HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-17, Page 2" I .,� _YPT. each 250 SOZODONT for ne Teeth POWDER . � _ .11, � . . � - _______ *i,?$�114-,I,�* ** * 4s, + .1 &� RY. Q� ++ Graphic Extracts From the Book He Published * Yesterday -His Long Torture. + + + . I 9'FivO Years of My Life, 189-1 to his papeTs In 1896, and was neyer ranslation' of turn -at over to his wife, He was CuPtain Dreyfus' autobiographic bIF,- only able to obtain loossession of it 40rY of tile, famous affair with which at the tim-_ of the f�enkkes trial, in his liame, is ,forever linked, is publish- 1899. r ,Vade book reproduces it in full. it *d in Ruglana and Americat isdmul- Is a pitiful and painful record of 4ailoonsly with the appearance of 1110110t01101's suffering. I I ,the original in France. Captain Tortured by Terrific Heat. I)reyfus describes from first to last Soon he complains of the terrific -the inner workings of take great Ileat which takm. a -way all strength events with whiah he was associat- and energy. On April 27th he re- cords that the heat has forced him ,*&, The story of tile degradation to change his makiner of life. acquires a uew and vivid Interest "I rise at daybreak (half -past five) -when told by the sufferer himself. and light my fire and make tea or This took place on Saturday, Jann- colffee. Then I put the dried vege- tables on the fire, and afterward ary 5, 1895. Dreyfus was marched make my bed, clean up my chamber, to the ceiltrp of the square under and perform a summary toilet. At a guarLI of four men ,and a ce,T_ 8 o'clock they bring me the day's poral. Let him now tak,�e tip tile rations. I finish cooking %he driel regetables, and on meat daysplace thread of the narr&+ive. these rations on the fire. Thus all 4�.Nlkke o'clouh struck. General Dar- my cooking is over by 10 o'clock. 'VaR. cominamling the parade.. gave for I eat in ,the evening what is the ortler to carry arms. left over froin the morning. I "I suffered agonizingly, but held "At 10 o'clock I lunch. Next I -myself evect, with all my strength. read, work, dream, and, most of all, Tb sustain me I called up the mem- suffer, until 3 -o'clock. Then I make ory of my svire and children. I a thorough toilet. As soon as the I ­Ao so,ill as the sentence had heat has diminished, toward 5 been read out, I cried aloud, address- 1 o'clook, I out my wood� dra.w water ing myself to the troops: i front the well, wash my linen, and �"='Soldlers, they are degrading an: so on. At 6 o'clock I eat the cold Innocent man. Soldlers, they aWtils- remains of my luncheon. Then Iom .tonoring ,an Innocent man. Ylve la I lock -ad lip. The night is my longeet France, vive Varmee.1 11 time. .'A sergeant of the Republican I He complains of fever, stoniach r auard cumo up to me. He tore, off I trouble, disgust for everything. rapidly buttons, trousers stripes, tile I Works out with fatigue and misery, 11 � WALL STREET PREDICTION — . limep Your Eyes Olie" for a Storm In the FtnanclalWorld. nriatory is.repeatlag itself. We had just such Ail experience twenty yeare ago, after our recovery from the Jay 04gko panic, which led to the Close of ot tile .ock exchange for a period of. over a wieek. At that time speculation Nrap so wild that the price of stock excha,kage mats was advanced to ab. normal figures, daily transactions surikuFsed the record, combinations of rg,ilroa4o and the lajrin,g out- of new "ea waxe constantly, annouaoe.cI, earip dividends amd bonuses wore de- ClaXed, and t1beve ae.emed to be no ena to the prosperity of this great alld growing countr asmssination of Gar0old and almost ben years or dull times, with stocks dropping again to a veTy low level, We shall pass through this experience again. Railroad wara, signs of which are visible in various sections, will oetrtainly break out when business becomes aepressed ' and the railroads must istruggle, to get their sbawe or tho traffic in competition with each other. There will be seasous when 4jur crops will partly fail and oar export busane�se will diminish, when money will become leara plentiful and when labor will b,N diasittisfied and business be- full of ultreat. But thin Is nut all. Many of our great railroad lines have already largely ndded ta their capital stock anil bouded Indebtednw.9, and have sold their new securities to the pub- lic. Othewo are preparing for new lwmps, a,ni when the aggregate comes to be reakoned up a.t the close of this year, the amount of non, investments thue offeTed to the public will foot up to amazing figures. Tim St. Louis & San Fra;;.�16002 the Penneyvaula, the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific, an.1 other great sys- teme axe all offering, or are about . to offer, etooks and bonds for public sale, In such onoTmouq quantities that: It to safe, to sa,r that they will ishortly be within the reach of the liumble,sl citizen. -Jasper, In Leslie's Weekly I NIAGARA. TO THE SEA slgw� of my r,"k from cap and 5 he linds It difficult to sleep. vill aleeies, an.l. then broke my sword '- the horrible nights 1" he cries. His No finer trIp can be VLken than the aeroers his knoo. I Saw all these ma- ; food Is almost uneatable. Yet his water route down the St. Lawrence, terial mublems of b9nor L'all at my I worst' m6iery is that lie receives imssi,rig t4irough the Bay of QuInte. Eftt. Thins. my whole, boing racked no letters rruin home. Ab last, on Thousand I, -lands, and running the W a tea if val p.troxysrn. hilt ivi th b,idy I May 2nd, the mall boat Is sighted. rapids or the cit. Lawrence River to _-revt- an I lipa-1 high, I shouted again , .-Ify heart beats as though it Montreal. I.rho Hamilton -Montreal aul a*iin t) tho K;A4IF,rs and to -%v,d)u',d burst. Dot�s Lhe boat bring My Line sti,amers leave Hamilton at I the assenibli-d vrowd the cry of my w-Ife a letters, w-lilch have been at 1). in. and Toronto tit 7 p. m. Tues. -Wul: Cavf,nnp more than a month I? Shall days and Thursdays. After June 5th, *III am inaticent." I rpad Iipr 41k,ar timlightt; and be the boats will make three trips per HUM But Not Fatal This Time, for Timely Treatment Saved, For Six Years a Newfoundland Man Suffered from Heart Troauble-Un- able to Work, and Sulfaring Oreat Pain, He Is Diseauraged-DoddPAs Kidney Pills Make a Now Haa of R1111, Cape La. Bane, Nfld., April . 29. - (Special) -Many thift that Heart Disease is Incurable, but the fact that it is curable, Is proven by a case that recently came to lightin this place. Mr. rr3ioe. Baxtermakes tho following statement: "For over six yea.rs I suffered In- tensely with palpitation of the h p wdrk. I could not do anything at all, until X saw in an sigivertisepient t1u,tt Dodd's Kidney Pills would cure ffeart Disease. I sent for seven boxes, and I Jsvvei used five of them, and am now complete0y cured. I ca,u d�o my w,ork again as well as evetr I could. "I am not makoh. of a speaker, but I have tried to wTlte ray story as plainly as possible, an,d am dolks- so because I believe that I>odd'; Kidney Pills will care any case of palpitation or other Heart Trou- ble, and I think everyone suffering In this way should be told of the remedy, that I found so successful in my case." Mr. Barter's testimonial hasbee-ii -voluntarily given for publication. He can have no object in giving It, other than the hope of helping some other poor sufferer, as pointed out In his letter. If anyone doubts the genulnessecis of Mr. Barter's testimonial. or the truth of any statement made therein, they are at liberty to, write to him .and find out for them- selves. .Air. BaIrter Is only- one' of many in 11ils sivighborhood, who havebeen vur,-1 by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, but Id, case Is one of the most striking. and evidently proves that Iff-art Disease is the result of Kid. ney Derangements, and can be cur- e,I by Dodd'o Kidney Pills. Deranged Kidneys Increase the hf,art's work, and cause palplta" %lon and other heart troubles. Poild'a Ridney Pills cure the Kid. noye, and thus relieve tile Heart. I 0 UNITED STATES ENGLISH. — A Now York Paper Pleads for its Purity. Slang shloulld be discouraged, be- cauee It isnVoyerisl1res the language, freeing Its users frqnl the necessity Ot Lhooeing wo"de acurately.-New Ylork evening paper. I Va4 whopilloped the firat ball for tym sacks to the centre field. Sel- bach fbozled to Crew. Thomas lifted ft 1114911 onle which Sel-bach nailed, and Vall froze to Magle's low line lick. He I'll 190, mAde a grand running catch Of Delebantyl,o balloon. Dolan toss- ed Hfi3kinan's nnwhy grasser over to Delellanty. Strang stung Cross' flip - Peru with a stiff liner. Flick beat -out W 11110t grounder to Ganzel. Wolverton died. Bernard to Ganzel, on a weak dribbler. Delehtmut,7 foozled Taylor's Wabbler and the latter got a life. Van alashied but a beauty to right. Selbaeh marely eloshed to Dolan. Van became Quakerisft. and fell asleep; lie wea promptly nailed by McFarland a quick heave to, Delehunty. Croew Ovdpe 'hit the left foul line. Donohue died. Warnsr chrucked Tallotmas' bunt ib Ganzel. Slagle hat mnsilk7 to Tay- Joir and never got mear first, Wolver- boll ferried. Strang's grounder over to Delehanty. Flick flogged -We Dum- my f,w a triple to left centre. Ber- nard glued to McFarland',& boost. Flick got over the pan on Wiolver- ton's long fly to Van. Dolan lobster - ed. Ganzel lifted one i0ileh, Flick clutched. Bernard lobsitered. Ber- nard fuddled on Mitomas' warns gras� aer. The Dummy sddo stepped Me- Farland's dIsIn parer, and Delebanty and Flick axabled home, WoFarland died. Taylor boosted one whielf Dono- h-u)e nalled. Van popped up an etkay one for Cross. Thomas nipped Set- bach's rise. Dolan got a free ride. - game paper. � . �_r ___ ­. I . v:� �,j -,-,-"— 11 i , , ---=*** !� I I � , , � ISSUE NO *20 1901- 1 "j, ". ---------- :. �, " �_ -, I "a -, ,��01 "41 I `11"'.., '1� I _ : � !!�,� , , Z �4 E 141 I I I , , !N.Al ,�A' I .J I ,'�" 'I � r"I "" 11117�­4111 Rr I =� , _ Cough - Stop it with SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. 0 A little coughing is nothing �the tickling, that makes you .� cough once, is some dust; not the least harm. � You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch., But the cough, that hangs on and comes back, is a sign 41Z� of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some, thing that makes that itch. Inflamation: a germ; it's I alive; like a seed in moist warm ground; it will grow if you let I it, even in children. Take SCOTT'S EMUL- SION of Cod Liver Oil. and I the crerm will die. if -4> P.�-otj, have nct td�d tit, ,Ilrd to' - f%V4 , v ,e you. Saul ":. u agrecoble Ws e Avill surprir SCOTT 8L BOWN13. Cbentists, Toronto. .;0c. , . .1mi izi - " , -f "Iniggists. Ijow SunitaLtion bengthens, Life. Tile good effects of Improved sanita- tion In modern days and the general Increase of knowledge ill regard to Dear S!rFj,-I have been a great But- thO laws Of lieu I th are shown nowhere farer from rheumatism, and lately *�O colicillgiVely as in tiv- extension oC have boon confined to my bed. See- tho average duration of human life. ,S,ixty years, ago t1to exp�ctancy of life Ing your IMINARD'S LINIMENT ad- of a walo chUd averaged Ipss tbmu 40 vertised, I tried It and got Immedi- yo,ar.,) and that of a foxnalp child 42 ate relief. I ascribe my restoration ioar.,?. At the present time the, aver. to health to the wonderful power of i agim for krrdi-4 iq nearly 46 years and your medicine. I for fornales 48. Titits mmas tbat near. JX WIS S. BUTLE It. IV tllr4,,,e yeari; Irlvp I)PPI addet) to IBurlis. NfId. I i)bm working llr,�tllnp or m -n and two I I .pKar.4 an I a Ir%If to th"t 'if W0111011. . Th^ro L9 eneourngf-wout In this for It .111 wito ar� eugag�-d Ilk tvarlilng and 9. .1, r 11 I 1+.h 'Thp twraiio, ewathitiptl. I was I ookstrorted U -y -her word4 of affection ? week, the auditi*slal boat on Satur. T OrN,WMZJ.i�, %, - Jile'll, 0 p4i­ .- . , coulpoll,41 t�� mak- tite wholp, round . Pekin 130115. ; Ik I MY jvy wag bimildless on finding day. We offer very low rates on this p:*i­tno^ proJallpo an -1 Indlff#,renc" al tho r;,tnr,-. I Iteard tho howl,; (.it thore were letters fkvr me at last, line for Wth Single and return tick. Ilekin to rich in remarkable belts, ---"* ____ _'.. � - , .lro bg -WIF g1ving way to onlightpn. & d"Ttil-A 1.01). I felt tho tbrill but tlltl WAR stx)ill followed by' 0, Ots- Uu, fineot specimen being located Tile Queents Jewels. o4l a1n(,I coinnion-Rmt-w mpUtOR of ear. 01 ! Inkr, for tIt,* hi,14y. It 14 not usireason- w1an-la I kaoir nwx 1k, rimnlir-, � 0111(4 (20alit'0111tulent. wb I I &%%v The Toronto,Montrt,al Line steuxu* in ilaw Bell Tower oil tile western Tile remainder of Qusaen Viu-t,mia's I abh,- t4i P%pt,et th'it bv tho on'll of ' -lettk :4,t., of tilt- Tgwtar City, and J P spli-ndlil Jewelo, other than thost, 11"* I flt��, presont c-litstry blx'o averorv� flu. throtw�:It tlw.,,,� peoplf,, si;uvo thm bp. 1 tit"Y were ,ra udilrpt;sed to the Pros 1pavo Tormato at 4.30 I). in. !rue.ss. b llov#41 that ls-tir,- thpisk was *� v,,sl. I It" de Ite, and do.ted previous to my tInyss Thursdays autl tsaturdaya from tra-rhung4ft. or 'Onsiple of Use Inix to tho nail. til, was 104t alliong 1. r.ijt4n Of JtulnAn lif." nJ4V 10 r4d,IZ441 tO ' d, lvarture from France. J tint, Ist tt) Juw, 15th, IncluAve. alkd � I'll, vletk�l tr.,:Ittir to 1'rone, ; nnl I Oreat Bell, beyont] the city Nvall. IternIa3m.t.y1a thrett daughtprs, 4mili, , _ tbat e e It 1pa.*t. fifty yvarA. -T.w-Alela Wvold,r. 01vim, L� I b -p tr�tn,,;ntit to %Iwir i;.�*.,rt, � 11f. filand out #;ub,44-(I1tPntIy . from J out- l7th dail,v, Vxeel)t '�Aslnd"S', I Tit latt.r contallis tile great InAl PrInve4o iieixtrlvi, has roeelked av ' * - - , = - __ , 1) sent,isteaur,r yoroato its, I the 11P%%t Steaks'- of Pekin, vast by orAI(hr of the ]-.in, innuix.s. of ,,V&4.ial t)1.tIn,-Nt,a un irell., anothvr th-011-bi-lief ill ni�t iflnti-� tho lotteny Itail In fart oen I 001141,�,� . lRiek to Frmice to bit road by thi, vr Ringe l%Wr0N4Nm,4 Vurou Iltrouehltli. Ill,, � Valknital Nflul-Ar'v. tw well as bv The till, ;.;ton ,tvill make, the servlee on powror Yong Lo in 1,113, and Wing intluohng t;cimo very finik ftit-iiititrs, , ­.- -__­_­­­=.-__ 'Vao r�i,nvl *if tho tz-1narp lit. , s lili'.. Thoy .it-(' tho finest boats hi the present toiver by the l,'.tnl whb-h idornt4 Unit 16ehoss of Xiont'm *' , V �. Ln.ti ,,ror Watileb. In I578. This glhllawtjttoln� at J�rt)gonkure, aill whavl4lflwl % t.rao vaom.v will It'll Yon of Your the torvart- tvon;i b- u%# -r. I lit, . lni�itry of Wa -r Ida wit; wan � in fmsh wat­r. After low.hig, Toron. I 'M . �. � �� tr-NI Clat V�10 ws-,uhl have to leavv,�' to tilt- first psrt Is Ro-hm4i-r. 1'�1119' t6�� olaj,,ct meAu-,tires 13 feet In �: remaniml thibie ju-,t nr4 tho.." wor.� %I 1�;."'­ 'mol ('4110r.14 t*f your f�anl[W. ,�Riv � , L. rvetl . : .it tho OrR!- ai!a I '51lut-.4try, Atli thP2.-sth -, stim, ThouNan I Islan4N. and the ra. t,, talit, i,,; #) -110' M10 W' p 4, 413'st tt-t. n ­my 40T that lm= 413 . In( -J thle1c, - It. - du0ing tho We thno of t1w lin Is - . " .1 � of §.ae�l naolith, fluo letter.4 which -lip. 0414 Of th" $t, Lawrenets to Mont- a. t �, ­�� ­­�� ...... ­�� I...",", _....1._-.._.--'_-_- .. .... ­­ ... ..... ....... __ ... W;�.o A,ul,� h�,A11!Jn2n11 . -Ireussitertnice of 81, feat tit ths, '4 otal at, tho thiso itt lier denth i4a,sr" ' '�� : . :: w�464 foFrwards4l. �Otp was forbid. f, rval. Iletwoen 11ontreal. Qnobm. Mur. V.M. IT ,;V0!Xll,4 .3$11 tttlk,�. anel Is �� itian toru- xuars ago. 'rip tga:: - � 11 "111.1,�.,. fiwl ni,v 12,tta I �, a a. I a pro -n #I, -;t tit nrtko In 04t��o letters an.,. ­,ray Day. Tadmique, and tile Sagut,- ,,�,k,rpd Insidib , and �Iut with Incerilv Js4p-I1t_,,.; 4oi 114e. t,J;B,.i.n qvt,�#r �4 Ito. ..... I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ��� -1111111 �� "I .ws- to t1w Pre-vtu., cast, i3r: nay 114%er, 'in" It V" tll-' fiviest tTIP li,,nu! from Ow ButididDit trttra%4 in ,, 41twattled a W01­IZn,%%Vn 1*41trlih 61 va� toell np to t%o 1�,-;mt Woatr;tl � r,,fvr,,% I i Vvl',:7411 44 V,4;'­i- IwA-41,�' -It't'!' lh-'" v%pnlo r0at`.P� t.o, jt.'pvpn skat.% . Alas,,; 11'.�.;I � -� �rpi v-oatn­ to UDO 61131 , t�,pr", , its �, on ,tit. - rituthu-nt. Thp bo A,tq on thle V. ttiose eharaetov;. 11tow thts holgv !! tilo 10�.w'i.flt xlngo i0tval a 0XIL, .110"I TO . , .a.,�4tti,V,3 4.4 pulsl,!h- itU,.,,ent,t;I#on. 11cr 11 14110 eallflot 1) * ritlrlmi'900- t pl�vrti tit all-tal W.4o ralowl tit It%' ` QnO.".11 AV%anolra llnt� ddr,ei rvevlatli� of Uall, 15�Xlt,­ I tlftw �iqr�*'V,h ti),- !ptn4o.g WC426% Tp.161. Silt I]p'l. p;J6Sr_d 1!111144-�u Hotel at murrL11, J-,'4-4j�nt IJt)'_14J#,J,tUk Jq a nr_wAvr.v ri-mola 3 tln.v t4m�,�,bw�, Oil vay ­;f1�*.,,1*Pv5 .at in " 11,;.w*�'*is inaf��,., 10-mv1% .111,10f4to'll mipmItiv., Ttutmllwne 114it-I .It 1'Ei____._.­_1 : !W411.4 lit 1,1 IRPr 04141414 4UMI Mi. ANT %.� ail,� R .� atatd al 11611i stairs, 44 tho lato :4 rd Ilf�Wr IWPO b 4 I'm of I . IM0.4 V.,00 "Ll'i., %..mbsv.�5 of 0'. 14.1"46, pe" '!-I-I #"Tlllrb,hy� 11"a.,�.-Ji% t1lat re'lelled'.' tit - finf-st Rilnsou-�,r re�artq Ili Canada, 11 -fillic , iGan � " O'.11 slve� , Rol Fa I , _ � __ --,-- ��_ 1!(.1t1sw11. fralni".1 in J��Wrl,. un 41, hlrtk- - - wLpro 1; ,�Aa 14 iml. .,., �-.­­, of vl,�* Oil*, 11­4.,-�� "3 TA -m 1. P,.,,:94�' t4f 4-4,UNI., con -;i Both of tbuss, hotel'; .,ire owne"I and � N III lh'A bt,��,,t 1�-q �n,�.._. %*�", a ... � I W.#,�J 14-o';ao-,': H.1 .4 23�,I'�i-b t ""t a Inivat'. P1111r.liete".. ,,, Alim"Itod thy th'lo Imsinpally. Vor tllr� � . wauttrol voturno. 1,11 ofti.V ION At 11t. . I . �' ' ­­­ _­_­­ ------- EXAM011 AM! n1l. L­1�;..'.i-", "'.4 b 3LJ�Ill n�,­� 'M � !1-_!11.-w,. � ,'.% 4n-,* t's-1 I i2114 rigil 0011�49r- tlDq,r Nfv�rtaiation a.,; to� ticho,t�A. told ' ()ne of tilp npi:gt tljftv�lv , "A � agul Intshr- �C�,,zr_. 6�, % , "", �,,B � V2"Alw,'N ol,.'p. �,"g , vv..'s ". ') � I to refrain fr,,tm ' 9'rLQ* 1,t �-- APPIly ti) It. 1,40. tor. t*Jt:J1f0P, , P";Q:Ing ,01 r',;�vkit IsubNmtlqjjL�4 RL; t1H, i�l # Bultalok Alml I'st , , Aa,� % , "At t_�l Vv�a',W.A PAI�­ - � N�!4'ba,:er _%�_ent. 9,11elso". b,A,?. , '14 , - 1. �Cll 1�0-, A -%vn traivt�'i "J'n4 13n:V of IN16 VffV,)rt4 1Vr-9t;,r.l i i �, Jrv;t pat on km1, by tft�i WorM 16 le rl '4321121"�� to NOV. fst� 1901. tt�, ra a-3,44 041�?-,Jqp I vs.JM�!��IU, I u_,"'I 14,015.- U-1 �,_i r­­�w ,Is � tt-nth. lest thw4p th-11 & 011t:arl�s Na%1mottoll (*0nilimly. I PabRoMn- 0)_ of 41urlph. vullitloA ,; , .0 . . . � .. �. i 4!!ka, -11 h-0.0 .1ola tot LnU. i�;-aa,"40-1 I V� �-,#" W,:,r­ k1l ,E�1�- !0,1 %baf� strevt 4-ast. Toronto. Ont QUMB 40q't*0rk4:' It iks Ct COMI-191rib- 1� 712:6 0=1&ft,rP in cit 04m, CIO%; Ct tbisi gonalali, *T'�-,�t*t- 4ran 0 '�,,'r,,Alnk Vs) Vne D&cet ned � ttIt. ' t I ill "wothering Nq, - t, I � , �m fr�'M a, r'notu�:'r.­01�'O" L.,I�A 1a(;-�",441,1WvJ, .1 .,E Vw faet 4 ao,��'5.t trana t a#, lntvriaatl�m - - -­ _' ' .i��­­ ­ --- -s -hrev,volnUo- rit . L . * . I � heliqlvir , lovy i4 tint, nobl# 'Wig 0 cur- tdv..­.� T,'�, u� 1,u�, I w., ; 12�4"­n 4.,J tho t,af.N I'letyaHred tu� thl4r Own Uses. e Stuotil Ms. 1i Laxative Bro:r,9JQ_a*dne, ,, ;u U- V:,g4.A1r llwuL .0 JU-) , 11 rtons rplgn of f9ar hito Lavoo-ut-4 ,i ,:an= �1, -1? -0 TW t t,- 1.4,-,)� . _,,,, , t III- �-n-pv�r Df4 watehfu0n4ras el We, 'We J,,,�ar tL,:1 ,,- k,;_ ki $a oil# Oir C Cante Pp']�� 4,0 'Li%d ,J.A,U^ .kup 'ja "A rf_�O!d- - �sr a MUD an Xanngas wh.�3 Qll(�.,,-n. at.ealvhwe 1. _. 9,04,;aonit ntog 14"'liv,irl.or �44�rtlr,o� la, .: ,1e,qn1-nZ;,A hijrtnr��i - 'rislUb � , 71'" :Dri_�'l U(OL;.7 '.11111L_1701�P�A,4 t,,i M %Part� , tl,'%�allr`D LA2�4;­A,ig re,,mati-hi "up Of 1G,reat Va'Aaln. 1711P. work ift wrot- '1140. Mall AVIIII the INA3. 1"�10mr. nlo`nnL�a oc,',2 91M'ftvt��Vbratv% tx­.41.,tug pl:jul" IrlIA Jul't- 1121tzlt he" day. ill OM6'r tg� 441�"w hN vvifel HUM tpn b.v .N�2na U0311ts'.t., tow mallw,hot "r fomctu tr,efls�. tvlreiv�l Varpivval NOR% Rortmad. Q_L.P, !-,,I - ,-, I It,- el.inl,'� I il P at. Tl,'ai vna,4 a *.­ry too��r,�tti�lloBb'�Q3r',.,in.,tti,il-li,n'nA.I'trLo�,iv�-,r,� V214 rMt thT-1 MUD i4 1#.1aN9rq"�r;4 fnl:�,�111 r�",qr cil - ,a fi26,)U,rJ,.L,tt.n0 aq 111'D rattp, V�bp,L�-n :`F,'­T",�-� rvkq� 6'rst 0�,,V;I�t-.(,45, ­?��,, vhm!�t3�wi!�,jln U�6'1-- nuok0o taia qtVrd"ralL*tn_­ Uftg� tv) Vim ,rtlae ini&�t � the editow "M,wV4tmU,]--` '011 . , . Oa[,Dmx,,,:,�It'oal,��,- - aviela Zur llhi�, fr��O�,�. tv,v",n wtvLvt�. IoMH4 tatprattorp. tap - 2b C��) ll�V` "2 ,,dt tf.v Ire ,�11-11 No _ft".,V! pndln-#� ZA lt�, �) rf,arrval. W119 tbeir daty WDLO Tap, ' p`y tv� i2vvntp. 62.tanA Te - ,n l_ ,,M,jn�"Vnsl�v to halld , and they hawl Gjm?�,4 RIP 4,M. -t to IJ lrbo iq mst vortalts tl­ Fveute _,RD "n , , unk t!(ftlaway ' '* r , L OMI � � C� ,-t� , w�'-Iou�,�b,tw4i_- B Z#) %�Nt(,� t­).�n,,.,;�-V�.v�l- �.U'JT*B r . ! L� _Uj,� �n 1"TL�'.'-r tf') rt�JftVtnQ!e J! Menlo 0"Muvldq� ft�:-- vo�u Illy. 141 �jtfv�J= .�. �. ' , D04.t,�t'�, , In' k* i , �. 'Ciag fir',. 11-`111 aulko at'vonitviete amll aeenrat-. The � - Aqn;;;_,,01V rvtc-hk�, ,;L-�"Ls, tv"'m Ll,�g" wUm 11 nw.*­11 " be Mat I Lave evot wife ,tlurt it L; noo fau.t,- otvl)t],� atc.,I ,4%(,.1r t1c" �j� Q% a,Jkr1�1S,q!%'. NsftD�-t ttjss�,Dger . . , rum,� to 1t9k Ift' bmk rentuhCo ovor '70) pap-. awl N !t 06001,r-' 120*1 . 0* .,`C-LrT".�',*.'v t.,&Pt �_e ,baw Umt vtf- i5�%Y,,vrn tk­ 6-,Aotm,v,m� Vyr the only to *!o 6"�relt VuteraR, JV74_f1'k1G1_q M.yrf � 44hot-:0 I Ag(,, at. Ton�ntir!'. obt. , vottoll %1q1We,_­J �,-�r V,4� uiavl UnLJ until Ji UTEXIT I epo-'51 nittl -%,L-% is MV horlor e'�", I.V Dra dee DIP;Ianco Mth tho rlr-�n,4 heautl atly nnd afvrt�priatvty Mug- Wraige UrAttOTA got the li,v*A. .__�,________--­__ h zml lral% n. 'j'.at wus Me dav i —N.21 I Z=U fkr 15"woka vmr-rvwazere; fttl trat. , tho 1�*ttqbr proxg 19 r�,,�* QaJ t - ,,,�� I � J,,C,V&S,�! I ITZ) L4 ft Uattvr Ird ki'�Iplolon =1 gpIrit of Ilds S,?V._N0%V York vatl'f the i'ding il in kopnftag, i4vith t1to " Tiw tv,,mrkep irda 'amUt .v�u,,Vei unto 11 1. I skt for L"y ttna_8:1, 4.QaU�ftj Vo , .1 I , and V.xpm�q. .� 'a M6. it . The t2fta who tu.1-4 a lV'S110. I)PUMSIr robake. Vh­n I wa,"k. tney #A? 1, rpen" , ou'vIgenve OT the volu � :�kL"tlt. oft"'tQ1, c,,-,-_�'r"Q,S 4M,SQ13at �IFYBPH I . ____ - _____ ; ��Vil L!21VR �,,ZD,j , L, L I, I 1: � 'd who =1 Ig & wwkk whl,illa shaalld f1n4 .& place Twated Pitt., � . _: . tu, . � 0 Jgqar J 4 On. - - aivi if I r aat I I!, WbrqqV0tn&'eadr_+;V*,hd1t* 41 11-�altl't. 4% wcln�l na""n . ti�,r ,V , Norvitims 00vefii S.014-rhetl knil yet tbe one who g2w,,T I&A4.-; nce6mpaa.y aw - ' IR d�'tat..I��,.t-,ionsf3tt�,4.hltv�t6t `15"A civael V-41, tule�v t5, b",r 116"a In, N � . . . _iv t.1 :! Potson's *Xvrv;hue, tim riew and rer- In ovety patr9ottle Casaillan't; library. , . , - � , 1*011ft'l lif-r baf-ri .-a'd Ir -t twr approaela ­"' I , � t1hoy thro-atsin tain Pain eure, is U59d with eatisfac- 1 uu4t fleol fig� pit -s bmienth a#wor,d -4 tvc-ent ests, QUI'm wntr, M?t 11eZVQ lla�V #'=t 4 1 upyand Irp flg0rtfl r4d.ute ... , ±S;1Cv&9tS. R-,ok ct , t�y Van.1-L'A Me. Mat in the end thii, tion In etery 1114,qut,e. 1%elle Is abun- "f Tyligg Soe Marrlm - .. I caftAte, Sul vts-"w; nu... T,."e vNaro<-tq�r �o,.A,Ve at , . _ve Rant. S,1,40.01,ded by .a 111.11T. . . i.j.,W Of I'LeAt W1.11 e0me.11 I �, r: . 1#.9ftX01_qtA;A =--d ][01140 utjugllj relrra�al. Aft -or z1be mr,ervwty. ,! 11 dant feason for rms ANd hie who De.vl-s a placlid ilf . � * ,.. . �adalk-rq VV; . "a rna-bi two t#V thtse IVMO�-k� Later Tinie,4. ttnw fel�'%f Mo.,41. VIM tallk of tine , e . , .I ftcftt=entJrZSt 'in that Is cialsitz"ll for it. *Xervillne Is . " -, .1 - ­ I .1 3=14. H.Gr.r**x1S8wV4, : . Of bonv�4, erToort fuI `Ill ,r, flevet -ur�- T f , al llwatfllige, knot" reafte tiuva the N*� - - -. ne, envy o ,,7� 9 �jl -ox 0 t W. -O &a,;510,rJrV 1 941 tEmt I toast t�" 111�� no -v x.rt?ljt��q 0�lt t�Dp n, f I r ATi,&,:!t2A,G.A* I �Wrr&Vjv4 � 4afllng , or C allim P us " od fppL 1vn.Rsp4 � ;, &Owlv tot Z*% ds'p,irture. WW,Ont ,, TrOM ' .ht,�r flnvv wlwn Me *Iiary tpr- In r�ides or b-sek. 13umbago, sore throat. ji katiot Wa4 even- an.ythring mf Pre that - or 0 , , f1lalu .wb,, Ina, ; n _ pzl, 7_tj�gui� f"a q.4 han'llng ls,�;�n prevlou'41.7 . Iblains, to�yth4wlle. & Jutrd flg,UT,_* of opi!erb. Among the � h 4 a .1. _ --- ---- __ ''.... .. . . -.1 ____, - _ , - - , __ minat9g vAN 91ght at list began 0 I 'hi NervIllne is In ftbyI6Wuua tvinn the kwd was 1� I 1. 1-1 W1 P C&!62"o'-U. Tile g�-et�"i�z-.,iv..Lltavjlt,44"fpl;�,;S,�- I f ttt a wirrw rent ,*%v for -.00 PaIns. hrft stlevial Vtoul Rung,4f,onj unt. 1, I 0101E Is � 'It � uppe'ar frt Us, fLOrtZ100. I;It it vanle 9 ., �, 'I 0,11't el t1in lwwriag,- coremonsr. ... �� � It y ik-";.tLgr,4 " i 4 =ZM41 anal e�Aernal_ Ifeatcano qfeat� 11 . . *3 rt mnA-l-,2; �a L-�! 4,4�, v'dr tt � v�ttl furst �!A si-wn fitful gleani,4 Uri . � Vhers thwe prie-vt twit; a thread of hb,hpAcon, Ont., _141,-?��, 12, Ibin. : - , I 11 ,SenionTrld &'-� .-#� h _�& bF. V.,�­,�,��A the, 1-4-dut- er's everywhere. 0 1 ­_ , . I tr-m-'rve V�*-y 1,171eo�- I" ?��Ia �A v,ttv of tae kn"."lly kav-w u-4V-ZIh­r to ref;tllpe "I ___ the gatinent 09 the brtsle and an- . Pleaqfi VVUROVWO�� tiv thp. ri,avlorq r.f ,;; I - . , � -4 �. p" Jwwcval t,,­aV*UfL4' I 14NQ ".TU "I".! &�rtvnvl gIr to surrour an�-%v. In Dpevnih.�r. , Itorder.10tish sauee. � ha ile bridegtootft I fjlfo PaPL- .. f- __ - , �� If not eav't-fa,�V, ,r t1l.LIt 'iVorl !U.ZVe Jtg.-'t pj�ftee-o ' I Nt*b leta!rfrFdL , 1�%;4.70, 1-2 1�-s- I by a ,�i=) 1, .; arnel fm- lc,v - Meac tinif. , -d tied them Into a khot, which - llan& r I th sl OL u t, t, -� a 23- I 1*!�� , ,, 1.7 , dwk. ls,!-�etm Is? �0, he lv� at, In the . 0 - n1d, "I I V.,". , � , 1. - ; . i 'I If .Vou wish to serve the satidt, with I Size of that ninv f,Pqa:!-,;1!q r�qkl ,��*S .1 rr I- ik.n�i:�!e,_26__ get" 27 -� '. ei,v � N - �ap o' - -11 -4 symballt- ,; I Crat,� r,g. IMP Ji, � r?, -1 V � -� -:F-�4 -;., � ,,-.. -�; w, 5 th­ *�vent,; wa;.­u it -ail paqqPA,�,,, fish make as follows. Ails: a tsa- be glave to Vie N. It-, thst � .. ,-,I tlr0t�v, �eo,K�d -,,,�!-.�., �,,.-,;,:�Vvf­ -T. -N�e ,Llu Vkn-,,-,­., -. i,PT tliv �oeen vit km btnitght � * � ing the blad5kag natnrq of tiopuillon ,V.1t-RrrLozqr9no,. TEA -4 uv*�'u b. w*470LI" " C . i'� - , i (,AID�J�Inllasqql� ,, FVwmful of masUtird wil - - � Mlvf� I . -1. I ..... f-vir'. tvc:ra Ili* .1 "I ywuv IV, _11-4 bnllth��- a ant th & tab*e wWo-h now e.d9ted bptween her'se;f ReWS to a &ftat ln!.-n,v�. .'-4 it ur-611 ,�' .. - 1.11 I *'..y C, 1, � X. I- ty: =": 1 1, 0 �1 L , , F nf vlw,gar at,A a little iEinit -. wd 1wr IaNband. . theal the ;G�1141 W t VVaT._-4av!-Z ;�-�l ,�,�v-v-�'l !.­ . _ . ga,,�.�ns� � .. Ag -l-, I -�490,wm , #cm.7'y 51 4'.�-__i�,­ - I (, UX4;,--4", "j., Nl�' . , oul -�­OJ,dn­ to hft�-_,,;�-, � . Iv; . E�.��A,rqc�nv� xv�v)na 1w. (N -I liot knmv ; � Air eareftfll.v into flils a quarter eT ., , -, -� , o -j t!_c,ra -r1kr,, A ............ � � . - �t is , _. ­_... _­ ..­ W10 for It. V w,Tsv dr­.�_#Lnst Elv��2-1 it , g"Mill nn�4iz,:��M# rot no�,J�1�1* to �...�.Iil_� 314 lon 'i a enno of vreara antl then wbc In as � MiowvDlo Lln�m­nt rure.i oi:pht,literi,,.�. I Ite can 9, to Ot 6nau N. V. Pf I �ro*o, Nmg.,4. , =111.111�111__a&�� na-1:�t'n'JIS ij V��t,. rot t I Inu 4 gratq-A B.tvtsPradi.;;',s w; requited — —_ I tan. nut. � anl;:-, .�1-�?a1l­'­�­ "I t t-9 m4k-a -1 frl,�Ak ,;.-nt,,1-. This ,saue'p I - -I r", ­ , I . .- 11 - S.TANSWAUD�.rPPILT 1C0_ tl*rulancl�[. bAt. y , , , , To Willp tile I-1.111tor. 1*4,11 __. - , ___ tO ' nia ' 1� Za i4� w -w'.. t,-ji, m4eal . ,of 1. 94 -are lllioeci 0112e Trig -k. I N" V01' V!)T,!-�, au'� J�,I",t:. .rdN*0u%&N-,k " a r P� a -, To; " 1, i,4 ` tv W Z, t � L, I Co. vinp­ 1.', ,_.IT I 1-%Vfi�tt are .Ven er.V:1J.- :"51',DUt'?" Wo� .01 , - ",�-­ " , � %V,T.,tT,;, En r,6,Z- tn,vto � " :.'W �J T_ -� T. On - � .!,J*7- - , V, , -, U .�.' -_ 4 V ;:�, , " Z , - -1 e P 't- : --ra I F+,4ds­-nv1J � . . � , 1 -4 5� Zur 1�,'rq,�--',a 4w�a- .4, .uskw-d a k'nd-livarted .Ntranp,N�r of a rigpm traek ql�v n-,!, 11 A .0 ny � !T-,-.-,.-. �-1 zz 4 ,_ , -a .-n-r4�3r!al". Lan- � , I in5q.,Z",�,� 1,'�- ,,, 1, �, �v.�� 4.1 '. .1 .. �. - _ q�,�. 4, 1'. �, 4- -,f; 1. ,;I- z :nqe �11 utv4l qtandin_- in frontIVIT .'I M1F-1V-*k%Z1JWr , 'Jins VO, - 11)r . - 11 1 2. _____ . , 17 V�S� .D br dls�­,,'_Ir. '144? Z"01,3. ,. ______ ,.—.- ..— � - --- offlen, I'veep"n-1 -Ug IT tis heart wicull-B , for -yon ecmuezl t.­Ua !Z,--,,.-.- ei � ­� .Z 4W C0 � S - ; 2c�.V� yon ,� 11*811. -SAU11111 TIM K44R'T , IM, I lip RequIt. b.- rL-.. i l!c. � ramy &� 110 0414.2,y. 19;�Ve pazslf��;C�., - w J vr,,, ­ - ,.,,I, -�;.2 zw �_,� �',' 11:-��l ?�;, Hau:dIg I .�02 , - J - o��r?'-4alv,,. X;,I--�! f4., .Z�U. Z CS-r"m I- .1 Ify w�fp vn.l I f10ZS,­JI up, Dist WIP014 i, pa,*e gon--� up-4airs to wiilp the " and :9twk, �Aiek. In ,,�.Vhe of f-vf'ry � 1, �."_+.. 0, I . I Al�e,,�.,�l 1-Ift. &-I ,� I ­ , r AIP"J gi'f a M7 spring � . hind.lance. A clan's" st-n&rnt' � 11 0 Sep wl��tlk,- editor "I ��i":I, 67i Vo, -,4 � �!.. T-azmtar. �P- boi,-net or TA =�-t .1 nvivv saft'.1, "Well. hao- he coUn-, down ,yet ?14 � be- i - -_ __ .. .1 __ � - - � ____._ : ,"%Mo won !", parsued the gentIc �Isvmarilan. ", &tme vy,fl1_'Ze6,7raXe,.d b�v rppf-at�,d fall- 11 7t4-0,' 'SAIX-A VALVAMI? 107SUVE-15-9 .1 .& I did." ­rleceo at lum have", said the boy, ares, that Sip tiorew his Wok ,-4way . A V4V'J�C�'.'�.y '.V�',2"11)li':�'L,l�.CIV;C',15r;g��tl,-Le'�e�d I . 4 .1.11��l,*;.,.,"e;o�,,�;,,�,,,i,totli,q�-ti�,,L��',�v,.4,ta--'o&imato�v* i '41 " What kind are you griiag to "et ?" with a fresih burst of tears. "and I'M i in ile*alr. V"Mile In this dc-spondent IR �n rlal.bnwi: n:- V"M F,XC1?Xx(;0, &ra gubd a ye he- elpeeting the reet every minute.11- , -1 Poor woman rubIlLin'- "Well. 441'. h.i,.n*t f1reble � mood, he EIL%w t � .16"IA�� ,!.GLr uamnRloro prarervvly emil '4 folor D- ther to ha - tmollangft an. Iron rod on a hy� ovia to mak� a hu., 1,6A dollarl vwh. Box 123-9, 0r!XJ,*,4 On- ree i tl�.;t�",.,(,;�ar�Z. - ve it trimmod with flowers die. strack 'by the WoUadprfutpa_ ielior reathers.,�-Harp3r*s Bazar. C,atarenozona Cures Bronchitig. I g , ______ tience of the wonlats. he went back , V0PF1rZLAT0P_i IIECITAVICIS. 'CLEP.X5 I 10nard'a Liniment Cures Dltteinpor. tobla studies withnew determination � , 'W�,=erxaud ol,lets dc-sirinx faf6rr_--_flft a �11 stumped. alld because one of the greatest 0 mt,O-a*,,'z�-ult-'-fe-2,L'ir�e.Onta-loard Iffeb!9s1ift I 11 lucholary tv China. Zanlpl�,�otsexr� "s-vtalf Tetle-�3 -_t-t:?t5ntr,g 01' I Atr clia-ma. -That absimnt-minded looking tian �1 . " 11r1otIft-affon Vn Irmo =aneat* aty addreigg elk d i 4 Wif - I- , r6fi,;r"t ef T,5 eemtq to &fmy e-spamstsr. MOCTe & I Nebb-11017 did rou enjoy tao opera ist a wonder. He can tell you the rea Bronchitis. AlMer, P&. Box i'M,,_�;31J1t3tt.V,dj% OaL I to, all the PIAM �, --- - p Iwt night 2 . exact d1st6neL I Catarrhozone Cu 1� Bilkinsn-Vnry muelt, indeed, but my their relative positions In Spate And �1 �� Trolln WoR1r__$r, TO *-.5 wlzrumx. '.%-ck wife thougn,�it it abominable. all About 'eftL" $ Valn Tte_-rets. P� 1 L eftnvagsng, we, . have �evtral un" QW6 Xebb-Y,ou. doirvt tpli me! -Yes,- answered tile gooffer. " it '* Hardly more than 0, year ago,,, m 0'a'��,KoiL,tato�ftvy!L,tte-,i6anhout,otf,woeveit- : irm- Will add 0 to i to 5 -our weiWy ineomo; Mkinst-Ires; yoa, see, she wore 'her you want to stump ffim,ask him how says thp Minneapolis, Kan., UeS Sen- Vlle.o" Stamp" wo ri - sm.t any diilanco% Ad; now hat and they wouldn,t permit far it is to, the nearest grocers or ger, lltbLv paper conttiln,ad whoTe Col. drC­',1a FA*le 31fg. 0a. 4�3 Spitycv Rafl&b4t, hot, to keep it on. -Ohio State jour- tot the postortic,e.11 ,�, Tb:t"O, bal. ismais, of blography, poetry and -con- i A T � ­ A-.1; 44sl. 441 e of or bf Not a nostantaii. Hoyto-r-What an asz Watch 1111 Re Is forever talking about iGoetbe. T h&tO a man who isr always putttug oxi alre. Smith-Tha-Ve not M Ho has Justt found out how to pronounce it and naturally be likes to do it,nos,. toit Ttan.qoript. Inad for the Head. Mrs. BUP.kg-H&,tda)eIie thm morn- lhg, elm ? Humph ! -What cauLd that 2 31r. Blbiks-X-et --- don't know ex- attly, bat .1 remember I had a sort Or rueft Of blood from holding my head down during that long praye%r Sun- �#_._,_. ­. ­ .... .. . �.. �. � _. 1 .14 - C uval,jL -01 a kMusk— -niff" cure�s cut'-iig, o"r- miuiger's wife in this county. Tile . � -eacher was married a ah, 44h- - Invtfitor of Bottled 13eerx tt 10 not, we fancy, generall,v known eldesatally discovered by Alexander Nowell, head master of Westminster school, cir- onin 1543 � lie wasralso the author of t1e, Catechism. A. curious Collection. -ate Jualleet" — � Ca,ta,rrlsozone Curear Bronchitis. - .They breathe truth that breathe their words in paln.-RIchird Ill., ILI. The number of poor relieved last year In, Virreat, I 170"),1_090, � _­_ .111.1 -1 .. 131r ­l. t. - er clay, whereupon wo regret all that I poetry.11 � Wnsrd'ss Liniment Cures Gatget In ` Dow*. I I— -_ - . _____ Would Fill Ifte U111. "That meter (kynsn't scem tov bf� as large as the old an -P,71 laommented tho I property owner. "Du you think It'll ,?,I - I I.1rNmIt worry. ly.�.�;s.` roplbr�d tbk,' JLis office ell'PIOY�r!(�- reassuringly , 1�1t'll fill the bill.!'--P,hIIadoJphIa - 1, rrn-p,i,w,.,&t,,u,c,,o,,xt,,E,P,.,P,,xT,,\--,�xo.v L&DDER �itana haNiesp Mad; the Celebrated "Ifindt-uvroorl" exte"rop gtdo ladder, bvib init for frnit piek�vzg, paintipr, Plumbing a -at' general note; 6very farmer nee - one; alga inters'tre%flei, paste board. -q, etc- eN_ Illiverated vtuticq-te free- AddresatAv '*'Vaggoner ladderCo,,Vlmited. Mndoo.Ont. � - F4 RUIT FARIT FOR 'SAIX-ONE OF THS lInest in tbo N at& Pittinsiula, air WinvnP_ 70 atilec; frnrti lal-niltovi o-4 two vait- WaYr. IM acreq inall. 35 of which is in fruit6 -hostlY Pow -hes. will 'be sold in one pare6i dir divided Into lot-Rof 1.1 to 2ri; acres te suit plir- chasem Thisis it deptided burgairr Aa&&W Tonathan -C*rpenter, P. 0. box 409; Winbn&� orktwio.