The Herald, 1901-06-21, Page 2, - I 1. - � I. I � I. � , I I .. - 1. I I., 11- � 11 � I. � . 0. I I ..- . ,. , _�.: - �., -.1 !., � � 1:� 11 . " .1 . :;, !:' F-_ ... F7��� - I 'I 1-- �,171111=rl- " , . , . � , ,., � . . " .1 'r..�� ,, , " , ., I .
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e Unfortunate Condition of
,�Ml , ,
'Miss Ernestine Cloutier.,
John 5, Morgan's Letter Open for
Their Perasal, �
49 She Grew Older Her Troubles Be� It there should be no more sugar 13, to give to the botanical depart- I
, came More Pronoun ced- Doctors calle lit the world beets might be cul� I iwnt qf Harvard $121,000 for a sobol-
Said Her Case was one of General i-Wilp to be devoted to this partjt�u- Nova Scotia ',Member of the Guild
. 'tivated to take Its place entirely, I ,1� Wants His Case Publislied-An
I DebUity, and Held Out Syn;Ill Hope ar atudy. This glft resulted in a 14Aght Year Suftererfrom. gaelcache
I ,DfReeovery�She Is Now Well and but if there were no jonC series of in vestigmt, tolls In the island Cured Repeutly 'by DoddPs Kidney
� tatoes the dornestio economy of of Ja,ra, where it, wao found that by Pills.
Strong -A Lesson for Parents. thoutmnas of humble homes would be eroositig seed a sugari cane was pro-
duced which coatt'Oned considerably Rrldgewater� N. S., Juae 15--(SPe�-
! 0FroTa tile Telegrapay, Quebec.) sorlously deranged, and the depri- more mgar than that ordinarily cul- o1al,)-The caaa ,of John, S, Atorg&U,
,� No dWovery In medicine Ili mod- Yatioll would Lie considerable even tlyated. t ., plumber Lind tinomith, or this town,
ora timei has done so mueli to bring an the most luxurious table, That FollowinJ4 up the work which had diould be put prominently 'before
ba,ak tile ricIX glow of health a,nd th'a the sugar calle and the potato are 1300,11 Mfldt� IWM-Able by Mr. Atkins, every union aild noTi-nnion man In
natural activity or llealthy young in danger of bec,oining degenerate gviloroAty. Oike:i Ames, the assistant I Canada, In a mattdr like this there
I - _1� n
-Irls I*vn recognized in butonlcii,l labora- gardon, ,T.,.�nt tlig-h-6di. Lrde4er Of Vluiiga V6 all. I , T � . � 1.
.Womanhood to. ,weak and ailing 6 and finally extinct has for some time dirckqtor of t4;n Har)r,FCI 1041 Photild be no gletinotlon, the benefit
as has Dr. Williams, pialk- Pills. torias all over tile viro�..JLI. In 'this his own privat,t) c,stat,e to Cuba to Jolla S. IJC,I.gltll for �Ight years WaS
C.-Irls delicate from childhood at,1ye 0,,oulltry the botableal Zieimrimen-i of See if by artifielal pollonation lie hampered In tile work by backache.
azed these pills witih remarkably I-larvard University has gone Into the could lint socuro 6t supply or fruitful Stooping continually at work is tile
matter with a good d,_nal ofthor- sugar cam, snod. INID natural seed cauoa ol a great deal of backache,
beneficial effects, and the-cheristhed nj;hno", anl exp,�l,!mnt.i have been wa.,� to W, obtainod in the whole IS. tillough brt In the Way MIUSt PPOJ):0
daughter of many a. houscil,,,old has c" these lawl. Aftv�r rActin3what extended GX- im igine. Mr. Margan's letter explaini
andertakell to parpetuato
been transformed from a pale and valuablo spacinA. P("Xim.",lits, good see.1 was obtained, the truth of the matter when lie aly.,
� ris wt
SICklY girl Into it happy an,d ro*,%ust Tile records of rocks unearthed by . as Iti-oved by micro,scopie exam- W411's L*idtiey Pills cured Ills bacir-
0011�dltiou by their use. ti inatilon. Som- of it was, planted in ache. It wao really Kl�!aey ache that
le geologi,ts show that In former Cuba, and soziv.N ar It in the botaill- rodd',9 Kidney Pils, cured. It Nva.s
ages there were many plants, just
ave regain- a s t,ilere cal gardon In C.imbrllg?,, where Mr. really Kidney ache that troul,led Air.
AmOng the many who h, - were many animals, wlAch
ed health' and streogth thrungh the have since livennin extinct. Plants Ames mak,ps a vDI-olldid effort to Morgan. I e . �
, prodnoi-N .quecossfill hylirlds of Or- Backache Is thp commonest symp-
Me of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills IS Which flotirlshe-I and died in tb a elfhlq nad otli,��r lnt,�rrlsting plants. tom or Ki(iney Dj&,jase. 1�i.jney Lis-
XISs Ernestine Clouti,�r, the fifteen c-irbcniferous pz,riod, for InAancue, In Cuba, th- I)11nntN,,vq reported, the eaM 115 the commonest of linin'.n.ii all -
have b,,.,en. preiierved for thousands onjod came up as 12:rtv,�;, as it (>tight manta, and Dodd'a Kiduey Pills are
year old daughter of Mr. Q. A. Clou- of Npars aq p.-L)tential agoncles for to hav�-, and was rooted up and the olle infallible curo fur all KI.Iney
.1n:l -P ty
tier, reidding at No. 8 Lrallernand voinfurt , conveniciiL, of mail- throlvn away. But tile fecundi of diaeast.s. Read what Air, Mum"
stre-et, Quebee city. -Mr. Cloutier in k1li'l. The gluit, ferns and otlic-r this si(l is a1rnnAy demonstrated, ea,rs about them himself.
aa InIterview with a. representativ forms of p�arit life wlik,li are nclw a -lid it only romaina to, b,! seen what "I been oubject to lame back
,of the Telegr-aph gave tilie follo I e founil in th� furm of coal had served sort of a plant will bo developed. Mr. , for elght yearst The different rem-
. wLug thoir purpise, and in tilo action of Atkins is very dosirctio that Har- edico I tried weret n.1 gotid, I got so
acc�Ount Of Ills d,lum,liter's illness end natural laws it 1was ftitIng that vard olvxild pstablish In th-r- West that I wao crippled up entirely and
reeoverx: "Almost from inra,ncy iny they .rhould bpv.-)m,? extinct. But the Indipa a lnito-ratr�ry of economic bot- couldn't do a tap of work. Another
daughter had li-oz enjoyed good 1!e.�advncP of thn Sugar 0,1,110 and the any. to andortak- a Pourse of Inves- thing waiM a frequent' desire to urin-
hea,lth, her constitution being of a potato Issi not natural, but rather re- t1gatio-no paralk-I to, that of the ate, altogether unnatural.
r-'a`ts from the virvilinstanees or their laboratory which Prof. Charlem S. "About a year ago, I commenced to
Krall character. We did ant pay cuitivati�m. Tile danger lies In the Sargmnt, of th, Arnold arl3orteum- use Dodd's Xldniy Pills. I had run
r weakness as fact, that both have Won propagated anot-hor botanical doliartmont of the d,ull-ti in weight to about 140 poundie.
w6 thought that site would outgrow for wt) many generations frombuds univorolty-ho-t-s to Pstablis,li In Vur;n the tim �, I was using 'Dodd's
It- UnIfortunately t1lis was not tile -tll(-. sagar vane from the JAnts Of Arizona for tit- otwly of the. differ. Kl,lli:�'y P1110 I gained 23 pound,4. Ify
case, and ." site grow older alie be- RL'ilks, an -I ilie potato from the eyes <,nt varinty of onctus. The project bavk gnit better an -1 better aq I con-
CaMO, So Wetak that I got alarmed at of the tuber -that they have almost r.or silell a IV,a,4t 111(11.,ln botanical la. tiritivA takin-, the pills,, until to -day I
ker condition. For days a.t a time lost the power of pro lacing fruitful boratory hao alr*�afly spcurW� the am aig free from backache as ever I
Ishe was unable to take out of doors Feeds. For a century or more, dur- L%p of Pomp financial assistance wae in my life. Thisafter eight years
pDxercise; S110 became listless, her ap- Ing whi2h ri-Ko,duction from buds rnAmls at, I)r,-,-,r.,nt reopiving Serious of it ineanami awful lot to me, I real-
Vettte failed her, alid as time went eall be suceessfully continued, the e�on,qldoratlon In tlr- bonp that tile lze the dangio, I was in and know
,art She could not stand without sup- f1let that thp sepils themselves be- whn'lo ammint, ll,r#,%x;nry to estab- jvhat I,Owc to DAd'o R'Idney 1111bz.
porti,lig herself against squie,tiling ceme Sti�rile or il-tvindle awa3l and likil It will slv�rtiv bo forth coming. C.1 recommen I Dodd'si Kidney Pills
allid at times she ,trould fall Ill a (118111V,ar does n --t, avem partieularly Potato is of Nig-litshadeFamily. to anyonp who bao backache or any
Saint. I mlled in a doetor, but Ilh-i ImItortalit. Filial!.r. however, there Praetleally till that has been said other KOney Complaint."
rtzediclue di -I not help her and she comes a tlay-, 7"te tile PI-esent, when in relittion to tho dpgeneratlon or __
1", 9� wmkor than ever. An- a whotp, �,-Pvles, sh,,ws �,Ixus ofthe tile sugar van., way .also ba said of A HARD OUTLOOK.
Qtherphycielan wati thpli consulte4l, fl(triorat1,n whiell precledes extine- tilt, pi)tato. Tiii,g 1181ful vegetable,
Who pronounced hi, -r ea,se onp of gpn- tion. an;) It 1,; then only lky crossing
leral �i-�b. It Is Intero.-min- to note. bkAGUgS to -
- plant or olne j.b,, lljVjlt8jla �. - .- ons In Chfun Now Said to
lit.r, .and gave ur- very little one, 1)1:lnb with atinthpi .1tilll be
h0p2 for h-r remnery. Smue, alontlis variety wfth an kthor varlAy that d family, as Wi botanic- Facin- t4tarvallon.
ago ,trl;ll-- re.741.1ig Iml. tic tho %iiiiii tite iirp or tiv. siv-0os o:t.n hp rf- at nanie. '*solanum tub.-rusum." In- -
vax,rs I eam-t a6;oss tho ea -v- tir .1 n U.40. Bat It ill-, ptint lias lost "Ile."eq, tho Common polsonous lilght- (',,in you pleturp millIono of people
you!lg womian vurid hy tit,, lisp iq I it; lier-Il-prokluving f.-I-0ty suell Rhade Il'ing the I'solallunt algrum." fl(leltaix to tit k -Ir rutue,d v illagi* along
i - ,
Dr. Wildnini, Pini; 11E];. so I klt-tor- (Iro-sinx I.; milo,nt!y 1njp6,;-IhIo, aw, The p)tat-) has li�i-n found wild In III" 1�0'1110. alparl;ic I with the ld". of
ZMWNI V4 glv(u thPut a trial. After ItIv, df�nf"w,rathln I'llust continup to -11"I"') 41111 %1'03th America, and was rivonstructilig their home -4 antl out-
'Allp had mrod nbitit thre�- boxes tilo its- Jolgi,-al re"inIt. talzoll Vp Elig"Intill lly Sir Walter Dal. tiv�itlng 011CO ninle Sections Of grollill
color b�gaak to eonr- hark Vk her Aut-ient Orl-iii of Sugar Cane. i, tow.irtl thp eloviv or the r,l.,c. that had bavn their m-nme ofeilp-
ehq,eksard r4ip b,gma tvt groow iitrinig. -7 tiath vontur,%,. It I.; unzweessary to port ?L Ever,ythlng Im Itarren : overy-
t*r. (Irontly pnt-�qnj,au Angnr C1411P is. Of emirsc�- one, of
go,l I)v tJjl,;, s!II,, t1ek. 11, �.,t ,., ,
�11 rpror to %lo, eltormong quatititleq or th,.n,T to waste. Tit(% once thrifty val-
cOntIOU1,41, L� IlIz-I, thAu'111IN ior st-veral ag " .-t alilp awl liapoirtantof pi`tilto,es wnanall,N Paten in Ettrolle. It" 1--� 0111V 4 C013thIllatt011 of rlliw4
kn4l wtvr Ot�. I%il-� w*bl . . r;en'.tirral prot.hletR. Aev4trihnx to I vieva*Iiatlon. The military apera-
4.4m Auwrw.t. It 18 SlIffiCIOUt to Say " .
*401tthR. t .tllv ,, t *o are the only signs of actual ne-
%Irl olt 1wr w-,*%. ll,*r apm-titoo "' 1114al Pat lolsttmy it wtw first Gown
� 1:j gtj,��41 I:, ttwt ivlot4i th,s- luotato dl,iogwe appear- .
Ard F411 � Ila,; -atat *It tIll ir.lhl. iwUnolm, 1041a. WhOnvis it ww; liro-11!dtt by c--tl In IS 15 it pro,hw��,d a fainine, In tWity. The popalation otnitolN with
will,%elti. 5r� Nvih'i atal-�, tho VNIPtiall,; t4o NnrIsp- 1-larilogthos lawlth n5apa ani waltilig. What do
Pink PON lually I4x%14itw1, partivularly In Ire- 1%
'eave vadt pq,� t�:.r ,-.rst6,ll1 rvol linvo tu:,611fth eplutnry an -I I-ItIt hat 1.11 lo tlo'W lalt for 2 Tlwy do n tt know.
Ima,b lov I.P411411V ar,�'� .wtho attpr ht, mc, 10\teut in tho g,4!wlik 44f thp I;iud. %vhoro f -)r .vpare. putatoeq bad WWI- tit, tro*tii,.,z of thp N%0111 Wail-
dw.ton fo3A 14� 'Itma'Et lo.r. 1 114- Mvohturranpan� L-tter It was Introw. b,,,,,,i tht- Odor .,irtirle �A food aniong ,.., ; over tile fact, of -their province
Ucvv, tlm� Or, %Vloll!!Zlw�, 111�11, I 4144-0A Into .;paim awl fluaBly into tho lower elgsscs. t t0wry 4min Ix: no peace. And thoweeke
IM, ,
ar,-- tIr-* pn-,t tc,4t 1"�Eu�,Tvn rlt�j i1w r' Anwr�pa, w4oro It b,#pnmv- fGntys The*P ii aillong the elleapebt fry by the grount hungero for the
sw ofall the enitivatod lowls. and while ,ro .1 *
growing gl.-t.-*. z3tl,l I Ivv,121,1 - tall"Wip'l doirlwo tho, ,S�%tkwlltlu epn- 'c from lite hanl of the Nonver and
tthi,�* V,I% kl1w0%vga a!4 ,4r,ae�. It h� gent -rally known that It Is rtb. j,'�qlcl
,thtL -,I tUat toiry. Uptatoh%�',_ ` lip <-ru,!e plough Iq
m�,�t ia v-10 f'*niw�-i Arulltr t . 4 wantilig. T,
41' M1V datta%tor.,.. t1l,artini t#ffiIilunr�unt," It 1,; a owt prWoAve'l W buddong", .114'res of %hl,! I' �,MWPJ Into tile oaft mad tit the rtv-
I- wi-.*�g f,�f �,Ri�-W.R;,%Vwv 41poll'i k+!z ,� roT ftArtmg vaptc-slol4l,tivi ignm�z. tv,n tPilior eoutoinln�r, "v,vt-411 1194129plallt- I vrlo bank, and grows rusty with age
lbew to minr tit"Ov-z' I, 'r twolvP fobot lo!'�.vh. wktN a l.tr4lo�iezilutito,�i�-rql-,Ill�1.31104tiro.4d-,rs%villbt�lI yal d4use. Tho rottfs cp��r the mad
indQ 409 14til -P grl)r�,
'rotma ghl ;V�1&11 L�Orktr as 6%04 401.1, F#athslry 147om- to? 14,nver4. It N atil t4t ,�'21 ts# 40aru that potato ectol It"turma are not rellinved. No Move-
%D v, IV015 iI sqN." PA". I'a"[4 ajoll Iftsl� prv��Djt nrosuvfi in all wpapin) ewito � Is .:!b ahn-o-t Wilai-Mrti 44 (-Ur1oS1t.% Mint la NIQUeenWo l"waril-t Lits, vt=
iiii6i fl, 'm �C�,V.nfN4 hv:. .41" .I ?Ldpitav�414 tris,% anO Vi- jogunto f r fifty 64 lot) 1:0 tbe la11,-:;A1l1 411 ow"aunfle botan.v .� t epretrualloll of villagel n1n) ilithwa. I
of thol ftk�at% 4w,�,, , � a
_W-,S� 11? 4 f.,voln-t ,`,'�414 rwuvrati-u-2 ha�v livell t�t "t � lfor'64a,,l Owro are tait*1+3 of potatu The chwAle Abil till )it of thlygo sl es
Of C"."VA.'allt Woal,lw��,a. %v�jj fitpi re, 1-43 fr,�*111 tho 4,1119 w8oXth spring froat phnt�. theln,htr, me 115nk and whar not ellango. Tlap panno of hungor
IUCAVC31 fiftAth an -1 Nq,VwD, v!3 in tho ta�.tb th"i j)�ntq '43, tho va!po. A !4eetiqVil bltr-isipaasanl t1g.. �.urajlvllkoq trait. btat fm:lw sit the %hatti of tailliello, NVIth
I 0
401� A row b*w.-q of Ile wi-I "r V tt 404 ev�intaquilva." fqll,-,� of t10.4go IWS E-C-tLIWq.#!A.,L4J0N:, trait ling bv- 110 MP'1119 Of 11"f',eurlatt UIPIP hArc UP -
W fll,t� §'�.411 by �011J 41E,�!ll',� ligln�,* llinju "�V,Znsrat,jvp ,f��satjti; N 19 .'..01OV-4 ,.11,301 al i 91,0.R10 Or) U9114N.- 1,_Vtia(.t Vint few ILE,)- cee.-Itt's of life. whnt Cam thpqo M11-
. o I , -tl I lig-tr --tn�'LA I,. I flowo itt) ?-t. Frel. Ackvrmti la Le -,:-,j
Abt&� J04 -_'.A P�Al. ftt- .'19 �, I * I - �!Y''310 W4 -Aaltl',4 -J0r5,flJ2,,v.q�, ,Vk% Ovn Tr4aja tht? vgrl�ndtural d.',_i-
It I; . , I I IWO wcekkv.
V" it &�)Tcs IF& ,�4;11_1�9 �q,.- ��:, VW�'AL'g.t"X "t4' "tq!"P tor'a"'i"At-0,J0 104n,,',� Vol'4 al:,111%� tNets v4 the e ),mtry. have ever KIM 11
D-. IVINE"'u-c ,�i .1.� A ." V �_ IlAntIA 0�v n lc;r� � I
- - . V!,*I off'R.; lorirAnet'l, lt� In thi, D, vid4h+. howt-vtur, It us -
DracktUh% MiAt, I '�%JwavWIONC'. w.� thr. 101,not� lal'uttarlm.1 4,6-arly 8'�11�11.*V.01 11�1u-A the 1"tata vi�
* 0 � -t0.�, ro�ikul,-,ol to t0w tomato, un,l
- ,Eo,.v pq1t fr*rtlug 1019�-.:!��'M'U. tvaAA ukii,; -
th.,ou'd" afs lu'r-ant".110 wri thoy -?f�r ftv" tz;c,"!i�ft' 4 Orrah�,Voaavagt Of �tte,;;,4
I ., -
FRU IT TREE HORERS. i W. -N% tDgnn�2,�uv�,, ar� alp�zln!,IMAI�G,9 011111 t�4 '1�017�� 1,�ti,R�1_�T upi Uio ori'Naja fr%i,�
'i V�pq . - th pliNt'.
— tanfrHE of IbA I
Naltuible ,18Wage!4t%otk4Condpn!!p,,1 g, 0*1a ii IVPL,V,n !It tvaq vfts:-*��*Vcvrpl "Illy fho hrat. Utioldim. .1lethot, Most In Vague.
r �, RUW,8 that t!!av 4vgIr L"Iniek WAS , A, TaVor, of Mar�,*,,tr,,(t. oi.vs.
An Elvetilftent st;ItIon Hullen :0. 0 Prk= torwo, &O Um,l im,_,tv varlenci AlffM
t,lr4na HU4 pp,%-('�r to IM't'I'mo fran- * Zopt,,j -�.,,, "Ofto bottln of 1%l1%AlHY.A I.I.MMEN'T
5'..�V._,J!� .4 ttL e gkAnto ka*- e Wa--a 'lleve �
_, " nt. Wi;�
. man3� cftlujr_�@ Ibtu:ferel a 6,.it-�Ilvy 11, mau ": � ._ ?�."attnC.V�l ar.g -at W-Ueft -
"I ftnrme_.4s1r.1V t,�_w; daNng trtv Inst. ji .1 tvom arntft Enhro-II, ung. Z,qq it I " �'e fcrfuz,�ng knll the 8�!CA. b�lt UDIS tt- earc4l &,&*r4-,Wqg of t&#! ganable 1111tt
64:110itkit'r rflotj trw QtL-"f�& III, b,reva, t,7fV,JPJ bi.9 V!4Jz,n,yJ in Otrj",p L_n�, I quDrco 4z&#.=vvb1aat eq atuz el altd igalrA a hlca� worVh $14m.k.
p ��_,'4 "a p-,vialLvat,
Mcwt rarru,"i's do b �,t gu,Ar.,�,�� thwt � Iffl'JIL" � - of _n. trVatch ta qadntt M,4 ffikvkly to prove a Th!�Ox W. Rislor.. of Bat1mrst. S!IV#A
I , Z, -An't zLtpat Tant��,q�g !.!"mim ortifi-I anflure ao a &U,,c Es. Tke Vrat ,year,L- th#e Etc ot & valwilile horge that the
there t@ ot*-thang wr,�t�tlg u-ItEq tLe r�-L�qlj %J%Z-,�,q U4 rr-�Ilvt�.,ul,�9,m v�nutja Il'-', crep q9I tubpr,q fr4-1"4 it IM -40 V4L%Ib� had-Aivon fals. wlth a fosr 1"t -
I 11
"tIft"a -1, . on "! U - 1, 'y tem . Ung ot &m I 406 or MM. AR&S LININIRNT.
.. untga tb!� lk'�d,�e4 ttur-0 vf 'Ott, !v'�VA tho %:0,�t'?Ig wo,'dI PV J tO ;.;,� Di"Irafli. -la'aq fur iWMIEC-r-
**a beg�n t--�� tali iii tawoat,�t " 61,111, r 'T�,ap hL+NP4 w*4 n,0q
I Jr.- wi�,r. .tf- . �;.v rl,43 ift'll ut cial w§"%. so tu _,�
!;;ft thle efige hus bei-fi rflac-hpl th...t; p r.. &q t.�,,J1S1t,fJ%zJI. t,P.e,.4I,NS.,-., ,,�rj,pt. ate� "it the ts" hn,g pmec!�
I . little br,pe lor Mce trf-e. on I It (,1i[,L.,; tt.�p � " . i -to ,ut ut -an4 bepn ahuL,dt en-
. 1);�.q, ri,qrl - - la ,Lte 3io
I t .ctp� 1 foor tho 8Tz g�pv'I;Iua. tirelv" 4Mv.-mizanod. Tne buddirj&
, taldild froit. A gla-M.4, at the trpo tl,,ft of t%,qr .,p'-�Ae.,? and Ulf- lftttl- e i-lol 4 pr -q) a ga t lon law bmu e,4r , -
*ffll be.#_Iftel�-rlt to ��,ee tftat th�. b. -Irk Dpet of l3val plae--2 h"m -11;z9ve f1thor n2 t
Aw the', trank la,dead 6nd black in ir- .tn�nl,tIq the I v,n to 0�ie,,,o an el,teut that It i,;
, � h--ew,;,�T- it 4gU"1V,q hita to, the 140;�, for tl,te bl.)O,zoms to Withpr __
*ft"dAr opi-ts ah I Enm ZWY& IW,_ imaluktaDn 1?qP nro vot thgo ra-pe. ulbdp-r without rr,
%@atll the 4#-.,141 bati to the bigrees �VtNima*�M. aml I-veu In , —
lburfoiV fitlesl with worm draA. It a . - TOO X - i
Wt sa,rts "T run"aver.91010 elten'd- the excepl,�(�u q'I cae:�_q where fruit .414- SHE WAS 1 VN'Daflg� F.D.
ftrdb. 1�w4t of bmilk- 9.,X kiol-,nI. V�e bark stamcc,s. Ale Vitt, bri,60 I,tf mW9 15; peare ut Iq gi L -n -'My sp-elless au.ql I I
- lna!n,.a1nCA VIA 5n.mr4we'l 1-.v thto bl'trs";Il. It W hergogy CU3 to all entlms- Stlehigaft, GId Thought to Pet4drb], 2
ofilmV, lw&d begin tqy tot, and arp rd"ON q-tonqton', Ir-rfN-s;-ftvt or C II -t turl�', Luther I�urb.da,,�.
W 'ra. T In ih I&I a -1s, 4v 7 I- 1,�Ott. V, tl vu
with it iblaelircom growth whi -17 i9i ,4,.LI t".. ge-nAlde-'I -�T .,--mata f:g4t�u. Cal.. t1hat tile svc-L,
- I qt it fir,1Jrg(.fr.3g! �t1,;,!rL.'!±i
ido-4w the- firumii-_ 1wi,ftnum ou� thp M , �� I ItIndijo** to a AlAu to Churelt.
nps,s. S-�v In jr�arit litp .'s N',nvlar ii o,f t1fif. 11f)tat,y f,d tq_v.,jgy i�102, Perivat. There Is one yomang woman llviug
kwfm-de of t1w tkutcc nuQ1 re'spiablirs .
Hwdt W11ch Ld" sepit oug rotten 1:1p.g. rr.-t14qhL-F N vss -ut h i tv� thp lrl-'9111�- 11 uatel. at L'Afisid, Mich., whose billevoleat
�, ia
. . . '.
tpnflnu.� of a Rp;-�-1 �_ pyaluts; .nre1j 11r. 'Dith:Ink hae pre�lue�'d MaLT11 I diiVo,sffioll receivel a severe phuel.
;�,W� "t lWav haivii h tilt- ileath ,r,f thf, '1I lr-41,�R!fip'l nq t�:_*,u r1r low a,; tfapy� n2w an I valuable varletlp,,�, of pl,uj�% I last 8unJay evening. ";he was at
j*tee, but Wtree that ii� ,��irondl aud , a rr , - ,
.4 trt � - ator nr Ipss dv- I pc�4�ellf4s ;-,'n I C trajvberrj,�,s by cr�_sj�_ thukdh, anjoat d]reetly b's,hind a tall.
Orf6t ftom Wer,3191 is vetv setion, it I j"j1-�.!-,1 , , I
I*ftt ittLadkel by thiaifot.* The bf-C �t wev-v Upp e-01! -9'��v fcwr p'tp:-tuntIng - �r,.i.' v1M 17hr-n it & Z,! - Lgmwn th�� 1L � w,ell4repsed stranger. witia a ravir.4-
� 1V -11 -1. T ' I '?,,w -- iNto T,%,u- fkAert"'rating ana k, - Ing litt-fting t,ji lula cryllir. lk,lng oftv
to 410 W to keep the tree fref. ,I th�, 1 M t !I � 67�,X3'_V 64 PIP T. -11 iow tw. -
'4 ,r -r,
. ff-� biri ,kl, o-�j"nt .,In�j -
. - .-V-'s-pt lv"t- 11 C.4al up* ne 31r. p,qt,- of thocie gt-iftvrou,s4#eatte.I. whole-
"Zotwa bote+o an I Gther in�ar!-P!7. The � ; - *101"-wK te],*,
U&I enontl b*- ke,pt ftee trait _ra.ns , fum -,an I fi-Tt-Ii Irl's P.1,T-aAar .4tr.M.*P- , 0 -AL,�, ;)T 11w .U�,rvard bAl'an--cao g,c_ v6uh-A, glfls U-120 grow n-1 to Irt. M,Ala-
'�WAd WO'P'36 111114 'Well tQ'ItIVAted. 4'V%$r!J1 � nlp�A, �iry a'l 2"or Vv' Irutp3l:- oT�74-:, P.�.-tim'at' gano aptIY "Mpt'e--St��4-i It. ;-�f_'� erV el I I!td1_L% tL ftk�'"'V - iI vvetrboldy
;_4AM& t�ttivatian I@ Worth M �fe than tfraetftl:�,, or,�,�;�ts �Z,,v tILIt thf� Tmr.- � Ivent to gt4_�,A pairLsf to smatt see,ls itt towift, eae thought h l " . w gG,l i0le
Atli, Vw-e waWhe_q a h I deegs�nc Orl
,;s that IIT,,Vin�t V i P.M mly bA lrnh,rE4�11 tto�un � to Z�ez Ili true testcotatl�n of the spt� trould be It some kift1-1 *�qtted A
A"& be app�lej to pteve-nt 1WD*e -1 p7ant *qv jvlamf. etr,i�sIvg Individtial ; ek0- 1,*; a ruZe ' tte sm,�eg am-3z"nt 'of woull do go niuch tot her lath Ir wete
- %= , I' Ile _t 0 v ka dg
jpa.d' w4o-v. fievrovee. is "q", DrUD with ndir-Munu SnA One Variply'q 9-�WIWIJ-012 n,)W,1!mr'�IVia9 the degener� ,40 to to that 11 rith a Veil
.i . haneing,down big back. -so when the
jkwky Vni'm what il, cos"s to upp9j., with am-otIN-r. e plant Is likely tO tgM i
,*W W111100 InVC,h tOWard pre-,entR= away gmin�,,dzate t, e r
, lllstat�y orTwo Little Steds. , I7.,L*.1 tha,t the gteat_ I an9ca,ot.-sogeto th tisthymnshe
'j*ded f
tftie�, fftLclvo ot bqrprs cul othet In- , W, rp�e till I 61fl.3 are requlitel to 83- 16L,, it alf. Cgtetally
1,11ere Us a little rable, popuiar I otlf-o the grow th Of tieed 1gatts. n,DW. miengr her hand, 4she gave a lUtle
Aftit-4. A OW-POZ11ad C.In ,or 001"cen- vul:mlg 1witalulsts, wMela BlIngtrates ch, -but It wao loftgtr than site I
Ift I vcw! 4.0 in the ease of ,.he lou I
. Atm Iyo &,eiolried ilr two Or throL, the point very re-atty. Two eewils of 'a COMInOn Varieties 'are eapposo, atil a toot or more np-
4&1low 6t water Makes; a very goo,] the eamc Plant ,were Separated In I CMIlLN, an the I p,!kated. .,:;6ttiv-� her teeth, ehe gave I
Aree WAA. AWIthek 9<sod W"141 -tan their yontiv. ffin!� being,droppad ot a, ` ,C:ow-ft, 'by contrast With the hybri !�. I -
�, .
'Me tuade of oft,I�ajr pint pine tar, to boa lees valuable, the warn:ng of c% pull, aftl about a vard of that hot-
, mountain A le frOmi tbc� be -1k of a WIrd I the b,t,afofs isr b6lug I�Le,t-ded, and, rible thread h - � d __ his back. This
,Ajo"4�;Rlf pit -it carbo13 gel.l. and two anJ the othel- tvingm c- A into the,, itirtizsing, but, deter -
1. . arrie 4
� -
WMEVANWIone ,-Oft g:)ap, Thesfe washes can heart of v. owamp b�r th a0 has beed eeen , science Iu being WaIS1 getting e
e, current of , 1hifted ehe jg�ave ItI �wotber yank and
-'Iy be, appliel with an old White- t& etre.1m. B�Otb brougtz t I rt 1 jar III! called upoli to point oat the meang oZ V
�%,� I 0 hSM; relief. . dIs0_4OVeftd that ,she wag unraveling'
��Mh braell or x swab made of old plantse, but in, the course of, lu,jny- �'
I ... I tied ,6n theF end of a stick- The - hw 130etshirt. later d1866thritute Wag
I sliould b�- sipp:iad two or three generatlono the mountain plant be_!'i so painful V181 chrokofatut would 130t I
I � cable etron;t And hardy, while the �,' X-eP Minar&R LhAment in the have h1leviated hee valferhiga not, &
I to the, trahk and lato I;mbq tmo. pla ame ,I -ad Wit 11� HOU96- I
.. - the empirint and earXjr suid ek. *�w, , rLt bee. ,,,Ott 4 - - U I Pjht ot poiMer hiddely ht"r blushes
eev. The t;nite came when the swamp �i when th6 gentlem&n turned With an
, lor,;io <Tried vj� an deharged to meadow- 1, rrhe codling 310th,
-Aftfti-d's Liniment Lumberma.n�a 9 enquiring look to eee6 wbit *.*w Vick -
tali, 1. The awa M -P Plant WaS no' fitted 11 Atftn.v f1rnierg In Ontatio appear to lilig b'W hedk. C . . I
*iKial for title ,suelden change of conditIOM be under the Impression that recent - - - - - _ __._., _ I �
". I I
ani ,would tMeedfly have liftome ,at- regulations adopted by the ontarla L S'. 16 - - . 16 , i0it � 46 *� - i
. � Thtt%v it ,&-&asr. `Govt-knment In, regard to the destrile- 01, DONT forthii IL -84
vh�_-t had not a. bo* brought pollen T .10.0
After hear!n,X ei. I lence in a n assault front the mOubtaln 05de and crossed tion of the Codling Moth on apple - - , - . I
I :taoee between ln�xa. and wlfe� in whieh the weak plant with the strong. Thus trees are idompulsory upon all per. '146ptUlle' '%V111eed' !
'the Wife &Ctl a deal of provceatlo-d thO Meadow plant WaSI th''O child 111 ,-on;t These regulatlong llav,e� been i
theI maglettate, turning to Vv� hus-, tjXe Monntalft' MMJ, tyle IswaM,P, b4fut The.y w6to speaking of their llt& !
,6, L inade in accardance With the pro,_ ag,.
Inj"r L -ed. 1*1 waffAlf,ferelit from them both -a. new VISIOns ,of tile 0� 10 I I
etilark My g -od, man, I
o JN x us Ingecte Act "I do tot hesitate to Ear to yda"'11,
t'Wly cannot do anyfiling '.n title variety. passed in 1000. 'P'h's Is a lo'cal OP-. remarked the intelleetut'Ll lueftaald,'
I i6gae."t
� lftb�reptlng as the botanical theory tioin Act tMd e0iue�,& into force only
I , ri, lilt , 19th&t I tLjnx a cross from a lobster.,,'
I -91d Phe has cut. z Ce of my ear W, it did noi &Ppeal at first to the 4n: those municipalities that adopt it . The peculiar light in her eyes� and
� il brf, ,ft:, 3 4svgar planters who were raising
� "well " geM I the ningi4tratip. -r will cr,opsI from budding just ag they had by by-law. tile fact thaA. she sat on the Op -
P Ufrlher OVer to, k"p, tile peaee."' been ±aUej for � m-ttly centuries. slto� side of tile table from him,
'"YOU "U*t,"' eliotitel the busband; )�M�ng the ph=tIera, howover, the At the meeting of the diplioulatic . ,
1i = Neptune wince'-Makine Jour-
Uaels Viron,a it awavu."'-Tit-Bits. wao cne notable exception, I,1 F. .C�,_rte, 1� corps, held TUP,Sday, A reduction of Dal. � . I .. I
- __ - WMP
I 4 4 k1w, or, Boston, flidowner of One of t. tile C. sP tlairaS, as proposed by
, :,!;,.; " � :� I.i. ..1.1.11 :-, I . I . I .... 1:71 1 :, 711.�.�i-,;.7.7
" 1. � . - I : L I - . 11
I I . 1� I : , I : I I I � I .. I I - I
I I I .
. � . . . �
I I � ::: I
I I . , .
� I . . .
. 1. I .
11 11 - - I. I .1 - ...- .1.1 I I � I I I � .1, 11 . . . . . .
squelching :,
i A Reformer.
1 ",
UD from anv sickness, no matter
In an Excuse for a Town known .
. ' *
as Pokeville, there were not mally what sort, begin with a little
Live Ones. Tjle typical Residentbad Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
been there so lon,g that hehadtakeli 'I
Root and, Ilad .Lichens and MOSS 01, . I
growing on Iiiiii. If he had a Dollar It is food, and more than
he was banging on to it like Grim
Death, now and then letting out a food: it helps you digestwhat�-
Low Wail about Taxes. If aroused ever food you ban bear.
from Ills Tgpnce and compelled to rRec SAMP" A140 TRY.IT.
Ante for a Pourth of July Gelebra- sc 8""o Fo"
OTT & 13 NE TO, T014ONTS;
tiou or some,thing of that Marac- S Zand $t.00-,"aE1ffl1!d6Mjrgi I sts.
ter lie would separate himself from — . I �,
about 75 cents In Coppers, Postage
Minlis and Milk Tickets, and then 41 THE SCIENT OF THE RORS "
lie would sit dowA and cry like v, - - . - , , ,
. , .: ,01
P -111.1d, _ Cot,, 1 '! I I.. 11' ' - '. 1.'tl�"'� Alillions of Flowers Used to Produce
?4iare was a great deal of Wealth the Attar.
' '
in Pokeville, but most of it was , The scent indiLstry is a, very large
salted away in Woolen Socks, Coffee
Mills and Chimney corners. Tile , one, and there are Some Interesting
ones who had It pleaded Poverty. particul.ars in the Girls' Own Paper.
They cut, their orwn Flair and bor- wrAcerning attar oil. The quantity,
ro,wed somebody also's paper to of roses used is almost incredible. In
rea.d. The Town was so far behind the boat districts it is computed -that
the Times that it had lost the tho petals of 300.000 roses are re -
Route and was Doubling on itself. quired -to produo., one ounce of the
The People Ili Pokeville didn't begin c�ssf_,iice, while in. Prance and some
other countries In which the climatic
to shig "The Blue and the Gray" conditions are not so congenial the
until late this Spring, and the,more number would increase *to ,100000.
chipper once are ,beginning to ask
who has read "Dayid Harum." There It is not generally knawn that attar
of roses can only W) extracted from
Is a 9 o'clock Curfew Law for Mar- flower. The
ried men and at 9.30 all the Side- tim red variety of the
walks are talcen In and the Electric yellow and whito, speeltis apparently
lack tile essential (;il. Consideratiolis
Lights go out. ' I1kP these will show h -)w vrell grou.nd-
In this Town there was one Pub- tlr� ,populti- impression that
lie Spirited Alan. He was lit favor of ed Is
attar of ros-i 13 one of tile most
a Baseball Nine, Asphalt 1,4trectsand costly coinmodid,?a in existence.
a Half -Mile illrack. He was all the Attar of roses, Iii, fact, is literally,
Vine Scheming to bleed the Fogies wor-th a good deal more, than its
and Granmes for Vunds to Improve weight In gold. SAM gold is priced
and beautify the Municipality. I -To tit alx)ut C-1 p, -r Olin"-, but the same
eaL at tile (, 'le
_ .Pr _
hammer . , Vatlye 1�, quantity of attar -would cost -the pur-
il ater Workq clias(�r 920 to 00. Lilco all other
and a Fire Department. '.Pills Man vominoilitles of tho exIlensive order,
engineered the ordinance for hav- attar of fosps is liable to the abuse
Ing the weeds cutdown,and itivne of adulteration. Its own propprtles,
It(- 17:110 sat oil tile -Necll- of tile however, are such as to make a cer-
City Council until It promised 1;O tain amount of dilution nevessary. In
sprinkle tile Streets. its orl-rinal purity tho pprfinue Is
After lie had strahipil ]lie back for altog
� gpiher too overpowering for use,
many Years try�ng to yall Vhn Town A sirgle drop of tho essenee Is suffl-
out of the Yellow Mud and give it a el -tit to Impregnate a whole pint of
Standing, a few of ME; admirers got hair Ott with tll� wall known odor.
together and nominated him as ,ill Fo- this rrason it mot Infrequently
Independent Candidate for Mayor. happ,ma that a purellarmr of so-called
mylig that tile (;Itlzplls would lip puri- attar of roses really g is noth-
gladlIto t4iow zlie'r Appreelattm of I c'
* lin - �,- Imit a measure of olive oil with a
all that lie had 4�no for trip Town. fr,lkv '.rop,q of the powerful scent
0. tprmition all of tile wll:te wlns- I adid Ili.'
kered. Grouvhes anod the ireep!ng Tax I
Dodgers and thp varIvgated F0,36ils
'who had been bang:nX as a. dead To Cure a Cold bt One Day
We-giit 01) zhe Community for Rev- TaL-e Laxative llronm Qtlininp Tabletor, Al
6Aral Dveadr-,-7 saw it Chaavo to Catch tirnugist,t reftind tbe, ivmwv if It falls to curft
oven. 'Ilivy got out the*r ti.'Pilge- -'5C- 1'.,NV,(�ll'Ovessign;ttur.,ii;otiea(,-I)bor.
Hammers altil (11pavers anol matle a
grand RnAx for -tit,,, Ilub'ro- .%-*p-'.rltpd Sakirl's Plan.
Man. and all thp TIi'_k,,-; th(ey did Do1w.ugeon Indi,pplitIrrit: The To-
to 911m It would tako tflo to tell. ronto 11toolipal Volh-ge, should bave
Ever.y one that PNer had to part tlire,% subjoets for tho pleklp vat
with an �k"skwqllllkat was gla I or the within n wpt�k. Tibr,,,wp or the 1pad-
cliftlive, to Jualp
Dog"!(,, Malt awl "It �Llltl 'tow" (on tile liv, vrinilan1t; or th;w etnihn,wnt have
trx tit G bugo ailm 4 -
in, a Vital Sp A. 111110-.� 111"I 111111 lip and �R' UIP4 a ilonstablo wltlk tho obli-et of
Darled Win do,p and ri-fawA to Mark P '"" ki"L*- PRe'aP % Thp emirt Is sit -
t%lot. ji 1-1119X: thpy Nhob-1111 III, given a trial
1111", lla,*or thoy lbut Ili wn'; at lil..11 41toonollopiranda 1-alf,111clud.
"� g 11 1-1-1, v#I,Irp_�;q#,, twpaty-tour hours to
& Va.*1en hrn it wit, # had bven Ottin I
a It"I'king (�rklr *.,.er 0?le-�, the War. .,, , ,rinf,&% any b�is1w,,,-qs affairs they
llstelling ta tile C.*4wit tiek. 11N ph e- Wit,%, havo witt 1,011tpulplato tjl� ru-
Moll Was rotuddon, I a. grpat Vletv4ry leiro: anol Inutriet llatleliff,s toturn,
for lhe% Taxlva�,*prli bteaut-p it -%v.tS twor tho 1) �1141.9, Lew tivi, St'.4111-al col -
known tha t lie wt,u.ld not rs ratuniend h ul., - � Sueh 9. Is-tovildowe wonl,l be
"' Impt ovvinputs i Ar wi.y. %1Xp:uJ)IM1.X. Whiell bi thp, obl �et in
1111y'Lt "111111,
thin view. It Nvonid b�- Ino tilt- hative,;ts or
ltogrzl; �Vlwlll`t Witil .%(*it nro l-.*lP(A- k4#-4tL.V. tilt' 1.1111UMP411110011t tof selence
rd qwrore you Trim tbe Vr..1lert,y anol tootbing imorti Vinn mot)ltaijil 11orse
114lovs. 11 sellse� Why [tot do It I
hreetal Train to N!4n Fraftelgor Ngnardls Lia9mvnt is tl��l by Vby-
FIJI, canachan dAlq%ates awl all Itlth- f4riana.
PrA Militia to Elmorth Ioagrsf- Owl- __
vointinn. vl,u Vhiea,,�,j nrell N.nrt1,dwu-qt-
Prig MAlwas, .0. (Ionsoulptive ('011VIM4 Ivolatird.
� to have ch-ear!m,ltfil�-
1Z.V , July lith. 11�09 ll�nl' * To%zap Nvlat a W4 imms-iomloth# e�jn.
4 .. . ."J,f;)4 .%Lill
Ile inado at Denver. (�(jjqir�ivt,j .--prtn?,,"q, Dal P,r,JVldp4 tri,-atm",nt for
WenwocA Sprinn's .�n,j .%;.�D,,� 11-4 111,0111'"t %lift htsot approte I k'n'), fitleh
. L!nk�u, T O. Irop!vir
P2911114 pn r431tv! loop flln�,A t-nory 1 -'40. 101'0D%V u"I't-111"O' ft '
10 tile 1tty!R%- jul hharra N.V'I�ad'L' 4611nitifitnt,; an -0 an rivron!rfl t it the
i !. ojwn 14 holl) to sleep Ill
slonntaing, 'Mroaft'Da llodhaall pa � 1, tr,, rpiulrli.- t
nei and toarlst _&Isn�qtal- r;lr,q. Ord r Nilwo vtcekmlutl� *X0 Ono I!R n.110%,rel to
berths earlv, as �, 11 nlvrk bvreft I h1q 8treantll.
I party wfla lj:� h!'JIt- Ii, .11 .11 %�i
9d In nuw&, r. Pire tyn�v S:-s,a rozln3 11 � . . .... �� - �
trip. with ekoleo ,oT ranu,", re'umuln-. �. . I I
* rX . .
Rend stamp for ilonstra.t"qj btItt"re, " DROPSY
. map ol Skin 1?r�.ttr�, I
_t -q. to g. 11. Ttleaw ritte,
NUOPLt, General Anent. 2 King L1% Wth'W6 IftAdedmrk-witifte
atreet Past, Toroatm ont� I I - M 'o-rdpllt*t..On.tiN.,w,.t,tm,lw,f6t
1k tw, ft*
, Iv , Zy 'VeAft qutl; rellibt
_� "' I -1yook 9i
.4, , caiis Worm iitt-s'
.I AP_fttXo%1A,1_s audio b
. "
City ChIldron are Ximr�bfgoflsled. I _. �0 V , tit,mtaweR vlk_tk� Vol
Ated2d9r.g to Dr. ltrudeneDI C�Irtpr, I . � ��� 1, . b1L1f.R-0ftr%,Nx,81g6N%
all English pk*sieLan. 11tio %Is9v,n of 11� P , - U61-6 A±tAN±A,0Aj,
I �.
thIldr6l' iff-ho, live lot townm 9;; restriet� ---- -
OA in range and p'..'Wer joy -�L�e fgtq . ,L.�
thAt theY are seld,qm d1ble -to se@ . Boys an, d Gil r1s, W' -a n ted
long distaneog. Tli,e otiler sid-,-� of Vge
Sty,eet !a Abaut as for gvq thoy have Toram a hafv&bme g,etJ_*J"d,qyj4 gtt gitier
the opportunity oi ngng, tileir jwj - ttiath. Ltvitan"Sed Viffieko4pet 'foi- ,-cuijig
A4 lrm-v ILI bixfq dr3f,011t,
� Willie A.Mve at! vX- V iiglt evetv hou4tkeelw will liuv. Citawg6ld
, qcC�Ulatr,y rJJJjdkfyN Q1 g� AV silvsr 1#0114h, t4mo.
pause of landse,jp:� beflore Chela, �Jvld -fl-t, 1�i.Wd urate, V..ripall _41tct. bift"
r -
I are also ObIp to priztAfi�e -VZ,-Ifr ":1allt t,oppq. tar, *uia, ic:ie,4 sI,grid tw jU42t, Udd .1 �.*k
on all Iffitue t " 'ill qet1d you tile filiAt, yet# M11 IL mt
use diversitty ver tvIlle'-to. U.-Qth(,V�1611�.y,**Cltv5lr.tL�ensk,r,dfpollt,he**II
ade-11 Its bod, 9011,oWv, ftoxvvrs, birds, In- aft�attlelyff,eeli.7t,,tvit-ardail, Addtd&th8
seet4, eUl. It linnks as it mothc�trjj ,illd 1113119i"th s'*"ly Vd�, SL Cfttt%tfJ,.j�. otki,
nurises ought to bp, constrain" to _
take their dMP&S w1wre tile llst,m 1-11 -
W,vuld bevome strengthenM Ity pe ar.- BRi 0 WIN 18 DROPS*
I tic," over lobe distavgc�-V, 9t) tit-
'I't tile
' �
91"s m191111 gfll�'w 'UP WIVII, IL_'-�'--19 'F"i`e,q A ,,ne,1o11,&t'i,5tttd,gIJakA - f.ltVd to IcUre j#&*6
tot tht. delleatf. duties WIA16Ii .*air ity ea;eoflxtbebaek."U,I�ed bystwift �*kldmlt
Vaem, and the b ig be Wliee ab!e- 1-;'W.,,% Itubik6pt 4y ro'Af dj,hW8toA&,
amang Gillet ttll�#S_to -,.-IBOOL-J�Ies� 5;, Pftfle
lies Nve-'ekly. fkazu Wst I§i'OW- tbt'.
lltzee_52k� we atid 11.03L sw.(014 f'. t.
1 $ 1 0 � Mv " .-MI...'Vit Up -Mvqr01t,gAtjk1V0P.
. , , V
0 AR"101 $ 1 0104 I Avel-i'llottb S, -
; 960a 16-m-0,14" g ".",ft. sidii
J2!� ftadepq or this IftPel. vil v��o *nv, U It' tow. a to Sdab&*
. -'PLVI!#A4? ,Tn'dctiov� ont,
--_._-V.____ __Lk�PL
AdaresA, F. JXAW�my& co, T1016101 .0.
, ';61(1 by Dj�ugggbt& Tse.
ll*� '
�.. 1. I I
Clotdftcadottal MAtelumny lit Ittitslik.
1*0 Atstla, gays the Lohdoniqlob(�, It
& 9121 desltei� to study attIthek �ol
the ublvef-sities etiquette, tetinlies
tll&t she should be matflIed. Abcotd-
lbglythei goes through the civil Term
4)bAkklage with One of tile imen 'stu-
dents, whbib she may novel, have
imeb btfoke' ,and perhaps ma.y never
SP,eilktoagaln- Miesenial-riagest.te
lititfectly legal, and if the contract -
Ing Parties like each other they are
United for life, but otherwiSer the
Marriage is dissolvedwhen theft unt-
Vatsity -course is finished, and both
; axe free to marry again.
; .
! OF. RUPTI[mr-TAV WX. PAtIN-1 i*
.. =1
. ,; � I
ototod wfiA IbmiTO'' Ifi.
'a Otheft. 168 6t hu P *11011 , wtft
a t
tAmzbtu N11,11. *4&Z=4,Lt2*=0L&A. 22,
fot mphiiLi Th& Wru. ftJ,ftd co, rAhd6*
1,029 1. �
� I I � .
� W. 9AIDGEt-�391efMt
AGPP`-kqfT&8el 6&fNi4_iT1N?5DAts Attk tria, -fib -*stt;4fjk
b-acklek OfJOidt9', ;;ifi n�r, Mae VIZi 61 ZQ
� lye caffied Ill *6st ltdtket; eiftids 10 10 40)
. . per teht. pkwlt; 'tatn*16 TJ# 1n&%t*h , tZ
Aerne 316diftX6., 136fc W', Uftd6h, 0 1 fit
__ __ . _-, �
.. 1. ..&I'M � 1. I. -1. � 1.
N1 V'r N' -XF#',T AND W� = TO
, - k . W. rki .. __
. " ''.
6*0WAks, *dtkmaMd on a, P - 11 _ , - TOW' O'
o' WRIOL ,
_N-Ovaty-�Nlyc.,TOIA WM.
. X fD WA "
. ,.
ARE; _tQU lbtl� OR BUSV', A- .. 10 , , r ''.
� . to idt& t-baftof I wtite, in 7 ii 6*h
hAlid to 3Uftlittll & C6.y tes inioftlk* Uh-
do.b. Ght, OkUlttdillisfied. .
CI . 0AL--4A,0USA10) XORM Volk 8ALt-
tblftk dolik" Atft t"t abi!ffiialdt
� R&r'bOl. �Vhb 0. Gfthabl','13titlet, P�L
. � ... . - I
jI .1 A tAT VA IkM . FO&SAU--�Mqb 'OF Ifift
. lifidst Ift fh6 Niikjt&fi� IMbiniAlt, A't
W1hdnsL 16hifles froi6 Rainiltob oh't*Pkitil,
***i. fibidta inial, M Of *hidh b fig Owk
inosily ti,e&eh6§. Will be sold In 6ild P-at4tel 0
dl*lddd intIt lotA of I& td W &breq to suit pikr.
Ichagfts Thisis adecided barkain Ad&tse
JonathZn Cirtent6t, P. 0. box 409, Witolli,
Au aee in *c, hand is wottli ti#o.i
ft the dee1c.
tlie umot important p1nratPtInn.q In
tho United S�tates,
:Et' Is bet -ter to take many InNiv-t
Ask for
Mlnat�d*s alld take; nol
"" �
. . Crb,v, w1o, waa sufftelent-
. �
�, I— —-----....... ....-.-...-�.�.-�..�,-�",.,..., " � . I L. . .. ....---111_1
rdeeted.i j : . I
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.,.,. . .... __ ill
Jes t1lap to give one.-Fra,nt i
L- ...... __._ .__,__i__.- I
._ i __ i ............... lim
11 " ffibilaii"661—.1'...
oth,e,r�,, _ , .
. , , , , , . . . , , . . I , it; _ ,
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