HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-24, Page 51 Woodstock Man Sentenced to Death, Woodstock-, May 17.—A. special to . Woodstock this morning an- nouncea that Pred Collins, the young men who was charged with the murder of A. Dando at Peter- boro', 13. (a, on October la last, had been tried before Judge McCall et Golder, 13. C., and sentenced to be hanged. - Fred Collins is a Wood- stock boy,having been born . here, where. his family still resides. ;His father died a uouple Of months ago. Prod from his early boyhood Was a wild character and figured in many police court cases, besides spending a couple of years in the peniten- tiary for theft.The murder for which he is to suffer the extreme penalty of the law took place in a. drunken row at Peterboro a B. C. He had a row over a girl with Ar- thur Dando, Collins followed Dan - do to his piece and shot hint. At the time it was claimed that Col- lins was demented, but the jury found him perfectly sane. 'Much sympathy is felt for his mother and brothers and sisters here. He is to be hanged on July 2,6th. Hartford and 20th century bicY- cies are the Standard wheel. G. and J. detachable tiros make them worth dollars more than others. Prices right. Call at the HERALD office or see Wm. Becker, Zurich. A few and hand wheels at very low prices. ]'or something none,- in Hats, you want to see oar Fedoras and Stiffs. D. Steinbach, Zurich. KiMES. ----- With little kisses I shut your eyefl; 1 would not have them seeing and wise. Fut; could I t•home, 1 would have you be Wind ever, as now, when you look on nte! A wreath of kisses to crown your head, That the whole world's crown ahould ado= In- stead, To kcep your thought of me ever kind, As now. when )our darling eyes are blind. In each of your hands I shut a kiss. Do ) ou feel how mit end little it le? Su held it gently that it may Me, leet your bends ask more than me bands can give, kisa for in earring In each deer ear, And now when I speak you eau only beer The heart of my heart's heart laugh and cry, Not the foolish wards it is stifled by. A lees on your mouth, end it bens no charm ' To Whig you to good, to keep you from berm; It has no fifteen. yet lel It !iei The rest wete for you. but thle is for fuel -Pall Sian Matte. UNCLE SAM'S SPOTTERS. Especially the Mau In Europe WIt Looks Out ror Smugicters. "nide Sanis large and well organ- laed skean service," says S. II. Adams in Ainalea's, made up mostly of men who route properly under the head of tleteeti an with ponce powers, but it has Its class of bone. fide spot- ters, whose entire duty It Is to ingrata ate theilltittetee With IlieleentIS SUSIIMIX1 or having deetents to evade the custont bowie duties and to warn the baggage iliSlitiClnYe at tette toad a the Impend' ing swindie. "In eleverness, address and ntlaptn- Unity the secret serviee swatter Is easi- ly tat tine head of his profession and even ranks With the trained experts of the •Eutopean idiplotatatie tango. It is essential that he should Ise a mart of the wterld, for he must aseseeiate with nil kindsttpeopte on equal testae. Ile has no faseal caseate, but lives in va. rtotts letrottean capitate wben. he. le net on stelpheard, where he is much or the Cane. Ite mutt welter let himself he In the slightest degree steepened. "There is talwaye n. bomber of these agente in Paris, bemuse a the gteat American trade there. They live at the fashionable hotels and live the life Apparel:day of tianeure foul boulevat diem. In all lines of trade that coacern dutiable goods they are e±petts, and no large purchase by an Anetiean hl nab is uhknown to theta. Their eirs de a acqualutatiee is ellOrtnotts, but isollsody knows them for what they nee. In oho way or onetime they contrive to make the acquaintance of tiny per - tors whom they suspect and tmostentat tiously but unremittingly trail biin. "Many 11. thne some Man Who ha Made a heavy purchase of diamotds or 'aces tint so disposed them that he felt stare et being elate to get theta through the port undiscoveresi Imo been passed on the deez by a. eharee tiestuaketance of Vise vo.yeg,e over win/, unseen. presses A little note into the hand of the customs inspector. That note tells all that the Wily smuggler Would wish to keep teeret, and hls baggage is mercilessly tensecked until the hidden articles are brought to light. Ile bas been followed over by the spotter. Men employed in this line get goad pay -as high as $10 a. day - but it costs them much to live in the manner in which they must main- tain themselves." 0 Allowed Meaty of game. Speaking of the late William Tatvere leads me to remark that. so far as 1 am personalty aware. only one of the elassie stuttering stories about hire is actually true. I had the boner and happiness to reside at Newport for a year or so ince, and at the time Mrt Travers was a summer resident there, ite certainly stuttered a good deal, but he did not go around 'habitually dis- charging Staccato WittiCISMS nt the world, as you !night suppose he did from all the stories you bear. But the one story that 1 know about is this one: Travers was at a garden party one afternoon when a young lady sold to hem "What time is it please, Mr. Tratverst" Travers took out bus wateh, wobbled his tmouth awhile, blinked and filially said, "Italbe s -s -s -s -six We -au -a -clod. by the time 1 can easy itt" 11 really lacked five minutes .of Itt4,An he Items. Merit eheetv WHEN PERIL COMES. Budden and Extreme Danger the Test of True courage. ' It is when the unexpected happens that fatalism proves how fragile a prop it is, after all, for human courage: The soldier or the sailor can say to himself when lie knows that he must take a supreme risk in battle or in a storm: "I ant powerless against the fate which was decreed for me from the'beginning of the world. If ray time has come, I cannot bele it; if not, all the forces of earth and sky and ocean cannot prevail to harm me." But when without an in- stant's warning a rock crashes through a ship's bottom and the waters rush into the gap, when confusion seizes the entire company aboard. when the fog is too thick for the captain to be seen or the roar of the sea drowns the sound of his orders a new test is applied. Then it is that the courage which rests on nothing firmer than a negation gives way, and in his greed to save his own life the stole becomes as a madman. There have been steamship disasters in which Men of humble station, of all colors and faiths, have shown the finest quality of heroism, and there have been those in which the common sailors, all whites and Europeans, have earned eternal disgrace by their cowardice. The point we are making is not that it is possible to draw a hard and fast line between one religion and another or one race and another in the matter of bravery, but that the affirmative sense of responsibility for one's own acts, of the difference between right and wrong, between nobility and ignominy and of the grandeur of duty well done at the sacrifice of self, is a far surer depend- ence in the presence of sudden peril than all the stoical philosophers ever worked out by the mind of man. SYBARITES IN THE COLD. Luxury as It Is Indulged In by the Arctic Traders. So rasa bas been written of the Es- kimo ("husky") dogs and dog sleds of the north that they ratty well be wen - Boned here if only to show the ldca of luxury width many of the factors and traders of tbe Hudson Bay compaite entertein. Seated or rather reclining in his euriole, swathes] in furs, he is driven by an engage on foot who dash- es along at a great pace. The cariole Is painted gaudily. There aro Russian bells ou the eollars of each or tbe long span of dogs, while the hurness Is a MISS et beadwork and tassels. No longer when be lodges at night at a post does he partake solely of the simpler fare it can furnIsle nor even when he camps out 1st the wilderness snout he be content with what his gun can bring down in addition to the pent- taken he carries. Pear now, either un- ' der tbe enriole seat or in au additional THE ZURICH HERALD Iona ANTELOPE, E and D, The 1901 Antelope is a Itesna y in Style and Finish. It as very Strengly Built and is just the Wheel for Country Roads. ;cailand See 1- Call and get our E. ZELLER, = Agent KING, SENTENEL. The icloi Sentinel is a model in the art of bicycle construction. Every Wheel of this firm striate is made of the highest grade of material and fully guaranteed. Our prices Are Right Prices. = ZURICH LOST AND FOUND. I lost a maiden long ago; Last night 1 thought I'd found her, And as my loyal heart's one queen I quietly recrowned bee 'Twould not be truth to any she seemed ee Untouched by thne, fence fairer E'en than of old I found her face, The roses M it rarer. /AO tier halo had more golden grown, .1) While looks once hyacinthine Upon my own poor pate, Alas, V. For many a year have been thin! The eyes -whose shafts the little god Employed to overcome me - Shone brighter. Smiles were on the lips Whose "No" did once benumb me. My heart beat high with hope, but when I spoke her name another Who stood beside the maid replied, The maiden called her "Mother." The matron smiled on me. I dared Not tell ber that I'd sought her Through long and weary years, at lad To find her -in her daughter! FRIGHTENED HIS WIFE. Forty Cents Almost the Cause of Catastrophe. Before Mrs. Browley was married she scoffed at the misguided girls and women who kept personal accounts. Her argument was that if you know how much money you had and it was all gone what was the use of piling on the anguish by having your folly and extravagance in black and white to stare you in the face, especially as you had no more money at the end of the month than you had without an ac- count book? But since she has been running a house she has achieved not one but nearly a dozen account books. There is one devoted to the grocery man, an- other to the butcher, personal accounts take a third, and so on till she spends nearly all her glad young life balanc- ing sums. It is a matter of pride with her that they shall come out even, and so there was woe last month when 40 cents refused to be accounted for. She and Mr. Browley had a grave and L lengthy discussion over the missing 40. Each accused the other of frivoling the ' sum away and neglecting to enter it on the proper book, "Sundries." Mr. Itrowley insisted strenuously be was not guilty. Mrs. Browley looked pain - 01 and urged him to confess. He left for down town vowing vengeance. It was late that afternoon when Mrs. Browley was entertainIng a roomful of aristocratic callers that a telegraph boy appeared. The maid brought In the fatal yeflow envelope, and at once the bride knew her husband had been fa- - - tally injured and was sending for her. Some one revived her with smelling sails, a lady In purple velvet funned ' est ee ea tons o Mit WA art ha Larope. shade, nod a third visitor with wore I presence of mind than the rest opened THE ROYAL BOX. TE TS 11 RANTEEDher with a hastily snatched lamp O'FARRELL i34. LAWSOK sled behind, there is found a good sup. 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON 0. ply of calmed meats and vegetables, products of Chicago and Outttrio, and, moreover, his driver Is his cook. In the open st ilre will be deftly kindled, test will be !made, baron and even eggs win bo fried. and hot "ilatelaviss," that deleeta.ble fritter of the bush, half an Leek tisiett and swimming In grease and Molasses Will tielde the 'factor's prolate At alight, enveloped in his furs and lisobe reposing on a hastily construct- ed bed of balsam boughs, the last vision before Ms eyes dose upon the scenes of' dreamland will be the seise tillatIng splendors of the aurora Loren.. lig, whose purplitog wa,ves alternate r. with barter vivid light so rap1ally and in such voltt e as to make the behold- er almost behave that nature speaks. mauger the sitenee, all penetrating, ail tiers -setting. The liPleket.” The picket was generally inflicted on eavalry and artillerymen and was a singularly brutal bit of torture. A long post, near whieh steed a stool, was driven into the ground. The delinquent oras ordered to mount the stool. and Ms Neat hand was fastetted to a heath in the post by a noose, drawn up as high as it -could be stretched, round his wrist. A stomp the height of the stool, with its end cut to a round and blunt point, was also driven unto the earth dose to the post. Then the stool was taken away, and the sufferer had noth- ing to test his bare feet upon but Me etuters, "whIch, though it did not usu- ally; break the skin," says Captstin Grose, aput hint in great torture. las only uneens ot relief being by resting his weight on bis wast, the pain of width soon became lutoterable." One can vete well believe blare especially when he makes the addition that a man was not infrequently left to stand in this position for half an bone, al- thougb the orthodox period of endue. mace was 15 minutes. -London Graphic. Niettetestl Oblected. Thete was a little dinner once given to William Marconi, of which one inci- dent Is still remembered by some of the guests. An oratorical member of the company, growing enthusiastie ovet a toast to the Inventor of wireless teleg- raphy. made this climax to his perora- tion: "Gentlemen, 1 give you Mareoni, the Praeklin. •tbe Parades, end the Helmholtz of Italy." When the toast had been drunk, the distinguished guest thanted the party for the honor and added, "But I must protest against the action of the preceding speaker in making me triplets." Earth qua kes. In 1881 the Isles of Ischia and Selo suffered terribly from an earthquake. losing about 4,000 to 5,000 people. Is - tilde was again visited in ISM, but did not get off as easily as before. coming out of the wreck with 10,000 dead and missing. The great calamity of the nineteenth century was the great eon- vuIsion in Java in 1883. whieb is said to have killed not Iess tban 120 ' Solicitors Of American and Foreign Pattonts, ID axiom i,Tradamarka,CoPY- Tao laretwas reasetta rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Sorel toe at there is a country -where the tradl- Inventor's Guild e, or How to Get a. Petent. don or hatred of "the Englishman" BILL OF THE PLAY. Kyrie 13ellew returps to America next season as a star, Miss Ada Reheat will go abroad In Jellie and remain until the last of Sep- terober. Walter Jones has been ill in Chicago for some time and will play no more this season. , Tbis season Mr. Mansfield lute plaYed Shakespeare's "Henry IP' nearly 200 consecutive times. Marie Studholme was recently mar- ried In London M Indian potentate of immense wealtie It is said that President McKinley has purchased the controlling interest in the Grand Opera House, Canton, 0. One of Clyde Pitch's friends with a fondness for figuring calculates tbat 31r. Pitch's revenues from his playa' this season alone will amount to more than ita0,000. Sly William Jones, the speclalist un- der whose charge Miss Nethersole is passing her illness, announces that there is no doubt of her speedy and complete recovery. Ada Gray, tato has been known to two generations of playgoers for her acting as the sinning wife of "Bast Lynne," is reported as a penniless in- valid in a New York hospital for in- curables. The theatrical managers of laenna have protested against a license again being issued to the Barnum & Bailey show. They claim their receipts were cut down one-half for the three months the big aggregation was in tnat city. PEN, PENCIL AND BRUSH. James Whitcomb Riley says he trays PIS slowly now. "The bones of many a lecturer," he adds, "bestrew the northern prairie because of the thoughtless rush of some professional managers." It is stated that the first issue al Scott's "Guy 3lannering" in the original boards and uncut is almost as scarce as "Waverley," of which a copy was sold something less than two years ago for MO. Arnold Boeckliu, the great Swiss painter, died recently at Fiesoie at the ago ot 74 years. Ile was best known by his romantic, mythological pictures. A few months sago bis son was convicted et a murderous assault on a woman and is now in prison. Hendrik Willem alesdam tbe painter, celebrated his seventieth birthday the other day at The Hague. Although he did not begin to paint until ho was 85 years old, he advanced so rapidly to fame that in ISTD he gained the gold motet at the Paris extibition. Ile then settled at The Hague. n I hi Itn gilt el. e es,. le Virtu ;:i el. eee r r3Pit 0 t. e e i , the telegratte The message read: II "Honest, now, what did you do with that 49 tentsa" te"Mention this Paper and secure special Ins a homiltrtry enemy still bottle it Is e 11 $hiihl b4 - ill veleeettat 1iwiii. entes.-6111 In Catholic Brittany in the eves of _tar Frienti or Z.7eigliihor is not 1 Sttbserilliwr, yo,t Mitt we itiun iudiMaidi. • ,- New bscri bers we will 1,en4 THE HEIL ) te iii end of 1901 for 50e. 4ervoust, Are etentlelly sweet to a ,nretlatttr gtave through EARLY TN:DISCRETION. EXCESSES; ANT/ BLoori. nylismt,s1:s. xf you hate any of the follower:sr syrnreoess consult ns before it ig tcolate.,'Ire you' stervons and week, despeneteet and geeoray, specks before the eyet 'with dark circles,' under them, weak Lek. leidneys itritable, palpitation of the heart, beshfut„ dreams and lessee, sediment in trine, pimples en the face, sunken eyes, honor, cheekee careworn expression. reor memory, distrustfee, Tack ecergy and strengta, tired retorninge, reties nights, changeabee mopes, weak mare Our Now Method Treatment mere eon. lame, stunted orgatn, peennttere decay, teene panne, hair loose., sere threat, etc.? Notaieg can be more demoralizieg to yot,:g and ate/die-aged stun that omissions at night or secret drains throtign tee urine. They turat a as for business, 51a - tied life or social haepiness. leo matter weethee sassed by ova habits in yonth, natural weakness, or sexual excesses, onr Neer Met hod g'reesteen eat ttzil poss- tively care eon. 1..`RES 0:11ARANTIleetv. tom NO PAY. reatatiact Icatretea Used Without Written contents W. A. Muir. a Lima. 0., saye:-"Iwas eve of the countless victim s of early vice at IS years of age Tee drains on Ply system were weakening my 'brain as well as rev sexetal and nervous sys- tem. For ten years I tried scores of doctors, eteetrIcheitsaudpateettnedieines. Somehelped nue, none cured. 1 was giving np is despair, in fact, contemplating suicide wheat a fried ad- vised me as a last resort to give the Neve Itt e. tit oel Treatment of Dr.. t, & ar. a fair trial. Veiteout confidence T consented and in three montbs I was a eared man. I was sared seven years ago --an married and. happy. I heartily reeentmeud Per, It.&E. to my afflicted Before/Treatment fellowmen." After Treatise e )We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Vervotte Debility, Sentinel aresas,' Sleet, Snit:tem, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, matey an Bladder Diseases, and all diseases of Men and 1,Vontert. A -NO NAMES USED were/etre 'mar'= CONSEXT. PRIvATz. bTo medicine sent C. 0.1), Dlo names on boxes or envelopes. Everythittg Confidential. Question listand cost of tre.ttraett, FREE, Ors. Kennedy & Italian/DaTiaoft•1' t48 SI-ICLBY STREET KUCK, the Breton peasants and fishermen the nnglistuan is the enemy With whom they bare fought battles and will fight them again. That Is to say, the Englishman gentle for the typieal earlier of a man. ef-tvar or torpedo beat, whom they tvtlt fiat when the time comes for the attack, but Ito fete thinhs ef hkn es a man. The enemy Is tt unit et war, something 'outside evlicary Me, a te- lagIttmettersta whom It is .glorious Itt kill. He Is "the eme5)'---sornethlug Wideh will do grint 'misehier to Prance Of one dces not take rare, something %teach avast be mueli more tastable and dangerous titan they can imagine', Mace ell the Inen of Prance lose the best year of their youth in learning to till this eveistual adversary. If ever the peasants costae dearly to realize that the orally use of war is to kill people like themselves; if ever each soldier becomes capable ef itengleitag what the shock of two ftregs is and by what eomplleated teries of Hes and inttlgues peoples are brought to the point of killing each other, the work of peace congresses will be wonderfully simplified: Iteadbig 0* vs car& The practice et reading aim: ;slat Entetvais is et great else steleeteal with so- ars nit eases et itr-0.11 -tent to indelgetto wields the ches tied ot air, anta mut evIalstling` eises. There are and we de n whistle, but ticed by all. to overdo it, should be in the thest to Reading to -what w be benefit health, bu making us as proper by Inereas This is over whis t Emperor William has presented to Chief Matanfo, the Santenn pateutate0 em ebony staff, silver mounted, bearing the kaisee's coat of nuns. King Edward has revived the ancient prattle* of conferring the Order et the Getter upon lad's% the title of "inlet of that ostler tateg eatafeettel amen Queen Ateeatadra by his speeial c3LoIntd. Prince Ernest af Sane -Altenburg, who is a student of estreatomy, bas putHsbed a study en astrepbeoie nett ostsonosoical pheteeernehy. it =gas Waal ashkr- bie appretentien in seteutiae circles. The Emprete Freiletick le tat Me dtaing her iiitess. She points end seeteeee and este:fete laeretif in he:Ise. held questian SJ,:..eti5irg. she tales up phiicsephical tto:k ar..3 =abea mar- ginal stems. ft:cm Wilhelmina is the rattenEss et the., tetell ahsticetco=ever...tett in Me Low Countries. It is t....lynabiy jtrotta. Tole that 4he Iv tetetectete regane pteserte tare pc:Italy Lar Leanth at,g1 her t5retty Sguse thin have sane alter et the heavy thirihing feminine royalties et nacre. THE CYNIC. When you do a thing, you talk tet) Mich about th Some people erten they fail to Intake 8, teat reputation maizean grort for the begne kind. toff know how you bate some people Without any particular reasen. Well, some people bate :76112 in the same way. A man was in trouble. "Is theta: Coning; 1 eati do for you?' a nolgh- the nisnot eptied - . A. little gi age Came r day and exel mamma, did Went Ince th To her moth to whom ale little one repli know .you said lightning,' and it a it lightens, doesn't When the rainy cla tomes, as. man finds ittereatt he only save et V _