HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-10, Page 4r 4 iB9 IS PVII1.ISEED 41-i.oto• nY fnruner B E. ZELLER. 1'11'11' • ' ; Lind TERMS SUBSCII IPTItY.N :-$1 t year paid strictly in advance, When the : ; paper is not ordercti it.) be disitontinvied it will be seut until such. order LA given and. arrearages :paid . $1,50 to be charged lichei not paid in advance. ADVERTitilNit liAr.111S.-1'rans 1 t• stirtetelisiiittemb, 5 t•eltit, put' Pere Vie t• r.e,n• iirs1 j tistert tem Mid 1,1.1. line I..). a 41111Nilli,13.h 5I11I13I :i.1!.. • 111:•3•1.111111.. IXF11`1+1 fli 1ESt1i1r..111:411,411 itIl 1*,110iii4lt,110! Ilit..1./14tag1.41...1i)1,1,1)11;r1 into.qt 13344 awl l 1.133 131 o.to pi? rents rot 3n...14 $1113141.q411.•{1.t. tri$1.1.1iMin ,41 1'°111V 1.11.1alg3 "1 1"1""64."11I° 33313341 1;444111...:• t• 1)1;1 . I1 1401. Itight (.110.411, 3x0 31,1v 1 ; of each week to insure change in • ,• . . ' ing issue. -Jive „v t•••111.; Local notiees III ordinary rending type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church tertainnaents or other benevolent insiitu- 1 • ' -tion at special i.ates. . e: s rcii.d,.11 Contracts for colamn, balf-coluone' nan and „ • • quarter-eohunn rates for speteilktl perithis 1r9" 1)‘. '11'. te, 1 ' • • will be cheerfully given. Address all ,' communications to ;;•••; -•, E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZITRIO11, ' • tilt ATV(' L3t• nutria FRI1D,A.Y., MAY 10, 1001, r,•;,;;.a or :•.1:•.‘ Several Of our exchanges do ir come to hand regularly. If the .offenders will not take this hint. 'we will drop.theni from out list. • Editing this paper is a nice thin. If We prtliliA). ji ;kis p'pie say 'WV are rattle-brained. if we a. -.IC.. . tve an 01.1 fossil. If original It:atter wt. d'n't give. th.:Lut .z.4.7..e..ti.9.14. 11 We ;..I"I'Ve.• thole/ urt 1..ot 1.041. to 1...1*1.•. tI‘,..• don't ,2•0 to; uettll.e.**4 r. if v d :. 11 • if rentain ;:t3 the t..tiro y; out and lau•-tle f.c• 'et...:1•-•i 3• • . oUt then We an. 11'4 tate,rtett%'.': our Inasint.. eleftlie$ tilt'er itt11141 11.. '1".11' wear good t.14.tites ae•.- haw a pun. . going to do? .ittst some one will mtv i itenk from onr x13 A- akri The publier ..'?„;),..,•44 ono thing t4 "4,41 ' rOnt. ILI. NV', 111.X 4-7' " -• and the .eV..•0 ii ,11,•. r rent. f."an tr,:v3(11 he ,shnild Ito .S.I410.11 114 7:;11.1° • Virlalk•V 4.1111. er'vt:1 if Itokt. kit.es 1.3" 4 .11M'.‘ .;:1, 1 ituttter il fact ftenn.J.k 11Ire..., sit4ti'' rent frde. 11,41 ;I 101 " f4dh*w that loiu wiaterit 11 113' 4 :i:Vetive Pa to do s49. 49tr,eit I le 'ree4",' ..t-a:u" ; ;- niged leo4lIttrittligt,ogn, wouhl be et,givitly_.,; 3 oud • * or coffee by a to hay. it i41 not lq.3,14,4•41 ,i.tgitt at all and 7.4 4.voqe, 74t, itIllOWs that the enistl paper do‘pertas t314't.‘11 " svaee a1314 - Kolne 411,4 11 11 tilku % deteirles4 ig/ri 4eral t; stead of 1,...,uivintr, t3; The tlezitleat,- def.Q•xlati.tqu r ton. 12ete:211::. acne? .4 the tyug.-hittl. has olptairic411 .11•„,atbz, of the no 'taus er44'i:ii,4141 113 11133. 3'4'41te 111.-11 illei•eSeCe" the e!,t-tzer r,-.L'a • ti";;:-.., is gkmmting and the ez.z...4.-4,,n ' 134 11111133313 at.eomap..atiranclit at Eke stakf,„ and a.-utfittpr ; roast for .sottvetairsit-. effeets 49at tth, 7,1,7 - vocation is n- 'warrant film tile Nvun.41- 11411'i -c -?11.1. rages. until. in Cite, 1.r.411att,i..-e notice, there V -4.0.S .111'):. I 4111,1-,•„; -- • CU:Se tvlart*uNCT ft.lr t:t by a brata".iz4"d, cl lM.,l 33 1 uLv the stret--t. rani 141 11 Et Ed e,17,,,rz13 42 7n4.1714 E21 getting yotmg,st,r t») 34;i, it 3, 1: . . v iv re.-,x-e,ent'In;i: 11t7131.„3, less. The 1fla..9b 433* 34' teal13 3 1.41 etCel teach the negro thz.at the man -only was permittel ty -•• the temptation of aronAbrii.t.n- other peop:e-s pocket 1,11;:eas coming out f4' the aftIztir alive The,: ' took Itim away anti were pre-pnrinu deatbt for hint, when the vaarlars,red, to fscielle fr.fait 11-4,,•,en3 ;;;T3e1 . got away in the Theft fl't the mob went to, his sister's lk and seized her. There was not *el:1,e ,11;;evlz; slightest suspicion that she even aTiPliT;u:.:711413. knew of the theft, or had anythint; • to do with her brothel 's es(e- C,331 4' 4 that 3:110b WaStiOt going t.) se- t up a 1'1' • v• -t: • killing bee for nothing. They t )olt the girl to a bridge, killed her lliiI te; 't 'ix:le-a:1oz t..1 threw her body into the Irt '114;age44'• n is only lust to say that the -t ‚1»' " light procession as a substitute far the constituted courts of tlto conno•*•4,e-dt'4" 4'tI-44'1 • , , : try is very generally condeanned t the better class of papers over the .o'vre31; border, except in parts where file i•tt ess neay be sai.d to be terrarizod son is ztr,;,:,:f asthe Iaw officers oppeatr to Le. 1.)Lk! 4 1! .14.`1 ;' w hat a fuss there would bo it ;al, zD.Ob of Ithttrds committed smell outra.ge upon an Armenian f31Inily3 othef ' • ' • • • ; v '1 • • • 1-4 t'.7 17z 4,, L., r) 4..tos.umos.r ; • ; • ;.!n ‘4.17. .1, 4'04 t3:!,Tr,lays fr 11.1 :• ,;.. 1.140 11.1.a4.14 111'0 , e: • ‘, • .. • 3. 431 ,,e a in (1.1 rf ?Ark ',12"Ct. 'PT 1 4;29 1.310411 1;1 oll'm the 1 :4 1 1r 41''11,4i'ket'1'01•"411 fric11a, 11,11(1. 11'111.!•11 eor.11.11.c.:0. iTS01.1: 11) (1'01•)e' 3iorsa:1 in - 11,2'0 .101. 111 (1i11.,. (1" lturiter,A. 11 3131 si4leo, 31 e (1, e 1 e3el.1.111 1111ez1j, 1),) 11•14111 133 t"le lie er1:40. 11". • • 4:1 • " I o , 211 • „, " 11 :C11 14 ;14 1:4 ;;;,•,3;,."1.1:.0.1k,4,1(174,31 zt.1 ;4,+t1.1' ltt • t' -1• the limi11-1, •"tsU 'VP 1)t4,1111)):I14i0i. ;(*1").413.1iyo 41-, 130.341'' i.ortiegt 113, d, 11,1, ;„11,11,,,,v,: .07,3.11:4 '41' (3',':4. '\'Vatt.b. big. -;ptteo -for particular:I, • .1. a -l• Ocrin.10.7' (1( 1/P 4'3 tfi 11-1 /1;7111 ir • •; .)•".1..10 14..44 • • 14:11,1. ttltrng• 741 0 S1300. ty Mar.. • .• !•,• ,L • ,,l. :41;14.1111 Id "( '1 •". • .• ,1.1; -1-.t school , 13.314j , • 't 1 1 .0.19,011; of consisting or L:4- • 1 4111'.1. TOM: Id. So:0.th (1.P 1411111( I. 10 X 4333, 1:111 frame 7.1 "11 4'13011 1. tt . Plenty 7)1 • 11.:11. wutS"'•. C/11 ( Z1 fartu ....• elVi'l'111.:1,Vil4.;3 Well. 031 1•0:13., 44,0411 011I1V en ient • .„ . c111.1r1i1oS, It. 'Will ..1" or p.er 4,.33ti191041 r • .1.,.„1 : 031 1.1 : . • . • t :110 1, • ei e. . • - 1/67.•-•.41,1/.5,/q1 1 haVO 1110 0X011Ls14-0 41'e1": fat4' :111(1 one other e.pocialtiOs ftn• 'tilts section which 4-oU can got, no Other pia 00 (7X04'1) [1 through me. • s.. NOTICE .A11 pors-rni: Pwlio are indebted to the 114.t13 Om of Appel & Zeller, aro lit.rolw requested to ('3111 and settle their aceounts as early as sary, p0144U1. *WAI. 1,9tr '‘ttrich P. O. =49 (fro. l.t.0:e.t;!el 3334 1 ',ell • !;, 1' Wet 1, 73 .4411' 77 13 13 331 I -A,- 111 NTEREST is being displayed in the use of smokeless powders and jacketed bullets in large calibre A 45 calibre bullet weighing 500 grains gives a shook to large game that the small bores can not always be depended on for. Marlin Model 1805 Repeaters bave " Special Smokeless Steel" barrels. For up-to-date information see our cattalo g. Mailed for 3 stamps. THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. NEW NAVIN, CONN. 't 4.41%seS-Y4,AiVer;%2.f.e.eFAvg.el'efiereV:ee:!:elule'i!:- ! moitat-Jc-al. BRED Boar for service. C11 lout 111, ( '011. 14, Hay, t miles tz•ollt 11 (331 Zur- roasid :731.00, ptrytible at the tin10 or r;er•Vice, with talc privilege 4'.1 returning, if 31004 14- EBSTEIT5 INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 4,•,••••• ; . • .• 14".111 4.Pf,..11. P44.1.1.5r. NEW EDITION JUST ISSUED NEW PLATES THROUGHOUT Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS, Phra,...., E. Joh Bindings iBd3ngsfl 2364 Pages .ft 5000 Illustrations Prepared under the supervision of W. T. Harris. MD., United States commissioneroi Education. assisted by:tiara:corpse:competent specialists. BETTER. TIIAN EVER. FOIVGENE.B.AL USE Mao Webster's Collegiate t1ona ynith ScottLit Glazaty, etc. " Pitt m quality, front dt.s j tice." • .e ,r1t. Z.I'l,'.1,44,14011., t 1„ row vt, latiNt Mery oervx.ve,oer • e •1'.1.41 t '1'.11** 113'0 VEAttev r"Paralt•LIC-: 41/4,1 TArtt MAttitt: „dr:4 etpvttildtiTt.4 e`7: 8,i • • "V,v., Part.2.S ' • .• • - • .1 2."1L,s,:f.: rf.'..ttr7r1- ?"-ri,;-4et-Isettn Adtttot1tVittct, £: '4' - el • Zel ' leuve t-"- -, Sultrat3•11. 13,Azght '11 This is the nwhige that ta3k9---54h4--p1al-.4 every iinsttntnerit-reprEducts Serata's lIand-ritting torliccarrts-egroMittsttells.ChturCh 11 reptiAlet1t-.4 the +Anti% 41431(Q3. 11I0,, c„oriiittt„ I/rank-one, 1.fasjo3 piccolo) aml cvery other liDsltd!lleetalt. The Ilerliner t..14.111314)-phonte lloultr-ellearct. titepter oral letter that:any 'other 1ai1isg rflicititoe at any priVe. itt t.it4*,•4 Ctreify MCA tid 11313Vatrea, gvatilmettaal, Entriottie. "C0t.:11" 13..474g13 Ettgh514 nettch atoil Secttitit 11,T.t.4114413l4. teed!. ftdmiGratti Cuittli13 t qQ1'11V.U.1. tv.,:c_.:Actp.tmattitts, in fag everythi110 that tan he t.::•a4't,11 iumtittousetil tn_nu!!..t..-: of astfalreflita t'rvut be reprtzlazz,4 11111.1 0,..4.2111-0111Wue vtith the v.corldetfuill iiivacttuttt-t.. retonl 11 telt finny r.,.‘kttitlg et rerpats traiter. It tam ttttaltaitst tauttatetts rapt arte tittt ita tramilargc,-..t Ilan or daucch. ot- it 1313314 111.3 .t..1T.1.Attrt1 ‚1431411t tilhottrmttetrzn.t% The Re4ords atm am:. wan, 14' 41!13 iihrds Rat, 111344C0 4b11)11,(31 laat 1u3 The tat..4-htterulratn.o-ratt4915t. 331 1311a,1(.. 113C34.•„.4.11.1. hisgtnevaittecul for iive year& The GratN4u5ithatte is 1.5A 41131C;03113tSZcil t",ty the Dealing ttett.gyr..zen ethtts tikrortehortt tattlda. The :lit.•:elitnet ittratit-oilitIttte 31111313311314 ttat 1331111 mcdal for.V.Illklittg Machines at the 'for -auto 1 3i13111013 The U.:A-1413er Gratot-olthat.e hutc; E31311 wiglely imitated .ittild the recordsconnterkited.thereforehrAvareormachines v;tithruis!eadholt., names. 29 tisz.,-..• ore wortIbl'es..s. If the &tinter. Gratu-o-v.liorte is not for s.a1e 131yotur tottrn, write to os for Rh:strata catatognes and other information, free. It'Acroar t'447-374 Atitteduct St., :Montreal. 331.0t1', General liarager for Canaila. inch:1;12 a 141 inch born, 3 tc cads arkl concert sound bog. E. BERLINER, 2315 St Catherine Street, NIONTREAL 41,3413 421:".a41 • .v1. • tatzl :;;;.". : 14 • -• *-f•Y',..;; . .•%!' ' .11 le 111(4.• ' • 7z.11...t,73r:r33Ie 1111 T. 3 LEPEION TE 696. 313,191 „,_ELLER 07,,ITAn 10. : 1,31 Iry abrertral filo notion. (If tvet•uraout is extend- - •zatItri.... a general •.) •••.4.-•.•• '4. 1c11(7. -within the 31 `- f• v in tlie ' 1-1- 1,4. "t .3'4' '3113 "34. t•t, 1e. 1114 the field '4. 4 .1.• a331 of the province. 'rot' T11.7; .L.'2,11.LLD, To uow sTY41.1c.,1'.1,11Ar.:§„.t1 'Ni7111 b . dors A Good eseriptio r rtd r-'" • 'CVANTED1-11 r.ase of beta 'health that R'PP''WSWflt not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One gives relief. Note the word E•1•P•A•N•S ort the package and accept no substitute. It."T•PA•14•S, so for g cents, may be had at any drag store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any address for Ave cents, forwarded to the Ripatts Chemical co., No. so Sprott Street, New Yorlc. u