HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-06-28, Page 5- ­,", " . 1w," , �,. ".'''..--1 1, I I .1. . . . I I � ­­ .. ..... ... ,.�.'',.".,..,.",.,.-.''.'"'.",�.�""�.� ..... . � . ....... . � ... . . ..... . ... ... ........ ... ­­­­..:­­­­ .... .. . ..... �� .... . ..... .... �­..­­­­ ... ­,­ ... .... ''. ­...., i.- -.1'.. � I . . ­ . . �. .1 . I I ; i : � : !�;�: 1. . 1. . I I . I .... I . . � � ... . ". I— I 1. ,�... I 11 i 11 I 1.111, . I I.., .. .1, , I .. I . ­ ­ I � .... 1. . I...., . I . � . I 1. I. . I I'll. I.. ,.. j- � . I � .1. . I . . . I . : i:, .. 1. ­­ ;i � I i . � . � . . I :1, I . " . I I I . I . - I I , I � .1 11 I, � . . I 4ALD 13, 'r ,­." � , I— I � THE ZURICH H E P ,. 1. - _w -=::-�.-7�-----,..-'Z�4-�--l.�:,�,� __�11:_'.=__.__­­:._�:­ . X_�_=.r....- � �� - - .1 - -1 _-_._..-_--_-1 -.1---.1 � 1. ­ .1-1--.- ., 1111-1-1-1 .. .... = ...... 7L,��-�.--,:��.�"."�7;z=,=�?-,.�-,-,�. , ...-I. , 1. � , ­ _____�_.� _ . � . . � VEST'S TRIBUTE TO THE DOG. ! . . I I k, WONDERFUL SHRUB I 0- I DREAM MEMORIES.] .At . : 11 I - JINGLES AND JESTS. I .1.1.1 ... �..,­ i .., I � Slkowlng the Effect r'loquence Will ,01 IN111=101' ST I .. I . .� I I . I -rave t1lbon a J ary, XXrd_ 16 11" I .;Mw Poor Jonosyl, r %,orhl not (atch my drearn, it was so Beet; . . � . � Only a fro"111011t, yet anouj�li to knoty . . 014 IT GROW THE M'V-STERIOUS FLOW- One of Ahe most cloquout tributes ever ]a I C 'y C AUMA 191zat 119 , Last night by merest (iiance I toolt That lhm! are times'whort earth and heavort'riviet. . 1. . , . I ERS OF ST. PATRICK, paid to the dog'was delivered by Scuatov ---.---,,- I A faded blossom froin A book � youtento when all of heaven Seein4 below, I I __ A'Ast of Hissourl some years ago. 110 AAd crualleo berwatil my clumsy feet Olt, golden Sunsets of tbe vanished years, � � . L A thing that was so fairaud sweet Olt, radiant flaslies of the conting dawn, . Thtx Phenomenal Plant Blossoms Ili was attonding court lit a country town, 1"ne? Sxno twenty Alays ago, . Ye show us Oit, through mists of blinding teals, . .. � . and while waiting for the trial of a case W " %.,/ 410 One summer's evening by the sea. � � The 11.1it that bounts a little further oil., . i France Ip 311dwinter in Tribute, Do Vd-tvv Need "A"'!' So the Ilistor in -which lie was interested he was Urgod . ­ . . . . I I I . I . . � r of lt lite"ites' to by the attorneys Ili it dog case to help I Ify heart's ideal walked Ott with me . r could riot hold ray dream; It was SO large . .1 frelnudlio Patron Saint. them. Ile -was paid a fee of $250 by the We Sell am-%" Am] from a bendinX brier vine It crowded all my present car" away. . . . I . I � lit Ireland many local traditious about plaintiff. Volunihiotis evidence was in- . Broke off this blossom -true love's sign- My heart was like a heavy Ilidon barge, �. I . " I troduced to show that the defendant had .A\ some twenty Mays ago. Fraighted with bliss, with joys thitt might not St. Patrick tire identified 'with rivers and All the leading makes "KI stay. . I Inoulitainti-those uatural monuments shot the dog In malice, while other evi- 11 Sw et were the fields In fading lightp f I tried In vain to span, to catch, to absp, . 1� W. Wie " . which time u- it efface; but Ireland is deuce went to sho-w that the dog had at- and can satisfy yon ' n '. - -A_F_L� q`_0111[ - ill rose$ closing for tile niglitt , ! i That overflowing rapture of deII4 ", . nuut ' . . . " , , lit, . , . , -e these monu- tacked defendant. Vest took no Tart In ,- . ,�J 1 - And Sweet lier promise madi,lo.,ne 'g...... ' I I not the only country whet quality, ,tyle ani price I I - �, _1 That Summer evening by tit, as 13 But, vislonlike, it floated from uty grasp ' �;� wouN of nature give evidence of the the trial and was not disposed to-7speak. 9 I 1. . 1, And left me in the darkness of th� night. . ' : 'I; , "" sszlnt'�j passage. France also bears test!- The attorneys, however, urged him to Here's tlio I ist : . . 11 - , ? Some t%v nty Mays a I , " 0 go , I 'IF, 4 I cannot paint my dream; it was so bright. ,^ . i ; , Ali, well! I go alone my So fraught with da7zling r4diunce to ine . . Being thus Content, ye, �- - isiony to St. Patrick Ili the mysterious make a speech, else their client would ,not I wa�,r , Flours de St. Patrice eftid the venerable think he had earned his fee. I t single, getting 6 "' I 0 ;! Hartford � , 97; �,-,, - " 41 It threve a glamour o'er my 'wildwed sigh$ .. 0�,.,. ., ", Eglise de S -L. Patvice, situated Ili the dio. urged, he arose, scannee the face of each - IP , I The light of love for me died down; IV.;- And left me blinded by my ecstasy, - ". c(.,,,e of Tours, on the banks of the Loire, juryman for a moment and said: .. F, The blood red rose has faded brown 4N - - Foul essayed fit vain, to soar � " , . "Gentlemen of the jury, the best 2oth Century .: Since twenty Mays ago � .., My longing , a few leagues distant from the elty af St. . 11 I I � . . " Beyond the shining path of sun and otu* , . Martin. St. Patrick was a disciple of friend a mail has in the world may turn � I ........ I I "And did she die?" Ali, no . , not she; ' I But all too soon rite btriguished. as before, I against him and become his enemy. His Antelope . . t Panting and worn, behind her prison bars. St. Nlartin of Tours, with whom lie spent ... ./ � four years after his escape from Ireland son or daughter that he has reared with � I Site married Jones and jilted me. --' , I She's loud and fat, of fiery,vim, I I cannot tell my driam; it was so sweet, and trona whom he r.00elved the tonsure loving care may prove ungrateful. Those Sentinel And Jones -poor dog -I pity him-, And,yet 'twas such as many hearts have known, and was thus made a cleric. who are nearest and dr-arest to us, those ., He leads a life, you know. . . Men have , Woven with tender memories, replete iloubted of St. Patrick's presence at whom we trust with our happiness and E.Z, E and D - -n-".. �___ -Baltimore World. With words of love, dropped in the years agone, Tours, but the fact of that presence Is our good name, way become traitors to � �_�_� - - A fond caress. a dear, familiar tone; their faith. The money that a man has �_,_ Prepared For the Worst. A gentle whisper and a low reply; proved by the traditions and monuments Mc Burney it as but these, yet are not these stlone which are bound up with the beautiful be may lose. It files away from him, "Yes; Briscom's wife insists on run. The all of love and life that never die? legend of Los Fletirr do St. Patrice and perhaps when he needs it most. A. man's ning their auto." . their blossoining every year Ili midwinter reputation may be sacrificed in a moment "I noticed the fact when they passed. --Chicago Post. � for the past 1.500 years. Of Ill considered action. The people who We have a few 2nd hand wheels and a Stearlis tandem But why does Briscom sit In that I But what are the Fleurs de St Patrice? are prone to fall on their knees to do us cramped up position?" HOW CHINESE GAMBLE I The most reliable account of these mys- honor when success Is with us may be the (combination) All in good order. Call and see them. . "He's all braced for a hasty jump." . Games of Guexxtnw ou Which Tb eir Mgr. first to throw the stone of malice when . . Money is Stalced. . terious flowers is tile one given by failure settles its cloud upon our heads. 1_______ - -_ ___ -------- - --------. -_ -.-- - -_ - iCherall'or' pr"'dout Of tilt' '4".Chleolog- The one absolutely unselfish friend that One of the most common ways of bet - cal Society of Tours, in 1850. lie writes man can have in this selfish world, the . Not So Vulgar. I ting in China Is with oranges. This goes . as follows: The igoi Sentinel "if you'll on at the fruit stalls and also in private "Oil tile banks of the Loire. a few one that never deserts him. the one that I split some wood, I'll give . leagues from Tours, a very remarkable never proves ungrateful or treacherouq, -1 . ,I � 01�1` -_ ." you a good meal," said the lady of tile houses: The bet is on the number of phenomenon is repeated -your by year, is his dog. A man's Cog stands by him , X is It 1110dol. in the art of bicycle house. seeds in an orange. Sometimes It Is as in prosperity and Ili poverty, in health . to whether the number is odd or even one concerning which science as yet has i construction. Every "Wheel of "L,Dxcuse me, madam," haughtily re. and at others .is to the exact number of givou. no satisfactory explanation. and in sickness. He will sleep on the I -niuke is niade of the "I never begin phenomenon, too little known, cons Tills cold ground, where the wintry winds blow I vv , this firin s turned the wanderer. seeds tile orange contains. If at a fruit ists in and the snow drives fiercely, If only lie I N highest grade of material and , breakfast with a chop.'P. stand, the dealer will pay the lucky guess - the blossoming, In the midst of the � rigors may be near his ninsiter's side. Ile will , � . er five times his debt, but the loser must of winter, of the blackthoru (1, runus f ully guaranteed. . 4^&v"T,q kiss the hand that has no food to offer. - 11. 7 - � pay the value of the orange and also five spinoza), commonly called tilt- sloe. Golf. . Iwt.,�' tinips as imuch. as lie has wagered. " This reinarkable shrub is to be found He will lick the wolluds and sores that Maxweltouls braes are bomir, . Quail fighting is done an a table with a at St. Patrice, upon the slope of a hill not come in encounter with the roughness of I'The 1901 Our prices A -ad every 0 e ext9b .1 � I little fence about its edge. The fighting the world. He guards the sleep of his i I The h2mrds aod thqWkers them ,�` ., far from the Chateau tip Itocliette. The % I qualls have been starved for some time. pauper master as it he were a prince. I And the course of t4rateen. holes. . circulation of tits-- sup, whIch should be W.1len all othe Are Right A 1' As they are put into the pen a few grainsi suspended in winter. is plainly revealed _ f riends desert, he re- 1A n t e I o p e C5 ! 111"N mains. When riches take wings and rep. I Tis there with Ariale Uutle, . �., * � of rice or wheat are laid before them. 4 by tile molst state of the bgrk, which i I Azd caddie every day ; �, �, and they at once begin to fight ever them. . utation falls to pieces. he is as constant ,� . I . � easily separates front the wood which it lit his love SIB tile sun In Its 3, � -s -auty in Stylv­and . - I to. slid, oh, holor blisdulIr .), , � They are trained for the purpose, andr & li� ourneys � I. it 13( Fillisli. � We hoot the hours Away (awe)l J covers. The buds swell, the flowers ex. through tile heaven$. It fortune drives , . I , . � good fighter Is w&tb Z20 and upward. "'Ir I the boughs with Odorous and snowlike -1d, . .�v � 11 It is the same with the crickets. Their pand as Ilk tile mouth, of April and cover ,the muster forth an outcast Ili the wet It is very Strong Built ancl, � I I � ; , � " I ! I , . prize rings are little bowls. The crickets I friendless and homeless. the faithful dog � is just t1tv Whoel. for Country I ' I 11 '. , . couldult Waste It. flowers. while a fow It-oves timidly Von- I � 11 have been trained. They seem to under- . ture to expose thoir delicate verdure to asks no higher privilege than that of no- � Rituds. ;i� A ., 1 "rze sorry to see you gwIne fishin, f, stand their muster's word, and. they are I compallying him. to guard against dan, , �� . I Ephraim. w1en you ought to be work- � the icy north wind. To the flowers sue- ger. to fight against his enemies. And I I �111111 I'll . � I In." urged on to the combat with. straws. coeds the Wuit, nut] sit the beginning of , i Some of them are very fierce. and many January a smali berry uppears, attached when tilt- last scene of all comes, and � Call and S -1 e-0 e it. '� � "Well, Ilze sorry, too, pabson, but I will fight until they die. Those w1kIch. death takes the master lit Its embrace, � to, R 10111.1 JR10111100 Ill tile Midst Of tile and his body Is laid away In the cold � w_ - __ �- , - - , , . . . - � couldu% afrord to waste this weather." � chirp tile most loudly aro censlacred tug withered antl diReolored petals, which I � I I - I __ - � - ; -Indianapolis Xews. I best fighters. ground, no matter It all othor friend% par- 11, It 0 Soon shrivels link] dripp tip. ; site their wity, there bribe graveside will f Call and et out- vrices, . The Chinese undevstand how to fueed vrowth ot flowers Is at- r tile ZzIo do r be found. his head betwi oil, g I A Sualilelon Aroused. nuill groom, the eripl;ets for thep tray. Tills vinatilar 4 _ -nown. although It lift,t liven re- I h,5, paws. ,,,, " I Red ellemitiluts-. most uIlL a eyes and, but Open In alert �" .Phey give thern haney. ba � vend,yout to, bQd.11 , and; boiled rice nut) certain. Wutls ot fish. Denied every vear front tilue Immemorial. � Watchfulness, faithful and %rite even Int : EZELLER = Agent = ZURICH � "'Stop that nols"' Jimmy'" we will The oldest Inhubitant of St. Patrice bas. �' doatb.s, � t i 141la, you don't aet like I VUZ your I They do not allow tiny one to suieke neat: i alivuys sopu It take plare tit lit fixetl period - Thon, Vest sat down. He bad spokpa ; � real child at all. You act like I %Yus � th(ml. for thk�y think that tobacco is In- ' � -_ L __­___ - ,Qg, Sonlebody QISQ�Solo "rl)bo jurious to thu'ut. It tilt,.. crie4vto gTow of the year, ito matter how severe thil � In a low volct,. without a gerakire. llt% = ul.# 1. : sellson lurty be. unit such has also beell � made no reforeneo to the "Idonee or tho Met., thtky feed them Upon me%quitocs: and i the atielent tradition of their forerathers. " I 0'?t � red anta. � merits of tile cuole. Wbe.0 be fin:-jill-ti, I . A � I while tho legend ue art- ubout to relato , judge and jury wvvp willing .1.0. �p _ , I - e_h J tk � lit U eriekvt figlit The 4crickels are It 4k weiziled tt%turo tbk)y are p ""Ott* origin to the The Jury filed out, but soon entered whh. AlttmbSle we'll go Latin Zx � ut Into The � attributes a very rt . I L AfttrivIttle. fact; but. aq tile 0160,1i ItsOr aplitvard NT DT i 4,�k`t. ring. They are muwtivil as to Mat and a verdict In favor of the plaintiff fur Wut# thl W101cm svilib au btrd, � � If, � . quite young. It Is probable that It 1, rv- J500, 0,, eal4r. Tbe ImIng Is d�itme Just as care- - He had sued for M2. It is evell, OTARRELL & LAWSON,, - wl;riro itt" thiAlUldislog In ctauit , . fully as at an UngliAi bovie raw. The itowed front tilt- routs. Ilowover. this , said ,that $Olne of the furors %vautt'd to All th* sumplor 'Anb.ut timl. I . illionomenoft Is Ituillpti to tht locality slid , if : �4i - �: stlikes are held by a c4iminitt(vi. wbiell de. haut the defendant. 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON. 0. 0. I # to the shrub In quvsdon. Cuttings trans. "I Altm-whdt welil gn AiMa �.�, . J� 4twta a Certain perecatarp� fer tlwt* u -bo rilauted elsewbery buve only blossomed In " �� * Nelth tV tUMM0 16=9t swit ljl , ij 6wn thtk figliting humits. r)=Iag 1b# V.gbt tilt spi-Ing, and the bawthorus wbith TALKING BIRDS. Solicitors of American and Foreign P,attntt* 0*sTU"*,Trgd*marks,Copy. An. riammm, -tell cur ndghtult 1.1� the gaintileva grow vw1to3A. Thcy se,=TM grow taild this slovil do rot watlifest any ; - rights. Wilt rtturn fee ItPatont Is not socur,ild. At stcw. itti, "ma C"d lim 1) starialav Za3mallas-6 of lit calltA sond for I -Atanr ums, 1i aud ;yvIl and Itwp up mid down as cria, in- , ;ilvulrilou or Fat). , I rivstritor's Guido. or Now to Got a pAtont. _ I stmt gets do baltor a, the fober and ga I Ili tilt ptir ISIO the flowors wert In '01katu Altimalm. 9601*1 Gtouldiry. ;( Adalkot mad, wholl urlo Ifing. Illocul ftut ChriNinum unill tho lot of ,NA'Ord tO V1090 hX%Vk'tk 101114~4 POW01119 A'*"Mantion this Paper and senur* special rataa.`�'iAII ,� Stiss raiewaft-why. I thunght yog , The Chicoge have till tirls of IdMEN. 3"ituary-that 6� it a titup wholl tile of latelfeet and rvn5au thnt niarL unt illue, _ � tut law"fly aaatf.4 Of ebtificv.. Even 112 %ttorintinivier wug uhanst always bpl,,�v higher and u0bler dovolopinput ct thp hvi. - __ ,--. , - knew her! She lives In thesame w1uum k1tvflywr tLo Wss mW im-a-for even tht, teLvAng point. Although grikswing oil tulin as upart front the brate croaflum 1, vith you. the mon fly kftc-�-wNl " to goia wbith theslooD of a bill, tIAL4 Marlob �!@ lit im wn.v " tomes the no less divitle gift lot f5lorwAl. L Itiss auton-Perhallig. But she dea has the $&4_�I3,,..,e;t sititig, ful�dlg lits steaus . . shAtered front 'tilt, iturth wind. 114.,o that priceless Medium of lnliom;flalhufil� , � � not move In the Same ugrele. agahist tbLu s4tilug4 or V00 v4lLenl 0 tmik brailebrig sm inerumv] with boar fro,M. vadoll baweoa Intin and Inn". the aii'lik.- , Ir 1W I; . 4 tht-m. In smik cLtitq Mm the gtemg_4 tire the Icy aortbeast Wind 19101vt V1 Dlently alate #Xprrisslon of big though1q. impal';vI Am so � oftea 8catkA willu 0,40 riti 1.tslcd With I 1but soil *1106tion"P. Is It unt a ORO@ mugagar . "I �1 A Salt Mser#pltwer. .11 4111609 thVIll, slid It otteft bnopen Th%; - werald e,;! ., Vi�oviolt,red &%s Iloot t1q% mly cut e,r saw ! Ilic slimb Is londed at one and thp Anuge thit. whilb tho go r-00CA damb 01"imaN � S"'m 11CM,tsi min vidz tm�- =n us .gft tbe Loum. i Vule Willi tile snow of winter lici dav havL* *11 ?OMP lauguage ot tz"It-fir own. a 8hqm1d be hi vp-l�v 1-loillf.. If AVI &aeac::�IezI5�,tk h:Lb I At ie,vq�.-.I�r &4%1e. 1a,41'et*r. ttea* are 34tiow of tilt own dower*. udlied by *41101 pach grctl(-A can &A"i - 1, Ac,ll *�Ci tLit It-?, *"."M romly Ute I * "na nt��.La V.�I�L _0 :4 " ittle rlzsj��a��* t:L�. , g= E-4 C, I gtx-, � - 1a =-- It allv@Nd with its LAW, It I% in the fcafla- .1 '4�- Tbo Inliabil[ants of St. Velftled tttotd i slnlxl-L-7i,-,� sloo. I .. -wge3wal Sur. , an ancient t1radition 1016 lit fall of trod world argot that y4e tronol tt;y crica- y4sur 10rh�nd 4sr Xeig"111JOr is 110t L � �, fivshwok-* land rnof3r. S4. Pautek. It N fur** eavablo of lirbit laug�jt tQ ;;:CJ the W, .4tirv.-h of win? AIN I* U16 Feet. , Ar& 4ke Vet,krols Jbittiet ,a& Cttitt 111111. kelult on 10"A Willy frd%l IV'4aHd t0 Tj�o ttaULt4,V Towtu-_See that tnau'e W41. s1t, Ito It 1 --it", �,p �nf %3._,L,0 intr'l-,-iZ1 I'l IftAuttle I � fflatv. ILI sivRe 01 R4 gay. 'ill 8101sq-tibenw h.t tl.s Inlow Iftnd join St. Martin lit Gnul-ailwur-140 by this laqaLw rtvs@mbMrc@ to 11ir, buttoon twT.I. W-_-1-_-1-.--. ' � � kinacd in thus doantity 'wah tag -e V0, - Ilk Wbnt a,�,t,sp trlo lc.:m *11.�X'el' t�au t,@ fikult, of the NIUVA saut:61y alld mird,dcg � It t,gt,rf(�,t-1.Vv CZn,,,j,�L!,�,J f,�) tl`�,@ J?.­,�ntg�j. tO,,,am vlattofs all inu,mr-Hlgul6le g1114,VTist. an"I aud ftow U'"s got M1111'"Ons. 11 I . I I wcv-ml "I ,v satlno r_J'_1fa6D =,"Iny tvZ,.1!,e , tL22 I fttm --t ba tr -slid bavifig atemoa at IE,e 16201t of th@ I @ 0g. IbAws at"Imst *,&I rno-,t &1161114ul Wt. will sc-nd hffiD 'a sample V-4spy. Browlae-Gvt Whqz! '11ela ; . to , Lolro bmir the ,-Atlot whem 111P thtweb fdow , H. 11.11 I ­­ � I I., *1 I., � M�-i, a Z do,�Z,r-N � . t�, zb fbl�wllo dots not kne* the %V54- ., fi­., 1111 Z"'o ns a 0110�%-',21 r, 'rlle. beiving Ids U'lado, bal 1�wa b"ift. tflkled till oxttooktlillk Ift tht, @,.Ve�,4 of "Oune tanhu", Aftet -, , SL ochti.vcd. istet Leli ome v4ng %=*Dy 14 C4,em�n-ffimt la tl,-da A L , # 6i %tuder a shumb, It lvm� Chtihl.Wfts Unto. u7*6HIAN. I 0 C-Agor. upluva,F41 vivok I -OND llai* - a, - .elik tLe. Ftx.-at-a tr-ann"A tv at tLe Rom me wboa the leald *we Intellro, tirl boflot or 11 tafttlo?s fate#, tbnt �4#ea;% to "'Idet.qI-Jud an . L-lNtra "Latfte, =1 '10; --We." Tct trie la- the -utipt tbo Mitido vtoaudrd IN bl'othebiks I " N1 w GAlifft%aidifft 1C1dthV#1111Vk1&* � coasistomey does tot som2 to ttitlike r,ea- mid. kbikitse aN the show Which ftsft-41 � to follij? all th*t Is said, tbougb 40141,,V4 tbo - I I - IvUh it (tcl-tel 0 tee&32:2 m�-, Itis *6:,tttf9tb 11 P�P. pow#r td "00 . 1, . U . 1, , � ­ , Ue I tbink ffidt. &ffiotigh dolsfille keavezca 'u. by Ati tintionted of prodegy itt� ,C,etj2l4 � dtiwA 4 1 � 10�1. ,&At�& *ftitt ILL, Altsi#i;,I�t C�ztl,LJ�Ld ani ttt ut,4:� rarod Itself tit flowerg IV12110 $IV the show C-Atl6b1@ 6f _��diieiug littieu%t# w*Tdq I � i � � C I "Ift, 0 <.'.en'.V V,e. � thO I�NPII&h h0VG 115tfli�' CA* 110 111�tin­11. 0.. I � ` llal.ab jtst% SL I'dirlek- ectossed th# GAre oil _ .,4F_#A:. " b � *�7 1! --Cucago rv,�,Zzta-neta:�L L, - -blaml 5:1 tbelv ,vtt.1lbs, fte t.tv.awa- do thet Wds, towever. not obly at* � I itod smt0flecv. but it would fttilly appi-rit, I tits tloak, and ob reaelving lbo 0011-091tv from 11viiny wt.11 tl0th,,"tje.J1,td Ifistantea !: ti*tk Of th6l ll�t-139 eegZlibt-,1911 A "Mfld'* bitik atothor blackthom ander Which he 1� we Nvill ,seiid THE HERALD X6t Jaeffiv & Iffird. I ralm 59 to Lie reuml In fte fmt t1bat thelit he; It 111@y bossx.&S 10 Solo@ moa.q1tre thp t! -fl are 1156th Laffr,. reAtod tt 'Otled buitst ,out IWO flowets, ftAs6bl"A tietilty *hieh obablf,q tliew to . t)a(�Jot�Ab, you lalto Inueli bettg,t' (0. Ilan -gauge nud ,(1Vfl%-,:mi,f ; - sirra thst llmc. !Mys tilf 61muld a--. the - I to tile f�lld of I 901 for I . day. You followea my proseription '&k-'( It s�,gzis no r�&u�;r-r vzm�sA42bl# 14 14-61.j SpOy tholf *0dittill drit of s0efeb wilb hat tL@ rlkenoll"rwe Iminty ­et-lffid" 1:1, two 0hrubt hato hevtr eeakkid to lyl6tAdin Irtcullip *06tudm The t4ven. the Jack- .� aeltly? I f it 'Chtistulds In Ilotitor of SU Pattiek" . &W. the ituagilto, find the, jay togy Ol UL, I . I.. �� I 161684. tive *!c -w t4ng nor., gerietaIlly ac� autll III thi� detolifit Alf'oh vs.t StAt. tril. A01111k ratlent-NX0, doelof" 1 00121""t. It 1% .�e tuM or tb,� parjulatiati 1.6 . , j i C"j. f Is .: celilled that tL , to Ifiviltiv solivit1v uud to uffee. � , blew out of the window. I I-0ironce 1,7of n pre-C'elfle and p2r.*,2b7S- of Vitilbef W115faftl Nbhf, A-drd-t Ovid 6voij uentences 6istinefly. but 11IL-i , J, C�0tallittlialssi. 5OLCIt 5 7W C# tit vjiff�4 It 40 reir-4 vatot'. lit ISM 11tif.4 �, �, q:�k,�, Itedaft et V=?�Zn sto;,,�i- Atd thi's . ple are tallking m ILI_ . wtIte# that be witt tiftuck by the ettraot, iilrdg ,tif th@ lijill,ftt ti,ibe. which Ac4luire ,;. "' 11 tiew S&MS to ho"'d gea,11 aqsw of lt*Wli I "ataose. � , lww� affifity, testily : i � , , 1� xu3, WxIE-s,--L,=&n S;retalloll. *tid lututianco of th# fort-,, ,he, glif of tpwet�jj in f�,tt gmjitot ._etf - : 111�# r.ztkirg L::r,l =sty V,atL',!0i WN�etlw . 'I . ip cc � - AK4 bit tho ttt*s 'it WAS &40 d0fts@ (ford tjob t,ban *uy othot, of tht'irt1poict. . I V�A RIF r_el-:62Z;� _M1T1__14t1t " .. C ... I ... -1-111 .. .... jj�."k,j6W6.i6, - ­ - -­ , - - " -, , 1.1-1 � �. . .. ­. � .. . . .... .. ­­­ .... r. _­. .11. I—— ..­ 11 � - r .. � Olt A,roe. 1, th# ttoftbd li0w0d tbvt It *411 Im"! ItIf - Tho *Oloii bf the rratt4A It dqs,j ftu 'I - I I . EtnOt clkstr U.1i S=1.1 &V913 " llrazat � � I I 111JDM0%'1" t-03 tL,l sVngy rnsin. *h�) to ,alstintussh tho tsfefie�-Alia h6 ,could mot* 1hahiati lit Ita tonts; fl:o t,Aron is 14�6 , I _10 V Itt C.tL�* T,Q�ta= Z-19=1-1. I r 11.1-C1,14 , -1-3111-111M 1-1 ­.. -IN . _­ _­ � .. ... 1­­1�1#.­� Y , g* to s,.ro n fen. r-0 , 113r. I I .1.1 ­... -1 - ­­ � . -1, r � 1-1 I 0, I '0'11­��.11_1�11 I , _1 , " I I .0 . � �p siv -1 ,at 49 - , 3 13"" "I I �! *ng tryin, q - - ie,.Ent L % L , � I , tardttsund how. ivilteti It iko*eft it fiolttm.. tbL jag .01nd the magp5e tto to* �, �, int, tfijJ1ftm:Jji, It Jupfk1fit'S 00 COUnItjr tOnlid .: t1firill. 'got tht-tv ,-tit =041ulationq itl Upe .1 I I . . �i % . : ShA��,Cn Ir- 1 4t "'Wb -:,� vz= tuaml. _. _ vullt ttiitolde'.4 of, St. r*tflick. Tht wiritte, pArrof'!§ not" wfitu spvakwag tb-,kt *to , 46� V - __ _ "^,C- . - Aftk "D ' , ­ , .. . 11 I � A� S**6 cat*. I �of tbls? Ve�7 fregamal:Lv I get sevczze 'at 181� W*8 ftfuIrkItble tot' i4s &etef- sometinics absolutel M __ r,of : plerns Ila t,�y feet. wrklest that st S!gv ,y npc,�-.loy -41 thpir .1 - , Blik'5129-4,1111 11*009 to eutemyseu I R j of -'s, . I itt. tud idliting the month lot be'"be'tv 1� weird T,psemblarl 44h =An Gice J"11V , , ; '' & �, `T ' . I . . . : . . ct to tte u v � VAL AM I Co" - '" E L FIR , u b &X Ic �1 -the tebaceo babit. M=4 %vis -a eotet-M With sno,W4 J 4iVitio,to TV% varittlority Is ane to the . �Vd'bl,'6,tt'dk,tOset-��-OPr,-tatet4�-�r�--e-'-'=-'AVO�ticbe'.�hyd. Asiti,hie'rie'rt"Svittl 4 BIrkIns-How" 41 S1hVcJ3 Sty tb.tit -ins a 95gn. 121,0, 140 -gr . � -, 10 tonget sivi ' & t0tritiorl Of I!Lze sexa-A ot'galiffs; itpr,Zcce_s enissiofig, lv", of eetreft throLgrytike of fall�- yot 0, 4eq , a 11 I � c imustitactiou 6f Ift boak th 11 "'01 -led the &,Mor. 1. 11110ep-43011e: ttice," As it lit '"1110d at I licad 'The phirtot. too. bas A wondettal tnfif!e, detaY Of tat Grga'.'2S. P31ftS ftl 1211� re,iVt. ;9CIfillgr j,ft fllt *_,JC1r, t,e�rV0=.%JJ6SJ,,deg. .1 lailkins-By Smoldlig'some eigara WZ � - "'IOU � ­00#*rod 4119 usual, th011S. Pptx4etrey. bashitiltia-4�!%, pallp,itatiors of ttte ll�e!ATt. =rlttiV1tiOt1. 2,rd avolbb .Batt4wl L, -, wife bauglit me. �1 'tht- it, g+*t4e`. IT 0 tho ,� fnem�t* mid t"irely totgets Wbat it has th"e results id co=ptete Loset of Ud anbood. Tfrr,t;sar,dsof.7oungaAlzftidatcr- btgniche,# wet& lAdeft with sbovir *And the �, otie . - J tug Is *2 tim9rdItefull woeld. Ituotta- " V � I I ,& thorougfily Ioifrhed,�London Ludy. aged ir�e-iava lroctbrtd witri Striattiar,&. if yo%x havt lreag,oa to ,_b,.Ijev� 01, are i 210Vr 4r1=*- Cleanse& , * ; ft"trerittly hap;ens t1bat true, =1lu. wha Ott yont by cattiv, 'A blogsomg,etwo"Out tindof the vto*, � aimeted Wita it, dazet 11trie-t it it will =iO you. Do,mft let 'ffoctors e.tp_Ti.1dZt , L: WLC.=Iwgsftwer,ly,-t?.7,ce,ll-n-�. V_ "14, Ian 9 tle loade�t , tat tLe =other-IA-1tw oil, the Wilt or neeembee of 19M * ,� g, stretelliur or teatinz it. ,G;xr &bw A-1,6thad T,:eaAtjhiCJJt i. �., 6m � - ,Z1, i Ilit1wLitig V'statitt'it. I dissolve� tlk-,, jtriztare tissue lio,=��e it aj5j)�i"rs; zzl.4 cat, t6ver ieturd W ,Ure! � 3GS8 &�&, *nJ e�e %Vag trlirfy-tw,.,�,' 1�t* 7 &W *0el-* befot,o the flowtone, t Prouch ' %_�, 7 . - 'are witkout 1-'sP--;A1!c:o,DT loss of time. Tilt tr tr L'u, =a _ ��.. � 'I jokes *it the Vaudeviffe. Show is tEe, tatis : - �r ,, jV . VaricOrefe at7d StTict ea ,-� , � _ I J Ut. Chatlei 961lows. our ablest ittit'h6t- : � te .r ;J Ste! -tw'y' ar"' "' - '! '-4 �� who lives .at ttL ex er se f his wil 1 I I l;11t rr'w "m t1:1 ty .., fe:m joattill aiteded attention tot thliv wonder- lt�- ab 1,11ndelrA, thus describes the ,Did talkerz at honze privately. Send tor ��ur Ftee 111attrated. BooL, to,% vAlqcocole�, 0 H;1W 0'range-is r,rJy twmty­tLrz-a f � �. � � e IV d 'D I ful blossomfog of the blatkthorn. anit Milideita, drinker taking a glass of wine., � StriaturoandGleci(, W*auaraataat%CUr0,0e,V*p&.y. 14 4 M ill Inother and ft,eads. c�on her to super- . , - 0" I I '' ­ ­­ " ' � V-0 �i yis�e the cooking, perlt*s top,do ft.-iRos- tfili 90 �elelted the Atten"On of those lit- "'First l& few drops are poured in, the � I _.,_ _ I i . a -11 fouTranscript A , re I I AftL'"11160 ' 'Umtk,mour. a Pled ,of lh� &Weft Alld 10k, C04110lefel* I -gff 6p#d- Ifific'; iffifill Iffic. wifw is (hokicitigA : " - � s " "'Say whAt yod like ,of G&MIld btt �,. I lot neta, "Tours that the shrub 'Was strip' gl'ass. Then, the glah-so 1% warmed befo . _Uey , . I - bite At Cheittla", the proprietor of . IV Ki , .. & B-laddic"AL X6 Oldest neild0ift. . � � heated. and theo t4O dirollis ;ire poured " ! he has a heart of oak-," said Reedick. '� Tarting to the picturesque reez,leut, tile , !b ': .. . I " . '. 0"utid oil WWI , .&H 92=21' c -plaints affo-cit these org-ans. heaCe! the kidit6va area great s6tarte : L, I !, .1 I tbL 6 tfio shrub 06" � b4ek into, t]lp decitntor. Tbea, flio glass ' I "Thafs all righ" fePIEFed Posdick. ., ': n, , 14,oltdor 1, - I OfiliSe--ie. Have Not acLir.g or weakner�; over the sr q .. !:-- I% bal -ad slo urivac� frequentij, de-prosit it% ,ilille, co-,aa,ss of 11av;as or feetv zi, drowsy iFeelive ill - 'We needs it to harmonize wit .bL b1$ ' . � jait of'ltbe lbacu, te"d&tcy to laftn from the e9st, with Itt p-misevrotthy AiR safTou".404 it with 4 tonct � i fillwa a wly brought under . �: W PtOi4ft 'the b10iQM9 ttOW ilelut I the note He s1luts both cyc�s and snfffs I ,� desire to be pleasant, liske,3; �'.., .1. . the xiotwrr- Do=,-, neeliect your Yzia-icv.�. Oar Xe,w mathod Tj�icatraeixt i wooden head." ; pliftektil. .0 O� ttv "Have yo -a lived heze lctg?" I ' the'stbIA for a fall ulfnnte� Then ho 1[ Is 4-i-t-tee,1 t cure ar,Y diee�,­ - ...; a;Dreaz a x�r no pay. : . I I " r i . ----_._..1-,_-. ­ _-_-_1.1_1 , opOlg ohe *yo And holds the g - 1, " Xa w ... * replied L,ariat Lerna, elLmlestly i , loss up to 1 1 1 i .� Vltl� V30a Seat P4r%Z**. '7 1*1 thifting-his gun from One hand to the I A& 04A ki6*;b#- �' to, the light Ana with, 1bumb and for6fin. , Pe'N.CO N'ames Used Without Written Consent* � � t,daTs �i. Igar 11 I n&,tt I itat Ivg 'Is Lgek,otcetnotit �k � , ' othe.z. "N'bliody lives Lere long:�. geut in h1# ,,lJ6jIJfl*,i1 ger turil!§ the .,glagq round And rolind.' - I "I ; To vtx "Le publie weal, . J �, I *,I&. th* beado -Emyg t,volume 1, pijge,31) Tli en. with a sfgh�, be til ts & few drops oil, . I 0. `W. Rowe, of.Taclrsor, Nticli..saya.--t had ! - . I I . . 11liCt iqu the it1t*eytra at Xortolk. Vito theend �ok big tongue twil rolls bot .� ,L1, I varicacQle ill %he "condary stage and two I i .Jta wi`.eft X fat nA'A crOWI!4' 1"2fore .� 11�­ ____4-a______.11_ h ,eyea i .� stricturesofavearastandiair. Twazipperated rivs,fult to 1*9r,him Squeal, I . r',1 I I . ; 1 1*6 uwliii" i�Wiui*elii. * jtk, U * lianapme marble monument sacrea lit,! really filatniing ffifinnev. If the win.Q� i . 'I tit twice, unde�Zoinggrzatt suftering, but only - I : #, - � A western tattle raacb belonging to � got teraporary relief. I w"S finally advised to, : - . , to th* memory of �Afts. Margaret. ctdor pleases him, he finishes the glass. and it I A % '-- - *ife of, etc.� who -died, eu-, and that tot- it cloes not he sets It down untasted. .... I � ��- --.0g;, I tr,, Lite New Alethod Treatment of Urs, . ,�,_ " � the children Of some Bostou people ,has 1. I I Pok!w1ble. Xot1v*. . * K. & X. The enlarred veins. disappeartil Ill -W_..� I been named by- them "Focus�ll because tion is this, 'Erratum- This does not seem to be an afrectatIOR. ... i si.t weeirs. the strictu re %1;st(e Was, removed ill, V I lowing Ole Inserip �,­ � e'� , 'A I Unperson -Just bolk at that oceari , It Is where the sons raise mcAt,:B6,%tOU ­ � - but thegenoral method in which old Ila- O�e - ef ight week - aril yn.y ri,xival eriari;ry a -TA Vitalit�r . I - For Martiret toad .M.Arthal " � , . - - rettrned V1 wa-; St. man it, every reglooct. r ., I greyhound g6! Transcript I .11 I delta isdrnnk by those who know, and I Iu_ _� TOCOWW"eilcl yom� doctors with =Y,Q�hole heart.11V .. .1 ... ..- I Mernian-ye% I -Wonder if Some SeJL - --- Xbt * L***T*rVff Witiketini, can assure you they are very few In, I . I i .. 1.� True merriment may, te distinguished, cljtpt�well, did t make it good *It- deed.". I qUREO C-11ARANTEVU). 140,01.11RE NO PAY. , urchin basif t tied ILtin Can to ItS taill from f a -se by the fit&- that It bears: reffe i � � ; : 1 4 � i I I � i I i � , 11 1.1. `� I I � I I� - - " - 0 1 -1 tl* I h - ! 1i I � - i - 4 � Ii I - �I I I . I "I I - � L � I M I � "' , , ,I I I I , - , , , I . - �� 0".. " , , '! "' 11 It. - ��,,Ril �', E I S b , , 41; �� ; F I I . ,, � I. 0. � - I . la I ,i � -1 " t, t W -'rei I ___t_ I --.-I-. W, ; ; I t ,].,.r,,,,. 2 4F 1 V"for ­re"�-r,-t. A*r!En!M6ftt. : C_ 'ilepal - -.,.-- - - I � � 4 7A 0 tion. We can think of it with, 'pleasure .JLawyeY�Tes,, betwe at ftalte 00 Itoy"No. Wetiftat and cure Xervous Debility. :,ost Manbood,Varlr­ele-� Strletur*, Syplh- !/1 � next day and next week. � ilisr, alatc. Wtau Parte, Gonorritcea dria Z;nnatur2a Disiclhargom Cofistultatiott V'ree. � Not the 10i " ; ,litupla J�q'you tq0k. some'llounds, but,6t : 110,gg--fto. said she never could begin ­e� I 4, I *�. � I - � - BOOL )?� - Write for Question List ior Ho=a Treatru�:iit. 11 V# ordered * addle of =,a,L I , f Ity poekot� teillig Tile till the trouble shellad bad. I The, waiter'brouglit, it, of cour I 1�'". I 'The oldest statilL. it, thL. wOrla is ot, ! ttim; __ _ . L m. 1 1X4 � , thteft%r al-an't I? 3eisi-Whille, as, -a matter of fact, k 4`4 % �e 14L SHELBY t3TRICETI, ; V � ,,,, �' 'i , , Cllefit-WbY. I *Ott the Said be after trying to, corve it, , �, I the sheik of an Egyptian -filIgge. It IS 0 rl mady, __X DETROIT. I � . � LfLw*6f-�haes just the Volut I w4ut- troWe ,Was'she 'ever could stop. -Phil- _ rialn, M16H.: t "'Tit the oaddle, xo� doubt, oit, !=I*. 'I belleved to be not less: thft 61,00 y . U I . .11 - � . ..... ,-,I' ­­­ ­ 11.----- I .pitk - I � - - I - 1. 1. #diil cligilee pq oppeit).-Tg-Pitf. __ _. � --1 , I r 1_� I . ,I __ _ - � -mcgoil- 1;&V& _� Qi& -----­o__,4� , �. - ­­ I _­­......'' - , . _ f4elphia Press. . . , _ ­ -11-1- � � . � I . -1, . ­­­.,.­­- � I - . _­­_ I = ­­­ ,, � . " �_ _= I . I.. ....'..".- I , - ­ .... . I .. .... ­­­­­­ -.1-1- ..... - .. ...... ___ .... . . ­.­­­ 111....-- ­,­ ­.. .... IP ( 'I; I