HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-26, Page 7'1 szatrAwnenv for the TEETH and ;BREATH New Size SOMPAPIT LIQUiD 260 New Patent Ben SUMMIT HMS Lame 314010 anti POWDER 750 At the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, for the Price. • A Dentist's Opinion: "As an a-n+iseptic and liygicnic mouthwash, and for the care and preseri, atoll of tho teetb. and gums, 1 cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it tho ideal dentifrice for children's use." [Name of writer upon altplication.3 HALL 8t.. RUCKEL, MONTREAL, 1_ E PHIL A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSP:RACY AGAINST ERiTAIN. She threw at him a• glance of coo tempt, and. turnea toa though to leav the room. Ur. recognizing th fact that the sitcation was becomio dangttrous. permitted himself no long er the luxury of davlayIng his anger 1.1e was quite himself again, calm oneosive. "Don't go away, please," Br sad, " am a:toffy that you. havte read those re - porta -more than sorry that yot 1 ova d hose aitto•.hed any pa:a:coin - you have with my uncle withal dors not inelude me ? I am not larlinial 0 go away ;Ishall atay and hsten." g Mr. Sabin mulled faintly ; tho was showing her sense now ar, rate. Wolfondeto was obviously eta- barrassed. Helene rent:tine 1 blatallY uneonseious of anything' 4erhata. • "a • „ ta,1 au 1,‘ -1, 4: to _ PO talk golf again! Owl), Way, ova' hears nothing else but gol; (kora 'there. r .t.:Ot you toter ahout or rale. for a cie tone to them. As you. knot-, the uewspapets a:lot-toys exaggera:e ; Fri many of titp, ariosi wiitib 1-110y tel I tie not litonove that there !a a sin ale word gr truth. :tat I veil admit that Hear: hos not ly.0.11 116110Aputer dieitatae, liteo ia yt•atrig, Pool :Ler. are maity 1^ 0 a Ir.,* nvissil,i* t).3r. km. Apar; froom L the w1133,70 anas- oxen ;yel hi ••• bolt Aria- is halal Ile questaoro Your rat rot: ',re ir h lJrn was neoier iniente 1 to laa tone- of - feellota. late a, we% roto.roai. in Li w.iY, but, ra,,,,re a nit STIP' `.'it )1L1-1 in i.:001 MAO Lz,,' your awe. 'roar olliatise tat it hiot1.'imply a nea cestaaty gad; Lt.h 'JAIL ta:r prero. unelortainiao 14 -Ewe -al ,% u, pat wall avilre•sat ca. to, -4), reatil inknilh 01r 1.-0 yaq, tut pry hi Lo is„ holt f tor ‘Vtlik'ut:1 wolf. yont wail le a ortean 1" .ag',--oln he tool arI. $ao Patel at Mtn with lir :it b'iw un,lItitalling eats.% "Oa: aim aro We:toady *Wail' tatela4meal.. al may analiti-ata, bat It s, for tat- ootratara t;4r.E.„1 1 Vit.11, *IA% n' *4 t'ruic luli be ur a, two,. w),, Win ar. tia, vorial tailt to 13.3. Frineloula- osion ti It im 9.3%i/rallyt biare 11e. 41141.1*,M.EZ4M 1144 rt41,_,t,4144Q.,M **Viiita tV.* 4a.:1 ,Fert Ph9t100% Iftvt WA/ aaoor taattet WIU1't ao..ao 13,3tolacollua* 1 lo'' Warta t !It ,'443 721.0.1 a'utAL. •3‘1!"•fa t3s Pala- • 4113i Vera 1..t,t0re• prs,s1. 111,14' Patirataati1 tat 112. Went4 Matto ,tieintb able:eV:a itall Vat lattagoteat Vatit,10.4s!" 4t.e. attiailayatio alai ailaaata. hat flit 1P3, ILO ..111.341:. roti* 11.12L 11:149i'Attrla. n1117,' roto nt pro• ttL•at, "-A. 'Loam etel; ait, 1 . rsD4 3.7•.. eao.. U41 4441 VYW tt,1 s.atotarox korai.*11otraoaratia•,-.1" • ILE 13.,VAE:I, L. .aiatsr....•..4 1147m talo - 9: sr.)) toonta wiasai IH6Irk tie CM:53,2g Ils**.eszl IiC13,4* na.S, Vol art'sas 11'1QQ1:4P!11 tsrs, W,VaesE17 Boo. t raftirl tviitagew. 1tar fate arta aite dited 811, Sii1Q,Lattt. tten,13 D:;J%1" Vi.ir_X,A trie,e eireasr qta44,/sla *tot t3to talairoastaa,--..atate-fol. Coot ontal 1,- oatzA,',',9:1u tharatical, ito stoat -ad tot las feet with a 11111TP '103;0•41 11-1 Ut15.J.:!.2 V.01,11 ara an early ansILacr ita311`saaa7att stonalal ganot.ay. arid wanea.-.3 into tit,. vacua. "I -woos ianaloro" sobli. "to ton rata IS 1;01, elit'_-tr.et!':!.q.' alastatit ono!" 3,11"1"77:.1 .12.7.11.fa "1 Mono Noo Prorolse." • Al'olferulten. 1I113 ttuaterao aatataril 1•,a 1 8 horeiblo onstpleiton. Ile eolith! .senat''•'- _ ly believe -that her tootatati t asne-ts wan altaglother At the Pare SusrLion of her I bog lettone with A Cagle allator ir33.3(zm Zr. attain riot- tr* ? ttn:lat' Litla io sqn 1 isi.7:11y,-.:17z,11 it 4- 41tC,141fr.1 alainot Ittat=o4 ya,t,4L,,,:a a. a aria., riato loatao itit4 oistal haelfrasrite foat aara-toto,-. "I tura fitrilahaor, a foto- laaakfast.," remonrkel. -.Latta 3 carer you ao.a.- t'airar-a gloaa a'airot or Faro-Ca:a tine a" Wolferalen 01%artf-ly hearil Mon, itotA onsweved raitagat'aer at Familia:2. ato Iota eadderoly titrv,VtNE' telene was In the ayeat ; slip was earn- ing towards lout fr,t;r1 tact vair.ollow recess, with smile upon her EOM "1:13W very kind of yon to look tis rep ao early:" site axe:aimed- lift-. Sabin snared grimly as Toe pour- ed TutInaself ont nHoner and lilt a ci- garette. He 'Was perieetly well aware v that Wt not one corartesy: a single glance into his ; afer:teen's was race -load ted ruffm all that he cared to . know. It was atolunate that Helene had been in tine ratan. Every moo, meat's resp!te he gained was pre- • oloas, "Have you cerae to as me to go for a. drive in that wonderful vehicle?" she aafa 117,11tIY9 pointing out of the window te where his dogeart was t tvailIng. should want a stestep-lad.der o mount it:" Woifencien answered her gravely. "r ,allottld feel very honored at be. Ing atiowed to take you for a drive e..t any time." he slid, "only I think that I would rather bring a more earafoitable carriage." She shrugged her shoulders, and looked at him significantly. "The one you were driving yester- day would be a great deal more com- fortable," he said; "to -day I only thought of •getting here quickly. I hasp a little business with Mr. Sabin. "Is that a hint for me to go r she asked. '''Iron are not agreeable this Iltorningl What possible business tan „ ono, man he stiffatted. 11t• answorial a it hoot looking at ilea t.,,q„es,..itone 41:, arab he was that her 01;0: %'r.'s.'lk-rthhiill it ,.14.1%. and that ; . Ler lots wore eartiotp: hitt; a amil'. I am Lot Elio:long of play hag go7f to -8y.' he said. "rafortunati•la 1 141 14.44 Lae: 101en4, tititnt,0 t A 1,,!, - ,F%413 t',P13i1 111 ' Pito mitauttos, Mr. , he al:3aq, aI alioulto ba levy gaol." al".= auntiali:otelly with all Elte ' 8ins,vror.,11IPI6 of king, gent1e:0,1 143'3'10- P 1,11,TO Wt4 :o litolie flash on beer elite la: titio.,1 Mae w44 t4.4 ti144 444eut1vit 133.191 it optan for her. "1 ant 1.-on'Y to !AL" , :sorsa on the tv.ty lo r a ono:watt." alit afoot:, opray proaree.l wait Four bud.. oreo." 'WOlfte,•ren da, IAA 41 hem -lot oaa• /at ara 101.04.11: tit • h"vo.., AVM el • at la na gaat, 07.3.a Coaalthea got Pee. 10.2 4,y1, roo.31 " '1 1!.l-. 1433117n. The favor, wialtda V., ate 1 tuataa ti' ekona? L.o9311 3 ly,t1!,1110^11" itit rt00,;'' it. ' o.41,01004 *tat' 11-3:, to otivaneat •th•,• • 073r left ht'* fatale; ;alai her *leo tra oeal. hot,• to- ta vat, totoata 444"Y ir14A100111..-119; 011000 11! 33t 13,333,n3 v1.4,4, a to 01/030 lona Orr tt "44Volf114!0.14'111 14:41.744 tlge 41144' 414,244 t4411041 t.1Ms.g111111. t4.41 40:11P. 51544.04444 4:114. 4,13t431rit 144 11.-kaate•i.." ho ..-.337 lar, "1 la•rwe ettal,atilAtion .33a • Mr. Sooltta ht, n vatc-ottatte and saa-so a 0,1 ateola.n.a.::rj taaralottanr: • 'j- l8i11j],,' 1. li aoa ear142n444t. irAgl1144" 144 440. iliWei"1"4"4,44,,8, -"0,1"4 awfttr Z.,ta314 Wet :iven "3ot tletto.i" 'Po ea rtillir! to," 0.'411t.W. 1 trao2ny,...-; 33 31 "as v3,3,4r.23,3333t, as 3:43, 33 t3331,,!,3 trr,33 t3::3:3033A3-133 1:i 'ti?- UE ante itatoo, too oriot.: atoo alate. to, . antra riteoargasiov 47,1f •.•32 na sorronnoto •Ileateatar attliaorittaitatta Toro -mit 0taeft: • stara•otal trout alt.] :0i51,0111ti7 04:111,10•2I1 .6t7i.2:43 ItN,611 ttogitl'Or41 t,t‘ /,,,41c1111. it taPt face t,2:1 not tratitherni, TA? 4 re vorato in rotor Waity ting.317ilr ge,tara 1 at ras ratar...taa for 0 nrovent or two„ ;tor:Caen roorivatt taaraaly ,w-Vist7311 1118 "I`fan 11!".!17,21'. „ ql-t, 11,71-4 f4:4,7 -n !011 •"4! 'rt."... , (1,713 lanai. It la +Tot 7.a. tear.' 'Coat ; • I • " 01 t yoat i313il1rt33„ tona s '-'1"...r."41.1 3 ye:a: otro-a liava, rse,7 „ ,oran'arr caaoly- et the nseati teloaa. cara.7.7C-4a- neoasr !lag arzaho-treuto thareata4o tt.""4710'7,. 11erally P. taro' • • arioall f ratio lr a-kaa. rout Lido lay -tato.- ' grata arasit 7 r333 tArtillr latroara. oat'aitota la .7th anl ....ottntaoetioy the wan Ps eacoacot, ma, e0.11 1 n,-,‘ 11-,• yen .7,") me tat, lanai:, to 1..31:3. what I ,' a1t3».-ae3resaa3araertastoratawaara04.-7) ! was 'puzzled. Pe/quip; has molter Itutl of the slailotioa, 1 'Iola oott yoa Tut: ctiiit $ Imo? af • 0 f' ' i viran taken 30 313 :-.3n-11.1,no1 of 1114.1 t•)r. a covent been nervously exeital, KA IA 111.(1 '1111;,- ;7.13 ,1:g1.:1(3)11,411tucillii‘; ItIVIIY I IU 1:i I Orit,1' XtIll j, .Ntilt.. C.> 41 Li) ri, . tilhroat. Yet he thouglot of her carnear 'W.( 11 13313 sin.t. (31')wn (;)3 for the lima ' c.41b,r,*-- Yi i 0 L,4 ike,., ,, pc ,,,, ,..m, p 1 „-., Oss, limo terelide eavnestatess, arta a tams. A Fable by flee. Ade. • a' • 40 V'( of poiltive Otyytilorment (*rept; 33 (1111 3(13 3J ,,liri.vukea(3,-104.1-.....itt,',..1:1r.,;1'1,7ititv,oillc31.1,11 ti..1".ti own. 111.117. - AAA..." ,1;,t4;-,a4,itA,..1,/,-i '1* i tile. l(S;14.;e131;011111t01113,;;';,71., kiliri!.;1.1eW.:.;1?lt.W111.1 ;it': ::. : i`tcsc: !(::31.'rt,C 1.1i1L.4111i t.,Y(111.11,:stc:111 Itivt3,> 314 310 11,...1..!tyri : t.111,17.di 31.11,1f,1),fa.I',,i, 3;11;;WV11111.1)," '1-1.- 1. (lord w:th this nootter 1,,9,,:yr ,,,,1, 0.1r- ,, , , ,',., ‘J'I ..`,/:,-,.., att. OA '41. waves. / shre31,1 11doe to knaw ovnetly lastoadal to litte ytstr rountri. leap ' a--)41 - -- ' • . ; . • .r. what part'of my fa the's ework you 1 i 1 „/, , i;,:2.:..,it fur:40‘ pr:,i . .1, • io ;, t.a• tia). t0,.a ,- i 3.3311.1 1131 aro SO toaxoas t. 1 avail yomalf of, and oaro, ; nut for 3(31', NV it1;11 t .'' ;I:'I!ltt(1)1:(::::ltthe101' Whittparposr cow%(t111•3 3 ,5 3 v1,3 ri3373.:.I . i 111r. ,Salan drew a letter from hist 11-,11`1 ,'''',".P isi,e,', Mr. atiain "."' i,. .''.t,-,;."aoeket, and Itaitiled it (Y( :3' to \Volf•at- „'ahlateieme. Of O0U18t ' •,011 Pal, oit n:in for it,"sa'i,d iI en't13%;181:(11tlfV.f.(7[r33?'rj;,3'13:'1P(:i111-13.t11:i11'iK, 4',.i:(1:2:t'::141C't;!1 tlasflo.3t:111y,e;111itvV,.,T (1,,1it(:1)!i41;;k!ti1s(,311;);t,:(4:;li1,t11*11:R11t'13;la1 /3cootainel n Nttest thatSi:333t(13ti4,1;:t!l;114.t;uili:it1.111at:stt!)t )•o.t: 31;e l;:i1twould favor the:a 31' t) tin 3(1 1' n(;i1:11,;:1;:i:1i:::.rit33.1 13) t: .4. the voirmaraVvo navill Rtrength 4 of 1),Pr111110. , , fill'..in R. Y,1;1 Niakl not Weak. -3n now, ; Furopean powers, witli pert:el-lair ref- 1., 1";•:at: . al. tatare .vitii you, " MO- • ,.V1441 if you wantaa to. If alio have t ' erenea to the (Iria ,m9(11:, an,/ 1.04,01 1"717,''''''. 3.'741'. ' lar n3 . it, ia moat in- ; Ilia." leteacritig .1).)111.)-...8 (134 10 13I1 1-1'114- I '••• :: defences of (treat Brit'. in. \Vol f n i 3. 13,1 otaortnee, 1 31 *1 .q.utreely fit,/ that ; *loin of thia 11 (133 pray Zor-xtt tiM111 read it carefulla Ulla WINel. It I1.01.;:. 1 11413' ill't L3'3)Ol1N1 113.... (11 13 to ' ;t1v.1 3; 1 it blind." al.::1' 1T10lett•roosiflane 1hnve w 4 no Ta,1,r11:,111y3v:i I havno Doubsor 'oars," d0111taLouIthft1i?I11170tht,311;13:m1,11athem(11 etie.Iha3 eez3 p1 1 red ,,, 33 "It Fmned. 10 1113 :.fr. Sable cm. 111)1131.11'.1.S"Itti \a...1,t4.1.,,1114.:3,111(1,tktalLtm.1.1;01.1if 1 t;11111:1.3eaes ': tlto awootest Call 1 that 3...A%•,.• drew , "31ig tinnel, "tile (‚1041motaval thing in f1V.1,4‘111l142lot14'rielU1111riiii .')'4themoral to 03)31 lilt year fatherupon Pata1wy from you all idetof b.0;;ei171l:1Strei1co1..):: lT certiliT1 matters V4N13.("I3'ni1]g whital ho any. coal antaion with smelt 6111;1113:10118 : It y tt a aar_tirat otatiela over a a au- i ea in, or has been, a c'< lel.rataia ethorlty, 31erli0'11hws.4," iInre. . , e•', i1 11:3 1lta.• lit ead. a4., :ith Syritoola ''l' 18 font Irid detaldtodoso the I havDnhad"ie,silen Aalb11111nOn41tux aideThe 3 ainstlgatioa of 011of OPLorof roar r%1171er5i:jot .111 1,31,(41Airl.11 annahluWe co.ititAdmiraltr, to whom he 13persolallye,.11,2g.t,lITIl,f:i,.on iten1 r heewell TotowaI had 110 131e1 of a1ftiaq q1e 1ralh1 on core(311313- fatoaoCikadei1 ,- • t except in tie most open statou-rmt erai_ 5y3ibia ateaireAt the , 11o•'1,1u't3-e..0te31o132.1t:,t:o'nw I radial at artatigaam Hall pa -tardily untiens1 patrarerly eu on what '''''.1 .1 :1 3 i,*1 .,7‘I aftelmoonral watt at t„gi.osta3on totoine to hopfor n t,iiiitss1;1;;11Ttilk I e17khea ' -- , porZeetiorol'ways youmay 11111 •"!.3 11113. ,51y nicolaoaa ite,sol the dolghted Cupid. 1 have hoardloar motlavtol,sT311111it i vii,"41, •.„ .(.„'„iti, 1 out rlyou into athLr Nriy.-up with my i1 oveo.,tap patootge• of it. Noboax 1311 "4' an anexp.3-1vrv; of 11„11,11„1 \.L.,mown 11,hli.;11tw 13(11 4.1J3'. anti kW./ eeke- , r ps , a pactttgethe NVholtaridtrowing partla Pr',"''',„'3od Love ltilterand I m \e to your fn ther',-; to. fort to no t" sto to eyoor ottoo. 13)f&33 (83 ,.al,t, 3.5.1 5113.-a•iii.4 to know tiort you are going ' of health anti portly to some extra- el-)nnli''.`"•-; "1 4P;I• 1 '''"1.'''1311 3e111. 13•1 31131" i t ' :nry attempts, '1'13I011 I am given F Liek. It vaia I who arra...I-god! _ • c7Icti L1 e..t ttb:Jut, your etur,:ent ii'. i 1.0,11.1 g.1131 , that. Fire.: ali tailor at the Summer. I a i,„)),5 LI11 Lill Allx °rilla to woe:stand, hare la'en 131 3111 tr, hers, tool 1 may to: well tell pm at . 11,3,1,1 ovheo oavt apoatal laer in the rob him of Ns work. Slice was vory 0,0,13 tlo.I b.1 '10 11014 41'; da'atata or ,. -11 ',1 .litelL",, 81" 111" sbort ,74Mrt- Yon ! anxious to help ma, but insisted that L''',1,14-'; 1-0.'',• ,. [ will revolt tee lattat that 8310 .3.1.1 114.1 t it ;nust Iva seeretly. Last 'lighten btatl. Air. ::011",r1 nit HI 311"; 11114 1144 *1 *371.. • 11"4"•41r tins Ibit. 11711e:1 you Mtn' 114 r ; nests was, I allonit, a ghaatly aliaaata 1, eyas finalwa • tot with a audden • (1111. with thTenint tr "-• ,La -ne b;', value far your m oney, ACEYLON TEA orilaitaoblowing -1131131 it woe ov, I" 111qt' 1' ' 1• TO be Continue.) amo1 1L' -r kv(.s131331 tt 1-,1- yel,Tef.l 113 _ ta..ly pror.os a 1l 111l(:131 strong protest. AR n man.think I may s1'3of acme intehigence,I a loe - 1 alai Cheeks. warmed by a It 1- j fiat tato 25 yent package. - ................__.-____ ; fi.i.: blealo you began to wall: saki!, - t to...t.yo a n'l Step ou your (ova teat. I 1 A STRANOE PLANT. one . .. .331 i_" NI ,.t.. ,n I hired the twoof you out to, par /01,1s0,1 sou, pipe the Raiderat the(31 31') thaI m guiltYwlna 1) '3* 4 That 133elle; Milt 3. 7 tle • Lioko. atoll obal•reer•I `..1:tt..;,•,, la i a v411 curt:113.1y have a Ilatfol of an indisteetion toldell was; 3'. 3111 .•ZO 1:,7,. 1nS ee ts. $. stis -t for !....1. alitditg and Palling, an,: : eat:trio:1a airmunta aboill of you, 1111,1 instigate] les roar mother. I aa..ara,- , a ay 1 .. la lass reao te•oairl: 13, 84 134.1" Socire. i Fir.v 1i3:...3- it. i I thin't inniehle. If Cupid had Ids really 11,3 not sa• haw I van toke any blame to an; aalf 4T1 4 he matter." tor 3.13; V13.3i. Ily-..331?-3133.3 Pi.iiiat-a : 'iv."-,,, a Cl....3r tats,a It vraa 1 ova, 1 31.`ay. 3 vory Mart litego S••rvlete Wotan be• No •., I , .. 3 . 1 , . . . .. . . ltt1 1 .11,..e to ntuse:pata of 1.0. maw 1) attnyasoo 1 1.1 ' 3.1:33 eel awry 1 ha tetra:14.ra wit," , rameted !to the still moonlight whit - .. toe et to ..r,tarary sons itiVea'.."S tif IN: P';#33 I.',At it • A3,1 A .43.:T On -CU.. r.1.1'4:... I rifi 810 1>rP1.0.401' 1-0 3. 3-32 the Cuea. rattly ')'4 )«]l 1',71,1:m31Prt re,mark- e414 "'this balmy tO the wittelonton." 3- 1..av.s . o al. q.t. 1.i. coast, u .1,•41 tit *1 llutn,11 onli vt'ared ttt her 1(8 11 Like t and only tho la oefang altars aa Mat- o 41 Ity 1-'." i444"e".1. iiit,"11 0-4 nit ,a on:. th.. 4'11.4 W,u,,,,t.,:,•3,1 to lot ,your bigot 333 13,,,,°, 33,,:i40A. ri7he You,og Cwo Couple" uld re- : fean take hut, little blame to Ins- leaf ,i...,.,., 01,,a 1L"('13:10.1 3-41ips.:itit t)tt1. lint you larkiel tat's foi.erv.• ! parr at 4,11.'IO If) a loalgo in some vast i 1 4331. s1,..f.." Mr. Swd p abot ansereros,7o mPtlY. i11 43- VIP 1:31113::. 333•.:74t. 3;31:-313:.: :, Vim. r/.:.r,11 ilett it migatt apietor !fat./ Wild:rate a.s. (tight -five 5Illes from .. • 1 38 arona. le ha It 'nno Ind ;1...703‘qh. ('3 33 e. 1,„. th:et, 1 liy t3,:.*4.. It Was yteir • eWn 'lavas 1. lo 311 ibea 1 Cloak or ft 1 3-3.'1)33 Dru1)flmer.3 .I...1Porig.11('O inns °I,'.' 1'...rn.„(1,34 an'l 1 ,n.30114a." 133 311 r .t.33,1- 1•••••.ari.74ta: Or..!‘ j,3 3331. .1344.3 !- Wh 4 11140,14F e'lnilae.''.1 yl.a teat pal 7 140. 4114 1 44 111 le Ilatg you, Love loos no '"'""1";;"3411 "I' ' 'ow' w'rlY• 'Le (*33 barn. si. at ei liv P -61iitIir::.1.1-VI" St"..,:.r. ' conid PI a iv.,811 ar7,1 got buov withoat".; Vorwe daring the sn vaned Festfv1- 1:eav113. laat '‚(31o. fanli. wita trot ntino. bt,t,cia,„i ,,,: -,,..„‘ 1,;„• .7„,t f,„„1 ..i,.; r:,,D,, - .,33,3: 1,1,a hot to Faint or stiari..k for: ta.s. 'althea atm begdo. to Frost the Tiionatioiamt.4113/11ymi/ooltia,;1:113.11t.i.e:.1:3v1;.:831:3.1n.otenstrosi.pleitt: 31,1.tli.:t.:....,.; 1,,,. :I t tutu its it t,.„t ti,.%,.; it. ,', .34.4 1.44..1 ii.• .% I lirtecl ytAill:-. to tali:sot:: Oar` 8 :1.0,13 13:.1.3tg S'!Wlax on 1311(3.Chan" 111)311notseltiof 1 eto1111 poseobly have 1 tie. !haat lbw, lia 44 ft •r yl..0.1 Ma Italia' ,3,,3,,., I *3,. .3,.'. Clam " done to t*'fool'ara." '33'4331'(3[3,34,3)ref:J.1..3...a. cs,tz;(3. 3,4, clay ..n . 1,10, . (.11a dra,t. Ulu -.3 awl tlite 33418 IP 4;4114 "Thtt 34)/1 win roturn r. 4:,s/rcx1 the a o 1313:1.1' io., Hi:, i-,, ,s 1.1,,,et3-3.: 11!13'1': to Vaal; 1.41t yo13 w oret it stack.: (rt -ton. "10)41to4v11i1n;4-veear 4414 om:itms"i---* 400 en.r0-1n. !tTn „yf 'ldtihr, vntli_y cN.lv'r,netett•.eu. of ll trhose 11.p"I vll welt u.ntil 3-, 01 1 trYlrioebda, d 'to eot130. t OMib Ire tO•been 4 1 i IV 1 1 t AvI"r4 r ,(*)33' 11 311 3:313144104nd U1tt F11 of runntinv theUountleCt yonotuidn Main .3-31" ''3 to 103r38133 LI344 t4141nC •3vi01 ly% 14.1., 08.11bit IlumSurloge 110t4 14 an1 roororitipben- fatheet341;443N 46 3 1141•11•er".1I,4IA ' ail.von to4 rIeair. ,74332. ill 33.3 i po ti nd ,al Ii6Head Wutors" rep sienna3 lieto aatmI tilt:llnairath4u„„fti,313,,1 int,i.kit 1 f11.t1noy,11tiLttry 33, 3, "rv.11 hawto 323,331 on 314) 83' in sOWenapits 44 130O33) 43 till tt ,13 0,3.1 r ‘ . iI ,/oq1 inalorpi 11 I ut (31'l03 af.Nw911.iatiTt otuer. of 11, . r.tt, ttdo 8 0,1' Hitt ,4 Mom 3.,, !lig tat • • 13*t13 333,3.3" .3 T.ketf., :Lai 11-,w 11 In.,,,t‘ that 31119 .,13 :31(3 it. 13r,ett, 31,,,,i,...(31 fr,na ID .,„.14.01,...131 i 14.11 nntier , thy, 3... ;:, t, It, e:, et 8:-; 33 ,1,,,,,ir I 1 ,a 3) tt,,33. the '33 3.3 11 I141.4. '44,4* -'n 33,44,14 'I 1W ' ,',. id: (i.A14. bf14.12 11,3^±4: 4,43:11,. s,t, tvafies ViirePlInqauLpq ..t ukr mi. sea pielon 2" n h;!)aii$7..,,0011.(33 ;1:4:%1 88 1,,11s•4-13,,;rrit,,,i; hr, I • Dii 4 :I 4. 4„. ,IEn- IS-( i hic it OV1.331 11,1 tit 11S403 1 n 3. 33312, 1134 ;OW Prl l4.111 4. 311 13 gin4crut,4. ir2tti4.,1y14410,ritim„myon.oitLoil18.11..: p 1L,g,,I34.ty3 3 tt -w33 411:7113442,4" P:el igiE,",,,,!':: and of:n vilolttor e 44149It eerc .or .3 i NTY:frr'd 64 .3 334 'W " ' a4". 4 to ''tozt,Q'4I..)" !344 '.1 t3t-,4t,:.3. 1 tt 1 4I3J, M.YV1...1..oE4ta',,r 3 .0411.13e..3.1., 341.4'41t1Ira0 311‚3'."r3(3,' e""InF.?lr;1'l3"14 1..'t" 1 rcY17aInen SC4l4'Ion1-n tar aartinith 0.1r14,1t 13*' 4111It"1"2"ft313II"4-tg'"",;4210rnot rialar"to-oat roent iaT.cVad tGat Mg, atm f amen,ahutwilibut„13.1•t141413311V /4 ( ,.rY:1 ,i3t3,3t, algi ' 3 t340 h W.f. %ant Lava att n ny alatao anal are 13 I"& .el,„ IN, D 31.,„; 91„, 3,,,,,1 14,,,,31 ! '3I13,, !la .r, 1" 3- 34°,, ttrrod thal tloo 74.341 ' a'altrlyea 14.131, *1•or. ' rittuato of th o Ca. '' veal. a env fo't.ti t 0 1444,4',11 44.1'4444p teeml e3aa44,3;a4 at 13 .h. ,,,,43411.1 ILA z ,,40 4 ,f 3-.3 I., 33-3 333 33-31 3-1 4-P 111,1 b • °all, dra,„.31:,,t!te•Fia4IIIF 44,, 1.114," 3333',33s.4:7,1 ;; Vasa Intim aitive real 3131-3/ vat/ vague 14144"v4y P 1113333' .3, e. " ,!ttio3.1 : :ty. w 01 .314 (3'. 3' 1 lo',, 4 0 0 t„0., 5" .: '3. I"" 'r*"1,'"N V ''3'"3"44 hove von!to-oot It arlautal ,,,o4a t,,,aatio$ 4,13 tr,„. It,,,-;... titia, , 11 httio34,t3ai)3a°4ttrit 2351; 1 4:,7 E,4. :,.o::tr::,-,4t„ ,..,0*r„I1;.3l0:.11,101.::11Vf,f,.41' ,. :3 !4,1.12,:".:;:tV/'4:,:,:!,0:: (.41.443:.4. 331v. 24'r111:":1"",t,.at,_,Y';t73r!tt:!`:;;!.'3:‘.I,fu!i1.73mI:a6 1::l.:'il,f r44:'%:3 o31 ..1; 1'-: !11 ! ,.e:.111 ',:' :^3:14:I:4',:ti 01;41:11.1:;;:4:t 4a.,:04.1.17t:4,(:84:11Ieli,ta,t3:1,;1:,,„,,:,33:Tcn.113:,,3-:,43L•31' 341341' tt nftL. t4 bra, r1 A 4 : Car 14 watt rv1-'44.%.i . .ihIl It 16a . V af / m 1 iatai11.0.1::3:yut:i,i!113111311, 11 12%.111rlLiltg-t•V"t2fl1v1114:;1ft° 4iar12 '23afIe,L-,T-it,a1o:a1.41,4ai21-A1.1 nat1n"or tvtzt2t::.3t,2,3:10, .„43 1;,1133; 63+!313I;11tati4,al,37tov0ri,1IOt3C.4 1 a1!C7ttIiritial11,.i,war.„1r„D,,,„vit.r.otwog: llot 14.4 103 1i'':Tlia g'ri .14t0431,,vereti.ttmL3,14t1.041.,alAn 44 r 2, 31 4 a an3.4.1 33 k t(.04t*!1143 o; t liangofll :arq nAD 1(9333143 1 k 1tt ttt 1 t 9 . no too t,r.' Ir.1a17l- 1 1 t : '1: 1ri,3E'4ll"4'"e4,1;337It411.i7t::::*t1:::::17'1:.r-7g::111?11rt19oo371 33a 1fvr1;:vil41:-41:Il:1t:31441;%;';71i;1:t;:.:l';:!'i1t:WaltranoienulterBeat14,::tra:1144r::i,: t/11 53,o..) Mortota utist lot 34033 eta.aar to ,'.' 'to a 13432- -al rail etaleoi oel 021- 1V4- - ' 113r137 II"? 33n '''' ' ' 3n'4 "."3* 13 -3 t )3 3+ - 1 3%'''.7aao5a4tibile.tt"Tftl36g,41:$:304.,'t,'' 3,',111,:?:.,,,,,t',441P 1111‘.,11`;'';`,.; : ' ;,•;F::811:1:::Tt !')ititc,.:4,!Zrea 0 p,.0.1.010.,. wr Lajj'..ni*,."'l ',...1.12taT.t';,.1:11a 2 ,o,', ,, 1 CI' ,,t:l. 14 .•-tetio.'rr,:9: of•-:,4-Ieloloaa.-93.aarol• 19-7-!..1---"alatOo.1-ela:a1e÷ lo.tolao3, anti la 331 1' a 3' 331,33 Bir 3 „. :Iola .3!j 33 ail. 1[3;', (t, t:',,, nliP, ',ht....0' a *".0 " 3-', 41 ''-' tr3 "3-k,'' 4 Me 1 4t.e. was not thatato ay :own'? eneert, 34.)a. .3 'J .1). titatieth The 11* .3 on ofonfing ita c.1„h "'A .i1.2-'1'„''' EL„'22 '' 'D9 L.:-4 "", ,,' ,'" ''' 0 iII: tt..,a buosotoat•a ral,,,Z, (ntr4,10.6,,,Lintoli.z , 11,, ,:t1 ft, tirnsIs a,,,...1 ails 11)8„ „ajar ,,I,,,,,, too- ot-a. ,,,,- ,...7.,J' vs Y 1c' 43,43-CAL,11. E.r.' “I. 1, , ....:1V,t114.: 94,p1Dc,„ lito4,74,t, ,,4,, .E.,,,, ts ' 10 4 ,. .1 0,:ii Ir. il.r:. ‘7:6 t. A irtoato. , 1.33, 3',, 1 11 4.,fan ,•:.1,,3':a)It.r'-'o-''.'lia'l 'il,raltj-' ,1/4'1.-'L','''I',t''",-',-7T;1''•• ',1f1',1,1'.01''.'',1II-”:E;"--. ,,,,''':",';1";1. S 33.3 4.CrLO.'H,l :E -: ' aooet,,'r. Sali58al'Dttra:ttDrrte119.14.31„I4t,,vp33'&3e:: l* , l4, 17,3,t1:, • 4 14 i,... ,.:- 4"irt, A0Ai .T natio an oar 3 wetria-,--3°Coat latai 3r,ao4,Vs!oleCEn"q9tYlet 3"""4, '3 -e 3' 1.1334 ononofraaet ra 101 fcpm 2,3)39 )11. Wtme,i.333 1(333 1 "'4'3"'' (""3""Jl'''4- 4& L41,t+* gt‘P.In f 3713 433'. of Itrtaaaoo..10it :.0'"'sLi1„,7'"„4÷.:li0 ,:enopataing ootoonlat 133 3-39 e0.vi.4154tr227'ta9 i-4;'2-n"s--*44 4-1333134tefa 1 Tosatiao ti Me tLail 3313-3 3-3333 VI 3 r-7 13)' ? lit 11o3'2, 1-1 s+, ,0t4i 1- 4- 17 3-31 pan 331e31talr1 334,43131 '3 it iV7101,13) [, 3, .331130 t*„a , t ip 1.1:,:-.13.- D33:;.... -.3i-3-,, 1...,,,t3uov,,,,ti3.3a wao sofaa., tIrs (ass. aalo , t..,•n".1,111ve anti inouttoollately ,TezzOlz,' i.or .. •;-'17111"°" ''''''':;' 1.1A' il!'"- s'1'. L'"'''''' ''''' oltogetio tie 0,40,.° et sort:gate: 1134: oaxalla : its t?-41-4Z1ea /•.ia. lli-t , • i,•Y,,33 ,,anlitttlg:..'q>''.;,':lt,Oaoo2fwta..ar-oa•"4, a, ; ; - ivlot:'', 111,i,z-t-c.127,.'4.,.u..t..ir".,•I;t.r.,.t:e,/_,t:'"9`t;••'..".31-t,, ,co11.:i:•.1n;.:.rt4a'_ ,t,._ot;t,lW-ty., .I,27.raooa'&tot'4te1a1r4, praveildoigCT iaLairot :va lo r1Wtta t:..ae W.1 3 leraingser3 t have ,I'4:t''317,7fl-tttr4 41t.E.'tt33411 prie.tat33,433233l p39sr a,f?;ti/:rr,lr+rt,;16:;0„3,3- 4, :Q0a to nf I I35114111:F,/faton have 11aarre averya,aa rST L 3', 443' youurallylattaua ad;;wtmt i,i oati_ op ttoitt actor 3113332-7- 15 in; 1]K+31311]K+313134'31 one. I 'yea roltoy r751. to year airCI 11. -&. 3.1!;1',]va va i11 1 1 :amtrtt aIt:any tur:tllttie ztatTooapa37a* o Janar3,41, 3-11 34, 31' e areitAti 3,4, (331 0t. t..,...,; Oar _TO'7:, titans 4.......-.• 1-, ,.,,o soet Ii''.,y• 7 ' atO 4- at '''...,.:' Siq.,R, •F; f r 4033" z C,':.' :,',n-_,.., A fnt t];tx" '',:' l'' :ntir v. 'T r " ;."]'D ,.-,'.,' ti;i',.'f..1, !:-Ifil+ Al rrieD';," 'n1:cull'O' ljE:114.1,,r,t -'.1,1,,!..,ts Coln '337]. ,M ;t:11 ott.!,,ft,o,;a4;,,,,7,,,..,tot-,......i..a.,,,,,,,••.t.1.` r!'7:t;",., .1!,,.:.,•....11::'‘ til?,:c-::::, !,,‘;•:11.:11:: , ,T Tu,..7„...... 0,7,,,. :r; 7„1,,,,,, '1)4' to...,:;,r5,,v,1,20,,, _ Iny otaara t--* ki".. N,1,,v 't.Pr ,..r.1'. with 1.' II n'i.-11--, vc,, iv el, ,7 E'i 5'..i• 11',7,' V :-,$:. tTkV,.,::','',';/ t;ettiti tirao 1-",.. taty re.a.--, a. 334,33 331;] ,i a a-lara. fat' 3-3 -4 no...1 a 3 ;3,3,,,f3- 1313-.34r vox. 1 ea.anot. vion,.cava an 3-,•:_eat, anis. lot 4 •• 4414'1.:'4'..'0.1 ti,.1'4.:4", .74,444,;,7 .• :74 A i.,4.- calt 3.- r 5•33,,ts.,7,-:'..'''fit ot kiII:, ail,13 VIE414 f2.01114:-e!u;i1EIZ.; ,:v.,arti* iy::i'Ltity. 1.1IltY, Iwrell 4 rertarea. lis for tit... 4O ..-.. pia a:, 3 , roaavell, a3 use ir,:.1.3.fil.i.e'•'3 tait44AZIMAY. 13'1':''1'.k' 51r.:1)‘.' 4 jai 1 ''''';'1:' ' 'e 'ItI*;:': ''''''..!' irt.7:: ':''''':''''''''''''' i;"'r:D;'a31 t:i'')7. lc outa, , .„, - . 'Z :- ' • ."!f;'t.%:,' 7.7:31,t.7 Yon mayrity 3337 21 titTell 117e rLa5.P 1, rt - • ,;..!7... ".121.1-:• '1' .:'•avaoaloa:ita., 1. a o•'.'t2'K7e3.. .:..:-.2oar.i:l3„t...m/.3.3(ana:ke0at.a2tla . tto444 wihoatioraanV.41 Ir are -'1at 4 f41attlt13733 t- o7e118a 0- s?314ri7talael0 and ttly 4- "2 It ..4 - ` t 4S?71o64O1 altat tt thil11M$311\ orwL 33 3-3-3- s,oiy1121.,3-T50i "1341 111.8 .3' '._11' fottte tap wara looraaa, t7ulls parfal a atl ., ta,'•ir., II ro•est a'..a '.4'. to a ll•anisata ,' "2 E•01 -.1,,L!..,-.7. asa ol: _ • ialoatt ovo,sri*.,3.,.3.71,,::....L.o-ge3r-..c.oin ct2 O, :1771-3.ea;:1 ir:r23o 7?,1tet- :'?f4.c oortlastt4Ita:2„27't47:::.,..av.gl:'"::oi!31 3,s"t17a.7i7tz.t.es1 Va2,Da 3oamanat to TheSarracens pyr%•14,3•333333 Latetvoow:o.,,t 3rsmt,e 21arot the sme tit do tanmantaeiJoao521 0tn t t1413331r1aa3-3ai1.ot3-11 a o cloan.ad aotattilit 3,,.4 1,.., g..., framt New 1..:•„..,.1.;;:„..,1 to rx.,,n_ wittoaw. t''::1.11,2 oern•:-•u (3 ]"'t3 in :a ' L',4:•!:111;:,q 11.•:•V27:' 'in *Thr,, -,-1.,0, an.ii 'tits% aesoia, "503-113+' 448.3 IOWA.. 44.114 Sotitra- Cal`vRI- r 321,5 ;_:--'1:, ' 33143fil',11 33-'41 s", •742-•11 4-„..1.2•1"V 5.711:1721: 97°Y C-Iltril t'let 01-2k1 .3313-1 a.,ora, post la, 1.7,3e, ANIez-142,1:11,1:4... 533 PrtriA7 agalaia a': • 1134. 34' of :rota'b Ir.*e. rm •: banal a:4;2'1ot, aC t ot (‚4-1(3.37ata„wo commonly as the p ,,,, ia, ,,,a3,:e •. e, 2,..4,1 7 n.3.4r ..r '134 1111 T.; ..2,,,L,nn-.11, yi,...:D.Tsi-o, sioffst ta los. wotn lay trite diffe.re flower, the pite.1"otr 731.3 „at or t he • fti,;443,rttrirc:zal tisne ltroolt.,,I.9",,f, lii1"-oar.c1:raanztiaaliorbqa. ,1,, (721.uness1;:itiz 0 A nrces.leatris,ceiVaSetxchl :lae selryLI, olo vf i at i Ituatsratan's cup. The letter names •• , „re atmao desatip,tiae of itR appeal._ I aro fOr the. Visbi,7.,7%,,,:i Vs: W 'in the proisteas a1'.331 princesses. 'Me notortia t, „nee,. ,rid it Is difficult indeed to see ! ,I)troky 'Corner ratio two.irtel,*.skult-....,ac! Nr1.;r:rttc.3 cop:or;atinttoerdity ottntr. rezilltspicifteyottgr?• 1 any resemblance in its 3)41'33 4' new- • 111; a (1' "31" h'.1631 -1.'''--; ''''.117 112 NIX 'I' ' 3'41"33 04)4)"' *17' iiiA next rank aortal not oirS -. er and pitcher shaped green leaves ';‘,t(:,izit111riteetz:Torillsr,11:,:o.c.,‘Li7(:,.111.1,.....:1},!,ii;,.:„;:r;31.11.7'3:h.1,,,ctitKhiitt.tiii:i:lzevesi i• to anything nearer a side aaddle than very little left at 133349 3' diaposai on it at all. while tizeir inferiors iro* the pillitons of oar ancestors. Bat 31-133103-4,3-Raa.Pe; raI:IsPat111i.t'tlg,11g3 o.-.r.sb‘m,.Arinaedgll'swthe,n .,; 1 lh1..r..lG•i.o" :rtbangitns., tro •blnlaIcnIct1,ektlt'e!Th, ttne11s.i.at:1n:7 e aI10 ;n0. e s, reaiextnaisti't,sll•e, a.d . a; 331 1141134 :n rketaamp2eftae.;,riliyorot/sf11x1 3]>) teLLiiiit Is and Pot::t:i1 plants and is representel by awierCpl 1131" '3 to, ha 1343133 W4 tiorrarose 11.3I "111 str:klagmodel 141111e HrvardaalsIrter 1131 (1 aae itary n 1a310of p.:.;b:t0:pa 01) -N Hldhaa Iink-ana-Wiittenide inwed aI7%tii-r oter ay a lot of I7nelad kuntsto a"3g:4..::lielef.raS tttihha4l-:'411.03313'411.03313311 .31.331 2l Astride'451(tifrg4C141"5ChIti'Wh()I:;4ec1retheirsewk4.eea iidingastridm5gerradiv nuantooes ttRangaa3a:fIl::into gratfavogwm1tlel1(rIwere3I;t:iy::1ffdi:eer- '3"' ". bravery their hearts dealred. Holland It is repotted that at the a:watt:tern followed moderately in winter resort the smart, set fond of ord /Ike to, lint it wouldn't.Adlot•ataliae . tor,:eo,,au...aaketeiey .l of ECating altogether. 'rite IlulatIo• imab• Y7(eis2P,"tellositatimin:ttIlld1C381tapliltiel;°"bAseitevreely:o' u commercial approvingly comnxents on• the grovring oustom. " No ono • Food on a persietitod Stomach that - A ,Soottislz m"st 'goad," said the Britiem. groo• have tried to crowd a lot of Rich • int...ter being one flex . equestrian exercise use this method Jest the QueStion- can see Womell riding in this naturo looks up. and says, 'Illease Don't,' extgaoed in • i . al manner, as .a matter of course, v„th.:ortneysaoutwinillRetittab.rontferr.nt:iteh,„tr::ni -113t • berisetin(h).41sLeflo::arsidl7or tas°::oiseinve70:-. rrs they- do itt Southern California, this Juncture tile Rice, Throwing ' a. house h e eanlegt 3 theaaaatad(n)-aa Neatly at tired in the habit adapt - for example. without approving it. Cornedirtn and tile Waa 31110 t!nle-ag . cre%taltedntio4:'welitehin17 A-f7ert•levirait-itieg; ' ej te, tIllig Style 'ont riding a woman will get in their 'Cute Work. 1 sup- ' little 110 42I lied t>ie d and watiaea• ts modestly attired, 'even in the narrowest -conventional eense, rip.- Train, With 'every one On to pose you. will be very jolly on tile ' in, saying, with an' authoritatiyal, you voice, "1 sltoodd like to know Who ba pears t? ar better advantage than bigger than A fHouse. Little Ooclakins the head of the house?" "Wee. alai**, .in InanY tues by riding 02 the ,way' 'Gown. Whielie•ver way you , to tell Ye, • ode.11 en a saddle and . is insured will Weitz her 'Gray -Golog Away 'Gown. said the hittf:in: ,torendif4tatthterrli„ uglaf- : Lie,: against the injurious eittete e,antind She ought to call it her Gray Give sit kloort e. wee weal •maybe beam& turn yotot will hear the Stage Wids- :Eettle that point,'n , '3,r1^,17„,11..nsrl',, no 433333- was 0;1313"ly 333- brr aria-gest:ea that: If oi.attateol nos nrf-.1rn.S. 7'.1",f".". 11 non '33313731 (orry 3327:13N4 zi Mat 1' orows---2 11331ate73- 14a toe over 4313']'- 41),3(3l3 -f43 4,4.7-44;3 oaattail 'a an tzta,lear•talr pez:Cro::. 33';4l3-1P3'U 317w0y8 a32.:11 Onnagrontalva, anr, 11 ."=7,r1 tronvineel that, if had gene cp.otly • yoar Taney 411741 InIt" .7-41:31 Ift,r!nt It4 'hy1"1 "He w3)714.71 have dorra notieng • tite 9.03-1 13" Weareniren cloelarnA. "Noth- ing troold initeeo tiira shrriv even a rortTon 7.14 wort.: to atratragea." Mr. Satt'ar 13lyr3ggr--11 1134 SlillMr.elg gently, and eon:Vint:al withont heed- ing the interpolation. "As to- my alarkinalling Lady ter- ing:tam,. aoat have spoken plaltoly to rae, and -Moat fotgare faie rtit 1111- 4) 314 in tiro same fashion. 13- 39 o lie: 31 had lettera of her, which I vol'aritattally i'lestrorel 133 her presence: they were only it littat foolialt, or Shona/ have destroyed Caere long ago. haA the tuFsfortano to be once to farotefl 13:01ot rot :VOW' mother's hand; and think I may venture to say -1 am sore she vall not tontradict me -that I Was hardiv treated. ;The only letter *rer had front her likely to •do her the least harm 1 deetroyed fifteen years ago, When I first em- barked upon what has been to a cer- tain ,extent a career of adventure. I told her that it was no13 in the packet vallieh we burnt together yesterday. If she anderstood front that that it was still In MY Om -session, and that r Was retaining it tor .any purpose Whatever,. she vras grievously mis- taken hi toy words. That is all Thave to $ay.:" Ile 'had said it very well Indeed Wolfenden, listening intentIYto. every word, with his eyes rigidly tined upon 511'. i-atiaa 49133.31gno•arroaarelly. "'Wail," Dot 93313313, "3344-3 onast Totaive rata if I allood guilty to 31.1121, b0331.,e3i:eis- it3ty-34111ill pre -starve it. For tettain reasetns it, ‚3374411)03 not :snit ate to take •nen ao:n into any Ilesidas ,41:-/zieh, if :(4331 torghe saz,,ing so, there dans rot ve,..pia to 113 tka. beist nt,,13e.,3q3-3,y Eor it. We are leaving here i;aring the wer.ek. and shalt in nit prearab.lity go (333250:1J almost, at ottoe; 'ao we are tiot likely to meet again. Let us p•art pleasantly, apell abandon a kortiewItat -prontiess 3138- F For it moment Wolfe -mien iraustag- geretl. They were leaving England! gplrgz,,,.e.N.vayi That meant that be