HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-17, Page 44
'STi ` fi f! busy shipping point, Regarding gaols, es peciall
ljf , ;j j , 7';j y ' g I ' i12 the T:rr •er cities.
r a the grants at the other towns; in fact, so
points,'incsome of then.
Is PIJ LIsrT.b:D opinions differ. alio shipping to or
i require rebuilding. Some of the
from the Ilrcinie cit is its , county gaols, the report observes,
ZV EY ' itTESD. Y VEXING. A y, yet an r are over -burdened. wit.), officials,
unknown quantity, but with a I while in &hoe•s the number of per -
$i' r1. ZELL) R unknownwharf at our western suburb, our i,5une would warralit additional
'MINIS OF SUBSCRIPTION;-$1.00per citizens should derive Sallee benefit. I help, The lack of mean.% to tante()
year paid strictly in advance. ethen the Caal could be delivered cheaper ati prison labor tit most of the gaols, is
paper is not ordered to be discontinued 1 P
it will be sent until such order is given
and errearages paid. 81.50 to be charged
when not paid in advanee,
A'D'VERTISING RATES. -Tran s ie nt
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion, Small Advs,
such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen \viii
be-ebarged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for eaeh subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
to be regzetted, as the 1>z i'.)ners
the lake front than at the rail\v u . ; aro in eanse•luenco allowed to spend „
Lumber dealers would have bettor : their time .idly, tied worse than
•ftteilitics for proc=uring and shit>la-; uselessly. the effect . being dotri-
ing and we think,altogetlier a (1,1A j mental:both mentally and physic -
at St. Joseph wou1Q do Mir pat of , ally.
the country some gaud, seeing wt
have such poor railway facilities, ` piece of unique Western enter- Demme Pea I litl[STi?ATIoN, enlist
prise: In journalism on the part of a l)e p tstcr't hale ton hour previous to
together with the alluost pr;)hihi• ; IJnrteen=ye tr- ild boy hws heel. the time for closing the Mails. .
tine freight charges in force eft pre- ; sent to the L.ttie Sehoolnlaster, ; ,
of each week to insure change in follow- Sent. Grand Ben(1.las been as it:tt- i''ue name at t!te paper 14 tiia t 1,: 1 . X' ` U' T, T)OSt1C1t15t2T
lug issue. ins tOr better communication fir son Chremele, Vol. 1, eke ej `.
Local notices in ordinary reading type eatteE. and pa ►lisped at (sly )con 1 , r
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- some tilde and :iti "the Beni is be-' isansa"s, t y 11.ta StCL Ailttn L, $1 .I1,AI FOR SALE.
tertainments or other benevolent institu- coming yearly more popular tt5 tt • Swisher, editor and proprietor.
tion at special rates. summer resort, a dock there, may '1'ne paper is four pages, ten by ac l ee, is offered for salt. by the un -
Contracts for column, half -column and be the means of large. incrt':t ine thirteen Males in size, end is pilo- derei reed. The farming hind clan'
quarter -column rates for specified periods the summer • visitor.• to this ilei . li ;heti weekly wltiu)ut tele use of this line is good en(15I>lencltcl grave
will be cheerfully given. Address all 1 press, ink, type or printer. The ; roto.,. Convenient to school, pos
communications to sure resort beside; f.tcili tutting,.matter is written in type by hand office, &c. Apply to
The arald shipment of •then products at the i by the young editor himself. He E. ZELLER, Zurioh.
r ' neighborhood. In any event we ; attends school and clogs his new,- i '
E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. will await with interest the effect : piper work at odd time -i. His l
father is a plasterer, whose ad ftp- eRH FOR SALE -200 acres of
on the new city and w11Ofl same i )ears on the fourth liege. He is ;t `
FRIIDAY, MAY 17, 1901.1 g choice land, consisting of Lot
clay we wake up in the morning poor, uneducated man, who cannot 3, Con. 11, fifty, and Lot 19, South
The postal reciprocity at the and sec tail masts sticking up at ; 3ivc, the boy any •a45a1tit 4uce. 'file Boundary', Hay, Good bank west end like a forest of dead : 'test page contain, tt Igen picture of ; , 11, barns,
boundary has changed. When the they Czar of Russia r; 11 1 '. and -10 GO, .tied. frttuicy
Canadian local rate was three cents pine trees, we will indeed be sill life numerous plot • he e beenfo ill I ttti\-It • on each lot, Plenty of
Canadian rate
whit Intros prised, wo will. , ed., are they accompanying
heaclii-! ga d"sprin' water, On one farm
i nc ss. The i2lside pages are local' good. is an overflowing well. On
letters to mail to Canadian address- , news. The fuurtil pagu uantains `,coil „ravel road, and ndconvenient
es would send tY1e211 auras, file Waterways and Canals in Canada• a(la Even a efl'culatr')Il statement ; i mi e.$)l, post t office station
boundary and mail thele for two i The rivers and lakes of Canada, . that is probably true endears under -eve " toExeter +ttltio_l. 'Will
to say nothing of the splendid sys- 'rite Ii atlill!; of the Irrper,ttn i reads -c\ c purc el:tsm% oust' tennis of pay -
i each in an American office. , , , ne nt. Wine po\ver, egnippe•d for
Now that the Canadian tutu t);` otCn liIll>c(ltt) ('tlr('2y !'trtot11 1C+i4 y lci)n i ve -Tee tatt"111ttullbc. ui Et)j)iey of
ptLul)i22t;. t'llrll>ping. titl•uw cutting,
1 y' i Chronicle printed. counting this
Britian is two cents American tiler- ; tinuous inland water route which' benne) tills year iso 15.1." .tt', t4' t h• ;1i1 buiicLt2„a in picric. tutu of
chants at the boundary with (eaten- i , uennte lu:d in aur otter quarter 0 pretty creditable effort, 1nvol ini; t t ,t,ul ; with ;.r.),)cl letrk ty clrivill ,- s?it tl
t! (' i(1bl . I2r)tll dhE 111t1nt11 oC . 1 tine Ili-lt 1 U(ltbtlildinge, On 1 it e
sive Britis'a correspondenee send It >, i Shutt tl IStWf lad).); than tt )')E.,tri al')- there h i•3 a"r1' (►f geed bush, trot.
tht :at. itat\\rt'ncr ti.:.:.
tll(a must west- ell tile” surface•,
to Can Lilian officer.; to be posted. trrly Canadian port on lake 5tt )eriar George en eaten farm one a('rt" of e,r"•l:unci.
a vessel may steam continuously ly inEuropean
fro ean,p t `45't nods the 1itera.- , .e or ter :tie apply f e I rtnee IIA)t r
Perhaps few people realize the' Canadian waters for a dist tn('e c) Eu1' in pub
lisher of c ae".tj) Iit('r4- a1 LN, 14tre,ota P. t), >;l))
goo- q y " ) 1phl t reeentiy issued..
amount of murder that • c)n ill ,..tie statute mile -4 ; while from has this to stay on the s objet t of ail- •""""'- •-- --
the United States, and the. e )i2oene • Belle Iele to Montreal then St. Lair- vertising:
tire immunity enjoyed by the mine retire t' itivtyr offers t4 t'lltul2li)1, largo. 1 The man who van drive tilt' bP*t , ,j b a„F j n C ' r ates,.
direr,. The total nullrber. (If Amer!. ('Ili Lrgh for the aceommotiation of bargain with a publisher is not'
ortem steamers, for a distance of Ilettessarily the best nevelt, as tile+ :
call officer:. and soldiers kill.'. ill nearly a thrntsand Milds, The dif- . expert is s•► eallee. Iii lint.: be aide ? , .• . e•(, Ili v to " arrangements
the Philflipin(ys florin:; two ya'ars fe rt'n('a in level between lake Super- tt►1)ruc,tlr(" JJ per cent more .cl).L10 "-, t 212,1.0E
ien' and tidewater on the Sr, Law -r , , , ,r t"r __,.. _.-.
and a half is but little over :l.()))C), for a given sum, or KOMI! cue t1. hell
. i t arta of spare at :ii) per vent!' less .
Is Opon daily except. Sunclays fr•cibn
8 a, rli., until 9 p, 211.,, The maid s are
ditributod as folio\\ s
lelei), )POP I'I1.:ZSALL, oto e at 0 :".15
., :, " N) :JJ Joni
N, j!(',,TOSEP11, "' 11 :10 em
L.H. & B„ " (i :55 am" L, TX. t&Z B., " :55an
FROM IInNSALL, err. 11 :((' in
.. , " 7
" Si',.ToSRPTI, " 10 :15 a 1
" L.II.t`T4B., " 11 :00 al.
,r L. H. & B., " 7 r::0 tt
C. oke
t1 The lie(*a1 Steam O&)oker is the
u hotlSCkeepor•'5 friend. and • must
11 comment. itself to every +)erson -in-
11 tereste;l in culinary matters. Ad.-
.. Vantages of using the Ideal Cooker
m are ; Z>'"o frosted windows, no crowd -
ea stove, no damp walls, no tough
meat, no steam in the house, no
offensive o Tors, no heavy kettles,
no burned food, no risk whatever,
• nothing burns or dries. Watch this
space for fuller particulate.
Lit 14 L. R. E. Stanley 003<
Tho Specialty Man.
Ni r' ra r"•rt
I have the exclusive right to sell
fifty and one other specialties for
this section which you ('an get no
other place except through me.
All pens 1115 who are indebted. to
the late firm of Appel & Lo11or,
are herelm requested to call and
settle their accounts as early as
IOtf E. APPEL, Zurich
t g tote n'
NTEREST is being displayed in the
use of smokeless powders and
Jacketed bullets in Large calibre rifles.
A 45 calibre bullet weighing 500
grains gives a shock to Large game that the
small bores cart not always be depended on
for. Marlin Model 1895 Repeaters have
Special Smokeless Steel" barrels. For
up-to-date information see our c a t a l o g.
Mailed for 3 stamps.
111I() L ( , (-il.( 'BRED BEl_tKl• III•R +'
B,ler tel service, cn Lot 10, Con.
le. fiat'. 111' 1)1i't'5 eolith of Zur-
ich road,] `Term, ;11.00, payable
at the time of service, with the
privilege of returning, 1t neces-
sttl•, ,
'7tf Zurich P. O.
Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS, Phrases, Etc.
Bich Bindings : 2364 Pages , 5000 Illustrations
Prepared under the supervision of W. T. Harris, Ph.D., LL.D., United States
Commissioner of Education, assisted by alarge corps oil -competent specialists.
Also VVcbster's Collegiate Dictionary with Szoatiah Gius.-ary, etc.
" Tint clays in quality, mond class in rise."
Alive near 1It)72t1•etl i. IlO(► ft't't till trod s With TUE HERALD:
\l D
More than five timee this Iluillber a vessel, ss I, rn aM endl2li',', from elfin- ;Cent than to rival ; but if the latter Daily Globe
of murders have ot'eurc'd in the trcal to .'ort Arthur, has to be lift-' eau fill the )ae•t' ill )'r t • 1'00 ne
United States during the tiat'31 ' pt's'= r'?1 till`:)tt';1t this great vertical t ' , , , ' 1 , per ' vent
I' •21101 e_ .. ;41ttil L , Elillpirt" 1.;r:r
etitctt\t1, ,0 IIaE tlppurerat calla by 1 rtrl;ly 4 14)ln' 1.:211
i0 i. More men are ki1Ic'el in the` tll$tltut`t'. Of this total ,.►1 ft't't is by cull)loying the services of the Mail tl Empire i,;':
1 )untry every six months than . t'ovrrt'd by means of leeks, .inti k tor2nel. is in it"ality a serious loss. i3t•a•linor .1'tm'nal ri19're'rmttnt) ".:2t)
ft,at ',-;f-'-it laly overview by steaming : Tins point is sold, nu properly tui. Family IfertlE1. Star
have been killed ,n the 11t1"1lt••,tn against the stream, which, in 8011101 tdt'1•att)t)tl 1,/3" advertisers. COlmner•1.7:rN
side (Lorin; the Philippin • ',Air, In :stretches of the river, is so strong teal men Liu me:levee, they are :rpt
other 0 rtntry in the ci ilixr'ti ilt:tt the vessels havr- t) be assisted • t:► attach all the itul)t)rtance to tilt. ---............--.....--........---
world iii the t'ril:le' of Iltttrdt'1• y► ley tru=ss. At't")2'41We: to figures superfieital good bargain. and over.
fornishctl by J. L, liittingcr, eon- look to a very great extent th"'
CGtt1111e►t], sul-general, them aro between i , ,
- -_ artistic aide. of the. gneition, This
:ie+lltrt"al1 anti Kill; t")n seven ell- ` is the saline sort of error us t) omith
Beginning now, cant. t":)'ntinui ig nails. with it t )tal length of :10,l e ! !the questionn of quality trona they,
for some weeks, the municipal miles. and a totul lift at the 1t 'Ir ; cost of gu)t)tl i ; yet. ot►rt )tl•+ lav' it is,
Courts of l vision will Ito holo of t1t,u feet. The width of these it is often made.
througout the province. and it will 1,)e•l,.t is •3:r tka'i, land tett' depth (of
\vtate'1' t)n they till t 24 fret. Steam. . .,: • () lter11C91
be well to remind th«i3r Mei are :il• PIN on the run down front I illp;yt bn'tat
rSl tis
tereated, r f an important amend- make no use of several of tht''.e V141 1 ill
,,r yy' ! rr 1,"`iYi+Yxits*Idit C.
e:l. AVti h"•N et tadCa.g a aide• tot3 dr~, tttl ;1f,}!l ma,
the (••=IItalw, for the reason that the . '7B ai,tlY ,.s t .;n 7)fe CGeat Cnfl" eco tr cirtr<r ern
Ment to the voters' li•+t:• tart ut. t
1Le"mit session of the legislature. rapid.; max he ruin with safety. Kiy ' ip i+y / w cionlI ra nglg+ t ;Is•-anrttn ft, er, rP,,,,,- a.
+ B #f in*-ue ,'tine a 1tiswinent'er-oD.....d.Na teylitAll a;;12a:x. i4 i'2LSet
r nett ltln` st in tilt' westward and Boa etecL t ei•lee to ctry tela anIfil:g tr 'iEL%
By this amendment it is t'Il,a.rtral , " rAllirtnitl isttt?t: af"a ntific:IQJ Mato (E,L,. ,titsart
t ,rlIIl` t+ Ls thr'tni.%. %.aktt f •)titari,) tO bac' o't tt'n Ia:,.. l trr,liittAr a sum. _, u:•ati freltalsr:ry f, rriamrattr_t. ttic(, matzo
that 'taii'Olue' •Svhu1 •evil. lei! t)f tilt' . Port 1)tlht)ulvil' where , . bf Manor Gdaease d5 the fau=n atlBip r, w ,.
1 Canal :,l t tl , .. , he It. tilt. Welland lland ring no rnld-2aa erBae":: asps:tiag, s 3 ti ' tjimerican
age of l' years within t21h1 T es e e '. I alitllt n(es. This etrueture' ei2et•1t + . =r '
the , , • is •iii o. mile"; in length. the c I_ Gn➢a,.Bp t 7 c.)atee C•eag' itat tneantGy A it7!r3s !`tly'IGC `dta4a•ct$ erg knf: t + l ver.
from unto fixed for lI(.a1' fie :, ell.- # .. a anti uteri at Bnna3'aar eltlettt IGt2 xg ll'he 1&Geta.- t tL17 < a a.S c^ut ii tr_^o rig t:y ctr e ! i 7
vptaal Gita t)f ,i ,, fr'e't ler (0"..tt'(1,.... ds the atm, heavy at,,hlaal,, Inn the stun., a inp't' "" rt2,,r.tLS,:n., .1railtatat"a-urs.CC :•w
pedals t duct County da Lte.a nI wle,1 or true Lack ,aria Na mann the Ofich ✓r. voiettme
t4tN_ntv. a9ct'id lap.' w. t':at il •:Iii tt'tat l'I'J t^r ''
1)e ssesses the ether IIle'e eeeer4' r fad- , feet, • ` 11.1ta tGt' l if cork lard' i4Cei•1'''2t°. ,
Now- York
l her :r deet, et•itll to depth of 14 ft tyt. .et, sits In t::c taaGnak+ it;frau lit Thi sasGnC's y Ier9 at0 utt" e E „ t1ta Frain*;sa+,tu
ifieations to entitle hila t.2 Lt. enter- inti.. fort C.2ibernc, ;at the Lake" d:oa rand,ntg•Ci,t:r B yte. 5'. 2 mayL. . .
etti 011 the voters' last. sh=all In:l'4e" EI•h' enol of the venal. thcrti'Is deep tr.ut yv11, oat" a nCctBnen apt F1G,InIcy d1ds• .:
g apply j
water ffor n di'tenee of t3t1I mile t j rpt s9ta t :e-- - ---- " - - ---i. I ', v
file right to a) )ly to flit■, Judge to 1, s kGNlaa"-
have ,
to the:Sault Venal. naal. wehie•h is 5,9x1; cure --1)r. Chore's t45allatiy-4,11r r pares.a,
.lie➢ tl>aflle entered and inserted. lft'ct ill lE'Il length, mid t'()II'taLl'lu a as lock r'mb"t IiaragGlie that
Vat ate .at. 'a•I-
itt the Voters' list, as elittt1t'd t') 0,24.1 feet k,' Viii fret, with a depth of 1t"etantrtn>~
inches. ttG tY°1 rSe lvbl'. tC ase'9 YiU:. `
e'bey-i.Gaetls. They ace atualamt avote atuuiiriIal elections andiifttt tic t t.tl lift btIvIRa• hreesGGcDeere
elections to the legislethee assennl)- le feet. ()nee through the :5attrt have made 6e1ne of the most stlatllisl:r:;
ly.t Canal the hist natural obstruction lftutIS od kldaey' dise=ase o:a "'''°64,an4
50 i'gARs"
is l) ! .('(1. and there is deep Ovate' have come to be worn: G.lereSS the ettlY
absolute cure for kidney ,GGs•c„03,. Ask
1.4 Port- lather. your teGghbom about theta. Nearly r Tlall .i5 al's t
youare eft IIll ittrv5 ;end L4iV21t In addition t 1 this 11nt 1lifieelt every -beset vis tell tri cn2ne Trtinat,i.,ala
more trade ask for if. 117(1 tlSli ill ;y te2u, Canada 11tL!. another water-
tate by tl,cdr i1s y. (3a)• ;p?4G I Asa : 2 p iG , rt, t ,Gly.
'Stich a decided Minor that people e(nit'e, tvlliel21•)1)1e fl<011il
Ai,...,..„. t*;at: 1Vbg„ Bates\ht Co., Toronto. cut L:daclat)•
Willcolttlntls of the 1 >;r:.sl.0 have )r,,r - to (thew' and then howl. to Xing- zito. i •'„.r....' '.1 . .
heal' you. The advertisin
1 sten:, rl. total tlltttslleet of 11$ ini1ey. ' Chase's
On this route there al°t' four canals
rr'ill to be the beet ntr*Chrul nR • .n..nit
't_eif'. r lin 1►;rf - t,it ' tc . 4 it„ fr. .554 a Vol?!• ek t. M•l:' ' r,:i(1hltnt', St. Atlne'S, ,
12t tIaieV? COL; w !'2 mi.errva'ArsA. The,la Fre r” :s, . of the evens—Men b oieu• .
t1ti1,*1,1;11,-.3.v. tl:tr•4 u t G zea t r tl S. aSat"., iia Z;, Gt <ttta?r gig:lire-4 (it:nm (ted s' .
lti. Pills
: Tey- 1 f *':•1:a'+, .` a ,, tit;? s..;s, 14 r,%v 1 t die when: ho ‘11:4 )int krtr',
.. w....•,
tin- .-. - _rl r,e i+w.e
,.,.►.iii„ .1fo ney Loaned on First and ,' (=E:rlllti''
ore -..
ortg ages, Beal Estate. uvt.=s :arid.
tine I 8 d ,wear Other tS. e aritf,c':2,
tr'er at.
eting iiY tP t, qy
1 they
. in
.land` -M I.)I
]G=ale `
i In -Li
Farm, City, Village, Subati)rn.
and Garden. Property, told. nought
and Exchanged.
Fa,i'nis, Houses and Business Prop-
erty Rented and Rents Cols 'ted
upon Reasollab a Teter:.
Money Invested for Private Indi-
viduals on First Mortgage on Real
Thus is the )IEICIni11e t11 t talks -singe -playa every iaD,trna iaetat- acp rr tlass(rs
.Seo i'S 1lanld . str11)g oaheestres-tiegrea minstrels, Church LI fir ete.
It rdpfe 1t te; the viola), p,=.cut,, date, c.(2rntct, trot:da>IDe, banjo, mandolin,
piccolo mud every ether ipsslrnntent,
The Ilerlilnes Gp deo phone is ieloler-•clearcr, simplter ,gird tattler that) boy
other talking atl:lehiee 52t any pi=ke