HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-06-28, Page 3.--.e. ,,,e.- ...J..... 1 neeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeCePeeaeeeXeeeOeeeeeeeeeeeee 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 .‘-kee!eneeteteSesetaVeesteWe Walt Street Vort X Talmage Advises People to Stand Clear Of It and Invest Their Money in Mortgages tease , • , • s ,,,, 9)49)0 esNiaa•Ana.,&• ;Washington report-- In this dis- tried integrity on one hand it Is also coarse Dr. Talmage arraigns the spirit a type of unbounded swindle on the of wild speculation 'and gi'Ves some other, There are the spiders that account of the financial ruin of other wait for Innoeent flies. There are the days. Proverbs xxiii, 5-"R4ches cer- anacondas, with lifted loop, ready to crush the unwary. There are finan- cial wreckers, who stand on the beach praying for a Caribbean whirl- wind •to sweep .over our commercial interests. Let me say it is no place for a man to go into business unless his moral principle is thoroughly settled. That is no place for a man to go into business who does no* know when he is overpaid $5 by mistake whether he had better take it back or not That is no place for a man to go who has large funds in trust and who is all the •time tempted to speculate with them. That is no place for a man to go who does not quite know whether the laws of the state forbid usury or patronise •lt. Oh, how many men have risked them- selves in the vortex and gone down for the simple reason their Integrity had not been thoroughly established. Remember poor Ketcham. How soon the flying hoofs of his iron greys clattered with •him to his destruc- tion! Remember poor Gay, at 30 years of age astonishing the world with his fortunes and his forgeries. Remember that famous man whose 'steamboats and whose opera houses could not atone for his adulterous rides through Central park in the face of decent New York and whose bebavoir on Wall stret by its ex- ample has blasted tens of thousands of young men of this generation. I hold up the polluted memory to warn young men whose moral prinei- Dies are not thoroughly settled to keen out of Wall street. It is no place for a man who shivers under the blast of temptation. Let me say also to those who are doing a legitimate business on that or similar streets of which that Is a type to stand trm In Christian principle. You are in a tainly make themselves wings; they fly away ars an eagle toward heaven," Money is a golden -breasted Jird with siIver beak. It alights on the office desk or on the parlor center table. Mee and women stand and admire it. They do not notice that it has wings larger than a •raven's, larger than a flamingo's, larger bhan an eagle's. One wave of the hand of misfortune and it spreads its beautiful plumage and is gone -"a e an eagle toward heaven," Ow text says though sometimeI think it goes in the 'Other direction. What a, verification we have had of the flying capacity of riches in Wall Street! And Wall street is one of the longeet streets in the world. It does not begin at the foot of Trinity church New York. and end at the East river, as many people suppose. It reaches through all our American cities and across the sea. Encouraged by the re- vival of trade and by the fact that Wall street disasters ot other years were so far back as to be forgotten, speculators ran up the stocks from point to polot until innocent people on the outside supposed that the stocks would always continue to ascend. They gather in from all parts of the country. Large sums of money are taken in to Wall street and small sums of money. The crasli comes, thank God. in time to warn off a great many who were on their way thither, for the sadness of the thing is thett a great many of the young men of our cities who save a little money for the purpose of start- ing themselves in business, and who ha.ve $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 or $10,000 go Into Wall street and lose all. .And if there was ever a time for the pulpit to speak out in regard to certain kinds of nefarious enterprises now is the time. Stocks rose and fell, and now they great eornmereial battlefield. Be cow - begin to rise again, and they e ill ageous. There is such a thing as a fall again until thousands of young men will be ruined urgleze the prints Ing press and the pulpit give emplia.- tie utterance. My counsel Is to tenni- trymen, so far as they may hear of this diseouree, if they have surplus to pxelted mob and quelled it as I have invest. Invest it in mortgages and in agineratien for that venreehle baulier moneyed Institutions which, though on Wall street who in It etouge paylng eemparatively Blaall interest. on the step e of his moneeed are sound and safe beyond dispute. / tion and guletal the fears of and to to stand clear of the Wall etreet tors and bade peaee to the angry vortex. where so many have bten wave ef teMillaeretal eseitement. (led Swamped and swallowed. What a did net allow the Ilene to hurl Daniel, compliment it Is to, the healthy con- dition of our country that theee re - tent disasters baye In nowise de-' Dressed trade! I thank Clod that Wall street's earattity to blast thee country hen gone forever. Aeress the Island of New York in 1411i5 a wall made 1Stene and earth hero of the bank and a hero of the stock exehange. You be thee hero. have not so much admiratIon for the Freneh empress e'ho stood in he baleony in Paris ana adreseal an and he will not allow the heave t_ hurt you. Lien/ember, my friend. that all these reemee of bueinees will roan have Peseed away. arel by the law of thol's eternal right all the artaire of vour btleinese life will be adjudleated: Honesty DaYs best for both worlds. Exeitement following exeltement on• and cannon mounted mete Maet til all hilein ege gattgbiing prejeete astute keep off the eavagete Alen; by that forth. There wag 2 larg84,438Y wall a street wag laid out, anti op fortned with 43 greet eapital or Kee the street folloued the line or the , furierale for all parte of the Wall It wtti appropriately eallei Wail g fund. Another geentoette with love Street. it Is harrow, it is untereigleee t5idt8ll-is.e3,!1,cz;) teeing -egg ges- tural, end yet ite !deter!" Le unique. evens alteel rereettaal steelen. Eiteeetinft reernillera Street. Lenten. Another voter:41,y with tx. eapital It hi the Inightleet tercet en IK,3 c4,onay,39 to onti4;_trv t;,;;:mt.,t,_•b planet. There the geveerintent oe the br eemaelse, aneteger at/ea-any wee rutted Stateg wan NAIL Tittle Waehe eleetell veldt/0 to treateelant walnut lageiou held his ieveeth There trees frosts Virginia tes Englane. ne einarite Wel Thee CCittittel and Mts. to cap the castes, 4.4 0,11t-ivato Itnex oral other breilant actateto eeereotei ter ea geeli teekelemeih ri„. tke reel:Wean disPieeed! their clitotgln- bedy to renew whet It ;gee And. There With erepeara teed Jeteietleetra ttehavvo ehetee ee eieetee „el Ward§ reed qcefge etelatteeeld e 1 ossts istess opeses se. s Ltittle9 treadmA” 1111‘" 1.41411 erelleek in the tnotting and 1,...1osed at elsi1e.1 Allexatder leattaillton for welt - o o el/vet in the ofterradere. arse lite egret big eonetittition ef ttse tiestetel ttatee altuaeceee Whee ete ThePreset takeeet. Ittiot.,,say negaste "mere sad in tee elate menet. !un„e? There eeltsitvais were harttesece to "s hrkhgeseeeees with, hhe behsts Again, 1 iteve tee yenta -set Mot Wail leeeseth seeeheehe le etshe wsye Wrest is tyee *pestle/oat the teettn- usees thseess the ottsets teemed eerie tee- el' Zegitinsate eeeeselatien on the to whale they wets eeseeeeee„ Thee.? one bolo. ;rata or ruinous gambling on fertuffe•1 have come to coteriatheig ger he ether- Aieneet every hterheagt iF burial ?awe the day when teekites I tome eseeet a elleetfiator. teclf-- iirpte.ealaterA it powdered Lair attd eilver nende rot fonlY neon me differenee he- ehoe teeemee soggee Dugan, the gree- tween the whollesalle esiee Whicee tior-geterai of his niejeety. elear dowtal1u getthe goals end the Wei at to yestetelay at three 0-eteete The his- wieleh he dispovesa of them. but aise tery of wan street is to a eertatt es- epee the liverzeratren el the emetic -is teat the etarzetal. agelcui- ; It the markets greatl7 rise he greetlly mitaftg. literary, artistic, metal '. grant 11 the :tea/Rees eireatty pink. eie *lid religious hissetty of thie erre:retry. gfeatier le flle se leneet 18 ;Pees Teette eke the best meet in this country„ in stothe as to eiese re it•on or 's1 titid there ate the worst. Hveeything hatdeeafe or dry god. lie who teen - from eleaseeervEng inteeehee to tietee dereins all stoek eleatings as though they iteounireitsres--everything front heaven- we initguitoue simpey 518S:191 his own torte charity to blosliese Shylocktennleneranee. step ell legitimate srecue want to put the plow In at the curb- talion in this eeenury and you stop ail knee at Trinity and drive It eleeeer bant you; seep ail fee-teelee, 0,•en etcp through to Wail street ferey. Aela se stoirehouvee. :Feu stor* an the gi'ent, It ebell go le the horses are Etrx;Ing , aeaneiall peespegeties of thie e-eantite'- 'etteugle 10eitate the peole. A stoek dealer Is only a eorstmessires kitst el an. Wei Street SkiktIls "' reetelnant under amen:ter name. He et type in this countre- for telel in - wets be egie cemzeilselore on one etyle el tegeity geed the most outtageens ye- - Tra e is one of the greatest curses? An old magazine of those days de - scathes the scene (Hunt's Magazine). It says: "Prom morning until even- ing 'change alley was full to over- flowing with one dense, moving mass of living beings, con -posed of the in- congruous materials and in all things save the mad pursuit wherefor they were employed utterly opposite in their principles and feelings and far asunder in their stations in life and the professions they follow. States- men and clergymen deserted their high stations to enter upon this great thea- ter of speculation and gambling. Churchmen and, dissenters left their fierce disputes and forget their svrang- lings upon church government in the deep and hazardous game they were playing for worldly treasures end for riches, which, if gained, were liable to disappear within an hour of their crea- tion. Whigs and Tories buried their weapons of political warfare, discard- ed party animosities and mingled to- gether in kind and friendly Inter- course, each exulting as their stocks advanced in price and grumbling when fortune frowned pon them. Lawyers, physicians, merchants and traveling men forsook their employment, ne- glected their business, disregarded their engagements to whirl along in the stream, to be at last engulfed in the wild sea of bankruptcy. Females /nixed with the crowd, forgetting tee station and employment which nature had fitted them to adorn, and dealt boldy and extensively and, like those by whom they were surrounded, rose from poverty to wealth and front that were thrown down to beggary and want, and all In one short week, and perhaps before the evening which ter- minated the first day of their specula- tion. Ladles of high rank, regardless of every appearance of dignity and blinded by the prevailing infatuation, drove to the shops of their milliners and haberdashers and there xnet their latest. Farmers who leave °neer a few 1, g'56ese dolar the he makes t e eiseeeee dottats. wer1.,1of reehhee eo eviet as bright ateair entel honest a t ou titmarket havele bus 'li to 'l dollar as the Sollar earned by the day test their character, Put put a man 1 1ab85e7-- But here We ulust deaue the 1 thee the eeeen metes beatee eureaca litie betsteen legitimate speeteo.tion Of Wall street excitement and he and gambling. lou, a stock operator, eittget comes tout a Shadrach, with without any property behind you. ,halr flesh/gad, or he is buteed into Enancially irresponsible, seil $103 o te black motal cinder. No half way 3 nothing and get paid for IL You sell ework about It. If 4 Wanted to find • lee shares at $10,Cee at .10 days. If ail Integrity bombproof, I would go 4 the end of 30 days you can get the among the bankers and merchants of ! scrip for $9,0•00, you have made a :Wall street, yet because there have i tbOusand. If at the end of 30 days you Z0 been such villainies enacted there at . have to pay $11,003, then you have lost thousand. Now that is trafficking in fictioto that is bettitag on chances; different times some men have sup- allsheed mat it is a great financial de- thinchery, and they hardly dare go heat the street or walk up or down that involves the spirit of gambling it 'unless they have buttoned up their ! as much as anything that ever goes on east pocket elle had their lives in -A in the lowest gambling hell. toted or religiously. heassee these -1 At certain tinges almost every pros - *elves. Yet if yon etatt at either end , perous merchant wakes up, and he Of the etreet and read the bushiess, says Now, I have been successful in eigne yna will find the tames of moremy line of trade and I have a tolerable Erten of Integrity and Christian liehev- income. 1 think1 shell go down to exlexice that Yon eels find In The Viral! street and treble it in three same space in any steeet of any of weeks. There's my neighbor. He has our cities. When the Christian 0051!- his e3e0,e00 or $40,00 from the sinnele mission and the sanitary commission wanted money to send medicine and bandages to the wounded, when hreadstuffs were wanted fer famish- ing Ireland, when colleges were to be endowed and churches were to be supported and missionary societies 'Were to be equipped for their work of sending the gospel all around the 'world, the, first street to respond has been Weet etreet, and the largest re- epenses In all the land have cenle frten d • SUNDAY SCHOOL #0.1.1•••••• INTERNATIONAL idele8014 PleP,X111 , JUN 30, 1901. Review...400r. le 1120. Surainaree'-Leseort I. Tic: The Cbrist, Place At awl near Cal- vary, Christ was craeified on Friday, April 7th; wee early Sunany Morn- ing. April Oth ; eeveral women were early at the tomb; the eton,e• was rolled away; the women entered the sepulchre ; Christ was not there ; two angels appeared in the form of met ; their faced were like lightning and their gaemente were dazzling ; the women were afraid; the an,gele told them Chriet had, risen; they go to tell the dieter/less who ca,anot be- lieve; Peter an 1 John run to tile tomb. 11, Topic: Jesue making Himself known. Place : Near the sepulchre. Mary Magdalene returned and etood near the tomb weeping; elle looked into the sepuichre sa.w two angels in white ; they asked her wily she wept ; elle replied that they had taken away her Lord and elle did not know where they had laid Him • turn- ing-, she saw Jesus, but supposed Him to be the gardener ; Ile spoke her name ; she knew H m ; He sent ber to tell the glieelpiee He had risen. III. Topic: Chriet the fulii7ment of propitee,v. Mee Emmane ani Jeru- ealem. Two disciples jeurney to Em - mane, a elliage seven a.nci one-half mike northwest of Jerusalem. Tbey talk together nal are ead ; Jesus drawe near ; they do not know Him ; qu.eistionsa them ; they relate what hsd res..ently oet urre 1; Jesus explains the .Scriptures; they arrive at Ena- nettle ; Jesus is urged to abide with them: makee H well' known; vanishes t jeuprtneoaera. fitheir eight; they return to IV. Topic: Jesus convincing the epoetlee of his resurreetion. Place: .Terusalem. It is the evening of the resurreetion Sunday; the disciples Ideee Vele/4'11 14 °Me :New Covent- lie a eere plea team. The Cheerful Cotteiet -Ws; a meatier cue. .. oeltbreliere, 'a horn °ley r3 :mole Me unpile:KS end throegio tehent ettseneleo smite* vane dtley negoliatel. In tho otatest of the teteiteltient all thethose °Rent Of ratty and Mtgirm anti eirenage ettahees and ehereeter were ettaliowee Illo."' te, men of Woill ell' end ee rell lettreette 518181518181noi te-,Q•U frem nefeleig.t.194 910t:9.4.9prZ90,5„ eoln Vent ;neat eteetatill 1.4 tharietlan men who aee Itudeeidtle• Mg theile Inteenity, restwitinet ten eig • all the pteentne Of templattlitee in the nasehirog. when es,en elven legeeee. , in tRe beckesee eeliee ce is MP iitng Etouse. es% 410.1".. liteettve, .;,:stoll seeteen yea elate it same:I/tax e a istee- - 11e1es.35 neesta It_ et b1181el tees:este teat men cannot ettgege in aeleaget irsayee is °to le-seine:es Tose eel, !I rzisla utter/eel in tree Reateng til,t, tr....:e Ms nee tee 00,w33--ern.,..,E1F, ..1'.:'1.9.- 17if1S111 that theee worees eettee ese ut.••••••fetl 1 in the testeette eye alt tee youres Mon 1 tiestughent the Lend. lite vei•l: : I "Thonget Provide:I-ea Tr;!, granU-,-71 ; • torovarieti end unieessall su3:sees in the ipursuit. of fortune in other ilanes I am Wan On heart the eutniele eese who left Yonder unpretending dweiling. . There Is tee e. youth ¶11i the 1, peund cif my volote weesse ea08T11708T117srsor-- , tunities and advatinotes ere set very „ 118810 greater throt Were 'LIM; 51, 553 ' 11 -Ave 03at,t,,s. tkelD5.-vp.5. noe.1,Rrot '.'1.,4•Jt! is : iiinZOB'SIWP.' to the mess leaved> boy !amel ong You." eore,e Pe:lb:elves toe - I seas in heat/less was net mere remark- • abte than hie integrity arid his great hearted benevollenee. I reease feeen you Goe'srroteeting arei peespering bless- ing. I hope you may all neetee for- tunes for time and fortunes fee etere, rely.. fseret day 'when eve iteree sett of eaut piaee of business and les So to the clearing heuse or the 3 el zs ef e051515011 of the hunk ("s• 7.('-.7.7' own kaOalle-ES 7i'd9Z2 teeree out of eese piece of business just leek up at the cloek in the tower and tee by tile move - mesa of the hanes hew eesse Ale is aleidlY going away and be v./eel:ode/I M the fac-t that before Gee's throne of Inexorable judgment von reust ye give account for what you have dome sAnee the day you erld ethe fiest Yard of cloth or the fi.rst Dolma of sugar. I pray for you ell preeperfeh. Stand , elose to Christ. and Christ Teri stand ')ellose by you. The greater tee temp- tation the more megnificeet the • re - But, ale_s, fee- the stee'k game bler---weat will he do Oe tee lade,- meta ? That day will setee every- thing. That to the steee gambler Will be a "break" at the "fest call." No smuggling Into heaver:. No ecol- 'laterals" on wheel to trade eaue eraY .. Go in through Christ the Tend or yore will forever stay out. Gee for- bil that after you have done year last • day's work on earth arid tles lraseel assembly stands around well bowel head at your obseemies-Cel forbid that the taost apprepriaze text for your funeral oration shoula lee "As a eartridge sitteth on eggs seal hatcheth thtm not, so he that gettete riches.. and not by right, shall. leave thero in the :Midst -of bis days, and at the end be shall be a. fool." Wougan.'s Pitches. • shown by the pitch of her Tam" . ' "More eepeelally when the pitch is not.. used .. _ "A Woman's •clieposition can other's chat- .. fact that he went into Wall street. I think I shall go, too." Here they come, retired merchant, who want 10 get a little excitement in their lethargic veins. Here they come, men eele- brated for prudence, to trifle with the livelihoods of widows and orphans. Do you wonder that sometime: they become insane? It is insanity. Do you know there are hundreds of young men who are perishing under the pas- sion for etock gambling'? Do 'you :Wan etreet • Hut yeidle that street Is PI* Of knoW that In all Christian lands 'The resurrection was a. crownIng vietory te Jesus Himself. It set a seal to the truth ur all Hie teftelh- Inge, both of Himself and to otirere, as well as all His works. The resur- rection morn was a time of glad- inieeeieverts.othe disciples of Jesus, and lit Is the tree comfort of all be- , IL During the tense Jesus was In the tenth the &accepters must have been greatly discouraged. Jesus had told them oe His death' and resurrec- tioe, but they did not eompreleend His words. Notting could dispel the gloom like actually Beeline His face and knots/ding that He was alive. His first appearance to, Mary Magdalene filled her wage great Jay. III, Christ's love was manifested in His careful instruction to His dis- ciples on, leaving them. He gave them new ability and spiritual in- sight into the Seriptexes. He dis- covered to them the golden. thread rum:411g through the elite& Script u r es, which revealed Christ as the ex- pected Saviour of men from the be- ginning. Here they were enobled to, grasp the sense of his former teat/th- ing and connect it with the writ- ten, Scriptures. IV. Christ appeared to Hie [he- avies when they were assembled un the evening of the resurreelioo day, and theta one week later. He quietai their fears and bank:died all their doubts. They saw His feet and hands, and were permitted to put their hands upon Him. Even the one with the greatest unbelief was sat- isfied that the resurreetien was a fact. V. "Christ loved His toiling diseiplee and, by His superhuman power, brought them temporal toupees end thus was revealed to them as tbey brought in the great draught of fishes. Through their natural eense He drew them lea to know Him as risen. By this meitns Ile taught them of spiritual labor in reaching neen's souls and bringing them to Christ VI The great te.mmission. jesue always keeps Ills proud- es He toll! the disciples Hs woad.' meet them ha a certain place in Gaille.33 eel a certain time, anti ID was there. lie has prge misad to 721M, with Ilbo people when they at:seeable in Hie name. Jesus should he worshipped. We arP not in a ea/edition to rPPAVP ILvommiseiten from ChriA. or to 13 114 oth /re, until we are true worshipper:a ourselves e II. -Tin- ;114...51sv401 ;pit Jesus kill not throwover apostles the sad - seas wheel they experienetel at His i.rneifIxIon.1l ase,nde.I ri living Kay - lour, leasing. th,.ni ussure41 that they ver-' lia4 141 rm. WitiPant eare. lett should he aesiststi by the 11 dy er, le gst It* ea rry ;tett 1034 gemmed tele end before their oyes were ttzreiel from estrigtg upward teward leaven tit" :nee I -levee, •re brontsba 13 sweet meesetoe, 991 113415' anti 44.infort, deriar= bin; that .h...nq sip odd ootturn 113 Lee manner nea II. weea tcot ellgatereet, Poit -deo41. ict 9 '"•,9 -Atius0 101,4 h8.b 311,t4 fe: Mete Vette* teesti gdt:1t!3 4'i-0' rk4n'1'.-00t wooed) met L., lie et � h 10 t; t,ilItry -Teens Ip - 0! heeeets lee seat ; itri•J0'F4 nti • but he Lae reeillj0s- 048prostense.3 blesetee tibt45,1+" WilOrn 1L'ILOPV4' thentr.lit 1.11111 !? 44 4.9 0 04 09. Z944, 194° (1511991 1l044 .1 Eizpyib; Tap ;ui. eeples, tt itelet telee s eel see 44 1411011' tio ea I/eh:tees; 0e.:3 eisetell andeoteet toe they last e4nw It is 1tt,,sit,.1. to.r tic • sk.31 tr b•-4 fully' Intim el wxth the 'li ho. nature, hearItto lat al. ills peatatteeta• Hone sent Wale reeeteellatee, 13. ate thee 3,1351eyothe V* all ot: whew it aetn Ratite fespeoe.-esot oof fien Mena, ;ow: heavenward /a all ite 033weniellt% ersemsegeggiste per:rine bele from 1 it&I fae3311s th pre:ewe 33f tie. 914, IX, flirt:el tear trete psiost. 1. Iles Vete great wore, wee to prettily •OD prop; -r earrifiee for egn, Wits s'oi4 WI+ ing Llai tees e perftea nEerillig=a CSANiVi!...•° d00il0llt4area $tr‘a n Ocr ettell :heave/ Vele Is. tr.,u9. rifieg e7 effete lot tie, 1.51t3011 prievtitootol. The leefel el hate eel treie? 83,3t proel.eee. het 01/r/st"s3 00 :01 ',:to pro Ot•to. ere rower an Vetoes s. 411t 1 ee30 the setel 3f:s- e-It-nee:, erten toe 10 f ofeleeee: eel peWer Ole. Pee -a f u ales *ret ce. aro, l'tor? -110530 neot te,2 r 11Yi• teest• riO- 0. X. Paera teeetteet 1e1ni Nee. 30 • 54013 st, esee0eefl5.2 note:UM -. 3.3o 3•33.3., pe, ere 3en the elave--:. •,5'c'e'lle' teeut.'d i's-; '•ig '44' t's k'kr,•-ta t.2) isse tel3.e tin te te* eet the net eta the • telfeeetl, I:4.7-0 Molkil ..- Mq tt94+'j ito,1 lintiQ rilgillt side 433!! te.: seep. a le I011t-4 0 el...-.c.r,,,-,'•1 V, .i`24o:ere,' iaa5443"-14L-1" lneza 3:l:x:.11 lisF'gs8 IlstEq1,,,t„0900001 4. det t,;lsetluL33telisJ 3' 44 Ci-t%04;sy 1?t51kr,.. 1e7t2e,n,n', ii::i!.7..,.,r:1111eU',:;tt1";57,te,cit$36eAuettz,.1.1,7e:e,,4,1:;i,,:i,•k. tr;rt,9Itt.t.,ur„hu,..- ..7.,e:;he . : l;,, -4,;3 ‘:i"1,. ..,, .-;7/.• ,.',,,.-'•. ht ;0L;. 44 .i,;0;tl,u, 1c, nVitis54 j0110 5110 tt011444la1v., bee,ee toeeteustIeee ;,gt14,3is,1"r,,t.,,,i,,I•,!t,_5..,.3- f. r 0,1yt,740 '05'3119, 'i tzgi!esr.;eeoV.;eeL:e00il1:5tiyu(clrtit1;13itl 3- ;,-...1.-'•,:. -t::: - 6ee:1101e43; St ere t1. hs tivelJ of He- : -e-,IL 4197/.T:54 ,...verz t,,. a.. Jen, lis powers; comtas,iteire 11 00 tk,:i go_ tv.., 1.59 5-91 3 4 Intftn t:;93479,,t r Vale i -e i 'Leath r.331 tatleens =RI rl-,..* 1.94-40.7.2e; .13-933.g34t .tellzt= ,i,• rotra,s. lozit• u;,, 1! promises to lee with thoeu relweits. 33o 34 The 1_33.,r4 leel 332 55 Ieee. Vitt Topie: Christ-epeeting evotete. eies'et where In, T.7. -0,1,v13-' 1511!e Areil tease Place: Meseta .3Ceivet. Jesus open!11 l diestee shows se 'en Iff s neoey. ere's. ttlet anolptstroo-A:or',...; shoeve froze the • seeeel 1 3-ge•aultetee Jeollse 43510 slirr•enLrt- SietiV,Intes tinet Chti...;st Watt heeesee sae- I. 0 e : '::`./. LILA. .24,:' $...o.r•NS.:S ..241',:en 01.1...:. terCtig end here, rieeng lesee the deal: j Fle ire In thee teil e=1.1 3.3 Ille ;W 'p'...c 00-- ( 111 the gfesst snivatZon 10243 31 4 -11 -g' '1 -t. 01'g7r..,:rt194':9 :5191 he334 teem. 38 pees/totes for „at eeek,ee; lease etiee!! lie Peeereteilly weteeee t$:P `‘t'l'Orr'49,.. disciples (vat tet 1:4,1Inney .4 -Z,Les 4..:14,:. 4','ef:11‘-',. sq"..11707-31-..z tr.,:t resterlei e.,-- e 1134! VIM to reetote• the efingeleMte 35r34oe. •CCe1„; f',1111 e`e-0') 2-4'.''''''iv:na 11"-cr-3 'i'.`:171.'..1 He promises the- !holy feterelts to them; 1 -1.11" fl.tt.'t ""b." ''',/`"''3: r,',.,',',Ii'''' .M they tote to tozt.F to: 3 - r=le:%:rivn : i-: id 1 .!-V1'.-:7'P new- '11';-`1' t -"r-'-' 114 c''''n"r14:. r1.4'"." they bared Ile is ri;IrtE el Iron tl..t•44.J - 1 '''''''' 01)7.-.'ZP 5:4' '7'-'. ". 444' .7'17'11 ""111!' ' t:Ii 30110 . tn. Il.„' ... n141350 ree; ., s rhe Will seers- again. a perfect liquid dentifrIce for the seth and Mit New She SOZODONT LIQUID, 250 , SOZODONITOOTO POWDER, 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75e At all Stores, or by Mail for the price. HALL & RUOKEL, MONTREAL. vat tn leseseen. a re ve eteetie en s nte e - f the enteze st. S.1%7 days froze t13:11 -Y 13"4"' o testes Pelee: efereiseitem_ ett the !cost p411 40411- p044451111 13'3 17:"41! S“:2"t4..'"" tree leassovee. the feseep*.ee asset:2-1i 1`",",.'11 „1"1: 01 14015:1' 3514 1211141 bled in QT.:IL" 'tt Peer.) te 3 ee el 3: redeseeely r. eeell erete re -eves,. -.13..,--4..ge,• The Markets iseadeug Weeet etereeta. Following aro the cloeing quota, - thine at important wheat eentres to- day: Cada. Sept. Cleeago ......... ....„ . $0 68 8-4 NONI7 York ............ 0741-4 Toledo ...............071 070 3-4 Petroit, red, No. 2 0721-e 0 721-4 Detroit, white,No.1 073 jethrtli, No. 1 nor. 0 69 3-8 0 681-4 enuth, No, 1 hard 072 3-8 — Minneapolie, No. 1 northern ......... 69 5-8. Toronte Farmers* Market. Wheat -Steltde• and unchanged; 200 bushels of white and 200 bushels of red sold at 70 1-2e and 300 bushels of goose at 64e, Oats-Mareet easier; 600 bushels le lower at 300 to 37 1-2e. Hay and Straw-Prieee um/hanged: 20 loads of hay sold at $11 to $13 per ton, and 2 loads of straw ta to 89 per tau. Vegetables -The chief demand was for potatoes and priees were steady' to firmer. Two Wade sold at 60e per bag, and fer small lots farmers aieked 70e to, 75e. Other vegetabies werte dull and unehanged. Dreesed otes and Provisions. I/reel/wet Hogs -Quiet and unchang-- Pt1 at $0.23 'too per cwt. Smoked meats-113ms 13 to 1.33ec ; rotate llee to 12e. hack., We to 150, nue shout Iere, 10% to Ile. I.erel-Paile, .11 1 -le ; tubs, lle 10eee. Toronto 1.1150 Stock Markets. Export elate, choice, per cwt. 4'5 el to ; 5 Se deonediam v1 7; to ee Extent ewe u to 60 ilutchere'cattle tweed., 1 50 to 4 713 &nacre cattle. eheteee 1 3/3 to 50 lettetere'eattle feet— . en to 4 eget 418 4.1{0,44 3 el, to 3 CO 5030,3 50 !tense:non, heavy. per ewt.. ee to a11. igehe expert, lights per ewe.- 50 to erode's% ellen/keep N; to 4 73 ete 80,11401104 t1,1 5013 do light , „ ei to 3 Cl esto•sketee Wu, tiet: itee , 3 se te off:coloroeudheatare 313') to 300 elech cow. 4". tie to :le 90 SIstrO. Me) 1380 I;Wt. .......8.443r, eta g to 310 age ate,. • . eg to 1300 Lettere sprieg. tech ... tek to 4 ,00 t Mita per head. : . „.„.... 1 00 to Oa Huge thence. err eert ••-... 7 lesto ev Mere *etre fee . Gelseto 0 446 11 tivio, Win. per cm' s. ea 6 &tete 054 Leg*, at. eel. •CVPis. .• ••••,.... 33 sell' so 00515 ,* to 1150 .„... _ 00 to 01» Fruit Market. I teetered° 11 511033 are le ..ti,taing emit, rks?'IC4trvIl 5.30 145 fr,l'.17, and ..,•15ass0turtt in scare le oiler are mov- ing firet eleteggeet ef teens 125 0104•508e, tr45:4 teetlaY. Theo were, We ega free, arid t‘&:',•0 r•;.;1;10,*. at esi 1,:askt.1. l'otonto littles and Wool. 5 335 10114.gruc2A. 13., ; enred, is/ ; leer, CealiTaletee lee 1, tle, :Viz3. 41 i31345430, 4041 33'44 geese 6 to tele. 1,.i.-Ac4ItslidY.us., !LTA,. frallOtre mn.ttve.1, Wee..33. ileeee,113 'Se I le ; enteevelaisi, ole• -3e, 11443 isitircet"s Ou rade. 'reale et Motet:Peat tees leten 313:See15 l'et. pest, vesek. "eters is ta it.arger G roes t oiceilee tree see thee.s cad le 1, es, as...en te. 31.e feetitey eireetelle ts3.; ity ttee,,•iiP o'•3 PreAittitiS - 11L!1 1:tts: 80914)431 zdtk,,,st se,nte. 5119 !It cateetteeeess. Teem, is 45 51915 le!:4438i 114) 9114)1oael rate* ere et,eeee . '33445. 4115 Te.eeent fe.ga Net teeea spe•ele 14103 ;;v:-.511to tete siestee. 'Taste has beeta 11 °age teetecall roe eeetenef emeetees 0: seeesereatee ,,:ty get ie.. and in ha.ede ware tiut., feeseesonent Les tr-eu rs.tirly !Urge. Teere hae beete fearked letiptoiree meet le le:eke-se. tat Winnipeg einet tee, opening 3.31 the present month. Tel:9 e.-3 largely owing to t3.0 iitepeovee ta,',11!/1 erOKO e-05..4qt&A.19. Treele eoest Sae been med.9 eeetety tn.-live in a lines ' t'yat Co- teteaterfed troubie En the, ...uniense eastry F:titE9 aetei tt* &Me c--‘tPnt .a,,?z drawiesek in trade,. The .1,•=4.6.1-freo:a tao ..t.'aterier for sepias* , fait?. been fair 1)01 vve,•,-,1. matztzlnturets have vyl,F Cor...itl'P end labor Is s ',tee •Thee . oe•-lers iftten travellers ts sa.ttelate, teery. tote ter et-I:feat tereteireteerite nue SP$7 OtAtItntil. COILIF-:•Pnr-inS ate te, • Cr.:.-Arliy gokee. Tee repetts from vart. tleta, ; teesy W. re treleal the 11, tnr" 14' 1:1" r24 -13 4319p.151:',4 e: 1.:;.' 111/.4.373in.l6n. reptc- 5.4.Talikr.:4 13y tr.:lee-Here on' illemeilten sc,s. terl„ot, : ,i).:1,,,c,, vc,,..s.1,,,. v.,,.1:;,,r l, tent tweetga the Estiefele• ealle13:3. ------- i',OUSee. 1353' velty .satisfaetuey. Ti tongues: k to_z;ut:01..1‘1'.:? ':;:,eard t': -:.i :015 rtNil,r-n 10 n Iltrge im7,3JItervetaent .14.4 NkHOLESALE LYNCHING. ' *AAA as1.471 yetis" ea gesteet : weee ege-- ,.• 5295.09 Toe tees 9551951g ec-eson. foended and 045e0ee.31-33 bre-erase ea, re _. Tele sales 41.1 52140011.9 iOr it'f,,p eurrent, man beard 111018 spr-to_k 110 00-401(1.5- rarthr VIllage 009Iiterate4 and Its SPOSI(1911-57 tesuiremente at Ottawa. ful work elf 'Hoe :n 1:E5 ewe lenge-Inge inhabitants Slagle. enve been very fair. A goo3 sorting IX. 'Teeple : The (1.0reency 3' Viteare eateP t•.e.Is • Tee liceiresblet , - - trade le b•••••ing drline la setae linee. ire- Ciar2E:t's preestheed. Tee eltsate tab- , - - - s e tesers :Lava= ereetponeell pf3rehrteel in eereacee woe a throe ,y peso pubitsiies a reseesege Irene et. Peters- ssos hcsh...peht shuels Tolyygrkr..1 to, things tcl or me. i I at! a.teo....mt of a !car- tp .lorg g_s ng Sitinc reetletl'efriS. Fall business Is ful a.et of Deem, seeteiese Mood aral the leadleations are tilat X. Topic: Saues es:Leers:tn. Place: Jerusalem. Paul is le teee temple Tee. Tartar,inizalltante he the eel- trade la that respeet will be very the !age oft IrreeLde on the Ilaver Yeleit- with these wile are obsereiteg forms el the Nazarete veer. Lee en- VOilee charge him with peileting the temple:: they e.rtec him cet z he Es 33ad for a long time madathene AIewge.t Quebec hue/nese continelees elves a nuisenee to the people of tire 15,h„.t.h...,;y. neigreirorine• district. elere. Travellere are vending Ira f atelere foe fall dolivety. onal it ., generally- expeetete that ta-4, volt*** will be as good as 15 past ili-Seued by t:Le lee rear. gunrd .s per- The latter finals' lost their egt- witted to spsak 105 0,1rEsf.12. : speaks 1 tienne, ;ail, arming therneelees with el' hie llfe befere big eonverssin : Low r huge sets/tee, axes farm Emplements, 1 the Devi appeared to Sim tear rem_ and sleadar weapons, peceeeeded to aseus, at reeert: how Anarees 01350,1'l avenge tbenise3ves ou the Tartars 1 to Lim, ard Inetrecteili arel baptized i ot- irbf-is,... , They lynehed the Whoie popelaedm / XI. IV pc.: The georified Savioer. i C...i. johntIthelieho men. 'IX 0914,17., and tIii- I Mee: The 10013 .1 Patzoos. :e xilren 4•11/-4•T's, and Carew VAC. 1X/dike into 3, Apostle is banished ti Patmee for XII To -c • The ilr y state cf ti his testinahry fer st. ! the eighteces. Place: Ritmo-S. John ; saw a flew heaven. a new earth, y and the new- Jerusetlera eeteilreg «lawn 3 frees teed tent of heaven'. Ail tears. pain at:a dz-afit are passocl PRACTICAL f..4.7R.VEY. Lt.FSNI I. Tae empty .grave was the bennefary line between the old dispeesatiost and the new. "The seb- littlest expectatheae of the 0143 Teta- merit were las ev fulfilled in the re- surrection of eesue. Iti ehe world He ta.tele tealleeserer of alp pad death. the 'Yenisei. Afterwaede they denial - felled the entize village, and leant all the wreekage. The pinee 'Wats, in feet, wiped, off the faee oE the earth. Tile Pm:eel:en aestrlt les were Pabseqnpirtlz- eble to arrest over 100 peasants who had taken part In the terrible aet of Nflatzearice. ,f THEO•ttle AND IsRACTItE. i' It is reDorted that the Rev. Dr. • Charles tz;11,...lIr.ao, oir Topeka, Featisaile . ho wrote a book advising employer* i to. ttettt their servants as ecnrals, is having Serious domestic troublee. His wife last weak, refused to al- low- the servant girl to dine with the family. The •glri e3rce51lptly gave up her plane, and before leaving site rerainiled Mrs. elieldon that her hue - bane had recently solved' the servant girl pro.blent by declaring that do- t, raesties should have equal prielteg*es l with the family. Mrs.. Sheldon toll the I girl that she was not responsible for i her husband's opinions : he could write 'books, but she intended to rale the .. hOnSeheld. The pastor's ;Meilen:3s is Asand to have eaused great amuse. PIMA. . , . . U. S. -Congress Swakor Henderson Is in London and wi?.1 attend the Fourth of :foie- tlinner. The transport 01.115 has arrived at San Fratelseo frem Manila with 29 eere and 7330 men of e.ge 33. 15, A2nd Infantry,