HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-26, Page 4THF, ZURICH HERALD John ion proclaimed tho.,t the civil ;,atmething-gabout them. This is 11is Sight Restor6d. 7, fftl�')K K`� �54, 9e L U 11var in the United States Was at an a practice which cannot be t( o eatly condemned, and one lvh in.rilIxg, April 2I.-000il, fll0 -ts becauseof elld The dolay wi the gi Norman T, rqr the retail merchant should i IS PUBLIKIND Ise three-yeax old son of cal, ;,ie;-iIltt bands that were commit- every ineting in his power to utterly T-ee of Gralift'll avenue, who wns root out of his business. It is tT n 11 1 pe: ting dopredations in various $outh- bli-id, has had his gi-g t re - 0 bor 1. : . I o o 11� e r By i�, ZELLE'll shoppers tire very often in itoroilby Lin oporation i' ­;t, ern Statos. It, is interesting to re- that TMUNIS OF SUB-SCRIPTION .00 Per -,xicniber thii fact, in view bf the reasonable. and very oft In caut (3, formool at t1le Winuipeg Clre 011111 unt of troubl,�, I an unreasonable. amo, lopital by Dr. W - HarvOY I 81,11itil, eur paid strictly in 11111PRI eO- Wh"a t-118 �outlx Africa, list. Tho chilcl. was! y situatiozi in b paper is not ordered to be discontinued but, what are the clorks cinployea tho oyospoOia 'Tho Tdoal sto"I'll C..),ike-z' is, the until suo,,h order is giVen f )r if not to go to tiny troublo ne(- born v. ith �L catkiract., and. prof 1- 110 )(IV's Yriollol. anti. ilin'-;t it will be sent $1,50 to be elitirged 7 � I I e gion&I opinion pronounco-A 1 anil arreid-up i ossary to please the patrons of tL I . res 1160 Fall wheatshould benefit greatly vonllioontl itsolf to ovorr 1)on.,ion 1 -n. - when not pIiid in advanee. I Qtore? ation It vory clover ono. a r 'tert!sto(l in crtlinar- gi 0 It f con the snow fall of the past few y iwiftIr;A. ADVEW.rISING ItATHS.-Tv Another remark -wbich it clork vanta gays of iising 010 Tuleal C")okor advertisements, 5 cents per Drevier line days, and the ground will shortly hits been heard to malce when the, aro; Nol!ro,"teol o orov.-Cl.- Ann Arbbr Plague Case. 1*� it and 3 eant$ per line for windnw;., n fox-, -fiest itisertio be in splendiacondition to receive customer, in leaving, stated that -ove, 11r.) ("'unp walls, 11 : insertion. Sinall Adys. i (4 st eavil silbsequPut 1.14 i she would probably call aipin was Doct:)rq Dook and Arneil, 'WhO _ctoien wia the'spring cropi. It is thoug-lit by meat, no -,,tcqIni in tho Ito .0 210 such as"Lost" "Estray I to tlli,; effect: 1411 rigbT fii put. were injected with the bubo3vi(t; be charged 60 centr, first insertion and, 2o! many that such a fall of sn�w, its, offonsi�-000lors, 11f) IZLIUIO�',� litdow-nonthe slate." This is it pIa g-LIO it 11o'burne'Ll. food, no As` whiltvVer, 011. . . 2 .1 cents for each subsequent - inserti I ,,erilln a,4 preventative for: just experienced, is of more advan- lting remark-, and is ju-� I very inqu tl1e*diS0tI,,zp �w o ,Copv for change of advertisetnent must growing crops than tin I the'same, as if a cu -tomer NTerc, told I , . in vi( f their 141,111)OV-: 210thim". burns or wat0x, t1ii-4. hagol in not later than Tuerday night tage to the , I vision ef student Hare's ca.,o, tire, 81),tUL) f0l' fallor parti(-ular.s. NTEREST is being displayed in the of each week to insure change in iollo�v- equivalent tuinount of rain. The that she was lying when - noth- use of smokeless powders and she, said 1 ill in beol, altlloia�zh there i", I acketed bullets in large calibre rifles. that, she intended t,) come aggttin. FBI ing issue. * I ing more serious than till ag9raVtI,t- A 45 cgllbre bullet weighing 500 ggrowtli of the f Lill wheat so far litas! , 0 n or silleswoulan � etL conaition resillting fron, vacein- grainse Local notices in ordinary reading type Any salesma oves; a shock to large game that the been very satisfactory. small re can not always be depended on oil- who wishes to make anythingy out'tion. The proventativu was appli- for. Marlin Model 1895 R= ha a 5 cents per line. Notices foi- Church D u at t; l, i J "Special Smokeless Steel" Fv tertainments or other benevolent 1119tit'l- i of themselves or wishe% to be ta­ion', c a t a , nor ed in tdine so thfit 110 0011 up-to-dato information see our 2. tion at special rates. The falling off in Toront trade thought, well of, Pither by their 1 could arise. Dr. NovoIT, -who has The Spoolalty Man. I Malled for 3 stamps. fell tile ease of Hare in direet charge, Contracts foreolumn, balf-column and o -w clerks, their employer..; quarter-coluilln. rates for specified periods Nvith the United State.4, as shown whisive ri,,,;-Iit to s 11 THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CC). . by people in general, 'will avoid all Isaid to it Detroit Tribune represent- I hasre the o% 0 NEW HAVEN, CONN. I be cheerfully given. Address all by rt. cent figures, is largely due to av(I wil 0 discourtesy of every kind, particr "ative:-46Alt-hough tell daYS 11 fift'v and (in" othor si)�-vialtios for counnunications to the absence of wool exports. Prac- i larly casting suo:41 slurs as &8; passed since the allimal experi- t1ii,, s*ctiun which -oil (-',III gi't no) tieally the -whole of the last sea-,. upon personswhom. they have fail- inents, have been undergone, they other place except throuzli. il)(I. ! ed to please. have not died but every -view takell THORM'(411 BRED BERKSHIAH DITOR, ZURICH, P.O. son's clili is still held ixI4 Ontario 9 E. ZELLER E. It ought to be rather a source of of the microscopical line, of investi- Boar fur soi-vice, cn Lof :16, Con. There bit,; not been tiny inquiry for, tification and disappointinenti gation indicate,, that Httre hail N 0 T 10 E.: Hay, I 11, �':Iiiiles south of Zur. 1 mor FRIIDAY, APRIL 26, 1901. the wool for export, and there is not to a clerk that the customer should !I bubonic plague. All por:�ons who aro intlobted to - ut present tiny word for it, In fact leave -without purchasing, and a i iulirond,�� 'Terni,, 1'.il.00, payable the latt- firin of Appol &- Zell ret that they have not suc,-eed.-� 4 .. AT. tit. tlio that, (if service, with tho are 111tireby roola-I.;tool to ('1111 an'l pri".-ilop. -oturning, if necos. warning to Certain Young Nell. exporter.; ivouidhave- to g 011 it a.,., oil in pleasin,­, if there is to be tiny. It i, settled that Canadian sona go of i r., tu-tnal loss if they got 14c for it, and ZI feelin- it outwe!sottie their ace�mllln I:; vul-h- t all in the inatter. t)r,,; and members of 1,arliam Bill)er, Our chief police, hits. it is it Net that tbe wool nwv held Tho people of this day love liber., to receive an increased inaoinnity Wx. 13FAVER, IOU H. A;I;)xl.. Zuriell been asked by ­,everal (If our citi- ''Cost It number of Ini-yers consider- alltv when it is genuine. For this 0 " V500, making the amount 1) r 27tf Zurich P. 0. + -in oung men to i i i- q +1, ,, !-I,,,+ -;A,% reason it sonietimei pays from silli- A1,500. For the presel t "L " I. vl .11 C% . the ki. I ..� 14, Ply It standpoint of gaining popular so.4-don, to cover the allowance, it stop the pra ctice or %vallcin,� ottontion to conduct vour busine�;.,; ftirther supplonientarv- (­;tilIlUfV streets S'tlU(1a*Y 1111411t,, The Winnipeg Tribune expeet.4 it-, in it popular way. 1io not aiNva will lie brought down. �Vhil(� I.", t)' ys danet, tuneS and otherwise 0011(luct- -inf, out for your own inter- Nture Year.; t -h(- act rt-speetin_­ t1w stilt of the cens flint t1w I,e look re, int, thent,-elve,; -1,11 tin uubecomil"Ir est to the exclusion of the interests Sonate Knd lin uqv of 0oinixtons Nvill r .,�eiltation of Manit(i')tt in Parlia- , � Of NA thui nialkiniar tho in- min anner. doLlA not want to of other people. cotirso, voll tonit,ndet'l, , 110"t Will b0 40111)10il� and that that irin-4 take care of yotivitelf, for� I-% 11(1117W 7 a fhizture at A1,5110. It is m.1kt4 anir arri-sts U111il. CIV b0v.s provineo. 'with tbe Tk rritorh­i Und 1 Oil(' 01-0 Will (1) it for Yov, bul atlnlittZ�,J tilat ,the t -o.# of livin-,- in ho,ve I;een -%x it- nea, and no doubt I Itiltile, Briti4it Cohnabb-, Nvill have fifty soult, s. at loast. shi�w yt)ttr Ottawa has bier�IwwIti 3 hargeb.- Mnco the.v .Vill talce this wavning. Thoy �l liberality for otlienz. Ohe' to t1w inolewniiy wa'k fixt.il. at 1.1J. searsalt-oget1wr. Itadt1q: -W uslti '00 wit wean txiy particultr harin . lwoplo onee in it whilts it Illerit w1on ; In As -7.3. uniltbt,re Nvilll not Do any may by t1eir comiluct and (10) it thought- thth Vkv7Izr.-;. town heare is, 1w ino-roaso. n -, s-xnothinx� that i -t ai.; froo irpt),'Al !ill, t�) t �.itv, tkut1who will talk about it, sw1%voxpplit%6In--i I roo,iviitl grisut on a stroist oxtonding only tNvotl'mt taktIn. one rhird, or wore, of tile a, ;kit* ; somethinge in whit-li. everr lessly, but renwinlwr youn-Ir 1.11en. p,)p;ll.1titIn of 111,ky bit one enin participate without any ifs th.,tt Stintitty ob.serywire wts- 1411.4 found Nve.-t of Lalw Superior, and ()r Conditions. J:.,ZToJ.J) jAGONY P11011 k4ALT lmve. and W you persist ill t1lic; the balitineal of polititsal poNver will Do not bavo it strinz attiat-livil to RREUM 4 > Is lessness. 'yont Nvill ix- punislisti. and every oxfor t lia , You wasw 1 thut Mr. % lias, 1. YeLean.1 it nit rston Theyol"19- You (-an jork it I;Itek ont of thowav suffert-il, untold.. tlla,txvitlloutftirtlit,r,%vatriiiii;r- "A wolra tkIi tilt� wl't, is suffleient." He glant of tilt- West is assuilling �lf tionY one. This loOkS tOO IIIU('h ttgrony tind nd-wry for volir-t 'with, grtsixt prolwrtion.,�. but we shall till! like 4ou, are continuailly Asbing for salt �Jioxvuia in nityfet,t. *I tried ill - T fie BerlhICIT wise. weleome him in spitts of hii sive 1,sue ens, only wanth�; to eatt0i, most (wery reinvily I ectuld lit-ar tif. . thow, who bihN eaisilr and lotting, I was tolif by the 111-4 plivqi0au.; V tho sillart. RAI go. h rould not .'et 11141re tlltkli tollIP1 1,111, Thesiamalks. Fttrty poople iu a housitt. and it YOU'%vill flutl thtwriw Ifltre many ' relief . I was, intluetnl tit try Dr. I swall li-Iiustb at thilt. And 600 pslopl(N eustonwirs who appretsittiti, libi%ral-, vilitse's ointment. After iink, or. .go�4t of 91,tr neighboring tfffilb� �.itv, tkut1who will talk about it, sw1%voxpplit%6In--i I roo,iviitl grisut on a stroist oxtonding only tNvotl'mt lindvillugii-sixtris bisginning to put vour nany, xvill beroine ;%�;rpJJpf.tint1%vlwn1 luld AIw%l"twlV � hl. zvks. und without large houses. is IlZseht i f lit I down .11A 1141 Nvord Toll Nvill alit t %viii sxvs Wig s ek Illipletoly enretl i - granolithie Owaitt'r thain .1 rist-owd suid to hitow boon diselw., lilterailly, onough to thitt-ouruge them,' �t till ilealel-,N. 16#1 (.4411ts at 1W., WX ,q it!: it ronsmq enninertittor. It L thiL� til.ti boatrit walk. The prier in tile first pi,.tve is bigher lint whenwe Whiini things arks dull. its it rx tl%s. woUld Wail to tlie eonelttsion that, tile tinle for elerks tosIntir i Thev Won, enaitat-A tAl lit, Tilarriell I is "'I't tilp Nvear and liermant-iley the santo nietliotLs produce the siume and totilled vaeli wber by their firA tit forth their 1xist effort. -4. in 1i lit][11141 %S. Tom mul Funny. anil ht, as tilsowhere. IT14811311dot) Interest ramo of a Cement , -valu the latter is 1w T vsult,4 .0inadifit on7v to the of the was tellilln, her 114nv Ito 641 idways f Itr this woht twononlitI41. The voinfortinx assulkiption that, sturewhielithey orve. but it i,,K� tt rt , 11 liketl th'. naltle )If rallur. a2lit 1140%v 0, 'tO th6l"Own in ' 'M- 11 It JS ftl,,J) %t4tt(,L(J tllltt 11 rin- fs6r tlIi in the rase of phildren. drunk"en UlqO 11 ten and sallors, Providentse bas A great ninur businit,�ss nunt are. it "ounkloa like it u4te i�l Ili%, ear. 4 1� **I like the nume -,,I %VvIV, lit- k granolithie -.villks wilt lots tower than emillselkd dluiilig the doll Ntsw,4111 bt s" dislivilmittion for can. 1i added as it .4*1,t 4 elm0wr tot flit roduee help. and in minking stwill t lt!� Va­hll. lv�,,11". tu.*WA. Llliijo. 11allablin. ever, ittuil oil tilt' othOr lialld 9469d wlsli and Toronto nuty have to lie!; n4uption-ii they very naturallv artstillient. ­t1hat V.11101,44ve Vlllro hel. P ei V.4.1iler i:tAiumlnit. lumber, esliveinllv 1AW. t,, il drop ont tite h-Ast valiiable iif thvi5r tel,1101 I aslWA Ine to 111111ge lwt - ealleii it 1?4inaly. aftor rhe Herhoer Of-atwo phone ii:4 hqtP0l,�f­*!1Lxm-. �.Napkr 41*14 littter thalft alty It , ing dearer tsverr Yegir. 4.12ork-4 and keel) thustt whis are sit sonve y 011!­� olk tht talkillg nnthftae at �evv I.Tfiv. tt "itp- r%,etv "I' t,t4w. taeittd, ou'"de, - Any gro-al) of residtllts 01111 1111AP pr(ovint., themist-Wes to bit fall (of ' dearesL" ..t tiloin% t1duk that %T:1.4 very yaotiulik!. J� i1eng frdm Orstiodl anac,-iin ie applieution for pwrmanont V��d& A New York farater read in Un im! and eflergv� lktsldes. la�­Uess nive'"%aid the faft, ghl, -Ve. htqtIs, our town fdtherN tvill 11.lfricultut�ai litilletin that there was is it babit vrG+ groWN 111111141in One it awav frovin ifflill ".­ 1110tv 1VT#IitI1QJ %100t , 1w, eat &� ri�praww.rl un doe loa,_a .11 11 'Unit S(se the AVL44&]n �If tDols'iflow-y ug 11�t. vQry rulddly if icirtronmpi,il in thell tu Angora gTi4tts. He 101 _d ii %vt Aike to have 41 d"4g Ittantie'll aiter" leas -t aft, - allow this toi arilIlk%l I Me recoia, k It tell,; fawly or rq*J15, a ft C�zn un!f !tain bul"41O.As ot 0"_& oia iwra wam when', t They liuve . 'o.. ;& IN,elt. an4 one (of them got at the " I voliu� ulinn U4. It herollues I aeb dMv inare time in the &trgt��t kall. v.�- v�ltnk�t, (w it I*W01m. worn unt and Lay down waltet lie earricil in his lJoelfit and ­Whr. lhga,�, wtvilina.." 4"asl Aiffieufttoehaffute he h0kt M1111 )i The. Recoids ute tiiot uat;, 111'VaL U Ilard, 1:043, 11"Jesti; mubia Discs, V�hnclis - t%e ellcjql� worth of bills. There get d;,vvirn to Pq rlaaiia, I aft -fly . hitak t1ge tn t1n. t,o)witn-v ate *I.o' :13 M.rdwork . zwe ititlifrA after 2111o6. Vill lamstt The T.�-!iNaer zlffin.n-o �ze%-m i�4 i n lIt i - %n lr�vt, ist five �,eafs,. est walk in the qnil. Twuide.4 g was on'ttaiinty, Innney lift thLs Jar. They dmn't sjvrat, The %_-��A 'Lint vnen at"1 t taltir "aut I"I the aai"Iftl had to ol toWn an `1111;44�- '? The 2tvknet ln_� 1w kilted in on'ler to extraot. it. April t *---. Mtw sa.:� The w.,�*,vehaftqm vd earmer who doses not r�,Ud the "WflHatu Vimli Home hra4 tw"'111 AN, likiir" tt an in Attahtie eff'r �gn enattral lil,�ralzlrie of the day r�ln. UP pr4seente hts rdiDr�',,ad who 4�vyztll 1 0 0 A �yoniiigat *A allm woment kilted a ht"rse t,j kleN�to gjl�fNba*t 1491 tho 11hipough Claim itt defialft�"� o� cAl tro-o'. holqt tho� for thlkilk!(,01211- c a,� _v -V _­ce �t, -Iti,7, -5. Ing �"E' ",oll_ irvle awil V,,�ngn s -Q tot a� S�,Pffe Jolr�,f ft.31ch hota, wit'h a blow of his fist. This inay tdwn write to V�3 ftr The go,g sun aftitnal whieh 11he graht meaft the Of a h1fte lift ,?4 aft �,ntemgmat regara tok its �Vds disells"44 Iitv Sit Nvitfiftn In The lar-�4 glorims stfllivaft- - K 8 owh itlitstems. The reader 1% prah- Set-rettttv, Ravot Jill aft alol. areanaed hV tile E*54,erptdty fgr the %,gi% a truthful blit he BLO-er, Genelra't :,lanager for can -A.". V fainiliar with the st,%T of the pzqtpose. The Vaft Home uho1Pr-!! got tin f urtlnf�r. for Ito- -,vw, Int - R. 2315 St. Catherine Street, MONTREAL 'The whole tfine of the:rAtneticafrt ;,,,Ocat Ithich Wds tied ift a JI)IfIfT t4J_1.h,_ dr , E. SERLIN19 efeftwoultllye raft over h�v 91 g. rests. not npFph the stqs- inivica by gin other vonti��tant whsN jl Aeademy of Political alid '.Sotial wh peti&d genetal fran(L-hise Ituir of glddre.-.q(q1 the chair. I'mr. pre,4i_ gcietlee which is. Ineetitig at Phila.- itmift, as a louhishmeht for eatitig a Catxt. which in Its cla ustg reliatirug' dent,". sai& be. -1 n1ove thiA tho delphis will lye taken up In the v-41 Adfl. The iftlelligent bewst tO ruilwaYS PrOvide& w&an�z for, 9-etitiollein -w1iinse -tory I h&ve'.� &reetildeMlling Ift"d- ..." .1 1. 1 11- - 1 1, - 11 &qem_4qio# of 04Ametien% PL -we r,,ib9he4lt4W tile Airt ftha, fol. (�f intertupteil 1,,edeelarkl w WAV14 staitiolis. %uletfi. -ks. the ihiml *I volaill. �,,F.Z,4-ofld Wobletus." thetraiiii. etliftent doulahl. file 111,0'itloft.­ -.yellosd IlAlf a hunateol. becoinijig i1ftmetobs. iter stoty, frow the point of View 'of but 111paji a speehil. f-tuactment still voiees. and it wa'.4 unLaVLq1W,-1.Ay the goat, as well aq in -the ordilftary lift full oppration petwiffing, the! PaTried. owner of land to construet radroads., 'C'staba inte L ....... .. .. .;h 'Setl5e. Arbor Day. wWch wa% il o# it without Qn:V 2"q _Irfer I 15 zl ence. Thiswas dc -sig e&bythe oftfatie Gwoverivileut hi gnell. ozilzinal flienee of tho� - sugtit Tile flrst of ne_,0 blotith wilt "kt�e: ly for the iponve IOU R 0 Y the pnh- iss3, will lye celebtated 'b , v flue be�flftfti=,& of the Rehetr-e to) r(-- anit t4bacc,,* planters. to e111,611tte JL J& A" lie schorol childi-en oiii the fitst Fti- qtkk- E6 hilafad takcs of the pro- the mnwmnent of thdrir-roZp; -z =det,� s to de- vance by the Ontatiofisbety depatd* it ther have built moiky *Siatt Hues day iA �ky. The 0'�Iijeet L By velop the love for ftees. flie im- rnebt F -eine Act -H will be uscil in throukh their own lAremi�,I�s. Sir sehool -einent of ce tfle 14, eapture baq-�;, which William has therefore immilat, �r is tmi, s qL.,Dnt5gC- atio-a in a s!*cisl tankicur. elas to each other. ana alnng the Irk 41 �0' win im trauspotteA to their destin-, now buying, whole ilaltn 111 R the planting of flower lx-&, and Doctor's fi, if kd., Otherwise 111terela-t children ift na- rotiteofthelrunk line whi�il he. ttkfe study. It has been contift-ded A 09028 9 IA NA02MIT. has Planned f r-01111 One enil e, the so long with such sumess that it is Wand to theother. ill this nRan. nor he has secured his eight of wa to. bo hoped, no deeline of interest ft Mat, P. loei. _y:'and testif y threv tire as re-connuend- 1� fat mote eipedition-4Y and probab-'ecl. yon -will ijo, lil-k-ew- will appear. ly with not much more expense , rse after a -d It is a vetv bad ptatetite, which: rrjal. Our line consists of Caustic Go7o is persisted in by some ill-natuted' than if he had gone through the the safest and b�pqt blister r C Uqualproces----oicondeninatif)n Jor0311S-'im(' Anstria. has been poin W� at fbr:cletk`1- tO make side remaks us -1 j, known.) -see Testimonials,*" Colie i. tomers to Whom they hima just � every mile of the wky. '�NloreOver,li DraughtS. r 'hill ftnit Pever, and: some time a-, one of the dying na fatiled to make a Sale. Thi,4 i-�; one., every 'Cuban municipality C 110-S 41 Toni�. Mixtures, Lotion f or wounds. hts ReAte Ifteftledy, condition Powder. IS- hinted fhjxt Germaltiv eevil pr&etiees -whiell Will bD Anthiority. still %wrative, to grant X tions, and It has been preefty plain- of ti P . is the heir, mote disastroUS than anY other rig of V"LY thrcu,?h and OvOr, Hoof Ointment, and Call Cure., ti on, But according * disc3urtesy that e;uld be it's streets. and E;ir William . Every remedy Guar-inteed. or', to The york fotn., e. - has offered ex.e eus a e, . tomer. go matter. taken advant 7 of tile', money refunded. itibune the calculation is szome- fact to extenct his li howeranky a -11(yoker" way be, or i nes into the VE, TERINARY vhat premature. There is a seheme how m-ach trouble she may '-Ave: towns along the route. The m -_ �, unli For, V. 0 Off, cipal officers s, 'inxious to nieet ADVICE FREE ut up in JL K. tocover Ausftia with a netwot3k of, twise theelerk, it is the 's cem to t.ryto i half -way, the people having risen I Those medicines are 1) tailroads and Canals. 'Neakly 4100,- mAn*' 8 dlity, inevery tAsev -with a i to the notion that their fxztz'l�re wel- Convenient forni, with t'6111 direct- eS ' e '"'Is"Dner WA: fare depends upon their having jon% on, cfco,�oW -will be spent, in the n -.-,t Ilave th - fftvof;%bia imptession, rather th each one. They are to be th a bact -one. diteet, access to thi, tery Ave yea±s fo± railroiLds, and it con- � ; great art of 1 li� Wi �gsly 1 the island, , Ld atevery store in -the. Country, sideritbly larger sum will. be used, gome -tletks. very thoughtli I , 1 and if your storekeePer or th-1119- -e the remai#k, after a (,_u"k_ write us and 'TF7):--A exte r1f ',�aq heal.l,qh,t it the course of a do7en years for'i will mak p them. WAN gist dont keel notba.efit. Tney hanis!, pain and rrolong life. onegives q0mer hm; left them: "Well" IT an(I we -will forward them prompt- relief. to -0� T4 P -Q -V6 td 16ti that A .1 51,e package 2nd be - g I rs ce'n1s.,mga (Jidn't think -she was going to buy, i qy. Every Farmer and Stock, r t �.-t a ene 8 -.1 04 ive cc.os� anyhow." uch remarks tire, nine and a olute onto f0f, each! owner should have them on hand 'The American 'Cultivator notes Pfles and every- form of itchinZ times, out -of ten, overheard by the Preparedby I , st., x 01astonier, or, if they are not heard th it- ibinutiacturi5r.4 have "arantec u& the. fact that it was not until A �yara tftoinials In the dailir'Orti- and ask Your neigh- iThe E, ureka Veterinary by f;hapenon about whomfh(� biotg*batth03rtb111k,0fft- Y01%canfiseftabilt klidd oil 20 1866', or Sixteen months after I Oar zabneir book if not cu'red, sod a, �boz at I I made, thay tire many times hew d I ike &I Medicine Co kb�. Cci 1011k pf the surrender of 'General Lee�s by,other customeft, who !,-now that clerk- would probably sity tb a rit 0 h ase's "t m e nt I LON D 0 N ONT. ny at Appomotimt, I hat PkesMett the a