HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-09, Page 3� . . � � , : : . . :. � ­ 117 7-- '­=`-'­­­` ­ ­­`_­­, , ­:': , -'I 7�� � , , ; I , I . . � . � i I . ., I . . . . : , I.... ...� � �. .1 I ! 11 . . .. I I . I.. " I �. ;I ... -1 . I I.: -f. 11.1 -1. I � �. � � ­... I � 1: :41 .. I ... 1. 1. I I - �, � , '' � IR .... � ; . . .. " I - 111. ,� . 11 p, ­­­ , I 1. I. -ii I'�, ." . .p ... __ , , I . : � ( I I .11 I I I 1 , I I - I I 11 I .1. I 1 .. I ­�,:� ­', . I .-,� "" 1. �. I . ; ; ,; , � � I . . , � I I � 77��' 1 , �� " ,7 '77--77"'C .1 I 7- ' I - � �, .. I ­­­ I � .1 I . Ift I I'' �. I I I . . (., I . 4'.%4�.%,-.b,O,X.4-1,4.4.�*..!�.�*�-.*..t,.5.�,.,!.,d.!.......�,.,��...-...,.,...*..�.,...---.�.-�..-..-..----'�..,-.-�.�4.X.0,0..2,"t#,.e I I �. 'l,'' � I . I � . . �i� I 11. I . I I ­ I., ,. � I ­_ _____ libertine? Ht'�walks! the street$, he D t'%T SUMAY . I , � � titive Gad cailed Abram at Harao it, 0 11 1, � , 11, 1! ", XI �J - k, - Ini" ifty's.) Fasclonatoon , Tides the P�%rks, , ',he flaunts his in- Igulty In the eyes of the pure. The SCHV'%,JA, 'Was 00 years beXoTe A-braw's doit cendants caln'D lato possesslon 4u .- I s; 1. ess, looks Out ofth 8 1ZiTXARATlO1qAJJ of their own lo,ad; but t3ve Clilldren� tapestried window. Wherels the law LICSSON NO- VJ- of Israel were a;ctually In. EgpYt olllY � � ' Talmage ScoAters 11 el that dares take the brazen Wretches � . AUQUST 11, 1901, Mlif that time, Or .91,15 years. I Them and Pronounces Sin and put their faces In art I rOA frame � 14. 1J1J1a,L nation -Vie, JKgyptlanl E i Wrong Whether In High or Low Place of a state prison window? God's Pronilse to AbMham-Gen. 15: 1-18, nati n. Will I Judge -God brought' t bel i"*_1-111;� . ,.,,ql.19,,.�,o,.,,,z,,7A-.w.-,�e."-O-ee-.,-..�,�-.-.-,,..---.-.,.;.r.#-Ol..;,, W,pj,j,. j� , I Then look at the fWeluetiOnS I -a There I ame n assasonat.1 n., thrown u d COMMentary,-1, After these things plagoixes and destiructJon upon :Egyptians, Come out -Israel wasre-i ,�., #6."qq" _ t are In al commuAl,bles, men who h,%'Ve _ -ely after the The fact that immediat deemed from bondage and came out' I i I Nashington report- in this d's I NOW be has got so far along taken ,the lives of.othera unlawfully. battle with the kings thcre 6&Tae an� of Egypt, with great wealth. ThINI eauroe Dr. Talmage shows that thene ,docks. e ,�s safe for perdition. not as executioners of the law, and other vision from God to Abram leads pwomiRe W&n literally fulfilled, but .to a tendency to excuse brilliant faults It is quite a lOnz road sometimes -they go seat free. You say they had 1113 to thind� that he may have been thewe was, a 10119 time or W41ti"g- , Iliftause they for a man to travel before he gets into I their ,,provocations, God ga;ve life, Passing through a testing time, and 15, In peace-"T,hle verse strongly are brillian the romince of crime. Those are and He alone has a right to take it, was tempted to discour- inIP1100 the Immortallt.y' of thes,Oul-" ]Name law of right and wrong ought, to .-aught who are only In the prosaic and He inlay take It by visitation of agement, In a vision -Which supposes Abram 16. Amorites-This was the general 104 applied to high places and low. stage of It. If the sheriffs and con. ProvIdence or by an executioner Of awake, and some visible ap- Pearance, or sensible token of the name for the ChnaanItIsh tribes - Hom, Cow. int(lialty not full text, Daniel Iv, a3: "The same hour stables would only leave them alone a the law who is His messenger. But presence of the dilvine glory. -Henry. ...... yet -".From theae words we learn thatl the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchad- little while they would steal as well as when a anan assumeo that; dlv4ne Pre- . Fear not -Fear not thy exiemies, , thexe is tt, certain Pitch of jniquity� IWas r and lie Was driven from man anybody. They might not be able to rogative ,he tou-clies the lowest depth neither fear lest Ify promisee shall . to w1lich nationi may arrivo be-?: =adl'd s steal a whole railroad, but they could Of 'crime, .. 1,a I ' I am tily shield—God was fore they are destroyed, and be-� ; . ; Here Is the mightiest of the Baby- master a load of pig Iron. Soolety Is alert for carWn kinds , r�hee- In b tion, and He is the por- s P r .I,n ; yond which God will not pornrlt�: �onlsh kings. him. Now, I always 'thank God when I Of MUTder. If a citizen going along 'the t , evo,Y righteous soul." Great them to pass," ; .Look at 4' He did f -Ind an estate like that go to smash. road at night Ii I waylaid and r0ward-j'Thir reward shall be exceed- 17. A smoking furnace -This signi-' =Ore for the grandeur of the capital khan did all his It is plague struck, and it blasts the Main by a -robber, we all wAnt the ing great.,, "'lUiere is surely a refer. ence fled the aJfiletioll of the children of �! predecessors or suo- 6saors. nation. I thank God N)qhen it _oes villain arrested and executed. For here to the battle and the vic- Israel in Egypt. "They were there . Hanging gardens, reservoirs, *qusducts, Into such a wrock it can never". be all ca.rroting, for all beating out of tory. I shielded thee In the battle anti rewarded in the farDajee of affliction." Burn-, Palaces, all of his'own plan- gathered up again. I want it to be- life by a club or an ax or a slung- thee In the victory." '"'hen ing lamp -Tho sr,viabol. of the divine 1 bIng. The bricks that are brought up come so loathsome and such an In- shot, the law has quick sprJng and -Can,tllish. God Is ours we have presence. "Faith may be strong, I ' from the ruins of Babylon have sufferable stench that honest young heavy Stroke; but you' know that all that is sufficient for defence and reward; but light conies while we sLandbe- *1to-day 8 name OU them, "Nebuchadnezzar, men will take warning. If God should when men get affluent and high Post- this promise involves eternal life. --Murphy. fore ,the Lord, _by the holy altar of C,On Of Nabopolassor, king bf Baby- put Into money or Its representative tion and they avenge their wrongs I 2 .190 childless-Sn-Ing lam going burnt Offering.,, 18. I -lade a covenant -A covenant n." He was a great conqueror. Ile 43txetched forth his spear toward a na- the capacity to go to its lawful owner, there Would not be a bank or a safe- by taking the lives of others, great sYrnPmtby Is excited lawyers plead, Childless; that is, lam going out of the in is a, mutual agreement between .1tion, and it surrendered. But he plun- ty deposit In the United States Whose ladles weep, judge' halts, Jury is world this condition.-Hom. COm. Abram desired a son, for be two contracting partler, each of which is bound to fulfil certain en- Aered the temple of the'true God. He walls would not be blown out and bribed and the man goes free. If the knew upon divine authority that his gagements to the other. In Holy Ufted an idol, Bel Merodach, and com- mortgages 'would rlp and parchinents verdict happens to be against. him, seed should inherit the land. Sonship VierIP'ture, it Is used mostly to de- "Pelled the people to bow down before would rend and gold would shoot and a new trial is ealled On through some and heirship are inseparably con- note certain defined relat,on,; be - L1. and if they refused they must go beggars Would get on horseback and technicality, and they- adjourn for nected in the thoughte of God. -C. H. t1veen God and man. River or Egypt -through the redhot furnace or be stock gamblers would go to the alms- 'wit" es that never come, end ad- X Stewart] of my .bouse-The h . - eir -Probably the River Nile. , crunched by lion or lioness. So God 'house, journ and adjourn until the oommu- I Into whose hands 1bram's possessions TAOughts-lacidenial features of Pulled him down. HOW many dishonestles Iri the mak- nity has forgotten 0,11 about it, and I must descend In consequence of Iiis I the covenant: I.. it was of God's He was smitten with what physi- ing out of Invoices and Inthe plas- then the prison door opens and the childless condition.-Leale. Is this own making. 2. it w�ts an estab- Idans call lyeanthropy and fancied that tering of false labels and in the murderer goes free. Flirlver-"How could the ,promise be I Jifshed covenant. i';. It was an eii- he was a wild beast, and he went out fildbing of customers of rival houses Now, If capital punUftment Is fulfilled when a Istran-ger' is likely I io be his heir ?­ tailed covena,lit. 4. It wag an ever - and pastured amid the cattle. God did and I n the making and breaking of right, I say let the life of the polished S. Given no seed -."Though we should I lasting covenant, From everlasting in the rif it to not 'excuse him, because he kad com- contracts' Young men axe indoctrin- murderer go with the life Of the never complain Of God, yet we may counKel's and ever - lasting 0 in th couse uences of it. mitted the sin. in high places or be- ated in the Idea that the sooner vulgar assaesin. have no I com, Again to Him, and tell Him all , q -A. TV. Parry. Cause the transgression was wide re- they get money the better, and the partiality of gallows. no arlstocrw�,y our gripvances." Ont, born in my 1,XRVRY. kounding. He measured Nebuchad- etting of it on alarger scale only of electrocution chair. Do not let tnl 1,cilse-That IR, "one attached to, or Pr,ACT,1VLL - nezzar In high places just as He would Prove`- to them their greater ing-en- -float back to barbarism, When every a dei-ndent of 111,3 house." I Th a Lord conimunleateswUhmon, measure the humblest captive. uity. There Is a glitter Uirown around man was his own judge, jury -�r,l, . 4. Shall not be thine. heir -There is k large part of the veriptures iii " But In our time, you know well about all the.ge tigngs. y,aunr � men __ stated as being what (;;jkl salil. Those, ans V -s I that there is a dispoAtion to put Ilav& V;Ot to find out that God looks —_­ - ­ ___ ___.___________,_== Wbo scont 1)w !�!e:L vf inn n'" reec-i% Ing ' a halo around Iniquity It It Is commit- upon Sin In 0, V,-�r.r differan . t ljgl�jt. And W--% r> ZlIJOEINEZEIR, ANUDO HIS D nles.,�ages all -I vinurnanivatlems; frora 4lud r, jI,vt IxA 4trihy ttte isnerea re - ted In enngpicuous place and R It Is rernember tiInt the man. who Vd_% 1031 a vorl, I -.itt Ow (',.PT1;"1*.'­!i of luen t%�- . 'Wide resounding and mO larg-t lAropor- gets his pain by i.­.!fluJ*V ,%,-I,l soon , I lo.,;e it ­_ , (lay. N V.,Li 1­�, .� ',it ,1.1�, - -%;�,,A 1Jj,.it4Avt 't�j tIon3. Lver anti anon tivm, 14,,a been all. is 4 partu.n� fr.i On�, minn,-r.t a f tor 1i e- jls.%� hn wgl nqt an � '- ". .Z��r, . , I 11�.. , utteri�, ,,v. R4 0. 'er " , ,a Ili's rah%ful an epidemic of crime , In li,I,Q- plac-,�� , and there Is ,!a _ I O..vn , ; . I vpera ;;�o-l..-,�, 116� T;grl nett 0i'm M cor- .;.--- I 1. ­ .­:= ,�­ _ , I -1 - -0 - , ,;�-_ - � � '% _ � I - illlf.­'� 8f1rV!tDbt. (3o.1'r.4 1-­rA;, .. o". 1�b7vnl. fl,vl not a rtato or t-�vr and ' , tificate of . -wic, Ile . , , w!.! rzot own ", ­ I., :. , _. - .,-, .; . mv- bardly a village viblvii. lias 31"Ot W'en i one dollar of goveranw.�nt gc,?ur*.!4e��, ., , , "Ill __. 1. `4% , .- .- �­ 2�,�_-. �. � . 1, ""'. InEs,il JF,U1;f,X ;,' -Af1hr"Iral tf,b L,,�� 10^�,; ­vXe4.e4,),Z rrjj�. � called to lool, upon astouniling forgery , i -End the pooros,t boy that zv_I�I(Lq j)�.I , - a ,­ .., 41.7-. I . . I . -1. . I—— - .- ­,,­ 11 , - " � ;-,Q,, grrat n-­.%.1V,,J.'1 _1 1N 1111VI to li:ux lorli'tip. ,.� a �-r.t­.d tllnc% ati or an abscending bank cashle r cr pres- file street vAtil a. penny In k1s pfie%et. - .1 i.... 1 I I " - o,-:_, .i * ,­� , 1. - � .1 ­ 1. hig Nrt�. III, ha 1,1v8,­P*0-1 U3 eupmlos. Went or * tbe wa4ting of tru, PjaWnt: at tlw� funeval rqw�i�,�Fwl.on 0: I , I I I � ­­ .1 ,.�,. 111 � - . � .. ", ... -� '. Z 4a-': .1 anol lm,IAbh* Pig- V' '0�..I�..­�t tsaat loe n, 116�t awindling riortgages, I I thia &k.,111 eb(i,at as it goe--�; by will bave -.,. � ,.-V'- , "' -_"�o , - - , - ­��-'� ; �: -'.,, " - 111dat ld .: 1%.�;r 0 !,-v. r Ir t� og% tin i thi re carrying out the rmgr,,�estlou og my text, t njore mono, v ,tlt4�n tb.,%t 4-glan ,;vI,,I,N ore , . ­ ;:�� r-1% � , I � _... I � � " " I " ; �, z "I, a i - ,I179`,§!Z,Vaf"1f.- mfgh�b,.. -61w4txi.mt",4" , as far as I can. ta Scatter thn fascina. �' ,t wt,Oz pre".1au, Jgs.,�.;r.� q tl.a� �,j,;.. Coll. , "r,��, 1�1 ­ .1 to '. 0- �11 ,�r I .;� ��:F;14i!�,�:*,'-' ;;� ,,, I , �, , ruent; wit. jl,i ;�l tfa­ V-1-rht Valp. tions around Iniquity and show, you � t�0110�11 t'arl niozwy n1.1'134!t. I ,,;I � . 11 . �:l . � , U04ti '14W, P�­,,*- %�.,Vi�- t.a'�4, "Fcar that aln Is A- aud wronj ti wrongl imi. 1%,-ra N f, ::% . ., n!��ina_ 'uc a V 3. N1 fL , . �,!,,,44,,�Wl .�V, I i.. 7 I 1 .�.Of�' �� 114 A � 1 A ­ I not." whether In IiVrli plariL� or Imar lA:aC;%,[ t!,in I. -I 111h, d'?v alo""..1 -IttN u,.'a Q.� tm.q � �11.-"! I ,..�` . 11 �;e,.'I,�,,,,4 � � Abry , fh** ,,, - - . , nl,�) .'15. At r, m tnr% (-vr- and that It will ba doaft Whit lir Gg"TtIl! f"M11- It 11,11 g0t ti 1,�,� jtonr,jl_�r to - � " "". �M " t:.)JCJ,'V IL�P'tt tt.40 J,4,.. -.I 1�_!.t r�'JVO.' _ tD ] J'ji,-� 'who dealt with. Iniloalacea X.?1)tl,l%ad-' t:t!Ztj tj," ftjn,�.-, * . R IDQLI-I,.­� Q, ­U opm,u- - "t,!, i, � '� , , -­, I 11 il, or, _-, word V� 140!w� It wa,,, ra � iu,.­ r- iaaEw, ts- I Uezzar. 1 �3,* %V4411 tllc,ia. Ttp,ro ar.� zi,,1.jny wil'i � ,­ - ,; " .,;,, 'I 4't;:�� "O', 1� . , 4 i�:,���!,!;I ".�� " IA. -.11 f4 4? t., vf " 4a, r 11 �%v%cr gre�itly 11(� h",*1 ,� , 'a All who prcaeft tool tbat two ldn1s I arf� rr,waton!,, ua.at inzqutty. A�niant I � ., . I I'll, '11 11 Til . I T.'��!�,� =Z��*,�� O�T I ,�' jU�� 110. ,,� � t, b� � t ,;�, U , uo, " ft_,**. ; lot si%rmono aro� nee.-Issary, tho one, on, every W'In IDI t%j-1 0 k,)ur,�,3 4�,�2 lit'.] ljf,� I � . ­­ - I . ", -4, . ,71'Iz��.�. -- , " 1. -- ­- -01%." . I �� -1 � ,� .... . . 1, , J ) z-"! , " SKI` �­ _- 1.1;1, �,J ) i: . �V;I"�"!*R�, JK;1 ... 4;1� " #.Ir_�,!Ve ,41� A L� ! C. V 1, III, t%:f1Nw'dt qof tp;..it *,�'v ArP, %4 �.4 I, ; :1, �t fVe I Is theh falth 01 the goopul. the other vi i, 11ml, th�% I-roltc­!.v f.�e oq,%erj nt1t %, jj�� I I � .� . ,;V, �. � , j,-.,. 11 , ,��r, - -, , , t; i 11 ­: "t� , I ,2 1 �. � %AIL ') ,1 I �,,l ,,, *t ,� ,. 1� PT,14� - 1, I Voo� I * J'�L]�"'I,Lq,t C�,ffo%f' o the raorality of th,� r,& ; pel, awl tho' � ��V., 11�� lhla,l 2�lthvn'A, ...741. rf"'hapLi. I -1 ::-, . , ip", 11'. � � � , -� �A "I'll, 11 I, �� , , , ,,,� $ 1: . .. , �.%. ). ­� '. 0 5:..-, Itt V.,!b It I� I, ai'A �1111, 1 0 rt TO r - one Is Just a% tral ortont at, th", othur" 1�04* a tacal fVzo?'LIII. 1,,� l.zi an altqrZ,o.,. - , . I i .. . !*'Ilt- �­ 4�d� L � )% , .1 71-tt �rh­',rt��, ,4 " , (I - n;A) *�cfi., 17i -.1 ' . for you know that in thlo land to -day CIV0 T&MVely pL,--oo for,111 kJkt.,J0I,. 14 . il I, 1�1`* 1. I . ., I 'i - � I vr roit�a.' ** , ��.z,­­ of thal.,trci � GrCa'Ito.* Jbr4)Ur,1,PJ :11r.; lj,�n,*n. i).. lj�! Ith�,ro are lkundro,la ol. wen IBRdivag le- 1,1 . I'l 11. , " , � 4 . ;�, p . � , - , t, 4�� �rx�-/ - Impul 9�,? v3� � T,'�­'� z, - ,� ; 1,1144a­� 1 not Xn(I the connutinlon tablen and In " Am Q Cq , " -tarnprclat (% , _400",�Alvnont end .: � ,.. , I ­ . I , �, 1. , " 11 \ ,� I Ito 1,�fi- �.�s ,��.--,,!*Q eeutf; tef�, ex *B:1 " I * '. � 9�,�`, a C 1dr I',,,- dt '.3 �or bti thurchen ce Jocua ClarLtit wbo bave nts 't har�; * ,� ,�,� �, '�'�l' .,N� 'It 1 . . -I I I I � I k, -, " lthevv V.,-av Z!I-,q,hoJ,,_1 tt"I d,��4ije,,ate ll�vw Xe_aL1,W:,l�15`ta1;'1yi, rl bunlne2a to ba there aq profi,.-!mrs of ; or L'� k) trcnsuv�r of % I ; i. .11, . " " , , ��, , .1', -.I- , -�, I , tft"d% V*V6,taro � , _1 %, t Wil f, , 11,01fl% 4. To M$J;fon. Thry eutwet to b� "ll right a V1hR3i*.76r,3r'1,e- IMIfitut1f,in. f1;ftQJ Jr,,*nT,V , , , I I , 111'ef Via m'At=A k­-�,,r­:', i: I , `1L_* nto lua =msl. � W101 Goa, although they are 021 wr,)p q I f0*1 the rnllkn�,V",q. '"'I'les IaJjTo;�,Jf,,I I 1'."', �, � I � 141_��_ �\ I R g4o Ite'arl V4 TN'7 V! . . tl� -!,Ub, �,Ll,�J'dl.i �". ba� �q " Iw4lth tran. And, %vbll,j I wan-, you to I'l 1AInTli or A0 lJX2' COMO office in e IVj,F I :" -_ 1 � I I,- , I - L , � 9�0 1'.4.1 a !L4 A% ', 1', JA 47� t -it' -,J.14 t %V) %J!� � - 'a %Vo 0.4 11, t to "01 ,I �, -1� bri, tj � 3 tr') lur 4 ,; , untli�ratrind tDat by tho C 1i ol ._ - or le,A tj-f, ot2P* e? natl.e,n. nt.,J ,C!'p . ,,! , ,, � , :11 T4 11, �� " - I , f4r.'In 14m.�IaV gp'."', �11,� f1t.) t_,ip..�`o, * I&W no fle!gh living Can be jw�lthlel and r, subt_AdOW3 wo v,UpJ0J:t10 an'l cajAr:,�J , ,i��.�, �,N, 1; - _ b"A lie tuo%, qh�, ff""':.1 'Ili #11 L�1411t­ It,- ,t%tier6laon,L,!4tileticalino*.t,ntt�iku-illit'I ato Inb!tll,nnd:�, Now. 02"I b a '.�,t I 111, 11 X . j. . .. ," M , , 11 _�t ,_ ,ra, "Ut �.�.'4 LAQu 141 t�­,­_' to ��, bmum r want Vion as plamly to U01- 'n'=t. That ii wg c,�v,Tcj, a t.r=t = � I . �� ..!, �I � � . .1 � _:, - .1 I 10 ',: " - � - ' ' k; -' 't 0 - - t`40 i -d 1,11! tt Vi -k1? r,.?, ,derstand Oat unrevs the Wo- In right G*I 'eln gavo a mum 1" t) eae con. � 11 I - . - .. *�­ *4 , ­ "; � Rf,�",n.,!,Apl�� ,, 7 �171,,,r .11 I V, L".A Vn!�944 Itbe beart . 1-i n6t rlght,, Gr&ce In ttio, ft "niTaILIL'on VA, t-on141(&.n!-4% X'"iv, V_h-._,Ja ,�_, ,/--,,-#, . 1_1�i_% .- I VV,- "I !,� , , 0 "",L- '9 V1 � )�j 1, �tj"� !q, /� fi�. f' 4, T ,�'i h.�'J L _J , t" - !, � 010-1% trlafa 1"�,-'L,,1,'f, t!%Dt r�or.,�J 4��. � - j.. ttj­2 �hftart and graqv In lbe III, - z�) we lrou,A: � ,, . -4 " � .. I ��01,�#_ I � - ­1� , ." , 0 ,-, iv��, '] , 1. , 41 , '.11- 4 V1, 1, , CL." - P i� � �2.rezi ,� It V - -, vreach Vernahraen tho falch or the ge,,-1- %1=4!I51 �Gr M,I�V,­*� 4^, I,- %�C.�J t,gp " 'm".1- ,. "Alo, , 117 _� ,�W�� 17!�,, I I 11;��. I I <�� _. -, --- !� rol Mtn& n�wuilnen 8ae "Malg&y 02 It"e,[ Da-5ng tv�.,a it P't, ld_., O'�-n pnp,-;i;01_'tt�� 1�., , I '';.'e.".." ._� � tll� � . , . li I *1� I I.. 1. ONTAMOAROWIN WHEAT. gogrel. il I, G,Wtalv 0: thoft. ?.ew�,t,,,U64 C111.2 .. , � "�,, � I r,*Tjurl� at I 9PI t!�� 0. m.. g3t lt.0c. , u'. �, t'a !t_-, It rennn t') m Vac�r,n, han 2"t bl_1,1t tyl tte ,n�ord 1,_t, a -mr" � I WHERKS THU DOU ? � .... - , L�,UtAV_,TaD9;:- VaLNr, of ",�t.&rrrmt Var'sc- _.',_%aV,4 a time lit flaa InA fdty yeari'vAmn tWs *ii C � I �,� _,�,,�, � cvc� t,_­jVE�_�,,� t.q-li",!��',%.",*X�,-Sdl , , I 44,9 913V-�I, aln5u�,�L , Matter trath r;i_�,�., "Iell more Ulw-,�,taglnn,V ti * ii j� onl +,,, �n,lt-!" -LL "?T@ Jr3�,%! �T ' , I , Lfl,'�: Z ,V,!,_E!�.D ` �­ ,­,.- - . _________ __-, , -- -_ . .- _ ____ ,.. � � '-, I . L L..'�b 0,2A. , 4 -�' � !I L. 0� - r i , It '� 1� C..� ,,� � - - � Amerlcau Oratv��h- - ,� ,,, , ,_ .-,I I I. ,�, , I _ , _ - ­ . ,ainl atl !1!jr , , .11 t­n� 6- , ': Mcr 'r " P, . , , r V0 0_ V . = ,1!4 aft, _1_-C1 !_ -� " t -n r") I � I f 0 el�l,�, I 'Io�-,,,�.�, tt,t,��,I-,� 'n", - -1 __ - - � ,�, I ! ILI I la,�o; , 1,-;_ -.1 , " '� ta'u p . " 1'11'� " ��" t�!! n 1,�_-,%Vn�z 69 Vlaft at tv, ult, "MI U� p2E_Z�MtE I n�-Ia,_� " n'_,�J,Zj�a�'t.':,. ,T,,2. t��,_ff , _4,Z ,: I ' I '. #t L f,,at C 0 *,�owlen - --r,"'11 ` 4 - - - - .11 ___ - ,�-�17­11L,'=M,�V 'Vk,ira k, 31 t!"w? C- - . 'L-. ,��i . �t�,fc",) j,:�,,, ­!�­ p,,�, ,, �, t�ia2a , �,_ i., t ,0,�,_ e �1 , _:, � _ - , " � - .�,4t - , , Il. . * , q , u�,_: �! 4, ,,, �; ,_0 'OntalkL,, _ Nov"'. 10_')tt QNreaol and st._�,, tkl! T_11�-,-�; ,. " - , .� 1� � a 1r,�,_,Xa �� tl�,_,, t �,� e ", 11 1-1 I C �n a 4? 1 , V.i�lr,, -4 -4 . lapllle 'Mt -1 I i. a zqn-Ta_,� t C,'� � r_1 M 3 ci D% a 1, � i . f _�r� �' __ - _-!.io _%o ., J��',._ 1��ii�,�`� F* 'I T`,'� ,: '� - � .4, 1� _U '_ L: D�',!,'t,.)�. - 't"! ItIftattafte-k tti,at _=,:� Vaorin aol''),=2 dL.0-` ',!��_� U'los'! O�" t!,E��' . - T t'A�­�I,v, t�'C,,'* %�� it .,..,. Q�S-,.,­,u 4.� ,i� r� 4 ,;y � �- - I � I �1_ . � �,I' -� t �'), a_q_­1. !it N f ',�_ .",. - I ,�,,'Cv�! �:� I , - _ � , - "�­�_ VI., I Ql:�3 11e a` 1 ,�,�:PA ,�,,) I,.- �; ": �, .. kv_�,T_ I ,-� . t 42 �y "I Vv.n.0 U . - t,t, ." " � i 11 � �-,Jv,� f6e,­nt sayles ol C!�,*W*. 11D. -a vjl,_n�%.tt . - !I ' ,111: by fat'n'-n, tit f, -u.-_" ,�,,­J a "_��t a a�l,,,�t'1,4., n * , V 17 vdt�!�1 ;11�! T.",-Tvil V.Vlu!�M' t,A ftl IMD tLA "'Ist"_:�!!�.1 �:�,,, , , ,,, ;. 2�,J (f tr �i t 1 i ,-4, �; , , - , : -�a,_'!�,n,:l , M �,_: ,,�?-_ '�'!' , ,:�j i. �'�'Jtf,)'71 I �J t'�;"4'.'? i '�I - I __ - " e L7_ 'D 'IbCIt Ot'o.'V DLr�,Jl L" C'..'i t! A V;,fy'm0n t,_,��% C't L'I. 'roj !'�_�'Ljl Ll��+:, " 1-1 4 , �', v �, tD_Z�_)!V, _., Ds a Lt c,_-t,�,,� E, 1�2, �, �,, �'.1, , � U�tic,3 V�.t it ,� �, - ; y-� [,_ I, E_ �;� , " -, , It 11 �-"­, t �'. � ., - , 1,�;',, ", � �, � ", 1,1k,�,,I 9 D�, Dj'�-� I - - � I - � - IT l?!,�-y ­ ,!',�� M ­�.� , ;; whea rwas P_ ­mu. Obou"'I tNvov� [_�� vq- I rl!"Ilil - lit I' ,� ­�� i�,! t,,��1­ , - . �­ t b�t IN "' 1._ E_ .' ,� � � , ,., '��.­, �.," 'I �L --ni'­'-­13T.t.n, I ,r.a-� � ­�,V<�. k:, ,V - ,�, t;,.,;, r. -!,._11t C'- . 4 'D VI, _,"� . ..... _, .. .I �_ I- ,:� ," 11 I-1 IYLIII Ir 1. _�. .�_ " , I -",� V�-- 1, - � -..-- e I -, � --...;A md,�,,l tua,usa It ri�) On & lat,_-,�, ,.­"'_, � . ­ .11,"I,%I� - ­LIU. - L-:JJ1'1' L". I -!' - , " �j I�ia,��_�.-__�- ., , 0, L�. C,: ,,, I " �! to ki ,,,,��. 1, 4,4 ,.,-. �, � ,- �, i"'­,jA -:!r." ,, ,3 � .t!"!fk i5ti tt-:� c�1.1,,tRn..-11;nti�_fts% Ar--... t��nv � ­ - - 11 , , v:.. L-� -1 ', " - ,1�, , !,:'!.�- �L - A. 2-aw-A"', "". __ . , � ,!, V"n. It Iffi,vtV guflty or"I ,.,I 11"", rng%�=,l I&T 1 4.�,4m 1,t�'Je_ ",­,__ " , 11 � ­ t.1 � , 4� ',;,o­L_r% V�,�4 ?� 'k -L, � � ': - , ,.--4 - L­n—,r-o vi-, _- . - � � _� � ,,, I. I _.`�. ­,...-�:.� � �-­ �[ ti'm qn,*­ta-ir'l by zm ,E- �Lt � ". - -_5. --- IV -1 ,4 _*.Z2V- . T '.1 11 1� - I u'- I A_ �, ;� -_ - r" : - _1!.':-1, V_ l.- - ��,�,r� - � . , - 2hL "'t's 4r"-, % is naw In gz�DT�Ott,�ca al 11 99 On 91�! D;r �. �Qn � 1'�_":�tl t�.:,,--_- q,.1 1,v�.o r.;*nT��-, , - lia, nr -,, "', , L�y ,� LrA*­"I��d !'.,,�C I, L"'." � , ,�� ,� ,�; , �,� 111', � t' �, �� " �­ 4 tto rr. 1,�:� , n'! 4.�,�, cov� " I- L _� * '", �� I'4: , �, � _.' _.-3!, �1 ".' ,:�-�-�._ '1' ,� ', " _1"y I - - . ­ - �., '� - _ " , ' _ I ) ,,;, '__�l '_2 .- " "t�."m-A f"! eit�, � tuall seal,e*2 SF,Q19 'wo Wave tho rat I- �( t-ftlo ­i� ,:�-_, � at! "f: 0�0_ !�:! I I � il� �_L,� " t'-� � A._�-,; Av,;ft'l �. � i I., 1. 4I1At',L.,. l 411!r4M, 15' t%e VV�2�c� -1 � I - I ,- za � e- �-, ,_­ ��,On- , ill tn �, , nt,- - - ,�, _�', C t � 11 �,)T, 1%,,��* 1. � , , , .� - _1 � �1, �,�_ �7� . 109ary feg* Vho nemal who tteals an �! IhO X.Vrnt,v 0"Z ' 7 �� - . I , . ,- tl J "7 W u, .- I -,"V t3 !-.Z!�nf,% d*,..:r,e7,, * - , , ra,_ ,t'.�__j e,ALI N ,� , _, .- � I `� - ,,�n ('0u,", 0.1 .Zol- "I 1, ' , j 'I " � H ,, �-,, ��, �L­L " i, -;t a - ,�l . � 'Ic w.cc-Ze � ,V.. . . ,1�_ , � � , . 1-1'. . I r4 " t '­­ `�- - I _. ,. 0;,�c,=t fro= a halrack aml rill Can- 1: .shott t1no in a 1'1.1'.1.1.11;1.�1,7% . - ., %-� Val �, !--�n, 11 - &d�l+-LtLt-y t p",,:, _'A V�' L,L, f,�'.! '�­ C, 1. - 1. � � I -,. .n VfIe-vatvv� r�'.,n ,�­_!2 L.0 'Alt _'1,(_'IJ --- .y v". , .. . Ex. t t4n., a tlir_- _, � _ �.� ,:L - ,.N_, - - �,., _ ._ , I _ '. ,_ ,4V _ , - ��j&-4 - '�� Q ­­.� 1, � - , ... T,av-5�-,% -4 el: " ' , ' �,. 4" . - 4.'.1 ". ,_.11 V il %� __%�'Ll � r, ! _ ._ ,_ , I- I .. _ . ,q _ ;9, 4E _ , , C.T 'I. I q r . , � In if he 3 K ange - ha,i 31c, 'M cgo&y !ardg Z�.a UaMn; � ls,:%,�_to.-,t 40& for & Inan 1,0 I f 1. zmtll it Je,o*acj Ljf _ �;�!.,rO5=, ; r - , g', -- � , � I ` ra-q- !mpe-.?t,-i­it �J 11 _�T,� _."! -P ', Z 'f�t' , _�_.� �'L 'T�, '.7 , iI " g�' I - ­ ­�; I�_ I�'._�? r'n 't,%�JC rtbbed the purlA!c oT ni12Rv-%s'! I 1! W! _1* Cz etevnrtl,�. "', "11a islgwt m�r IG,�,l maT.5--7 is !�, ,.�,nl�-,, 1. � ,.E.Je I -1-, , . t_ . in 4 ,_14-1@Vr I' " a V_ L; #.g�-, I ,_e,r,r,., , , "7,? !F,%tr ­ � - _ , _. " -, , -, , � - I Vv,�-,I:�-,�­ �w, ir;' !L: L.. -,.:.y 'Q- 'I­.-plairjt�� fj"r-.F,nLt , Look ii.ollm nil tna TaF,�.-InalvIct-3 thTa-, n : N*Ow, do not ;�.,�I- _o, un&r, jj�t ,� ._ -, - - j� 'r 1-._:r��"nn ning I juJgMl,i�'4 ,�_n'y ,�','1*11 S-31 MV'Fal] Lt. I, _,Ijbl�a M 1__R�'fi� _nL", ;DA [�-o f!ctcoz 11 !1 T'A". _-7 C,_,.� ,_ . " . .., . t a �,�-,�� r ��:;:ir ,3-!g L11 _ 2"; , ,� Atowd fra"2& 154 thr's courtn!. T"'a � 'V:I;n wNd'-d gni,­ " ; z',_��4 T, ,� .�, nen a 11*16!r , 1hC'Te lar,z 1'2,�nnJZ,&4S Or - lmjur,�, ,.,,-, � n I --i -f nVA -11 ; _, �­ ,� " .� __ '1'�!35r �,e . CIO-, - -21' . 'a'J..')rA � .I,_ 3 , lo ". rE,,v,n,- vn� `­ ,, t , e ;Vv� 4 .. .. .. i'""". " - r '? t. - , I -J-- ,� �, _!L ltfi5tv for years mcn have b""M r,�Z�B" lttu,4 fan�!g fc,!� 11,1�.,T,�,.,a� ,�,� t, ,,;I-, , - I, , �� 1. , '4 Z �t,�jr C�� " - V4'."'. o knve g,"a"I btasg. <_�, V_, _t, � I I C'�- - tr'ntl� er"L", r;r,,v_-,f Uln" ,;-,,:n; L, -)-,;v I! . ,� .- '4�- xvra ,,,, ,:,A. %-�-" 6.mm, 6r!-"r:f � -A , ­� I, I :htrtea of avaj V16"0661aft2d on,] a- , I Vair- 1, sls��-,_Zfl a-1120,",. f n, I 1, t i -,-; a te ,-'1.14�1,I.--Y,!) .1 .1 =".. , �'tc* sr routo I�Zwen t,!U,_­.C,!,n! , .­ , .ive 1, , wwe* h��Io, rC_,LL.g D.d%n tFlic VP W .. , - .,,, ii -�-n- T,��.­­,­ ] ') .V I ­ - _ - ,!r�i, o 1:,.;-, f 'U.�-_, - .jv , -1, '! -1, , -, 1,1 -1- a -� n I �'IrLt,-'4ty. r.e.;n­_1Lf_,. - L ­-,., --t, viI 16tu rm.y P,.*_�wrael to th,t,, pu"X, .,- � 1� ,2 ile I..... --,­ � �f 1. t-,ouv laa* I I geg - 54�s zLg g,*oa,1 j�,p -%,�.I,,et yo- -. .1 R 0 "U.... I,�.; ; � �1­ , a,: i�,]a I rJ!tWu,13C.­ ". ­ .1 " r. "vn I - .� %,-'. -A 'c � I . 0 t. �,,� -_,.�n, L'._`�. - . %, . ­ � �!,�, �-,,,, J" �, " ., 9V Ft - � " " ,,, , - � , - `t�.' - I Vvening"Llon, '�V' thoUgh .sawettlm,�s they wctre w&rtlny �, .'_11"', _Q._'�__eq [L�! %-'S t_ 7,1�L­ �� . ­ __ '6' l.-L'a"4 'M 11 e ,r,5u 3 r'o�rj lb2CS bdazm-e? - it. t�z.* pjot�. Ur. _'­,�_�112. C'u"n'te! i �� � ""i !� ­ � ,1,T,- t- �:n ". - 1 -� C,'.;I!� � t, -,� z, (I It ,--i�-�. Mt U. ,,,�k '�" ­ * . .� "A ­. ,attere-1 � ,'lie 131rRLWt n-, y o%�4PL -a��- ;:,,g,0 - -, '61 admiraVon Ir tt-ey havt sc I ,4n, g rjt,.�,,u I �r Let _7 , . 1, " n YoUn, r __C - jq�_Ive yGu L, -, , _a�.__�­ . !4. I t: I.,` -"111"!* re � , !a i i M - vv�ag r� ac�� Z� 1� I -A , t - ,ng ti ,�tQ �T,!.n,j rc 7.% � I:. V-4 -I' t ­r�;" n 0 - _+_C� �o-;�.��_.�, �;.t -,a- � Uc-r ana r�,Ii,e ay-,�-,.- � the fundt of bankm. or s-traI)vInJ gn�at . 1:7j"�j V,��J %ung"'.y , - -:' li7nV'C' vauEyc�e.j I f L fMda"e..It �'!,3� um,n t ­ Z the mi on3 iun..art, to, v�irlc 61.wcy � 9,,,,v­�,..1 vi ,�,--t!��Tm!rv­l t !P * idatates that d!d not b2l.on- to Chem. nftAtt1erewZ;_t§p"�r,1,J1 O,R.tjnr,!%-on��',�­al 1Y - ­ �� e -2',c " % .-r,*t1*4`%E-rA.1L*,,_1 to C,tL- rj�:Ov,: rp.�(nul�a, _nt'i - �o I Jklul : hen -'e, 'he t,L,ZCT,. ,'� i _, 4,:, S'J.,j .�, - - b�, f&4,1" , Rentio-n , 1� .�;'-_, I ._ . _I , - F.:��:7�' C.,J ,tZVJ'1_ I_ 'tj­�, J.�_L'*% � , f'�;r� �,.'fL'.':1 -;,, - �; , 't_--Tt:�­`r lizr,-�ZI;_�!­ I ,,, ,Z,,2,nill 1,26:."�,7__,--- �� �r � - ,I fi�"'r_ 0 " �n, 1, � . f 4,_::-�� Ttn��-,t -, rr6n u2ave L,��n daz�l v.iLau _ �, Onr l'oun z,_ V--antel to fa",;_� J% 8,4r�l* ­i�_,;"JVZ*.-,P. .InAtatl.,a :�O3 ,Ez�zz,,,j =at, 0�o .yf,t.1T 1 r, witlummt nr-� mz:��,t g �Wk, � ,� - - , _� :, � , I C, I t';� M, En ',f T - ,� - - T,_,�-05_L"�,3' h5 � 0--s- � :,�,i � � __ 6,tv.0 I' , -­Z� . C$'4' 'S, �L ,*.-S*­t4�. , �* t�-1 V'n'rIA;�x, - lWa qnOCZ; acc-umutlation. Thoy hav4e�,�i 41,3 I towi, - - rdat , '7­.'T'kLb,�*eT'% sl;mlftur,�'2 (),",V, !,-,SZn t=V,e , T. L6 ED, T­,Cr� CT Xt !�'l n ,c� 1,1�_,",!� xm-u:a , � ,,, ,n! 'r �- � znll -� -z %� I.,, -,!, t "" r, I l`.L(? V,,T - --n t,Tjn.. �,,%l ud'l laa'­Ii� ,.;,-,,n�! 0, , ,sxill: ­Tkatla Uae vv&y to do Bt. lVt-7ft's 'i ; � us, Ile p�. 14 .L � , U1, ,SSS. 31" !n-"_%-_1-,_�r Y�'Ur 9Z� r_�r'r'$ - , V �� ��*D (!, t�-a vALo"­ '; Mri.t t1a:.r; 5".L,l �"��'�' L,� - - - ­i,�" -, r. -r ,_ � �:-.-,-7n in V2,Ann-r­�,,, �_� - . ..I�* &r,'- 7,�­­�_�, , r2l; t,�*.:LV� t;'�are C the ti,sre of 01w 10�,_`1111"- on wath vezaalll I ",� _"tb_�.. � - , L Z, :L alMyl. 111',�-,�*I* lt'� T!"Un`Z:0�'. I ��n")W, - " , - L � -1 1,*,�,,�,s-, :�L*nen:.I_n- !"'."al. n, ',*14t -k's � &qV,J:,X Lv�,�C�,!,,'� 1,<,r rl',,.�.,'�ic_;, ::R��S-a_ ii I ! - V4, ., *,, I (1,u,Ln�`,� ' , I 6��,,, ,-_2 %.,Zv-�,�ii",J,' -��.1!1­-_l - - � I : . ;�_"�l I � ., , vt,ages ar c,,, -a* alar ra::-n %--` __I. i. I . In-s3z"Alf, .21. sa ty %, , �' I nmul., "at rv,t 1;:2 -r. at- C- � ­r'�'� , ,M e�.L" --_1 1- _. 'L.1 ,rt1­M nt�: E,2'1 'I ',V,fty. - J!JS,.J[�Jl , _. '0_:�.,�t :2��:�.I,' � � 0 � �. � I *I vnr� , - 17--p 4. - ,,, C -U 4 ') ,, " �;;!, " -. ,a 4 1'r - ,.,r ., , U - ,U - I. :,�:,A n '21 -a ne 6 It%tv ga lnta bZ:A=Sit nfe sknS V.Sili-A 'I to' "I& tr�,!� ,Z. - -,_­"".�.,.�� � ln.�"av,7 H"I'VC1 �,"X_! bte.l gd,'r�&. C-.it!ftl_4y'� t�'Om,.3. , �- It. Ji iia ir,,i� ,T_,�-,J­T:4,�� lr�--emalisl 0! ;j ,L�� T"Dr"�.'r,V , Ltic, t,'�.-_zz,t. 0'1��,, LL:._­p'�'­ _ MIZ��3 I -, 11 11 "'Ity m�ftn,-­'T07,1 - !.. �, !tt=e s,lvratag,ena ocineve sacin n ZIL7-11 tEtat a , �, , I , _- 1. t:e rr?4_7Z�7 T "')r"a t,� 7,=, :2t, to f; 11 Tc.a,�r. - jjz,,�� , ,��,,.,a --.%!�rn,-,t.a��& 'Vizilt t-_ !, ItAt"! ,I 7 . Ag I in ... . a a,"] ' f_�'&_! dr�- ser"7 L.:z,,,-T, Vc4r.v L ". _ 11 , i Vet 9C::;r. , - "--7 _,,','��.,, �r­ 4-t �_�,,� ! 7Ci,,�% .a � , _. , 11 ­ ­ . 1� - _ ___ � S . ,!%�. ,:W ­� . I , , XID:�, *L1 :, -_u ,,,�Z-nnt, 5` , tune as that n -on haa =c!z"z,vc-IT* A �- na thpigf- .v_,,, .3 - , ma:a"�,�-a 11,+0 ks,��-p­4.;2 ,Z3:!"_ 4 --l'alt-3 r.Z::,:_t5 r�-t!.� 27� ovet I - I ­-,l�!=, - � -V I II 4. %Vh��2��-_Al I &"_,C,V.­­*�,.,)Lo1 2.�;, �, �,TtS ,14 Va t':,.-! v ,".�,iTEEna !,,,,�z-n " -,Ii� ZE'"ta _3r,� , 5 to �, Cfterent measur,e 11aa I- P"2_" ir. , qc-,2 to t " q1e�._ ene� -, L";,-. � U , 'Irazag�.�t 1,�,--n,! � q ,,� ­ -, , , =!. , - �Z �L. "�_ , J.'�-�-_� fra:ra � ­` ,-"- ­ _nt� __ -, I - SLAI I Or , I iv - , Ih P";�� ,'.� �,*��. �T 3 - . I - Tr, %7n'1,7"r.�% fte era�_ f _ t ii ,�a 'f JV,�jl St- _t .hat 11 .et fr,�OTP -rjy . .!M,C I - , _�!r VZt Ua , _O� ZZ to keen, =3 1.1,i�,�n, Ie ' , 1, - ­ �!�­ - r :,,,��- There ane s nmany tnl� -re -D - ��L�­' - I I = I WhLlz --13 -:,!_Z.2 I L:� ax_� - �3 . - _,_11 ,, I f�,,aall L­�,��!*,! LZM,2." � T'a -T - -,I 1:,�, � " ,.­�, , " 4 CT - . :7:Z;,2. '"', � f " - � , _ whicti Tow, lbeea app2lea to rhe spails %vhlcb tha V.an C-QrAeg Up llmt all,tey. �; at a nrm 1--h011 the. crie3fta:IA 0Z ;�.,t�"!*,� �Tlriy W11 -M, 'Cali;n- for In onay cl"3 1 Z--�*14,. st,e;, Z..'finy ,t-a�o �:,,V,�� ,�­­"C� -, . - 4, .1i 11 _ ,� _ ._ ,� - �ejj� ZntC�g�'J Y, S3 n'�a!:,y 4 .�_ t , CIL_'�': Fr,.�� I , - - - , an r�_-�F.,Lf�r, lt�',!e.--�T-:I 9. T_�k��.- C�v7 L, an" .- I �1 IbT,ta C� 7 �,, i%,< �,.,�, �,D ZA X�l �:;,i��­­_'. -,,:�-,,r-,Z,!-,+__ � r. al -�n. . -t I _ _ '-- � , , � r-.,��t6,,r , ,ir­ rn;, " j--,-,.. - n(5 4­�n � - lfia!g 'been -he i C�,I. iw,;�'Y' lb,T,�,qn%er, Mals P,.P,LL���-i`,ir,":,, t�Ta,G'A' t!,r�- 1, W1 Z� 1, J ­ . Tl�y_ riniql V'-Tf,7JI,_1 v_,,on �nl -o o"? n1. Thm(,6 tin frre;��!IsMle ln,,�. ,; fek P,1Y all t t',�,Wa?ld they TIS5 18�lj j ' , rny tk,�A-e aaVe I , aftor;�6�; a�'07,CAI kir tk�- '--v-,- fc--- I , coT I ­�:- er - I � fV, r�- n 4, v,,"­'el�c-g Vr-C.?e , btesslon golzig abrnad amI;��' aj�o-at. lie ,C- nc,q� .1 .d . I . ­ ., t-"Vn t�,;D nla".y �7--rZyc':r.-I c-Zez6! ..� I`oill J Va.'r,r5lieg; L'�_4? t-'%,-! t"a.�,t_'-1 ave thas-er';�z- I .j m.ol�'- ev.1�*# lv,�z,*2 r -A i�,*&_,-.1 ,m-_, Ttien tlaftt t%e na�re!zt VV -17 to get =6ney 'at to 1'.. Vae fee, It r1g:ut ioe,i i -,,4M to, tak-e 1-,� or �,or - tbe army to 1,11ke IL ztgzta�- ' to haVe VG3 P3, ove,Z.5,,�r& An,a #,L -ata ��" v7se those Vmn*'-L1r"L-,g cown inta antl --. ­ " Pt'�AUI'0- =_­-__3':�'C_ti 11M the ia,V7 nS � thcIso to Z):_� U�__��rgLt ,offitrlrgM - T . n'" V`13__-"WT1 hr vw* ouT Vap rcz,�­, vx- ", lak�r.-; (.`Llf-"-p�z earn .-,,oung =Mn -.1a _Q�:, � .'er ,I P;:,.­a­& h? t,n ICC- ,of 111tirting vravat. says '.a tbe young beautiftli'v vzrote la reg�d ^,o it: ,. rny I.Isart at­L,rns I* ,t-alj taet,3 Z�_,:,,_�,,,. I . -2 170 I .... r13 "h­,P-Abr= V'I - 0 * mn;k t­rnn�np ttm y4a.."I ZZ trc�.,,,�14. WI,%Inn man of hurtblo apparel: 1*V,7ha*, yoa NO' X LhIng ean be grandc-,- oz nje,re noble 'lob I i .' you say, ­ycei don't I.now lowied to the Vo��-,V 'W&t"S'er V'(e, Crec�:� I " 4,LOr r,�s,�I%s �iil, noo, .Z!"_.e4e ln"('Sn' , _V -I'll omy get $1,860 a year?" NVhy, tbat IftrA or�i,niai than tl2s aal-ne s- I where 1 mme ftn,rnn. you don't lmow I ,i C.Iozs God tad . ,e�i;",e',� i�elza � V,ol;e rvcst , � n U.'". tr!,4 W:ts n'.110% nrvl I" he woultln't Reep me in pin n7urmey. ,WL1y, . 'e slon. ThIs OU sold, r, af.er t'airty _^ what my h;s103rZr "-_�; T3�cn yo 'I ionmt � aL�y Gapd hirly LI�Tkx-�, we if-.wn 1,:a-�;e " tlrNil w49 the -Z sZa.-,-�4 0-1 Vv, b,-vzJst mr "' X spend $5,60 a ye .1, Where CIO VOU Mis years or Zervice, I - Iron r.,I_gn _�r_,.,j " .- � . I � ._ !n11,,_ � -Y I kave r:,Attd. f reason to P%n . 'T! B :, I na,�_, V, " _f; I— � �, I "; 1,, .t _t, n W, l U-na to Rr. - - I - - of V-13 itm"an-d�, for 41"'Pal br,%%2. TN;ac' " . * get R9" asks the Plain young xnam victorioun gem,_ra,,, e-,ocabitsriled. in an rL bave gan�j ,,�, � , i.� , cte­ I �jr,)Ugh tha whc:­ cata- I pro.-ALse.a to U�r. i',%� -4 ,� L, G ra ti r��U�',v fr-d!(-ate gernar.i!*%7 t: -,-,t thr� "01I, stmks,, ent,2rpelses-a'l t%at sort I ene-y's coun,.ry, -_t tl"3 Lead 01 a,,, lo_ , "' - - 01 r"" - -Ovesanz 1� _ .n." Illy ��rot?�er, I .. ,i not Th9 mlv=la� 10yi-- V C 'u.a of s; 1-,eav`��r "r, vw::�'at pr -r =,:TsnV%-A � ' - 1'1,-,-�4.,P_! 61': thing 7ou Itrow." T?e pfftin youngi immengi army, i,� -_i"?,n7!1 ef kss 4'r=`1;*- - I -,a. k - S­­�� - ­ , %-,,,�51_q to-ka%[L'�e =­-, _­�;a�m ",­­f_rTW � - LZ;L� !, EX13W tli�e �-:,�±Y, bz;,, it ,�C.-.B ,T,., _. tWA.", I A T��Ifjr­ fi­,u ".., r;, - "7.4 , �, tv 0 - , " 1. . I tt, -n] "'s,%n�,"',�-_4"nn" .-, a This Is _ .. _ _ _ kl,- , f -a hal '. "'; a ts. C , � t - ­ " I � ­ ­ - as near ws poss'.Wa In twe equal'! 1,"War. 71:"t selb, a. , L mtbt- man Ims liar-lly enough nvnmey tn 13,37: ze.Mani tr6ubla,! canqnera��a an's' V�-- I � " _-'�ke ,I,-,%, O. V.e,.�" as _-, , 11,�Ie . 11", V '41 <, ,3,1>41te 0 - .L. 'r, - Parts. t7lzlre',� W(�r,:� V�Zcee � �,.�'.. " ,!V�. � , 1C � ji, �", V _ % V��,,�'C' rA,Jr 4 IrLf:�nrl--W, '"' his br,ard Pr"l ims lo wear c:o*!-.,�� -.f- j t,,,_,�, & n � . a � _, n b,�, if tha rnnai-3 0 11, V . ,I t & , , , "Thoug-t your ,,-�*r!s U� as -_=-,.� , the's, ,Ktcl, L a V�h(�:� a ,<trrz ,z:_,,ta'..C-,i oopnrt ; " '_ , . 01D tke , n ��nt n'r U11Q . . w. v � ; -7%!, mil W;F, ­�? they nr,� out c.'!* fi-',­�,m an -3 ol,,?ny " Vear pr"sen. anvi- .. . t'j, � _`L�n_.- c!bniparlio7a I S' a'l lb�- 1-5 -,:, 3T .; tj-..,,,�Lg:� V-�Z:-T - � ral CN� eovc.-.,��ncL--_, r,nrZ!..,.1 wo-,:"La V_t.-n - � .. . f T. N� t:r. q�!�t-,��j-�'Tr O.T ',--Dr. (:"P,1Z"-n. S� 11 I - Xnise­ Cl 1u-x1nr*.e.4. A-�*tir a,Vvh,-:e lie � th�s sublirr�,26,nip�-e­'I..'. " , - , � _­ .� �'e .C.�,, jr zh;i, , .L-� ,�� =41 A R-, t 1, �� cnn2F�­r. ',!-.�F-y S`.a:,� t,* ,1�. � 3OV, ; r,jo U .,_1 ". 4 I 5,4 �,V,1,5pj. Vj­�'__;S l_5 e-LJ'.j- '1'1:1-,- 0 . . ­ I IV Z 5�tg-A ef, I -- .M­n;�� .,nwl ,�� 401-1, --,A,* ,G,;.l V,10,,175 vi -l* �� ^ ' M., 1'4,,,�, I t ,I - V 1 -'s i Vla . tter t1tes'? T*.Ioug'a yoza �.avin ;*,--1 Z":!.::-.-- -ftlm e1T_q-,0_-n,,i:,.-:,V ,C,,�­: a, 17'*1­,­V j�z f 1 V -L-1 ,1� -,( a �.!',- "' -�:-!�' - , . I t ��,,� , .� R, 'n - .0 the -r..'n vv!�,�r� hns a�,`�`­.,_­! 'm'.11?-�Ty ! �a,rz�-:n_­"'�­9 I I - 1��,mt -:,'ra-,J(7J ,-�n,a ".:�! 7-,�!, � " v , i " � 4 t '.0 '�,;orsn (,? i�­ n*.Z��, ,�'.'_1)-_,;r_-, ��. I �1.ave 12. C_).,Z,1 C�0%..�-Ns-,I­ �: -.-_-!-,,1.-1a r�'et,Z7 , " � , r. -.-",I,-- wzac�*.- .I --n'41 -�.,7"�---�,Z :� � - -1 1. - � . � -11 ­ - , ,, sho,.v, all! tw0ensta7,,a t7jat if ls,,e�jl r.r-- ; 1qrg;, r�s�a,,!, nnil lie sj.,��.4z. ­,TL�.-,- I , , '�­n _--n-.Z-.,t,�n � w -C, � .,,-. I v., I C1 ��I,� wo,ri�,, ! .r.Z,ro- ,ttx.l, sa-av4.1",:?i�, ,,, v,na- -�g Ior tla'n 11�1 , . .1 . - I Z,*- I c �N ,tr,,-n ,-1 V�-r.n t'7;�-, v7t�,­, -, ' , . 11 1 ,:�� : . I q .. ... , x, iq tr,lnwn. ; Y�m 4,1 1 am c ta�, �11 ' me how ill 1_�4 d6ne.­ An -I he !­ tin., i. I ;,,,. - q, - .'_;�,�S, t'�.,',",?,." ��, �­ �!, I ".��, �'�.',__ : '�'�' 'il � . �2LZ2 tv",1.3: I � il �""�' ,,,� �p n . 1. 07 Gto, ,,.,-: eonna��, ,-� ,:,� .,.I. W, _ " ' ,,,. �,I- A <,,,,-�Lr, �1­ .. . _1 " I �xL, �.�'tj, - . � I , ',� . n r." I T� -. -� 31e soon la­rn,; how. cni. alt'ioucrh bnj fronn YOU rv,,,�vc) 1 ani Z6,%t'iC.31 tin -11--S :. ail evil p�,�,-;z�,�,­,-�,,, �,r ,,, , ,,.,,�I,imeml ,.,,� :�-O,a- tho uliq�!ai tolA- 'n -mi' weept tw�e.!�. � I 'a"- rL* "y '� ,..g ,,�­.­e, i;�, ?­­ -�,,, �_I. �, I . . � , .� . ­ 18 alm-o-4 all the flnw idle raw -0 Tvv� � more of a t*`,��'! � 3 0,1 tiv­-2 1%`,�z -en , Wbtlo 11�-,! �Vc,,'.­, 1'aV..'1�,",-.1ras bjr,'Lg Of k L'�Aw, hol, V.-�,�!? v�7 ! -,1Z-.--aA 1;",:I. ,,!4n^e, .. , , , v V 1'z,`�, ' , - . ;�"L npa'a .71,�,I,i to,2 -, li.,,�i,,' It, _ o , Pre. r� . L. �CL e � J�!,tz;�? 4,;L""�,I`.ty 1, - Z.I.Ml t�i_,� "O ­g�,r. ­ , -- 7 , � C, i � -,w 1-,, �, ,,,� �, , T1 . �, ,:�. ai"I �� -ii- Wnn in t" -�: i n! - Z_ P. pr,�:i-� ,2.-�_�l ol ,� revigr,4-4 '�.',.q T,�f,411 4 he I .; ar V.zu i � frm,instlon lhr'),.,�,n ­,,,n1 -_1 z , _ C01,.5,_ rray be set theI . .; o. _ :, _ _ I to ,,, I ­ I - Z eaaswat% th saer`_ � i�&Vloues 'wi-g-I'Ver'-z-', ­d�a;_or (:�,w.� , I I 11 � � V'.. , , � ". , ­! � , ­ ­ " V A' Cl , -I ­,:,� , i- _1 _... - I t n'! 1, " -i! - factory cr the Trin1% 11.1 hno ".,%rp I a I"­:-,;n7--.rfZ. . � - , Saa:ety 1.3 very severe upo n the hati,Ar,Meq 7 i . � . r,* �, e. * I --r 71 11 "I " . I � r' -y 1, _ , _-M i,-.i,-�. �,,­ ;*�:. � t.. ,,Z � ­ rrone .v t'�*.,!n 1:e ev,?r s,,'� %J4.4 '� IrAPUrltY C'St lullzs the % a. . 12'. 7'a- gz�',:.�:! 67wri-A-ba-At UI M I I I oj* V-.�, ,.�,,:-L.4�'r A' " -- C-:" 71"", 7,",74Z"_,;4 . . '�Z% ""_ old ,411-rer irate"i f,r a gnld on�, vrjtl, a , _r%.,nid, , i ,era and lt%w ba 1 Mats Of the ton*n. T1 rZaaee,l r,71h tha r_-. -.-s-,, ttle F_-.-:,,"� ,-, ha- t'.1ne, C', Z�1(-- i�%,i;-A "', .lae,­ifle��- A, �(Ippp : , 'l-,* " ��n t"t, F'r:­_"! �Z,,..' �� %- " 0,�' !­,-��,] . , I I 1I.sbing, eltn`n, sets: I'A's 'lil' 'It 11',fle Ar- i � law pur-su-s I. 4'Mr'll,c4 r I . , 810t-'r-,Xo,t a ,.01,_'r4n,% Ai4-p th?o�%ZL, � ., , nj - ,. 1"!.nri.ie, gav:� t1hn .1,11,01r.l.'rig ro- '" t! (� R"e r'r Ts'- tlier ov�r .1 - s lil�'ld t'r­"�� I ' It, incare,-�: � '. � � ., ate�5 It, trif.a. to Cle-irtray ft. you ' 4 r.- m,rin(hi.4 or emv:, ,-sne��s, bat suca a In s,", r , _,�s 11."-i' t,1 -..g,,10-,1 enar,,!'a-2, ; , iolv%rq,� P,'� �;c I '61 flall s_�'a, � t 8 . . . be ever d1l. sina;ir"es bc,tta�, efga" anwl anow as wel a.,3 1 ti,L.-, 1 bf­ r %?.aa��-d upty'? , -_ - In­Iq I Beyond the alry r*,:�e tid " w!, Vall V[3&11LS. more, nZ thcm. Ire has his hand in' ,g6clety c,o,nes lanio, . n't in TYroportian as fin- I A,dn.n.-11:-;,.-r,y. GrI at Cal _;0VA -'i �1. I And heaven Is ImIr-a V.ith `-,V. � � J I 111%'Itleh God dC-A:,n"oA Aven,-,i - Now, If bi� can eseane the p,mitentinn, ity becomes a-�fflu_- t r - pur; ca 0 is In ele I ; , _9dV6 01 th1h affil,'-1*11. and mNNy'Into � 4 - y I Y`�T �]' .-,,, 1-�-Oad irm -1 -, � � " " ., ; for thrile or fnur voars lie will tz,ht Into, v,,jtej cir,L'Ies, 2nd , finally sneletv Is � Nor angol&, can CiLtir Jay conta'M, . Vvideh blis IiiyZ,�r1Z.V 8'.Iould bp brougl�jt ' i , ,, ," �1, &. I,, , .. - t, " i,:. _- ­ ,­� �11i��. ! q 'r�, . 5, "Itical circle -S, and 116 Will get PO- silent or dtsposed to Palliate. Wher� I � . But kindle *Itb new *.Ire- durin- thoir bon 'ngp hi Egypt. cis . �Sha' . �1. 1� � 1 Ta-keY red 157.6 lifleal Jobs and will have something is the judge, the JuM tile police The sinner lost, Is foun, Viley sing, artlenlarly ,qtates.11 I ...... ... 0 5 T -�, 141's I.: ! to do with harbors ,and paverAentsan(l officer .that dare arraign t,te wealtily And 9trik6 the sounding.1yre. vs. I I affliet tiloin-prOm" the 'eq-tt ... ...... _ ... CIO Uk-litgala . Arcabar .. :L,.17.9 as;e