The Herald, 1901-06-07, Page 1TIDE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, VOL. I 'ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, JUNE 7 1901.. NO. 45 CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catolic. Order of service for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate- chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock; Vespers and'Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m, Week Days: Muss every morning at 7. 30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord iu the Blessed Sacramet every Satur- day evening from 7 to 8. Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday sehool at 9 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evrning; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. Ijeutjcfjc ev. tutu, St, .petal 1t4dle. cSottesbienjt vorm. '4aib iUtir unb abenbs 2 Ulla. Sountagictiuie Dorm. 9 1111r. £ebrernorjamintung • ZonYserjtag aben8. e�byinu te, paftor. V. BACIHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and Life la - Entrance Arent, to ,Goan, either by private funds or loan companies. J. D. COOKE, (Late with ()arrow do Proudfoot) Barriat er, Solicitor, Notary Pablic. lieuuall, Ontario. p OUDtFoOT & HAYS Barristers, 8o11eitpre, Notarial: Public etc', ele. Cor. Square and North Stater, Oodlnk!b, Ontario W. PGU 0;00T 'N. C. HAY* ZELLER, " Clerk Nth dale.C*tnrt, Harem Comnniat3ioautr for taaleing A idavits, etiurQvwucer etc. Vaatuiator for the Ba- ron slid Erie Loan tad Savings Co. (*ea- Zoller Meek, k. " tirich Ont. >i�BOSS .,BERRY Her- on Conley, re pertfctily ria:ieite the pat- ronage at- ron a of those Who i'rden4 having ilea. Siti+sfeettett aguatenteerd. R. F. Al ILLY, 13enttlst, grasdaate of the tloyal Cellegie art Dental Sorpons, fryraiato, also honor vedette of is:ekestalent of ireaetistrY, 41orobto tYati'etlaity". P&hilent eetrtetion of teeth. Plate *oak **locality. rot Deaanattttsat. :Muse Zertleta every Mea;eadity. 146 S'TANBURY, B. A. In &at'c.ornal. to CO/LW es i ST'AtirICI Y A1UilS';.'ER, SOIACITO11, 1(ITAia 1', Coaveyaneer, Money to Loan en Village' end Fine Fiopei'i3' at Ioiteet rates of In= tereat. Docuavents in original Gettuan read and advised non ZURICH COURT ATTENDED (Mee over O' eeii z Bank, Eieier. o 0 0 0134E* d% * c' inis er cvhdY tteyreolizn tele Sv- a Struicteu u) have the same lirlutted, goal nil Toront Monsieur Contine Invites The Coun- ty Council. Monsieur Contine of St. Joseph has extended an invitation to the county councillors to'visit his "city" next week. The distance is, perhaps, rattier long but it they go Monsieur will lavish his most boun- teous hospitalty upon them and give them the biggest jolly they have ever experienced. It is be- cause of his success as a "jollier" that Monsieur is looked upon by his associates as somewhat of a wizard. -News -Record. r As the census returns will soon be complete, it may be interesting to compare the increase in the dif- ferent provinces. The following are the figures for the census taken ten years ago ;- Ontario 2,114,321 Quebec 1.488, 535 Nova Scotia 450,396. New Brunswick 321,193 P. E. Island 109,678 Manitoba 152,500 British Columbia 98,173 N. W. Territories 66,708 Unorganized districts 32,168 4,833,239 Public Notice. Take notice that I have made application to the License Com- missioners for South Huron, for permission to transfer iny license in the villager of 1St Joeeph, to i n nc� nine. Anyob t €.tions Eugene 613 i against said transfemust be lodged with the License Inspector, on or before the 21st day of May, 1001. (Slgnedl Michel Leger. 44.2p KAY COUNCIL. Zurich, June 3rd, 1901. The council met as an. Court of Revision of the assessment roll. the following changes were made in that assessment The nns3one-Meliek ; '1'lnat the fol - changes as per :appeals, be nada in the assessment of the township of Tray, for the year 14101 C`anu. Co., appellants. 1, that. N lot 4 Fain. �4, be assessed to John MClialaain,. as teiiant, instead e .r cni Can. Co. .., that L'ie int id1 L.lt Fr., b' assessed to 'i `nt. ,1illter and; Leon (eofroii as tenants, instead of ('an. to. 3. that E', lett 14 N.B. las assessed to Gey. Claneius ars± tenant, instead of Can. Cu. 4, that Aserir h Bris son lie assessed ed o> in lett N. 1 ., as tenant, instead of n. Co. 5, Wan. herb. aime> id, to raseesa Wm. Sachenk owner. teed of S. lardy, louts 117 and \'bei. Sur., Zi r' 'h. 0. Ed. 1 Appel, appellant, to assess .'-s. C Cans. i artleib for paerr,-mtnal lrartrarlvaerty. nrn- steatt: a�t F.d. Appel. ., tc, assess E. Bo nberrry 8. W. eor. Pk. C. 1'.. H. S., Zurich, for ale. N. to assess I 'Wm. Jarrett, port lot II, N. 13.. ,mesad of Chas. Troyer, fair $>irs..r., re duee 'Troyer *:i'. 0. a 3 H. 'Vuningblut, M. F., on Wn"1a9, It. S., Zurich. 10. to assess W. Willis. M. F.. pt M. Rey. Dashwood. 11.1 that \V i.,4 lot 20 Con. 8, be assessed to 2 ". Lanford, instead of Fre4. Hess Sr. ; that the following doe:az l struek off in the Police Village of . Zurich, H, :alta. el. one Eton.1 A. f eidei gain, Gee dog ; tkalt the Court of Revision be dosed, aid -� that the As.�essillearttE Roll, as re - "sea, wised, be eoiihu led After retest of )~tevisiolin Couched The eekiy Of News Here, There and Everywhere. et . ausass...m.sammasmusue......armayl Mr. A. S. Faust was on the sick list, but is better again. Mrs. J. Pope of Hensall visited Mrs. C. Fritz, last week, Mrs. William Wing, visited friends here last week, Mr. P. Lamont purchased 25 acres of land. front Fred Hess Sr. Miss Kroh of Sebringville is visiting her cousin Miss Ida Brill. Messrs Harry Yungblut and John Knorr, visited Auburn, last Sun- day. Mrs. Gertrude Hess is able to be around again after a few weceks ill- ne5S. Miss Emma Shoemacher returned home from a visit to Dashwoote:tnd vicinity. Quarterly meeting will be held in the Evangelical church here on Sunday. H. L. Peine, wife and daughter of Landon are visiting friendks here this week. Miss .l 'i Crediton bTt Fizile a n iofh i get z staying with Rev. C. S. Ir inkbeiner at present. Rev. end Mrs. E. Schueelke are visiting friends in'l'oronto,1toches. ter and Buffalo. Mist; Iioltzznatnn hard un attack of illness Saturday and Sunday, but she hies reeov ert'd. Mr. 1T. D. l3ucliaanun. zne`clicaai gtuelemt, e►f T n'eaut>a, is 'home for his simmer heilitleys. Mrs. NS nn. l� inklarinaer is ltonue oat lnraeseint,vis.iting her prods, lir. sante M. D. S. Palet Mr. J' F. Riekb'il and wife left 011 Tue'sdny meaning to ',ANA. tbeeie daughter in Miehigatu. ., Mr. R. S Itit'h.utls.etnt rraas. fuc+an= ed with a visit front his brother of U sboratr'1?Ia. (his week. Mr. Chas. Pries, intends stamina,: his sell$ceb whie'h will snake' slide an improvement to his shop. Mr. t..T. Meurnaer intends laeaavifiae.; for Athlete nest Vitech. where knee toile mato his futon. ee 1i lin', ;lens. Frc'aa. Witwaer and. Mrs. D.. Geiger r le t� on "1"anae=ll;s' meriting even a visit to friends in Miuelnlgaan. Mrs. Ilse Sr. i:.. serionts.Ilv> ill et present. with s nunaallll IlnoiIlles erf aeece v- ery. Sine is Owen t years of Es ee. Mr. M. L. Witnll*.; of Berlin t nlii Ileo t'�iart!'ee in the l:v un elieaal ii t 1a Qin. 'eto#idaay evening. Coile etiarn at tis, door'. Mr. peed liees Sr. left nal Tues. day uluorrniile on u two weeks tri to !Toronto. Niagara P:.iLa, and Buffalo. Mr. Willi:nttu Demuth of Peet Milner visited Ms brother Fred. this 'week. tie returned home~ abnl Taue eday morning. P. }Tess c ; Son delivered a 19111=t• tay as siert.' at 13n -tenets eryts dais Thus ,...._...� ..,..idettaae of the peen- - for general business. A regain r l�airity of tine Hess riga. smolt of the police Ttanst&es oft Mrs. Geo. Baldwin left for. Ike=r Zutieb requiting the ec.tin-en to' home at Sealotth orin'eoe;da�c. atftoeD levy a special trite of YStie 'Jail:/ on 'I speeding a pleasant time with her the assessment of the Police Vilrlage parents Mr. gaud Mrs.)). Strinaryzin. us granted. By Law ii o. i re drainage of ;here. in the i uther w church Sunni - Zurich Drain. North was prrovis- - , sioinaally adopted and the Clerk in -41n- day +ocanan� t•o the • absence of the is a and served on the parties it>Gaterest- 'o. ed. A count of Revision for the I We want to get 3 or 4. second game will be held on Tuesday the i bagel bicycles. gents or ladies: 2'nd day of July at I &'clock p. ni. Win allow you good good prices in The offer of Ileo. A. Stimson for i exchange for new wheels. the drainage debentures was we- - E. Zenere, Zurieln. We received as co,iam unie.ation , Tonere wilt ne no service intent DOMMERClil T s ' "v 3r 2tr Meta a en k * Strictly' up-to-date nn modern int- * Q$ iv proveraaents. Diniagroomsiis stip- a3 * plied with only the very best. li r m • Bar eenftinu ehoiee liquors and cigar's'. '9 f a 's o exEatecllent Sample Rooms 0 oft ton- eCommeretai Mem 0 : 1.414.3it FOSTER, PROM. i:3 "Zbe m u C tttt lbou S e AISIMEIMO /MIN Equipped with all modern e'onvenaences. First-class (accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always supplied with the best obtainable. 177 New ads this week. It will pay you to read them, D. Steinbach, Summer goods ; D. S. Faust, Seasonable bargains : T. & M. Johnston, Wool Wool ; F. W. Hess Jeweler, on the square. C. Silber, strawberries. Mrs. P. Sipple and Mrs. H. Thiel, on Sunday last, visited Mr. D. Scholl, who is laid up, as the re- sult of an accident, as reported in our last week's issue. A trotting match was expected on the track here on Saturday evening bat one of the parties failed to put in an appearance. We are promis- ed. one tor this (Friday) evening, and a large crowd is expected. Base ball is all the talk. Every- thing is in goose order We want all the boys, town and country to come out to practice every even- ing. The first nnateeli games will be played between tho married and :angle me=n. I Mn. 'Wi'na. Klapp had a most , u€ a.tnlquinine! bee,last week. Thee ladies turned alt in goad nun 1 t'rs, in spite of the disag eeablo weather, austaee was done 'to the quilts, and a sociable time was spent by all. A hypnotist buried a woman at Homier ►n last week, digging her up again in three hours. She was :ialtl1ure.ntla none the vrurlite ut2 for 1 the ((„i'eladal. She had probably jcleerke'el for several years in a stel!rte'r I trlaHt IlleV er advertised. 2hlea>ers E. 13ee ;:eenberry and t'. Fairer were at tC'landeebt ye,on i'c'ed- I meoxley and returned with the trott=' stn • lnor; ce, "Pat" whie'h they por- ! chi ai from Mr. Hodgins. 'Tis' 'Ikons, hes a :m rkt of about 2.30. and ,r.„ . .;r,e the �� ,.nd money in his class at 1,�0< tOr raves last month. leseal paper is a carannnlneireial enterprise and is run as.•ueeh,theree= fere all itayttre'S rrf eroute.°rtf,ainuneunats where a atlnargee is made for ndnzis> eieyit are treated as , advertisements sand ehalrged for at a rate of so 1 enough pee' linne. When printing le 1 required a free notice will always be given, Me ,Zttriehn Pa.blie 844w:A will eneelol n'i;w aannnneall Ilnieeenie at Grand Bemis erne Pr irh v dune 21st. uta - ses" trona" is expected end every- Seely every- S e ely pv asseai;jsiIlly invited to attend. Every Iverson wishing to gen with the earrry-a€lls, 11nany obtain tickets, by applying to IL P. Stack, tine principal. The members; of the Eetingelieaal elvereh fraternally greeted their pastor Rev. C. 8. Fin kbeeianer at his home here on Monday evening [ell his return from Hamilton. His congregation handed him as purse nes $. 10 towards e eying the expleneea of the recent aaflictiot at the home of their beloved pastor. The Loi'ci be his Comforter so that he may earry on the M'aster's work sttele'ess- fnlly. or.. The Huron County Sabbath Spheral and Chtilstnin Eaule avor' f",,ion will hold their coitiventim this year in Clinton on June 18 and 10. as the la'eation is central and of easy ae1'e s by train. Dvery Sanrt�n- day Scheel and Christian Endeaver Society should see they are well represented by delegates. The Local Committee is snaking elabe- rrate peepaxraations for their reeep- tion. An excellent protest/in st/in is arranged, inehualiuug; solute star speakers in the Provinee and wenn look for a good time. Bonet for- •., get the date -June iSt.n and 19th. 1' eepted by the eooueil and the Reeve and. Treasurer instructed to issue:, the saint. The following amounts were ordered to be paid. Hy. Lipp'hatdt, eenalizing Sep. U School I2.00, Hy, Magel working grader 6.50, Mrs. C. Keinbardt salary 8,50, Globe Printing Co. Notice Tenders for debentures E. and W. B. South $2.55, for ' deben- tures E. B. North $2.55, for deben tuures W. B. North $2.55, the HER- ALD W. B. $9.00, the 1rIvaiAtn print- ing notice Z. D. S. 1.50, the HERALD printing $28.75, Hy. Rupp work on C. B. $5.00, Ed. Rupp work on C.R. $1.00' Alex McBeath lumber $227.20 Municipal World blanks etc. $9.39, Zurich Flax Co. storing grader $5.00,, Win. M. Bell lumber, 1000, $2.23, Alex. Munn,statute labor, 1900,17.50, Alex. Munn Can. Co. tetuto labor, $7,20, 'Oliver Caro- veaau, ditch L. R. $2.00. By-laws No. 5 and 6 were duly passed. The council adjourned, to meet on Tuesday, July 2nd. 1901. Fred. Hess Sr. Clerk. The flax Co. made their last ship- ment of flax this week. ZURICH "1 hive used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It hes kept scalp free front dandruff and bas preveanied my hair from turn- ing gray."-Mts. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont - There is this __. .... peculiar thing about Ay'er's Hair Vigor -it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, loop dead and lifeless. Btltgraduallythe old color comes back,: all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. SIM a Mk. All irdttacft. your �ireandonadwewlexp yen a btattle. ne sure and 'vo they ton% of yr/Uneaten acs rens o 0. Address,. C.-„LYRR CO.,T:owell,;r4iasn, from one of our friends at Phila- delphia, complaining of the unreli- abiity of oar correspondent there. We will not publish the letter in full, but will give you the close of the sane -"who ever the cap fats. wear t. t may press on your brain a little but will stretch after wearing," and ends up with the , Rowing: +� " e .fessrs J. W. E. And G. W. K. Whatever yon do. Don't get gay." 2,41 s'i The season for Wash Goods is here. To have a New Summer Dress that will wash and not fade, is the article every purchaser is on the look -out for. We have overcome the difficulty, and are showing Muslins, Calicoes, Gin hams, Ducks, Zephyrs etc. ete., that will STAND THE TEST We itemize a few lines, are Special - Our new combination Mus- lins, aro fast colors, in 3 different pat'ns, per ycl. Our Silk Warps are the latest thing shown, for Dresses and Waists, in blue, green and pink, per yard Our Zephyrs are in it. Do not fail to see them. We which have a special line, at a special price, per yard - • 9 Our P. I1, is a seller. You want a white dress for picnic purpose, this is just the thing, only - Our stock of white Lawns 18 is large and well assort- • ed. We show a Lawn of fine quality, 45 inches wide, per yard - - - .20 .18 .15 Do not fail to visit our store; we will be pleased to show you through, whether you buy or not. DS. FADS ZURICH .. - ONTARIO SPRING STYLES THEY'RE H E R E You will always Etna the latest. S\ve+ll esl and nl.e_: t up-to- date styles at the PEOPL.:''S BOOT ANO SHOE STORE Wks are leaders in fashionable footwear. ENTrythingits lieu's. Ladies' and Children's Shoes always on haultl, at a t lowest prints. if you want the very latest for spring from the leading Canadian m:ILiiltfae'turt?r.S t'ome to But Tar THE `iE eN cgs t ken In e flange, We ells t 5€] 6' tee nitwit in ;sjVis a o4 our Q"w Teets end 'Catetfuains, and are prepared tea isieta set eveeryiei.iy who want interior Fittings for their Homes. We would therefore ask yore toe ell in and look over our Steele before buyinn. Tapestry C 'pet. from Union kdarpets, from c. fit) SOC.up Also a nice ass brinetent o <Went and Henn) +l: ,-sepetts. In Art Mnslins, Cretonnes and levee C"nest :ns. we nave the largest acs yrtreut ever shown :nd at penes that eQift be heat by ainyene. iLlus a Won about c'urMillinery We have ,Inst opened up w nether sT ilnsnent of Ladies' white and fancy Sailors. senate speeiel vatdi,e:. b€ea.akt at a big redaattion, and giving our Customers the benefit. . . Tritnmed Hats a Spectalty Every Lady who has not already purchased her Summer Miiliinery, should look through our Stock. before buying. PREETER, URI I am handling again this Season, to begin to deliver MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon,. Wheat Oats Barley Pea Straw -berries �' lour Soarer and I expect Bggs about(`lata=kens il, - r Dueeles Geese . June It9 Putaatoes Let nue have your orders early as possible. PRI0a'ES t C/ARAAIT' ED. . Either, Zurich 64 to -66 30 410 38 40 5J' 60 2.00 2.10 12 13 11 II - 43 5 6 6 5 5 20 25 HENSALL MARKETS. 62 to 64 25 26 37 40 58 60 2.00 2.10 ri 25 6.75 7,40 X0.00 Wheat Oats Barley Peals Flour Hogs (live) per cwt do (dressed)