HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-06-28, Page 1TINIE
The Official Organ of Zurich and. Hay Township.
QT. BONIFACE, Catholic.
1,-) Order of service for the summer.
Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate-
ehism and Instruction at 12 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.
30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour'', visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Sacramet every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 8.
Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at
7 o'eloek p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 9.
Wednesday evening; Gerluan. prayer
"fleeting, at 7.30. Thursday evrning;
English•prayer 'nesting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
geuticile lutb. St. Petri 1-Circir.
tboffesbienft norm. l?alb Ur
uttb abenbs 7 /Lir. Sountagitimle
porm. 9 Mr. febrerverfammlung
Zotitteritag abenbs unt 8.
Cider Mill Machinery and
Boiler & Engine
2ncl. hand Waterous, 12 h. p. Port-
able Boiler and Engine; also
Cider -mill Machinery, for sale,
Cheap. Everything in shape for
Cider making. For price and
particulars. apply to
47tf LOUIS WU1M11, Zurich P. 0.
Desirable Property
For Sale.
Lots 17 and 18, Knell's Survey of
the Village of Zurich. Frame
Dwelling and Barn. A very desir-
able business corner; the property
of the late Henry Woolnich.
Apply to
48tf Mrs. Schuettler.
Tents Were Struck Early on Satur-
day Morning.
Camp Niagara., the Mecca of
those who worship at the shrine of
Mars, is again deserted for another
year. Tents vere struck early Sat-
urday. morning, and by 4 o'clock in
the afternoon practically nothing
remained standing but the hospital
tents, where Ptes.T. D. Carscaden
and J. T. Summers= are in quer-
Notary Public, Fire and Life In- and the latter with scarlet fever. antine, the former with measles,
L. V. BACHAND, St. Joseph.
=ranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by Drs.Oraham and Anderson remain -
private funds or lean companies. ed to look after the patients. The
different regiments north and east
of Toronto were brought by steam -
• • er to Toronto and then forwarded
-._ . to their destination by special
(Late with ()arrow & Proudfoot) Demist train, except the 34th, which went
er, Solicitor, liotail Publie.
Rousall, Ontario.by steamer to Whitby. Regiments
west of Niagara, were sent home
-- - I direct by special train. The last
pROUDFOOT & HAYSicorps came to Toronto by the af-
ternoon boats, bringing with them
Barristers, Solieitors, Notarise Publie
ole, etc, Cor. Squaw and North Street,
Goderich, Ontario
W. POO o so oT R. C. SATs
• Ceeek lOth OIT.Courti. Huron
Connuiseioner for taking AMdavits,
Conveyaneer tie. Valuator for thu
tou tatd Brie Lose and Savings Co.
Mice- Zeller Block, Zurich Ont.
Lieensed Auetioneer for Iliir-
on Comity, respectfully solicits the pat.
ronage of those who intend having sales.
Satisfaetion truaranteed.
Dit. 17. A. SELLERY,
the young inen injured in the mili-
tary sports competition. The men
were in line spirits, and made a
splendid. appearance as they form-
ed up and marched to their respee•
tive destinations.
Horrors of Qhild. Life in India,
Kansas City Times: "When a
girl is born in India." days Mrs.
Burnell, a returned missionary,
"the first question asked is whom
shall she Marry. Every high.caste
girl must be wedded at 12 to a man
of her caste and her horoseope. Ile
limy be compsratively young, mid-
dle-aged, er old inintoral.or brutal :
it makes no differenee if ids rettate
and horoscope agree with hers. A
IIRR in India, is perfeetly
k'ss. She is generally married at
8 or 9, 'but does not berome It 11le111-
ber of her husband's family until
she is i2. if it should chance that
her husband die before that time,
site beeotnes a (.111bl-widow, the
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College 1 must 'despised of creatures. A
ot Douai Surgons, Tetento, also honor curse is believed to be upon her,
gradostie of DePtittniold et Dentisti)", and if she goes the ordinary course
Toro" l'alnks1 "traetk'll she comniits 'suicide in desperation.
of teeth. Plate work P. epeelatity. There are 72,000 (.111d4 dows nn
*.t thalunl" Iutithotv.,cri der 9 years of age in India. There
Mondity 1 -'10 is no WOUing OP being \von in
India," she said. "very girl over
12 is -tvife or widow. There the
Go STANBI.IRY, B. A. mother -Jai -law reigns, supreme. She
• Sovessor to COLLINS& STANBCRY !roles .with a high hand and rod of
I irott. The Hindu who dies without
BAlatiSnitv gOblerr011, NOTAtlYv a son 'believes he loses eternal life.
• eYline?r, Mone' to Le" iris ""age Ma frequently mothers give their
atd ram Property at lowest rates of In- t
Itanohters to be blotch ,girls in the
terest Docu10enl,,lIt eriginal
teittples--the vilest life in all the
end aid advised epon.
World -in the belief that they nray
ZURICH COURT ATTENDBD appease the anger of the gods and
have sons born to them."
Office over O'Neil's Bank', Exeter.
firm Old Boys.
The Weekly Budget
Of News Here, There
and Everywhere.
0011111E0M% HOTEL
*zuittel4 0 0
t• olindri ./M/Marligialflat 41011 visit of "Old Hoye" and "Old
'el Girls" to the Comity of their early
Strictly up-to-date 4tt modern its- 3 fife and childhood days, is 110
s PftArriettS" ,111,ingt°"1.„,„si? 111; 2' doubt hailed with delight, by every
4.2 Pue. l'ritn"'y 1"Le 'ye"' """ u 4 member of the Association, and a
▪ Bar contains choice tiquers and ro
e e .0..* great many of them, we are sure,
• e'gklm9 "1 4 " " will steal away from the whirl and
• Eeelleat seexlr" R°°''11 2 busy life of their city surroundings
fa tot Coraroetetai Menti to enjoy themselves in the “Hub"
* of the County, where reminisconses
-e. of the past are ever fresh in their
* Walt roSTEN, PROO. enj (Ay-
4,10&04,4eett.t.tiosstst.;1,143R40. ti,ovot500.. The citizens of Clinton are ar-
ranging to have a grand reception
for their visitors and will snake the
as far as aiossible, entettam-
ing and profitable to all who claim
Huron as their mother County.
On the attival of the train front
Toronto at about 11 a. in. the
Citizens' Reception Connnittee wilt
escort the excursionists uptown,
where a banquet will he given and
a formal reception tendered them.
In the afternoon a program of
voile will be carried out in the
The 4801. Highlanders Regiment-
al Band will play at the grounds in
the afternoon. In the evening a
grand 'Open Air Concert will be
given by the Highlanders Band,
which is capable of presenting a
program that is most delightful
and aleasinre fra Ii lands t
J^-•,- .^.,
I ,A
01.10.106:4 '•e!
The Toronto Assoeiation of
Huron. Old Boys will run their an-
nual excursion to the town of
Clinton, on Saturday, July 6th,
T1)e occasion of the return for a
"the tominton"
:L-.7-4,•;.--; toast
Equipped with all modern
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to come -
ciai travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always supplied
with the best obtainable.
- ---theeeeeeseeseeee-e-ide- -emeeeeeekeeeeieeeeaie
C. 1.. shower Prop
Hay Council will meet on Tues-
day next.
THE HERALD will have a holiday
next week.
The Y. P. A. will have their
annual picnic shortly.
F. Hess Sr. made a business trip
to Goderich on Wednesday.
Miss Maggie Well of Berlin arriv-
ed home on Wednesday evening,
Mr. Win. MeNevin of Woodham
spent Sunday with friends in town.
Miss Willert of Dashwood is en-
gaged at J. Doiehert's tailor -shop.
Miss Clara Buchanan arrived
home from Goderich on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner
left for their home at Milverton, on
Mr. H. Weber has the stone foun-
dation of Miss Hartman's dwelling
Drs. Kilbourn of Parkhill and
Maybury of Ottawa visited Dr.
Campbell on Wednesday.
Principal Stelek left for his home
at Hillspeen, and. will spend his
vacation with his parents.
Mr. D. Gottsclutlek., confectioner
is making preparations to go to the
Grand. Bend on Dominion day.
Mr. E. Bossenberry bus taken his On Tuesday evening last, the
horses. Sidney Pointer and Pat to
the Wingham races this week.
Miss Susie Sehellig left on Satur-
day, for a few weeks' visit with her
brother, Dr. Sehellig, at. Detroit. premdent,, Miss Laura ;
Mr. David Whiten brought us a Ree. Seeretery, Wesley Schoellig ;
sample of ryc., inensuring 7 feet 5g coe, seeeeteey, miss Ida ;
mehes. David takes the "medal." Treasurer, William Geiger ; Organ -
The young people of town are ' ist, Miss Lydia Bennie, assistant,
getting up a picnic, to Reynold Miss L. Antirew:a ; Librarian, Mil -
next week or the week following. Imeld Faust; Superintendent of Jun
Mr. Julius Bloeh is making -
ha_ ye Y. P. A., MissY. Lydia Feuet, as-
proventents to his out -buildings. Miss Ma Well.
and is adding It large straw shed to May last wes an ideal (ley for
his barn. a Iholiday. Large Hurnbers drove
The Zurich pupils of Miss Mur- to tyeEt Hoar" sitiLtlealunt eafiejvooyuentltatle
doek, aequitted themselves very outing.
reason the sports, (with the men.
ereditably at the 'Recital at 110111.1111
on Mondaeveningtion of baseball) did not materiay .
messrs L. shoemaker, 3. seba, Iize. The Imseball game n' rather
r • m 021e -sided as the married men were
not in fighting trim, (most of
Poster attended Ringling Bros.
them no doubt having too inneh at
cumene nt London, on Menday. home.) The :fore was. 6 to 17 in
The dry weather has 14'riottsly favor of the snufile men. The young'
I et ta tlw OM k for a guod Iiur. men are promised a "'dressing" be
vest and mile" rain e01111 S the fore the season is ovlr.
spring grains will turis ont poorly.
The Lawn Smial at Mr. Robert .
11Iad 1 lairge Elliotrs on Tuesday was :3. grand
null LI- la et el m11, ,"" L success and the evening W:19 beau
hen finished.. nem - wilt' julaVe tifnl for an outside gathering. The
one of the best barns in the speeches by thee's Jennings. Yet -
land and Davidson, were attentive-
% the ease of 'Williams vs Cook, iy listened to. and F. W. Hess'
judonent in whielt was given for large phonograph was quite an at -
the plaintiff, at Goderich. some traction. Several instrumentals,
time ago, has been appealed by de- solos and quartettes were given by
fetid:mt. ' Stanley and Bayfield talent and a
Misses Addle and Tillie Johnsen most enjoyable evening was spent.
left for Buffalo 41/1 Ve"Cdnesday. The proceeds at the gate timonnted
They will visit relath-es on the , to about J5 00 not counting the re
way bad,: and exited to be goat? mph; at the refreslunent booth.
' obout at month. ENTWIVE ''LMS.
Messrs Win. Weller and John The fellowieg ate the names of
Friss have a gaeg of men and teams the candidateseighteen its number.
at the ditch Must of town, and ex- , writing on the entrance eXamin.
peet to have it completed bz.* the /thong, at the Zurich school. held'
• end of next week. by Presiding examiner. Mr. G. W
principal of Baylield P. 8..1
It was a Mean num that sent the . Haman.
following note to the doctor: and also the names of the testehers
motheieni-law is at deatleS door, ,prep_tesing thein :-Vatinie E.Effiett,1:
castle at ouee alui sec if you entto..o lir.. Lockhart teacher;
'iYheo h *11 - her throug,h."
101iver (fravbill, George Wambold
Mis J. Kellerman ef Dashwaed. Dashwood P. S., Mr. Snell teacher
rtad Mrs. F. Kibler. titre syktia mattin,,
Prom my premises Lot 28 and 29,
L. R. W. Hay, 1 steer part Jersey,
2 year old and 1 steer red and
white color, 1 year old. Any per-
son giving me information that
will lead to recovery will be suit-
ably rewarded.
Thomas Turnbull
46-4 tp. Brewster P. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Torrance of Eg-
mondville, called on friends in
town, Monday afternoon.
Wednesday night was very hot
and close, driving a number of our
citizens out of bed, out into the
street. It is said, they were not.
all in "full dress," One corpulent
citizen was seen on his verandah
at 2 a, in., looking in vain, for a
breath of fresh air. It was hot.
I hereby challenge 3. Decher,
owner of 'Lady Decher,' to a race
with my horse 'Tounny H. for a
stake of $50.00 a side, (winner to
take all) mile heats, best three in
five. Race to take place on Hens-
el.' track, at any time -two weeks,.
to two months front date, and ac-
cording to Association rules.
[signed] John Hey.
Dated the 26th, June, 1901. 48
members of the Young People's
Alliunee met for the election of
oftleers, resulting as follows :-
President,Miss Jessie Rennie; Vice
The season for Wash Goods is here. To have a New
Summer Dress that will wash and not fade, is the article
every purchaser is on the look -out for. We have overcome
the difficulty, and are showing Muslins, Calicoes, Gringhams,
Ducks, Zephyrs etc. etc., that will
tho •
NO. 48
We itemize a few lines, which
are Special -
Our new combination Mus-
lins, are fast colors, in
3 different pat'ns, per yd. • 2 0
Our Silk Warps are the
latest thing shown, for
Drosses and Waists, in
blue, green and pink, .1 8
per yard.
Our Zephyrs are in it. Do
not fail to see them. We
have a Special line, at a
special priee, per yard. -
Our P. K. is a seller. You
want a white dress for
picnic purpose, this is
just the thing, only -
Our stock of white Lawns
is large and well assort-
ed. We show a Lawn of
tine quality, 45 inches
wide, per yard -
°tar -
1 to -
3 3-4,
Do not fail to visit our store; we will be pleased. to
show you through, whether you buy or not.
John Broderick,
at Hensall, this week. Mrs. Kile trimie martin, Leonard Revinie.
No -
ler will leave for her home at „ /tar,
Brampton, next week. "dr. Geiger telieher ; Eliza
"My halt was filling out and
taminggray vety fast. 'But your
Hair Vigor stopped the falling and
teatered the natural color." -Mrs.
E. Z. Beacerne, Collets, N. Y.
It's impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair! Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair! If not,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
;LH Mlle. All &Olt&
15 yott dituotat 'Cannot *Opply yen,
tend. 'a ote,dollar and Vve e4roa5
you A bottle, )30 'Mire and give the matte
of yOtt ne41,,Ape « eS ottite. Adateet, ,
oa..0.i 11E.,
Robinson. Edith Stegall'.
Stlanley, r* J. 8. Dele
aty teacher ;i
Ela '
Sherritt, Laura Swayze. Nor-
man Boyes, Arthur Edighoffer,
Blake P. S., Mr. Geo. Howard
, teacher ; Ainy Steinbach, Zurich P.
S., Mr. Stelek teacher; John johns- . ten Emerson Snider, S. S. No. - i
Stanley, Miss R. Capling teacher.
E R E5
3 5-S
; 200
Is of
You will always find the latest, swellest and most up-to-
date styles at the
4 50
4 00,
3 00
3 73
4 73
3 21
3 00
33 09
3 76
3 00
3 00
We are leaders in fashionable footwear. Everything in
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes always on hand at, r,eg
lowest prices. If you want the very latest for spring °
from the leading Canadian nnumfaeturers come to to
* mem-
tea, 7
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
1'O Is
We can't say too meth in praise of our Carpets and Curtains, and are 0,0.
preletreel to please everybody who want interior Fittings for their wee
Homes. We would therefore ask you to rail in and look over our
Stock, before buying.
40c to.te„
Tapestry Ca.rpets-- up, from ench
Union Carpets, from b. ft 3oc. up .ove•
,41ESt '‘414#1
Also a nice assortment of Wool and Hemp Carpette.
in Art Muslins, Cretonnes and Lace Curtains, we have the largest
sassortment ever shown and at prices that can't be beat by anyone. 5,1111:
ord about
Our Milliner
We have just opened lapel nether shipment of Ladies' white and fancy.
Sailore. soiree special values., bought at a big, reditetion, and giving ittorreiri
our Customers the benefit.
• 4 Ti immed Hats a Speciiilty.
Every Lady who has not already plied -lased her Summer Millinery, rie.lte4
should look through our Stock, before buying.
*es: In
, - 4006-- In to
A Pftithill.1 Meer,
In a review of the volunteer
camp proceedings at London, in the
Toronto Globe, we notice the fol- ;
lowing reference to an old and pop-
ular officet of this -county. It says:1
•eSergeon-Lientenant-Colonel Hol-
mes, of the 33rd Huron regiment
will retire on the age limit before
the next tamp. In 1866 he joined.
the Huron regiment at its forma-
tionaind in 1870 was medical officer
on the gunboat Prince Alfred,
which patrolled the St. Clair river
and lake between Sarnia and Wind.-
sor. In 1874 he was made surgeon -
major of the 33rd, holding that
position until 1894, when he was
promoted to lus present rank, that
ef surgeorelieutenant-colonel, the
highest rank in the service." This
refers to Dr. Holmes, of Goderich,
the worthy treasurer of the county
---.1 mtn.
vosomisonsirrie . -
Revised evert Thursday aftetnoon.
===Z Whett 62 to 64e nA
28 26
Barley - . 25 42
!Peas 66
I ant handling Straarits
again this Seasort, and I expect
to begin to deliver about
. . June ith, •
Let inc have your orders as
early as possible.
imour , .„„. --2.110u
Butter - - ,-. - -. 139 1_4,
Ch rekeris It, - - - - 4X 6 ) al-
Ducks620 6 with
Geese - - - - ‚-6 2t fait:
us -
62 to 64 eyes
- 25 2 Ithe
37 40 for
ts. ac 'rite
Flour 2.00 2.10 the
C• Eilber, Zurich do (dressed) - - 40 4. tge"
Hogs (live) per ovet - 6.25 6.7 -
, 0.00