HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-03, Page 8THE ZURICH H RAL.D
HOFFMAN, Tie Tailor, every day.
Work guaranteed equal to
We use no Chemicals to
destroy your Clothing.
Suits to Order wo°
® 1,
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and sew-
ing done to order. Estimates
A. given for all kinds of buildings.
full stock of R. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Chopping done
,Special to the HERALD.
Neil Maxwell has engaged with
Mr. McBoath.
Miss Annie Hudson spent Sunday
at her house here.
Thomas Cousitt intends leaving
for the old country in the near
future. Thomas has not been well
for some time and it is hoped the
trip will do him good.
A number of our boys attended
.the Hypnotic entertainment • in
Zurich Saturday night. '
Most of our boys seem to strike
for the South pole on Sunday even-
ings, boys look out explorers tell us
it is cold in that region,
-- There will be no service in the
ismer SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, House cleaning and gardening is
now the order of the day.
Repairing all kinds of machinery
a speciality !
J. 11. Wilier, - ZUriCll for the summer. Apply to
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE
J. C. Kalbffleisch Mr. Andrew Duffin, Aultsville,
Zurich P. O.
The undersigned wishes to
engage a good farm hand
T. St M. Johnson —
Have just received a new stock of
furniture, Bedroom Suits, Couches,
ishina s, window Shades, and Pic- c with. most of you, and ire
Fancy Rockers, and Parlor.Furn-
ture Frames a specialty. Call and; are prepared to supply your
see tor yourselves. In the Woollen iheeds in
mill department we are offering
special reductions in Underwear, ar 0d S I i Ir S
Sheeting, Blankets, Stockings, etc.
'n . . Johnson
riage Works t
Steak Than 'Ever,
er Thin Eger.
wer Than Ever.
Lace Curtains
Table Covers
Floor Oil Cloths
Table Oilcloths
and numerous other requi-
rements, such as are now
Call and sea what we hate
Ont., writes :—"I was troubled
with Bright's disease of the kid-
neys for five years, I tried a num-
ber of aoctors and preparations,
but got no relief. My son advised
the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liv-
er Pills, I got a box, and, to my
surprise, I got relief at once, and
am now thoroughly curd." One
ni11 a dose, 25 cents a box.
Special to the HERALD.
� Zurich, •
'' in. Parker, Fred Baker and
.. 'l rJohn. McLeod huvo Kone to 'Gelle-
r rich to e'ni;esge iii fishin t..
Special to the HERALD.
Most of the farmers of this vici-
nity are done seeding.
H. Rau delivered hogs to M. E.
Shoemaker last Thursday.
Eli Challet and M. Dosjardine
were in Bayfield last Sunday. shop to a new coat of paint.
W. J. Hornor exchanged horses The masons have completed the
with Samuel Gratton, Jack says he foundation of Mr. D. Schaffer's
has a wind splitter now. house.
Mr. Allan is busy planting fruit Mrs, Andrew Birke and daughter
trees on the farm which he pug- Silva are visiting at Staffa at Airs.
chased, Sellery's.
Charles Laporte delivered ii logger Fred Balser has erected a new
of hogs in icensall last week, e 33
page sgattotiwas the price which he got, Charles s farm bieli across
says it pays to feed hogs at that r aplu'asranee. This is the kind of
fencing every farmer should erect
Joe. Jellineau Jr. agent for tire' along the roads and avoid the snow
American incubator sold one to drifts in winter. Y
Joe. Mere on Friday.
Ales. Challet visited Grand Bend
on Sunday.
Mr. Bachand was elected as true.
tee for the Seperate School on Sat-
Suscribe for the HERALD and
read the Drysdale News.
Special to the HERALD.
The rush of seeding is over and
She farmer* are busy sowing men -
glee, 'doing gardeniug,cte.
Mrs. Wilson Armstrong is tin
the sick list at present but we hope
soon to hear of her recovery.
Norman Stephenson is suffering
at present from a kick which he re -
e eived from a horse on Friday last.
Wo are *seed to see Mrs. J.
Sheep able to be around again after
her illness.
Allan McGee has moved from
the Elliott farm to Bayfield where
he is eiigageai to drive Jewett's
mill team for the summer.
P. Gesrniiihard has fitted rip a
Bicycle Livery and general repair
shop in the pink building. He is
Gagent for the Antelope and has a
number of new wheels as Wen as
some second hand ones for sale.
J. E. Morgan has rented the River
_.....—,...-..eme. ette house and bus seemed a six months
Anything lei ¢ tt1Ii fine, lie'ense and opened the house on
'Wednesday May 1st. This is a
of Watches, Jewel well known home and hes enjoyed
�' Clocks. Jewel-
a large patronage especially nnionig
Musical goods. simmer guests and we hope Mr.
r'Morgan will have the house, well
tilled this smuttier.
' E. Reid who has spent the win -
i; home this
. �, er at Dresden arrit eel ho
ices Always Lowest weer;: and left for Goderich Tues-
day, there to meet the survey boat
u ceBil ayfield"owhich he has e:ng ag-
I Repairingred for the seamier.
John Falconer went to Owen
A `+ Sound last week to tome.' the stir-
` + �,,� i bant Rayfield on which he has
engaged for the siir! mer.
F'�yJ 'r els Miss f . Martin returned Tuesday
at t' T e s a�n,t*itas4
huh Sadiery 'Furniture
Ago aid Piano Bonet
raYK mnm, otiitf** m mimrin„
iN%f'sl1 statit'In every Depatti'Citilt.
Harness of all kinds. Fur
Robes. Blankets. Trnees,
Travelling Bags, Fancy
Plush Bugs.
Furniture, Bedroom Suits,
Parlor Snits, Sideboards,
Extension Tables, Chairs,
Spring Beds, Mattresses of
all kinds.
The New Williams Sewing
Machines, Organs and
Pianos—only the best make
in Canada—the Dominion,
the Bell, and the Thomas,
Soho was awarded the gold
medal at the World's Ex-
position, Paris, France, in
Patronize home deale ,
and you will save money,
and get better goods with
an honest dealer.
from Toronto where she has been
since last September. Qaeenie
Martin who has been there for a
few weeks returned with her.
The dill extended to Rev. Mr.
McNeil by the members of St. An-
drews churek has been aeeepted
afid he will be inducted as paster
Spocial to the 11LRALD-
A very sad accident happened
Tuesday Morning at Welsh's plan -
mg inill whereby A Short was
seriously injured. He was running
a small circular saw ripping some
lumber when one of the pieces was
caught and thrown back with con-
siderable force striking him in ab-
domen, injuring him, internally,
Everythin;Y that medical skill
could do was done but without
avail be died Wednesday afternoon
about S.
Special to the HERALD,
Dan Hartleib has erected a nice
verandah in front of his jeweliry
Mr. Tait a Neustadt'' is visiting
her mother Mrs. Lindonfeld.
Chas Guenther who was hurt a
few weeks ago while sawing wood
at Mr. Martins was able to return
home on Friday last.
Abraham Shettler who has been
is able to be
i11 for some time
around again
Mrs. Kellerman
visited friends in
Henry Calfas is confined 'to the
house of erysipelas.
Mrs. Nicholson has removed to
W. David will move into the
house formerly occupied by Mrs.
The merry-go-round flag was
hoisted again on Monday evening.
This is surely a sign of summer.
E. Tiernan has treated his butcher
and Mrs. Fenn
Zurich on Sun-
T have purchased the business of C. Hartleib, and with
lay new stock coming in for spring, 1 can give ypu anything
in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line. at very close prices. .
Mr. and Mies Weston of t krieh
Township visited at the home of
Geo. Armstrron r an Snniday last.
H. Well ofLurieh has been deliv-
ering some good furniture and a
ante piano down the Goshen this Air Orin and eatttialts.
week. ,I' The laosseesion of the..e danger.
W. N. Watson of Seaforth has
been going his rounds again and is
leading seine of his sewing-inax-
chines around here.
Ed. Schnell called on Mr. rind!
Mrs. Will Heart Last Sunday after-
' .tr. and Mrs. It. McLinehey spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Erra.et,
Babylon litre.
The Quarterly Services will be
held in the Methodist church here
on Sunday next.
Sunday School re -opens for the
summer the second Sunday in May.
J. T. Keys is superintendent.
osis toys by entail boys is on the
increase, and in Toronto the auth-
orities have decided that it must
be stopped. It is illegal for any
boy under 10 years of age to have Prices.an air . . . .
it is illegal for any
dealer o gun. and ell an air gun t n ai bo e
sander sixteen. This law will. in ROBERTSON PI A DY MIXED l AT
future, be strietly i=nfoireCtd. end ,
dealers making sales to bays over are they Best i1V tPSt.
sixteen years will be compelled to
register the names and addressest, t l iii theHarnessline. . I<e tl
of the purchasers. Boys have for -
a long time pleaded the excuse that
they knew nothing of the law. and
it has been a difficult matter to
punish them. To spoil this excuse
the law against catapults and air
;alis should be mead in the public.
Thursday next May Atli. i schools, and the teao-Piney, to in-
onSperiail to the f1! RALD, street on the gins iszthility of start
Bishop Baldwin is to be here on C. Guenther of Dashwood was obedience to the law.
Thursday evening May nth to aid- lying sick at the hone of his 1
minister the rites of eontirination. 9 brother lin law. ! Iteep to the ltigiiL
service at 1.30 p' m' S. Martinis Jr. as the result of an I Now that the beetle a;eas..m has
accident has recovered so ranch opened. we trust that the rider who
that he was removed to hiswn
, home a week ago. Wednesday.
Hey and H. Neb were sawing) and govern himself accordingly. If
If you intend building a house orbarrl, call and
get my prices for your requirements.
Eavetroughing, Roofing and Furnace Work.
Main Street,
9 Zurich, Ont
... Zurich's Leading Shoe Store ...
Scarcely a day in March 1rts stl but what brought us newt
spring goods. Our stunk is up-to-date hi style. Men's,
Women's and Children's 1110es at lowest 1►l'iees. We
guarantee hest quality always. I1' you want the very
latest and host ;tet►t►tlt from tilt' loading t `auattliaitl maliiufae-
Come to me
Try me
And you will always buy from me.
.The Ta
The New
Stock and
e New
does not know enough to keep to
the right will hereby take notice
>y wood with circular saw lastand Dyspepsia week. ` there is anything in the world eel-
The save mill was running for a eulated to cause a man to spit
few days, it enlivened our burs, venom it is to a vacillating wheel -
W. Geiger spent Sunday at his, sick to side like the streamers on a
Chafes Kidney -Livor Pitt* for Con- lady 5 bonnet. Keep to the right.
h T bre and Mr• and Mrs. J. Hey visited sit' You can learn to des it easy enough
if you put your mind to it. Tie a
string around your right wrist, if
you need prompting in that respect
and keep' on the string side at all
Me imam' Moor Pickering, Ont,,
states :—"1 used three _ b'oiem of Dr, home in Hensali.
man (or woman) swinging from
anti a3toanac you e. �, Hornets U edaie on Sunda
'ialivur. Poland sa'i+�tblakgt tor Witna:' rg y
ticarm. I lkati *iasfere![ frorri the*e t gay Mr, and Mrs. J. Decher visited
tlaint* for' tna.nir tett* alta taker- at J. Roeder on the Goshen en Sun -
teats. thetlieiti e, brat it tentain-
1 ed for Dr a taeea s kidney -Liver merle y. .
to tote too; am stow well and etrorit. The barefoot boy is again in', hazards. It may 'cause you some
I r. Patrick 1'. ]Nc'Laut hien, Bea.: i ineonvenience at first, but you will
'I evidence.
lsari!aot*, true.. aitattot et ' +wa* Insist tor
leave the satisfaction of'knowing
t m 20 tear* � Mere e sbeen an a rba p at t
On Monday- night of this week that you do not run the risk of hit-
eouidi not Wen at nitht* on ncetsuifi -vre saw the far famed horse trainer ting some inoffensive person amid
trouble•* seem to 'be 'driven out at sari run into hili and he doesn't swear those waterproof coats 4� t. are selling at
O,ie .tylll aa. cote, � cent* *. box, Rei
v1Cu ierR, or E imaanion, Bette & nes
i•v lire
a T.
" of
every o
almost t_ e
i l °2 tilt. day. c
`° ( theorder t
E� now
is thinking of making a change, probably inthe's .t of
11e«% lace curtains, draperies or net. table cloths, etc.
In lace curtains we have them from 35c a pair to fid.
In cretonne draperies we have a go.oti assortment
especially our double -fold reversible and fast color lines.
You want to sec' them. We have also new lines of white
linen, colored and chenille tablecloths that are elegant
et mans rat tete bait, bu itotiald *els guiding himself from one side to •ships and thereby lessening his our newaliti2l tv5
trod. *tor all alight sit sir ere& terrible the road to the other. He appear- p hymns �� e wish to draw you attention tel o g
n, Clitse as Kidney -Liver Pills chances of hoe chanting on that
acre a new itiait aaC ixae, also the alta ed to be going on roller skates. beautiful shore. Because if yogi toy are the iiolil)ieSt r,OC}C1S we have yet shown. And
Now—if if you wish to be in it on, w ; t7:l,.)u are really
the 24th of May, be careful. E may conclude that he is deaf. r
Call and examine.
Mrs. E. Weber had the niisfor- youthe best value iyL have ilial sic 1t7SSx and it is St)liletlliilb
and dumb, or that you have killed
tune on Monday to have a. land col- hint outright. There are . some
Ier backed over her. It appears people who could not turn a bicycle
she was cleaning the roller and in a ton -acre lot, but they are few.
told the horses to back and her; It is ignorance of the rules of the
dress caught with the result that' road in most eases, and we trust
d xi ext e
the roller passed over her. or-, these few reinindets will bear fruit.
Outstay ` ' x OutstayOutstay she Was not Mueh blur- f Fitiok to the right end you'll always df.s rt i1
.... � � � ......._ ..__
• Zurich.
Dr. Chaste*
every Than needs.
No trouble to show goods