HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-24, Page 6r , � ", - 7 � � I " -1 I ­,­ ----,WWI---- -11 , . I . I I , . I I 11 � I . � I I . . . �� � . I . I . ,� , I F ,. .� � I . I . I I I ,� I . I . I . � I I .�� I . I I . . . - I . I I i , I . , . I I � I � . � � . - I I LAW—�N�� I - - --,-.-- �--- - - -- - I ­ --- � ----- -- I -- ­ - glass a Push. away from MY Plate, �,�V ��­­�%C,����AA . . � , � - . I .�-.*� 11 � "spare me tile details. I "qw, it all M. ISSUE INO �431 1901. - I . . I am 00,ming down with catarrh of 'I MR. GAGNON BETTERO -- , .. .. I and we have Won all wrong, Here I � I � FIGHT WITH Britain Not Itainod by the Sate of a ---- � the stomach all on account of that Few Sh fps. I . difitilled water." ; " I don't 6ve what I you, mea BENGAL TIGER Prominent Quebee Gentleman Is ( 11m treal oaaette,i Bodway I .U,11 eye red a little crossly. ,,I Mr. Morgan's purchase of the stock E- lk WhOt flqdd diflfifl`104 fOr the try so 'arla;O keep 7 I t. I bar,, . , on Iviell. LA,� ot���—�- I Cured of Kidney Disease. of the Leyland line of steamships has a Niiil Ilia water and f titer it, and then uIldery It, Is put -11 Arthur Spencer, wh I I given the hyoterical English press a 4, I � I o is in charge i Tooth and "OUth MY dear wife," I a4inounced sol- of the large menagerie which each Followedtlie Advice ofar.Advertlse- new fit. The papers are seeing visiona Food. In health, you want : M ment, and Secured Results so Satis- . oralkily' "thin I$ 110 time fOT trifling. Year "nds the winter knonthli In factory that He han given ft,, jjw, of Britain's carrying trade passing nothing but food; and your 100W SIZe SOZODONT LIV00, �5: R1111W the bell and order water fresh Geneva, 0-, iR Ono Of the best kno�wn Testimonial for Publicatiou. � I Z under a foreign fla,g and wild and ZODONTTOOTH POW ER, 29a a from the falloet put on the table, We animal trappers and trainers in Am- mia . ny are the "yaotypoll that are (being wants nothing but food. , are drinking in distilled water a pro- Ori0a at the Present time, While be Point Au Ple, Quo,, May IS.-(Spe- uttered. The situation somewh I re- -.1 Una UQUID aud POWDER, 75a .25 t a baby A-4 &U Stor", or by Mail for the prke. OPlasm,40 poison. I don't exactly 'a yet a 701109 Man, Ids life has been cial.)-Henry Gagnon Is bettor. calls that after Colonso, when the But, when not quite well, you i knlow what that means, but the full of experiences, any ono of -,vWeIl This announcement will be hailed same class of journalls to were shriek : kALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL, words are so imd1gestible that I am would entitle him with pleasure by his many frienda, I inpireL IV i I � to not -ice. He ng that the r ; - ', _Mr , I 1-1 sure It Is right. I'volated living organie has traveled in a who knew of ble long illness. I 'in dangerof Wa g . - r collapse because half a battalion of . globe, routed almost every animal of , soldiers and eleven guns had been food is enough. ` elemental cells and all unicellular or 11 POIAlons of the r ++++-:-'f-1--t.++ 94-illism's,` I went on rapi ly, bracing the earth from Ilia native lair and For yea,re, Mr. Gagnon Ilea Liflerled lost. 'Elie same shallow minded tribe � d with Kidney Complaint. What he has * MY feet against the table to give had enough bair-breadth escapes to en-clared Is beyond description. E'very- The most delicate food, J, All Aafi=Microbe + momentum, "are rapidly destroyed in cause him thilig he, tried failed to care him. is responsible for moot of the talk to either shudder at the Hleihad read many advertisements tLxa�t is being heard of Great Britain's + distilled water. They are therefore sight of a wild beaft or fear noth- of how people were cured of Kidney commercial power being nearly. bro- that is known to man, is ' 4' deal in the water, and in this way in. The latter is nearer the case, ken. Great Britain will 11 � -`klo—Crusade. + 91 , + we lose the salts aind soluble cell oon- fe Complaint by the use of Dodd's Kid- ave to fight By KAT.aritwu Loulsm SDIUT + stitutton." I , I r he is known to the profession as ney Pille, and at last determined to harder in the future for her trade SCOTT'S EAULSION of Cod i . One of the most daring� of present day MajC0 one more try. Happily for Mr. than she has in the past. She never a. * I managed to get thin last Off glibly - �tralners. , , I Liver Oil. ........ 1.++++++++++++4 ++ and with a nonchalant air, for I was Af � �;/ Gagnon, he had - aqt found the sov- had so maiky or so keen competitors, It was appendic-Itis seaeoc. quite Proud Of the long words and ter the hour of training recent-' o.-- '-'d"lfl�` a,'I1 IC'Idney Com- and some of her rivals axe only be- When usual food is a bur. We lioped Maria would think It original, IY, whell complimented for his re- plain to Now he is well. He says : ginning to feel their -way In out- Xwe simple talks and not fashionable I paused to get breath, amd while I markable work with animals and the Kidney Pills, aide markets, The fact is kot one to den, it feeds you enough to , ! ltrid ool di .Marla pour the contents ease with,which he subdued the most and although at firat I had little cause lamenting. it should be an ,d not ifall Into the hands did so saw ' g of her glass back Into the pitcher. hostile or man's enemies, lie leaned fifth, I am happy to say that now inspiration to greater exertion; and restore your stomach; baby W thO surgeoln, bat Maria said this "Th,dd,us,' said Maria at length, back in his chair at tile winter quar- I am completely cured cd Kidney unless the breed has changedmight Dy :wao due to her extreme cautloU in bracing up against the loss of one tore and smiled at the thought of Ilia Complaint. Dodd's Kidne,_y Pills are a ily and In a vexy sadden way, IZ the same. �;xilecting food for our table. of her pet theories, "do I understand thus exhibiting bravery. He then re- grand medicine, and I sliall always will be. The men who stood in . "Appendicitis," said Marla, witih a We will be too fresh if we drink dis- n n hich lie con- arecommend them to those who may their places facing the death that The body-builder is food; 4mt of deferential look '%as been tilled water? That while we render elders one of the most thrilling of his bei ouffering aV I wa&ll raged around them all the day of harmless the sort of frog broth we life, and which a beautiful fur rug There hav-e been many Kidney medl- Waterloo were the fathers of those the bo -'- -.restorer is Atere all the, time, only. like bacili - in his mother's home in cineo offered for sale In this Province who after Coleri,�v, and M, UY are inviting all sOrta of polysyllabic Australia agersfon- and inivrobese, we did "t know it. pvrlls T- proves Its truth -but truth always from, time to time. Some have failed tein bowed themselves to the work a Kblw we d(i, or are liable to have "I do," I said, 11a,nd I am going to too remarkable for the human mind to even relieve, a few ,othere ha.ve th' at wiped ou,t a dozen Colensos at SC0119S INISfull IV, I write to the Gernian servant and to lownproliend. given temporary reller, but only one Paardeberg and Kimberley and 9t WOH tale t*= -e sarr fruits, God's own thank lilm.11 It happened several years ag,o, haO cured permanently and complete- Mitfeking, and added the area of a of Cod Liver Oil. "Well," 61glied M. rtha, "it is -dis. when Mr, Spencer 'was In India. It ly every caoe of Kidney Trouble, Couple of European empires to ' the .,- If you bave not tri(�d it, send for free samptao, tUt to nature, but we ate no grapes, ti actitnE* tt� kepp up twith the different was before the advent of railroads aa2d' that one Is Dodd!s Kidney Pille. British possession.i. Tile men who its agreeablt taste will. surpris U. stramberries or currants for fear of tril"OTbCOR. We tWon's �oll our water any in that Part 01 the �Guntry near Iniere oeeral to be no ease of Rhea- sold the title to a number of British COTT& BOWNEp Uloemlotsx­ Toronto. �- 4heir being dead Phots for appendl- more, b4t cprtainly you will keep on Allahabad, winch was an almost inatlem. Lumbago, Sciatica, *10doey. steamships did not sell with It the Sw. and 31.,.Ul. all d-uZzists. - citiZ It was this time of fruit that drinking a great deal every day. You penetrable Jungle and abounding"n- Bladder or CrInaxy Trfikible that this British power I called Maxials a.ttent1t)a In to build more steam - to the know the doeto-s smy th-pre Is no all kinds or large game. it was in wonderful medicine will not immedl- ships ane make more profit out of ---. ,- ­ -, . 240t tbat people who ate tbe.ge things doubt that none or us drinks enough tile day when whole villages In the ately relieve anI permanently cure, their management or stile. Theeoull- dftmed to be me well as thtise who water. WO ought to drink three Vicinity would be sick at heart over anJ Mr. Gagnon's wonderful restorm- try that gave the world thestemin 11 CSd not. or THE QUEEN LAUGHED '"Aftria" I Raid, , four quarts a day, it Is iro cleansing the.report that a Bengal tiger, the tion amply proves tile truth of this engine, the railway and the loco- witfa a rebellions . and beneficial generally." terror of the Indian jungles had ktatemeat. motive, the power loom, tile submar- 811t $be Didn't Talce In Landseer's *-tt, "�[;A't ,vOu kui),w tile doetor.-I I "Oh. certainly.l. I replied with a been seen. At the receipt of s6h in. Doild"s Kidney P111,4 are tile OnlY tile cable. the steam pAntIng preus, Yarn. a --e On VIN! lockout for a veriniform elvickle, *11 am willing to Irpep on telllgence crops would be abandon- re=,,1.y known to science that has and the OLeanie and the Celtie an appendix Lrreqwetive of w,o��t muN,- makIngan impromptu tank of my.self, ed. other Outdoor work, left Incom- I'ver ouretl Bright'o Disease, Diabetes typeg 7%0 late Queen enJwed a6 VXA � . or the greatest commerelal atory, and LandReer, the artist, of- -one hoo eaten cw proposes to eat'."' but, Mark my wor+;. .N(aria. In ii foxr plete. mad, In fact. everything ne. Or Dr"P,' NY- fleet, In the,worlil, is nott.0 be knockp* Wo won,cit Maria rvil4led th:%t -It months reartion will set in here also, glftted until tlu. animal ten akikutcwl Her lilfn.jesty. Tbe great OrAo wtlll ti* bp kin tile sa,fp s!.dp, Wid wk This conditton of affairs in Was killed. I 011t.evelibythe energyberown elill- painter once told the following to ­ - - shall rvad of ,water on the ade a titer dren have developed, In Other lands. , skteanlng� (4 tl;:tursto. til'- 41ppiolite to , brain or aqui,onat. lillotafm of the helirt hunt )lot 0UI.V ft sport but, a public I GOOD FAT BERTHS Tile excit,able L�kkgllsb press Is not Her Arajpgty and the Prince (3c$nsDrt* J�LPPvn`(rQlt!!�0 Side. Vnd ent all frult. vaused by t�nn kullell wat tkeeesstty. The nativlos, however. were I — a type of tile 1P.Ilglipl, pp Vrgml by the doubtt? of it comp:w- tiOtm Cur tabI0. I ann Particularly er drLuking." armed with 'the most primitive we.a- g Have t , �ople. L-111 to put a favorlte. dog to a slev- , Alld d1s Imy',t Ifliliked so probable be Pastors of -some New York ---,---------- forxii of tk,matoo,4 and wp had bpen � Maria did llqt answer. n r rouble, ustL-xJly,1,, Pre, tP.4L. Land,wer bet ItAhn a C5 ubite extilong VIPM frPODY. wl' won lra,rla eams ,, -- ­­ I 1-1- lft-- w4ited the appearance of a hunting (1kaireftes. w3i:vh. bo, therolilmi burled under a Aero�?s -in artlq+- in t'he Lancet or Party to which they would join them. New York ru!plt.% says a doispMeb. ,V'�-1 nt Wlltltiv;�)r 11-10t In presenco of oQuif- otl,-wr WYL-.10 itpurn-ii ls-xving I FRO1,11 THE TRAINS. selvevi as escort and a--ARtanta. are regarded getterall.r wv thc- prize" tip- 41",gll t4at whell they lka4walkod thl�y pro.�daecol cala-pr, ft�qantly we - Ju4t after a Ing tiger had carrilod to the elerlealwore-vil,,iii. a-3 has been I eurell a hors�� hadly torn by a tai VIrgillim Watf-r he vould idniply .UU;m­,'.1A1 vknk%t1-,o*4. Of coarRill. wo ?.mil Paiisengen% (at -t (iZnpses or tb* Pat'- Oft a Couple fif children arid A. Wo. do Plainly shown of lutp, by changes pitelifork with MlNkfil)a 1.1\1- I toll I lit- 411".; to Ieteh it. and the dog Jkl-WIVII 'itil -01-04 that vuesirn1wro Anwrleark ExpoAtton. tuan from Oaf- Of tho 11ttip villages att Home of the local chlirches. To be %% mi I 41,i 41 %. Iftm. Ing ui�arly arrived WWI. Ur. Six-fiepr arrived InittiNtler In *Ue of th- elty"te big 9 livar AlIttlM 30',NT , Rdward 1.1iffitoir, 2 kt� tit X r"dilba Water, L.11144k�o-r told h1v 02191 W41tv 1`1116+1!111� RZ,% b- o U4- tl� 44ern I VN4114- travellin" frtow Utk, 4onot atitl Iletvr't4, 0. U. Mr,Arbll,�O� F,4 t4A,so ivll-ro oQvi?P.1 #oil wt.0t ILV,11 A..k)kaf. W I at till- P111cf, 'With a lkiirty of hiniters eburoh" Is a lue-ratIve and tWsIr -* X Ill ananal bound- 444� dvltth t*,4 P!t,rW 4n to ir tit onsol;oolp%, .Iti.�lvt - 'killt I vilrelli it horro of 11w ninngp, witIl ""' t" --f'"'�% $t"' Tit lug WIltUrt". V1 tLi,v rallter 1111pits,41 �, mthimilve n'th'a tboo Z"111""f thP wito wer(- U,)okiUl., ftir If-oltards. Uany Po�llltlon' The RaLarles aro farge and NIIN,�R[18 LINIMEXT. t,pl away *'+a W -O ullssitZ'o And in r. � UkI k1pla-11, t'll tht! 11alk- of tht" Uathe,"k J-11old tho Wtrty and the pertfaigitps often a,nialtat to as 0.cirt Vitt- rpturnw). bat apparent- 'roy *.%,ro %Va4 ort"'rio o:-� - .1 1 kl�llf"� -twtl,% rrl�nk littlO tinlik waN lov-t In organizing for muell again al tiv� eatarWa. It Is Raid It' n-tb,'-�L% avo�mtp'E�hlvfo thil, [eat for ftit" 4110�t. bot . -%morh"on I:%,p�m)1tkw VhrI%t4qk1n,r A-,otmdvr?;. �& V10, ftri'-tt an 1 glori t" .:�Iw��,tik�,IL� it- tot 0%,f,iting cb,% .. . , , ml cone -4-1 a orcat ninny d'N,%.­;t � : " P , St I livp calf was t1w late Dr. jt,whn Unto hadall illetolue Dalhousip. �111(lol I nuol,'t-or had Ultektod it. The , . ,-� 11. Surrwin..ft7t4 th I varpil o hm,­ il n Imil t;,.vPJlJty.L � ,�`o�',jj,jjl.'_�' , that W.� fo-ft �-nrio worl. all r', :, I. setting of thso a � -041 %wv� deft'lltod un - Ir U0A tto a lwst Jur-t out'l too the Village. "I between $33,0110 .111d sdo.ouo . I - frl 'A" ar4l 0 4L%Jl4,',1o;tLt.,lh Voiory are wrikkor,ilk,; fk.-A- All MINAirtlil"'; LINIMENT III 1'�Jlt 1_441t�Z' tp,t�lrft,4yl f' .1 With tho holl. that Ith bleitting �X'a hL4 valary nntc,.untt4I w 'JO4 &,rr"'.r kkk��%ktjj. mu . g 11`,t-,Mw4 `kV � Via 11I. -A To ­,-% ain-I &131, -­ that uill rI% .1 Vw attraetlon4 llayppo'. f­vl -W *lro plb A flivil, c4fivere',ga�,. 11rae We flIWa,%4 tl,4�11 -1 t`.',',�4 #E-ItI.1%4J�U1 W.ktv-r. i tM � ,"ar. ol urh :rtz`ard '4 'fo"o" ""o -n-%` oil tDw groat Avow Vor Irth ht 3ttr:tCt tll(� mAltual. but this tf')k 0215 $-"-`o,4J00 14,b bukknt-0 hellit" atharot� X 11. � Q , I �Ye:, Ult 1, tLi aill. for "A ho,ast that bris �, alad- lip frim in-irrLmot f,.#'!# und, V� �1 'Ma I U,,vt .,So.�., folic*j ths, noie. but 3UP nw% "o ir L aiwc-,I. , IX attf'n- %%,;J,4 Ilk vz 11 '11 V 11,,'114o Muria al.11 �wo-j .q 1,B,- v� -�lk. un I.$ 1p,vi�all.�. - vd�i truo '(A ntp u -nd 0i. tMcf) , unek, tnate'l hum.,bu ffot-h %voll, not Otbo�r lnettlt,= ., Dr. Nlt�rCjn DIX, OL,. -1 rion mt,* %Vjkillt,po�-. .4 anged It NU -1Z wa I aB'21� Thore tll n , grratt�r *,,r i 4 a �� .tt rn" lmlik� �r In �rs- W4"Werfill U -.%q 4t.4do. on t1w worl,l %l,,,.rp. Dvjjto�! -T TrillltY. rce0l',Tl IL ftl ry ol $23o- . 0,drg*.o;;,.��v-vrar ltt'llt,- 11towo,w,r Ovtob' again twitell mlythung 4.1'.1% AS tlley,� C%q rWJ wor'k-:,z an avt,�t,�!,, .i,,,a1­4 %�4.4n 11064 ,.,,arl��, *91 %, I �%r , p. w,,,4jt l+1v lot, restflt oF m and M�) porqub."Ite's apID114A tO 1 +, , Qw-0114 lang1jov,-.1 Lvarkily, the . -,M %'t-ro o ZiTcau R,,,-pp�,% ,qt I tfk�l d�?44-' . Inv.1t a tvilft Cry went, =.— �- � 1. � - �� -- I T I 1.,f, .T, -�' %. I Mv- IT, �s t� s; it, tig" li""' th, limr;t i�%Ilo-rt quite aq much M,,,4. -P Us diij Dr. Hall a. I ltrnm'v %,.-oa,.,4 rilvalt. , � "1:9"' '3* alsoi t, , 11�4 �Itla�D! 41�l,Llxi`--`.U,�!#� anl NO. -.v JN8W , 4"'14�1 t' tOxRough t1ar- vill,,ag.o. ,ln,l it a � f. . .� . - .1 . r ,,N043 Vvat­r�v tof the U w 8 ,, Dr. IN , haot . .b,,_jW� t,%V*,ljt16, faq ------ - %V'�: -10 L-n�b,41+lr ='111 a-`"** 0 bed . o"rilt `;� �I D-'-114�1�'�- I arrv,l tlutt fi%ving tj toot It 0, L - cet.int eljr,att,s. llejue C1 t%7h,,4m' gpia A (14,"oA Of'oeoter � -�, 1=1 016-.Mlil'�R, 4 ,M-,�­,! lt��- Nvry Vr""­ IT Vito. Oro a2ort. III;, -b W 11 sea Y. Ve 11r!l,r0.1 ;o1no4rrF nrriiw*1 witIl a - . , 41, - n v 1pili.x,� tig �r lt7*qt#�bt�oj et�, j',��Ut�� 1P.1,0 thMn $2.30'3 yearly. %.,*t lett:s 9 �51�1'-,.,rg,�. -11.!4 nw-vap 11,g 'kat h. W - 'I e)f L s8 PA= - "I% CT 4,100m, M". 11?,%ot , 6. , I,nzd- 'iat.-�,%7" Vaivllq. lia!-3- " lif -1.�. nr,.-,, vatl I- to VP � , , Emil p -i'.4 wr I I -"I"'. '�:,14.1 e-u�',p I -D 11, %�"44fl thzv,lv�l ,at N P�p T 44t, vdfiuio �1 � ll r1w,ot, er- rw� ho t'�­ %� v�, tarmor hwil vetitur,A vat, av I M 11.03tl W., , ,3,-�i,T")t.�%C'r tJ6,.,q4r.4a�J%,r"4UjtI i, -o hici tim t1aan to , Intris, . i -AVN 14,:P. 3%,1 ,�,,;b;,34,-�iW,.-,1 il -- , *0 n%- ,,, 11 I 0, 1! .;ZN%0�y li,,!,J�, wll�c% lip, ," Im. Dr. 1111%, 0 Vv, 1IT''Onit, '01 Dr, rkf�idol, 94 rf14OJA0iAJJJ.,, &15:,�.4�'p:�. tft t %* - �, , �,p 01�w�l O�­t C�Inh C.,�A tho, 01fei'M Swl T. u�".Il 41-0a. un r.,�,"��Z 051 Va. tut'..:11,11" $94. . A �1,1,,,,l 91� attk�ntlo,n. Greer, rm.Vw To- � � f0lur� Vwprv�A. wDlI't-ro, �1% q"24 mwo. h I, �, lr�!I.�%$3 q%-,.,1*- rA*7 ,44T,,at tpwk 41V - . �, . I�Vnv-,�.­ I r(ni'N'li 1. �A, tV,, li,,�"r , 1 ,Pvuf,�tol t-itv(V fri4ti ,V.hw�i &I"Irch- light 11,44wo kh'. %4'ry vyt:4 of hh4 wire 93, �4- Morlif"'I"alew"a .Utsvlvi� bugt:"",If�i.-I��,,;�rt.,�.,:IO.N)�,�ir.i. ,,��.. o.ft , U'lArn,op. 504 11MI; of �,,%o !L �'I,� % IX�,t. ,t4--, I -','3*, 'o,an"44 wdl b"', fl�ofl 411.0 Oclilro 'ZI to , M C',-mr,& fuw lw-­i�1­4 Z,a variTo - A I,Lf�,,' , .� .�%!llq V. .4r. i 1'. . I .0 fiml UL, �u li,.omec ,��n - - 9.5 V4 - ,- ,l) tiw tov a bl'wl, n-. � ; . - olfil'�,,lt '.I 'at 112''10 L"QIA541ld %Vv14 141" the fir�,A tolas, rt ,11.-V,1q,%'a ofte- , ­­­­­ � 'N'tal'Ay"V 1 '."do 19,11L oo,l ,N'.�c.,- T;!",,;J1"i, a ve, 4 � *4 T .4A I elh-PLA off ozato I - .. I? - - 'u, .it AAme " " - ,go,- N,�--O, i�­:j 4"� I' " '.','�,�, '­ I,W 1,J " 0',p ' '%o'. - I., Y I" of t'. . . " . tr4- 'H00%cr cl tho E%ip tolta-z. aa �!- ,a,Vltv.,TuVp�� 1110�11d .40,5- 40tw" in 4#1U4 t8dr 10;90.11�091 44 Vldgi�,Iovj, ,% 2-43 (life a ('�1101 in Oful, Day . - ­ , tb� J,u�,*"%'� 11, ^Vth,-*��', tv� .,,j ff - .1 - . 1. �,, " * -10 I a 4 ­��` -, i:,4. , ., 7 , I � '­", I ;I, Tu I vare clqv Walgi *4 . thor:��vffi uiaN* t "JOVIU;, � - I � %I,- vas?b lh-, fl1q9q1'hU'­,14f)& .111vill,r) ,,.,I VW4t *I'llp-go tv)reard , , kmolu!,�r L, , 10 o"?1, 11 q �; . �Z; (" �". � 4?1 p;1, � ostelp 911 N I oo�,�or fit b, , , . NA r . V i . po4oJ iltql, V, 5� L, 9. �AV4 U'lu A datvv %qV 19 fttt�ltjlo :� e'l * r] q tj;'��', ! � . � ',,. " � *4 Gtmr,,i V1 -%-#?1,,. pl, ob'Agh, C14AB. �- I 1i u,;*,, br--fl toli %,Adv�s t ua-k4 T,,,�44 In a,,ra *4 i 1�)­ ;i �.rv,�, t'4�,3111'64' V,4.�'.4 Q-.�1�1!,,,, `11t�!ofo. An � , , L� 'P,14� ,, - - 1 k:,q,)%,,-1 ; �3,14t�vg.�J. tV� ,� h,14 �-;wut I I ­- � - ­ , A - - , .1"p, , , �]'T t Avilp 4 .qt)� Chet.,. t") - , ,­- 0.43. '] "r".^, ­, ­. j,ff tit T"!;�, PO ftuf& � I t: �1,1311 I %'t*p�j f,fr;p(,'�. 4. A etl.t4, � lu­f�- o-vt rv- , I : I -� -, WJyU­.,r - � 1­�11 �u .f� ,,,,, rl�htax. hll'4 4 nt""'o."y �! P,w, � o" ,, - "�, � ,,, 6- ".V u- A � -, i��­,To 0.1 ., fl tt yOav,� an qil.,I, 41'11�al% 1&cro, aPV.,1TC.,ntl.,y ;1 021ird On VIP P`i�!*, -4 111­J'1,­p3�1­,"a vnbu- 1 _, , .. V- - , , - - : � , LA. , TC1, D Iv voo, t�)4 11 L<Irrv. vt. 1Z­%fPv�,Jloor,'- , $,#I V�Oovory -4�4j` , " � .- Po!,I: tn­a -­,.�,.Zq"�� �-,J��­�'', ".1 t`- 1�1, 1,,F-�o -,,1o'-ff.,t,? ,�1311 arcctig,14 to! .�?. aal tU." losPral- I � 1 rk,-1h �! ro.vtmo"' 21 oo V� .2 ruT R.'.."j- E%A;,,1,t il- - -1- 1��.6. 'I'D ., ", .) - Y,-, � . ,- P � , , ­ ,,-! t .... . . �aLt­4 1�.,�­n with htu- - ld 'y lhnt,elil. aig It- b - t, -�m',,A I V,,,.,D4MA iwM- : 0311. cmd tl�,-� .,.:� , o. , ffTo .�; I ­�;-.of �.. , tn" - To-, ". ie,4 *��. ,), �Ir � �, � 01M -1 WO�j 419%, WU �,,lla t 5i qu"I ,�,,�tj, ;- - it '10 -4 4*1 t - ov,,J�, U.),l -11 vra', �.� ',ll. .. � ,�'Jrj',�,,. ;,,',,,�,, "" --, t �) �­ ,, U`dio I'Ars a G.F1 pm. -,)r.. , I 15401? au tl:," VIA",, �",oc�da-*Ea , I J,,,,nf1v � , .� 1. 0 11,�,,, !, E.-:,�-V,�,4 5,3�� tl�;-, t��-,)1011­ 0 ,, �a l-,-,,,�.�, lav g. �; 11) �, - ') , J, , io ,,, - ,11 ,� �1 " ­4,� 15" .1-1*'', , �� ii, , S- , ., Aft Inovi-o-olocz Wroldin . . Ii. I , .. - �� . " - , , 1, .1 . 1% , " OLT "' i�1­19, 2*oto ­.- pill , U �., " . -A", 1� 11�'­ ,,,,.,�,., ,e;­!�_q "Ifte � . Ann" ri'!?o ­­,­�,1­, I 9 : --i -;-, � I" . I i'.. 1� � .a "i o��%�VJU,4.,"flk mt, now�t C"orfa�r.,-­ t'oo " Liq tc, 111�,�l L� �,, 01�14 U, ou ,,�,'o �i;c��)"4 T,'l-�;� ",',�­ 'A­I.m� A %tt,')"'Ij =,�ti?�I� -0oh L.')., r,:�:-i-:fl9F � - "'. t -1 1�­, . , I � ep, ��l R 11 '� - 3 , -1-�!119 N - W 4j'aw," fj � 9 I - �. I ,It ,` , �,,�J �,,rt�g'.'��-: I �-4 � 11 I . a dil ,"�bo t� 11 - N.; 3; ,� - o -g-, t -l l -.,,, V4 1r.,1TJ eorry � r: ul.� &Lqh,q,fF,;o, Tiluoy t'�.,,J.-;�ll-1 CIO """ T1. I tkp FP!r-v'v -,��.­t­-I`Q, RV�� P OQ ."!�t�111 %­�.�Ii, ,�! ,I! I � 1- ! I OD , .", �-1 trl�l � - - 1 I I � 1 11,01 %�I�w ol, llm*!, hJ4 to .'.3 p"'�Lu'a 1�.�,'a '.1", tudo lm,19ZA " - I "I 11M ,I" .- ",'llf-I "-* lr'".- r I V­'�j7g' �t'o tl�j, D:�'f�-�'�J -, , !?. %, �, � - I Wl� . I , ill , ­��,J�' *-o­"oh­u1r­',61, al ll�ro,oki 0 11,- �gj I oo, tj�fl, V " l""i 2,1"y *1 U �, � I ­,;�, ',.� ", ` j4*AVlZ MaD V'JeA Wft�,,:NGO�141 .5, 1044? 41 O�.� * k�u� I - r e, ��. 1, '+ � - " . � �, ,J!�, i4l, % i,.­'�Ia , . L rs��- w.�. T�,(;! �,��!�q' �v � t -i, ." u,z4al", at 'I. �1111N:a Oi 11-S . VVI tl,!�at al t �� 1: , 1 o � �,,, �,�o��­Tol; 1�',�-,11�:A I fdnt�� qr,UO 1,&l, hl"Ibt �! 0 1�A C, 11-�,: fA , It;- L-1- Nutf�kgo,;.,,h r, - �.., Bg 0Q,-,,-' U'luji: 1� Rl�.11'.0 '0.t, C,,,---.'.��I'� ll�'? !;,il, L,,�!,,;�U­�l U`u : Ui.4 2 t�'-o t;r,, ­D'I I.- �A t�.,: L,r1,,,r.4 091 Dq rit ' ­­ ., � I 74Q M .1 L ,,,,�- I - - �­ , �,i: o, h - �,, - cll�j-' " I - -1. - I ­ _t ,� ,_j . . �J- - 'D , . . i '.. ,Lvf,l,�z trrD ff, to�-W,,Aqt� C-1 'a t (r, , -, I 1hp. 0, ilc`t�"f`%, tltl!11*.� �­ &'!�4,�,,12��.'.� �' 11 il.jy­�Io 7, ,;,,� I � un 13 r� 'AZ onthre c,,o:)L'Ah1,F I . - - ­. L- � � - � 1� v A'. t" D'�, 1,�J��, .. "'t, �, - L'. v; �l; i D";+ - t, -B-' t,". A�t­ fi-7 111�L -`ok'l g�U:St!5�4 RU".NCA "" .. - f.' ' %:!.-�.'o &'yC-tf�iq f�,;;rjt "�n r.`V�, , c4 t15 ".1 tfw 1 -"V-DUt er�.":, VLIP11�4,l,j - !, tt,�C*�" lr,01"=121113,�I�,"Lvr,­� ,4 ­2,�V.g, . -, - "Lij, Dl!"�- �. 3 !� 1, . - �1�' ff��­�' L, . I , . �, Ito. V'J", Uhim totc,�ail: _r,," 4- 2,[""��'. �_,��, - � - is 11 �,, `,D ;, 1 kN. illn�. t­ua,­ Uyl,�.!� �', 1c; trili- 1.1; a �'. M.- IVHNI, cl:�11c,-,") a -,n-3 ,tf t�'L'L,t-�' t�'-') ��­ - � , 7 _ �:�;C...U�L­L* i, ,�-t.ct-.,u �� 11.1'oU. D n L'. .,- �, to t*1 to t � � ­ . n I for ua U-,��.,-Utqlp(v t�L'bil,&e,as 04A , -L� - 9l,1 - l,j2il 4 - ' TL'f �" ll-"V�-'�'11�1'�, ,,!�%Oo : tr­ t4i, t�'�.:01�1r.)11 - L�'.�,,. , , I � I � � ''ll -,11 C�f­.'ntr,t 111alh,"- , "... &t t. t �,cf,�,�A W'LL"'ll!:t,�? fh . , wm,�� � V. - , " Ml� .. . " I- - I f_' -,I, ,�. ,M -",Tr f io,rj,�,'z �,-,-,-� , , , -.,:, f'T ttaf,l qi,�tar-d . ­ . -�,_ . - � b 0 .,L4 �, ��-o�­F-g% Rz,�,­ : �r�­ pv,r-o. 0--l;, L#n'? i"�":�`;'Iil .:�':� 1 ti: ­'2! �L�,.:.�'�!�� "� �',�Irl]? �". ';�;i " 1! - i , =, L'a (!l' -r, &V�tn':;r timirrkidgkra. 11 I ­ . a t lstl tl�at%r g--,L� � Vi��t L'Z-28a Ctbl W ei 1'w- 4 f4ld- tQ`ie tt,,�t',�4o�l,DrD--� ,� 41�� -,14-d t"') UbL, 'I V� ,(rF�,l ar : ., U,T-,." tir.k,.1)Wta U ,)t I I +; � [ji�, ' " C 1U U,� --,ij, I:Z,.�;,"�fl M � �, 1 11� .3 - � ,,.tro q,� ;-Ll� �1- � 'IrL.V- ..- , � . --vZ Oil) ,%tl'-Z-MT�4 n-, � t 4,11 VLO ft tcr ��­ -, t. Z.,0 E.,z­ 'J"! - ,',� '�,­ i! �- �,,, 2l,� � 1!�nn�i 0,v­V�-":L'��-, at %­­ - �ant Vlal[- , - F"L""-fr, %tt� - �! vC tr,�a Ltltrw euv"L S�. IV�U"'-Q "' 1`0 N.- ; CV42"�'.,�'j ��11`;J'tD-V:l­"D t":,;� . L- ­ ` �� -.. I Urn ,� , � - 1 ,,,,4 'z-"T",,� � t'�,N. u � 2 t 10:al t *ill, lo --11 1-� -11 , ,. , I I" ", �,h tp,T� . 1i � , ". Rl�? r,�,4t;lm. Ej l, v� I , ,�� . :, . 4 'I v'r. , tle trt-,v� ,��­I:%-Z;l ',f tr,on tjcall'A . esn�rill'.�, tu U,� TWO11 011 VLO ;! rLn-8'tfDt4-rtJ I 9i" . _ � L(,4',h)-J � T - �! T,1:1j�,I��:;,�,Z,R -nt ,� I t . 0 %t,41. , T, ont 1,�,��--,-',�',,u= v, �4j ��'(PL��,:f4 �� ff1)q,V,,, or r, . T"rx ito u:mre air . ... ... # r�,]'ZAZ�- - I ol,4e ur &,I I .�l,.'q Lij.,�-�,1-17,�Tk,�:�,- Lo- B. --,s o-,n,'J�r,�r;A! � 7 id ,:.; � pfr,-�n lk-�,D' drj-'� ED. UATav-Lun* .1-1. I i- - " . v .� -� - � 3 ,',-t,,,, -V tllz-a! .'It qlq,!;r15. klltDo�l (r.ft-11 .1 - ff'� VIM, !� 'bii�u V. � 1".n, . " 1� 41vo !c"'ItLe,ft. lr:v, ,-�Iftl- �� L �� �.,-.� Y'l r��,�;V,=. *vQ �as E,6 ,q,,�.�� vanA to,�Uv a ,��.T,',am Iff'. 1�.,-Q� D il �L'Ll -, , , Z6�xvy,l tl,t��,�,t t" ,, V(!,. �1, -4 Pir, �: r " i �,G . ,nl, 1,-,:1rU I tv I - V3 L, �L;L, � vv'ut uroll�t a' a, bl��;�u 1, - , L 11 � e.t'-,,,%­ t-�U0- 7 -,�,'. � - I ­s,MA"10 L. t*3= -0. fltjclo 10t2er 1 1, , lu ti. L .... ... L -Q I ��. .. ffAto ':.-c .2 tno s -U -c -'am Dou, ,uq ='ILA� U,-�4 a I � . uti- � , $K � . -.-,,tt-�l-t,am��t�Fj.;"J",�,ltj. t,cv�r.t 11 C8=1�"clr� rc�,�­�i:-Ll� , I I k- �� i�,t, �-q M .vtlluttma to & r , ak br.0 ,­,��Uil �� I n. calt,A) %kl '.',t,., ."j,.-, a 11 64, trip VtWnll .Stnt�,�4% M Tot=-, a 000 ,� -q. If, rAl br-, S"�Ptl ULL) x nt"d � . - . - - . ,1 - t:15cc, ,tVDIi!a6AZ t �L,l atMl I ZFM ,ti(�av-g 11111;, L�� �-d C -VL, SiD-:n "'I ��'rjvqo rcatth veuemtz,�n ID0, eat rn4v"t"U", �- - a " , .t�Uo_ If t r',L, r ion,i�� OL"Aft'natil'stla C , 'a , � Ul V,T f -roe Lftht- , J) qr��r "Jr'�%- It ,Q,4 .[,.I or ki 11 f",ar:fttte �,3U3 1. - . ,,.�,o �. , Flltn '. ag C ;tolj I" 1�-IDQ i� ttp�m D,Jg 1�0,,%�7,.,!, -.,nlf Dr,�.-rn�;�qm ,;;�,I�e',� lo, , �,-:�-:,"�K­..,z ,��t , n tbo g,rn� u'ra"'to he -U,Dd,r,uo.v rair-ard a �T�Z,:-D�,�,'q" Ull 911 11�earg 6t," lt-'J"MT-el'a ig 2,7 t tv,j rg� It pr�o - I 'i � ­ .--I'---- - i�l 14 1 - VXC-a V5P v,�<-',"�qru;i; ,,�T UTC,". V -Gr !, tl-,­,�y - 016 og &1 ,�,, lamp V-4 bka=1b..'-­k and Wlo�e ?,(-" pl.�,D:9%111. It 9; 4ij -V�0-.2,!�n",jutf Ei b-ra. asa I WiRtOV UUP rr-h��-,',; 4M Vi�,P, r,4j,,A�j �Da tlaq,,, ­ I �.. - I 6; Unorn,�,�m t T40:p ,.rial 11"', r-,W,'r.V- a s�� ,a,, tv%,,-T-tE�i V-.-.'.,q,q", L-anl ,4LI'Juj- An:rt'91-0 � %on un' "n trruA 1;11,C00 a 2CA, Db a �,,I` ;; e .1-M, ,tr ,xr�,,w V1--,tt �g�al ys-%t �-- -,�O,o ft)lto3fn ftg r4q rj�­attor oin -tvblir-h 10�q,o � C,O� -0 eltor ' 11t1'UM4V-,VA iia; r�-wro:,.Jah"*, C-LITO "'? Otv-st. m-hrikIL'o"I h- ev.,A,,Jtt,;� , � - . _g��.J r,�alge DOF ., %%1r,".41", " . � ot;jgo a big - ­,,!,,.��i7ft,j f"T blz�� LIAT . � . ..A 14V N.- r4L,t , ­ , -­-­---- , to ST -Lot througZU tvia att QN1 fAtuork Lots �T D�' �02' t`o"o D i*199�'l hie'.' :1 g - Dv� ; �% It'.90 Tardy* lout Oise(,rrklhg� V�,!,r �!I­t�ME,,l. X, , " ,� ftfe a -�alo U10 - 0,4 -LI t!r' -� ar, j4!aQ,U55 �C�,� ot ne %1'a-tim, yve tcr-�*110 9 . 1! " t ft . ill r4l hs--], Its",mb , r. ��;!­'Akljet,h,eavlq. , rar�ek:03- tro the %7v*,l-­t L;uppho-d . d"11.,0,01 in illar"L", 611 ." .-I Aft'V�Ir-c,.,,i, ,. WA. i WY �, . 11031,111Y OS tDw r4w.uMers. Ile w-" tc,% - " - --- ­-­­ 10-.7ng, Ite YU�L,q .jVool 'tj4on - lvg,�&t E-1 taet. ;k11,?,, mamn4tv ft�,,�'.'A Z4,071A1,11 7O."Vor, dr-red'st-p-self8s by 1.12e Skeek. nrr.d 0ittled touto It"'Of-oveted. . .S V VJ,f rfp3l,'t . 11 q&gr?2V1er&% a��Jlzl tint U;�2��.'Vvl'�J. vot ,Iueme Alillegeol Joklmi. vvlar,n Die re-colvete"a his m1nd lie toonull I of ewIntes.L49 .vc,07i ",,,v� bl,olt of ulad- ,� ` Tw-t. Wo. gc 011 - , to kno%10,tyrott"to , - Aferwtokt,g�q,ao re`zVA.11yj'�1!1oUf-,%J neat r,ra JoSq s , 'Ut e=-A'Ate b­-,!Or"qZ-:-Q und othor Diob­ - T&B V-W,r%r-V(r,, Vton., rdto,r aft, tfmt Viat loe tvag lyfmg P,olroeath tile, bw5y , ilp-W89-4 tB;, k -scow -s iru91,%!-",-,- �i "..'o -e 'i 10 - wtorg- t5flubt: wit, fv�ut Wcat'llig enoafto, have resnotf,41 in tr�io�, dostlov- Mv q,02 r--nernninge. i 'I th�� earov . 1. I rltttunez�, -',�# t2n; 6.�Ivzlag P.-��,cv-s-..,.%A 1 S ier.v Of & butivid t�,.nrm C 6-1 � Tfv:� EromeWdIv t�,,� t-111 .�ou �aowve d4on" .70 W4%aU-&,A . 4 est 2L'­Vq:, WIT ft'R vtettm tbe tjg,�--, maracd of thd 110man DI.-PaWl; It!'U.,-ir --- ,: t",f.­­C0-ilZ8mX-V 11q,e"Ptio. We E29 oltC3 sm,"]frl ns , Sla;"V-p p.,­airc� wr�A�? tria pDays ."'dffd- of 0, mamillith tiger. At the sligbt- ftftt wv� o'naD g -!)t Cne 1:�Itr,r ,101 "Te- ��t I ?" ­ ­ - --- I *�I)hc--D,nt tn X-rgur.o sutty. the Vir,* grm71r-9, and lspmmpt teaniged that- .1 I " '61*4 Umnneut Dor-,.�­Vv� Nt­vawill- �� V - I � ­ I . � . ,=e,� ..",4 InUA4D rro�m *;03nells � , Clue, lel"Ww. aer'-4.q Uno Lu P'..ea fq- ,Va,�& it kn=e ,llf­-,PAT,P4 t- the 1AY11- ---- I gx-art ,,,,�4 Tro"n I1jVvV.,­Ss yl laste.- - , , 5'. . I - t� - - '.41 *&=­,g� an'l s.-,�01't 4'-�.Z�-. E�;IVJF;,Ivot�*, 'V,1'E­r,- Q1,: '. L lk�ttontu�,, ulwojai��!-)tv-,. 11 ma I ftf&t nlr&:rty OL'A to:�n"o7m.i4 trRVIR , ' � I �-J, 'Whbeh tlood"Dy rV-FP=M,­ pomix.n. 11 U�, X 21'"' -� , V(-Irg I go til%Y V18 bF-Bt gaM9 he JUtZ" iDe i Z Or . � -j 1. , nk, doyn Vak%T, 3.11afl. T'L"I --�',wr. trhRT-lu . V.*Inbow flo.;4qf g COT -131 nyj't rEaral en fm�,2tlr %rim' -'o-, .t�,at,j' , �� . Ndt -�`Ii*�S�� Doi- �stt I. th-,fe ?" At a d:sft4nt ­mnig Ui6 U�ast quli7ii- 0 jnuai.- �-�Ve &�ea a eav- )71,�,C,-- re: -wt InT 11 �r� . C 2-.,dy=!0'-*- , V,:A rja�,F­v'!--rn.� 11,�I-A ol��Ja D*"'.`E�,.% OD.�Q. ly gqabb�4 10w by Vw side Of hrLPI! wealtv?sr Ronl1r,13, L4 51n zol i 3�cf;Dvelat 1i , -- -- ,o 1, OV'r,zi you r-4in U�il; Mu*." TLIC. nt),%aan Wlv� Imn"'f1h '; th-11' ZID'U- -­ - - -... C!Zle"J" D!G,F.r­A InI4 Tit'l,iot Lr-rrni,t�6�- � walstea4k, qni. varr-".1raq, Mra as F-,-,&- 6tato 6� p±,T,6td,raV'-'1n. !! Wa�-k ptlilekit"'g-1 V�%, -Z­a� I riuy r- -A I .. :� P --- 1 . I ...... .. .." .., . 11 , -1 .� !. 6 � .d *En han-gw- qUnmt-"tk'4 S:,J,.­d;2 vulv , - dMly sc.aq�ll .inta U.21. , DRY fig m (=' '.:. w ,.,Z1111 a MtV�U. broll, k lnvxtstl�;atgfras F­Qw! b,�C­i ��!j­ � i� 5"O, - .1 � Ril*'La t-.,-'1:tr$1 LvInh :.,�! C,z,tR. I t . U.��-, P,mc.-tv-M�w 4E 2 �,, o"s 4�F,f, .tvylt Vrafeugh VZP wf.r� 1'-� uatrai tall ra�-1-1�4 - � "L'I, -irap .� " ­-,%m�l P-,*., IF2,2 L­�,-- TrIz- 1- in b, -,:z .. . �'% 'r. t -.v -!,!-,t yvva c,,P�­ 1paintEnz �'03 . � =-�-aced Id ..a ;VPT)'t. T,t-:271,10rr,� 04 unia,11- !", �a E -F *.'0�,-,1,..L,rtn,��;--! .. I �, 11 � � -�� Z.�i�s ,,�.OT s;l. �- li � .,R, I at a V.0'r- t;ry -� 't , '�:�l yren!cd Frot. "' � .� ,;,J, . A . - . , * 11, . r 1. Q no:,-.!t�;Iv: - , �.:,� W�,�n,ve r -..0L,!,;, d:,,m­�ntaffo I - `­`;"­ , - 0*.., I � a--­L,,;­)VJ­�,, fr��ra !,Is eznuc.4.1�4;. Afft!­-1 fff. I , 5;*�, J1 I.P-Tv MUSA .--4 'N n rallu�i �-�7 . . ;" -n N -­ idon r.-"Nn5v1 .�: '', ��,. 7 " - " ifit�eno; arttsttju (7,%� ign. It- i - - I of t.:13 b7g (,­"%:-Jv:. TIn �" no-, .. .,i- , ;r��, -11-11y,n*t p,;.t T1,,,',!n,, 07A.4est �`f-ll �-`�PzDoc--;" --'I 'D74l� �,T il la �� r. , , rg , jcli 4, .".., � V -%i r , 1 G I , 1"-" . rmig, anl o,-rur,�'PlEt, W , �, - C, """) a mlutrU pax Infet-f-i I I , Zr, .Tava-S ,I 1, . t! �- 4 � 'y'; � �, � I , - " , " s � L � n S ,-, 1 .; "" :, 7" a t, ^ V to ll t I 'o ; , g,t�fnf-� F-- N, iA n -H, ',UD�z ari�,nj,d ��t,­­ , t , . V�'; -�. I., inu ., *1�4 1� .r . � i��ffp � re. IV Eltra I'll, T. Y�4y.�-,,­.o y,.�F­ 1 !, At4r�,-p'T'� I D."1'4� LABI:v anA o t, o - I t, Q . I - , 'r',tV,-'­].-­ V, ,---i,, v,L.',­�: n��]Z�L zv% to zt��"'Wn .­"�l , " - �� ,� , , 91"In, tol"ag r'�.�.. n--�A, 'j.a2m, " �-!� �-'Ulz- , � -,* ., , C � v-, 4 �-'­ �� ,­­ �; r� � ',-,-. C,f �J Me V�t,, T .-,­,�., 11 -�- �- nll-mz�Iriva; D'.- t D " +�,, �:s anl U,r�, -1 11 �,� , , '- - . . , � ,,, lo� ­ -, 11 I - ,­ .. -- #AV-.-- �7,ffn .a , .a , E- � "'. , - . h, - , - � * I - o la-�� -n 9 �J D-- , " " stntaep. TL p-,-r-nt ,�­:-,1,',­X1!,--�%,4; ­F­� ,ztesll arq� :T,r'r t' " , , . .. ��� 'K � i . �� ;� , , , - ­ - jr, �:� irJ. .,- ­­ �,,�, , -11 .... 11- � ,l ". , -- - - I �% � ­ .1 . -11 �Dtr�,� , � . - I , , - . - ­ , , -:.. ,,-�i 21 ,� * ,� ,,)V,� ��D T" " " 3 7 � C, 1, t.--,, n A I J'Z"�"C"J S.!V� 1Q­U­ %7.4kt11-S ,:�..Irlj a.,-:�Vs - "� _Z,!�Z­4 ,� , � . � " " _r� �,\. - �;­ 1, V (lllT , _3� Vlr_r . �, , �­­� - .T.:!!�', . , L -0 11Z 6 - - � , _ ,; " 't , , - � , S V'S ` � Z i ,�, 4 � Int tr) t3L- o?�,��,Nlx' r ­ ­ 11 - ,t� _,r" ,,, 1 1� - I L.." C az&, - 9 np . .U%�! .�� ,,, (,-�,,�, �l A . r*- C � �' L; I - . , ­ - . ,- t�ej - k,`�� �., ;,� %, .---. .4wZo,"J'-�--r La] "-,-�,-, , , ".- , , �, ,- .�, f , 1.1:j­!­,*;'�Z�ZAN--4 � -3 � , , I . �� -T,r-hn:,r-97r",:,r­.-A M�.n'.5 �:,I D113Mf1.M:Si� 1� 1� - P� M*11110 1.1; ­.�,�'J ,,, " - -I­14� ­!�Aa ��# ... . t -Pr ")*1"(­j,L,; � ,� , � ` - I.' " � � q I 4, �1, ". � - D -"!,) 'L ' �! r -, , 6 �"-rf n�, r2" -,�t­ ­- ��,XLIV­-�.",i -.----- ­ ­ � VC 11 . ­ ij­�! ' - - :,,� � ­ --- �­ " 'I ' L,�21 6 A=-ANIZ-4- GA* j�j &�'T-1 flra=14 S �, ,.-I? �')T,.­,t,*� ` I 1. 1. 01 � - , �; �'. � j '.-� " L-..r"t,, &1�1, [Ur- q' a ­ii w�r-t. . . �a, X C.- .�,.-n- - 'CA =t =:-j"1., , . I - ­ I . .. . . ;,,-Jr,-..,.'­� t�-.­�,: U.. I 011"�..­*,, ----- -------- - .- � � . I � - -, --- � � . �; �t L. � :3. ; - - ­� : trm,. ---"i -t , i�,� 1 =mr-"T'i"s 12nZa.2;�UA o -,,!,t-o 71" � vAe. 0 - -�n I . - I -- '1'0;1 P�r,-",' U -FT 1'71!LtAN-�i TO W-l''i. �-'r, ;,'-,:,, - '..." 'r.vi-,0�.ma ��!; ­ il Z-�-.S- ,, e--'5�,',--,Z ' 9-,'- qt '- -­-] - - a.,,,:,,n:-; r --,-j- o A 9­� 35 . I I.- I., . � � . , ", - I - -- - - ­ - -- . ­ %,�"­- 41) ",Ef�,.,�-­Tj', ."I"'A p'. V 1,nVEL- � k;�T,;- f,­�-!'L -­!.7'n,,:nf 1"�--­Ijz Z,:;.:, "Lls Pf­;Z�7 - J 0, bn5!,ar . 7 C,rm- . V; U �Ujll' V,�-�,7&7 . 1 -,ve I V.it"i L" . . T ­ , C- - ". , ,,�-� - � 7r..Jt I , .1 - � ­ , i , Lat,es'. ZZIbIbon N-&%;eul%,. i �In-�S��!=g- f..Z��, - . UZ..", " "� %. %. ?"7$4 4, v ,ZV71t.ft ,r� '! , n, � . �,4 ,,f-. 11, ­,��,,�,Ilt a . i 77�. . ­ . . " ,�i­7* I 0.,�j *=- t- --nN .111"n, �, l.-.-.a"t �n ­"�; �,� - , uf�'Ve �y7v,j e,,�n Unc- Ve;?.T; 11"'..'LE-iL". tlb- , -12e gt.� t �? n I'Q t ': 71 �r I "i 1 -­ " r--,,) - I' ,O � T,i!- 'l !-��-:� ,�-t,; :-!�, L, n -,3,,,j, Omt. ,�, tD . . � ""', . 3. I U, �Z",--" 1. J."�-:Z?n:qAt 1%o':, E.Z I ,�t ::, ,��`-�O" ,-A T,n,r."-- ., ­- - �, ban .1 It !�v k -.� 1)..- % .,-,.r; t, I r- U I,- �2'. �P,,:J � raral u.:ft , ­ :.- �n 2. I . :�!'.IITLIZ I -1 � ,�� .. ., 2. I I � -1.1 171i '1�n, '" � �',+7 "� .1-, L --�l .-'�'_ J.VltLL:'�� 0�:J�':'�� 7'3�11' 1�-' ' ,�Jv"a, � - ­ . .. I �� C�-�rrl�t-i ;).-,.C-%-�,�-'4-:jrj.,--,I,Z'�T,"."ac,l���Al,�7',�'-S. , stp-ting. Oat' r-CfVv.,-­t'i1,1.,,�SS, for tUe -%�`., Z 14 11-�. - Z-v.,.,,t t,�qp onl�v, . � - �, - . C.4L,.-",Mn%� 10-,e,p-­��. V�,,'.��--�J "A , �- V -r-:, lilt,Ae � - -----­---'­ ,-"-,-..'�",�.-,-.."-�r-",;It-re-4 %et el=" ,I 4�11 Z I- � S�l I I rabtan, ---,3 is ce. Va4;s"ng -nAas. ell tll.P fe�-Izli "I "� g­f�- �, - - pl�,i 7 ­ . . --� V�-n ,,A c,6--,Qp'-TaL-,� -7,-".",�-, , - , �., , M­tln a ir-G�,7mf �� ff�ywc-rp O�i­"# : A E0,01N TO N'-` '- ­' '­��.,l ,�­;s--deay I - �J . , � I , ". T prc-snmt it :q funii:�,,;- 7-B,=!a vog�:,,. it 'I --,L�� tr,*'�" �:-­-­ p";�I.. I nP f-V1WV7 112.SS:'J T � !��,�Irj�] j. -D " - , ' ' ­ -- ­."� :� - - -�.:q ,) '�',, 7 LQ " L'XZ,4'*41,-J­�* ;,Gr; �1 at vvaq � v. coraasr In LID ey�o-.i7. a,%:l Ela -4 t� '.. Waek ---- ' OVERNWR,'KED 'i, . - P'T 1W. 1! ;153'-'�', aii reae- ,&J tllio- C'�PwA10 Pr "� jl�,.-.�,L.:. I c�i&e, ., .Z I., J lns�a?z; 07 ths sa-19" of tLe 121=4rd's Minka,--ni, iu-�t�.,p D,,4r2-Xu;f. - % 11-- I I ­ �,v "=w- gy b�;.v aN " ,tl � . � dotg t2m, (I .. - �' NVOMEN ",'�ffl-"-' """ �'; Cco--f',�'go"ams 1. der. As ZDC- re:eazsc�j thae Package t, C- In ded;y elf; --at- — .r.e%47n:c­�it -.�:iF,:.,bz,.%qtdyr.6 t t-,-;tc�r- opzm,�l Its �a=s nmd grow -lc'* w5reo, gorM it Is decD �', ", : I had d, Ive, and it �sr b. -Ing ilizielk used r -a a "I =;�:oEL-1:zrc,.'.3',zed. Velqraf sh 4,'-,e reflpa for CM13 --itli Its eYf�-i; glairling rurlous�v Ij '. - This for Freeklea. 11 ­ATdA.=' il,at tnf:1t,-(-6A -att hwxjae.aT�otho� recipe trimming on I., 7on ,I &,r waking a cai�pk ciearaer tr.La.t e1s-,An-q carPtt . .g'at 4oftprmy.;)a arid I -An excf.Er.�jt JrPri��X-0.21..It , Ior pre_ *q wag al,�,ut to gra�lpp its vtotIm ag&,.� ,iI & Perl-laps K vd,h,G,I,-11fti:.V r,��-',Wlnat-he orZginaleoZ ,rand S. I �Rad Whom a lie threw a hanexul of reg pj;p- i 11014a Irocks, tilght ba I VOUI!n6- 1�ffil rf-;'XK�12` '-T;nck�es an, '1;1111 %* t' - for tnakitg a . _I r -1tee. X he retrpL .:B V,�)lt..ij'er�L',,-a:-.f.:.4,lza�t elfanswaiy vaperpMft ?. -- P'� f 11 fa Its eye,s and mwa4,D% TrAl. I juatt r's well to, --at s3meontl who U12- tan, and whZen will Z., -U. ton amd refine � derstaunds to read the m.ystiO; legerod t " �; f, I , k,, e e%, -, n. I s ff-e*"N-. We -,er,.�A fua dfiree-gan, ,ovv fo nak'b -711s I E­�� wa� lmm:�.Hately frended 'witil, i . pre'ro.ared thn'4 ! and;i�.l U'r-n--a-lon tvaeg7ttf 1110" e=1,mltht , 7 ,. ra n, =-5' ror'lod 0,;7.-, zlawlag furl6ug­ I it baara� N' thoGe wl-ey atawd at the f - fbarte AZX�� t 9. r� 0, I'm a � ly, Tbut allow5mg Spencer to crc-c-p loona were of a waggl� turn, there � Pure honoy 4 wancesy motmr,h suw�. co, sf. catuarines. ont. nei, , .1 away on account of blindness. T,-,em4 . mIght ba� m&rvelous mass&gas hD�4y&,n : 0I.Ve""rina ..... ­* .. ...... * .... *1 onnee ---- 3)011. V0 keel],Mg vve2l clat of the arlmal!s behind tbrs�-� s"umpla tookic- dep.or.l- 0 ,t.-***..'7.-."..." ­1 0=80 - -en you - . Rect!flcil FP*ri*q - chms to bptter vvnrself ! Write, in your o*n , Pure citrue .�C:d ...... ...... 3 dra � A UH YOU IDLO. OR BMSY. JUND, WMIT 1, reaell. he sent two well-alkne'l revol- Vags; 'L iit , ? YOU ver oghlots Into hts enemy. which gave � 'Essenel! of Atabargtis... ..6 drops band. to Marsban & Co., tea itc Po,ZtA--a6 ttft- , . 11 a. ftTv Vpatsmoffla st .ruggles lk,r4d dja& ROV.Ont. 0affil.farnichel. T1`-,df.h art --- VEntant 'ferrible. Mix the firg' . two by gentle heat. ­. .-....-. evererfectly The Proper Spirit. A ,well-known singer was ongige,d DISS61ve ,the �aeld In the spirits and i OR SALt-THE W0P$T Or COFNS to ,give & numb, --%r of select!6-5s at V-dd the Q99Pnce- When the first Zf1x­ Fand war'.v evred wltl,out thil by Bwdd'W in, selfwa First Dott"Ot-1 dOWt think it ab -z- mrredtCan.SAIve. AL'illea freefor zbefttiL t 83,-b(� naus Itt,01.7 neCe9SarY to opera te. a Musicale lately. lvter the affair ture Is told, Pat the two together .&,ddre�ssE.3l.BanIcLS79Y,OiigL-st�.7bt,onto. Sleclona ,)(J� was Over and the guests were chat. till Mingled. Thia Is -also I - eq to and agitate r � r -But I told them tering in their usual fashion, tile excellent to render the hands soft IV= SATZ-A VALUABLE; 11USL\MW :ad%, , It. that it VVA19. 11 ,)be*h,, )n "Ohy vrdl, then. ag tL Stella, ew . .9, . malliter bi hostess and her little girl, a dhlld ot and white.-- Stuart, in May -11: Pr.op ty-Vithpriv,%te,dw,e1HfvgtLt . I vsoi! . 14= .c .,. courtesy. 1, about fire or six years of age, came Ledger Umithly. aridstab e;oppasftettiomlivra]r$tationinlltl. L . " professional of course, ap to him. — ft M&nftoba; or will EXCELAN GE, for a good hanse (nem� Hamilton preferred) and a f6vr r - - shall Stand by wji�%t you said.11- .,Oh 31r�-t` the hostass remark- Tears, Bottled Tears. hundred dollara cash. Box 1-191, Orffi* O- � alt R tt Vfft ( ,I � � 11 ­ Pr L rl . r -I;ou inust boa tired."' 2.,ve4 tarlo, Canaft. .e _!an 'WI led, A 'o, has rc-tently re- . . ........ ...... ,. , - 69--8111tIMOre t7r&Wf0r41-110 IS tTytnX to "'Yeg, Von must b,N" tigresi the lit- turned from PerrJa, miya that the na- 'VIWIT VArl= iron SALF--oxx ckr,tEm I ft hea7th fO03 that 19 Palataglelet�. up Me OW14; "we, are."�-Pblladelphla tiveg still bplleve that 111IM&U tears JU :ftnftt In tbe X! Am rehinmila, Ak 1 Crabshaw-That's r1diculous. The ,Telegraph. Winona, 10rmle-q fr6m Mmiltaft on tita ral- � 40- Iftedioal prof"alon would never I Beware of the scandal manger and emslw. At every funcral Ilia bottling -rawdyPoaches. Willbesoldinfte ptwcel at ,tyle8 Is Up agree t1=t anything palatable wasJ a.re a remedy for cartaiii thronle dies- -7sr V0 Acres Inull. 35, of lot'hich is 5* frdit� , I shat Y()Jar cars to what onght not of monrlier-91 teaTs is one of the ahlef divtdM into Totsof 15- to 2a Aereg� to suit pur- I 810 � F r i I L i I I I � i ! , i I t , I' �oultl rather say vrlyl6lesonke.t�Txvlga, , ebaaers. Thiqfa iL decided bargAirt Add.reag I mber th-ftt Prince. to be repeated. featureg ,of the ceremo6ny. Eaelf of Zt,, m Xonatb4tL Carpenter, P. 'O. box 109, Winona., Ora for go many -4. Vat mo-arnerar Is presented ftt&xio. ,L I � - . I . a I I - ­­ Sporn-ge w1th which to in-- -- - ---- - - ---- - -1 . I I I � i 0.1-1 d eyes, and after the burial these, Mrs. WinsloVs soilthlt$, Smp should al - I -1*. *%p, be ,,I for C,%ffft�a ftthlug. rtgoothe �, 11 t IM -6-6 1 � � .8 W e1tWITAC I I—— Tbl�ftt the ­ I � R Rd "nus Sern .r R'1,kR.QJiLf,4- tp� t�e priest. - yUg'at: _QRSUT for T �4,10vahf a - M. Tile XV 0 1 . tile child, igoftens the gumiq� cares �dnd 001HO r, ;andi It Is tho t� ;y� Ditt,rIet, after district of Vol opora�tlon w2oper-borme,ar but Toch,ar Albalty, INL Y., May IS. -At 10-44�'J.-ea"�ade'-BlYaW.,fPi**Pltr'�lbdv&T-dVmmr be rele�utd witli 111tanavaal and the, nortli*rn sectlon, t was it & vtoY L,w e4ridition, and P- M. it was,,concluded by the Trae- of esoes to dat; has been 'r,39,L 'a , L . . .... ­.­ ­ ' , , V rl. ­­MQrc� ­WW0b­.'->9"` . ...... ....... ...... ........ ' le eath....reaul in, compomy Apt .-t . ... .. _ ­fft al. , t I . . � , I .."........1.1. .... I ..... Q ­,1ftAnir.e...P&er. ... Coloay.-L 'a b0lair d �JWI 11-1- M­aily -_i1r.1olvo t I