HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-10, Page 7__ - ______ ­----------"---- . - ­ � 1. I - . . - ____ -.--." . , �, - - - ., .. . .. . . -1 ­­­ . . .... �� - -A__ - V1 fixT e,'* $Ili whisne-eil, t __ .1 I �:_ - ______ ____�_ ow Mr. SUVArl, got into 12111;11 ��;;�;�It 17 ';"', "that T ,am " _��M,�_ - ------ __­ ­­­­_­_ ,ee ;,az��_/7 , AITY IVIA I LAI, i1'1,Jjw"1'1'3't'r0l,1'j Allff;t,lld the I Ito I'll" I't 'Quill 310ti .11,*) rk, � � I �� ,.; 'We4o ', ' . � I . 811(ktli; sent hitil for I gare it 111, I Q I &vq FRAGRANT I , �' " I IV ere Ja tae doctor�­ it to 111141,111 1 � I ac 1. " Dr, Nyllitlett wan ushered tn. They I 12�1>s� le'rLITI notld(gj, . 0 THE DRUMMER K, LL .,�­'."A�.'­ GREEN OR BLACK� All three looked (Iowa f3poll t*4e Ad� 4 .�Y,w I 1,! .I,kw'*,. W -w I . �, , .. . wftk SA,fi a* dwftv fw*cd &, Jew , ft, ,1'1�, P.Ve, look ", �, .00,NT. , i BOY'S AIARM. 1�- ,1,7 Milm qUeMO.S. . �hr__�6111 vla:� There was. Car. 'OJle til*w thO 100k'�A fron) her wpom JUST A WORD OR TWO . tainly a great change In 1148 face, and, holding It out tyuelled a aill,ing, , -'*"---'— I A atrOag line or two had ' 1 2BY HAM Saturd,ly � I ed t dIsApPear- There was a small in-'alature Inside; , . L IfOwr brother eoloninto, Vie Tea, Planters of Coy-lota wild , lit) countenance 'Was jullger flelene, loaning Over, r(.�eopjjr I IV411441Z�1111%41� . . VAL _51 � India, and .erl It at . . a . aak Younger. it was ILke the face of a once 66; ?Z. 11_�_ WO -3 -, �_V � -1 1; -� " 17110,r knyolil to try their mchlue-rolled t,e& and Compare Japan wLth �, lt was a "ke"'la (If tile girl ow ti" conimrison will. be so odiong tha,t You will wonder why allild- W01feaden was afraid to see herself. 9he felt tjje Color leave her All army Jay Z10--pinp: on tile tkila- I 0 Oth Powdef ever dr&nk ,TAPAN. . tile eyes Open, he seemed already In C,heeks, but,olie did ,not flilloji. bled IfA.Tjd ar,jurid (j%aT.tu,llOof,,A, I __ — iluagloation to picture to himself. *1 was not awaro," '17)"D in a handy Patent Box (new, ___ u 'lie "' . __ — their vacant, f) "tilt' "t"n't mooll wUR full, but fell th, � iseeing light. Dr. You were on "ell friendly ) I — - AvIllitlett shook I . ior;n With tic"o, I rough a' SOZODONTLIQUID , . 25a - - a I 2%AZ I I Ceylon Teas are sold in slated ies , 'I'lls head sadly Lord Wolfendexw, . _11Vhj to V,,tpor axiij Ilgi d " I am afraid. lie said, gravely, 71e girl smiled oddly �ted the Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75.9�oa .... ... packets only, never In bulk, " that when CATUPS but YziW1101) . I %S% A L A D A Lord Deringham recov. "Lord Wolfeliden," R11*0 said, " has diane.e. y, With diffused rrk- At 41 S,toro, 4)r by XWfor thapriev. Black, r1lX64 or Uncolored Coylon erg lie will remembel* nothing! He been very kinti to me,2 K' � MONtFIEAL. a. has 'had .1 � , HALL & RUC' EL,* ' . a severe shook, and ere ,d V ,,, ,., �i 54MPlef; On APPlication. Address 44 SALADA." Toronto. til -Perhaps,,, Helene 'Contirutc%j, ,,I -Vho WIllte tellLff gleame 'lit of the . . - __ . I � I Is B'Mry indication that Ills Ind 0 u0k, but I JU14't , oon- a I I I . __ ; lit tn ought not t Ob9oure shu,(10,,v of valleys I � I I —,l ie". :11 11'', ,.,, . , 1,1% '1,1�1,1 - - - - ___ 9 given way... tem that you have Hurpr1sed me Is ma"Os Of Wagons and rows of com- C-+++++++++." �: .1 , ; A'dlfeadeu dra%v hL,3 teeth top I,: ;,; VA_%-*%_._�_­"�_, 'ethe, Lord Wollenden-your ,over 911 , � _� , � 'Bl"I"lat IVAguna showed as anoratt. 4 - :". e - 11-. I " sav&981Y. This, theno was tile result Miss Merton shut up tile I + or ;(,� of Mr. sawn -8 Visit. a click and returned it to �Zket with loua 1111121PS an'Ll HPIOtWlea of darker + BEAOTY UP , 44 � �� her bosom. .011adows 01, the biunk,4 of the de C. , : , t 01HAPTE � ep 11 I ,��. 1. 'I There w" no 1011ger any ques-tion its silent, river which IT " %. . : , ,. "_ ,� XXXIV. I I "'-, to her retaining ib ��he looked at of (loath, 414 tile mystery .I. to 131anobe Merton's Little Plot, Relene thoughtfully: f. FOR REPAIRS" + The pIckot lln��. extencle(I in a wide .,Ip + .1 A PLO]' FOR EMPIRL At Mb011t 4 o'clock in the after.- 'Sas lie been making love to you ?,, irregulitr ilC,mICIrCle over the hills for qd. .0 ',, , , . . . , A Fable by Gro. Axlr, � � U00 Phe asked abrilptly, miles. 13�ehljijj the pickets lay tile , . no as Helene was preparing to Velene ralse4l her eyve and looked skirmishers entrenched, rolled lio . I + .. ____--WN- t­e�_ leave the Lodge, a telegram was at her. The other girl felt in their � 11. I brought In to her from Suddenly blankets, their muskets bog One Day ++++* 99 I very Insignificant. Ide thaln. & Be'411ty DO(it*�, Oat iU ''I A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST In one of the tent,s W,alj to the van . ITAIN. "9011 XAMA not ask me impertinent of the army - her Pink Reception R-Oold hop-alm " �, : , queations," she sahl, calmly A-01 awake -a you a. drnmmer-boy IMY that she resembled Ii0r_LjtLogr4iVhs. I __ 1-1 I— __ ___ -I---- ___ . course, you need not tell Me a;1vthlng lye I f w ng, Olender, 4maginat- Ifer Income was a Dollar evtmy . . unless you ChOOSP- It is for y,�4 to f aj� 11 - , 1� ew da g a 0 had booil in camp but a '. Late letting you go," he said. immediately began to chalk Ills cue. plm"o yourself." 001'alor not Md who Iiiingared to be a tIMO 61te took a Full Bre&t1j, `_c&O I , "Come and play me a game, wolf" "'leg"" waO willte with anger. She druni-bo.-Lter. got it by 6011ing Vrcekle Food and hate all this myrstery. When one I ad to handla -Ho lang- 11, Preparation for getting r ... to think Of Iti, I do not even he crIed oat cheerfully. "You'll have t lad not a tithe Of lj(�lCljeos self�con_ a guna. To play 'Sat -tat I'l ,ld of . now your nitme I It give we a f W, I'm so out of practice trol. and she felt that ki-he was not was childhih. � i OleR, called Moline. iler act Spa - Is ridiculous I 0 a alty was to chlalmln,3 the Has. ak to London. NVe'll make it a hundred and you slial making tIle be,,t of her opportunities. 11C tci3scd 1`0,4tlessly about for a Beons jand feed them .% little Gill_ "Lor(I WOlfe"dM" she Raid slowly, long time, and at last, mastered by into the .A Ild wo can be married to -morrow, give me tw011ty. IVIlleb, will you bare "did 1JZOB1L;'C to marry We Ills desire, arasc� _raj7A I . I should tiara tile right topro. spot or plala?" was Ills father's secretary once. I the Camp. and looked out on looking Ilk(,' V�-'War Girls, nulesli tho e0k Avon against this black-u"d.1' '"'olfenden gulped down Ills amaze and I No one was stirring and Rain happene(l to ,wash it Ott. It �ht laughed softly. Her f`Ips were tuent with an effort. Nvas turned away Ott Ills �`Cc ut = I . on ,.It the stacked arms Proved irrpstlble, did not take her long to pat &tk �=r_ltd In dainty curves and tll$rll take plain," he said. ,'IVS a Ion "Indeed V' , Ile dressed and is -eat out, cautiously. Ixtension on an Eyc�Brow, and ohe N'gr her eyes 010, be t7ontijilled.) I c : ,� lit with merriment. it Ins, Isn't it, since we played?" --- aaa Stood Oreeit in the shadowi of a could provide. a Blush fok, thqsq,yhe :�� How delightful I are, she ex- His father faced him for a minut gmall Oak, bear the first stand of had been going to Card Parties " Adimed. --And t10 tello,111- that the wo- and seemed perplexed, xua&Lets. I 0 long that had forgotten hovr, 'llsell. Pf 'BY country call yed English- Not so very long, surely + ... I.+ Gaining courage, he eaut to BJUSIL tile 310A Slow wooerst" it , + lously tool, Irblyn 05he col; arter & yesterday, or the day belic;ZPga, + + DA gUU frora' JU follows and Set down Wild Hair tile Hair simply thr I I 'Won't YOU prove, the contrary?" Mpolfenden wondered for a mormae + tool -4 it by tile ratioullght. up both Hands and quit. In he hiligged. * FACTS AND I � "I a I !A" ri 4' i WhOtIler that blow bad affeeted 11 + t Hei-mell as if he was a in" al. 1)oIder entitled -How, to pool Ey.ery_ I I *0 shook her head. brain, It wag,rears since lie had se + + ready I **A is already prored. nut it you tho I lillard-room at Derlagham Ba' + at? lie haa,djed tile exCept those who Ilve in the . � �1 gun. Ile body 'Pro sure you elmj. + + Would have marched up and down Same 11vu-SQ-" ghe had proved tbg,t tool well enough to 91! FIGUREs " � ' -I- � + with It, onlY 110 w-10 a, little afruld there Was no reason why 4 Gjp,40f ' inr'10 PIO-Ise 90 110w- I W40t, to catch *1 don't eXactly remember," lie fall. .% + vix at I 0�)Bxe (>Dil might see him there and 1300 should B91t look like :to it alto ternoon. train to London." t0red. "Perhapi T was mistaken. Time *1* , order him to b. -d. Put Oil enour'll. $hUllac. and lZept out 1.1, & Itfild out Ills hands a -ad tried go". so quIekly PI + i ut th--t Light. I Ironder." the Admiral said, milk- -t',-d to) tiful and ., OUW more to draw her to film, But 4i 4S'�k>tj.lnAj,.4 umv U. USUS t3 I-XIler, It W41 marvellougly still and IiFmu- ,,bliia Stopped baeltwards laughing. In latio,on of 4'. 9-31VIIIII, WS It tha army Ila() VW Beaity D4x.U)r haq sq,'em mamy .. 9 4 Cannon anti kirteloping briskly * I.-) 0, 0 0 0. on ron )n_)rb;oj into mothor earth a Derellet jigmtt IjI lor a ues�v 0�jat , . table, ,,how it Kom at all In Varell four nriti,_n officers and again. Tile jj�t of Armor Phi.te, but tht) KobU_3y*,g I -�*ou must please be patlent", she round tile b,, I llgahl. "alid reatentbOr that to -day I with you youni mf -n who do nothing. 103 Men wo-ri, killed In ths ant i sC �,. <11mly felt this Sol- , '* rot -, 01srau,5v. , that Waft0ld in this, Day ca. ,innij . nu�j with t e Darling I Is= 1K t hed vi somebody else t (Aood. ("'xi'at B114talle to have no prole-vion, War. Y h gun apros,,; bill .tabliZIM 06 I'lemord. .%la-,1VA$ some. , . ll)N� r. I 'Wolf I I IVIAr I Could make you see It." men Rflore oil left, 111.�%,, luu Frfutce JXI.Vo for jg� I 11 lap he Wax and 118tW1013 with b;,.t � .V . I the Inall r Ilanpior.; by ' heart. tillm tiling 1IL-0 powu . That Js�, if oba . "I quitp agreewith ,,,ou." lTolfendea announeed, 1110ano (4 :1 tax ftr 10 jl,,�r wmt. �va nit I ". If only tjwo, would let hing wareh earrted any ,jt ffls�Q, It Xd not � (CH&PTIE"It -XXIII. , Said. "Toil must llot look upoin me as 1,14,1011C. 91.1nepil at tile el . . I tilealre tielzetro sold. hi RUM' In her 11.tcp or 1.,eet. Anfj ghe I Mr. .-abin TrIumpliki. 14111te ita ldhor, though. I in il, fill$- "I am MAIM very sliortly.,, she, � It 1.9 p,jtijjj,,x,t#jj tit- tn.w, wouldn't have tox�jl tinder tho It .it tile I thi� rl RIALO't-luorrow I 141N fledr,04 barrIsti; 'j. 11 $lltlfjonly tit(- vv(�ked barlmi-r of his jj-jljt�. 11 Raid : "she had bettpr j -0111t) !B now... paeprs (W itll. w,i�orjd aluill.k11%. rk.jjujr,* fell awl thio M1,02, zu)d itti repart f,,o ' � I A 'xidem for Verhalis the first or, ,you kBow-, althong,li i gun bilw had a Uird!s-lv,�o u4pla I do not practis(o, alla I baNn iivrlouji Tho wan Withdrew. but returnpa I.-tf;Q,000�kj*pj It),,. ,C,t jlap�,,V. , ! tbuo lit libi life, pljt�rj(A tile Inland roatj a � atullne;j 141n) ffir % jutpjjjc�nt. it ti"e mI#IvyZ0U kind wore on(� 4f t1je4oz i L10100, Ile was kitill feeling ratillt and thOughtt of Parliamput." 'inost ifunliodlittf-TY Ushilring In ,�I?R-i S!Me thi, Tran6v��jj AT.tp jWp* �Bl. �c . Tilt% Admiral Nhool.- his beatI. ,:tn 69,)l e4l 'it; JOB() ;',' M PA1111011 AM. anti Glown'? that you g -t by R144a�"gj;rjux ' 1flort0ii- IN)r tho first ti c' , � , ;f "U'L me - I XoUriwAt 171th, CL Enring aw 41enalni; 9� v- UAd V10 frV-011 air only parti- "T000r earriv MY toy, poor eari,ktr nOtIc0d h0lv pretty fle10110 Offl('Ors aNd 14,73jj ikj,�n jj.L%-i- boons � li"Plti�'l glr,ot' I,UtO the Otill, air fik� thp �� ully Vfnived him. 11- Walked 810WIV, thl) girl wtts Twi) I)o1lars. Silo had allwit "imut-h � t. for a rvintlibilla,ula sort, Tak(w - hilled *X, have klwtl ,4 woA110.4 Or � er-keh ot dtotqil� �, 411191 MS(ell Inure tliau onee. it toi;^ VI( 'to anti Iteep (nit of V. itiv all- 1ler t"Im, it-tblt� littil) figure WIG slilseasa Ill $ milt .,krri Contour MR Vie- Lotter 1. 'Witizout '� ar f%. � X'or tllrec� 6-att,i tot jjj�; ho .,tr �:1 bit" "I'll"St lialt an Wtur to rcmch thtt k,t),111. tt� go t tlip la`kl S-:4,Fln6:- AnYthillIt IU lNepirap ;:;. �'Vk­,'� VA(bl. livre 1w sat, con . ,!!.� oloWt 11' 'Im "1101" off to "4 lltm"St c"'r-i'llt-MO The u'vor.61- �,,,-nxiqiit �, utlit. r Pot the rml. I Ii'llu at'l � "Y' the Beat tni!or gown shf,% lv;%s �Vay,; , cq?Aal o-o"t ttf tile rall. , an I Z, . I a. ;,, It" av tills livtvms 3 to Vivo I vIt"t-S hvintding" froul �, 401 Itel. J)rjvatk� 02aracter or e.t-a,Viog i* tr)r ,i feky luj:tUt,,S, uIltil litj Nvolf., It Voop; liml-1119 at Bus "k-'N'trilliz. and tj,,pr(j j%*a,.4 n, ljx.lpvht _ ot to"nu-04 Iwl* InRil., lup.-in,na,. Ilk" Nat, - Lit,( �: loo 11F.gan to , jj� � .., U,4WADU _� I)vrft,,.ot . .. t4twlc, IQ ,R,'�,,`f,,"j77. W1, gd�pglkt fitze asUnu-info. 1.1plation% it riutN, bo U.,1141,11 thatahok le' -d blitwilt 4q,viiii. just as litt wa�o thut 113fil), Ali!" A -41v Of ew'or rollkig �[ otbl;u". S tA the tiutt Otte WAY have. been Igind, t6her, o la her vllvphai- 114.1�lige. abiv the Ij Tslua 44 vr�wb, I lo'et,vt ft-pj JIU all. � Ile rfulig 11W t-410 %rltll a rattl-o ni-xin %rho hall no hw:ot tor lwr o 44%0r,tlg�� C'�Ujl;Uj t -i . , UUNP, . � I 1. atj �rn I L N lVii ,io-f ,11 r jalt"s. �4 r.011- , rtm,mblel a IS11v "Mt trola th* !i J�Njrw�njr, t"A r41:;;lm;, IA14 V. all*. he WW; '1101 Wiwi). and eit.tr0d 11 `t.,%Tk1IVAt,.r ,V9 in va'. . - ,,. Oct, Mtor 4st bil, � t-11vtorki,,.* c!poj. .%t#.jjhr,r k­,,.jt..tb�lt� a,t� . ,� I - 0 iii it earriage. lt'-411' strIv011 Vtj). b-leL.. - . UlDd Vk'19 had Neareo. ,�*. � Vatt'A 1%0ID�.;A.6:a v� . '. Slwrt V'Mb�kr. .Vet npkWL.jqj N, �26.11!1 , �"AWIMI 2t , ttw . ,, � WIF tflwar3i blit). alkmn'tlt,,�N Private U, lwr. ,�vnviltwil t4talvg li 'I, 1h:A 1. A�,Vglv,r I 0.1 Faw vour C,4rd m Vz'o 1,,CoA%(Vy� � v,v.44 11,44111 lie *,L#W�� 1volf!" Ito erle-1, *111 � 411vitvl. lruttg " V.,I�,,% of sl."k,44;k" �N-i 4orw V; � - ("'�i IVIlt- " T s,' - Av"WN'I to ln-.kr v, h:tt a, le j)i2rinf,r Uw lg,�t Z,o vj��Ar,o !k*4j'0'js,.�1, Vlar. 44;�� 1 have flklmAv4. to : .Iu4klats 11"Al. 1)51VT. at we" ('4)[11 I had o U 11 1;,"'Or."itV�on I!P,,-,, bo., li�vjll,w­l �kri VIltu 0 J%gk�r, Dji W, . , I . � Vd it- the trn . I I .. ,4� o4,14i 0011 V - t V ­r a fo-w Rq,mlre." r.�jj I 4,hq : lh� .ttp �J quit", titiol aud wat!llk 4, llm�p. Ilay 1. Ti'll nle �� t1i e-ly. Wo toim s4' -10-�, I hww al, ' �;%,, of tile 1701 11 t3l I IM18:1"�'A! 0A 4 ,!�- ti�ut and la..V � 'Ifty, Itave I brell trleofu-�,J,., nell *,� walawd to 6t.�� "'tr S_444.*' '1VId kin:M�,*Jjj. #jb��gqt 7.�'J).. 1 1 �:� : ill, r. "IT .%, �Q-. C�,: "n, but.14 Z. t 4� out , TN., romtq wi�ry lwa,Vy artli"r liluell tol't Ilk", that ho wa,; Mr. V.. and I IN-19an. "PM1 I II 1­,��-mmql L4,o t4 loqjillve rab,,,,it. , ralRy .100 V�o liplyl vkn,.,��, Icaptagg 11:1 lit- S4#1 tA.10 mo rvken j.'�e OV0010 tly,,u "'T I.;a4,P& 0­�al Iver, 11 1'r- A w9th Al lliet k 1 Clarv4 k�l Qo I,= .-4�v X 44. &,,�,l41.V,o Uvrt,-�,qty %*,�wv. " eat'" p,�., ;"VI Q, -wottoi, 1V I , ty,ave Itiva vvor.N thingo * 1,414)!. at Wa Vlv.,,,*� wolf I'll 13'at-421" -Umm; I In rfsr� hog 4?"""'101'", 4: , �i'.Id abtmt i t-,".�a%s o�!�,!,,'­�, .W _V : . i tv) l2w flavAL110 fr4im t1h, flying, how It 1-fla"'Vo'! Tho k�, L V4.. 1 I C.J., Vk,� 1 '.4, wc-j �4,akl p%1p.) -(.,- , tt4%-0 %V#11, 19- 4 0.)41 Srit� _ lj� CL '�, " � V,1�-h *�k�t �jln I jj;xtjio. � �I'Titt.'r.lk; Va, eurpt"I'go, 11'. Ig Ilk Wt Hlw V. now! " 110. Wit,; $1�0,k,- to T;rqf.,I�qt,'� 11(o. qn;f qcqmwjpi�j) - � -4 ,q%.,?L4j­ lit. CIAU_-�,� gw�- Ili ei* , � _1`�. ll':4� will$ ii� it Igo* 4�. 11%p? Clv� rolk!je.d, - 110, "� ,; TIT , 1%J14 1. . '11� . UPI c,"Ot U, 11 R � s, 1, V.- . ,_ ti�ii IIA MRV"�6�q'j tit , lit 11% who Intoo 1,9 .-tilt vo IW#o 414i thgt. � 4 44*11,211"4,ug I #'An �,Wps ar,nnmti�d tim r","It �".;,�, V,w e,,=, Uzi �91*. c z24 I tlltilt�# � u1s,015 cle lij%. Tho homqz�q -11101 Ito IkWro ut alu - V. :� t LT. t !, 4 rt 1 ` a I - It viol ., . *. , 1 A C,roiata. " I t`� -41 , � it t dkN '. 43 0 I LA,f, %p%p , . t;� 1� P444'4'.14 641194vimii w.4-- #'VII Veldra'Al ,�iv,j to 'I ji,�, %-4�.­�tl C1 Vait fiv�l ti=at . , � I 1, 4 I _7 ;.-Ft .Wlovp Z;FIZ�A 1,9!.j I i, a . V I t!t" ot'4%0' %V-4 4 I ,KAN�" 14411VIt , %'JR'1.1� 1! -,i,o: r,,t, , I luilit.. -�_�!� 1�,w toui,lv r4,14, t1rit k'� �V[" I Milk. , t * "m t �,�#m Iv Ill in�,j *.* vaWt ! % � , , w V.hi,-n �� br-t.0% atti.1 41 ' 1�,'$t 1111110 I V��All to vilawinbin, F ell, u -MA -14 A*Le 'i 1 IN �sii diili,!,�114 '#"�` � ;,;!, 't� &k, "w"rM 4tioatuy 1.1101'o nZ!!f:'.� t"V4.1i q'ij"J%, 1'4#,� ( .1, kf,Llr vo � A "k# �. rd % p% Mgua`fqji� ,.,- P4#1:oe ,f,�,,,�,, 4��. �1� . I . ik bv P ruiv 4, U. 0 40 t vvI)LI", j,'R;jz 1'�� U, r . _,�A �:A�.� L�1,�- jl,,Q"� 1�'.O�. - . , 'I*Apt �;",q- -*a p o4114,!r -A . 1� ol A ,-Ml , ,,a v�a t0i:,��v 41r Urin,4�4 t%o P T11 - I , W b4al� L No W,,, IV at 0., 4... %'A,�wsi. V-4 �- 1 , , . .. , j .. - C, 1f,?.,vlt ,It ia I .0v 41 Z-4 �44*��o*i �"It I !,NV1 fkot4k* �Iu, -iLm " �1 11 �,q hija 1% � I I -lit k I i,(­,�q,, Ul,dt VC1,11 9,� - ,:Ilory ,� .1 .­vsov A wrao , A, . 114, kwol toon 111,nil— 'NA�Lwvar,!,'i row - . . I ole � P'11�1 ,,$A , - 0. I , lwao thf? 111"ItIo brout"d. t4owl­ &,,qvi, ��,--.,; ,40", *�%^�%Iim#..,I. If yf,lj �,ti.v, S,90400�jcl. f,�.,;, " �, , t 419 11 11.'6. It Vo;aQ!*a,t o .. " � , V'r, �,, Dj C�AD;1111144, �`ii'�_ in ,.cn 0, r 11 .4 � Ito vv� 'i , , "" o . I . . . ,.I, -11 1. I ­ L, �, � I 4P.2 as- I.-LI,was. 11"tv auaqfn:-!��, a r-41, W lid � " * " , ,") jf,�,, '0,t I - '� P't, � ta, tit 4%,!, ,,, I � � � ,� tvhLll MI, ,�,at"-au leuvl kortmght q;ti I ­It�jl,6n � I � i tw,V.111�, 'T ,� ,j VAI I tf,e t;ml,"'IB-L�; (;to!.* 114CA', ,iie­ 'a Po,,�­j�y� TW;g � LVJ-CWJ, �-,�0,111` �,'i 1��j,� ,`A,up;�Q,�, - � a vvro .,.--, � tilk I 6 I? VICT- a, 11" i�, . I awl pe -r- 1; liforajim- r�, I ': V lejl � ut',".14 ItAIPL.* cv�. - � RL44 14"!,,IltvLll,a� 411� 11 - h�, " , - __ I g�e b_,Jt .,DU 6 k!�. 1; ta'� I f,10 rl� ta " �4 . , a '11%3 p;ly in "y to I ,��'j C ­ . -8 � , - (&' ',,c I I -t"* -;'-4 V-4 0,,*4 4,4,�) 1�")h'al ;J!: ,.� I %�.-..'1-1 W�A;4, i��;,41­­,q ��;,�""; ,�-�'� � I *4,a,'.,"n up to llm r4 �­,?,�- v,,,tjj�, ���g, g4"4 4�� I �4i� 4 11 d'o. _� r_ 6: if' f -' -05A%4 Vn " TL ,, 1, jo,e­ � .,*, _ "Al ,�,�,;il�,: t1;'1,!�;,,41'7,, 1Vf19-­,#,,1I*,,1 fa"!e grctv Plat, IT:4 031'.'ate i Ir"i-r-z' ,-R,& V..4tqj , I vv_'� t-) �-.�" �21-. j%4�t1:�;0q.V,.&t,A,j - ,oiai�,CA to �313 ,,, 'IV;.. 11�o lv:�;.. ", . fA-1 el Ho 04,0hi vvo 01 "at al tho lifiddle i Lien maj r!a"i,L elwo _Vnv llatl�d vw,�v'o��.�11­, 1��:-1.4 "4,�;)T,4-40 q,%. jjtin� � 4 . 0 sp � . fvoj v- !141 ,,, qog t!lj toot" 4 T -hp , -- , , dwn an 0 VaNto 'A"r to 11VO 44F", '11_JL� U-_ -'La laam if), , Z, �! � I" ", 6-.1fift., �i U" 10.i!p S*,?"4o!n1 U" , tMir �� %4 0 V; vu," --1, . b . .�., 5-'- 1',Im.. .,�P!A k'q � I IVI"l, 1- t", V "'I ft _��- Q " N .,�T EA�! . I - !�ii?w�-�' �, tt'? !� vA),Dnt. tnc P�:-; t�:�L4 ion's. V1 291"7 `�,�_M__#. L-�%� ,�411 9 Va&A. Ve"'A I t, _'. I 1", � I � C�l 91'7ifg:�t "'"".'�; '�"..":IV.- �L" , � 'I KM I I 'Ir 111"';,"t tii, L,%L) V.At -.1 t%_, Vt%�d .�4-,, 0; %Lno VAI 4 ­Mtl I va'.�Aft, ­ev,�tor,k; t'doil" I. -IL& �,o. . " . ,, . , - aui-�,i­j� l:,q,,A t .. ,,,.-, . �­­Q, � JIW 1�3j". ,�;_,,. v:a , -, �o �4 I . .- - - 1, i I 1 4;,1_1'1,� ',!O. i �L, tr,� wcrk V , , , � . , L - Q-i�_.-A T. I - olt,­ew 0 a 1"Ata - at tti�, i4l"Arol, tut'a VAId �,,_.Ltay. 1*1 t�flcjl. at I � � , , , , 11 *.;N�11'sg 114;wt �-e� lah" 6atlucro' Dg�­ ,, d�# 4&)4 . ;� ,� ­;, # . � I (if t1d­ ro.�#'I, '9174. L.P.:."', -! wo*14 1:UVe z1o, m t�­ � `it!_"VA "^' �� I L . k �R,,Sv. Mun. ,�Av.y wo-11 1 jwv,7�.4141,v tt"'y �1' t_An2t hi, f. N , 1;:, �. - - .4"A ,� �,njfs,�t � hvZ; _� �,ft p ky.� - _', -10 q,5 � ,,, 1, - L", j — t ''.*' -,,',I:,,- e_.Ii.3 �,2AI , a��,, - , "W'rL* With 11 n""', ,,, ,0 N1, �,- � 1'1�1') . - 16 , I.- � . . " , I .1-tv'i"', a) t� �Ah_vA,:­'j' �­* 11, � 4_7� tat I " . .# ts�;(;b K fm%v tw'I'n � I t, . �,,', I �,,f�,fj 10- I qto,.a tLeL,v 11% ta".f. "Vol. �,lrp 19"acief'!s, 4_1�t. blIM4, � �q I . 11 tLO, Vq, vvi,,,­� t. . ';: � r I.- -, , L" ti; ii, � , I h, g8oE�.,, lkv� ,Z , . 11 �j nk", -�` " �, q tk,, ,i:,i it t�lq 1i 0"". ��t.., j v"1;?_, F�! � 4 ,�,�) 19`�,-�lnllfl,r i :12 UttL - . .14 ii,w�'Uj,.)In '4--vt:40-a t,'�1.14 Il".11TV E't "",III tt " � �1_1u.,r�� A 6 T 't , v'r,", __� � : I i vo.. ,4;,,��, 1�0 ,i,,�,,,, �- f , -it thp toc;aul " i,c,- ww,.114 IT.� 01-1,_, I mtroO nnuttv- ­ I '- 1, 1310a ,FgiD'j � _u "L tl��,V�11,� uvr,�- . � t �� T��fl%�-4 �4��',l I Age")Va"�,.'-w ro.", un, "I' R,iv-N-ft * & 0, - V�,.,:L L '�' I ., ,_ t.". -p � �', �,�.j J'�,.,_ � �jjj , , - . -1 � t V ��-"L 9 ii"JIL�A ker 0 a it-, P'� " if) 61, 11 10 oll-11 I Al� t,L 't, L rr,si, q & Min V , � "' �. I � V �-f -It-M �. Ij to* ��,w ,!,:, , to � " _ ­ , .- �,,V T1j,o4 �"r,"v,-�t , '' , �"A!,� the - , �'. 4 , I I � '' - 1� 14 L� .1 C V. i:.1. ij " , , , " Lo tning t2vto to �1 &4bM,-1:,',fi0. $-q 11g] ,V,?! wim I lam -w to cqlume-g,� 1.1- D,,�*, gp,�gt h.u-tt v� i ' , "n � _ ., - - , '' .��, u., �,4�,, , T; Win Iqv%v� sirewrt' %,*V�PO 6.111n't—'ant'l a I . L, t`� . iu�� UE A �, �;� Nr,. 11�ttvs, aami.­ I 1Io_r1!,"._'v.-,.,*U. VIJUL-�.".,2 �� - i; Q. _Lv�Vt�tj , " 1 ift, t��­ ,j ,1�t L"t'-,;1infoA t�,v,ze 1 X9n � , ) I trl�` 11'�:�t� I , at 1i "Zj V - . I I- ,tvO Z,�UraAn�va sutu_!Vd� �Ivvt ttt,04 vr�'I', t% ! 11 I N � .�_,ii,,' Q,l 0 (! [��,��_KPQ,.06. . , �*,!�,. ti �1,,R ,* I _­�. _,, t!- ­','i r-;,# "'I",I? I I . . t.,i,-A . t­tt,�. M.:,211 V�,�,111.�'r V,1�11-7 q1:r'..." vw*v�lfeade:a �� et I � o 1�'Nt �. � :i',,t Will "'I -00"Ut vl! ,�-24��,, N'..4 I'A' _ . . �1: I 1, - I , ahopu�o t,'Jws, ati't-i a a,�% jaj,�u !llr- &d"'in -,,�-pat 4ii,-v.;,u' 0j,,,qV I i. ff t*� wA r% � - il.,,�' L, �,'_;.t tv-, n - ti LrA r "ar ll � , �; �,*�L %-,%,� !Azl�!, �1� �qtltljau!.' vj,�­�, . ". . � It. (.- , " tt"N'te leg I t� L ., ld�, t�,J-Vu LaNl, In- A r4"gat krg,3 dil-d­ kl,kA D'aiac'Ar lbvaqvoh�. IV. tv YOU." lze,00e 1�,�N,ti O� "' - L' I va"_A-i , ,*-� _-Ao��, _'n. , ,_��_ ulp, � N� '­_ ,_ "" , - 2�_:3 I ­ " T'_'�,`_,q hon�_', '- t""t .r v�Akl� t�,,:, �,.Q ,,;�!" W,�,� - . , �, - � , " t a, - r"'I 'III t_�� n3 I . �, , '. - � 'I ari�- f q 1�, # �,t ton, - �." t'gt - � t(5L'A`-%t1 M0 ULO t, ior j,'i%,,,:�"4 �ar 11 11 ,�"` - �' 't,ku'� �,,: 2 1115;�Ej� �;�L';J'e'!�l [!'tll r.,_U'� I - �� , .. I - _. ­!, - �;�,�;, g- ��'- I ""'t -c* - ��.;­n Z,�, "-��, N,-*t� lem- 11r,c�-qpn ­0,.�,",ng - -, " --- . I—' - � tjt "'t. 944 , ;� W.Utbit,r eovtl'agut, 00-3 i ,� �, , %, �.,j ',�t4�, `J�11 117. , 0 ­ " , 1�� .�t il&�� C.qr,o",�. . -.,, & - V wvv, �,dm ;,�,,, ratran L`ml uotv- To 'Why vj,"04 J,p . , - .. V ,�11.1,j! ,�,,, " .1 �'. _.,Z_' I k1- ttl 4010,�.IT mr� 1, ,,1' $0,19 efM of ev�,Z§V �-,. riw-r,�­t.C4 kerp .. ." v, all ,'A t-�U utu ( ��,,, 1 1 L�­o t&:, ��)_n*L20 M,q f,mmpvzs�? tlu,2, driliV wa,� Vaitd,ni; w I IV t, �jD , I- " S�on lvk�0-1, I", HU I - , it.", 7� ., . Oil 2,'�,.,"�a,;-�i�',� 1,`.,:._i ,�x,-�v�,.' 3 `,f_,R,C T r, NLI " ,;, 7 , , �� q' ,�r�tt,ik at ,.,�,,�Tr. V,* I * , L , ", . �'j , . -, I VU;rcA rQV,C,T,1-LU tt�- t3,,� k, � #� P, , ,� " E" � % �, !" � t L ",,i 1 . . I ,,i%l�t_; c�A,'Iut firD VI,D&C-A . . _C,,,�p %�),�!.�j�, i 4-1ife'rt to el"ir-cr.; ifin, gLaMoplug itam�,- '�i tuny 1-a. , 'A" L ut, On , ,�.In i� U'Lo C,-LVr1u,_1 ,n­.:;� tiv, I - -j� ", �1�1 u. -in ,- , V -4 A V, htt D2,4s I-$ Ir"Ist �ax, 'u. I 11 Ilq­�,­w.a4_,41 fi-7 0--aD q "�t,, 1;?VQ Pr�nt tt�c­,� rn, , 'I ac�t um- jtrq;�q .4 . � t; _ It IVIA.Iie�ad �a� q,kVPtwv1 qto%,;k .*�' gngnp in uvo... �o r,;" -%t k,jay ,Or 11 � . _­ _. . Ut tt��,i'41!� i".-,11 I �, I %', � " - ,,, `11 "­�t','.** 9�IULA�,In law li,n , rv")Vo %("*,tX W4­� ,!.f,*Oa . �, �11 �­rj "I -tt�4,� b-�Y,;­V rirv,v_�:".N­� INL,� tl,�,,� tatc,�-Ii. . .!k'6i M,� iiv�!acr �i�_L'11�1 1t8jw_,�-i4jlq tbat ths�y %�Wdj, 001,9 1�,'ir��i. Ile brgaga t" sarint,,I.� %ija�?.t I ;I I " - — '. ' � U, , -, , -- ro"In'l tLat toar.loiv vornot vit tho lxaei,� fvnd hublypenc,� J� 114*;�a lre:tqo�, J�un�rkj; I q�.bz4TJ k`,,�tll_-Xlm�d llaql 1: to-,- r!.W.ML7, �'V _,'21 i'lj Zo 12p".,: 1% 'e�. .� �-t4e,&� 1. -40 'D alu(�j- ..�J',671�- , i:�ar tn ta�e tn- 1. - il,'�4'4 , "' 1. [11. 1� , Z1, I I—- I , _ �4 ,�; the% %ere 9-olm, A froth of WITItu 11 I , 0 - '=.'ab,.T�.S-,�%k% Zrip LtV11v sv�. Z��?;�,t "Lot, as &O lat'ID th- nt�jpr room", , , 'IvA MtWatki anv.,­=T,1,wA &,., a :, -n B Coam wa,; wn titc-i I - - ,Uera TV 1- . -aloto i,n " r hits, nud their eye.3 raa,� �r , h Gal, , ,,Ut is t r , ��V_m I 81�ftDD t4Ik,- a holil&Zy", rgiue fi�v).C`N) i;"., A ta_% ,,�, �,rii,� .'1,zti,19.mL:1� --r��07 i 1.�. Virt4,Ep. cun�N..'m­l 'w9i'Dii W"q1t Nnt*ft , , ,a, aolltjv, ,4 . ., . 00 . ; ar,l ­ Mlala 6"i C,"T'�Y,-e�,_,, j-��-;Vl�llcrs-a tmt td WAt tlawd'-410t,- Tlwy wete t0mogt eoi`,V'Kr N51a 5.11 etfrarfid. "1,;,(i jhds.hq,�I typin -It ten, 4,-u thst 176,tda Gl%'. !:­,�!!;Wt�801� I - _-%111 upm lVolkndpn I;L�tvaw he ret,lisej The �,idmt1hi,j 11c.ld olut ,,as arm. 110 tile t�qpv I jj,,e(D,. 11.4 4 , -1 uh�'Ut $41,703.-U.n arnuarly. Vhkit c(Alu"�­',% t-1 v"i qtv,-?�,q­j tr,an mcontgij 'vo,% mL,W%�-) tt u,�!Nqi111i1191rV1 to at- , _, , , - I V �2,t g. L2L,j ii M what lwwq bappening. They ratule no � I � t � .I P � qf_t.,,�jt 4�,M-,_ , yon uroRy. i, !Do 0q,-g7I"4­A, a ".--non 'q`�,,�%Vt,D qke va'�- _J�g,�r M.Mled guildon2y wpak and o"'j. 1119 Ud" A,twlu a, tax V.,-an"d �_X;e C�Xlk�ej VC74" 4 C,r�y - _�'..at" _L,.,�, I � � _It , . , Pet! co;;Pt S", thf,re ?1, 1I .. QN 1 0q,�L,;_,. , - �."��_ - .. ji tri], yen Wit be I aves up - . _ -;v?a to #1w,b3 1-o petoin irjfn�'. �Yob.r attempt, to tilrif the 0MIKer Wit* ,re 11 , 11 tK.- ji)�t"�P j;;E?Te)n'0 C,�$,.?h � and he was Inutter. i Wldd$';DD.v forWokrd. -And �; zra-up '0 t, ut�., sian1#19 C'f saldiers �� pu.�a�nt "'at sl2ti-�&"Lu'#0 - , . ,�j V,lf,;.gqVjrj1lrUg. Nit UU . � ,Mle st4mpa , g r 0, La t D It 0-1 I gnm,t to n. n", IM 41 strai:ght hng tq) J"I�H_kLtjr. %`1;0ifF�ttj,4n le j hr'In ;;�,B " er t C, - �Ilc tr 1111 iu= In.- I 6N2,iw-A ,4) ".!g4-_, U 4,flU ma-tvezo-m�s cclirr- ii tl�q,OaTM4. *!IV& '�,"03 L'4�13 rMjDQZ:4 by a — tiv frord tho rr,ouj '11RA np-ouglr,i to ,"X;nq ?" .-!,w 3.skld, G�-Aaug etauiuz.,q Were C -S.- 'I ltv. '! earerull rr-rZ2q,A ef #-,uv Ill, '4Z .-Vv-,),k+- to Past Mill a�loug tile ctokil-K. road, 1volf I , , , _� pleki,q et fronil vic tt�;V. I' "11"', th � re, ,,,, ' A�jfl.e!n f;Vont'A t�nql wa,vej hl:�; ZIPSH-1;. wi� 011141 ftj'� 1. 1p t I. � ".!�, "',-1, � *38 iD D;i�,`, g,-�, ' "' 'eat' 'b" L, it , , ., arge slaza- � 0�4 vvaw ?-,,vri��--�- ckghr-e.11 aq Q!.1!a'1rq%V..v '. staty netty." lit P,­-,,�;, t4 ,444 I 1) iir-b r�uftt* Lg. , " y In Iter �, . . laul ,,�,Ome I tr-e'�;*..r�? Vmu:: 1.­_�tUng �i;­.'dl,�S, Irwf-r 1" .%q OkFo =,gulf,`,Z,�,. 12��%1�v�-, a".�LG� th'tt Vol. ,11�,- di'tmfl,121. Ile e4jjl�ght 4 911MIK(I went's an,41 bukrielf dfn,��u lato VNI, J� lmt& ll,v I , 1.1 V 'i.. 4:�"�V]'_�g r(_IVZ'jtq_q V'4 tfUO2r #JU��o� I UIV'W. T, pv� Q-,Izaf� ot vet-vatricanorento , t;=,A VI'Manj*q qiii ,2ml went M.�;ay 12� 1 '-Bur hpld *,TIP �nwkofA t1glitj ,�trr . . Pvr,ll V*1121to '214 exenv� for joa-�aig* larx .�w, a Inty. � IT -1. t!, V,raneo and Av 'a b -A Um t.�01, I - bf? made. I - -_ ,�, .,a au Italy V,114 a � -Ielslaan v'.,I,j to, I rtrdent, Th -V, I taU'i'.. .4, .I of ,�Vr. .�-.114WA fari. .0,-; I 4- .yq,,4 sotetnell r;vlete'rl upon L �r llj� - I 1 �F:q C, - � - , 'It atheinviolk waa 'I . I ,db�p "u"Ung Otmeniq vl'��- nlw--)Igac� tt�3. V�Z'x,, �rcav� I tteWezl, Tod. Kv k2j,"w truat F,,?ke %-as, & f, 'Y' 11r. Mo - 4� WN . �_Jnjo,­g�t th.- ru.-Illfrt4, writh R, - It was iery V!_;, IL t there alone. 9 . �d faRlito"'k. , 11 t! -I t4a fz� 9P - I j ­111tathrrivif.1k." w0j, bL4.,en PabUs"'Ded. bin - t:1 ff I" n'�, .JT -u-14 ei-% &TIrsEs ravi "L.". f(o�,'t�'IL"�;�t' I P4 'of plah. go%i, With it efitonet; k at ("', r3a havo rs-flrtll"_N�" i!� eh,ppat-tr 11��N,f or ?�Vradutk,. . .g. 't -Ile thin Ill" . S . $-e 'filltZi 4-ol e%-elvini. " �t�l , ., Q1q. Z -ted ,-;ttt -1, tiedt , , ,!,tmt i4l"k. I I " ell ;(Ittc.r tyk frDp fai.e. 1&.s Vu I ilrt'i t. 'It it . i it. . to Vksh ,.+.��v whure tho lva,_,�,v �� I%V�vvf�,91,.-!, 't t�lv #�'Le-� W!�mv tom � F -r ;,;w, an t,rz�_j " , pat,M,nt; .n,to *Aiv!--�, Nvrj�� thftit-, f,�Iey � �*art P .oa tri-wpl.gant sni;lp vs; I -P,, wL -ribult h_-; IMP ,4 estR'. � haek ,Z w " Imp"), 0 tbb; linoril- 04 R"D Ut'lua�-ulf'.*A. - , .� , . .: Ito #­,:#!, ne��. %vjljjQ;C.Vejv tlutt tiliL. ,,,&�,,,�t r. ,,jj� 0 ��f "i J! -s, � -aw We - .%.k-�q � k"r, ? whol funiq Lm"la jif-r" ?" . 1, livil.r. "hN I o,'ou._-�4 to wox—tc) I i , I - . _t , 8 , " -X 1. , ,j1,1s,:ir11:n sta:jlh*.�,, there. It . sa fav". tm.�flg 1:4y 4-%,-:)n:, 's w0la!-nt. T99P P-0 I � . . , . , - "' &'zngi�, 4 in.a%Nd ami,j tj�n ;! ne�tl 9t. �Vltk W Wafl � -Vihl',� ,i, � , 'ri:�'�g�% � 'vlr 1'I:4"e`-4`"rZ;-1; iial!41­41 s��ark,t. �', I ord 1Vs,6'i1'_-a-":wt2.­ �Ii­ vy,�.! - I :kl.-,g '-'r"am" at tht."-qe statlevits has I .-,., �11 , " - ____ - - - a"jj ovor gn � 4,h ,,I. lvaq alro miv ; "Ir. -s -P IT 'n 4, �nurwld - . ,q: 1Brt,rm,.--7;3 T.,- - A 0"R. 1177,V� rrAl ��Ibr F 4 --,-. - " - - O'� � I ,. ,, � .1 �� - . . , . .P&,( 'arlit'j" INVI �Z� gen- I , llf�lq.ue- 7y,s�%: L, tit 1-,. I- iv, V4'.d -Qar� � aaz� vffef, On hall *;tv;t_=��r. -�--,01 *,"i .%,_r!:C_"- ,drom-*. trier'l 1%�Ig�­q , 'ri, gn&�' a-.1 tt)E"u d1.*.A.1"n11.1,._ �1 tArZ.ii, ,i�ltfi ht,r. rvDlm Zhe a 4)1� , to."" A GREAT SIBERIAN RIMM L , .j Iten-n ise. ,�i Uc�,.�ns,..11 rntj&2�; gCjV0-atb 4�meng "'. V,,F�IP-��I;,,a 106%fli z�t kaQ lrittei�. It , five. I ;)_b -VX -1h ­.f;.' I .C., , ('4�1wo:m"- 10,,a`�e. TaAc a M� te, Enfl�e 4,f � - v' I " It Jl-1 %o-ry pq,,oir,�>.­ F� ,:a, - 1 T-.*,.��;�­ .-,,-,'* * V,:_�qa,v t3,n- wa.,; 11 _�j-��-, . a. _ .�4jo . r, �. ,'.V-��Iat.v, ntq�nrltq­ VW 0_4'� , `Ivalz� Not &aWn 1�41.,'V tii�, , ��,q. f! ;,,,,!4�1,�`,'nl,,�, *_-liti,ong t))j�, tlav 7 'A � . 70,hp a.!".Av 1 ., I,,,, , �" t o ,-,V . bt�r,y fr* :� " Ilci rva,�-, z I KJ a:ii z�F­ � ; , 11r, $;P-,TQ.A-;, pnrp�v�­ %V,�., e,njo,-_:,,;. Illo ,* Vo�Am4 I:t- 4&7' �i .,1oV'e id -.��-i;�'t V­c4f, -,�f 174�_-. 7�,­�. � '1� _F *;, I ( v.Mnlry ,%;i1iA1wafHQ2 0<,V@:. 4,V ` ,-., r�­ � - � L� �� . 4-4. ,�;,N,Vifl,i � 'M � � , � , , ,.U, F jj 9�nz��'�� I'* gL-Ivrej jowt'rl_�, ,,q -,C�- , __ �, %vi�q Tlcz��, thi". --1111. ,4 -41 I . 4 1-& Ms%tt��e V,V.�.nvr A tkr� �0, 't ? ,4 :,y-, " n ?,,�nrrt; 1�­�Q ','�,`11.'. It � vvi�,�4 1,7��,j,pg t.0 1-.,��14.N '12z,�- One � co"'V�...'k . 4:'. 111 1".4a IV.g 4o , L �--o'.4,-1tr. ,o , I t-�,";��. an �Z�tl% L'Ljn,� last ;-.!�� m�vl, " 13PINtellt in 1l,n_qs:1,a, . . 11�. f12._ � 1, . . tjja,r��' , , t.1 r �. uv��:q%� ""' r,%p,-e4 io 3 � , V at �­ i4A Lf-.- LCIA. .t-' tf,'B�*­�WA � -ern,�#'.- ��e VgaL-it,& t 01-1 I- I -, . , ��-g th,,c_h h;.! roum , t � rtzln nl!2 ,��4t,unl . . �n� n� aT, - , . . . I 'P. .� Tte A=,�-.,V -,2t liv��,�v"&'7<*I�'.1�"i'a.tt.��i,-Ift -4 t4 _014)4n. Vo p 'I. . ,�' _�i X, . , *�: Lli' Tp,.i�j�,a j q w4i'�_o M­� �V-:% 9.1 vi.-,,,,_� tfrt-04 % : , - J it twi; 't r vv;w, i - , qv. � 7T %�!Z n! !, - , ,4.,�u �,� --,;�l lv't' , , , " , e ! �, � � � " , Z� - , - .�­,�, e��-,�!,D %V11tt'l nw�. � 't � .j - I.Tor 11 for ft.4 s tji�_ty �, at,- -Z;:3,4��Zu,141e. ta4�, C,_.8­1n_­-- ,4 'Vx,� '� ""', i 1, . � ,� I :in�z,­ T'wv� -JD�,At;A�­%� �Wp�,��,�. V,%,�N­ slw. .�r."j wme r�A g'--uQ r4l!2�1, zai., .m- , .4 IL- re ., Ita , , VV'o W -AN" mvin, 'r I -. �it.�t,�vi-..�ITI-;r�%,�ri,g.�', HIl T#-,r.­i1h�,0.. th,".� �.N,,-c�2'a ?" - f­'i,;i�,,1.' 4i"'; -,�_'�n 61­�e 1no,�ntareA � T;, .., - "'n . � 6"rj,,�"-",i �,i_ M" - � :: I q­=.7,an, "u -'-da." rj.,_-1_­0t9M1­ wag_��4 uqj, - __ . � ,�k - � �t;, m,Eas ffrL�.Zyl ft, -4 jm"-_�nc�h I 1. _ . .. - � I I . . "'4; L-1 ,­;-" "'.M. "!­Vtpal.­�L "i -nz�,l �:��4t t.,�, , �­_A q!�7 t`�`om- -,-�,(­� � �., - ..... R,r! V� - ; - - � ... � ...... - �.� .­�,�yv .'1k)ng tli:� rw�vl. " " 1* Vi -g V's,rtinzv�� ro,qn#,,j, Lar,rj � ,,,,., ard .�YINNIZE -1) .-o,r ��?Ymv t1nin. " 11 iw,�� , i - ,.", i,�,;� '�t. � �11J�21.1�,!, , , ­Verl,�Ulnayl aj.. 0-_.,��,,L�,� tff, '4�-,, , 1". . If, ., Rall ."2%1 v " ., , U . . .131 , . . , _�jr tumm Ki�L'zui .- __ .0 . � - al,��F. 4. ?_� 9-2;'S; Urer- ,'j',�!,,.,-'-,' I . ,-,vV-,r.�r:,- ;)�7 !Tr � u ,owe ,I bira Vj 1:0.11, , .. � L . .- � - ­ � - F;,��:Ih I � tv,o papv:�. I t-mvini.t., 2,49;'�re � 4 � , , '. ne ka-mte.1 " X Lt. I _,te4�-rSt,ri;ovq ..5 -ho M N 0 , ­gq, ,;W. " ;,7_,e . 1'1-�­-eq, t8i),12fa ; It - ,1 "� _t I #011'�Imf_w,-, , , - S�i:d. Va ,.riw'EAT, , I. I ms# 11pr.."."I W".14 a 1� - 4-52 - Nevivoy. 2,.-1.-j-,2,- . tt. .11,1 %VAN Vall -.q i;�vr4. 'Avl '� I " , '..' n _ ". A sen, . 5 � , .11. _ a .-� , 134,)k W:Zkr.*- �j ,�,ivj. 11!,�, *�­Ifl S�.V.��.,'f,,, 11W -ri.,.", that 1.41" lla�j ;)"�­.,, S;��_,t for by -21-�V I `DM1 yozo ,-4:q , -ttv n, i .4 . 11 nlramq? � '12�".- 7,1�9'-- ' T'-,, I � p,r��J,,P,jr, Tay vllrl­�vo ! *�kff'ln_ I gadi-ship. I , ia, I . ,;.; lL I-.,, - ,,��,`"Skc-_V. �, q� 4 C.,,%,.ki[7,�j 070,3Z�-, ; U,, , I I - � trust t! . 2 "' Uot ' 114E'Ie" : I _ tz,. s., - - , - C), z-' . � I 'I"", "! 0 . j I " sevre(-I.v I'TW'U;r4jn4,*1 f.,111LU all -0 .1,wo_"� 1� tr�; li (v , .:�, fv�. . . N, - &n rr,-ffnt rd 4 F.'WIj zoi,!.�gl Eflad. lap I . it � �e rar-it-1 ,,.,-r e�v;��bj%>j_r,;. I sl:i�. t �'.w,"' an%j- , 1� - I -10 "!;�,,'- wit'.1 in O, are a t., .19% T;Va7Vlt,rWle&-1' j ifnvq IS!"Id, I Lr�N .1�;,e_�Ak,ej Caj:T#"r2i:,I. g ..'"'S ��s 0. � ,N . -� v inter.se " 'I I ,�,-, .-,-ae�j t1'.; dr,;�Hnatlmm It Mr. , -renden 01Z.,aluled a."g-rify. -�.44 it N of .yonrso. �5­�,jvj� - . . ,pty ,� ,,, wo,, gat hm.�Inp " . . . .. I)v V k, you � V,g'-, w -A 5:1-1-WIE, *4 Zu ,C.'�,-etr;C;t%,- .� ft"I' r� � ­ � aq rolsed II'q hand, 1,14e.1m to enljouv 1f­.,.*Z*4;g your$_,.If to lliEr . jilet. ttv lag yo 2 tha't I (A I *,*0 ' - the brx"or- PH �qablv liatj ,,.-tw m-neh . V0,; .t�.k illp. 7jv.io,i,V0 I j,.,jN-e jify (gy- C,,Wr,qVr1d ,%t a , � �;T - , . _�Vjpr. I t�l waterrall o1a I I 1?i1NV_1)Ir1*111ei4`ea. Ile rcm-zlBc,Lj t,011: I ­rae'l I;n be kto'lld pay for It. He UndPrStMid I Vie t0a) of avvindlera it' 9 11 nd thieves. U -V I -,,.-.,- L I ;SA1st.­ Vbirzt river, it, tLp at,] 11,'r- -W,w, � now wh.V wint blow had been given. � rather llw3 Inst hia reasin entirel� 1c, 1 lwr,Lnv� mw,jntnI;str $-*' nli:­.� .-T-av I - CHI'- here whit jr,Ae aq I I � . . . *.�Y�-ulnr. I'Vdrk " . , , ,-Oments are il,a:n wit,�,e , "Mv?� tit - .0 'T* at once! YOU are nta Ar�a. . iir��;ivuk tit �jc. r"xB C'n. Ills tirieth clonched. and l 1*ttor leare, lip V, tior Mr. ��ahln I gz�d _ It was to, 1-r-ep him Out Ot the WaY. 4 news and It is ytya- rault. Vot, h4j*d I 1PP09.11)�_11, 'M':s,1 Mzvrtou a%;­..qt&1, I wh!.C,1�, �- 100T mill,i�,j rj.,�-jj t�t - ht'; ber-ast cn�enaikg fm, -t- " gre'W "o'- 14 31tO,-Other tw cr,8dutous for th's 1� �," I t* Turz-'�!4A PIcetrielty tc> &% �` , with ,pj5..4o7,,atn an* -.r. lie haft 14wb&-Wo.11d.1, I Ivith acian.y. ­tv,l.tt Was w1i'lY I %va-S t fall. %�,,. -,­�� LIrto .a. r - wotor- . Vg%t an3 4 -, � A , , �'� -n �stroilq nzway towardshis 1, IUIIL� V�'-,MTD One bnu,jrf,�,j r.11�0,, Vr. 19ablnl�q dup,-. Cursr, tile klula! Nvolfend( lift <Mt of Vae, waw` gre;At j4t,,z. - I 11i""I"Ite 1004PJ at fx�v- tfurm. ny wa%er- - %otIV, �Iff yes. 9, lrontrt-_.�'. Lut 1(,rtUR_"t­2, t,j.�t, !�,It�i; , .;,m�, cle ITe Viritel the, firal ,-Ornar In OF.' ! mathar's, reorn, hat a ery from iup.f elmetz e� g! I h.,cif. , � -,, , t?j , ; � ,1 ! �,w -, i f,t(,P,4; iln4 ter . . . . . t1r -, clitnlr i, C�,*,A �.,st t­tva to look so Zitr znra.y �, .­,.�nl�wnittl E I ;,.r �It tite 11all. T'le ,Z,,rvitnts we hSide , � �ts Z-ZMX�3' 'it �zn.4 P;,-,vi�v- ! Ko.�'k.s�� n ... drlvc ki Cu , ent ad j 8&aIns dlmzatid ;11-7 V*-q).4�. Lady Der. "I aw afrafil," �ill#. enid, I re standlapz ; Ingham aud Ito rjjf-t ;ya, 'tilat y(yu , f- � . �y ot Itg, " . and Pretpred the ro,ign to. ra��n BeJ, . 'OrP ;"r,-. i 111111=11(ir,or raplas ��Ith- , war"14 pa's about as usual. Tbere were no signS ' , er's doo Ills f�`xtb- are a. very Inipertineut -yc.,�Irg wc,- ��! n, tj, I of anything having happened. The'V gether. They e.1me face to face . I ,), gi,,t 0:9 to rot that *:p Z . ,CVjT at , 111M OU110081y, bnt -thWi with tile �,Lduklraj. Ity:kpt upon tile t,-x�jl,e �jntj 10 ,� , . 1W ,,,,v,,.% tjLc I , a T*,%V, mlip.si of Xlnmtrs-al. frillu I ?W1 ­.T_1; �441V rc,"W." 11 whif."i i I� totricit.- e;iot4, tev Supply ; Notl.ftg . . �,I-� - Ill" , migm. well ba, owing to �1'4 dIsht"V011ed -00t Of MY wA.r !" Ila, i!ried . � 4 1 fur- TIm girl Cud neitl,tr. ` Il. clf.v i,- limc-fo aR b4 llzi Xfontr�.31 'im,- N,o�ow V,ondition. IOUSI.r. `Coln� with Moo 'Wolf ,I Oil tile mnt- i VOU."d b.- i-btalria(L . I'Whare Iq thp AdmirAl, Grove -91" he mn.,;t follow Wril. I must 11.1 . IV" trary, ishe _spa�pejj the 141 -k -et 1 (.13. �Wemn . ve beall ift"o I -­.__--­__' ! dreaming. Ile Veld me that Tie was tI10 1)(VOln, of, her gown. 1 4 ,,%`,61r III+ � asked breathImsly. %.I will take vare of t 1. - � INvL to V.10 '-s'Vilt'a Slee -ping. 11T.,mra th'- st ,ordship, Is in the billiard- C. I g.w,e him all he asked f r! his. .gig I n VVP_ , sh;� re- . 4 1 room," tho man awnrered- Must have them baCk. lip:rmf ni ""�,-,. I T-Itzo �X""'V'C'. Wv4turp top N!oep I'Q I ri­,amlng ; Wolfenden stopped short In his pag,�r IMI -01m, it lie publishes them, we Helena laid her jj.xjj(*( ulx)xl tile 1*11 i to it, on tile right Witte wjtjj the , A lh�nrso ' � ,age acrassi the b. .1 IV rui�ked . , . . where aid -I .1m afraid,11 .site b.-at,i, ,*tnlit' -vol; I ihalia str.,tehed (�jj-, tip their f w; : .,-,1­1ttPV!-T : 411, and looked at, the mu,,t be unvve .1 mail In amasement. lie camp from ? . . . . Tli(*.V the bell. P '11. I aln grAng- to ;.j�4 1 It-ligth, alH illr? arm; r1-tj$pr '5tral.-itt i 041 111111te 4 ,,Where "Is told 'no t%-Itt he waR do%j. . . . erhaDv --yon will 1.4. g � .oNvii 1,y ,3.1,w ly�tjy Or Ill . � 141111-4, 'a i H . ix,'2 � 0 1, i ; I ,Irn the billixtril-rwym, ',.Vv Lord," thil ho erawled bacIr oat of h,111 ? I Omar' M0119IT to Illace tfi�'101kt�t 01; khait' ! f-fwt8I1IP P-AtiOn, provideol 1'-v "�&"U" '011111 IXI!f�4;lr t - tht'.X ark, � - man ropeated. "Ile Was fil(luttlug A>-, i 111111 Ouee! 11'-� 11,19 never forgotten "IJ41 Ond leave tile rnow." - an't rn��i.­I .100VO tho bead; tit-, Thfni flic � , you Only .a moment ago. " I it! Till.., Is Itiq vergo..,tnpe! oil, (,j.*3,:,, 'i ( -anx, "Nierton drip -11V hersalf t:p .tn. � nionth ell-ahl be elo,q-,�, and 411'. ih.2 5 note -n ,zo I -grily. , � , : that rca"4 ! . ..F - -Wolfenden turned sharp, to the If,,ft 11 He 81ak d0,W11, Into a chair. The 111L I�5-`? (ol tll*! bf-'tTY Ilao-ild ba re - anti ente,rid tile billiard -room. Ills perspiration "I have a bs�ttar ej�t-,m T111"'ll 4�T,p , !a %-('.d. 4 TX -,.,_-1t to p stood ,oil in in C - I � t gr it IM 0 I t � I -t k't I th I 'laimh I ^r. ft IR r., 5 11 i I , i , I I 1; j . 1i father was st.arding fhorr� with IiW Z a lfllu� hingn; lVark with t'r,"Iter R141 -i .eXi =3 llll,vone , to Wit, " ; Ivads upon his whitp torellpad..' Ilq , , ", 'I. *1 I aln - �, ' '.V4ftS Shaking fr()M Jlq*)ft(j to foot. I -i o' 1;u%q), 4�oat off,and a eue In his hand. Direct- ._ Is antly. I � M*ration 4aring tl.xt�, jt(jj;..s. Tha lkFtp ,Ud_ will give I ' tlVolferld;�u ('01 I t to 1111.1." li .1 I -,, 's,1110w-111 V1, ly he turned round MVIvil,10-t was . denly Ills head droopq,41 in the .1;et I I- , .nq it tlr� Ztrm,' 41 -rt, ral?4ndk .i,"OVO j th�v ,h, , ­rhank yon, ,vo.,l Ili ,j �, , t1L. , � . - . 0%� 11c; . , .0 .1 .IIL4 t, i .T.. 1 init; ]Ili;�Ir I inv? a"IJ for un . thf, 'Nrords illed 1 11ohn1f, -.1,I&Vverod. "li si.mll ��*rftl . " � -�rloyl ' ,%,Ware of a peclullar Change in Ill,,*, face of further specAl vt� Wt trOulul t and e.VVeZa10n. The bard lines bad away upon Ila lipa. He ,V , a it the llear*lt 't ,t jj,� t,j v�j� I , W,jg Uncon, I , I sor. i p. I t 1,�*, netiou ( l y�� . ace of anxtpty seem- �!lt %'At" it to Deringimm, Hall. lVill I tlrive,l tl;.- blood 111valv. fri-vak 11W, vn;plabed, every tr. scloup. .Tho VOUTAM4 knelt by Ills a bil 19OU'l (Inouj;'l tj ghe it to, I a--=,4 an,l ?:., 1. .. , v�l 31 i �V -. "L, od to have Jett him. 111,; eyes were .--oft aide, a,td ,V001foliden sto�.hl over hr -r. I lnp,,,,, - .. ­ 1143 it tis 1114.. IlmO, fr(;- , ff'l!,; .-Irl., , and as tloAr as it child'.q. Ho t,.irn-I " Do ,-On know anyth;11- at -1flUxt t lff�.q Verton tirmv .,t Nto.jj 1�ac�, I ; .... �llt 1Y 111-?,'�tln,X 011-1 very lr��-Otk-il " ml�:ty 'hill. tob, WoltoTidon with a blaild smile, and Ims b4j�p - 'warda wlifin It, *`�*­,; nat llriiveat 6j�-­ ... � ­­ 1 1� ... .... --1---__- , !qj',�­.­ P xidl-l'ir'..,.,tsk,�.!--�-,,�.,,,ii,n,i�-&b,v�It'.1.4-r..�:tlp--I,,,,..�� ... . .. ........ ____1_-1-1._-.... -4--l- _..._t_-__ 11: aia4ip el,- falnt "Ic-lit