The Herald, 1901-05-24, Page 7I . %1� Religion. eh,nd Sycienice Tftlma.ge Shows That the Roll'of Influences Once Antagonistic Are Now Friendly to the Gospel Waablaeon report- In this dis- course Dr. Talmage ,galis the roll of Influence ,once antagonistic but now 1146ndly to the gospel and encourages Chtistian workers; text I Samuel xxi 9' "There To none like that; give It one - . . DavId tied from his pursuers, The . World runs very fast when it is chas- ImZ a good ma,n. Tke country is try_ � Ing to catch Da.v4d and 10 2"ay h'r I David goes into the ,house of , prle.�i and asks Min for a ,sword or spear with which to defend himself. The � Priest, not being accustomed to use i deadly weapons, tells David that he � annnot sup -ply him, but suddenly the 1 prIest thinks of an old is'Word that bad been carefully wrapped up and laid away -the ver ysword that Goliath for- nierly used -and he takes down that sword, and while be as unwrapping ethe sharp, alittering, memorable blade 4t flashes upon David's mind that this away -the very sword that Goliath for-. � ', aigainst himself when be was In the fight with Gollath, and David can Lardly keep his hand off it until the prJest ,has unwound It, David stretches out Ms hand tow;Lrd that old sword and says: "There is none like that; give It me." In other words, "I want lit my own hand the sword which has been used against me and against the cause of God." So dt was given bim. Well, ray friends, that As not The first or the last sword once used by glant and Philistine Iniquity which Is to come into the possession of Jesus Christ and of his glorious church. I 'want, as well as God may help rae. to ,show you that many a weapon which has been used -against the or- inies of God Is yet to be captured and used on our side, and I only imitate )David when I itretcb out my hand toward that blade of the PhilistIne and ' cry: "There Is atine like that: give it Xne!" I remark first that this In true In freg-ard Lo all scientific exploration. Tau know that the first dlseoverieq )v 1, � astronomy and geology and t-bronol�lgy -were used to battle Vhristlaulty. Worldly philasophy came out of 413 laboratory Lind out of Its Observatory oind said: "Now. we will prove by the very ,strumure of the earth and by he heavenly hodklz ,tbat the P�jbje is 4a lip and that Vhros- eaulty as we have It among. men Ir a pultive Inklioultion." G ,Ood men trolni- bled. Tlie tele,wolie. the Leyden Jan% the elomric- batteries. a'.1 in the handA *: the plit:kstftiptt. But one day r.ht-oti- tidulty. :woklnn abunt for 3"wne we;%%�� on with which to defend Uself. It"&- ry old sword th,M ibene atheLlltio PhIllathICS had 9 tf'en v.-tjng agaMllt the 12ratts an,l eriPd fotlt' *7trerp is none :1ke that'. give It ate , " Anj Vopr,rwwun ,and (3.11,44to ani XeWp- ", antl Intia'. N*P&t0fl 0:141 14V,wft1%l awl 0. ;H. 1�%Jllt,jj�,1,11 CL1,41p f4,,PTth anct tobt The %�arjd qja� in t%eir ?atnaelzinr, th.1 the! earth and lieaVeln 010Y b4d f0aui lovort,014ANIMI 15'.4tDAMCC! of ttib k%Q91 *lion% %e voolrablp. and 009 Old nlb",- begin to Alalkp gtl,�Mf trwal the lckoran *11,A ,nlj%,ntc*r aml Zeltdavcgta with *AAw,h �1. h.M loon coverel " k=4 lay on tho, doq�i ,*,, Mt S,enobr athd ova .Zv, I j,%1,'*-,1IOt'jy UT 1hp 1rhtMLAt and ua CIP 2&p io" Mo OhrZttaft =hMPME'S and * t2na"WeIAN1. WBOI�L�l the to, . t,)T t. '10. he to"ariggEtt heaver -'s alb.,kIeu 0, aalvot �, �, etAmt gn Mt rTAN& wor"alty philtiqc"Ay oadd� "I'la,getr u C%t# sm "ra�� � .tna�. ,It,@ twatta all, AVA t ', 0 1atNtlaft Ro I GtA 6" UIM agat-to Ea. C . tfl,14_ cmm��priv Dhunv!� 5!ss C'r6wba;-into VJ�. ,,I,, I trA flft,154 M�J,,, tho* 'Xbr,�'j WPS g,�iad- 1, Ualty rtvr4d..� Wit'l V =.a4d3Ajt!_V onao- 1 otece ztust, 'Mve Z�,�Lf'ft &15�*ftj� -,,&�nt at 'WLmith taft- r",.U­!,"_ r,tL:Wtt'L1- I&LIn tvh-'� buite-A 041 _4M 2j.1 11imt 6bllt�Aloto �Vas *Ve_,;Mon4C-, *a& in t'lle fifflat qhtr,fte IN01,1S of the Mblt ze End that moset ��tatod I IL thag�,45flo-4vit truth Wien tie *lid -. "IV ! 'tht b#9ifMft5ft9:' WOfM,Ajy obtl,L�ttPlty ,tiA1113:: "YOUt 91- I bjO as a rnoist .5n;j,�e,*utsite book- All I tria, st,ity 1,1 th�* ,Old Testwlne'ht. -191111 I &�aj,-a�n told. about the azr1A.V of the; 16austs-A Is IpTep"werous. Theve I's tiothitig 4ft vic. ooffitag 'of 'Me Pt,­�I�:t.,; ffke ato Army. An StMY ttvalkg; tiv -1-15' M ffy-. Ati CL-nhy g6ts IV ;DrM�r aml v�?"�A <*jk-,j6n, Eacusts witho"ail Oyder.­ i *,,%rwat.­ ,-a!d ch.�stlan PIM105,3-e�VSr. &ud In 1893 an the southvM-stelrn, Part *f nis 00untry clbrlstfian fne-n V.-Lnll Out .Ti�� 10�!Usts,. tL Tht're alre men TI--bt lerc--6 the W . '16 ih4�jg lave nolU,,�d In tbat v#?y part of the C0�2fttry the comnj�g up Oo Me 161MISts 111"ke all ar=11'7. anwl St wa, s feani #bM tfli the t.'C-%V--P17,tt8 Mlftwitt'�ngoy tp6ge Of tim-ga Asq = anty. WWri fte,y seen. -I to tzvt a 06-n-nat-ler. They rr,ftrch Nke a Los'. ,zhey I'l-A 11kt a 1,0M. NO ATMW ever went 2ni jitealgliter 01.-�ht than tile :041usts tonUl. 116t kkVen ttlttlCrg ag,de for the WZMJ- ft t'ne wlncl rzs�!.9. tbt lbzuelt -3ral9 And thp- I .2 rise sgagn after 9t 1 -SS ,-,��Me 40,wit. t-_,t_An_- tl-.e rame Ilre oxf marolls. not Varying -a f'ot:o'. 1he eM Blyle is . rlgh. every t1rote when It speaks Of 10- , clust; tom�ng like all aflnY; WOK -61"Y p1rilosaphy Wrong- W.orldly . phliosopby sat'd, "All tilat story about t the M'Obt 'turned Us c"aY to the q -ear is simply, an absurdity." ,old 1.1"-ne worldly p�ajlosophy said, 11M,e Ligbt tomes -Strtn.tght�" CZ,6rP-'- tian olzilos&phy �vays. "Wait a litt,e WhIle," and it gOeS 012 Sind Mali#S diseoverles and Almda that the atrW�s_ pbere, curves and bands C2e 'Pars of fight aro=4 the earth, lheralbr "as the clay to the 8e&L" The Bible right ap;Ain, -Worldly Tdillosophy Wrong again. "Ah", ,says worldly lillosophy, "all _ that 4310slon !n � 3: &�hout the foundations Of the 4"th Is simply an. &TAUrclity. "Where vas.t thou.' says God ,when r set the foundations Of the earth?' The earth has no foundation." Christian phnosophy comes end- finds that the word as translalmd "foundations" may be better translated "Socket--." go now see how It will read If It. Is tA-.Znq7,,-Lted right. "Where wast thou, When I set the sockets of the earth?" Where Is the socket? It is the 1 -101 - low of GID(rS hand -a. socket large 6nough for any world to turn in. Worldy philosophy said: "What an absurd story a -bout Joshua mak- ing the sun and moon etaAd still! if the world bad stopped ,an ft -t,, I Christlau phllosopliy; "not quite so 1 quick." The world has two mo- tions --one on Its own axis and the other around the sun. it was not necessary in making them stand still ,that both mo- tions should be stopped --only the - one turning the world on Its axis. There was no reaaon why the .bzAting of the earth should have jarred and disarranged the Whole Universe. Joshua right and God rigkt; Infidellty wrong every time. I knew It would be wrong.' I thank God that the time has come wherl Christians need not be seared sit any scientific explora- tion. The fact Is that religion and science have struck hands in eternal friendship, and the deeper down Ue- ology can dig and the higtier up astronomy call roar ell ithe better fnr US. The armies of the Lord Jesus Christ have stormed the observa.tor- les of the world's science sad from the highest towers have flung out th-s banner of the cross, and Christianity now from the observatories at Al- bany and WashinVton stretches out Its hand toward the opposing scien- tille wea,,pon, crying, "There is none like that; give It me." I was read - Ing of Herschel, who was looking at a meteor through a telescope, and when it come over the face of the telescope It was so powerful be had to avert his eyes. And 'it has been Just so that many an astronomer has gone into an observatory and looked UP Into the midnight 1heavens, and the Lord God has through some swinging world flamed upon his vis - Ion, and the learned man orled out: '­Mlio am I? 177ndone! Un*lean! Have inercy, Lord God!" Again, I remarIz that the traveling I disposition of the world. which was i adverse to morals and religion, Is to i be brought on our side. The man that , I went down to Jerldho and fell amid Thielles waa a type of a, gre-,tt many travelers. There is many a man "%,, ho Is very honost at home who when lie la abroad has his lionor fileliea and I ]its good babits stolen. There uxe but I very few itien who can stanO the 1 streas of on e-spedItIon. Six weeks at a watering plaee have ruined many a man. lit the olden times God for- bade the traveling of zuen for the jAurposcn; of trade 'berause of the eor- 1 ruptIng, Influpnees attending It. A gnod many wen no,w cannot atand the trantiitlon front �one place to oil- othe,r. .1itnuo inen who seean to be verY corin'stent here lit the way of Ito m4na lbc, Rabloath vohen they get into Skz�n on the 1.00rd',s day alwayq 90 out to clee tile butifiglits. Plato I 0,5A that no 411' ZY IOUght tO be butit nt,artr to the ava than ten mlleq lost it to teniptea to coinnnpn�e. Dut this I jt,,aV�'jj.,4= 4jjQj)9, 'R.It')n (j,f tbe. ,W*QrjCj 44 1 %hleh wro adverne tra 1hat whit'll Is I goes is to ILle brought on our .side. �Tial"m% triail t1ain"t Why, tkey t0ke one fhblev�, lhe!�o sltRnivhlr�r, thoy ItAnspatt our nasgaoulame,­. these vaglcrs, ru"Ibing fro"I city to elty VII anjund thp. world. a" to be eo%ver*P.d into (14-1114119an Lelfaldq rtril go unt A'Adl preach (1holust aftating the taeatb,Ln naMeibtl� The ga-mp,alp xhre IftEnItAy lnn�,U,"Ur_."n an t"ejut.,V nralcl rowet conce Vtot4nvan ;and 1Whoa*h:i;-,.vjj an�j rl.urett- harat havt Come t0l,'k an'l W&ed 40 �u§ ab3ut Site= att;l QA,v!;et-n1UTa and 3@1ruz-Allpm, I olingung eat te " tht DIU&S eb-dat Z!,Aath jv..�ttg pr,mebtA. thte,bpa,,vtq MoAft %r,a�ch D"AUD u0i gh!p- 1 Vvte,"_,"Re6, Vze rm'-49 Qt wh2,_,-h sad,&h � ,MLS rva.�-.It_M, tt-te Ime'l aea bn=k tr-n I 1�,rtoktrl T.Ifte torn -oar the 1�at,�&&_Wtta oT M.Lm diro%fte8 1-:g_t,pVri-Lr,. A man valit � "I *(mt to Me &ODY 111.ta Qa Infi,ieuj I came b_,,r_.k- ia k�oalrwtati; I vsnutd ftot 10V It." i 9 gint ttot shov,k4a, as gbrne have been, At Me buh,11ttg O� -ftiltotift in the 11ODY LA -1a. I wtsh that mi t1te %orld Might go gind ,*Ee G6.ngo-na ath'i ge.Mithera. Row zriany who could flot afford mwlete#rs now Laastly buyt- tick- i e�g ftonu Constariti-mctliI6 to soppa! 'I 7l"etft iet chfilvtfaft3 fravel! clad snt,�l the rail trains an6 guide M4 steaw- I sI - lips this mgm, rjanv"mg across the dei�y In t5l,4 pha§,101im*;�,�'-fi? %-Rite of t"Ve shift?"tg reet 0,0 hirit who from wave � el.Ht to wavd e!lff ltrg& bestormed TI-' bttlus,, The Japanese c6nte e -M10#4 the waze- and see 0"n. tIAMMUoh and etAtathe our Christiwt:ty ani gop bac*a and Wag t1fie stoty and keep Matt em.- Phre rcaMng 08 Jesus thall rel9v whereet tbk- awn LItes bl's .8m;�Ces--nV4 jf'outneyt fdft. And tat f1rearms wgt% ,which the nn - I - Ildlel tT,%Ve.er b2',lUgM datVM V.4� ACAb ll*rt6nian St,ft3 ',f".:'a �aCfr,E3:9 Of the des- ert have bean s=ra-,.wqtre,1 to the ehurch. an,2 vre rea,-h forth our hawl, ti7q,!ng. "Theze Is none 9:7.ke that; give I', -ab!" SAM "I L� .V�Ouvhanl was mighty In . LUL the court rown --n& ", M.e senste ehamber, but ke res.�rvedl his strong- est Moquainae for that day wbett he stoorl before the literary socittlea at Princeton cornmeliceinelit and pReaded for the grandeur oZ our Bib�e. Dawel Webster won no', his clillef garlands while responding to Hayne, but on that day when in the farnous Girard ,.V"ll ea,ta 1�e sh-nkwea IMS 212�ect5o3ft for the Christian "Tiglan and eulogIssd the Bible. The eloquence, and the 1,�arning that bave been on the other side colue over ta our side. Captured for God! "There is none Me tbat� give It we." Much of t146 art o-1 the world b -is been 1A the possession of ne vicious, Whit to une"can Henry VII was a beautiful Picture ot the Madonna?; What to Lord Jeffreys, the un§ust' L .TUC judgo, the picture off tht- Last Ig_ mant? What to Nero, the unwaghel, a picture of -the lilDtfant In tile iror- t1an? The art or the vrorld on the wrong side. But that Isbeing changed now. The Christ -'an artist goe3 over to Ptomo, 7001:j3 at 'rile Pictures and brings back to his American studio much of ,.lid power of these old mas- ters. The Christian minister goes over ,to Venice, looks at the Crucifixion of Christ and comes back to the Amer- !oan pulpit to talk as-Tmlver before of :1 the sufferings of the Savior. The pri- vate tourist goes to Aome,...anA.ja&iww AL-2AWM _111___`_, , , '_­_.,___ prays God for preparation for that day when Shriveling like a parched scroll, The flaming heavens together rolL Our Sund-ay school newspapers and walls are adorned with pictures Of Joseph in the court, Daniel In the -den, Shadmqh In the tire, I'mul In the ShIP7 wreck, Christ ,on the cross. Ob, that we rill"t In our families think more of the power of Christian ptatUTesl One 110t4e sketch of Samuel kneeling in prayer will mean more to your children than 20 sermons on devation. One patient face o,f Christ by the hand of the artist ,will be more to Your child than 50 sermons on for - I bearance. The art of the world is to , be taken for Christ. What has be- come of Thorwaldsen's chisel and Ghirlandajo's crayon? Captured for the truth: "There is none like that; give It rile." I So also has it been -with the picture making of bhe world. We axe very anxious. on this day to have the print- ing press a,nd the platform on the side of ,Christianity, bui we overlook the engraver's knife and the painter2a pen- cil. The antiquarian goes and looks at pictured ruins or examines the ; chiseled pillars of Thebes and Nineveh and Pompeii and then comes back to tell us of ,the beastliness of ancient -art, and it Is a fact now that many of the finest specimens-mer-ely artistically considered --of scupture and painting that are to be found amid those ruins are not fit to be looked at, and they are -looked up. How Paul must have felt when, standing amid those Impur- Itles that stared on him front the walls and pavements and bazars of Corinth, he preached of the pure and holy Jes- us. The art of the world on the side of -obscenity and crime and death. So I remark -it Is with biisiness acu- men and tact. When Christ was I upon earth, the people that followed Min for the most part had no -OcIal �position. There was but one man naturally brilliant In all the apostle - I ship. Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man. risked nothing when he offered a hole in the rock for the dead Christ. How many of the merchants in Asia Minor befriended Jesus? I think of only one -Lydia. How many of the castles on the beach at Galilee entertained (','hrlst? Not one. When Pezer came to Jappa. lie stopped with one Simon, a tanner. What power had Christ's name on the Roman exchange 0: In the bazar.a of Corinth? .None. The prominent men of the day did not want to r1sk their reputation for sanity bv pretending to be one of his follow- ers. .Now that Is all ehanged. Among tile mightlost men lit our great cities to -(lay are the C�Errlstlan inerehants and the Pbristlan banl;ers, and If to- rnorrow a* the board of trade [Lily man ."llould get up and malign the linlue of Jenu,l be would be qulkekly I sileneed or lout out. In the front rank of n1l (,uv 0bristlan workers.to- day -ire tho- Chrinmu merchants. and thol enterpriava of the world are com- In-m on tile right vidt. There was a form willed away .*�oujp venra ago, ntl the� proveells Of that faran go to - Mr Spreading IZAN b(tM.S. Some- how wattern have <,hangeil, and now all tbe rvam-ft of that fornt ro to- warda tht ZtNnNoinnry eame, On6 of, Vie fint�.nt printing pret%nen ever bullt uas built for the exnretn purpope ef rublisb1mv landel trai-tn mul bo4t!2. Xmv It dot,4 n6n.ing but pr,nt 111­1*�_y PIMPS. I batleve that thie ;iMe zt1 ,4- I �oa,llle w1aln In o�,Ora=PT,Mal oir&.mq Id.- VeNV 61 Vhrlm tvIll be the mar'ler-', * 4)f gill vouceg &h'i tbp r!tmr.5 of T,�r_ thf*h , , . WIN bring prosirmt-4 gn3 ,!�,, QM10ft Of SUZeb2 hf-.r r,jOr.t' nM,l �`��. uit�L� ftttlft Of 1112ae (NAM tlumv fflvr,,�l MA froffikilficoM�, g look off u;,`on Me but4lat'gi rw%n 69 U15v Mind kandl r�- Jake dt t1te I't0qnt-'ej thEit tTLejr 1',L�-t nna Invenulty th& tatf,fat late W47t:q WO=Itt tntc the t -"v , 'ire of (ft7--_--!- It is one tor ne w,gmlret %eA:q11)111LC. ,� ­ttefre 1,�:4 ftott�.L uIreo Irtat, , A - kl�Dvo It frte,�­ MOW. 0! rvtral I raftvt- ��L,M %b* li-�.­. CAVAY 11*04�h 21� d01&nhLtA1'1W-9r.r__1Z1h! Z� ,,t,:1-rn,tt, N t,�y 110 on nde rught rMit ar,"I t�& Ma%1F,"0n­ do 'n oT nr t� I-OPDXtuc -, 4%,,]a wa Vtp vp!"nt !�,��Ie. 'ritt"I q1tt. L0arn;",rj.­ ,-t -e iftv� a _0 I ,11 -.rd v:,n tht, vfgta�� sidle ar v1 �T-1111lul-e nvll�--Mg on Lhe r. -,9"M side 0, - A tne IiTls;fteps ne-znteft and tact of "the I trotlgl On th,o eglit side, tnon. 0 1 Lotd, Iq the kingJoni! 011§. "gill k1to line. all vve r,,,-&V�e! It gF a granl thttg to Tie In stlr�It on aTmv aftj :S4 I 107 Suth 6 eOMInMuler nnd on ts-�e WOW to SaCh a vzetaky. If What I jrav# saga �8 thle, th'am cat;g!, Is go - *mg: t6 g&thr�r Up vil, mftugeul out of ttl!s woAd L*vtrychiug that 19 Wd,�tlb I anything, -and tildre woll be nothilit but thL_ geum left. We h:jvo "t� an rimb- � i el.l-. but 9 pro, -',a matl6n Of atftne�"tY I gaag Zbtth fl6w front the throrot ml � � Gad, sfty"'m ­Wr-.,oSt,--ve- whi, let him colne." Flowever lc,ng you many have W.tnderea. however gr,rat vour � eA,knes Inny Thave b"_v. -vataste-ever M.M. Zat hl= tame., o_Xi. Mat �'ds hour I t6ald mav-sibal atR the werld I '542 tbe sme Of cbraw He It h m �t,�* I Ust fraeltl a Inan ever Incl, m M -0 kind. he sts lovin"'04 Ea _t�rrnvattv�-�-tcl 1 tannot Pea h6vq 1110a ,mn ,t*ay A -ay rr&na I'M= Come now and oa-1- cept has r06!�,Pq,. 1�eh6la k.!-1 _­ Ite I Ztrtt,0121's ,out th6 k -Mg of his �tnlva- '19612, saying, -Look wlto me. s"�'� Ye ends of thp earth, and te V& snaved. for I Ant C�,ocv, '.�falce final eholce rjoMIZOU Will eftlier be wrMows P:anted "I by the water courses or the cr=1 which the Wind drive' th away. I PLOT TO KIDNAP SULTAN W, as Frostrated by -Chief of Espionage � Corps. Vienna cable sm,ys: The Agramer 1 Tageblatt says a plot to kidnap the Sultan has bec,n detez:ted in lConstan- , . ttftople. Resched was the head 'Of the � coaspiritey. Osman Pasha, ilon oT the ranio-as g,E-neral, Dzrwdsoll Pasha, ana ' * "'5' had Pmwlsed: n" 7 0 h *""c' A - -a I - , V1;,,gX,'Pdia to be proclaimed Sul I ta.n, and assume t .h-- re -Ins of Movern- " � mt,nt. The viplanca &nd fidelity -of I Issat Bey, Chief of the Turkish es- pTcnage corps, thwarted the plot- t-!ra. H -j Pretended to be tn sympatIly �,'i6 them, and, in this way 1�arned th3 detailsi. Then lie told the 'Sultan j, of who:'. was gol-ag on. There was comsternation antong tbe conWira. bars when the Sultan began mak1mg arrests right and left. i Two hundred offtoera, alleged to be � tq the, plot wern ,ltrrestei, a,ftd 001 : iiulktar, a weWl-'l1m4.iw-a oldler, shoi I h-�mself when Mic? complLity becawe� ....... , -, V! � , 0 . ., � I I .1 -, _i . . ,, 7" fl MR i .� ,� J , i , ,-L­,;1'.­P�,J,.fj " - T-- -140, 7 __ OF"' � 11 � I I .. I � I 11 I I ���i , I ; , , ; � : _.1. , ­:',';�,4�,i , ,, I � , 014.1 I 1, ) I I . I I .� i , ,1-1] , , I . I ; . . 'J"""� :.L.' I . . . b � - i , � . , I ., I l�. ­ 11 I . I,": 111, .,,'I ,, , , , I I � . t. . I � I �: I ,� : I 11 ,. ,. I I �', � . . I I . I", � I I , I I I 1�1 , . . . I ! I . I I I . I . . 11.1 ,. .11, I I I I I . . . I 11 1 . I ,. ". ; i .. � I I _.- . . I . 1. . 1. , � I . t I i I I .. � . I =====I----- -11.." - I .1 I 11 . ,,, I . � I I - - - ___ __._.___.__._____.____ __,__,_____,..,.____ , . . ! I . I . I I I . . I 11 -SUNDAY SCHOOL Jesus -Christ, pa a ninnifootail;m of 11 __ -_^_-,1_1_1�__ � ­_ � �_, ­ _, �,11^11 .Iwh. I I . Ri" infinite jovo, (0 Tile fl,)Iy Spirlt, IF � . ., 117 fL .1 , . � S9 tile 0X00Utl70 04 the g(XilleUd. ) - . , , I . � I Tile most powerful 0eivents or .) The Market I . . I INTERNATIONAI, L11106014 NO. Vill fOrPes In nature are used In tho wrlp- ., L L � I . 11 5 I . . I � I I . MAY 26, 1[9ial. taxes as emblems of tile lWly E.,ph'It. JILAP,0;��­�,O� �­ ;,-j . � 7­-­­�_­_ T11650 elements in their varlons rela- � �� I I tions and combinations axe potential 1F.,00ding wbeat Imaricets, �. . � , The HelySPirlb Given -Acts. 2: 1-11. fOM09 b�tyond all hjunan calow"O'lam Following tor& th(I closing quota�� 1� � . , Commentary. -I I)ay of Pentecost They orc diffar'ilve, elinaiging, quWaing, .tionp at Importfint wlimt.ei'mtres to� : 11 The meaning I pelletratifir, purifyinj, healthful, (lay : of Pentecost is "firti- eth." It occurred fifty daaw after the fruitful and irresisilble, Hance ap- . . CAM). July�' PaOsover, and Was tile SeCOI)d of the PXN>priate symbols or tlie. Holy Spirit. 0111c,'Lgo ­ ... ­ ­ "' $-- $718-4 � three Yearly faaets held by the Jews, The power receiveci by the disciples Now Urli ... ­ ... ­ �- 0 78 1_;�! . I The Drot, the Passover, commemo- oil the day of Pentecost was not INfilwalikee ... ... ... () 74 I,-" 0 71 ", , 1. . rated lera-el's deliverance from Bgyp- power to work minnelev, although it $t. Louie ... ". "' ". -- .. 0 09 " I tiall bondaM and pointed to the Was accompanied with some miracu- ToJedo ... ... ... ... ... 0 74 84 . 0 78 " . I I , our Saxiour. Tile second, lolls 4emonstrations; they had this Detroit. red ,,. _... 075 0 74. I -'-A � . Lor(' je0iis fifty (lays after, marked Power prior to that time. Matt x. Detroit, white .... ... 075 . I - ''. - peot*�coot' Dulut]), Xlo. I north 074 . 074, t-jl -1irinig of the law on Sinal and I, 6. It WaR power of a moral ,and . ' f' , ' -;-- pantn 1 to the ba.ptiem of the Holy spiritual nature. Altbough "unlearned Duluth, NO, I h,0r-rL 0 76 Glia9t. The third, the Fea,st of Taber- and ignorant" (chaipter Iv. 13) the Islinneapoll.% No, 3. , 1�' ­ !� welee, was kept in memory of lzra,el's end.upment of power enabletl tli6 dis- northern ... ... ... - 10721-4, Ontranco into Canaan, their peaceful each and witness to the Toronto IParnkers, 11arket. I'M% aad ry)kn.ta to our Inheritance =01flItip"r gosp,l with such fervency May M -The, otreet :Market hei* an.:I abiding home. Fully owne-The and unction that minds were enlight- , was dull to -day, tbeo reoeipts of.pr*- day began at the previou,ssunset &lid ened and li(,.i,rtF; melted, deep-seated duce being very light. Priceso were this would suggest an hour on' the prejudi" wa.g di,-pers,�d ind tbousands steady to firmer. One hundred bushelti fiftleth day, They knew a great bless- Nrere saved right away, V. 41 -Tames or wilite wheat and one hundred bush- . Ing IV110 to come, upon them, but how Craig- . (,I& or red sold unolitt,nged at 72:1-2c, or when they (lid not know. With one nad 200 bushels of goose 1-2o bigher Occord-There was no perpon unin- tit' 680. Twelve loaA& ol� ]lay sold $1 -. terete.; none unconcorr lowerr at $18 to $14 per ton, and 14km !�'n; all were In eaxneat, ....- MISSING, PRIES FOUNDE two loads of straw 9.)Id 50c higher at' * I the Spirit of (Wd came down to meet - $0 Par ton, SeveraA loadis of potatqea their united faith and prayer.- brought 35c Per bog. Dresibed hog& 11,11, Marke. In one place -The upper room. were firmer at $8.50 to $D per cwt, . Acto. 1. 3.3. At the; time of fii�lrian?s Rev, Dr. Phillips' Body Dis- and drmwed beef was also quoted, I Vi9it to Jernsalera, then for the moot higher. Wndquarters are selling $2 1 Part in rains, there was still entire higheir at $7.50 to $0 per cwt., and the upper church of the apoeties in . covered.,in New York, cholce, carcams tit $6.50 to $7.50., I WIllch C.vrll of Jertioalem ministered, . . Otlier lineo are steady and unchanged, A. IX 348. I Wheat, white, 721 I -2c ; red, 7.2 1-20 ; 2. Suddenly-17umvpPetedly. in a in(>- gooee, 68n. ; Epring, 71 1-2c ; barley, nlel)t, Dot gradually, as winds gen- ARRESTED. 47c ; rye% 51. 1-2c ; buckwheat, erally rlsp.-Com, (,,tom. A aound-The 35 I -2c , onto, 36 1-2 to 37c; peias;,65c. Puddenness, strength and djfruL-jven",s Now York Report anys: The body of Toronto blve Stock 3larkets. t cattle, choice, par *wt. 04 90 to I 6 25� Of the sound striki- with deeppst a,we a man found late last, night in a L'xPd(1.1' dium .................. t 50 to 4M the whole eompaay, and thus complete me their preparallon for the heavenly house in Ninth avenup has been Men- rxvort co%r,A ................... 325 to $90, . gift. Wind waa a famillar emblem �;f tified as that of Rev. Dr. Edward S. Butchars'eat,da pwked ........ I 20 to 47.5 Us Spirit. Phillip.s, of St. Gabriel's Butchers'eattle, choice ......... 39-3 to 4 2D " * Charvli, Ha- Burehers'eattle good .......... 3 35 to & 85 ... There appr�axed-After the and!- zelton, Pa., who recently had a. con- do nied-um, mixed .......... 300 to $35 Me sign huntedlatol,v follc)ws the visl- ferenm with J. Pierpont. Morgan in Butchers cotomou.nor cwt..., 2 30 to 300, ble.-Mpyer. Cloven tt.tigueg- Tile the threatened strike Rulls. exDort, heavy, per owt_ 3 75 to & 25, 1 llull.-, export. licht, per owt,... 3W to 376, tongues of fire Parted themselves off I In the trou and uoul regionta of Penn- Feedera. short -keep ............ 4,25 to 47S like streaniR from bne Rourve or like Bylvanla- Feedem inedinin .............. 375 to 4 QW, �rallebea from one root, and distri- 'rile ouruw�r says t4iat the identi- do light.. � .................. 350, to 3 745 Inited thernsAves aniontr them. -Bib. fleaVion can hardly be questionedas Stockerr-, 101.1 to 8,10 IbA ........... 3 0 to 3 60� otr-colarsand helfeni ......... *21 0 D to, 260 Mup. This was tilt- baptisru with fire papurig found oil the body SPLIM Ito Butcher bum .................. 2 I'S to Z50 whieb John had promised (M-itt. Ili. piove it. The p:pfi�-e are working Light otock bull. per ewt ....... 1 75 W 2 2� ' stdch cows. eaca . . ......... 3500 to 0 00 I 1) : the fire va earth whielt the Lord on, the thmiry of murder. Kirl, 8tan- ' Sbeep. ewei PLr ewt . ........ A CIO to A. 7ix, li*m,;elf Imigrd to &ee kindled. Luke 10Y, it ma88"gP olwratror, In whose do Jight ewe�, per cwt ........ 350 to A M Xii. 49. Tile tonp�w-s were t1w emblem r(xnus tilt- biody v6aq fomid. is undor do. bdrLs ................... .. 3 OD to 3M or the langua-�,a tlwy- were tn spi-ak. ariest as a &nsplvlous p-�rs,,n. Lainbq,grain-Eed, per ctyr ....... 3 0D to 6 Do " do barnyard, ptrewt ......... 4 00 to 500 Like a" ol t' �k great deal of mysu-r., surrounds � ., ire. -Mir- fire ludicate;I: ' do $pring, each ............. 2, 50 to SM I. Tho p-m!trating power of thp ivord the VaSP. I)Pe�prul)-Isitlon hail ad- Calvol, per lit -ad ................ I 00 to 600 Of Qod.-Derby. 2. Tho old eynibul of vall!40 FA) far wholl tPIP bVidY was llo;;v, choico. Per owt .......... ". (10 to OM ,� , "fogti, light. per cwt ............ 050 to OM i .0al and orithuslaNm­1111011!1t. "* Ill'o..norpt) that u vttr8iir.y i-Latnina- 11,,g, rat, per awk .............. 0 W to OM Leap!ng. triumphant, tran"formIng titin uas not safiloient ti) rm val tile ,Q,,,Y.' A M M perowt I flo to '-S.r. llih. 4. Tite resistipse vuirzo or dontli, owl .,.n autopsy will 8taw ....... _­�­.*%­ ­.­­­ -.00 to� (; 00 �' Toronto Dair,� Markets. "� nX whh-h vorsuin,,R th,, errs,rs h0 III Id- """! vn,; bt1tru.0 up evil. 5. MI t trk v.onift ort, Stanlp.r, snbjovtw1 to a r1r.ist t-%- Butter -The inarket h? unehangod. , blessinj, - warnith, Pho?-r. 11fr%, jov, niulnution, N t�aid to have told vou- with pound MIS 13 to I t--, and large wilh-11 tIlp 11.)1- . hl Impart.' flit -tau- storiei�. Mm lit -rains. frrkin rolN I 21 to Me ; old tub -,4. poor to mo- . �, A.�)j-,.lt pt 11 - 4. 'W*�re MI `f'14,41-'�\'tot (only ttolleti. whoul st,18L�.r lear-ed foar roouiR, in diurn. 10 ti,o Its,. creatuor.y. boxca. -1 w, "I'tilq awar, - of I lak. prownirt, v#f one of whirlk Ow bv�nl,% ww� fonn4l. su,% E4 1-0 �., to), Mse. .11111 11',)Unds, ls�j to loc. 111P 1101y Vibeqt. but filled. matle full. A lint bo t-lulint-1 to b - froto -,-'an Fruit- Eg�gs- 10t*eIpLi are larp ,�­ and prlia" Tht- who!p nature wan fillt4j with viset). .1114 ealted 111.11�Af "111'. Stan- unt-hanged at 10".. to it I e por dozen, tl,v, love and psivor tht Goil. NVUlt tile 4�.%." III- XV .-4 no-ei-noluAnowl by a ILI eatie lutts *. No. 1-1 an I 01111-2. a to 9e. It,#I,v flvirlt (it, V.�--Thv- 1101y $1drit .%ming uoumn w1usta la. intri0nood t1wv.ik­Uurkrt quiet. Full ereaw,, ,ww not no4w ror the first timp giv- .-ts Ili's wif4*, Tui, bt*l.% w.k,i disoft%� .-��)ptvwber, Utotivit*; new, tig 'to I)e. 4�14 to, Infln, $,��,.r t.114. ON1 Tesinnifnit urb-I It.% Mrs. 11wr.ilti-i' d-tvightor. who lihisep4l 011 14 3ets. Higher. ro peatedl.v ntakit,s mewition t f 111,,4 In. -4%4'jjt into .4t.01ilk"�'S jjjj�jrtujPljt, tj) Mvnipe � IMP market here hao Won advane- ' on M. utladiof the prvplaetR, reinove oouio, bt 4blivign 1114V poh-P tA .I.e. und raw `9 n(Av iltsuted at 30A otbprq (eoontpare. nb-­� Lukt, 1. wt.1*4. hain.,414atul.%, tootiflod. 1:1. It. 07). lint [in !-,4 1.4�41v ghs.z lit � 11" -'t 7be delivere,l, ai�d bollied at Ple� 11 -�*,-,,arznh to! thi- 1.%ri,� dusel,"osl ,,I wim. Tnere lo a pr(wpLN.-t, tit a atill fur­ M�zindiauee nal I ifwor. Ilow uohi?rhin 11, r fit 11.411.r��. Ajjt**.��," � -� IL , jbj,41 1'1*11� 11 uar zdvtlueti lit the near future. �`h Ift MAV, djfzj)puq,�41,�lz�lho 411aj)vn= i I.m,.� rr�,04'jgthn Mitela-11. llrositlplit - r4A."'jon 4 t1o. 8311M. Mg-kil t�) o'111'ah, � too the Units4l 11,41%, work­rrz. "1141 114� ­Vw Alievelt that pub'I.-Ir-ig the ghul, dre%-,od tot) 1.*,-%,. Ve. lulward Phllfip,4. Lonillua Wool Sale%. ! 41"ga MOAWRI Is,- a lt,ngalo 44t fir4% I'tald'ol), Kly 13.-1,11r, (struringa Ott III! wko'o,in-aft" t 114v G q1A r,4141h, jum � Mio.lton. I,.%, Tilt �.,� %V4 We :41,�(* f4m. - thf. lvqxio auctIlun t'AIL-14 LqAay DUO- Itot 12�,mrsrlr f0t ilsq 2V!.w­r. 1V'1v_*n tilts 1� vr-A tPlegrauvw t�infflarly mlilro,�-IAA to bvrml 124*201 li.tleo. 74io oicleeLlon � prPam;. r1a 1mirt E:Z kj;131j%A4 16!.q W;$Q_dR ' , thol firl'-1. ,% lmlf4aro. radwat rola- %*,is, ' �, pe�. mu,"a av i,�q v--; � � 4"4 6,9VAll.'".1mont , bpttf'r an4l j1pMP1,..tjtjj9jj 4kvast will barto, Entlaninvai inmo�nd ,11 bl­ . * jk1toru zp;r1tvd. T.Iw- honic, trado ,so - Ing a bl'lrzg-�7�1 in it m.Ag4lin Is Ma ;=4 several rf;�0011'11t� madi., trit. an 11r. ljorM&I r4i4�'�0*11',�"n. "Z"tlr",J�jat inf,'P � �, 11141iop*' Ingiow. tnorsA Vat, b,ilu oil Itlao v,Tfo-rlPv4,o. Ger. sxrv:nM ;h,q?_jL#4Td;`, 1�04q�f .1rit. �1 It wiev nualt, pablie fo-,r 1ho fuv-t s�i,ny tknght ,i nukalavir out �apprlor I , tto4v ID.A%p w0ourt,41 Wild MOMD09-N 141 gow grado � hr,oju , jfo'.'nrd Vsogotker by Qe 4w#prfl , a .��,Jlut,, wvrv. trreAugar. Cr,,I�,,Aw,�CAS V6 vre tlno�. 40ty�r 190 , .,,,, ,�� 17ts I of thir, 01 Gwl� and nv�� 14��-.Ou`vq nvowT lit- Jvftl�Ljb�l�i. 9&,,at vily, 9-'�,�,4,h!,.",.Vol .011111�%- �t�ONIY. vriii.o rage I_Mai4t%qo,;.,,1 was Nut b,,,vu -z:tM, 1100q, to%,. 4 ", pfauct q.! It- " wmadov al 4140, P=44W;,� te, mmn.-Ar- 11 � �i bao �d_� 6'r hno gj�at,'.(,'.4 "n"I Stow ofs ,: tfethf�. Tgqs� fcp,� gv,�. al)4� Mu:p. ,Tkwi tt'Ifirrg-nee b94%,#'1PnR 4-2ov, - i11Nflh4.,-., v-dwil" %rUDA jwl�,Us in bn.%C�rs" favour. Mali ar_d 44rooil Lh-,? N 114P q1M#,r4-n-,v- ` V. I'Lirs. v�� 'L70-vjjaA 11,0 � 1,,,�"., unr'..'Wra., 1 u'!e;. i! 1'uo"&A,V�V�o nre tfte_&4P_;�-. , - d b�!ou la��sa� ­ j cd 1fro." Iviul ,�;V!�&r tQ-,j!=1V-­1;-Th,o,jr 1� l�-" .4 co�fiu h , D; "wo ftv 11 New .11�unth WiA,r--.4. 4.003 boleg- ton�=�­4 trm.t. tvw 1t,K,jL.D rt�gpr.,,�t t,,I, ; HaV4114m. mroo--- .%jb:�R 2*itn Too, fiv�'t `4r�w ,.. 40-44 to ap 6 1-�.Id; grua�y. I . n"�� , L'Angtnilgo a.4 We1 -.19 tk,* ti�cojghts, jl� &1,�Arrl WaF sPnt Mt 110A 514Y ,��!r6, ac -A ;�:,.4 to Ma. 60,64. tit tern Iwo -r",T art �",L�I,Q,d thcM f L", , &,L,�OM..l tgo: Mh_ and v&­tQze"- qza,enstaud, MCC wle�q -&ONrcdo I �� 0:1 WIM C,�Ut wialUt- ato weto f -"q the lalw- I Ulkl,q rzmu aru? *'I'Mr,4 476`.t�, - g�ml tp-e!,D 1 �4 L'd ; v,1rP,asV. 4 1-�.Id to 203� N_ 11 1�o to 1, C=,g��_VEi=- r,'I'Al. ,� qm�?Zly e�ecr,Aj4t4' tuay. hot..tq and hv�! V117'1,N#7i'1. Li'Ma tm,�rq - 14'e -cored. 3. Ift eMeg at o�V,vus..,4pbov -r��q U,t D;,:- t pjt�,Jls in thu.4 z74Z., 6o�� U'��,,* g��t,si-,,D�; 1 4 I -=-,L1 "".1d to ramiflut rvieA,peAq "24 P51gW,Uft1q. W",-0 ;' �A*��I,t.,� Iniag. 1� -�,�. ,4,80 ba,109 . .31�* folst. aro Tpt aft . had ooua3 up to ta ,��b_ �j 1,qsk"� C�pinom M."I�opjqw. � ,qLt s_x. 11 i -with .Sw-tro,Aan. ,ko abl. � lt. . y laegudq,,I� vt,rs- lo.-Abw -%t 11 .Enhjn�g tla, irpl%". I-0.4-,wL4 RVA U& � Grf. -y 4j to $1 MIE; thute there %vies Sv&tV;+v a Cow- , Vffqlets� 01 tu,,4,� az'�-kj, nan. ss,at 6�at 11 _ Ni�v' !&-.Jane. COW balp-­,'ewnrcd� mero"'al mation uEdo'r luf"ovon wbel?e �j 3 94.nprai nla�lra for Me apiwAam- 11 5 1-24 to 6 I -LO -1 ; gre�i6�Y. 2 11-2d, to th* 3evvg gu�d no' lw,,.-v.a Feattered f4j.. , skoi , i 4 �Kailh.,_y. 4P I 12d. the P:Urpr3g� Of 'Ll'in-j-?. ia�-rehandisto 11 Mzo,ruy tiftcr triALight _stanl(y� I I npc� ot Ga6d flopa and Natal. 800 ete., nnd ftorn Mi tlif so. U.Ittons: ii 11 wcz,i su�,n wammg t!mmig!U 11fa�-tnl! bAf..�;-S�eonrpzz. Ild Iflo Is 3d; grear�;r. to evid, tutere wcre plar6uas mnv I;r,. � *afreet, ,�Ijd vvas arr�-�5*4-4. Taf, pr- � .'�--Id to Td. 0 -at nt at-rupaRetu. � 607�1t-r seem-i-,rg to be safft-rhag lrc..�t : Punta Aren.�s�, 701 bale s-Gredr,:r, W '. I vags. 119. t�l 3 1-4d. 0. Wan"n Ufla mi,uml was ht-aard (R. � thq:' 4�ffO�'19 Of dr 114 IT d - - V.)-TIm- �03n'l th.A V�anle trom the 1! III =01.1 Wall thall VPT a nzin ,1XiLj_V �, __ � t1liver ruom. Cciu,'Ioua:<I�-.e".-IterviolLed. 'getei. lit- �k4pld 13.9 LURIV- lvt�s ci�nc;� " " i 11aftitoua %Vheat Markttmg. - failing UY uu(Im-st.,_�r-0 W"lat it all .,�,,;Xf1;#y, "163 I.tult Rat v,r.z* 42 c,r- 'N7;1, Vilk- Wann3p"g Co"'22m.'reivo of Mar meant. �-,,_-,(� v. 12, co- n lang(rag.-or �vu-arE� o21 -he ald zv,t renz(­tiber I whitiz-al"i 41ved -A 7-19 "Muth a -#F?- 11th ha�o thg,s�� ittru, OD the wheat dig"Teet-, they h"',rd f if,n the ca;tfor- I Z�11v, .=J D_,aul evqu,� tc N*7v,r York a imarket: q"13P goeai nlark,;L centinueo 1.11; . - d tfipy t, ent Aaalp.etv. .4 �e v. S. I yr-��r at'j-1 a hapf ago. Ile sta,-�;4unt. akufmt n , Musiness b,�Ing ,, ,, T. Gaffle4allg-I'Pr-�0'29 VZE�ON.V Un- I , _M.e. Prier -a are I 1-2t,. uIlder last I VaLlod pAha ­P.xn,Dr" Lv,gt, L, F,, Btad net I educated and. Q-,r#T?j:L,Tjnent1F. ignol,nnt , ivc,i-k at Xo:w. I laird 77 1-2e., N"o. _011' oI tL�Cja J.an�_ Uplt�mq. IV? %74,4 -� oxas.�'I'P-, Qps-r- - ,Q­jg0s -Z�h'v:i the.y zow i� 4 ftuvd 7.vv.. N."A 31 rkar#1 641*., NO. -_ "'o- -act*. ant(,-,Ud%,,d .... tl�.) tl�ji . at] 'V1. r',tv�-C-1aern GV7_ ta�:� -�' gpiarke ati, fa!0PnQy.-C3n71i�7. I ii".." R31 -re. � "a No. 0l 11-Ird 010i* 0. Parthoan'q-9,0.- an e3Lr,;ar1nt_,C1n , � - j P ta til 1'�,�;--n � r."In Slr.. dtled Noi� of the na=v m tm_g ,qn] tile IbRow- I el'is'euss5mg Vv! �� lag veta�--�s. sep �&eUho,=ry. I W":C`d Say vvaq 10. PrC15�4:,-to-S-Heall.r-n Who Uft'd .: ta"di- CoA�":Cz Gozept*d tt- J�,wis�L, rfT":C-on. r',��,d. d4eluk'd - It. Wougergul wcirka - Cbnc-4,rn1n,_1 �X�,�y vv�.�4 .. jcsus; h5s death. re-surrf,tCoa and S,!,_1 tle ILL- ­s!�tns",on, .,uLTd Us p�yoipr tO SoLVe ��j�d tj-" rue'a Itow 671n. t I or, r e OteneMnpg.-Th-p M,�,y S'p*rit e,a- gj4X tial teriv heartq that nre - prepart-d fe)r Ilia conifug. aL,l .,Ug�:; the.nn WIM I . power and 91gat. All who recejv#-. 41 r. . the baptism of tlo,, Holy 15pirit Ivill ar . find it etf.Fy to sp,ak for Ogol. The 1, spitit. like the wimi. is invisbleand powerful. When in-n are trul.y Irur- � � Ified and Muminatied by the 15-pirit, their ton,gacts are loogeneff. aud ther I begia to talk for God. PAZ,_kMCAL 4�UPIVEY. 11 When? Pentecost was a teast, In- stituted in PomnipmansAtion of the gitt of the Mvp at, Mount Sinal, on the fiftieth (toy after the depar- ture of the Israe.Aites tram Egypt. Lev. x-dil. 16-10. 'Vile fe.ast of the Pasz-ove-. was institut,rd to coniment. oratef the passing ove�&, b,y the de- stroying angel. of the houses ofthe Hebrews thAt votTe marked b3r the blood of the V&sehal ].�idb and the eveape of God's People from Egypt -thep ]Land of b-andage. Ex. 12. The Paselial lamb was (1) a typo of the Lord Josus. "Chriet, our Passover, Is sacrificed, for us." To whont? .4uteaede-At to the Pen- tecost experlonce tile disciples had I I . " been brought bZr graze int , ' o ' itual stato and relation t ' - preparataryand necessary, ception. of the power r Pentecost. 1. T1106Y hn44 fo to follow EUM who wag I'll