HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-17, Page 5T� --THE ZUIRIGH HERALD THE FATE OFIREBELS CHILD TWO little arms were clinging, And a little bead was pressed WHY THE BOILER BURSTS. HOW QUAILS HIDE. (The rosy face all hidden) IMPROVEMENT IN WORLD)S TREAT - Closely against my breast. lew Selvatifle Explanation of Somme pit.. &1th.1m MENT OF NOTA13LE PRISONERS. imbinena or the if ttebek Bird the Vuj� 'Was Ajj;h,*. gh the 11faim COU14 Not See the When you bea "Whitt is it, dear?" I questioned, r t4l kitellwal' boiler We are all more or less inclined 'to Caressing the golden head. L In FoTmmer Times Tiler Obtained o cracking, tlW I N.- Is DO cause for alarm, dispute the unusu Whispering sweetly and shyly, it! incidents reported "I love you I" the darling said. Short Shrift, bizt rjoyv q1jer Are. V There 18 a Prevailing julpression that by obserl."', 1- 4-h 'the cracking Is produced by steam and persuaded will Syvr�ujen andAf Maintained at Go-verrImment lov.- excuse the , bigotry Whitt )tat] I given to win it- Vense-Somme Illustrious Exainfaca. This offering pure and sweet? that there Is therefore an Increased shown by saylug., "I never saw any A story told in the twilight, Recent discussion of the fate of Emilio Pressure art -the boiler at such times. such thillog.11 The claim has been A inerry word when we meet? If the boiler Is in gut this Is an error. made that a quail will lay a dead leaf Aguinaldo, captured while openly def3 good condition, with the water turned over Its back when "laying close,, n Oh, child love, so gladly offered, ing the authority of tjlL. United States, I so easily won, I pray has aroused much interest as to the for- oil as usual so that the boiler Is kept the 'Woods, and this I have al%vays Throu6jj life I inay and this tra:surs mer fate of such captives. In other years, filled, the only pressure that It Is sub, thought an appropriate extract from . a Mae, as it is todayl to. Jected to Is the same as that in tile pretty fairy tale, and pitied any one 4 "the good old times," there was not the water pipes, from which of course There are trials to meet and vanquish, 1i least doubt as to their fate. Short shrift Who could be gulled by such a. very. .1 the year there never Is the slightest danger. transparent fable. And sorrows er-wned with Was granted to 1111Y One fighting against And this Is true no matter how hot the And lips curve less to smilin One day while bunting quail a covey ,And eyes fill oft with tears, an established government, and if he ob- water in the boiler may be. flushed wild and scattered In the f.4, taliked the privilege of remaining impris- But the heavy heart grows lighter, The reason is very simple. As long Woods. oned for the remainder of his MY companion took the old Half of its grief beguiled, w days the as the boiler Is kept full of water there dog and I the pup, and we proceeded n 'Is accounted an extraordinary Is no room for steam. If you open the to beat up the cover. When love, %vith. a heaven her boon w - impulse, Speaks from the lips Of a child I manifestation of grace. Tbe first point -Home Notes, hot water cock, the water pours out, the pup made was at the foot of a Nowadays all that is chang and steam rises from It, because It then _-L " e ­ small tree, where the trees stood thick, world seems to have grown moreeu*mercj- has a chance to escape Into the air. In but where the ground was stony and COUNTERFEIT ART. ful, and it seems that rebels, if they are other words, evaporation takes place. was covered only with thija patches of captured instead of being killed Ili battle, Amertenims Are Eually Swindled on! But as the hot water pours out water dead leaves, must be particularly fortunate persons. from the pipes rushes in to take Its Taking the direction of the dog's ]Pictures by "Old Xaxterx.fP Almost all of the examples of this class place, and thus the boiler Is kept full. eyes, I passed close by his head and, There will doubtless never come a 71 within: the Past century have obtained the The cracking noise referred to Is brushing by the tree at tile foot of time In the history of the art world: advantages of a pleasant residence and support by their captors, with the certain- heard when the water Is unusually hot which he stood, walked on 10 or 15 whea the discovery of "old masters!' ty of pardon in the end. A N TE 1, (_ Y'll -`Ej KING9 and Is nothing but the expansion of the will cease, certainly not as long as feet, but flushed nothing. American picture buyers possess the � With this class of captives may be under the Influence of that heat. Going back to the do- I carefully almighty dollar and are willing to be placed Napoleon, although the great Cor- and D, SEANITTENEL. It Is In no degree an Indication of dau- took the direction of Ills " swindled. eyes and look- sican was not by any means a rebel. dad ger unless Indeed the boiler Is worn out Ing closely discovered sitting betweea' he not died within six Years after his sur- or detective, which Is a matter entirely the roots of the tree within a spark. of Nearly every Week In New York for render at a comparatively early age, there outside of what we are now consider- my foot the bird, and lying well over the last year there have been auction is little doubt that he would have been re- 1: sales of "rare old masters.11 Some of: leased as soon as the possibility of his The igoi Sentinel Ing- Its back was a large dea0d oak leaf I urope had them are rare, Indeed; one -that was raising any disturbance in E When a kitchen boiler explodes. It Is Placed In such a makiner cs to convince g(luerally because a flre has been kin- me beyond all shadow of a doubt t t ed. At any rate the English furnish- ft itiodol in -Clip art of bicycle ba shown at the Macbeth gallery and also passe In Detroit some time ago, supposed to ed him with a residence and maintenance to I construction. Every died in the range 'While the boiler was the bird had placed It there. be a study of an old man at St. IIelena. i Wheel of empty. It happens sometimes when Aly reputation for veracity Is fairly this firm s inal-e is n1ade of the People come back to town at by Rubens,, St Helena, it seems, is to be used In ter spend- i good, but I wish that pup could also the left hand of which was nearly I - twice the size of its mate, and the term' perpetuity as a strong box for England's IligheSt J,'Tade of niaterial and' Ilk'" the summer away. The 7fire beats make a statement in this case, for he 11rare" did certainly apply very aptly captives, for there aro kept Cronja and fllllv guaranteed, tile boiler, Of course. andwhen the wa- and I Were the Only Witnesses of this, _ other prominent Boers Who were cap- ter Is turned on It Is converted sudden- to Me, strange and Interesting Inel. to the flesh tints. � tured while resisting Britain's authority . I ly and violently Into steam, and the dent. Do People ever stop to think bow in South Africa. Whvix that struggle is Rhe 1901 -'Our prices many of these buller cannot stand the enormous Pres, P. $-We got the birdi-Lewls JEW, "old masters!" there are terminated, Us seems illcvitable� in favor Vortunately few Persons are kll1S In Forest and Stream. in existence? Any one may have an of the British, Probably Crouic and the thoughtless enough or silly enough to "Old WaStOe' these days who has the Others1l'ill be free to retiorn to their land. A n t Is I o p Are Right" sure. In the meantime tit) cornpl:1111ts of their e build a tire before opening the cocks "THE MAN WITH TH E ADZE.s "price to Pay the dealer to find One or treatment by the British akv canting front Oultnecting the boiler -ith the water go abroad and get one 'made.' " Them their prison Island. *ty!(-"ur1(1 Finish. pipes. are many artists in Paris and else- I Uncle Sam has in G tuank. our little Pik- rh%�'.ty ill S A., ; 3110TT the 33vitcher's chopping Block i 4 vt-r Ht. and whero who wake a good living, or cifie posses, 1$4 Xx lCePt S21400th and Near. ,-,lou, 1% sevand $t. 110ello, for Ithat theY consider a good living copy one ot tile ablest S-; illst tih- Wisk el fair HOTEL KLEPTOMA constructive rather than a destrile. a, - . there are kept 'Maldni. 0mntry lug "old ittasters" In tbo various gra., at Filiplaos, anti others at tho Islaudem. atls. ItIve force Implied by tile name Is *the Itlelk Gu*4tK Wbo Av- man With tile larles to 6011 to dealers for little or It Probably will not be very long- 1wro,- - -1 � - .-m-,;A� 4. 0 who Is Sometimes nothing, and they In turn bring them this "right )land mail of tguillaido,t, 11 Provi'latte Other Veotilese 11roverty. 'i' Been by early comers to tile Went'luar, to America and Clear hundreds by sell. trPad Filipino 6 il a 'till. was much struck with tile habits of kets. Call av i L11. See I t. Ing them to some moneyed art )over' Of recent captives rlollt� illustrates bet- to some Of tile Most persons have doubtless observ. WhO III SOMO 00503 Is doubtless In the: ter tho modern fraun., tit mint) convOraing pre.sulualkly r1clit visitors who engaged e4 tile large blocks upon -,vilich hutch. POSSOSSIOU of more money than judg exIM11131ve suits of roDuls and eVen pald ers trim their stealis anij chops. e Ment In art mattem Th Call a n a' zet our Prices. their bills. After %be departure Or tOl) of the block is usually as Sol th OU0 Well kuOU'u. Xew York art col- tIlQs0 MWAS the bed Would be found as glssq, but the consiontV 00 hopping of lector some tinke itgo paid a largo sum: LEiz, elit ZUp-IC" 1, ni'llus tile satin or Milt coverlet, while M04t thereon roughens the surface Z Eq "-t for z certain painting that An enter- Ag I< towels anti lkillOWslips were, also very' eventually. The general Idea seems to prising dealer had "discovered"' and often removed. be that the butcher keeps 1119 blee On QUO occasion 4, gentleman engag. gillooth by , mel�ejy sawln,* of: the v rare: )ugh Who represented It to him as ver. , L* 0 a double room for one night only, section. Suph, however, $1 and the only 01;0 in existence. The A 10111 a 1.4 not the Caste. EamO 9PRUMM While Olt A, recent tour the f0116%v1119 111brillug tile maid. Speolnllstn has cvpu entered here. through Spain Ivas Shown -the original Iving Of his '1011arttwe. made all tijo The M. an wito Ili *es a busintiss at "'I"TEED I `ii 't-'Qn'ddo Will' frtL%,%h Rutz for the nexi W4.11- X VWutlug UP012, the NVAITS 02 ft cerWu PATENTS GUARArl ni00tillng the butchers' bl@elk's ap1wars MonasterS. Tile sequel Of 'tile story' 1 pull't. However. the visitor bad evi. atthe meat C.Irly In the MC dently returned to his roofa ,iqy what be �did with the After, lug betore the eu!)towera arrave. Ire does not r 01FARRELL LAWSON breakfast. delitterately taken tbO slips: MIS the big bicel: to Me al&%vap.,, "CL�Vlt thIm '%Vltb then MOitfits to the 144) or it, adto 141 sters 11 their Con- dlsmvmr,q,Ljf "Old ma, �'Ij art th, dealer. It there Lq, 0. hereafter for these 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, 0. 0. selencts". whielt Seem very lelastle. will' S'olkitort of Am, orleark an il his Ill, fOr Oft ('111(tting tile room blind. LIN1191149 it down gWgftj,N'1 fr I hAVO to 410 Z deal of rubbering to gt)t shortly after I found the hed an made uA ft vt�rticul V981*311 nbaVe h14 Ihtad. the 041ghts. Will ratum risoiltPAttat im not tetured. Stnd for but 00 8111M I htkl4ttbned to know that blade Is Made 10 IMS trutivven big legg. bdL'k tO thO rtmufrcd shape to fit them Inventot"r.,Guide - Now to iaot a pbktutit. Inald had certalulyput rwsh 0 ates or to for thute Celestial ablding, 131, nes AL-ItufflitIg IL,,L , � W h On WheH She mode ujo tile bed. Wbat gt­f iac% u No 10142 it 3acl-ut the frMt1a of the abades of de- 36"'OntiOn this P900r and secura SPOCial ratea,.Mq� �i cat deswety. 11,,artcA lansten theakGulvea that geutlefflall Could ivant with the -so At eneh stro4w a V20 Iny(v of the two V1lh31VslBV2 Is dodlealt to Under- Jr6ugh %Wml is rcDn.0TcA. TL#., o.Vpr-atjGa stand. Is tontintv-d --camelkondy to sausey the Of course randws. twitehes Alba nap butchees requIrem"ems. 'Rome thwe A nonsttibc rVjtftVlk thtm than Arzatdl 110,1m. rm V, The fallolving ppiLelivIl 19 tq to ton Alra J. (WigplOed gratos) are cvikufudaly remov. tours ato ord9unr9py ft-ngamptl In It@ _zd it &t the, 1el"I of tLe V,,�m,)Voa tsi:A 0, find eveto the on the btag tire orwratzen, an 11 at t9mm eval Of mal utao In 11alikelth chufrehyard, Over no gravo jotn0k."310-Ir dktake r r--.* Ez-a,t ULA ums tu( of Margaret scatu dcfied t&ro u),k uOtsrarkA. onev it large dcuble aLvet -the man tvital tle mkel em& Wflsellf The 1-1,,�eirdld' rlt=ga', ttnt EV1124 r- Of Z"Arl ItNscu canfl- WWI Cut Into Vteteiv. the visi,.ar tvrijent- jtjC_h#?r lb,.V $1. Tta 19V_ -g t�iiy gt Eg t t;k tak-a uelte s-,nt to ute�azo tL� r,:U-'1Sj av'A I-V t+t4u11I1ft9 sLMWebt Htcn 'ter a Vcjt�_ Viva Un�zs yet± I I riwl el tfi.:.2� '11" 'flt tnr linifog to a &t�jlrr, jCdgorg fr"DM 1'�b tkt,-A Lvd S�a�&A I Nirt'! it %,21- PhO145* *fhftt WatjjV Par. Vr a etutltAadan CIL4 V10 the Sk-140 Of thhv VeTC-9 left. The hotel rVC-r$tzjy Is 1*.:ng to monko IL�6!ti�y ,ftw owl %VL181 to deaht me tenrr-,t tiilv qaterkly I -tvas t'j, ILLN lkivsrt twaz�.-. In- Itt'l t�.y rato t 4efent Of tLe Da",�t ut Tol-rl-Ndliv, not Itc- 9,111 1 - to It was taken to $at* ume amateur, alta ctpel% Irctm a gg,�'gfy Our. tic.cs cve jc,�ft tL� ge.41ker vVith [Ag stntl I&AI twds G42.44-4 A and twnblc� af2d ILL- jAcees gert Vote ee.;htogo or the lotou It3e1!C&_A In 41'aten'..y. Wnwge %F1 mgota mr-ason. ave "t ­­­�� ­ ti- ­rijjr.,,b,.,, , 0 Its lan,-)w anil reand eafttouly rolged to and thrown I. tciiy. 11 Ht're aw a few isubjEtts mat 1k*e1.A T�To"Aty rA2C3 tle�ndej- guilty talu'l was to,4elrm- Will Into a reaphr;at'd flutside 11ble room would fetCh Very high prwl;: tt_19 C'I�Ak VAS trwifll his SMIY, to tais5shment to tba Is- "�J�,Jjfi ]Rill An #tl e sit_,ova I It S.-ItnJ& ej�)py. Whic'n 11kas '61itt OsEld b.V the WAIdS And A ?,jcuse tejtg stfjd&* V& f a�i& I "W; 5,1y, land of Cevrolf. This vi -ns in 11,10-4211, nod by ky tAuvo ftumty wa ter E�tgag!l of& 0 tjh,:. woogy 13rivoc, Xeedlegs To say, be- W* have plot6q ef 1121ghtnIng Aftstes, Arabi wns ;tAy ftb,�-at 42 reiars Or -age. 110. llag JiVej in f0i" tho remalitly of the i5figet wttLe lbutto 01mato of the 1.9nd wfik4h a I hit" kek ttri cl in galealidni v4elu guc-stat the'Lousos of llh,� ilgilish nutuitari- round thtes VISHO.'A had de -tea, leav- a EaS11 actuany strM.5ng a Louse. Thl§ lady Wft§ horyl in 1413 aild lived' pat ties on W, h�-,Darld. 1110? 10.1, To N' e W- Two traliss In eolgl!sgom Photos of to the age of 125 and, theitforev fliust s re_N4T4A .1 Ing no addftss. 10f9e 4106w.lirce, fu,,,vm tLa nlit!sh gowtn- 6 wrecLed t1raots ate 'commEdn vtotvgh, hata lltcd tLrOttgh thd 6110WIng list, icent. ALI: 42 he tvas a Saraze. At Vo Ige Ift@ Cdlnt,* or a eg=p allot at the vety of ftlem:James 1. chdrIes 10 the COW. is a vererimUe -=l gentle WM n:an. Afelv trtoftwcalth of Oliver. tcromwdll ng ffir6. 1 letuffiths ivo Ibe W1151 iPz3rd1nrw-j. Xj Tmc- Tho C61 11 Vety "'tt"ti'Ar Wtf"6 t1ft1fty Ot the Ma8h fehL�tftms unrccarded. Sul PON% buk ffiie waty unly8pular teeter, charlea It. James 11, William t-ven gg st.-;: that the lkitj�j'v givent- thlAgg. he luiptovest with The crew of a 19tebant in theaet of rescultig the tallots er t sltldng struipt 11t and Mary, Anne. George I and melt awplbhog by il"; tat ...... Int, Nvil� t�Vlld TRE ITERALD "i Tft form he Is 10219. tlebder itad grate, - Ift & getice stoj�m. George IT.-Leftdon Chfallicle. fill In ealer dark green Above and two [Igo tbe ra Mot rtit&s S:- a Ua tf) tile vild (of 1901 for _r bat_ te jrAnintnited Fox L9 ytcv,.4 ot trxv es;-"�-nsv f�ellowltTm wrj'fe teiow' Many bL' an "can tc_WrjE:st tf **thdd* of etki'lik* $ou g6t 047or Myattaelr. but it of the g-overmMent leaultann'+ tL-em woda 11eve that thet*nte two distiftet Vfttfe� l� tengd take a snap _�Lln VAS A I I , t or re,�mlvc-,l vdiah de�l� tit$, th e trklt Hilt! tire fees;h Water eel. )ect 4sive =Arvel that I did. Oftei tuotaffig =y 8 rgy, otLe woe,4 mrlve.4 reom the deivk ex, nnzothf-r luter fttoor.11 to j U but I am inoinea to thliti, ts-at. like, doWr bled tie till there wag stArrejy:1 �Z. :�F 5 0 50c* gsum� .1 st- ng "ntq,�Isl V tb� 11�vw�vb tritll- !i tin tther z8bet. ti,+" oel varL41-cs much a drop Of b108d lert ift my body* ifte -I' faentet Ar&5 Pasbn is by tLe iDf JL qe tb6fi gave Met 40 grains tf cdomel, an't! inanner in wrok."a Ql;fnz�s.,A of In iffie eveignZ as the feveL, was stiii`� Tons= -!Mt V0nVC.1ttM"? �Zlst &=t .1 ia-n- ftg5ngy he tordeted me t6i b6 taken out taty qg�. LOnver.,u,-e v.-4us rb�e ......... . . dally feastlIngi` the d oft a gro s2are, '-srJAEez, st;'llesMita nndl, 4ar­ to yard of my quaftersr, lat ear4in- to V.'ho 5 blin - bare tettan catch And buckets of ctgd :tour I rho ratde, crown over ine tot About 20 Tie at, Erst teak t1w *,alth ot Sow* their b Inutesl I was then put back to bed, to the rr,�na republic, nta I Cr L S_ ,. ;� brl�hi and fortunatelly fell asleep :f0r several satEsExI vnith Fre-ch trea�rlent of the 5L 00 D F'01� JN hour& After some weeks on ttle slek isInng, he asstimeJ imintral. After. I!4siu­ H7=e-et C0=1=Ctzd 2-Y EfocA rrxts&�_VDtfart zlettrsafeuttl&o t1ke'r1ratof g = � KA Iist I WAS able to return to My PoSt at ln"IriLy tilOUSCL'alS of the F._`cL_eT1 sn lx�szq 1-0 sarioati, M=:ts will for ay ptotft. Xi ornegalle,"r, if ty Years In C eyjon,11' dued ToL;.,_Q.aint. aftid he vvas treacijer. .7mX0=9-Z �i­e tl;,oat, urcerso= v1se tanzaa or !u the rupottli, hair famvL- out, &Clt- oftIlY seiz6tl it-nd imprisont.]. ilis tra.-.s- of tE* ikki=. -ores or bletcheson the 6ody. yes red a 5 # ad iftart, ter to 17rarc-e jzAd his conl3ner IlilseLpoolmiteil tfie, wnt in 41 of the se�co.xda:7 tk,_gre. Danq,� cold ard dismal oungeon roilovve.l. t=s*- t0­4zcr., DaWt ftin yotx ayrtt= wita trie o' d focy tr"ttTent-raticury amd "That city man that was visitill Ile e 9 MeF' suftered from lack of food and ill life. Don't %et qtm&is exrArtwentor b it "T 'S 9a you. OcirWEVIrfatTraoD,1�:`:, Is an overrated cuss," rematlyzed, the' 4dying at the lend of ten montj�e in TAk to' C=r'e: YCV- 0-& &U&r9k32t1k:** ilit-& 6amment Olt 4 Zetory. Thop ands f Francys Moe nt captive of tile no rettrn o� tt*e dEs - am. IT* =r notl reee ` - _ L a a -pitch kzy�' ,V;:c "but a, "Oh, the ptipers all VAId he was ti, tort is Ranivalona, queerL of Sradagas- C rat Golka-T great hand at watexing stock, but 1 'car- The Pre-neh havociaimed this la`rgo V island for obout two)cetkturies, anti when fl -e entetptisin.-queen was deteeted In a InInutes without Iamlng his found hecolildn't work the pump fivek E arin- -I plof to overthrow French ;authority thoT dUgk 72P u, s DzIM ,W M 1, -Ton TRjb.&.%,V "N' aftd ftak6 a t1air ted to --e7kd her intoexile. She was of �rat. VLtqer its. lull&pta the braiu btcornes ActiV6, flire blood pvrifleil not'hat a little island, but this be 'Steel, taken first to that zfezvo-asil&ss bzshftlzte.,�ry atid degpo-t&tc7,djjj proved ineftective, to stop, I P ,rr, flit -eyex be he spirit Of tt the face inlT and cleawenqgy yttumsto tbo Wy.,-.G the Y-oralqhy,91"latid Atz- lte��Clssl% r.ve heard It said that revolt. It Was then decided to transport ftore vftal* .t and know x been given her for a residence. and she -te all thok amitti'd to consult us confidentially k1s.4 without a mustache Is like An , warriagtcannotbeaiailure, Waiti*i X, Xtatavalona to Algeria. A fine vill.,j bag I The,,,ario,-as orga.sbecom6tiaLturAT aud wapV,. V*1tf*el rotirstif aritalk egg Without salt Is thatso? and frat of clia DoOt letqUaCkSL and fakim r�b you of Your hard-tanitd i�, dollars. WZ NVIL is and an allowance M. bas It staff Of servant L CURr, YOU OR NO PAY- SbL­Well, really, I don!t know. I of $5,000 a year. It is sa that she We treat and cure NEtvotra DturwTy. S1r.Xt1At, WEAXNESS. EXTS- tan!t tell, for, you seej rve never- % i thoroughly enjoys existence. I sro SYPHILTS, GLEET, STRICTURE. VARjC0CEXE, ]KrDNt K N Y and B11 ER DIS"S&S, and all discuest peculiar to men Hc -Ab, now! V Compare with Ranavalones fate tbtt V' teed. SJi(t­-XPvw- -ktort an egg w1thout of the young. beautiful and accomplished Artraig avictim? Have` y0t(103t ftpe? Are van tontornpiatinit nZarRaga His your blooA be,,:% di!teaged? UiLvet yott any VLak_ Lady Jane Grey, Who, about three cew .2 ress? Car Vew Wethod Treaftfteut will,curayofl, toms0tathtik turies ago plotted to become queeil or, Free'. ir =Zator V7h6 has treat orl" wrift for qtfthau"t topluiou pree of Charge - England. She W.19 sen' to tbe Tower Criargea reaetonable.. li% "Diseases of Womiejel ustrated) on Mleages Of aded. =L I ar'00ccla, Strict4rt, and alett." Ta the fourteenth century the alaugU- I and then belie i tff''The Golden Monitor" fill ter of women and childreU after a I The improvement in the treatment lot All so -at Froa sezacd. K town or castle bad been taken, by;: c9ptives is only in line with the general IY6 rhodidihs sent 0. 0 D. 'Ro nitmes oh, bikesor thV616par. tV0qlh1hg Storm was one of the most commonac, hurnanization Of warfare. It is plegsfmtl� 0onfidantial'. .41faslibil list ;hd tostvi trealment, Vitt, for & to recall that our government has been a currences of war. enthusiastic friend out of an enemy in The first Rhine stearner irfade Its ''M E py leader in these respects. We made ant DRs.K!E trips front Rotterdam to Cologike Id the case of Admiral Cervera by onr 148 SHELBY !63T. DETROIT MICH. courteous treatment of that brave, old