HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-08-09, Page 2774i
ft6w to are
ft6w to are
'For the B4 Nos.
Vdth tVV* hMPed tftb1az-,-)30r,9 Sugat
News of Another Success on the
Daring the first year the child
1. Part of Do kidney Pills.
should, if pcssible, be nursed by. the
yolk of ofte egg, then the white, one -
mother, but it should not be napped
An Alberta Radliepotto uls, ltntlr6
time it cries; never oftener
than once in tim hours In the day
Satisfaction t With the World
timle, and once In fouir hours at night,
Famous Jrveme'dy-Ulood Visoraer
axe the directions given the"Chleago
the Cause of Ails Trouble-Dodd's
American'by a trained nurse.
Hldnwr Pills Have Removed It
A nursing mot -her should eatmeat,
and He Is Thankful.
eggs., cereal, each as o�at e4l, rice
and hogliny, and should k pleat
Blairmore, . Alberta, Xuly, 22. -
of water. But she should avoid
(Speclal).-Dodd's Kidney I�Ifts. are
strolig tea, coffes, beer, ripe fruit
just as well thought of i13- the great
and cabbage.
Northwest astheyare anyplace
Vf the aMoun-t of milk is not suf-
Ill the world. The people have confl-
ficie0t to nourish the child, then
an re-
dened in them. Ther do as they are
Sort to bottle feeding, but re member
claimed to do,
that bad bottle feedingleads to more
Nor is the claim a small one,
deaths amoilig the babies daring Sam-
Dodd's Kidney Pills are claimed to
mar thanall otber causes combined.
care Some of the most dangerous
This danger can be largely prevented
and deadly maladies that flesh is heir
if these rules are followed:
to, and what is more tlley do it.
Give Them Water.
The proof is positive. Thousands and
thousands of reputable people at -
Cold water should be given freely
test it. r
between meals in hot weather to
and second year babies. it
For instance every one knowsfirst
Bright's Disease at o . no time meant
should ,be boiled, bottled and kept in a
the sentence of death. Does itnow?
Cool place. Iced water should never.
be girelLI
Ask Arthur Colely, of Somerset, Man.
Avoid during the second year all
He was cured of Bright's Disease, the
last stages of it, b.y, Dodd's Kidney
vegetable4 all salt meat, all raw
fruits, cakes, cookies and candles. Un-
der ho consideration let the babies
Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure the
---old or Young -have tea or coffee.
lesser disorders of the human. Sys-
tem arising from Kidney Disease
Teach the child to chew bis, food
thoroughly-, and do- not him
with just as. much certainty and an
meat br other food that has been
even greater promptness. Of these,
Skin Eruption,% such as Boils and
fried, You m*ht, as well feed him
stones as tried food,
Pimples, arlAug from alt Impure state
After the -baby is 15 months old,
of the blood are not the most un -
common or the least distressing.
the following Is a most healthy' diet
for one day: I *
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by improving
7,00 -One-half pint of milk, 4*WO
pieces of stale bread.
the action of the kidneys, purify
the blood, and Dolls and Pimples
10 -30 -Oatmeal and onei-lialf glass
immediately disappear,
Walter H. A. Noble) of Blair -
of milk to drink.
2 -00-013.9 soft Ogg, baked apple..
Alberta, writes In this Con -
nvotion: "I had been troubled with
Oae-half Pint of milk, one small piece
of stale bread,
Pimples all over my faeo, and Back -
6.00 --,Stale bread and milk.
10,00 -Three-quarters of a of
ache. I tried everything to cure
It, all kinds of medicine, but failed.
warm milk. I
wus told to try Dodd's Kidney
pills and did so at once. I ot
lleat Milk, Then Cool it.
three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Hills iglls
In bot weather tile nillk shouldbe
and took one after every meal. They
heated,then cooled gradually on
eared me- They are the only things
lee or la a cool place until needed
that ever did me any good. I will
for use. At feeding tlmq the 2nilk
always 'Use Dodd's Kidney Pills in
should be warmed by placing the bot-
casO of eilekness and advise 3.11
tle In waria water. 11 possible use
other sufferers to do so."
a, different bottle for each feeding.
At cup and spoon are also used to
advantage. r I
The World's most Wonderful Dams.
Thick barley anil oatmeal gruel
iffy a r4fa and nutritious drink. Mixed
The British Government has under -
taken to restore the ancient order of
with Volled aud strained
througli muslin, it W_,tkCfi a splendid
tlllllg,9 by storing tho Liooil waters
Of the X110, so that, by Irrigating,
onep Moro the desert lantl a or 14,
, rpt
10 the C-ftsfl or Stomach trouble
will be In a Condition to
ton, Cereals and other Cot-
S'tol) the milk diet for 24 hours and
gtve baripy w.,-Lter every thlrdhou.r
vaougll for 1he ma 0 a f the world,
rk t 0
f0ur 011tlecs In 21, hour& Then, give
Pasteurized milk and ileitis
Place three crops call bo ralseil In a
yoar. This Is to be necomplitillet) by
III Vic PrOP'Irtlun of three to one,
t9ip erpetlon of dalusuproe
,S,thp,Clln n
of tllf% X.11p. sl%t�vo or ti,ego
every third hour. Albumen water
luaX be Fubstitated for a Cha"90- It
nearlago completion, thallt&s 't4 DrIti.sh
MAY bP altornateJ with beet ton,
anergy and eapittttj, willell hes made
thfUndertaking lKmtlble.
given tllne3 'LIV'O tuft-
hwantwa at a tilue,
It Is of Interest to know that
'Pliere should be la 1111101 Care CX-
000 llattvCflail nd Itallana are nut
ir a
In 6111fts of 1`, aell by
(IrOsed III the reedlog, In the sceond
YQ41V US the first. Most of t1le fooJ
illi -lit and day In tile compleblon of
V%e flain. Tlie
Am thO GOV031d Xear abould ba flul-11 4
ZlIlk, brtth tuld gruel% made rro�.-
samp quarries that
supplled stone to Icing Mena are
einworked orked by,
cpreal,,i. EVen s treng eldidrun
6110"Id, n0vc
'ur have the table
them. and tile
grooves and noteneg or labDrers ,rho
f6ji of
the ralaily during the arcoad year.
estrtell rough inineral for 'then em -
ONO Ot Phil afid Cleepatrals neeMe
no matter how Inuch they May' want
Nero found by the mon'Who nru% u1sla
1110 r Iftilohlinculn propelled W
Keep the, nottle Diem t.
Steam to Obtain &to (" for tht% da
&ttl6g �P-Ozdd be r1mtd as room as
-Alb-,rt Allen In Le ea - eul
tumpllw and gealdeA fal. 20 ratuntca
berery they arlD fillej,.
Who tll#l)le# Ahould, b6 WMTI4 in
COM water after using, and kept to 11
tup, of water. ozpm a fluty they 191103i3
I WAS Cured of llr�,,n" JaItln ncl
n In'Ade and oat gU't
it Vrater and ffmpsud&
tliis by IAl.VAIrl totl'ut7t'.
Ulb,t akouW a,01 1:x5 ta@rO tbftt ZA
H rA A. LlV12NWT,0.XPl
Mt N, P. F. L
mittattm In taking Itm bottle, tae
#ftaa M. the rallk fltitir 9-b 'Rite that En
I WaS Cured of at r,,vire ntt%e;k of
1*.hv lllftatlwffl by UIA*VtT%1V8 Ii h%J_
bottl6 W takeffli In fonr tr f9ve rJlff
W169. Nertr lat It gut.k upoti alft CMptv
bomm nm 4"n't let it form the Eaii
Mahone na-k,.
I was oarNa, ot a ve-Verely Graint. I
of tr1ft!0,- to 91cV VvKh the 610r,10 in
It@ mouth.
leg by WMAP.WiS
CA'W& milk z6td It t,5ttits is jk
bftt Aid t41iftt ffmI. The erdlmtry
zt4cet,r rblil., I* hot 6afe.
flints For JIat'liSelbt.
Thd fdllOwifig Iffittfi about itei,
"Atiling have been Istaosd to E dgmh
High tights.
tathera by the Royal Rufamle Kcc,
w0mah iftever really 6alva her,
btyA-fid Ate ttotth Vresekvttt1df1:
Pf6ttl#6t. Yrdoll. tiatil IN adeolid 6dffl.
Ave lel bftthgdg within two. hours at
aftbifid p6-6-bld Can be tied to It
hot beithe When fatlgd6d.
1vold bAthing IV&eb the Way 1;
bbftdle% but thcre aril Tiff two hump�
Brigs alike.
b6oliflc after Dersplrau6m
D6 k6t, Invite thins by
In the hottoft Daft or the Vablifter
_0100 thdoghtful ft0ghbor always •
on the bfteh or in file btaaatr.ill tie
wet batiijig; coattime.
ttftttif Out to ralsq A, pop wwch Velpa
au fight.
136 hot fem.1011 Iff the water After
Whit Jiffliftle ems three Lit& of
ho feeling of 01:1111hesig 9DDettf@.
bttries at a picnic alld eablas hohat
ulthe %vileff the boly is at a for
Met: Met: big mother D&WAY;s w0adeft
lhal tempstatutet llelths_r ovLir-15tat. J
whoke he got his 0±tkemel.V
ed 116rem"C-9.
DO tot batrap It Vlo, ss.! It stbrt-tt
A rhaltless's ella-ractet, bever gets
t,6L Wt.4d"ts fafilfier
l 'SJ or djftf;t-sp,
tet In th# opinion that It Is ta-dItItsg.
b1t It Any we.-akIle-S's of th,9, Yatatt es-,"
V or A gatideb Vattyot two one Zap-
atess l4fttefu Is: one f-5 ram -
",it 10," says Prof, Lochhead, a
letter to the Quelph Mercury, a
regrettable fact that many of oil,
fruit -rowers and gardeners are un•
acqualtited with the beneficial In.
sects. Several times of late grubs of
ladybeeties havIL been sent in with
the request for information as to the
best means of getting rid of these
9WbS Which are destroying our
crops.' Ladybeetles and ladybeetle
grubs are ver active this season on
account of the immense number of
injurious leaf -lice and scale-insects,
Both the larvae and adults eat tbes�
InJarious forms very greedily and de-
stroy In1mPnSe numbers of them.
Without their presence and assist-
ance, plant lice Wbuld increase so
rapidly that 'in ayery short time the
Plants would be entirely covered
with them, Ladybeetles are rather
handsome, almost always of a bright
red or orange color, with black
spots; or they are a polished black
with red spots, but their larvae are
rather horrible looking objects, about
one-half an Inch long'and quite
active. The California fruit -growers
are much indebted to a certain lady -
beetle which was imported from Aus-
tralia to keep in check a scale -insect
which was destroying their orange
groves. In less than two years after
its arrival, the pest was almost ex-
terminated. Occasionally ladybeetles
.are found in houses, where they
would hibernate, and are frequently
killed under the mistaken notion
that they tare destructive carpet
beetles. The large, black ground
beetles, are also very active this sea-
son. These may be seen under stones,
boards, or dead leaves during the
day time. At night, however, they
leave tlitair hiding places and wan -
dear over the ground In gardens, orch-
axds and fields, searching for food.
They are very active and feed on
the larvae of th-e Plum CUTCUDO, On
cutworms and many otliinr injurious
Insects. There are two species of
ground bectlos NvIdch may be ensily,
recognized by tb-,Ir bright colors; the
fiery hunter, the rows of reddish or
copper-calored pits an tli� wing -cov-
ers, ani thn rest or th3 holy marked
with violet, golden, gr.^eo and Cop.
per. The larvae or these groun-1
beetles burrow Jnst below the sur -
race of the gro!lmd, wlipre they de-
stroy large numbers a tlu� soft leaf
,in(] root -reeding ln.4,aets. The lohneu-
mon flies are p-rb%pR thp most use-
ful of the M%ily Insect r4i-nds of UP
gardener. Ini-se, as a rule, aro
rather Small, but they are. very de-
structivo to caterpillars of all
kinds. Thoy are pirazittle. In many
ensr-s thvIr PgMR are Ial I In the bolles
of the Caterpillar. where they mn,--
90tS deVeltlp and ferrel on tllo soft
,Julies of the eatcrpillar. Among;
otkor useful insert friowfR we harp
tho Folfillpr bugs or 1dc:SIng bugq, unit
th,N lixop winwi. With a little itu.ly
t1ho mny)rlty of the uqv4ul fri-nds
could ewdly bn rve'#j%nlz,d. Tot) often
00V Arlt 14"lle'd uncleremoniously,
their true value not b�,Ing roeog-
Th:� 54120t=4 in an every box of the Senulas
Laxative, Bromo-Quinine wAbitis
'LUD Itt"WLY Out M-ffim %,"?d in one dvW
The Plutoerat"s f-lateeillsin.
I. Who made you 2
I made nlyself.
". now did 3-ou Make Vourgelf 1
By swnn(Ua,, over-reaellft anI
other Inalprar-ticeR.
L Do ion helleve In gatt) 1.2
yl.% I belie ve In gild with lily
whole luh4 anal I love It with lily
heart *
-L Why do ton beleve in gaDd
Bmmusq It pre ares for t,52 tbc% r.�-
apect and the aftcetioft %Tlljeh thp
w1arul-ft-9 of ray ehardeterw my Intf"I.
IC -At and my person do act chtitle
lues to rqtgc,&s.
3. Of whcleh nftAt Von 101.6 tbit mu, 81
cam of imar Mont3l or of your p1t
91 IZ
Of 07 =Chey, for without it I
8hoWd MITO neither power, pzsitlon,
frIed'a hdr pleagafea.
4. Uliet is talth 2
It is td b0lete without 'doubting
that with money, I eon do whatever
I pledge.
It. "at is bope
119 e0ft that bur liter
iquit"', zl� discovered la tivis
worm niont It: forgiven In the
What Is elidtitX I
Charity 18 &a to help others that
It may help otirigeivea,
0. Ara wo boutd to love out, Vile,
ffileg 7
yes"9.0 ldbg as it W fta5afe to sliow
that we detest theJV4�rrola London
Millatd*9 tinllneie. Cates fth"he-
ISSUE NO U 1901.
are lean: unless you are lean 1by
nature -you need more fat.
You may eat enough; you are
losing the benefit of it.
Scott's �Aiulsion of cod-liver oil
will help you digest your food, and
bring you the plumpness of healtli.
especially true of babies.
scuo roc Art GAMFLC AND TRY ST
scorr a WNE141C.'sTs. T01690TOO
anal $1.00.�
all druggi"
Crop of 20 Years' Growth Saerl6od-,
to the Bicycle.
'William Crandall, or Smoky Hollow,
had to get shaved yesterday, and un-
der painful and distressing circum-
stances. It was his first shave in 210
years, and the operation sacrificed
a set of whiskers that was the pride
and joy oT the whole region.
Many years ago the colonel loved
Eu village lass, who is now the happy -j.
mother of ten fine children, and the
proud grandmother of four. She jilted
the colonel and married a Smoky,,
Hollowite, whose chlof charm was a
long flowing beard. Smarting under
his rejection, the colonel determined
to cultiNtate a beard so superior
that Ilia erstwhile Sweetheart would
bewalf Vile day &lie turned him down,
With the aid or every brand of hair
grower to be found in the drug
stores, Col. Crandall succeeded beyond
his fondest anticipations. As his
whiskers grew and lie became more
And more an object of admiration,
the bitterness laded out of his
leart, and be turned again to the
pleasures or life. He took to bicycling
and became extremely proficient.
Yesterday he had a race on with a.
local Scorcher, and the entire com-
munity turned out to witness the
sport. I t
The colonel had his whiskers tied
up out Or the way, but while de.
Scending a Steep hill that was part
or the course, a sirlden gust of wind
blow them loose. The whiskers caught
In the front wheel. and In an in-
stant the colonel, iha whiskers and
the bicycle were mixed tip in almost
Inextrieublo eonraqIon. Thea colonel's
friends gathered round tile wreck and
a hasty examInatlon Showed tbat the.
wbL,,kprs Were So inv(,Avo(I in the
matellhipry that they could not be
Saved. A barber Was Sorrowfully Rum•
tuoupl. awl in na mitlit or a diad Pl-
lPnPP tit' Pottael w-14,; parted from tho
whl.,kqrR that h. -Ill luadft 1119 lift, one
10,19 sweet song for nearly twenty;
years--Serantou Cor. New York
Beware of0intments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
-0014 1%Y d rnla*Ao, vrive' Z9 J%r battle,
11,11y She, Was; Slud.
One morning, In killdurgarten, a
Wee InItio of woltitinh@*d had beelk
trAW: to fittract th(* tcarhor by
evttr..r ro_tN)urce% ofwhlvhsba'was Q0,
nble, without ffiri ctly wa.vine: site hand
rolnothing to tell. 111naluy the young
girl twat over :incl rat beide her,
%VhCreftW5n WUP 1 -WWW I tissue CP41 ht4r
Oilrta, ptekereJ up her fon hood, one],
stTiftelting her 1112hol. "Olt,
dr -,Ir. heat I'm a4W." #rDjo tevehor wag
sarpriscm4 for laic nil haul gperAVA to
h. Int -Ann' un4ir-r n ide
- rkzhtfnI vezrc4.
"Ar.4 attoo luau g
Vninwriv V tho instractor.
4 '11, overtbedy vraq an. -W at our
ousa this iitermmg. Mumma ri&SURd
9#ttr &he, Hilal DUIDUP spolvieti Maw.
M.% And P21), Vqld, *0 dirflO and left
the tablo. Y_," I nuieng I can b8 erow,
MA&S tiftimeat Cares Colds, etre.
Sil#hc@ flirty be golden, but when
gold is tolneil inoftey tairs.
ThO Uonfl=d 811 WO
In r-, 8160" Go- fany
ftrAv orricn, Topto_Nno,
Authorized Cavital - sl,Soo,000
�fte pollelost of this icompatly oin.
brace every good feature of Vfa in.
sufanceconttnets, and guarantee the
highest Womptits In regard to loall#,
ea8b sutrelDdere, and estcnded insur.
G0011 ngelMta Wanted in this district,
Hon. Jno. Dr.rdei, Chat, & WC86#
President. General muage;.
`thee old stotchRothedy too,
t6krIsr alwAygeau�-ea be
s runs os kidney troulvlr. Hrownlsprops vvffl
artaiels cure yora. Sawpl a bottleardd &Peript.1tt
vascular Sant for To Cents to P,I.y paeling anti
pasta„*. All sizea sent po-;t pairs o-,, receipt of
vrlc&. P0A-'%as'gwP1aeeerktf<t
Price 25a. Ma and
WIL BROWX2 Pr6rTlefor,
Su to
A fire ag,,nt wanted 1v ev-c-ry towiL ", Qui
13E agents to gell our new book, The Perreet
h�lutifu]]Y illustrated; a book thatFells at, almo%t every house; average e&ft!tg*
V2 toga" a day, credit given;_ circulars, terms
and pro-spectw, free, Apply'World Pleblishlnt
Ca, Guelph, Ont,
Olt TRVSS "'has no equal; dif-
Cors from Aljothqtr; can be worn continuously;
91golute comfort In aty po,,41tiol); when ,d
adarageg With inferior tra,�seq ttj• "PAYNA104
itls$maranteed. &tdfotfljus
phlet, Capable representatives wanted. -Tltb
Willlaih Payne Co.,London,Oat.
ii finest in the Niagara Peninsula, At
Winona, 10 miles frnm Hamilton on two rail-
way R. 13D acres In all 95 of which is in frai%
mostly pea:ihm Will be sold In one parral or
livided Into lots of 15 to 2D aeras to suit lint-
Dbas6ra. Thiais a decided Vargain Addrow
Tonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Witonal
*F , . LIQUID 4 Ntr& Wimlow'ff Soothing SvriV should Al.
fir se Mr. T. Nosse, at present In, Corea. wtp' be used for ebtldren teething. it soothen
I the child,*Oftens the, iraTna, entes wLnd colia
NUNN Tooth gach 25
has been appointed Japanese Consul- Twoftty-
General for ,Canada.
Uuowledg8 of &aM;ftat 19 all fight
Italy *=,6 tablespoofi ln�itea btitter
I u1n8lkWa -tinivlezit cares CJfge-"� In
blAt the w&F-ld 19 Full ICt 15t.VqSNv pfett�q
Vdth tVV* hMPed tftb1az-,-)30r,9 Sugat
9149 Who seem to VaJoY life wliha ;l
Until cr,'MMICV; add the Vvell-b_natan
yolk of ofte egg, then the white, one -
ought to Ictlow.
It 19 oftie'd a Wise investment to
elghth teaspoon V.11t, and the value
Spend xbttr fast rent olft %,summer vas
161 clntiaiftoa or maei?, And then Stir,
IFJ tho &&tLt
In flove to talky a etiff dough. doll
these timts T,
Wlt oV.0-fourth Inell tfiiek, Cut In
Mon at the Doot-1 can 4hr, tent
UWakWa UCtak
Liniment eg Distem-
fectangtIat pieces two and one-half
M, ta. nxum�
by tht-ee and ona,-half inches, there
"Ake the tenIgtentonabloV,
MIalm f17d L-cisloos lengthwise, cut-
"Vc-', VIUM.",
At G7o&d as a Corkscrew.
ting to withiff one-third-ot an inch
`• flat rtykt
"A very gocd ena, amm.''
NNot doubt you fi&ve found yourself
At each end. Take -up every valet,
otf.1p, fe dl,;� each strip slightly to -
P"Alte =1 attentive 211,
"Tar fit ,
la the predicament of having for-
gottea the cork screw, and
In the middle and drop them
,H mesa ?"
Are 'Out In the fields trying t z
a ge.
ly intoe Lot tat,
They w-iff spread into quite rantas,
"Vey,. iuunjl
a draught from a - cold battle. Here
tic sh;lpcs when frylng; and should
"Pse-SA7t he ever ateal tfia
is A, new and r#mPle Way to over-
L-,, crl�sp vqy JIL-0 poand-cakon t
market baskets of the tcnants?'v
d6thd the difficulty, the inventlon of
turd, not lt!zht like doughnuts. They
"Mover; mum.",which
Is to be aceroditd to a con -
will keep with care some time but
"Iftes a good - Chtlstl!m tan, is he
vivial young scientist. Hold the
break- easily as they are very brittle.
'lye% rnum. A, politer. More-attcn-
Ifteck of the bottle firmly in yodr
t1re6 hohesto-t car moke Christian man
, tight hand and with your left bold
Imevet lived, maw,�"
"'rm,deffAted to heat Chart. Vy ere.
--a. handkerchief against the truftkoy
* A tree. Now With a quick blow lilt
The fashions in baby Clothes must
to he now ?111
l9rW him, muw� i� ,
the sida -of the tree covered wittli the
handl-nerdIdet. the Cork will -11111130-
eas3arjl.,V (011:1W along the Same
11fies yc�zr aftet year.
Ar. The PrIncipal
dimtely fly out. Then turf[ the bot-
dIfrerences come In the sleeves and
in the trimmin-S. the sleeves, Toddly
'OP ltwievv.
tie tpWakd so that fluid will not flow
enough- ar quite a little lnqu-
"'Say" -pop, I'Vegot to write a
out After the Cork.
enced by 'What 'Style of zleev" are
composition on hope. What is hope,
any way V,
J Blobbs--Wlimt did you do to the
Worfi by grown 'women. 'V�Iien large:
sleeves are in fashion, baby's
#4 Hope, my bovT is the joyous exp ae-
palales� dentist when he broke your
jaw 7
also folidw tb prevailing style, v
t ation of being able to Vodga our
Inst (Ta8PTt8."`-L!.*e.
Slobbsm-I threw him out of A� Pathe-
e vers--. Althogh$ lot It be
said fa ilia credit uof the Sensible
lase tv
women, the babies never have to
suffer wit h absolutely tight dress
ISSUE NO U 1901.
are lean: unless you are lean 1by
nature -you need more fat.
You may eat enough; you are
losing the benefit of it.
Scott's �Aiulsion of cod-liver oil
will help you digest your food, and
bring you the plumpness of healtli.
especially true of babies.
scuo roc Art GAMFLC AND TRY ST
scorr a WNE141C.'sTs. T01690TOO
anal $1.00.�
all druggi"
Crop of 20 Years' Growth Saerl6od-,
to the Bicycle.
'William Crandall, or Smoky Hollow,
had to get shaved yesterday, and un-
der painful and distressing circum-
stances. It was his first shave in 210
years, and the operation sacrificed
a set of whiskers that was the pride
and joy oT the whole region.
Many years ago the colonel loved
Eu village lass, who is now the happy -j.
mother of ten fine children, and the
proud grandmother of four. She jilted
the colonel and married a Smoky,,
Hollowite, whose chlof charm was a
long flowing beard. Smarting under
his rejection, the colonel determined
to cultiNtate a beard so superior
that Ilia erstwhile Sweetheart would
bewalf Vile day &lie turned him down,
With the aid or every brand of hair
grower to be found in the drug
stores, Col. Crandall succeeded beyond
his fondest anticipations. As his
whiskers grew and lie became more
And more an object of admiration,
the bitterness laded out of his
leart, and be turned again to the
pleasures or life. He took to bicycling
and became extremely proficient.
Yesterday he had a race on with a.
local Scorcher, and the entire com-
munity turned out to witness the
sport. I t
The colonel had his whiskers tied
up out Or the way, but while de.
Scending a Steep hill that was part
or the course, a sirlden gust of wind
blow them loose. The whiskers caught
In the front wheel. and In an in-
stant the colonel, iha whiskers and
the bicycle were mixed tip in almost
Inextrieublo eonraqIon. Thea colonel's
friends gathered round tile wreck and
a hasty examInatlon Showed tbat the.
wbL,,kprs Were So inv(,Avo(I in the
matellhipry that they could not be
Saved. A barber Was Sorrowfully Rum•
tuoupl. awl in na mitlit or a diad Pl-
lPnPP tit' Pottael w-14,; parted from tho
whl.,kqrR that h. -Ill luadft 1119 lift, one
10,19 sweet song for nearly twenty;
years--Serantou Cor. New York
Beware of0intments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
-0014 1%Y d rnla*Ao, vrive' Z9 J%r battle,
11,11y She, Was; Slud.
One morning, In killdurgarten, a
Wee InItio of woltitinh@*d had beelk
trAW: to fittract th(* tcarhor by
evttr..r ro_tN)urce% ofwhlvhsba'was Q0,
nble, without ffiri ctly wa.vine: site hand
rolnothing to tell. 111naluy the young
girl twat over :incl rat beide her,
%VhCreftW5n WUP 1 -WWW I tissue CP41 ht4r
Oilrta, ptekereJ up her fon hood, one],
stTiftelting her 1112hol. "Olt,
dr -,Ir. heat I'm a4W." #rDjo tevehor wag
sarpriscm4 for laic nil haul gperAVA to
h. Int -Ann' un4ir-r n ide
- rkzhtfnI vezrc4.
"Ar.4 attoo luau g
Vninwriv V tho instractor.
4 '11, overtbedy vraq an. -W at our
ousa this iitermmg. Mumma ri&SURd
9#ttr &he, Hilal DUIDUP spolvieti Maw.
M.% And P21), Vqld, *0 dirflO and left
the tablo. Y_," I nuieng I can b8 erow,
MA&S tiftimeat Cares Colds, etre.
Sil#hc@ flirty be golden, but when
gold is tolneil inoftey tairs.
ThO Uonfl=d 811 WO
In r-, 8160" Go- fany
ftrAv orricn, Topto_Nno,
Authorized Cavital - sl,Soo,000
�fte pollelost of this icompatly oin.
brace every good feature of Vfa in.
sufanceconttnets, and guarantee the
highest Womptits In regard to loall#,
ea8b sutrelDdere, and estcnded insur.
G0011 ngelMta Wanted in this district,
Hon. Jno. Dr.rdei, Chat, & WC86#
President. General muage;.
`thee old stotchRothedy too,
t6krIsr alwAygeau�-ea be
s runs os kidney troulvlr. Hrownlsprops vvffl
artaiels cure yora. Sawpl a bottleardd &Peript.1tt
vascular Sant for To Cents to P,I.y paeling anti
pasta„*. All sizea sent po-;t pairs o-,, receipt of
vrlc&. P0A-'%as'gwP1aeeerktf<t
Price 25a. Ma and
WIL BROWX2 Pr6rTlefor,
Su to
A fire ag,,nt wanted 1v ev-c-ry towiL ", Qui
13E agents to gell our new book, The Perreet
h�lutifu]]Y illustrated; a book thatFells at, almo%t every house; average e&ft!tg*
V2 toga" a day, credit given;_ circulars, terms
and pro-spectw, free, Apply'World Pleblishlnt
Ca, Guelph, Ont,
Olt TRVSS "'has no equal; dif-
Cors from Aljothqtr; can be worn continuously;
91golute comfort In aty po,,41tiol); when ,d
adarageg With inferior tra,�seq ttj• "PAYNA104
itls$maranteed. &tdfotfljus
phlet, Capable representatives wanted. -Tltb
Willlaih Payne Co.,London,Oat.
ii finest in the Niagara Peninsula, At
Winona, 10 miles frnm Hamilton on two rail-
way R. 13D acres In all 95 of which is in frai%
mostly pea:ihm Will be sold In one parral or
livided Into lots of 15 to 2D aeras to suit lint-
Dbas6ra. Thiais a decided Vargain Addrow
Tonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Witonal
*F , . LIQUID 4 Ntr& Wimlow'ff Soothing SvriV should Al.
fir se Mr. T. Nosse, at present In, Corea. wtp' be used for ebtldren teething. it soothen
I the child,*Oftens the, iraTna, entes wLnd colia
NUNN Tooth gach 25
has been appointed Japanese Consul- Twoftty-
General for ,Canada.