HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-10, Page 1THE
The Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay .Township.
Cw➢UR C'-iES-
QT. I30NIFACE, Catholic,
Order of service for the summer.
Sundays; High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 12 o'eloek;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m.
Holy Days; High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benedietion at 7.30 p. m,
week Days: Mtess every morning at 7.
30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Saerarnet every Satur-
day evening from 7 to 8.
Rev. Father Valentino, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
.Sunday services:-
ervices:-German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at
7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 pan.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, a£ 8, Choir practice at 9"
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30, Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7,30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. II. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
gcutjcf a cv, lull?. St. Petri ifirditr,
5ottesbienft Dorm. l?a[b u ZI(lr
unb abatis Sountagicliule
norm. 9 Mr. 4 citrerverf anteuiuug
Zottttetfteg abatis tun 8-
1 Satire, pastor.
V. BACHAN1a, St. Joseph.
* Notary ?Italie, Fire and Lireln-
sarauee Agent, Money to Loan., either by
private funds or loan eonrpanies.
. J. D. COOKS,
(Late with e.tarr ry .. frond root 8 Durritt
er, 5olieitur. Notary 1'ublie.
Beneath Ontario.
Banisters, aelivitots. Xotarieen° 13ub➢➢e
tile, ea.. rur. Serums' and North Street,
titederielae Ontario
1l. pcL.ctc61'
for tdtiiuttg; aitlldawiltt, will of enterprising lupin, Vett dix. art , ' 1 e get outa on 'ter °tt�a ,*z,•att int at'wd I`del L,1ti1tC, at feu ` leading C.
: ehtiogd of Std. , :rt 1111 the 1E . ;�
The Stratford Herald will surely
inherit the undying enmity ,of all
school mars as it has been left for
a correspondent of that journal) to
hatch the most nefarious scheme
ever brought to light, to drive all
females from the profession. The
scheme is this : ' It is proposed to
raise the teaching age to 31, an age
that no spinster ever attains and
thus all positions will be filled by
Price of Hen Fruit,
1terchants and egg dealers are of
the opinion that prices for hen
fruit will not likely be so high this
summer as they have been for two
years past. The old country' deal-
ers who had contracted for large
quantities of Canadian eggs lost
money in 1900, and are going to be-
gin the new century by endeavor-
ing to get the business on a profit-
able basis again, and are not offer-
ing such good figures at the outset
this season. About nine cents a
dozen will probably be the ruling
price for the early summer.
With the coming of the warm
weather the toads will be snaking
their appearance in the back yards
and gardens. Most people are hos-
tile to the toad, yet he is one of the
most harmless as well as one of the
of the most useful animals of his
sire in the world. He is a tremend--
ous eater, and his favorite viands
are the grubs, bugs and hies that
are detrimental to vegetation in
the garden and worry eompellers
and peace destroyers in the kitchen
tr ten
yard. A writer iter in an agricultural
paper says "The common garden
and house toad, although repulsive
in appearance, yet from a trustful
friendliness{ we respect even if we
cannot admire. He destroys many'
inseets, and is very useful in the
garden and the vicinity of the back -
kitchen -door. If not molested lie
makes :kis friendly visits at night-
fall through the entire season, and
probably destroys more insects
than any other antinial of his size.
It is amusing to witness how quick-
ly he does his work.
Don't run down your town. If
you don't like the locution move.
Yt u won't be missed. If
Of News Here, There
and Everywhere.
Lawyer Cooke of Hensall was in
town Monday.
Big snap in ladies' sailors. D.
S. Faust Zurich. •
Mr. George Petty of Hensall, Was
in town on Saturday.
Miss Holtzmann spent an even-
ing .t Hensall last week.
Mr, John Schafer is on the sick
list this week.
Mr. Sans Faust was at Dashwood
Sunday night.
Mr. D. McLean of St. Joseph was
in town on Monday'.
Mr. 0. Eilber visited friends
St. Joseph oil Sunday.
Chas. Greb, received five tons of Faust tfsee he e roasted Rio coffee, D.
McCormick twine this week. g at 15e per ib.
Mr. John Galster is building an 1 Milford Faust who has been
addition to his out buildings.
Miss Minna Doan visited friends
in Hensall one day this week.
for the past four weeks is able to
be up.
Mrs. (x'.etz has been appointed
Mr. Charles Witwer is busy hang- E caretaker of the town hall and is
ing paper at the Dominion House. l busty c'lettnilag up thio, week.
Mr. Joseph Zettle is putting a
new roof on his house at the blind
Mr. J. P. Rau owner of the Com-
inereial had as bee this week haul -
int; gravel to tate hotel grounds.
Mrs. SFr, Becker is visiting
Miss Lawson of Auburn and Miss ZURICH
friends in Stanley Township this ; Ynitp,�and Mr 0. (i)L' of Hen-
. 1 Sail visited our town Saturday - ------ _—
NO. 41
Lot I : Contains Ladies' Sailors, in
Black, Blue and White Straws, regular sell -
ing price, 25 to 75e, your choice for
Lot 2 o Contains Ladies' Sailors
and Rotigh Riders, in Black, Blue, White
and Green Straws. Hats in this lot are good
value at regular price, bargain price
Lorne early and secure first choice
of these hats. Every hat is a bargain
We do what we say. Produce taken in exchange
Mr. James Swan of Brumfield Mr. and Mt:;. Goo. Baldwin and
was in
town on
R Monday on h ,i- '
t u
Lyell Weirwere
nt.s. tt of Sd aic►rtli
Sun -
Mr. Nut. Beaker is selling lx t the guests of Mr. D. Steinbach Sun-
day and Monday.
cyeles and fire extinguisher:: at pre- " yr. William Lamont of Stanley
sent. peeehase'et '2t► e•e►cul .tee'lw from his
Mr. T. B. Warden is around trek- brother Peter. the heaviest of
ing orders for the Pelham art•- �; zwhirla weighed ism lbs.
series. lir. George ilrnstedtt lois given
Mr. H. Randall, painter intends' up the idea of going into business
moving from our town, so it is re- at Zuric'h and will return to Myth
ported. i next week t9 take a responsible
Mr. H. -Well took two loads of Pusitie«n in Mr, X. B. (ei•ry'. hard.
furniture to Grand Bend on Wed- Waree and tinware store'.—Blyth
nesday. Standard.
3Ir. John Deiehert was at Berlin hiss Williams' Sunday St'huol
last week atnei brought )dick two :' claas• :enol Mr. 5. Hardy's, joined to -
guinea pigs. Igether and spent a sea'iatl evening
Mr arc rt, .t n , .,
Hardy's half interest rest to nectar park ":•`9131"." t t hall farewell a 11 to inial ,enc]
Ins na 'r , . , they , ,« x�:fE'In :+ 1•
A. ; + • a1:out your to�wzt keep your mouth' ne+.• Inoue a int C' trs evils '1i •l lowest i , , , '
Clerk learn Bis'. Cnurt, Huron shut. you not only incur the ill t 1tI it t It
You will always fiend the latest. sweellest and must up -to,
dates styles at the
Mr. - R. R. Johnston patreelnt:+etl ; . ut:*i • li 1, taut . M ontd.tt ;I 11-e are leaders in
you can't say something good jet for $frit►. a Dtaly before tfltey lilt for their LOW $ it11Cl
3tr. J I)mnart was WO ltttvy sell- TltIm alas ram rote. tNrk,. eVe niitg'
"i ad'{'race's tet r't t
fashionable footwear. Everything in
Children's Shoes always on Hand at
yon want the very latest for spring
tnadii.ui lllatllllttteturee1:1 mime to
t'ooly e,l ltae't4' eke'. V a➢ti3tor etas' the I1u- play i.;tnrrance. It is easy to speak
triad :tad Moe Lean nett : tt ne% Co. .well of your town. Don't send mit'
dfilie! & HCut I➢➢ tt'Ia. Zurue'Ih haat. of town for your job printing. You
would that like if the editor went
out of town for his stuff. Assist
l ;.��' * � your paper nil you nm. There is
• 71' p➢Os.l'"d'DJW N 1l'9t'tl4➢a9aHpd'T%l4n' t )ilea just as witch reason in sitting on
,'at( t'M)a' '-
d6aa't"t'unta-. ae91ctettea➢D6• ss2ieotw the oat.
notu ee• ertheee'' oho itte-nad amino stall es..
a st ellolli Gni t enataztUIEla➢.
farewell e'l'ate:irks and t{itit► anew'
1. and M. Johnston are lel lajitls; alai t.,, ace'tw-ttidrat
a'fine wire ftent'e tan them Prolaer'ty Death cfr1artin Bess.
¢tt, the rapt entl.
It is ear h:atli (fluty t.ti elirentiele
Dr. t':tunpht'll and M. Alnrel in- the death dal Martin J. Hr-y,yeaaanne-
teend planting as loot of ever!,•n"tens at eeyt se:enn til[' He. alto (ite+in'gt' Hess. ! E i1d1.
the roadside and waiting for the 'iIr. '� m. iselienr1: nndo''e'al to his ➢ei yen-. menthe and t° there. ilte ,
etnt.' to back ftp to lad" nnliikea ars in itt►u: e+ he purchased. front Mr. dflie'ai at the rt' 41Irse°a' def hi% britt s't' ! "
trying too do business and expect t a Hardy on °Phursduy. Rea. . W. cafta`1 conn tilbw.s act' aconite
gioo[i trade SwithatrItt 1nnnkinng illi;• Mr. ltatrdoll, Manager doff MuDiSliotnw ane"tatflu-• art➢Dan a*��rae'rtanniiYti0114 :�Caan'-
e' h,rt to get It. 1f You )nate a oar- Batik.Bgete'r called +`tt friend,„ )Sends tett Y. t'• as hrneint potter lad. ett' a
matin tell the people about it. Ad. ,one dale last .,,e'aek .e vy hong) diacid ...diet alas:D 6: ithinn °-anal'
their re Sitlennees. %C by, lit tyle M0aulaaa, tit tine age tot
*srttsoantentw boring good results. . : • , t e , , °
3n', ay. 6; �TdvhnnsttaYit is tsflD 'caw death is very :meek tYt ..ud tted'
'When Vora, seg, ii naud.rclttntnt who td'tt-y thle W14r4' f 4114ree atrJoiitndll tflua i a vu6uannr caul old alike. R7"fI,iia• re- •
Vienna! ,„ Gwr➢U:;ate aoU elan fl►vy1'.datl 14''e litetyt' says there is nothing' in adverts- laromert ° of Hoar,natter. 11"°e14115 wese 1aaadi tit nest roti 7 ueeed ay •
,,r if„,,m,A cacao � ee, 'i"o •tiat, olso `�.01^41)n' ink; there! is '801Be'tllittg wrong; he, ` ,`
�' lir ,.lttL tht Q 11e5iCdst2 is either too stingy' to spend a tied- •1;, F. 1.Iektieeil r"....,1 avian ainnafl Mn n,du 0i4
,r .antS''en and ucn nee o',t11l snit b be at
tar or there is sa6tnt,e tieing wrong in 1. i5anrarns visaitt'tt t*. teroltztnnaannat Qat ` �d nttnnnn➢ii=n• taf rase tu<I. added)
cal4ie initattonnuwes.
iedmee tY p s�
"TorontoUneae,usiity. P' -ah -A.55; a xtaLc'itiin
tot le+e 144. 1'Lite work a eatsetellaVmty.
At »ottritti➢otw Zusleh1 every people go where they dealt get the , lIir 3'Y. Rain their i': a rt,, eiitt4. as
his head. In this enlightened. slay i the loltrai line on Sttttdlaay last.
i(t'dtnd ay. 1- II best bragaitns. I new feller' ;irotteadli his p►lenaiwe:a anti
-,,,, ..: _ _---. -- malting other improvements.
' eating Dftinking Wafer. Geo. 1leinstcdt who came to town
G. S ANBURY,, B. A. The supj,ly of drinking grater for a few necks ago to oligage in tied"
'e' ',..JG..,„,,. go d'uen.l.INS& s'. -%\a11:14 the family shota1d be testedmit; least haar�dware busniee'y, sold out to 1
oinedo a year. Water that at toile's Hatrtlti➢o eCo.
( and left for Ills
i:.1 tani;r'1! Eli'., S("11 lk'1 Yr'oIi. �'at➢'I iii f, tithe is, iore and seholt°:;gene may • honing art Blyth on 31Lo red ay.
• •H. '��eIYDaM'ti tQU 1,as3ar Mbit �'ttt;l}x'eP
need Parte f'dttpe ty yin sdDw st una 9 lull IID- v s. hat tr eTad az'
d oai'.c•Y.alae-a become too impure for use yet it M 1I Itaytlre,! l It on I' '! i'.tu
tecrest' Il'a`'6 rants 6tH "tonal 'rafu'aron May lad''without colour, and have Berlin. On' .tteDelt't she staarlea to
read and adces l Hays ►rn. no odour or taste to show its liars- at journey to Colorado to see Vier
Office eve E)' iei➢'g Bank. Exeter.
`4'•Wrx«V-+, . w".^ti'rW6eevV*4«i••.i.'Y« -'•.•'ti
I. c. Til .= :s
.;.' ;g: 1:4 Z1J11:41,GH :;3 c► V
gerous qualities. Vdaughter and from there she was➢
A simple test of drinking water; go to Manitoba to visit her si-ettr.
, is the iHleisclt sewage test, pili ret Mr. S. }lardy shipped his f'utuni-
{ cleat's point battle three-quarter.e' tatn`e from Fienatb9. (all '➢a'a esiiax6 `�"Y➢
full of the water to be tested, andleft
,and family on Thursday morn -
Council *Stet on Monad ty,ia1ac 6th.
loreeennt. Tlu' matter re' making
a 'rant tri l serer cemetery was
t.rkeu up again a anti after dne core
,t leretidtn no aad. tidont .wits taken. A
pilling s:ub:division known a s No. w
e•:�antjora$inlr the L. R. B. and L. R.
'I� , t' tttne°tessitoll lois 1 to 39 inclusive
was established). Lets 19, 1'i and 1•I
a~-tath Boundary were taken freosn
➢t .ilia:; sub. div. no 1 and addled to
i:�dlling sub. dile. no. 6 aanei lots to
and inclusive in 1•I. 1:a,anal mt'r.tn-
Sutter and Eggs ti kc in exchange.
we e'adnl'i say t.ti)ntntl('lt 1n praise of. train• t'0l'I,t4s anti E'llrtaunn-�, and aaIl'C
prepared to please everybody who want innte'r'ie.r Fittings for their
Homes. t e would therefore' ask you to van int and hock (Y� er our
Stock, before buying.
Gar pets..
Union from
0 — 40C.
30C. up
Also ae nic=e assortment of % 'oil and Woo) i:'aept.ts.
In Art Mullins. Cretonnes awl Lary Curtains, .we have the largest
• assortment ever shown and at prices that can't ➢ beat by anyone.
t., .yidYYY..werr dlrtaad'flne'tl from pane' � , � . �_ ..•
net stall. tiro . ttto, a; tines added too
3ss�J1ve in 1t hailf a teaspoonful of stag for their new ieonlie at, Carson- fle< lbin7 sub. ally. no
Pure granulated. sugar- Cork it 111 vibe, Mich. We wish thein succees 1t a�u ►. or •dun dna Vial report
atttel set it; nu a.T,.arnll
i .
place for
days. If during this h nteC it lbe,- i
rotates cloudy or milky, it is unfit;
for domestic use. If it remains;
perfectly e1ean, it is probably. safe.
and prospie city. reead, thing eerllaaindreaina "e• uo ks Ilei R MYE 1 1
Mi•. Fred $d -ss :�r. has ta.aadtweait t9_.y township of :tmanlleti and for
his stable to the back. of his lest on 'Marla . 'la certain Iaan& and roads in
Edward St. and intends building a. rue townshida of Hag are a"1's:ed
•t telling there this year. Tote for donde- liability zirdy flaaidd 5:efore
shows enterprise and •cwd..v(ta 1�1 )size Me t:oIlin('nl. _•�iF :. .• had!' to dee more men of his stamp in entirely considered that part of the WW y..y+.��ry Hats
aitSart�e i�rY-tfY-t:tt? o9a nrro'teietii eaC1- D"1 5 l ' our town. report pertaining to the aassesentent . i i Trimmed Hats a Specialtyyr • m
t Di r G,„„ lei og,, 0 The 'sec'ond test is also a sine ole
Ssr sown wires a tale a .rNcors andfl 3 druggist about five rent worth of ed that female members of his
can- port zc �ti adopted and the clerk rm in- , t who has not already l,urrli:ayeedl her witziBTnaer 3iillia?k ry .
e''egnrs• r c, r: ' #j 0. saturated solution of p ernian�'anate :` gregaatioti may attend service in t ueted to have as bye-law prePai•_ ' should look through our l tock, before lets}•iaa_r.
Exre9£ int Sample Fia�cuis rs of potassium. Add about five ; evening dress, with propriety. . Thiy t t 311 a('CJTdlaril'fe the•:'e'.with for
tear' ;eL real area. £3 drops of this to a print bottle of'" is all right, but a cod many
#e- Die' t atleeting of E•ouneil
e thaw jtisf 4)peleea lapw nether shipnie�nt of Ladies` white and tae
:Saa4l.rorc. holm IspeelaI sa�les. bought alta dui_' 1=d-diue'tite3:.:teal giving
Be careful that the battle is a est- td i the council fl.,adl ,
our t'ustoinera the benefit.
ia lately as dean as acid call snake it,1 t
the sugar ore,
oied aIe14t �. arDe v �.. - °I. lands Find roads ail lt.'ay. the re~- f
e7irtl with oraey the very Lest, " r one. Obtain from it fru;tworthv Citi English clergyman has decide s cents' .tett •:> . , y. Fverr I.atl
SLCre)tlnt . NN
i EliIte” i.,aletl fir . P E'T R 1,,,,,e/ j '�.t/, '"'
b b The followin •
!or C,c �} male: wear evenill
.cater. This Will turn the `wafer a' �, dress ztintti Me.
" ""'y beautiful rose purple. If there is +propriety, duly passed and
a LOWS. r'CISTER, i -'R l . •anyconsiderable amount of
r"a ✓ �"4::: v:e ei*01sv*a3Ge.-place in the course of a few hours
they sante.
BORN, Ht- 3l' agel working grader and
1 game matter, this colour will give ,i acid
1st. the wife of Mr. Henry N. Irv. Ma'el working; grader eldeetieni tried. On Saturday lastis
Wli.LFi'•T—At Dashw yod, on May
team CCR 49I.95' North Braee is to have another
to a more or less dirty reddish 'CP'lijert at son.
n t N. B
a a eats ... .
$9•df0 --
�VZs>rLont—At Zuriche: Hy. Rupp teams for grader Toiolr(eo, a petition against the re- . mooed kver� ?'Truest?ay afternoon,
in the bottle remains for twelve ,, on May _Dai, 1)l
hours unchanged from the rose the wife of Mr. John �l'e,t:loll, of N.B. ae,00; turn o;i Mr. James Halliday, who , Z'w ht';i•t C3 to 66
a daughter.
lay. . Rupp team for grader was rlretk'dd at the' recent bye-elec- !Oats rob, 29
hrpurple hue it assumed when the =S
Thos. Heffernan rep. cul. filed at Oseoode Halj,the petitioner ! Pett; 58 60
brown. If the colour of the water
C. R. ;•1,.50 tion, by a majority of eleven was, Barley 38 42
« ppeerruanganatey of potassium was BRonE.R1CS--At the Goshen lire,
LJO11l1fio first added it may be considered Hay, on May 3rd, the wife of Mr.
�v A•t Zurich, iii 6th 1 (" Ehnes � v i Chickens lsa n. , , - -- 04;z 105
J* 3i ti F
J h
with all m
l Ym D
uCi 6
D 6
conveniences. First-class seats ore ]d stn Th =a ,� G � 5 5
nes E andel SV soli lint d ntzfled to vote d'tC
accommodation to 'coinmer- � Mr Pot•ttoe " 20 2:r
ct�l faavelTers. Tarr and din- �R` �, '�► ��
inn room aaiw la's supplied °
20 to 6I
with the best l)btR
free from organic contamination. ' • Evelin Broderick, of a caug ::ter. 1 3. N. Howl 1 b • 1
Piles are usually aeatusedi by eon.
stipation, lack of exercise or sitting
on weto stones. They ,
DIED con 4 $3.0(1 follows the usual tenor of such Eggs
.ss— x.
Sri n nesattending• a
e o e
. 1nGt �court cictrtlnLdenr.., and lays the customary • '-' - -
rt rep rid ge
$1.00 "being Mr. James McAlpine, a regi- . Flour 200 2.10
dent of `Warton. The petition a Butter 11 12
'Martin Hess, atthe age of IG ofRevision East Branch e11,rgre of briber,' )a int
years, 7 months aud't; days, i Nos th R. S. D. 73e ° travelling expenses. voting by per Geese
frequently develop into tumors, Branch South rc Halliday himself is included i
fistulae or rupture of the intestines. � r+ r A. W. ' CHASES f r> . G. threes Storing Road 'these charges,~its -e31- s n HE BALL 'MARKETS.
25g i `tl r d well a, his:agents
62 `25 21
37 40
58 •
throat a I
red ermaean ttr
o t of
of cures Re �; �L
vi ion
y of the a� 1 1 and f a
Fl �.
2 y
}{]r w•1V
n �y,
trey. Art dealers to i7r ac .v Ci;a t 1 for iJt71 and for general 1 troubles o>: h7dirth Bruce are Ilona (live) per c.vt 6.40 6.40 .dill•
Dr. `Chase's Ointment has never
failed to cure piles and put an end-
ing to other wretched itching and
A 1 RRll CURE t,,i Grader $2 :a0: atndl his disqualification, as welt as Wheat
a ne hauling tile �.?.00 tutzr:dtint , is demanded. The date
e " `°°" e 1 !uneasiness. Itis truly a wonder
r. - ] leer Pro-' r to all who have used it and is guar-
aI i J =teed to cure every ease of itching
_...... bleeding or protruding phos.
is 'sent direct to "tat diseasedEdward H tt 1 1 L,,
pg�arse try the improved moo,. 1 . The council will meet again f g4 , -
HealsHeats the vicers, clears their , 11d'c t d)h of the trial has not yet been firmed, l Bailt;b
the nicer*,
in the Monday flit a3rcl lady of June as a farads the particulars have not' Peas
C 's. '. sess- i yetbeen Hied, a. r sothe politicalour
atarrh aril exyFsvor. Blower j d c
se SUCH o �, -
VIOLAS Co Toronto and Buffalo. bltSilleys•
laov.'t a� ixtrtL'9' 'rem L7LLfL'ttta�.
AMU' .... .. o xus+va.• tint
0_..:._ .--:. _.. .. - - otmcoruxar •.. i11rn l'e'ax.
not tie t over. _ do ..ldt'Oaellie teAs 0at a