HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-10, Page 2A LAME BACK
Causes Mr. C, H. Wilcox Years
of Great Suffering.
Injured leis epine AV hile Lifting, and
the !Doctors Told Him He Would
Never Fully liteeover--But He is
Once Store Free Prom the Trouble.
(From the Brockville Recorder.)
In the :western section of Leeds
opunty there le no man better known
thaa Mr. Chao. H. Wilcox:. He has re-
sided in the vicinity of .McIntosh
/Mlle for years, ani during much of
the 'time brus coneacted a. very suc-
cessful saw -milling businees. All of
r. Wilcox'a neighbors know that lee
was a great sufferer for years from a
lame back, ane most of them know
that tide affliction has now happily
passed away. 17,1r. Wilcox says he
ewes this happy release from pain to
D. Williams' Pink Pills, and those
• W1,10 know him will not for an in -
Stant question t1te. sincerity of his
81'4e-tem:nit He gives the story of Ids
teuffer:ng nevi eubseement cure in
the following Kea-nu:nit : "One flay
while working in tl e. mill, and en-
.gagal th ieting haulm, I had the mis•
tortunt.to eaverele• wrenel1 me hack.
X wale eo badly injaral that I had to
be earrial home, an for eix months
wae practiealer uneble to nave, and
sufferel great torture. The doctor
++++ p+++++++ ++++++++++++++
Chicago Inter -Ocean.
Chicago has never bee tt a more
dangerous place for the girl who
Mimes to .4 `great city to ...seek her
forteme than now, : when the ow. -
clot" has established Idenselt with
a.. hundrea °lever traps for awns -
Pectin breadwinners.
Who le the meet? Ete is the
man who devotee his time to adroit
devices that will ensnare women who
oome from the come:try to seek their
fortunes. He is not the ordinary
wolf who lies in Wait Tor young girls,
for he is well educa.ted and he has
tee .appearance of a prosperous
business man. He seeks his prey
among the better Masses -the steno-
graphers, the art letudents, and the
musiciane. He lives at good hotels
and fashionable boarding houses. Be
Is a. per.011 of resourees. In the ranks
of the cadets there are women who
ply their nefarious trade. The
methods of one of the most notori-
ous of these, "Mother" Lyons, were
exposed recently, N1.0ten the wo-
man was tried on the charge of eke
ducting Jessie Johnson,. a Sunday
school teacher in the Taberneale
Church on the West Side.
The country girl who tennee to Chi-
cago feels safe when slie has prom -
teed not to thine and not to ataio-
elate with evil companions, She
1aaheard all boat' the pitfalls et
a great eity, and she does not see
why any one le so foolieli as to be
taught In the trapset for innocent
etrangers. She feels eonfident that
nothing bad ean befall her, and when
ten' ule elute 1 had lehlred "11.1" el;ne she has alletistal herself to her new
and. that I woule never fully rerover life she is often in the greatest peril. ,
erom ite effects. .et lizet I was .ablo The "ad. t" app ale to ambition, end
to go about again. but wee Ear freta the girl who finds le ,r Salary too szual0
oz. her work unappreelateel le the
being the man I had been befure. For easiest %aunt Ti . meat offers a
yeare 11,utieredi almost etentinually large salary. In the gulee of a thea.t-
trent paha? in tee back, and was un- reed teeeet or an artiet who netele
nblie to tat any heavy weight. a. sizeidel. he advertises fer gide
" E4+3,-; for easy work awl lam. pay.
time& the pain wee s e bel that I was elect, azienvere are gee neenerzeue that
awake ee work at all, ant I wee, or- he is aestireel of a, riell harvest of
ten etenfaael ttz the leeere Zr tla,ys at latehenneell tiallare ea 1 a larg • ellen- ,
▪ t,113 Daring thee time was treat- tele roe tee leeeeeeneeleg aateene.
vd by fear deferent doetone but their itele
ereeeent, toe ea ea me any Pioneer •• ets'•
good. They told nie that owe= to M'• 1,1 met :1.ting treat on
feta ,ieeeee-- ae me, epee, my awe the teiarge 44 lane relebery etarteel ;
Wouie alwaye; b • ....eat:. eaater, time the wart (mere Lien" in Ciaimige).
tete float/ere -were ereeet. ae ;alp nee feeme from eetzeila. Wel were iniewn
said havaer reete tig,. nytiggy eur,.1 10..tra1001ti: llontitelge
✓ eaueena feem tee ,,f ea, lee.8lJ ''i* ,I e.9 My 9'43
Larand park, VAL4, !!ra an Itc-a•tev, apartment
there a trial, an i pre .theel a tezigele. :3,it 3 ilqvtvalt11 ertato.
Very axe en1 reel 7. i• thee we re eee e fee ti ein 1
:•01t1:,%ttli t. me a teal,. 'ate 1 tee; otheeer- de' '1110,11utne teettee: 11le1e, Lund
age/ nee t 4 r: eete liroctr io t"Ieleeeee. "1,1'"11 etered
I tali: a eteme le et le :an 1 ,Ch
the' WCIPP ; ft;:. icoott, 1";•1,-• 1113' nee Vt.* t;'" 1 glee* to -I. nti'i
attronf: mj!h. &ittto3t. 1131 11te. It'• Aft, e at1ri 11-14 d for 11
raen„1 no,/ 4 ,: t9 ktCid 19 30! ilat, L IVA
fa;,142 1. el; • • t%.;:t., e 119' 91 of 0
• 41 t!;,,te 4 • 14(''r r .ioL tk,A ttgr:e talk.14
tf.4 t0tot,t2 a Cit."41;^11 t"1,0.an an;
t"r 9 Irrt,1 , tee '3';' 1 019,9' 91 11*..21h.ta 90.
tyllot t„ ::,•, ; t. :46,". • ,9,7, 1•1!41
tee!e. leeet 1 e ".Te e ay thnt ' 9 31 132 'El1 UV. q! 03-Arpia
rrie: e.. 4r ee 1,471 tk414 ca%4 v•
tact . 70,4 t,4 t*.`111,1: * !",•11!-.9 9 9pr:ritty. itart
r:1.1 i/„.„ a,* if'•-• !\..t
veleet tat,•I; t. .e.ee mi., tut S 9. 99 e.
1.1 t 14 , . • ...1
. eee .
COT '41 7;T:A 'fa ' 1911,..:JfW. •
3 be teen -
t'111 e. 4' E3 a
"".; ne
teeeek • r ' " -
MtV2.r1 tr' ;C., .5
n t ,;;.410 ).!
r-; 1,4
ZX: ▪ t .2 to q
,7.I) .‘r.3 .;311t • t.
Ptiso ii*- 13c919fl'.
•1. 1 t,
1;n;-. 91niy1-c
ikVILLt t :it En tn,-, ;Ai 1;14, ,11,..;.114133ty. 144 ,,..p9ut....13-;
;0. t
i u.to,
ISL.? ti'a..,,a52- ED,.•atlr 1.*,1 te"
OatriLJ. A!, , 41,g rel*::,!., tt0;;,..z.,..0tit
' 4,143,2gLAT...A.
tz 1u 1,231E, ET.? ;; attsp.r.;(1:1 a 195 esehae
;Eat rein ci,t, ot.:3 F:114. "ati eatte tlt (0:A-
tka ".82alail C 'row aa v.,1;! rag., to g;,;;...t. ;+rk. 1 was raigag,tal
have l3aA-en • by ; Brarb,...t.ta a.lreet pub:Es:1:nel; Donee
geogrup!i.1:2:.a3 at $7 a gv.t along ail right,
gee eeputeeee, pUr:2F,it s testualllear at ta'gt, b F.11•111 V7.; u%4 mere 'at
SitrVA,, calcupyLtig k919?e5y one Islip of nu ineem,... 'My motlt..m. nsslat: 35;
territory, tv-3:53e 7.11;03,3ta is about i( .3a.taer,„ and t ii try g91124 mote,
i1ivMlles Gang by fit.,,.,-eiglatits of i..!.; Ilvq.„ 1 Elegem ta.
giallo 11e. 11ut l9j 1331.abtat ti „,..7i:..,;;;,i,„1.q11tnents. One day
ttar,Dy trratir,Lrat read :
Yoe over teve 9n;1 ano191 triert-
Clomt haat 3 a 11{494 3;'.9.1 every en.r-e 93909 199j isod pay..
SeirtiEt Y..aats, am 5 AS itscrit'in neeLiI; "I at...one:NA tbe aelvertis_rement snot !
teen tris.NN;:nt.11",..:; by .493 tvcnt. t11!.F1 allsteee g:Nek.-,7% VIA 1,144St.
Itp,,V.n. *1'491v 19T,9 211 Lt.lt ta stir€3'4t. Ti) waasUnirme
at-OVA:Cc Tanen r.,,,t,ently. 1:3 1S...0 t l'itgi-Jt of stairs. an 5 fair!:,,. ;
ashen:I:Le incrast.r. Ala of9112 191:993rtr,44,;(4,4;,:a Ltd an to3,1,,,,.nraf4-
ss/1,,,a3 b.„tr 1111.912 cnn..1 tate rot rand;
ta..a fsin111,,, to take ./..411 97124,- hat ccalcs,,,alk and to
itos3 E. watt nn9111 141;nlititi came; En. 11dill
He was 11h.s...r.1.-e " trr!.. narna eanar3
ion (,..7.0,atfa. • • trant 791r. S:ni911 22:91 912
that 2219 title al,04,31 217
Ste =0 that tt:J°., b- neze tr ni E
SbO10Th, 9;;• -91 4to Else a : .2 El.
0.1t3r1rIalt4Z7 Itrn :t.•4
tterigsn. PV-i-flent, CO:.;.$•,_ ;44 4
• Is t1.7,c91eil ever? ,
ta:Ot.,salary :•4 pa13 • 1114 7'
P. 644 :41;4 reasslred rae„
the Prr-sLlent or tr-7,-t,t .2.a.b;-r-: 0.4
-.11921 .Qt 3
:apron:tat:as Z 1• :•1 t"te pIaz?
•. one easel 0221trorta, irif trio soain'A.:
tulyw. He? terew a rag eeeer chaTe•
the l9.uP.; to:4 rno to take a Defore
s, thri r4.1,44.6 tv:a.te ne was 4.1e11..g he had,
ZWed. "1 dant e;,;i 22dn,, huft plotographed ran.
thrsern-..sle.e yea made----" "I I292ve beard that other frerte be-
*;Taiat's the matte: wita it 1" eta e21115° enteeglel in the same waY• on
I nocountc fearang exposares that
4`Wc_q12—Er—it's rat_11:c.:r Lard to cut 170/.2Z43 hurt the:1" fdTt.11k. 1 was::
tri--affr to te.-.3 enaploYera. 1did 1.€417
• was arn.ii..1 that mar, anee r.roman whom,1 Lag! me.'t.
1-12 stcp .111: MT; -31,,casz,t, and cite nd-
i9122 1.1.711,-.doph13 vEst•I me to report the 'case to Chief
Ptev. I; Kip:a:T. 1 dre.aded teliing ray etory to
raen, dial not do anything. no
A WISM 1' AH3ifeie. ‘. going to etay 2231 iacksmi, and if that
lEt a wiFmnsli,.., rammer, who, 4 man�e weicaler to r.?;....ktikonble,aol;vine ru
peliceysayci.tilia,e1. P°a•rotlealar
eoee. weat r,,r eat reajerzty of tile
S‘eople wiil 4To ..n a, few years. When .case was not reported to them.
he haS an..;,•ittf.ng to sell he platea a They have heard, however, that '
-eneall "ad" .!n the, local newspaper and much "cadettine' is going oe in there
seen hears freau the dealers. When he "artlErb? studios" and in "dramatic-
agents"offiNeither ar-
wanta to buy a borate, cow or any- tate nor ces. the draraatio agethents who'
elifia„r eiss he spends- half a dollar for are in good standing know anything
gewepaper spate, and everybody in abolet :the roan wh& nee places of that
the neighborhood wha Want*, to hell 'jib' cloaks for their infamy.
bearder at tlie Y. lefe C. A. benne -aye
*elle or; lilin or writes to him-. The lee hoz- heard that girls have been
ne4"Palmt allvertism"t naves tin
o0O1Pelled PaY Wiley to these men
andlabor, as nin.riy of oar adver- who have got them into theit power
teem, bas iearnat through pleturee. Lettere written
with good Intention:I bat arhich can
eCa.dieleies boya nre not ver Y Polite, 4 be construed into admissioas of guilt
thy e" " No : Vat 9130.0, you know„ are also often obtained.
teecee three a:ea:orations to make Captain Luke Colleran says be be-
ntiemene• eness it would re- lieVeS that the "cadets" are not so
• rvg.w..ration in tlite ea$41:' common in Chicago. as In ltlevo. York.
hit 1932 t ftlf...i.3.3-
;1,3 a- •p, 1116.,
"But we are out the lookotit /or thene"
he added, when ?speaking ta o.n Inter
Copan reporter. "The cadets are the
most contetuptible objeets on earth,
and when we catch any et them it
goes hard with them."
Theewomele who wa.telf incoming
trains for the purpose of protecting
strange ghee that arrive in the city
without friend, declare that the
"actreee" snare is the most alluring
of any held by the "cadet." The "ca-
det" fregnente the walting-rooms
and gets into conyersa.then with un-
sophisticated girls, to when; lie
talks about the stage. He wants
singers for his choruses, and he
maker appointments at Ole office.
There he has his vietinas try, on cos-
tumes, and he photographs them
when they are attired in tighte. It
is generally an easy matter for him
to vend tbe girl. whom he has lured
to hie "office" to a. woman accom-
plice, and then her downfall le as -
Big Ryes Kiss Tast- ed Like Buffett!,
"We'd been there an hour, I rec-
kon, when Big Eye she got up an
oome over to where I was sittin',
beside tho caller, an' she stood there,
right in frotnt 0' me, goin' up an'
dowe, lookin' at me ate lookin tiorrn
to the ground. I didn't know what
she wanted, till Little Bear he sign-
ed to me I was to dance with her.
wa'n't mindiel to be moan, not af-
ter the way they'd treatea me. It
looked easy enough, too; so I got up
air come:tomcat hoppine You °tigh-
ter heard them squaws cackle! I rec-
kon 1 del took some funny, 'count o'
,001 havin' got the hang o' it; an',
bele, I hadn't took moreea a doz-
en jumps till ray wind gave out.
'Twee a dummed sight harder'n it
looked. I felt like I'd ran a mile
over a big 11111; but I we'n't goin'
to knuekle down. No, sir-ee 1 1 kep
on, hest 1 could, an' was just wish-
In- 1 Itatial et emelt a ter'ble big
eupper, ween Big Eye she unhitched
the robe she 1c4:tti wearin ate lifted
It up in her arms tevards me. We
didn't stop jiggine bat elle glee It a
whirl, cumin' U99 elaet to me, an'
then she slung it right over our
leade, an beeore I !mowed what
Wan deer she'd ketelzed me round
the nevk with her pante an' &awed
I6% y head t1e,W01 an' Ideeeti van, smack!
Intilans are awfizi ninny kissers.
toe. She took her time to it, an' when
I got to tleneela it ewer afterwartie,
.1 lend 0 netele up my' nand "twalet
sate; a. 'ball elea 9only it tIM taste tole
er'bhe etroate to' bef-Itataller an'
weesheniehie. Wizen tele got done,
Ole awak'd teat teem uneler the robe,
tazetie leavin DI thenglie ewe' Me* ttle
caal th• it 11.L. 40;4 rat -tiled 1 theught
nevia 919' 9'1121 get it pawed off te
nie.earratee le. elentiley.
91,91 93)11%-eree but leetan for Bigamy
Under Present 4'ond1tIon19.
rely 19 LtV.V 913only eQuantry la)
1.1tartirit. wAtit90F.'10.111,A0 10-••
*iikAILAti Itf,9999 0.2. 9111. flatteen tiaj
9,,.:tt VA..!4) 1 I393:*1?,^ 9,pliii,40.4
.1.934,11.43I'9' WIC: ,0 ‘,9:.111,1,11,11,149
4.9 4y ;; I/ Coo trIatftilIV.'
93-1.-39903t .9921 91,1311 met to I
teseeele e. at 111.31T-1043
Att :
,; ,6.•••••4•••••4lo ae vaerel; ti to, ot1;11,'
,'. 2 kV 0 :3 lin,n11.Aatt. 9n
(0-•1U: an
32:48-9932 ftv
A''J #.09' , La. VAC, n
9111- ;1,1 91 0 ;it- 1" 1,4 ;11.3;il 2297
918 «t' 91491930e,,-111'7, 1i .I EL -at it e.lel
• reeet
etaae cant ac. a-3 .21 h lit.;'•))
t.r.sarEt 7-2,9
21193 91.29'19111":) 2291 . 1224" 939U49'91S.;4_41'
(111 VIP
go" e .:Atv
CLIttv tlio Most
tvero, ir-enali-nlinat.eni; Icor tong p.
Dada for fr.-i.inat.. 313. 12::19 t el
tlee, aft prezrising to present El.*
. dive:tots law to the EZ,'",tas:P., Cenri/'
1oted tErat, contrary to statements
frenuentty r'Z'Pan?. there bad never
been ittplycessailou fin tins. highest rpastr-
trim 6,1.93le9313y- refri rain; to, Que-en
, Matorlter.ta, watt 19 alv•Aray•s feu
ereslitasAil912191.19streiz,g f&Iiings On the
?ice vaphial Mkt, to, •,•714 0 II tie tee
21'-s tie Ile- Alt etather.
tatarriononct Cava A-Arr..as.a.
131691 Viii,i9Pellock,if Myth, Ont..
0A, 3 'Catarriii. zone' at: -1
bava week..s and ttra
11i--2' 3 wilt:a tri., W. -tulles. My
1-:-2. i.914' an 3 11 nave bad
• 11'1. _ " . n
4 0 " crinnatenea; I.
tr. atnzr at."
ET Lo 3 ;;;;ntsylito,g;
iratra.r.? v,],::,
0o91 2122-. Ese"- r-
. A As 41..3
t'nfarf.'.-1.1..,;rr.,..-Is; Is En-
. „
e 12 t0" 3o:g-93t 32t0.ii ti.
93• 09921 turosts with Its stimulating
an 3 ap.aaing pow,!..,ers„ p;,...o:gotes931394)..
laratts or spots 2910.21 -
ert.etles Ain. inflame:1 raucous Meta -
wanes. Z.:,,rala:y a remedy capable of r
flqIng thi rnu91,and cannot fail
ta care. Aek your druggist. about Ca- ;'•
tarezone. Complete outfit, $.1;
sraall sine, 25e; at drugg,Ists or by
mall. A trial sent for 31.0c by N. C.
Poison it Co., reingseent, ennefla, or :
flartford, Cosa., IL a
I Trying Botb Places.
E gat to heaven," Mad a
woman to he Baconian bersband„
"I'm golng to ask Shakespeare 11 2190 1
wrote those plays."
eefaybe he won't be there," was
the apply.
'Then You task sald the wife
--Boeton secierettel.
Catarrhoeano Cures Aethma.
A Friend In Need.
"So Birdie, Flyppe married a lame
mau It is the last thing I wereld
ever have expected her to do."
,st wae a, -case of gratitude, I be-
lieve, They were shipwrecked toge-
ther, Axel by tieing his cork leg as a.
life preeerver he managed to save
them both." -Chicago Tribune.
"What are you looking so shocked
about V' laquireci the street ser-
geartt. f'1 have ;net discovered," re-
plied the swell polieeraan, with a.
gasry of dismaY, "that I'm wearing
my eight -stick, and it Isn't 6 ceebeek
A Sundridge Farmer Closely
Confined in His Own Rouse
Recently Liberated, He Hastens to
Write an Open I./otter, Telling of
His Years of Misery, and Ms bait..
aeulous feeleatee. •
Stendiedge, May O.--(Speellal)---A
-A case of prolonged torture has just
come to light in Strong township, a
few mlles from here.
191 seems. hard that an honest., man.
should be, kept a prisoner th his owe
home for over four years, and yet
that Is just what auppened to Mr.
Wm. Doey, of lot 19, ooneession 13,
townslap of Strong. His family and
friendsall tried to secure hitj release,
but ixt vain.
"For four years 1 suffered excru-
ciating torture, during watch time I
was scarcely an hour free from pain.
"The trouble commenced in my
back, where it often remained sta-
tionary for months, and so intense
was the pain that I eould not lie down
to take rest, bat had to sit night
and day in a chair. The pain would
then remove to other parts of my
body, and when in my knees I was
unable to walk, and e,onfined con-
stantly to my room.
"I was treated for rheumatism by
several doctors, and also tried many
medicines, without receiving any
benefit. Almost in despair, 1 feared
would never again experience the
Pleasure of being free from. peel.
" A short time ago my attention
SLIIR directed to 1.W= remarkable
(elms of Rheumatism by Deld's Kei-
eey Pills record in the puha;
proeured a box, and soon found that
they were doeig me good. I vontinued,
and very soon I was a new man, and
entirely free from pain.
•al have eontinued so for over sie
919 '309t109, being able: to attend to my
daily dwilee on the farm. and feeling
for any kind of work.
' / verily believe this change„ this
remarkable euae bate been effected
by the use of Weld's leitiney Pills,
noel I think It my duty to make this
stzotm»nt public, for the benefit of
grow afflicted as IWaS.,"
911149 95 thp statement whit+ Mr.
Po.. -r makes over his own eienature,
999191 00993 panant bpip sitnet by
its sincerity. Everyttal In this neigh-
beetle:Id knowe that Mr. Dopy was a.
People for pewee nal his miraculous
restoration to health intS ereated n.
great &al of tele in and around Panel-
-re/ea Dotitl's Peet are having
a very large sale here.
Mark Twaleee Side.
Bat Waiter Mr. Conger ner
,`,.11/7,ia0 has answerea the east. -tat and •
eery ezp209113? p- elite mete lee Mr.
• 5 ,Ibu pertianlarly in eae.etil
lieteete in the Neagh etinereon Re-
view Fieet, that hr. Anton had ad-
matel the tnieelenerive tete; repri:
aea to the eetent sifono-alrird anOre
MAI the 04:47..o e4911.1, CNA they
0'41 might Cat! 90:::!99211991, pay the
t,.:,.:,..?,rawne.y !Or t1.4" dente by
9.4t14937:1; 6991 21 thi1, that ha titk: gtqte
t.i t thasleitian :and cd,-;
taillo 1 oriall'A',.t;A tlfey had
rtc-4cp91e4 th rtlM31r nal tveye of
Cho P;rathola v...11011 It 9'V994 9nuntluo,A17
to advalitttle to 910 am Marl:
Twaaeo .901-3 gptTaltiie
t011itattetit, .-91;31 6.91911.95 ..39931 0:9109901:
anbeverJ wU:1
9145 t•taAt`' 6' .'96912912299 ,„9T
t9.i99:il-9 .979199 .01 1 1.1T :hide e991tk.,91'11C0,52
-s o 3931311214' eal12.41 Id
falO 2030.s919-
Iteat stir -
!Tv.; V.1• f 12o III (990091980), am 0 Eately
Dave 930..e919.i......-ttEtAs,,,o1 to my 11-..4
DM*, '1131.k0..tbith,..; LENBIEEINV 1221.
Ver9104).00.3, 11 919121.."--,11 Gt alai got tinam.,;;Ii.
to_t13 1c",i,,-,a‘R.r.,1 f5):R' 9'c.s12iotatta5
.11:0 faenlitia tiro tiop vAtaitZetteall pecto...tr 41
tetrafee S. teeeiletelit
• Neel.
are tbe fealte Without Itespoztisibilay
• For the Conditions.
garding the decadence Of the church.
A feeittet deal has been written re -
anti 11; has become the fashion to
°barge the failure of the churches
to increase their memberehip to the
inability of the clergy to maintain
interest in religious exercisese In a
recent, addreee by the Rev. George
Edward Reed, President ot Dickinson
College, he recalled the fact that
41; the apostolic days, to which the
reoeities oe the church are so fond' of
referring, there was great force in
the .power of the laitel ini matters
ecclesiastical. President Reed thought
-he detected a tendency in this age
toward 'vastly increased activity in
church matters ou the .part of the
This leads to tee thought that ho
has strucle at the heart -of the mat-
ter. While the laity have been find-
ing fault with the clergy, the real
difficulty has been that the for-
mer have not rallied to the support
of their cheeen leaders as they have
done in times gone by. No clergyman
can be efficient in the pulpit with-
out the hearty, ernes -t, and unre-
mitting support of the congregation.
It is too often the faet -that the
apathy of the eongtegation has
more tee do with the decadence of a.
church than the shortcomings of the
man in the pulpit. Many a: weak
Mizell has beep made strong by the
leadership of a pries-erful executive.
head In the congregation, and many
a strong church with a minieter of
ability in the pulpit hos failed be -
masa the congregation \vas weak-
ened by worldlinese or destroyed by
diseensions.-Leslie's 'Weekly.
calens of a !Stntetveever;
Whenever a woman giveS91i 930131991
to a eft -artily itanar site always 91t11;:s
to heat, 4311 E.r.vna 211) omats od a bar-
es4 fel flour.
jest es aulcilly as a reale gets
married Le stops toying hair oll,rand
begiLls to bay our dysplola cure. ;
There aD no log wo to kloial
so well as tie.i.,tilitig '414.11i:4 bas iosb ailLis k'1th.
Wo t11-.50931trorri.t ol a ellert'a Who eala
eat a.
vat a than of tme who can
wete. ai1 2231114A same
married tviente-ta we:10.3 Lave nothing:.
to tove.-Synausit
To rare a Cold la 'OOP Day
4)1119104 09'1 Q21n91::a 121900,zo.. i9213j
993I 912'303939 91919191 fa21' 91•61 39929104
All One Way.
"There's nnother one of them.'
"Another one of what 17"
"Ot the stories of someone who is
teing soutewhere to okaini a fortune.
Somehow tiles:: stories are ail one
gaing, never ceMng We ar-'ver
mein to hear of arevone retainer.=
with the fortnee he Went to get."
letinard's Liniment Cures Colde, ete,
A Tabloid Proposal.
"Blinks bas a perfect mania for
condensing everything. Did you bear
bow he proposed 'ee
"Re held up an engagement ring
before the girriar eyes and said
• r sit
"Arad what did she say?.
"She just nodded."
Catarrhozone Cures Asthma.
Not a Common One.
• "What's' the charge against this
man?" asked the magIstrate.
"Vain drenk," answered the police-
"YOrere a liar, Irish!" shouted the
prisoner. TwaOf a champagne
drunk, with all the frillae-Itellanap-
olls Sun.
Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria,
spzingn Tooth Powder 250
Views of a itusslaa Woman.
3fme. Friedland, the Rus-lan he-
t:axes, who Into Wen appearing be-
fore women's Nubs lately, says that
American women are net to /melt
more a.dvaneed than theee of Itu-si,a.
• ery time I uptn an Ameritan
nem -paper," she said recetetle,
pray for patienee before I reati the
artielee on ausela. They have /anal I eaatettete.
the Czar zli every peeaible and Ina- I -
pee:able way. They have poleened eflnerers Liniment Cures Garget in
hien, made Min elle of Ina air In the cows
Crimea, where people aro emit for a ;
salubesome el.nrete; have reopenel .1 '.lust 950.
dozen thine the evonnel he reeeltai 1, **le Elmer (who haa an Immix -tea
1» Japan ten yeare aga ; azia 11941914' , m ttai) Para. Wida t b4 0191140901104'
03,0104111412 Can 39ILI09410., Wf1114111I1Tki prkyfl ssor Broadhead - Coneebestee.
If Ito were net lin Idiot."•
me sole is the roue° winalla given to
wal fee! ua ent.-11;erper's R.Zar.
994e four we feel that other people
Ono 9 A Alen t
ISSUE ISTO 19 1901.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of Wets>
thousands: men women and
When appetite fails, it re-,
stores it. When food is a
burden, itlifts the burden.
When youlose fiesh,it brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end Is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can't di -
6 -est it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you 'leave not tried It, send for
tree samolo, •tgrecable taste will
surerete you.
SCOTT ee, elOWNE. Chemists.
Soo. tInd $1 ▪ • • 91 druggists.
She Flagged a Train.
Sirs. Prank White, of Linton, hada
has reeeived a pass over the Smith -
ern Indiana Railroad whiell in good
for the rest of her life. 'elm. White
elie.orered that the ground under-
zaath the traeke of the Island City
teaa1 mining diserlet heel been under-
mined, -and she flagged witb a red
table eloth a paaxengcr train that
would otherwlee have been wreck -
al. For this act the eetnepany gave
the These to her as an expression of
'tv,V4t.,thrAft.t90(11.141,44,,It.., 41::4:1119,9,19g1;t1.37.4,.,•:N,
b!,4,101 oreinolittniyArtitl.r. tf)
VIVA' it 990111..eet anno VnIt'
k oartic l'oac 6 1:40e 1 irTe..3'..914191. kEr10
re.:Ctfjp kti 91019oui
0`.219 tarn 4'0000%0999 :1421:La& 93;..10ittt',. tg:
kireP.tqactl 0.4p knv.'4 ot-e , fa
969y 139.:99 9. 01 v.!an; t
22 Li41:1491,'•11 ean.
tetra %Id% •..
739,,9191 9393 1221, 91499,,,4-4 =--7Z.i .4 .: .;31v4
931" the 11' 1) 4 11,9913
91'093'21M42 r'19 99! 9131'991J3'91 31' -• 199 119 zlE$tit:
1;4 ty.
1.»14191..°N011i' 111. 1
m9'19 -”r49 314 a %a =41 hual.tE. *dtt.a.n.,8 bee
'39.4.1 !aught -TT WS 9 nerte
eted.be dee
Sete lilt it. itiallt„
A Iettle• rite wee, lava in Tereetele
rreAw411 t
9'9.i .97119 Irdenie teaa otheat
.1:41,70 "%Vila 119121 n.f.:" VA --z
22atetatteen by te 6 Ett?:,1
• Artr'r tetee telle
43-4E9313191 ear a wtilLAtAv. Vue
11941)91"Papa, t....vit,..4110 tif a tette.
dee. parta lee
"Ear..1.. M.; V44'.4 ee. Matey:Le
Attr.t.r E11114 Ent s.t1,3
991 910:- 91 Da a hi.itt,222217. .2191
K. -gilt% "Vara:. pro......s."..tts 9
.19941.3.3 tOt.: keielale Water?
sned a. Melee oe postal eaefl
to trao, toggerAgned, eteavering the
toeloWleg questlote:
Where are you going?
When ate you 1ga:dug?
lItere do yen statt frame
Moto many aavi ha year palre'?
W911I 74919 take your iiont-thatial
g°60,11897tl39L9 fear tate taltlitts" 91970e918
on sale, dattiarg !Earth and April to
points in tianitriba.
• oktgon, !California and ali Wrst -
eta States. Veil Partk-aillattg from B.
11. igellnett, General Arafat, Caleego
Northttestorn 1211011w.y. 111 King
street east, leer -onto, Ont.
Sigr„ei.ttatatil 1.-..e.g„9lIs919 221 Japan.
Irtere 6919197 4 ts.....te .31t91..039939'.9*."2 at 193n..r.11,
to he02919 4.9.1 741 E.20
S tg1:111117.:°b,1t9-7F.1.1-,f;.,.! 4a,911:1139a2'
119,-41 tr. •• ,
si...ep for 9199.121Eia9'i.; ad tie?
sevorall .:;aaaterles.."
4Pelortg, eaalniz.1a."
29091 supnr.o..3 suadries ki,pt
"Skin nAaker and 0.111.s.-:. (portman-
_.:.lf,;a1..i.lulitzls'afaarati:t,ed in the upstair."
Lightning Neuralgia Cure.
Not dangerous beeateee 191. acts ordek-
ly. Kerrey ,rpowerfull---Fearcely tezs than
five taleg streager titar. any other
rale reamely la tire waelee-eie Nervi-
leme. In briet, one drop of Nervaine
has a power over pnia equal to five
dropsod any other riiLICdy. IF you sal -
ler from Nenraigla use Nerviline. ton
have convincing proof of its value and
yon get ria ol your pain. Druggists
gen at. Morey back if not se.
"Dbi eroa say you thought there
was a great deal oi sameness In my
arguments ?" inquired tlie politi-
"1 olid,' replied the mercenary
"How will 1 avoid it ?"
"Qult using $10 bills and try
twenties for a whIle."-WaSilingtori
Cataxrhozone Cures Asthma..
Celestial Costumes.
Husband -I wonder what we shall
wear in Heaven.
wifea-Vee11, if you get there, John,
I imagine most of us will wear sur-
prised Tooks..-May Smart Set.
Ulnard's Liniment Ceres Distemper*
i I
n et t,
• 933't 21 69E01:114 2119 9319 ' 1:r,;; ,-'1 -2011
„ 11o,97*91I919' t$o922 93ro.90 in to Bal-
;! 1913981911. hilltA Ail tarn cla
219144' .30939 91r*:
91 11"....9? 1.811 9319,991Jj tattt...,%
-E ature, opo.
at.y t ing; nt--% 33MP:ray
• 11 934111979 Eta:AC:stager
1291, Te114'09012 Ont.
'Crated Free.,
ri here aunts drontynral lt*
4/9191vefi9y :‘,AATS, Quick rend*.
9991 t'1911-.9 049938-7.5. 2•"ak f?1‘
- ,919393),,,3312121.21L
fc- • tl,,,,.aznaent
21 Eats() Altr.,..ANIM.;04;
„ • 40 ;L-
, ...
, ,...,, , , fk
.: :r-, .
et Witzfield!eloticSia
Sent on Trial
' ,Illheletee -] '74' Manes, rentncled.
lf Let sat:e,ttetof,
i44, j111,..,,..^..,,,,..4_,.'•. --r tetararate:,,Ateraili
t?.itt.i• 'Mill% Midi
A ••.,,N IV4.•44,44"rill'eRatil
,•;:r..•••• 249 37 g1,-;!:1!!"...;-::4: ne•..-ats 'c't; t:Learl:-efek.t.tflit
, ts.,'..o.,:',T•n-2:-,:r.'. 7 :-..,1.:.:19 ial us -'1. IIALr tercte
..41-,11,,09lt111I0SUP91I1 COL. la6999206re.6. Ont;
21'-2212502'1 93932122 lL..k.S
42,.,,•1.,Lt: • Irr.l'cl...r...affea
;1„132.19,3,.e.1 121i390•ga0
49190.091309g 902.
w.ial ,Lr.r.ly 919193119058099
eeteele-o eefeeyfete exc.:ire&
92392 930.9. ti930(1or2o, 0,911,
/93I3E Wf412C-19;'93, WERMILY; 14/0
• carravat.,IIng; Fre aye -e-er912 ;int ao eve
Ae 4r le' ,Ii•r*: 046 ra 5:3r 'es. 3909.-
1 3993 3to yr ancorna;
osorlexeStrtalra Wcptii; see1 93fe7 (99491099ee. Ad -
(.0 - o2 Mtt. Ca. 943 st,laxar lad/lab-az
`k • t melte for t•a:e. For parrEctiliers.„ vAldrect
J teunAlr Enginez..r,S.mece.
It ;mortis*, young marl to travel fee reliable
firm; erieweekly ntrad exaerses geareeteed;
• 19I9': -4932s8 090133903103398 0931,11 91932 security regui
• er,lenee ur.aec:.:ssa.r,y; e34)911239$.3i853.
Beata. 101 ante slreet, offir.o 0.5,. Racial*.
L a- wood sign); r,reod opening; tette easy.
hex ea Nettleer. Ont.
I v 7 tions, wining to ha generally useful An..
Kly: with particulars, lianager, 'Box 30f, itettit
331Y1I.E1W.,-4.GGONEtc. EXTENSION feeleDteeT
- a
fatT"hdeder, best out for fruttyptcLottegnsipao n 1 tegp,
Ca I lel ten 'A IT:41714,9a nkirdI6't eut6t
phtrobing 3909t1 general use; every faitmer5aneede
one;also painters•trtIes, paste boards, etc.
etc. Illustrated catalogue free, Address the
Waggoner Ladder Co.,'1.1108191211, London, Ont.
enest in tbe Niagara Peninsula,
Winona, latuiles from Elamilton on twe ran.
wars, 330 acres in all. 35 of which is in fruit.
Moetly peaehes. Will be sold in one pare41
divided into lots of 15to .20 acres tc suit mar -
chasers. 'Mills a decided 'bargain !Warta
Jonathan Cerpeoter, P. 0. cox ea 11121iron4,
Ifrs. Winslow's Snatliirez Syrup Atonal al-
, ways bc used for Chitiren Tcat,,ing. Itwho
[ the child, softens tbe 4911104, e44,s wind colio
atd icsetgait;attitie..teseely fer .ciay
y.,r1:aea, Twent