HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-17, Page 3posauswastmrsommatmumwors 1 4Wis(e4XXXineeteCX>0004e04XXX)00014000,04XX> 2120424111.12424412. wavon••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••vromr".•••••••:"...... 000 00.0404-te 0 000 Su limier a d W inter Dr. Teirnage•Dreows ?Illustrations From the Insect World -Providing For the Future fe$4.14404SeiKe0WWisi444541e(X>e) Washington report ; In this dis- course Dr Talmage draws his illus - teatimes from a realm seldom utilised or moral and religious purposes. Text, Proverbs vi, 0-8: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise, which, having lib guide, overseer or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest." The most of Solomon's 'writings te.ve perished. They have gone out of exist- ence as thoroughly as the twenty books a Pliny and most of the books of Aeschylps and Euripides and VtLITO and Quintilian. Solomon's Song and Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, preserved by inspiration, are a small part of his voluminous productions. He was a great scientist. One verse In the Bible suggests that he was a botanist, a zoo- logist, an ornithologist, an ichthyol- ogist, and knew all about reptilia. I Kings iv, 33: "He spalse a trees, from tbe cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that seringeth out of the wall; he spake also of beasts and of fowl and of creeping things and of fishes." Besides all these scientific works, he composed 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs. Although Solomon lived long betore the microscope was eonstructed, he was also an inseetologist and watched and describes the spider build its euspen- sion bridge of silk from tree to tree, calling It the spider'e 'web, end he re - 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 000 0 0 0 r. 0 0 sight or dullness of hearing or priva- tion or disaster or unfortunate envir- onment make life a perpetual winter. But in most lives there is a period of summer, although it may be a short slimmer, and that is the time to pro- vide for the future. One of the best ways of insuring the future is, to put aside ell you can Lor charitable provision. You put a crumbling stone in the foundation of your fortune if you do not in your plass regard the sufferings that you may alleviate. You will have the Pledge of the high heavens for your temporal welfare when you help the helpless, for the promise is: "Blessed is he that considereth the poor. The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble." Then there is another way of providing for the future. If you have $1,530 a year income, save $100; or $2,000 a year, save $500; or $3,000, save $1,000. Do you say such economy is meanness? I say it is a vaster meanness for you to make no provi- sion for the future and compel your friends or the world to take care of you or yours in ease of bereavement or calamity. There are women who at the first increase of their husband's resources wreck all on an extravagant ward- robe. There are men who at the pros- pect of larger prosperity build houses they will never be able to pay for. There are people with 84,000 a year in- come who have not $1 laid up for a insects transfixed in the case of a museum have been alive and In tor- ture for years. lIow much the in- sect and the tow' and the brute may be rightly called to suffer for the ad- vancement of humeri knowledge and the betterment of the •condition of the human race I do not now stop to discuss, but he who uselessly harms any of God's living creation insults the Creator. Alas, for the horrors of vivisection! I have no confidence in the morality of a man or a woman who would harm a horse or a dog or A cat or a pigeon. Such men and women, under affront, if they dared would take the life of a human be- ing. You cannot make me believe that God looks down indifferently upon the galled neck oE the ox or the cruelly curbed bit of the horse or the unsheltered cattle in the snow- storm or the cockpit or the bear baiting or the pigeon shooting or laceration of ilsh that are not used. Go to the ant, thou miscreant, and eee how God honors it. Furthermore, go to the ant and learn the lesson of God appointed or- der. The being who taught the In- sect how to build was geometer as well as architect. The paths inside that little home radiate from the door with as complete arrangement as ever the boulevards of a. city radi- ated from a triumphal arch or a flow- ered circle. And when they march they keep perfect order, moving in straight lines, turning out for nothing. If a timber Ile in. the way, they climb over it, If there be a house or barn in the way, they march through it Order in architectural structure, order in gov- ernment, order of movement, order of expedition. So let us all observe thie God appointed rule and take satisfac- tion in the fart that things are not at loose ends in this world. If there Is a divine regulation in a colony or republic of insects, is there not a. divine tices Its skilful foothold in elimbing rainy day. It is a ghastly tlishonesty regulation in the lives of immortal men the smooth wall of the throneroom in practiced on the next generation. and women? If God cares for the least Jerusalem, saying. -The sPidE'r taketh Suell men deserve bankruptcy and im- of his creatures and shows them how hold with her betide anti is in Ling's Poveriehment. 'In almost every man's to provide their meat in the summer end gather their food in the harseet. palaees." But he is espeedoitY inter- lite there twonies a winter of cold mis- fortune. Prepare for it allele you may. will he not be interceded in matters of tested in the ant and reeonenetele its liviguidanee habits as wertheta- thY of study and eta- Whose thermometer lets not stood human elihood of human affairs? and n the I preach the doetrin lune melee. weee to the nut. thou Nesse sumetimes below zero? 'What ship bas of a. partleular providence. "Are not gard, conedder der ways and be V. a', never been caught in a storm? What tem I arrows -old for a ferthin ant yet not one of them is forgotten he there the feet; gel wisely the gee. fore Goe? Are ye not of more 'mimeo; pel was toweled were tritnertetel. than many sparrows?" Let there he ' 45. Ye are witeessese-Titey bad meter In our Individual lives. order in heou with -lege; throneleut WS mine i•dry. they hull heard Ihs tanelaing. they hod wen We nicaulee, they hnew /lie ell:meter, they heal ripen Hint • ••• SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATION A 14 BASO VII, MAY 1.9,1901- • • • JogIlt1 Ascends Into Heaven. -Luke 24; 49-53 ; Acts I: tn. Commentary. --.414. These are 'the worde-Now you will understand what seethed so dark to you when. I told you about the Son! of man be- ing put to death. and risiug again. xViii, 31•34.-O, F. &- The law the prophets ... the pgainvi -The three Jewish divisions of the Olcl Teetamsnt Scriptures, here menw timed. as containing, each of them. things concerning tehrist. In these various ways of writing,. God :did of old reveal Hie. will; but :all were writ Len to give notice of the Coneing and kingdom of the Meeelah. 45. Then opened he -He telly ()pen - ed. They had a measure of light before, so that they discerned the Scriptures to he the tette word of God, and to speak to the Messiah., but they had not light sufficient to enable them to apply theseelerip- three to their Lord and Master. Understand the Seriptures-The do- ttier' of opening the understanding L', not that we may be wise above what is written, but wiser in what le written. and be made wise to nal- vation by it. 40. Titus it le written, etc. -Here aro the two great essential facts of the goepel. The atonement of (Owlet. it His reeurreetion from the dead. 47. Repentance -"This implies that a measure. of divine wisdom Is COIllrr MUlliCated to tilt' sinner, and that he thereby beeomee wise to salva- tion." lionieelon idns--"Flte for- giveness of 8111g, the retrieval of pun- ishment, and deliviritnee of the emit trom the power of sin." In In. w -as ohtalned for sinful men by Life: atonitee weifteringe, as the fruit ad Ws Worm -Delon,. mei the pjfept, tf libi graef.,-seiltt. Among all na. tions-Citel 'wills the salvation of all. and Jesus tasted death for every Man. Beginning at 'borne Diem -De. which, having no guide, 3,Verseer , regiment at the front never got into tome, it wae time written. rketli1SP ruler, erooseteh her meet En the a battle ? Have at least as nowt sommer arid gathereth tor rood In the foresight an the 'noodle world. Ex- harveet." amine the pantiles of the ant hills In But It oae not until at eut 3110 ;tern this April weather, and you will find the family. order In the elturela order • when Jen seeeowereeee, the eon that last tillaTIMET'S supply In not yet In tIie state. In all the world there le of an aeotiDeealy at Anteterplane et:haunted. EP:amine them next July, ne room for anareby, lam], tecan the study er the ant teeter and you will flnd them being replentelo. Before we leave Ude eutejeet Iet rouerpoi ;eery not the sun boo, or ed. "Go to the ant, then sluggard, three% God for thoee who were wItl- Sollomon'n injunotion wee motet ;rove, vont:Woo /Der !earl and be oleo ling to endere the ratletteri and eelth The room liut•le meteor% rds ',DOM. bovine no etilde„ Overeer or ruler, pra. sat riflees neeereary to make reeellotteDD batten a trap in. In my HAL kilt•••= k %Meth her meat In the rummer and of the natural wethal, na re-erararelnit coverot a great a deploy eft the ; gatbereth her rood In the Iterveet " 1 the net/plum, It the iniereeeope 003 1 24 cwt.-. 3 10 to 3 76 SELLING GIRLS dont of Idea 40 it! anatomy an D But my reithjeet roaelten Mohler than mote. whet a n'or y equid tett er "'um 111'n -t °I' a litti6` tlia' 1 1 t trteiteroeliorekeep. ...., po to 4 Se parel-lie,tt. xxvill. 3. The white reesteir000eeeeeoe, eoeoloOne garments wer•D an enablem of purity, nal coming. This will not be in oh-. 5 11, Shall so (Dome -Tile I•Ifit'0:1(1 or fie ' , Th searlty like Ws first coming, but "he will einne In power and goy, on tbe Mouths, and witli 1114 holy angele with bine" Matt. Nolo 30, 31; xxvi. 64.. . The lesson presents the eoneumma. I:Ito:dilly:at important wheat eereerea PRACTICAL SURVEY, tion of the earthly ministry of our Catelt. May. Lord. Its praetioal truths have refer. Chicago ... ... ..-..4---, 60 72 1-2 enee first to Himself and second to New York ... ......4 -*---*.' 0 al 3,4 lia disciples. Concorning ilimeelf we Milwauitee ... ...... 0 74 1,-2 (.3-F; ..• .0 have, St. Louisa .., -, ..... . -- Ws lie.siirrection• A ttested.-The Toledo; ... .. ..„, 074 1-4 0 74 141 resurcection of lesus constitutes Detroit, rd ... 076 0•70 the supreme miracle of His miracu- Detroit, white ...... 0 76 --e- ! Ioue life, It is the final proof of HIS Duluth., No. 1 redemption he provided. Without It Duluth, No. 1 0 74' , divinity, and of the efficiency of the Northern .-0 74 the prophecies coneerning him tail hard ... ., ... 0 76 1-2 --; ' an 1 Ire own words are proven false. Minneapoille, No. mimple a return to the glory which 0 7.3- Ite Ascoushote-its purpeee was not 1 Northern ,. -- Toronto Partners' Market. He bed "before the world was, but 'Wheat -100 bueliels of white solid that He might perfeet the work of ode- unclutoged, and 200 buehels of .real', human retlemotion. lleving 1-lic higher at 73e, ani 100 buehols of • ecenled" that He might "give his life goose eold 1-20 higher at 69 1-20, a: renewal for many, He ascended Barley -One load eold lo higher at that He might "fill all thingo, and 47c pee buethel give gifte unto men." 'He ham "enter- ; ed into heaven Reel'," nnal "appears - in. the preeence of God ;" and, as our Six loathe Bold $1. higher at $13 to $15 it}:Teeteo•-nSc. aree and in good demand. ' Great High Priest. "ever livetit to Straw -Three loads sold 25c lower MAO intereee•ion for us." at $8.75 to $1•Oper ton. rile Retion-"This se1110 J(41113 Shall Wh.eat, whits, 710 ; red, 730; gooehe eau come in like manner as ye have „e „ wen Illin go into heaven." To.ward "'u 4".'-'e, hsphloilh 72c; barley, 47e e this nesurol and long-expreted 17-e', i" hh:•-‘c ; buckwheat, 55 1-2c; (went the faith of the elierch hoe (>$311541. 015rtlaw; ,17,33°,.7,7),6tte *•$11h,in'Yblit$Je3r, -4°14 turned during all the ages sinee 111R to 18O•, eggs, boiling, new laid, 10 to departnre. le welting for 12c ; chickene„ per pair. 60 to 80e e The Comma rel. A world turkeys, per lb.. 12 to 13e. the gospel. bet inetend of the ex - Cheese Markets. pected "go" en /TIP 1111, impvratirp "tarry ye." Tbe tarrying of Ioniall Picton, Ont„ May 8. -At our Chese In the temple. under the nearehlight Dowd to -day, le factoriee boarded of u mighty vision until the eerapliim 475 be...no-405 white and 70 color- ioneliesi his Hoe with iteitee fio, we've feod.r .1(I4Iffolirgeveilt:b3i413,381111-ItteefosorldWthanil 4Boo burned both weyie was haete In the odvaneement of the kingdom. t14‘11efetretk, May 8. -The °peeing pt:I'Isi.iper.,14roN11)rip% ,;;Yro tiskiii.iiiiill vs.fr4..i.e.erlivi.e. meetiug of the Wheidetoek Oheeso this ilior4i wire Regal tifee afternoon and. rnyeil the vulture or tio• atr,p. sateen; ler tree ensuing year elect - authorities. ben, 'Opel ;IDA reelesiee. id ru-D followe: Pre:4(1mM Alex. Urge- ttilft'llill'itnaen-21gtehateintel:VIonr4e, 81'11'`.1.1.1;14;11:41tult.; 'tart z Tle'°"11releelh Win. 31"Illeelat;' rke Leading Wheat Markets. Following are the closing quota - 01 wi.0.1.1it ei oe,o,,oe .,... ..„ Seeretar,v, .1. th. Coetin ; Salestaaat, ii:It4,1)littiti'aeporit vri;ii:r Itilliff'.rl!'";;::ilit 31tli347::"3:t::111,""1:3:3 .o1D4(11.1to..41141.1r1;71Tri:11:11.1diTILLII;raelar biaallanSteaetoei t reneroinnol lie" t: =PTA awl I 1'1 lilt:- IN9.1,,..tii,...-TaeTten-alnutallm, l'uthnietre°rbeelbeingelotbr 1rd-90 limed the oleieet. Thir, ic,ext.r is the ,vilbrocgo'ci vt'Itite And 61 of colored; erying nem! of the elm reh to -day. 'and neither Well Ert.lk.*•te,1 illStritmentra. . , 1 d ' 4 S"141 at 8 1-18e" "Ile 25 nor well segue Ivo) arrangententa ean tit 8". Live Stook Olitricets. tinperteele It e • e working; forech The toe,* , , aftee it ; 1•0:*••"1" rekrIll till` t11,11t1 and now Passible s; mines may hae„ 4,,,,te4,4. Ina --,.sorill.etzen,c.i0Oe.peree,ht-. 9,37i5? too: at 1 ,„,,,,„r ...,...,, WRR:R 04, 111 ''RR0. WitliC4RS II,r I hi' pOws.r itat„; tend avast 111.114.2s, rtirR,rtl. LAVOI t Uto13,••• .... INIIIIAlll II: (lark. 4 21 to 4 6Ci thew thingeeeleetteibet„ So; v. 8. • . . -, ,. !tote:m.2v: cattle pauked Bute/wee Die tle, canto 3 Oe to 1 W; teutelteriee cattle good 338 to 3 65 do mcdmin, mixed,. (EWA witieli Wag promised to the elopeooloreerron'oyee•OriehiaiiitilWAYhtildrk litaebere onemonoier cwt.-- 2 Se to 3 4)0 ehotreli though Owlet lie here ite- lr. .. ' itall'i ieN Dert I ; v .• •• • t 3 *I 4 OS Ott /leered the promie..--The Hely 19.ta tr.w.e.vm.v.sttece,a,recqn---*. ;• nit e eon • ta-; Inure • ou on I,,. 13! Fecoicea, neefeee .„,„ ... e mem oteehoor ta the heaventi „and orae! : temporaltieeororeelidat for the emit, , liorelehlp and pevorty and hafferlhd reenter ihr.gp,prop than fl,or. an•I r tie oloorlied and wreetrillt uren tY Itt..wit,1011 for tar lehoond. ihre and perneveranee on die nart tito wondero de:covered esi the ant ;mei ; Melo epos!: Out and tool' On le.rner Moo employee It for imeertant d:r:;•eoi.'- ottcr larritig thui holy :end Doirel nave , Ittn08114,102T 10r•LVIIII of oreearine rov.1 • oro! waned' 114,11 of tlie hlinded eees o ny, end cepirol 43 ycnro Oge, tOP the more Eneortinit emit or tee* of M, Straui,:t. er the Ittitem anti er utarLyr of the great retence int;cctl. no you toalire that Di goon may 1,1t! reteren the whe. after Inspeeillee •oleigo nolitionaire or re naultiOnaltneneire foe the irainute oldeetti or GAN ereallete 4 0 et, 3 .. ...... 3 ell to 3 73 they Maw/ I th; radio he fainieloal 111111 .-I. 10 THE 1(URDS E; storkrvx,..t.,,tti.e`6,1Y'3. ;3 to to e3 5* nil tliove gate Wel !tows ttreetiqatl, i,..,: '4. oh eoton, Rh. be...crs ..... .. 2 set to .. 61) e: tete le c btlfekk . Q, 73 to Z. CO 24 • deealcrioge thee go ;33 1 I. t net Pm- Bahl ..d, Vie tee, te h .101, Choteen 11:: Li, ;p• 1. t t, • e". ' , ' - 1 ••• P •24. ..., 0 6Co. all .1•V: OM. • ...• - • AO trO ••. th15 tir---`1101,11144411 or elethe I with- ' io. Iterate. .1. ; Much owe. COO. ..,,,..,„ 330 Oa to O3 04 room ara Wolter le room on /dell. Itylivms.,,,tvomimmonsmijeyem,Roi coot., ewes rei AD.t. ......., leo to 505 voini thew fOre draws the eend Ativweiral • ' ' ' • , ao•took.P...... ........... .. 3, :It ta 4 Ro . R R., pee .7 P...ehle•geond• il. tier east , . . e ,11 to 6 ...5 M.* Unot hut tied • Acid heve re li- time mei a hatitiropt No eicently. 0 nt.orgerel etill Iron their R'Sbilllettl U.11.t t, REIS 111 31 it ;DOM 1.1101 I lalh l'howt'IP 24 I'll.'" 11141 3'"° ''' ' At'rhe '- do i ereveroi, tercet, „ ,. 4 ot to ehee formai ree Rotel t, e teens of on 0333' lent poinve for o re vi ,c. ara, Dual a ono ee %t'3331 dentreyel, TOO; hour in 03.19)!.' 0 wao tite PrRIMP, ' '4 tie' FatilOr z. ii Artt TtRr041%a I,'•.5 0 v.a see re fin 1'0411R:go 4.;leb .... ..„ 210 to 5 CID er tlierril It !TOAD ReidOnsif 13101123 3.lith;; forever? Tile otO teoulli rot lie teatilo prorcteeeen Only the worlt or puttee, conlijnOt read, ▪ tee oeteo deo o leegere too 08 tio.") 1414 2: )l'3( ,:,!Iting 02 2120 thetat reel with gather:rig penotigh to4e, ftr., On the nillar or reence In gee. 39.---Ats tar Die thzzo,.. teen -deo -4 er 11332t 3300',', iPuiT O. utilities' oD' eitelftee or a tsintee. Ong on, And What Meer? WO cot ull4011h Wolf. 1442,143a tire 04;0100 VI 111 132" ""''3111414.r" Iota 'Cal3e4Hoe •reote okotot tcovet„ Igloo ee, hoeue to• tiolo Doweled 2,,“ 4.71V,R11P 0 :0 10 t OD 'algae it gottaure, 31.4113, ova Of it AlLvISk 20314' many ot tie eroot cento_no r‘i,tt,A t4t.iffer then the tole of eye'eleet. Oentleeoiee•'hohly to ley 111;1,W oh tli, try of' epeeettoo, *Xs 143 tn., 35,14: I. 6111.1"P' tiOncle. fee tinat woe tit, k,nLlgary tt tItt t,, M 'AZ1110111 Wheat Markets. 004 to. kOte! ito With+ ra hielo.ttee vole ege,,,e. valet Lohe iti.L11.44.4,tmon up-neel at, I:or% their 313' 2.1:12,! „ '38 241 "DOI!!Dr' 11 3.&3 later nr. Into hootuneeririie. heeieplee1 te 1,1 1324 trorst. 1 Leo been thefei 134:11i List, Er9 fee tizetwning int.O. CP" KfR21 Rit the Or.eoie tleot l31r 33 0114.01:40110 girlle. iove .;413 nooPigett ei lnJs !taut 2e14331,03 130e33333P 11134 tretarrvittiort eeted he to be neineocel and ,AIR.,:q0w I. Inerhot 1s3 autivito. on] 11000- 3'a3sl22y prOvrel t1;3- eteelnie11333 3wooly-11 to, e. r ft!,, we vOices dull Doe] ee;re- attic, trade ortotevora:; ton tie y Otto 111133etellm t r -ea . to; :oar ale-- Doreiteele iDf, olio .l" 333 irkt t!Ef_rrk,01 terehe tft•1TatIr002 13e<2301 oten yvtlOilt," tie eel; 0,e ! te,,es 1' 2133' Foto, cr 1.32 • -1 Woo to tooter. tit tootteDel toece 33,0 te Roefr.m 13 were 14'g, 42,,,tjte 32. 'Mot; 2.ho3'e3e3234 t• rr0 U",,V,•••0<,, 4.,R5 3 Vrd i33'113"; Lard* 700" ▪ 43135.1. 7614,2,1t rAVVI:e 491? Ille tieJ sete.'O open thg••na 'The 1 glatteroet :;.)14,1) 3,z1c,,trEiU0.1 leo•de ;, M1, :3 tort:aortae ei!ool 313 u. Deieeitoll thq.'07•1 1812:Airkr Vt.: &oe JP"W, 0 0'14'0 1o2e, tr.9t4,,,.1 --Nee ;I thflelee 0,-41 lle, Deue• eie toe ;pot31 r 2111:,:tj7 t, 11r=0•ED•. kr• .0.1.kt've". 2.234 2. h tee•gie Nee O ne Othello ..1* tele; .1r1e-3 Voesilees arts,,it rr,1' 11105k :F•043•23, VI' 33 23 ro'w•t f' 313 13 111 11 14,0. 12" 3 3,7 11 .• ;ja4.1 a3'te,1 No. f) E,v.rritomr 11"41 31er01:2',31 0L•2<o.0.• rot teDeo re tootle:to Ge ileho 333 J stv:re Fort 1133113* Jt'. 335 1 11132'uel oto toeseee_. 400a4o.3.4:41..' &Wet 104T' 3.ilil VO.Tle ty teie tehei'..-'RA ehoeoolroogtrnt.fiet331)33CO 1321. 41. 1,31,0 11133' 131.4)43' 173 *13,4' 213 3 43133137.130. LI27I134* htIddAtE ,act0 lietet:eoni.ob.., .o.1Ds, i o '.''' • o i oee Nee. ills433a3 the tOtzel.net heeling 33320333320342] fee the 1130 hleehn 1otetmilienth ort Or that Wili COV mitvo Cen eihe to cltrcetot eelethr 33811331ntl301h 3213123',2131313 ito tUrtto tICoa rget, tisotie eelteeetiee tYi233S10 3331 ti'Zr. Odra 114031a 3312.33320 Meade or otateli 1133] dyeene. demo t313011381 1333] 03303333113 TVell 104ol 12133931lret v1113 be elle] lo01110re. one 13:031-31uitt nearo 33,3 31333'331J,9,2Oee fthe olto 235? totcp 323e deoth 0nr53#. 3I 3i 319 49 Oiseetlt voe41,' 2.1'" itga'act itoiClee nosta'tt-ahzttit*Leo „-. i‘icit,„tlg„eeos;''d;rtretuy e`t tae2o Leeftetem•1ule.eraro_ts,.,,..le4,leeve!yDiovlitieetteene?- ' ctaMtienneeetritleste,e) ete'ssep.ti •foreoevve:r'!t"e•eec t••en.ae:Deirlee:41rye7eliteeltn-t".e.ge aiel1efroen-ttorod rV theDe fiieeeeh'neot'e2eille- tr.t Itoet eenetiV1 WhiteMe reaebing eethee 31303 m39033'3313'98333' 13 theal. hete 12r e33332 "Thee Ie a 46,1 ail] 3311 nhidolhWoretio hint etl him &twrotrLno! Piere 1l - f :.seAet have tea 331305331133 311311313' ?0I.312 2333 gotCa 1 Crge c,t tnschnitone tognittee or the teetteat townOte tete 41 he goton, eteoreooe eivee inmeelOtbutztav ttIe tht31110 31 tthe 3,31333 erotoelthewh&otheteeseeto og hl feehtheteeeeeego to tEe trot zttA ta@ atcttegA- the• ant LimDgote,stritetlol.. 3 Oa11teoe:c. oer. ea4tiA MOheetve 88233 33 eta O 412z2708rz3' otl ataEn333'3(3 Be g Tt rtat ttehEralht 1M13tA1413,12.03n tIZEI.•rnneor se1 ilt &Mute itto ite kethOeen to; c/21 Mutt ka 1623333't; otoemtitutnmtt et*31..0 othed httet ttaa the cttc?. Ac.'0 812 ntry ir l]t 3181303 33123' 339 230]33' 03233,18 41 t333o' PI30-8318 It et •,--- leo o f e , 6 4„t"ae' ! Ol? rman 'mor 0u/6tr0tt;Inat t00% "1102J1323 2112 etotetewaitingoe; 32 3313,! evAID 1 3' St,iN toCl•• %i ,. 4 i 13323200 33233 ilt"ttlDe v3ou-]eo31s 35 tee,. rt 133'3 ,3133'31 s]ezA eay, et•the. tohTeS4 "001tt 932 S32132'411,32. 1231 4731 111 338313] ".3" -N611" an] /3U2.2..." tae ileaeee tt..P r' a7.1...0 'if/Ls ,,:attailto ,;;!,:1,4 1.1 melt,a1.4 rtiny,3_11. -ant that themselves iltsto Era0E-7.2 Or24 tretk.ktri.111 trtk. iprirxe ti.07 tte razz or x.vaira tnoir thnt 1:ve u, 11322, to a :51,.,11 ilt1;e In eleahebt nee and come open On en- um/ etee3e, cirtz ett..u:,rs Ace, cat sis Timm_ ve,it tt) 1)3 Le et ttielnr "n and de- fer e73 klekInq whIlt* out of deees and to confront the 3318 13:0 eg ta.d. r.getval world. an] ihere rSet toi12 d jm. ; o w r. : tlrur 1313' 333332. l01t3 1 41 ,,u0533 2'0,ad,t€hrevIite2eesr313a1 8t05 n-:.i;:2e;n:aal,etoif the ometome n.. 1. 1.342 0)23 any! glrarazr3313't n ,att„otctree67 tho r::th;s aprlir'11etaere eeeeteecvtaL-e o, Dpast1rlr12 11'±13 g?210imhgarreryoaett oce eeateisuEnOUT' '33,2.2,., Norte fev•2rOrrtr;?tzeaRThn0234.31 Rn. . oarto'el1tDo-l'•n,ee, .0oh.te' i-sWoO-Lv30.w.33 T7, 10X - to - 111- !1 ,to.)o„e, vii33'$29'2.ve,-Tor.ei_ 3.333,143 31 e13" i,y14 j. •4 '.Rtgva+--sr1'r31 4oe-rfke2'11]113:120, le,1• , .o'.1'1, „ i1 L.em.t',e;w, C47 hotc3iothac-ttn4horl- ; , t:o at t01Wgpr traul"q 31t1 1 r) rn 3311 qe31o7AIVnt04E.i, teuts-Teiele taIndfee' weeF•lip there prtherineI-Or;tp. !. tni a Loa. ieeeor a eatneoat' foe 044 030fl3I1 2,, to, 1111 et 1. Tee forunne troatie-he propel Tee E33Br01-113 410110 031 2334333 tis° tS 1 0, 44131 Fttei,lat. Of t33133(,. 13,13,3131243 Was tbe 33333.331'95 of were Innen;O civet lo• he 0 grae 10E34 oat, are ele: tiemend, 110 .1101A, 0 T333(411311315-0E4was fel aiDd lopeo. poo:1':.34334!-11 ppet 14DeihreeD.,b!hug 144' 023133503 31332.12, n magtrate r hi:AIN11492garna,v:::on 003334 43. huroe No 4itnuce ii peeves.i1pmt,; ffilat %IO 0tVI lon coneeetel tenly sel Voie ;rie 3ii-OeDeno- tPotail*Dote. No. 0031233*', 46pet- ; TvITnvaezct.pco.geuuegttbet ,,,,t,1'f4-a/sr5f,u,tll hre,rl,3a., r1.t2,m1g4, dt,4„..; rar 'ot„0. r, 1 ci,h.e:le.tihill.e"e e- tft;c..Dt.ets-;l- ol, io...b,,..u.-._thee2 t.',t,e•omce,.!";.-ii7ll-,! -thte,..eezhe yeh teieDtak. le,f. uhh.::e, ofee-i, .l..eeetike, 410 ' cCtl.ertisoteiarineitoy.y. ToT4'o; t:doh.aolol eet,te:teeelel-ry siA_ 4wt!ttroo.,o.o,1Vttg e,r,,e oireei.2ar6e ,st;.:get,I.e.me,•ntI. -e:1riir-neAoo-:- .,•34-,,D..:e-, :'-23 "i°„i-:,1;,'e:,l,'ti.*e„*. l .h- A.'l!b,r,:o et.a ec.ote., 3 t.e or1233333323113031 3.38314-321413333, 311341.12331331 •T "L! 523333!;3'118323:23' lit . a' taft.tha 3i:.233i:.231141'3, :429-t451133-o,'p.,e,11 7.'''n . voror Chalet into Ivey iot hrd eohl lttetPe EWV, traeIoo-theeg 13 033 Weeyou w hr oory its 13351133333332133, eecett the young. 1112.033' ary fcaptvty. one s p ee-ec s detteStIt 031211033 stay at here. Twetty of the feed they ee reelog m e e hh-j-ef-le ete 2a.k1 ,a5t.h,,eori 31 313 134'9T23132.e:Vvn0013224"3 1 4q 1=3A443ez41311 3 34 32133 22 3138233 331132 .1 glra*33323313:103'navihr rnong 315=4-s t, 1 25nat'syata1negtetearthhe ejtior his huhqe1tohsWif!e roairehi•ianD ;144:n1/:11e:!:t24 ten he would have commond -t,eh-(-„sr onetke nature:115 r, Sweek 12# n* tin hheard 3510.vCoo 1,444 1, ;:,1 ;;;;33b ninarbehavior mute ore us o Iimportantmeetary on reooed Dognlet. thevIoozsg72 tiro II. y Mot -Orel 1 o :R0,`‘33'ly5 13131 t33 01 51 783;i:g2' little creatures iave sometmes'711e re 11 q itor-e s cee`ainv OvEu stineso and Snsent" 701 e not 2.238 2,31 iSkare ntis este; was no3' 3331 410I 3, 11) "-::",';"%f,- '5 33'',! ' Ane3g's„,""e60133een"313eerQ"e892 It3133I e'42.0":ehoo-e-2. 9` h to himdeOn E42rP4q Wie14133 2.' wonttleAnlI4--:.6."23 °8 3"'2.o talernIned a tee3 arnt'an.ai v -' L"' $jl121 a tae ITM:ffseotee Rewas anointed IVutithe 127. Gooe lAELae 3102Au:., 3 3twoi!D 0as4a3-1:an33em7!32.3e13t0oa33et2he727in32ee1t103e dmee!,,aeve:y01321213teeeetenett31. 33 toe2,e.4:,anDi 1$6?1INvhst.:11h14113, But whet ono tree hebits telerOhl er"-4',,l'rLs'e"" (4' if`a"u" " t° t"--.''''e"'Ten' Ezose cr.' Srtrhczn attel the ILely eh the eents to thee Dep•otioo to to; hie wit.' o elieed te come tee. 4.e... ' '`rts12 Ito (leek of Onethet linerit Would ..sf..,:mtlz.z.4 v.,0t17,5 en335,ta Ic.taeLs i.., s,,,:l..s era, aeouoyettolee toe,. tote aeotegy va:zey., 4tta evety ,e.sh,..heogEehe, coo _esees, so Chet s Dee orrinuon 'An •rats Dqhes, the eel, ottettonee:11"1::: be 17crttb "1-'34 s"m- `"Con:eler iner ways end bee. e.,:see°! V:213 1:'ff t avell- teemehe yet, ee tee ooze ,3,T A,:;,,,E.F, ana wete giveri ley th , Se Let or_so otonoire i hitt, of 11§ str' a. ! v-o-og-alk. 0. IL gPlightls- earth. POO! of all orOvideuro, fcrenc,nglt..;,,i .7-`171t-'-'21:71°I.:reZ•g`''''. .:?.. l'-ic"-e e"---1°,•riel 11,;3 everv =coning sn'Ogeet 2ll'4 -d3Y- e :,I2. an eerze ,..m.,.,.,1h. I!! •:ria.i'e•iEsr.e1,le,ee,]ee-tnaitl Oo! f Sataletkir.iergele'6e1.ZDr -e.se4oO2ei.ln:.-..-It;v.is-eeef.oSe..o.to-t-lieosee 4ehr-e- trien eeee,se ,/,• o e 1ree,eezee.et.e eer:eeeeeereotess, AEf1ietf7 .1....9:i _1 Z_ t%.711s.gfr-51".'7'4112!th11-11- 1I, o1D3ixtE g4', tecliti 333333 '331i33"3 o(o;15;nvessitsIt, 030Is VaLeatc.vlieby 1330sTrg tam bIg::32. '3 giveh in 0 14 333 r to sayeeeqtteee or ogee eene, 0 eee1eelknees..Isspolkn of Das ap stzrs, 0thrsp 333331etarae11e3'asti3Z eeInre,,,,vaeans.:,-z c ; lce t e ri e.g widt; lI.oesr-t:.O e Pa$Sr-itldrrtingS I532213*t ,Theee0reetwee (133 1333323 ars4m,.c5etewoelaaingTeeydiant e w , r h oef . i tte maoloty they go to rebuildo not rel of eheotem_vluttr910313 1 o roe The latter ore oat frugal, but Tee former are frugal. While the ale is waren and moving ebreat is not hitt- dere; by ice or snowbaraz. they im- port their eergeos of food. Thee' britig in their caravan of provisions; they haul in their tong train of w'Gt116 127°1'1117 11 in a t:If-ngs '.3-!1'=1-11e 7e(5:etee t-l'ferTOronlelo;t1. 21.,rZrofiv , !at' s.econa. 'Their frigehl imemeSiately gives way tea tiler adostry. And El 0235 themes of usefulness and our plans of work fail, why sit down 1321, discouragement? As large ant itilIs. as have evet been constructed wilt he' f6ret-IYaglt. 4-313 W13 114 13133-4gg " .gulde' sebjeeto eveyeb"..e., an ieresistible overseer Or ruler prevt. mdeth heeat rrce,f___selan. DV In the surereer 8111 gatheren Ir.er food 4.. 1.,;t0h 31,9..spart ff'-II.Thrusathrot_ the harveeti" The ecoralrog of the ;Spirit wo-t o o bp the next great &Dist after timeline - CLERGYMAN CO=RESPONDENT. toffs:ion. Tios was tee centre of wheat or corn or oaconstructed again. Put your trust ts. 'Me farmeesi - Jewish inflamer and at that time are net330 more busy in July and .A.tigiesti God and do Your dotli. and Your hest I stag( them eo,..ar: they poe theme toey heard such; seems as you Wli: 37et Others Shared, INIfe's Affections - harvest. They ; days are yet to come. You have never Dr. Goodall Also Avers That six Vii-ey would reeeh strang•Dre from all a. ir their parts of the world. They were tot They queettoe o.hee they oave ei2.6121;12. heat, hot have yOlit ever BiveS in 'tun Nece.- York report f A oected EX. They aggregate O sulteient amezint : goand abode as You will yet reecupy,. plorer ono cr.1-gyrann. It, is categed. ._ 1 ntli the rext W"iirt il and all the worldly treasures veil made .11te way into the innermost pert. eeason. When whiter oirsene, they ere -d have ase are Lathing corcrearee with of the Bronx, mid there became t•03 ready. Blow, e -e wintry baste IIengo the opulence that yoo will vet °woo'. rriandES with the !wife of Do William : 5. John -The Ihtirtast. the fore - your icicles from the ttee braroeheel If you love and trust. the Lord, pani Anstt0 Goodall, of 583 East 158th ' runner of Clirl!.qt. with watpr--.1"crinf's ra,,,....h all the oighways under 3110W-1 l'oolks you in the fate and then waves I street. Now the pieysielan watts a die! baptisra wee a beption unto r 41 It drifts! Enough for all the denizens 1 leis hand toward a heaven full of v'erees averring six besides the exo. penitence . With the noly. trrhost- 'tp:orer have geared his spouse's epee- The OutpOrtrintr.; (A' the Spirit upon of the 'Mils. Hunger shut vu.. and ' palaces and thrones, owing, "Ali are sin from 1 "t sits Within. God, Who feedeth 1 yourst" So that whet you fail to tItAtrsthem would erediente all s.. Goodall is musical anti aleo their hearts and fill thein with love .. - nonchalant. She was 'singing the 4 and polver. Swan Song,. from "I.o'iengria." We] -1 O. Come together -At the Meant Worley morning when a iito-yetes. Olives. V. left At this time restore. - clerk mitered her house tool placed t "Wilt -thou break the ROVIall yoke he divorce papere On the keys oil froni off our necks end inimealle.tely t10e. pieta on which she was playing erect the kimeolom of the Messiah?" len. acomepanineent. 8. Shall receive power -They were 'Nice of you,' she stooped to ray, promised, the power ol! the Holy and then werit on with the eorog. . tikriet in order to properly carry on Meanwhile 'MP hose was being • elod's work. stripped of the furniture, which Mee] 9. A clouil-Perhape it was like the Goodall was preparing to send to the "fiery, cloudy pillar." the symixd Of home al her mother re Canada. She. G333, that led the Israelite' through informed het Inoirind before depart. 13 the wilderness: er Elijah's etotre ing for thr• same destination, that elle ' chariot, or the bright eload of Mory would fight his snit to the best of which overshadeeteed 'Dim (el the her ability. The physician has an in- come of $15.0033 a1 year. ' to depart, becauise they were ilot preeored to ge until they were bap- tized with the Spirit. Wait -"They waited by perayer. ID,y conference to- gether., by doing nompesery detle.e." every living thing, has blessed the ant get in this present life you wilt get hillin the coming, life. Go to work right In contrast with that losectile be- away and rebuild as soon as you can, Ilavior what do you think of that knowing that wIrat the trowels of. earthly industry felt to rear the scep- ters of heavenly reward will more than make up. Persistence is the lesson of every ant hill. Waste not a moment In useless regrets or un- healthy repining. Men fret themselves down, but no man ever yet fretted himself up. Make the obstacas in your way your coadjutors, as all those who have accomplished anything worth accomplishment. Furthermore, go to the ant and consider that if Goa honors an in- pect by making it our instructor in large •amrilier of prospereue men and women who live up to every dollar that they make, raising their famil- ies in luxurious habits and at death expecting some kind friend to give their daughters employment as music teachers or typewriters or governMent employes. Such parents have no right to •children. Every neighborhood has specimens of such iinprovidence. The two words that most strike me in the text are "summer" end "winter." Some people have no summer in their lives. From the rocking, cradle to the 5011 grave it is relentless January. important lessons we ought not to Age a venerable in man - ond Invalid infancy followed by some abuse the lower orders of creation. would be in women if she ever be. lug what it all meant. Two men- nectident dimness of eye- It bee_ been found .lave -scientists that can oldkngels 133 the form ;cif 113012. White 12 Mount of Transfiguraton. This was his "royal tharlot," as Chrystiotom cells 10. Were looking (R. V.I-Wender- t..t▪ 3 ;CE•Al e ,ett.e0.0