HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-24, Page 1TIS
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
ST. BONIFACE, Catholic.
Order of service for the summer.
Sundays; High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Moat
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. M.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediotioii at 7.30 p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.
30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'oloek; The Holy
Hour, or one hour'b visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saeramet every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 8.
Boy. Father valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
• Sunday services: -
German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at
7 o'clock p. in., Sunday school at 9 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 0.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evrning;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
geuticite en. Inti?. St. Petri lfird)e,
(l5ottesbieult norm. Itatfii it j.It?r
unb abenbs 7 1TL)r. Somtta4lct)ute
north. 9 llitr- Cebrerveriantmlutt4
Vonnerltal,3 at'eltbs tall S.
Sct)ietf=c, fruiter.
L. V. L tIIa I
'1 > St.Joseph.
Nota} Publie, Fire and Fifa Iu-
:alanee Agent, Money to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
1-1. J. D. COOKE,
(Late With, arrow et YrotttlreZot) Ilarriat
er, Sulieeitor, Notary Pehlke
1tenuall, Ontario.
L'arrieier', golieraures, Notaries Public.
cite. eta. Cur. Square and North Street,
thelesiele Ontario
W. Peal DrOOT R. C. HAYS
Clerk 10th Ulv. Court„ literon
Vonmaissioner for taking Affi It vit%
e"utaveyaueer i!te°. Valuator for the fin-
iun and Erle Lean and Savings Co.
tifilee- Eviler Meek. ilua-de4 Mat.
£awBOSS '':Si ER1tY,
Licensed a ltaetuevlader for line-
t►n t intnty, nespeaztltealio soiieits the pat-
naaaauhey of those tsllri intend leaaving' sales.
Satisfaetie►a staaarantesd.
Dentist, et:a mite of the lotc of CeiCe *e
of Dental ti,ap terns, 'Y"tind►aatet. tallso Loner.
tadtam% of Ind; i:nntahe nt eG I►erntisttr}',
'Peed oaato University. rsity. I'alinnh ss estsaetion
of teeth. Pklte isotk to epeeialuty.
At Dominion Bosco Zurich, every
Monday. 1-20
j 0. STAN'BU ` W, 13. A.
Conveyancer, llotaey to luo:Aaa on Village
and Farm Property at lowest rotes of In-
terest. Documents ria original teer-nnnan
read and advised upon.
Pace over O`Neil's Beek. Eeeter.
4.:'1^;i`•,.P•ti'*7 r, .;..y J-.'a:•*.:'VYti' 4'•4 0040V'
0w tisc• szHl=w 00e ;;
~w s
Zti tC r ' €
gStrictly up-to-date in modern im-
provements. Diuizog roosts is sem- s
9 plied with only the very best. r r
sBur eontuins choke liquots and g
I cigars.
t3 c.
Commercial ytieet .
;v 10 iS FOSTER i -ROP
The merchants of Bayfield -have
agreed on closing their business
places during the summer months,
at 7 o'clock on Tuesday and Friday
of each week. This is a mare in
the right direction and should be
follow eel up in all the neighboring
villages. With Bayfield and Exe-
ter in line, why cannot Zurich,
Hensall and Dashwood come to the
scratch? Tho inconvenience to
customers will be trifling in com-
parison to the benefit derived to a
lot of in -door workers. We are
sure, if buyers would look • at this
question in its proper light, they
would assist the towns in any
movement tending to shorten the
hours of inside labor.
Spraying Fruit Trees.
The Ontario Bee Keepers Asso-
ciation desire to draw the attention
of the public to the fact that a
number of members suffer from
persons spraying fruit trees in full
bloom and their bees are being
killed in this way which is prohi-
bited by an Act of Parliament
assented to in 1892. (1) No person
in spraying or sprinkling fruit
trees during the period within
whieli such trees are in full bloom
shall use or caused to bo used any
mixtures containing Paris Green
or any other poisonous substance
injurione to bees. (2) .Any person
contravening the provisions of this
Act shall on summary conviction
thereof before "a Justice Of the
e ..
a subject u at it hilt of
dt be t
Pettey, r
not less than $1 or more than $5,
with or 'without cost` of pxoseett-
tion, and in case of a flue or a fine
and casts being awarded and of the
:acme not beim; upon vonvie*tion
forwith paid the Justice may eoun,
alit the offender to the (Oritlnttn
jail, there td be imprisetrted for any
tern] not texe'eeding 30 days unless
the line and mists tare sooner paid.
MAY 241901.
: . 43
Of News Here, There
and Everywhere. kit
Mr. B. Cunningham of Khiva,
visited town on Saturday.
•Up-to-date oilcloth coats worth
$5, for .$3.50. D. Steinbach.
Mr. Levi Colosky of Dashwood
was in town on Tuesday evening..
Sailor hats at all prices. .A
special line at 25c. D. Steinbach.
Don't judge a man by the color
of his nose, it may be only a ease
of sunburn.
Miss Alice Caldwell of Hensall,
called on Miss Susie Johnson Mon-
day evening.
Mrs. ,August Hill and daughter
of Crediton, visited Mrs. Charles
Greb, over Sunday.
Ties worth 10e. Works. •like $
goods -wonders. We sell them at
35e. D. Steinbach Zurich..
Mr. John Deiehert jr, took sud-
denly ill on Monday afternoon.
Both cloeturs are in attenthtnce.
Mr. John lie Nevin of ]iippen,
and sister,lr .Ross of Hti
carrell on friends here on Tuesday.
.t tlay,
Mr. Henry FIeisehuuer delivered
an unruly heifer to John tieliitfer
on Monday, incl caused quite tun
excitement for a while.
The Jubilee'baand hail their first
praetice on Tuesday evening. Sev-
eral new members joined, ganef we
look for good music shortly.
Headquarters for Dinner and T
sets. In fart all lines of creche',.
A few clot': before the lartvate%Ve have u special hue of :Cardin -
hank conducted by J. Cuthbert , iers, beeautifuI c'ola's. 13. Stom lstu.h.
Patric*. d: Co., of ruse s.., e'loseal its
1 driYirs, Henry i nistvr, at merchant
of 'R.nsaeoniili, gave Thomas Barnes
a mil James Lawson his ceheeks for
Wit and air, reespeeetivel' in pay -
Mr. Ernst ten's and daughter
Miss Lizzie of the Blind line are
visiting friends at St. Jacobs, Ber-
lin and other point- in Waterloo
inert for Clover seed. On the date Count's'.
l ni!.ta°r gave Barns and Laatr;tatn the Miss M;t17 Hartman an sof the Go.
•cheeks he had su'tlirie°fat money in sham line, pure'hased as lot from
the bank to pate thelia. bat the Chutes Weber, near the ('aathvlu,
'dwells were not presented inlnneel. rhut'eh. She will erecta Bate rtesi
lately. Several days after, when deuce this summer.
giaayme'lnt was rdealtn't- heal, they bank Mr. J. tiwnlaart is :selling an nntei.
oofliiei ass asked the farmers to wait a matte vivant separator. The prim
few .ittys for their money. as the is about $3.0e. and it will do the
balm: was short of funds. $01911 work like n high tirii edl machine.
after this the bank suspended husi- 1, aattela for ad next %vd ok.
n€see anti MINN and 1,.atvwon. being, Mr. John Hoffman. wander of
out their roti len inei aght M.it MAMMA r;taelit Talr alay e'vd°1n is
;against I nnn'ter. As flu, cheeks rater'. Ma'. Paaalnu, hardware taut n
Were 11104 pr otae:.t d when presented nnted chaannt also of Dzastim aa.
paylnlenat. judge 1SIdeilie:h. at Wind- town Utie t9i aelsiin^d* $Jai ti ',Cued lir
a dost. held that Minster was not Mti y .',il.n➢-Vt, tidies,9?t flat° tttdfliw unatdealt
>rtr' ladolnsilole« duller! ulne4nnii4 d'efl the suit elltimpion for raieiaiat wool. !.s,w n's
ages .15th hinut. T. 7le i. Johnsen itnfeol"ta ed us that
1aedepttur iatndonat elru° lyd'iit ,+ Made 311 rust's !leek aaveraaee'dl to 151 11,44'
u ut,a fol rit'aatn vaadlimli,fte ea a ,llsty
„eCdRlnnldet tivela withtheram* clip ofvetAaol. l
Ontario Wool. tai➢dp 'inn ai eottple of
%%wee sitisels:tee:tea it roll boeetin1 [oda can rive ki.i!!?i on every
to offer. The maa°ketw for Ontaario hundred binder twine by leaving
yr valor areve'i;Q tlanlb, aataci dealers say
your order with us we will the poly -
it is itnnprns'.ilobe to exlrorrt gone at u mouth. every- lytali warranted or
profit. One reason for this is. gat'- your money ba€°k.
cording, to dealers, the change a that C. Hartieab (le Co.
has conn over the trades hi, Aus- Mr. Wes. t`efints'llig disposed of
j traliaa Argentina tina and the western liis driver to Mr. A. (t. Bolden. of
teles ittwies of the United States. • ureter for $i;30, '4'i eelte; Iollrehaecd
where large numbers of sheep are another from 11n . 1. (i st er for
d raieedl. F ri'laaerly the sheep were WO. The last flanged iy b,y 1rVi ild er-
raaiseedp primarily for the wool. end Lee and is a very liaaintlsonne colt.
11 an small grade of animals 'ieldl ing It is a curious fact that the
fine weal was favored. the mutton greater proportion of fantaloans Geenn-
N Nbeiwng a seeo> rtclaary eoi asiclen atti.ont. erais were, diner are, tad to below the
Ntovs tlndy Slfleedep ate raisezfi ftil• trier average height. Napoleon andexp ort mutton trade winch has Wel1ingtoiz tEe`zE9 stool men. nt.e➢b-
been stimulated) by the refrigerator ,,2,r s i4 'muck below the average
E eeaaenat Sample ROova s
66 e om t Ion"
. ouse
Equipped with ail modern
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always supplied
with the best obtainable.
G. Le Shoemacher, Prop.
bushieee. and the wool is eomsialer- size. Fr"enell is said to be five fe'a't
ed as a. leve-predu€et. The sheep
now raised for time mutton trade,
being d; S5 breeds, and the wool is
coarse. Thus the wool grown in DIED
the countries mentioned Is now Ie'rCVnnassan;---At Zurich on the
entering dnreetly into ecjninpetitio;u 21st inst. Louisa, Klinger wife of
with Canadian sorts, and Ontario Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner at the age
wool is feeling the effects of the q of 34 years,: months and 26 days.
see inches in height.
June Session
of the Huron County Council.
The council of the ectimration of
the County of Huron, will meet in
the council ehaaninber,, in the town
of todderieh, at 3 o'clock p. nl, on
the first Tuesday in June, next.
W. Lsavri , Clerk.
Dated at Goderich this 22nd. day
of May -19M. 43-2t
..d .--
Court of Revision.
IVllinicipality of the Town-
ship of Hay.
A Court of Revision of the Assessment
idoll for the year 1001, will be held at the
Town Hall, on
Monday the 3rd. day of June,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
Parties having any business at said court,
will guide themselves accordingly.
Township Clerk.
Dated at Zurich the 16th. day of May
A. D. 1901. 43-2t
" I suffered terribly and Was ex-
x trentely weak for 12 years. The
doctors said my blood was all
turning, to water. At last I tried
Ayer's Sarsapaarailat and was soon
feeling ell tight again."
Mrs. J. \'. Fiala, Hadlyrhe, Ct.
No matter how long you
have been i11, nor how
poorly you may be today,
flyer's Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en-
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
is ea:atauk M1 drureaaas.
Ask roar dieter *hat be thinks of 1iyejres
Ssrs'sparinL lieknownnabontthtsgraWd
ofd f•mi)T rdasdaetarete*x leis ad dC• hnd
we'wial bo sandal..
. O. Atrn Ce;, Lowell, Mass.
Mr. Win. Becker took a business
trip to London on Thursday.
]lir. P. Lamont left for the Pan
American at Buffalo, on Monday.
We have an Ocean of Notions.
So take a Notion to look over our
Ocean. D. Steinbach, Zurich.
Mr. Alexa tdor Manson of Wols-
ley N. W. T. visited his parents,
Goshen line Stanley, this week.
Exchange your old wheel for a
1001 itiodel, Antelope, Hartford,
Sentinel or 20th century, strictly=
high grade bieyelea, E. Zeller agent
Dr. J. W. Shaw and Messrs.
James Fair, A. J. Morrish, W. D.
Fair, Norman Fair and Andrew
Porter. all of Clinton, passed
through town on Sunday, on their
way to St Joseph.
In the suit of J. A. Williams VS
H. Cook of Hensall, which was
tried in (loderieh last week. Mr.
Williams got judgment for $305
gall o; t e ,is
e t
It the :.
t alone
• will amount to over $120U which
will bring the grand total to over
$i,Au 1.
Broke her arnt.
A painful aveidont happened to
Mr. C. Hartlieb's second. daughter, : t)u will always I ridtheLitt"-t, s` 't•I} -i :and innst tl')ptv4
Etta, est Wednesday evening. She. ti Y
was leaning to ride bicycle! and t, ti. Std 1e 5 "‘ 'lit:.
was dareiste'al by Vireie Witwer«
vv*Lit, Fta'e'dening frightened at an
approaching ming rig, let go the ^wheel,
with the result stated. The left
arm waas ioroI;;en sal►five the wrist.
The I'r etutre was immediately ata' SHOE STORE
altered to. and she is getting along
as well us Mk be esp:eeted. tit, are leaders in fashionable footwear. Everything in
OBITUARY. Aen' e. Lath's' and Children's Shoes always tail band at
i lt► :rust l 'tr'if'les. if you want the vary lattt'st j'tir spring
Tlva"►Ya ofJ irs. (fIlev.) Fiukbeiner. 1
LADIES' %`•'{,
Lot 1 Contains Ladies' Sailors, in
Black, Blue and White Straws, regular sell
illi; price, 25 to 75c, your choice for
Lot 2 o Contains Ladies' Sailors
and Rough Riders, in Black, Blue, White
and Green Straws. Hats in this lot are good
value at regular price, bargain price
Come early and secure first choice
of these hats. Every hat is a bargain
We do what we say. Produce taken in exchange
.. as
L"t'eiat!A 1 itieb tItSt tS
glrtot1 (Well` tide eintire e'rlua1n11tIlity,
Ua'd°1a1`u't°al 1Gere° `1'taesdtaav morning. at
" H AS . ..... ii F R I 7"
• =Y e9.u l.ra°k, all the death of Airs.
Fitol41sennater. wifee of tint. pastor of
;i tine E aan°telnd's11 ehllydela, Rev. C. S.
Ya'nnoLlid i➢1991°.
Singe was leen int the city of Han1n-
J. anal lived in that city nearly 44 fh,. R 0
!gall lar -le life. Until site eaante here.
rale eolt a year anal is half ego. In
, th nt titnne she has tamale tunny
frau niofls. She was beloved by eelefl
ant'] young. ;for she haul a very
Ineelht and hind this resitio n and
genet °=unslnilne everywhere win€eras she event.
Fitt- leaves to mourn her €*gavel' de- 1
tan',+n. her husband. two stele-
': elB4Cdrett, a mother, sister aann I I =
tev'ceraat ltrditlas'r-.
n A snseinn .tial eervase was held 1fife eata'tsAy tootraneeh in prefee i;r`i 94111' Carpets aate01 t`a1rtCaisr-. and are
here on Wednesday. at e3 &cle' . re qAaard°a1 tii please €nrden'y1A'sd w4'01°v wo'aanl? inat."➢lean' Fittings,fortheirEst BLitt oft"a"f'd itlifln. led at shortl le -e gveelld therefore ask yen n 1.9 ,•:ill in :lendIItwr1 u.cd>n" OWL'Si 1'vite at the lionise. after Which.'
omit ,
all went to the church. where Rev. I $to k. brcfore buying.
WHang, presiding Elder, preached u 1 u •
ven'Y earnest sermon t o ertuaan. ,e' s els 1 of 40C..
own the hest, "'she bath done what p
s n9e p
crtsanlel". Rev. Merle -els adding az - .- - * - - - -
few remarks in English.nio'n Carpets, 1v o 0C. up
The church was draped in black. , . , r ' r 9 and o f° ,
all testifying to the esteem of the Also tia like .1 .:.t41t}atenat e)r "4l<e 1 ant b i14e.111 . tad ar..t. .
departed isiid the sympathy with In Art Mtsslins. Cretonnes and Lae Curtains .. we have the largest
the friends. assortment ever shown and at gel iee-.• that can't he beat by anyone.
The flowers and bouquets were
lye asatfiful, as vv're:sth frolnn tbndy Zniriarin x
Y. P. A. and another front the ,j i«!!
Daashtvoaitl Y. 1'. A.. bouquets from
t➢°w. n itr, M>i s. J. ty". Meii-»er. Mr .
liaaneh, Miss Lidtliaa Faust and Miss ,
Laura +d4 illiaunts.
The following resolution of* eon- We have Just
dalennce was read from the Y. P. A. '1 S:anlo;rs, s,
ewheretee in the Providence ofGeod,
sister Finkbeiner. beloved wife of flan' Cast°
from the leading Canadian lttttiLUfit:'dri'l'l'$ s'aa111" €i
Butter :and Eggs tak I"i in exchange.
the pastor Rev. C. Finkbeiner, has
been removed by death from .ler l ,
home here, to her home in heavers
wvhich, although a !gain to her as li Every Lady
child] of God. yet as Toss not only to. Should lo
our church, Y. 1'. A. and Sunday
School, but to her family and espee•
ially her husband therefore be it
resolved.: that we deeply mourn the
departure of one so faithful and
devoted to God and the work ; also,
that we, as 0 Y. P. A., express our Return Diree -
heartfelt sympathy to the family, Sia Francis
relatives and friends, and especial- though Mr::.
lv to her husband], our esteemed : has greatly inl
pastor, in this his hourof great eiaa•ns have
and. sorrow,, shortest possible
On Thursday morning they left ; can gather strep
with the corpse for Hamilton, is aero- s the
where the interment will take place' President and Mt
this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'triclock. go direet from Ile
One by one the loving master, Canton. At Mrs.
Bids his tired reapers come Moyne, surroundee
To the glad feast of rejoicing,
In the palace halls of home.
One by one thev drop- their sickles,
Tho' the harvest fields are white,
faces, and with ev
hoped that her recta
be more rapid than
President McKinle
Then havernons heart] the Master's of eablegraants
s•umEnghtnd, l residentfrom
'('Wafted from the halls of light. Eruiceinirecsye:risnmanor many
iquiring 'ts
One by one they join the chorus Of the blessed ones above, condition.
Tuning heart and voice together, THE HERALD to ern
In the mighty song of love. bOc. Tell your friends