HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-06-28, Page 4shoutd. IkV jwrsasifallt work awl
;,,,%I lit thiv %Vt
oft , dolrathire for Eupflawl ne t e
for -every message, To the man
only the
1110aptlas: EvitavIli.
The Autoar
Its- lea%ys Toronfo on Mond ,
uy n(,-Xtl
alld ittrV 3.
:-i i 11 1,2- ill"
who occasionally uses
telephone the alternative 1,-,oposal
The following epitaph Is to lie foun"d
Is open daily except Sundays froin
waltha""r forsonlebAv to (reAt. Ill-
ways think-ifli: how, Untutiful lift,
will be economical. The charge is
to bo tivo cents a mossage tit :ftrst
In Dalkelth churchyard, over the grave
of Margaret Scott"
8 In,, until 9 p, in., The mails tire
�ai 3 f0IIOWS:
matloc Cream
It fhe Ileflifier is iftot f6r sale ifl your
I L-
stop,yamenger, until my life yoli
d ributed
ea 51mbite inec-tings.
.111.� I., . ill 1, � _
. b A "o mi W, - I— —,
"iiaikim -
B Y E . Z U LL E R
and one cent after a. Stipulated
number of messages has been sent.
The living may get knowledge by to _ �G 0
Five times live years I lived a mat e Ito
MAIL poltHENSALL, Close tit 61:5)5 U-111
4t C & 4 6 14 9
. 2.015pill
Hors odo twim
InFI& ii(m, fret*.
Yeew paid strictly lit advance, When the
Lazy Pete.
Test times five ycm I lived a wiVW I state.
owl, ry of this mortal life, X re. a ti
ST.JOSEPT-1, 11:10,tut
11, & B., 6,55 ant
Separa or'
-A 41 1.- 1 A 11
afty lowrer. 110 thinks he ha-, bi-w-
Paper 13 not ordered to be discontinued
Pete the son of tin honest
farmer, but it good -f or -nothing, fel
cradle and my grave have beeni
Eight mighty kings of Scotland and a que sl.�
L,H.&B., 2 '51") am.
it will be sent until suolt order is given
and arvearar, s pal(. $1.50 to be ehal-&ed
low, Whonhis parents diod.ho
Four times five Years the commonwo t I
Ten tlmeu the subjects rose again the la
FRou HnNsALL, arr, 11 :00 an, The
Discovery of the
wheii not paid in advauee.
sold the farm una moved to town,
Twice did I gee old prelacy pulled down.
9 1 6C , 7 t30 pin
TG 'HATL, ran s 10 11 t
advertisements, 5 ceuts Brevier line
Whero his sister was married, and
nvoathere like a prince as Iong its
And twice the cloak was 4pribled by the goWZ6
An end of Stewart's race I saw; nay,
8T.JO8NPXI ' ' 10 :45 it in
1, 4, L. H. & B., I 1 11:00 ttr�
Age a ---
for first insertion and'.3 couts per line for
his money lasted. lie had never
My native country sold for Englixh a rlenor'4.
Such desolations in my life have been&
6 H. &B., 7 -.30 am
each subsequent insertiou, Small Advs,
learned it trade nor done an honest
I have an end of an perfection seen.
gives more and better butter.
sitehas"Lost""Distrti.v)lor"Stoleii whl
day's -work. When his money was
This lady was born in 1613 and lived
Nee pd�ited half an hour previous to It
saves three-fourths the labor
be charged 50 cents first insertion and
11�nt in bad company, and still
to the age of 125 and, therefore, must
the time for closing the mails.
cents for each subsequent illsertion,
worse, -whisky, he began to hang
have lived through the following list
over old pr.oce ss.
Copy for change of advertisement must
around looking out f or cd,I jobs to
of rulers: James I, Charles 1, the com.
D.S.FAUST, Postmaster.
No'ice, cellar nor tank needed,
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
earn a few cent1q.
monwealth of Oliver Cromwell as pro-
NTEREST is being displadyed in the
of Qa(,Ix week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Last fall he happened ta get hold
tector, Charles II, James II, William
FOR SALE -200 acres of
No engine or boiler nor fuel wanted.
uSe of smokeless p ow ers and
cketed bullets in large calibre rifles.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
of it, copy of Boyce's Monthly and
his fortaine was made. Atleasthe
III and Mary, Anne, George I and
George m -London. Chronicle..
choice land, consisting of Lot
No extra dishes to wash.
45 calibre bullet weighing $00
grains gives a shock to large game that the
bores be depended on
5 cents per line. Notices ior Church eu-
im titu_
thought so. For never before had
3, Con. 11, Hay, and Lot 19, South
By little
a mail can not always
for. Marlin Model 1895 Repeaters have
tertainments or other benevolent
tion at special rates.
lie read such an interesting paper. i
Metlaods of curfur Jungle Wover.
Boundary, Hay. Good bank barns,
44 x, 82 it-nd 40 x 60, and frame
putting it bran, shorts or
chopped feed in the skinimed
"Special Smokeless Steel" barrels. For
Information see our catoiog.
Contracts for column, balf�colamn and
Whitt interested him most, or
rather almost exclusively, lVal, the
I got over my attack. but It was 0
marvel that I did. One, morning my
0, on ea . ell lot. Plenty of
milk, yort have it lot, ol! good,
led for 3 stamps.
qua,rter-column ratesfor specified perio(Ir
will be cheerfully given. Address all
11111117 alluring ads fo�iml in it.
doctor bled me till there was scarcely
gosdspring water. On one farm
there is an overflowing well. On
wholesome., palatable, fresh
food for your calves or pigs.
communications to
This paper wits the ineans of putt-
a drop of blood left In my body. He
good gravel road, and convenient
ing, him to work for hours and
hours. The -work consisted Of
then gave me 40 grains of calomel, and
In the evening, as the fever 'was -stin
ure ies,
to school, post office and ch 1
zuRIcH P.O.
writing letters, Pete could hardly
raging, he ordered me to be taken out
6 miles to Exeter Station. Wil 1
give purchaser easy terms of pity
J. Dumar
Iscrape enough money together to
to the yard of my quarters, on a
Wind power, equipped for
Bour for --.ervice, on Lot 16, Con.
FRIIDAY, JUNLE 28, 1001.
I buy stailips to answer the many
i adi; in Boyce's 31outhly. Another
bar* rattan couch andbuckets of cold
water thrown over me for about 20
Vu3x.iping, chopping, straw cuttin L
The Specialty Man.
15, Hay, Lly, miles south of Zur-
ich Terins $,1-00, payable
reader would haye got the cramps I
minutes! I was then put back to bed
etc All buildings in good state of
with large driving shed
I have the exclusive. to
tit the tinto of service, with the
in his lintrers from writhw, so manY I
and fortunately fell asleep for several
repair, good
other outbuilding On lot 3 fifty
right sell
and one other specialties for
privilege of roturning, if necer.
As it is customary for nios t
lettOrg ill. reply to Lid-, but Pete, al -I
though lUzy by nature, (lid not I
hours. After some weeks on the sick
list; I was able to return to my post al
there is 12 stores of good bush, and this
section which you (!tin get no
country papers to take it week off,
mind this, it,-, Ion,_, a.; he had found,
Kornegalle.-ITIfty Years In Ceylon.'st
On each farm one acre of orchard. other
place except through ine.
W BEaviRR,
duriu- the summer months, THE
s he believed,tt, bulianvat in Boyce's
For torms apply to PHILIP HART-
I Zurich P. 0.
HYRAL will not be issued next
iLionthly, for it contained till for
31311soppolated the Former.
nsx, Sarepta. P. 0. 32-6m
week. This will give our eorres-
which Peto's heart lontred.
"That city man that was visiting me
I . . My
pondents it rest, and enable t hem
Here was a page lid offering a
i A1,200 to one
is an overrated cuss," remarked the
Clubbing rates.
Oil Ll
to give us it good budget of news
yearly n come of tin.,,'
willin- to be ;atisfied wit -It such it
"How so?"
the following week-. The editor
sniall C%
inectine, Pete looked with
"Oh, the papers all said he was a
takes this Opportunity of thanking
contemptonthe aid offering $930
great band at watering stock. but I
rV-We have made arrangements
his friends, for the interest they
It Year, sure. and expenses, for the
found he edulldn't work the pump f[To
to off(ir the following low clubbing
Now, Added 25,000 NEW WORDS, , v.
are taking. in procuring the lategt
M.200 offer wtus wore fascinating.
minutes without larallig his arm."' .
ratei with. THE HFRALD:
I'Lich Bindin_rs -.2 2364 Pages -A 5000 Illmstr&tionsi
news in their resIx
There wit,, also tin offer Of all en -
tire furniture store for the asking.;
Daily Globe 4.00
Mail & Empire 4,24 5
Prepared underthe Lupervislon of W. T. Harris, Ph.D., LT,,D.. United States
CurnmissioncrofEducation, a6bitted by alarge corps ofcorappient opocialluts,
and hopes for their continued kind
There were free watch offers by
Weekly Globe 1.-50
bell) in the future.
the earload. There wits furthew
anofferof aprizeof 1".41,000 and lt�
He-Olssie, rye heard It said that a
k-Iss without a mustache Is like an
Mail & Empire 1. 7:i
I I- I I - I - - .
Webster a Collegiate Dictionarywith Scottiih Cloguy, etc.
The local paper is, .what its
Shotlandpony *or th� inan Nvho�
egg without salt Is that sa?
Berliner Journal (Gernian) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.-4 5
t in qualitV, ,
correspon4ents and friends inake
vould gut,,.ss how inuell. two tinies
She -Well, really, I donT kno,,Vr.
it, and with regards local and dii,-:
twt) inake. There was it free whis.
can't tell, for. you see, rve never-
triet news, Tax HERALD prides
ky lid, tht, readim: of w:,tielt made
IEe�-Ab, nowl'
it-wIf 'with the, reputation of giving
s itionth water. Tlerowas it
I Pete.
She-Nerose PAterk an egg 'w'"10111
Weatern veal
itq readv-r.4 more orignual, lovai,
readin.- iliatter, t1lan uny othor
niatrinionial offer of 10,000 betatti-
fill brido... On anotber pago were
till,; tif frev o4petrie WIts, ii e3 dia-
la the fourtamth century The alaurn.
Estate 16mbange,
T Berl'
week.l.y. in this seetion.
niond rings. free, bleyeles, freel
ter of women. and children, after a
if a man has it fifty bull.
pstge it,
town or castle bad beeri taken by
free ruphire intre,free rhouniatisin. 1,
storm wilis one of the most common OC*
pup he will look after it 4-UrPAIII.V
fr0kx kidnt'V Vild bladder eure, free I'
currence-i of war.
781 Zunbas Street
unit not let it run all over town tit
901h"L' eU;1 Und U fr(!L� cOn'tumptiOn,
niglit. But if lie has a boy, it is
(11irt, .
The Vint Rhins, stumer =lid* Its
different, the boy is turni,4 loose
Hort, wa-4 it profoistor ready t0i
makea bypnotist out of 1xi6tple.
tdiDs fcom Rotterdam to Cologne ta
9t It tender U9Q W 90 t4) thsk bad-
free 4 if eh;irge. another willing to
4nd, yet peciplo wouder where ihe
tvarh lifin palmistry, Valilk, a 11uplic
Farm, Vity, Village, Suburbirilt
lls�k r"
=k=L1x,rs of tltv� ariny tit loafers.
beneffietor in Dtlt�olt wits willing,
watur,04 C"Watow Work.
�tnd Owtdeu Property, Scold, Boughti
eigaretto fiends and gauibl(rs
come froax. They arts g(WIllinut4va
, to r%;t4)rQ his manhood. A wan in
�in " An for the, woman. she foUndL tba und RVIlKn9ed.
vinuati offi-rod to make hairl, elklot wouftrs *r ewation not In the
;*r,lw till p(sttes hl%141 Aln(I tpoth, and
from �the
hist. but litits irkh'.*s molithl
Aminflunthi; ver-tibrate, bUt 113tilig 10W-
Uoney Loaned on First and Stocond
puro stovid gahered Ut
4 not LF y dera Of life.
'est or
Mortgages, Real L'statt" Not(k.; find
E ,
home =1 sawn brotid#qi_%t- tin thp
%4V41-4 Wilfillg to 14MV Ili% 1111.1110 'in RU
dii�ieutm-. nist filuit ho Illit
"The Jellylisli,
()ther &wuritics-, -
strepts find ftlleys� I'lle boy ought
to W giviom un equAl phltn1,,t- with
6 , F
lid ve a ellaTim i4it work its an Ug(ont,
f,),� 1V in-
#d thre Nvowin. ,.Uow WX# it ever got
to jell to bottutifulirl"
Farms, nonsos and BwdnP-4-q Prop.
Till's 11 die 111achlud that tialks�sltlgs -ry luatfument—reprodum
� _ plays ev,
SouWa naud—string orlicestras,-Negro Whigirels, Church eboirs, o-tc.
the ball -pup %uwly.
a tlljn�,, %V41uld ai
feintu-nient oil Pete*m iden of frep.
I Xcsw. tilt% othars tbouglit t1lity coiald
lin&rMnud her jiwe� attlioijith noutot
erty Rentod. and Ronts elsilh-eted q
It repmance.4 ihe violin, piano, flute, cornet, trombone, bli6jo, inandoUs,
phxtilo Anti ev�ny other in6truthent.
�V staniskus Vote.of St. H yaul4lathe.
(10111 Ir011l W01'k) - IRA that 11P11111Y
rec �oivft year in aml year out thqm�
thow. ast It trauspired, had averglut up
uVoll Rea,;onable TorloA.
Money Invested for Private Indi.11
The IltrIluer it louder—clearer, situgler and beittr thika tay
otbor talking inachine at auy ptice. It gings every kin of sotkg. =Utd, watic,
Q.tlls Upon Ili% friend -4 t4o "!r_1VJllj�!4t1
4 n
ally 0t%!jt.,rvCS*
viduals on First Morhmw on lWal 1:
plittlotie, "Coon" Songs, Englisli, Frencli wid Scotch Sougs, Mtct.
Ionl;froW Orilild Juldoolnia ()PefJJ. liValL.S, 4W011[fts"
withaviewto the rebahzilthon of
Arendal'.Q. 11OWspalkirs. t4e.
Estate. j,
Vlays eake J%Vtsgle Match*
hi fact that be intirumentorilumberaf
'their dreams of indolk -ndaftre -4t
No wohill-1. that IA?,Y Pete vva%
M'S TOUR 0V.Ept.
everytbin can playet oil mvy ristruntents
can be reptbduee. oft tho Berli , u6i Crani-o-phout with the wandelful fild"ttuct.
swbinniffig in a heavesu of Joy when
atswerina till a& in
Holt. 0. W. Ross, Will Depart for
It tells funny storits or irepinitt a priayer. It can criterttits*n tivildtitiU, at Oilit
We ww%t itleateate tilts idea of
Hqyvl�*� M;)fithIv. bufulas, I&S, wila
Englud it VkokHeitte.
time lit ffit Urgett 1lull or chutch. or it inits be giuhdp�,d los"It. tke Want&tfb6jA_
fature lnlejiewleari�, 4 CatatAlt.
dreatus of lier4adma rle�h havo not
I tj
The PtcoMs are not wait, theyare Hard, Flit, Indesituctibl* Ploo, W�
Every young man with thi-s nsloBra-
pefi� Iia-, numverva
h.&ftAfv'A!- 14 telters. but none of his
Tor --emit'? has Ili`
list of nuivitaggs ill th4. proviftee.awl
, " . �. � I
Vill list 10 wits.
Tht Beilhier Is idade lit Canada, itiggittatallittd forfiveyeam.
tim, in hiLs heart '440tild 1149t onty
hoolwits 1111V41h rVa%ovA. !U. still is
rii�lnahl �n Toronto th& wcA
Et Z F. L LE
The is tised avid endtirsod by the Ittditig eltrgymen *TA
oiftfrr�4s it u1nee in a while. hat rae
0� 43.
to arranne hN xtMdrs urblir to Ihsd
,touf VA"Adg.
shoutd. IkV jwrsasifallt work awl
;,,,%I lit thiv %Vt
oft , dolrathire for Eupflawl ne t e
The &,rlhier Gram -o- k rr&tivea the 6ii1v wMal
at I. e Torouto Utthibition f#�W.
lueditatioft on the nkeah%, 103 lx�,
HV1a1n4i2=;_11 �
Its- lea%ys Toronfo on Mond ,
uy n(,-Xtl
alld ittrV 3.
:-i i 11 1,2- ill"
has bteit widely imilmed
adoptc4. by foranilig assim-fittion
waltha""r forsonlebAv to (reAt. Ill-
ways think-ifli: how, Untutiful lift,
sails fill
I .
No far the variotLv. member's of
with Qgleld,-lig riauleq gs they ar�� w6f,111el
by hiq hoftesty as �L CRIALAk. Nholv
%VO6141 have 1weoille for hilft hail all
the Ontatio clabitlet, hirve adllress-
It fhe Ileflifier is iftot f6r sale ifl your
that he desetve.,; to 1x- eltes-sed as
ads it, o-vee-�q X, oiftth
thf IN 1,
ea 51mbite inec-tings.
.111.� I., . ill 1, � _
. b A "o mi W, - I— —,
"iiaikim -
tdiwfi *t4ld to Us for iIluiV±att,,d "talogues gild other
III: ng the phaAatix working for
broug it What he hzid exix-ete4l. bik
Hors odo twim
InFI& ii(m, fret*.
the indeveiidenee of t.anada. 'This
nqyw fil� 114* -4 nOt� extwet aftytilibg
savattal V- Affliatod
VACTOAV 267 47 1 AqutAdet St., Montft.A.
UMMMUL 19tb "l, CNItf.11, Staliggitt for CAfia&
-A 41 1.- 1 A 11
afty lowrer. 110 thinks he ha-, bi-w-
M M U�l Mae le DW.I(A-11112
foked �hql that mail Bovet. haq� pat with 16dtloy bituts,
up a Job oll him'. In 116 ". e-4 all sy E. BERLINEPu 2315 St, Cathetllne Street, MONTReAL �y
N are huhibmo. it has eiLvst hitil StOkit lit 0'* .21i'44t I
1rhe Pietott Sta.11datd, calls attefi- tao filitt till 6 *Ait JILWAi Ift
in lwitagc A#2wit"-*16 M*4� Villf4eftAL br
Of 11slIftiS121ileat tld$4 011t. r1ifilek, XIdA*k41A*4tJe plilk. 0 U R",
-r-,; adopt In the ineaftfitne Pete*s aildres-,41,
that zscoine school teaehL *
-Vit"' wfil 11oplie of 19 Mcce
Which is tiffetly indefetisible. That and, the Addre&,q of thousands oto Toronto, 8ay49:1 was Affilcted *,�v4�tel
,& 1 "' ' " -
other Pefes; have lievf One aJ2 firtielO 13v With kidne-V dL-ea9*, ntonc� in the, 1�� :Meng
C011SL9N in keeldkg the papil, or of trade. They ate brought by Imb. bladder, Incentinence. detsetits tit che, V11
urine, severe "ns lit thelbatle, knit
Pap, ils in the schoal roanik clut-ing, usiners for -�alnpl les. *t1tai#I* ovot the rollb-C I * Ord bai aftl
.0 cozy & testify tlllov are as recoll"Ach(1-
hft that I lmd to tet U0 twoot th"
s a few M the mIght iftni ceutd then vhly lbakil'! Ttial Otw lifle eoftsit,�;ts of tt
Boyee a
AeFIfs effect on ffie p-apils kept et- galft
Inouth-. later. and all the Petcs isire tvatet with *r"t vaan,
1h,1MA its egeet Ott Che other pula "Thaugh tong a swtetell *td JuinatIt Halsant (the �safest antl lioest blister,i
P * Aw S
feeess. That practiee has two evi aets them. cas all siets, theiti. me utftts`,ea� Von aa likeNvise after a
reveiving copies of Para-gon, Metro- to '%0tk- 31 Was COM111-d. to my bed for; known') Sw Testimonials, Uolic
Evetypapilshoula,be tarneil out pAitanand Rural 11owe, B0,,4t,9n three weeks- and dur�ng t
hzt Dr-an&ts, M5ill and Fever. and
into the fresh air. and the doar.,4 H101ne XonthtV 4tn(l of BoVee*-�q t1h,111ght I -C-ovll not ro_*s5bly er�durei
To i Xbtftwcs, Lotion fok wounds,'
I WAfer MASet-Y. It WAs then thlat I b2- -Ale
"a Winclows of the scheal raqIL4 Sfontbl y, and of simikr tlionthlie�,4,, *,,,, t, t, De. ehase,* x- idney_L�vet,: 110,&ve -Acnted:�, Qonditioft Powderl
Sho'ald 1V oliened wide for at lc.zist alid adverti-sers are keeping on rc-- rm-r� it IS With grAilatuae tr"at I AaLy Hoof 0iiIN-teat, and 'Gall 'Cure.1
celvin- replies f tow tl�ou��Lnd_-4 of t*hat they' JlaLVe free'l Me 4of an t1i e - rL
a 'In ced 'o
five minutes in every sc-no4)1 hoiur. tymptom-w. and imade rem& a veil rain. i Ev'et'y 't"lledy Gu r- t
smifflar Petes. would not th5uk of beinir without D -t. nioney kefUnded.
To keep a youric eraild, in close Chase's 10tiney-Liver PM9 in tilt!
qnarteies; for three houn; and some- MARACTER IN MEDIMN-B. houte, and can alga recammend Dr_ V 9 1 N A IR Y
time% Icsngar.�tnd, to bring the other There is cliaraeter in Dr. Masels! C%ase's sllrull Of lArtseed. soad Turpen. AbV101 PME9
tine And bt� Chase's Verve itood "j:
pupils of flie school baelk fromr4e- Ointinent—jugt such character a-, ver3r superior medicinesr."
has made Dr. Chase esteeined and In every town. villare and towns'hirol Those niellicines arO Put up in
CeSS intO an UnVentilat4ed roon]Ll to alMir world oVe.r. Dr� �, In CAnada just such nt feviii, wi full direct- i G_"o
ed the cures are dtiyy,1,ConVenie th
1,oln,� brouglit about br Dr. ChIgeii � ions oil each OiLle. They are to be,,'
breathe and work in vitiated Mr. Chasel; Ointment has %tood fhe Xan .7 are Mo e1Pt!tJ.J, gt every store in the Country,'
� __V mver pimr� 1%p
C,:Mllot be defended. testof thne. an(I remaim; to-dar the)' Inebt, but a kidney to- hail
ediclue, that ha*
Only actnal ture for Pile% anil'iteh- ttood the test. One 0111 a dose, 25c and if your storOkeeper Ot dru&- i
The British Post -office wal in- in- Skin Diseast-. It is the stitlid- b*'- at all dealers. or �dmaiisorr, natet gist dant keep them, wfrite us aiTa I
d. Ybu'v Co., Toronto. and we will forwa±d them proniEpt- 4,
augurate a telephone systen, in ard Ointment of the worI Evety Farmer and Stock 1 -0
Undon next August. One. � can rely on it jw;t aq you retv on should have themon hanA.
Wcu- Dr 'Chase*,.; Receipt Book, 1*cause owner I
1'uity Of the sySt--m will be the yo� Imow that it is backed by the UPRINENCt I Prepared by
fact that anyone with -.L telk-phone'sterling icharactet of Dr, Chase— � � _ I
The Eureka Veterinary
athome will be free to go. into ca's Greatest Physician.
Medicine Co
potst-�office anywhe* itid iedfthfta. t
JA M11 qra1nitGpr1
eate with his family. This will A-bti-Cons ONT,l
umpdon League, states LONDON
save writto.ce Or telegraphing. An. that from reports; todimie there are
other new idea -will be the adolition in G rmany tit present erw n
of a. dualSystemof rental, on the capable of trP41ting 30,0W ctm.qumt]p_, S
COP�Vnlawvt &a. I .- .
tive patients a year te I t1Atlk*VP-A-919*ft
for th e notbenolit. They bxnish pain and prolctg life. Oceilito
r - 110 Ily W 1 1 a
Otte hand, a Subscriber may pay a months each. The insurance com- ntickYr *Adertisn' agr opinion ffteivr9wWra.. ms� relid. Note the wor(I P -1 -p -A -XIS on the patkagi w*a
lumPsumPftyear, ancl have no�panies have taken a leading part in ImprobstblyVIstent4bble. commtrhlch� I accept no tobttitate. R-I-PA*N-S -so, for,�L cen
idw Ai� Ak
f, � It *e6drit lythaa 2t way cTriig store. TobsAmphsabdontiho d
anithisinovement from an econoTiac, pXt6T1tf1 tAkdb t totr Xona MIOZ-1=26 t6stinvotial vaAfle7jo, in.* addrtia for fi*
further -charges. But there i"4 tg"cr
.*ec(41 *Ak�o, *Itbdatr Mlrgt, intboo 14twarded L1111 114suss Chtmiiotl 'eo.j No, goes
alternative,. Vo'rthe aura of about; 1R.oint rsf -view. a-, they found that
$10 & Yftr anyone canhave an, in. 1 1 per -eent. of the patients left the S, tic
institutiongfit for work, and it was; I handsomely mititited *eekly. I'Arsrost dt-
SUllatiOn placed in his office orielleaper to provide sami I I T6tMt'll3&
taria, for
ye&r,-f<mrWmmth9,fL . . . . . . . . . . .
Vgsiden0e. In ItAdlffoil to this I consumptives than to let QLZ die I � !
V=Outt, he will, have tO Pay a feel aneatlydeatth. UNN & ft'.311wes'dow, Nat y
.0>' .