The Herald, 1901-06-28, Page 61. I . I .11 .11.�....,--�.,!.,..-,."�-,�i,-�,:i,.�,,,-.w:,.,,�;��W4;;;i�,�".���,-��'���,��.,�,,�.!.�- �m-..,!:�,,-�""r�.�,.�,�l,,Nl.,Ll,',Z""!,:i ,,'� �' ": 1�'�Iwl�,_V;;;,� �': , _._ , __ ­�44'1, .... , . � , .,�' .:i, , 7, . I , I X � .I , I � , I . . , � I I . I 11 . . I . � I . I . . . ,, . . . , � I . I I I . I � I I . I I . . . I % . I . . . � ." . , ­,�, 11 - ..." �� -1 ­.­. I. 11.11, 1 .� ... 40�� .T� " � �:! !40'�,_'. "', �� ,;� .'_�i,zj�,� 1�,-�, ..., - '­­ . ! I , , I � I I . I W, . 'il;�� I - . '. , I I i . I . . � I . . , I � � 11 . . . . I . � � . . I 11 - 11 . I I � I I I : � � . � .l . . ,, , . . , I , , I : I I . � . - I I - 7 . I . I I I I I . I 1. . . 1. - I I I 1 I I I . I I . , , 1� I . I � 11 I - I 1. . � I � . I I I I � . . . 1. : I � I , I , I , I i I I I I . . . I I � _-"__� __ ­� � ��� I I � - � __ I . . . .............. r- , . .. have been, the extent of the gradual , I . i attrition of ithe Boer forces and re- t BIN FISM I sources and the comsequent improve. I . I � � . . . i � I - � . -­."� � had bee'"ricked Into tile lvar� TI have had to do all, the fighting 411111i�d E611 the starving, bilt are getting few I -_ , E HPIRKS . . I . - -.,-. __-w"_____-_ _-, __ ....... � ­ __­ -________'_____- and Mrs, John AlcUlome cAl bel A tile toV. story of tlie tenement, and found tjl(-Ir esenp.9 Cut off. I a 10 KEYSION ' I ----V-.4 I . I ment of the British position in South Africa during the Past . month, the rewards. South Africa will be poor. er and wages will be lower. Johan� � I climbed out of the front window and h ung on with one hantl while heheld upper where was said many were pinned in. The me.n. had hardly in West Virginia, I . general sitmation has been so littler v I w altered since the end of May that re- ;.,:� BOER Roms mailed by E�Oglish correspond- nesburg will never sea her fDrmer days again. --- � EXPLOSION his wife witb the other unLil a, life net was secured. Then he dropped MH 10 � WIN, � s =a . .ago, The correspondent of the Mail says: ee his wife into the net and followed willk behind a pile of boxes toward . � , I .1 1 I If 11 a which are printed to -day may � . I . probably be taken to represent the I , condition of affairs nove, as accurate- M101TINN19N FLEET himself. Both were badly. burned. Firemen Buried by Falling Timber. . . I I k I �011.1�__ I The Quickest Way to End the ly as when they left Cape Town. The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Cape Town that I I Many Persons Killed and While the rescues were going Oil the firemen were fighting the flames. Capt. Allen led witli a hose line In LI H ndreds Drowned by a Flood sends a statement is ,calculated to dispirit tile most OR- I Lord Charles Beresford Corn- an effort to keep. the fire from thol floore, It African War. timistic, if It can be regarded as well fOUnded, The letter 'was 'Written � I Injured. upper where was said many were pinned in. The me.n. had hardly in West Virginia, ,�, I � . about three weeks plains of inefficiency, takea their position on the side- I .t' ,i,� - r i . .ago, The correspondent of the Mail says: willk behind a pile of boxes toward i "The Boer InvasiGn of Cape Colony off the heat,ilaild began to throw I I EURCHERS TIRED OF FIGHT. is develepirg in a, rather serious man- . aer. The*Boer bands are getting r&- . I POSSIBLE EUROPEAN COALITION, PROBABLY FOURTEEN DEAD. water into t e upper'lloors, when, without warning, the whole upper the 4ullding sagged out- VILLAGES SWEPT AWAY. cruits, and what is more, they are getting horses. They picked up no London, June 21, -The Daily Mall part of ward and fell. The captain and two fewer than, 500 at the remount camp Publishes a letter from Rear Ad- of lils; then were buried under the I I I Vine Soldiers Rilled and Severiv near Colesberg less tlfa,n a Wleek ago, Th3 invaders ave swarming all over rviral Lord Charles Boreeford t(? a, correspondent, complaining of the debris;, which was blazing. Two streams were Instantly turned on 'Wounded In a Railway Collision the eastern, wid midlands districts. want of r strength and erfl- %rep,ot Half an Hour bater School Pupils the wreckagp. Out of it in a mo- Pocahontas Coal Fields Delayed by a -'Work of General Rundie's They number anywhere from 7,000 clency in Bri-caln's .Meditar- ramean fleet., In this u ght-Nar- m-ent cr,o,)49d Captain Allen and Fire- Storm A,Vbich Rivals That of Column - RverythIng Destroyed to 10,000, and are having a merry time. They wreck trains, kill colon- letter Lord Charles says that his duty zis sec- row le,scapes-Herol5m of the mail Delaney, Both were brulsed and burnpd.,but instead of seeking safety . Johnstown -- $2,000,000 Loss - On the March. ists,"and lylay havoc generally."' Recording ond in command of the fleet pro- vents his giving his reasons publie- Rescuers -Firemen injured. , they. attacked the debrii Nilth their hands to rescue B ddle Slingerland, Railway Passeni:ers Rescued by � *London, June 21 -Me Sun this af- tile capture and sacking of Jamestown by the invaders, this cor- IY- He further gays that lie liar, New York, June 2I. -Many persons who was still beneath It. He was Ropes. iternoon again prints the sensational respondeat says tile amazing feature . COMmunicated his viewis on the sub- Ject to the proppr authorities ill 1119 were killed and a number injured to- finally dragg�-d out badly hurt. Bluefield, W. Va., June 03. -This en. - I Vainouncement, which it made Jane I the incident is that Jamest 0 own's strong and clear Anglo-Saxon ittel- d xplosion ay as the result of an e Husband Wits at Cripple. tire section has just been visited by ',1�22, that General Dotha, the Boer comparatively close to Allwal North, whore there were 6,000 British troops guage as he can command. alnong a large quantity of fireworks Mrs. S. Williams' busband was a cripple. I -Ila Nrife Is supposed to bave a flood, the extent of which in -all pro- commander, after the receipt of Pro- and an abundance of guns and trans- At the beginning of the year the British squadron in the Mediterran- lit the store of Abraham Rittenburg remained lainger than she could with bability will equal or exceed that Kruger's decision not port. He continues; 'A'gLance at the ean and Red Sea, under the commallil at Patersonj N, J. The cause of the safety in 11.11 effUTt to save 'him, He of Johnstown in 1889, so fax as the I losIdent cede anything, decided to Ignore tile map will allow that a large portion of tile Colony is virtun2y in tile of IFice-Admiral Sir John A. Fisher explosion is not known. The property loss will not exceed $35,000. was found burned to a crisp. The flames had the building do�om- loss of property is concerned. Early former President of the Transvaal bands of tile eneni,V. L From DQrd- and Lord Charles Beresford, con- sisted of: Eleven batileshipq, eight If nown and :Supposed Dead. ed long before t1ro firemen arrived, yesterday morning, shortly after mid - night, a heavy downpoux of rain be- ownd surrender. recht to 'Willowneore and across to a amaqualand, cruisers, fifteen torpedo boat de- stroyers, three torpedo boats,tbrev The doat] are : . and for a time it Itooked as tbough I -lie building wrould not only be des- gan, accompanied by a. severe elec- trio in The Secretary of Ur. Joseph Chain- the Boer is the inani in poss"slom gunboats, two sloopg six special 81q.- Mrs. Lucinda Adamson. . . troyed, but i!hnt the flames would -fain storm, and steadily Increased violence until 10 o'clock a. in., then berlain declared that the rumors of Tile slow progress of tilt, campaign vice vessels. In the'number of the Mrs. Charles )Villains, burned try- burn dowle IN street. and swing In- to 'Slater streel., an"A the ceasing for several hours and begin- - "the surrender of General Both-% are from the Britibli, point of view causes vessels, together with the Coal*- Ing to rescue her husband. oc- cupants so, -threatened moved out. . ning again with renewed violeum 'Amfounded. I deep dissatisfaction. The authorities plement of its personnel, this fleet Charles Williams, cripp!e, unable to 'rile. firemen fought the flames back, Many miles of the Norfolk and 11'est- The Times' own correspondent at allow next to no news to b2 publish- should apparently be a match for get out of bed. ,%ad, alt -though the two buildings bo- ern railroad tracks and many bridges Uddleburg, Transvaal, cables. "I ed, and it is only by interviewing re- cent arrivals from tho front that any hostile fleet that could be op- posed to It ill the Mediterranean. . Harold Rittenburg, IS months old, tiveen, tbe wrtTked une ,I.nd Slater are entirely destroyed, and communi- cation Is cut off west of Elkhorn, so ba.ve been able to lea,rn the opinions one can get any real conception of It has always been the poli,ty of thp son. of the keeper of the fireworks street were eomewhat damaged, t1hey xrere saved, The building in that it is impossbile to learn the full of reveral prominent Dutelimen in nhat is taking plaec,." The correspondent of the Standard, British Admiralty to maintain tho reputation of the Mediterranean store- Henry HIsasser, six weeks old. which tile eNplu,;Ion occurred was extent of lose of life and property, but officials of the eoa,I operations Xretorla, with regard to the present writing from Pretoria. under date of fleet as the "star" squadron orthe Those u;is.qm.- and almost certainly burned to the ground. Fourteen Thouglit to be Dead. located in the strieken district have 4cauduct of the war. These men, May 30, speaks in almost as gloomy navy, aild Lord Charles Beresfortj's <lead are -, sent out messengers to Elkhorn the .V,to are old Inhabitants of the Trans- a, vein In regard to tit(- operations of stric1ureN will be couhidered a serl- Urg. Bert Bamberg. After a ecuple of hours' wurk the tpruilnuN of bnth telegraphic un.] rail- mical. have co, Inherent love for its. '* Opel. Sir Dindon Blood lie tile North- � Ous indictment. Charles Banihorg, six months old, firemen had tilt! Ill"'A'S out. mail be- road communic-ation. awl lei r ve eceiv. ,tut fur their own sakes and their Past Transvaal. lie says: I'd i eneral I Since his appointment, as sevond ill ehild of above. gail the wtirk of cooling the rt,ills ed. a report that a conigervative esti. L country's are anxiwas for the termin- Blookl's movpmt,nt cannot fairly be re- D command of tile squadron, two .years Mrs. Andrew Elvin, was in house Ito get at the bodies. AL first It was , mate as to the I I ;atlon of 110stilitles. Thpy ngre?L � garded as having proved lit the main � ago Lord Charles has been dpvotintr lei . maelf with energir to tilt- and noL spen since, Mrs-Mar.y Elsas,ser. thought that but thriti- pprmnm ivere lost. Mr. and IN'llhanis and one looss of Lire Rxcteeds 2100. %hat tile, o4aly eillLue- of bringing the - , a i�,p,,�cdy ead, is to proclaim wur to that tile inteation was altogether " , great I. ask of bringing tier, fleet tip to tho . loseph Elvin, two weeks old, child .1%Ir.,;. (if the Rittenberg childrvii. but it Some of the drowned are amjn� �; t lie ttliat aftur a vertain date the farms obortlyp:' � , This is falint lipatowed On � utmost pitch of efficiency by drill, .iUrs.Anilrew Elviu. stain bevaim- appurent that other . ' niost prominent eltizens of thv coal �1,18. fie, cf xnece, still on commando will le.� con- praisp thp operations, while the ccirros-'. inanoeuvres and discipline. ' Thil ground of Ills Indictment wVl be Mrs. -- Burns, not Seen since ex- PION1011 aul Litown to leave been in , t had la;Nt their lives, and firalb I hevaint, alawst a certainty that iour- The- Po;-al.oatas vo.tI fl, I I is located Si�eatpd. Tkis wonM bring about ptivuhnet admits hirthitr on that If � found, In the failure of tile Admiraltv the house. A teen were dead. In a b"Ill. with high mountain rang( -s -the surrender GT a largo nuneb�-r of thf, primary oblvet w,Ls to encIO-5e'! during the last year or two to keei) I vlarence, Durn-c. six .rears old, son Tn,- v1:1iry $trept Department Itoree on either slilp. Likhorn creek flow- . comlllandantq. th"agil zt would not 0;mmandant-Opeleral P001a, it was.. up to tile silipbuildlikq prograninie Of AbOve� was ordered. to go tu work elearing I ing thr,ough tile ventre of the basin, affi�et the foreigners or Doer leaders frustrated at thp very outset. Af- laid (]own, so that England haff lost Mrs. Ann, Fmitemau, not Seim sini-e away titt, rublilsh. Ritteubf,rg will which rangeg frow ctlev-fourth to one ,vnch .ts Lutha. and others who have tk,r dt-wribing thp tWIlPme which i tier relative position of bAug able tit 1. oxplosis)-4 an -I Uttowit to have .lipen lirtAlnibly be arrrt,t(d, polding the lei- milo in ivIdth. Froin E'nuls. W. Va., me pn.,pk,rt.%;- lD0a_rh,.-.v, they believp. alwie setineed to coffer llfop:� of Sue- i put onto tile high setm a fli'at equal r Ill the, house, NeL-tigatlnel. to, Thlare Yar-1, W. Va., a distance of nrgll Lght to tho puid. Thi, opiction ev8s. thk- Porr(bslwn,IPnt wrltes: , to the combined rleiAs of any two � Urs. Annie 1.1ainiggi,11. sp('U to elitpr Mrs. Zinituor, inw-ther-in-law t*f Rit- � sl%tet-n wiles. nituvrR' eabins, coal [ 14�tna by tlapse who "T'nfortunatply we do not appear - other naval powers. �,� her a,partminits it fe%v inixtutc,s be- I trnbi-rg. Is knioun to lie doad. it U -i Poinpany eolutnii;tiarips and coke know hhu well is m,n faverabb,. tk* )MVP trevp�s ANW1.11110 for so huge 11 Then, again, owing to the Skout It fore PXploslom Nald -slit, was standing at tlktv mar plants litiv thk hasin. F,Ikhorn crpek� A ,,,tankl, rtun &,SV41404 S3.V8. Dr. I I I I I Two liPplimrs of '.\Trs. Lartellgan. of Ike k,tort- -talking I � it a traseffing 11"ielIF fed ter nunit,rtltw small streams Evivard..e, 1'cor dv��tor. who bas been ---.. __ - . ___ �w ere Nsith lipr w1wit t4it- enWre,l lit -r I val(winan witen the' VNIA001-11 Itt'vur- .Iln lig fr�6 t1w Ill."untelln RI'll's. ltwroustit lie. stio,trs that thc- burghers �4re 1wartily ttred of firUting. anil mcal.1 bnrrvndLr to at nian it t1amr � � 3pudtvts ivo,,Ail Permit thera to do t;c, !Nvo ep2oni4 troup-, .i%,Pr that tho,.v !rbund in the llt�eitotq ef 4wo dead zu,re,e�ip.`rs c"I a 11n&'A'.matuan kw!j'gopa t',�: L'-.,',ajS rks)tOta. Llij�at�.�j; tJ4',Jt bt* %V(rAA not b4,,,rP!:,-,I11f*_-lXv ter any IbirgL,ers wniu Vat! :3u*, burrenvh�rel b,.v UF2 1�414 Instant. I , --- �, I &-t.- .Graeral RandliLft Work. " �, 7,�i,r,Acn, Junf� _­I,=�k A1,5qmteh fr�w 31LrIL­fflAb. 0.-ckt­0 IA%4L'r I!,011t4lV, rV- V, ,at t3r, . lo. r km ;VuTt�l tf, n 111,=L, .1th * 6 V�11A'JAK'­18,$3 QL�A V,�I. lail-1ev"s et,,Iuffilbt_�. J -1v ro tur!"I A hurp, ;iii, i travvr&�teg ItLlr? gm,�=U3,&­J�j tll.N-tr�oet f4tmate-J Ifi ItLe trLarj;1:, a�,.tv.-i, in VL�­_birg. T-Z**L,,1d,tCM .Ito �Vd!tl�­�, M.Wlk. dtiriv� Ate vin-lt wrqm) tore., -44.,g, V�Irin. U V14A'411�` ttjpera!�'­,-_� nl� tfa,! tn,4'�- 'In 'iL,p d - - M"If 1_*tl V�1'171,� 1 ,3?#., ' Cr.n�4., tQLV_1;UglL19 an"I I albt,r 1&*'6�,,,,r1f_'4 'f`�T-? It ro� vn,p p3rattDZ ,r*l IL".,�?c-t"'4ef; tivel-_­ )�"T, k ;u , I fitiv-tiw? Dex-tv ttv,r'.1 L-v'.',C­, ".- "4­.:,Jr,_7v'_'1,. , CL'Ir I I t��o,��atit�l-l�4!!,11.11�n.!�'J V. -,"O fim,c Z11'&2;"�T,qan�2 x7f�bt MCI, rkt,_10�4. U*�­,_,%.- tv­,U_n�tej nfl6 rotting, tht�ir naines mot ,Net ahepr- uth"I.O. t Eight Injured. � Thi4 injuribil:.Nir. Je.4tiup Mrs. J. Jet;. I V,sup. 1. blanther. Ovorge ,gid# -r. Nieliz I . '� ulas 111.111inati, Arouan . Rlwar.l Slin. � gerla*il. '31r. :ao,f Mr. . John Xlelvloui,. i The v%p,o-,4,oa itteareel t-hoirti,\ pf- , ter tilt totion 164our. .tit I many tit t1w I o4rellpattith of the builtultag llwn- Out for tnnuvr. Ths- Int -A fing Ito widis t1w , explo,tou iokN-urrt-1 i%.as'a [ratile tem - I lutut, f4*11r Kvort­ 1:090D. nith Ntores oll tltt? gr4quild f�fj or. The 4111i"IM" I'tori was 411,4111"041 Ity 1:1 -�1414,101;1.rg, To'll rQuIllipti wveipivl flats I'l the bullol, Ing. ,%:ehuol 11ailding 0ainaged. 11alf ate hf*ur later tht� rv­�,uRN ii-cal,0 ha%v bvva frugbtfill. awl mught havo, rQ119CA up a 41ratth k4t ulat,o tho Mon. dre-IF., fur adj*-5MPP tho buil.1ohn9t I'M I No, .; !-r��B#""4. o -I ve,."w1e, %-erv, launuorvdit ,� -wq t, of Ovoi4ron, %4,V1, outy 4% he t.e24q4AVI datonigeg. bat Vargo qvriumgva QVI vvre.,,Ligot %wo* moripa noto, oz., A& It %'Vay. swu- lul vae, b''bv,�PR �A,Jfldrcn Ishn't. ing Do-ar Vqw F.Q,BqW�M1'6vv.&,SP I'Vere Dia - 1 jarud. red. What bi vanie vf t1w t-altNeinin Is 11-t Ult-own. Many pisr.4ons sl1g4t1.% Iiij-irml had Ito; Ir wound?. dri-Shk4l .tt 111, Ito i-Otalei a tal weitt tot their I 4- �11110,-. Pattirmott, N. J., .1 unik 211*�'. - NVJ L 11 eleitne hodles rf-povered awl with ,%I,x tiersons nib;sIng it Is brlimtt4i that !7 lieres were lost In the fire- wivich fol- tf4w(tel tho "141twilbli or fireworks Ill Utttwobarg% store tit 4 10 Malit strort, tvesttorda.y. The soarela ttf tht- riihis was votittit- V11"ki ttmltv Ill t1a. Im ive need firenien. It Is lilklit.%ei thure are St011 #-meral JrWfjp�V lei flip wro-hvir- , Tho litinionk kolown to lit, 411 -all .11011 wlwsls bndler4 11give twen r4re.4%pi-0. I �' re 118 ftqllV4W6; Mrs. Luoill he Adalvisdoft. Mrs. Putylek I'lurn.w.. I larptti-v P�!oroos. a elodd AlLbsoft s1%, ,%v.ar,- -1 I ; (14ariv,4 lVilfianm MrR. R'liarles 111hi tats. llarud I 11.11ttroolmrA., 14 114,V1105-4 1411. All -lot. Rlttunlo,lra Is .%ears 40141, lvfloiv, 13%ae�wr, Me(] 2vr,-. � AlAretr IA%D% A lovall f.-l'uppi "A tfu b" Ila that 401' Mr&. 11he". -.%as foaml. the trauk IS nulf,mpog ; llvq� 1,.t,niah I!ninter. Junrlun 1,14inJor-r. r -i% wri-ta.: vtd. Tke aoi�Nunom are - JqL�,Ufiph Eh in. I 1&(f,; vc­#;4.�� oed -. Mrs. Aa -,-J#, Pontman. Mr,R. rhips % (,ry raiddly. nod this waterspout ramp tit, surldcunl�v that thp ontire Trestle botwoen ttie two mountain ran_*,�.N was (I u !0. and be - fort, tho terrgir-Ari--hen pabolsle rtoal- iz;,d what ivai; top in thene. thi-Y were varr1rd down loy th- flood. which Nwf pt p%eryth;jD;r Ila its puth, 111he fittl - town or Ki-yNtonob. with a Itup- uhatione of allout 20,',10, soml-i the arvatest suffersir. loractleaBy the it*wn bang- wavivei aw.iv. Tias t4ml is tile prIneipul 1�le,,� In thp polo.a- h,wlittw itirml fi4d% near Its mintre, It wnn to) a g -nut v\twit hPnv1.qnar- tors from whiPil th, �" 1111111kr, 1301tUhl- tion littrehar; d &npl4a iq, �iviul wa�_i nlwi tho wily phlej� an the 111441"I whovo w1ahkLmr moidl N lourchlat,'e-d- At U68 p!1low t1here U.Vrp I d'o. to 1.30 Nal"ans, 01 of wl-Irft wf-re wai4of,st atvay� The ofpArt re"MOR tivat toor whlln4 lit"Pu- 0.01loli ar,m fit"Itr 0,-v,1J0.yi8�,T tho banks 1-T Ifto stroamo IL�;12;w. vateoAltlo: the jntrotharta_%�e lind har.-fis of whisykey atua lx.er no vwv 91,,valt dowfl. L44 great oirtralit-r ZVI rte�o 44nig eet�p pl'30tg too-oltAhOdt 091? llvei.hmltag ft -11 are r4 q -t -A ,*,­,1,*,.,Ar "'p,_--irpll -VA � . . . ; I a .� . . �, - So gmat ucw thn lionrt� or V"le 'T.,11- �ila. I,,,- ,.farb t9od. �Nlrr�,_ il Annft- L,onnug. .4 gt,�Jpjp i[MSftL,r,,'1 V" rn',_�:�,_!*',_,,-. lra�, e­ttt�-t tratersca . TI -211L., UIA111 AN11 V Ura -s -A 40, V =-,,��, IA, le.w4gpop that a b -'VV 11"IlrayAng ha thel �t,_.s E-ntlrr.ly washtA 41LI, 4,Ln ec�ol_&s I s v.t__? rl V�e mr-at Wito are L4 rmg; rAtrrrnL�Viratc--A w[iC . Eno. 111.1;�,.. Ffqzos'ser. Mrs. uu,a % , I Harz, Dvn"Y. 3 11 A brtcaus�;Q gn Tzar all UJOIr rataDo� 'n t e Steopt D,�taT a biuvk a%a�q %vaq 11"Iftv.d i �,�q I *1 ' , , ii,�.:,i�--,:�,:t,��.,-,,,��,--,.g =.', Ln4-.,,1,',5ng Lr-�,t,tres C;rre. wilak, tL,P'�: long for a bay to bnhv�rlt V�e thi-eme. 17(wn Euiv Too -t rand 05urled ngak��t =01."l. nil nrooant trr 11v rf-ry Ifth Water i 44t 4,,�,.-�, (,­,.':­'­ r . � 1 , � ;..­:;.­- tv"'Ed, _,,��ro At 1,4_ Ju*-P-J�';�,'s 11trspitso It WIA V,�P,JjpDl I , 1--_1 .. 1, - � I-. , ,"(�P. aul use of �,A's IV- , D.149 flnwl� d I D� - ftglmls n0A � C . an ilroa Tc as saw te it ';!K'-_ , t _1�tJ4��.,' ft ."'BajI., IWI.q� 04, 1JnJnr#J wh" had p'reventc�'d w4=mAk.�UL11 ,a- anythIng ,---'--Ql I.,.:,:, ttl.tt ,�_mtltu-,sl V --- - - - -- ----- """' "-- brokc., . Toocre wol�q a trqAov,,y v-ar vri_ bper, aaken t "'ern 44r�- doying U'03. EL&A a to:rtipet Z�810watr q-1 the teaq of , 1911-e"c'i ft,lm? Y',t-,'.1_1SN',':-.,­-F. L�zu"t-nr"'a-'ra's a rvl�vrl%*-Itt. 1!�r,2��tv vt��03_9 =olo. lualf � Areenn tvar. tEw war Ntqu1.k9 at the rir-�_r-tly Pal front 61 the hn-;Mieg When � rand IT,,,�%t uDU of mt,otl %wm�2 rotovet. PT,p, &" ��11�_, t� J7�L4�.t',tj,�JV. ",",," --�� VV�k 3 PJ"?&UC-d C�j taaCt , , ,B rLo.untr,I mhantrz-* "td tav- �� noxvpfl arg(L-tanNs nt Gtbragur jind tho C,&pIvi,qtq30 G�A.Uoired. nod I VLe barst 7 1 Illy 29 hVJv"S_.k4,";�. hat trojae U0 , . _ I-LnT , . nro . ,��Z,n:�.� g��,­Tgala tzt�,..,H,�F. C�T,7, %Vt, ,det, . , �\t�, a,�qj NITF. .1to,!k,,&p6 ID_ 'Jt�".J b� rk;,11,�'J­ ­ts o . MM � .�,,I t,C1 COVC,r tile � MOM% havc from ob-Fe, 'I C,nol.c'teosv, Of finielo IWA Er4orm,401'n 66taboalblo to-olght - � bl, out Int" tho 6trc'141 pro% ai0ill, ti� hpial. burad 'on -I'll,- 10*."t to vl,olvrty IT110 eaaEly reAt�lil ; i6�..2_ 1,..r"t-3 Z-�a f,n c3:1==-An1 Irt UU, � S . , � . 4%VE&re 11op ith anr� .and lgoorehej, tulp bides or Vae ear tAnd b03y z Rese Vonnvfly� moffering trom $.,,066,ogo. ,�4 t _!�'a 'Ekst'ra"d. , 1! not b"a rQtegeralsoomi w. _ FWLA��,;,e "Or-:a,C'47�s z, tEe WET,"7)E� C,f L�40.C83� w1a, r,jcwr,� D"J,Lr �a'a Nouth At- � afdft=dht02h so MI.%- as tonvy %TOUC4 singtill the Budir ot thOS'? *47110 Ivir , , - ri� *��.Jjav_k- ar I , : C*c C`4'��,L,�­ wl�;Z­ CQA. lt,ak: Obn� 4xii� arc, distr%-,�',� 5 i-4 a 1mystery , have h -pen, olla--mvit'e. while ptug4ya Irs it. �d ronAwOolog; I Ramber. At Lltftdel�!'Af. thkP 1*aUtftI h -m- Ct T4, - birneA ihf.qut t�,ir head amd ,,+ . llnrw,�; "o, -, t,tt,t 'A t',�­= as *,10tP4 to al"I e-setpt thC"_;.i �j�t L,Oad�guarjerg. deVrIoPlnent cl her ltlaeTk .15ea neet Stunattl and Usitned. fnee . 30�Em Allnen& a Sel"UnOE boy. eat C19 L�.praj 1,1,anp etol. 149 rolyVi'm �, - - and fortresses Ions strafflUy advar.-T-eil. gane. bat hN n it tt.,,r� n7L _,� .and nro1,Z_'_qt,e:,n pt0van-01CS. L.U. tEjo, p..L("rffieU,Q 0 %Lq,u' My 14 said to b� sare. I 1121,t 6r, tl,Jlit1 tf-p trtQ frr,­= M`L11111d]f-hnfC,;, . - t of t!ountry I ' Thiwse who wv-re on th-- upp-r f1cors and burlmd , Georgo Zeiler, a Feftal Passenger train No. 4, of the: vn.vr h6d i,vt uzy, lth(r, ki,crge rdufWber j�f I The reeent ass,f-mb:y of tile, p,.qo1qn I - li & WiF,,stern Rallread. reach - T V,nvp ('6"nnV,.rr-X�,Vv tE=t VfIC W�7831'1210. vo-i-tF, and uiae vvry fxtrnslve 1111bes I and r-tiencla fleets 801N�Ulon. t-.-Itu tile Of tilly building whPil the v.,,,;A&QIe_,n boy, b-offly Cut vli,out tae head ; No- --N-OrfouL. - C-1 V-," 12��] i,en-, -11��. &Tter a VE-er- of cemmun:ratton t"'F,_m�`3 M is nfqms- !! presellee of the 1111'"lan S�;ila,12'(9,0j, took, place ,were elther stuntwi and Z,%olns 141huan. ral on the lit -ad ; Vd- 0 I Vivian OU -It 8.20 n. M'. nir,t V_"!; t.:,�,`it M_Inm,_�P.. t-,;�,�'2.irng �T,vetx�ity 11 tile Same wilters'drew th" att'-put.,on then hat'lled to df,atlh. or thf,Dr vs.j Ivard .FlinglanA. a firemon. 7111rt , , - t -ga � 0, b" the VM3, and wav unable, to PT"ar-d ;�1:12::p , ­�n, " Vary to X"aintain . oii Ue ynifftary.. -r. Thft� Waters reache-11 -ttleh ,,�_ .R, _2 vn-,o �F.'f�!rnr,n at Jr.a.."Ote ,V,ra � � t� of DrIlIsh linval authorities ki the eap�'4vvas cat "It. After VINe I'VIA sion I Wiling waflis, Mr. and '�ql�e. .11k,D2,1 �Nfc._ VE"! �t�_`,�f - Wilf? from ,vw, Plod of the , - lvortlof � 1. _��L�S"� TJ J�.­yor�s�=*g. Tile I ' les 4 _p,h tgl� tIl . t .&-ditefranean to J�osslbf it a I tilpre Were a ,�Ork�q ot Vneagit'r one,z. rRone. %livy were barnod alumot the - a df t it 0 � I �"')rnott:r to tho ,Tvt�J­r doubtlesg ox-,, , ' ,t,� ,�Uk-p . __ .. - - - I � ­ p."am. tftow D&Ijer,itr -1 manh avtdlablf� -0 --- - � F�__ - - , ± -!�� "�r� rcm - - -h wont'd )E .It - ba camo sp -xpl s. a � ard S _t�=", t� -e, ,. - ,P.Istc�g ftL -Offlim-ft vVIL111 _ft�, vot, pri,.- and the , th- s,?eowl biac C, I cc . W_ .�. and VVIvi "ro 1, I . vbachvs Had to bi! Alteetildotted, 2 b 3t a V�r_,V_`e 2C-SiSit- 1; 101 ;atoptemiae,y bctween GibraEtnr -4111 D 01. %�V EU71i"!S�. R=,:�? V, which waq inuffle'l awl dlF�adf,nfd to tlor, ht,,E�Pltal, were abld to go P-7 actlen Me a h2r�;4_- E-eale- Lord �1 ilein-lidtia. and m,eurrp I In the eellar. *1011le last leight- the pa,ssengors bring reacmi I . IEMI��. "JN­*n*,F-1,V-.cV rf.'is(�ruElrs Were I'la. I br tiftbt.,1n";!. ,r,1ke--ncr 3mfght 1_z,-�,vc', 10&.039 ad- !I - E ,very building tn the neighborlinrA I I Dyvwaltlll-� Too. uitan.s 0-f ropz?s strung from thos VUU,-�nau men at �,� E� � V'Bsp�­sll nrid :rot r was stripps,,-I oi , glasg. Famillc!q spat. I It IS 9.4191 tELat Ritte0werg load WindOws Of the ecat'�hes tO z -ht. tops I in V,p Vg',-�t nt, 11-�T.fonlcin, nc,rth- msz.r tlu Ll�pare for ,I HELD BY THE FINGER. eA at thpir dinionr vvprz� thrown frow, Jk�'C-skt ,�I E.:Iil,�-.r, Ea'_,;�4. Ux-,-,A­��,0. se-,,- . * v4erk." I thdr thairs V, ibe f:-ror. ster(,d he tz,,e ve"Uar of hi -4 store a IVI Irtniatning colke tovens E,oine div� t,c-.0, '.".avlff�= lw!i,'�,j !J._��, LL�rk!n;w L­�, , m".bi-, T�unlb�r cof dir-mahe torpedoep. such tanee away. Vetween Elkhm"n read � - prp - Ns prightful Scene Itt the Slrtlets. Vivian yakel. a (INtaw-e OT 10 pffif-g, 11ain't7I rl,J]rs. T�-­Lm 1 NI ht IVatthnian Sufreeed Intc-tise ,J.ns a do"�I,,,�, i Us -ire rv�ed W' f�4<- E`tr-,TfI9n Pc,pnDation ' : fttcm,� -1 V�7, 1:)1t1 -j Lon��.cirs an4 C-,F,I,r�p Ueetg %�ttlk,e 0patlgy Again. I Astorer for an 110 ui� okhd it liam -0 elshed r 0 . Tht.-n thrfrr' was .L. fri�.IvfZfl F�­enp In f"T Polersq-1 nZA P-MNIIC hl VC-Deb7at- 16:0 t'&rs 01?0' f;ItOLd t� bP %T - t ift , . �, - 'a "�, , -D -in .1,414 Dost 4-0"ntrnE oT Iol;*.. '%vtic'n Ub -1, Mrs. at the traekp, and tuany kol the M, -M� p�z. r- , " Q n.=LA Mav,�' . . I ctndmL,� C.1p, Ve � i',.v- -�uVl 20-111 ! Toronto. Jane 24.-S. 11nalics, n g"A thp f4rc-ets. P�Inr e lv,,, V, cl' I rv� - ,19 . � 7 i - � 1heir 011Hron. all -I wpr.� F*,"m tushft rtck- rlivr-Lfw was rceinmeTt4j E�pr c, h ., _01 wc-te, eartkid down vtrctlm. A tozig. � � _�:-,�.,7_�;;A t��.�P n'-:�c,T, �,A_-g,�t. L-,A;��,d's "in Orpvg,�,&.ent .� t 1V&N­,-Lr0Cf on 1� Ivatebman in ThsUor-he&tes tq.43aw I about lr,okhtg f,,-. tlq,q,n. Rurnows moottkw V"M ba%v wwq eke,,*�P,, . -, ,�, "t -A k=1L-,vt,:-z,-,1!S,y. and, tchm 're tvtb tl�e r'-�In� 1, 1��7-t olght Men jaetory on 10ay stte;�.,t. tras millipu. '01 to lof,.r Us,toalevb P!Aees the nmmbet it I t� z� I _.�, "., , . is . V_"_.�,tl- .,�"�;-Zl. ,r,.a�.�,,--.,',r�,,""T,(",n, =ark,mg i - I . I logt .� W,.c,i:-,- tit e.ijildren were breast. ;a.ntl sdi) tie,jt ,was the em- brZdg,r.s washed awvy bet -ween nhiewi "f, . , ­nl bF�Ing earf4A away Irow the tuIns by and Vivian Yard. a dat;llmate "� --t , k0r-4 on -1 ttticp m­�-t�,02,v ,vouio, -cad 4 jej, ,I lating 0. rjac,ine On tELIS fonrt4, s tp� , . _ � tcr_v I r, .� t, ­t ,",�, K-�',,t_ ; II b='T-0 01 T'nP arM, Ost 1w.951"s arties. fit"Id -, � n ,I , �L =1 Enal 90"Ir tbl�n 6- nt, msly wf,unde..]. " of th-e building vAs )rni g, ,r.vu , I . �.,. .- - mr a Jere . ` and � 1. P021-ce wago-T1,4. fh�, nonbulanee ar;A V­�-et MMIMT ;,Md F -al 1 --re Vmved in i f1 28 WVeS, At from 15 to --O. i��. -,-;-'_'r-' 'p-7,�c".,.A ,�._4vllum-A :�g prL j 1a ne.tlut5nn. 64 = n,' ,,1 fha Ctve ;� uw finger was Imught tn a, cog V;,aee �. I � !P_�:nq*n-�. U�S'A­,s " StECMI _M*,1M1.1E!d RrIlt's W,�T'i. eapture,l Capt. prf-,Qgfa il1e F�1114k' T*0Tflff2_ V� .r�v�;�R. ntlmun " g7wors' wegans. whl�h %pre ,� From prest'n, Indicatieng It will be . - i He remalqed tEv%m for an Gar an. -i ' _ ____ 5mnp,ws1We to get t -tains t1rn-igli to vrij -,1',,-,i*_ a �,;. =1,A;7 of ega,t:;ang,� ,-,pv2__d6w is reV,'11-d tu LZMve II3eeD , t6 baff a prisoner, tnd endeavorrA 11 41* ir frora every I),art ,r,,f the It . J E_TJ L tfj llmtot a0rV1-'*'- 1TP.lnVvbI1e the flames -est O' Flere , "S '*o"an a"'d 1"n's u' ,. I *_11:5,t.- 4=0 Z,ia'nkeffs. � womneed atal or,�._- Ecer was TkU �_ 1� get Someone to Idw b�vr shoating. 1,1� 7 weiv bars ng DEMANDS FAST TRAIM. I ". "��E? T. =Nt-,tr ol T.�,,s,t-, 11.2110, pfls�nn- � 'k A �, , I urree -ed bial'.6hig. Ev;ry windr?w nridel. a week oi-; ten days. Irills NvIll I nalliv P. C. vathets heArd him, &Ted, 4_17S, ,I ­,?rf,nLL, 'EJ " ,V i 'eenied to be c-=5ttlng tla-6ps .4 rain- - rcrdet it lmp,ossWe to get relief ._ n..� � _L , 'OLJr. . 0 � i , Eg rg� P,oer Delegates Go Hame, r witfz the aid of a passer by. a win- S rcirty-five '11VIt-s 'en distriet, and with I PaS 1�t"O, rap�n. . Lw.dsn. Jtrns 20-31r. Merrinane; 'I dow was, bro'k-pil and tile blipelsonf,d ute ater the first ex#.1oAon. Those an 11our Too, Slow Into the sttiek � - , gird 31- , _� man reached. Hughes was ULken to whoo approaelig-d th-:� building from for the Ktng� those who escapt'A with their lives, . 11 Reiatv _ g3LUer jelt E_,g,and veate�_ ,�, tile Emergency Hospital, 'Where his the rear saw a frightful slight. A -Lc,fillor, June 21 -The XI-bg is de- homeless and without roGav incles- ay Accident. day for Sauth Afie,v, materlalii VIM- - woman app,ared at one of the win- cribablo Suffering is inevitable. . T.io�L1,n, ,7,,:?"P- �*,J._.J dp,_�zpat,e_s frc,ra so'cd by tka qileen's 11,0I deraonStra­ " badlv mangled finger wiks dressed. tormined to Lave something niore I , .- He ;68 fearfully faint froiA Ills long dowv. S�Ae was a m1as of flalft-tss- She 19let ttainmaster of the N"rfolk ,& IF,, i . %, ,,,.),. -11 tbrough the flames rapid tLan the ratheii moderate ran- Western RaVroa 2�oreltlpr7n, says: A spr.Laus ral;wa-v f E0,1 ter tits�r fuflur-� to ex,-ite Papa- � and painful Imprisonment. _ d out and R , I d walked the traek � � jtc.��Je-�,,�, ot�t,u_ ', 11 , , . ow. At great risk M119 trains. Oflate His Mallsty has br-tween Vivian and North Fork, a krcA ill . tT-e vi,tinit thc-hr eause. Their ,y �,, lar hitere-st lin , 1. �11 7rCIVr Im? tl%p frier�,N' 21�on � 1: � the been accustomed to travel forty-five 0 ed _� . PV-*etPrSb=g Kne. g trac, active pro -Boer she was dragged farther into distance of 12 miles, He disc ver .1 . A train fd.3 4-,f tr4�t,,-_y; was �r.un Into faction were irlt'h them V) tile hast, 11, BARQUE ,COLUDES. yard. but it wmci too lat?. Tile flesh miles an hour, but this is not fast -20 bodies floating In the rlveir� - 1. I tns�ro f-ciz,in- from 4,1�& oplir,_ ar'd the 10 I 9was dropping from her bones, and er-01191L for him , .. b.-� a 'L . -re Ls Much C'rganfanng ability ' - . . ;.�!� � amovg them, bat M, 3,r,a ze.,42 t !?an dls= r I sati d­r�ZK,07D. lke ratter, travel- CAptAlft And 50-vetal of the CrA-* �ahp -was d0ad. Tab- later pro,*ed to Vila is A fnattPr vVhtch Is very , - - . . � IC9 at F:M� slr-Od- was rwanding, a eretion. Wnny crm,necus infererces �, Drowned. I b2 Urs. William%. Tal,lell, PKercising Lhe minds of differ- ME KILLED, FOUR MIMED. L, �. imve been drawn on the continent I , � Daniel DoolWg Heroism. ,. . % it dasleed � fr,em the $p� ea 0.__J Z'r .of .'4 �, 11 ent railway officials, for no one loat ' ; _ j; , $C,�'UtionS mt Seth � I London, June 23.-Var- four -masted they can guess how much work, nay, I " 0 th', tMVP IZVIM witta great ;: Bad Accident tt.t a Earn-ralsing Near I 11,e. Laboathe-re*s rii_-rta�,-. a nd the i Britleft barque Falkla,ad, Capt i DaDItIE D(x)l(,y was In the .vard whf--n . Iczt,P- A n�=B,�r c12 trueks were, - - Gracie, !*,low irmch anxiety, such an order en- J Shelburne. �_ ' wlilch tile ,explosion took place. IV, saw I �s sr;djers wc . i - sailed trow Tacoma, Wash., tails. It will, for one thing, require *%�ashe-4 =61 n re kj1t_ J Bosr leaders La IJL'f'J'aj�j I�ave baen � Ithe two Rittntebarg ehildren in tilt,- i Shelb,arne, Jane 22.-A rerY sierl- - I - , ari---.V T- ,ews, Februaty 7th� for Queenstown, in a,t- mOrO e2rehll attention at crossings" 1W `4tc greatly ,eremz= , _ 1,j? war n . , V_Vera,j c,thr-rs IDI,Jred. ` �rear toom, am rZishod into the flarnes itn', j"ctlonv �;, =-r-_�nwhllle, .h.ns reraw,3ied -�;rtually My, . nos accident happened .ye*terdmy af- � I temptIng to elear the rocks of Sze... �. li,Peause tile interval , . -atchanged. D-:, Wtt has apparently - Ireland, to -day struck on che DISIlop, i for them. H -a gat one of them and "Tallable for danger 6ignals will be ternoon abont four nAles from bote For Cle l5loer calupers. tarrf,id it ,wat, and trk�d to go back el,ortel '. I ntd. . I o�ev crippled. I! not paralym-6, by ! roeL her malliYard actually strik- at a -barn-raising on the farnt,of Mr � Ick in- I thr� 11(vs ot Ui ��o for the othor. but the room was th,,n Bea Ing in wind tile small numbp ep, bilat ii Umt!OTN JunIV21,-'Mr. Uz�n4rl nvoy. irlAuli Is fflf- Ing 0he lighthouse. ,She turned r'Ver r ,,r Samuel 'S,Meldls. Mr. Jos h -TO 0 � I � � tqzmnd a 4%,�416fij!j I.A' fte, Home fOr 7 ane mass of fire. D.)o1ey was badly I fidOt 11AM ti -O Tej;.&OZI, nXI-fl the and Sank in M ff;W M11111teS. , Of 6trippages made when royalty was tattffly injured. and died at 4 , 4D,T (',(�mmonq tf'-day that Vc,�Ut ,01 adimbtflro g�",Red by tile Boars in ,Tvvo Iffeboats put out from t'he Ee,Orclied In rescuing the first child. travels between the ,,let . oiclock 15lis afternoon, and four 1, From the front, 'Mrs. Xessup and L�ajno,ral, t.1118. is ropolis and 40-60 prirst-inn in the, oonS,enlratfon Rdrpf`L&�Ig An IS,,kited Australlan &- e6astguard statiou. Obe irescued 2o a matter of seriousl Others were in.tired. The extent of d0amlpi rPT FV -Ah Afrl&%, 24.1D" I ant hasr be -on a tr-mporary gain. members of the ti!evv and the cap- her liusband dropp�d frc,m the Nvin- Conler, for the railway managers, � ,jr, - . � 00 wate I tat,L= djj�w, of their being to the sidewalk, who have been arcustomed so lcikg L,�elr Injuries as yet a � C 1 a e C n. Evhklica that Cie! R.-ItIsh ere gradu- tainis wife -and c3lild. Tllt-y were seated at dinner, and to,i t � to', certained, alth(pugh the, doctors have � __ I ally, wc-aring- drjwn tLa mistance of .? Wjie� secoUd fifebafat which Ivent alet akc' thIngs more easily than the i atrong, Ilopes that none of the four i I , Boi�rsr ig wimistakabip -wk.en the Yes gether rom. to- the front window -and y,jag is luellned to allow t. -hem. P War Servl­ Recognized. terda�P to tagous 11,e re-maltihig 1palyad out. je,.qsup s, ,e me,' wer0 standing ,Va the I t4t L Pxplo_ p. will die. The it, enarnious losms reported by Gen. members of flit crew of the Briti,,zil . _ . and some sudden iar . 011 n, scaffold, z le-ZdOr- -7-4111 21-11T. DrodrIckan- Rotebener in , rnen, awmtinieitm and bqrque Falkland, which was wreck- f1lon seemed to for2e tl�r- fire througb 'Not the Ifelladotheritrill'. of t2i,e rising timbers broke the scaf- . r�vanep � 6 in tiva Hor.8a of Commons, vatt" nr� wldnd up. There may be ed off -1-5cillY, returned to-daY, at -or the floor under their feet. London, June 23-11rof. Edwin Ray fold, and the men went to the ground . '313 rtP4' to, a, question. that It lRag fresh sterpris',ea. but the fighting re- a fruitless lseardia for possible ,,qir'Vi- Irlrewnen Reiruod Many. Lailk-ester, after exan-Aning thp skidl, below, some .beavy timbers falling 4 'ber a nd skin of the, okap! d sea ;' 'L 4 ` M, d(1,1!&,T1 that voo;unteer offi- sources of tivi'worylarful Datch war- vors, "� 10 captain,, mate, steward, oth.,rs of thn tPnement were mean- , I ;ered in the witli them. , Cete who have served Jr. _South Af- riors are alipareritly well nigh ex_ and th,ree seamen of the I =-que, while hanging from the windows Seniliki fillreat by Silr HtLrry John- __ ;L - Mr. M. & Madole, of 'Napanee, � 4 *10,3 f1rall let grantecl honorarywaiak haila,ted. Vrere lost. . ( ready to drop. The firemen came t the British Commissioner to, th(,, , 5i tie attay. , t,W -was nominated by the Liberals of ;I , Before sailing Mt. Aterriman eleald-. within a few minutes, and ty Uganda Protectorate, 91"ys it is not London for the LeglalatIve Assem- I The baggage-amashar now begins to I the helladotherium, but a distinct I . __ J 111 believe the British workingm,en . en I , i Mrsons were _.Jj,�-en Oown through � L 1_ i xv.,_lonfloxes� June 24,NM'atever njay are at last disco,vering that they get in his fine work. , I . _ , , 1­fi%-Pv-APn_Ur_ i�pnng. L bly, Mr� B. E. Aylavirorth, At P, P it �� _ . I J.L ,1"!*_:rS7-­ - .. , , , rptire. 'L, I . - - L" -11. . I . . . I , , . . ,_ . , , )106v,ing deoliqied ,t -p _ , imoteat, be vnxx,u&,,_ __ � - I - -.*,F, , I . .* I . .., _ ., �­�49___' ___._ , . . . ..... -.- 0 Ll