HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-03, Page 6. I I
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"I V11"RIMPS""w" _.. ..)..11 ORM.1f, q_V _ - . . .
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. I I ____
g Sg N ERS a, Portugueoe, 11',�� Africa has been so]$, and himself as judges of the tered moce Ills arrest, seven or algilt
terribly afe0tod ll.)� fever. During Permanent, 0ourt of International having been killed,
the laot three movths 'there have Arbitration, A. dozen Or more cases Twenty deputies guarded the jail
1; RRY PHI been five hundred devAllo. Via normal of arbitration practice will Speedily throughout tile night. No exact- hour
pulation is about 8,000, but this be In readiness fortheGenoralooart had been fixed for the hanging, which
gone been reduced owing to tile war and the judges appointed by the waa sluiply 9p('.0lfIeLI to take piace
and tho commercial depreosion result- varioue countriera will form a spe- bp"tween 10 a. *at, tuttl, 4 1). in.
, Ing tZerefrom. 111ble is the highest cial panel of International jurymen, MEN Rlundredo of arniod mail, many of SHIN-10dr
0 PTU H [ 0 death rate in tile world, and if it con- from -which namim of arbitrators call them cowboys from the surrounding
ell- -, __ tinuea it will mean the extermination be draw;n.! . country, arrIveLl during the 1110raing, -
I I but no demonstration occurred.
of the Europeans in that territory. -_ � Xotchum talked for over an hour
. � I I ' ,Iurlllg tile morning with vieltors,
ftermath of War, ,Vakes a bong Tiroc. 11 Black Jack $5 Ketchum's Herbert Spencer's Life Work
The Bushmen Capture a Boer Lo.d.A London, April 29, 6 a. M. -The coun- cooler than a.ny who met him. He (to-
n, April 26�-,Slnoe, Ur. Brod, try is di&sutisfied because the war alared death preforable to ituprioan-
r1ok took offioe the crop of 110Ya4 ill South Africa. still drag"al along. ment. Ketchum told of robberies in
- -nmando. Warrants affecting the array Il"s rked Off. ared Nearly Done.
I � During the past, few weeks the move- which he, wap concerned, bat deal,
. ..�'. Coi Wen plentiful. inent designed to kuweep the north- ho bad never klllpcl a man and had
. , i��!� TbD warrants of Mr. Bro.drIck's erit Transvaal hag been in progress, shot only ilircip. nt! said he was not
`,'�,J�,V"�_`,,l .. - onoa.tion tduch more vital things than
.1 I and a good many Roars htwe 1wen I Black Jack, as that bandit Is still at
bnttous and tape alld tlWTO is a captured, but at4 the present rate It -
sound ring of comillon sense in the will take a long time to got rid of Booldes glv!nLr a full account of the'
I 9AV MAKE CAPTURES. framing of many of thain. tile 15,000 Boers who are still bo-, I . St011'o Pass robbcry, exonerating ill
With regard to disability ponsions lieved to be under arals. Alontlisbave I mon who were convio-tP11 of that
it is Pleasant to record that those paseed away sin-ce the invaders on- clolins,, Ketchum &al,l Bud Upshn,w was
soldlars who M,Y, lat-OT In life, Sur- tored cai,)a colony, Fat th,py I . it of the murder of A. P. Pow -
for from the effects of ,%c.tl"%,c r�er- f'r' - His Last %Vrlting Was to President 'nno"" N 0arte'sWill
there to -day, and quite as trouble- I ekm% In Toxas, of which lie Is accus . 1. Troubles lit. Spitin-Doyly
.33A.den-PoNvell Won't Have Any vloe will have a claini upon the Gov- some as ever. Bome Pkl,ople argtlel .11C1011ley Protestin." the Inno- Milo killing, Ketchum said, was the -Paris Express office Robbed—
wh.to Flag in His -A i3oeie School- erumciut instead of buing cast crIP- that our army is even not no strOT19 i ceneo of Three Accused Men Novr reault of .% conspiracy to which he Fighting in ChIna, reported --
I a, party,
V,O_ pled upon th� ch,Lrlty o -f the worl1i, c-nough for the ta-sek ,, ,,,,,w,, Ilea n- 1 I wam ,
muster Met a Deserved Fate -V Thus it is or,14-red that if a soldier while, Ur. Broarick's seheme drarinty in PeoilLentlary Under Sentellce'. i - Chinese Police in control.
inen for South Africa -The Plague after -discharga be found at a later reform i.q condemned by nearly every New York, April 27.-A,lt-11011911 130
nt the Cape. ly�rlod lneapabl-e of earning a living competVilt, critic. It 113 generally ad- I Clayton, N* M., April 26,-Thoinaa I i r
by reason of d1sabIlity proved to 1tave mitted that the regular army will E. Ketchum, alias Black Jack, the QrfIr.ial antiouncomplit has yet been
boon contractod in t1r, vervic,e, lie no- 1 UP10 To HIS 0191
, London, ,&pril 26. -Gen. Kitchener not, be strengthened materially un- torious outlaw who had terrorized �! made, says tit(., Trilbune's LOad0l"
wxVorts to the War Office that since may ba granted a, pPns!o.n,1 or increnee til the attractivenes.4 of t -be sor-
hU last id,e,�;patah. 10 Boers have of pc-nsion, suffiolont for his malutp- Vice is increased. � I the people of tolie Southwest for tile correbpondent, it spomr, probablo that
imneo. A. list of tIv,!,.,;t- gralits will be ' I last lifteem years, was llaaged here tile paxt of tho new Briih;b loan
been killed, 20 wounded, 1-127 cap- aarimally laid bofcwr�, ParlianifInt. i
1 yosterday afternoon for train rob- hisane He Had PreViOUSly offered to tile public has been Gov-
VareL% Wnd a3l surrendered, Throo __ i bery. 1110 head was severed from the eretl about seven times. The war
"Illany Organized '.Zftldq. LINCHING V FOLLOW . ubwribed
ttikotisaud cattle, 6,000 sheep, and Durban, Natal. .1.pi,il 25--Th-�, coun- , I liody', by the rope. as if by, a, guillo- I Tried to Kill Doctor. loan Issued last year War, 8
,muny wagons have been taken, try near Ilelinut'a, Zululand, Is i tine. The headles,4 trunk pitelledfor- eloven times Over, Much more ellth,0131-
111 addition to the for(,going, Lieut. I swarming NvIth, capturr'd ,ftnd sur- ward toward tile spectatoro, and lar,ilvally and inaell Moro popularlY.
MbA-d and 20 Imperial Bushmen Cap- I rendered gtor,k. As it adjoins thP Fiendish Deed by a Gang of li,lood spattered tt.p-,)n those llearest
C.ammissie Tr� lljjvt� bi,tlil nlany the scaffold. SUICIDE OF JOHN AIKENHEAD. 1 S"c"'""'s W"k' 'Ne"'Y "one'
wared yesterday, near ano.vaal, t1wre, London, April .'�7.-Ilurb.lrt Sp,,,neer,
. 1. organized raids. The execution t.twk place Inside a � onto, April 29.-Dwalle and Im- wll(>..:,e hpaltil is tu,�st feelil(!, %villspond
drift, olifant's Ildver, Commandant - Black Rascals. I stoukado built, fur illQ UeVaslon- Ona -1 or I Brighton
f:,ebroeder and 4�1 men of his c0lli*� I Cape Town, April _,18.-A. d.o.;Patcll hundred alit! fifty witnewes ea3v t lit, I buod -,vith. the de,sire to end Ills life, I Ills eighty-fIrst lArtlidaY at
Wand, a Maxim gun, a numbar or has W.n reoAved ll-IrO st-ItIlIg that , cxecutitin. When Ketchuln inutint- I '.NIT. John J'. Alkenhead, of 'Salaman- to -day, virtually Ill F.011tudbCi- nis
es, mitles and wagons, and con- 11 25 mon bi�longlng to tile Prince of ed the t��.flrohl at 11.17 p. lin., Ills ca, N. Y., who was here on a visit, autobiography hat; rtIt't-lvetl its final
Wales' Light Ifors t kept, 400 j�,,,rs WOMAN OUTRAGED,- MAN SHOT. � rack, et U( ro
kca-S , was pale, but lie plltlw I ) ar. i
lAderable ammunition. a t Ixi, i jumped frogn a. thly(I-story window t�_ucheg, but lie is uriablo to do any
T-I.eld's men crept up and surround- I . y for eight hour"; at a. 111,10L, Vonnellsville, Pa., April 28. -Tho i �, priest tstood at hii side as tile rope . talned Work, or ,,y�.Il convereewit1l,
fiftepa miles front Krol-IsUld. Four- i Nva.; Iwing a(liu.-ted. The condemned Of ILL3 father's residenee at 170 Me- FuS
e ki Vollitelisville coke region Is all stIrrol - . . visitors.
ed tile men before dawn. and opened, te_�n of the Botire -,v .ro illed and sev- � 111all naa mn,,,eaved to spiritual at- Chill street oil -.'--`oaturday morning"
om tile Doe,rs immediately surreu, up to -night agaiii. over the dastardly A 311no Horror.
oral woundbed. �. i ,.Vll lanVe at t1le 1atit moment. -I a,
. n wed, grunt the shock Or ow ran
- Iti-Al w -r I dectIn of a, gang of negroes, wbo at � I�tvlluln dvolllp-d to Inake a Klievell. I . .
Klerling. I Ultimately tht, Dri * P foreed 31101114. Pplg'olm. Apoil '_17.-E1Y,htt-'cu
ward r�.y Inju
in a later m(-_sa,-P, for 1119 to surmnd?r, but, t) did not ca- I 4aebuld Hiram MeNlIllan, a white 1111.111 lit, muttered "Good-li.w," tlmliliai,i: at 3 o'clock -yv.stertlay aft ernoon in ininers wvr.7, I;Itlk,tl and MIVIIII 4 red
a&iow from Gen. Kitchen0r, 1114, pitulat,:x until th.,Ar anilnullition VVZIR' "', � .-Pu-ase ,lig litly grzo.t.- Nery dvep," ilift E'lliergetivy 11omNiLal. lu-da�y by an I.Nplit-itill Of fire clikolill
brother, tilts commander-in-ellief, exImusted. None of tlip BritI911 WaRi a.iitl Itis wife In a lonely )rause nit,. . I -wil at; tho ealo wits drawn oNer Ills ,'.\Ir. Aikk.-nitewl had ilot, licen Well to tlt�. urand Dui?�ia Visal lilill" at
mys: injured. After thpir ,4urrm(ler the, Oliphant. and allot the intin twl""- � faee, he shouted: - for &au - thiki- past, auk! hiK wife � 114jorlin, t,lx nilic-s fmin 13%Ve.
44C,en. 13-.1tichener repttrts from Paar- rV�ra r-,,Ileved tht1m of their arms I proba�bly martally wounding him,aul' - Let Her Gol.", i ad%lo.,-ti. film t,i. voine it) T-rkinto to D�Ply ( .%rt;.,.4 ,VV Ill.
wEteplata four Doers killed, 18Lk taken aaql w1tatevor lwr,zolml prop,rtv .ekl lyr : 'I olk-l-irk tilt,, drft.�, N a, prung. t vb-it his hipm-. lit- arrivel fin )IMI- L,milim, liprol "T.
then relit, V RF -Thk- will Of Mr-
. and 3,000 cattiti, 0,00GI strwk tlwlr fancy and .1.,,W!l � assault .utzIllY the W011114111, W11 At, V- "ay lfistt, but did lliii6 8"will t1i. Ili, 11 lh�vlv L'urt�.. -
. I ib -m. . also is lit -.I t;,erlous- condition frout tilts IsitlY Rh4A, thr uga tilt- trapand I ' ' . . tho. 1.140.1trif-al atan-
nr.).ny luitit hilliqvir. lie arted i4trailgAy,
greopa. e.rlls�d . wagn,ins c,uptured." I the fivad was torlit, lrtbikk� tilt, trimiz i I ngor -,vhtt, diw,d April :.'. Was SWO1111, to-
,r4w total regults during tile Past, ___ � the abu.�(.. XvXlllall's house stall'!', and to!)% slavi,r ranele..z. Dr. Powell, I , In 2.I.K17 I oiapto He 11041UNgth-
three �iay�,3 is, therefore: Poer Invaders 1!efto1w)e'.1.r, I 4ack fr,-,)tii the Itigh-way near tile vI I ; li.v tl.v trejui lidi-tis it,rk. Tht! ll"141 1 OW f.LmUy plIvAlAUll, 010 11r. Tudd ' IQ
., I roninow-1 Ili tilt, vat -k and 11-11 111W ). pl�? it) IlOoini. Drialdr�wlll-
I . Trouble lit "JoAtil.
prlw tal ,a 5ti- ! C own, April "S Doer * Illutorle OJI;ilaxlt furnace. Nle.Nlilla It � tilt, pit. Tht- l;4z%!.v droppi-d toilit- I -m-ry valltA in. 0a Salur.lay morn, ('tl 1,001) It' "I
. niers w ...... ...... ...... -hpo T - .-The .
SarreliderS .. . ..... ...... ...... ...... 45�! jllva.&�rs nave app -aroll ngain lit tilt, 1 i,4 alknit �JU ,,warm, old, but, lit-, Wirt , I ia-Z It- grew ,vvttr,-w. :11191. in-vonli'llti
Dwre lelliw ... ... ... ...... ...... .1.0 I 311chinvond duArict 44 Cal- U!4oll'y. �' Is (pilte .1, ,%'011ng W0111.111, and tilt, � 1.31(twid. (Inhering airl lilt - vi ling. 1-v lilt' t "14k!ent, it -.%-.,
.1 � au -it groant-d all,l t-therff turlivol I N tll'ktl�llt %`if to S4'11" t '.Nladrid. Altrit :�7_,:41rimio ditAmrb-
Vor,V3 ...... ...... ...... ... ......... ... '�t) u ' two wt ' �*utldenlv tilt ' him tit ill,,* 1I.;y;lIIa. WhM her liv -It Agol.Lloollar.
-, Among ill(- prisoll,rg vapturetl lit . - -rt, alsRste. -5 - UP- -,wa, I aj.��-%.5 lj�tvv twe,tiort, I .
Krupli guli$ ... ............ ...... ... I fight 41t Hu41I4-.%*lt-�,i,t, J,Zlotif. whi-ell. re, groe.;, Ili t1w purty bi-lug' two blat,li � . %, wlat,a- t , t,itilitr(- the sigitt. I litard 1hp prilpi-Ation t -r not, is liot 11 Nilli't, for S'.018" %voulvit 41110-1101
. V1.1. a rou t-i.v�qlds, the Ult
MaXONO ...... -..". I I ?-ulted lit tu �k;tuplotfk il,411.1tt for thei NNoult-it aI..-,1,- calut, irtini, ;I hidint'" .1114: . ly W"s I Unimn, but sltvubtlp�-_; hot ,Vil n%0 I ""
.... � .. . .... 11 ... =00G. Er. Sauer. I attayttt,i ow ittin,w. ,nit. mon iiiirNt ' ullt,ucl t'k lit- Itall ti-twiled ll�o till I" ,�- Joaril %Ilk, call forilert-3 teb ti*llie It"Ill ,I v I ilif- nrt-.,4 in thil lhlilWi� ;1,1111 V01111311"tT
. 110a, wab .1 C, m -4:a Oi �,
nolln,Lq sm%ll ammunition ...... vo � ra, I ri-lit, hii!jt. ,%vitij Ilip ld.m.d liouring t ; � Iod tilt- l4i,tvra to ,-%w, -tt. it9d it hft
kinatiL,,sionor of llabln- fill t114 -s dotir, dragged Xre;. Alt-NI11lait � to ^ tleo-rt4, awl for tilt. roup -it bl't'a 1'.
i a k-trmim rri�ia t1w Nevi -rt l arto-r- , � " ft �trod the laniv U Lit Is - fllmld,'d
i tlb:i formor C , 4.11's %%.I.- P
J froin her husban-l's arins alb -I Nit— 1 � - .I, t4t. lwart Lept 111) RR Ill, I'llaul- I . Itotfivell, tht. t)llive.
ton. P.13, ILts Ilarrood the'WhItO Flag I Workm 'PS, I enro,,,w3l, tit Dr. 11itinilton
___ 11 rieJ b6T Out, 10,1101 I 0IV WItliIIII'ding, I I I .It 11te 1kr4tt-Ot Mt, tilt- Unit'. �
. bit lnttt-ri�.tstalldlag tflthfl�, I-aris. illkrd L.- Thr,
-G � where tilt. A% 1111.11 cv-sa lilt vol. lic;, � �, un an,41 Aiftv,l thit ht.d.v fritin %lw IN Ill 16. 1 4 1. .� .0, la'LN10141
1Xmion. ADr5l 1-16. 3ell. Baden-111ow- -tit t4nttkng;. Thell vh,� 4-trivort;%voll R
ell bag ll,N�n ghill:X F't.1no s -mild advice Captured a Luawlr. I 5 rittitir. arills-4 xvitli :% largyp� willur, � Imrglarn mitort�vl tiv, %I.ttrwax Xx=
to the mcn of thL,'8:3ULh .4,frkan. eon- London, April '_11.—,1,1JL0I. r1unier's,.* The IIIA -%band sh-ot Dowit. krotaild. I I mu.0, 4411wi, l."A uIr'llt.
stabulaxy. Writing fi*4oln bmadquar- fore;) oapturt-d a sluall 1.19191-r it( -Vi � L010 1111; tilvir N irtim loror.tratu. tho, 4.(- nai; prs,�ti*4nno-iLcl gAtInct In flvc I kll'4t., 44IL-I Ivith a Tolaitineell glalw Ill liros.i Oplai
his jiyrti. tilt- ubilt4rtiinats, Man i o;�Irlir:.'I t1tv n4AAmb-tvii .444"t ft. V1.39-
ters at X041derluntt.-il.l, tt Cardiff man 111*�11, Ill(. t1ii-Ir attentl ill too t1lio, 1101? i titatit- ;I ntivI ru,.!I at hint. lrlp- slt,ettor ,, g1,31 �kt.uel It 1,pjol lait.t .tivi 4 realtud Witu
_ qal,flng tit,- tlt)t4)riiiui4 Trans t I I tn . N, � .,L -s frd�nt I he linis- tho IRAY dMll,- �
s2amptl D()blilln 51,YS* Nattl S.Lato I,'.ng1n+-,-r Uillinick. Who f!t",.Illtit!4,11�t"lv..tlt�l. u -ba load 114'.4,11 pit., tn-, thr, vigh tlov trap. The reo-tilt .h L-41%& 1"au evillillor. nlift Itilu"JoAre,l V ,. I.-,#j1j,g fr;tljj-�4
ti,411 for tll*L J1, gage.l. Ill Irattle NVItI1 4011P im in4irg ,-JI,*%vt4I illat tit%- drep t,f tv,,ven feet � atehilax hold 44 ii . �
la t he courv, � 0 .111 gjdtlr#�ss 10 111' , Itlanned the 6 strut I ' ii -W.&I, tv.10;, las Wit h -la. allil f,41 v
inen 11.-P.* Faid .tile bmth Mricau , lutnne-�burg ininot; ill 1,101 Nwring Of L. fit tho nieli tjtro�uglvjut thiti L;:rrildv %t_,Vi6 the rioam.'um - �4%4- . I Vightlan ilt Vits1b.s.
� %I he gli'v2opt. I %wlgt hil"fe,
CwStabulary ,%vezo rxiwetel nt-ver ti� U.SL 70�1.r, and. It!-. latit.,lo. who W -IN 1� 4*rdeat. Uellillun brutie rrifill i -i aN; ' pr�at fi-r w� liru%y :1 111,111 Us XPt� � It"' if Lqfi�il,,,ol: Apra .7 ,,, Vv'nivr (au
n dfd that It W0111a! forawrly Landrot'-,t at lutltsliur- ,h1Im.,k%,IatJ We-.04ttetab �nt 1701)44UIDIIQ� I After ollots lit, tt i inod 14�� 114-VuAl't - k.
sortnulper. It .1, ul." � , sallallt.;. toll"I. a" he I,tartnl Vavl.: I Vijiml .-m-l 1411jlmiT. Litt 11,41, j; kiNito 11 or4-3,1 j1.,";;k � 4,v- th lw�td
I ,
be Do tWOTJ COMAng - I __ ;. s%vrirf Salome, Gat, -it& bults . t1ap � NtIzOlial R ildvol �A�U�, i'JI14"114" 1411,011 laull. Lt -` I - -r�j � , !r Lttjo, r. 476.4%oA to. Vie
, bault. I.,.jIug,tt,tti1- tbe 11iter "' I Into lot-, hksw,#� tilt, llegrpi-. sm'Mo.-litli, ;rbilf-wied 1i nlf3rol r. . .41 r 4 -tii
-# - 1� "I, 11"ve L*W, ronW4 Of t1u,111111- S. � l tItIlIking t1lat ho wa.4 going ft�r a i?� , u%reiltiav,o ; Itol hitgv�elf ti trutir �,�
- ". � " �, 114-ret�riqf V14 colwiRf Ga.— rw;�#Wh- #if Va. . i MO Itt000s .k i-i4siAs 44:woh." noclong
on,* he mid(tti. Ifire 12V Ut gu)t r a rev.41%i-r. drt 'llw� _,04�', 11)�;, jr;aj
41 � 11 0% '�1*w,I.*r,rnv,k14 sAlo-11
t t 1, .N." a Itend ou o, V I - ;%.1V4 -.,%. 4 3 0 g I .
Vitl 11 � Vapp Town, April *_1S, XL a ilwt,t- i r li-trt of' 14"It'g- ts"111 tllro�t"l "l 411� 41 lrt,�,t ILIL�t ol; tjww =,5
ht� I.Iist for yonr* I 111� oT the III. 1114 lingly hetrimoto vlomit thogreatt, I t toll to 11;�* 4
�toiu,jlj.l Iq ,1,1;4 br.t nk-liph hiint an I a 1) A
2010vo aud ku,p Z I:ollet. It orred :
I , qt,.r- Jn9t. 11,41tw to - hf."rt. N't"Xillall fith ILL.. IWTDInN, tit r%lewls.r. hi� Inuit ' '1-11�* ralmuy. I'v40050'r n VIgo". watch t'Ikus �-V
tell' " . 14 1. 011*11 I IL �, Noti'mang vtiof�t L Ao
,;I it 1510110 African L-!,. -Ale 11*V If ltkitl living uue- ." ths. T%414 %UV1 441tot 04.406
aV � 11 V.4vil Ith &+,,. "
_� �t tivill�! I D�*,lv. lie mirvi,ol ihs, rnilro.tA floill v% -1 Itail. Isvo,%
__ ., _4 .tlitl jlt�-11, .*It. Ilk shoir,AvIl. bill lit Tom f9veing, tilt- and the I-ffirt'ro � got �-�iljll. D,,,,q,i% e% or. 1��11'�,�01-011
%-it pr;bq,1jt. it was re. 1111,0roeq ghob at lots pro%Arate J*),J,,, - ettftllfuu�e,q I
- � 10NIVIR . ;�j�4 Ik4_,, �4 bgs lowrAnd ot li,�--
Still print staAllip"R. r.n.bant we" 4 ll,',* � ttlito wery an,trittatit-Wal in Igni volo- Th �id N,n*Isli,10 t1go 01411 sit 14tIMP- V ifts,.� V,Atsun th �v 14 01'A o 1,�V
,)rii '_*G.-Th#� D,`OV0 v, sc,lve,d W urgo fin tho llt-ulc! (Rov- - ullothor Ivllvt 1,411ging ill ths, 1, ,, I alsol with o I r,otiving: 11
1� 11101va. Al � '� io,pi m #�ujvol too NtIlhe l."ll". ,
- .011tol. Olf, ;*1�014 14 %6-tv Uw,gvo 1, ,;a 4 fmlifloen lit N.'� 16�110M�t t4t.ilriio .tv
SA1111rd rK*t0r,tt EAMI)s tUld `bluf? Vritillont tile importomes- of IlIal,141190 111all 110�32` Cot- kidllf-.%, j. lv�lu-A ho- fii'�r;� 914,w top e4luM4- (-h5v1[ I ' Th t 1, fev,- i N tV to -Aa Nit" tM .1 tv
-diano, of tn-41ruk-04611 In wiViltitats (;ttve tho Alartat. ,. On UIgvral atel thoit, Inwa. . V f tpov h- nid,,."d. w.vok - two Ila. "Alm- to i. N I
batkt�' lipre. We ,AbtA'Q%Td the g-triet'S. Vilgil4ft tile int �,gt,(Iutvgt.;�O�Ila t(q, tk 1. .
11 P111a. $wjs &...I#�4-4111. � w. 4, 6'�,,,�, ,I'll,, (�'-pr
" - - TrallNwml and Orltn*.- River Col- -51� th., I uy,a, fv,'�il o4o,44 W 4W Ltq�� VII, the ,
- lbjor�lin 1_'tith auA tta�
bat the cnpm�l For vmtof* ta - Allt;.r 9 Vt. 0% 1,
.4 li�-.N#,� noulgage-d to Car* thk
tAl a kRMd-rWQ1-1Z4 to L,)dta Trlu,k, ony. It WaN assert -1 1:10A VA.; 11il.; lat'l ojp�l a ED � hZjU4 uA livy at ,'!_'�' III+ �r � No,wy-mb lu.�`14'69 ;a 11#440-r III Vr1r, loa.a. %,.ut I's th", tr,bolgog,��t flvL Won- : 0"'Lo"Z-0 ripAvart"A .*'m,.,,.-,� %..
%P11,12D - A. 11,1% nona po'OL4 .1 .oVf`1r flh�'. U .
, ,pr t1l, - ,jogo 44nd lg�-# vvire mit, Nis,hillio.,% .Avvturola"4. � la %t 0, Deb �' . -,! ,� -Co. r,-_421, 0.�It,vpq,A V�Iot vn � ,
y ��ill lill,ob.1bly re- f., ,� Unst 1ntg%r(%LNlq -4 Vne Dub+ 1,!,,,,, , IM,v - I �44 , . JAI . �-� , ttoa ALota'a r,�tn5L,#"1 to th(Ar WevW04
Vame prautt-01" tor-tr 11,04fig. . lal" Itaper'l q-walting rololdstr.. �,,jr AlfrRA 'SIR- Sc-*W�Ls bi4agtO th., 43111tbablift-1- �4�� ut � 14'. (4W,l � I otp. -u%'�Cot,ow C41 atvu, go.r'j�hogt klti � - , ,
;E� 10,241,4wAg 11cv go rragug�. evo, ta�S. tv,
* tow Tr�znsvilal f - " auto, " ',Stand�l?;: big Mv J.,-tr,�unop go! wtv.QVID. , - - ,
ver, tbe Govtorioo& ooi ifty V%�t awa.v. The uollv�,_ � � , ; &,tv-01- 4.rc-A" lu, IP :tg�11 p'nomr-A livaol - T J� '6 04 tjjv.�, %A
aul Orange ! , 'roo it 1! 11 --,;*- L'A fwn a un t5i,4114.
UN41 t4awlia. __ o jtjvts,*�, f,,,,wJ,-Pli,v. replistol to, lz,r,r��.Jof VIT'i 4010 pralaol hvc� b aq. .� Mae W# H.,munn 14,11 #�'lgq ll'al.pg tu%'� � J'k ftj`�a to" o'�w 'pe:n Lo�. ;N0 Nq(�t 111- �, la-ra au4 t"'ighly Men V,4egi1o!_.-l1 TIJO,
I that 0119 subjIct was V#e,4VhtV, hl� � I +,�,�r4, to 4,04JVIWIAk,�NAV� av- '44A 4.4"Mr , 11'r , ,ql�e ,14!.g 043 De"a 00"'vil-L ',?I,, 11f, W.qu,
Killed Alt thr(IN , � jkg�lol. V.rL$� '�%I�'-'%It"A'ttj gjg�"w�o thr,' ,dU��4pnl u%t - uharx-A� ro#14,--�o Zip mi -Z L-owyin�
Aor4!§t02"R%4 JklDril 1-14-11"a I $�Alsl'llfflu- I car.tNit eonqider.WOM. fae-too U1116-10 nd.s."'. D9"riv,4004. lic". ahg+ ,�U�,i"41 UD.,;�,I,,# 1,140. �,,..,Vj� V�J�p,,,,;J;,q�ajjzj,�.
awl i�!Hlog\oAUtw!'JY a pt*;3n tras q,Tgall� U 11. . . .
op.04 I' TT � ___ tzp.l to hant A own th , urgr(,w-, *1 L11% �, Moan'. gol 916g,valrtq: adnvtnt wo'll.; � 014ora tDgi�'I'.�1;z"L,qt ti. 0,,-,- vl.,igtug. bat 05V t4K" svgtv 0010�r Pfoah-o-.
ler ,05 plt.tfla4b,at-g oil theaD�JTW, May Invite Urtog#,r to V. 14. 1!)r,re art, t1q."& vIDTO-1, man Lin F,OuUt , 14or rQ4-w.'4v-,.oql zz� tf* Rip nhoe to t4tan"'t 41-O!"'I'Mr 40�A
tbr_� Drics'll tr&�: I , po,�6e VU1,61 wol, 51,�, rm.-Pa Uuw .,t� -0-t- Vf. 11k,2,vtf-nLtt1nV,�, F-o-V,%,n9,b;: �4t,ato-nq,#,s ,,�,�q�-Vjl... 11 gojttLot� nptgo '_7-1M.
ps h",!41 iiid thp prns-,�, i W, i
3 4,F.r,;6 ,,tugtr4�&Zn LtMc,�7'4 val lAinden, April U, 9. - A Iti0y iNtall thig st�grtol Over I.R DJB09. nnv'� ;�"T ;a rcr 110'. r-!t'44'�r-v�,� , t t`o- V uuitv-� Matt-_ , Y. � -0-tt, 1-,� Rk,'",,m �4r0`V.r,* -,z�il to tot; 1 -*4 V-4,
,IL,n tfLv L,L�_,t bo, - Lr -r -vcqv3nd nt 4"n"W"4 fo.atrn, tot n-i-apto oT k-amr3 ��;,,�L,� �Ivrmiq U'V'�lvvr �. 11,, "UL44121.mro- UITS ".11MVIIN"'Lluoil. awl Lo ELtatl lu'-, roc."Itta n
WA - . 11. Me �11 � i� ' - 5 4 !,,.am" 1111�"dr�q,t�4 . ��
C�o 5 Ll L, P. W L _jth �jjt t1i il.,'c,o� - - i�nt , ',"�De,�'_ lo�,�, '�4'� "p -o gig P'4%y' tL#� V��o� Lt�'�&qL"'J oj.') q�L�1' �'C'�.-�,Lt,ja a ftQ�
"Otr" ,tro:, �, It"Ave, Irarned that 4� naun!YP'r 431 bn- i � TAMMIA V%S�.'- 0f Z,IrU� iz:o,pjk-��ed Zreoz,114." rgaffl ogq � r a fm :�Fqv2qot�otiora tv,"t u VC*Tc�,,,.-ug Mpo,�!Igtgfil
&2ZI CN qvv,� LLV� tv,l I � , �, . . Wa I. - - - - ,, - A U4�
mn- Utz t! - I " vat.. lf� -,!,r"v'#0 Vll,�-Vts,,;n. U er Huff- . .., rt, t DLpt; .Tt'. ll�it T` , V�.jq . � ��V L-3 �W.V,n tl,j,�at � Ft,, ,�
1: wko tV41)t1N1, 0.44. would o nt-j 6� , -,1,L"1(47 U41,14, -
2, P 'a t I A rilaIg 11, qit. Voorio,Z0. 1011�- 1� �Itkt-,N " , . I � � �v "'il,"'I t1PkzV1'*, -4
lrlamed�MV I �� &A . I zZastatrally dce-A t "o, , [� "VvIl Y.it TV ;01:,VrUk)wU�. ,t�n," Z5 VTJ,� V�;D'_ D, at 1�q �'jff _.QlUP_-b�L;,_ Tr't)aja IL't.q " f, - . V ltrg,i,'1'011�� N1 "it .
f4l �1 22b,,P" 11�-Pndr-d bv Wa,T,at�l &.,ontfigm�,,4 l!'vc% WM,, -D�s, hy ;11��44ag In t400ae L�":�rn�,s. 24,11ta , -, A�,�' - _.'A,D�B', o. . ,- g--Qn ow.vtl LIL'. k""at'Al, -
L ,
t'A a', , *
V10 tht,cr*1 �'� tnaq Laz"-�- an to:apm - nn.1, I ,1� ala , � � 0 � n,�, - I r.". �, t &, I - Dig , rZt,lpl�, -v, V,�,oqv ,V�n,�"4",vl-� ", -01: "P., lkwl t. � f
FftTJ,k?!:ZP_%'1� litt ,%4"o, rL��';'*,',Zii 'Wjt['D 1,Z14- � Rt -ran. wdo %-!L-wi 1p�ar.-,,,Io. .awl tital. 1� 11'.� %'�,a,4 k, ,ult it vng I li-onnz: vtov_ nrV 0. "og �, -e J. , , L"Uv 4-tupug, � , u,i &,� vaTv.l tor -it wn
4 Vtor wrar,l to V-, . F�q,vlrt lgf,rtj tL��,40 - "U'.��o -.U,@�., C.,g %
_go !4 ,,I goofo DUq--Cl ;Q ng ,
t- 0- : - - �, I V � IM, � � R... v-'-'."'�,:" 911" vvqd� 11�''*Qo�,"] to V`ov� % tr�r4jy q, ,Lt>�,,�.t, p,�J;f. o�,
Tlbp� M J,tihg a wd"� �rzno: rricA tQte. 1� tK;i May 'P;,tf�ouatly on5zq� *41-. t4tra- ,� . '� � I .
. � ZM 'to riv-v - Dl'� b� uo'.V, IwAtt I0 I [,Do t. o I 'N %I- P� k!3 4"�,Ug, cv, ,,� 4 1, ., D 4 V, - ,
I � .. fo�oaq ��V,v Dave V,t�;]� �,Cglu,q-y i'imvt 4 .�U',`T#Aj ,--g,sterda.v . I be I --#,t*,' 't% tIts4w,
__ 11 kzer to vLAt Anlrl".74� 1,%Viz,�L, W41rvs oin, I VftAit :Wnq -, qv, , ,4.tknu.�. V.; I ,�N� V-4 V.a,-f-V,. ,,�,m N'Sto4�goqvl at .; 4,"V.N-,�I. I _.
Ilk t1witeltiews Death. __ twit') tPoNwoul ,.V,oac" ;m,P11g-.1t1rA -L, t�- xeloohnuu. 11"'e"E.0-b". W96 ��nr.D Ia.T�a,flf. : I t VhEI.10140,g'�a 11,4g.. ?tlou'd li�7 __ 1% C,
-il 1:6.-A ID,-nullarly I Virty tt,ebels Cioigiiieled. ' 11-�ry
C^_;* -o Towft, Ap., r1oting. wer- ;ds,.v io"_Aed U:f ;, ViD, i� I Igave gAv,n t�� ogg�T� attqvruw�y ili, - IL-Ilublvir si-hlgq-,�,
�11 I t .`�P` T_ q, tl.�o, PA",�-
C-wl iL the l4agrte has gic- caN TiviD, April 24. -Vito, Troftsinn lontown. 1�! (. ,-* 14'n U_,.,� ., n �- by ts lu�u 11 k FMDer w�d.ptg ."Tiobof"D v
- ` " - ."a""T tB"
- ,
at Co-ilrt Is sitting at llarglrr-cht for the , tick's tako�n bog , hro " re beo-,-.1LW.a.t9-r IV,- mwvrlvbr�V. T,: -
j� , I :,� algS. tVt',ILC610�41
,,,:i_7,_-:nt, 41" �,.i�tLUNANL A FRE I
g--tu'resi I* tue OIL. h -of M.iss gayser, Z; rebels: � People Are hifurlatood. i� rrliwb,�r ms.,� Iw- fv-.;�A %ho-ro? -.tv S I r M.N. �r ;�,,
raw- trial 01 rain"r eas-,!.,; *4 C, , Varts th"It ho, �'L
� 1. � r,on- ,�Vpo_ F"'I"'o I. -f-
a Z.,L-MIrer 04' a at,_ -(3114. Cape Only tMe i In llrl- mpantliq th;,� -.-fis�l f-t ft I'm t �', DID and vtF"; the rjarigo-,; f-1 � ,� E,ea:4VV,*91V,r t;utogong V � ,
11Y. _�,,fter g Aning universal ptalse � -out; of a ba-tch of fift-V &pre-agl thtwDglintit all of 1'4�votts- 'It 1,
) T'r nr_.._,�,,,W W�,o live �fi that ,;1(inIty J� Alit Aa.
, a Itrr hi�o � " ,� tpr Ftge had Struck, fin 11 ,
rcr Lvv gnrkng work af, JeBj,annes- easlf�s WOM d3straitchise;1 , comit,y. and a gr-�-at nfguiv�, 4.�, � .
I! - , in, 'Ill I -,T.V tvaP1 nvy"�-9,1 ognfib� 11 TEi, f4toan ", I
'reare. wi'u W; ,4r -A U�., ,7 'V�'g,,,�_ qr;O�,�6 �' "'I' � _ "
1=g nntlq t*.� 1;r2ttsh? oeeapatirpn, , , I ,, NrL�tk,A wiflte_-4 are vow ,,gThig- ' r-.- lit ta!at voc�,,phig*Liv'.r�-1 b�stpiu;q Alh,-,ed Vila , at U'l. ',,�T.g -_-V1,01 Valv,M'61.9 vil
.,tp- Towu torrest. ____ 'i"! Ir""9 "" �b operof Cudahv 11 moqyvvu��
t2v.i rewitnT-111 to ( , - 'r � th,�% foothilo-4 Vor thq, Arllvgum-n4, r-, t un-ouran'lli, go - 1�y 4;44)r,;� .� g� I after u4' ,4 0 J ttm Fi,s?her ta��ou t14%�V1%,*ts trnat b�v,
tmq tigf-n %gA,T1IAZPrtA to give IV- Canadian Tl-�kjfle AVIllo Natal. p Jtop!!*of I.A.-vIing tho otlq.�r Vve v#-uL4VP�-,. t r4omvs�ry. ,r,.,,& r.,o n,fnt mpse men are , pl,elkvd 1,110 I yvw� &,'aa with q�a,?.&
FCMI%ls��s �G .- matrcjj� C. t tile. pingLte hin- Taoridnot, .tpral 29�- �Ir� N M mml t g;4 � � Ntrm ITT-�Vlffllau hQ -at 1�-.-�r lxor.;�, ;a. -I I lm4Y,bt abd ,tok-T, t-aXotring noupels, me �1 Provide -a' Alibi. U"Ilv. or"If Mrr�i,I L-t-.nP!!:.-5 16 W-
pital �ug3 t,,jt, r�,tg,bteak cd t1lie Pe-lqt- Vri"i is %isating Durbin on br,thalf (YU llqsi snff�r�,.] severvlj: from slt��!-Ti and lo,# twoka. th,.,; q,�-.��,�.z�-,o,?U. WhAt. Vf1a, ;fvag tr� Mto liu�.'o,34'. 'r.'o. CY(�%V Of
b -timlit Mr, infeett, , - al trratnt,F�nt. Ito, I � -
. h'a t; in Q1371 eX' tlge Canadian Goverianio,nt. is tAl brut, -r fr:ir-rolq .0101 1`41LIL-t 1,�Ap on �. -ag I whi;, I rot-alize i,
. - - to. a . . � t and It- t "2?' O'gtV,q� t7� F ,'�2r�, tZo n.,V 1J nanv prr,b�aKy V, -D!-,:-4.
Vim. I imm afa attael�t 'A pnem-unDa E.,U- - Uv imptessed Ivith the trading, ri4altva- swenr %ospt,panee swi' I � , 1� scor"q �41 iv?d,ca.
rrV#.a1t,- *.�u the Vv")rst, litivs betweea Canada 911141' tiertlw.e 0:1 thp noogr#,;� it thin"t. t -In � U �
� (Loramatat7ork f9f my f.elav,�noe
, e. �'J -,?4E k� � r -
form of the I , � __`b - have 1 Ht IS AGAIN ARRFSTFD.�
d � I Eo��-C. �%�_.,__,�l.i . �i n get thmn from ti- clfi-�o,r-*_ s5g=H,�,, ral, -d. I V;` :4 t,O *Zfv 1IUI,4 t, I_jDDqw.-j,. pqn'�ab. .%p�I �_7_-A sf-tu-
__ - - ,- 0, -aa � ,x ;X'W", 1:,v -,n, 14!a4oto.
. I ___ 4� __ mach an tk- tut:-PiLA OT V . !! Cyngt,r 1. Neb.. Alord *-IT.-Arg aiWl was ' mD.,;o r-- A' �q--- V,N
. hoose inn � ent, -i'a 04 U'viian
W1, wktv. so far ;0� r kufvtv� Ibr,vr � g4rv.rd ,.,�Ilgon tl�e da'fene4- 4T,r-L,w- I , I �
nerprs 1.9poure a Patrol. � Tht� n''Oet's are %Irv�lr.y of War I n""!"- ,.t [ Iff ,� dafo to P �-��.-Iw, tn.-,U�,_
. .
4,,,�X_, TICwn. �!F,-,N *�G,Vleven mcon Iofn�ud,n, �%Ptal 21S.-YVIA11fn Ila 1H_! SPA RK FROM A PIPE. , q,onlunttr- II .n, er.ln, In t., "IV, q T � T've jv�"I*- vv11-.f1 v,WTr1w'1.�1rt754 aind .A
- 9 �v Bhl'-A I di* in t1go tolada ovT ,Zanvs Valunh-am � ToV.-,r--!- V"d, ea.s'llrz.- vriu;L vartalu.n. ,,.a
f0i _� tr&:;p �uf t�j,oe T*,Vf-stern Vr0vtnz'v Uiry expptt vq.�-ntur�u� t-% onentjr,,n,'� _ I ninke VIJ"4 st-Am-nt. ftnflqy rf_,gU:D',ng
IBM, if - . " � *",a
keunte,a f2_,n_:,,S v;h,) Were r"tro in, �, anY date vAilen tho? wMluar.v opeta-i Aaed:Aau Iturned to 04-aah In 1�,rvggl"' � Mat lu-*� --n4, b,4 fa,,�.Z .149pr(mehlaig au,u 'Dt.cds��d t4 J4artEcDVa',uV,U in the kid- I ft-ov'a. ,;�_�ko-44-. 'L 'r, �r4�,,Pr,trs 'r'e
1i i IvIell A% enuo" I orolalogi , t Eia nairp�oig '01 rk3glVe cndighy. stoxt-i5 V�irAt-r vvjd�� Vh1'TTu,:,5UtY_
in tlie Cdi'4-Ima die,"f_��t Vvere sur- I taons -will Cease all --511th Artlelu. , nt I rnu��t vai��ry so.wu.., vn��et my � �,
, -
Icul'-le'a lis FA�,#-r,q. TLe.r f6uobb rot il ME-.agr-e d#K.pStCJL*_-.S d'4-.S'lrHf1IIg theil lbr,,nto, _%Prg 2111�,.%t lJi$1 tu-"L-�. 91 , *41"o"r. - .� At the opion5uj_ oT tije ,-A'-o-rnf,5,n ,' Lunbeg.'APT Agve�o,n;U,
40�*.'Cj 1�r,ur% 1"t 1FU1rrM10_r,rtn,A alter ,s=renderoff burga4r-rs ;-o --s-mal1a bands. � . � Retchuno,)% Url'iblips. � on CnUu',mn U,st5lk,l In EDRS m7n, ,� r.�ZTT.Ito, A'p-.R 214.--Xe'11�0 .I. VreT;M-
� _V 11"n%!� - a � C L -2D t�' allal� 1UHa.,.Vaw'M_1 urew-
" r 1.4,t'lj�zuj. _1, F Dnvck Jack, 64WII. IRS .`tQ',T.Y W-2-1; —U sPrAf-s ,Tit ' faz,n. �-. �er a
k*img t%,o men kl'lml =--I tW6 V7o=d- and tj-jr twalliture ot e-lttle and ang- ! ,rnn.�?%vizk &veunv. or S�mt=,4�-',,Z� 1,,.---aA. V.,.�Zs�
ah�mt 8 ti,elr Z , , - , _t:A uac
� 'r -A'. T;Mint�l J. Ar� 'Da -7. 8.-9, , tlkp mf"t I .,I , .t,�r of Che
00. rnngolt4en. Pre accely.1m,11 vs ovidence " M100 tk" ZI z �U, V�d dP,SJ,,er;:ad�, j qD--nt.d9,r+T all tgH: ;r -.g VuOns,oi che Stat'. i -,=: ("V,=n1n'.t', .'Jr.., ��Al ,
, nil V. -, I5 .. .�VTJ. wasy ar-
___ : that ih,_, Baw,rs essiviA f&er an cf- 1i �rNira ,of age. vm.- V.) &elly t,:Tn�-d ,�l C)f tr.._,z�� .�1�71t'21�,t�,r, Ft TV_ -7 tgmny y4ar.-., Ile S.I;d he sp-A the afterlowon ol � i,�� ,,�,�,'U..� oc,,tx V; . ,
' ""
. * .. , IL
,�.t he 6-'a-eu MLI�. I tc� h�h.t� iir.4' ZTEr s .it : t e. and ink Pup . r;�Stpl ma Dllis re, �m .1D .e HZ1 A
alfetive Mzdstar,M and th.at tlae�v!! t�, wil ;41D,f_)�,,iv1h `.4- was er-litiA A ta, 4 , , r -, . X, U, �
Armthter 11atly An, bushed. "ngV5r1fjw4 -k,_-IkIng. The � � . w , Dt'�Z�p ,��*L*��v- 114 �! 1,fnll ,
-ire We, , - " gr(,,,z--1 ,rg Ul'�:l vla,y ;,Ist L1141t Or -1
.?.fo"� ;a, AptN LIG.- VIRIU01 mailff , ary of 11 9 . U40 Ewergens-�o H ,��-iAnl at ni51t,j1,eE,t_i 0'�_%% ha, wk. -_-:J tE,,., In.# -R of ni4aJ.7 Tfq- - evi;-ning ;')Iaj�f,3 q-�Zrlls L't a .Sal -'j,wn. �
" gugg��gtiam m-ade b." tlg+� militarY - : .,4ww b. inTzv hn,4 f .%�-Cr:tttdyn t1J-qi;5.v wns � ,�, o;rtvy after 9 e'ri(x"k Aids V.1 eh�nrg,zrg ;gnn with 1'kA70'#1_-Z-
*yw.Q;', �,:,i an a ?4 swu.gli f_-9c!art, were Jr. a- I purnals th ,�era rema.4ning � .121r. .1.rchl,r haf; b"en Wt alf.9ni. in D v,4 .gltcvi�.,,vU�1 tm-ipi robbi,ry 1, Z S nrij- , wnrrvnt "t
at the a , ),C&) �dnl !�C,o Be
. 4 �Rcx, lgnw�e Thy lj;�4 gr"a'alaughter. whe � fo�g` Ili in-- 'OH'm inr.y ruj"rtc,d. jzg4�_7,, pat,pr , v,1n;Z ly,tween .,�-iwf
fte�elng to I,Ydeviyurg from msuha- : M the fi'Ad should lw,* t,-ateig as bel- 0 , vvh"oh 11obody vmnq k�,',4,4,_I. �11 from tlie, flr.0 whIeh *1111;)21v.Ye3 Um-
em,fl,;-p t'l fo�m- VL-�o Ro,yal &Ot-s R'e,-�I- � ga,ds rather than be'll-gerent" re -4 'ovent. out to thn; c�orno�r gnwf�ry to r �rundevid,�ntly b;,�en e-,peptirg tantAllaftir
. � Th!;9 CrlMe Vtli V010104'" near 11'(�J- J vr�,-Fdlat. I H,- wnj4 locke,:1 Up at Vp:Xco 1'�eatVlvmu-
r.jeut� th�_7 ,were _,mbushe-41 in Bad-' I laakn� *.Vine pu-,elw scs. H, t wa to S -.t ong Y . and Was irip, enly distgpip(Anto&
� ,,-Ive% tile !do.% ouzrent e19111 =onthAj in ,In rw &0_1u. IN. 31'.. ton. Au., iL.11 un'.3 re-
fezt,6ri V:a.".Ley. near C7r-_3GdReRIV(,r- Ify a _,II.:I-. 17, thr� gh-n- p1st �16, ViVi:)- S:74- � ,,it is 1nk1ry,!:_7jbl., ffy-, m:. to undi-r- � ters. Whp-re Ile Will lx,�
1:vg-rl;VrJ ,
- 0 @ fpmorking his pip�'. an"t vViDen shr" re- stando" lie sald. "how twelve intelli- , qu;.Alltion linp-'r.4 can bl,� S4�eurej.
- � ,Iga, W,avn Lord r.o� ;.,rt3 was cansur- 0 glf--!uin,!d Kc-tchum bf-ki up a Co.ty- 1 -
y ma4e a ga,Nant, res -stance. at'd , od por =,a�dng war uipm the guerillaS, �,
Tae. b �ado & �4)utl.-_-�-., pa,,;�u,nger train. IL.
mluseli tio rzurrenrler, M -43'r Tw.�%- ,b in too amiable a spfrit. Lord Kitich- turne,l .aftpr an ab,-,-nep of but a � ! gomt men V0121d have agreed upon W,
. I
fcirol was T.Ukled, ani the mera were" � i eitort timat, she ho;,�4rd the old pentle- Ord--re,J the er,;- leer and firemen to s�tch a veralet. ,ifter IL4tenin- to tile ,
; ener was expL'ott'l to stamp, out the M,vn cereaming. On hurrying to the n2colup,14! tile e'lDg,im- and leave the, � 841TON'S WAR BALLOOM
- etentuallsy overpv,wered. , I - I trdim Th�� ro,i3uctitr and th,� mati �, lestiltiony. The defendant CZU111 VOt I ---
- opposition wIth ruthIngs and wan-, ill -Ing-room etc-* Yound W�r grann& I '. have clins:m e wigply If lie had
- id (it I 1-th'119 Of ' le .11 � ag-��nt q - - -tv,11--sm rcccAvod P, Mairtr arry Tv -
tion enp,rgv. am .1 , . lxmned Me. KC or jlolie5 to C, ur,te Per
Women for South Africa. I Vkthrlr I,V�21_- on tl"T' 1!k�,i�_)r �T;th hi'% q tlr�o coet,,nt,; of a (1fi,u5le-harreljf.,d � bttea &-Reeting Idi own repretient.a- .; Invent
� sort. VinMIY, futhf� 18 thP e.", f'cta- ' clothes on ,ire In -I t1ge chair in Which , . . I tives� t-owd tilt- ronininnity ewald 110t � sons at Thirteen 1111e!� an Hour.
Cape T�own, .%pr!R :.16.-V�r. Cham- � t',,on that he will � n,h-i,reQs brigand- 1 sbotgan in hin right arm. but (luic-4- I
a -at] not al- ,11 age had baen PAtIng oil.,�4i in , I
� vc,=31;*� M, 0 quickly raloai .in alarm. afl'1MP'Q" I— rhanging th- rgilp t,() 11,1- ,w -'I 128. -Dr. Darteu'e Mt
.1 IL..,,ft s� .1 61
"1,4�.Wo % q 1Mmj,-&,g,tju1;; � agc with an lityn hand, , nd es- � -Y t- - . �Ioul. ,,, have ntaeL3 a more untortult te e e-- 1, London. A a
ftheme for �Zcuth Africa is baing - ", . n- 1IN:11 tjip -I . .1 which. It is z-ial,], 00 War
I .ow to the Boers cr�,*R-� for making mg both - u - . ,)air .
11� ,Pay(.,I to exti _t . flanlc�, but i dfNri lv� vuvvf,�,'del 1111 wou.id* , tion. The Jury 1k; dh;( nr&;��d with loon, .
Uwrtii,r vup,nor'.O liere, an -ft its sue-': war In the only practical way oPen', tIg's $Tte. did U -)t Nu2e,,-ad in doi�� be- � e,o-l-ftetor and rruoil ag,�nt. 11_� was;wYat the compliments of the court." �, Iyoy, has a vmt-
cfep is asswol. I � to them. . Ita"d 8 turx-.A th,t w,xt da Y. triz.-el and am. I Two iliore omntt5 still, exist a='I"t �, Office pT0v&',V-S to
. , cap I
fore the bq1rn1Ib9 V'10the-s one i a;1d n1a.0ainery i�aqwndild cl.`ar�
xz�. rxho,leo, in add.itlo*a to giving nn' rrGdC-rj0,L- 'Will!a= Tiolts, who is In I � teno,�d to the *.xtreme lo:�-nalty. i Callahan, anA lie was at onc-:� re-ar- i torm .
� , the"Ir deadly work. A I t1tat Frank Horing- : rest tf.4 under thf.se. There is doubt, �' tsllnpn. Vr;In 1�.Jjjf";� ean be atoe-,red
mt2tip nc-aT Capa, Town for a homn, �, London on his way to Berlin, St. J -r;n,,re, oprnI4 to be n--) ,doubt that a 1 Xetabl'�ni 1�1'1"'
ilas orfared to ron�nate the hf,me-,� Peter.,5burg, and Tlio Hague, express- , jq . 1 tot, the eon.luetor, wh:i ,,,'lot him. ;� howevcir. wh.��her the etate will � - 'D oni. p;-,,pA1ert; tire
. xlx.t,- tell fr*m the fil I wan's p'.pe, � I in any 411:e(Alo. -
elteag! at a acst of ESUD. I' ed yfostf,rday the Opinion that the i : tavW�iig 11i'm to lvx.� Ills riglit nrin ; bring d , r. bv. a ljk4h_Ep.,v1 motor be-
� , _� tbo vas�s to trial. Chief of .
Thf,.+ De Beers, 0,iinpa'ny have 0orn- i :Sonth African war he-il enforced the ' " ' 'I ly. c� rotl,t, a VVOT_I�arg-j attorney, � Voll" Donolline annoanc,,!s t1hat tlle
'n., owing to tile fact that 1,P hail i elve
tffmit-ol a IIkP arj,)un� to the general mt-,ral IfL,1,g3 of tilt,. Congress offThe i 'b,er,, , n partially paral:.�Z63 for e�,)me J an -A W. 11. Rena, the Colorado &; 1$5,(100 offert',i) f,r 0 a P nsloll i twecii ihr� ba-I1f,x_-n anJ tilt' CaZ "A�'r`s
I VeAr'si, lie Was unable to belp himself. -)r tit , ppr �hei
Nil, viid the plIVAte k,ab4crlptious are Ilag er. a gre Southern gaillroad detective, who ef- , of Patrick Crowe will b3 WithdraWll. I i.4 a. 1;o,ri..3)ntr.1 .,F.r.,pZar.1 tilt' Opera -
..,as, and had impart I at k,; was a g6tolilemagon by trade. I !' b.11-10011 to
barr�,Lzrjme. i Impulse to tile eause of intprIll I feoteA hia capture, will be killed With- I , tion r', which (.,1V-T,s th"
I At ti -e rear there
� tional arbitrat-I(in. His argumeni I I in n, Year. "I e1rn%-qIe-J a letter out 1 ageend and di wr,a 1.
Will (rot $10,000 Damagos. � Kicked to Death. !
It Lq proMt;,_A-1 in eonneeflon witil � was that tin ri:,k.,; &nil cost of the I � of tilt-* prI&an at Sinta Veil' lie said, i igi a vertlf!!tj .1,�.roplaflt� Alor steering
� tire inarknVI , Mucklilghim, Qn.. Alrill 28. -Pat- � to tile right al,0 I. it.
Mr. Chanli,arialn'o ,schsme fnr Ion , d - Its' Lrated with I vanwuver, B. C.. April 2811rm , ..nnl those threo lann .
I .
� nol omf) . , riek Iloi-ton, forr-imin for Prouty & ; ,Tile dIff-j;-ultv aA-U- fr morlm-
Pr0- � war had ary ,T,ane Wig . . -, nin -
moUrig tile t-migrat,on of Fngli-oh-, convincing foree, since tlie re- 411 .g,,r. who was a-,:grsng� Owing to rumors of organlzrA band.4 . . reumvent-
I � - 6i
I A r ilp�jf ,tvater tanks at
wora-an to South Afrlo.% to establish ,,j$Wces of defence, e.qttinsted by ex- the pftssellger.4 rus'Clue,l from a wat- mak!ng preparations to rescue their . 51511or, elalkoard urninfa2tur-rs, was I tile cz,ntre of 't"N'tVity IS
bolteh_4 at Mapa Town, Pretor -e.nn preoautio&q had �k!Vked to tl�,ath yi-�Aerflay morning i PA by two %ill -f
!a, ltlnt- 1 pa,rts at tht (16ng-rest; at three to I Pry grave in t1w Pooint Elfleo brj�7,ge ecinraol-, extr " . '.
j , ,
benrlcy =4 ,Toh=neabarr,,, whertG; ono, had r1scil t* ton to one, and street air disaster in Victoria �in bapti talzan to hold the prbooner, who i b-, his horse. Norton W.�� unloading 1 eac.b. vild. Wator Iko 'Mutoul-A�e,"lly
1clapboard.q. When he sl;i a t*- Other as
womeA and glrL-�, ia!in 'bn� received ,for; England's expprLonco In fighting the 1&1A was yesterdiy awarded $10,- wa,e rem')vcd fron.j Polgom Jail to PPPd lid fall, I pumped from ow! to .
I 't, Clayton thio wcek by Priecial train i and was killed blfore assistance rtr- e�tjter CM(I of thil m3rIlline b:,00mpf;
a, low daye on arrival, and, where, If Boer,s had pmverrnlly impressed Con- � 000 f-amageR VV shriek to her ner- .or &pntle� � rived. at 1"4 divIded Into
they melve, daily engagements, they tin,yntal nations with the n ,s,ystem. 11,�r busband and four ua-ior a lieavygunrd i 11"eavier. 71ni rcrov;t 'S
as V,01 as thp expediency,, 'et"T ng o have Wen the gas.-tiglit ec-inpartnina, -
jpka,y rctiflde permanently. of I:t1l;Yr., i N"10,ndren were On the car with her, Black J'aek Issaid t I
I . dren bAng drowned. leader of a band of outla-sm who I Too many mothri '* ,-, teach elvildren 1 Dr. arton hopp,,) by tilt' PlId Of
t - -'I natiomal arbitration. Mr. Uolls has I two of the chil t feaw Gotl instead 01 to love Himt - summer to float It's b:illoon andoarry
o in Africa. I receiveKI notice since We arrivAl In I Her husband 19 Ruing for $50000 committel many t ".n-robberle.,i and I to , -
plagn om I d a 9. $10, 0 for the los's of other rodf-Ift lift 'I'lex", N`ew Mexico, and I forgettIng we hate f.11051 XVITOW we I three person!5 at the rate of twelve
I Varbau, April 26,_'1t Ja reported 1. England of the appointnotebt; Irr am ge and 00 . <vr thirteen miles .in ]iour- , � . , .
*o,� Oat the Dplagoo, BaY diArict 'E�M of 1,1olin Jacqunlyns, of Drav- each child. I , . - Arizosal This bamd has been seat- fear. I I I
�_.____ _______...1-1.- ...... ____..__.___ ..... ...... �.111,��....-".,.-�,�..--.",�.,--,..,...'� ...... ..... 1. - 1.1. _ ... ___1-...1--- .... .... � .. . ........ ... . .... .. - . ... ' ....... . ...... ----1---1 ..... -1-1-- ....��....'',�''-"�..-,-�,.,.,� . . ...... . ... . __ ___. I � . ........ __,�