HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-24, Page 8Jubilee
Work. guaranteed equal to
We use no Chemicals to
destroy your Clothing.
Suits to Order Good
HOFFMAN, The Tailor.
Planing and Saw
—All kinds of woodwork and saaw-
ixi; done to. order. Estifnaates
giveli for all kinds of buildings.
A hill stook of li, C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Chopping done
every day.
Repairing all kinds of machinery
a speciality !
J. Winner, - Zurich'
T. &. M. Johnson
Have just received a new stock of
furniture, Bedroom Suits, Couches,
Fancy Rockers, and Parlor.Furn- 4
ishings, window Shades, and Pic-
ture Frances a specialty. Call and !I
see tor yourselves. In the Woollen pi
Still department we are offering
special reduetions in Underwear,
Sheeting, Blankets, Stockings, etc.
T! & M. Johnson
Carriage Works.
Larger Stock Than Beer.
Nclbbier Than Ever.
Prices Lower Than Ever.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. 0.
Every lady likes good
fitting Comfortable Cor-
sets. The new style,
Straight Front. Erect
Form Corset is the most
popular in the market.
Ottr Customers are well
pleased with thein and
we want you to try a
Pair. .
We are clearing out our
other lines at Special
AT 35 CTS.
Special to the 11lat en.
The farmers in this vicinity are
busy sowing their corn and, pota-
J. Haannan visited at Joe. Rau's
M. Desjaardine and A. Challetto
visited at Graalld Bend on Sunday.
ICOR Jellinoaaw ia; engaged with R.
Donomy for the summer.
Suscribo for the .II1111,Aen end
read the Drysdale news,
You should see the Silverware
we give away with our new brend
of Tea "Ava". Don't cost you
more than any other ordinary' Tea
Special to the HeatALr).
,Bred Kleinstubor of Detroit and
Mrs. Hen ,trent of rot t Hlu on . aro
visiting at Louis Kleinsteiber's,
Chas. ('hath of Exeter waail visit-
Ing Miss Liudcnfolcl on. Sunda3
'-Clio merry go round -left town on
Tuesday last for Exeter.
There was no eehool holo from
Wednesday till Friday' owing to
Teacher's convention, Empire day
and Victoria day,
Friday, 24th of May will be ob-
served by the i:itize,ns of Dashwood
as usual as a public holiday.
D, Steinbach Zurich.. Quite a number of our citizens
TOWN disposed of their driving horses the
(past week.
Special to the HERALD. ' Surely the peltera will soon be
Mrs, Rob, Kidd is visitinher all cleared out of the section.
daughter at London. Hoffman Bros. and Mr. Guenther
Ascension day passed over quiet- have disposed of a large number
ly in our burg, a goodly number of of buggies and spring wagons fitu'-
citizens were away visiting rela- ing the past few weeks which shows
tives or friends. i they are up to date both in work -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Decker visited at u)atllsliip and Material.
Mr. Waiper's, Zurich road on Sun- E. P. Paulin has added a new
day. delivery wagon to his business,
G. Broderick sold a two year old (Get a new horse too Ed.
roadster to Mr Richardson of near P. Melsaaac has added a handsome
Fansville for a good figure, now but to his Livery business.
David Witmer put up a new wire Peter intend to give the public.
fence along the east side of his the best of aeeomodation.
farm. It makes a great improve- • Dan Shaeffer is erecting a new
nient. stable.
Sol. Martin Jr is also engaged in,
making fence. illee,tlllr., which was to be held at Zurich Leading ▪ •y2 g Shoe Store
Quite a number from here attend- I Zurich in connection with the Y.P. I ° °• s Gr( Jti1° °
A. �,f that town on Tuesday
ed the Rally day meeting of the Y. „
P. A. aat Zurich, Sunday night, j death lof aspostponed
e b'inkbeiner's wife,we '
Sheep washing is the order of the herewith extend our Sympathy to
M,. a—�.--,•
See the
int? Fe
May cost a trifle more
per gallon, than com-
mon mixed paints, but
when your job is done;
you will find the cost
25% less
and a paint that lasts.
We also have the common
kind if you want their.
E13 Main Street,
Zurich, Ont
The Young people's Alliance
day. the bereaved family.
Miss Annie Hey who was visiting Mrs. Lindenfelel returned from
her sister in Ingersoll for the past ; Toronto where she had gone to re -
few weeks returned home, Tees- " ceive treatment for her eyes. She
day`, has a severe attacked ghueomo and
Miss Maggie ell was to Exeter, will probably lose her sight. i
Tuesday. ii'y. TVillert shipped a ear of hogs
A load of Slabtown young people on 14 eelnesday �ir;il'retel�j' al day in lial MI pass l but what brought lis new
attended Y. P. A. at Zurich Tues- - 4,---�'a •w- - --
day evening,style. VARNA spring goods. 1111 -1E1 -tissue in en's,
\V"t>I1lt'll's a1Iti Chiltll•e11's r''hoes at lowest prices. We
Wm. Geiger, teacher, attendees
West Huron teachers convention at Spea•ial t,) th(elll:R,tLn. 1 gllatvallttet' latest tiltallttV . ff you want the very
Exeter on Wednesday and Thurs- Rev. el. W. Andrews, wife and. ' .
day of this week. family of Fullttrtun visited his; Litt'"' sill's lttSk goodsfromthe leading Ca Canadian znal 'ntftlt•-
7.'lie flurry of the saw at the millbrother Rev. J. W. Andrew-% last '' hirers
enlivens things at pi'ent. week,
(Groocrietz, Green,Freshland Dlli.:c lilts Andrews is visiting
Glean. For a nieeIy flavored Tea, friends in Brut• field.
try Ave.. A eoupou in tenet patek• lir. and Mrs. Bart payed :lou-
nge. D. Steinbach Zurich, forth a vi -it on't'Iulr:,daay lint.
` "'�•� .� grand time 1� e•; t'tett enenrite
81)mei:a to the HERALD, 1te
:i. Erwin and W. Sanctterstrn lett " ,) Ith, a footballinateil i:. to lye t,I:t}•-
un Me►ncl:ty for ()wen Sound where Special to the HERALD. Wh-'11 the i'aarm 1►v s �..... l fusel..
u It is busily engaged nee. 'L'� , Andrews was cal (lin.
• Mr. who aced,
entmen of Lon shingling Cooper Forrest's barn, ten attending the ttistrit• Ilenee ••
for u I.V.pleleft
of t u.rdaelts gathering alai l per last week, that itin A. 01=hat `l: flew off ii as tt ode lust e l ecu ie eilit held i in Ilali lien
main etc, left Saturday. < • . • . it
;;ccs . a5. E, ai'hulnpson fu el Dueler with a lady's stilt. owing to a taint,; ball hist tilelnriay eevc•ninq.
principal of our : ehooi was eeallinry Wilke; on it 1tK attt ornament, but we I,let Tueedaly mut Wodrtvedity
urn friends vatturrlay. °` are Inclined to think flush the bee!: e,tienina, tote Ittev. Mie. 1y". 1,� iitarh.-
:lir. alud Mrs.'i'hutni►tictrt raf r�iratlt
mill have a bountiful harvest h➢e+re.
Those harts! Sell thee are iai rt'e•eet 411" te$ ss1 tuni l(T �•. q aailtt l►:a Ae',
NM* tit) Grand Bents out Friday.
E. Jeeniiings and his taster Miss
()live of Parkhill were at the Ree -
tory lust ttit'eek. Their sister', Mics i,I, ta... :.,►relit art !Dee^n• Park. nrsdtt-�--
li may .1ennIn;,s who bus spent the; Mrs. Wyss. C en's ° s. last recess, tt e , i have
r•nnlifi rt (t in Dilly head end threat alis►l
u y ` tti intr here reeturned home with � a ntnnber off rur y unn�g ietsople . ail eY0`r` i ai 1DT w them, a;� `�tiiia ee ale, t d➢iE➢➢D_➢r` L'
,,v ' Miss Mite Cochraane ins vision➢ jfrom a veeit1 heavy vele. wheel' II
-. t.'ante+turn is having the build- i her sister. sirs. Joh Fern's!. ' r'oulat ries etc°t i>i«l ►nu. 1 l➢:ute° Qi1ie'rl
itis; next t his harness' shall tlhfteh ! t
t! the line's
1 I'hri stone Cork water HHewer''et'`eU"sal et what ere levolL.idetort�,°..'aemll
Atlytliing • H. has been a photo xanlltetw�. tttw,rttrwrnel ,n._r__... __.. .
Hlyflrgld one day catch week during tnith Mrs, I)nitnt ici airlrit'. ' any' cold was Ar°oe�lael➢tun;• tit roll -
*ell between Varna and Hayfield. wt
they have secured erploslnent• John F ll' 'k1 sil,
encamped here We t' d • halm t ilt ..
F. HE & 0 1llal�h Mari � rich passed through here On their
tlasver'gardellti. ttan-a' 1 In the Lente. n.tlir•e• li:ell.
Mr. J. J. 1} ulrl , e t' Ple aeatat Ave.
Alvin Workman spent Smiley 1 Aim eee t'ayti, t`�4tj,'j ►a
t home.
A stieiail et•eii'ri •
assts rel aaat'a=rl r ad ' fate stir. Eson"v �.' Yeial V bath has even r`aYin➢1/Yr`n( «t ua ocli cunt �, UUUc :vete
tis Clinton epret t + Mi d rteu L a at iudr•:r ti e, ,, are avail. it �l`.a ➢in tl a terra teat
atihes.. C'loc'ks, Jewel- it" linnilleli(r.s i itiiit 1 t ..t.ulS Rin
• *t' the stunner. We ttnitle�rstnisf Mr. George I; cieher t has r'FYinninnenn ea I, e,tiain iteetna a•� vete'. nanny l➢ M v '
`"��'���� link knnQYac lveat'.;t°. ][ elle tlll➢JenS�iCenl Di.YE°;
2fzeyirlr is a first dates photographer work on ie -t. will 141411, tot say. thai Lee ('7taa ,•'' dv➢'u11D v,;r
nuts he wilt no doubt do well here. it along. Lin -seed aainal Trir trventient°
The (ley he intends coining will be Joslyn Cochrane, our enterprising ted a reennnlllrete curie as H aannn n el-
aaninonteteed latter, sportsman. captured as temple eY fee ef'he t illr1.
Iti'@S "1144'S loliv C'iat l mutconcing cleated sty tate lsth j:oubee vials r+ece ntly. Juliet will
the cid of train them for the Pan Arii t •
Fine Repast
Atntinlwt the merchants of I3ea efield a nt slur. SEAVER MEA bove
Misses Annie furl. Hattie C'
hate ani'ecti to close their~ stoir;s _ ._. Its a •a e o aim r-
• seven oIt visited lit ,fioselth .Iluitlsun`s tern ' Spa;e•iial ter tl t lla.t, an.ne.
Friday e�te� ink each manycTuesday
and Snnntlaty. P. Beaver of St. _t,._.•,Y.0 went
Ile l➢ale3 bee e~tysttfiliary for .;ertCral ()or ea s iiia. `s had an interesting t- ; tin o.a • Oasts town C� ll FCitli ➢r ke'.tull ati-
t ball Manch Saturday ev mine fish, ht. sa_ti th" hee i' „rvn t- war
inert ants to -cep their stores 'Tiley rte oven for Charlton•+''` to Ext"tar.
a leen altogether tori late, fate lattete l ec �.
I themselves air cisslowly a
tis tt"tn tan is at all nh
recreation. The long hours and torr this week.
close eonfnetnent are the env.a a of George ?thigh, is aie�' ' the G. Trott of lee Ryan spent Aeevel:-
, all _ elet+,,ate-cua .tar aYi rift c
�r " e e�cr " t �,, or tiiariu cats and we rota with fish. tee. sults a new stem d ay with Miss Cara Ba av er.
t, t➢
.Rat t Iaaar c • I e tet t2.' lahs -s - hat the(Inc general ppub- outfit this year. ;it'd is ready to stip- V dthng hen ii ill Eta: n ilk2,1nrsIt me
to na to tYs�aue7n.. '�trP.. CGl�itc . t!m, F.er°ao3.:y.,
3san➢.xre f the. farmers i. ill be ply fish at the lowest prim going. , the near futaare-
.- ,- (the merchants this' p
�e are informed that a coulee of ti There was no SQ tl•viq 'e• hew vet
two e'venii'10 ' ee mfg ladies lost their wag en the Saar day net inn r to the illnnees of :qrs.
'+l snLh'iatler Part line Otte night, but thronele (Rev-) PintatbeIin�a"r•
twins ase
the kind assistance be a friend. pro- .�...
Miss L.
callers arta
I L+('F!a�$ai` 'y atllatvitia' at about
Zla icll: P. Beaver who In
ii1oyes no dune icor Miss - t1ar swell i'etltrited t;�r C'ln'nn the last four weeks. is
a been :iiek f•'i'
Come to me
Try me
And you wiil always buy from me.
. ...1W.iNeN.:Mi�wWNh�kwiiX.:1 144.41e,>HiiLh4tl:Ye
Are l€rhng)+ Big
In ,„ n',.eeti 'teee u�,°n'=Qi iD la,�i,;ie acrd
-°rti ,i'en, Spray
lUdnn ni 4'�"'n.due,ie .stunt nsadnv- ,- 4s.
1"e r,,cee e,„ y eet nnte
iraaY6�?'���na, 1 6eati!go.u�,,.
iris ittl!Juin W
,!.111. its Etat e
h.?i1'.0".'q 9i nt, tt iVfln a i
n"» n n veins .tug%. eYff
3uu!s 'd1:7 •.ntya'., n ,.:ann211
Will aaiIhinal
te want
L'iltr°v'thi.i - itn the Heelless line
"ie'n rdlie s. 'ro eln:•e•--• e''tc. a ee
«e .r i'iii°.!sae 1.1c011-D,s an$
M. Fe- le _n _.ar ..' ' GU1 I'ldn9`lnt:' :r"
µ.wh+xi.N iliji. MIMIIMIY
Bargains a,
a➢ t Cost
to fleece. who
rill leave their orders.
n 'antis and Oils welead the Trade
cured a lantern, and thus arti .-M *CtSHEN LJNE
safely at the goal. —
Bev. Webster condo etec3 servitaes SPeeiail to tl:e fill• 3u.n➢.
here on Sabbath Sas#. The showers of this week- ;gees
Mr. James and miss Marry Troy_ alai isne the ;*I les arta • t•r-vl is lif v l; the order firs theday, and almost every housewife-
. look £re,Inet.
cit silent tiaiul✓(lay anti bundaay til John Forest, went to St. Mare's Is tiI ingi1I �yi• maul' kiwi, a � lIlalllr;t', 111Ullatbly in the fir' of
y fast week fora loud of calve -41w' is new lace curtains. draperies '01" new table cloths. Etc.
Our school teachers attended now feeding Il of them. l3r)1)t.
1 the convention at Exeter, Werines- McLinchey and Henry Erratt also
-clay and Thursda'-. In late curtains � e have them from vc a pair to $2.
went for a load tilt, week. l
g bagu Quite aa. number intend taking in Mr- ante Miss 'c.Illlpl:en of Me -
the celebration at Exeter, on Kiii.,, visited' their sister Mrs -
Pl`Q't�>'lII3e draperies we have a good assortment,
ti:,. v hther , Vic'torf$ D>iv.
the; John McKinley, on Sunday. espeeiall eur double -fold reversible and fast color lines.
seri James Me Clyntont has engaged On Saturday last. Ed. helaneal
lout • aver with Mr. Thomson of Blake.wheelers #:a the ('aunty town and You �C a nt to i see them. We have also new lines of white
rtes: James Lovie wheeled to the took in the sights there. Ili=f-IIl, f Ot+ x'tstlt Altus. t•henille table t'lotlis that .t are elegant
Veen .est_
in7 " of Bend Saturday evening. H. Hayter and family ,i irtitaed at 4I't114-
11e'it1u i James Jarrott has hard his barn Charlie Johnston's on Sunday last.
ine tie et- s moved and raised, and is now Our school is closed at present en ,
_ rotti 4 ready for the stone work.
/ a.Iatt3 account of the teachers' convention x
_A.'CHASM ! in Exeter.
�y�} yye. A,
]bei�;ti, tient IYlFif is + �� Gri=prelim; uric
d Jas.Stephenson is
a are Ir, le
?'h reguIaist'a
nils so I it it 1
s.—Baltiazt,ra 1
l �•tK ibing New and up-to-date, No old stock.
les tai tip -to -
aid rather say
ter tltnt Prince
rii for so many
e •' appearance of his farm b ptutting
Is sant direct to the diseasedams: aa
new felsnc a across tic: front. -' �"j` e wish to draw w y our atteIltion to our new pa stings
parts e.,att the Improved tiaoevcr, alley are the nobbiest c)•oods we have yet shown. And
pans eg, aps d, clears the air Daviel Stephenson is this summer
p iesstopsdropp,ng sinus.. t those Waterproof tea S we are selling at $.3.5.0
throat and adelin„ tt1 hi refiidenCC a r'e')c)li- . � if
�, are really
teat Co., otontoecrr Mouse and wood -shed.• the 1)ea;t value S1 e haverun aeross,-, and it S Somethi▪ n
g -
free. �tla&aim, or i)r-i Ltd (hese 7
• bfedi^inC Co.. Tcrontu a•t3 L Sato. Mrs.WIIs )n Armstrong wlv has every roan Heeds.
zne been laid up fr some time is able
ase arrived. The newest thing ;.e
to be around aunalri.
wlle`ollai s, both for Ladies and ....
Cali a n d examine
llfi^the fanners who have
wheat for better 1\10 trouble to show goods,
sy`inagTz�',' xs�;leianc
•ro l ...�uf4tti]8 .2 ,',syr i the brain ar rs�r
. ; .tr-tetw^nns serum, The I'i'zo ./
ere tar�'N 'it rr k,,. ars
ckfor, and it is thought }y. District after district of the operation waa'Per+•tormevi, but Teclner Albany, N. Y., May I8.—A
.... a nortberri section wa it i1i a 5e3r w c4fditioil staid p, III. it was cc)nctudea by the Trae-- of cases to umvo ..m. ,-
be released wtzia7ut Transvaal mid tIl �,, m , ,
Oil the Oran re River...:CoIon'v'_.Is ioeinff c7estli resa1lte•,. ` ipIDDany...not...t'o tar aaip..mbra ..w tax 293 proved fa.ta.I
_... _,...._... -.. a urn `>
. ...........