HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-03, Page 4Jr. �- '-' I BUSINESS MANAUMENT. Uverr part Of tbo wimlow should ; olz r.."T I K Eta E. P� 9. Ls, 1j, have sorritin.- before it is fillishell, I THE ACT OF A HERO. to see that no 1) By Ohas, F.Joiles Arf"SpnWa3a; ar() left Ile Snateheal u, Life Out Of st, Pool of W., a M is PuBLISHED 1 1 45 If all cb�.rlvs woula reiiojljj)(,r this! or that nounsig:itly box(3s of fix- ZV RY 7`11UPWAY ]OVENJ�7,0. and keep themselves in j ast as turok, fire OxIMSKI. to view, which varee nickii came up carrying a lon- 111111-IT I Aood buAlies.-i trim in dull sva�!�,,.)n Ull-I'llt. i vit as ea"fly ")o covorea inai shaft, whicli hild been cut In tjv� 1 01 (Ml' Wit. a BY U � ZELLER �ts in busy ti'mos, there woula 1)e so that in frua rhig cunlil bo inserted o o k TZH]ijS OF SUI3:SCRlPTI0X:—$l .00 Per fewor Of thVIII 100kin- J."Or j0b�; in i An�)thor v)ilit, ILI) ).'.4t tit'.' 1111"I"Ilt- 11, N LTll tIW IWO hal`k'08- �ILU QnIptY year paid strictly in advance, Wh8n the the suninior, and no,- oill. h .; in "bo _r that but Ilm V W IV�U'ows, wftiel'l is! erak,ible a foot wl(lo. and devil hung Ill paper is not -ordered to be discontinued bushio8s it�;elf woul(I be better in vor"ir littlo looko(I after. is the space jiw ring. The furj�-ard end of the pole it will be sent until sueh order is givell the store, it,; it is very natrivill f,)r 1 back of tho fixt,,irog. l."ofne crus.,;Ijar, Illal'ill- It Tli(k Ljoill st(,11,11 Coo'G-C-r Ls the, anal irrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged I I ­ 1 1" , as it were, 131cl must cu.itoniers not to buy poo(ls winclov%,; IVI'ttilgetl t!14lt when not paid in allv"Ilee. a talgo T, nvo nivii heial the T part of ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran s 10 'It. tlicy fina tho ciork..; iIiiii pe­,plo van Sea, tho bjeli: of than fix-' ji�o pulti; the third grasped the rojzr to (WN'erle, -�wrsun ill- ho"(1sto(I In oulinal.-Ar ill'atiers. A6 and whu seem to care little about tarvs A."Ill tho Of thO �,t,we, � enil, The crucIble hung between. The advertisements, 5 coats pet' Brevier line for first Insertion aud 3 cents Par lille for �selling, wicl, kc-L)t "-,I I)nrfectl roattifidor of the niolten. inetal frow VL1l1t"1.Qj0A Of th(l I(Jetil Oookor ortIolk. it, prosont�q 411. each sub.4equPut ilisertion. Small Advs. Deal' Slir—Row would '.von y bad al)- j WIV calLiron was tipped Into one crucl- it 1-0 t N o frnstmj v,111 (jO,,js e ' ' () 1"' ea stove, no walls, no to, such aq"Lost" "Pstray" or "Stall .11 wIJ transient visit on; to it city? (.)I:Lr POLL"itIlt-0. EV011 le thO bUCI tl;['� UIV, WA the 111011 truttud off with it, the Igh 11 windov,- iA fii)t oxposofl t') view two in fruut NvIt1i strained faces, the "'Bill*, no steam in the house, no be charged 51) cents first insertio. and 25, to-%vll ir; not a very large unk, (.-,f i t- . cents for each subsequent insertion. Self, but WO have it large flott" "r inj the illAidfi Of J-11-0 store, it. ba,"'Jild drivilig them complacent- Off0118i've Odors, no heavy LettIe.L4,j Copy for change of advertisementmus, 'population always lift';sing through, I-,, the oddvst tvain tit the world. Ila- no burned �ootj, no risL- be handed in not later than Tuesday n wish. t:) "poilit ,),Lt vortithi ga�,kji '11 starvred thein fla-uugh I aluorway, ',Ili, nothijil, burns or Witich thi ighl The niajority of tlieser peop]t, J!e 1-41)ace fur fuller particulan". the wilitlow witholv, ont-tiale,' tLey ealptied their crucible Into it suiall i of each week to insure chan.ge in follow main il� town two or tlurti(,� (la", lug issue. alld, ill thiS OUAV. 'llitYll tj IIIUI(I. N -s tl)(,y k)-talit tllc.� a, t te) but tue probably Ile ver hel�e Ul",L111. - k 1) s I I U Local notice$ in ordinary reading tylke I t,,) ill- 1�11 1111-LISM-11 11AULILIVI'. Instead elk- Yourr, truly. A. R, T. 'Jlt�) tl"'� of tl"l - 5 cents per line. Notioes !or Churell diVRIc tlIkk tirtivio:-, t�) whioll thovi lihig out right fout Nvith right foot It your city has aIty particular J. Dumav-,za tertainments or other benevolent institu- Ivi't itiallis 1%."Ilt log, alid UIL Ilght wait's 1 tion at special rates. I popular duily paper which glvo.-A -eolum d considerable of general unil notion _'_i`k'0 it VC ry CrOth tftble aLift ieg wout forward to -ether, knee Tho Sro-.;alty Xar. Coutraots for colunin, halt _'ftj)IA"U7'alIk kk t a ) the stork, to show 11 1 ji-ith knoe, foot with foot"' We asked quarter-oolumn rates for specified pZriaadat al lkws, and which appear , to hL1 I cheerfully given. Address All It fa-vorite with strung -1-s' tholl Von, custo'll(ir the unfiffluo;-;.4 -which. ex- why. will bo I Z, . 1, Ist'; 1111.011 Of Vbo flis"Anys seen fruit) "That," sald our gulde, "is to prov, I ha-ve the exclusive right to still communications to i 71111 -lit reach a great: inam, throutr at flftv 111AL ollo other spvviti jtjt,s 1(;I- . I it, but if no such paper exist.q, th,( - 1 tho outsiot. of the sl -)ro. theiii from tripl)Ilig. If they should iiii! r I thi" Kt-L'th,it ")it N111 110t no -A M' yonr (LISIMITS, if fa,,I, VOU LUONN, that Metal Would l)UUr jabolittheon1y way to reaLch, this 211. MI., ' _ yon have inw. othor plave exockpt through 211(k. y� . (I I E. ZELLER EDUOR, ZURICH, P.O. I floatin,­ population woul(I be 1) '. than ont, �,,-hi,.I,nv, at ovvr them." niettils; of circular.;. 'yonr vollillialiLl, lise slitid winao-m., 110f course such a thing never hap- THOROUVII BRED BERKSTUIRE 111,11W penoil?" Boar f ill- servive, on Lot 16, (,on. FRIIDAY, MAY 3, 1901, nients with some of the. railroa(I": -Ill) oilell wilulow of on(k kinti Of it did once. one of the men Bi GTE CE -;,, I I nlilo,; 4outh of Zur- 15, Hit who art, jjltIvl)jaI(1 to latirills $1.00, payable bito your town by which "�""'ls. The "0011,; 111,LV b(l in it Nvent (Iowa. The other Jumped clear, All per. .7is -olor, 'I Al V irloty of t r; or ill it variety- off Ina the fellow on the floor swam In it." the hAtO firl. (if q el &- Ztilhir tit the t11110 of ,;vrvive, with Ibil It'; it slia"iv.4, but luive ill of on-,% hintl "llorrible! Of course he died instant- I 'IrO lioreb;- rvq t - I Truly the newspaper man It yoncouldplace in the hatulls of' alostl to ('.ill andl privi1t.gwof returning, if nvetiri- . every pa%wienger on the train.; elrvu- hard time of it. While one ilian lur. This would inake them nc-'iii it Nvinal m. Tlu �, f0rce; Ily. poor niatil" I tht-ir t.cv,ainit.; as (k,�rly as. objects to being mentioned. t1le quaintedwitlivour stort, of pv.)ple ­Xo; tilt, foreinan. of the carrylng 1108-dblv- I i . Wx. BF��Vmt. - a E.At,i,uj., Zra-10I!, other fellow kicks because he does they are reachin.­ ' the town, and; %,144111- thMn if 010 Willtl-W.- i.4 niattlo gaug. takiii- in the situation, mad"e I 19tf 2-4tf Zurich P. 0. ill tt" at -,ztriety- of it i they would bo va.-r,-, lilctkl- t -i I,( -. I * I _,; swill. sovoral terrille leays for lihn. juniped TRFE ZURICH HERALD not receive attention. 1he till( menwer it should the.,.- t,) I!' Me ohl Llva of v -nv,kntration Ili,. right Into the widdle of it, picked lifin man in Owen Sound was, recentIv mal,(i niij- pureliaso.; ib,7rin;,- their zl� tviii ui and threw him out of it bodlly. called to task by a man who wa stay. it r a iv ­r livaitin,. lilut 7.1"at-ii lie junaped clear hiniself, witil before the police JutIL-istrate, for C, '-' I BUSINESS MANAUMENT. Uverr part Of tbo wimlow should ; olz r.."T I K Eta E. P� 9. Ls, 1j, have sorritin.- before it is fillishell, I THE ACT OF A HERO. to see that no 1) By Ohas, F.Joiles Arf"SpnWa3a; ar() left Ile Snateheal u, Life Out Of st, Pool of W., a M is PuBLISHED 1 1 45 If all cb�.rlvs woula reiiojljj)(,r this! or that nounsig:itly box(3s of fix- ZV RY 7`11UPWAY ]OVENJ�7,0. and keep themselves in j ast as turok, fire OxIMSKI. to view, which varee nickii came up carrying a lon- 111111-IT I Aood buAlies.-i trim in dull sva�!�,,.)n Ull-I'llt. i vit as ea"fly ")o covorea inai shaft, whicli hild been cut In tjv� 1 01 (Ml' Wit. a BY U � ZELLER �ts in busy ti'mos, there woula 1)e so that in frua rhig cunlil bo inserted o o k TZH]ijS OF SUI3:SCRlPTI0X:—$l .00 Per fewor Of thVIII 100kin- J."Or j0b�; in i An�)thor v)ilit, ILI) ).'.4t tit'.' 1111"I"Ilt- 11, N LTll tIW IWO hal`k'08- �ILU QnIptY year paid strictly in advance, Wh8n the the suninior, and no,- oill. h .; in "bo _r that but Ilm V W IV�U'ows, wftiel'l is! erak,ible a foot wl(lo. and devil hung Ill paper is not -ordered to be discontinued bushio8s it�;elf woul(I be better in vor"ir littlo looko(I after. is the space jiw ring. The furj�-ard end of the pole it will be sent until sueh order is givell the store, it,; it is very natrivill f,)r 1 back of tho fixt,,irog. l."ofne crus.,;Ijar, Illal'ill- It Tli(k Ljoill st(,11,11 Coo'G-C-r Ls the, anal irrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged I I ­ 1 1" , as it were, 131cl must cu.itoniers not to buy poo(ls winclov%,; IVI'ttilgetl t!14lt when not paid in allv"Ilee. a talgo T, nvo nivii heial the T part of ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran s 10 'It. tlicy fina tho ciork..; iIiiii pe­,plo van Sea, tho bjeli: of than fix-' ji�o pulti; the third grasped the rojzr to (WN'erle, -�wrsun ill- ho"(1sto(I In oulinal.-Ar ill'atiers. A6 and whu seem to care little about tarvs A."Ill tho Of thO �,t,we, � enil, The crucIble hung between. The advertisements, 5 coats pet' Brevier line for first Insertion aud 3 cents Par lille for �selling, wicl, kc-L)t "-,I I)nrfectl roattifidor of the niolten. inetal frow VL1l1t"1.Qj0A Of th(l I(Jetil Oookor ortIolk. it, prosont�q 411. each sub.4equPut ilisertion. Small Advs. Deal' Slir—Row would '.von y bad al)- j WIV calLiron was tipped Into one crucl- it 1-0 t N o frnstmj v,111 (jO,,js e ' ' () 1"' ea stove, no walls, no to, such aq"Lost" "Pstray" or "Stall .11 wIJ transient visit on; to it city? (.)I:Lr POLL"itIlt-0. EV011 le thO bUCI tl;['� UIV, WA the 111011 truttud off with it, the Igh 11 windov,- iA fii)t oxposofl t') view two in fruut NvIt1i strained faces, the "'Bill*, no steam in the house, no be charged 51) cents first insertio. and 25, to-%vll ir; not a very large unk, (.-,f i t- . cents for each subsequent insertion. Self, but WO have it large flott" "r inj the illAidfi Of J-11-0 store, it. ba,"'Jild drivilig them complacent- Off0118i've Odors, no heavy LettIe.L4,j Copy for change of advertisementmus, 'population always lift';sing through, I-,, the oddvst tvain tit the world. Ila- no burned �ootj, no risL- be handed in not later than Tuesday n wish. t:) "poilit ,),Lt vortithi ga�,kji '11 starvred thein fla-uugh I aluorway, ',Ili, nothijil, burns or Witich thi ighl The niajority of tlieser peop]t, J!e 1-41)ace fur fuller particulan". the wilitlow witholv, ont-tiale,' tLey ealptied their crucible Into it suiall i of each week to insure chan.ge in follow main il� town two or tlurti(,� (la", lug issue. alld, ill thiS OUAV. 'llitYll tj IIIUI(I. N -s tl)(,y k)-talit tllc.� a, t te) but tue probably Ile ver hel�e Ul",L111. - k 1) s I I U Local notice$ in ordinary reading tylke I t,,) ill- 1�11 1111-LISM-11 11AULILIVI'. Instead elk- Yourr, truly. A. R, T. 'Jlt�) tl"'� of tl"l - 5 cents per line. Notioes !or Churell diVRIc tlIkk tirtivio:-, t�) whioll thovi lihig out right fout Nvith right foot It your city has aIty particular J. Dumav-,za tertainments or other benevolent institu- Ivi't itiallis 1%."Ilt log, alid UIL Ilght wait's 1 tion at special rates. I popular duily paper which glvo.-A -eolum d considerable of general unil notion _'_i`k'0 it VC ry CrOth tftble aLift ieg wout forward to -ether, knee Tho Sro-.;alty Xar. Coutraots for colunin, halt _'ftj)IA"U7'alIk kk t a ) the stork, to show 11 1 ji-ith knoe, foot with foot"' We asked quarter-oolumn rates for specified pZriaadat al lkws, and which appear , to hL1 I cheerfully given. Address All It fa-vorite with strung -1-s' tholl Von, custo'll(ir the unfiffluo;-;.4 -which. ex- why. will bo I Z, . 1, Ist'; 1111.011 Of Vbo flis"Anys seen fruit) "That," sald our gulde, "is to prov, I ha-ve the exclusive right to still communications to i 71111 -lit reach a great: inam, throutr at flftv 111AL ollo other spvviti jtjt,s 1(;I- . I it, but if no such paper exist.q, th,( - 1 tho outsiot. of the sl -)ro. theiii from tripl)Ilig. If they should iiii! r I thi" Kt-L'th,it ")it N111 110t no -A M' yonr (LISIMITS, if fa,,I, VOU LUONN, that Metal Would l)UUr jabolittheon1y way to reaLch, this 211. MI., ' _ yon have inw. othor plave exockpt through 211(k. y� . (I I E. ZELLER EDUOR, ZURICH, P.O. I floatin,­ population woul(I be 1) '. than ont, �,,-hi,.I,nv, at ovvr them." niettils; of circular.;. 'yonr vollillialiLl, lise slitid winao-m., 110f course such a thing never hap- THOROUVII BRED BERKSTUIRE 111,11W penoil?" Boar f ill- servive, on Lot 16, (,on. FRIIDAY, MAY 3, 1901, nients with some of the. railroa(I": -Ill) oilell wilulow of on(k kinti Of it did once. one of the men Bi GTE CE -;,, I I nlilo,; 4outh of Zur- 15, Hit who art, jjltIvl)jaI(1 to latirills $1.00, payable bito your town by which "�""'ls. The "0011,; 111,LV b(l in it Nvent (Iowa. The other Jumped clear, All per. .7is -olor, 'I Al V irloty of t r; or ill it variety- off Ina the fellow on the floor swam In it." the hAtO firl. (if q el &- Ztilhir tit the t11110 of ,;vrvive, with Ibil It'; it slia"iv.4, but luive ill of on-,% hintl "llorrible! Of course he died instant- I 'IrO lioreb;- rvq t - I Truly the newspaper man It yoncouldplace in the hatulls of' alostl to ('.ill andl privi1t.gwof returning, if nvetiri- . every pa%wienger on the train.; elrvu- hard time of it. While one ilian lur. This would inake them nc-'iii it Nvinal m. Tlu �, f0rce; Ily. poor niatil" I tht-ir t.cv,ainit.; as (k,�rly as. objects to being mentioned. t1le quaintedwitlivour stort, of pv.)ple ­Xo; tilt, foreinan. of the carrylng 1108-dblv- I i . Wx. BF��Vmt. - a E.At,i,uj., Zra-10I!, other fellow kicks because he does they are reachin.­ ' the town, and; %,144111- thMn if 010 Willtl-W.- i.4 niattlo gaug. takiii- in the situation, mad"e I 19tf 2-4tf Zurich P. 0. ill tt" at -,ztriety- of it i they would bo va.-r,-, lilctkl- t -i I,( -. I * I _,; swill. sovoral terrille leays for lihn. juniped TRFE ZURICH HERALD not receive attention. 1he till( menwer it should the.,.- t,) I!' Me ohl Llva of v -nv,kntration Ili,. right Into the widdle of it, picked lifin man in Owen Sound was, recentIv mal,(i niij- pureliaso.; ib,7rin;,- their zl� tviii ui and threw him out of it bodlly. called to task by a man who wa stay. it r a iv ­r livaitin,. lilut 7.1"at-ii lie junaped clear hiniself, witil before the police JutIL-istrate, for C, . Thiln again. y1ra -might got ""'I liaver foal. wj::I�l )w%:. for exatra- t!-i� tstu'7 dropping front bis Slitles. xxot having mentioned him in 0 0 to. ' 111011tka, front thk- h0tVI rv­,i�,tor ank! -X.tk. ;.nll dro-Z.4 "'till K -11c, ;tit- Tha',y lit -Ili wvut to the bospital. but police court iteuis. nutil thilin I typtawritton bitter lit :cltwr with imillorm,it.r. .*;r'l taut- zi.,-y an, all ri!zht latini, Ileralle. wasn't The country merchaut hag about ri,niwsort, or littuil tht- 10tvr.- t .1ti-ors wil .1 s 1'. .*� .1 . _ t ­I,!X- 5n, I.y I -ho way. that's 11;111. the ftwe- hard a row as anybody on varth. tilt, botol t ) bt. ­: ;art', zi'-� V m ill will -at -1, iwnl. Jim ll.. over there now. Ile I's as the mulrits. The -w an- .0)4rnt tho P it), Are It, t-01; kll ­wl t� ' U after Uwsk- rellaaw.,;.11 says an. exchange, ttud, lie Ints got b(ist Nvltvs I vall think of lit the pre- L o4 t*:wn 114" V. in t. ril')41-1 'iu We I11%4;tkAl over to whorti a I)IL,, mua;- to look pleasant and hantzr on to -;t-nt nialment, for reat-hini,- t7li- Iiin Is r I bAw. vn!..r ft-M,xv was d',reeting, a gan-_- of the hoe handle no matter what 1)(14 100 Went' ., 01,"I - Or,.. "w"I lat., ill met. I happen.,;. If a pastor,; salary IS at Onk- orlit-ii little p Oil nuallt %­rlt� ?ian air i:a�. hlwx-4 ii va-ri_11 .*ikl 'k, n. stut lart4or ;,.u- lilt) IS:% 411 11tot )"114 a Ltirti. Isin thereafti-r tilt- ten Aiow h4vt, t1111111. . - grant, 4s; man inust little short, the busine. woll xv-DrOled. an -1 workItail s i that -it'litc. . . jr., wit tailly 11,tvill'k, I Cla: Ijjjjj st-jV11:4-ji 111filbli. 11211k.t.11. JL-. it. If Jobn Jon". loser; a, horize, .111 r1to V401 ilot it lowil of hi�,- he must belp wet another If a mll. -ii- all t:11a, v a, %4..; ;11 ts U 1;1111 Wit, i;t§jrk,4#f Ail t-lltr �kkriwl. Ili -;a a . let ettea varn trive vital rint-4,in at ebration is going on he must dia. III) fair the retlut-tion. if-liny iL itinfle.m. WiTILI'l%v of 0;111- 0­�.t it. I'llt .11111 11, will laarollattly soino more. g ;�'w *a jt -h w, I.,jig If at begavir kliline it- Nut, t,,tjIj ont. 1-�klkw tillIv. %V;IUt w; 1".043. long lie is the first makii ttwkhad. If -z tar - It the ullias-t ,trildna, Nvilit-11 will lit, .1';kt% StI011-10,�t a a wor4ing.—Froni an Artielt, too lie respond$ to every Vill lie 44 WS w -m -1.1w whil-11 I 11;ik *t ^ EL lient-Ilt to) tho por-ailm Who jwur� I 114114%vill in I sill, Ali%. -)pUlar Moutbly. X broke. Ifherefusesheizq ettunted hiva" � dry I I'mid, LtA.10., I'll The Berlitu, a hog. Still soine will stantl U'Mtv . P", hilibly tho have stion wtas in at 41ry froni honie for goods, oveltsionallr. 11INVIt".121t,11111111 It:, .90.4, ONLY AN OLD SONG. .tt.tv, %tive,. wM.-h hnkl Advertising pays. and nowliol'o, tive. hilt tilt, val-kail, w4sulll ';1ttr:tt.t win.1-w. ni entiroly %vall, t Littir Intnita, attelition and jl�As-ilth- effi-vt ta' e I N-ampt-i. Unt lit lailratrateati tit � tk:oatit ot u will it bring better results thiat, ilk N eiv I orta, Cru%ik d. ni4tresaltts. if ft"at-VI, vrer,�. .%,i Ole Or. u.4 ".1 It Iva!; vlJv a S",)IL a good weekly nowspalter. Bot Wage N sk for s %, T,1. Coat. 'Out A i�. tAr qk�aa�,Itj tv% tbe season lans t,�)nita for the f4dw dia-intia5ak II-ekki ka,r tho Th4 IlLia-lat ii,zyk Nikko V_11 0 .4 �Naa; '11 tll�e lltt,:�dway tw1jee line th e other ladvertistlinont hunter, anti ta."­d- It laa% ir, Dilla. 1,�aajt.t vjj�;. TILL, r was BB,4 bla(�U wq IILL� himmerehant-s and butsiness nien jj;: Ilk. It.t. it till:, Ila hl tht-k Van Ike ua,, dr0V410,-* bat shouldbi-ou their gnard. If F,aan Nv-111 Av,�tsjh qlaethill-1- to 4 !.h�it tact vat4 r -o 1-had"tv cm hN wish to do spe-cial adverfisim. do ii, Nivifflar ofailet 10t:lt i 141TIt". AS Ile e,%% m6; hts viltrg,at 6ra, wo 110fte ,yourjudgmentditfttes. but d0l"t thizaa if us -4 anil aro vet -11 I;tk, ra6cd h1g votee. Tait-% the t:oubtao wvirtli aill the tow- awl attviit�on uw,�nn. ,40igleA intO 11111ttinit 7'4t�%' whieh "All hia tB10 Ott 11%, In, rqmAmci; bo ill' V0, Cos I Whc��12 11,e out 4,43'.2 Pla'.1 zeni" I Th&'A b the =,q ehirm, o -at tgIL-9 'r - 0 0 n Sbtt�_I*s Money into riny Adverti4ing, non.h. l4,BjIqAftBlW­. hiat no#t very fiv- 9 a U 1, , Or tvaflIc. of Munk QWUN, It %he v!"4409. rlaluo. U ule, iwx=ail, U-111 that iivill be east aside witla Ort­ntIv. St lual- � I nai!�,t�tw 1�v 13 ah"I etretv t!'ttw.- =P_vt-n1_ mwnt own;v,cad U�t�,t fis& �4 ut U;e 11 -ml, - i Lan, gu'd anci, may r after %,,,tt*.B 'Mkit. M an, !D,� P41 uk,cu.v ar-'a--0,10 In a AI beregardeil the next da. rm , an I nova%s. il 1,,.$ 11641 % I'liat. r efith isquo as a eonvenlent fire4talater. In for the V�1 !"A., X, rem nr 3 t'ilit;j�4. JBL I It Va. 1, it'll! %�i, j___ 'jn, Ika Q'In t9!0t F - U � '22 aL x; DtAl vienea't filtire the mtAftltj '70*,% JIMA -T DIMILmebta P MEt Gl.,Iftn u- .1 -w -"Lt? unto tLoC, 4kr�,:je softlething, about it tbut witl nnsary thmnzika- fflcircs than a butter-fl�l q'S�4talWe r"Jun-3 th S, �r,�& tvicotolt,; Uunjig telts &0mv sictk': t" a J�Tatt,�­ 19 q'n% ar _�Ptr r"U""n i1a vo'Ll­ 1,�LA, Ka4aztre T!", ;,�Vtsul befdre. it ';Isses int".4 1wa(C-ef"It q4q- . v�ra- t�uv,," Me -t­re U TL -e Ruaiii� ate =:a, -M L�l th'- v a7,e Harz vr&-2% 4F'1n1�_,rr.o:t'A v,471; ILI juLt 1.,_: I a X":B ft UP." N 4 FsAlveyetts. , e �r ; -.�t .1 n, A minien dolla-Irs -a Veati is the v".. t ir is Ofmon T liA 31r. a ffl4ftKg4k-r t�f L -le t*aftlrA Std-te.4 F t�V_t ftj J�Zt �Wr , 114ty ,i" -4 _' ': ' r.j - . - , :. .� , �­_ _'," ­_ 1".. U Mrv�� !.W v 1 A: 1, -` The ­n2nU_0_,, "P �!L, k '&!,dluto rorporatiot. It is said tbat tht., ME— Itc."u- -avl I's y"Pir P"P. av 1,1�,Q'Ij% trhe 1,1114�!W�,'. e d the Istgest salary oft reeord Xlt2sts kA vj� V! 9 az� ka, %,:4 rokw 0 haVe had larger amounts !D ft favn,�, �,T t t, ILI 6r�j"M& ffjjfh OLD 14The smvaumma ji ou�z, Iy A 4 �0% , y -�X� no: � S-nne OYT t henn 4 �1 Ulveri" <Uuuply Int"LIJ Chm-eb is %G1 F�ge ha VM17 them, but for a rolffln,Oner. Mr. ivo.-Vre of f-"Onn'o.. btat tht. nm- u7ite us i6r flIvskl-rate"I eatakgaes, tavl [�melr sc�hwab Inv he a Inan whose !0rft-;-#Vf Dw-lutple V,;�Bovn Ithe Iluft�r- t,*,t,�, -'e, e b nx-nt he tm,11 1. TV,,& en'm-d Men hdormatio:1, 1'7c -e. brsLifts are worth a vast stim tdo the VACTOMV St., 1:rcnarc-al eq-,*,tU-.t'ALti,Dn bdt no man can hnn- hV V1 �#f ii CS., ga;r&. !I I EXI.&NVU.7. 0m),01r, (;enefA Xatnj r fel- calta"131. 'EM, �.tkol. la t--e',v Am n vnve tn(t,M. 111rell", vqeln�maol tv on - tustly earft a milliorn dollars a year. tac-y only thon,;ht f!"T.'e statvinent E. SUMMER 2315 hIs -Way to tl�e eaDl iNIONTREAL whir -1 means over $;I. 14-0 ri-�,-j travjj thut fl&�v vrq-Eke ;Duv- thl'i-,vt �N)bflt*r IX�444-6 vtlr;ot�;. iluf V - I wokkjbg day, or $314' all hour. was a "ItselvinA. "'110 tt'LiQ did thv iftv e4 slaru=-ed Lis and pass�d O.U. in"zn t I -,y raflu-1- 17mln counfitig teft hours a day. Bnt i3let in Mr. &hwab*-- isa.46,Yn do Of the Whote notise. iftotofteft eo=e2aee Work at 7 a. In. that the prll* tv&_ toln TLeie are vcrery farge mnango-r markkl NALA, �heaj% the ILL Prominent Horsov Ut possiblysix hotirs a day is the I mall Swear 6,ty In tlLe caunftyio' rgc r and mwe vall- A-: ne =Ue f"t �111L:�r-;M-I-Toc nn,,l art time lie spetlzs in his office z if s% 'Miln C�.,,Jt V pvl 0: e iqn�7 wn-� , :;ha �Uz . a hit saltt* =eats over 05,9 an hF=r. 'Q I& UnA of the kin"I weat-:1 g un7altv apany to p2y, sj� �,ae 'e any ezn qz"c-s:-.an `71D 6nabl f%4- st,Dn� j� V11 0 V6 enskm A ITE. I# -ILI tLae k--& uny C�I!U.�- t.,441 i-jf A 'Ce ay a" than at and �jk­,Aes. tn,�,v7nfa 41 .0 U *2 'd to s s A M91] a gweat man -c in od tlio�nn ;0 2�1v- 4 Lon? ffs In C., _-"N 1v fla or 'r� vus a Salary =e= -q that e � �11� " " � N* consumer N fm A i-gfll P IUraty I-_ of course. n uLlvirr.4-'sl quota, a swn far exteteding what N tr gi!Ins tight Aft4 inst. C]Bange yonr vdnd4w 0U.'-pIly of - ins ton—for two -muU.",nn's. Firr1i. jlx� IVI: M ID —1 but better than ILot is z:,'i? Consldetitg the mllailx-r Of to 1-prynte mosl� every pi�eee 55 aml Ni.,4,t2fV th&:r Ml as O.-Ic's and gssoelat:'­"�:� Mril travemng nles=erists giving their sufled or fade4l b- rellra-ming ton Doctor A. you -WK3 4-D IKW7. �;z, iMedifying entertainments through lqn,- in the wirtolfnv; and sweoni. il . . &16,1 .1, pr52:ed DoqsessGra. 0f Me wLovok nun�- s td TA.A. ber probablLy L'alf ar". I'Le grfts of rLirtgs outOntario, it is not surprising heeause 0, Constant claangee ef gof4lr, rthe �;xf N,4 U114 1, St V'VsAo�r Cad rurers% tolkens of appavca. can from adds t1r) tilt, attraetiveness of the Tt_t, n!'.- I ns, and tl;e remainder-, that a school board in Westprn On- d-u;qLlay. Colte frrendly nauo Drawrlitri. Chill zMal FeveLr, and 'havEn­ been fasliIoned especiaity for twdo hag had to take steps to put Yon may, perlhaps. say t o your- k,' re.,; tno maca to'Tavnik- Mixtures. L,-,,fiom f,;rr the White House, have no dzlhnalfcates a 46#2itheptactice of this dangger- Self t1lat ft tak He. A o_0 (I ('01101hit-m Powd#-r. anywher, else in the wor1AJXVADn,,an*s ow Awl liffle tmder,4t6od Hnaf CsibbAklent. amil Gall Cure. 110me Companion. ationg the papils here. Toronto two. but it is time Wen spent. anti. Every or even a small -;tore can better afford nicanaily ref-anda"I. Very Like se-andal. ft"6. hos had v. great many improper to jja-,�-e one man -who dsip.; notTrin"? "ThIs dollar that I hold In my har.5,11 exhibitions, under the -name od Ian)- else. than it (-an nVord to A!ow I'll' -e V E T E R I N A R Y Le said, "reminds me of a deelly, dark, Iry Aotism this wititer. The av -e for" tf ILA era,,,, ADVICE PREIE scandalous secret:1 any length of flnRe. U%volling hvpneatist is ignoliant, "Oh, GeorgolT b -'s wife excl.eilmecl, tonstant ehangdng of wiznzlewws, Th,), -e- mpffleineA alit, p ­,It J�,.) 11 1 - tier hands in her Ial,:y and Vb&Aentifie, and devoid of a sense fre.,;hnp.,5, nient fm% with fr�j� Cji� droppin,,- s to yonr store. an(I (071VI rk11(1t_ ThtT urt. tj Ila, bending forward eagerly, "tell me i0f IdS tesponsibility in demonstrat- gives to some peoele the i&4,t tj,.,jt! Ion.; on Pit -h one. X about It:' np_%. i ha(l lit PVery .qrortl ill the (.7nizintry, Ing- this exceedingly dangerous YOU are constantly geffing in IWW' lie went on, "itreminds we of thing�,;, an(I. thns have new things' and if yolzr .4oreiive-por Or (Irritr folta Of ph"ic influence. It is * � A , ­ a secret of that kind. because Ifs; so Fol maiWnd to display; whervw. -window,; whiell 64 fl')"t ket-1) tht'?" . write lis and � hard t Wd to be by no means difficalt to remain dressed with one rilttg.4 of and we will forWard theni prompt- a keep.11 Obtaill hyPnOfla power. In the goods for a Ion.- Hine are 1'kelv tn Iv. Everr Farmer antl �_Aavk i And then sbe refused to Speak to him for three bours. hands of ignorant., immature or cause 80m(' 1W)PIP to thinic 'You o*wner theni on 11all(l. ! Uwatuptilous persors, this power"* lial 1h 0 elres-; the win- Prepared by 1" 'sc cak�qe ofj�ad heahl, that A-vp- It A*X,S *111 li,,Arlthat --poa are dealing They banish P -",n aafti prolong Ii 7 Way be thO thel%W of workin , , The Eureka Veterinary IV* Wit'laholdliftg 1rhat -Coktx. NoTL. o"i fe. Oat givea; .g un- exelus�,iveljr ill that 'kind of good4. Diner—Come, tell me straight. Is It acc e Pak: ap and t,01& migellief . It:See T'L ,M,S to me that ie !�,t T;.j rabsciture. It-1-PAIN,.9, ro faar S cc 'little kt ;my drug Mo It , aly a are a gre t r any Medicine Co any real advantage to a man who gives rar. Ten s,.Imples ancl 6 t 6 nn the time has come for regulating, thing-,; about a w'I'Mclow wh-' t"s­1Tj!A!s w1,11 be linailed to any addressfoyn V�t ft ,kch you a tip? f-orwarim ri) t1j, pipa,s clitanical eo" 0. a, tha, "profesgors" -who go about.4should be observed in order'tol LONDON ONTJ 11ruthfill Walter-11onestly, I caet� Street, 'New Vorla. te"hing hypnoti In, and the sub- 1 make it perfect. Some window- say that It fs� but it is apt to go bard dresser% are very careless about with the geAtlem" fbat doesn!t tip jeet Might as -well 'be de4ltwith, by�the's'e little thinga which go fol THE HERALD, your homf. pa rL 7 a Pe Met the legislatvkre.�Saturdav NighL � make up the whole, for 50c. for bal. Of *�_Iettr to newsubs. ...... . . ........ . . ....... . ....... .. . . . .......