HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-05-03, Page 2'4°, y6 ler
A Story of Deep Interest to
All Women.
.1alettitlria the Sufferinge of a Lady
Who Mae Experieneed the Agonies
That Afflict So Many of Her Sex-
raseed Through Four Operations
Witheett Benefit.
Throughout Canada there are thou -
and thousands of women who
undergo daily pains -sometimes bor-
dering on agony -such as only wo-
Wen can endure in an.complaining rel-
iance. To su.ch tbe story of Mrs.
Saverik Evans, of 33 Frontenac street,
14011bl-eat1 will bring hope and joy,
tes it noInts the way to reneeved
femitle anti certain release from pain,
Kra Evans says: "1 feel that I
aught to say a good word for Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, in the hope that
aey experience may be of benefit, to
game other suffering woman. I am
tow twenty-three years of age, and
came my eleventh year I have suffer-
ed far more than my ehare of agony
;corn the a.illuents that afflict zny
Met. era the age of sixteen Ile! tam-
ale had grown k,11.) bad that I had to
anderge an operation in the Meet -
teal general hospital. This did not
aura aw and a liteau latter 1 under -
wept eurether operation. From tide
L received seine benefit,but. was not
Thehe eared. ant 1 etaitenued toeine 1
Ow from Pains in the abaomen aud
heal:wile. A few e ears later. !
aaairg wite my litieleato-1 reit:rev:al
Ealtiax. I was again suffering rr-
rjy was taken te the general
eospitai. witere anather .:peration
was petefortuai. 'ripe gave no
for twe 41r t:iire'e Oath% aS I again
COI* tgki 11I,17,411.b.is a..Illar• ant. it WI
would moiler fer 41ay- at, a, tinge an -1 ,j
noterreig ter, nal te rola -te peie.
t.laitiraary. Ilea. 1 %vete ace at:
L' -
• ti gtlo the ireeieteL an/
LIerwent, 1.44Porth qp, rat L.,11I, let VII
14;10.4141 dLit ,,114
c41ereform adman eteral 4.1iarAtg
aperati et efft.ota, wi Leer:el eareget
trot permit o. far:neer .a-att a, in -r.m.
Wo -,43 tet.eta boatel otill geeat ellen;
Sr. In e'..4e / wee; alue.- t,, tees lee t
'Meet:ten 1-'414 l'iltyt o,,1
. • 8Ptato1 t le fee
aIGI41 WO f1,- 4101 NI,. t,^
ti fele tee f ete•I
V.-tai71,I a
()Do 1 Vara r'n 8 tta:10 t
f13.1 ty Pa it- a e.,,04,e tie
i4111 t tailae -4 free ,
ezle a a Zatere ,,eete elea :
Canine erce re.. -1 afe
telt teet. tt t 'etre
fietreett !et,, lee
11L8 e' el •
ti7 !Jt• 44 • 48
11.7. • .1, I,. 4,1,'4. att
t.re, tee- a, f e • teeee.".,1'
;le t •1' -7., tee
ereee t, ,t •C'eg ,ct
«•1 8--"f
11. .q. 1•4
1,3Azir tr:-
••, •
'11.14• 1 .enee etet eten
t'enee 4.-4 - •
. ...1, 1Y1a1111
1,« • •11, I -77
A Fable by Geo Aria
Once there was a. thoughtless Man
who had been plugging along, eat-
ing three Square Ones eaoh Day.
gaining about. a Pound a Month, and
not, taking any Care of himself at
all. •
One nigh e he happened In on a
Lecture Course to find out about
the Germ Theory of Disease. When
the Pictures were shot on the Screeu
he learned that ordinary Drinking
Water and many kinds of Food, swat
as ho had been ueing, were chuck
full of three -eyed Dinguses with
curly Tails and long Feelers. The
Lecturer explained that when a
few Flocke of these Organisms moved
into S. GeatlenUirt and began to Play
House and Nibble around it usually
meant that there was going to be
another Order for Satin Lining and
Silver Handles.
The Man who had been knocking
around for Thirty-eight Years, drink-
ing out of nydra,nts and Troughs and
eating any old Thing that oauld be
efaetieated, wa.s -Seared stiff when
he realized how many theueande of
times he hal flirted with Death.
From that Mement he decided that
he would net, toueli an Water nn-
1eia it had been Boiled and Skimmed.
When he couldn't get Boiled Water
he would dernand Vichy or Deep Rock
or a certain Lithia containing .007
Parte of Sillykilate of Polarium,
wheel Is Go041 for whatever you hap-
pen te have at the time.
Oeeasionally he would forget and
take a Swig of Plain Water, the same
are other People vvere drinking. Then,
when It wa9 kttn, he would re-
mit these, Pietures of the Germs and
e. mak? imaaene a whale Menagerie
liee tieItt i 1 ni Enn is graelng nrouna
thrtiegh hie Inwarege and leading; bold
lexpeilitiertie into the meet remote
Vorrilers f.:1 Div relearn After he had
thetrielit Mew_ them for a while they
woula erient ta 8 about the HIM
ref Oyster Praia: and stenetimee it
etearitel to him he conid feel their ht -
tie Clavre tletEle ween they were do-
ing a. Mobile Bleak on the gleaming
Stellate'. of ilea8 Ineeltranni. fie won"
4 -level what, re 4;1141 happen to Itim
%even ala 48 them etartel to Gunny
their, way tett.
beg irt to weer a hege:ar41„ per-
eeentel loele "Ple-4 talerelos were hid ,
loRatevory Caneter. waiting to
noetteo int at lt`ert. Te, ore rt. to ine
crtie.'"4 teteal than oft he eortetet
',0."(417,1tiee. 4,01 84,114%.1 VI It
,t Mott \At I ; f.'• •aCt 154tA"
i8 8frr; at+r,4811(41 1 teao.
teie 44 el tee aa ..et' y fittlfle, ton
tO, 0;04.40.4V -t, tIr4iiij 1 T1,16.1t
v.,;•8 8,i 8i, h48
•ately fee,.--.•, 44 48 "IMP
84.21, te .! A;"!7! MAW141..1 .01.1
aneiti13 8 -et, torort,t, or
WI .1 0011rV'41
T!14, 4 '• !;1!!84i
ht. (0.1q1i It 84
au«t. . t 1 S2,-11.1'... :,1,% 1100
!A' • ,! ,0108i, are
•p r„tt4lqat
4!tr! '•"• a cal tee ,
aeaget rio•
1171‘'st, et t 1-•.a.att,ie111-14s..11ta-asp
*e. r,-41!' "15 '4,1;,4,7 t*. -414:04101400
. I_
h '." !".0 '4%.,9'11:. a :,,11,a;.,•
11.7 at II .• vt" I a«, 0.1.,
-; ." 4•t!.1 't ' A 11
are now over SOO Varieties running
at large seeking whom they may De-
vour. I have figured that it If/ im-
possible for any Pers oo to escape
them for any Length of Time, Our
only Hope Is to prepare for, the /eat -
tie by eating petrified Wafere, drink-
ing Antl-Septlo and keeping a prt-
va.te Drug Store in the Cloeet. For
three Months I have been in a hand-
to-hand Struggle. I aln still in the
Ring, but I am getting wabbly. I
never eau tell what minute a Germ
is -going to sneak up behind me and
Soak me good. It keeps one pretty
Busy when one has to have one's Eye
patded for BOO different kinds, know-
ing that the whole Posh has it in
for. One."
"That is Strange," eald Brother
Thomas. "I have been all over the
Country putting up at bad Beanerlee,
eating and drinking everything I
wanted, from Pie to Pileener, drink-
ing eighty-seven different samples of
Well Water in Country Hotel% and
raising Cain generally. I have not
carried any Drage( With me. Neither
ha,ve I sat up a.t Night to throttle
the Animalculae when they came in
through the Window to do me Dirt.
How doe n it happen that I, who have
taken no Precautions, am Strong as
Ox and feeling Boss, while You,
who have been making suoh an intel-
ligent Warfare on the little Ras-
cals, look as if you were ripe for a
plain white Cot in the Ward for In-
"It seems," said the Sufferer, "that
the perky Things show a. Spirit of
Retaliation. They get after the
People who are trying to Investigate
MORA.L-Never arous a sleeping
Tim Claim Agent Had Never Seen
One Like Illm Before.
,......L..., - I. a, V. 111t•aa -.11 11 11'.'t' . 11 1) 11,1.. t'l.,g, ,• ,..! *Er-- ii &mil
;-,•„,•.,,•,_,,,.: ,;., .,.., ,d,,,. N,„ 0•
. 0 «9T,!,,, - ;^.).!,,,.., ,' E..,.....,;, -.?"1 ','+'!', 8 n.y.-4.4,y• oat 4
•,7••;,!-;1,, 2.. ., t r, '' '.!1 ',P , , ,I.1.).!,. 4-1,4J V , ! , ,,:' • 1 , ', 1.,!.,!:j t ;1'..)44 6,4 ,i,,,p,r; ,
'4,J AL; 1,' ',,t• T,i,'? i., ''' . 1: 80 ' 1_,. J . i'J ',1:•:-."`,,'" CV -4 SI. 11.1i, 1 ,,:t ,
"' ' !::',, ,•44', 4a. ',. ,... 4. -,'.,...;:..,"'A9).- 81'4 , "":4tr..! 4 ,,;, eee
e. "e- . r- e Le.: ii 4.7 ill' ,,.it",, 1.;-,,, Ill, e ez ',Yea k
*et etee,
, f'
was the value of the cow?"
asereel the railway eompany's claim
"I was offered $15 for her once," re-
plied the farmer.
"What ?" exclaimed the other, the
pet 'dropping !row hie nerveless fin -
germ wasa't an imported
"Not even after eine was killed ?"
"No. Sao was just a Mal:Quinn eerub.."
"Med all Yen want for liar is al5 ?"
•Ielto mill wanted $1.5 ?"
"You luevegft come to put in a elalm
for damage...41"
"Great eleott, no I won't dam-
aged an.. tehe had the rinderpest, or
the, peter; ler, or eonveltiug of -that
hat I intended to kid her anyhow."
•"t'eleft whet are von here for ?"
"I want to fend ant whothiNr dam,
agol atm. P**Alltatt'llYt Or n ot when it
eirtiek ho -r. If it ted Int wining to Vey
fee 18.4
an pras:1, 2" asiken, the elaint
agont. tilat44,Ing utterietly about for
weennta of nettle keel.
"I4141 it dar-reene year eoweatelie
any 2"
ete7,44„ of tetwe n ot,"
'Greatte up tire traette uliy.
to 4140.1,,' Znar treetear,
"No Menet' tit9t11 a 011V heed 'r
'VI a 4 lent. Ltaki. What. Pi4 IMMO
'Teen it"o 418 8,40.4•it. No. clir. 44444
1-i8. 1'nteP)81,1,ramx„ let,feett,t44v
nein telt ;‘.0),1 na tna. ev-t-
tror3tlal 0:411 tiNo town-.
terr•liee ont. I matirp,
44, •lom. ,ratxt, 1,,At Cho mat of
'eta i8 Pi, :4 -ora op I Ir
81 'r., aelteeeetre'.
!era 1"." t1J• 4,1I 4rit, genie
Men': t-.•0 4o.ti
44$,•;•".' 41141 1.1.,io.tt ar te.
te.t4,1 rani tenet to et -e.7
nee et,e, 1,7!ong.2,414A4 to.) Z444,ar VitittM4di
teelread 1110 Witt:d-,1:1
- 10"1.'35 No' oTalln,i';',11 D4'54' 1`,IT &Vetere bet
Robert Hall, of Arkona, Ont.,
Narrowly Escapes Death.
Struck Twice in the SainePlace-The
Kidneys Turned Out of their Nat-
ural Poeltion-Doctors Said lie
Would the, Yet Dodd's Kidney
Pills Cured. Him.
Forest, Ont., April 29. -(Speciale -
Probably, the best know -n man in the
Townehips of Warvrick and Bosan-
quet, is Mr. Robert Hall, of Arkona.
?dr. Hall sa,ys
"Five years ago last April, I was
kicked by a, horse in the left kidney.
The doctor that treated me said the
kidney had turned out of ite place,
and parsed blood for several days.
"I did not got quite well from that
uintil I gat another kick, which caus-
ed me to pees blood again from my
"I continued' to doctor until last
fall, when they told me I could not
get well, and that I would die, so I
quit taking their medicine.
'I lost the power of my legs, and
had to bo lifted in and out of bed. I
was so low that I was not expected
to live from one day to the other.
"I started to take Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and from the first 1 commenc-
ed to improve, and by the time I had
taken five boxer I was quite well.
Dodd's Kidney Pills certainly saved
my life."
No more startling ease hati over
taken plaee in the neighborhood of'
Foreet, and many questions have
been asked of Mr. Hall, in explana-
tion of the very startling statements
made above.
Ile hae but one answer-"Dodd's
giduey 11110 saved my iire, and that
after all the doctors- had told nie
road not gee better, and that I muet
M. mu is certainly a lichee'
galetuniriut to le. tvonderful tetra Live
warp:4.1:1o; of Dreers Kidney Pills,
laralire Klee ev Pills is the only rem-
edy known to Svione0 that has ever
puree Brightai Diabetee. or
Dropsy. They never fail.
With the Jokers.
Drealalyn Waltreas--a. tamper far
your thoughts 2
Breeklen Ceol: binehingly) aura 11
wee) tliendie gev 'upper eallrooklen
"There are two ni't' ;tot," ental
tha waver to the Min wigs) rather
latetib stnrt tout of lltt* tiwa trv.
”1 'safety. Vet jest the te.ait. et I'm
yittee" ellehelelpht.t 11`.1nee
' 13111re rel. ni,4 to he vere Palm-
. Itli genth mega. Thee all
gineltous Woe. a wer.1 with
1 le Axe brilleint emoversation-
lint ?"
Li n .t a brilliant eoneer-
.0 f -tea 8114 2'L SI 1111' Stleci PI ere'
think he 8'." -1,44-41A Weekl,y,
lien -How intereent eelea Prig/Ade 113
teluelwe at t't 4*. t4 ; wt.!: to
Iota ittlaWifrlille'V. That
rt1egelnenteoldfe. "
r." A itt',-; Ala: GOING w•cst 11.
r„m., Steel a letter or Metal eard
to 440 tantion-44444,11. anawerIng" tho
ter •,,tvato: teueeteters
188 Nero. a„re yeen going 2
te,144/1 olro :Ye9an going
I. Where ste ;Fon Platt 11'0E1 It
1IOW nneny etre in S'our party?
a "Ali nen I take yeurielut hout,:ele4
int; rato eettbete' ttetwt
4 on sale tiering Mare% and April t
paints In linc4Itota. tIteLittsli torhuh•-•
• ett,pg,Da. tati4k,rnEa. at.31 8181 Wiest -
a , ,., ,., „...,. ., , ,,,,.„ ti.e.lg. 42,-,,,..z Lea;„. „•
...411e tur.,A S.N.1.?iiitt74:4 il,.,g,'„11, 0 C'4744 c.,,,,,,,tirt owl. t.....,rel,..Sttatc,...5. 7.:ntil partleelars train B.
,, ••?.e, .,,i,',1,, reee.4 .e4e ,„_7L r, ,,,e.,,... tu, u, to otut vsai,utcr, 'oh,. 1,0111,,,-....:,,g ti,a,„t,,,,t te e ' t..i.. eattement„ (font's:Tall %z at, Chleago
-".1,.7 i.,,,11'.7....a.-1 It._L•1;0-. 17., It. 4,,,:a.a tw, tor:1p ,•1•t2'4,'18 utt 4' co'ill;14,:,>.,- Eat.e4,1,.p4 Tel- & Nertttlw4"'-tort1 ntill'enter. 2' Xing,
elle • 11
r' -`2,-.1,1 "="el 81,8,- ' "..4, 'IA Lee ,8- . .e . a ' "
,2., 4ea:e re, -..,.., 4 4 4„., 0 4..t. 4., 'La.,,AW4r-1.k'3 .,, teat 0.• i.:1,411U.4t-iit.J. te.9TV.11 V ' 1-(teep %Voter Vete). A ,
ii eitratight Answer.
'17•:‘311e.11:' -"-e.-..4 tZs,..- Et- VA.-thel,u-eil. IS' ,...•,•`- ' meee---, tr.:" ,s..6-:,ra-2402,c.'11 'he geve a. 'now P, reetle Pintail" 11 ''`tir.'11 TOrititta p0.41,5- AA181trwliban''''844"-.`18 erof 4a5" by
„j'e! '):-/ ee t"en' e *let eeeeereire.
ta v•:," eta 4"-•4 '.•••2--:••••)"• Iraelper_e. eVeee eltIrntnet 1-.ene-atiel4eeetr,i4
"en tee , fie-) all-e'e .44edeer ,d lirese epee ,r8f 111g. {; tanti,31'81.,;88 IX:** or tnuirote;Theee-8188omprekti Tzuno bondoo to
ARrmM5 OF THE Et5410P..
illeberne fn8 Etat-arab Pee late to Face
tette the 48uvice4111
t4e.''' "-LT • t3=1- •
8$4184 .
,eterle,reer 4a7 ree t41ite
8 111181- 84991 i.b
e7:e..:teres taget • •,•
thet et4-2 '44
81:e1198., T. 11. "
nee tele 1
rate -t
". :.• e
_ •.. 77.1'
C.411.1 - „.,
.1).7", ". -
•:81.1121.8- J
11-:11:111911184 11118 -. 111
el ea 8.
1:11 v : gee • _re t.C.,
SQ:alr. 8,1 47, - rear ant:en
racreee, wee 4=71111.1'8 Ls ...tee:51074:
41, tel:ete '''
b1811 -,r1118 Erre
nie9, ere te, hev14 reel, a bee:eine-
,.ten ea.:alter attreatiene,
to the
that Tee t eaezezeset eey to ext:n-
trerit. Tcr;.,7 sore eeats. i.t
to reitence tee Cateeer i5 11.14 fram eN:-
ee ce ereen lea 1 11too r to
tele mafeeene. Tee 11'U11i 9118 tree ;
deinker, eot tee p118111 eel a tt'c..^--
o„rze.,Is ti•o =Int aleaat.
Snee Stanceen
elean esteriner rev -en and
41118 8141 een-aeleneei averted 11
cz thirty ;Irene el Nervinne
teei seeeeeenen water. It
nt elevae, riatee,ea, rine by 1
ng atel stImalatine," peep -
tea eeleas thr? stelae -eh eine ena-
it to ge on and comp.:etre tee
eoeesee digestien. The actin ;
Nereiiive i ieep:e" ellartninn I)' -
at, penetrating and eiewerfel.
leteiggists sell it.
ornethiltig New In Mining.
Ae.-/ Evar Caar roll neighbor, lir. 1
keener, to-elane
She -Did you 2 atereat ts 41an doing
111198-He'e ialeireelail th mice ere these
reild eat miretra- ererepernre.
She-rr.,1 Mat I I aever Tz.latV :1;rtel
24. to mina tor ale!, ;
lata Preze.
greet ineeee!er. eteei eseeee6„ tetereeese taa raplee.' 011 were a rotemercial traveller and
wp v11t8'888 hIt0tte„ a Vairationhet Tiao maloprolal
ortt.p.t, 1,9 trtatv:1102,1•,, lee eetern1?e, Stieatner 11.4ealiteen 14-i81vt8 iiramittet filen bi‘gem final -ring the girl- and
Ber-oree.teke• wee t9vc?.,* tIla, •autiangt 11 Morn' 7e8lle at 1. p. tn., and toren-Ate - cashed her h she beineved the story
- t8 1,18511819 ekeet Le all,h11,81,E3.; watsty* 88I91'i11 o1 p. tee ftar her regie• 498 asatak rend the. vvinale. don't
• ts.E1 1 ,eeseaere ,,g•3!,9,1: tar trip to 151,•,5te1ael. S'he Will 11-1118 know," she said; "bet Witert 1 get
Oate.a. te egeet t!9 It:A:A.1/n za9 the9 oft her' steene trim vviia 1188111111 M to he_aven 1'18 ask Jonah. if It ocie8r-
4-• -- .013
t-..torf this Ira, foltmeal. vey tine ATreerilen...Tleare teed!' "But?' 81 lite funny roam
‘4,0Y. 14S11:1 9t1n. t', ix -•:".11 /It? trf ""s4 opposinee- 1:414,V0 "
, •,"! r„ to .1 1 Lis • ree-enar i".1-1,818* t1/1-ra...,-.1!:11na 3t na meld the girl ptereoptly, "you eatt aa;la.
1118.1 98 ee.r. i 91 ta a neat, a 01t. --11-te4 8915 74Cn 1t0 beniel
etteseet n'p.1119 1411188.1' tEDe. (-per- 11:11118 irrrk,,, 'tett)* p
ena Itoa. .r.v4 o r, ;Avenel beet eo Setratelve.
eetne .t_tt2 141898 1-' rates freau IT ra18189r8 181) 1°1 tint..
7..-88 74 rat,, 1 try t ,1 1-e98t1. Ea- 4.'2 :to "1"7. v .111'2; *.r!
re- -1- • et. - It v. t ,fen ter X(118885888, e4117181t. 1.t1rta ;Eel 1.::1111..
- tta) c , en4 tirei 78et11Pt54
1.4 18,981 W18 1188418881191881 eley
711.1a, VON- 5*ta-11 ntreid
7,,18z% tent'," 8ler-',L14180 11918 3.31 p. '88oes-
-,•,11. Tea, !.tva from
• • - n a.'a3 1st tat, .111"11..a? 1.174-71a..
VIC' - e 8,71v4t eteept Sete
811 tro . 111111 se -re tee teite,"e. At eh -4 4•1'":7- •%tee ttele n ?11?.'58' in tee new
18: .8ipen-, 18r iVnnstee telln :nee. 188:e4
eee-: , Lee- viee on liner brie. .e-te 881-4,, teen 8. 898
-- • " 'f. .ti4:kZ6. ?.,51481et0 1188 880.18 97t13:".74 kg91.6-6;env:ma-
trate-. STI.V21` foal Alreereen iteeee ear- 7eir41111t48 the levet pert ia recareig•-sfeee.
ejeeerae188 aeek nee -ay tee ee,...ere..-ate ar Beingeten, eelevaeerel art 1 Choi
81 Wr.ij., lead to aeseeriate wiria Lire. 11reefine eaef ferp t.Leweeneee to Monte
Fenterel ree ge;:ng eaeal reel eataig. reerefr, erneeweeft krant1-e113, ceeebet.!
ea merely L888&11 8,0 at:a:meal 11 7- 111814 8119 . 7a l'oa, ater 82fl118 ttie
gartereen are aree mead aes ste1111e4e88 an Saguenay River, and it is th8 finest ,
g Ri.to„.e. eajean reeenet the ?, 11-11) 00 the continent. The boats+ an
a ecarasas Tee_ 9 fins eaonot I)? surpeteeeel. The 'L
eaeroee,, on,1 tt ;awe alosperea t eele einnor Il:cesselen Hote7 at Murray Bnyii
Dere", tleat tie wae! sIghtly Toaht q„ an 1 the Thefeeet
ele Iratel Toelousare 81
Bet lie ale nat. was 551-11148187reek- n are the finest snmreer restarts In Can- ,
811 g Eff21 Isor.„22f0,212m 4 48.415. Bata ef theae heteln aro owned c
to the IMP1418-8088g11-1.1 tetelentee of Living aril operated by tie -E" eabrapany. For
eta 8.e, vaeo eaearieg nee 'to Ra6r,:, further informetien ee to tiellete.
of Mtar-efohiera tete- app:y E. Foeter Chaf-
on <awe eenece -ie eraa in a tee,Arc....4orn Pressen-e'er Agent,
eattie teem having, int an lieu & Ontario Navigation Co.. No.
Meer len Moment, eaten nime nneer- 4 Wang etreet east, Toronto, Ont. .
ec181- aim a nnee probably conteirged'Naturally.
tae, ripaell'y Trichinae, in walkeM
d O
Broilaer Ter,mes. seite was Travellieg • "Geotge, what le this ellOsilre that
Au -niter for an inventuterit Company.. they talk -se inueb about 1"
Tbomes was Fat al Sesey, with a ; "Don't mention it, oty dear. It's ,
Patch of lied on Pleb Cheek. something; that yon wouldn't to/erate
Brotber." mid the- Germ &Ind- her tho house for a single. minute.,"-
inter, 11 judger by your nippy Appear- 41 Cleveland Plain Dealer.
ance you ave been subeisting on Glu-
tea ard Podgine; the Baeilli."
in Thmader are Bacillinard'e Liniment Cures Garget In 18
What ?t!
aekel Brother Themes.
now. 11
1-!,SSUrelec, an are **tare that the' Adversity's Itoond Robin.
Universe- lately hat been overrun
by email Bags invisible to the Naked 1 'Tide is a ("aid world; a man can't
=I e• " d th L d B "/1 t a, Ole 15e05 e l
1 e, sal e earne Brothel. I go J :hh.eas a good suit
1,r07. umnrENT Et the only
Lnreireent e'eleed for a18 ray stone and
tees only one we keep for tiele.
All the people, ese 891.
flAizzax 1139TON
PlEameant 11817.
Art Treasures terom the Deep.
Off Cerigo, the island at the son -
end of Greece, divers are
bringing up art treasures that were
sunk 200 years bPfore Christ. Lucian
tells of a ship ladee with art spolla
th.at went down on the voyegn from
Athens to P.00ae, and it Is believed
that the wreck has been found now.
Besides many bronze statuettes
life size bronze statue resembling
the Hermes of Praxiteles has been
brought up. Some of the obeeets are
excellently preserved, but others are
She Advises Caristi- an Scientists to
Obey the Law.
I have already expreseecl ray .opin.
ban publicly as to' the precaution
a.gaiest the spread of so-called In-
feettoue and cantagioue diseases in
the following words:
Bather than quarrel over vaocina-
tban, I recommend that lf the law
demand an individual to eubmit to
then process, he obey the law, and
then appeal to the Gavel to save
him from bad physical reetats. What-
ever changes came to this century,
or to any epoch, we may eafely sub-
mit to the provider:tee of , God, to
common justice, to the maintenance
of individual rights, and to Govern-
mental usages. This statement should
be so interpreted as to apply, on
the bases of Ohristia,n science, to the
reporting of 81 contagious ease to
the proper authorities when the law
so regaires. When Jesus was ques-
tioned concerning obedience to hu-
man law, he replied: 'Render unto
Caesar the things that are Caesar's,"
even while you "render unto God the
things that are God'."
11 believe in obeying the laws of
the land. I practise and teach this
obedience, since justice is the mor-
al signification of law. Injustice de-
-notes the absence of law. Each
day 1 pray for the pacification of
all national difficultiee, fur the bro-
therh'oocl of man, for the end of Idol-
atry and infidelity, and for the
growth and establishment of Chris-
tianity. I ins° have faith that my
prayer availeth, and that He who
is overturning will overturn until
He whose right it AS shell reign.
Reel' day I pray, "God blees my en-
emies z inake them Thy friends; give
them to know the joy and the peaee
of love."
Past, preeept, or future philosophy
or religion that &parte from the
instructions ancl example of the
great Galilean Prophet enanot be
Oar:at-Eke. .1Pf.118 obeyed hu 10411
laws. Dia mineteen eenturiee have
greatly Um/ran-Pa human nature and
human etatutea That the innoeent
should tearer for the guilty seenat
leee c11 ine ; and that 1111111SInity should
eitare alike liberty ig eoneeientte
Hems more divine toenty than yes-
terilay.-eire. Ether in The Christian
Stalinitei Journal.
Cetarrhozoee Curea **ugh: grid
Fatal ()elusion.
See eontemplated the future 141 th
"I already WI igit 209 pl$1!:41^4.
it itt 1 gain In ;ilea. of al: 1 eau glo !"
We quota el from Mule. IllatVat 4%1
94111 411r('Ut9 .%/Ir.'11,11 14) 'II.. 4 CfP4.1
Ihut fleehtnese ie tea it. re age tely
iiret.Itteive.ef happon ea:. 4. 11,
in:datelined, may be 1*"98teal:pit
"Dirt Ivlts.t If MY, I.taf titi..k.•
14; tilta. erigel the ateatig. tigrnitig
Mit tn us alinost e,iagiy.
Now. at lat.t. Ir.t.an to tn. ter.
mad. -Iletro71
ISS1D11 NO 18 1901.
Unusual question!
If your digestion needs a
rest—whatever else may be
true—you can get it &cm.
Liver Oil.
Whatever else it may be—
it is a vacation for stomach and
partly for bowels.
It feeds you a little without
any work at all by the stomach.
That little may be enough to
set your whole body goi-ng
again; for it helps you more
than it feeds you.
nacre have not tried it send for freedom ple, its
eeable tiate wil surpri,e you.
tICOTI' & k2.owNE.CluamIrm.
b0c. and $i.81 al; druggists.
Gotta aetioas YnnblY us, anti eve are
the eans of oar aw ri deeds.- Cer-
N antes. 81
"What we have we'll hold"
mei 189V114114 who hes push:teed Page Fencing
11) betas die hest Fonee. on tbe market.
"Whatwo hav'nt we're after"
nil if nu nrc in thp inarl.et tor fearing we notild
to Jut% a 14'I4 •008l*81 1141 11814910 ,,1tixe'11P9ag.)
8499.18. Cc. eLl Woe , mace in our Wa Wire 1404
Qvan by 11149419 t*It4p8et1 rircitly to pat up.
WALK CRV1 tLE, orrre "
*918 19411111(9141' Iv ,19it t.* bri:t E"..",kL'o.P 116 pai1.fillicri6a
Laxative Broir,J,Iliiiialatt Toteels
tSe I18112.C4ii: "44 111 0110 day Exi)osition
18 It WWI lett :Noah.
«Lb fast, trate art: reetrat glee '
grreeol, atel Neel; .4 gel hie togily.
terea at 11; teen 'aiera- recite -ogle
va.rne 11811 1.11,41. ter -9 111181118 1488 81-
'1 wen ter what 8184""18. 8 * 8 ar a lit -
tnt: 8ion,"88" 5.01 ' tee -Er,' Yee
Itt, the 9-240,t1• ba fr.
Ve*%9. 91 14. re,819.94181lt'•-91 Glee' 91 .n14 18 Onts
Tue....4 rl Lie mg II un Atatat 4 '1 181111W know- it, nee reatt.'" repnie 1 "e44,4h,
ultra a Wan e1188199,8448. eine re 1111-
4,9981- autitb-n S ete frottt
Trno: IA bete etere Coe. Ds ye 18,811
8E,A154-1, oven. 11:44 wolio 1-311188t.-4 89
carry water rem tilt, e•-pietatitt 7 Mar '
brae thettrn.41.
STAIU orP,Otnar,+,„ rift? 401, T(19811 O. 4
LitrA9 O01.?"11.1'. 8E%,
ler ter liter of the firm of le J rut evy & (to
end etate afore -eel_ ate that eeen elm oillina
Di5d1o, 81IHJ 19t
to Nov. W. 1901.
T8'' 41-1-8145Y9 TrIllzk tlb* Dircitt 1181(1
-*ear Narita front all p ante tr) nut-
" f -e Ott.
8:8-1a11!an 11 el-111,1.6er :4-rtlee,,
Peeeor, Poeta at and Pinang' Cara on
• Carr. t relate.
• Var infortatti nt no to rates,
• 88414 surier., tonuri-t Eifterature, rap
' Bey te n_ntE4, Grand Tennk nallway
e elogSON. Inetrlet lateeenger
Agent, Toronto, Ont.
Feann Jenne:ow reatteeoeth glee he Es Peft«
busize•is thr reed* 1 orao, eon rf.
the RUM of ()NU 811"ND1tEP 1.491,16A,Ine ler
ealhand every case of f.'s? %/MN that cate
be cured by abe 118 kl Aping
(5 118181 IF Le :Ile J. .t.,1 Pee
4_4 were to talere ratal-satberita-r-al any
pretence, this teh day of incetaeer. i&184,044,4646,„,„ A. W. tele:A1o:1
tuna. k Nteetyleateele.
Heins ("Warn 181981-09 tahert heernailv- nfti
8181,4 dire ely tbe Mead atal non out .t.iitlfate«.
of the sstene. Fond for ft.-Ili:per:Mts. free.
1-1.3. e:tdo,O.
81)181 88- ithruggiree,
Hartz Panay PiLha arc ft -.t.- Lee.
'Velma '11-0,4911141 be 0 K.
11881-7 turrael orer tire p1891421 tlhe
beck mail they eetne tor a, pletrare
81 Dahomey girl with eery:Ilene
bra.pletrigr (DTI 1110,8 ZITIMIPS
"Don't the:- level: b. rharene 8198,1
libleoust;" 4.15-8zee1 181888 11. %ten, a tree -
"Yes," 819188418191 le. 1.410
engiat te wear tnev111 on her tvrhgZs
or iv the, sleape 4-4f bee brass 18898k.'s
1 clown Le siert 1,-r4)et.'"-/41ril414te4po8is
, Sen.
blhaetren's Liniutent eureo Dipeti.eriee
()ne Way to leseape.
"If Mr. Carrregie limb he isn't get-
ting rid of It fast enough to avoid
diserace," mused the amateur bota-
! zest. "somebody ougeet to tell him to
begin experimenting in the raising of
Catarrbozone Cures Lung Troubles.
Proud of His Troubles.
Richards-Not/rang peculiar In that
Haven't you noticed bow everybody
likes to talk about his aches and
pahls ? Ss5rt of a safety valve, I sup-
Treated Pro.
are neakele 11rop39e:14161
rtiltatIO= a 88r:09.1w for
enty evare. (Wok tonof.
Oates wont cases. Book of
aestementAze and 10 taiga
rentment veza
DTt.D. I8.GREEN'SS0103,
Zoe° Aaattiateeria
sent nn Teal
vrhelesale nee*.
If cot aulistaciorr
money refunded.
Guaranteed toms
easier seal rep
ecter weak than
Anyottior meet:deo
eirr re k e A
gund mart:Ice for agents to baedit. 18188
• tr.osevnIncle. TelousanclelIn nsn. For term• s
1*41,1 rriee tteete•ep
ittrANDATto OO. leatelletti, Qat,
"ma, IOW
fth,i' ........
t-.--"L.Yr'Si.":._.,......,-,... _ ---,,,-r-1-•'.1
- -
Be 3',',M4V.,'-rivitat:A buy the bete irrost )'u-
.12 (.‹....esP.ata 881-81184 ga no greeterehateethen
inferior reake-z. Why not have tne best'? Coiled
Amine wire eate tight. Hoary seeel tairs hold
1941- 814191 the Frost Lock 4399011817 801118 tbe two.
11188 78100'? 'WIRE FENCE Co, Limited,
Weiland, Ont.
Dractlee forsalc. For particulars. achltesit
County Engineer, 511/n180e. Ont.
Tr worthy young Mail to travel for rinliable
thin; 915 weekly nud ail elevenses guaranteofi:
UrA-riasq references and $25 severity reetdren4
s‘parience unnecessary; no canvassing. llt-
Igno,n. 191 lain street, Mike 15, Buffalo-
Nvood shop; good opening; terms easy.
12oI7 Konica), Ont
"gteAN'TED-ITOTEL PORTER, 19880113 -
VY trios, willing to be get:orally- asetal. de,
eia with partienlara Manager, tsox sea North
SMOOT fort he TEETH 25c pose; or Is it only a form of ego- Ev.
A Strange New Women.
Madame Daniel Lezegn (Jeanne Lola -
can), the first woman to receive the
French decoration of the Legion of
Honor, is a novelist and poet, a 180-
e1a1ist, a believer in free love, and
the author of the beet French trans-
lation of Eyx.on's poems.
It natl. Damning with a Blue Stinger l' of elothele i Cata.rrbozone Ceres Influenza.
gets into you it means Lumbago. If I "'Well8 that's logic."
one of tree six lagged Fellow's with "Logic? 1141 can't get a good suit King Oscar of Sweden is afraid to
a plaid Husk starts a Hatchery of elotheit unless he has a loo." -De- i it a funeral procession, 8111181 wears
e.eraewhere on 745141- Preserves, then , troit Free Pres. 1 alwa.ye a gold ring, supposed to have
• eou may conneler yourself elected for 1 .--- . ) power as a11 charm, which has come
SpInal Maningitia, and se on. There Catarrhozono Chires Bronchitis down from hie nneastor, Bernadotte.
ston Taanseript.
"Miss Bliggins laughed at me when
propeeed to her," said Willie Wish-
And yet," ecimargented Mies Cay-
enne, ''people say that women have
tott true sense of humor." -Washing-
ton Star.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ate.
Caller -Is ytrur little eister the
aline age as you ? Tiornmy-Yetem
we're both eight. Caller -Nonsense 1
You can't be more then four. Tommy
-088 1 bat we're twlino. tile's four and
I'm four; there eight nin't it
A -lightest, strongest and baadieat made;
the celebrated "Lindenwoode extension step
ladder: best out for fruit picking, painting,
plumbing an0 general use; every f &
armer nee
one; also painters trestles, paste boards. eta
eta Illustrated catelegue free. Address -8M
Waggoner Ladder Co., Limited, London, Ont.
14 finest in the Niagara Pei -avant% at
Winena,10 miles from Ramiltou on tvro rata
131)acres la an.,35 of which is in frail;
mostly needles. Will be amid In ono parcel oe„
divided into Iota of 15 to 20 acres to suit trar-i
chasers. This is a decided bargain Address
.Tonatha.tt Carpeeter, P. 0, box nee Winona.
Mrs. WirtsIoves Seething Syrup should tid• •
ways be nsed for Children Teething. Ithootbds
the child, softens the gams, cures wind coif*
and Is the best remedy ;or Diarrhcea. Twentn
five cents a bottle