HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-17, Page 8ZtIRICI4 rEnAT,,p 11 Laun f Work guaranteed e luta to :albfleischss • Special to the HERAId). Seeding is overand farmers are busy putting out their roots and to 0 9 9 potatoes. Gypsies are again on their rounds titOppOd in Henry Volland's Planing and Saw Kb bush. Th6y. hada number of horses "WCZe7CAlt kinds of woodwork and WW- and 'Were ready for a swap. We 118e 110 benliettib ; given for all kinds of buililinlow is able to be around again, ho was very ills atoaniententavuoNamnastenrvirer....vesen. he,' done to order. Estimates Vy eslo Alern v destroy your Olothintnto. A full stock of 13. C. Rod Cedar Menno Schwartzentruber had the Shingles. • All kinds of lumber al- 'Misfortune to lose a good steer L.,• Work ' • ' ' • Suits to Order (4.06a, w,tv, week HOFFMAN, The Tailor, Akumasunatausazar.40.....amitamassarnasom..11•Tartruil..V.r.veemauno.nka.v.m. Chopping done every day. Miss Lovina Ort, who has been working in E-Iensall for the last couple of months, returned heine on Thursday. , Mr, NN atson of Seatortn. was 011 ismer cATISFACTION GUARANTEED, I this line last week with a load of sewing machines. i jamb Ort took eight head of ` cattle to the Grancl Bend onac- count of being short in pasture Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. Hy. Volland is probably the C. Kalbile isch: smartest man on the line. He put out all his seeding tlone on the two . farms, Chris. easehe has engaged Julius Thiel for the summer. He has a! good man, Godfrey Nicholson had six sheep GENERAL BLACKSMITH A N La HORSESHOER. Repairing all kinds of 0 speciality WIMP, - J. Zurich P. 0. msec BEFORE, Z ric h .1Y.M•Mai•MP.M01.1WeWM•inaloalYN.S.sawi.2lci you Buy T. tFc. M. Johnson Have just received. a new stock 4 if furniture, Bedroom Suits. Conches, Fancy Roekers, and Parlor.Purn- fishing's. window Shades, and Pie- ture Frames a sp. eialty. ( %all and see tor yourselves. In the Woollen mill department we are tatling hpeeial reduetions in Underwear. Sheeting, Blankets. Stotocituts. tote. TI & M. Johnson ZURICH ZURIGH Carriage Works. BuGens BUGGIES BUGGIES Larger Stock Man Ever. Nebbier Than Ever. Prices 'armor Than Ever. ilESS,&SON Before ,I , i 'A , ' ; s',1441Orrilor..........— Alayt.it'atIg. lin tDoi. !limp cid Watches. (ilio.li:s. .1t,uct.il- ry attgqi :Mitt,0 cLL 0 1$`14 ices Alway:., 1..dowv4 Fine 1eparhig A Specialty Hess, gr,i'a. DRESS GOODS PRINTS MUSLINS PIQUES DUCKS )1" ally or thO (100tiS yule want for Summer wear killed during the thunder storms last week. HENSALL •Special to the HERALD - [Too late for last week] Hon. Thos. Cireenway, Vlipeg Man. was in town last Monday and rumor says that while here he pur- chased. one of Berry and Ckeiger'ts • best inTorted Shire horses tat faney prim. Prof. Tayba,, hypnotist has been Adving nightly exhibitions in Mil- SEFr OUR s7o0K,1(1:1;ts,;e8 (.)pera house to fair sized The funeral of the late A. Shortt took place last Friday afternotat Muelt sympathy is felt for the widow anti mourning friends. His Lordship Bishop of Huron will hold eonfirmation services on Gall Friday evening at «.:111, in St. and see our new Dish elrareh. Vt. (S. Petty is fitting up his bloc.% !, lately vacated by the MA dsons Ft A. // 14 M. truism who will oceupy it •tis BAYFIELD boarding house. T1n ..Kurnel and Dool.s" - denee 0311t1IN Wolritt,ti On BAYFIEL.0 lour 4.itizen"; a ...‘ltort thin. At** enacted :loin on H. smaller Elie to the lima %in. a pupil of the "Kurnely,'" t4 .1.0tph MI6 41 of Narn was our sports only this tut t 4,41/1 FrA,,,r f4,1,1,. opened the knife and 1 day, tin. r.Sutherlatars Frank iCeezon lett tor Sarnia last ile.tsHit *re t /mop% !In, m.o./an-ea 4,,Inph,..s?„, past ottoee mter lilessrs Brow e;notheni t4oderielt00 for WAY 13 T.,,e4104111”. near 11,oytiohl. have heen nit (4, tank: inate..tome and have a large sqtnimer cin.finttly first lune for Ntle. nstrint: tat,eu troaiimeneval mut ‘,4t4V,3'11'44 Cf .4 441 hal* 4tIreillay , ltor „71.1nda ineet11,;41 ralatuir's are 2.4.1111,4', ..1110,,440. 'rho %wins iParA 4'Y tatIN W. -try. tr'tnilfttr'rrtli :Ma :&'U (4411Yr,h 0.ethittr_z.4 tuve ptopated tana the, tM'Idittr'r4liii: lwirltr Paii11114 4. 1114 giur111`7-r•r r trr1111'1t W, 1iiia tli1A4 Cr .11, ,,11L v,w,DiliVtZ. trd raNt -week Hi ItrwrIrriArliP, t B.j.41.11110 trulf littrott LtanITDM4rr'n'‘i 110' quf lom- 1 1112s-nuuNoliu a Eut-,..1q, ifrilass bore. Me :-1ieat-o:u was ;i611;441;, tr!if rity'reArpoterrling, ittIC4 'PAO ik,!Ilvp"1... Viltrk4 tVa.24 04ili1 4eUnf11 vitreftti tolliti.i.41 114 Thal'sitay. :My vith. thr kilev .141cY:thil Wi•r1S imluetealL aastor St. Andrews chnreh. 'There was attendance in tis: afterno Logi the strvices were impres 11314 intew-stimr. Hev's Klaw*r. MeRay of Goderieln Datvielstau of Varna and Yellatif Boyne -14 touvli part.. lite ,r,luoir; ni4aet1 e1hit nrusie. tn eveathig at fruit seeial wars It the town ha/. ,tkildrqr.-sses. I`ay theeir aria' ireaditur We have Speeial Values in Blei1id an 1 Unbleatehed Table Linens and Table Nap!: hts. DASHliVOOD Special to the ENRALD. • The village trustees are having inir streets graded. and gravelled. Nagel of Zurich was run- ning the -grader. Tho engine driving the inerry-go- round - broke down. on • Saturday evening, consegtently there was no going -around merry. Louis Moser exchanged horses with Win. jennisbn of the Sable line. The pugilistic encounter on Sat- urday evening between Jacob \Veido and. Henry A.Tiedeman end- ed in one bout Jacob being knocked out in the first round. • Dan Hartleib has added tt new sign to the front of his ,R,‘,,euly store in the shape of a large watch which is quite attractive. E. M. Brokenshire hasnioved in- to the house vacated by Mr. Kalb- fieisch on Queen's Avenue. Hy. Willert and Hy. Calfas who have been on the sick roll the past week are able to be about again. Chris. Willert and wife have gone to Logan to visit friends. BEAVER MEADOW Special to the Ilkatm.,0. Rev. Finkbeiner visited at the home of Henry Eicher one day last 1V4 . Jamb Lindenfeld was the guest of Cyrus Schoch on Sunday last. Miss Barbra and Annie and 3\Iiss Royal Oash were visiting at. John Gallinan's on Sunday evening. A number of our neighboring women and girls ettended the quilt- ing at henry Bic 'sees Tuesday' last and suceeeded clanpleted ed. Edmund holm*" in Hausall last. Mr. in v wee • ring four quilts well start - day, THE SHERWIN-WILLIAM PAINTS See the Pont? The Sherwin= Williams Paints May cost a trifle more per gallon, than com- mon mixed paints, but when your job is done, You will find the cost about . 25% less and a paint that lasts. We also have the common kind if you want them. S. elm) Main Street, umau, Zurich, lint Zurich's Leading Shoe Store ... 141111111101111.••••••••••• ABOUT OUR SPRING SHOES caret -4y a day in March passsd but what brought us new ring goods. Our stock is up-to-date iu style. Nlen's, 's and Children's 811oes at lowest priees. We best quality always. If you want the very - .st goods from the leading Canadian manufae- always buy from me. ENDER ZURICH of s is the DWA riiii.ii.roCkiiiisr41Wrirralli44,4444441W4414114i11 * • P:irtd,stist L• itNL- C.AB- 13 iiit.11.1.401.0041 .11.4t.X.14,4,4 C,A1010.411,0.6 EADY Num) PAINTS there hest hv test. arness Iine K stle hi charge. 0.f ONT. ,r of the day. and almost every housewife making a change, probably in the way of tins. draperies or ney, table cloths, ete. urtains we have them from 35c a pair to $2. nue draperies we have a good asortmenty ,ur double -fold reversible and fast color lines. o see them. We have also new lines of white red and chenille table cloths that are elegant e wish to draw your attention to our newpantina s are the nobbiest goods we have yet shown. And e waterproof eoats we are selling at $3.50 are really best value we have run across, and it is something ry man needs. all and examine. No trouble to show good .,1514).._%teittbacb. Zurich