n, - , a I . �� - �-41 wA,>,?;1' 44, -lc -a a.1 -Al d, M�,p � 01,- ra ce-11r,-,-v,1-4V9 ,war of IS10-71. 01� A - wvr�it,h l:tr�n yon." ea�o.'Vi;Vlp� ""'. f'rj I? ��-'�'Ia"J"--,!7 .&!'go -Ir 90e �;rtrl*u=,,�j, V,� n �Ve!i,ratut�D .. t . . le"m at i*1A'&tm.-kiV,e1v,,, Ve� - .��I. t1m fi,-ativ #,%-' '�111" ll.?V�d­�"'. �n .Marf-oj. p�v r f-' , `� t, -,�ilv!-o. y g,j,a,t p"ts? .. ftitf-11- " " ..V,4 fI,j6 v.r5t1Pr 14�#-,- mou bn- UP?!] TIN,- � ".1y. A-4 it %. , I - less. -aza- Er .,):r o - ."IF -4. 'Mp -­-9�41rx� '191�vl.# L I t,wi W , . I w 6­� r3a (� J:,S,�j A' Ger ,� 4��J,J,L.y P�t,j,� , 0i %'Ftfl ,t.! h -v -. ", i, 9 a t: I i � 1�t�o-)p t Lila 16ral.1 1, .�.e vvu. - -,,v- !0,1 ,f1�71,CQ,%;*,,rttd, lonif N rvf�.fl" 0� U4 ��', 11�1�- vvai;, 1,,IiLj� wir eti:s .raprg". , ,�,,l Gmt Mc�rc- 141, . : ,--I p4nq�v­ 1 ­ -- .. M nq�-�,Iol­ , . ­� , C"i, mi i s,il,io# ,q� z�� it, 5.4 �vl ('.; 01; Tnak t'l, no State (*,r .qn V-ir. tf)"f", _F4-ni �-� V. -5 to - Ei� wa�,*rv3ff­��r,a , I '. a i Rvg­z . � " C � I, f,�� "?o - , r, -.',.x:,. i Ll It flaz- 'Sitmal trmh. � �R L� �j ft g , ,,,#�-.l vaup,r In " � , rwa.. ir,�frif., , thpOnstl erg A,P -­ 1 jj�,f - r . J�,�'P"!;L'l". f�io'*t �'4jt�r­! � , p 'I f,l - . .y �.h"." 1,','�. � � 61 in ,�!-"o C,',i,AhAtl1-3 cgpz�'i. J, j0g,,, r. -,f, I M,, -� t h. �.' of not bc.; attrud,11 by 40 �1; i , " oj-�.. .11 the thr")at, wM -�k e�-e-::�.,J 3sto �1'atp� o�n - koltl,�, fr-��Iun��;; here and . � A ,., 10 ; jb 'a 41t royal pnri,twna,,:e-.,?. It wi - ,- .-, D 4 i � "! ., 4 r � ., �:� 9'y 4 1; r, --c4,, �,Irl, lir; "I f 11m fl(`?Lt"� Z)-?*, Pjj-'f h r ; ji�� Iz# - ot 0 I n'- ;I t;, ,� -.-a- Junt, rottv. 1­�!q. ir. fte? a nomIn­1 "'i go � rX In tiv� Dso�r V.ar, SiRonll I 5.- 16'OLV LZIrgil-YO WU�P 1MV0 t J.,.,�-.�rj tjj.�-�,r,ni, I ht, ­1 -1 � � no. pit, as p' -03 -Bbl.." ri�--Mr of V"'wri-o tu�,�iolt�uf;�. 11,� 4ald 1�,�[,�q - , Ln, , at 0 a 'ury @M3 �zr,.? ll)*�z:o%-m at l6t. 111714sa8% 'n.j-.1d,S:.-S. Gnt UL­arey, ;9f. g)!,�4,n(n� 4 , ES11 1','N'01 11%- . ,J! lgor)rr -V 0. S! I - V vn,w I'VtT",im ji,alov 11�1,­ol �r] .,j wi'o vv,�-r(. t, - �4r--Lw­v aztn�4el to rnt�"-. �,Oi*',,A 1*�,Avc, frivo,l t t v.i6m of &,1'-aVg*r4D.y jr'�Lr�.� �, oitk�v. gtrA I - ,j q,,re4i;tp,R � *r .v'f O."t, U0 =D,?r1,,i) .1n I On rot-4pv . 12,ctr Gwa b -f, t1int -1,­rwv,ft-� j S*nl H tlia-4 t-r�!s- if, � .t' . r., Z,� T,-, �-. , ,,-,),t � I 10'Art-, 0� trjjr-,� %4-r"& Atot!lin= is l4t re-�.,S�T,**U%e tt CA ri%:,I�� 0-n- Irmin OT lit] 41vo,r-lVe t, 70va. A vriall rJoive M-V -d F�;ntarzm-llts Loan - I ttda as"!, z - , ­T�J*F, t7' � -- u"'jI.1s, qF,1tvr,r1,a%rA, 110v � 'at Vr0;­-,�,,.+,- IU'�je $.4,zath -Uri,!Z�An havo h��4�1 t1c Of lfv� r"ri.-I, js'icm �,,,l d4o' I. a . . " , 7.r�01, ,*7 �-.��Zs!iv.�,i,,.,,,','tz-.-4-;;,. T ir�r ar,- � rg) will,; bl� rty,,j "�-�-Asq - Zap- ezrill-nnt=3 rei� ,rt ial' the 11a,n- nerlin Ito 11,nrnln,�,. � tz,�MiD�nq r-�11 tp,u - V� --.Tr3�ln r.,.%va" lamqll�- * , . Ia ' li!'U " (,'Uu1P.-.R,ny sbvl�W8 pl- � y . I, liltair �;;'�',B,il'#a't 1!i­�-.w� ard v.t,.,P.,.,r,�at w4lz $�,y 0-1',� L.zgis1mv:,z 0: dbr>tmr FL:Z10 Ctima, Up-?Vn. Aug. ll,Vi� T,,,7,-,- 1� U.S1 Vto�L-71.!-tr �,-,­n al*r"r to eajrr Ivarv--v�!e. vt eq lr,l,-�r �14.v ta ro-21- I'- ­ '� .fkn or�, 21nw, " I , me - .1, M, L's Onto I uw, -,� ft� .'­1rp1r,A,4 07 #-�J:�:) �t mir bj- 0-�,1!0�­ntt-d rrj,Tft!3 of W31,121431. " Invinteip'.0 bnad,ng,4, in'�,..O�,',,, tI p .14r- V) T. ,2-t�,nf- 1�r-lrivnp. I 113,-ra vva�% re­�=,.,23 it . Pipe 13:- � :_d _ a,- , G��JtV ,rj.2' J.Vdy��:o I pr6 _ ') P";Lrjpj"�% �J�tb,qy %T�a 1,,otd Minto iv'e,litn It it -j be lknowfl hj-D%y privg',�tp tp,-,l��, fu�, . . - "!Z�lr V�Z­� �'tL,,�,� 0, " �Vn r,�"" '. ��, I 4 q .VU t1,jp � �;, I 1, a ,4 t!j_ tlrzaz In wcclirdanva wlstij ImAr,.­.c. q 1�" L 41 1"'I'v4% b --nn ou�::M�n,'­�,� llli.',�R VX,419%vl�s , , b�crns of wmrnln- a 0.og ­ -'r I�jt'tt.lf.n",:� Cjn TLLJZ,L,�tf, , r�n 11 Unl� ��"irut l"".1ul, llca,�2; ,a 4V*;­1r,­iir- 7 ,�, ,,j.Pj' - �G ee,2r I A ­ . C0.5 ,r-,-1 . — tilane ws-d?h Ia., �Das rr-z.aV;41 w3 pro- d --*n Linden 1.4 1U.,70un'-ze-1 V�;P:� .�: -.2. X,-ftlia �Jzi"7 qjii,,.,l,,j!j� !4.,:� J� - L ' '31.0' r�'t'tr�'TD:`��da C'� T';4ZE"��' ,�'4`,�Ur�ft �-�n­o .4 'Se"VO4 0a lZennany, � vnlrnmo Tot th,ir ?1 -,94.11, ­*4"s` rtr-1,r,n- f.air'ds -- q%r "j.-,�- ,,.,j,�,.- T- . 5 ,!n.n r, 7% �Yd5z- ..". . I . , �Ik,�', - "fo," -- On �Wn 'i -, OT p "01)"e _., .� ._ , "_ I b�ii!U. , , , �, 6 nz, a E T 3"r�,��,:?nt -or ra ` . :r US tT% a cs,r�lf---XD[e. be �t� " � ,;in, b � - -­ 3I.-tinrO 1:51,ea,rn. ; V,Mnd can be tl,"p-ovod wil,hoat l[Tig . - of,�V�, Uie late 63V'&,,_: " Empm - - . !'CaQ 7A r;27,2t lo In— or,li Wis coun. ' _ _:,'Z- ,gp-, .4 ,-,ft Tro-- -:�,� fbtstp taken h... -q - " �f-a ­1a,i7.11 ii!* re. Pnnc��IeaireYl,,v o3fclal saincila-1 there. ,, �, .L,�­ to knn -j ill 1 42g -j ta) (150 " pr -"s -s' pa'no,�. � grq",11`91�srr� rc;th'' r zlilan Ua ratiacr, , tl'.Trallo :P t,nnljlzj�-,,�4�ljf.e- #�,� ,-Z D'.,Opo- . ­ , It 19 pusscrted qn nprl�m ,C#-T� . - . A Tor a tnhchi6l. gn, C epT,-,17, Efg-ta wg-v,L� T,,43,6fy - a z 0 Ie -s,,* tvar.---ft-!t!"I ,h,rc7Jc:C,. by �A-P­ 151'U Is !:*:.,q9 -.nn- . --- -- - ­­­-- ­ �-- --A, - , --- L foU .---- ,�--,P�',.�I� , oi,�rzu::.iill press, Uve� I � OF EMPRESS L L * ''IVES L n Va2cAto t;f-­j,; "oll"'t L;,T;� L . - R1 F:REDER, S rnts,�­pping Vio I'mits of ! UK' NEAR RELAT I N THE GERM AN ROYAL FANfILY. mrfhrcl. It r�"3q: � I----- ­n�;—,,--�% th , ,:' rz.��A I fl� 1�-It nrii,-mn i, I ".:- ­-L� ­� -�e'let - -�F ,;� �-: 995:10-��,--,, 1 �1.1� � ",-*e. -��Uel-�O� �e *-V * �;­ " - � ,,, ­ - ­­ ­ �.-�­,.' , �i, -0 ..... _j� . - -1 ­ 1.1,11�N iz`1 ��b�"- 03itlntrJr 99 ultd- r ,I ..� - I ­ N Z��--- - . - 11�-- --1 ­ r - �, . I I - V *��- :,�4'v -�­' -y- �­ lTod Um #Nner� '.., i 1 71, � -.1 - � r � -% .1 - I I 11 ... -�z *%, r ---v --- . ,­ ­ ".0 _y; ­g'. r,;­-t--4,-�-',. .- I . - - ,U�n*t ",--­Ti� L.,an d, -;V -n -1 N I ��*, I . �Ii N .0 - � " . b-­iv��to�a-jg� This zu­,�,L� "I ,� .� ­ , ­­-� L . "�.'�"L' I I I -- "" I , ,�: 1, , w'#t 1--W-P trw? 1r.,,Jr1,1 of-� 1- , A ­ T _� , I �r'.v i 4 . �A It - . �V I ­;�.,, , r, " '. 111� , -:-I'i, ,��,., , ...", �� , I I � . , Nv,�h"'U !ZA, `r')P: ", f " , , , . - I A , iA � �1�. "'M , j % - .� I �,t!;�A' ��",g!����,r,.;5)5�,��,-���,,.,�- - A, 1;�- 1, -�� i " 11 I V. �;Z. , , U oi:,��,� �;,,, -'(� �y-a�'� j) 1, �.. - . - : : ­ I , - I � W, I 1,�­­11-1 CIV - 'L - m i. .. LL ' . .1� L - . k4,,�:g,'-- -,��-W,. - f -- 17� i, I I � -- 2/. itt , iii �:,� �--2��,�1,�,71v, " . � - - 111. . . - �, %U ��z �r"`� � ��. 1-1 , " . � , - -- j� ,... 11 I , . , - -5i .V 1� 1: - , . -% T.t% ,M",3n? deare8s Is�,,,znd & ,� . " I -,, , '-.I " R�- " , ,,,,�,�,, .4 1.�- - A. D ­ LLL:, I . "I �­ v 5 -� 4A::.T:E� Ix — - L:. . ­ $­- -- 11 !3 #��,e - � Ill ­0*,rvo�vnn. Avl--. !a.- ��.a. Eltfij�--r- mm�l n uo c -,4*a'.n,x b �z�- th , �:C,J�-, �4.,), ,�,,., j wila ­o.- `!� ' ' ' ' 11 ,.� , 4 ,� �, T,r, :-I a.'t--r ��,,�,Y- i:, W-1:f'.)rv�3 by tiam Brit- � .% S'.t�� '0 th3 r'4%4, ,Ell_ P 4 � . � riaLD13 slnnouncom=t of 01 ; tll-a; stooU to ra. r,;t*,lr.1 0 1 th-, 1RIIII& N-J'ar.101. It Is bop -d ,!i-, m n.anufacturors wl'I exert thims-.11ves Lt.) Ito the orders, -- i Mori, ReVig-eq. I I % Aug, M-Threethou-, 'ageos aronow arriving EXPER011 wmtuz EXPRESS VICT01tr'k, t ,%PX Aklatts WA, Uer M1.1tawhter-la-law. " , . - � NNI, I � :PA1NCMS,CHARWTTz, 116t Most fttizutsv. FRIN"CE m.*;Ry OF Pr.jgL:XStA aer seo=d, son, . . . .�.. v, %-tgerzroan"t �la tvuft��'kiawlr,,%.%�Usd ho;r,- Lt �LAJU.-bil. AA .El,� ii.,*am-d Mtn ar�v t-rw',"4"�rA.i,,j. 4 , , "IQ -.k.% ju�lmr w,r"gVe ,UVl,,? frow- .1. ,1, L � . (,�'a �!, 'IEC7, I': t .. W-* XkA. `: �­ =4 "! D1 � (*,p 0A �,c!� :C - .11 WW'i; ta.7", .*j U�P��4'1 UA'o ajt�-itk 20,6,4� U�; 11'.'.�, 4-.q,;1,'v1 'g­�.J;Viz 81q-.tVAi-.7, I .M�-Vr�mv tva�? onw-� Q1 �ayf,.,3 !�ng�l,^, -40 02 � i , v . vk-, V 1, . %Fm�an at , raU , 0 � n, two b.- iM 1 .4 S"Attvill ,','4'Mt4 -43 ihl- 6 T It ;�t M. rr�tUD�a an 3 .�my­ .a. C',�Ia,,I!W-Ald ra*­�­e �s C'� V oa. k-lizatl'i'n .�igoat at C"La9te!i.,j v), P�4,72 �1 tPie Ck . ail m2o �. ,C -.f �­ ��­�,Zr. . AU 'I'F r,v j 0; . � acoq,j .uu algjjqje�'S. T,�-.��, 11-,�,;,A fr--I:� t ,j ,M,�!, g�nsl, 1tv, V. 1:14 WM lr,-- 12'? Uv*e,� t�', L, ,% -t A u lau I vtqo r�wAnjl Liple -�t I .i5i -10,1 ^., � h,3 vvrjez;�:.g v�lr,,,w [".�jk.�.:",:,� ,��q_��j�,;":,�T to 4`1 IM:M­* lhe IIT�%C,z fz-.A�, trvc�.Ijty-q'n�-t . Lmn�s ;!.Irzler 'IL"M Was uatklilwiot�A, Cc'nA.7" Cxot,mi Att,�rz,,7 .& . � rt% tronz ll;js zfz­3:�.-A an lnque�'. to b-, jj�j,� ;It, liojtot;�; on nonaev­at atio.n. T�V,�, �i lu�i,,ni,� oJ Lra.,o:t,L.iin Mle,-=w IMA d ULRI� I Uac!* In"r-1 O'. , ir a �r ­�, ralb . � ,M-1! at. , Cra'gs,.Ue on 1jT1jf,,,1.�y .Ltr�j ,,�tD4zt jr,r , . gnizi Et.g.neer curn-,)I;�X from C.;C1,va, . . (In alls same eay. Toriantrok, Aug. 1I.-Sapt. 7M."r-ik. Man kqst Igig"in, ea%r ?,ii A, thvto..'t-j'eq- 11"114 tOmt th? illii-raiii im x7aF line it,�t .7. 1 - .2 13 ,�Rn tn-'ek, it. . -af..klng �,­' j-grl,c -, ozcus,r��d at n, trala:,.�).-.*�ry er,�)S.4jttg Made Ln�a C -If k-,,- 't C-�-Dt�raetor jVj:0 V,'P�9 ,P�:C,Xv�lt7n- n ,:,t n4 � , "I , r, f , , ta. at 01* -4le. He was, [­'eU'Yr4g ea .t,"j j3t,#�!;- tiuf2 ero�ssing. nru,z UL tkedamailm"I vt�!r,e, T -.v- un:"'kz,� �-J`,�Vvfm.q 'LL.�.',t! .t,�T,�� t*r4t whoel. rif 1 S�-- Ijj�­M ,,li,, 0:4t vu, ro"'I't at t1int -,3:nt, I 0.11 � , 711, rtl3 b�,A.4.g malcl. 64F-nU1,7 FIR"."I to r;7et.;P thl wacel riat of thn Mv ­% T?j � ,F,n,417v-. q-,i?rp.Nj v6 -y ,- . I ri? ort. 0.du L-,-- rzP,3r.­ (�.Wm lg�� to roll- 1!fe, ,'If"e'l; th.". . ­ .Zvo ,ea it'la n utmufl 11, b- , eas�, ollir,mvi n .1,4 it t:'�ijjr.�j tly ,jile . , the ears up to-nitill-r. ,p.io wUlln-ii-a lo 1,04101,9 ptol!2 wan -ab,)at 811U.Fd. Tl!rre was 110 lm,:s in frelf4eht,. ,10 only three ears rvere tiriarted anA Pi'sP COut-tinerl mal nn,l ,znP-- Wrpe;k- irg crews wf,xe sent ont from To- rontO .%noti,i)n anf? 01y.1n 8,11" f to Work at both er,U of th� wreefir, sand UIPY 18n0ceede4 In clearing tho lirw about 9.80 o*claorr last nie,it. --- ' * ­ Ctlftomor In Rfoitaurant-31,Lve .Wt tlz[Y Red4ift 1hare 7 Absent-minde& Walter -Yep-. Eir ; blonde or 'brujitqt* Sir 7 .