HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-10, Page 6___ , _ � , -
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confirm the general impression that flidsls forty men accidentally killea. slaults: , (If MI'tor, d,vilanilte, and th t------- . ____._._.__._
, '
talo cAMPA19,11 in -South Africa, has Three officers aind 86 men were miss- supron-lo efforts ot the entire popu- r_ H
becOme a process of wea,rIng down Ided by th(� fire dvpartinentel ,
r1ealelance by constant attrItIon. 2,94:0 men were sent back to of nomel, " TUB TERIMS
WEAMING THE i "I, 91, aad prisoners, And 129 o,11jeors BIG FIRE 9T latlon, rouo SINter cities. �;ucli is tile . L
� 11111IN Millere can be no exultation over the England As Invalids, making a total Cry of destruction Caused 'O.7 . �
the loss to the arms on active service tile till
" results of a conflict in which sad at
- ,�. !.;'. Boero are hopelessly overmatched, Of 3,069 Officers and men. ' . aplaooment or a bit or Innocent- .
- ti',� and tilt British preas does not at- The. number actually In ilospitill at lookinw wire, whIch accidentally got
,:119 - RUEBS Dow A ZKS901111 into tile shredding machine of the �',
"t"�":Z0,�,-., terapt to exaggerate that Import- thu Oud Of 9fl-1-011 comprise(] tuen of I
t, " ro U 11 9 [Rb
1�.1'1.1%0 �-1�31 I -a, froin General to prIvate Amerl0an Fibre Company, at, the
. Z '�'7 even take note of what is goingon, soldier, but t1w corner of Davis amd Union streets,
'g, . muce of lusignificanL incidents, nor till ra;Ah
-1 -
. -� -�_ Z�l figures are not TIL 0
It is simply rmarded as a bit of given, They are reported to be not e fire started betwo,en thehours
rough work, which must, be put far from 7,00(). of 12 audl :1 o?clock p. m., a.n,d owing
Gommandoes Being Gradually through by mlechanioal means. Cat- The total British casualties from Over Two Miles of flie City to this raelt, loss of life will bo con- First Disaster of the Senjen
tle, homes, and ammunItlon arenow death. not Including the, colonials, I parati-voly sinall, The fibre factory
Scares ammig the Btiers, And this from the beginning of tile war to tile was a wooden shell, full of Inflam-
.. Reduced by Kitcfiener. Ja a clear Indleation that the end end of 4areb %vore 691 officers and Burned Down. niable materials, and In a few mo� in Georgian Bay.
4., Is drawing near. It is probable that 14,278 men. ii-eento was ;.I, mass of flantes.
.�' - tile commandoes still in the flelddo . � I I i Same delay ww? exp6rienced I'll get-
�01$ not exceed, more than two oil three Boors and Oeriinini Africa.. . tIng an ala,rm., and lio, add to the .
thousand men, all told, and that the Pretoria, May 5.-A Jarge numlmr tragOICIZ OX f6ta-I accilielite, the en-�
bands of guerillas ordinarily are not of Boers 1mve made appli . cation Io? 1i gille at the waterwerks, suffered a
001. DENNISON. CAPTUREDIII ' A DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. mishary, a,nd nothing more than or- "t
over two hundred strong. Weibliar the German Consul to obtain perinits � divary presisuire ciauld be Obtained. THREE PERSONS DROWK
. -
Botha nor Do Wet has been actively for them. from tile Britialt rallitary * 1
� . employed for a 1pn.g time. authorities to enable them to trek 1 � By th-1,st time tire flamea had swept
I overland Into German territory. I tQ tb13 130liition stOl-0, a huge furn-1-
i tutre establI.Ainlent, belianging to W.
313ands of Guerillas Ordinarily Not Why They Got the Cross. It is understood at Pretoria that , Six Lives Reported Lost-31any Flne W. Cleveland and San, wilio were also
Germ ny does not encourage a hirg(N 1. ap
Over 200 Strong- DeWet Is Near The Gazette annGun,ces that the trek a Buildings Destroyed - Damage proprietors, of the fibre factory. It C t. Wyllie, Ilia Sister and Mr. W.
X-rbonstadt - British Losses In ICng has, been graciously pleased to of burghera, and would, qTly; Will Reach About $9,000 000- leaped across Davis street antl took H. Forbes, of Toronto, Went
signify litsI intention to confer the de- tolerate tile immigration of � I ink- 1 1 *1 cORMW I'l9lit through a section
jt�ed, number of Boers, wilo Ou I lie Z
32ariell-Delarey's Force Concen- 00ra-TIon of tile Victoria Cross on the w 11 � The Star,), of fin 14,'ye Witness. wli:exe block after block of frame Down With the Boat -She Was In
tra tj 0 --. undermentioned offlears and non-com- able to purchase ground And settle I . balldings m-oNtlY Occupied by negroes, Tow of the Germanlo-How the
mL%lG1Ied officer, whose claims have down permanently in the territory. 'Jacksonville, Fla., Alay 8, -At liad bee� erected. Here 19 wliere
Garm Mown, llu,y 2. -The Kimber- been submitted for his Xmjesty's ap- Already the German authorifin..51 the fire department lialit its grip, as Accident Happened.
proval, for their conspicuous brav- have had to warn Boer vmIg ; I" 45 p. m. to -day Jacksonville ex- a
10-Y branch of the South Africnal . rantH � -, , .Am1LItan,v1oIuslY In hInIf a dozen places,
cry during the action at Komatl that before tile w.l;r th(�y w a ,lot ,� erienced the most disastrous fire o! Owen SoItind, May 3_417he ffte=er
er 11) eeme Of them six bluc,ks fi-om
Veague, is convinced that the object rimton 2-Tov. 7, 3900 : allowed to continually trok about, ' her existence, The buildings on the main fire, rlolcgiq n t1le Germanic arrived at 5.30 to -night and
L . 1yeTe roe to burst
of tW Boer leaders in refusing to . IL Z. .1� Coulaburn, Royal and that they must certainly buy;: entire length of Beaver street, from Out it' flames. Tlh,e wind. rising high- reported the first serious marine acci-
MlIalce, aW formal terms of surrender Canadian Dragoon,.4. ground, and cultivatie- it. ,Davis street to the creek on Lib- VT find higher, ulonveil down whole (lent of the season, by which three
Lieut. Cockburn, Nvith a handful of Those who emigrate will be liable � orty street, have been ta)tally tie- rowo of these buildings. it took just live-,; wipre lost, The'Germanic was
thMt Would imply, their loss of indc- men, at a moist crItical nioment, held to take Rcrvice with the German stroved. Thia is fourtri-en .,:o.'id blocks fluar liours, for VIre resistless sea or bo,und for Owen Bound, aiid jUat
13einflones is for the purpose of allow- off the Boers to .,,,Il;)Nv tile guns to troops In the wars against the Kid- 1 of res - Idene(m. For the 11,111110iq to COM.Sulne every building in night at 6 O'clock, when ton Miles
get away. 7V do e) lie had to sacri- firs. and tile children of full-blooded � same d's- Its, %rake for it sIxace of six to eight fr6m. Gore aay, &lie sighted the tag
lug them to renew hostilities In the Me hinwelf anA Ili.; ri,:trty, all of German subjects will also be llabie;� Lance, ABhlr�y find Churcli streets blacka wido, from Davis stroet, near Tecumseh rolling helplessly In the
future It they so desire. The Kim- whom were killed, woun,lvd or taken to military gervice. All the call- i have both lipen completely blotted where it started, to, tile Hogairs trough of the an .
out. When tho fire reached Bridge a Capta.ln Foote
berle�y brazzzi has adopted resolu- Prieuners, he himself bving sliglitly gTanto will further have to learn i creek Viaduct, .I (ILNAmice of over ran up, to the tug and found her to
tlowf strongly urging the Imperial wounled, thv German lmugu,a(ge. , street, on its eastward course, tho one and a half iujlr�4, and tifen, not be disabled, her engines bo"Ving
Lieut. P.. D. W. Turr-r, Itloyal Can- Desptto All restrictions, a number g flames enveloped three blocks -Da-, eatisfivd. witai, et,,ting tile heart of brOken down. .
Government to make no settlement adia,n ll,ragoon,y. I Va. Monroe and inwide or Adams- the rt�L41d(lllt,ial por.tiol
or Boer& have determined to gn ,is. b ) of the city Tile tug was in charge of Uaj�takn
With the Boers which does not take Later in the, (J,ly. when the Boers soon as tile opportunity offprs. � urning tip th.at entire section or tile Out, the firt, doubled on Itself, and John Wyllie, aged 23, of Stillwater,
this alleged dei3iga into account. again oerlously t1ireatened to cal>- i city, and running fourtoun blocks to cipal thor- and on board her were his two als-
ture the gun,i-, IA';vut. Turner, al- Delarey's Foree Concentrating. The con- oughlarti to
I the Duval stroet bridge. came rearing up the prin
The peaoa negotiations have rons- though twice� pr4' 10311W.v wounded, f nagration his burnp(l over, as far thlll�- In wa trade, devtroylng every- ters, Young womm. Engineer JbmeB
ed the loyallets in Natal, a commit- dismounted anti Lon4lon. May 6, 6 a. m. -The reptirt i as is definitely known. a distance of Itit wa.,* tile oiriginal in- AfeColloman, aged 20; joseph Ora-w-
AL-lil'ovel his men at carporation of JacksoliviliLl. ford, of Silvorwater, anti a traveliler
tee ot whoin are urging tha�,t to the ela". quarter.,;, an I drove off the -ler,sonvule, Fla., *,Nlay 4.-'-Nfr, W. of Toronto named W. 11, r. es Tile
Boer." orb- .
,. thILS f;:14%.Ill�.!: tilp, ,�Illlp. -
. - W. cloy0apd, oll 1,01--t-'ie promises the eaptain of tim tug agiRp om
I ,d tile a -
future negotiations unconditional S-r9t. H. II,Alan 1, 1.1-yal Canadian -11 fire orIginatt-ti anil who was one of m1lildor of the Gzwmanlo to give him
olorreelder b3 Insisted upon lly the D.ra9U`Onr. I t lie hra vk-st lo.-,crs, i lropp!,d dead from -1 t -01W bticlk to Gore Bay, fromwbleh
"'A S,3,rgt. Hollanil d'.41 onlr-ndial work I I I
. itish. amd that the other qlacs- I I _i� "% I (-xOtt-mint. .A. Ntalwart nigro, mrry- III -IM 110 had salInd some hours be -
with hW Colt lran. a wl k;,pt t1w Boers � '. I , I - ing, ;I trunk on hin hpatl froin a burn- fore. Captain Foote agreed, and
-11111 , ",
_U ,
ldmm ba behl In abeya"nee. Referring I , . 4�F - ".. -�
� .. �, .�-_�
� I3. .. ... "4�t� � " -
Off UK- two 12-llt �inlpr.,; by its fire � �, -, Ing building, went -r:t,- -om, after stomil diffipulty a tow linewas
��4'. 5 , , ,� , � � t .3 fi the .
to the Britisla generosity to tile nt clmw4 r.tn,-,% AVnpa hr. Faw tile I.. , r . '14,�,
,�,*V�,4- ... .-
- ' IM, I � borror of tile t,..ItIl.t,%ic.q1. 11-- traii 1,*xkt out to tile tug anti they ,
,01�4,,X: .. ,,, .�z , 1. mIuk
. g � .- .- .j!�_. � I a virele with the trunk till
13�00r% ,%Ud 'to thO ruin Of 10,FURS& PMl1w 'were too rpar for him to Ira- �. ,
� , ,.;;iF around 1 n
.il"Z't - -, .." ,,,
prorizrt.y and their condition, many capia� with tho ell-ringe, .-A the f.,_' ii.;,150_11 -t- I'llecessful start for Gore Bay.
N1VW*;E-P=t-1�__1' hlf� head until ho ,,ank px1munted anti The strain On the tow line stcad]Ied
1.��,,.-. ffv -1. � �
the hornn,N was blown, hr ..�,;- " ; �11 �Zl I It - . I
. . ,
arity. - ealmly lifteol A." I e_ �
of them Itoir living on oil. �
" � ,-0".- nr,y ��.V-q'_-R: - - tile(). Wijuittli raii thrOugh th.- stroeb, the littl(., tug, and tile prospects
I - W , .- Z'='
C-Oulmittee aslc,i I simil.ir provisions, tII0 glin Off allpi g.!!I, I away with - ,", - zi*" I i tc-k."11111- 0 -Ir 11--tir -full vlothos, and Isd bright fox, reaching tia ty.
___ J_____ it unler bliq arini. -4 � 1.4*�' 1. Ill t-evvral histalleoe llatl almc)st dr.- heav s,oa was rolling, Anti tile -
.IlIt#u 1]alj.�, Mall. , .C,� $Pf ni. fe A
- - - . �.� - l 11 y tug
� I . n", - '�.;,� I iluded tilt lni,:.IVeH %%I tilpy wore wai," conNtanth- inakill,
!�, -11 . I - watpr. When
- - .1.1.�; 1� - � .
- - Cave of Anniturition. - � , " I :11 .1 I vaught.t) -11111 INI ti), Placps at 1.1.9t it rm,� so lit4il"a" to put the,
.� fl'lvntls
I 4�,,', i of I'are 1JI,)rfz(,8 lilLeliet ,rea out till, pwdllpor. Villing M-
111 'if; Is . -Q.z4.k 11011VIII, ('.kill-,(] I
. t1;,tII.- eal4aln, 'of till.
I%Z-�!, � - --Pll tilsetwored. In 1, t' 1-1110119-11, and mally of thvin ran wift! GprmanJ4� tll.tt thi-.N Irt-re sinking i na,
that a Pavib It . . � ", "A- thp I (11
I � Standc,rton, 3,1.1y .'v,_It Is: ri-ported , .. k trueh-H voulil nt,,t 1�%�� put joo, I') ,
_ ,;e (1111c�l. 1'.
zl=!�_ gj�. I I
�c �-_ the zorthpaot vornr,r of thp Orange u . -0ii9h the 411,moralized throng. that they ))r , X
"I'll, "I'll, .1 I .- C!.� i It I till .tit b �ti, r Nlow dowu and
, � � At lilght tile lullitit,ily waR ordered 1 t*1CO the-ni <ill board. Tile captaki at
�-"__�%,-% ... �- - - for owne t1ollsida-mblf, thne I)ae -lq . 4 - "�� out 'Lai guard tilt, limist-hold goods I 11(1*� 81:11,01ml the eng *
�: -,� Itiver 04110n.v. '011411i two b,4pn us,xI '.
, �, - - _f� 11 � I., � 7�
.. - - , ,k . .. . - r .,z I I vinver aud the
. ''
I .,.;, _ (.
'e ;1I.
�:: I _1� I `�� ,�'Z. li�_"\ L *1 al It.
I -P�IZ III— . � i�.� 11% I , Wek(d tk4l). While tile
r I 1� 1)
I � - all a=,,laal by lh;- Uv:%r.q. It Is here I I ii , ; Plied high In t lip Ntri-ets.
� I I th'It R� IVPt IMP Vftrilk� tluins replen- '.' I. I , 11. , � P
I I . .". , !,';, .81tuatiou tit (lie Losersi. � impetus of tilt- strain curlqk�d tilt, tuto
� , . ,
/.,.j hilloil MR tdo,21:, of nrum .anti illulunal. � W . � forward.
� , I t., -11. I all Ga. May 4.-.1. A. Farit,.y. ' Tile neti,I),
_49B6. ly Ition. The wllll-�ry autlzorltVa had 11 !,",, -
I 11 � . 1� , �_ - . I , L , .., � . I
W, . '1*4 1 .
rz ,'( 1P /,'- ,� , slialill. ,l 410ot thrue Ilves, Untip.-
I laithorto Wen gri-., " t" .* lilyrttIfied a,l �to I :Or ,!"I'v, � t"44,41tiettol' ;If tile S"Mithi, rn Railway � the stnaln f*r th,b t(ow, lifte. tile tuf,-
1, J� �, the toirkle ot P�- '%V,.,tlq �qlbpl.r. -All,:i . 1 _��7. i � .1
%4 W" 1 �
- 'A. 4 4"A." , , � 11 ,� tl*.Iill No. ,8,0. worlwil for thrt-e houreOl-s-esiv-d i,u:11%1�nl hu_y;InpV lokjr�p
I 1, q I - -
, � , , 11 ��, . 1�.�� .1 .10
I V I N�., I �,� � aml,9, anol t;aw lllui�h of tilt. Ia
IM \, :��
'F,, rt� �, - - t v" � � W, � , - Ill tile 11. , - ator. but wf�,I.n titat
c, ,_�v4r - . -f, ,� '.1, .. �4 : W,S.i-. � -, .
,�, 7
� . _. ., � . .11 lit#ve the IV.
, �
, 0
� ;
J z -
W, , I ,S::_V,�� ,,':4 1 ;Iti�,,,�, . " .- ,�n_ " and (11.1oltiti-11 wrought by , i-triftj Was ri-I ,wi.�tl slits ,p4$nln1j*M...q
r , - . , , , ,,W� miffe: 611tr, .
_ A 0 . .
I 1 4 DeAl ot 06vavered- ' � . �__:, . . , ': . . 41 ,'I . , �,
. - - - � . I , Lheir d%ouring, fur.r. * at 441n.c.
, ,
, , _�
" 'I "'. " " "� I
,.A� -, ,
, , ,,, � ,,,., I,-
, a
, ��,
oe � _ � ; to t4ill.
� , `��", �. ,,, - '. _. I �
,7, ,
- F �,�, , ,e �_Q-11'.N;%,, , ,�, , , , .. Pras-tivally the Plitire reAdunue 4
� ." llarA�mltli. Mnv 3�-P�, Wot ilaq - '�Z . - ,
- �
�. - lipen ditimVered in tile vivinity of _� 114 .,., ., L t, , � The firtit, matp orof the Uprinarib,.
� , �, . '401 0 I
� I . Ceti It tle� towlt Is In r Illis ! ` Itt. Jalll(18 14 .
1P �4 - I _ 4 .- . I - I I 00b, . jUM. van, tia. tum 'LVZW
,* �, U., . KrWnStradt. He hos b,A a few fol- .� ... -k , . 11 __ I . t -aid. attd of the liu;Am,ss ,itetit-li ,in:%- I ,41jiout t.rw li.*Alng(�� to the bottoul, und
��.. - V� four or firt, bl4ivkR rt-wala. Thousands �
. 7 -
V,-A.,� T�5 .---- lowere xvith 111m. nn -1 1,4 rqlort44 to - - . - rmught lito ltpunl-�'Pl4t 4sr tig! t%Y,L)
1 %�,.�, '� , _ . �
� " ,':� 1��` �� , � I C3 icj�-�,� 1,torml[1-toralcoa t,;uTfk-oclltI.yJar6,p 1 401 ta-41111's ary 1116111elf%'�-� allol ill %vallt, � it tb -8. pahlo';'i li� r Uiroug'i titt. p,:Ang�
I—- . b- - . , I
11�., I , . - I ", % nud 131.1a.y. '01 01,111 are h-wting. toiw 1 way. .A.11f,itilpr
, I .�� N CWM ILO Vk(�;aftk 41GA1111- 111P offeIIRITP. "', � I M,111 10-11".4) 1%fQ(1uJ1pz
", !', � Into OU000k to ruxurdo,d here, tin be- . "I 'Ay." all. all4l Crilivisord wizol st renkler
\��_ e0e '. " ill.
� .\ � itiX, InWh briglltP: t1mu it Ilan been A .14eetle Of Devilstation. 1111"'I V111111"I Rilr(11,� Vo the deek tif
,7� % �J WILM t1ho WAI, VIzan.- Irany mpra 11� 0 V at- hullfift(I Mid An't y-vight bli-ek.-t � the ullrlllnqi�.. but Vaptailk W.Viliv.
M -11T. rl 3. 11OLLVIND4 nre fPJrrPv-&r11g to,gly. A large ntim- % wvrl, SAVO-Ist by till' rhao., antl as f1tr IUM PITIP!,,t ASt4v an -I Mr. lk)rh*,#
Vho 8_!1N,'(A CL ralsid-fir"t guft from tho Uor ara in a starvau�:, rinditioll. and 1 .0,4 Ijakivia �,u%��n lwrnons lust their I � i won. ull'llolo It 0 k1W tholl-Ave,% TJit?
Rcorp by p!ekinng It op fl.cm tht voll of ther,j arA a 4� 1 ,
� Ic .-j &,.11te ol &1,mt - hves,. il toltr had I".11 VDowly si-ttlbri by till,
edrrifatr4 and tnrryinm- at Qwav on. ltwn. and 100-;toarc thoo"aghly A rpilw4rt wvo Ili g.Ieq.nIIltJqun t1ils
, siek of , tA.-rn, an I muldeluli sh"I at�tav From
1J*rWA)aCJ4 thus uumlng the'vle- 4,100 rvd1% Ttle.y vAt1t that tile Re- I- ... ___ neorning thal .1 ll.artv, 11,7 1vvq,,JJtQV 1p,r� I! th�* (kronanb- .In, B 14a:jy,, 1,'it%lag thl'i
, %
toria Crorag, JoubRe" tI bno Lu!mA C-01upletely "I �, ..''. -, . � I-- I -uv. drhen tpo io vl(trtg I ;aIvIng th-'- �' tu# unT4ort,;tI,,i,#p Int -n .kill womun
._..._._._.__ 11.1 __ - -..---. - St. -oohb* 1.*ivev. 4uaill b,i,z torrf-d inato 11 1�t"G9949119 Ill the witAior. A Idt-pvo-
.- I W-,Acn. Tow t-10"lo of Vivrsla, %V, vq Tins Dpr,n Crith agly 911. al, r. I. il uvr%ur vt,,t% thre,,%v,,l1 %,It&jn tpla jep,
W,J7 a kQlft, %tlflt t+1A r%td�j t�o ttlen It Dwa 1r4n=-!piT,�,A "'Nat IAMN 116tha I he %v. MI attvinlot-o ;;lt rp6tlalf. lly i
113A vcry vazrow 0,_-_-.Rr%��q b�Ah 0� I - , - . - ht.y-atq brjug NO'E'v. Twi� river is bq,�Jjjg III the 44�Molg Jkq_,VtP, hat slonLs Of
,to ywivt�nt 16"ramati-E , V�', a rwrgefl t!"j-"p 11 - a his - - " '- - lkvaveh�qo, - tholow ("lual'i reavlo iC
rctf_,�rr tos thr-4 Lvnl- Ill uotv�a to JtAn I'M W -b" .1-,--J1 on huti rv- float a rorcv� of ronr th"tukrin 0 or filw � MO Qnd a L�XLI Stabs roug h%, , 1,
. I Tito eommA- I . air
_� RtLq�ltlll .m,va.-!� Tow lorotish thotwanl L.�F_rs �s el;_invutittratlogg un- , molp wlde�
tee elaftno Va&t V12 tq,vrif � turn to the TO - .too Mi; teveal q.'g,*IqDr§n5bt,�; #4 ttv- Wate, � A I)OZIt YVW-4 ll��,NV4�Zt-�l �'t,b 1"Ite.10, bn%
. usliq 1 �
eAt teast re�rq-Wv W-; it"viin, vpnStdri.!ta. 0�wDto V�PP,-r8d bUTO 11001DY Otl t1l,V tv,-o oter lxr.tro-y at 11�tM-R;F,#�_otfonfi,Ao ts . Th.- co,�.ol v.�njtar.v wn2p_jnt-��-; tril�rp . 1. - % ll".D " a y gineo =Iql-!f tltp.�- havi ffl,44110vvared and (114 fte-.
I rLtgav4fod z-oth a Vek= vo V�Z,tg, 4tt- . L"a Ili, Ont Up k " q,V,ms-4q. , 4 �. * � a ` 0 .111619-ranto )l ri�-e t,� tilt- snrIniv, "galn. IrAv Get -
.10,4 loken Nq�, ttn,.�,_:�i,.A tho Vanl. tk)n. Tt%e 8�0,,S,Rarj #.1P,,et-9 aq a` and th�. fir - irllrpairtawnt 1%lug'an to I 1� 1i -,
I trz�eal��"M r�#%# haek Ith-
tion I&* ttw row_r4g� Vlfiler-n huHrqa") 1 ;I t10 ng�_, th" lad"Mry voloopani's fr,, "., .� mange eruw-A. arerand thes reene ,or
IOIaulrr4l &-12W? lflr,1_41�v rotnrri.,"I W I ollour, I.45 --g Ior". L'-JvFqR1zq to Ahoekisnu.1�1 tho daso-4pr till alo korw was aban-
"It __ - rcti,iR tv Ntnr vsl vn�Ahv-r ii,turrauo."r,r , dscl 0'ruamll-0 tv) U.'ow tool th",�, ftma�-e, 1"' ,5, �' " ' I' , , " " `
11*ar b6 -'n" -% �inml at bQ b 1LevoJI, trk� M,3�uor Mef�C-14*_,;I rat.pq. ,4w_A@. - I P %filve b.%- &II, 4.1'.rd trahos., Xanv r�tra , vlaylorj, and t"ApU ,&U�amq--43 to onre
�,�-. Vvi;U tt, , ,",r,r"5Kzt,T- . .-ars"g, ang- IrIfAnw-a" 1,11,t, .311-70_t� _Wulha Ito- lkiaNinglwn vg�av r"..4a mlr4aogly, rAn. , firp from �;P2k'a#;Ijna It limoll.ce, h.4vo. h,en Sworn log, awl NN�.ry lza,v. 11� 151 Agmulgeant, that aqtoot
tU*14qt* 0a V�i;% etzlze, 14 PrOlL 1k4.Q-raJ a V'mk airkly. Load thm,4 ;un,A*v0'. tilt,
t-W,_"t_r%1 d17 , ; WOM4 OT i�
!��Rag tt�e r�,!�t It"O., Etn'SiUA M.--L-tM.�P01 L�ag rr-�,-"jr1,4 �4 q,.N)!n ftem rerept! kv ttm� �anvl r,�Pzrtts. otowevov. and 'yong Im - .%% thc* VOISSel 6, rVkI allir-tw, the %�w
. I ,Vota 'MIANni-to io - trWng ulloqm�Wftiojll tn,vs r,,A Iloing Z112W 190 I %
trae CWL�mtaa "Nbr'N �J-,�MtRa tR2,�'Jt Ma_ 1�16* - � vtone U-.U;l,e�tv an tio," Ure-swept dz�- - �� fte, whielo W,1'4 E�V`11 linta-1A. tight-
'VI�Mj�Drj. Ult'.1 l�Lq f02VO L4hq�jjlfl f,iir L 14JI"U, r -
V 1��J*,R spra�noo tl)vprr 'five or F1% I ,
teff01:;n. 12L�-, 4-.t vtr�-�,,&_,t,.2 -t6 f_1t,qJ%. ;1�r lw!ctrMt"s V_41.pr to ral'is. a rogl- outnumbA-r tholt opjlm�."I tq� alling. ,!0 Nu"rkq. '4(miltEng ,.I:,;, robf.� of 1:10" i! triet o'.a%. _lyi,,�'r' ptesse"I Into tluv, ,�,r- . One'd afirl Pulled vle tog to th" s;dr-
Zmtq gr'n-a rk,OCCLS FS -L" ttRat t1 -1i =eftb 'el mq'n for ,S�VutN .xrr�ea he no REX,ro Must by t�oas ump ��;..,,�Iv 1.,�quqeq wi tit'? In z�dvanve 61 tile de- I'l v6ee. 1'0�;:. lu,-Yxm�?'4 .or,-,, fluddled 1A � IRM anti ishe draggq�d 43" t.1W qui-
OOMC�I)M;108tt o26a�g Cftltat,',�flt,7 ttlStatla r-(T'b 'ettza vintill tit.:! t.wl 44 the Not practitattly .115 th4r pwgoa�- PAP, a)2rtt'11�1;bt. lkE4;Vq-rto1 elfVlei,14 Wflr I g lo'njx.; i0a 41411f r- W loln1s of the vity, � � i rqg,�- of Vle watipr lo 41orp 1%,q�.
that tt(�tn! to "-* 1U,_ -*0u,0,1 to rc,81��n tRID111VIL l7rom t::d* it iq Inforreff , laroy C'maot lo'aivo w�y art5lliery with I made to save the %V11nd'sor and thr wid the foar of an atti-nilA at, IjLj�. �� Tile captaill. JIrogn VVY"IP. Was a
� -
I '-,A fir�01nt-;oAst ?Zmacprg to that th'it trn" ImoptiaD avithorathris aral zifn, ggl tIltsi fact alonf- Should plao�, St. jdiftws I(AVIS, b3t both howmA i Ilesslif"as by them. afthw"116- I net 11 rim"texi yming, tumn. TWO yeats
Pale 11 jollenly V..xprefi.,4ed by tile whilt,ea is d,lpo Im hought tka. 'reculnr4tb Afid
ifibti P -a"_ b,�S,n qlrtel 071n,41 to I stal mfa4lerlug V�6! cifcr. 11 law at a great VlEvadvonlagtl. . uVre quivkoy let'vP!OPPA Ila flames. A ". tile rr.a-0,R fq,�r tive largo malitary f�'rze tovoed ".
%be ftnt that nr�t 1W."aa, tvLono-t- - tow nwmT,n' .s later tilt TrDnity It. I I ,,ez; along th,% gorth Ish6ke
coloftlal Itelyel's Tried. 'I L� Ctautf-h vra,; bnrned. awl the Oly- 1 orderird h -re. rthe firo. companlev� lwwts. fl� itgul tile oktIe Vessel al.
A vig go4r3twer& In um ptevte-,is; itt 1� Wit net Revelve 3%r. 1(roget. . � fro -Mal G,lvanlvah, Fernadidlia, 08pi�,� MMt PA51 for, and fitad good pros -
0464"'4 ,W : 'Vo'd to 09416 1 � Tmvn. ' era lronsp wot.k 1`6,96wel.
- � _.�� utv� -4.
" 11w b��t arto'. 11. %, 3o.- The Treaon alaid Other e"atlr-,; WorklA the ent tive � tw_octR before, hhUL. Ill.; UftfortUo
V1,91 tor laivsba-WO, t�a-� Vmt cowra =.d. t.,On,,�Ofi, �Vnr G. -Tho. q,C,VC,V,% eov- "llet% flie tort, got 64mr,"M On Slain . At#
",t-gom.pray. I conkt, Ewing n. t 1W f4nr,�elat. has dii;�- rw*poft�dent f4 v_e ImEly 11-451 ass,-V-ts ottm-t tho elosely n4joining b2ildings I 'Right ,oil thp, fivm, but a snaklng rain I &1ater wn,s. an attraetive jty�arig gir . 1. ,
rt_,1nc'WN,n,1 40, viel �URM.o rezr_1�, wit", -11, t 11ft.I I 'Will *� ?,�ff-,vssary to unqTesz3fully 1 i1r. W. IL PWIK�,-; %vj-,q well kgown
a bt A
Mnlh�,s t1h,I Ptotltdonf, tot dolenk"A. 0: thio �.Unrlhvvr It .Jk",r.:JnJV-,.V lv�L,4 InItirtil- -'velit. I't-ve, '11tior thi- other. 11�11111t_ i 13910nela Ill,, fhnw,�,� Th, .
I ui�ete r 01 Mr. trtu*�r that hz ,caan.'A re- Glaolvi, Ulth Winri��"s uf It -A 9a stLc-k. 1 - e h?z.s,�s by Lhe imong, wNr1r,ii v1,.t%*t, bnai1,av,qS m:(V,
, ,
v;*-te reg'!"tev& votcts. celte Mm. esthzv offici.-olly ov 13114ti- , 170re plentHoul in fnd.rA4r'et, ofid na I 11're wilo loot &� kil')WIl for a Week, I Which territqwy he lvoi�k*A etteu-
Cape 1��vm 1�tay V. -The Nirnb:--t- - !�63 ,- I
Q � " claltuy. . the � 0
Ifty Advelrtls��r, a new6paperl m.atftl- � th(,Y calught ('11 fire. c;�f- alt( -r I T' P 0' V P '�T th` tlznm�s %rnq thirtoir-n izlvely.
W IV, C'ecal I�Llx*qa% ueg-n�y tha". 1, t3flanders Returning. 11 - ___ other. tile Vum: i-osp lvrzft;redS oi block# trade and tir-arly two mi.(.s, One or the li'o,tt.
� feet h5gh, at I �,_It-kjy ,p4wl tile onmr 0 t�v�_"r. I
Rha�',eg e:w-aM b:,,� ti�ada Premier ef Cat.* TOW11, Ilay .-O.-Awat, I.S89 i� In Reingeo Cewwq. 'i
4 Toronto, Way 4.-W. It. 141,opb&Q.
ekive tw�t�. wiGn t hi� view (!"I avo:01- Vatlo,_U,1,a�s ium.� r.-turzv�d to .W.UfArl- I=EVlongoaerA�'s Uv� i4t1 on fire. ,' -TJle *111-Ttrh!, 159�int (11-Molito wpre in -
Ing veveleoNi tGo 171"Ie Cton Colvay I zo�;titirg from �%--At4z'! An�.-�l the vrpghn- � T.Ond-�,-Ra, 11ativ 4ln anqwc,v t-� a D�Ie".%Iiililr %11%;udi.d. I tPrruPICd, ao�,d 10a*1 gav D'Int tie-&- 6 aged 23, resItled at 5530 vzar otreet.
, . . " IrO.
rot= t:if g,kw0r:a=tmt ot flbe (!n1m. 11ne-SUO-0 m itre llen,�, vT 01,niinv�ns�j 9 '�;-_Xl. A V,1PT.f4,J-r%atoV0 elitiquate, He was travellin,g in 1,110 Manif lin
. , �
rL-�zg zil the �Ve.-1,7. TA -V laium,ov'r 109 �i ,� %!Br -n tke nq;bN.nrd har-Dwart, s4ure : for 1-inwways & i.6�. and loft Tn't1ow"![to
� PMIOIZOI�y .0'r. !Jr. Urt, * ,J iohwe4 Via, nwait"?r of wvlmpless Iwople I
- _Wjr.-Ck jiptormf-d isr. J. FnN, -1. t. .
I ti G_�,_ffi-l" '&�%" rt,t'l %au . . ru�
� Mf X)t��_'41'j It �, HU rd,q�si 091 pbumd,1 of 11 qw-, Am U e v!&Y at 10.039. M,_,14. tt4f tht-se
. , .2 I hl 0,A61r;r. 11r. A. J. Forhms of
JW_ez.",-1 nav Z --rV.- m-�! 5,1,- rat �nsl , laruft-�g zLre ne'u"t Tq-Ty rjjjjQs� that the iwtal nutnb�r 44 1IT-Cyp"je rm ", der ailj .." grt, �tt eptel of d,"yDJaz15te%Gff , .,p. at CIA. n1g%1 in th- p.iirL-5 eill the .1111,111 & M"'dir, low brother. rceeivVd
- �i '� Timrswu n eaft'la of ic,,n�plll_ � ,
rolnsitl'a iljft� ;ns�p'-�'!;) "I'Lat tft:? rul-A- i .1 E .. al It �f ebarel On tl.v-.r�o I,z1i:0,flng,*. Tma In'"'15- 0 -4 au A lettrr on lrftat�al-%y saying Nuat
. � I qV, ek, "d %Fqn lmrg-��-I. vr� .., sanne,
I trat-con tv�,riued kv th" nPoNtn't.y n�- , . �, � I I V I,
tagy ftAnt'gantw1arm ��4-,U�-7naa fs ---.� i Lieut. 3lattliews t.'aptuted. tawitlegwas '29671. Thrra %vir-re ;,I?Z��,:'! Utf"nErt*o' %�_U�f'n f'ta"O'4�R'qV "Rere VV -48 3'.�Ijt 1*L..1'.J#3e 13Dq� f,pw hp1sr.Wmg_q 1.1jey � Mr. IV. 11. l-"fh.TU-:J wouM reach Vote
taaIllovr ISITam, A"'m''y olrtzars p5lot I I , C.�;ll. " "�
, ;la:tea.-..qri�lt!at-1,.��i',�45-,�p, , 1p'VAHL-i, Day In a d-.ty oT wy, thivii patting
*,S0ftr,int:,5r to Vv:! fLet, Moat to-- =,�Mll- ! C.ape *z,6W,1q may .-%-17wolve =pn lj� '4,31 C�ell-suppur U�-� rc AlPr-,�S. "t ilv* an pgg-,41109. 11 Lad marvg� I to save f MM t he f.,C�_ uun4,�% all doulot as U4 big 'hilleatity.
VOL lbpj,q jx-- ! " ,- un nk �.Dx,irt tim.-, the en- �4 (.-T., V,-Tq.4ct��
n ,d-_r;J'ntr-,3 at,,2, W�e_'& to i iie76mg"Ing t3 t1a 151��=,Yvmj' Fipo.,Is hAter var.ji,4 gape --r6-:1 tire *-�_Vf10h,I,T lln.,,- str4r,;rA frc,w Vqr ' Mr. 1"O. -I"_ virmi .it Ino-mbl'r elf thip
, txett2re 4ez for�, E4 ,
deat; -r-," the Ic'multy, sn'll"I buiMlin-gs LP-2ding Ir:�z3n*1.;z_r; mr-n and �nsur- ��l
-1 W_ tran�ljq�rs to t�ia re a ,I, , Vdrze, tiin_";�r Vsnt. '_,�Tattg:ifmie, zres- ,-,--, to , �, W"t te lln�n �-,Lv�,,,, nn ! vlteznulhq� Fz; !I nlill 091PInts, eqtlmalp the tolau loss I Bond Sirpet Congregat-lonno M4qmh
.. - tllat at C-4 Ito ZM 11 "'. r". I -P
41. t tierdn.y rmzaanter6�11 a Itarge mum- sr'd wkerp r,o�4AVD*� All I -
. - beinl- ,a - 4r, W.1-1 uBll burning 'at � I ,f IM43 wai; also p3reminent in I the ,0,at-
ret'-d W r,�1-ta,AL- W-Zltift Gae t��rvioa I E*r--r 011 r,esr.-� azilpr IV "r-mmuni-laut Ila- rug�_,_q an- on tozliI, s-m,ma 8,mle ,r,f " live b1mko vtxx 4 pmp��rly at fror4 ten to ffftven
, � 01fers swftysz�or � onoe� � tal 'don dollut,q. �21 110ok Club, an Virgan2gatin in ewa-
vorith tlze Qjmni;_�C-z I lan near ctalar�,,�k. IT11:? Btitlt�,,i Vpug'M I taviyn,'4. Everp P�Ovis!,oa had ly-�?R! I R metion with that conf-q-egation. 'klr
.1 I The-effy b,il!i1ing wont. VIP Firp Pr- -
,attrtc,ttsft!��- VJ-,- =-,ral cmwn b.v, "I tntil. all r:i4e:r hnras�.-; kniz ba-pnSal"A.1 made f(r4 =��dfcaa attondnrace, an 1. tho partInf,tat hall,lon-g. the ormory, thl, 41 - ore lkiy t1h,"',
Ote�pq wt�Ttlmts Is Ittait conserftoftom 1 L-finut. 141-Tat"i-jaws n.3 ", g ceatroll Of the rodlebrint W.0.1 b*ln2 i A. .1. Forlms; lef t for -it ' '
ty (,',0urt-1x),_"". the c2c,rkll.q z1fice . Li()ST. J mornin- antl wl'A briniz thz bodyto
,w -n of hig it'(, e6mv THRMEE LIVES - -
. L q � cond=ited in slucds o7 marqu-m .ne- with thp tonniy marorep. the eriminni this city 1�0.- bato.'rMont it it is frunpol.
-am&_- a t-.Ck1S-mS,-J .1r,cm ,t,,f hSigot ntas',; �,� =eu wera bripvur�_,.5, ha, Vo W, "
be hr,rodui-m-11 �r,r the ral"RLIX, V-119 Ila Ij tws 8"1bS11-qQ-;nt2.y snie��Zezll tiaAr., 1"o � l,,-A�dll�,- to tho ace,immindW.1 ' - i
e�ft.-Int--'ea, V�iL;* as practr I eviderea zoa se. re- I -m;lner Nr.q-- givin 031- s:,r A- CoUrfIlrJr,_-_-% tke 'etty jall, aft -.1 the SleptTill the 11141nes% IlAd 11olulned .--
I 9 T�ll ll'rao_�"I a"-`2- i, mhm-Lq, .�nd the Catholie
graded I
9 Theni In.
tCa'j Mr. Dri-)�_r:rklao ,se"coams Is re- O� V03 to improving thf, erynditlans "I wellool n&I Or hanam st. john's Ep�s , ENGUNDMAY HAVE STRIKE.
' - . ,V
&A-nded by the arrizSr asi a kalfway Traltor as Tva�a, Wrecker. I life in the eitlap. rv�e;xrdsi of births mpal Church nni the ec-mvent. .11-11
Niyooer to cmeezo;1p4,P)n. Irde weaLmst and deaths Were kept. arn) lie had � M,s.,, Ut
, tf1t,, entire el , 0 m en . -n,troal, 2d,,r,y S�Tilreeljv,�swlir
� ty r agnific t 11 ,e Clash, ][�cf,we,e, the fi.,raplft".10 Union
point iff trzat ft -_,10M!,,-. hng bsen dis- 1T_n,'bt=rnf-. _Aiay .-).-In ra. letter to teDrgrap&ed for fignreg. � lost by a fire which started at an
I builfIgn-go wam barred up in less -than , and the Gre;at Northern.
tioverej ,bip, a grorap* or rmperiaiw the -Souttit Waleg D=-"ly News v. cor- - ,+, four houre. The scene wag one that earZY hour this morning in Brunelles
lgnjoi��-tw_ j,�17,� inter.d to for. -a debate resIt at , tile ttrnnt, referring �Ilood Thicker Than wafo,,r. ,* W-ogaradeserlptiod. London, �Vay 5. -The 3ong-d--ferred
_ I ..
up . Or it. T'Ys is trmt, the Wat, Offize ta 051_940;Z -V tv&ifll V�f6cklfl&-, myg I I � At 8.W V. ra. the firo,,� wo 0 It-heek-d 110t.7L at malEonnetave, = �eastcrn lint. inevitable strug-gle batw-Cell' tyie
doeq rve,Tn�n�g to dewlap, tt,,e auxiliary IL'8 16-IdOr �9 an ElgiDzhwalo- Lotdoll, IL%y O. -The rek:m correst- I at the inVlris-�'11103 of Laurel and if suburly of .U.intrea7. The lictel is a railways- of England and the employ -
ImItIm of 40rq tt�,Tonlnsq, which have Scorl, year.;4 ago, !,�,� enDisted. in the POr-dMt Of UaC TIMN4. recording the 4' Bay atreet�;, where the Commercial Fmar, one on N otre Dame strelit, near eeW w1lon thrv.atenk, to b3 predipi"
. _
of :,ro-,to=_-Wja value during the Me,rwx,,�"d Forc-_A,crs (Derby Reg!- delprture *f tile Ualtti State.,; the city AM5 s� The fire was dheov- tmted b.v a tjt�
I that Me3t), kca�n- to the rank of gergeant, MrtillPrY tra_n:-!Vort, Bank ig SituateA. which went upon t .1yate with t,110 1Nt1Wth_
� 7he."_ r=.l)-,-�;tI hold C�`,t; I cavalry and 111 flamesL I ered alx,ut .*-I oycicxk. and when the western Ra3way, 'the greatest X29-
�J"; _
,40 ' car- , roc -d firemen arrived the whole build-
, here ,m:g'at to ba ni, crmferenrc6 in ard wav ru�'�ze ra r. k el ZaYig that, 41thblzgh the Riot of w1re-:i 1,*onr prominent hotela were burn- . IL,4h system
don Of � -ao Qmugnt r_,,q7,(F_-oCzct. Eventually I pa.rMre W" 021V knoWn On Sunday, 11 ing wae In Mmes. .
essaintiativres ex I par, " e,7. I A�']Icn' tile fire was discOverel till' e" ,ght r,, , sina, trans�erred otherawh6
wtv.;S�ry rapr I I cently disml.sbed
2, Aastrn!la, Nnw Zaalamd, he V7-" dEzz-�-IZL�egz-ql frOM the service P -11d wag Mt. noticed In orliers, pr- � It is Im,XWiAr,P ,It this hour tons-
� . az�d r-n'Tot. f"ri,'.,�ny for tha adeiy- i w2ch 4x=!Vy. i ery BrItIF11 general, Wh�l their staffs, 4 i inmatIeg mere in a imund slumber, were cou, W % IRMI ease.
- irred .
I ,of riil�,��Z�mm�t V�-_ thr? rcemiltmPut I Ile W��'A Cut tcv 'z;�-,Ah Ati-t4ca. an4 ain'd 11U-�07 every prv�mlnent I'm- , certain the Im3f,15, but It iq ,anld I)v 'Plertii) DkuUelle, the proprietor, ano br.ought by a ,61%trIct superinten(lent
, ' . '
, S-11 and n&t1v(' vffleer In 1pekini insura,tee, agent -s that it will i�6 I a n'�infber of other& made tllj�lr es-
= eArz ,- wl' raurftr there. tlS - - .1 a
e�omn;ILUA t" , n.
OlIgan�mtlqn al a P!�rraan�.11t w,lc- gainst , W:Spap;1r 04' thp union.
$6,1*aa VW tla� t,Alonca �': the Em- He ,evaded aptzre, aud .0-n t1le out- 611tamously gaAllered tit the V. I between $9.0,110.000 and 1,�,0,000.600. e cam but several of tile OccuVantS Tile ly,pt,r .elli,ged t.h.,tt thp superin-
I . Gilb.-ft r,!-zr'tcr I-, talnng an WCI.- hn- j,�',Raed Che Boer ? h*_-dqn.artersF to Vic) the V. Six lives arc veported la -3t in th
I breck of livere burned to death. The dead tendant was a i1runkard. but did liot
_ army. *ch was e1b,quent, testi-I conflagration- are: produce any evidmee to- support tll(.
IV;- interest to the mittter. 'G41 V43 At rv.-ctzent lao h�3z _� comman- farewell, wh, .
I I y of the camaraderie and deep- � Story of an Mye-Witness. Urv. Pierre Brunelle, wife Of the Oilarge, and, thi jury gave a Verdict
. ,y Move C,n a=��r�,I�m��V,. at an dar Of 86 M;Z,,co=ZFOsed ,of tLke des- men .
7 dat e. Pvradqe-5 Of tho worlid. f*,eated friendh .Riess betv, een the tW4D �� Yulee, Fla., May 3. -The following Proprietor, aged 45 - 0--tave Fen- for the plaintiff. Tin company then
Col. 1),enniscu Ca!Aurcil. . I Ile &-eg no at4krz'4ng, bat devotes Engli-Soll-S-113aMug foirces- I . I etory is from a special correspond- taine, a brother of'31i�Z Brunelle, as; a, resiet or an InveStIMMU011, flliq-
. 1D*SF tiMIS tO t11al',V-'W,re1_1kIng, in tDie ; -ent, Who left -TacksOnville early in I's
# 13 agerl ^ ; Ro.%,tnua Lusslar, aged *22. elpljl�ed tht� in. -n on the ground iliat
10-uhiv, 11"Tay C.- !Xstrg flag *`- �, b,';Ppe Of PWIt-14-Irg General Smith- Doctor Ilan Amuck. � the evening, and vA a time when the The body of 1Mrz,,. Brunelle Was tv.und t,,Icy wi-41-c eng-a-go,1 in an alleged
ve h -'r&,", says tj,�c (,�qj_- T,D-,vA c,)r- ,1 r�c.r-.Ien, r;w,1,z.y 1,1 an, off,100-r of tla,0 In tho ruins, and from Its; ap-p--arance con thus
a & as at its height, splraoy, Tho, cz�mPMXIV's ca8z) -
spconil-mt rA, t:l,, D,,, v r,,xpres,,, I mrb:r StcoWielm, AlaY 5. -Dr. N&rman., excitement VV
�� � I .jil, proprietor of a omall livivate hwrpital i Fifteon million dollard worth of 'I it W0111d Se,'m as it the unfortunate far io Weak, so, far as tile I)ITIAle 1.4
m - I woman had been suffacat Zed� The e(ricemcd, b,-cawlz! while announchi
I 002. Dr mlz,�,n, with o. wxtrol ol - - zt. Grelinz, saddenly became nlad last. property have gone up in amoke, and
nts, Ilal bema enpitirefl. ifte Jr,c,f%_ ,,MWI1Us1i Losses In march. ton thousand pmplo have been made bodlesof the other two Victims were I lie reasocis for ill �1 ,letion, it does, �0;
irA t;je T,�j�_hai;-,j isl not knoWn in , .1 ll�gbt, And otabbed a %vidow and I charred fn a crisp.
. * " _� � looiation. Uny 5-�Tbs lo, -was of the three gltIg who. -were inmatear il le reskilt of a. fire In i give the facts; WWI t" ule'a aony the
.rown. . Pierre Brunelle, the hotel proprle� charge that . tha ull"'On, madia thu a
Wearin_- Thern Down. British, atray In '-Ila field In South place, Ifflling one of the latter. He &'Vok'sionvillo to-day� The entire , tOr, WaS badly buried in effecting teft case.
,uri, ftiess seethyn of Xacksonville Is in i Ills escai'me from the burning bulld- Tim crU.-I3 will probably be reaem'd
4 Ca for th-- month of Iti-rall make then ,ran amUck in tile Istreets, t bus
1,17110110%, 'y ---1Y` 5.--Gea- Kltdheifter'.s a liz-avy total. Fourteen offmom Ana I thTOdghOut the Wght, He stabbed 1 a.41109, and llumf'rOus lives Ila,ve been, Ing, but, will live. The building War; next wp.*I,-, wlinn the dfrectora will
� ikei, IfivIentrvies of ammuni- 15:1 Men were L-1110,3 or died �e � five peromia, Illitee of w1fom Were i lost, �md the end Is not yet ttlMoSt, Completely destroyed, and gi-,-e a final dncIA,im. from Which the
: avd, istock Captured, and Eocra wowada. and 12 otrinerg and 405 ine -dangcvoWly ivvirded. He w*a ulta- I fire at 9 eclock to -night I the IOSS 13 es' ,imateul at about zhairman allnouwtev in yesterday's
IKI� ,(�O.U*ded Ubd taken prioadets, died of dVew-"e; aloe were to- mAtely CrLktmed and Illiprlsomett , burning furloa6LV, derying the as- $4,Qa(), � I papera til-ro will W* no ebange. ,
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