HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-06-21, Page 8THE ZURICH HERALD
Jubilee liCalbfielisch's
Work guaranteed. equal to
• • • mii! • 9 9
. . ... .
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ins* done to order. Estimates
..' givenfor all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Bed Cedar
Shineles. .A.11 kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
C hoppi ng done
every day.
,,Gosi-igN L -INE
lf v
, •
on Want
Special to the HERALD.
Henry•Reiehert's raising which.
we mentioned lasst week did not
p twe Ma.nila
Special to the IltnALD,
syMenri SuannaayMerysi.theTforhiAdsX, ienKillS10°,1,7.
forth ,
Quite a number from this part'
took in the excursion to the Model
Farm at Guelph. on Saturday.
The English Church Garden
party will be h.eld on Robt.Elliott's
lawn on Tuesday evening. June
25th, the committee are sparing on
pains and if the weather is favor -
able it is sure to be a succeSs.
Heard Bros. have .just completed
Ben. Keys' barn, it is the first hp
roofed barn in this part,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys have
returned. home from their trip to
take place on Thursday but will be�®�
sometime this week, the weather
proving favoreble.
Among those the
e, 7
• liii.,,,er Twine
who attended
Guelph Excursion were Mesere
Workman, jamas Troyer Goo.
' 1 t elson Frank Farquhar and
ic i . ,
R it
F Hagan.
—....eeesaeStak is the place to get it
la"" Z="2" WC.=
We use no Chemicals to
lestrov your Clothing.
Suits to Order w
N Taor
We were pleased to see Win,
Smith in this vicinity recently,
in British Columbia
Wm. has been for some time and is doing well.
Wm. Love is repairing his barn
A. Mains is assisting him.
John Forest left last week to
visit his sons in Algoma,
Will Jarrott was on the
for a few days last week. sick list
Maxwell is home for a rest
after working at Mr. ItleBeatbas
There is talk of a garden party
here in the near future. That's
right let us have a little excite-
Wood , bees, barn raisings and
keeping yourself from melting. oe-
r _,....... ....... . 4.11
All kinds of Hardware Stoves
Tinware Furnaces Eavetroughing
Paints and Oils Screen Doors
Screen Windows Potato Sprayers
Glass Putty Paris Green etc etc..
si els e it.* et.* seestee lee 44. este o es. to ea *ease le e.g.. it ei. este e
You are Building
1.7011 will need Nails. 1 have a Big Stock on
hand, and will Sell them Right.
J. H.
- •
.. .
••• 'Ig •
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.If
J. 0 lialbileisch
Zurich P. O.
.., ........
Special to the HERALD.
Our town had been real quiet for
the last few wesks and news were
very scarce.
Edmund Geiger had been home
over Saturday and Sunday.
Quito a number of our town
people attended the Sabbath School
convention which was held at
Zurich last week.
We are more than pleased to
know that Miss Clara Beaver who
had been absent for the last few
weeks returned home again.
We are sorry to hear that Ed.
mend Geiger school teacher of this
town, intends to leave us and will
go to the Normal school in London
after holidays.
John Gillman has the foundation
for his house and kitchen oomplete.
Samuel Sweet of Exeter has the
Tho Misses Wettlaufer of Blyth
were the guests of John Gellman
this week.
Win. Truenaner is making an ion-
provement to his barn by putting
on a new roof.
Repairing all kinds of machinery
a speciality I
J. II. Whiner, - r, . ,
Clothing Sale
There has never been keener
competition in Ready -to -Wear
Clothing, than at present. We
have put Special Prices on all
' our Clothing, and if you want
to : : :
Save Money
on your next Suit, now is the
Time to Buy. To quote prices,
is not satisfactory, as you re -
quire to see the goods to realize
the value : : :
ee„ ,,„„ Th.„,„, „,„ , ee,-, -.
cupy most people's time.
Rev. Wilson occupied the pulpit
in the Presbyterian church, Sun -
Miss Stella Andrews, of Varna,
spent a few days, last week, with
Main Street,
CHAS. GREB, Zurich Ont
Woo 1 1 Wool I I
Highest market price paid
for Wool, cash or trade. A
full stock of Tweeds, Blankets,
Sheeting, all kinds of Yarn,
Underwear, Stockings, Shirts,
Overalls, etc.
Our Furniture
are complete in all lines, such
as Bedroom Suites, Dining room.
and. Parlor flumishings, Couch-
es, Window shades and Pietnre
Miss Lizzie Foster.
The masons are busily engaged
at Geo. Reichert's.
Mrs. Levi Stelek lia,s returned
home after a few weeks' visit with
i s a Zurich's Leading Shoe Store ...
friends near Zurich .
John Makins spent Sunday with
Norman Patterson.
Whether it is brain fag, loss of
memory, inability to concentrate
the mind or bodily weakness and
, Nerve
general debility Dr. Chase s N !
yr. .1 . .:11 .—,..1..,..... —..,.... ,..1.1 4.4......:
We are showing this season, a good many new
styles in Ladies', Mises', Children's Men's, Boys' and
styles o
v olvirilkz.- :+alnau
frames. Gitre. US A CALL.
T and M JOHN ON, Zurich.
years, regular price, S2.30
now for
len's Tweed Suits from
up. Exceptional values.
C arria g e Works. Sarre (*loses Tuesday and Pride,
Lt 7 p. 211.
Larger Stock Than Ever.
Ilebbier Than E.
?Aces Lower Than Ever.
F. HESS, OE Ontario
pare Dealing!
Close Priees!
Reliable Goods;
Tally Three
Points for
The Jewelers Zur.ch, rritrarre'ltgagedh'atitdh ;In bef 1,01 t "dive mee g represented. The old othcere evert,
at Hetisali ott Thursday last.
rtir RePaiting A SlIteistit.Y. oeetipied in a week or so. j Owittg to the absence of the Pte- re-elected arid strong tommitteres
T. Stevens of Seaferth is having siding Eldetalote. Wing hist Singel, 4:1414°rIttlatilcddrteossaetsteerivedrt4i 'rlittzealinoy.
ttl"t"'ettels the River house thorougalY over- , the quarterly services were con- Soltu Sheetitt. P,North Z,
hauled, having leased it- Ile et- i4itieted by the Rev. Litt of Crediton sex ; t 'mete Y. re, siege
tipeeitil to the HERALD.
George Mitehell of Lobo wa.
here over Sunday. He returner
"Tuesday, accompanied by H.
Dr Atkinson of Detroit s
Sunday here.
Mrs. IL Drehtuann had v .
last week from her father, shote
and brother -in -hew of Hon:4700d.
Mrs, John Tippet is hotne fret
Mrs. II, W. Erwin *was the guest
of Mrs. Itail012 IStelfeilliOnit few days
!het week.
Miss Ada Romitt who lately re-
turned letnie front the London Con-
eervatory of Musie. is giving les -;1
A large number from here tool!
in the Detroit esteureion W
Rev. E. C. Jentohrgs is at London
energy, strength and health.
Through the blood. and nervous
system, it reaches every part of
the body and overcome:4 weakness.
irregularities and disease.
Our stook is up-to-date in style. Men's,
Wumen's and Children's Shoes at lowest prices. We
guarantee best quality always. If you want the very
latest and best got Os from the leading Canadian manufac-
From my premises Lot 2S and 20.
L. R. W. Hay, 1 steer part Jersey,
2 year old and 1 steer red and
vitae color, 1 yettr old. Any per-
son giving me informution that
will lead to recovery will lie suit-
ably rewarded.
Timms Turnbull
46..4 tp. Brewster P. ta
Mr. L. H. Dickson barrister of
Exeter met with a painful ueeldent
at Hensall reeently, while visiting
his brother-in-law. C. A. Me- AIN STREET
Down. He WM be laid up for
some time.
The first automobile brow:lit inter
Huron was by J. P.Tiedall.Clintoon
It cost WOO o lo. at Bridgepert,
Conn.. is two seated en 1 weittlis
1020 pounds. The motive peter is Apo,
steam and it eau be speeded tip te A LA se
forty miles per tour but only to
perfeet road woo:11 nnythine Ube lin 1441.4`411 vim'. 4 mei n Doer and
such stoma be attempted. Tia' tires Wotelsows. Paris preen, Storey
are pneumatic' and the ante male*. veers,. ,00.1,44,4s and shovels.
Come to me
Try me
And you will always buy from me.
C. llartleib eo
Offering Big Bargains
but little noise. teteeee TifflArcirt*„ Wnsittag:
timeliness, wind Ntlitetees.
Tin:milking in all its Branches
DAS !Eleter.—On 1101311day 1000011ili8C
store reeently ovettpied loy D. Deeet,
Speeial to the ittRAL10., tititToWly vsettpri. :Ittr. Dyer was
Last week one day white operat- , engaged. peeking tip his steeds. te-
ing a small saw in Ilegonotti Bros. [ Meng attain to move to Mieleatan. tend
factory, P. Wells had the misfors the motile he was workine keine
sittetelling the Svtoil , tune of Iiitvtng one of Ms fingers dark, he used a lamp,. Wattle vess.
&Ones McDonald rettattied last' taken off, ling from one to to unether
reiday from Washington where he Thi,i other evening white , was tieeeesary It kiln to a-.04,11,001
has hiven shire last March. He isll eeekeeehwangee wove; loardlhil&tstking; shoot row of steps. on whielo
again ,wattitiyhtg his hotise and Putee, at Goetes saw Nett he sittoee . tripped. Ile fell to the floor,. tbiredtai-
Pees remaining. here this slimmer. eoteetAg out of the boiler room, Stag the lamp. and the 4411 4:lettuce
• go ng rtst in time to step
111.• health is tone+ ittiproved i i ' 1 the airline was siren in Illonnue.
fames H. Lee of Striethroy, H. rt. 1 -what might have proved u serious , Prompt action otverted a sewionis,,
Hunt and a friend of Liefideil Were :I fire. fire. The loss was slitelut.
In Paints and Oils we
here bass fishing this week. A laree rotinber et ooir people ate
et'.."`he anrital meeting of the Sentra
Huron Conservative nee esioutbet
Mr. A indreW Vottirghtta. With
yipars' u..lip-ria*IlarV., is in thane* no
tide Depourtoonent, inlet will attend
to yoter
watts tersoloptly.
Eeerything in the nattiest lite
'ns. Valisee 0r40'. See
oar 58i(' Harness at
M. gestic, in elnarge of Hartiees.
at Cost
ifl leave their orders.
The tevepects are right for a tended the Sunday School convell' WAS held in Reheat; on Theatelay
large gathering of sinutner tourists tion last week at Zurich.
last. There wee a very lures* et-
hi,re this seaeon. Already nearly A toga of Liberal -conservatives to jut ry tieet„e bee.. Nth -
011 _ . ieeq01, P I •
Zunth Sadd ary Fulindury g ' n.
; Messrs. Gizmo. Hayee intul
's wets ha.ve it open next week. *tt the t vat Aim church
, # ,,
, Next Thursday there is to be a 1 The vOlutiteers rettoreed home Hohnestead. of Seaforth : Messrs.
rg d , . bath School Teachers stud, Wonien's
ii 8 cane -elation or the Clergyitiekt. Sab- ' OteSattirday lookittg rather son- .r. B. Carling and L. H. Die -keen.
all an i us
0 P ono a buitteci. They had ti real fun as Fevetet, and the chatrivian. J. A. r+1
Anxilliary for the County of Eftieon I weal, as most of the boys had to, Williams, Zurich. The lasted cone i! .
vaccinated and were obliged to, niendary resolutions were passed.
drill with a sore arm. when the meeting latijotorued to the
Mr. David Hartleib of Hontee,,, call of the Executive.
Dakota, is visiting friends at pte-
sent. It is thirteen years since
Dave left our burg.
Loads of campers and pic-nic pat -
lead the Trade
Eve 1 -thing New and up-to-date. No old stock.
& CO
at Trinity Cluitch. An iteresting
time is expected.
It is probable that Bayfield may
A Putt Stock In Every Department. be favored, by a visit from the
famous 4Stb Htlelandets Regimen-
tal Band of Toronto. They are to
accompany the Toronto Huron old
boys on the oecasion of the gather- AL initertsiegi* 38.1vxollka Teta:: r3ireortotiv:torat
proposed that they will e-is-ii and
ing at Clinton on July 6th and it isl to Grand Bend parks. The season •
ties pass daily through our village
Cured *b
seems to be on now, and everyboby, 8teeeiessseess y Five
field oat the Ith and give a sacred
band concert in Jewett's grove., ntotng.
has the fever of eamping and pie- ' vilinTteCerGi?eatLcubegage:::ers,,ILFtrait.s,
overwork, worry or disease, the re -
This band bee but recently return -
ss ss ele sett of exhausted nerves is felt in
ed from a successful tout of the neuralgic pains, riervorte hea.dache and
0 BALL. In Spot atul Coloted Muslins.
leading cities of the United States *EASE 4 dyspepsia. serious functions/ derange -
alley gather -few wee s a o, e- Men s and unimately in paralysis, epll-
it would be an opportunitynonethe enthusiasm seems to be tbnlie nev. goods. espeeialty for white IR. C
nsan the remedy as found in Dr.
, •
encouragement received so fat, mrs. chas, soia,es, plemeton, clue White and Meek. You want to ex- Give ns a ran. we tall suA 37°11.
ings. Should they- come to 33ayfield, .all the talk, but lor some eeason, epsy, teem:otos ata.xia, prostration or a full assortment. Indian. Linen is
Window 1
M, 11We have the newest
styles in Hats, both in
English and American makes. If
!, you need anything in this line, we
can save yon mortey„ by buying
from us. You will also notice ly
cur window, that we heve seines
thing natty in Summer
Chase's Nerve F
OS 12 miss. 0 e ow .—
n. 1, ON MAGNETIC HEALING. Tali out* panne met come out to great Sufferl w3th my heart alai amine it before htteing other goad-. We -wish to draw your attention
to our lines of
e writes :--For years / have been
has been vety stnall. Why eseift
clod, as is proven In waists and dresses. We have it in
out too earl in the season.The
Much is spoken and written -make The reason with a good a sutnming reeling would come
a. ng s,ens and Vi7e .offerm-
, are , .„ . ,
ing these timeabout this myster- many is, they are too lazy, or too over 810. Night atter night I Would
The most truly remarkable ease of eornera. Don't think that half a wor ------ a though it would burst. special values in Prints. Delaines
reatenetie healing which have come dozen can play a game—it takeS 18 tieseee my doctor attended m
ne •ce T u take h ki
tbus method of treating disease. foul of loafing around the street 'never close my eyes. and my head
At ast I had to keep to my bed and and Bedford Cords; just the thing
•'S.• to spring, his medicine dti enponit for girls' dresses. Space wilt not
under the notice of the writer have men. Now all you business mese
i been those in. which Dr. Chase's please send your employes, or come, he:, J."- taken mre Tioxe. of allow us to quote prices this week,
Ointment was used. This prepare- yourselves, we have practice every I "ave now
; Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and it este but we will guarantee you Bar -
done me more good than I ever be'lzwed &21118 in this line.
tion seems to have initgieal pOWera night in. the week. We have a
in stopping the dreadful ite,hitig, tomplete outfit, and unless -�'a use. a 'medicine could do. Words rail to ex_
1 burning sensa,tions of 'Salt Rheum it, the money willbe wasted. cure brought about by this tres.tment."
loess .gratituda for the wonderful
115Pati.ORTS AT S.
and up. In ea -venlig, we have
several different lines, from 75c.
tip. Remember, for something good.
for the leastmon y, y
tall at the Old, Reliable House.
•t and Eczema, and when used regtel Come mid enjoy yourselves, and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50' centl a
Al4leutt vx r#, julavvmecir rftwa,oleArkz ets 41 leteevritop net thtre. ia ,toto antherity for any men pretest we
• tre) .11 eles.Tra